Hungama 2 (2021) Movie Script

Tea. Hot tea.
Bajaj uncle, join us.
How about a game?
How much did you lose?
Who keeps a count?
Father toiled for a fortune and
the son's flushing it down the toilet.
You've nothing to lose.
I put my sweat and
blood to earn every penny.
Every penny I lose
makes my blood boil.
If I had a spoiled son like you,
I would've kicked him out.
Leave him alone, Bajaj.
He's still a kid.
Still wets his diapers.
See you later.
Okay, Bajaj.
And you.
Don't ever challenge him again.
He's a black sheep
who would rather
keep all his bags of wool.
I needed some money.
Nearly Rs. 100 million.
Every inmate in prison
would tremble at your name.
And you tremble to ask me
such a small thing.
So much hesitation
over trivial matters? Unbelievable.
I know you don't need
the money for yourself.
You need it for Aman, correct?
You know the merry-go-rounds
of the business.
Aman has kids,
but he still hasn't settled down.
I didn't tell you,
but Swati had left him.
They even filed for a divorce.
Somehow I managed
to get them back together.
Aman wants to start
a new business in the US.
Once his business picks up,
I can relax.
Now you talk like my best friend.
Don't allow false pride
to interfere with borrowing money.
Blindly fixing my son's marriage
with the daughter of a man
who is a world-famous scoundrel,
isn't that too
a sign of true friendship?
I'm borrowing money.
But this has got nothing
to do with the wedding.
Be quiet.
The wild bull's inside,
and he's awake.
Good night.
Good night.
Come on.
Hello, uncle.
You're welcome in our home
before the wedding.
This is your home too.
Yes, uncle, but it's getting late.
- Maybe another time.
- Okay.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Finish your dinner and
straight to bed, everyone.
They have eaten.
I got them pizzas.
You give them everything
they ask for.
You are spoiling them silly.
Look at these urchins!
Why are your shoulders
wearing your shoes?
Keep them down!
Children are bound
to be mischievous, daddy.
Oh, they can even wage a war!
These little delinquents
can scare away whole battalions.
Look, Aman,
I promised to take care of them
until you set up
your business in the US.
But they've made my life hell.
I wonder
what they are punishing me for.
Karma, daddy! You raised us
at gunpoint like a jailor.
Children are making grandpa
pay for that.
Don't you know what they call me?
Tell them.
I don't know.
- You don't know?
- No.
"Wild bull."
That's my pet name.
Next time, when you come
for Aakash's wedding,
take them back with you.
Even I have a limit, you know.
If I lose my cool,
do you know what I'll do?
I'll show you.
Oh, no, shit!
Close the doors.
Come on.
Someday I'll draw this sword.
This sword was presented to me
on my retirement from Tihar Jail,
honouring me
as the epitome of discipline!
During the British rule,
there was a jail superintendent,
Lord Hussley.
This is his sword.
Priceless and antique piece!
This sword has a glorious history...
Which I've heard millions of times!
If you set out to tell me again,
no one will get breakfast
tomorrow morning.
What do you want?
Gagan Chandra D'costa.
- Gagan Chandra D'costa.
- Yes.
I read your ad in the newspaper.
And here I am.
You're looking for a teacher?
Preity, call that gang of goons.
- Take a seat. I'll be right back.
- Yes.
Wonderful. Really wonderful.
Not wonderful, but the children
call him a "Wild Bull."
I was talking about the sword.
Bhalo means wonderful in Bangla.
Please don't ever mention
this lethal weapon to him.
Talking about this sword
is like slitting your own throat.
Who is it?
- Who is it?
- Who?
These are the children
you have to tutor.
Six teachers have tried before you.
Five of them disappeared
on their own.
And we found the sixth one
in a hospital.
They put rat poison in his tea.
- Don't worry.
- Mr. D'costa. Here's your advance.
Thank you.
These children are very dangerous.
Handling them isn't an easy job.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
- Here's my Holder of Hell.
- Holder of Hell?
It's a pack of deadly weapons
that inflict pain as bad as hell.
- Meet my Prickly Princess.
- Princess who?
Nobody's princess.
A Prickly Princess.
If I prick with this
on their back sides,
they won't sit or sleep
for three days.
And here's Brother Cane.
I dip it in chilly oil every day.
A single whip will make them see
heaven and hell at the same time.
Brother or mother,
use anything you like.
But make these children
do their lessons.
No school in the area want them.
Don't worry. I am here.
The children
are now your responsibility.
Nandan, show him his room.
- Anjali.
- Yes?
Did anyone come here after I left?
- No.
- No?
- No one at all?
- No.
Do you do bad things
behind my back?
- What?
- You smoke?
What nonsense!?
Nonsense? I found this cigarette
on the porch.
- The plumber was here.
- Why?
To fix the pipes.
Maybe he was smoking.
First, you say no one came home.
Now you say it was the plumber.
I just remembered.
How old was he?
- I didn't ask.
- Take a wild guess.
Was he a teenager,
an old man, a mature guy?
Do you want me to ask every man
their name, age and address?
You're too much, Radhe.
Your pant is ready. Wear it.
When I call, not a fly comes.
But she calls, and all the Toms
and Harrys hop over with all the Dicks.
I will find out who comes
to my house behind my back.
From now on, you're my third eye.
What is this, Anjali?
Where are the rest of your clothes?
Did you forget to put on pants?
This is the trend, Radhe.
Let's go.
Are you off to the office or the pool?
Go and get changed.
I am already running late.
Nothing can be done now. Let's go.
Of course, something can be done.
Leave me, Radhe. I'll manage.
You pay full but buy
half an outfit. Bad bargain!
Have you seen the traffic
on the road?
Hey, old man,
have you never seen a woman before?
She's young enough
to be your daughter.
Look ahead, pervert.
Hey, why are you cursing at him?
He's making eyes at my wife.
- Making what?
- He's ogling my wife.
He's blind, you fool!
But you can see.
- Tiwari!
- Get lost...
Tiwari! What's wrong?
This is too much.
Here's your shawl.
I can't take you anywhere.
I'm going to the office with Akku.
- What's wrong?
- He drove me nuts.
You waste so much money
on lottery tickets, Thakur.
You could've easily paid
our loan instead.
I buy lottery tickets
to repay my loan.
And God will be merciful to me
But we'll show no mercy
if you don't pay us back next week.
Check this.
Thakur, you won.
Don't worry.
If anyone eyeballs your wife,
drag him to court.
I'll defend your case for free.
Catch that Thakur, Tiwari.
He's won a lottery.
I've been looking for him.
You've borrowed money
from me as well.
He owes the entire city, Tiwari.
And has no intentions of paying up.
He's won the lottery
and refuses to pay
the money he owes.
- Won a lottery?
- Yes.
- Is it true, Thakur?
- It is true, but...
But what?
The newspaper seller told me.
He even showed the winning number.
What's the prize worth?
- Rs. 15 million.
- Rs. 15 million!
He borrowed Rs. 5,000 from me.
Interest makes it Rs. 10,000,
and late fee is Rs. 20,000.
- No...
- Stay quiet.
Total is Rs. 60,000.
I'll collect the prize money
and deduct what he owes me first.
And what about my money?
I am there. I swear
on the Holy Gita, it's on me.
- Listen to me.
- Be quiet. Be very quiet.
My words are firm like steel,
and my heart is of gold.
- Everyone will get their share.
- No...
- We trust you, Mr. Tiwari.
- Yes.
- Let's go. We'll get our money.
- No, listen...
You sit. Sit.
Where's the newspaper?
Rs. 15 million, is it?
- You made a big mistake, Mr. Tiwari.
- You're the mistake, son.
Rs. 15 million. Where's your number?
Rs. 15 million...
- Rs. 15 million...
- Down, down.
- Down?
- I mean at the back.
- Down, down.
- Rs. 15 million...
Is it under the table?
No. The last one.
- This?
- Yes.
- Is this your number?
- Yes.
It says the prize money is Rs. 500.
That's what I won.
- Rs. 500?
- Yes.
- Why didn't you tell me earlier?
- You didn't let me speak.
I tried to tell you,
but you kept shutting me up.
Bloody moron,
here's your ticket and get lost.
Keep it. Now it's your monkey
and your circus.
- You handle them.
- Hey...
Wait. Stop.
It's only Rs. 500.
Only Rs. 500...
Wise guy.
Now I'll teach you
how to spell words.
Now, I'm your master.
And how do we write it?
Here's "M-A," and then
add "S-T-E-R" with a broken pronunciation.
And you get "master."
No, sir, we don't want
to learn any such thing.
Grandpa's warned us
against breaking anything.
Smarty pants, aren't you?
Come here. Come here!
Bring forth your hand.
Is she crying for him?
She is crying for you. Feeling bad.
I'll tell you.
But don't tell anyone
that I told you this.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
He's going to murder you tonight.
That Wild Bull
who paid you to tutor us.
But why?
Because he's a lunatic.
Remember someone put rat poison
in our previous teacher's tea.
It wasn't us. It was the old sack.
Tonight's full moon.
He goes completely berserk.
No one opens their door till dawn.
Why so?
Haven't you seen the sword
in the living room?
The sword actually
belongs to Lord Hussley.
The old man gets possessed
by Lord Hussley's ghost at night.
This isn't possible.
Very much possible.
Haven't you watched
Bhool Bhulaiyaa?
Does he also dance around
like that ghost?
Stop kidding me!
But he does.
He dances
over the corpse of his prey.
He doesn't harm us.
But he chops up outsiders to pieces
and buries them in the ground.
And doesn't remember a thing
the next day!
You cannot scare this Bengal Tiger
with your rubbish story.
Get back to your lesson. Come on.
Why are you snickering?
It's nothing.
Is it true, aunty, that
grandpa's sword only has a handle
and it's empty inside the sheath?
What nonsense? Who told you this?
Our new teacher.
That madman said it's all a lie.
And he also said
that there's no Lord Hussley,
that the old man's lying.
That the sword will always
be hanging on the wall.
That he'll never show
the actual sword.
He said this.
Enough talking, finish your food.
8:30 off to bed.
8:40 lights out.
The kids were right.
He's coming this way with the sword.
Oh, God.
D'costa, open the door.
I've something to show you.
I won't open the door.
I don't want to see anything.
D'costa, I'll show you my sword.
Open the door.
I said
I don't want to see anything.
Throw that sword in some well.
Or use it to cut vegetables.
I won't let you cut
even my drawstring with it.
You idiot!
How dare you talk to me like that!
He switched to English.
I think he's been possessed
by Lord Hussley's ghost.
O Lord, he won't stop
until he's killed me.
Get lost, you English dog.
How dare you abuse me?
Open the door!
How dare you abuse me?
Open the door!
I'm abusing you, you white willy.
I'm not surprised
that people call you a wild bull.
I'll knock this door down
and show you how sharp my sword is.
Open the door!
And look.
It's even got
Lord Hussley's signature.
Open the door, D'costa.
- Oh, God. Run, run. He's crazy.
- Stop!
How dare you slander me!
- Run, run.
- Stop!
- Stop!
- Oh, God.
Hey, you idiot!
It's a historical sword.
- Take a look first.
- Show it to your daddy!
That Bengal Tiger made such a fuss.
Prickly Princess, Brother Cane.
But he ran away.
I thought he would come through.
Bloody civilian.
Come on, dad.
You believed the kids and went
ranting to his room with the sword.
I hadn't the slightest clue, dear,
these monkeys would use
my historical sword in their prank.
Is this Mr. Kapoor's house?
- Yes.
- Is Aakash at home?
No, he's at the office. Why?
- I need to talk to him.
- Who are you?
Akku, where's your phone?
Yeah, dad.
Do you know her?
Are you deaf?
Are you hard of hearing?
Do you know her?
- Her?
- Yes.
No. I don't know her.
Who is she? What's the matter?
She claims that, back in college,
you two were in love.
And this is your child.
- What? My child?
- Yes.
She is lying!
I am not lying! It's true.
Look, Vaani,
don't cause unnecessary trouble.
You know her name,
but you don't know her. Shocking.
Fine, I know her name.
She was in my college.
I was in her college.
We were in same college together.
Hence I know her name.
Then why did you say
you didn't know her?
- When?
- Just now.
Yes, I did.
I was shocked to see her
after three years.
I couldn't recognize her.
Are you calm now?
Now, tell me
what you know about this girl.
Daddy, except for the fact
that we studied together,
we had no other relation.
I don't know anything else.
And this creature isn't mine.
I swear on my mother.
Wait a minute.
These are the love letters
your son wrote to me.
"Beloved Vaani,
"This evening
Is a honey-dipped thing
"It's giving me a sweet zing
"Let's ride on our love sweeng
You're a queen and I'm your king"
- Bravo.
- "I am your Aakash
- "You're my Aakashvaani"
- Bravo, bravo.
Kudos for your creativity!
Is this Poetics Pathetica
written by you?
- This?
- Yes, this.
Is this your handwriting
and signature?
Don't lie to me.
This is you.
Look at your writing!
What's a "sweeng"?
It's "swing."
Same spelling mistakes
since your school days!
No knowledge of
vowels or consonants.
When "meat" becomes "mit"
and "sit" becomes "shit,"
Aakash gets his bum hit, remember?
This is you, duffer.
Okay, yes, they were mine.
All the fireworks
means you two loved each other.
Has the cat got your tongue?
Speak up.
Daddy, I'll tell you the truth.
Except for the fact
that we loved each other,
I don't know anything about her.
And that love ended
three years ago in college.
Ask her where she was
all these years.
I was already pregnant
when I left college.
He assured me he'll tell his mom,
convince his dad,
come back and marry me.
Hey, my mother died
in my childhood.
Why would I say such a thing?
Now you know, dad, she's lying.
That's what he said to me.
- When I don't have a mother...
- Shut up!
Yes, what next?
I waited for some time.
I even tried calling him.
But he never returned my calls.
Then I went to Delhi because
he said his family lived in Delhi.
Our family has never been to Delhi.
Why don't you get that she's lying?
On reaching Delhi, I realized
he had given me the wrong address.
Then I went to Kolkata.
Why did you go to Kolkata?
Did your mother's lover live there?
- Daddy...
- Shut up!
What kind of language you're using?
He had once told me that his older
brother, Aman, works in Kolkata.
I reached Kolkata only to find out
brother's business had already shut down.
Some of his friends informed me
that your family lives here.
So I came here.
What are you? The Indian Railways?
You'll run
wherever the tracks lay?
Just because we spent
some time together doesn't mean
you can bring any random kid
and shove it towards me!
Can you say this looking
in the eyes of your innocent child?
That you're not the father?
I am not your father, son.
- Daughter or son?
- Daughter.
I am not your father, dear.
I am not your papa.
I am not. I am not. I am not.
- Aakash.
- Don't fall for her tricks, father.
She has an ulterior motive.
throw these two out of the house
and send Motilal after them.
- Who is he?
- Our dog.
Oh, don't you threaten us
with your dogs and cats.
We'll leave.
That's your best option. Leave.
I will go but only till your yard.
I'll sit outside your gate
and go on a hunger strike.
With a placard in my hand,
"Justice to my daughter!"
Go on. Do your hunger strike.
Dad, let her pull her stunts.
When that kitten whines for milk,
the hunger strike will end then.
Be quiet.
Not a peep from you.
I spent 60 years to build
a reputation for my family.
For what?
Shall I throw it away
for some random girl
screaming outside my gate
that my son is her child's
illegitimate father?
I would rather die
before such defamation.
- But you don't understand, daddy...
- Just keep quiet!
Let me handle this case.
Handle what?
Why don't you get that she's a liar?
I said be quiet.
Go! Out!
"First look..."
"First time we met"
"First time I feel intoxicated"
"There's a feeling in my heart"
"Do you feel the same way?"
"I've never felt this way before"
"First time we met"
"First time I feel intoxicated"
"There's a feeling in my heart"
"Do you feel the same way?"
"I've never felt this way before"
"Never has this happened
With me before"
"No words were spoken
But I heard you"
"It's an unfamiliar fragrance"
"Love is like magic"
"Your spell's worked on me"
"My heart's missing
For the first time"
"First time I saw you"
"First time I felt something"
"I stay rooted to my spot"
"But the paths are moving"
"I've never felt
This intoxication before"
"Since the time I saw you"
"I feel alienated from myself"
"Your style
Your eyes drove me crazy"
"Everything seems new to me"
That continued for two years.
Her faade of love.
I was crazy for her.
But, one day, she ran away
leaving everything behind.
I don't know anything about her.
Now suddenly she's sprung
out of nowhere.
And she's threatening me
that it's my child.
I smell a dead rat here, Anju.
- But why did she leave so suddenly?
- No clue.
That mystery was never solved.
Must be crazy.
Did you tell dad?
No one believes me.
We must convince dad
that none of this is your fault.
Where's the step stool gone?
What are you doing?
Wait, let me help you.
Let me lift you up.
Now try.
- Come on.
- Thank you, Akku.
- Come on.
- Oh, God.
Sorry for troubling you like this.
But the Hitler in my house
only listens to you.
Don't worry. I'll convince him
of what really happened.
I don't believe his story
of disappearance, Anjali.
She has a plethora of evidence
with her.
Let me show you.
See. This idiot's text messages.
She forwarded them to me.
"Lips like red roses..."
"17 kisses in the morning,
"50 kisses in the afternoon,
"and 1,000 red-hot kisses
at night."
What are these "red-hot kisses"?
Do you kiss with a burner
in your mouth?
I feel embarrassed
to even read them. You read them.
"When our garden of love blooms..."
Don't stop. Keep reading.
Go ahead. Brilliant poetry!
"We'll call her Gehna
"The first weave of our love loom"
And that's the child's name
as well.
Now imagine...
If she steps out with
that ticking time bomb,
then we'll land in big trouble.
This idiot's wedding has
been fixed with Bajaj's daughter.
On the one hand,
Bajaj will strangle my neck,
and, on the other,
the women's commission,
human rights, et cetera
will be out for my blood.
Look at him.
This shameless ape
is busy eating oranges.
Don't worry, dad.
We'll find a way out of this.
Show some faith in me, daddy.
given the current scenario.
But why?
One word and I'll break your jaw!
First, he lies he doesn't know her.
Then he admits
they were in college together.
Then he confesses
about an affair,
and now these "red-hot kisses."
How can I believe this dimwit?
Calm down, dad.
I'll throw that girl
out of the house one day
or my name isn't Aakash Kapoor.
Anjali, don't let anyone find out
about this tricky situation, dear.
Don't worry, dad.
After my papa, you have
that place in my heart.
This is my family, too.
Your reputation
is my responsibility.
Not a word to anyone.
Not even your husband.
Tiwari not only speaks in court,
but he is a loudspeaker as well.
He keeps gossiping around.
If that fool finds out,
he'll tell the entire world
and I'll have to bury myself.
She told me that she's at home.
Where could she be?
Red socks.
It's 9:11. What took you so long?
I went to a movie with a friend.
Girl or guy?
- Girl.
- Girl.
I went with a girlfriend.
Girlfriend, huh?
What's the name of your girlfriend?
Was Sweety wearing shoes
or slippers?
- Neither.
- Was she barefoot?
She was wearing heels.
Did she wear red socks
with high heels?
Who wears socks with high heels?
Which film did you two watch?
Husband, Wife & the Other Guy.
The other guy.
Who does the film begin with?
Husband or wife?
We... arrived late.
- What happens during the interval?
- We had popcorn.
- And in the end?
- The national anthem.
Look, had you put your nosiness
to good use,
you'd have won a case by now.
Questions, questions,
more questions.
You're driving me nuts.
Bloody liar, liar, liar!
Red socks.
Vaani. What brings you here?
Popat told me.
Aakash, come out quickly.
I've something important
to tell you.
Me too.
I've told my brother about us.
He was thrilled to hear it.
He said he'll tell dad about us.
Aakash, come out quickly.
Popat, Puja's phone
is also switched off.
Don't worry.
My sister will go
to the ladies hostel.
She's one of the cleaners.
While sweeping, she can go to her room.
She will check whether she's there
or not, and then call me.
The notes are real, Popat.
You fool, I know you won't bring
fake notes for a fake certificate.
Even I know they are real.
But it's too little.
Give me Rs. 8,000 more.
This canteen salary alone
isn't enough to make a living.
Students mostly eat on credit.
Put it inside. And don't roam
all over the country with it.
Anywhere across the border like
Pakistan, Uzbekistan is good enough.
If you try to use it here,
you'll land straight in jail.
Don't blame me later.
- Vaani quit college and left the hostel.
- What?
What's going on here?
- What?
- I want to know why you're here.
You never said anything.
No calls, no messages.
One day, you suddenly disappeared.
I had to leave, so I did.
Now I had to return, and I did.
Is this a joke?
I am not some currency note
you can demonetize suddenly.
I know you want money.
How much money do you want?
Speak up.
If that's your condition,
then fine.
How much do you want?
I'll give it now. Take it and go.
I'll take 20 or 30.
20-30 what?
Rs. 20-30 million.
How much?
I know your intentions are wicked,
but are you deaf too?
Rs. 20-30 million, huh?
That's it?
Don't you think it's too little?
Yes, but I am not greedy.
I see. Will you accept cash,
or do I write a cheque?
I don't trust your cheque.
Give me cash.
How will you carry it?
On your head in a basket,
or do I call the movers?
No need to taunt me.
I want to raise my Gehna just like
the other children of this family.
That's because those children
are our flesh and blood. Understood?
Now take your Gehna
and leave, sister.
Who are you calling sister?
I am not going anywhere.
I won't give you a penny.
First, get out of my room.
This is my room now.
- Says which idiot?
- Says your dad.
- What?
- He told me to stay in this room.
I am your wife after all. Where else
will I stay if not with my husband?
- Husband?
- Yes, of course.
What else will I call
the father of my child?
Not brother-in-law.
I'm not going anywhere.
Shut her up. Her constant crying
is giving me a headache.
What happened, my baby?
Come here.
Are you hungry? Oh, my child.
Would you have some milk
in your fridge?
Why do you want our milk?
It's your baby. Give her yours!
Get some tea or coffee outside.
Hello, Bajaj.
Your phone was unreachable,
so I decided to drop by.
Let's sit outside in the yard
and have some tea.
What's the hurry?
- Let's fix a date for the engagement.
- Come.
Any minute that idiot
will walk in with a priest.
You're absolutely right.
Wait a minute, Preity.
The electricity bill...
You stay inside.
In fact,
close all the doors and windows.
If the child starts crying,
no one should hear it.
- Okay, dad.
- Or else, do this.
Lock her door from outside.
I'll handle it, daddy.
Okay. God bless you.
Bless me. Bless me.
God bless you. God bless you.
I apologize
for the delay, gentleman.
Mr. Tiwari stopped midway
to buy undies.
Maybe he isn't wearing one today.
I don't know if he earned
his law degree or stole it.
He can't even draft
a letter properly.
Look at you and look at your wife.
You know what, Kapoor,
I'll trade this nincompoop
for Anjali.
She's a gem.
Spreading light wherever she goes.
Years ago, our family
gave her to Tiwari in marriage.
Now I won't give her
to anyone else.
These oldies have more lust
stuffed in them than a teenager.
Maybe it was one of them
who visited my house.
Well, the date I suggest
is the 16th.
It's both good and bad.
Good because
it's a very auspicious day.
Everyone would want
to get engaged on that day.
And bad because
that will make temples crowded.
So, what do you want to do?
Rat! Oh, my God.
What were you doing down there?
Picking up this spoon.
Why did you put
this dirty spoon in my coffee?
- Take mine.
- Stupid. Nincompoop.
He ruined my coffee.
Fine, let's take Aakash's opinion
about the date.
- What happened?
- Why are you screaming? Speak softly.
It's my friend's home.
Who's going to stop me?
Here's Aakash.
Hello, uncle.
- Greetings, sir.
- Bless you.
Son, the priest says 16th
is the best day to get engaged.
What is your schedule?
Whatever you guys decide.
This is your engagement.
Your opinion matters.
Marriage alliances are for life.
Both sides should know everything
about each other.
Very rarely, some dirty volcano
erupts after the wedding.
And people get to know
of illegitimate wives and kids.
What happened, son?
Nothing, uncle. I slipped.
Remember Sinha's case?
Good thing
Sinha is a mild-mannered guy.
I would've shot the groom dead.
God sends such scoundrels
to hell, fries them in hot oil.
Does God fry those scoundrels
also in hot oil
who have an affair
with married women?
- Yes.
- Good, that's all I had to know.
Red socks is now dead!
The engagement should be
a small and sweet affair.
You decide. We don't mind.
But the wedding has to be
a grand one.
Look, Simran's my only daughter.
I am going to paint the town red.
I can understand your emotions,
but we can get in trouble
if the wedding's held here.
- Why?
- Not the kind of trouble you think.
Aakash's grandma, that is my mother,
made me promise
that Aakash will get married at
the temple on the banks of the Ganga.
Couldn't that old biddy
think of somewhere closer?
Fine, the wedding
will be wherever you say.
We'll throw a grand party
before the wedding
and invite all our friends.
Unless booze flows in abundance,
we don't consider a party successful.
Come on, don't say no to that!
Or you'll make me furious.
- Is flowing booze that important?
- Of course!
- It's written in the holy book.
- Yes.
Oh, no, I'm getting delayed
because of you.
- I'm leaving and you should too.
- Why?
Call me if there's an emergency.
- Don't come over.
- Okay.
Come on, sir. Let's go.
Aakash, you had missed a signature
on one of the pages.
Please sign it.
Wait a minute.
Yes, Aman.
I left a message for you.
It's important.
But we can't talk now.
He's at home.
Okay, fine. I'll call you tomorrow.
8:30 New York time.
We're in deep trouble.
I'll explain everything tomorrow.
Akku, I just spoke with Aman.
Let's meet tomorrow morning, 7 a.m.
Johnson's Cafe.
Tiwari, what about our money?
How many times do I tell you?
The prize money was only Rs. 500!
But he said it was Rs. 15 million.
Then recover it from that nut!
Isn't she the same girl
you were supposed to marry?
Yes, but like I told you,
she disappeared suddenly.
I don't believe your story.
Be honest.
What mess did you two get into?
I swear, brother, no mess.
That's why I am telling you.
I don't know how she got pregnant.
Is there anyone with you?
Just Anjali.
What is Vaani saying?
She claims that I got
her pregnant and it's my child.
Anjali is pregnant?
- Who else knows about this?
- Anjali knows of course.
But we don't know what to do.
Hence I called you.
- And Tiwari?
- No, Tiwari doesn't know anything.
She knows this is embarrassing.
We'll come up with something
and deal with it.
No one will find out.
We just wanted
to clear it with you.
She claims to have a lot
of evidence about your affair.
What about that?
You know how it was, brother.
It wasn't true love.
Kind of a fly-away fling.
Bloody pervert! My wife's not a bird
you can play with and then shoo away.
He wants to talk to you.
I can't believe
this is happening to us.
You guide us. How do
we get out of this mess?
We'll do as you say.
Child or no child,
you won't escape me.
Get a basic DNA test of the child.
The truth shall be revealed.
And take a good doctor's advice.
What did he say?
- He told us to go see a doctor.
- Okay.
I know a doctor we can trust
who can help us.
- And then?
- Let's see.
Sir, your bill.
Sir, I don't have change.
Don't have any change.
Keep it. Tip, tip.
But, sir, it's too much.
It's my joy of becoming a father.
Keep it.
They are going to abort the child.
But Ill stop them
and catch them red-handed.
Sinners! Bloody sinners!
Even ants don't kiss asses
while walking.
I don't trust this blood test.
There are chances of errors.
In fact, even the court treats DNA
as secondary evidence.
We won't have to go
to the court, sister.
The DNA test will clearly prove
that Vaani is a liar.
Then I'll throw you
out of this house.
After that, I'll marry someone
a thousand times better than you
and show off.
You try and get married.
I'll march into the wedding hall
with our child and slap the bride.
Stuff her face with pillows.
She keeps crying all day.
Stop barking.
Is it done?
When will we get the report?
On the 26th.
Nandan, you will collect
the report on the 26th.
Don't worry.
What "don't worry"?
If someone asks you
about the report,
don't start wagging your tongue.
Trying to bribe the gods, huh?
It won't help.
He doesn't support liars.
Keep your diapers
and dresses packed.
My God, which is your devil,
is coming home with the report.
Daddy, Nandan is back.
What happened?
Did you get the report?
Yes, I did.
What are all these checkmarks?
A+, B+, O+.
All wrong English
and wrong mathematics.
Reports are
supposed to look like that.
But the doctor's explained
- I know everything.
- What did he say?
The doctor said everything's fine.
No need to worry at all!
I told you God is with me.
Bag that child and leave right now.
Shut up.
What did the doctor say?
He ran many tests.
He said, if the father's
blood group is A,
and mother's blood group is O,
then the child can have A or O blood.
But in our case,
it's neither A nor O.
But it's that, isn't it?
That? Yes, it is.
Come here. Come and listen.
Tell me everything clearly, Nandan.
The doctor then performed negative
and positive testing of the blood,
and he said, if the mother and father
are negative, the child will be negative.
And if the mother and father are
positive, the child will be positive.
But, here the father is positive
and the mother is negative.
And the child is negative too!
What's the point of this gibberish?
That everything is fine!
No need to worry.
Nandan, I love you.
Now do you believe that
I'm not the father of this child?
Did the doctor say
what Aakash is saying?
The doctor said, if the father
is A+ and the mother...
Enough of this nonsense! Shut up!
Do you want to hear the report
or not?
Are you pointing fingers at me?
Sir, do you want to hear the report
or not?
If the father is A+ and the mother
is B+, then the child can be...
Nandan! Nandan! Nandan!
What was the result of the test?
Is Aakash the father of the child?
I only know what the doctor said.
He also said that the YSTR
chromosome test is a perfect match.
For the love of all the bulls!
Listen, Nandan.
Just tell me
who the father of this child is.
The doctor said everything's fine.
No need to get worked up.
The child's father is right here.
It's your beloved son.
This is not possible!
This is impossible!
This report is wrong.
But you gloated that this report
is the litmus test!
I knew
we shouldn't have sent this pig.
The minute we sent him,
I knew he will ruin everything.
Is it my fault
that she is your child?
I don't understand
this report myself.
I told you everything
that the doctor told me.
If you feel I am wrong,
you can call the doctor directly.
Ask him if this illegitimate child
of your son is his or not.
But I know! In fact, I am convinced
that baby is his daughter.
I heard it with my own ears.
Then why did you keep saying
that everything is fine?
Because I asked the doctor
about the child health.
The doctor was a jovial Sikh.
He kept saying everything is fine.
Is that also is my fault?
I couldn't tell him
what's happening in this family.
Did you hear it clearly?
How many times
do I have to tell you?
Next time, don't stick my head
in the noose meant for someone else.
To hell with the father
and to hell with the son.
- Let me go!
- Leave me!
It's clearly written in the paper.
Read it yourself and you'll know
whose child she is.
What's going on?
What is the father-son
fighting over?
So, what have you guys decided?
Are we a part of this family
or not?
Yes, you're going to stay here.
We'll discuss the rest later.
You can go.
I'll keep this.
What was going on here?
We were making a list
of guests for the wedding.
So, what was all the talk
about a child and father...
- Father, child...
- Father, child...
Whether we should call father
and child together or separately
is what this stupid Nandan
was debating on.
And who is this girl?
Preity. Preity.
Not her. The other girl.
- I've never seen her before...
- Her?
She is the kids' new tutor.
But why the hell did you come here?
I mean, why are you here?
I'm sending out the invitations
for the engagement,
so I wanted to know how many guests
will be attending from your side?
How many guests,
how many cats and dogs, what date?
Don't fuss over trivial things and
come here to breathe down my neck!
I am neck-deep in trouble.
I mean I'm busy.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Who is the father of the daughter?
Not me!
I am the father of the bride.
My daughter's getting married.
I should be worried.
You calm down. Calm down.
You are right, Bajaj.
But as you can see,
we're working on the guest list.
I'll see you at the club
in the evening and hand it over then.
- Relax.
- Okay.
Have we met before?
Your face seems familiar.
I can't remember where we met.
Maybe. Every face
has seven lookalikes in the world.
I am M.G. Bajaj.
We're like a family.
Kapoor and I.
My daughter's getting engaged
on the 16th.
Since you're a part of this family,
I am personally inviting you
to my daughter's engagement.
You must come to the temple
on the 16th morning.
- Okay?
- Yes.
Yes, yes.
So, what did Aman say?
He said to control the situation
until he gets here.
Let's tell our guests to reach
the temple from their hotel rooms.
Vaani will never find out.
What if someone insists on
coming here after the engagement?
How can we stop them?
We'll say that our yard is muddy.
Your brain is muddy.
We don't need your stupid advice.
Why are you always after him?
He's as worried as we are.
How long can we hide the truth?
If you guys keep blaming me,
I will commit suicide.
If situation remains the same,
that will the only option for us.
But, first, I'll prove my innocence
and then commit suicide.
An innocent man
doesn't need to commit suicide.
We don't need
your stupid advice either.
Your hullabaloo over the DNA report
was enough. Now stay out!
This situation is like
a sticky morsel choking your throat.
On the engagement day, we should leave
for the temple one by one
so that Vaani doesn't find out.
And, Aakash, don't leave home
all dolled up like a groom.
But how, daddy?
There's new evidence popping up
every day.
You shut up!
What's the point of yelling at me?
Did I say something wrong?
I pray to God that the rings are
exchanged without problems.
And we get rid of this trouble
before the wedding.
Kapoor, the priest said
the veneration ritual ran longer,
so our ceremony might get delayed.
So, we'll wait.
That's not a problem.
Okay, fine. We'll wait.
Where is Aakash?
Where is Aakash?
Not the sky. Our Aakash.
He's on his way.
On the way.
This bloody Tiwari...
- Is he dead?
- Oh, how I wish!
Go, leave for the temple now!
Everyone's already there.
Supreme sir has called twice.
You should leave too.
And are you going to your
engagement dressed like this?
If I dress up at home,
that Vaani
will smell something fishy.
- Right.
- That will ruin everything.
I've told Anju to meet me halfway
with my clothes.
She isn't around. Go.
Leave immediately.
I'll handle that Mother India.
Where are you going?
The railway tracks are close by.
That's where I'm going.
I've been thinking of lying down
on the tracks for a while.
I've finally got some time today.
You want to tag along?
And do bring that runt of yours.
It will be fun.
Go die alone
if you have a death wish.
I thought
you're going to the temple.
Who told you
I'm going to the temple?
Isn't the engagement today?
Who told you?
Daddy's friend Bajaj uncle.
He was here the other day.
He's invited me
to his daughter's engagement.
Anyways, I visit the temple
every day.
Thought might as well attend
the engagement.
"Attend the engagement!"
You little...
If ghosts visit the temple,
the gods will run away.
Those gods support this ghost.
Or else your ruse wouldn't
have worked in my favour.
Wasn't it enough to embarrass me
in front of my family
that now you want
to embarrass me publicly?
You won't go anywhere.
If you step out of the house,
I'll turn you two into a piece of charcoal.
I'll handle this one.
You leave, please.
You're getting late for the office.
Go on.
But today's Sunday.
The office must be closed.
Yes, it's closed.
But I am going to guard the place
since watchman is on leave.
Who are you to question me?
I have the right to know
where you're going
because I'm your better half.
No, you're a snake.
Go, slither away.
Please leave.
Come on, you're getting late.
Please move.
Get out of the way.
- Get out of the way.
- Please...
Nandan, move her
or I'll run her over.
Move out of the way,
or he will run you over.
I don't need to hitchhike.
I can go on my own.
How can you leave?
Every member of the family
has gone out.
I cannot handle
your little girl alone.
Don't worry, Nandan.
She's fast asleep upstairs.
She won't wake up so soon.
I won't let you go. No. Never.
If you still want to go,
then you'll have to go through me.
You don't know,
but you can't go to the temple.
No network here.
These guys are clueless
about the upcoming storm.
Come on. Come on.
Come, come, come.
Hurry up and change. You're late.
What's going on?
Cover the windows.
He's getting engaged today and
he's fooling around with my wife.
I will catch them red-handed today!
Look, Tiwari.
Don't spare him today.
Catch him, Kishan.
- When will you pay us our money?
- I will! Soon.
- When?
- Let me go now.
You're not going anywhere.
Pay us our money.
Kapoor, the priest is preparing
for the engagement ceremony.
Where is Aakash?
He's coming. He's coming.
Will he come before Dussehra
and Diwali at least?
- What?
- Are you deaf?
Where is the groom?
He's coming. He's coming.
Bajaj, I'll get him.
You go inside.
Welcome, welcome.
I thought of coming with them,
but everyone had left already.
They are here, you're here,
- but the one we're all waiting for...
- Will also be here soon!
We'll all be here!
Everyone will be fine and happy!
Daddy always has positive attitude.
What do you know?
Everyone calls you daddy.
She's like my own child.
Can I get a glass of water?
I am really happy to see you here.
What are you doing out here?
Come inside.
- Coming...
- I still didn't get any water.
Water, booze, snacks,
you'll get everything.
Let's get done
with the engagement first.
She is my daughter, Simran.
- Hi.
- She's getting engaged today.
- And she is...
- I am Vaani.
You guys go inside.
I'll go get Aakash.
Aakash is at the office.
Why? What?
Since the guard's on leave,
he'll be manning his post.
The engagement's here,
and he's guarding the office gate?
No, he's not guarding the place.
- He must be locking up.
- What?
You go die.
I mean go. You go.
I'll get him.
I just talked to him on the phone.
Richa? You are here?
- How are you?
- How are you?
These are my in-laws.
- Chintan.
- Hi.
We're so dead today.
Come on, hurry up.
Akku, what happened?
Look behind. What do you see?
A bell!
Look below the bell.
Don't you see the ghost?
What is she doing here?
I don't know. Maybe she's here
to collect my corpse.
- Let's get out of here.
- They are waiting for you.
I'll scale the back wall.
He's here. Come on.
- She's getting her picture taken.
- Yes, let's go.
Were you not supposed
to guard the office gate?
But by the time I got there,
the guard had returned.
So I thought
I might as well get engaged.
I mean attend.
And where did you get
these fancy clothes?
- This is just...
- You didn't leave home in these.
Those are mine!
I mean I got them for him.
- Hi, I am Anjali.
- Hi.
Aakash's family friend
and also his secretary.
Okay, come, come, come.
Richa. Richa.
He's my husband, Aakash.
Oh, but you never told me
about your marriage.
Hubby and everything?
When did you get married?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you another time.
Excuse me.
Finally, no more waiting for Godot.
- We're running out of time.
- Yes, yes.
It seems like
it is Aakash's engagement.
No, that's because Bajaj uncle
treats Aakash like his son.
He's perpetually lost
without Aakash.
He halted his own wedding ceremony
until Aakash arrived!
Actually, I'm going to the temple.
Why don't you come along?
It's said that praying here
for 30 minutes fulfils your wishes.
In 30 minutes,
the engagement will be over.
We'll pray later. Come on.
O Goddess, save us.
This sacred ritual follows a rule.
Marriage or engagement,
the priest reconfirms consent
from the families before both.
Does anyone have
any objection to this alliance?
She's here.
I'm scared
something will happen soon.
If no one has any objection,
then you can exchange gifts
and rings.
We accept.
Why would we come here
if we didn't agree?
Let's not waste time
over old traditions.
Let's exchange the rings.
How can we change traditions,
He's right.
- We'll have to follow the rules.
- We must.
Begin, sir.
Talk slowly, sir.
Why are you yelling?
Only two families matter here.
Why don't you whisper the names?
No, no, it's not about...
Look, Bajaj,
I don't like this at all.
- No...
- These are our glorious family names.
- Let him scream!
- Daddy, let him yell over the speaker.
- Go on.
- Let the whole world know.
Wait a minute.
By any chance,
do you have a gun on you, Bajaj?
No, why?
- Then scream away. Go on.
- Go ahead.
Sri Sukhanlal Bajaj,
son of late Heemlal Bajaj,
and grandson of Sri Bankelal Bajaj.
And his wife Mrs. Pammi Bajaj's
daughter is getting engaged today.
There she is.
- I told you not to come here.
- Nandan...
- Your daughter!
- Gehna?
From the first floor...
Have some water.
What happened to Gehna?
to Mrs. Anuradha Kapoor's son,
Are the families in agreement?
Do you agree?
Priest, continue.
What rubbish did you tell me?
Gehna's fast asleep.
Yes, she is sleeping.
Then why did you say she fell off?
But she did fall.
You said
she fell off the first floor.
- Where is the child?
- On the bed.
- Where's the bed?
- On the first floor.
See! I wasn't lying.
The child fell off the bed
and started crying. I got scared.
I ran all the way to temple
to tell you
that the child fell off the bed,
which is on the first floor.
But you only "first floor"
and ran away.
You should've heard me properly,
completely. What was the hurry?
Why create such a ruckus
if she fell off the bed?
You nearly killed me.
Killed you.
My soul left for heavenly abode
when she started crying
When a child cries,
whom does she want?
An uncle or a mother?
Don't try to pin this on me.
I get it.
In the future, if she falls from the bed
or the Everest, I won't tell anyone.
What is it now?
A girl, a child and a celibate.
I've never heard
such a story before.
"Without you, I don't exist"
"Without me, you don't"
"I feel alive around you"
"It's where I want to be"
"Without you, I don't exist"
"Without me, you don't"
"I feel alive around you"
"It's where I want to be"
"Without you, I don't exist"
"Without me, you don't"
"I feel alive around you"
"It's where I want to be"
"Don't, don't, don't worry"
"Together forever we shall be"
"I've become restless in your love"
"I want to give you my heart
Says my heart"
"We'll never go separate ways"
"We'll never go separate ways"
"This love shall never fade"
"Don't, don't, don't worry"
"Together forever we shall be"
"Don't, don't, don't worry"
"Together forever we shall be"
"Let's go to the world
Where love dwells"
"My world's wherever you are"
"I am your destination
And you're mine"
"I am your destination
And you're mine"
"I am crazy about you"
"Don't, don't, don't worry"
"Together forever we shall be"
"Don't, don't, don't worry"
"Together forever we shall be"
Wow, this is something!
What's with
the sudden show of love?
I just travelled back...
to our college days, Vaani.
Such fun, such madness,
just you and me.
Always together.
After you left, my heart
was completely shattered.
It took time to compose myself.
But one thing puzzles me.
We both know that
we don't have any children.
And yet, isn't it strange
that I feel so much love
for this unknown kid?
Is it that,
against my wish, you still dwell
in a secret corner of my heart?
Honestly speaking, I don't want
to prove you're a liar or expose you.
If there was any true love
between us,
then just tell me
whether she is my child or not.
- No.
- Then?
Gehna is not your daughter.
But I am in serious trouble.
I just want a father for her.
Then who is her father?
That I can't tell you.
Please do. Just tell me.
I said I can't tell you.
I really can't.
Oh, to hell with you
and your truth!
I don't want to hear anything more.
I have the evidence.
I can throw you out of the house.
Pack your bags, shove in this kitten
and leave the city.
Aakash! Aakash, stop!
Daddy, Preity,
Nandan, everyone, gather around!
The cat is out of the bag now!
Today we'll drop the curtain
on her drama.
Call Bajaj uncle if you need to.
Call the police if you want.
Today I will prove that
Aakash Kapoor did not cheat anyone.
Stop hopping around like a frog
during rains and tell us clearly.
Daddy, hear it straight
from the horse's mouth.
The truth.
You sly fox, trying to fit
her child in another family.
Everyone will soon know the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen,
listen carefully.
She said this herself!
you dwell somewhere in my heart
without my permission.
In fact,
we should call the police too.
We'll handcuff both mother and
daughter and put them behind bars.
Either you shut your mouth
or this contraption.
If there was any true love
between us,
then just tell me
whether she is my child or not.
The next voice you hear
will be hers.
Now... listen.
It was here. It was on it.
Her voice was on the tape!
then just tell me
whether she is my child or not.
What stupidity is this?
Hey, shut up!
Turn it off.
Or I will throw it out.
We'll find out the truth now.
It was on the tape.
It was on it for sure.
Aakash, Vaani, come with me.
Place your hand here
and this one on her.
And swear that
Gehna is Aakash's daughter.
I swear
Gehna is your son's daughter.
Even I can swear on her
that she's not my daughter.
I am not her dad.
Hey! Who the hell
just called me dad?
I don't know.
Someone called me dad.
The voice came from somewhere.
From where?
From here.
Someone called me dad.
What are you staring at?
Whom do I've to swear on?
I can swear on anything
or anyone you want.
Place one hand on your dad
and the other one on the idol.
Big deal! Here you go.
Didn't you put your ear to my stomach
and say that someone's calling you dad?
Before the exams
when we went for an outing.
- Tell me.
- No!
Truth needs no trial.
- Say it, Aakash!
- No.
I was pregnant then, dad.
Is it true?
- I was just fooling around.
- I'll slap you!
You knock up a girl and ran away?
Is it a joke to you?
Don't say such cheap things, dad.
You can act cheap,
but I can't say it.
My esteemed sir, do you have
more rubbish argument up your sleeve
to prove your innocence?
Tell me, please.
Now I am sure
you are the father of this child.
Let Aman return from the US.
If he too doesn't have a solution,
then you must marry Vaani.
Even I have an unmarried daughter.
I can't tolerate anyone
disrespecting women.
And I know how to handle Bajaj.
I saw you hiding the recorder.
I said everything
after turning it off.
I was not sure if I pressed
the right button.
Wow. What a brilliant charade
of love!
You're a criminal. A born criminal.
Are you playing the flute
or playing with my life?
Tape recorder.
This is a piece of crap!
It's broken.
I am sorry.
I'm ready to apologize
as many times you want.
Your uncle is
in the frying pan these days.
You know that.
It's better than
the earlier one. Look.
It's got Bluetooth.
Take it.
Now that you've accepted my gift,
we're friends again.
Can you do a job for me? Please.
What is it?
Just like you got rid of that
monster teacher like Chhota Bheem,
can you get rid of this witch too?
And the baby?
I swear she is not mine!
She isn't mine.
And if the mother leaves,
so will the baby.
Do something so that they both leave
and never come back.
- What do we get in return?
- Anything you want.
Superman's underwear,
Ironman's blaster,
- Thor's cup...
- That's a hammer!
Okay, fine.
You'll get anything you want.
No ifs and buts.
Do you want to see
your Akku uncle's dead body?
- Yes, why didn't you show us earlier?
- Be quiet.
Will you do something explosive?
- Promise.
- Promise.
The children will do
what they have to do.
But we can't stay dependent
on them.
So I've decided.
We'll have to find
a father for this child
so that I get out of this mess.
What do you think, Anju?
Yes, I am with you.
But where will we get such a man?
I know someone.
There was a hustler in our college.
He was a master
at making fake documents.
The canteen manager.
He can do anything for money.
He can find a father for the child.
Do you know his whereabouts?
He must still be in college.
It's not hard to find him.
Be assured. If I get him,
then this child gets a father.
I won't let it happen.
Stop this nonsense!
I have a limit you know!
You told him everything?
I didn't tell him anything.
She was hiding it from me too.
But I figured out after
I saw it with my own eyes.
Mr. Tiwari, it was a mistake.
I know it's a mistake.
But that doesn't mean you should hire
a father to hide your mistake.
Did you hear everything?
How long have you been
standing out in the cold?
I know everything.
But... but to appeal
without evidence,
is to hold a child
without a diaper.
It can shit on you anytime.
I wanted to catch you red-handed.
And that time has arrived.
What's done is done, Mr. Tiwari?
But I want to save my ass now.
You'll save your ass,
but what about
the mother and child?
Won't they get slandered?
To hell with the mother and child!
Did you hear? Did you hear?
Did you hear that?
This is out of our hands now,
- What can we do?
- No.
Mr. Tiwari, just don't tell anyone.
Anju, you and I are a family.
So, this is how you treat family?
And you could've told me.
You're my wife!
How could you do this to me?
I wanted to tell you, Radhe,
but uncle stopped me.
So, that Hitler
also knows everything.
And yet that lowlife was...
You don't know
how it spread, Tiwari!
Whether it spread straight or upside down
or spread on the bed or the sofa,
I don't want to know.
The child is here now, isn't it?
Isn't it?
- Yes.
- Yes.
So if you can get her pregnant,
then you should be
man enough to own it.
Don't hire a father for the child.
I admit I'm not man enough.
I am a coward.
But if you feel so sad for her,
then why don't you become
the father?
The whole city knows
I cannot become a father.
If I suddenly step out
with a child,
everyone will know it is not mine.
Otherwise, why only that child?
I would have fathered you also!
Then let me do what I want.
I won't let it happen.
I will tell everyone
that you're the father.
- You'll do that?
- I will.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, I am sure.
If you dare do it,
I will kill you and go to jail.
It's better than getting slandered.
Listen, Radhe! Don't mess with him.
He is a man of action.
Leave it, Radhe.
For the first time, a wife's lover
is threatening her husband
to accept the child
or get killed.
I will kill you before you kill me,
you rascal.
Hey, wimp,
I told you to get something.
Did you get it?
I beg you.
Don't add to my troubles.
So, you haven't got it.
No, I did, but...
Then hand it over.
Otherwise, next time,
I will break your hands and legs.
No, no, just don't tell anyone
that I got it for you.
And don't tell anyone
that we got these firecrackers.
Oh, my baby! You are here!
Do you want to study
like your siblings?
Come on.
You can when you grow up.
Until then we're going to play.
What happened?
It's a minor burn. Don't worry.
It's superficial burns.
You guys are lucky.
These runts
are the root of all trouble!
Now tell me honestly who
bought you those firecrackers?
If you don't tell me,
then I will skin you all alive.
It won't matter, daddy.
They have a thick skin.
Shut up, you loony.
Quiet! Why you...
Hold your knees! Come on!
Hold your knees!
Now tell me who bought
those firecrackers for you.
Preity, I'd kept the pincers
on barbecue.
Get them.
- Daddy...
- I said get them!
Like they burnt that child's hand,
I'll scald their posteriors!
- "Posteriors" means?
- It means this. This!
Hold your knees!
- Why are you're still here?
- Daddy...
They are bloody terrorists.
They should be treated the same way.
- Go and bring the pincers.
- Daddy...
I'll keep beating you
until you don't tell me
who bought those firecrackers
for you.
And I won't stop.
Whoever brought those firecrackers
for you,
I'll wrap him up with a rocket
and light it up.
- Can I tell you?
- Keep quiet.
I didn't ask you.
I gave it to them.
Because I told him to get it.
Nandan, don't blame yourself
for it.
Daddy, please.
Forgive me. I made a mistake.
I thought kids will love
to play with crackers.
I... took it from Nandan
and kept it on the table.
And completely forgot about it.
I didn't realize
when the incense stick fell on it.
Aren't you pleased after
causing us so much trouble?
If anything had happened
to Gehna, you would've blamed us!
Or was that your intention
all along?
To kill Gehna and blackmail us?
You won't set foot
in the kids' room again.
Since you are a single mother,
I sympathized with you.
But now I feel disgusted.
Where are you now?
In the same house.
I told you I need more time.
You asked for a month.
Your time's up.
Now come back.
But things aren't going
as I planned.
Please, I need more time.
If the wedding date
isn't fixed before the 26th,
I'll get in deep trouble.
I can give you 10 more days.
Fix a date. I'll be there.
What is everyone doing here?
"Let's go a place"
"Where love dwells."
"Where hearts become one"
"And the ambience is beautiful"
"Let's go a place"
"Where love dwells"
"Laughing one minute"
"And crying the next"
"Gaining one minute"
"And losing in the next"
"The darkness is banished"
"And the light shines through"
"If you ask for happiness"
"Grief comes with it too"
"Let's go a place"
"Where love dwells"
"Why does the sun hide at night?"
"Why doesn't the moon
Descend on Earth?"
"Tell me why"
"Tonight when I'll tuck you in"
"I'll introduce you
To the sun and moon"
"I'll introduce you
To the sun and moon"
"Hear me"
"I'll tell you what everyone knows"
"The sun and the moon
Have separate paths"
"Let's go a place"
"Where love dwells"
"Let's go a place"
"Where love dwells"
"Where hearts become one"
"And the ambience is beautiful"
"Let's go the place"
"Where love dwells"
Good night, grandpa.
Good night, grandpa.
Good night, grandpa.
Good night, grandpa.
Good night.
Good night.
You traitors!
You changed sides so soon!
That intruder lured you
with dance and few kisses,
and you promptly tucked
yourself in her belly?
Who hid your mischiefs
from the Wild Bull all this while?
Who helped you brush your teeth
in the morning?
Who cleaned up after
your shat sprinkles?
It was me.
It was your Akku uncle.
I should've adopted
stray dogs instead.
At least
they would've bitten my enemies.
Why are you quiet?
Did you swallow your tongues?
We're good kids.
Since when?
We don't talk back to our elders.
Don't think
she will be here forever.
Someday she will pack her stuff
and leave.
And that day,
you all will be in trouble.
Look, you're like my kid brother.
The other, day I yelled
and screamed at you.
I apologize for it.
It's okay.
I'm cool about these things.
You don't know my condition,
Mr. Tiwari.
Please help me out of this mess.
Never before has this happened
that the wife's lover is asking the
husband to help him out of their affair.
I'll help you out of this world.
What are you mumbling?
Such things happen.
I totally understand.
When a man and woman work long hours,
they develop an attraction.
It's only natural.
Exactly, that's what happened.
But you should've considered
that she's my wife,
and not some train compartment.
I'll tell you when this happened.
When I wasn't around. I know that.
Exactly, you weren't around.
In fact, this happened
when I was in college.
- That long ago?
- Yes.
- One day, I was in the shower.
- Yes?
- And she came inside.
- No.
I had just a towel
wrapped around me.
- No!
- So I said that I'm coming out...
No, no, I don't want to hear.
You must hear.
If you don't, how will you know
how it exactly happened?
No, no.
I can't hear beyond the towel.
There are people around.
If they hear us,
word will spread like a virus.
Show some decency.
That's right.
Okay, I'll tell you later.
What world are we living in, God,
where the wife's lover is telling
the husband how he got his wife pregnant!
Look, I don't want
to hear anything.
Let's shake hands
and say you forgive me.
How many times do I tell you
that I've forgiven you?
Not like this.
Cross my heart
and say you forgive me.
Say it.
I forgive you.
This may be 8th wonder of the world
where the wife's husband
is apologizing to her lover.
Listen, if you want me to believe
that you really forgave me,
then you must have a drink
with me.
- One drink.
- Done.
We'll drink after finishing
this game, okay?
No, no, I'll get it.
Because until we don't
say cheers, I'll be restless.
- Two whiskeys with soda.
- Okay, sir.
Hello. Best Care Hospital?
Send an ambulance
to the Royal Club.
A swine is going to die.
No, no, he's a human being.
A swine on two legs.
And hurry up.
My friend.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Excuse me, sir. You forgot to sign.
The economy is very bad. No tip.
Thank you, sir.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Move, move! A man's dying!
Out of the way!
Where's the corpse?
Come on. Come on.
I am the corpse.
Don't wait till I am dead.
Take me while I am dying.
Let the ambulance cry out loud!
Finally, we reached home
at midnight.
The doctors pumped his stomach thrice.
Only then did he find relief.
But what happened to Tiwari?
Who knows.
There. That's him.
- Him?
- Yes.
How can he look like
Vaani's husband?
There should be some compatibility
between husband and wife, no?
Look who's talking.
He looks crazy,
but he's the perfect guy for the job.
No water, no ice. Fill the glass.
- Hello.
- Greetings.
I am Anjali.
I was coordinating with you.
Oh, wonderful.
Did you get the money?
I paid you half in advance.
- What about the rest?
- After job's done.
It's a breeze for me.
I'll get it done.
Wait a minute.
Excuse me, lady.
See. It looks quite real.
Take a good look.
Check it properly.
No lawyer
or government can prove it's fake.
Go! We don't entertain beggars
on Tuesday.
But I am not a beggar, uncle.
Uncle? Do I look like your uncle?
I like giving respect to elders.
What is your name?
Raja Dhatingarh Dhingra
from Dholpur.
- Raja?
- Yes.
What do you want?
Tea, breakfast and my wife.
What does your wife do around here?
In this house too, my wife does
the same job of being a wife.
That's absurd.
Hiding someone's wife
in your home is absurd.
My wife and child are living here
as the young master's wife and child!
Aakash! Supreme sir!
Look at his face.
Doesn't something seem off?
Call my wife and child!
Show some manners.
Do you know who you're talking to?
You're right, dad.
He looks like a hooligan.
We shouldn't brawl with that lout.
Let's call her
and see what happens.
Preity, go call her.
Let her come.
We'll find out the truth.
Come here, witch.
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
You don't know me?
Take a good look at me.
You don't recognize this face?
Siddhivinayak Temple, Mumbai,
we stood in the queue for 8 hours,
the crowd there
was witness to our marriage.
And I made you mine forever.
Now, do you remember?
How dare you ask who I am?
"Your salary doesnt pay
for my make-up,"
you said this
when you left me, you sinner.
Since then, like a loyal puppy,
I've been waiting for you.
I thought the day you realize
that money isn't everything
you'll fall at my feet and plead,
"Please take me back, Popat!"
But you disappeared
like a grey donkey in the fog!
I've been running from pillar
to post looking for you and your child...
Sorry, you and my child...
I've been running from pillar
to post looking for you and our child!
But look where I found you!
I've been pining for you
all this while.
After shattering my world,
you destroyer,
you dare ask me who I am?
I never imagined
I'll live to see this day.
- I want to slap this...
- Don't touch her!
Don't touch her!
Only I can touch my woman.
Where is my child?
Where is my child?
Oh, wait. I remember now.
He was
our college canteen's manager.
His name was Popat Jamal.
- Am I right?
- Yes, you're right.
But I changed my religion
only to marry you.
And I changed my name
to Dhatingarh Dhingra.
Couldn't you think
of a better name?
I don't have a husband like him.
What proof do you have
that you're her husband?
Of course, I have evidence.
I have a marriage certificate.
If he shows a marriage certificate,
then there shouldn't be a problem.
We'll send his wife and kid
with him.
I'll show you.
Your mother didn't potty-train you?
Bloody crow.
Won't even let me kill a person
in peace.
What is this?
I had kept it in the kitchen.
Near the burner.
But it's not completely burnt.
I swear on Allah.
You swear on Allah?
A new convert can't forget
his old gods.
As they say, "All gods are one,
so bluff it out with everyone."
Okay, let's assume that
I am not your husband.
I am not your husband.
But remember
how you used to boast?
You used to gloat about spending
the rest of your life with a rich guy.
Then go live with a filthy tycoon.
Your Highness doesn't like filling
water from the public tap anymore.
So, get one tap in the kitchen,
one in the bedroom.
Live with Mr. Moneybags who'll order
a water tanker for you every day!
But give me my child.
She is my flesh and blood.
Is your blood A+?
There's emotional upheaval
happening here,
and you think it's funny?
I will give you the child.
He's been chanting
"my child, my child" for so long.
What is your child's name?
Tell me.
What is your child's name?
Tell her.
Tell her.
What's in a name?
It's the relationship that matters.
A father should know
his child's name.
How can anyone ask
a child's name as evidence?
Oh, God. I pray that no father
in the world ever sees such a day.
And may God never give
such a father to any child.
Listen, the child's name
is Ganesha.
We don't have any child
by that name here.
I call her by that name.
She's my child.
I can call her by any name.
Isn't Ganesha a nice name?
I asked you her real name.
We don't play these real
and digital name games.
Okay, fine.
My real kid's name...
I mean my kid's real name is Moti!
Moti is the name of our dog.
If he's your child,
you can happily take him.
Who calls his daughter Moti?
There's no such rule!
I can call her what I want!
You can call your dog Moti and
I can't call my daughter Moti?
My mother's name was Purushottam.
Now, tell me.
I had a hunch about your pedigree.
Daddy, I know his name.
What happened?
Nothing. The children
are just messing around.
I'll have to sit right in his mouth
and shoot. Only then he will die!!
Can we conclude
you don't know your child's name?
Who said I don't know
my child's name?
My child's name is Gadha.
You are a donkey!
Preity, we cannot let go
of this fraudster.
Call the police.
No, no, no.
I will handle him.
Out with the truth!
You know the child's real name.
If you tell the real name, then mother
and daughter are happily yours.
Gehna. Gehna.
Say it!
Gaana. Gaana.
The child's name is Gaana.
Call the police!
No, you fool.
Not Gaana or song.
You bloody idiotic nincompoop.
I've had enough!
My endurance has a limit.
You should've told me everything
in detail.
Told you what?
You told me I have to act as
the child's father, the wife's husband.
You should've told me
the child's name as well.
Daddy, he's lying.
I've never seen him in my life!
You can't throw mud at me
and wiggle out clean.
You sent me so many emails
telling me about the mother and child.
And you also promised
to give me Rs. 100,000.
I haven't sent an email in two years!
You can check my account.
To whom did you send the last one
two years back?
I sent it to you, you fool!
Congratulating on your granny's demise.
How dare you?
Get out of my house!
Sir, now I'll tell you the truth!
- Your son is a fraud.
- No!
- He had an affair with Vaani in college.
- No!
Lovey-dovey, completely in love.
He knocked her up
while playing table tennis!
He gave me Rs. 20,000
to abort the child.
Vaani didn't agree.
He threatened Vaani.
If you don't abort the child,
I'll leave you.
Vaani said,
"I will raise my love child."
- But this coward ran away!
- No!
And since then,
I saw him yesterday.
He is the father of this child.
He is the father of this child.
He is the father of this child.
For years, it's clinging
to the wall like a lizard.
It's time to put it to good use.
I will chop his head off today.
My sword!
- Come here.
- Aakash!
Catch that rascal! Catch him!
Oh, God. Guess Ive been exposed.
Out of my way!
Tiwari, why did you jump
in the well?
To measure its depth, you idiot!
Throw a rope
or your child won't have a father!
Throw a rope!
I've fixed our wedding date.
Next Sunday.
You insisted, and I gave you time.
Now it's enough.
Come with me. Get in the car.
No, please. Give me few more days.
You know
how important this date is.
You know.
If this wedding doesn't happen
on Sunday, I'll get in trouble.
And you too.
Things are not going as planned.
A few more days. Please.
This is ridiculous.
Are you taking me for granted?
Don't test my patience.
Do you want me
to take strict measures?
I'll be there on Sunday.
Whether my mission is a success or not.
I have arrangements to make.
If you don't turn up by Saturday,
I'll come over and reveal
your real plan to everyone.
Got it?
I will expose you.
Welcome, welcome, Mr. Kapoor!
Swati and Aman didn't come?
They arrived in the morning.
Their flight was delayed.
I see.
They must be jet-lagged.
What happened?
Did you talk to Puja?
Yes. It's all been taken care of.
Don't worry.
How did you convince
that stubborn girl?
I didn't. Swati met her.
Yes, papa. She wanted money.
I tried to bargain,
but she didn't listen.
We don't have a choice.
We'll have to pay her.
- But is she convinced?
- Yes, papa.
What happened, brother?
Fasten your seatbelt and take off.
Mother and daughter
are leaving for good.
- Really?
- Really?
Your bad luck is over.
Go, have fun.
Thank you.
"There she goes, stealing my heart"
"Stealing my sleep
Where do you go?"
"I have lost my mind
I am going crazy"
"I have lost my mind
I am going crazy"
"What is this madness?"
"Here I go, stealing your heart"
"I don't know where I go"
"You're my destination"
"You're my destination"
"I go where you go"
"There she goes, stealing my heart"
"Here I go, stealing your heart"
"These intoxicating eyes
Stole my heart"
"Your attitude pierced my heart"
"Sometimes when you're near
Sometimes from afar"
"Even you caused me a lot of pain"
"My body and my beauty"
"Your body and your beauty"
"Your body and your beauty"
"Have been intoxicating me"
"Here I go, stealing your heart"
"I don't know where I go"
"I am alone and so are you"
"It's an enchanting night"
"Let me tell you and you tell me"
"What's on your mind"
"There's no fear, no worry"
"There's no fear, no worry"
"There's no fear, no worry"
"I am enjoying this"
"There she goes, stealing my heart"
"Stealing my sleep
Where do you go?"
"You're my destination"
"You're my destination"
"I go where you go"
Stop! Stop!
Cancel this wedding!
I won't let it happen.
Because my wife is pungent.
If your wife's pregnant,
why can't my daughter get married?
You have the right to know.
You do.
According to our constitution,
everyone has
the right to know
who got my wife pregnant.
Honestly speaking,
I am not the father.
Then who is?
You want to know who?
Do you want to?
Come here. Come here.
Do you want to?
Listen to me carefully.
The father of this child
is this ass.
Oh, God.
Even God can't save you now.
What rubbish is this,
Wow, this is amazing.
They can do it,
and I can't even speak about it.
Shut up, Tiwari! Did you drink
and flush your brain down the drain?
Another word and I will shoot you.
Someone throw this garbage out!
Listen, wise guy.
Didn't you tell my wife
not to tell anyone about the child?
Did you say or not?
You did! You did! You did!
And he was there when you said it.
It's true, but...
- See, it's true. It's true.
- Tiwari. Tiwari.
- Tiwari.
- He admits it's true.
- It's not what you think.
- My Lord...
point to be noted, my Lord.
- Tiwari.
- He said it's true.
What am I hearing, Kapoor?
You're such a lowlife.
Don't blame him.
He said it as a father so that rumours
don't foil his son's marriage.
Tiwari, you're blaming him
and also defending him.
Be quiet!
- Bajaj...
- Either you say yes or say no.
- Don't confuse us.
- Bajaj...
Bajaj sir, you guys are mistaken.
You said that Anjali
is like a daughter to you.
She is!
- And you did this to your daughter?
- Look, I'm trying to explain...
With such people around,
how can our daughters be safe?
Swear on your son that you're
hiding the child from everyone.
Say it.
Say it. Say it. Are you paralyzed?
I admit there's a child.
But it's not mine.
You didn't understand.
He's telling the truth.
It's not his child.
This child is the result
of their passionate love story.
Anju is like my sister!
And you got your sister pregnant?
- Uncle...
- Now you're blaming the son!
- Now you've changed the story!
- I'll reveal the real story.
You white camel,
tell them that this is his child.
If not, then whose child is it?
I am not having an affair
with anyone.
Nor am I pregnant.
This man got drunk
and has puked all nonsense.
Calm down. Calm down.
Now, this is not your problem.
This is my problem.
I have a question.
You admitted there is a child.
Then who is that secret child?
Where is she?
Who is the real father?
Now I don't want to hide anything.
A few days ago, a girl came
to my door with a child.
She claimed
that Aakash is the child's father.
Aakash admitted that
he loved that girl in college,
but he's not the child's father.
We decided that,
until we investigate the matter,
we won't tell anyone.
You knew. You knew about
your son's lusty escapades.
And yet you were letting him
marry my daughter?
I had smelt it, daddy.
This marriage was only for the money.
Scoundrels always have
bad intentions.
Another word against my father...
No, Aakash. Let him.
We deserve it.
I understand his agony.
He's a father after all.
He can't watch his daughter
become a spectacle.
Let me confess one thing.
I had sleepless nights for the last
two months despite taking medication.
But your abuses have taken a load off.
Now I can sleep well.
It's good she's asleep.
Today was supposed to be
a grand event.
All our relatives had come over
all dolled up.
But my dad got insulted
in front of them all
because his son supposedly
has a wife and kid.
Now, no marriage for me.
But I'm not the loser
in the bargain.
I'm not heartbroken. Ask why?
You won't ask.
Because you're much more beautiful,
talented and cultured
than my ex-fiancee.
So, it isn't a complete loss
for me.
Do you understand the scene here?
- Come on.
- Aakash.
Are you drunk?
Of course, I'm drunk.
"Here comes my beloved"
Rose, jasmine, here, there...
My room was going to be decorated
for my wedding night.
Never mind the flowers.
But I won't miss my wedding night.
I won't miss this opportunity.
Aakash, if you try to touch me,
I'll scream.
Then scream!
What will you say
when everyone comes running?
That I tried to make love on you?
Doesn't the husband
have any right on his wife?
Call them. Call everyone.
Better yet, I'll call them.
Daddy, daddy,
come watch me getting raped!
Aakash, please!
When we were in love,
I was pretty decent with you.
If I had done anything wrong,
then you would've been carrying
dozens of kids around.
I made a big mistake.
Come here, you deserter.
Aakash, let me go. Let me go!
What are you doing?
I kept losing to you all this time,
but now I want a win.
Aakash, please wait.
- Wait, I'll tell you the truth!
- Tell me.
Something wrong?
Since the day I got here,
I've been waiting for you to return.
Remember when your divorce
case was in court,
you lived in Kolkata
for a couple of months.
What about that?
You met a girl called Richa.
You two fell in love.
You promised to marry her.
But you betrayed her.
You broke your promise.
And that poor thing passed away
after giving birth to your child.
How do you know all this?
She was my elder sister.
Gehna is my sister's
and your daughter.
I brought her here so I can hand over
a motherless child to her father.
I won't believe your story.
Why won't you? Is it because
your situation is preventing you
from believing it
or because
you don't want to admit it?
Maybe it's all true.
- It is!
- I believe you.
I had pretty rough patch till now.
Somehow I shave eased
all the creases with my family's help.
I can't throw a stone
in still water.
I may seem like an evil man to you,
but I don't care.
It doesn't matter to me.
Then I must tell the truth
to everyone.
You and your bubble of lies
are already too many here.
I'll claim that you are a liar
and that it's impossible
to trust you.
Who will believe you then?
I will.
My own son can be such a lowlife
I could never imagine.
- Daddy...
- Shut up!
You said what you had to.
Now the ball is in our court.
You can go now.
I can't accept.
When I came to tell you
about the crisis back home,
I saw that you idolize
the same man who ruined our lives.
I thought you would be
just like your brother.
A cheat. And I thought
the same of your love.
A lie.
That's why I didn't want to see
your face before leaving the hostel.
My sister passed away giving birth
to your brother's daughter.
After that,
I couldn't find any evidence
to prove that this bundle of joy
is not an orphan.
I had only one option to give her
a respectable life in this family.
Using our love
to play a dastardly game.
I've heard enough from you.
Now listen to me.
Let's get married tomorrow
before any new problem crops up.
This is my family's decision too.
And I'm still madly in love
with you.
Daddy! Aakash!
Daddy! Daddy.
Vaani is not in her room.
And neither is Gehna.
I found this letter.
"Aakash, once again I'm running away
without telling you.
"You called me a deserter.
Maybe that's right.
"I don't want you to ruin your life
by accepting someone else's child.
"Even if that child
belongs to your brother.
"Please forgive me if you can.
I'm going away from you,
"but only until the next lifetime,
"if such thing exists.
Till then, I'm all yours. Vaani."
- Swati...
- No need to say anything.
Daddy told me everything.
And we've decided that Aakash
and Vaani will get together.
But where will we find her?
You'll get an authentic fake certificate
with the principal's sign and stamp.
Thank you, sir.
But don't go thank the principal
after the job's done.
And pay me in advance.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.
It wasn't my fault.
- Listen to me.
- You didn't tell me her name.
For just Rs. 50,000,
you came after me here?
I'll pay it back in full.
- It's not about the money!
- Then what?
I need your help.
Hey, family.
- What happened?
- Get in the car. Get in the car.
What happened?
He said she just left
for her wedding.
Who said? Whose wedding?
- Vaani's.
- Vaani's.
Did you ask properly? Who told you?
The liftman did.
Where is the wedding?
Where... Where is the wedding?
He didn't tell me that.
He only said
Mangal Gully, Borivali.
Mangal Gully, Borivali.
There are many marriage halls
in Mangal Gully.
Don't worry.
We'll find out on the way.
- Hurry up.
- Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Stop. Stop here.
Come on.
Stop this wedding.
Stop this wedding.
Because she doesn't
want to get married.
She's being forced.
Who is this madman?
She is already married.
He's her husband.
Don't stop me.
Let me tell them the truth.
They even have a child together.
The child's name is...
What is her name?
- At least now tell them the name.
- Listen.
that's the name of the child.
They chose a strange name.
It's okay.
We're wrong.
How can we be wrong?
How can we be wrong?
How can it be wrong?
You can get married
in this venue. Imagine.
If you don't believe me,
then ask...
You cheat!
Hey, priest, please continue.
We forgive you.
Dad, let's run!
This way. This way.
Help me!
Daddy, Vaani's here.
Now you're husband and wife.
God bless you two.
Wait a second.
You insisted that we accept Gehna.
We're here.
Come, child.
We wanted to accept you
in the family too,
but I guess we're too late.
What you said must be right.
For us,
probably it's the next lifetime.
Why not this lifetime?
I am Premnath Pannu.
Director, producer,
actor, editor, writer, singer...
Et cetera, et cetera.
I beg you.
Your love story
will strip me naked.
I've mortgaged everything
to invest in this TV serial,
The Judge Was Once A Thief.
Today is the last day of the shoot.
Only one shot left.
If I don't get it, I am screwed.
Please give me one shot.
She's left me hanging for months.
After that,
you can do anything you want.
Start lights, start camera,
start sound.
I think there's a new red sock
in my life.
"I didn't steal, didn't steal"
"Your peace or your sleep"
"I did nothing wrong"
"I didn't steal, didn't steal"
"Your peace or your sleep"
"I did nothing wrong"
"When I winked at you"
"You lost your mind"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"I didn't steal, didn't steal"
"Your peace or your sleep"
"I did nothing wrong"
"I didn't steal, didn't steal"
"Your peace or your sleep"
"I did nothing wrong"
"When you winked at me"
"I lost my mind"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"Uproar, uproar, uproar, uproar"
"Uproar, uproar, uproar, uproar"
"I love you"
"You love me"
"Why is the world jealous?"
"Why be scared?"
"Together we want to be"
"Let's not worry about the world"
"Let's go somewhere far"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"I didn't steal, didn't steal"
"Your peace or your sleep"
"I did nothing wrong"
"When you winked at me"
"I lost my mind"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"When we fell in love"
"It caused an uproar"
"Uproar, uproar, uproar, uproar"
"Uproar, uproar, uproar, uproar"