Hunting the Phantom (2014) Movie Script

Charles, what are you doing out here?
Just chasing wolves.
I think canyons is the best place to hunt.
- Canyons? What are you saying?
- Doesn't matter.
We just built the most significant
corporation in the world,
and you just walked away.
Charles, I won't change my decision.
Okay. Where's the device?
You don't see how dangerous
the Phantom is
or the consequences.
Well, we built it,
we created it,
and we agreed upon it.
Now this needs to be done.
Humanity is being destroyed
by terrorism.
Now, you eliminate the GS code,
it's a disaster.
I was wrong. We were wrong.
And the world doesn't deserve this.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!
Due to the prevalence of high crime rates
all over the world,
urgent action was needed.
To address the crisis,
Global Security Corporation developed
a promising ID technology
that over time,
was capable of eliminating crime
and stabilizing societies.
Given the effectiveness
of this GS code,
international laws were quickly drafted,
requiring it for every populace.
95% of the Earth's population
was imprinted with it,
on a voluntary basis.
Global Security Corporation's
unified international system
collects information
on all GS code recipients
and makes it possible
for law enforcement agencies
to track citizens on demand.
As such, the widespread adoption
of the technology
resulted in an 84.7% decrease
in crime around the world.
Revenues generated by GS coding
and its related businesses
are conservatively estimated to exceed
hundreds of billions of dollars,
making Global Security
the wealthiest corporation on the planet.
However, being under constant
surveillance is reportedly
causing unforeseen consequences
as GS code recipients are suffering
psychological side effects.
Side effects that could be affecting
as much as 41% of the world's population.
No. What we know is humanity
is being plagued by relentless terrorism.
Eliminating the GS coding system
is out of the question,
without grave ramifications.
Irreparable ones.
Today, all human
rights groups oppose GS coding.
Citizens around the world
have been staging mass protests,
petitioning their governments to abolish laws
and programs associated with Global Security.
In response to the global pressure,
world leaders plan to vote
in an online summit
on the continued
use of GS code technology.
We're on location at a business center,
where a very serious situation
is currently unfolding.
Details are still forthcoming,
but what we can report is
that an unidentified group of terrorists...
We have a point of entry.
In an unprecedented move,
terrorists have taken
over the entire structure, though
their reasons for doing
so are not known.
Where the hell were you?
What's all this?
We've got a crisis here.
I'm sorry. What's the situation?
Take these.
They've got hostages.
This is the layout.
Early reports say
there's about 20 to 30 hostages in there.
No terrorist count as of yet.
Titticoff's here, right?
Yeah, he's going in.
Okay, I got it.
You know...
there are about five liters of blood
in the human body.
And this bomb only needs one...
to wipe out this whole office.
Got it?
Boss, we've got company.
Move it!
I've been authorized by the city
to negotiate the release of the hostages.
What exactly are your terms?
My terms.
Plato, it's a trap.
They killed one of our guys.
You wanna play, huh?
Well, let's play then.
Swallow it!
You'll follow my rules though.
Don't move!
See them?
They have roughly 50 armed men
inside there.
This isn't terrorism.
And when I asked for their terms,
they didn't make any demands at all.
It's some kind of heist.
They forced me to swallow
something too.
You should get yourself looked at.
I want a fully loaded chopper.
And don't try to stop us.
No funny business.
If anything goes wrong, you're gonna
have 35 corpses on your hands,
and it's your conscience.
I won't wait long.
You'd better think quickly.
We can't risk more casualties.
Our course of action must minimize that.
Plan A,
a ground assault.
Yes, sir.
And Plan B, an air assault.
Play along, for now.
Timur, this is delicate.
It'll be risky,
but we need eyes on targets.
- Understood?
- Yes, General.
I'll leave right now.
Plato, I told you.
I need the CFO to get inside the vault.
- Let me go!
- Shut up and walk!
I don't like this.
So how much longer?
You promised no one would get hurt.
Don't sweat it.
Forget the hostages.
The most important thing is
that I love you.
How about you, Zack?
You know I'd do anything for you.
That's better.
No problem.
Make it fast.
Jackpot, guys.
Come on.
Are we leaving?
Not till Plato says so.
He was in this office, last I heard.
Interesting stuff.
I didn't know he liked ethnography.
What's that?
I adore you.
Don't you trust me?
We're gonna save the world.
Believe that.
Meet me on the roof.
And tell Plato.
Come on!
And we've got eyes.
Erlan had the blocker all this time.
Plato, the swallow has landed.
Start loading up.
Three little voices, I've heard.
Where's Rush?
You're asking me?
What about them?
You'll see once we take off.
Don't do this. We got the stuff.
Little late for a conscience.
Clear the building.
Repeat. Clear the building.
End of the line.
It's time to go.
It's a bomb. Not my area.
Hey! You're gonna have
to catch the next flight.
Get lost, bastard!
Get a move on!
Take off!
What the fuck?!
Going somewhere?
Yeah. Stay back.
Stay right there or I'll shoot!
Why don't you let the girl go?
She's got nothing to do with this.
No one has to die.
I'm with you.
So let me go,
and she stays alive, understand?
Quit crying!
Just put the gun down.
Nice and slow.
Are you hurt? The EMTs...
are out front.
Will you be okay?
Hey, watch it!
What's next?
Hold on.
Get me HQ.
No GS code, so use prints.
Zack, there are a few things here
we need to clear up.
Why don't you have a GS code?
I'm a citizen of the world.
An expert hacker
getting involved in a heist.
It's kind of hard to swallow.
You'd earn more sitting in front of
a computer in Miami.
And in just a few keystrokes.
What's your plan?
I call it extreme hacking.
I'm looking for a new groove.
Who hired you?
I... I don't know.
The sensors indicate he's lying.
I need files on every single hostage
from the Business Center
and video
from every surveillance camera.
You're a crook, a loser.
If it was me,
I'd just execute you all on live TV.
We're trying to improve the world.
- Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty.
- You said we.
Who else is with you?
Who ordered this?
You're gonna talk one way
or the other, got it?
Mom, I'm scared.
I don't want to lose you.
Don't worry, baby.
I'll always be with you.
I'll always be with you.
You still have it.
Ever since she died.
It reminds me of her.
Timur, you can't live in the past.
Everyone I love,
they all leave,
go away.
You should stop blaming yourself.
It's not your fault.
She'd still be alive, if not for me.
I want to show you something
over here.
Close your eyes.
Go on. Don't peek.
They're closed.
One sec.
I've wanted to ask you...
that is...
Will you...
Not turtledoves. Lovers.
What's wrong?
Let's go.
It's a necessary system function.
We never use it.
Her data's been processed
and sent to base.
Do you know this guy?
Take another look.
You really don't?
This is Charles Ingrim.
A renowned scientist from Britain.
He happened to be here in Kazakhstan
to attend a science conference.
Keira, why'd you try to kill him?
I don't know. I wouldn't.
No, Keira, you did.
You tried to kill him, didn't you?!
According to the sensors,
she's telling the truth.
You tried to kill him! Admit it!
- I didn't.
- Why did you go after Charles Ingrim?
- I didn't!
- It's clear you did.
Why, Keira?
What was your reason?
I had none.
You tried to kill him!
You had to have reason!
I'm not a killer!
Okay. Settle down.
All right.
It was you and Timur.
There wasn't anyone else close
enough to do it.
So who else could've cut that line?
Not me. Not me.
Was it Timur?
Timur wouldn't.
They think I'm crazy.
A killer.
Why is this happening to me?
Calm down now. Timur sent me.
You can trust me.
I'm a psychologist. Please.
I don't know.
I'll help you.
What happened?
Tell me about that day,
the details of what occurred.
All I know
is that I had the strangest feeling,
a sort of overwhelming urge.
Something like that.
I don't remember exactly.
Let me try to help you.
Timur, we need to talk.
Come to my place. It's important.
On my way.
Easy, now.
No! No!
Keira, what have you done?
Don't move!
Keira's innocent.
Someone's setting her up.
I'm starting to believe
in Keira's innocence.
Who's this?
It's one of the hostages.
What about this?
And this?
I don't know.
Timur, you let one
of the criminals get away.
Look. Anyone who sees this is gonna say
you're helping your lover escape.
I don't know her.
The evidence says otherwise, Timur.
It's aiding and abetting.
And now the murder of your psychologist.
You're a dead man.
Marah, please.
It's not what it looks like.
I don't believe you.
- Over there.
- Okay.
I need a way to find this woman.
See if you can get me something on her.
What do you got?
I can't find any information on this case
anywhere on the database.
No hits.
Your orders are to keep everyone out.
Hold on.
Call for help.
- Have you missed me?
- No.
It's been so lonely.
Stay the hell away from me.
- Can't you just stay away?
- Calm down, Charlie.
Just calm down.
Where is it?
- What were you doing in the mountains?
- You don't have it?
You're better off.
We're all better off.
All of this was your genius idea,
I'll do it my way.
I deserve it more.
It's good you got rid of Erlan.
You did me a favor.
By the way, Zack's a better lover.
You'll get nothing from me.
You hear me?
You won't get shit from me.
- You'll get nothing.
- If you don't have it...
- You'll get nothing.
- Zack does.
You'll get nothing.
We have reports of an increasing
number of protests
as well as organized work stoppage.
The company that has been most affected
by both the market drop
and the ongoing protests
Timur has confessed.
You're free to go.
No, it's not him.
- He never
- I said go!
We found her.
Rush, what now?
Connect it to Timur's GS code.
Find him.
Life is full of surprises, huh?
Don't you think?
It's for you.
Timur, break Zack out of prison
and deliver him to Quadrant X,
or Keira dies.
Know him?
The dude's a cop.
He busted me.
That's it?
That's it.
No, he told me something.
He said that I ought
to refuse a crime reenactment.
This is where we all split the money.
Money? I didn't take any.
Then we went upstairs.
Let's go.
And here. Here.
We stopped and went up.
We weren't here.
Then where were you?
And here...
we run for it!
Hey! Stop!
Warn me next time.
I didn't expect to actually get you
to help me.
Move it now!
This is nuts.
To think a cop actually broke me
out of jail.
Your people forced me to do it!
They took my girlfriend
for leverage! Get it?
I didn't know.
Right. Like you're any different.
Screw you!
Hold it!
Watch it!
Hey! Stop.
Send its coordinates to the patrol.
Intercept them.
Sending data.
Get the door!
You'd make a great car thief.
Get in.
Hurry up!
Gun it.
Block all the exits!
Dammit, we missed it!
Move it!
What are you doing? Come on!
The roads have been blocked.
We're gonna have to get out of here.
Hang on.
We're totally screwed!
Come on! Stop the car!
Brakes are shot.
I'll always be with you.
I can't believe I swam out of a sinking car
just to save the life of a cop.
Relax, man.
Can't swim, tough guy?
How about a thank-you?
We should be safe for now.
You could've left me in there.
Why'd you pull me out of the car?
So we have to get to Quadrant X.
That won't be easy in these prison clothes
or with that GS code in your eye.
We can't help that.
Maybe you can't.
You don't know Jackie.
Who's Jackie?
You have just accessed
the Interpol Database, case file 32ZX.
16 serial murders were committed
across multiple countries.
They occurred in short succession.
A different person
was arrested each time.
The only link is that
each of the perpetrators
lacked a motive
and retained no memory of their actions.
You see this?
It's really awful.
None of them were even aware
they were killing others.
It sounds unbelievable.
It doesn't make sense.
There is one clue though.
The victims were scientists.
One worked for Global Security.
His name was Erlan.
I think he was one
ofbthe higher-ups there.
As I recall...
I heard he broke his contract
and flew the coop.
Only to be killed.
Charles Ingrim
was attacked shortly after.
It's linked.
And I don't know how.
They could've pissed off
the wrong person.
Maybe they were in someone's way
or knew something
they shouldn't have.
Maybe. Come on.
We need to have a word
with Charles Ingrim.
The divers are done.
No bodies were found.
He's alive.
Connect to Timur's GS code.
What is this?
You hack the system, Jackie?
The police are getting cozy
with the black hole, man.
Get the word out.
What are you looking at?
Quit staring!
Charles Ingrim at the Central Hospital
in serious condition.
Hey! Get back here!
What the hell is with you?
- Look out!
- Are you crazy?
Dad! It's me!
Thank God you're alive.
Thank God.
- Listen to me.
- Dad.
You gotta stay clear of Rush.
She's using you.
- What are you saying?
- She's using you.
She's killing everyone in the project.
- You got the blocker?
- What?
You've gotta keep her
keep it away from her.
You gotta stop her.
She'll destroy us.
We've got to go.
- No.
- She's gotta be stopped.
It's a lie!
- Easy.
- It's a lie!
Move it! Let go!
I'm not leaving my dad!
Has everyone gone crazy?
What the hell is going on around here?
What the hell is Phantom?
It's a mind-control device.
A mind-control device.
It controls anyone with a GS code.
There's no way something like that
can exist.
Is it really that hard to believe?
Just look around you.
That's the real purpose of the GS code,
to control people!
Do you have the blocker?
She's coming for it.
That's the problem.
She could destroy us.
- She won't get it, Dad.
- She'll destroy us.
What the...
Something's wrong.
Fucking Phantom.
You used it to manipulate people's minds
and turn them into puppets, right?
No, we didn't.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
I knew Keira was innocent.
You ruined the lives of everyone
that you controlled.
It was all Rush.
She took over the Business Center
and killed innocent people.
We were after the blocker.
As long as we have it with us,
we're going to be safe.
We've gotta put an end to it.
An end to what?
The Phantom.
Why build it?
To make a better society.
To make people happy.
You can't force happiness
into people's lives.
I'm sorry, son.
I wasn't there for you.
I should've been there for you.
What are you doing?
Go! Your girl needs saving,
so go save her then!
I will.
I wasn't there.
No, Dad.
Just... Just...
I love you.
Everything's gonna be all right, okay?
Just don't leave me.
Took awhile to find you.
Hands on your head.
I looked up to you, you know.
And now you've betrayed us.
we're friends.
You know me.
I can't do this.
I hate...
If you think I'm guilty, then shoot.
It's that simple.
Go ahead.
Come on.
I won't go.
Not alive.
Good idea.
He'll come for you and bring Zack.
He'd do anything to save your life.
Zack will find us soon.
He'll trace our location.
You, my dear,
have just helped me.
There's something beautiful
about a weapon.
You know?
In its perfection.
I'll have to hack into GS headquarters
and scan the logs.
Let's hope they left us some tracks.
"Help me. The Phantom is going to kill us."
Their firewall's unreal.
All the ports are blocked.
It's gonna take hours
to find a way in.
Hey. How goes it?
Hey, Jackie.
I'm looking for a girl.
No problem. Let's go.
done much on your own?
Finding her can't be easy.
Why are you here?
This thing is old.
Um, I figure if we're on our own,
Rush will find us and pick us off.
But together we have a chance.
A good one.
If I hadn't stopped
to help you out here,
I never would've found this secret lab.
Keira's definitely there.
Rush is nuts.
We gotta stop her.
I agree. Partners?
She'll pay for everything.
You know, the Phantom has to go.
My dad's creation could do
so much for the world.
Just try to imagine all the possibilities.
Financial crises,
wars, unemployment.
Capitalism is dead.
All because of the Phantom.
Do you really believe that garbage
you're spouting?
What gives you the right to decide
all of our fates?
You don't get it.
We can help millions using it.
- Help them? You lost your dad.
- Yeah.
Destroy the Phantom.
Hasn't it cost you enough?
Think about it.
I was once weak.
Like you.
Then I realized...
if you don't rule,
you get ruled.
Have you ever felt what it's like
to have power over someone?
Unlimited power.
I also know what it's like to feel pain.
To be a slave.
A toy for other people.
At first, I hated them for it,
for depriving me of my freedom.
I dreamt of death.
Help me out.
No one helped me.
And then I realized
that they all had to pay it all.
Okay, I'll insert a GS code
into Zack's left eye
and change yours, Timur.
You can trust Jackie here.
He's a pro.
He wrote an app
for reading GS code data.
You created it for others.
And then you hacked
your own creation?
Hey, we all have to survive.
So are you ready
to become somebody else?
Whatever you say.
Here we go.
Is what you're saying even possible?
Of course it is.
A bit illegal, but that's a given.
Go ahead.
Hold still.
So we can't reach
the airport without these.
We'll use them to get
the tickets to the U.S.,
and then Jackie will remove them.
It's very risky.
There's no other way though.
Hello. Welcome to KZ Airlines
Two tickets to Los Angeles.
Understood. Please stand by
as we proceed with the GS code scan.
GS code scan complete.
Rush, according to the device,
Zack's GS code was scanned.
Enter your signature here.
Who's account?
Don't ask so many questions.
- Have a nice...
- Zack, get out!
We gotta go!
There's no way out.
What about these GS codes?
Only he could remove them.
Hands up.
The flight's changed.
To L.A.
Something tells me
that you'll reconsider it.
No GS! No GS!
The world is anxiously awaiting the results
of this historic vote.
activist groups across various countries
have unified, pressuring as though...
It's official.
The heads of state have agreed
to the online summit.
In the next few hours,
they'll be deciding the future
of GS code adoption.
It's a shame though.
It has been a very valuable asset.
We follow orders.
We don't discuss them.
You have that empty feeling, Zack?
You know what I did
when I felt like that?
I went to work.
And do you know
what I learned from work?
I learned that what makes one
the wealthiest man in this world
is just to have the ownership
of one's own...
You have that.
You could change the fate
of this whole goddamn planet.
Just imagine.
I set one piece of information...
in your eye.
Where am I?
Your dad's second workplace.
Thousands of people have died.
All for the sake of his work.
My father wouldn't allow that.
Are you that naive to think the Phantom
is the result of lab rat tests?
Through underground companies, your
father hired people for high-paying jobs.
And now where are they all?
You perverted my father's ideas.
All these deaths, it was just so you
mount a takeover of the corporation, right?
I deserve it more...
than people like him.
I gave plenty to this corporation
over the years.
A lot of blood, sweat and tears.
More than enough to own it,
in my humble opinion.
I never wanted the corporation.
I just loved you.
It's amazing how a guy
could be so blind!
They'll be abolishing it soon,
and the corporation will fall.
You really think someone can get
in my way?
What are you scheming?
Now that I have the blocker, that is.
- There's no blocker.
- What?
Tell me again what we're looking for.
There's nothing here.
Ah, it's a waste of time.
Hang in there.
Why do you think Charles Ingrim
was here?
I don't know.
Come on. Let's go.
I remember this from Erlan's office.
It's the same.
What in the world was Charles Ingrim
doing up here?
What did he want?
Maybe I can try to decode it.
This looks like a search system.
For what?
Don't worry about it.
It's over.
Sorry. What you're suggesting
is madness.
All we need to do is reprogram
the Phantom to expand its control level.
How is that complicated?
Look here.
Yes, we can control people.
But that control is finite.
Look at the screen.
The key to controlling
the human brain is the GS code.
But if we expand the Phantom
to a worldwide level of control,
we'll only fail.
It would just drive
everyone in the world mad.
Phantom system online.
Initiating self-destruction.
Please don't do this.
It won't just be the heads of state!
We'll all...
That's why I need the blocker,
to get the protection we need.
Don't. Please.
We can't expand to that level of control
without the blocker.
You wanna die like your friend?
Go find the blocker.
It's gotta be somewhere, right?
Go find it. Give it to me.
I-I'll find it.
- Well, then?
- Agent 370 is calling.
Rush, we had it all wrong.
I've got it.
The location.
Sending you the code.
It shows where the blocker is now.
He has it.
The security system is shutting down.
A system restart is required.
Our task now is to provide security
and support other agencies as well.
But the summit's online.
The risks are minimal.
It is an historic moment
that will decide mankind's fate.
Will the GS code laws be abolished or not?
The heads of state are now connecting
to the online summit to vote.
The results are anyone's guess.
Zack, stop.
Remember me?
Where's Keira?
Where's Keira?!
What's wrong?
I'd love another kiss, but I'm busy.
Zack is smarter than I thought.
He made a courier out of you.
All this time you had the blocker.
Zack, expand the Phantom
to worldwide control.
We don't have much time.
What do you want?
You see, the GS code has been
such a good tool all this time,
so why should it be outlawed, right?
Take his girl and throw her off the deck.
I don't need her anymore.
No! No!
Wait for my signal.
Stop it. Stop it!
You're gonna drive millions
of innocent people mad!
I think the world
we live in is already mad.
People chose to trade their freedom
for the illusion of security.
We've hacked the online summit network.
Initializing total control.
Kill him.
Phantom system now set
to total control.
What are you waiting for?
Shoot him!
Thousands of people have died,
all for the sake of his work.
We could help millions.
What gives you the right to decide
all of our fates?
You ruined the lives of everyone
that you controlled.
Everything I believed was a lie.
Zack, kill him!
I was wrong.
We're more than just minds
for you to control.
We've got wills and souls.
We've all recovered
from the technical issues.
The coverage of the online summit
will now continue.
I'll always be with you.
Keira, I want you to know I love you.
I need to find Zack.
Be careful.
- You okay?
- I am.
Don't worry. Look.
All but one country has voted,
and its choice will shift the balance
as the ballot currently remains tied.
The GS code has been abolished.
Global Security offices around the world
have begun closing down.
And the riots that took place
during the world's first online summit
ended almost as mysteriously as they began,
without any fanfare at all.
Subsequent online summits
yielded additional laws
banning human experimentation.
These laws were necessary
after an anonymous tip led to the discovery
of secret mind-control research facilities.
The tumultuous situation across the globe
has since stabilized.
And it is the opinion of this reporter
that mankind has proven itself worthy
of this hard-fought freedom.
The revenues have suffered.
Not surprising,
since GS coding was outlawed.
We need to take drastic measures.
A way to retain control.
Why don't we look into demand
for vaccinations
based on nanotechnology,
for diseases that don't even exist yet.
- That's interesting.
- Life's about control.
Control that's for the good
of all mankind, of course.
Great profits demand great sacrifices.