Hunting Souls (2022) Movie Script

[eerie music]
Hello, Mike.
[Mike breathing heavily]
Oh shit.
What is this?
I'm showing you the path.
Just let her go.
What are you talking about?
[gun bangs]
[Mike panting]
What's wrong, honey?
I just had a really bad
nightmare and it felt so real.
What was it about?
Come on.
Come on.
Honey, I...
Forget it, all right, I don't
want you to analyze my dreams.
I'm not into that
stuff, you know that.
Yeah, I know.
That's my thing.
You don't have to believe in it.
Well, if it was just a nightmare
why don't you go back to sleep?
My heart is beating so fast.
Lay down, try to relax,
drink some water.
Did you turn the
temperature down?
Why's it so cold in here?
I don't know, babe,
cuddle up, or something.
You need to go back to sleep.
[ominous music]
What are you doing there?
How long have you
been standing there?
Who are you talking to?
Sophie, look.
Right there, are you blind?
[scoffs] Mike, this is
not funny, I am so tired.
What's going on?
Come over here.
Mike, there's nobody
there, Sophie is not there.
Sophie, what's up?
What happened?
Sophie just went
through the wall.
No, she just walked
through the wall.
Is that what you
were dreaming about?
[Sophie] Daddy!
She always calls for you.
Do you want to go check on her?
No, you go.
She called for you.
[Sophie] Daddy!
Be right there, honey.
[Sophie] Daddy!
Where are you?
You okay, baby?
I woke up and I couldn't move,
all the room was
fading to black.
That's not a good
feeling, is it?
That's called sleep paralysis.
The dark almost got me.
Remember when we
went to the hospital,
that kind doctor said if
your blood sugar drops,
then everything can feel
like it's fading to black.
Here, one second. Here, look.
[pills clattering in bottle]
Take one.
It'll make you feel better,
Honey, can you come here?
Sophie has a fever again.
Could you bring something
to get her fever down?
Yeah, yeah.
Does she need the inhaler?
No, I think her
blood sugar's dropped
Sophie, can you hear me?
All right, we have to take
her to the hospital, honey.
We have to go now.
What was that in the bedroom?
What are you talking about?
You said you saw
Sophie in our room.
I thought I saw her, yeah.
I don't know, maybe
I was half asleep.
You know, I haven't had
a good night's sleep
in three weeks, honey.
No, Mike, you were awake, your
eyes were completely open.
Sophie called out for me.
Maybe it's like when you
fall asleep watching the TV
and you're dreaming about
everything that happens on it,
I don't know, I don't know.
So you saw her, she disappeared,
and then she got sick.
So what, now you're
saying it's my fault?
No, I'm not saying that.
I'm saying what if,
what if she's dying and
she's trying to say goodbye?
Honey, is this about your
dreams and your father?
Just because you
dream about someone
doesn't mean they're
gonna die, honey, okay?
Sophie's gonna be
fine, she's sick, yeah,
but she's gonna be fine.
I promise.
You okay, baby?
I think she's asleep.
[siren blaring]
Sir, you can't park here!
You need to move it.
- Sorry.
- Sir.
Sorry, sorry.
I need a doctor!
Someone get me a doctor!
Can I get a doctor please?
Can I get a doctor?
- Stop yelling.
- What's the problem?
My daughter's very sick,
Well calm down and
we'll take care of her.
This is the third
time I've been here.
Nobody here seems to
know what's going on.
What's going on here?
Oh, Dr. Thomas, thank god.
She's, she lost consciousness
and she's got a fever again.
Wasn't she doing
well three days ago
when she left the hospital?
Yeah, I mean, she was fine,
but in the middle of the
night she woke us up.
So I went into her room
and she's complaining that
she's seeing dark again.
And she's got a lack of energy,
and she, you said that
she's malnutritioned
and then she's probably
not eating enough,
that she has hypoglycemia.
It's weird because we've been
feeding her three meals a day.
We're doing everything we can,
we just don't understand
what's going on.
You were right to bring her,
these symptoms are signs
that we need to check her.
Look, we're here to help.
I'm sure we'll find the problem
so just wait here while
I check her, okay?
Thank you.
[somber music]
Let me just lift her up.
There, we're gonna pull
your shirt up, okay?
Up here, all right,
now breathe in deep.
There you go.
Breathe in, breathe out.
There we...
Sophie, where did
you get these marks?
What marks?
You have marks on your back.
Wow, what is that?
Sophia, did you get
hit with something?
I don't know.
You can trust me, Sophie.
I don't know.
Okay, all right, there you go.
I'll be right back.
I was checking Sophie
and I found some marks.
I need to know about this.
What is that?
Who did this, Sophie?
So you've never
seen this before?
No, did you fall?
So has she been
complaining of back pain
or was she running
in the woods or what?
No, she hasn't
been complaining.
So when's the last time
you guys checked her back?
Well you put her
to bed last night.
Yeah, but I didn't see that.
So from that time until now
you've been overseeing her?
She woke up in the
middle of the night
and then we bought
her straight here.
Okay, well let
me finish my exam
and then I'll
come talk to you.
Sophie, the Doctor's
gonna look at you
a little bit more, ok?
Be right back.
[ominous music]
Sophie, if you don't
tell me what's happening,
I can't help you.
You can't help me.
Hi, the doctor's finished,
can you follow me?
Of course.
Dr. Thomas, is there
any news on Sophie?
We're really because concerned
as we can't seem to find
the cause of her symptoms.
She keeps telling me the
darkness is coming for her.
Her blood sugar
levels have dropped,
but tests are showing
signs of cachexia,
which is a severe
case of malnutrition.
But her body doesn't
look cachectic.
We'll keep checking
me through the night
and try to run some
other procedures
to get a better
idea of the problem
and how she got those marks.
Will Sophie be okay?
We'll do everything we can.
Let me just go run
some more tests, okay?
[ominous music]
[Sophie whining]
Sophie, Sophie?
Shh, it's okay.
Everything's okay.
[suspenseful music]
[beast growling]
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[beast breathing]
[Doctor] Did you take
Sophie's blood test today?
[Nurse] I did, is
there a problem?
I have been looking at
her clinical history.
She has the same symptoms
as Carl Matthews.
He died of cachexia, but it
never showed in his body.
You do know that Carl
was Sophie's best friend.
I heard that.
What if she was infected by Carl
with some kind of
sickness or virus?
Could be possible.
But I want to discard
Can you call social services
and make sure she's
eating her food?
Of course.
How is everyone?
Hi, uh, fine.
Angie's in the
bathroom with Sophie.
Does it hurt?
You do know that Sophie's
friend Carl Matthews
had the same symptoms as her?
The same symptoms, really?
Same weakness, same fever,
same malnutrition, the marks.
The same marks too?
Yeah, but Carl died.
So what is Dr. Thomas doing
differently to save Sophie?
Well, maybe you should ask.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Sophie, look at that, it's
your food, just in time.
I don't feel good not to eat,
But if you eat
you'll feel better.
Okay, my little princess,
I've got to go to work, okay?
Now you be a good
girl for mommy.
Okay, daddy.
You still got some
time, don't you?
No, I've gotta
change before I go.
Oh, right, that's right.
All right.
Love you.
[door knocking]
Excuse me, Dr. Thomas
isn't in his room,
is he gonna be back soon or?
I'm sorry, he's handling
a personal matter.
If you'd like, you can
speak to him after lunch.
- Okay, all right, thank you.
- You're welcome.
[Answering Machine] Please
leave a message after the beep.
Dr. Thomas, this is Mike.
Can you give me a call as
soon as you get this, please?
[elevator dings]
Hi, Mary.
it's Mike.
Is this an okay time
for you to talk?
Hey Mike, yeah.
Of course, how can I help?
And we've been at the
hospital all night.
I was just wondering if,
if it's okay if I
asked you something.
Oh my God, yes, of course.
What's going on.
It's about Carl.
Do you know the
cause of his death.
Um, I'm sorry, Mike, I don't
want to talk about that.
I can't talk about that.
- I have to go.
- No, no, no, Mary!
Sophie's really sick.
And I'm just wondering
if there's anything
that you can tell me
that'll help save Sophie's
life, I'd really appreciate it.
[phone beeps]
[Voice] You can't save her?
[Angie] Whatcha drawing?
Just us, you dad are on the
bed and the room is cold.
Oh man, it's been so
cold in there lately.
I think we need to fix
the air conditioner.
- [door knocking]
- Hi!
My name's Karen, I'm
from social services.
Hi, I'm Angie, can I help you?
Yeah, can we talk?
What's, what's this about?
Oh, we just want to
ask some questions
and make sure everything's
okay, it's just protocol.
Okay, that's fine.
- Where's your husband?
- At work.
Okay, and is he the
biological father?
Okay, is your child under
any pressure or stress?
How much stress can a seven
year old really be under?
You would be surprised,
is she's sleeping well?
You know, sometimes she wakes up
in the middle of the night
because she's had a nightmare
and she calls her dad and,
you know, she usually goes
back to sleep after that.
I see.
How frequently is
this happening?
They're happening more
often lately actually.
How much time do you
spend with your daughter?
All that I can.
I actually quit my job
to take care of her.
Do you mind if I talk to Sophie?
Do you mind if I
talk to her alone?
Um, yeah, no, I, that's fine.
- I appreciate that.
- I'll just,
- I'll wait out here.
- Okay, thanks.
I'm concerned about you, Mike.
You've been missing
a lot of work lately.
I know you've got personal
things going on at home
and I'm trying to
be understanding,
but this is happening
more and more often.
You know, there's always
some kind of excuse
and I'm getting a
little tired of it.
I'm trying to help
you here, Mike.
First, you take a day off
because your daughter's sick
and then you take
another day off
because you need to attend the
funeral of a friend of hers
and then Sophie's sick again
so it's another day off
to go see a specialist,
and on and off.
Mike, you've already blown
through all your personal time.
You don't have any
vacation time left.
You do a good job
when you're here,
but none of that matters
if you don't show up.
Your wife doesn't work,
so why can't she stay home
and take care of the
kid while you're here?
Sir, I like to help my-
Look, bottom line is this.
You need to decide if you
want to keep this job,
otherwise I'll find
somebody to replace you
so you can stay home and
take care of the kid.
That's all, get back to work.
Thank you, sir.
Mike, what's up man?
Whoa, bro, what is going on?
You look like shit,
man. [chuckles]
Long night.
Did you and Angie have a fight?
Sophie, she's sick again.
So we spent the whole
night at the school.
I know you've taken her
to a lot of doctors,
is there anything I can do?
No one seems to be able to
find out what's wrong with her.
[phone rumbling]
Hang on one second.
Hey honey, how's everything?
Dr. Thomas is concerned
about Sophie's nightmares.
Yeah, they think that
she's getting sick
every time she goes to bed
because she's not
resting very well.
But how is that possible?
She wakes up every
night and she calls you
and that's when she
starts feeling bad.
So what can we do?
Dr. Thomas is going to
prescribe her some medication
and then we're gonna
take her home to rest
where she feels safe.
Okay, good.
Do you need me to pick you up?
No, that's okay.
You go on ahead,
I'll take her now.
Okay, honey.
I'll see you at home.
I love you.
Love you too.
[Mike sighs]
Everything all right?
Why the long face,
you should be happy.
It's just, I haven't
been sleeping, man.
Every night I have the same
dream, someone's shooting at me.
And I don't know if I'm
asleep or if I'm awake.
Can you look into the
meaning of the dream?
My girlfriend, you know,
my girlfriend, Hope,
she's into that kind of stuff.
And you believe
in all that stuff?
No, I mean, it's worth
hearing what she has to say.
She knows a lot.
You're an engineer.
You know that there's an
explanation for everything.
Not everything.
[calm music]
[door knocking]
Why are you here?
Sorry to just show up like this
but I really need
to talk to you.
I said, I didn't want to talk.
I know that Sophie
is really sick
and I think you're the
only person that can help.
Help how?
She must have
something different.
The doctor said that she has
the same symptoms as Carl,
and yet he couldn't save him.
Doctors don't get it,
they don't understand
this kind of thing.
We went to countless
doctors and nobody helped.
Do you know the cause?
I don't and stop asking,
'cause no one knows.
[Mike sighs]
This is gonna sound crazy, but
my husband believed that
Carl's dreams were the key.
I don't know, but he started
sleeping in Carl's room
and whatever he was doing
made Carl feel better.
What was he doing?
He wouldn't let me see,
he kept the door closed.
He said that he would tell me,
but not until he
felt it was safe.
I don't know, Mike, I don't.
We fought about
it, I begged him.
And finally he agreed.
One night he said
he would tell me,
but I had to wait
until the next morning.
We went to bed and that night
he had the heart attack.
He died before he
could tell me anything
When he died, Mike, I didn't
know how to protect Carl.
The one thing he always said
is that Carl's dreams were
related to the sickness.
I tried, I did
everything I could,
but three days
later Carl was dead.
I'm so sorry.
I meant what I
said on the phone.
If there's anything that
Angie and I can do, please,
let us know.
Thank you.
You can understand why I
didn't want to talk about it.
One last thing, right before
you hung up the phone,
you said, you can't save her.
Wait, what did you think I said?
You whispered, you
can't save her.
Oh my God.
Oh my God, stay here.
I found these in my
husband's nightstand.
I thought maybe Carla done them,
but I knew deep down he hadn't.
Why not?
Carl couldn't write that neatly.
[Angie] All right,
Sophie, come on.
It's time to go to bed
and get some sleep.
Can't we wait for daddy?
No, baby, he's gonna be
late getting home, okay.
And the doctor says you
need to get your rest.
Jump in there.
Good girl.
You know you can
trust me, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Do you want to tell me anything
about the marks on your back?
I don't know what
happened, mommy.
It's okay.
I understand, thank you, baby.
I know you had a
really hard day today,
but I want you to know
that I'm here with you
and your daddy's here with you
and that everything's
gonna be okay.
All right?
Now it's time for you
to get some sleep.
I love you, baby.
Love you too, mommy.
[door creaking]
You home?
[ominous music]
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[Angie panting]
[door creaking]
Hi, honey!
- Angie?
- Shh!
- Sophie okay, where is she?
- She's sleeping.
She's okay, she's just
really tired.
Oh, I thought she'd
still be awake.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
She tried to wait up for you,
but I gave her the pills and
she just dropped like a rock.
[calm music]
You remember when she was born?
Yeah, of course I do.
I was so nervous after
losing our first child
and failing as a father,
I didn't know what to do.
But then seeing her
little baby in your arms,
I knew I had to do everything
I could to be a better person
and to give Sophie
everything that she deserves.
When we lost the baby,
I thought you'd leave me.
No, honey, I would
never leave you.
Or Sophie.
You're a good godfather.
I love you.
You too.
We should go to bed.
Just a little while
longer, honey.
Come on, you need to
get some rest too.
There's something I need to
take care of before I go to bed,
but I won't be long.
Love you, my little princess.
[keyboard clicking]
Have you ever been
shot in your dream?
This is a common theme for
people and it oftentimes means
that you're struggling
with something
that is difficult to
overcome in your life
or you feel threatened
by something.
Now, if this is the case
and everything feels
like it's going wrong,
I suggest you dig in your heels
and gather up your strength
because things are
going to get a lot worse
before they get better.
But you've got this.
[keyboard clicking]
So you want to
remember your dreams?
Well, guess what?
You can make the conscious
decision to do so.
Before you go to sleep,
just relax your mind and body
into a nice meditative state.
Don't drink any alcohol or
take any meds before you crash
and keep a glass of
water by your nightstand.
- [creature growling]
- Then-
[ominous music]
[whispers echoing]
Let's go to bed, honey.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, you scared me.
Okay, hun.
You coming upstairs?
Yeah, I'm just gonna get
a glass of water and I'll,
I'll be right there.
Sorry I scared you.
It's okay, honey.
[crickets chirping]
[Angie shivering]
[door creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[phone beeps]
[suspenseful music]
[doors thudding]
[creature snarling]
[door knocking]
Who's there?
I'll call the police!
[doors knocking]
Who's there?
[door creaks]
[crickets chirping]
[door thuds]
[door thuds]
- [door thuds]
- [lock clicks]
[ominous music]
[light switch clicking]
[door creaks]
[stairs creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[glass bottle clattering]
[whispers echoing]
[phone beeping]
Shit, shit shit shit shit!
[breaker clicks]
- Good morning, ladies.
- Good morning.
So, did you remember
your dream last night?
I don't think I dreamt
anything last night.
How are you, my little princess?
- Good.
- Yeah?
What is that?
You have a hickey on your neck.
- Really?
- [Angie chuckles]
I didn't have that last night.
Pretty weird.
I only have eyes for you, honey.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- You know that.
All right.
Well, I gotta go to work.
Can you be a good
girl for mommy?
- Love you.
- Love you too.
See ya.
Hey, don't come home with
another hickey on your neck.
I'll try not to.
So, now that you
feel all better,
what do you want to do today?
Play Guess and Draw.
Guess and Draw?
- Okay, you done with this?
- Mm-hmm.
All right, let's go.
Are you ready to be blind?
Okay, what color
do you want to use?
How about blue?
Okay, let me get this on ya
I'll get you a blue crayon.
Here we go.
Okay, what is it?
Is it a person?
[Sophie] Is it a dog?
Can you give me first clue?
I'm drawing the tooth.
- A lion!
- Nope.
- Is it an animal?
- Yes.
Give me the second clue.
I'm drawing the long ear.
- A rabbit.
- That's right!
- You got it.
- Yeah, I'm the best!
You're the best?
I'm the best!
Let's have a contest,
I'm the best.
No, I'm the best.
- I'm the best!
- I'm the best.
- I'm the best!
- I'm the best!
[Angie laughs]
It's your turn.
No, you know I don't like
not being able to see.
Don't worry, I'll protect you.
[laughs] I know you will.
Let's play again.
Okay, go ahead and sit down.
Let me put this back on you.
Ready to be blind again?
- Yeah!
- Okay.
Here we go.
- [phone rumbling]
- Ooh.
Oh, you know what?
I gotta take this phone
call, I'll be right back.
[phone beeps]
Hey, what's up, Carol?
Did you get the tickets?
Are you ready to play?
Yeah, let's do it!
[Angie's Voice] Good.
Is it a dog?
[Angie's Voice] No.
Is it an animal?
[Angie's Voice] No.
Gimme the first clue.
[Angie's Voice] It's
somebody in the family.
Is it grandpa?
[Angie's Voice] No.
Hey Carol, hang on a second.
[Angie's Voice] No.
It's dad.
[Angie's Voice] Yes.
Yeah, I'm the best!
You drew this?
No, you did.
What happened, mommy?
Who did this, Sophie?
You did.
I did not do this.
You said it was
somebody in the family.
Somebody in the family?
It's dad, you said so.
[picture thuds]
Stay right here.
[ominous music]
[Angie gasps]
[Ron] Sup, bro?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
So why are you leaving early?
You know Bob's already mad
about you being out of work.
Are you going to lecture me too?
Come on, man, it's
not like that.
Is there anything
I can do to help?
Yeah, you can start
by not telling Bob
that I'm leaving early.
Whoa, seriously, bro, I
thought we were friends.
Like what's going on?
There's something
happening at my house.
What happened?
I felt something,
but I was asleep.
Is about your dreams?
Man, I told you, you gotta
look into the meaning.
Talk to Hope.
She knows a lot.
I need to go.
Oh, okay, bro bro bro bro bro,
I'll back you up but, let me
know if you need anything.
Will do.
[yelling] Fuck!
[engine revving]
- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
What's that?
Security cameras.
Oh, so now you want
security cameras?
I heard something at
front door last night.
And if someone comes
into this house,
I want to know about it.
Why didn't you
tell me about that?
I'm telling you now.
Well, there's actually something
that I want to tell you.
Can it wait, because I
need to get these up.
Before it gets dark.
[suspenseful music]
[glass shattering]
What happened?
[Angie sighs]
[creature growling]
- [creature roars]
- [Angie screams]
[dramatic music]
Whoa, whoa, it's just me.
What happened?
He's here.
Who's here?
It's a thing, I don't,
the thing, I saw it.
A thing?
A monster or something, I
don't know what it is, it's.
I saw it, it's here.
Where is it?
He was sitting at the
dining room table.
[suspenseful music]
There's no one there, honey.
He was right there.
Just calm down,
give me the knife.
It's okay, come here.
- Just try and relax, okay?
- [Angie sobs]
Come here.
He was there, he was.
- It's okay, baby.
- He was real.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Just try and calm down.
[eerie music]
[window creaking]
[paper fluttering]
[Sophie whining]
Daddy! [screams]
- Sophie?
- Daddy!
[Sophie screams]
Hold on, Sophie!
Get her out of there!
- Help me!
- Come on, baby!
Oh my god!
You okay?
What were you doing out there?
I was getting my drawing.
Baby, you have to
be more careful.
You could have gotten hurt.
[doorbell rings]
Who's that?
Okay, you stay safe, all
right, stay out of trouble.
I'm gonna go see who's
at the front door.
- I'm sorry, mommy.
- No, baby, it's okay.
You're okay, and that's
all that matters.
All right?
Come here, honey.
You're safe now.
I love you, baby.
Hi, can I help you?
You must be Mike, I'm
Karen from social services.
Supposed to meet you.
Can I come inside?
Um, I don't mean to be rude,
but right now is
not the best moment.
What's happening?
Mike, are you okay?
Who is it?
Ma'am can I come inside, please?
Sure, I'll be down
in just a bit.
Can I get you
something to drink?
I'm fine.
Can I talk to your daughter?
Angie, can you bring
Sophie down please?
Hi, Sophie, how are you?
[Mike] It's okay, Sophie.
Can I talk with her alone?
Whatever you have to say
you can say in front of us.
It's just protocol.
Let's just let them talk,
okay, I think it's fine.
I heard that you like to draw.
What do you usually draw?
My family.
Mike, come on.
I was trying to listen
to what she was saying,
why are social
services in our house?
Mike, they just want to make
sure that Sophie's okay.
Are you sleeping well?
Yeah, last night was good.
What about the other nights?
You don't want to
know about those?
Of course I do, why not?
Because then you'll
start dreaming.
Oh really?
What makes you think that.
My friend Carl was dreaming,
and then he told
me about his dreams
and then I started dreaming.
Oh, so it's his fault.
Are you friends?
He was my best friend.
But you're not friends anymore?
No, he died a month ago.
Oh God.
I'm sorry.
That's okay, my dad told me
that he's in a better place now.
How did he die?
He was getting sick like me
until one day the
darkness got him.
The dark?
The darkness of his dreams.
Okay, can you tell me about
your dream, step-by-step?
- Do you really want to know?
- Yes.
I'm always in my room.
I feel somebody
is there with me.
It's hard to know who it is
because I can never move.
I'm scared that I can never
move, so I try calling my dad,
but I can't speak.
The guy gets closer
and closer to me
and when he's next to me,
the room starts to destroy!
And when the guy's
about to get me
my dad's there and wakes me up.
Is your father the person
next to you in your dream.
How is he always there
when you wake up?
My soul calls him.
Is that what he tells you?
Do you wear pajamas
when you go to sleep?
I have gray pajamas
that my mom got me.
Does your dad ever
mess with your pajamas
when you're sleeping?
Let's go back to the beginnings.
So you always call your dad?
My soul calls him.
How can your father
see your soul?
Because he loves me.
Yeah, but obviously
someone thinks
that we're trying to hurt her.
I don't think that they
think that necessarily,
but listen, if
they do think that
they can take her away from
us, do you realize that?
I love Sophie, okay.
And I'll do anything in my power
to make sure that she's safe.
You know that.
Of course, and so do I,
and they're going to see
that, we just have to-
[suspenseful music]
- Sophie, are you okay?
- What happened?
We were just talking.
I saw something and I thought
Sophie was in trouble.
She was just drawing, look.
You drew this?
[suspenseful music]
I didn't do that.
I think you have to leave.
We are just figuring this out.
No, we've figured this out.
What do you mean?
Sophie's not good at
reading or writing yet.
Well then who did it?
I don't know, but I'm
doing you a favor.
I need you to leave now.
Please let me help you.
You can't help us.
Angie, can you go upstairs
and wash that stuff off
of the wall, please?
Sophie, come on, let's go to
the backyard and play some,
play some baseball.
- Let me help you.
- He's fine.
He is, okay?
If you're in any
trouble, here's my card.
We're okay, really.
Let me show you how to do it.
Oh, you're gonna
teach me, are you?
[Mike chuckles]
You want to show mommy
how good you are?
Look mom, it's a fast ball.
You got a good arm.
Oh, wow.
Okay, I'm not gonna be
able to get that one.
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[ominous music]
[door thuds]
[Angie gasping]
- Dammit!
- What?
Why did, why did you do that?
Do what?
Don't scare me like that.
I wasn't trying to.
Mike, you slammed the door.
Don't mess around,
it's not funny.
I was playing
outside with Sophie.
I'm gonna take a bath.
You okay?
Uh, maybe I'm just tired.
Yeah, we're both
a little stressed.
Do you think it's this house?
This house, we've lived
here for seven years.
Nothing like this
has ever happened.
Well I don't know, Mike,
but what I saw was real.
And you know I'm not crazy.
Eh, you know, you're
a little crazy.
Just for me.
Okay, not funny.
Listen, honey, let's not
make these little things
into something weird.
Okay, I mean, air coming
through the window,
the door slamming, curtains
moving, that's normal.
I know what I saw.
Okay, honey, listen, we're
gonna solve the situation.
All right, if something
is happening in this house
we're gonna find out what it is.
We're gonna be okay.
Mike, just go check
on Sophie, please.
I gotta clean this wall.
Oh no, the husband's
turning into a zombie!
Everybody run!
[door knocking]
Are you done?
Not yet!
I still have people to marry!
Well, how much
longer do you need?
Five more minutes.
Are your fingers lookin'
like an old lady's?
Not yet!
Okay, five more minutes.
[birds chirping]
This is a victory for glory!
[suspenseful music]
Let's see who's the fastest.
[water splashing]
[suspenseful music]
Sophie, you finished?
Sophie, are you okay?
Oh my god, Sophie, Sophie!
Come here, baby, come here.
It's okay, I got ya!
Sophie, can you hear me?
Oh my God.
One, two, three.
Sophie, can you hear me?
One, two, three.
[Sophie coughing]
oh okay, okay, you're okay.
Thank god, you're okay.
Oh baby, I thought I'd lost you.
I couldn't get out of the water.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay, you're here.
[soft music]
Thank god.
You're gonna be okay, I
love you so much, princess.
Love you too, daddy.
It's okay, honey.
[ominous music]
Hello, Mike.
Oh shit.
What is this?
What are you doing?
Showing you the path.
Just let her go.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about Sophie.
You've got to let her go.
You can't save her.
Why are you telling me this?
This is your granddaughter.
You can't save her.
[gun bangs]
[creature grumbling]
[suspenseful music]
[energy humming]
Get away from her!
- [blow thuds]
- [Mike grunts]
[creature grumbling]
[Mike grunts]
[Mike groaning]
This is not real.
This is not real.
Mike, Mike, Mike!
[Mike panting]
Are you okay, honey?
You were having a bad
dream and I woke you up.
Oh, Sophie!
Come here, baby, you okay?
You okay?
Daddy's here.
What just happened?
Daddy saved me.
He saved you, how
did he save you?
Daddy was asleep.
He saved me from the darkness.
We'll have to figure
out if this is happening
just at nighttime.
So I was thinking maybe
we don't go to bed,
we stay up til the sun rises,
we can go to bed
during the daytime.
Are you crazy, work
during the day.
Besides, what makes you think
it's only happening at night?
But that's why we took Sophie
to the hospital, right?
This is when it's happening,
it's happening in the
middle of the night.
Yes, but it's not only at night.
I mean, you know, we've
seen things during the day.
Okay, so I'll check the
security camera footage again.
Maybe I missed something.
[doorbell rings]
- Who's that?
- It's Ron.
Why is Ron here?
I told him about my dreams
and he said his girlfriend knows
a lot about that kind of stuff.
I didn't think he was
gonna be here this early.
I just thought we could
handle this privately.
Angie, we need to get
to the bottom of this.
You know what, I'm just
gonna take Sophie upstairs
because I don't want
her to hear you guys
talking about this stuff,
it's gonna stress
her out even more.
Come on, Sophie,
let's go upstairs.
We'll eat dinner later, okay?
Well, I keep having this dream
where my father
shoots me in the face
and he's saying, you
can't save your daughter.
And then when he shoots me,
I jump and then I
come out of my buddy.
Your father?
Yeah, my father.
I mean, he's, he's dead now.
He died in a car accident,
but sometimes I think he's
trying to protect me from,
from upstairs, you know?
I'm sorry, I, I don't
think that's your father.
I think your mind
is producing images
to create the shock necessary
to allow you to astral project.
Astral project?
Yeah, you said you
get out of your body,
kind of like a ghost?
Wait wait, what, you do what?
Astral projection
or astral travel,
it's when your soul
leaves your body
and you can see things that you
don't see in a normal state.
It's usually your subconscious
trying to tell you something.
My mind knows something
that I don't know?
Every time you sleep
you have the ability
to astral project, only you
might not be aware of it.
And you can see and
experience things
and retain that in
your subconscious
that you might not
remember when you wake up,
does that make sense?
So can I just go
there anytime I want?
With the right focus, yeah.
So you say you get out of
your body, then what happens?
Then I see this thing,
attacking Sophie.
Listen, Mike, um, if
there's an entity around,
then it's not a good
idea to be doing this.
Yeah, but I need
to go there again.
Did you not just hear me?
It's, it's dangerous.
Okay, the astral plane is
this entity's territory
and we don't know
how strong it is.
I don't care how strong
it is, I have to go there.
You should care,
because apparently this thing
has got its eye on your kid.
[somber music]
I'll do whatever it takes
to protect my little girl.
What did it, this thing,
what did it look like?
I can't believe I'm saying this.
It looks more like a demon.
When demons are
classified by their domain
they're given
specific attributes,
according to different
activities that they do,
the way they interact with
people, manipulate them.
cause sicknesses, maladies,
addictions, et cetera.
Now each domain is according to-
This one, that's
him right there.
You're sure?
Yeah, definitely.
So we really are
dealing with a demon.
Oh my God, man.
- It's time for us to leave.
- Ron.
Sit down, sit down.
- It's a demon.
- Yeah.
And you asked me to help your
friend, so let me help him.
This demon specifically feeds
off the energy of people
and he will consume that
energy until they're dead.
Do you think he's here now?
No, I don't think so.
The light of the sun
symbolizes the light of God
and that weakens a demon.
Most of their activity
doesn't happen
until they're strongest,
generally at nighttime,
between the hours of
three and 4:00 AM.
He will attack
you in your sleep,
that's generally his go-to,
but he's gotten so
strong that now he can
siphon your energy
while you're awake.
He likes to play
with his victims.
He's a hunter.
But why is he hunting Sophie?
Why can't he, why
can't he go after me?
Because as a child, she
has the most pure energy,
the most enticing, but he'll
come after you eventually.
Is there anything I
can do to stop it?
So the last time this
demon possessed somebody,
it was a young man named Hector.
And he went on a
massive killing spree.
Eventually the
authorities caught him
and sentenced him to die.
But before he was executed,
a shaman was able to pull
the demon from the body
and place a spell on the demon
that it could no longer possess
anybody without permission.
That way no innocent person
would ever suffer Hector's fate.
This demon has been getting
stronger over the years,
consuming energy,
continually toying with,
with its victims
and torturing them
as they've watched the
people they love suffer,
and he is going to
continue doing this
until he gets a body again.
But how can we stop him?
The only permanent way
is through an exorcism,
but to do that, we have
to get him back in a body.
As long as he's in
the astral plane,
unfortunately there's
nothing we can do.
So I can't do anything to him.
I'm sorry.
So we have him in a body,
and then what can we do?
Then we call a priest
and we send this asshole
out of this world.
Yeah, but you said before that
you got to shaman to
try and do an exorcism,
but it didn't work, he just
kept on killing anyway.
The shaman removed
him from the body,
an exorcism would remove
him from the realm entirely.
So, so, so, so what if we,
he has a body, we call the
police we get him to the jail.
Babe, that's a brilliant idea.
Why don't you sacrifice
yourself to be the body?
No, they'll, they'll
just shoot me.
Yeah, nobody wants to be
possessed by a demon, okay.
It's not that simple.
We gonna help?
So we don't have him in
a body so what can we do?
I know a spell,
that can protect us
is, especially Sophie,
and keep the demon at bay
until we can get a priest
and figure out the next step.
Us, what do you mean by us?
I thought you meant them.
Babe, the fact that we're here
and we know about the demon
makes us a threat to it.
We have to assume that
it's already been listening
and that it's not
gonna leave us alone.
What if I just go home.
He'll just follow you.
Sorry, man.
You're not, but it's okay.
Okay, listen, if we're
gonna do the spell
we need to do it now.
Ooh, now?
Yeah, we don't know when
this demon will be back,
if it's not already here.
What if, what this doesn't work?
Well, we better
hope that it does.
You know, why I always end
up with the creepy girl?
This is Angie and Sophie.
So where do you think
is best to do the spell?
Um, this room will be great
actually, we can do it here.
What, what spell?
What are you doing?
It's for your protection.
Mike, you used to make
fun of this type of stuff.
How is it possible that
you believe it now?
Yeah, but now I'm
starting to believe, look,
this is the book
that Hope brought.
This is it right,
this is what you saw?
Oh my god, yeah.
That it.
See, it's a demon.
I'm starting to believe and
I'm willing to try anything
as long as it helps Sophie.
Mike, keep Sophie out of it.
Sophie's in the middle of this.
This thing is after Sophie.
Angie, please, I'm
just trying to help.
[soft music]
Are we really doing this?
We don't have any other option.
Please, I need you
with me on this.
For better or worse, right?
Let's do this.
So, what do we need?
So, we're all good?
Okay, I'm gonna need either
a lot of salt or a long rope,
either will do.
Be right back, okay.
[suspenseful music]
It's here.
It's always cold when he's here.
[phone beeping]
It's in the house.
[suspenseful music]
Man, the ball came
through the circle.
That means he can come
through the circle!
The spell is just to keep out
demons, okay, not baseballs.
Can you feel that it's here?
[demon screeching]
It's in the room.
- It's in the room?
- Shh.
I'll take care of you, okay.
[Sophie screams]
The edge, get her
into the center!
- [suspenseful music]
- [family groaning]
- Ron!
- Go.
- Get away from-
- [blow thuds]
[energy humming]
Okay, come on, come on.
Go right here, sit down.
Mommy, my inhaler.
It's okay, baby, we
can't go up there,
we can't go up there right now.
Just very easy,
listen, inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.
Okay, that's better.
You're doing so good,
that's much better.
[keyboard clicking]
[suspenseful music]
Come on!
Okay, you stay there.
Sophie, what's wrong?
Mommy, he's here.
[ominous music]
It's just your daddy's robe.
Baby, it's all right.
Mommy, he's here.
Sophie, it's just your-
[demon roaring]
[Sophie and Angie screaming]
Hey, hey, where's the salt?
Come on.
[blender whirring]
[Hope gasps]
[suspenseful music]
Oh my god.
Oh my god, Mike, are you okay?
Mike, wake up.
Mike, Mike, are you okay?
Is he dead?
Oh my gosh, oh no
no no, Mike, Mike!
Mike, Mike, you can't.
- Wake up!
- Daddy, wake up!
Oh my god.
Don't you ever do
that to me again.
What's happening?
Oh no, no no no no.
He's dead.
You sure?
He doesn't have a pulse.
Should I, should
I call the police?
I don't even know
what to say to them.
Where's Hope?
I don't know, she
was in the kitchen.
I don't think she knows.
Why is it so dark in here?
All the lights went out and
all I got is this flashlight.
I need to check the breakers.
Are you crazy, I'm
not going down there.
We need to go down
into the basement,
we need to turn these lights on.
Because I want to
attract him to me.
Mike, you have lost your mind.
[door clicking]
[door creaks]
[suspenseful music]
[demon growling]
Mommy, no!
Baby, I gotta help him,
I gotta help your dad.
I'm scared!
Listen, me too, but daddy would
never ever leave us, okay.
So we can't leave him.
Okay, I want you to be brave.
Come on.
Stay close.
[suspenseful music]
Come on, it's okay.
Mike, oh my god.
Did you break something?
[groans] I feel like
I've broken everything.
Get a chair and
tie me up, please.
You need to go to the hospital.
Angie, just do it now! [groans]
Sophie, go over there and
give me that chair, okay?
It's dark.
Baby, I'm gonna
keep the light on it
the whole time for you, okay?
I want you to go over there.
Go ahead.
[Mike groaning]
Come on, honey.
Bring it back, there you go.
Okay, set it down,
set it down, good job.
Get me on the chair.
[Mike groaning and coughing]
Now tie me up!
Okay, you stay here
with your dad, okay?
Stay with your dad.
[suspenseful music]
[blow thuds]
[screams] Daddy!
You leave her alone!
You wanna possess
someone, you possess me!
I dare ya!
[demon growling]
Tie me up, come on.
[Mike groaning]
[Mike shouting]
[Angie gasps]
Come on!
[Mike groaning]
[suspenseful music]
Come on, come on.
Come on, I need you to
stay in here, okay, baby?
Stay in there.
[suspenseful music]
No, don't leave me.
I'll be right back, okay.
Listen, I just need
you to be safe, okay.
I'll be safer with you.
Listen, Sophie, listen to me.
You are a very brave girl, okay?
I just need you to be quiet
and wait for me
to get back, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay, great.
[suspenseful music]
[phone beeping]
[911 Operator] 911 emergency.
My husband's gone crazy and I
need you to help me, please.
[suspenseful music]
9722 Windy Hill Road.
[phone beeping]
[suspenseful music]
- 32-04 to dispatch.
- Go ahead, 32-04.
We're 10-97 at 9722
Windy Hill residence.
[Dispatch] Copy that.
All the lights are out.
It's the only house
without power.
Well, someone made the call.
Let's go check it out.
Yep, let's go check it out.
[suspenseful music]
[door knocking]
Police, anybody home?
[suspenseful music]
You see anything?
Nope, they must be on vacation.
Maybe it was just a joke.
I hate when people prank us.
All the lights are off.
32-13, we're 10-19.
Everything at the
house looks fine.
[suspenseful music]
[door clicks]
[Sophie and Mike screaming]
[Angie and Mike groaning]
Mike, I know you're
in there, Mike!
Mike, I know you're
still in there, Mike.
[Mike groaning]
You can beat this, Mike.
Mike's not here.
[suspenseful music]
Angie, Angie, wake up.
Come on, come on, get up,
there we go, come on, wake up.
There we go, we
gotta get outta here.
Come on, Sophie,
let's go, let's go.
Through here.
[suspenseful music]
- Wait!
- Police!
- Freeze!
- [gun bangs]
- No!
- No!
[sirens blaring]
Get down!
You have to kill him,
you have to kill him!
You have to kill him, no,
stop it, you don't understand!
Did he really kill him?
No matter what anybody says,
you're daddy is not a murderer.
The most important thing
is that he did this
because he loves you, okay?
Okay, don't you
ever forget that.
[Officer] Calm down,
man, just calm down.
32-04, shots fired.
Suspect down, requesting EMS.
- [sirens blaring]
- [somber music]
I read in your husband's file
that he was an excellent
engineer, brilliant even.
He still is.
Great husband and father too.
But of course he is.
The mind is still a
relatively unknown universe,
difficult to decipher.
We believe that his mind is
still in there, undamaged,
but it's almost as if there's
something wrong with the body.
If we only knew how to separate
the mind from the body,
then I think I could say that
you'd have your husband back.
I'm sorry you have
to go through this.
Me too.
Don't worry, doctor.
We'll be all right.
[suspenseful music]