Humanoids from the Deep (1980) Movie Script

Humanoids from the Deep / b
Now it's all downhill
given the fact that salmon
almost disappeared.
I'm glad...
go fish. Salmon.
Someone else is frightening
I scare, insurance,
Eh, Tommy?
And that beard, Deke?
We started very well, Tommy.
We're going for something big.
But do not shave that mess
until we fill the
ponds, right?
Good morning, Hank.
Hi, Jimbo. A perfect day, right?
Well, it was perfect.
Hello, Johnny. "You will leave today?
Jim scaring the fish to
I pay my gas.
Have you forgotten the filler? Within two
to three years there will be fish.
The packaging bring progress
villages like ours.
And progress has money. So
if you and your people do not understand this
I'll tell you one thing: No
we interpose.
It's what Custer said, Slattery.
I know. You won a battle but
we win a war.
Well guys! A kick ass!
Just have to walk around
and start again! Vamos!
Okay, Jackie. Turn it on.
Come on, Jackie! Ponte
to work, go!
I'm coming, Dad.
- I think we caught something, Harry.
- Sure, it seems.
Does it seem? We caught something!
God, we caught something!
I think we caught a
large, Deke.
Damn! What now?
Without fuel, Dad.
"Without fuel?
Have you been there all day and
not even check the
motor fuel?
- Sorry, Dad.
- Oh, come on!
Feel it does not solve the problem and
to fill it, will you? Quick!
Mady, starts off the machine.
Help me to engage this
What do you think?
Put the machine in motion.
- Mady, what the hell
doing up there?
No pressure, Deke.
I guess the damn pump
finally broke down.
Shit! Why me?
We must hold.
Oh, God, do you hear that?
It will break.
Hey, forget about it, Jackie!
Only low to help!
When the machine is broken,
hard time picking it up.
Come on, boy! Stretch!
Grab it and pull!
Come on, Jackie. Strip.
We need to get the pressure!
Give me a harpoon.
Mayday. Here, Buck-o.
We're in trouble.
Hang on, Jackie! Hold on!
I save my son!
- I go in there!
- Deke! Deke, dammit!
Deke, there is nothing you can do.
I do not see in the water.
Call the Coast Guard. Come on.
I have you.
The explosions do not occur
without reason, Jim.
The oil leaked Buck-O
as a sieve, Hank.
Do not you think it is very easy
cause an explosion?
Nobody wants to come to this town if
these things still happen.
And there are some around here that
do not want a packer.
What do you mean, Hank?
Do you think Johnny is
involved in this?
Hey, something frightened them.
Shooting at something and
was not Johnny Eagle.
What is it? What happens?
- Baron, come here.
- Adelante. Out, out.
Should he go to the bathroom?
So it seems.
Come here, Baron. Come on, boy.
"Baron, where are you?
Come on, Baron.
Baron, what happens?
Jim, come a moment.
What do you think it is?
I do not know.
Never before have I seen this elsewhere.
The trail continues over there.
Follow him.
Come here, Baron. Come here, boy.
Where are you, boy?
Hey, who needs that
crappy festival?
What we need is a
private little party.
All beautiful girls
neighboring counties.
Sure some will sell their
Salmon back in return.
My fish is my way to the top.
Hey, do not take my hand
or I'll kick your ass.
Well, you just went
download help
I got that once or
frozen pond.
How strange. The only dog?that
left alive is the Indian.
Guys, we must solve
the problem.
Linda, hi.
No, nothing. I just got scared.
I heard some noises.
Yes, I'm ready. What
What time do they come?
Okay, we see ourselves. Goodbye.
What the hell are you doing?
The back door was closed,
I had to enter through the side.
You know you could have
been stabbed?
Well, if you had done that,
could not have done this.
You know what I think? I'm
too scared.
Also, Tommy and Linda will
here at any time.
Do you understand what I mean?
Welcome everyone. 75 Festival
Annual Noyo Salmon.
Let's go there.
Hi Jim, Carol. Delighted
to see them.
Hey, how did you get
like clothing, friend?
I just lost my wallet.
Oh, sorry. Where
is your husband?
I have no idea. Left with
kids for twenty minutes.
Have you been drinking?
Of course I was drinking.
- Come on, lose the ball.
- Yes, and beer.
To hell with the beer.
Hey, what's this? Will Geneva?
- Yes
- You remember!
Thanks, folks. Thanks.
Now, before continuing with Jo
Williams and the Whitewater Boys
I want to introduce some
important visitors
the festival this year.
President Canco Inc.
Mr. Charles Borden,
his special assistant,
Mr. James Edwards,
and his associate, Dr. Susan Drake.
Thanks, folks. Seriously.
It is the speech.
Now, before starting the
fun, just want to say
that we are 100% interested Canco
in you and your people
and we're here tonight
to promise
that our packaging will be the
best thing that could happen
since God created
the river and the ocean.
And I will take the opportunity to
make another promise.
Noyo will bring jobs and
may not believe it,
but, in fact, we
fisheries enhancement.
Dr. Susan Drake, great
has conducted research in
our laboratories, upstream
Over the past seven years.
And she says she
have been manipulated
how to make salmon
grow bigger, faster,
and two times more abundant.
Without doubt, these are news
we can really celebrate.
So Jo and her band we
provide a great ball
and enjoy the festival
this year.
Thank you very much.
From what I heard, we should
thank you for the work he has done.
Jim said to be
morning fishing.
Yes to gather
morning stroll.
Very nice of him.
Jimbo, what do you think of this girl?
It will do great things, do not you think?
I'll believe it when I see it.
You'll see.
Jerry, what was that?
There was someone outside.
What? I heard nothing.
All dogs were killed,
except for Eagle Johnny.
Yes, that says Slattery.
Can you think of something?
No, I have come to nothing.
I have no suspects.
Slattery seems yes.
Someone killed my dog, Slattery.
Do you know who might be?
What a coincidence. Somebody Killed
seven of our dogs
last night at the dock.
Do you know who might be?
I do not dogs murderer
get what I want.
End with this.
Take this to court.
Buy a circle around
your lands along the River.
Stop your packaging,
and through the law. Your law!
Guys, this idiot was not
invited to this party.
It is disturbing to our friends.
Moore, take it out of here.
Take him away.
Folks, nothing has happened.
Come on, play music and continue
with the party.
Slattery, evil bastard.
I got sick of your emissaries.
Why do not you behave like
a man and face me?
I'll tell you one last time: Saca
your ass out of here or I'll kick your!
Think you, white boy?
Come on, just you and me!
- Do not you think you can?
- I know you can.
You know I can, I know
I can, everyone knows it.
I'm going to convince this
idiot now.
Best leave it. Let.
Come on, get up.
Get up and kill you!
What happens here?
- Grab him.
- There.
Come on, Hank, give strong.
Dale again.
Wait here.
Jim, be careful!
Behind me, bro.
Now, stay where you are.
Well, boys, it was enough. Now
recjanse and go home.
Well, wait to hear what
Johnny Eagle has to say.
What makes you think that
can win, Johnny?
I just talked to a great
lawyer in Sacramento,
and is so sure it's a case
emblematic free will.
What can we do to
stop now
sue the county for violation
of our fishing rights,
Canco and bring to court.
lawyer and is working
so let's deal to put
this thing moving.
Throw the anchor, brother.
It's mine, I caught one! It's mine!
The first of the day.
It only took two hours.
You will change all that
Is not it?
Sure I'll try.
Jerry, are you hurt?
A little.
you can make me feel
much better.
That's all I have
in mind, is not it?
- What will we use for bait?
- Spit.
Djenmelo to me! Let me the fish!
It looks like a whale.
Well, make sure the reel
before being collected.
Come on, Charlie... Mr. Borden.
I try!
Pick a little, Mr. Borden
and then pull.
Will not.
Pick it up slowly and steadily.
That try!
It's a monster.
Keep well, and he almost does.
Quiet... calmly.
Just a second.
- Could you bring me a drink?
- Yes, sir.
- Did you see what it was?
- No, not vi.
And what do you take photographs?
I do not know, but rather cut
stringline, Jim.
We will have to monitor
water, do not you Tommy?
Could you tell us what you photographed
with that thing?
Will not know until reveal.
Wait to see it.
Come on, Jerry! Do not be stupid!
Go down to find the
boat. Want to come?
- Do you have that beer?
- Here they are.
- How are you, boys?
- We're fine.
I want to hear.
We must resolve a problem
and must be now.
Johnny Eagle means business.
You know what resolved that
is now this place?
A reservation of these Indians.
And you know what you are doing?
Considering hiring a lawyer against
us and the filler.
So I worry.
And that's not all.
It got one of those great
urbanites lawyers
to protect minorities
and free help.
I suppose it's for
get publicity.
Should get
a lawyer, Hank.
And then what?
This will take two years
get to court.
Do you think that these types of
packaging will wait for
solve our problems?
No way!
We will have to deal with
Johnny Eagle and its people,
- Or not have filler.
- How?
Can you think of something?
As we can, that's all.
- See ya, brother.
- Yes
How's your face?
I'm alive.
- Thanks again.
- You were worse than me.
Thanks anyway
- Any man would do the same.
- Jim, I want to talk about something.
The filler.
Johnny, I stand for and you do not.
Nothing more to say.
The truth is that even
While these rates will fall,
but believes that people need
the filler and he wants
- The best for the people.
- Me too.
I would like to discuss
you, Tommy.
- Hey, guys.
- Hi, honey.
Hey, I have a lot of
salmon tonight.
I need help to eat,
Why not come?
- Yes, sure.
- Cool.
Hey, baby, why do not you take off
that? Let's see some skin.
I do not take away anything
until I see it.
Okay. How about this?
Come on. Show me something
more than the head.
But the head is the best part.
- Oh, come on.
- Why you? Okay.
Billy, you really are doing.
Oh, my God! Get me out of this thing.
Billy, what's stopping you?
Come on, Billy. I have not all day.
Did you hobbled? I
lose the excitement.
Hey, baby. Want
see my crazy bird?
Will I be chips?
Do not worry, baby.
I've been sanding.
Hey, baby. I bet you never
what have you done with two dolls.
As they say: "Two heads are
better than one. "
Good show. It always works.
What would you do without me?
Well, just watch.
Hey, come on. What do you think
you're doing?
Two is company, three
is a crowd.
- He's pretty sexy.
- Not as much as you, baby.
My father used to bring
here as a child.
This is beautiful.
So I want to save
for my people.
If not, we cover,
Who will?
What is that?
I do not know.
There are many visitors
Let's go.
Take the south of the river arm.
- Do you still hear?
- No.
No, maybe just someone
trout fishing.
Yes, maybe.
Look, if you want my truck to
back to town later.
No way. Came
to talk and eat.
And I'm good company.
Okay. Then we
to clean some fish.
Come as much as possible.
- Hi, honey.
- You scared me.
I thought you were cleaning fish.
I wanted to come see if you were okay.
How sweet.
I care for a woman so pretty,
Soft and warm as you.
There is.
Shit. I do not like this.
Shut up, fag. We
Let us move a little closer.
Let's do it.
Tommy, on the ground!
We will bring water.
- Who was it?
- I do not know, I could not see them.
We have to keep it from spreading.
Peggy, take my truck and
tries to find help.
Keep running, you bastard!
I will follow up the people!
Good morning.
I would like to rent a boat.
I would not recommend. Al
least not this morning.
Jerry and Peggy missing
Linda is dead...
What the hell is going on here?
All I know is that Linda was
Eagle in the van.
Yes, what about it?
See what I see?
Where did this boat
that fool?
Explanations have
to give, Johnny.
Help me upload it here.
- I'm with him.
- Yes, stay with him.
- Come on, take him away from here!
- Go!
- How big were they?
- 6.5 to 7 feet tall.
How many dresses?
What the hell is happening?
What happened to my brother?
You will not believe this. They say it was
a kind of sea monster.
So, sea monsters!
They burned his house
attacked your brother, and even
brought their dead, right?
Well, I'll go there.
Anybody with me?
- Why?
- To look for evidence.
Something caused the accident
Buck-O and killed those dogs.
Now human attacks. The
that is, not him.
I need a partner, Slattery.
What say you?
It's a waste of time.
Fear of what?
- Potter?
- My son did not return last night.
Neither Peggy. I
looking for my son
I have no time to go
after sea creatures.
I'll go with you, Jim.
A moment. Do not think you should go
before you speak.
Want to join me, Hank?
I have my priorities, Jim.
I should be in the hospital
when it is your brother.
Then, you'll need
communicate it to me to me.
I need it. Been there,
know what we want.
- I'll go with you, Jim.
- Do not need anyone else.
Forget your manners obsolete. I
a professional scientist!
Let's go.
This is where we
for the first time.
Well, look at this.
Let's see...
Know much more if we leave here.
What am I supposed you are looking for now?
See if you left a card
visit, I guess.
Definitely been here.
No joking, right?
Do you think that more of these
creatures around here?
I thought I heard
something down.
I said I thought I heard something.
The type of attack that he described,
is a nocturnal predator,
therefore probably
hide during the day,
unless your territory
is threatened.
- Is this is your territory?
- Not sure.
We found evidence that
were here last night
but it means nothing.
Judging by its size,
must be of the ocean.
Seems pretty confident.
I must be with men
like you out there.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
What's this?
Is quite similar, but
head is much larger.
Must have developed
more than I imagined.
And perhaps more intelligent.
Johnny, grab it.
Damn, a salmon.
First time I let myself down
to see a fish.
Think about this: Finding salmon
of this size here
can not be so far
to find what you seek.
I just talked to my
wife on the radio.
The doctor says my
brother will be fine.
Has anyone talked to him?
No, still unconscious.
But his vital signs are strong.
How much do you know and
tells us, Drake?
Could I leave those things
and treat me a moment?
You have seen what I did.
You say you are smart,
surprised by the size
their jaws.
Other than that, is very
interested in the subject.
- That cove, Jim.
- What about her?
Seems to have caves
there. Where do they lead?
There's your evidence.
See that?
No, do not shoot until you tell them.
Now, shoot!
Are you okay?
I owe my life.
Oh, my God.
Who is it?
God, it's Peggy.
Still alive. Take it from here.
What the hell are these
things, anyway?
First, from what I know so far
This species makes its appearance.
But there must be a reason for
a humanoid creature
evolve so quickly.
- Do you see the guts in his head?
- Yes, like a fish.
But they do pretty well
coming to earth.
Yes, we know so far.
But his natural habitat
is clear, water.
So I guess that is in process
to become amphibious.
Look at the size of the skull.
That means they have a
tremendous brain capacity.
Though not mean they have the
ability to use it in its entirety.
Developed hands.
Why not return to Noyo? Les
know if we find something.
Forget it. We're not going to
get answers.
- Do not worry.
- Mr. Borden suggested
keep this secret
Canco has a chance until
for revision.
His theory could be totally
What the hell are you talking about?
I tried to warn
this long ago and
I stepped aside.
Well look at it, Edwards! Is
right in front of you!
Damn stupid! Look!
And still insists that my
theory is wrong?
My theory is incorrect and
I will not be quieter.
And these people have the right
viz. And I'll tell you.
Put the film 232, DNA
in the conference room.
Now, Edwards!
DNA-5 is a stimulant
What you see is a film of the first
DNA-5 experiments with frogs.
These are tadpoles
in the larval stage.
The tadpoles take 12 weeks
to become adult frogs.
Now we apply DNA-5,
carries genetic information
stimulating hormone
growth in frogs.
Using DNA-5, reaching
to adult in a matter of days.
And what's the point?
Duplicate this process to accelerate
growth in salmon.
When a storm destroyed one of
our experimental ponds
3000-treated salmon
DNA-5 escaped into the ocean.
I wanted to notify the
authorities, but my employer
of cancer, I stopped.
What if the other fish
they had been eaten?
My theory is that by feeding
salmon treated with DNA-5
could accelerate the evolution
a more primitive fish,
as the coelacanth,
which was discovered in this
area a few years ago
a local marine biologist.
What the hell is a coelacanth?
It is a kind of prehistoric fish
that has not evolved
in millions of years.
But I could have done to
salmon fed with DNA-5.
I took these pictures this morning.
In a life, this creature seems
make four stages of evolution.
See that as a fish, but is humanoid
early stage.
Why attack us?
Well, most
protect its territory and
their food sources.
Perhaps it is enough
to perceive the man
as a competitor.
Why girls?
My theory is that these creatures
have the impulse
mate with humans
development of
incredible evolution.
These things almost killed me with fright.
Who among the people will believe us?
Rays. The festival.
Oh, my God.
I'm the Mad Mike Michaels
broadcasting live from
Salmon Festival.
We here at Radio K-Pez
in the Salmon Festival.
And here's my favorite skater,
Katie. How are you?
Listen, she will walk
hanging around
and if caught, will win
free visor.
And now, I'm here to
local beauty this year:
Miss Salmon, Sandy.
How are you, Sandy?
- I'm fine.
- Oh, great.
Jo, can you play something
a little faster?
How about something to dance?
I'm not in the mood for
something more upbeat.
Well, Jo, me neither, but
After all, we have come 2 or
3 miles to have a good time.
Never before have they failed.
Come on, now touch
somewhat faster.
- Okay.
- Come on, folks. Enjoy.
That is, that's better. Come
friends. Enjoy.
That is, that's better.
That's great.
At least we are moving
very well. Hello, how are you?
And success and we'll play
many things.
Listen, if you have a phone call.
I love to talk to you.
But I can not talk much
time, may have
my hands busy.
This is the big fish, K-Pez, the
Noyo voice, Noyo, Noyo...
What's up, guys?
Did you have luck?
Should be gone.
"They searched the caves?
Potter and Larson went to
review, but I think
a waste of time.
- I go for a beer.
- Yes
Our friends, Johnny Eagle
and Jim did not come back yet?
I have not seen.
Not find anything.
That Indian must be there
doing it with a buffalo.
- Hey, here is beer.
- Okay.
Give us four!
- Did you find something, Jim?
- Very.
Is that one of the monsters
Johnny marine?
Right under your nose, Slattery.
What is that?
Wait! We know
where these things come
but we have no idea
how many there are.
Jake, Jake, Jake. Found
She'll be fine. Sorry, Jake.
Do not panic!
One moment, seems to be some
kind of disturbance,
I'm not sure if it is a
accident or something. Oh, my God.
There are 50 gallons of fuel
there. Starts pumping.
What's happening?
Friends. I'm the Mad Mike Michaels
broadcasting from Noyo.
The situation here is of total
and outright panic.
People running everywhere...
Wow! One fell on a kind
fifty yards from where I am.
going after this woman. She...
Sent here to patrol
Keep pumping the fuel,
I'll fly your ass.
Sandy, beware! Care, Sandy
friends, is insane
Come on.
Hey, Moore!
Please! My sister
down there.
- Who is down there?
- My sister.
Is there and is going to fall.
Take me to her! Vamos!
- Help me, please!
- Amy, give me your hand.
- Help me!
- Come on.
Come, stretch and reach my hand.
Amy, hold my hand!
Hold on! Hold on!
Come on. Come on, climb.
Climb! Come on, climb!
Come, help! Help her!
Send them to hell!
Well, just go away. Just go away!
Give me your hand, Slattery.
Damn, give me your hand!
Tie it.
Where is my wife?
I took home from the hospital.
Go for it, Jim.
- No way.
- Do not escape.
- We got caught.
- Now, give. Kill him.
Appleberry calling J-356
at Appleberry J-357
Will I be back?
Stay here, baby. Stay here.
Go, go!
Oh, God!
Carol! Carol, Carol...
- Carol, are you okay?
- Yes
- Does the child?
- Okay.
Thank God.
All is well, baby.
All right. All is well.
Hank, where's Drake? Dr.
Drake, are you okay?
- Dr. Drake!
- Yes, yes, yes. She's fine.
- Where?
- Returned to the laboratory.
- Returned to the laboratory.
- Hank...
Jim, let's go home
now, right?
I mean, everything is fine,
Is not it, sheriff?
Peggy, focus.
Hold on, Peggy.
In a short.
That's right. You're doing
Puja, Peggy.
That's right. Come on, Peggy. Push, push.
"Peggy? Oh, my God!
Humanoids from the Deep / b