Human Animals (2020) Movie Script

We're asking for
justice for the animals.
We are the voice of the animals!
We are the voice of the animals!
We are their voice!
No more bullfighting!
Step back. Move aside.
Come on, fucking dogs!
Hurry, honey. It's getting late.
- Yes, mommy.
- Thanks.
Today, I'll go to the bank.
I was thinking
you can come with us
and then, we can
go to a restaurant.
It's been a while.
Yeah, you're right.
Well, maybe another day.
I need to finish
the financial scheme.
Why do dogs eat bones?
Honey, they don't just
eat bones,
they play and brush their teeth
with them...
What about people?
When have you seen us eat bones?
I do in my dreams.
Did you have another nightmare?
I dreamed I was playing
with a bone
and I wanted to eat it,
but the bad dog
tried to steal it from me.
Come on, Jagger.
- Good morning, Fabiola.
- Good morning.
- How are you.
- I'm OK.
- Is it school time?
- Yeah.
Hi, Teresa.
Say hi, honey.
- Take care.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Bye.
What does "gay" mean?
Why you ask?
I heard dad say
our neighbor is gay.
As always,
you're being a bit curious.
Gay is a man that likes...
Son of a bitch!
Honey, calm down.
- Sorry, he was just playing.
- It's over.
Jagger, treat them well,
they're our neighbors.
Have your doll.
Calm down, honey.
- Hi, neighbor!
- Goddamnit...
What's up, Chava!
Working this early?
Yeah, you know.
Take a break and come.
I'll change clothes,
see you there.
- Great, mate.
- OK?
You never pay your debts.
Come on!
Are you kidding me?
It's over.
I'm gonna rest.
Easy, mate.
They're alcohol free.
It says 0.6 percent.
You'll be alright,
unless you drink lots of them.
It's the same, you know.
Thank you, though.
One day you'll ask
me for a drink.
That's not how it works.
What's up!
What's up!
I don't know how you do it,
but I could kill for a beer.
How are things with Fabiola?
I think we are better.
I told you...
you need patience around women.
- Give her a chance.
- Yeah, you're right.
You know,
the four of us should spend
more time together.
Maybe there's a chance Anah
and Fabiola become friends.
That would be good.
Of course it would.
That way they can do girl stuff
and give us some time.
What do you say?
Dog repellent?
"Germany's best-selling
pepper spray."
I don't know, Fab.
Don't you think
you're overreacting?
That dog thinks this place
is his territory.
We've told them about 300 times!
- Listen...
- They don't care.
For instance.
What's up, neighbor!
We've brought you a treat.
- Anah baked them.
- Thanks, you shouldn't.
They're vegan.
Oh, thanks.
Actually, we want to ask you
to come for dinner tonight.
What do you say?
You see,
they never have time for that.
It's not that,
when you have a child
it gets pretty...
She's afraid of the dog.
I see.
- Maybe you could leave her...
- No, there's no way.
She's too young
to leave her alone.
Well, we could lock Jagger up
during dinner.
I won't do it, that's his home.
I know, darling,
but it would be for a while,
so they could their child.
Fine, take them.
- Alright.
- OK.
- Thanks
- You're welcome.
- Good, see you later.
- Yeah.
- Dinner is almost ready.
- Great.
Do you need some help?
No, thanks, you're our guests.
These are beautiful.
I bought them
in an antique shop.
A good deal.
- Really?
- Yes.
Did you offer them wine?
No, Roy doesn't drink.
- Would you like some?
- No, no.
I don't drink either, thanks.
That's love.
What's that?
It's a picture of when
we first met.
Our illegal past.
What do you mean by "illegal"?
Anah and I were
animal rights activists.
So you met saving
seals in Alaska?
The thing is, mate...
we weren't that exotic.
We met in Spain, near Casares.
I was backpacking with a friend
when we came across
Anah's group,
who were trespassing a farm.
What kind of farm?
It was an ordinary pig farm.
By that time, I had no idea
how they brought meat
to the table.
Sure you thought
it appeared out of thin air.
What happens to the pigs?
- They are treated badly.
- Are you serious?
- Yes...
- Badly?
No, mate.
You won't understand
until you see it with
your own eyes.
Dozens of pigs are kept forever
inside those tiny cages...
until they die.
They drink milk
from any female pig,
that's their purpose.
When a week passes by...
piglets are neutered...
their ears are cut...
obviously with no anesthetic.
That's sick, don't you think?
Their teeth are clipped
so they won't bite farmers.
Just imagine that.
26 molars and 2 incisors
in the upper jaw,
24 and 2 in the lower jaw.
I think that's the worst part.
Have you thought
about that kind of pain?
I'm sure a kid would
feel the same.
Less than half
survive the procedure.
Those that live,
have their wounds
infected by parasites.
The lucky ones live on,
but the others...
suffer for hours.
They cry endlessly.
Have you...
ever heard a pig squeak in pain?
I have.
Believe me...
it's not the sound of an animal.
They seem human.
More human than us.
Why didn't you call the police?
What for?
It is totally legal!
It happens everywhere every day.
That's our love story.
I hope you like tofu burgers.
Chava told me about your job.
Well, I'm still planning it,
but it's almost finished.
What's it about?
I'm sorry.
I couldn't explain that, mate.
Roy is about
to open a consultancy.
He previously worked
in the government,
but it's been complicated
due to the changes.
The good thing is
I kept all my contacts.
- Those bastards!
- They shouldn't have fired you.
That's common in politics,
but we're fine.
I think all politicians
must die.
Jagger! Don't!
- Calm down.
- She's fine.
He gets excited
around strangers.
You said he would be locked up.
He was!
You closed the door, right?
I think so.
We're sorry.
She's fine.
Everything is fine.
Nothing happened.
Right, princess?
She's terrified of him.
Why won't you let her
approach and pet Jagger?
- She might get used to him!
- No, no.
I'm sorry, but that
won't happen.
- Maybe it's a good idea.
- It is! Come, Teresa.
Jagger is not bad, just pet him.
- Go.
- Come.
He's a good boy.
Right, baby?
Yes, you are.
Another time.
What? Don't be like that.
Let her do it.
Come, Teresa.
Jagger's good.
- Pet him.
- See?
Come closer, honey.
You'll see he's more
afraid of you.
Let him sniff your hand.
You'll become best friends.
That's enough!
- It's enough.
- Yeah.
- Good night. Thank you.
- Never mind.
- Have a great night.
- Mommy!
- I'm sorry. Thanks.
- Don't worry.
Let's go home.
Do you feel better?
I'm still scared.
No, honey.
You have nothing to worry about.
Come in.
Can we talk?
Honey, put on your pajamas
and I'll see you in a while.
Yes, mommy.
- Good night...
- Night, daddy.
I love you.
They just want
to get along with us.
- Really?
- Really.
Roy, we have nothing in common.
That guy is a weirdo,
didn't noticed?
She talks to the dog
as if it were a child.
- You're overreacting.
- Now, you're on their side?
I didn't say that.
Are you telling me
I'm the bad guy?
Don't say another word.
Put on your sweater.
- Or you'll get a cold.
- Yes, mommy.
We're about to go.
- OK.
- Now, the other hand.
Button it up and you'll
be ready.
- We leave in five minutes.
- Yes, mommy!
- No!
- Calm down!
The wound would heal,
but the joint is damaged
by the fangs
and that can reduce
the hand movement
between 30 and 50 percent.
Is there any treatment?
She needs physical therapy.
That would help us
assess the damage.
It's pretty fucked up.
Yeah, such bad luck.
- We bought her a present.
- Yes.
It's cool! It even barks
when you squeeze it.
To work on her fear for dogs.
It's a joke, right?
- Excuse me?
- Listen, Fabiola,
I understand you're upset,
but Jagger is innocent.
- Is he?
- Then, who did this?
Have you wondered
if your daughter
triggered Jagger's behavior?
He has never attacked
nobody before.
- Unbelievable.
- He's well trained.
What did you sprayed
on his eyes?
He can barely open them.
So, now we have
to apologize to you?
- I don't get it.
- We tried to erase her fear.
First of all, this would have
never happened
if he had his leash.
Are you telling me to leash him?
- Yes, I am.
- You tie your daughter!
You're comparing her to a dog!
They have the same rights,
like it or not!
- Motherfuckers!
- Hey!
- You better respect us!
- No, you know what!
That's it.
You have nothing
to be doing here, mate.
Fuck off.
- Let's go!
- But...
Please, understand,
- this is not the department.
- Of course, I understand!
But I've already talked
to five people.
We can't help you
in this extension.
Alright, thanks a lot.
She's asleep.
Poor thing.
She was trembling.
Are you OK?
I don't know.
What about you?
I was talking to the police.
They won't help us at all.
It's not fair!
Call Marcos, maybe
he can help us.
No, Fabi. I'm not sure
about going that far.
We have to do something.
Fucking dog!
But don't you worry, brother.
Tell me what do I do.
I'll take care of it.
You have friends
at the local office.
Money's not a problem.
have you research them?
Don't get in trouble.
No, they're nobodies.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Consider it done.
- Daddy!
- My princess! How are you?
- You're so big!
- Say hi to your uncle.
- Marcos!
- Do you remember me?
- Hi, nice to see you.
- Hi!
How are you?
Not as good as you,
but I'm getting there.
I heard what the neighbors did,
what a shame.
- Such a bother.
- We want to forget about it.
- Well, I'm going.
- Don't you want to stay?
- Have dinner with us.
- No, duty calls.
- But maybe another day!
- Of course.
It was a pleasure seeing you.
Goodbye, gorgeous.
- Well...
- I'll walk you out.
Let's be sure the dog
doesn't bite me too.
Excuse me.
Don't worry,
I'll take care of it.
Be calm, I owe you one.
- Thank you, brother.
- No, thanks to you.
We should go to the golf course.
Have you got better at it?
Give me everything you've got!
You're hopeless, man.
Hi, mate. Who was that?
Is he your friend?
What is it, neighbor?
The silent treatment?
Wait, don't take Jagger!
Leave him!
You'll have to take me too!
You won't take him!
Chava, don't let them!
They're taking my dog!
You can't take him!
Who the fuck are you?
Take that girl instead!
She's the one to blame!
- My dog is innocent!
- Calm down!
- Don't take him away!
- Calm down!
Where are you taking him?
Don't hit him!
Don't touch her!
- Calm down.
- Jagger!
- Jagger!
- Easy.
My dog!
My love!
I didn't ask you to do that.
Are you kidding me?
What do you want from me!
To adopt that shitty dog?
Relax! Those bastards
can go to a pound...
Where's the dog?
He won't bother you again.
But where is he?
He's far away from here.
At farm where he can play
with other animals.
Is he OK?
Yes, honey. He's fine.
- What's he doing there?
- Stop it, Teresa!
Stop asking questions
and finish your meal, please.
Don't worry, honey.
You don't have to worry,
you're OK.
Have you thought
about investing in your future
and get everything
you've ever wanted?
- Today is the day.
- I'm going to bed.
Sleep well.
The element that everybody...
Was it correct?
That dog bit your daughter, Roy.
It might have hurt many others.
I'm not sure, Fabi.
- I didn't agree to call Marcos.
- Didn't you?
I think you did.
Are you reproaching me?
Listen to this commercial,
it would change
your life forever.
- Mommy...
- What's wrong?
- Are you OK?
- The dog was watching me.
There's no dog,
you were dreaming.
No, he was outside.
I'll go with you.
He was out there watching me!
There's nothing.
Honey, it was a nightmare.
Get in bed.
Don't worry.
I'll change your sheets.
Maybe I can dedicate
a poem to whoever says:
"I'm the voice
of the sports news."
Let me tell you
that those voices
are characterizations
and you can listen
to them here...
Or it can be a funny voice...
- What happened?
- You fell asleep.
What time is it?
What was that?
Nothing, I think.
Damn it!
Most likely it was
an installation failure.
But that never happened before.
The voltage variation
might have ruined
your appliances.
How lucky...
It's a good thing
you didn't touch the generator
- or else...
- Don't tell me.
Here you are.
Let me ask you,
could someone cause this?
Could it be a possibility?
Well, I suppose it could.
Thank you.
Perhaps you had bad luck.
You needn't have had
the dog killed.
I know your daughter
was bitten, but
the dog is...
was a living being.
- This is not a debate.
- You're asking for my opinion.
That was the wrong decision.
- What's done is done.
- Exactly.
It's in the past.
Yes, it is.
Thank you, anyway.
I saw her...
It was about 1:00 a.m.
I came home late
and saw her circling your house.
Why didn't you tell us?
I'm telling you know, alright?
What do we do?
Hi, neighbor.
What now?
Well, we want to talk.
Yeah... well...
I don't like meddling
in people's problems,
however, for a healthy
and to stop this snow ball
running downhill...
I don't get it. What's going on?
You don't get it?
You ruined our generator.
Anah. Anah.
I apologize, my wife isn't...
She's not OK.
She's having a bad time
and needs help.
Well, you won't have to worry.
- Why?
- We're leaving.
- Are you moving out?
- Yeah.
We've got a good deal
in Guadalajara.
It's the best for everybody.
We don't feel welcomed anymore.
You're right.
We have nothing to talk about.
I think it's time
to say goodbye.
Of course, have a nice trip.
Please, tell Fabiola that...
- We're sorry for what happened.
- Don't worry.
- How much do I owe you?
- Leave it like that.
We're even.
After all, we want the best
for our loved ones.
Am I right?
I'll miss you, mate.
What happened?
Mommy, am I going to get well?
Of course, you'll be better.
Don't think like that.
Don't think like that.
- OK, let's try again.
- OK.
Those motherfuckers
slashed the tires.
They confirmed the appointment
to remove the stitches.
- It's on Monday.
- Great, princess!
And good news, the insurance
will bring the tires tomorrow.
That's fine, it wasn't that bad.
Maybe we can go
to the restaurant... together.
- Tomorrow?
- It's been ages.
Tere is in bed.
I'll do the same, I'm exhausted.
- Good night.
- Wait...
Stay with me.
- Daddy!
- What's wrong, honey?
It's the dog.
- What dog?
- He's outside.
Did you have another nightmare?
It was not a dream.
It's true, I promise.
Well, I'll walk you to your room
and I'll stay until you sleep,
how about it?
What was that?
Come with me, princess.
It's that way.
I'll put you down.
Listen, everything is OK.
I can't see a thing.
It was the sound
of the dog's collar.
Is the dog out there?
No, there's no dog.
But you listened to it.
But there's no dog.
- Yes, there is!
- Honey! Honey!
Calm down.
Everything's fine.
I'll go check.
- What are you saying?
- Just to be sure.
You'll see it's nothing.
Stay here.
Roy, I'm not sure...
Let me go check, OK?
Activate the alarm.
It won't be long.
Don't sleep.
What's going on, mommy?
Damn, Teresa!
Move back, don't cut yourself.
I didn't mean to.
I know.
go watch TV, OK?
No, mommy.
Please, Teresa.
- Hello.
- Fabi, how are you?
Sorry for calling this late,
it's Marcos.
Hi, Marcos. How are you?
What's wrong?
I called Roy, but he didn't
I've something to tell you.
I looked into
your neighbors' background,
and there's nothing on them.
Wait... what?
Anah and Salvador
are using fake names.
They don't exist.
Why would they do that?
I don't know, Fab.
It is very strange
they're using fake names.
Are you there, Fabiola?
Teresa, what's that?
- Give it to me.
- It's mine!
Where did you get that, Tere?
Did you open the window?
Would you like some water?
I'm not thirsty.
Come, let's go upstairs.
- Yes, mommy.
- Let's go to bed.
I want to pee!
Goddamnit! No! No!
I know you're here, sucker!
Mommy, is something wrong?
I'll stay here
until you fall asleep, OK?
I'll tell you your
favorite story.
Which one?
The three little pigs.
There were three little pigs
who lived in the forest.
They ran home
because they were afraid.
They closed the doors
and windows.
They were scared
because they feared...
the Big Bad Wolf
would find them.
The wolf arrived
to the first house and said:
"If you don't open,
I'll huff and puff
until I blow your house down."
Mommy, has the Big Bad Wolf
has come for me?
Give me five minutes,
I'm tucking her in.
We'll be fine.
Stay here.
Where were we?
The little pig...
went to his brother's house...
because he was terrified.
He thought it'd be a safer spot.
But when he arrived,
the wolf was already there.
I'll kill you both!
- Roy?
- Fabiola.
Thank, God!
- Princess.
- Dad!
What happened?
It's my knee.
It's just the knee.
I'll use this. Ready?
The important thing
is that we're together.
Did you call the police?
No, I didn't!
That asshole took my phone!
Yours too?
They did it!
The tires, the alarm...
They wanted to isolate us.
That was their plan!
Who's playing the piano?
What are we gonna do?
We need to find help.
- Hi, neighbor.
- Don't move!
What the hell do you want?
Eye for an eye!
- We lost Jagger.
- He was like our child!
Just the same...
as Teresa is for you.
You're insane!
Listen, if we do it fast,
- nothing would happen to you.
- Stay back!
Listen, mate!
Be reasonable.
We'll go after the sacrifice
of your daughter.
We'll be even.
We don't want to make a mess.
- We sure don't want that.
- No, we don't.
Look. Nothing...
is going to happen.
Now, run!
You're forcing us to act badly.
Fuck yourself!
See what happened?
- Run, Tere.
- Mommy.
- Come on, faster!
- Mommy!
Come, come.
Jorge, please...
- Get in there.
- Ouch.
Be careful.
Mommy, watch out!
- No!
- Mom! Mom!
Jorge, wake up!
Wake up!
No! Don't hurt her!
Fabi, my love?
Are you OK?
Where's the girl?
Inside the house.
I'll get her.
Chava, don't.
We've nothing against you.
Hand her in,
get into your house,
and you'll be fine.
- Fine.
- No!
- Let me go!
- Calm down.
Take her with you.
Come on, Teresa.
Let her go.
If I do that,
- she'll get away.
- I don't care.
You asked for it.
Fabi, listen carefully!
I can't go any further.
I can't go any further.
I can't walk.
I can't move.
But you have a chance to escape.
I won't leave you.
You have to.
For her.
Get our daughter out of here.
I'm sorry...
for everything.
I want to be with my parents.
Please, understand.
We'll be safe
once we get out of here.
Chava? Chava!
- Are you OK?
- That idiot almost killed me.
Do not touch the wound!
Thank you for doing this, love.
It's for my precious Jagger.
You were right.
- We needed him.
- Yes.
Watch them.
I'll get the child.
Where are the car keys?
Here they are.
I love you.
I love you!
I keep bleeding!
Where's my daughter?
Have a drink.
It'll help you.
- You'll see.
- Please, don't do this.
- Don't do this, Chava.
- Mate...
- There's no other option.
- We won't tell anyone
it was you.
It's too late for that,
don't you think?
Please, forgive us.
We messed it up.
It got out of control.
- My daughter is innocent.
- Just like Jagger!
Am I right?
We shouldn't have messed
with your dog.
You're right!
You shouldn't have messed
with my Jagger.
Hey, where's my daughter?
What's that for?
Don't you know?
For the record,
it was a surprise.
It's for Teresa.
Very good.
It should be horrible
to die like this.
You're crazy.
I'm sure you've never
thought about
how a harmless and vulnerable
being feels...
when it is taken away
from his family.
His loved ones.
They soaked his back,
- back and forth.
- What are you doing?
They took the jumper cables...
No, no! Please, don't!
They used the jumper cables
from a welding machine...
Like this one!
No, Chava! Chava!
Please, wait!
And then...
No, please!
No! No!
Now, imagine doing that
to the being you love the most.
You see, we're not crazy.
I need a drink!
Please, give me some!
Of course.
- Open your mouth.
- Please, let me drink it myself.
Let me do it.
You see, dumb-ass,
you asked me for a drink,
as I told you.
Have a cigarette?
A cigarette?
I need one.
What the hell happened here?
- Don't look, honey!
- Shut the fuck up!
Shut up and go to your mother.
- Be a good girl.
- Let her go!
- What happened?
- I don't know.
- I...
- Look at you!
Yes, I know!
Were you drinking?
Fuck, you ruined it!
Listen to me,
I swear I didn't do a thing.
- I just...
- You fucked it up!
No, I didn't!
She's still here.
- She's here.
- No.
The plan was for them
both to see
how we killed their child!
- The two of them!
- I know.
- I know...
- Eye for an eye!
We need to end this together.
For our Jagger.
You know I love you and I'd do
whatever you told me to.
- You know it.
- Love, I also...
- It stings!
- Let's heal your wounds.
You two, stay here!
Come, my love.
Let's go.
Be careful.
Honey, please, untie my feet.
Try to do it as fast as you can.
Yes, just like that.
- Good, honey.
- Goddamnit, my face!
Don't move!
Hand me the bottle.
Yes, that one.
Quick, untie my hands.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
Come here, brat!
- Come here!
- She's a girl!
I don't like kids!
What's going on?
Answer me.
- Come on, let's go.
- Anah!
What did you do?
Come, honey.
Let's go!
Let's go!
That girl's going to be a whore,
just like you!
You kill him!
Stay here.
Let's go, honey.
Get in.
Mom, why didn't you help dad?
Teresa, wait in here.
Don't get out.
You said you'll never leave me!
How are you?
Look, here's your food.
Good girl.
Good girl.