Hungry Dog Blues (2022) Movie Script

Hey, uh, it's Charlie.
Leave a message. Thanks.
Charlie, it's your dad.
Uh, I wasn't sure
if this number still worked,
but, um...
you gotta help me, son,
'cause I got nobody else.
You gotta find this Walker guy.
He's working with Ronnie,
the damn accountant.
She's trying to dump
this whole thing on me!
She is feeding them lies,
lies to save herself!
You find Walker,
you'll find that money.
That-- that money...
you gotta find it.
You-- you gotta help me, kid.
Just... help me.
That-- that money,
you-- you gotta find it.
You gotta help me, son.
Just help me.
They took everything.
Everything I ever built,
they-- they took.
- Well, tell your mother
I'll take them to school.
No, it's fine.
It's important that, uh, they
think that things are normal.
I'll text you in the morning.
Okay. I love you.
Okay, bye.
-Everything all good?
-Yeah, fine.
So... you have a girlfriend?
You know, one time,
when I was a kid,
my da-- Dad-- uh, tried to
hire the girl doing concessions
'cause of how well she up-sold
the extra-large popcorn
with the collectible bucket.
Didn't exactly go for
the cream of the crop, did he?
My mom worked for him.
Oh. No, I didn't--
I didn't mean her.
Hey, listen.
I'm really sorry about
what happened to your mom.
I wanted-- I should've called,
you know, but what--
Yeah, why would you?
Well... uh, um... um...
Nah, it's all good, man.
This guy.
-I think that's a Bass Pro
sticker. Might be a fisherman.
-No, no, no.
Look across the back window.
It's a gun rack.
Uh, I don't know.
This is our guy, trust me.
Let's just give him a minute,
um, make sure he didn't forget
his wallet or something.
-You sure we need to do this?
-Yes, we do.
-We agreed, no violence, right?
-That's how we
keep everybody safe.
-Funny, doesn't feel that way.
Well, that's why you can't
trust your feelings. All right?
See you in a sec.
- Okay--
Watch where you're going.
- Stop, stop, stop!
- Go, go, go! Come on, come on!
Go, come on, come on, come on!
-Come on! Go, go!
All right, okay!
-Go, go, go!
-Close the door, get the door!
-All right, I'm closing!
-Slow down!
-Sorry! Come on!
Why the fuck did he lock it?
Was it locked?
-I don't know,
I wasn't watching that!
-It was locked!
What? What happened?
Why'd you break the window?
What the hell are you--
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Don't point that over here.
God bless Middle America.
Oh, fuck.
-Um, yeah.
I'm looking for Rhonita Days.
Is-- is she around?
No, she doesn't
live here anymore.
Would you happen
to know where she moved to?
-Why are you looking for her?
-Um, I'm with the Post.
She's testifying against
her boss about some
illegal activity going on.
We're doing an article on her.
-This house is listed
under her name--
-Actually, no.
I had it filed to be
in my name seven years ago.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm Tina.
I'm Ronnie's daughter.
Her daughter?
-I didn't know she had any kids.
-Yeah, I don't think
she does either.
-All right, well, if you
have any leads, it's really--
-No, I don't. Listen, Mister...
-Listen, Charlie, I don't have
much to say on my mother.
In fact, when the real Post
called me months ago asking
about her,
I told them I wasn't interested
in helping them either.
But I did Google her boss.
Frank something.
And you look just like him.
Frank Whithers is my dad.
Is it true? That he...
Yeah, I mean,
he's in a coma now.
They don't know if
he's gonna wake up.
-You think he's innocent?
-I do.
Look, I'm sorry I lied,
but I gotta find her.
-What do you want with her?
-I wanna find the money
she's saying my dad stole.
-What, you think she has it?
-No, I think she's
working with somebody.
-His name's Jim Walker,
or at least that's the name
they use in the books.
I tried looking him up,
he doesn't seem to exist.
All right,
she's the only one who knows
who he is or where to find him.
-How much did they steal?
-Something like $3.2 million.
My dad found out
and Ronnie dumped it on him.
You have no idea who
you're dealing with, do you?
Come on in.
I was 15 when
everything went down with
her last husband, Kenny.
Real peach. Ronnie turned him in
for getting friendly with the
boys at the local high school.
And then after he got locked up,
she took him for
everything he had.
And then one day
I come home from school,
and there's a note that says,
"Be back soon."
And that was the last time
that I saw her.
So you've been on your
own since you were 15?
I mean, it sounds crazy
when you say it like that,
but I guess so.
I mean, I kept thinking somebody
was gonna come and kick me out,
but nobody ever came.
Bills came, paid 'em.
Nobody ever bothered me,
so I stayed.
That's pretty incredible.
- Well.
-You finish school?
-Of course.
-What's up with the...
-Excuse me?
Nothing. Never mind.
So, there wasn't anyone you
could've stayed with? Your dad?
He was killed when I was six.
I'm sorry.
By Ronnie.
-He was found shot in his car,
right outside our house.
On payday, no less.
Police said it was
attempted robbery.
She-- she sold his
house, his car,
and everything he had
not two weeks after he died.
She never even shed a tear.
And-- and then you look at
what happened to Kenny,
and now your dad,
it's the same game.
People don't change,
especially not her.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, well, now you know
who you're dealing with.
Can't choose
your parents, I guess.
No, you can't.
You see,
my mom was my dad's secretary.
- Uh-oh.
- Yeah, uh-oh is right.
So by the time she got pregnant,
he'd been married for
something like 20 years.
I mean, he'd raised a family,
and his son was about to
get married, and...
he already had a whole life.
-That's hard.
Well, you have a half-brother.
I guess so.
Yeah, I don't really know him.
First time we ever really
talked was when everything
went down with my dad.
-The government raided his house
looking for the stolen money.
It spooked his wife.
She took his kids,
went to stay with her parents.
He needs to find Ronnie
more than anybody.
Look, Tina.
I'm not trying to hurt your mom,
but I need to find her
to save my dad.
Please, is there any way
you can help us?
Why are you doing this?
I get your brother.
But why are you?
I gave my word.
Your word?
Yeah. Um, to my mom.
I promised her that
I would never abandon my family
if they needed me.
Seems like a lot of risk
for your word.
Who would I be if I didn't try?
What would that make me?
How far would you go to
save your dad if you could?
To save my dad?
I'd go as far as I had to.
- Hello? Hello?
- Ronnie?
Who's this?
Mama, it's Tina.
Yeah, Mama, it's me.
How'd you get this number?
-How'd you get this number?
It was in the letter
that you left me.
Fucking kidding me...
Okay. Well,
how you doing, little girl?
-Mom, I need your help.
-My help? For what?
-Tina, I got problems
of my own, you know.
-I'm pregnant.
- Are you sure?
- Pretty sure.
sorry, sister, I don't know
what you want me to do--
-Mom, I think my water broke.
Jesus, Tina, that's
pretty fucking pregnant!
-I know.
-Tina, you need to
go to a hospital.
Mama, I-- I can't. I don't
have money for a hospital,
-and I don't have anybody else.
-What? Stop. Stop.
Just hold on a second.
-Please, I-- I never
ask you for anything.
-Just hold on.
Mama, please.
I'm alone, and I'm scared.
- And you said that you never
forgave Grandma because she--
- Stop.
I'm sorry, Tina, honey,
I-- I can't help you.
She'll call back.
She'll call back.
She'll call back, just wait.
Come on, Charlie.
Fuck it.
...this Walker guy.
He's working with Ronnie,
the damn accountant.
She's trying to dump
this whole thing on me!
She is feeding them lies,
lies to save herself!
You find Walker,
you'll find that money.
That-- that money...
you gotta find it.
You-- you gotta help me--
Ronnie, you have one
chance to answer my question.
If you lie,
I'm gonna take something
from you that you care about.
Maybe a finger,
or a toe.
Maybe an ear.
This? It's all up to you.
You're in control.
First question.
Do I have a loaded gun?
Nod. Nod your head.
Do I have a loaded weapon?
Do I give a fuck
if anyone hears me?
- Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
- No.
So let's get one thing straight.
I can do whatever I want,
and no one can hear you.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
But what happens from
now on is in your control.
And what happens
to your daughter... in your-- Shut her up!
Stop it,
I can't understand-- stop!
- I can't understand
a word you're saying.
I'm gonna ask a question.
You're going to answer it.
Right? Nod.
Don't fucking lie, okay?
Jim Walker.
His real name and
where I can find him.
Bring me the knife.
I'm taking this bitch's ear off.
Wait, I-- I don't understand.
Walker. His real name
and where I can find him.
He-- he's a machine broker
out of Ohio.
Why-- why do you want him?
Ha! Wrong answer.
-Stop! Just stop!
-Why don't you wanna
tell me who he is?
I told you who he is!
He's a machine broker
out of Ohio!
He has nothing to do with this.
That is the wrong answer.
I warned you, Ronnie.
Now, hold still. I'm gonna
take this fuckin' ear off.
- I'm not very good with
this thing, so just--
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
I told her to shut the fuck up.
Actually, fuck it,
bring her in here.
You wanna play around?
Let's play around.
I don't understand you, Ronnie.
You can end this.
I know you know who he is.
Just tell me and this
is all over.
-I told you who he--
-Look, if you don't
tell me who he is,
I'm gonna execute
your daughter right here.
Wait, no. Wait, wait!
Wait! Listen!
You want the money, right?
Frank has the money.
Frank Whithers. He used me.
He used all of us.
He's the one you want.
Used you?
Used you?
You wanna fuck with me?
Guess how much money they found
when they seized Frank's assets.
Fuckin' goose egg. Nothing.
You wanna fuck to with me?
See what happens.
This is funny to you?
All right.
Bring that girl. Right here.
I'm gonna count to three.
You don't tell me
what I wanna know,
I'm gonna shoot
this girl in the head.
I'm not fuckin' playing, Ronnie.
Don't move.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
That wasn't a lie.
She's about to pop.
This is your last chance.
Mr. Walker,
or your daughter and grandchild.
What's it gonna be?
Can't help you.
Have it your way.
You think I was fucking kidding?
You happy now? Huh?
-Now tell me--
-Tina! Get up, honey.
She's dead, Ronnie.
She's dead because you--
how stupid do you think I am?
I know it's you, Charlie.
Charlie Whithers.
And I'm guessing the other one
is your brother Terrence, right?
Would you stop? Tina, get up.
Tina, you did good, girl.
Honestly. You all did good.
But Charlie
fucked it up for you.
So let's cut the bullshit.
Well, Tina, my girl,
she kinda fucked it up too.
But that's not her fault.
I just know my girl.
I guess... Terrence,
you did the best job by
keeping your fuckin' mouth shut.
First of all, ain't no way
Christina Day calls me for help.
No way in hell.
Unless she had
a real good reason,
and saving some sad boy's daddy
from her evil mama?
Hmm, that might work.
Second: the only people who
know your daddy had no money
was the FBI, your daddy,
and me.
you're not the FBI or myself,
so you gotta be with Daddy.
Really wasn't that
hard to put together.
But now we've got a problem.
Now that I know it's you,
you've got two options.
One, kill me.
I don't think you wanna do that,
seeing this whole fucking
charade you got going on.
Option two, you can cut me loose
and I can tell you how
we all walk out of here
with what we want.
You want Walker?
You want your daddy to go free?
At least hear me out.
Hell, you can always try
and beat it out of me after if
you don't like my proposition.
Why, Tina girl?
I ain't even mad at you.
Girl's gotta do what she's gotta
do to survive in this world.
I understand that, trust me.
I mean, this is something else.
-You try one thing-- one thing--
-You're gonna listen to her?
It's a miracle!
Ha-ha, she's alive--
Shut up! Here.
-What was that?
-I don't know. I improvised.
You shot my house. Twice!
I know. Sorry.
And it didn't even work!
Fuck. All right, I know.
-I'm new at this, okay?
What do you think?
The woman is a liar.
She will say anything
to get out of this.
I don't see us
having another choice.
Look, we listen to
what she's gotta say.
We don't like it, we're in
the same place we are now.
Nothing good is gonna
come from her mouth.
You say what you
gotta say and that's it.
You talk to her,
you run your mouth,
and things get bad for you.
You got it?
Your daddy
started sniffing around
where he wasn't supposed to.
So, before he could do anything
I beat him to the punch
and went to the Feds.
I gave them everything,
Frank on a platter.
They were happy
to take it, too.
But this wasn't
enough for Walker.
You see, Walker's problems
don't get solved.
They disappear.
And seeing that I hadn't
disappeared just yet,
I figured he wasn't
done with me.
- Mr. Walker--
- Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Let me do the talking,
Ronnie, okay?
Here's the deal.
I do not care if you have to
testify in front of
Jesus Christ himself.
If I even begin to think
that they are sniffing around me
or my businesses,
that'll be bad news.
Now, you understand?
Say you're gonna see it through.
I'm gonna
see it through.
Just so you know,
I'm not a complete
heartless bastard.
When this is all over
and Frank Whithers is
rotting in a jail cell,
I will give you 50 grand as
a reward for a job well done.
How's that sound?
Sound like a fair deal to you?
Good. Me too.
Now, I'm not saying
what I'd done is right.
But I did what I had to do,
which is...
what I've always done.
Let's say I believe this story.
Why not see it through,
make 50 grand?
Mr. Walker isn't the type
to leave loose ends.
There is no 50,000.
-So he kills you
as soon as my dad goes away.
-You are smart, huh?
- What do you want?
- Here's the deal.
I'll reverse my testimony
about your daddy
if you take care of
Mr. Walker for me.
"Take care of"?
And why would I do that?
'Cause it's the only way
your daddy gets off.
Well, I could kill you.
That seems to solve
the problem just as well.
You could.
But my testimony still stands.
Your daddy stays locked up,
and you'll probably get caught.
Really? How do you figure?
Boy, this ain't nothing.
Killing a man's
a whole 'nother ballgame.
You don't have the know-how to
get away with killing somebody.
Oh, and you do?
I sure do.
All right...
Let's say we do this and we
take care of Mr. Walker for you.
Who's to say you see things
through on your end?
Who's to say you don't just rat
on us and fuck everyone over?
Which seems much
more your nature.
Normally you'd be right.
But in this case,
you are 100% wrong.
Telling the Feds anything to do
with Mr. Walker is bad for me.
No, Walker being dead is good,
but only if the Feds
don't connect him to me.
So it needs to be done right.
You realize if you reverse your
testimony this late in the game,
you go to jail, right?
Yeah, you're probably right.
Not for very long, though.
But still...
I guess it had better be
worth my while to go away, huh?
What do you mean?
Mr. Walker has
a safe in the house.
Let's say someone were
to try to rob this safe,
and Mr. Walker just happens to
get killed during the process.
The robbery wouldn't
be connected to our situation.
And then,
if you don't fuck it up,
you would have at least
about 3.2 million reasons
I see it through on my end.
-You're disgusting.
It's called survival, honey.
How do I get him
to open the safe?
- You know how, son.
- Charlie. Charlie!
-We can't do this.
-I don't see us
having another choice.
-We don't even know if
she's telling us the truth.
-I think the money part is.
-So that's it?
-Yes, that's it.
We connect Ronnie and Walker
to the stolen money,
-and that's all. And Dad walks.
-That's not good enough for me.
If she tells anyone
about this, or, God forbid,
this guy comes after us...
It's about him, isn't it?
- Too risky. Sorry.
It's not gonna happen.
We should walk away. Now.
She knows who we are.
Do you think she's
just gonna let this go
and-- and forget about it?
It's her word against ours.
She can't prove it.
-She's trying to play us.
-Then we play her right back.
As long as we get Walker,
what's it matter?
What matters is the risk.
You think you're
the only one here?
What about Tina?
I mean, what do you think
happens to her if we walk away?
I'm sorry. She's not my problem.
So you're just gonna cast us
aside and protect yourself?
-It's not like that.
-Then what's it like?
-I have to protect my family.
-What, I'm not your family?
-Dad's not?
-No, you're not.
You don't remember.
You don't remember
the beatings, the drugs.
He turned into a monster.
Charlie, I didn't mean that.
You're a coward.
-You should go now.
-What did you call me?
-You should leave.
-Did you just call me a coward?
'Cause you are.
I did what I had to do
to protect us.
-It's the truth.
You know what scares me
the most about you?
You really believe the bullshit
you tell yourself, don't you?
I guess you're more like
your mama than I thought.
That, however,
you got from your daddy.
You don't wanna
see this through?
You don't have what it takes to
see this through? Well, I do.
I don't need you to do it.
This isn't you.
Isn't me?
You don't know me.
You've never wanted to know me.
So now you can leave.
Or I will show you
who I am, coward.
Hey, Terrence!
What-- Charlie?
All right.
Tell me how we do this.
What happened? Big brother
doesn't have the stones?
Don't fuck with me
right now, okay?
Just tell me how we do this.
It's gonna take more than
just you. You know that.
I'll be fine.
I will figure it out.
Okay. But we got to
agree on one thing first.
You keep her out of this.
Don't you drag her into
any more of this shit.
-He didn't drag me into any--
Keep your mouth shut, girl.
Walker's place is in Union,
not far from here.
As for security,
he usually has two guys
working with him, but that's it.
This place in Union,
what's the address?
Look who's back.
Hey, I'll handle this.
Hey, man. I thought I--
-Get on the ground! Now!
-Down on your knees!
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay!
Shut up! Hands up!
Get 'em up where I can see 'em!
- I'm in here!
I'm in here!
- Gun. Gun!
- Clear! Get down
on the ground, now!
-Put your face on the ground!
-I can't, I'm super fucking
Sit on your ass, then!
Get down!
Keep your hands
where I can see 'em.
I need my hands to sit
or else I'll fall over!
- No-- Hey!
- Shut up.
- You can't do that!
- Shut up.
- You-- -Yeah, everything's good.
- You good?
- Yeah, we got the--
- Hey, hands where
I can see 'em!
How are you, good?
Yep. What do you want me to do
about this pregnant girl?
Just hold off on her.
I'll call you with further
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You just want me hanging out here?
Just sit tight. I'll call you.
What's wrong with you?
- Excuse me. Sir!
- Hey! On your face, asshole.
-Can I see some ID?
-Wanna see my badge?
Yeah. Your badge.
Can I see your badge--
- No, no, no--
- Hey!
You wanna see my badge too?
Come here. Get up!
Okay, okay, okay! Okay.
Oh, my God.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
-Oh, shit.
-Oh, shit.
The baby's not supposed
to come for another month.
-Don't fuck with me.
Yo, call an ambulance, man.
Let me fucking
handle this, okay?
-Ah! Ah!
-Fuck, there's no
goddamn reception.
-You have a radio, right?
Use your radio!
-Shut the fuck up, okay?
Come here. Get up!
Hey, that's enough!
-You fucking fuck! Fucking--
-Enough! Enough!
-All right, all right!
All right. All right.
Fuck, man!
Enough! You got him.
Okay. Okay, I'm okay.
-Who are these guys?
-I don't know.
Walker's guys, maybe?
Uh, Ronnie must've
tipped 'em off.
I don't know.
I thought you left?
Forgot my keys.
- Shit.
- Ah!
-Shit. Okay.
Are you okay?
I don't know
how to answer that.
I'm gonna get that for you,
okay? Here.
I'm gonna put that right there.
- I'm gonna cut you loose, okay?
- Okay.
My water broke.
That's-- that's fine.
The baby's coming.
Nothing to worry about.
Baby's not supposed to
come for another month.
That's fine. That's okay.
Don't worry.
We need to get her
to a hospital.
Here, sit up. Sit up, okay?
Here we go. There we go.
Nice and easy, nice and easy.
Just breathe.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
His recent trips on his GPS.
This place in Union, this is
where they're taking Ronnie.
We have to get her
to a hospital.
This is him. This is Walker.
Goddammit, Charlie.
Let him go.
Go. I'll be fine.
Here. You might need this.
Give me your word
that you won't hurt her.
She's my mom.
I promise.
Thanks. For everything.
Just in case.
I do know who you are.
You're my brother. And...
you're a good man.
Charlie, it's your dad.
Uh, I wasn't sure
if this number still worked,
but, um...
you-- you gotta help me, kid.
I-- I got nobody else.
You-- you gotta
find this Walker guy.
He's working with Ronnie,
the damn accountant.
She's trying to dump
this whole thing on me!
She is feeding them lies, kid.
Lies to save herself!
You find Walker,
and you'll find the money.
That-- that money...
you gotta find it.
You-- you gotta help me, kid.
Just... help me.
They took everything.
Everything I ever built,
they took.
- They don't care
who they hurt...
...or what they leave behind.
-They are gonna
eat me, Charlie.
-Oh, no, no, no.
Eat me
like a bunch of hungry dogs
come Monday if they don't
find that stolen money.
I'm sorry I wasn't
a better father to you,
or your brother.
I never meant...
Don't-- don't be like me.
Don't be like me.
- Here we go.
- Oh, shit, hold on.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, man. That hurt.
Is it supposed to
hurt that much?
Unfortunately, I think so, yes.
-Okay. Okay, let's go.
-Okay. Okay, here we go.
There you go.
You all good?
- There you go.
Wasn't so bad, huh?
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna take the van!
- No, you're not.
No, you're not!
No. No, no!
No, stop, stop!
Please, don't!
Don't! Please don't!
Go. Go!
Ti-- Ti--
No. No!
Hey. Wake up!
Terrence, wake up!
Terrence... please.
I need you to help me, okay?
I'm not gonna leave you.
Okay. Okay, come on.
Yep, yep, yep!
Yep. Yes, come on, come on.
Yes, yes. Come here, I got ya.
I got ya, I got ya, I got ya.
Yes, yes. One, two, three.
Yeah, okay.
Okay. Yes, yes, yes. Good.
One more. Just wait, wait, wait.
Okay. Come on.
Come on. Yeah, Terrence,
come on, come on, get in there.
Ah! Yes, yes.
Yes, yes.
All right.
All right. Okay.
You-- you snuck up on me there.
You-- you must be Charlie.
-Where's Ronnie?
-Oh, she's here.
I-- I'm just gonna
turn the grill off, okay?
Don't fucking move, old man.
-Put down the fucking meat!
-All right!
You Walker?
Uh, yes, and-- and no.
What the fuck does that mean?
You may not remember,
but I met you once before.
My name is Raymond Reed.
I'm a friend of your father's.
I met you and your mother at
a company party a long time ago.
You were like, you know,
maybe five years old, maybe.
Okay then, Mr. Reed. You are
also Mr. Walker then, right?
The one who Ronnie's
been working with?
Yes and no.
Do you think this is
a fuckin' game, old man?
Now, you better start telling me
some straight fucking answers,
or I'll blow your goddamn brains
out and feel like a happy man,
all right?
Okay, okay.
Just please, be calm.
I'm fucking calm.
I'm so fucking calm!
Now, you were working
with Ronnie to steal
from my dad, right?
Okay. Thank you.
-Goodbye, Raymond.
-No, we were-- we were
working with your father!
What'd you say?
Your father washed my money
through his company for years.
Come on, we were friends.
Come on, we were friends!
-Listen to me, listen to me!
Let's go downstairs
and I will show you a photo
of your father and me
with your brother Terrence
at Snowmass in 1984.
Please, come on.
I'm telling the truth!
Shut the fuck up.
Shut the-- shut the fuck up!
Get-- get Ronnie out here
right now.
She won't hear me from here.
We gotta go get her.
No. Don't fuck with me.
Where's that guy?
The one who brought her here?
He-- he went home.
Really, it's just us, please.
Fine. Come here.
Anybody pops out in there,
and I kill you first.
We fucking clear?
-Move your ass.
Stay with me, okay?
We're almost there. Please.
Terrence? Hey!
Terrence, you hear me? Hey!
Okay, she's in there.
-Call her.
-Ronnie, honey? Ca-- can you
come out here a second?
-Call her again.
Ray, that shower is a gift
from heaven. I don't even--
- Hi, Ronnie.
- Jesus! Don't hurt me!
Your offer still good?
What offer?
-Safe is in the basement.
-Oh, you fucking bitch!
Shut up.
All right. Let's go then.
All right then.
Been trying to call
this guy for two hours.
-Eric, no!
Oh, fuck!
Oh, fuck, man.
Hey. Terrence, you hear me?
Hey. Hey!
Whoa, hey, hey!
We're almost there, okay?
All right, hold on.
We're almost there.
Hey. Terrence,
stay with-- stay with me.
Hey, hey, Terrence? Terrence?
No, wait!
Wait. Oh my God.
what's your emergency?
Hello? Hello?
Hey. Um...
I didn't pick up her call.
She left me a voicemail, and...
when she said my name,
I-- I knew something was wrong.
She was scared and
trying to hide it.
She asked me to call her back,
and I didn't.
She called and called
and called for weeks,
and I just ignored her.
I couldn't be bothered.
And then one day, I got
the call that she was gone.
Just like that.
She just wanted me
to come be with her, and I--
I left her alone.
I have to live with that.
I can never take it back.
I just thought
if I could do something...
one time.
I don't wanna be this person.
But I am.
I'm your son...
and your blood.
I just thought if
I could do one thing...
that she would be proud.
You should be proud of me.
You should be proud.
They took everything.
Everything I ever built,
they took it.
They don't care who they hurt
or what they leave behind.
They are gonna eat me, Charlie.
Eat me like a bunch
of hungry dogs.
Come Monday, if they don't
find that stolen money...
I'm sorry I wasn't
a better father to you,
or your brother.
I never meant...
Don't-- don't be like me.
Don't be like me.
In local news, authorities
are still on the hunt for
Rhonita Day.
Day is wanted for the murder
of Raymond Reed and Eric Klein.
Both known criminals were
found in Reed's home,
along with over $3 million.
Day was testifying the money
had been stolen by
her former employer.
Authorities now believe
Day murdered the two men
in a gangland dispute
over the stolen money
and fled the scene.
She is believed to be
armed and dangerous.
Police rep--