Hunter Gatherer (2016) Movie Script

Yo, what up?
Man, you know who this is.
No, it's Ashley.
Yeah, yeah, got back
this morning.
I'm having a bunch of people
over to my mama's place tonight.
You gotta come.
That's so nice.
Man, you're the first
flyswatter I called.
Come on, man,
we gotta get it started.
Don't apologize to me.
You're the one who's gonna
be missing all the ruckus.
Yeah, yeah.
All right, gimme a call.
Hey, Trev, what's happening?
It's Ashley.
You wanna come over
to my mom's house?
Well, it's kinda like a party.
Just a couple of people,
not too much.
Yes, you wanna come over?
No, don't even sweat it.
What are these?
Why are you giving me presents?
We're not having
a birthday party.
Oh, shut up.
What is this for?
So you'll look nice in them.
Mom, where are my old clothes?
Where are they?
Oh, they were all gross
and in my way.
Mom, you threw away my clothes?
Yo, Tommy! It's Ashley.
I'm having some people over
tonight, if you wanna come over.
No, I don't care.
If you've got better things
to do, that's cool.
Come on, man,
I just got back today.
It's like a party, a good time.
Come on.
Now, you owe me.
And you can never come over to
my mom's house again, all right?
You got it?
You are officially banned
from the premises.
This ain't a birthday party.
I know that.
Then why are you putting
candles on the cake?
Candles are for celebrations.
I'm not going to blow them out.
- Hello, Ms. Dottie.
- Ashley?
When did you crawl out
of your hole?
Why don't you try
being more positive?
Hold up!
You going to come up in my house
and tell me I'm the one
who needs some positivity?
You need a brain operation.
Your booboo's back.
No. Mm-mm.
What d'you think,
you can come back here
and have me again?
You don't get the hint
when I don't pick up the phone?
I have caller ID, you know?
Look, I just wanted
to let you know
that your baby boy
is back from his vacation.
What you really want, trump?
Hey, don't call me that.
Hey, can Dottie go back
on the side?
- Um.
- Gotcha.
Linda, I thought
about you everyday.
I dreamt of your face
every time I closed my eyes.
I was hoping
you thought of me, too.
I'm back now, so we can finally
have some secret intimacy.
I'm not interested in any type
of intimacies with you.
I can't understand why
you feel this way, Linda.
What did you expect,
I was gonna be like,
"ooh, ash, now I ain't seen
or heard from you in forever.
"I want you back"?
I was just hoping you'd be
happy to see me, that's all.
Happy to see you?
You know, all this time
you've been gone,
all this time, and I didn't
hear a word from you.
You didn't write me
a letter or nothing.
You don't know what
it's like in there...
Let me tell you what it's like.
When you're in love with someone
and you're away from them,
you write them a letter
to tell them how much
you care about them.
You sit down with a pencil
and some paper
and you put into words
what you feel.
You're supposed to learn this
like, in the third grade,
but apparently, you didn't,
because you were gone
for forever
and I didn't hear a peep.
I've moved on.
I've got a man.
Yes, she does.
And I don't have time
to be moving backwards in life
with somebody who is dumb
and always broke.
Who's your new man, anyway?
Dump truck Dwayne,
the garbage man?
He may be a garbage man,
but he is good to me.
You'd choose
the garbage man over me?
What did I ever do to deserve
this type of treatment?
What did you do?
Do you want a list?
Okay, how about the time
you tricked me
into paying for your
other girlfriend's abortion?
Are you going to bring that up?
You're talking about the past,
I'm talking about the future.
I'm talking about you and me.
I'm talking about telling
the universe what you want
and getting it.
I'm talking about
the power of positivity.
You are so boring.
You can leave now.
Okay, bye-bye.
Okay, you can be like this now?
But when dump truck Dwayne up and
leaves you for someone prettier,
you're gonna be looking for me.
You're gonna hunt me down.
Okay, Ashley, you go ahead
and think positive.
Don't you be digging up my yard!
Mom, you haven't
seen it, have you?
My toolbox.
I ain't seen nothing,
but you digging up my grass.
Why don't you
make yourself useful
and do something I need?
Like get rid of that old fridge?
Mom, I can't move no fridge.
Hey! Do you all need
a ladder up in there?
It's a good deal.
Nah, we're good.
Hey, you guys!
Want a good deal on a ladder?
We don't buy no
stolen goods, man!
For you information,
my mother gave me this ladder.
Thank you.
Nice tall woman.
Can I interest you in a ladder?
Are you in need of a ladder?
I'll help you.
Lower it down.
What is this,
a machine or something?
Something like that.
A respirator.
What does it do?
Nothing right now,
I got to get it fixed.
Thanks for your help, though.
Yeah, no problem.
What's your name?
Man, I'm not calling you, germs.
- What's your real name.
- Jeremy.
Hey, you need a ladder?
No, I'm good.
Right on, though.
No problem.
Hey Jeremy, I need a favor.
What are you doing?
This your pickup?
It's my granddad's.
'Cause I was thinking,
since I helped you,
maybe you should give me a hand.
I would. Got somewhere
to be right now, though.
Come on, I just need
the truck for like, an hour.
Come on, man, get out of
my truck, I got swim lessons.
I'll put my feet in the pool.
Let's see who's the first
one to touch the wall.
Who's the first one
to touch the wall?
Usa wins! Usa!
What is this?
This is ulcer water?
Yeah, give me that cup.
You drink this?
Don't worry about what I drink.
Oh, man.
That didn't go down right.
I didn't tell you to drink it.
Yeah, go on. Get that
hunk of junk outta here.
Meet my new friend.
Hi, Ms. Douglas,
I'm Jeremy.
If you knew
what was good for you,
you'd stay away from my son.
Yeah, you'd probably
stay away from her, too.
Well, maybe your new friend
can help you
put them holes back
where they go.
Buried something back here
long time ago,
but can't find it now.
My granddad has a metal detector,
if you want to borrow it.
- We're taking it now!
- -Good!
You're welcome!
You're dumping some stuff today?
Thought you might be here.
Hi, Ashley.
Still being
a garbage man, I see.
Yeah, well, just...
Just trying to
make a living, man.
Y'all try to drop
this stuff off?
Just this fridge in the back.
And the ladder?
Ladder's for sale.
You've dumped here before?
No, I don't frequent
garbage places.
Fill up this form, please.
Heard you've been
running around with Linda.
That's between me and her.
All right, I notice
you put on some weight
since I last saw you.
How do you wanna pay the fee?
Fee? What fee?
There's a $100 Hazmat fee
for the disposal
of refrigerators.
So we got to pay you
$100 to throw something out?
"Freon used as a refrigerant
is a hazardous material
"and there is special handling
involved in its disposal.
"The county has assessed
a $100 fee
"to account for
this special handling."
Now, I don't have a $100 on me.
You want to give me
your fridge or not?
I got the money,
you got to pay me back, though.
Yeah? No problem.
We'll get my mom
to pay you back.
We got your money.
All right.
You're good
to drop off the fridge.
You know, let me know
when you get tired of Linda.
I'll take over.
Ashley's back, baby.
Man, how can she be
in love with that dude?
Who would you rather have,
me or that dude with the papers?
I'm not getting into that.
Where do you get
your money from?
- You don't work.
- I work.
I do work for a medical
science company.
Like what?
Test tube babies?
No, really. I mean,
I don't know.
Just test out new products.
What kind of products?
It varies. Everything from...
Putting a tampon on my back,
or try some new toilet paper.
One time, they cut off
my pinky toe,
and reattached it with a laser.
Are you serious?
Right now, I'm testing out
these new patches.
I would never do this.
Be some sort of lab rat.
It helps them make medicine.
How do you make your money?
Rusty old ladders?
You're not a very good swimmer,
are you?
Not right now,
but I'll get there.
You can hold your breath
for a long time?
Not really.
Got this weird disease
where my lungs won't take
the oxygen I breath.
Runs in the family,
my granddad got it, too.
He's an inventor.
People think he crazy,
but he's the smartest man
in the world.
I know this guy who could
hold his breath for forever.
He can control his heart rate,
body temperature,
he can control everything.
- Yeah right.
- Yeah, he showed me.
Had me grab his hands
and he held his breath.
And I could feel his hands
getting colder, like ice cold.
I've been working on it myself.
I could hold my breath
longer than you.
I believe that.
On a count of three.
- One, two, three...
- Let me stop chewing.
Hold it, there goes my aunt.
Yeah, who's that?
I see her butt from here.
How you gonna talk
about my aunt like that?
- She got a man?
- No...
She used to have this
cold cut take care of her.
Does she work at a donut?
For the time being.
She wanna be
a stay-at-home mom.
What happened to her man?
Got into a bad car accident.
He got paralyzed
from the waist up.
You can't paralyze
from the waist up.
I'm telling you he was!
How, how are you
going to be like that?
See, his legs still work.
But he was bent over like this.
Wait, wait...
You think she would get me
if I walked around like that?
Hey, honey, let me take you out.
I don't think about that, man.
That's my aunt.
Now, you know what I mean?
She looking for a man?
Why don't you
take your shirt off?
No, I'm good.
I wanna look at you.
- No. No!
- I wanna look at you.
- I wanna look at you.
- Oh...
They look weird
when I'm laying down.
They're looking good to me.
Get, get from under there!
I got something
I got to tell you about.
I'm in love with somebody else.
I've been in love with this girl
since the first day I saw her.
Is that all right with you?
She your girlfriend
or something?
So right now, she's got
a different situation.
So why are you
telling me about her?
I don't know, I like you.
You're looking good,
you got a fine butt.
But I'm always gonna
love me some Linda.
She got a hold on me.
But she just won't
love me anymore.
So you wanna be my girl?
Hey! How are you doin',
Ms. Douglas?
All right.
Is Ashley home?
Him and that woman back there
bumping for an hour.
He thinks I can't hear them.
Can you tell him I'm here?
Ashley, your little
buddy's here.
With some kind
of vacuum cleaner or something.
Ms. Douglas, do you have the $100
from the fridge we got rid of?
Why they are charge you
to throw things away
makes no sense to me.
What is this contraption?
This is my granddad's metal
detector I was telling you about.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, this is...
This is light.
- Not even heavy at all.
- No, it's not.
How does it work?
If you twist this down to
whatever you're trying to find.
Gold, silver, copper, aluminum,
depending on what
you are trying to find.
Where do you plug it in?
I don't plug it in,
I got a little battery pack
on the side with some magnets,
on this little belt,
to put around the waist.
And it'll work over
any like, terrain...
- Grass...
- Yeah, yeah.
Mom, what are you doing?
We're having a conversation.
What are you giving the money
to Jeremy for?
That's between Jeremy and me.
I'm not getting nothing.
You're going over
the places I dug.
Let me try it.
- Can I try?
- Sure.
- Hold it there.
- Uh-huh.
Take this.
Put this over your neck.
Okay, take the earphones.
Take this.
- Put this on your arm.
- How do I know it's working?
It beeps whenever
there is metal.
- It beeps?
- Yeah.
Wait a minute.
There you go.
You know what?
Let's just see
if this thing even works.
Yeah, it works.
What was that?
Let's just say some people think
it's cool to kick somebody
when they're down.
Hey, I hear something, man.
Yo, I hear something,
I hear it, man!
- Is it like a beep, beep...
- Listen, listen, listen.
- It's a beep.
- Listen, man, it's a beep.
I got it.
That's the beep right here.
Don't lose that spot
right there.
Keep your eye on that spot.
Now, back up, back up,
back up, all right?
I just want to say this upfront,
if the box is here,
this box is for my eyes only.
- You can't see my emergency objects.
- Okay.
- Promise?
- Promise.
Ah, ha-ha!
What d'you got?
Are those some panties?
No, no, don't look at those.
Give them back, give them back!
- Yeah... -I told you
not to look at those.
- They are some panties.
- Come on!
What are you all doing?
Ashely buried some panties
in the yard.
You all acting like a bunch of kids who
ain't never seen no panties before.
I seen you pan...
I seen your panties
five minutes ago.
Look, I know you in there.
I saw the garbage man
and I know I'm better than him.
I'm gonna remind you
of what you feel for me.
Man, shut up!
"Dearest Ashley,
"you are the perfect man for me.
"I cannot imagine
life without you,
"and I can picture
our future together.
"We are happy in love.
"Our wedding is all white, and pink,
and in a big beautiful church,
"with all our families there.
"We have three babies,
and a house.
"And we are a family.
"I will love you
for all of time.
"Forever yours, Linda."
Who are you talking to?
She's not home!
Well, you just tell her
what she told me.
She said, "forever."
What's going on out here?
Don't worry about it, mom.
What are you doing
with all of these?
Making my money.
You're making a mess
is what you're doing.
Mom, you're worried about
a fridge on your porch?
But you had that one old
fridge back here for forever,
and I took it away, right?
Now you got these,
but you won't even notice.
They'll be gone
real soon, I promise.
All right?
Trust me.
You look like you know
something about book bags.
Yeah, sure. Uh...
What are you thinking?
What are you looking for?
I need, uh...
The best book bag
for about under $30.
We should be able
to find something.
I saw someone buy this
the other day.
They looked pretty pleased.
It's a pretty solid bag.
Which one has
the most compartments?
Compartments, as in how?
I'm gonna have a lot
of supplies, and pencils,
so I need some compartments.
Okay, so you need room.
Well, this...
This larger bag,
it's a pretty dynamic bag.
It's got the adjustable
safety wires,
shoulder straps...
That's a coin purse.
It's got a good base,
can fit books, notebooks,
laptop computer.
You're welcome to try it on,
if you want.
People buy this bag,
like teachers?
Oh, of course, all the time.
Teachers, students,
professors, athletes.
Try it on.
How does that feel?
- Yeah, feels nice.
- Feels nice?
- All right. Good luck.
- Thank you.
Why you gotta do that?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry...
I thought you'd be done
a while ago.
Uh-uh. And you know
you don't have to
wait around for me, right?
Yes, I do.
Somebody's gotta, you know,
watch your back.
Oh, from that dude?
Uh-uh. Come on. Let's go.
- You know what I think?
- Hmm?
I think taco man
really likes you.
What makes you say that?
You've been
wearing him out lately.
Yeah, well,
he manages the hotel.
- Oh, really?
- Mm-hmm.
Think he got some refrigerators
he might want to get rid of?
I don't know.
He does have one of them
small ones, you know.
Small ones got the freon
in them too, don't they?
Ask him for me.
Well, what you got going on?
Oh, I'm headed to this class.
- Oh, okay. -You wanna
take this to the house?
Yeah. Sure.
See you later on tonight.
- I don't know.
- -I don't know!
I might have something going
on, I'll let you know later.
All right, come on,
people know me here.
All right, I'm late.
I'll see you later tonight
or else.
Or else what?
I'll think of something.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jeremy Pittman?
How are you feeling?
I'm okay.
Good, do you need anything?
Some water, or snacks?
What would you like?
I don't know, like...
Steak and fries?
Oh, yeah.
Coming right up.
Hey, Tammy, we would like
a fillet mignon,
and a side order of fries.
Now tell me, are you having
any adverse side effects
to your patches?
No, ma'am, nothing adverse.
I do have a question, though.
Go ahead.
My friend Ashley said
he know a guy
that can control his body
temperature by holding his breath.
Is that possible?
Well, I haven't researched
that, Mr. Pittman,
but I'll look into that, okay?
Let's see... breath...
I'll let you know.
Um, now, what I want to do,
if it's okay with you, is this.
Double your dosage of
the patch you've been wearing.
You just doubled them
the last time.
Yes, but I'd like to up
the dosage to four patches.
Will I be the only person
wearing four patches?
Well, Jeremy,
we find you a particularly
meaningful subject
for our purposes.
What do you mean?
It's rare for a male
of your age, race
and economic status
to volunteer for tests
at our offices.
It is.
Dr. Merton, you care
about me, right?
Let me be honest.
Some of the results
we are getting
from your tests...
Well, they're different than
what we expect, in a good way.
What's in it for me?
Well, naturally, we would
double the amount
of money you receive.
Can I still go swimming
with the patches on?
Yes, you can go swimming
with the patches on.
Just keep living your life
the way you normally would.
All right.
If I start feeling worried,
I'mma rip them right off.
That would be
completely understandable.
It's been a long time
since I've been
in one of these rooms.
I'm sorry the desks
are so small.
Aw, these desks are cool.
Let me see
if I can still fit in them.
Yeah. Here you go.
Mr. Carlos, how long
do you think this will take?
Jeremy said you were
really good at this.
Well, that depends.
On how much you put into it,
and where you are
at your skill level.
You know the alphabet, right?
Yeah. Do you know it?
All right, Mr. Carlos,
I want to say this upfront,
I am not stupid.
I don't expect to be treated
like I am stupid.
I can read, I can write,
I can do all the things
I need to do to survive.
Let me just hear you say them.
It'll be a good warm up.
Get your brain
in the mood to learn.
Is that the only order
you know it in?
I mean, it doesn't matter any
order, 'cause I know the letters.
Let me hear it again.
Okay, can you write your name?
Yeah, not in cursive.
No, no, no.
Regular is fine.
Yeah, I can do that, I mean,
- can I use the chalk and board...
- Sure.
Does that look right? 'Cause
it looks kinda weird to me.
No, it looks right to me.
Now, can you sign
your signature,
like you would on some sort
of document or form?
All right.
Now, I need you to fill out
this questionnaire.
You mean, like a test?
It'll give me a better idea
of where you are.
You see, I'm...
I'm not that good
at this kind of thing.
I know, it's just
between you and me.
Mr. Carlos, do all the letters
get turned into cursives?
Yes, all of them.
It's a dumb question, huh?
There are no dumb questions,
Mr. Douglas.
Okay. Well, I got
another one.
Do the numbers get turned into
cursives, or just the letters?
That's a good question.
All right.
You're home!
The king has returned
from his voyage.
Oh, yeah?
And where did your voyage
take you today, my lord?
- Oh-ho...
- Oh...
We sailed long.
To faraway lands.
Slayed dragons.
Then found buried treasures,
and now I've returned home,
to bend my fair maiden over,
to take advantage of my queen.
I'm telling you,
you can't do it.
You old man, you weigh
like what, 85 pounds?
How about $5? Try!
You ain't even got $5.
Of course, I got $5.
I made $75 this morning before you
were even out of bed probably.
Now come on.
Don't stop backpedaling now.
I'm making it easy for you.
All right?
Just all relaxed and cool.
Oh, there you go.
Look at the vain popping
at your vein forehead, go ahead.
Come on, bud.
Were you trying this?
This is what you were
trying to do?
Look how easy it is,
you know what I mean?
You owe me $5.
I ain't giving you $5.
That wasn't the deal.
What are you talking about, you never
bet somebody something before?
There was no deal.
Are you one of those little
pinky-thumb type dudes?
You are a vulture, my friend.
You owe me $5.
You just said you'd
give me $5 if I did it.
You gotta let me use the truck.
You can't drive!
No, you gotta drive. I got some
fridges I got to get rid of.
Some more fridges?
Yeah, I'm making money. I'm charging
people $75 to throw them out.
Damn, you got to pay
to throw them out yourself.
Not in Bedford county, they
don't have that throwaway fee.
So you want me to drive to Bedford
county to throw away some more fridges.
I'll pay your gas money,
it's only an hour away.
Now how many can we fit?
I don't know, how many you got?
I've got three, but I want more!
There's a house
across the street from me
that's got some fridges
in the yard.
What kind of fridges?
Well, why didn't you said?
Let's go.
Let me just show you how
an old man does business.
Come on.
All right?
We got to get you some
spinach, too, you're weak.
This is the house?
This is the house.
This is Santa's house.
Who's Santa?
Oh, you'll see. Old friend.
Excuse me, can I help you?
I'm here to see Santa.
Do you have a session scheduled?
Oh, don't worry about that.
Just let her know...
I'm in the middle of an appointment,
you need to come back later.
I'm sorry,
you must be Ashley Douglas.
- I've heard a lot about you...
- No!
- I'm not.
- That's right. You ain't.
I am.
Now go inside and tell Santa,
Ashley Douglas is out here waiting.
Be a good boy.
Thank you.
All right.
What's that?
Come on in.
Thanks, buddy.
Oh, the gang is all here, huh?
What are we,
on vacation or work?
Great shirts. Ashley Douglas.
Yeah, you better watch
your fingers, I get it.
Don't want to lose a digit.
What's that?
This is tight ship.
- This way, please.
- That's a good picture.
- Wow!
The magic moment.
How're you doing?
You're a very lucky man.
I'm telling you,
you're a very lucky man.
Beautiful, compliments.
Very happy...
We are in the middle
of a session.
I just want to wish them
a word of matrimony.
It would be nice to have guests.
- Not so big...
- Santa.
Ashley Douglas.
When did your corn dog get back?
Uh, it's been a bit.
Uh-huh, you just had to come
and see me, huh?
You having wet dreams again
or something?
Well, you know you always
give me wet dreams.
Actually, I'm here
on a business proposition.
You're looking handsome
these days.
I could eat you...
Got any hot sauce?
Santa, what I'm here for,
why you have those fridges
on your porch?
'Cause I eat a lot
and they break.
I'm kidding, we switched the
operations around to digital.
You know the county charges
a $100 to throw away a fridge?
That's why they're
sitting on my porch.
Well, I got a business where
I only charge $75 per fridge
and we dispose of them for you.
Who's that skinny dude?
It's... he's with me.
He's my...
Girl's nephew.
Hi, Santa. I'm Jeremy.
You got a girlfriend?
You wanna come and lay
on top of me for a minute?
Just lay on top of you?
I'm like a human water bed.
Right here.
It's okay.
- Same old Santa.
- -Oh!
Greg, go ahead and get that
Turkey dinner $150 for me.
Thank you.
Come and get it.
You know you always got a place
to come and lay your head.
I'm yours always,
me and my wrinkled dog.
We'll get those fridges
out of your hand.
Ooh, that ain't gonna work.
No, no, nah-uh.
No more fridges.
Mom, please don't be mad,
all right? This is good.
I can't take this anymore.
I mean, the holes,
the weird smells from your room,
the refrigerators...
I can't do this anymore.
Why are you embarrassing me
in front of my friend?
You should be happy for me.
Each of these fridges, $75 cash.
Why don't you go live
with your new friend?
And you all can collect
all the refrigerators you want
and put them all over
everywhere for all I care.
First of all, Jeremy lives in the
nursing home with his grandpa.
So I can't live there.
Second of all, maybe you should
go live in a nursing home.
I gotta go get the truck fixed,
I'll see you tomorrow.
You and that woman
need to get out of my house.
I have tried to care
for you, Ashley.
To provide for you.
But you just don't know
how to be acting.
So you kicking us out.
Putting us out on the street.
You're supposed to be an adult,
so you need to be
acting like one.
Fine. When do we need
to be out by?
As soon as a.S.A.P.
Here's your respirator,
Mr. Pittman.
Got a little bad news for you.
The parts needed to fix this
machine, they don't make it anymore.
So consequently, we were
unable to fix it.
The other guy said
it'd be ready by today.
Yeah, I know.
We tried to get it ready
by today,
but we couldn't even find the manufacturer's
name anywhere on this machine,
to even order the parts.
That's because
my granddad invented it.
And because
your grandfather invented it,
he's the one who can fix it,
'cause this is his invention.
You see, there's no point of
reference anywhere on this machine
to even tell us exactly
what this thing does.
The other guy said
you all could figure it out.
Yeah, I know, we tried,
but unfortunately, Mr. Pittman,
we couldn't figure it out.
Truck broke down
today, granddad.
I didn't do anything wrong.
It just stopped working.
I'll take it to a mechanic
tomorrow and get it fixed.
Those repairman couldn't figure
out how to work your respirator.
Don't worry, I'll fix it.
We got to get out of here.
'Cause it's my mom's house
and I'm old enough to be
having a place of my own.
Your mom's kicking us out?
It's happened before.
She gets on these tirades,
you know.
Ray asked me
to move in with him.
- Taco man?
- Hmm.
- The one you said is ashy and gross?
- Mm-hmm.
You think he might
let me stay there, too?
Does this mean
you wanna be with me?
What's that got to do
with anything?
I mean...
He's not gonna let us
stay there if we're together.
He's gonna be trying
to be with me.
He's gonna make me
his girlfriend.
Hm, but you're my girl.
I know, but he can't know that.
So, I got to know
where we stand,
if he's gonna be
coming to me like that.
I don't know, Nat.
What about that other girl?
The one you talk about
in your sleep.
I explained to you
the Linda situation.
Well, why do you waste
your time with that, Ashley?
I mean, you and me have something
real, don't you see that?
You cannot get in the way
of me and Linda.
You know, I'm sorry I'm not as
good as her, Ashley, but...
Sometimes when you can't
get the person that
you really want to be with,
you got to settle for somebody
you actually can get.
Can't you just help me find a place to stay
without making me be in love with you?
- Hey!
- -Whoo!
- How are you?
- What's up?
Uh, you remember
my friend, Ashley?
That I was telling...
Yeah, helped my nephew.
- Yeah, he here.
- What's he doing here?
Yeah, he just wanted
to talk to you, do it for me.
All right, baby.
You must be Ashley.
You must be ray.
She tell me what you did
for Jeremy.
- Oh, yeah?
- I think that's great, man.
After helping someone like that,
you deserve a chance
at a normal life.
Well, thank you.
I don't want to impose...
It would be
until everything shakes out.
Gonna look for
another job again?
Oh, yeah, soon.
I'm taking some classes,
so that might get in the way,
but I've been talking to some banks
about getting a small business loan.
How nice. What for?
Still working out
the personal details.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
And I can help out around the
place if you need anything.
I'm good at fixing things
in a room.
Like, the light bulbs,
toilets, beds, refrigerators.
I might take you up on that.
I'm a sucker for this woman.
Never met anyone like her.
You good for her,
you good for me.
I like your shirt.
Match my car.
Come on.
Come on, man, you're not
even paying attention.
Yes, I am.
Yeah? Then what did I just say?
That I'm not paying
any attention.
No, before that.
Ashley, you need to pay
better attention.
It's not like I can download
this knowledge into your brain
like a computer.
You got to do your part.
I wish you could download it.
It'd be a lot easier.
Yeah, it would be easier,
but then, you wouldn't
get the pleasure of learning.
Okay, Mr. Carlos,
I was on the moon for a second,
but I'll pay better attention.
Could you do me a favor, and
write something out in cursive
so I can see what it looks like?
Sure, what is it?
Secret intimacies.
Well, well, well.
Where you guys heading?
The armory or something?
No, man.
We're going to get our eat on.
All right, I'm cool,
don't worry 'bout me.
Ray's taking me out
for my birthday.
- Today's your birthday?
- Mm-hmm.
I wish I had known,
I would have got you something.
It's okay.
Oh, how was class?
Class is going real well,
thank you.
Teacher said I'm gonna be
a good small business owner.
That's good, Ashley.
Talk to your friends
at the bank yet?
Working on it.
We gotta jam.
We got reservations to make.
All right then, reservation man.
Good work.
- Have a good one.
- -Bye, Ashley.
All right, bye.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, everybody!
Look at you.
Got it?
- They didn't see you, right?
- No.
Straight back, straight back.
All right, come this way.
That's my boy.
There you go.
- You're good.
- Whoa, nice one.
- Yeah.
How much did you get for this?
Only 50 this time.
All right.
Some money is better
than no money, right?
Today is your aunt's birthday?
Oh, yeah, it is today.
You got to tell me
about these things.
- I forgot.
- Did you get her a present?
No, did you?
No, I didn't know
it was her birthday.
- I made us some flyers.
- What's that?
I made us some flyers.
Let's check it out.
This is nice work, man.
I like the writing.
Passed them out on the way over here.
That's how I got this fridge.
Look at you, taking initiative.
Yeah, this looks all right, man.
"Old fridges disposal..."
Hey, you put my number on here.
Yeah, here at the motel.
We gotta get
an answering machine.
And we should get
a present for Nat.
I'm making more money
at the lab.
Doing what?
They keep giving me patches.
I don't know,
they keep asking me questions
about how I feel.
You know what?
Let me try one of those.
- The patch?
- Yeah.
I don't think I'm supposed
to take it off.
Come on, man, let me see.
What happened
to being a lab rat?
Whoa. This is...
This feels kind of funny man, it's
like electricity or something.
Oh, yeah, they go away.
They put some kind of magnet
or something to charge it up.
Yeah, but I didn't know
it's hot.
And it's cool.
It's like tickling and
tingling at the same time.
All right, give me another one.
Ooh, ho-ho...
Let me feel this.
Hey, this is...
This is weird, man.
This is weird.
I can feel it all over
my body, you know.
What is this doing to you?
Oh, no, but you got to
give it back, man.
Something ain't right.
Ashley, my fingertips
are tingling.
Come on, man, I'm getting sick.
My heart's beating fast.
Okay. Okay, here.
Take it.
What are you feeling?
I don't feel right.
Yeah, I know the street.
Yeah, yeah, we know...
Just give us 20 minutes.
We'll be right there.
All right.
Right... no, thank you.
We got a fridge?
The flyers is working!
Nice! Let's get the Dolly.
- Got it?
- Got it.
It's ray.
You seen the queen?
Well, I don't know.
She's not in your room?
Woke up, she was gone.
Yeah. I don't know.
Wanna help me with something?
Just let me get some clothes on.
You got a lady?
Why do you ask?
'Cause I've never seen you
with one before.
I got a lady.
It's difficult to explain.
Uh... where's she at?
I had one. Linda.
We were in love.
We were thinking about
having a baby one time together
but she didn't think
we could handle it.
She thought we were old,
or too poor, or too young.
I mean, she had
some reasons for it.
But I didn't agree.
What happened to her?
Well, she around.
You ever see her?
All I do is, try to get her
to fall in love with me again.
Did she love you before?
Yeah, she did.
Then she'll love you again.
You mean it?
I want to tell you something.
I'mma get Nat off the streets.
I don't want her
out there no more.
I mean, how come?
Doesn't she need the money?
I can support her.
Oh, yeah?
I'm going to talk to her
about it tonight.
That's real nice, ray.
I'm happy for you, too.
She's a good woman.
Hope Linda loves you again.
This is going to be
from the both of us, right?
Of course.
What are you thinking?
Oh, she'd like a stereo.
This one.
This is the one.
Yeah, that one looks good.
You got it?
would like to get this answering
machine and this stereo.
Your total with tax is 86.80.
I'll give it to you for 86.
Thank you.
Oh! Oh!
Okay, sorry.
It's okay.
Hey, give me that.
I'm gonna take it to Nat
after my class.
I got it.
Let me take it to her.
I got it, I got it.
Where are you seeing her?
I'm gonna see her at the motel.
- Where are you headed?
- Same place.
You can't take this with you.
Come on, I got it.
I got it, trust me.
Later, I'm running late.
Make sure she knows
it's from both of us!
There you go, there you go.
Come on, come on, come on.
Yeah. There you go.
Hey, Carlos!
You're an hour late.
Yeah, but I'm here now.
Do you even have the homework?
It's right in here.
It's somewhere in here.
Ashley, I really
don't wanna see you fail.
Who said I'm gonna fail?
Haven't you heard
of positive reinforcement?
Yeah, I've heard of it.
Then why don't you
try it sometime?
Okay, I'm gonna go.
I'll see you next time.
Well, you're not doing me
no favors, nerd.
I said, "you ain't doing me
any favors, nerd."
All right, Ashley.
And consider me graduated,
'cause I don't need
your nerd lessons anymore.
That's all right with me, man.
you graduated the third grade.
I've seen you back there,
I ain't got nothing
to say to you.
Hold on, you don't even know
why I've come to see you for.
You probably want
some money or something.
You think I need money?
And if I ain't got no money,
then how did I buy you this?
I do not want to be possessing
nothing you stole.
I ain't stealing nothing.
This is paid for.
Straight cash.
- Oh, you bought it, huh?
- Yeah.
How come it ain't got no box?
A box?
I didn't think you want no box,
when I got you a stereo.
A nice one, too.
A bunch of pieces.
Why do you spend your money
on something so stupid?
I wanted to buy you a present.
I hear you got yourself
a new girl.
How are you gonna say
you want to be with me
with all your heart
and then run around
with some teeny bit?
All I do when I'm with her is talk
about how much I in love with you.
- I gotta go.
- All right, just gimme a second.
I come all the way down here to give you
a stereo and you don't even want it.
You didn't give me
a second of your time.
- What?
- Come here.
I wanna show you something.
Grab my hands.
Feel it?
Feel what?
My body getting colder.
I'll take the stereo.
I need a new one anyways.
I knew that. That's why
I got it for you.
Open up, it's Ashley.
Yeah? Oh...
What are you doing in there?
What do you think we're doing?
I'm just checking to see
if you was all right.
Yeah, I'm all right.
You all right?
Jeremy and I, we bought you
a stereo for your birthday.
But it got stolen,
so, you know...
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
I mean, nothing much
damage to me.
I just wanted to let you know.
Well, thank you for
thinking of me.
I'm sorry that
that happened to you.
Yeah, it was from me and
Jeremy, you know, both...
He doesn't know
it got stolen yet,
so maybe you could
thank him for it,
like if I was really
give it to you,
- 'cause he was so excited...
- Oh, yeah.
- I don't wanna him to be
disappointed, you know. -Okay.
You should go,
'cause ray just went
to go get some cigarettes.
That's all.
Okay. Okay, hey!
- Okay.
- Don't you miss me, Ashley?
Yes, you know I miss you.
Do you really?
You're my girl.
Yeah. Well, I think that
we have something special.
But if you don't give me
your heart, then...
I will have to leave you.
What do you mean?
Ray's talking about
wanting to marry me.
What, you said
he was all ashy and gross.
Well, I don't care
about that anymore.
I have to think about my life
and my future, and...
What's gonna make me happy.
I can be happy with him, Ashley.
So is that what you're gonna do?
You're gonna settle for him,
like I just settled for you?
If I have to, yeah.
Yo, Dwayne.
I got all these fridges
I need to unload.
But I ain't got a $100
for the dumping here.
Truck broke down, so I can't take them
to Bedford county like I was planning.
I can give you some under-the-table
money for helping me out.
So, you want me to allow you
to dump hazardous material
onto our yard without paying?
I'm saying, I can hook you up with
like, a 20 spot every time I came.
That would yours to keep.
They cost $100 to throw away.
I'm talking on the side.
Money for you,
and only for you. Cash.
I can't do it,
there's hazardous
materials involved.
It's just a little bit.
It's a couple of fridges.
You know Linda's my girl,
don't you?
She's been my girl forever.
But she don't talk about you.
She's gonna start
talking about me.
We're getting married.
I proposed last night.
No, you're not. When?
Look, now, Ashley...
No, you're not!
What are you all doing
in my room?
I'm sorry, Ashley.
She told me everything.
What everything?
Everything like what?
Everything like you two were
together when you come here.
Everything like you didn't
give Jeremy a kidney.
Everything like...
You need to get out of my motel.
- All right, take that back.
- Take what back, Ashley?
Ray saw the refrigerators
and I had to tell him.
This is your small business?
Collecting refrigerators?
What kind of business is that?
You mind your small business.
I'm doing what I got to do.
All right, Ashley.
Pick your stuff,
go back to your mom's.
You don't get it, do you?
I'm not settling for nobody.
I'm not settling for you,
I'm not settling for ray,
I'm not settling for nobody.
It's Linda or it's nothing.
What are you gonna do
when you get Linda back?
What are gonna do with that?
I'm gonna live my life.
What if she doesn't
ever love you again?
- Jeremy...
- Granddad!
- Jeremy...
- What?
What is it?
What's going on, granddad?
- What?
- The fridges still here?
- What do you need?
- Got those fridges, right?
Why would you do this?
What are you trying
to do, anyway?
My granddad's respirator.
Did your aunt tell you
about the stereo?
I wasn't able to give it to her.
I don't care!
Look, Jeremy, I'm sorry,
it got stolen.
I know it was supposed
to be a birthday present,
but I couldn't do anything
about it, man,
just... they stole it...
Ashley, I don't care
about the stereo!
You think you can keep
your grandfather alive forever?
Everybody dies, Jeremy.
No, they don't.
Ashley, no!
Get away from me!
Listen to me,
I have something to tell you.
I don't care.
You don't care about me,
your aunt doesn't care about me.
It didn't last with my lover...
Listen to me.
What's wrong with you?
Follow me.
Jeremy, I'm sorry
about the stereo, okay?
Don't worry about that anymore.
I found it.
And, look!
It still works!
Okay, what's happening?
Now, what's going on?
Follow me.
Where we going?
I can breathe underwater.
I'm glad we're becoming friends.
Me, too.