Huo Yuan Jia (Fearless) (2006) Movie Script

Towards the demise of Qing dynasty, the chinese
were under siege from foreign invaders
Weak and unable to retaliate, the chinese were
bullied and branded "Sick man of the East"
But no one could stand up to it
The Shanghai Foreign Chamber of Commerce organised
a fight between the invaders and its people.
an attempt to rally their morale...
It was then that he surfaced...
And his name is Huo YuanJia
"1910, Shanghai"
"Theater Biarya, French territory"
The arena...
Today, we have four representatives from the
Shanghai Foreign Business Associates
And they will be challenging Huo Yuan Jia
from the School of Jing Wu
The rules for this competition are
The outcome will be determined
by either a knockout or surrender
"English boxer, Peter Smith"
"Head coach for Prussian royal cavarly, Hans Hassel"
Good job, master
"Spanish fencing champion, Anthony Kasier"
And for our final round,
A brilliant fighter from Japan - "Anno Tanaka"
Will be fighting Huo Yuan Jia from the School of Jing Wu
"30 years ago, household of the Huo family in Tian Jin"
Young master!
Come on, let's go now
How dare you!
Who let you in?
I came to bring you some tea, father
How many times have I told you?
Never to come in here again
Go back and practise writing
Damn, why do I have to cheat for you
If your Father ever get to know about this
You will be beaten till you are a pauper!
Nobody will know if we keep this secret
Hey, I want to show you something... Let's go!
Nong Jing Soon, hurry up!
- I'm coming
Why are they fighting again?
They're beating the drums again!
Today, Huo En Di from the family of Huo
And Zhao Zhong Qiang from the family of Zhao
Will pit their skills against each other on this stage
Sure! Good!
What the hell are you two doing? Courting death?
Your Father is going to lose today, for sure!
You just watch!
Your Father's going to get a taste of the Huo fist
The Life and Death agreement has been signed
Victory or defeat is decided amongst men
Life and death is decided by God
Masters! The competition shall begin!
Zhao Jian, your father now should realize
the real strength of our Huo's fist?
And today's winner is...
Zhao ZhongQiang
Thank you, thank you so much!
YuanJia, YuanJia...
Let's go, YuanJia
YuanJia, let's go back
Weren't you the brave lad just now
What's with you? Don't shy away like a rat
Come on, get up!
Stop your arrogance, ZhaoJian!
Shut up! you're useless
the same goes to your family
Fight with me if you have the courage!
I want to show you the prowess of Zhao fist
Get on stage now!
Stop fighting, YuanJia!
Stop now!
Yeah! You've won!
Now that you've had a taste of Zhao fist
Don't ever mention your puny Huo fist again
I've won!
Get up, YuanJia
Let's go now
I swear! Huo YuanJia won't be beaten
by anybody again
Master, you...
Let me apply some medicine for you
Lai Fook, leave us
- Yes
What happened? Angry?
Mum, why won't Father let me learn martial arts?
This is because he loves you
You were born with asthma
...and you're weak
so you can't take the vigorous training
Isn't learning martial arts able to strengthen the body?
Your desire to learn martial arts
Is it purely to strengthen your body?
No, I want revenge!
I want Zhao Jian to know the prowess of our family
Child, the most powerful aspect of martial arts
is not to defeat others
But to control your own desires
Virtue and morality must not be forgotten
martial arts is to strengthen the body and to aid the needy
Not to go out causing trouble un-necessarily
and definitely not for revenge
The way to interact between man
is to respect each other
Then others will respect you in return
Who dares to dis-respect the strongest?
For people to fear you and to respect you
are two completely different things...
You've got to finish those homework
otherwise, your Father will reprimand you again
"Death fist stance"
I've won!
Come on, fly, fly now!
Oh, oh
You gonna fall! fall fall...
I won't fall! I won't fall!
Then I'll hit you down...
I won't fall
Come on, again come on!
I won't fall
Just move faster!
Be careful
Good morning, Mom
- Yuen Jia, you did not take your medicine again
Ever since I start having my training at West Lake,
my asthma hasn't relapsed
Wait for me, young mistress
Just look at your child
Without a mother's care since young,
you have spoilt her
You should marry again
so that someone can help you take good care of her
I have been busy, building our family name
I want everyone here in Tian Jin to know and respect our family
How would I have the time to remarry?
Come catch me, I want to go out with you, Father
Even though you have never been defeated all this while
Your real opponent is yourself
And what you really must conquer is yourself.
- I understood.
"A Challenge Request"
All right
You have a good rest, Mom
Father, your fist was neither fast nor firm
But don't you worry, cos I will make sure
the Huos will not be defeated again
"Live and death agreements"
I definintely will become No 1 in Tian Jin
- My little Chui...
For me?
No, I can't
- Let me have it, will you?
No, I will not
Then, what do I have to do to have it?
- You can only have it after your victory today
- Emm
Is that a promise?
"1900, Tian Jin"
We're counting on you, Master Huo!
Master Huo!
- When will you become No.1 in Tian Jin?
I don't know and what do you think?
- It will be today! today!
Master Huo...
Hey, ZhaoJian!
Where have you been hiding all these years?
I've travelled JiangNan's 17 provinces, 38 prefectures...
And I am well-trained and skilled
I'm invincibile now
- You're the one who's bullshitting
Life and death statement has already been signed
The competition shall begin now!
Come on up!
Hahahaha. What? Are you afraid?
Come up! Come and fall to your death
You just wait!
You are fantastic! master
My stance is tough like roots in the ground
today, I will defeat your Huo fist
Well, I'll give you a chance lose!
Well done!
Pussy claw?
- It's Tiger Claw!!
Go down!
Well done, master!
Just because you wanted me to fall
doesn't mean I will have to comply ...
Pussy claw definitely.
- It's Tiger Claw!!!!
You're going to lose!
Be careful
Are you alright?
- I'm fine
What a tough guy
Don't touch me
- And our winner is...
Huo YuanJia!
That was excellent, master
- Well, of course.
Thank you everyone..
Congratulations, this way
Good Job, Master Huo
- Thank you
We have reserved a table for you upstairs, Master Huo
All right...
Jing Soon
Why so late?
let's go to our usual place
Congratulations, Master Huo!
Congratulations, Master Huo!
Hello, everybody
Come on, now
Jing Soon
Your GuYue resturant is becoming more and more popular
This is all due to support I've gotten from friends
Still remember when we were kids?
You were a bookworm..
I never expect you could excel in business!
Times is really bad
A bookworm like me can only run some small business like this
I don't have much choices, do I?
Help yourself, YuanJia
These were prepared by culinary masters from this region
Come and enjoy these delicious dishes
All right, let's dig in
After you, Master Huo
Who are they?
My name is XiaShan
- My name is XuDaShan
We hoped that Master Huo will accept us as your students
Master, we're most willing to serve you
Sure! You two are tough guys
Serve them wine
We will be brothers after drinking this cup of wine
Bottoms up!
Congratulations, Master Huo!
- Thank you, master
Today's a happy occasion. All drinks are on me!
- Thank you! thank you
Be seated, let's eat now
Little Chui, don't wait any more. It's late already
Quick, accompany our young lady to her room
Lttle Chui, let's retire to our room
- My good child, listen to me, it's time to rest now
Be good, come over.
What is this?
- This is coffee, it's a western drink
No used to this? These are chaotic times..
If the common people want to lead better lives,
then they have to motivate themselves to experience new things
Even though a business-man like me,
can't always think about making profits
And for those who are skilled in martial arts
should not confine themselves to fighthing in arena
National affairs are important too.
- National affairs? Taken care by scholars like yourself.
I'm just a fighter
I only want to be No.1 in Tian Jin
Is that really important to be No.1?
Hey, follow me
Jing Soon, you have always been a spectator off the stage
Now that you're up on the stage now
can you feel the difference?
What so different about that?
- as long as you are off the stage
The Life and Death struggle on stage has nothing to do with you
You're just a spectator, enjoying the fight
But once you stand here,
you are to win, not to lose
Well, you can choose not to go onto the stage
Jing Soon, listen...
Listen to what?
I can't hear anything
Yes... I can hear it
(You're our pride! Master Huo)
(Well done, good!)
(Good job, excellent)
(Master Huo is champion of the world!!)
Here comes the Iron Head stance!
Thank you
- Good job, master!
Hey, save the trouble!
whoever signed the agreement can come on up together
All challengers, go up the stage now!
Huo YuanJia, when will you become No.1 in Tian Jin?
- what do you think?
Well, today is the day!
What are you people up to?
We are willing do anything for Master Huo!
All right! all of you looked like tough men!
serve wine!
After this cup of wine, we will be brothers
Bottoms up
Let's drink!
- Congratulations, Master Huo
Thank you, do come again
Boss, these are the bills of Huo family
Ok, I will see to it
You have not defeat my foster father, Master Qin
Come on, drink it
YuenJia, you have already won 38 rounds consecutively
there are no more opponents in Tian Jin
That's not correct, there's someone I have not meet..
Still have to fight?
To really be no. 1 in Tian Jin, I must fight!
What about outside of Tian Jin? (listing other cities)
when will you ever stop fighting?
I can understand what you are driving at
But I can't stop, I must carry on fighting!
Only by fighting, I will prove to others that
I'm stronger and better
So what comes after you have proven yourself?
YuanJia, stop and give it a thought
What is this?
These are bills accredited by your students and friends
- I will pay for them
They're all making use of you
how many really treat you like brother?
This is what we call personal loyalty
And this ...
Fine! I shall pay off these bills tomorrow
YuenJia, I didn't come here for money
Accepting students and friends,
you should look at their moral qualities
Not how well they can drink
Watch your step, Master Huo
Good morning, Master Huo
Hey, Master Qin
Good morning
Aren't you Master Huo,
the self pro-claimed champion in Tian Jin?
What a coincidence!
- Master Qin, I thought you have retired due to old age
There is a long queue of people waiting to be my students
Is something that puzzles me too
- Oh, really? it is puzzling that
you have prepared such a "large gift" for yourself
I am happy for you too!
You're most welcome
- I've actually bought it for you
Go help your master!
Welcome, Master Qin
Master, your income is not enough for the family
and the bills from your students are piling up
And what about our savings?
- It was used up 3 months ago
Used up? empty...
Fine, Fine. I've told you to train diligently
but no one bother..
Who did it?
- Master Qin!
Today is birthday of Master Qin
I wish Master Qin longevity
- Well done!
I sincerely wish you longevity too
Let us drink to your health, master
- All right...
Master Huo, today is my foster father's birthday
he has booked this resturant
If you are here to drink,
could you kindly find another place
I beseech you ...
Shut your mouth
Today is my birthday
I don't want to fight, if there's anything
Let's do it on another day
Being more senior,
it's a shame to hurt my student?
I want an explanation now
- And what do you want from me?
I've already signed,
put your name down if you dare
Otherwise, bow and apologise!
Get out of the way! YuanJia
You're too much!
Can't you just discuss this on another day?
I can't just put up that kinda of insult
- No matter what, I won't allow you to ruin his party
You accused me of being a trouble maker?
- YuenJia
You're afraid that I will ruin your business?
I, Huo YuenJua will pay for the damages!
I can't believe what you've just said
Leave now,
before I renounce our years of friendship
We've been friends for years,
and you don't want me now?
You are blind!
Get out! All of you!
I want to avoid hurting anyone else..
Let's get going!
Master won again!
Let's go and drink now
Drink now!
Let's go and drink now
Let's go and drink now
Be careful
Let me serve you a drink
Come on, again
Master is the most feared man here
He is invincible! just look at him
Master Huo
Your dream came true, for you are no. 1 now
Master Qin died passed away 2 hours ago
Huo YuanJia
When will you become No. 1 in Tian Jin?
Well, it is today!
Huo YuanJia
Well, it is today
Huo YuanJia
No 1 in Tian Jin
It is today
Room of young lady
I've killed them
I will take full responisibility for my actions
Take care, foster mother
Tell master, what have you done.
Tell him!
- Master...
I'm so sorry
It's all my fault
I had a relationship with Master Qin's concubine...
He found out and punished me
Master, since the others knew
I thought they would have told you about it
Teacher! Teacher!
He's got a fever
I go and get the medicine
After he taken the medicine and
he will be fine after he sweats
he will be fine...
Leave now
- Let's go...
He needs to rest, let's go!
My vision started to deteriorate
when I was 13 years old
In my eyes, there seemed to be
a fog that could not be lifted
At that time I cried every day
Grandma told me
when you're feeling unhappy
you should cry
After that, you need to move on
But in my heart, I can see things clearly
Can you believe it?
I'll help you wash your hair
After a while, hair will start to get knotty
Wash it often and it will stay clean and silky
Grandma always says
People should always keep themselves clean
Only then can you live with pride in this world
There are no knots that can't be unravelled
Ah Niu!
Ah Niu, you can really sleep!
You sleep as much as my dog
So I named you Ah Niu
Come, come, come, follow me
Ah Niu, you've awaken already
We shall go catch some dragonflies and butterflies
Tomorrow, bring him to the fields
Some work will be good for him
Ah Niu..
Ah Niu...
Follow me...
Go, come... come here...
You see, you've wasted your efforts earlier
Aunt YueCi won't let us say anything
But she's re-doing everything for you
Seedlings have life too
They can't stay too close
or it will hinder growth
Just like us humans
In life, we must respect each other
That way we can live peacefully and happily
I'll remember that
Grandma, come, lets eat!
- Sure
In a couple of days,
it'll be time to visit the graves
Go and pay respect to your parents
- Yes
Grandma said that I should go and visit my parents' graves
Drink this
I would like to discuss something with you
Are you leaving?
I would like to go back
to visit my parent's graves too
Filial piety is important, you should go
I'll be coming back after that
You've been here for many years
I've known that one day you would
eventually leave this place
Actually I ...
These are a change of clothes for
your journey. Do take them.
I haven't told you my name yet
You need not tell me
Where you came from or where you're going
I need not know either
I'm just want to remember you as Ah Niu
My name is Huo YuanJia
I'll remember that
"1907, Tian Jin"
(Here's some goodies...)
(Money... Money)
(Word of God must be trusted...)
(Trust God and get eternal life...)
(It is true, true...)
(Trust God and get eternal life...)
(His words are all in here...)
(God's word is here...)
Huo YuanJia! First in Tian Jin
Huo YuanJia! Huo YuanJia!
You are back to fight again
Huo YuanJia is back to fight again
- Uncle LaiFu
You're back!
- Do let me help you
Sorry, I didn't clean your home well
Master, accept my apology...
I've always thought that when the Master return
all the things here should be kept as it is
It's been hard on you
- It is my job, sire...
After you left, the creditors came everyday
asking for their debts
All the things in the house,
were taken by them
In the end, they even wanted the
house to pay off the debt
All of the things in this room
were retained only
because someone sent us some money
After much thought,
I believe Master Nong is the one
who might have helped..
I don't need them any more
I believe my parents also don't want
to see these things again
Honorable Father, I have been unfilial
Only now do I understand,
that moment on the stage
why you didn't deliver the final blow
You are indeed the real "First in Tian Jin"
Honorable Mother
You taught me moral values
Your son was foolish and didn't understand
Don't worry
I shall not dissapoint you again
My child, I didn't take good care of you
I've brought misfortune on you instead
I'm not a good father
Madam, in the past I did something unforgivable
Today, I've come to pay my respects to Master Qin
Mum! Mum!
Extra on newspaper!
Foreigner named Hercules
With 32 consecutive wins
He has not been defeated yet...
He scorns the Chinese as sickly cowards
no one dares to challenge him
Jing Soon...
I'm indebted to you
I was wrong,
I only realised that after so much has happened
It really hurts me, deep in my heart
I have no wish to mention the past
They're all over..
Jing Soon, It's hard for me to ask
But you're my only hope..
I need to borrow some money
Still after the fighting competition?
- Yes
I don't have a friend like you
Why should I lend you the money?
- Master Huo, this is from my master
Who is you master?
His sirname is Nong, named Jing Soon
Ladies and gentleman
The person appearing for you today
can move a train single-handedly
can punch a hole through the Great Wall
of China with a single blow
What bullshit!
can squeeze to death any chinese
fighter with his little finger
- Introducing the strongman
Ao... bi... yine
The challenger of today
Huo YuanJia from Tian Jin!
Sign this statement first
Tell him, a death fight
Is bad culture from China
But we have another tradition,
Make friends while exchanging pointers
(Excellent! Well said..)
Start the competition!
All right
Excellent, well done!
You're kind
Thank you
"Huo YuanJia defeats Hercules
shock the whole of Shanghai"
"Huo YuanJia resolves martial art differences"
"Huo gathers talents in martial arts,
set up school of Jing Wu"
"Shanghai Foreign Journalists Club"
Master, someone has invited you
Jing Soon, I didn't expect you
You still treat me as a friend
I just can't forget you as a friend
I can't possibly
Have a seat, YuanJia
I've prepared your favourite wine
What's the matter
I've given wine up
It's been many years now
Wine was so important to you before
I do not want to repeat the mistakes
that I have made in the past
Then, we'll drink tea instead
YuanJia, you've stirred up the spirits
of our countrymen after that fight
The Westerners could suppressed us no more
Someone should have stood up for us earlier
As a friend
I'm happy for you!
Try this!
Jing Soon
When are you leaving this time?
I'm not leaving since I've decided to come
How about your restuarant?
It was sold..
- Sold?!
Your business has always been good, isn't it?
You want to start the School of JingWu
how you going to do it without money?
But the restaurant meant everything to you
My restuarant is nothing compared to your aspirations
YuanJia, I'm not the martial arts type
I can only contribute by giving you this
May you succeed..
This is drafted according to what we've discussed
earlier - rules and regulation of the school
See if this is what you wanted
School of JingWu has 3 objectives
Educate body, wisdom and morals
Martial arts is the way to become stronger
There will be no segregration of clans
Only through the exchange of arts
will one improve oneself
By having a healthy body and alert mind
Our people will be able to prosper again
We shall not harm the innocent
We shall not abuse our martial arts
Virtue and morality will be our motto
To constantly strive to better ourselves!
"School of JingWu established in 1910"
- Ready!
"Shanghai Foreign Chamber of Commerce"
Yuan Jia
Among the competitors ...
There is a Japanese man known as "Anno Tanaka"
He likes to meet you
I heard that he is an excellent fighter
We can only improve by fighting with the best
Yuan Jia, this challenge from the foreigners
I don't think it's that simple
If not why would they want you
to take on 4 fighters at once
I guess they would try to make use
of this opportunity to weaken our morale
So that our school will lose its
influence in Shanghai
Indeed, and we must win all four
matches to conclude the challenge
It is not fair at all
But as we live
Who can say that all matters in life are fair
For School of JingWu
I have no other options
But what if...
Jing Soon!
I have something to discuss with you
What is it about?
After this challenge
I want you to become the next president
I want to take some time off to visit YueChi
I've made a promise
Can I conclude that you have no knowledge of tea
Not that I don't understand
I'm just unwilling..
I don't want to rank the tea
I am fine as long as it's tea
But tea has smell and grade
What is good? What is bad?
They all grow in nature
Without rank or distinction
It's seem that you still have not understood
Otherwise nature will determine a rank
You are right
So I realized that
The quality of tea
is not from the tea itself
It's decided by people
Different people have different choices
I'm unwilling to choose this
Oh, why?
Appreciating tea depend on your emotion
If you're happy
Does the quality of tea matter?
Oh, I've never thought of that
According from Sir, there are numerous factions of martial arts
Is it true there is no superiority or inferiority?
Yes, those are my sendiments..
In that case, I would like to pose a question to you
Since there are no differences between martial arts
Why are there competitions in martial arts
I meant that all martial arts are equal
It's the disgression of a person to manifest the art
We can further improve through competitions
and to discover one's true self
Finally the real opponent is ourselves
Only through competition,
can one recognise one's true self
Is that you meant?
The worst fight is with oneself
I'm honored to having this conversation with you
Our aim is to appreciate tea
Let's not talk further and forget about the tea
Come, try the tea
- Yes, the tea
"1910, Shanghai"
"Theater Biarya, French territory"
"The competition at the arena"
Ladies and gentlmen
The last fight of the day
Anno Tanaka from Japan
Versus Huo YuanJia from School of JingWu
What's the matter?
One versus four?
Why don't you tell me before?
We have discussed this before
You need not be surprised
Is this a competition?
This is murder!
- You worry unnecessarily
Huo YuanJia is King of Arena
Outstanding fighters from all over the country
were arranged to meet him today...
San Tian
What are you?
Is this for the honor of Japan?
Or is it for personal gain?
For me, martial art is important
Your mission is to win this competition
Let's start!
Brother Yuan Jia
- This competition is unfair to you
I have no objections
If you choose to fight on another day
I appreciate your good intentions
But since I am already standing in this arena
There must be a conclusion to the match
Good, very good
Excellent, master!
A draw, next round will be unarmed combat
Both sides please prepare yourselves..
- What happen?
Tanaka, why stop fighting?
Yuan Jia!
- Go
Yuan Jia, what happen?
How are you?
I've been poisoned..
- Poisoned?!
How can it be?
What did it happen?
What are you doing?
- Water!
Your cup!
What happen to your drink?
There is poison in the drink!
The evidence has been removed already
Yuan Jia, let's go to hospital
Master, we go to hospital
I've over-exerted myself
Too late, the poison is making its way to my heart
- Master, I will revenge you...
Zhen Sheng!
You should not be seeking revenge
Hatred will beget hatred
I don't want to see these hatred
What is important is strengthen one's self
- Yuan Jia!
- Yuan Jia, let's stop the fight
I will send you to hospital, let's go
- Jing Soon!
I'm just a brute fighter
I took many years to understand what martial arts is
and what I have done with it?
This competition not yet to finish
We can't choose the life they wanted
But we must have the courage to finish it
What are you doing?
- What do you mean?
You ask too many questions!
(I must win this fight)
Just win this competition!
Constantly strive to better oneself!
See for yourself...
Don't fight
Staying alive is most important
Living is not just for one person
If we must fight, I will not hold back
This will be my honor
Yuan Jia!
Huo Yuan Jia...
- Huo Yuan Jia...
Huo Yuan Jia...
- Huo Yuan Jia...
Tanaka, see what have you done!
I've lost!
- Say who and witnessed by who?
I saw it myself
I've lost by virtue of martial art ethics
- Who are you to decide?
How can you make decisions just like that?
San Tian
You're an embarrassment to Japan
Huo YuanJia died shortly after arriving
at the hospital, he was only 42 years old
After his death, his teachings have
continued to flourish among the people.
To date, the school has established
internationally in over 50 countries...
Dr. Sun YatSen has written these words
in memory of Huo YuanJia's aspirations
"Essence of learning martial arts"