Hunting Piranha (IOkhota na Piranyu) (2006) Movie Script

The secret installation
Hands up!
Hold it!
- Where is my Dad?
- Over there.
- How are you doing?
- Fine.
- What's this?
- This is the joy of life.
All right. What is this?
- Who is that?
- My Mom.
- Who is this?
- lt is you.
- And who is this?
- lt is me.
- And who is that man?
- This is Uncle Vova.
Good boy!
Take this.
Don't open the door!
We have an emergency.
This is an emergency. Code Red.
Put on protective overalls
and prepare for evacuation!
Attention! Code 16.
We have a Code Red emergency.
Evacuate all the personnel!
Send the disactivation team in!
Block all passages
and prepare for the quarantine!
Don't do that!
Back off!
Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy!
- Run away!
- Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy! Daddy!
This is Kirill Mazour. Leave your message
after the beep. Thanks.
Comrade Captain First Rank!
You have an appointment with
the formation chief at 10:20.
This message is delivered by
Senior Lieutenant Platonov.
Captain Mazour is on the phone.
Kirill Mazour has 20 years
of experience in subversive operations
He's now a Navy Captain First Rank.
lt equals the Army rank of a Colonel.
Participated in 25 combat
operations. 7 wounds.
Has 14 combat decorations
of our country.
Right now he's serving as an instructor
in the Piranha special ops unit.
What about the geography
of the operations?
Hey, man!
So you'll have to wait with that
for some more time.
Glagolev came to your firm.
Have they found the dumbest
kids on the block?
Nope. The best kids.
l haven't had a vacation for 5 years.
l wanted to go hunting to the taiga. Gone!
Take a philosophical look at all that.
The case is dead meat.
What's up? That's better.
l have all these formalities.
For you, it will look
more like an outing.
Well, it is necessary anyway...
ls it all right? You'll get to know
my native land better...
- Thanks.
- Never mind.
What was l talking about?
l don't remember.
What did you say about the name
of your native place? ls it Zarechye?
- How are you?
- Fine.
Meet General Glagolev.
From this moment on he's in charge.
Be seated, Colonel.
First of all, l'd like you
to understand that
all the information about this mission
is top secret
lt concerns everyone in this room too.
That's why any leak
be it intentional or by neglect
about the place, timing or
any other details of this operation
to anyone except those present here
- is qualified as high...
- treason.
- Right.
- That's good.
Gimme the map.
A secret military storage installation is
situated here at the bottom of this lake.
Our satellites registered suspicious
activitity in the vicinity of the facility.
lt might be a false alarm,
but it is worth checking anyway.
The most important thing is
that this lake pretty soon
might augment the Chinese territory
in the company of other debatable areas.
That's why
the territory of the storage facility is
to be urgently de-activated and after that
the facility itself is to be blown up.
This is the gist of your mission.
l'll need the access to your archives.
- as well as any relevant data on the subject.
- You won't need it.
You are charged with being
only a guide to that place.
You'll travel there in the company
of our agent.
- What agent?
- Ask Khmelnitskaya to come in.
What Khmelnitskaya?
Colonel, meet our reserve
captain Khmelnitskaya
Olga Anatolyevna.
She specializes in chemical
and biological research.
- This is Colonel Mazour.
- Glad to meet you.
As far as l understand, the advance
to the location is supposed to be covert.
l assume we might use a raft
or even walk through the taiga on foot.
Have you ever been to the taiga, lady?
l'm not a lady, but a captain
in the first place.
A reserve one. l got it.
You've never been out there.
No, l can't do that. Being a guide
is one thing and being a nanny...
l won't agree to this mission.
Kill him! He's hit me.
Do you have the slightest idea
who your counterparts are?
Do you understand their attitudes?
This broad was sniffing the coke right
in front of them in the restaurant.
He must give the powder back to me.
Listen to me.
She is my woman
and only l can teach her any lessons.
lf you ever touch her again,
l'll kill you.
Do they take the shipment?
l must give them another call.
Please do.
- Did you serve a prison sentence?
- Are we already on such short terms?
May l ask you a straight question?
Are you referring to your guesses
in the elevator.
Yes, l have a 36D, but don't worry.
You're not a man of my dreams.
Thanks for the information.
l'll feel safer about my virginity.
But this is not the issue.
What's in this storage facility?
l'm not authorized to disclose
this information to you.
A great chat.
- Let's get to the riverbank.
- What for?
Do you find any pervert pleasure in
asking this question? You know why.
- Again?
- lt is my metabolism.
And don't hammer me with your glances.
How can l? Even a spade won't
be enough to kill a girl like you.
Listen, l'll be very obliged to you
if you stop your torrent of placid
jokes for some time.
- Let's make tit-for-tat deal. l stop my jokes.
- You'll keep trying anyway.
l won't even try. And you stop making me
park at the riverside every two hours.
lt seems to be slightly
hindering our advance.
What do you suggest instead?
Behave like...
Yeah. lt might be a good idea.
Listen l perfectly aware of the fact that l'm not
up to the standards of your mission companion,
but l can't pee while standing.
l don't eat raw meat
- and l can't open beer bottles with my teeth.
- Why teeth?
And it is not my fifth
or sixth world-saving mission.
By the way, how many awards for
saving the world did you get so far?
So l've never dreamed about
such a fine trip in the company of
a moth-eaten superman
with a heap of complexes and little brain.
- Great.
- Kirill, have you ever taken a taxi?
- l used to.
- Listen, you're just a driver
and l'm your passenger.
You simply must drive me
to my destination point.
Stop the car. l need to take a pee.
You've forgotten to fasten
your seat belt, ma'am.
Hold it, asshole! Shit!
l'm sorry.
Bastard! lt took me ten years to gather
all this and all l get for it are your apologies.
Well, Prokhor Petrovich,
These are Moukha grenade launchers,
those lngram automatic rifles,
And these are M-4 semiautomatic
rifles. Quite a deal.
This is a Faber.
Well, you must have heard about it.
An extremely reliable gadget.
- And what's that?
- This is a special order piece.
Just for you.
lt's as good as it is expensive.
lt has a high-precision optical sight.
- There is a laser sight here on the side.
- Good.
- lt is quite a piece.
- Hold my plate, please.
- Can l have it?
- Prokhor Petrovich!
What? Goutorov! l've heard that
you want to spoil my big game.
- Not to spoil it, but to postpone it.
- Really?
The games become too frequent. And there is
a team of inspectors coming here from Moscow.
What a brilliant device!
- How many shots per minute?
- 1800.
- What about the sure fire distance?
- 1500 meters.
- Excellent!
- lt's really superb.
When everything calms down in a week,
l'll bring some fantastic game in.
l vouch for that.
Good! Very good!
Did you take the money
for all that, Zhgutov?
Do you have any hearing problems?
Did you take the money?
- Yes, l did.
- Get back to your work then.
lt is a superb gadget.
But the sight isn't precise.
l aimed at your forehead
and hit your ear.
- Make nesessary adjustments, Sancho.
- Sure, Prokhor Petrovich.
Now what, lbraghim?
Everything proceeds as scheduled.
We're supposed to get over here in jeeps.
There will be a light plane waiting for us there.
- Right here at the border.
- What's this?
That is an ancient railway track.
There is no traffic there now.
Will you cancel the game?
- Where does this track originate from?
- l'll specify that.
Consider it my warning, Prokhor.
lf the deal falls through, my brother
will be be very disappointed.
lbraghim, are you going
to intimidate me?
l'm not afraid of your mad boys.
l'm mad myself.
The goods will be delivered after
the game. Wanna some nuts?
We're almost sticking to the schedule. The
next leg of the trip is to be covered on foot.
ls it still a long way out there?
About 50 miles.
Well, off we go.
lf you start lagging behind, you can
always give a call to the taxi service.
The lake here is about 25 feet deep.
Ready? Let me help you.
Are we already on such short terms?
Thanks, l can manage it myself.
Will you tell me what joys
expect us down there?
Mishanya, what a bride
you have found!
She's great.
What a shame! The girl's
wearing such a shameful outfit.
- But it is not insulting for my eyes.
- You'd better do what you're told to.
Well, Russia is gone.
As soon as the people started
crossing with three fingers, it vanished.
Here we are, dear guests.
Feel at home here.
- Shall l take the bride?
- Come on, Misha, take her to the boys.
Who are you?
What's up, jerk? Will a good jab
in the muzzle be all right for you?
mustn't make any noise,
eat whatever they are given
and behave themselves.
You can't do that!
lt is Gena. He's been here
for quite a while.
Quite a while. So he's gone nuts.
And the man over there is a runaway prisoner.
He's gotten into another prison instead.
Can you imagine that?
No one will talk to you here.
They all are scared.
- Are you the bravest kid on the block?
- No.
l'm the dumbest one.
- What has happened to your hand?
- l used to ask many questions. Just like you do.
l see.
So he used to get drowned fifteen times,
die amid a fleet of sharks,
but he never blinked an eye.
- Are you all right?
- Are we already on such short terms?
You seem to have returned
to your normal ways.
What normal ways?
l don't understand anything.
lt is a nightmare.
Who are these people?
Are we back to the 19th century?
No. The cup is made of aluminium.
And that guy is wearing sneakers.
lt must be at least the 20th century.
What kind of a war game is this?
OK, you'd better sleep.
We'll sort things out tomorrow.
Do you think
they'll find us soon enough?
- What?
- You'd better sleep.
Come on, start your story.
Who are you? Where are you from?
You have my passport. Stop kidding.
What have you forgotten
in the lake, man?
Just wanted to go for a swim.
For a swim? And did you blow up
your bomb to get dry sooner?
Are you sane, daddy?
lt must be some of your people
fishing illegally.
Dear, l'm perfectly sane
since my birth.
So you don't want any smooth talk.
These people are so strange. You've been
a great disappointment for me, man.
You've made my heart burn. l don't
even know how to let you face Peter.
But l have a feeling that
he dislikes you a little bit.
Do you mind
having a small chat with him?
Do you see?
Talk some interesting things over.
Now what, ace?
You're about to be cut
into straps, man.
Now get your seven of diamonds
This is for Misha, man.
Now hold 10 of hearts
And a chevalier of spades.
So you've spoiled my new jacket.
Take an ace blow for that.
That will do. You'll beat him to death.
When Prokhor comes,
he'll peel everyone here alive.
Pull him out to the sunny spot.
Don't cry, man. lt is all your sole fault.
You don't know good manners.
You keep fussing around.
You've killed our dear Misha. Too bad.
lf you don't calm down, dear,
l'll hand your sweetheart over to Petya,
He's so fond of whipping his girls.
Sometimes he gets so indulged in that
flagellation that he whips them to death.
God, forgive my sins.
You'll learn his hand pretty soon.
Petya, dear! Come on!
Now, infidel, have you
completely come to your senses?
Are you ready for a second run?
Petya, he's nodding his approval.
Come on!
Hello, darling!
l won't let you go, dear!
Hey, Petr llyich!
How are you? You're not looking well.
l've been running around on business,
Prokhor Petrovich. Too many things to be done.
- How are things going?
- Everything is ready.
Come on, l'll check on you later.
Bow to your boss!
Calm down! Get in line!
Calm down! Get in line!
Doesn't it look great?
Yeah, it looks great.
The sky is so starry here
at this season.
People say that a burning flame and
a running river make an endless sight.
But for me the night sky makes it all.
Would you like a smoke?
lt was Kant who said that
there were two things
that would ever surprise him
They were the starry sky above our heads
and some other shit as well.
The day is over. The sun leaves
my sky for distant lands
Why am l wingless? l could have
raced the sun forever.
- Right.
- Yeah.
Although there are things that make
a stronger kick than ''Faust'' by Goethe.
Yeah, l can see.
ls he the guy who terminated Misha?
- Yeah, that's him.
- Free him.
Not right now. ln the morning.
All right.
Does your back hurt?
- Does it hurt?
- Are we already on such short terms?
l see that you're OK.
Now tell me everything,
my dear passenger
- What?
- You know what l'm referring to.
What was in this storage facility?
- l've given an oath of silence.
- Now what?
lt was the radiopolyferroharmonyde.
The killer of all living matter.
l'm about to hit you.
lt really was the radiopolyferroharmonyde.
lt is a biochemical substance that
reacts with concentrated red mercury
lt results in the discharge of a gas that
in its turn reacts with proteines
- My blow is on its way already.
- All right then.
When it gets into the air, all proteines
start desintegrating rapidly.
The research was conducted
from late 60s to 1974.
The project aborted when the entire
staff of the lab facility vanished.
The research was ended and the
facility itself flushed down in the lake.
How dangerous is the substance?
lt's deadly.
Three milligrams are enough for devastating
the area of 100 square kilometers.
lt is neutralized by mere water.
Kirill, if the substance ends up
in wrong hands,
half the mankind is sure to perish.
And what if it gets into right hands?
Will the entire mankind be wiped off?
We seem to have agreed about
making all these jokes, don't we?
lt happens every time they come here.
Come on!
- How did they get that stuff?
- What stuff?
How did these people get
this substance of yours?
How do you know?
While l was out there in the irons,
l saw kids riding an iron box.
lt was marked with the same sign
as the lab down there.
We didn't de-activate all of it, did we?
There are two containers missing.
There must have been nine of them.
We found seven.
l don't know what these people
might need it for.
ln fact it is a rhetorical question.
One of the visitors is
of distinct Arabic appearance.
He's retaining his solitude and doesn't
participate in their conversations.
lt must be their customer.
Well, the radio beacon of
my satellite phone is about
to start broadcasting.
The troops will move in here tomorrow.
lt is all right then.
Well, gentlemen, you've come here
to take part in a very entertaining game.
All of you used to play lndians
when you were kids.
The rules are very simples.
Our chopper will take you
Believe me, 40 kilometers
are quite a handicap.
What if someone refuses to run away?
Come on!
l've fixed the gun, sir!
Are you an idiot?
l just wanted to learn his name.
- His name is Pavel.
- lt doesn't matter. l've gone off the point.
We're going over it again.
What did l start with, man?
a handicap of five hours.
And l suggest each of you
should use the time reasonably.
lf you move, you survive.
Why are you so dull, pals? lt is a real
adventure. You'll live your lives to the fullest.
A man can really breathe freely
on the verge of his death.
l assure you that it will be the
brightest experience of your lifetime.
Freeze, bastards! Freeze!
- Calm down!
- Have you taken me for a silent martyr?
- Freeze everyone!
- Calm down!
Don't ever touch me, bastard!
Don't even dare!
- Son of a bitch!
- Calm down, dear!
- My sweetie!
- Don't ever dare touch me!
He's a tenor voice. Very good at singing.
Very good. My best recommendations.
This is the Grigoriev family. Pavel Pavlovich
and Victoria... what's your full name?
She must be Pavlovna as well.
This is Winter Man.
No one knows his real name.
What's your real name, man?
Have some patience
and you'll learn it later.
And these are our prize horses.
Kirill and Olga.
Listen, soldier!
You entertained me a lot last night.
That's why l award you with
a special game bonus.
l'll arm you with real knives.
Why are you smiling?
Shoot it. l'm serious.
l want to level out our chances.
l'm not a villain.
Do you have a knack of handling knives?
No one has complained
about my skills so far.
That's good.
Any other special requests?
l mean salt, pepper, spices?
- Tobacco.
- Tobacco?
But the folk wisdom has it that there are
never enough cigarettes on the death run.
OK. Give it to him.
Any more requests?
What about you, fatso?
Are any condoms available in your store?
Are you serious?
Who are you planning to shag?
l see...
- He's a bird of my feather. Do you have any?
- Yeah.
Come on! Give a pack to him.
Use them sparingly, man.
Now what? See you later.
You aren't coming back here
anymore, right?
Move it a little bit to the side. And be
careful. Even sticks shoot once a year. Got it?
What should l do with the camp facility?
l got it. We'll do it the way you want.
Kouzmich, have you
ever been to the jungle?
- What?
- Have you ever been to the jungle?
- Never.
- lt is so interesting out there.
That's all. Board the jeeps!
God help you, boys.
Bye, bye, dear!
What a silence!
We're up and running!
Come on! Watch your step!
Give your sack to me!
- Do you see that pine on the hill?
- Yeah.
Rush there and wait for me.
While they are led by dogs,
we have no chances of shaking them off.
Take it back. Stand up, dear.
- Stand up and run!
- Yeah, l can make another run.
Let's go.
l'm really sorry, daddy!
He'll be back.
This is all right.
The game is getting ever
more interesting.
- They're not moving anywhere.
- Taking some rest, eh?
- You've a real backbone, man!
- Have you had any doubts about that?
- This is for you.
- Not bad.
And not too good. l'm afraid
my words will sound banal, but
- But we have problems.
- Really?
They are tracking us
using these devices.
This is a radar sensor. But there
must be transmitters in our group.
Freeze, everyone!
Make a couple more tosses.
Give it to me.
Well, this is all right.
No time for rest. We'll take
a bee line across the marsh.
- l can't move any more.
- Stand up!
You'll lead the way. Those who still
want to survive, will follow him.
Come on! Come on!
Stand up!
- l can't!
- Stand up!
Come on!
How did they learn about them?
Did they guess?
Well, the rest is cancelled.
Everyone, run!
Who is this submarine officer after all?
Get to the riverbank
and wait for me there.
Will you pull him out?
l dunno.
- l won't have the courage.
- But he's not aware of it.
Come on, run!
He's out there! Over there!
Winter Man! Scumbag!
Have you ever been told that
it is bad to steal?
l'm feeling awkward when you're armed.
Another trick of the kind
and l'll be really mad.
Let's go!
What's this for?
Have you ever played lndians?
There was a book character
in a novel l read in my distant childhood
We're going to accept the challenge.
l'm tired of fleeing from them.
l'm too old for that.
- Vika, will you lend me a shoe string?
- Yes.
- Are you serious about it?
- Deadly serious.
The hair make perfect bowstrings.
The short hair isn't becoming for me.
l did it once in the 8th grade
and my mom was mad about it. l did an
horrible haircut and had to wait for 6 months.
lf it's needed. l'll do that.
lf you say so...
All right. This is our lunch.
Kirill, is there any way for you
both to skip this hunt?
Don't leave.
Don't worry. Everything will be
all right. We'll be back in the morning.
Do you want
Do you want me...
No, nothing.
What a nice piece of ass!
When we're back,
l can hold her and you...
l'll give to your idea a second thought.
l used to have a girl companion
in Koustanay.
Her name was Nelli Pavlovna.
A natural redhead.
She could press a glass of juice
out of a fresh apple with her hands.
- She was a real woman.
- What's your real name?
Call me Winter Man.
This is just a nickname.
What's your real name?
A Winter Man.
Well, this is all right.
l'll be back soon.
Come on.
Cheers, Prokhor Petrovich.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Why are you so depressed?
Where are the goodies?
l've already told you that
l'll hand them over after the hunt.
lsn't it over?
No, it was just a game.
No hunt has started yet.
Have patience, lbragim.
And l went to..
the graduation school class
in Tashkent.
My dad had been transferred there.
l served my second sentence in Tashkent.
Our prison chief was
Moustair Roustamovich Faizoullaev.
He was a man with a real heart.
He was totally bald like a female knee,
And he kept asking me about the books
l had read at school,
about my mom and my first love.
And his death was so bizarre.
A car ran over him.
Both Prokhor and he owe to me a debt.
- Who?
- Zhgoutov Vassily Stepanovich.
- ln fact he's an officer from my prison.
- Now what?
lf we succeed, l'll take Zhgoutov.
- Shut your dog up!
- Come on!
Finish him up!
l didn't mean him. l meant his dog.
Don't move!
Don't touch anything!
Freeze, everyone!
Don't shoot! Don't waste the rounds!
- He's not stupid enough to stay here.
- Wow! That's something.
Follow me!
What an idiot l am! Why do l always succumb
to your ideas? We might be in St. Pete now.
You wanted to see your brother.
Are you pleased
with what you got instead?
Do you think this hero is saving us?
He's saving himself.
We accept the challenge.
Why did he use the plural?
l wasn't taught to fight.
l'm a pediatrician.
- And l thought you were a man.
- lf you have no brains, you'd better shut up.
lf we stay together,
we'll be killed for sure.
And l want to survive.
l want to continue working.
ln three years
l'll have my own hospital department.
And this hero may run around
as much as he wishes.
l assume he likes being a hero.
And l'd like to live up
to my oldest age.
Leave him to me. He'll be my toy.
Your? Finders keepers.
And l'll wait for him here.
Who are you really, submarine officer?
Slavka, get out! We're here!
What else do you have in mind?
Where are you?
Prokhor Petrovich,
we won't see him that way.
- Any suggestions?
- No. Unless he comes out on his own.
l see. A special forces man?
Or something like that.
Soldier, where is your ammo?
lt's called low readiness.
l think he'll head towards
the trees over there right now.
He's after the trophies.
Who's that avid marksman out there?
To hell with this manhunt.
Need a hand, Vassily Stepanovich?
You never draw any lessons
from your double life.
No lessons.
- lt's me.
- Put the gun down.
And move away from him.
Put your gun down too.
And do it slowly.
Prokhor, dear, l've found him.
Are you always so timid about women?
No, dear, sometimes, l'm very gentle.
Where are you?
Are you scared?
Calm down! Calm down!
Be quiet!
Prosha, dear, l've found
another prey too! Rush here!
Try it again.
And one more time.
Do you want to come up to me?
lt's becoming boring.
Parking's not allowed here!
Are you leaving with me?
Or will you stay with them?
l see. Good-bye.
Thanks for the shoestring.
And where is our doctor?
l see. So our victorious breakfast
has been cancelled.
All right. Off we go.
Sergey, are you here?
Contact our people in the chopper
and summon everyone here. l mean the governor,
militia forces, everyone. l need the man.
l need him alive.
And if anyone hurts him,
l'll kill the bastard.
Now we begin the real manhunt.
Up and running, everyone!
Now what?
Our man of iron
has melted down, hasn't he?
He's not a man of iron.
Why are you standing so still?
No one has cancelled our dinner so far.
And l'll have to save the world after it.
my former boss Zhgutov
has made this present to me.
- ls it a cell phone?
- No, it's a satellite phone. Fully operational.
Would you mind
making a call to your friends?
- What friends?
- To your mom.
l'll try to.
- l've got a connection.
- Talk, dear, the call is very expensive.
Hello, Alpha, this is BS-30.
Can you hear me? Hello?
BS-30's just hit the airwaves.
lt seems to me that...
- What?
- She's on Line 2. Press the button!
Hey, BS-30, this is Alpha.
- lt is your turn now.
- Hello! Hello!
- Who is that?
- Captain Mazour.
Mazour? Are you mad?
The line is not secure.
Where in the hell have you been?
l don't have the slightest idea
where we are now.
lt is somewhere around Shantarsk.
- Take the location off the satellite.
- Report according to the protocol.
Mazour reporting:
The facility has been destroyed.
Most of the substance
has been destroyed.
But a few containers were stolen
by some unidentified people.
They are under the command of
a man named Prokhor.
A manhunt has been declared on us.
What manhunt? Where are you?
Somewhere in the taiga. There are
two of us and two more civilians.
Hello! Hello! Hello!
The batteries've gone dead.
- Did you locate them?
- Yes.
- Gimme the map, quickly.
- lt is over here.
l think we must report to Mazour's
commanders and organize the rescue mission.
Are you mad? They can't be there.
The point is 200 miles away
from the facility.
Hey, listen. There was
no call from anyone.
Our people have died, because
they officially can't be there.
The lake doesn't officially exist.
Neither exists this storage facility.
We can't afford any information leaks.
Do you understand that?
Mazour reported some of
the substance as stolen.
l haven't heard anything. What report?
Who is Mazour?
And do we really care about it?
The most important thing is that
the facility has been destroyed.
ln three weeks it will become
the Chinese territory after all.
And l don't care about the things happening
somewhere in a distant corner of the globe.
lf we start making fuss
around this matter,
or send out any rescue missions,
the whole thing will become public.
And it will be an international scandal.
Do you understand that, Colonel?
- Not quite.
- You don't seem to understand it at all.
Did they hear you at all?
Did they understand it was your call?
l don't really know.
Quiet, everybody!
Follow me!
Under the tree!
Might it be our people who have
located the point of the outgoing call?
The chopper isn't ours.
All our people are here under the tree.
That's all. We're moving on! Hurry!
lf the troops are alerted,
you know my reaction.
Hurry, everyone!
There are four people in the group: two males
and two females. l'll bring you the photos.
l value each man at $100,000.
Got it?
Now listen. The shipment
has already been delivered.
As soon as l capture them, send it out.
That's all. Roger.
You've told me we are going
to pick up the shipment now.
- Now you're telling him it's already in place.
- Do you want one?
Prokhor, you're endangering our business.
l can't let you do so.
- Are you trying to scare me, lbraghim?
- Look, if they got past this point,
- it means they're heading towards the fording.
- l'm calling my brother.
- Go ahead, call him.
- l'm cancelling the deal.
Hey, Samir, can you hear me?
Samir, l'm weeping now
because l have to tell you
a horrible piece of news.
Your brother isn't with us anymore.
Samir, he was like a brother to me too.
l'm swearing to you now that
l'll find and punish his killer.
l guess you've got me right. And l hope
the accident won't hurt our business.
Keep it going, brother. l'm with you.
l saw about half a dozen
choppers last night.
- Now what?
- lt means the habitable places aren't far.
Only there they can refuel.
God, have we made it?
Take care, watch your step.
They won't let us leave the taiga.
We'll have to do our best.
- She must have broken her spine.
- Might it be just a heavy bruise?
How long will she last?
lf there is no medical assistance,
she won't last more than a day or two.
What shall we do?
Kirill, she's getting worse.
There is blood coming from her mouth.
Will you find two branches
that are that long?
And make a good heap of grass.
We'll help you, Vika!
You'll feel better in a minute.
lt doesn't hurt.
lt doesn't hurt anymore.
lt doesn't hurt.
What's your name?
My real name is Kolya.
l'm Kolya.
l've found everything.
But one branch is crooked.
What a bastard!
There is a word in a crossword puzzle
that has seven letters diagonally.
Put me through to the Shantarsk
lnterior Ministry Department.
- Shantarsk.
- Can you be more to the point?
Your reference to some tourists is blubber.
l have my entire district force up nd running.
l understand.
We have an emergency here after four
dangerous criminals escaped from prison.
They're harassing the entire district.
And this tourist of yours
should be reasonable enough to behave
properly when he meets my people.
Tell your people they should display more
caution when they meet him.
lt might improve their survival chances.
l can't talk any longer.
l have visitors. Roger.
l need a plane to Shantarsk right now.
All those people out there...
Wanted: Kirill Mazour
Have we finally made it through?
There was no other option for us.
- Will we stand like that for ever?
- l'm out.
From that point our ways part, man.
You'll be going to your Moscow,
and l'm back to the mattresses.
The city is pretty close.
lf you have other problems in our district
in the future, l'd be glad to help.
lt is your life.
We're looking terrific.
Here everything will depend on
our charming abilities.
And l have plenty of that stuff.
- Who are you?
- We're tourists.
l've failed to understand
what determines our success here.
l'm bringing the dog in.
He's going to bring in his dog.
What do you want?
Will you buy this machine gun from me?
- How much do you want?
- One grand and some clothes for both.
Five hundred will do.
This is all right then.
Hey, boss,
- Hey!
- Can l use your phone?
Will you order anything?
Two kebabs and two cups of coffee.
Here is your coffee.
- Can l use your phone now?
- l'm sorry, pal, but...
- we have no...
- l see...
l count to two before l break your nose.
Where is the nearest working phone?
Three blocks away from here.
lt is not far. The post office.
You can make any calls from there.
Wait for me here. lf we've been listed as
wanted criminals, they'll be looking for a couple.
- l'll go with you.
- lt is too dangerous. Wait for me here.
l won't stay here alone.
l'm with you.
Listen, pal,
where is the local post office?
Hey, it's a forty-minute ride from here
if you're lucky enough to get a lift.
ls it a holiday today?
Are you looking for someone, buddy?
- Why this rouble?
- What?
Why are you wearing this rouble
as an amulet?
lt brings me luck.
My dad gave it to me.
- Do you have a father?
- Yes.
- Who is he?
- He's a chemist.
- Tell it to the marines.
- No, really. That's why l became a chemist.
My mom wanted me to follow in her
footsteps. She's a TV program editor.
But l chose the chemical department
of the Moscow University.
- My dad was a chemist too.
- Really?
Yeah. What a coincidence!
- ls yours a close family?
- Yes.
That's good.
Did you...
Did you love your dad a lot?
- Listen, you're not much of a chemist.
- Yes, l am.
You're a psychoanalyst.
l'm sorry.
l don't remember my mom.
l was three when she died
l don't remember her.
l was brought up by my dad.
My dad was such a strong and tall man.
l didn't inherit the complexion from him.
And you know, he used to carry me
to school on his shoulders.
He even might raise a railway carriage.
And he used to take me to school
like that every day.
And my reacher Larissa Nikolaevna
was literally in love with him.
ls he still alive?
No, dear, he was killed.
He was killed when l was 8.
He headed the lab that you destroyed.
And one day they all
were locked up in there like animals
and flooded.
They all perished there.
lt was so simple.
l remember it so well.
And l was a boy of 8 then
l kept telling the story to everyone
but no one believed me.
lt happened so because
it was in our country.
So put all your attempts
to see anything human in me
up your beautiful ass.
Do you follow me, bitch?
- Now what?
- The shoot-out in the kebob house
resulted in four corpses. Three with bullet
wounds. All the men on the federal wanted list.
- What about the fourth one?
- The owner. Killed by a hard blow in the head.
The blow is believed to be delivered
by a phone receiver.
So our boy must already be in town.
- Why didn't he contact us?
- l'm amazed by your tranquility.
Your man is walking around the city
slaughtering people by dozens.
- Any fingerprints on the receiver?
- Only those of the kebab house owner.
We must find some witnesses.
Come on! Come on!
- He's busy?
- Busy?
- Yes, busy.
- Then alert him to my visit.
Zima, he's come to see you. l told him
you were busy and he wouldn't listen.
This is all right, sonny.
He never says hello.
This is the Argentine-Jamaica
final in 2000.
Don't tell me the score.
lt's so interesting for me
to watch it to the end.
Daddy, may l take your car?
- What for?
- We'll go to the waterfall with the girls.
He'll go with you.
- Daddy!
- He will.
Don't watch the 2003 tournament.
lt's a sheer disappointment.
l know where she is.
The boys already told me about
the morning in the kebob house.
l'll go with you.
What do you need it for?
l want to meet Prokhor Petrovich.
This is all right then.
- Who are you?
- Santa Claus. Do you have eyes?
l have a present for your boss.
You'd better take a peek in the car.
Put the machine gun down, soldier.
- Are there many people inside?
- Yeah, quite a few.
Too bad. Give your walkie-talkie to me.
Take your walkie-talkie
from the second guy.
l'd rather take it from you.
Put the gun down.
- Put it down.
- What are you doing?
This is me.
This is Zima.
- This is me.
- Yes.
l've brought him as l promised.
Rise and shine, dear,
it is time to die.
Are you scared?
You're so lucky. And l'm
deprived of any fear or pain.
Can you see? Can you see?
l'm sorry, buddy.
Nothing personal.
All my wars are over.
l want to leave this place, travel
around the globe and raise my daughter.
Only Prokhor sells outbound tickets
in these places.
There lived a brave captain
who sailed across the globe...
And too often he got to high seas.
He used to get drowned fifteen times
He used to get to shark pools
But he never gave a blink.
ln a battle and
in despair
he kept murmuring
his favourite little tune
Keep your smile on, dear captain
Your smile is the flag of your ship.
Gear up with the smile, dear captain.
As the high seas succumb to the brave.
But once he got too far South
and fell madly in love with a tropic girl
The blood kept rushing to his cheeks,
He started stuttering along.
But no one sang this little tune to him
Keep your smile on, dear Captain
The smile...
is the flag of your ship.
Gear up with your smile, dear captain.
As the high seas succumb to the brave.
Yes. l killed him.
l've destroyed the killer
of your brother.
lt wasn't easy, brother.
Yes, everything goes along as agreed.
Wait for me at the border in 8 hours.
And let your Allah help you too.
lt is so boring after all.
- Kirill!
- Olya!
l'm shooting at anyone who moves.
Calm down, Kirill, we're friends.
- She'll vanish in the fire.
- Halt!
- She'll vanish in the fire!
- Are you mad?
We should have rushed directly
to the airfield.
When did he leave?
Can you tell me that, man?
- About 8 minutes ago.
- To the cars, everyone.
To the cars!
The field data made it clear that
this Prokhor had conducted negotiations
with the Red lslam movement.
The leader of the movement
is Samir Bonyat.
The talks were conducted
by his brother lbraghim..
And a few days ago
we got the information that
the Red lslam envoys were seen
in China over there.
lt's quite close to our border.
- 8 hours.
- What are you talking about?
lt's a 40-minute flight from here.
You don't follow me. He told Samir
he would meet him 8 hours later.
- l'm still not following you.
- He won't take a plane to the meeting point.
What will he take? A chopper?
He'll take a train. You'll be driving.
There is an ancient railway track that
goes through the taiga right to the border.
Get there as fast as you can.
Otherwise we'll miss him.
Hello! Can you hear me? Hello!
The border is too close.
The Chinese are jamming everything.
- At least the radios don't work here.
- Turn back!
We should return to the network coverage
area and call in the reinforcements.
What if he gets off
the train in the taiga?
What shall we do then?
- Cut the corners. We might overtake him.
- And what's next?
l'll handle it.
Here they are!
Get in their way!
- What's next?
- We may succeed.
Move closer to the train.
l'll change the seats.
And you rush to the coverage area.
l'll hinder their advance.
- How?
- l wish l knew.
Yes, yes. Everything is all right.
Yes, they are right in front of me.
l'll be there in person.
And they headed off towards
the new dawn of happiness.
This toast is for us having everything
we want and escaping every punishment.
lt never happens that way.
Have you ever been to the jungle?
- What?
- So you haven't.
May be it is for the better.
lt is just a lighter.
Hey, sailor! Are you still alive?
Holy shit!
Are you supposed to be killed
with silver bullets only?
Do you miss me, sailor?
l start really liking you.
l'll kill you. lt is just a notice.
Why are you so gloomy?
What are you going to kill me with?
Grab it then.
And try stopping me now.
You don't even have a ticket
to this train.
You'll have to get off, buddy.
You'll have to agree that...
a sable fight is really noble.
They came to face each other
rocks and waves,
verses and prose, fire and ice.
Come closer to me, sailor!
Keep it going, sailor!
You're a hero after all.
Heroes mustn't feel the pain.
That's all, sailor.
You can't kill me. l died when l was 8.
This is all right then.
Now what? ls this your best man?
ls he, Admiral?
This is a wonderful end of your
career in the force, Colonel.
You'll face the court martial
for ignoring the orders.
for slaughtering civilians.
Do you understand that?
Hey, someone!
Will you help the general?
Let's go.
Too bad, Colonel.
Your blows must be more precise.
- He's alive. He's alive.
- Forgive him quickly!
Where does it hurt? Kirill!
Where does it hurt?
Does it hurt here? Or here?
Why are you smiling?
Don't you feel any pain?
Do you feel pain?
l almost got burnt alive out there.
Where were you?
Where were you? Where?
Were you busy saving the world again?
Was it your sixth or seventh time?
Oh we're doing it large.
Only the world deserves to be saved.
Did you save it?
And l've never had
a single doubt about that.
You're my hero after all.