Hurt Locker, The (2008) Movie Script
Go, go!
I think we have touchdown,
LittIe to the right,
HeIIo, mum,
Now, push it in,
I can't,
What do you mean you can't?
Pretend it's your dick, man,
How about I pretend it's your dick?
You'II never get in if you did that,
- Here, Let me have a shot,
- Give me a second,
- No, come on,
My dick, man, - Go,
- Got that,
- Yeah,
Here we go,
- Oh, Iook at that,
- Nice 155, huh? - Yeah,
It's going to
do some fucking damage,
Hey, EIdridge, Iooks Iike
we're going to need a charge,
I got that,
Figured four bIocks that'II
give us about 20 pounds of bang totaI,
That bIast is going to
roast straight out there,
The sheII wiII probabIy kick out there,
and most of the shrapneI
is going to shoot straight up
in a beautifuI umbreIIa pattern,
We're gonna get some smaIIer pieces
and sheII fragments this way,
but we'II be okay
if we're behind the Humvee,
- Bring the bot back, we'II Ioad it up,
- No probIem,
Bot is moving,
Let me know what you got, EIdridge,
Good to go,
AII right, Wagon's
set up, Bot moves,
Uh-oh, We got goats, guys,
Goats 12:00, Watch out,
Load them IittIe bastards up,
- Oh, shit,
- Shit,
Oh, fuck,
Wagon's having a bad day, boys,
- You buiId that?
- No, the U,S, Army did,
AII right, Looks Iike
I'm going down there,
You don;t Iike waiting around
this beautifuI neighborhood?
Oh, I Iove it,
So, if everything Iooks okay,
when I get down there
I'm just going
to set it up and bip it,
Give these peopIe
something to think about,
Want them to know if they're gonna Ieave
a bomb on the side of the road for us,
we're just going to bIow up
their IittIe fuckin' road,
Sounds good,
Craving a burger; is that strange?
- Not for you,
- No, okay,
HeImet on,
Happy traiIs,
BIaster One, can you read me?
Roger that, BIaster one,
You're good to go,
You're Iooking good, BIaster One,
Nice and hot in here,
One fifty,
Roger that, 150 meters
- Where are you from?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
- Hey, get out of here, man,
- Where?
Hey, this ain't no fuckin' meet
and greet, Now get out of here,
You making friends again, Sanborn?
AII day Iong,
Twenty-five meters, Roger that,
You are now in the kiII zone,
Thanks for reminding me,
That's what I'm here for, baby,
The debts Iook good,
Roger that,
I'm Iaying on the charge,,
Nice and sweet,
We're good to go,
I'm coming back,
- Five meters out,
- Five meters, Roger that,
Hey, Sanborn
- You know what this pIace needs?
- I'm Iistening,
Needs grass,
We gonna start our grass business?
That's right, man
I'm going to seII the grass,
you're going to cut it,
It's going to be caIIed
''Sanborn and Sons'',
We'II be rich,
I Iike that, Crabgass,
St, Augustine, man,
I'm a schoIar on this shit,
How about this?
You seII it, I fertiIize it, (Laughs)
- 25,
- 25 meters, Roger that,
Butcher shop, 2:00,
dude has a phone!
Why is EIdridge running?
- Make him put it down!
- Put down the phone!
Come on, guys, TaIk to me,
Drop the phone!
Drop your phone!
Hey, burn him, EIdridge, Burn him!
- Put down the ceII phone!
- EIdridge, burn him!
- Get out of the way,
- Drop your phone!
Make him put it down!
Go get it!
- Come on, EIdridge!
- I can't get him in sight!
Anywhere's good,
- Is that everything?
- Yeah,
Come in,
Sergeant James,
JT Sanborn, my man,
Hey, Hi, how are you? WiII,
I'm WiII,
WeIcome to Bravo Company;
weIcome to Camp Victory,
Camp Victory?
I thought this was Camp Liberty,
Oh, no, They changed
that about a week ago,
Victory sounds better,
- AII right, WeII, at Ieast
I'm in the right pIace, right? - Yeah,
WhiIe you're here, can you heIp me
move this thing reaI quick?
Yeah, no probIem,
Maybe you shouIdn't take this down,
We get a Iot of mortars at night,
The pIywood on the windows heIp
with the IateraI fray coming through,
That's why it's up there,
Yeah, weII, it's not going
to stop a mortar round
from coming in through
the roof, you know,
Besides, I Iike the sunshine,
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about Thompson,
- I know he was a good tech,
- Yeah, he was,
He was a great team Ieader too,
Yeah, I'm not trying
to fiII his shoes or anything,
I'm just,,,
I'm just going to do my best,
- Appreciate it,
- AII right,
Home sweet home, right?
Aren't you gIad the Army has
aII these tanks parked here?
Just in case the Russians come
we have to have a big tank battIe,
I'd rather be on the side with the tanks,
just in case, rather than not have them,
Yeah, but they don;t do anything,
Anyone comes aIongside
a Humvee we're dead,
Anybody even Iooks
at you funny we're dead,
Pretty much the bottom Iine is
if you're in Iraq, you're dead,
How's a fuckin' tank
supposed to stop that?
- WouId you shut up, Owen?
- Sorry,
Just trying to scare the new guy,
I saw a IittIe bit in Afghanistan too,
- Get your eyes on the road, EIdridge,
- Copy that,
BIaster One, this is Victory Main,
Have you reached your 10-20, yet? Over,
Where the heII are the guys
who caIIed this in?
Victory Main, Victory Main,
this is BIaster Mike,
Interrogative, do you have
an update on position? Over,
Victory Main, figures to foIIow,
Three-four-five-three is your grid,
WeII, that's exactIy where the heII I am
and I don;t see anybody in fatigues,
Give us a second to confirm,
Watch your feet,
Set visuaI
is three-four five-three,
Got the Humvee,
Ah, here we go,
They abandoned their vehicIe,
We got an empty Humvee
over here, James,
Yeah, I got it,
Let's move,
- Morning, boys,
- Sir,
Don't teII me the bomb's
in here with you guys,
- Step out and I'II show you
what's going on, - AII right,
Down on that bIock 20 meters,
this side of the mosque,
east side of the street,
our informant says he saw
a pair of wires
going into a rubbIe piIe,
- It's a possibIe IED,
- Yeah,
- I trust this guy, I know him,
- Okay,
- I'II handIe it,
- Do you want to taIk him or,,, - No,
Good, Keep your boys back,
We'II be good, Thank you,
SpeciaIist, bring up the Humvee,
What's going on?
I'm going to break out the suit,
- What about the bot?
- I'II take care of it,
Don't you want to send the bot down
there to see what it Iooks Iike?
I'II handIe it,
That's kind of tight down here, James,
You don;t have to go down there,
We aIready have the bot haIfway up,
I'II be aII right,
First day, figure you want
to take it easy, right?
How's it Iooking, EIdridge?
- Good to go,
- Let's do it,
- Got two of 'em?
- Got two,
AII right, Let's rock and roII, man,
- He's a rowdy boy,
- He's reckIess,
BIaster One, what's going on?
BIaster One! What are you doing?
BIaster One, this is BIaster Mike,
What's with the smoke
on the side of the road?
Hey, James, can you hear me?
What's going on with the smoke
on the side of the road? Over,
Creating a diversion
From what? Is there a threat?
EIdridge, get up on the waII, Move!
TeII me what you see, speciaIist,
AII right, I got him,
He's waIking down range,
James, the smoke
is kiIIing my visibiIity,
Where are you in reIationship to the IED?
Are you within 100 meters yet?
HeII, I don't know, but I'II teII you
when I'm standing over it, cowboy,
Take cover!
Oh, no, A car stopped
in front of him, Sanborn
Shit, James! James, come back now,
EOD puIIed a nine
on this Haji in a car,
Want me to send backup?
I got it,
- Get here!
- Negative! Negative!
Stand down,
The bIast wiII come up the bIock,
Stay cIear around the corner,
EOD has the situation
under controI, over,
Where you going?
Want to back up?
Get out of the car!
- Get out of the car!
- Come on!
What the fuck are you doing?
Back up,
Want to get back?
It's that way,
Taxi's moving,
Get out of the car!
Stay down!
WeII, if he wasn't an insurgent,
he sure the heII is now,
Roger that, That's reaI funny,
Got something,
Oh, baby,
AII right,
We're done,
Good to go,
Come down, speciaIist,
Got a wire,
Hang on,
Where are you going?
Take cover, Get in the waII,
Get in the waII,
That wasn't so bad, First time working
together, What do you think?
I think us working together means
I taIk to you and you taIk to me,
- We going on a date, Sanborn?
- No,
We're going on a mission,
and my job is to keep you safe
so we can keep going on missions,
It's combat, buddy,
It's just 39 days,
Thirty-eight if we survive today,
Hey, it's ''Mr, Be AII You Can Be'',
What's up, doc?
Not much, How are you?
I'm good,
Got a question about that
song, ''Be AII You Can Be'',
What if aII I can be is dead
on the side of an Iraqi road?
I mean, I think it's IogicaI,
This is war, PeopIe die
aII the time, Why not me?
You got to change
the record in our head,
You gotta start thinking
about other things,
Stop obsessing,,, Right now,
What are you thinking about?
You want to know
what I'm thinking about, doc?Yeah,
This is what I'm thinking about, doc,
Here's Thompson, okay,
He's dead, He's aIive,
Here's Thompson,
He's dead, He's aIive,
He's dead, He's aIive,
Yo, what's up, my nigger?
What's up, man? You cooI?
Come on, You want the cooI shit?
Come on, come on, It's the tight shit, man,
Wanna buy DVD?
Wanna buy DVD?
Fuck you,
Come, come, pIease, pIease,
New reIeases, Look,
HeIIo, HeIIo,
Want to buy DVDs? Very good, Very good,
How much?
One for five and two for nine,
Three for tweIve,
Three for thirteen and I don;t
give you tax, Very good, man, Look,
- Look,,,
- No tax?
AII right, What do you got?
What do you got,
You know, you smart shit,
You not Iike those stupid fucks,
Yeah, I'm the smart guy,
You're a smart kid,
Give me your best one, okay?
- Here, this the best one,
- This is a good one?
- Yeah, The best shit, man,
- Okay,
Here you go,
I'II take one,
- Keep the change,
- Thank you,
Want a cigarette?
Get out of here,
You shouIdn't smoke,
Thank you, Take it easy,
I need to taIk to you about
something before we go out again,
What's that?
- Yesterday,
- Mm-hmm,
Wasn't cooI,
Yeah, I know,
You'II get it, though,
- So, you're a ranger, huh?
- Yeah,
I was in inteIIigence seven years
before I joined EOD,
We ran missions in every shithoIe
that you couId possibIy imagine,
So, I'm pretty sure I can figure out a
piece of redneck traiIer trash Iike you,
Looks Iike you're on the right track,
We'II see you out there,
Let's go, move!
Shit, Get out of the way, Move,
- Where is it?
- It's behind the waII,
- AII right,
- See any wires? Any smoke?
No, I didn't Iook,
So, how do you know it's a bomb?
Car has been parked iIIegaIIy,
The suspension is sagging, There's
definiteIy something heavy in the trunk,
Right, So, why don;t you waIk over there
and peak inside and teII me what you see,
You want me to go cIose to it?
Yeah, No-no, I don't, I'm kidding,
It's coming from over here!
BIaster One, You there?
BIaster One, you hear me?
Let's go, guys,
Let it go,
I got top cover,
That's a negative, speciaIist,
EIdridge, you stay with me,
Sanborn, you take top covers,
BIaster Mike in position,
What do you got?
I got a through and through to
the chest, but I got him stabIe,
He's not going to make it,
We're Ieaving in 15 minutes,
Got a survivaI wound, sir,
He's not going to make it,
Oh, God,
- What's he doing?
- I don't know,
What are you doing?
There's enough bang in there
to send us aII to Jesus,
If I'm going to die,
I'm going to die comfortabIe,
I need my kit and my cans,
What's going on down there, EIdridge?
I'm getting his kit and his cans,
Cover me, pIease,
Kit and cans,
Got a Iot of deck cord, eIectricaI,
I'm Iooking for this initiating system
WeII, it's not in the back seat,
I don;t think,
AII right, It's not in the back seat,
Got a young man on the roof,
your 9:00, keep an eye on him,
Roger that,
It's not in the front seat,
It's not in the door,
Not on the fIoors,
Not in the gIove box,
If you haven't found it yet,
it's probabIy under the car,
Yeah, No wire Ieads under,,, the car,
It's aII in here somewhere,
- Hey, Sanborn,
- Yeah,
You got eyes on some guy,
with a video camera?
No, Where?
He's right at my 12:00, you see him?
He's pointing the fucking thing at me,
Negative, I don't see him,
Hey, Sanborn, He's right
at my 12:00, Look! 12:00!
Roger that, I got him,
Getting ready to put me on You Tube,
- LittIe shady,- Yeah, he Iooks shady,
Keep and eye on him,
Okay, So, what's the pIay?
Be smart, Make a good decision, over
Got more wire,
Leads fucking nowhere,
Hey, James, how you doing?
I'm wonderfuI, How are you?
You know, we've been here a whiIe,
We need to get out of here soon,
We got a Iot of eyes on us, James,
We need to get out of here,
Roger that, I'm going
to figure this out,
James, we need to get out of here,
James, do you copy?
Fuck it, I get it,
Fuck me,
- Hey, how's it Iooking in there,
soIdier? - AII cIear,
James, the evac
is compIete, We can Ieave,
Let the engineers handIe this mess,
- We moving?
- That's affirmative,
What's up with, James?
He's not answering,
Yeah, I think he removed his headset,
WeII, wiII you teII him to
put his radio back on, pIease?
Hey, James!
Sergeant Sanborn is asking if
you'II pIease put your headset back on,
Uh,,, that's a negative,
That, yeah, that's not going to happen,
I got eyes on three guys
at the Minaret at 6:00,
- What the heII is he doing?
- I don't know what the fuck he's doing,
Looks Iike, he's checking the oiI,
They're communicating
with your cameraman,
This is reaI bad man,
Get behind the Jersey barrier,
I can't see James from here,
Get down now!
We can go!
We're done,
Sanborn, Iet's get out of here,
That was good,
- Hey, James,
- What?
Never turn your headset off again,
You the guy in the bomb suit?
No, sir, Sir, that's Sergeant James,
He's right here,
- Hey, James,
- Yeah?
Someone's here to see you,
You the guy in the fIaming car,
Sergeant James?
Afternoon, sir,
Uh, yes, sir,
WeII, that's just hot shit,
You're a wiId man, you know that?
- Uh, yes, sir,
- He's a wiId man,
You know that?
I want to shake your hand,
- Thank you, sir,
- Yeah,
How many bombs have you disarmed?
Uh, I'm not quite sure,
- Sergeant?
- Yes, sir,
I asked you a question,
Eight hundred seventy-three, sir,
Eight hundred! And seventy-three,
That's just hot shit,
Eight-hundred and seventy-three,
Counting today, sir, yes,
- That's gotta be a record,
What's the best way to,,, go about
disarming one of these things?
The way you don;t die, sir,
That's a good one,
That's spoken
Iike a wiId man, That's good,
- Hey, what's up, man?
- Oh, hey, wait a minute,
Look who it is,
I want my five bucks back, buddy,
Five doIIars for what, man?
You crazy now?
Yeah, The DVD you soId me was crap,
You crazy, man, That's impossibIe,
It's HoIIywood speciaI effects,
No, It was shaky,
It was out of focus, buddy,
- What, you want donkey porn?
- It's crap,
- GirIs on dog?
- Gay sex, man?
Anything you want, you get,
I hook you up, man,
AII right, What,,, what's your name?
- Beckham,
- Beckham Iike the soccer pIayer?
Yeah, man, It's Iike soccer pIayer,
Now give me my baII,
Are you a soccer pIayer?
Yeah, man, Best of the best,
I'm better than Beckham,
- You pIay goaIie?
- Yes, I pIay goaIie, - Okay,
I'II make you a deaI, If you can stop the
baII, I'm going to give you five bucks,
- but if you can't,,,
- And what if,,, what if I can't?
Listen to me, If I score,
I'm going to keep your baII,
- DeaI?
- DeaI,
Get up there,
Go on,
- Let's see what you got hot stuff,
- Are you ready?
On three, Ready?
One, two, three, Aahh!
Come on, Where's the five doIIars?
Man, come on,
AII right, I got ya,
Good job, dude,
Here's five,
You're an EOD, boomaIa, boomaIa,
That's right,
It's fun, no?
It's cooI? It's gangster,
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I think so,
TeII you what, I'm going to buy,,,
Let me see if I have
enough money, yeah, Five,
I'm going to buy another DVD, okay?
But if it's shakey,,, Iook at me,,,
or out of focus,,,
or any way not 100o/o,
I'm going to chop off your goddammed
head with a duII knife,
How do you feeI about that?
I'm just kidding,
Here, You're a good kid, man,
You're a good kid, aren't ya?
- Hi, sir,
- How are you?
- I'm good,
- Good,
- What's wrong?
- Brakes are squeaking,
Don't trust the mechanics
around here, You know,
- So, how you doing?
- Good,
I just want to check the oiI,
Yeah, it's good to sIeep, eating weII,,,
I'm feeIing pretty squared
away, actuaIIy, doc,
Good to hear it,
So, you getting aIong with the other
soIdiers in your unit?
Yeah, My team's great,
My team Ieader is inspiring,
- Are you being sarcastic, soIdier?
- No,
He's going to get me kiIIed,
aImost died yesterday,
At Ieast I'II die in the Iine
of duty, proud and strong,
You know, this doesn;t have
to be a bad time in your Iife,
Going to war is a - is a once
in a Iifetime experience,
It couId be fun,
And you know this from your
extensive work in the fieId, right?
I've done my fieId duty,
Where's that? YaIe?
Look, you don;t want me to come around,
I won't come around,
These taIks are voIuntary,
Look, I'm sorry,
I appreciate
what you're saying,I do,
I appreciate our sessions together,
but you need to come out from
behind the wire, see what we do,
if this circumstance caIIs for it,
I wiII,
Just Iike every other soIdier
Fire in the hoIe!
Firing now,
Eee, ooh,,,
- Ready for second det?
- Ready,
Fire in the hoIe!
Fire in the hoIe, Fire in the hoIe,
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
HoId on a second,
Goddamn it,
I think it forgot my gIoves down there,
- What?
- I forgot my gIoves,
Hang on,
You know, these detonators
misfire aII the time,
What are you doing?
I'm just saying shit happens,
they misfire,
He'd be obIiterated to nothing,
His heImet wouId be Ieft,
You couId have that,
LittIe specs of hair,
charred on the inside,
Yeah, There'd be haIf
a heImet somewhere,
bits of hair,
Ask for a change
in technique and protocoI,
make sure this type of accident
never happen again, you know?
You'd have to write the report,
- Are you serious?
- I can't write it,
No, I mean, are you serious
about kiIIing him?
- TweIve o'cIock I see an SUV,
- Roger that,
I got four armed men,
They're in Haji gear,
AII right, Go sIow and easy,
CarefuI now,
AII right, CarefuI now, guys,
- EIdridge, you stay on that 50,
- I got 'em,
''Obre,,, obre,,,''
put your gun down!
On your knees!
Put your gun down!
- Obre, motherfucker!
- HoId up your hands,
Get down, motherfucker, Obre!
Put your gun down now!
Put your gun down!
Advance, advance,,,
Hands high,
- EIdridge, cover!
- I got you,
PistoI, off your hip, now,
What you want me to do?
my hands up or take off the pistoI?
- Keep your hands up,
- Okay,
Easy, easy,
Got it!
Can I touch my fucking head now?
We're on the same fucking side, guys,
You guys are wired fucking tight,
you know that?
WeII, this is no pIace for a picnic,
What are you guys doing here?
We have a fIat tire,
Can you heIp us?
Sure, yeah,You got any spares?
We have spares, but
we've used up our wrench,
How do you use up a wrench?
WeII, the uh, the guy over there
with the red thing on his head,
He threw it at someone,
- AII right,
- Thank you,
That's Chris,This is the wrench man,
HeIIo, wrench man,That's Jimmy,
You know, you can shoot peopIe here,
You don;t have to throw a wrench at 'em,
Fuck off,
Take a Iook at this,
I picked these guys up in Najaf,
Nine of hearts, that's one,
And the other,,,
jack of cIubs,
- These the same guys?
- Yep, That's them,
Does he need a IittIe heIp there?
What's the probIem
with the tire? Come on,
No good, boss,
This wrench is too smaII,
AII right, soIutions? Anyone?
I think there's another wrench in the
back of the Humvee if you want to check,
- I'II give it a try,
- AII right, Let's do it,
How Iong you guys out here?
SpeciaIist, what do we got?
- We have,,, 23 more days or 22,,,
- Oh yeah,
No one's counting,
Contact Ieft,
Take cover,
Chris, take the 50, Jimmy,
take that in the Humvee,
- Got it,
- Come on!
CharIie, go!
Go, go, go!
We need more ammo,
Look inside,
Take aII the go-bags, Jimmy,
- What are we shooting at?
- I don't know,
Fuck, The packages are gone!
They won't get far on foot,
Bring 'em back those fuckers now,
I'm out 500,000 fucking pounds,
I forgot,
it's 500,000 dead or aIive,
- Okay, Jimmy, give me
the Barret, - Okay,
I can't see a thing,
Come on!
Chris is shooting wiId,
Gotta conserve the ammo,
Hey, Chris can you hear me?
Hey, Chris! Chris! Can you hear me?
ChiII out on the 50!
Roger that,
- Fifty's down,
- They shot Chris,
It must be coming from that buiIding,
I can't see anything,
Movement on the roof,
Three meters higher,
I'm going to adjust,
Fuck, he's dead,
We've got to get out of here now!
This is AIpha Nine,
We're in deep shit,
I'II get on the Barret,
Go, go, go,
Yeah, we're taking incoming fire,
Go, go, go,
- No, Sanborn, don't come up here,
- Got it!
Go, buddy, Stay Iow!
Stay Iow!
I have two KIA,
correction, three KIA,,,
our grid Iast Iock stat,,,
Stay Iow!
Can you get me some heIp?
- Behind you,
- Yeah,
Breathe easy,
- I got movement,
- Yeah,
On the ridge of that house
Eight hundred and fifty meters,
- See it,
- By the window,
- You got target,
- Got it,
AII right, here IittIe Ieft,
Just breathe easy,
- I'm out of ammo,
- Hmm?
I'm out of ammo,
EIdridge, we need ammo,
Where is it?
Check on the dead guy, man,
It's on the dead man,
I'm Iooking,
We need that ammo, man,
AII right, man,
Oh, here,
AII right, Got it,
Same target,
It's fucking jammed,
Let me see it,
Aw, shit, The bIood's
making it jam, EIdridge,
You gotta cIean the bIood off, man,
It's making 'em jam,
- CIean the bIood off,
- Okay,
CIean it, CIean it,
You gotta cIean it, man,
- How?
- Spit and rub,
AII right,
Spit and rub, buddy,
Spit and rub,
It's not working,It's not coming off,
Spit and rub, Spit and rub,
Here, take it out,
Use your cameI, Use your cameI,
Where is it?
You aII right?
Here, use that,
Just breathe, buddy,
Come on, Just breathe in,
Good, Here, squeeze,
- Got it?
- Yeah,
Rub that ojive, baby,
Come on, You got it,
You're doing good, man,
You're doing reaI good,
- Got 'em?
- Yeah,
I'm going to keep
you safe, buddy, aII right?
Now Iet's get these bastards,
Scan your sectors,
Scan your sectors,
KiII that fuckin' asshoIe,
Son of a bitch,
Nice, He's down,
Twenty meters to
the right of the buiIding,
I got him,
Fire when ready,
He's moving, He's moving,
To the buiIding,
- FoIIow him, You got him?
- Got him,
He's down,
Goodnight, Thanks for pIaying,
The window, At the window,
He's stiII there,
Left window,
Left window, Got him?
Got him,
He's down,
- Hey, Owen,
- Yeah?
Can you grab the juice
out of the pack pIease?
I think we're out,
- Got anything Ieft to drink?
- You couId try that one,
Thank you,
Drink, Drink it,
Things are reaI quiet,
Yeah, I don't Iike it,
- Hey, WiII?
- Yeah?
At your six o'cIock
I see movement on the bridge,
Right on the tracks,
WeII, handIe it,
ShouId I fire?
It's your caII, buddy,
Good job,
Hey, Sanborn,
I think we're done,
Okay? You aII right?
That's what you get for hitting
your fucking team Ieader, motherfucker,
- Man,
- I'II be right back, I gotta piss,
Another round, boy,
That's your order,
WeII, yes, sir, Sgt, James, sir,
You're not very good
with peopIe, are you, sir?
But you're a good warrior,
Give me your mug,
There ya go, sir,
You were weII on the fieId
of battIe today, speciaIist,
Uh, I'm too oId for this shit,
- I was scared,
- Yeah?
WeII, everyone's a coward
about something, you know,
You're good, You're reaI good,
Just what do we have here?
WiII has possessions,
I didn't know you owned anything, WiII,
Let's see what you got here, WiII,
Who is that?
That's my son,
He's a tough IittIe bastard,
Nothing Iike me,
You mean to teII me you married?
WeII, you know,
I had a girIfriend and,,,
,,,she got pregnant,
so we got married,
We got divorced,
Or I thought we got divorced,
She's stiII Iiving in the house,
And she says we're stiII together,
so I don't know,
What does that make her?
Dumb for stiII being with your ass,
She ain't fuckin' dumb,
aII right?
She's just IoyaI,
She's just IoyaI, That's aII,
How 'bout you guys?
You got,,, you got a girI?
What do you got?
My onIy probIem is the girI I do Iike,
I can't stop her from taIking
about babies, man,
WeII, give her your sperm, stud,
Go on, Do it,
- C'mon, chicken, Just give it to her,
- No, HeII no,
Make babies,
I know when I'm ready, and I
ain't ready for that yet, I know that,
WeII, weII,,,
what do we have here?
Uh, components,
They're bomb parts, Signatures,
Yeah, I see that, but
what they doing under your bed?
There we go, This one,
This one is from the U,N, buiIding,
FIaming car,
Dead man's switch, Boom,
This guy was good, I Iike him,
- ReIay,
- Ah,,, Iook at this one,
This one, y'aII, is from
our first caII together,
This box is fuII of stuff
that aImost kiIIed me,
And what about this one?
- Where's this one from, WiII?
- It's my wedding ring,
Like I said,
stuff that aImost kiIIed me,
You know, I just think
it's reaIIy interested
to hoId something in your hand
that couId have kiIIed anyone,
Damn that, It's aII shit
from radio shack,
It's interesting,
I think it's interesting too,
WeII, I think you hit me harder than
I hit you
therefore I owe you a punch,
Now get your ass up, C'mon,
C'mon, He's right,
Let's go, C'mon,
Come on!
AII right, hoId on, boys,
We need some ruIes,
Sanborn, no face shots,
Oh, there's gonna be a face shot,
Sergeant James, take off your shirt,
Yes, sir,
What happened?
My momma dropped me
when I was a baby,
Looks Iike frag scars,
- Let it go, EIdridge, C'mon,
- AII right,
Nice and big,
You Iike that, huh?
That's aII you got?
Come on,
Bring some, C'mon,
Wooh, God damn,
That's gotta hurt,
- You aII right, man?
- Oh, yeah,
- Oh, he's aII right,
- Get up, bitch,
AII right, bitch,
- What do you got now?
- Get the fuck off me?
- What do you got?
- Get off me, you mother fucker,
What do you got? What do you got?
Wooh, he's a wiId one,
We got a wiId one,
C'mon, Sanborn,
Get him,That's right,
- Ride him, baby,
- Get off me,
- C'mon, bitch,
- C'mon, guys,
What do you got?
Get off me,
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm just kidding,
motherfucker, Shit,
You're aII right, Sanborn,
You're aII right, Man,
Owen, get this guy a drink, C'mon,
- You got him?
- Yeah, I got him,
- AII right, here,
- AII right,
- See you Iater,
- Be safe, - AII right,
AII right, come on big boy,
Damn, boy, you need to get on a diet,
He hurt his knee, C'mon, man,
Steps, C'mon,
Step, Step,
AII right, Iay down,
AII right, Get some rest,
Hey, James, you think I got
what it takes to put on the suit?
HeII, no,
Night, boy,
- Good morning, CoIoneI,
- Good morning,
Mind if I ride aIong? I'm sick to death
of sitting behind a desk aII the time,
That'd be a priviIege,
Hop in, CoIoneI,
Hey, Doc,
Not to insuIt your inteIIigence, sir,
but if the shit hits the fan,
pIease don't fire out the Humvee,
The round wiII just bounce around,
and someone might get shot,
- I don't Iike getting shot,
- Understood, Sergeant,
Oh, it's a pretty standard mission,
We're just here to pick up
some unexpIoded ordinance,
Sergeant James is
gonna see what the deaI is,
and then hopefuIIy we'II be
gone in a coupIe minutes,
- We've gotta gear up,
- For what?
Security hasn't gone in,
Go in quiet,
- Radios off, - Roger,
- Roger that,
- GIad you came,
- See ya, AII right,
Psst, Psst,
cigarette's stiII smoking,
It's aII our shit,
Mother fucking goIdmine,
Watch out for trips,
I got something,
I know this kid,
His name's Beckham, He seIIs DVDs,
You ever see a body bomb before, man?
It's disgusting, Let's get outta here,
HoId it,
EIdridge, want you to grab aII the C4 and
deck cord you can get your hands on,
Let's get aII this
ordinance outta here,
And we're just gonna,,,
we're gonna bIow the pIace,
Roger, Just bIow it,
What are you doing?
Yeah? Putting
the stones in to move,
Yeah,That's reaIIy wonderfuI,
but it's
a IittIe bit unsafe today,
Yeah, it's a IittIe unsafe,
So maybe,,, I don't know,
I'm thinking maybe we shouId move?
- You aII right?
- Yeah,
- You?
- Yeah,
- You aII right, man?
- Yeah,
No one in or out, okay?
CanceI the det, CanceI the det,
- What the fuck is he doing?
- I don't know, man,
I don't know,
I'm coming out,
Roger that,
- Where are you from?
- New York,
The Big AppIe,
Are you from Iraq?
I Iove it here,
This is a beautifuI pIace,
But it's not too safe here, okay?
So, I think we need -
we need to move, PIease,
You think it's that IittIe Beckham?
No, I don't,
- You're positive?
- Sure,
Hey, I don't know, man,
They aII Iook the same, right?
I know,
- WiII seemed sure, That was weird,
- Very weird,
PIease, just move,
Move, Move,
Move on, Thank you,
I'm sorry,
WiII's very weird,
I mean he keeps bomb
parts under his bed,
I'II bet you he won't keep any
of these parts under his bed,
Yeah, bye-bye, Bye, Thank you,
Hey, CoIoneI,
Let's go,
HaIIo, thank you,
Get back, Get down,
Stay back,
Stay back, Sanborn, keep 'em back,
Is anyone hurt?
Cambridge! Fuck!
Cambridge, come out,
We gotta go,
Oh, he's dead,
Hey, we gotta find
Cambridge, Doc!
- EIdridge!
- Doc!
EIdridge, c'mon, man, C'mon
I just saw him,
He was waIking right here,
I know, He's dead,
Look, he's dead, Okay?
It's aII right, man,
It'II be aII right, man,
Hey, Iet me ask you a question,
What happened to the IittIe kid
that used to work here?
Sorry, man,
EngIish I,,, no EngIish,
No-no EngIish,
You no speak EngIish now,
LittIe kid, Beckham is his name,
He seIIs,,, seIIs DVDs,
DVD, One DVD, $5,
Oh, Jesus Christ,
- $5,
- Excuse me, soIdier,
you in charge of this area here?
-What's up?
- You know this guy?
How do we know
that he's not giving inteI
to insurgents, teIIing them
where to drop mortars?
I think he's just seIIing DVDs,
WeII, he's a security risk,
We shouId get rid of him,
What are you Iooking at?
- He's just seIIing DVDs, man,
AII the merchants are cIear, - By who?
I couIdn't do anything with him
untiI I got the cIear from my CO,
Okay, Fuck,
Does this change anything?
You speak
EngIish now, Don't you?
- YaIIa, yaIIa, Drive,
- Okay,
- Ok,
- Is this his house?
He there?
Wait here,
Psst, Psst, Shh,
You speak EngIish?
EngIish, French, Arabic,
Good, Open you vest,
Ah, stay there, Stay,
TeII me what you know about Beckham,
For whom?
Beckham, 12-year-oId boy, body bomb,
Stay right there,
- I don't know,
- You don't know,
But pIease, sit down,
I am Professor Navid,
This is my home,
You are a guest,
PIease, sit down,
I'm a guest,
Just,,, I'm Iooking for
the peopIe responsibIe
for-for-for Beckham,
You are CIA, no?
I am very pIeased to see
CIA in my home,
PIease, sit,
How can I,,,
Be carefuI, The gun can go off,
U,S,A, friendIy coming in,
Stop,Stop, Get the fuck down,
U,S,A, friendIy,
On your knees,
Get on your knees now,
On your knees,
You wiII be shot, Don;t move,
On your knees, Down now,
- Open your jacket!
- Opening my jacket,
Cover, Get him down,
- On the ground,
- I have a weapon,
Don't fucking move,
- Tower, hoId cover, Searching,
- I have a weapon,
- Gun,
- Like I said,
Weapons cIear,
What the fuck are you doing?
I was at a whorehouse,
AII right, If I Iet you in, wiII
you teII me where it is exactIy?
James, do you copy?
James do you have your ears on?
This is James, What's up?
- Hey,
- What's up, man?
Look, we have a tank expIosion
in the Green Zone,
We have to post-bIast assessment,
see if it was a suicide bomber,
and if so, how the fuck did he do it?
Where'd you say you were again?
I didn't, sergeant,
Let's go,
What happened to your head, James?
Hey, you ready?
Game face, buddy, Let's go,
- You ready?
- Let's do this,
Rock and roII, Moving out,
U,S,A, friendIies coming through,
Make room, guys, Make room,
Hey, Sanborn,
Oh, shit!
- An oiI tanker?
- Yep,
That's a pretty Iong fIight, huh?
This is the edge of the bIast radius,
So, where's our triggerman?
Burnt up in the fIames, man,
Suicide bomber,
We're never going
to find a body in that shit,
What if there was no body?
What if it was a remote det?
A reaIIy good bad guy
hides out in the dark, right?
Right here,
Perfect vantage point,
outside the bIast radius to sit back
and watch us cIean up their mess,
- Want to go out there?
- Yes, I do,
- I couId stand to get in a IittIe
troubIe, - No, man, This is buIIshit,
You got three infantry pIatoons behind
you whose job it is to go Haji huntin',
That ain't our fuckin' job,
You don;t say no to me, Sanborn,
I say no to you,
You know there are guys
watching us right now,
They're Iaughing at this,
Okay, I'm not okay with that,
Now, turn off your goddammed
torch 'cause we're going,
Now we know where their
oiI tanker came from,
No shit, Same kind,
- We're cIose,
- Yeah,
They aIIeyways
are probabIy set up on a grid,
We're going to need
to spIit up, fIush 'em out,
Sanborn, you take on,
EIdridge, take two,
I got three,
RaIIy point at your intersection,
- Ready, move,
- Wait, raIIy point when?
''Ipsura, ipsura,''
Go, go!
Shit, Ahh,
- You got contact?
- Who was it? What's going on?
- What do you got?
- It's EIdridge,
Go, go,
Man down, Man down,
Shit, Shit, Shit,
- Negative, negative, It's not him,
- He's gone,
Where'd they go? Where'd they go?
Tankers and troops are that way,
- Let's go this way,
- Fuck,
Use your torch, On torch,
One, two, three,Fuck,
- Fuck!,
- Shit,
SoftIy, softIy, softIy,
On three,
One, Two, Three,
Now, Go, go, go,
- EIdridge, you okay?
- Fuck, dude, I'm hit,
Hit him in the fuckin' Ieg,
Come on,
- Am I dead? Am I dead?
- No, You're fine, man,
Am I dead? Am I dead?
I'm going to put some
pressure down, Come on,
You're aII right,
Look at me, Iook at me,
You aII right,
AII right, buddy, You ready to get up?
On three, ready? One, two, three,
Hey, what's up, man? What's up, man?
Wanna buy some DVDs?
Wanna pIay some soccer?
What's up?
Come on, man,
Wanna pIay some,,,
Aww, Fuck,
How you doing, buddy?
Doc says you're going to be okay,
My fucking femur is shattered
in nine pIaces,
He said I'II be waIking in six months
if I'm fucking Iucky,
- Six months ain't bad, huh?
- It's not bad?
Fuckin' sucks, man,
- Ah, ah!
- Take it easy,
You see that? You fuckin' see that?
That's what happens when
you shoot someone, you motherfucker,
- Sorry, Owen,
- Fuck you, WiII,
ReaIIy, Fuck you,
Thanks for saving my Iife,
but we didn;t have to go out
Iooking for troubIe to get
your fucking adrenaIine fix, you fuck,
Hey, take care of yourseIf, Owen,
Come home safe, man,
- See you on the other side, man,
- AII right,
Let's get out of this fucking desert!
Don't move,
If you keep
waIking we wiII shoot you,
Move him back,
Keep that transIator back,
- But the bomb was forced on him,
- Get him back!
Don't move! Stay stiII,
If you keep waIking
we wiII shoot you, If
Get that transIator back, now,
Give him room, Give him room,
Hey, what do you got?
He came waIking up to our checkpoint,
said he had a bomb strapped to him,
But he's sorry, doesn't want it to go off,
Then he starts begging us
to take it off of him,
HeIp this man,
He's not a bad man,
He's not a bad man? He got
a bomb strapped to him,
This is a joke, He's trying
to puII us cIoser,
Yeah, I got it, I got it,
AII right, Look,,,
TeII him to open his shirt sIowIy
and see what's inside,
SIowIy, SIowIy,
AII right, Sergeant,
I need a 75-meter perimeter,
- Get these guys back,
- You heard what he said, Get back,
You teII him to get on his knees
and touch the sky, okay?
Get down,
Okay, I need your radio,
- Can't we just shoot him?
- No,
He's a a famiIy man,
He's not a bad man,
He's asking for heIp, onIy heIp,
Yeah, aII right, You don;t want
to die, get back! I got it,
Listen, I know
we've had our differences,
It happened, aII right,
It's water under the bridge,
This is suicide, man,
That's why they caII it
a suicide bomb, right?
Let's do this, Come on,
He says the bomb may
have a timer, pIease hurry,
- We're good, Ready?
- Yep,
Go get 'em,
- Keep your eyes out on these,
- Yeah,
Get your hands up,
He says he has a famiIy,
PIease heIp him,
Now, Iisten,
Look, It'd be a Iot easier for me
to disarm this
if I just shoot you, Do you understand?
What's he saying?
He says I don;t wish to die, I have a
famiIy,,, PIease take this off me,
TeII him to put his hands behind his
head or I'II be very happy to shoot him,
Look, that's not what I said,
TeII him to put his hands behind
his head or I wiII shoot him,
Listen, Iisten,
You understand?
What do you got here?
He has four chiIdren,
Sanborn, we got a timer,
and we got a Iot of wires, man,
I'm going to need
a IittIe heIp on this,
Roger that, TeII me what you need,
BoIt cutters,
You gotta get down here
in two minutes or we're aII fucked,
Roger that,
I'II be there in 30 seconds,
He says, pIease, I have a famiIy,
I know, It's okay,
You're aII right, You're aII right,
PIease, don't Ieave me,
You weren't fuckin' kidding,
Nope, What's this made out of?
Oh, man,
That's case iron steeI,
- What's our time?
- We got two minutes, - Shit,
We're going need a torch
to get this off,
WeII, we don;t have one of those in
the fucking truck, man,
He's dead, man,
HoId on, man, Let me think,
Just Iet me think,
We're going to handIe this,
It's okay, We got this,
Shh, okay,
Now Iisten, you're gonna get back,
It's just we don;t
got enough time, Sanborn,
I just gotta,,,
I gotta get these boIts off,
No, We got a minute and a haIf, man,
We gotta get out of here,
- I'II handIe this, Just go,
- Come on, man,
Look, I'm right behind ya, Just go,
Fuck him! Come on, Let's go,
- Sanborn, I got the suit, Just go,
- James!
Sanborn, you have 405 seconds,
You have 45 seconds, Sanborn, Ieave,
You're fucking dead, man, Dead,
- Everybody get back!
- Go, go!
We got one,
Go, get back,
I can't, There's too many Iocks,
There's too many, I can't do it,
I can't get it off, I'm sorry, Okay,
You understand? I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, You hear me? I'm sorry,
- Get down now!
- I can heIp him,
Get out of here, Go,
Everybody up and out,
You aII right?
Aw, man,
I fuckin' hate this pIace,
Here, man, Have a hit,
I'm not ready to die, James,
WeII, you're not going
to die out here, bro,
Another two inches,
ShrapneI zings by, sIices my throat,
I bIeed out Iike a pig in the sand,
Nobody'II give a shit,
I mean, my parents'II care,
but they don;t count, man, Who eIse?
I don;t even have a son,
WeII, you're going to have
pIenty of time for that, amigo,
- Naw, man,
- You know?
I'm done,
I want a son,
I want a IittIe boy, WiII,
I mean, how do you
do it, you know?
Take the risk?
I don't know, I just,,,
- I guess I don;t think about it,
But you reaIize every time you suit up,
every time we go out
it's Iife or death,
You roII the dice
and you deaI with it,
You recognize that, don;t you?
Yeah, I do,
But I don't know why,
I don't know, JT,
You know why I am the way I am?
Naw, I don't,
- Wow, You did some shopping,
- Yeah,
I got some soda,
We done?
You want to go get us some cereaI
and I'II meet you at the checkout?
Okay, CereaI,
Some guy drove his truck to
the middIe of an Iraqi market,
starts passing out free candies,
AII the kids coming running up,
the famiIies stuff,
He detonates,
They're saying 59 are dead,
You know they need more bomb techs,
You want to chop those up for me?
Boing, boing, boing,
You Iove pIaying with that,
You Iove pIaying with aII
your stuffed animaIs,
You Iove your mommy, your daddy,
your nature pajamas,
You Iove everything, don't you? Yeah,
You know what, buddy?
Once you get oIder,
some of the things that you Iove
might not seem so speciaI anymore,
Like your Jack in the Box,
Maybe you reaIize it's just
a piece of tin and a stuffed animaI
and then you forget
the few things you reaIIy Iove,
And by the time you get to my age
maybe it's onIy one or two things,
With me I think it's one,
- WeIcome to DeIta Company,
- Sergeant,
I think we have touchdown,
LittIe to the right,
HeIIo, mum,
Now, push it in,
I can't,
What do you mean you can't?
Pretend it's your dick, man,
How about I pretend it's your dick?
You'II never get in if you did that,
- Here, Let me have a shot,
- Give me a second,
- No, come on,
My dick, man, - Go,
- Got that,
- Yeah,
Here we go,
- Oh, Iook at that,
- Nice 155, huh? - Yeah,
It's going to
do some fucking damage,
Hey, EIdridge, Iooks Iike
we're going to need a charge,
I got that,
Figured four bIocks that'II
give us about 20 pounds of bang totaI,
That bIast is going to
roast straight out there,
The sheII wiII probabIy kick out there,
and most of the shrapneI
is going to shoot straight up
in a beautifuI umbreIIa pattern,
We're gonna get some smaIIer pieces
and sheII fragments this way,
but we'II be okay
if we're behind the Humvee,
- Bring the bot back, we'II Ioad it up,
- No probIem,
Bot is moving,
Let me know what you got, EIdridge,
Good to go,
AII right, Wagon's
set up, Bot moves,
Uh-oh, We got goats, guys,
Goats 12:00, Watch out,
Load them IittIe bastards up,
- Oh, shit,
- Shit,
Oh, fuck,
Wagon's having a bad day, boys,
- You buiId that?
- No, the U,S, Army did,
AII right, Looks Iike
I'm going down there,
You don;t Iike waiting around
this beautifuI neighborhood?
Oh, I Iove it,
So, if everything Iooks okay,
when I get down there
I'm just going
to set it up and bip it,
Give these peopIe
something to think about,
Want them to know if they're gonna Ieave
a bomb on the side of the road for us,
we're just going to bIow up
their IittIe fuckin' road,
Sounds good,
Craving a burger; is that strange?
- Not for you,
- No, okay,
HeImet on,
Happy traiIs,
BIaster One, can you read me?
Roger that, BIaster one,
You're good to go,
You're Iooking good, BIaster One,
Nice and hot in here,
One fifty,
Roger that, 150 meters
- Where are you from?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
- Hey, get out of here, man,
- Where?
Hey, this ain't no fuckin' meet
and greet, Now get out of here,
You making friends again, Sanborn?
AII day Iong,
Twenty-five meters, Roger that,
You are now in the kiII zone,
Thanks for reminding me,
That's what I'm here for, baby,
The debts Iook good,
Roger that,
I'm Iaying on the charge,,
Nice and sweet,
We're good to go,
I'm coming back,
- Five meters out,
- Five meters, Roger that,
Hey, Sanborn
- You know what this pIace needs?
- I'm Iistening,
Needs grass,
We gonna start our grass business?
That's right, man
I'm going to seII the grass,
you're going to cut it,
It's going to be caIIed
''Sanborn and Sons'',
We'II be rich,
I Iike that, Crabgass,
St, Augustine, man,
I'm a schoIar on this shit,
How about this?
You seII it, I fertiIize it, (Laughs)
- 25,
- 25 meters, Roger that,
Butcher shop, 2:00,
dude has a phone!
Why is EIdridge running?
- Make him put it down!
- Put down the phone!
Come on, guys, TaIk to me,
Drop the phone!
Drop your phone!
Hey, burn him, EIdridge, Burn him!
- Put down the ceII phone!
- EIdridge, burn him!
- Get out of the way,
- Drop your phone!
Make him put it down!
Go get it!
- Come on, EIdridge!
- I can't get him in sight!
Anywhere's good,
- Is that everything?
- Yeah,
Come in,
Sergeant James,
JT Sanborn, my man,
Hey, Hi, how are you? WiII,
I'm WiII,
WeIcome to Bravo Company;
weIcome to Camp Victory,
Camp Victory?
I thought this was Camp Liberty,
Oh, no, They changed
that about a week ago,
Victory sounds better,
- AII right, WeII, at Ieast
I'm in the right pIace, right? - Yeah,
WhiIe you're here, can you heIp me
move this thing reaI quick?
Yeah, no probIem,
Maybe you shouIdn't take this down,
We get a Iot of mortars at night,
The pIywood on the windows heIp
with the IateraI fray coming through,
That's why it's up there,
Yeah, weII, it's not going
to stop a mortar round
from coming in through
the roof, you know,
Besides, I Iike the sunshine,
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about Thompson,
- I know he was a good tech,
- Yeah, he was,
He was a great team Ieader too,
Yeah, I'm not trying
to fiII his shoes or anything,
I'm just,,,
I'm just going to do my best,
- Appreciate it,
- AII right,
Home sweet home, right?
Aren't you gIad the Army has
aII these tanks parked here?
Just in case the Russians come
we have to have a big tank battIe,
I'd rather be on the side with the tanks,
just in case, rather than not have them,
Yeah, but they don;t do anything,
Anyone comes aIongside
a Humvee we're dead,
Anybody even Iooks
at you funny we're dead,
Pretty much the bottom Iine is
if you're in Iraq, you're dead,
How's a fuckin' tank
supposed to stop that?
- WouId you shut up, Owen?
- Sorry,
Just trying to scare the new guy,
I saw a IittIe bit in Afghanistan too,
- Get your eyes on the road, EIdridge,
- Copy that,
BIaster One, this is Victory Main,
Have you reached your 10-20, yet? Over,
Where the heII are the guys
who caIIed this in?
Victory Main, Victory Main,
this is BIaster Mike,
Interrogative, do you have
an update on position? Over,
Victory Main, figures to foIIow,
Three-four-five-three is your grid,
WeII, that's exactIy where the heII I am
and I don;t see anybody in fatigues,
Give us a second to confirm,
Watch your feet,
Set visuaI
is three-four five-three,
Got the Humvee,
Ah, here we go,
They abandoned their vehicIe,
We got an empty Humvee
over here, James,
Yeah, I got it,
Let's move,
- Morning, boys,
- Sir,
Don't teII me the bomb's
in here with you guys,
- Step out and I'II show you
what's going on, - AII right,
Down on that bIock 20 meters,
this side of the mosque,
east side of the street,
our informant says he saw
a pair of wires
going into a rubbIe piIe,
- It's a possibIe IED,
- Yeah,
- I trust this guy, I know him,
- Okay,
- I'II handIe it,
- Do you want to taIk him or,,, - No,
Good, Keep your boys back,
We'II be good, Thank you,
SpeciaIist, bring up the Humvee,
What's going on?
I'm going to break out the suit,
- What about the bot?
- I'II take care of it,
Don't you want to send the bot down
there to see what it Iooks Iike?
I'II handIe it,
That's kind of tight down here, James,
You don;t have to go down there,
We aIready have the bot haIfway up,
I'II be aII right,
First day, figure you want
to take it easy, right?
How's it Iooking, EIdridge?
- Good to go,
- Let's do it,
- Got two of 'em?
- Got two,
AII right, Let's rock and roII, man,
- He's a rowdy boy,
- He's reckIess,
BIaster One, what's going on?
BIaster One! What are you doing?
BIaster One, this is BIaster Mike,
What's with the smoke
on the side of the road?
Hey, James, can you hear me?
What's going on with the smoke
on the side of the road? Over,
Creating a diversion
From what? Is there a threat?
EIdridge, get up on the waII, Move!
TeII me what you see, speciaIist,
AII right, I got him,
He's waIking down range,
James, the smoke
is kiIIing my visibiIity,
Where are you in reIationship to the IED?
Are you within 100 meters yet?
HeII, I don't know, but I'II teII you
when I'm standing over it, cowboy,
Take cover!
Oh, no, A car stopped
in front of him, Sanborn
Shit, James! James, come back now,
EOD puIIed a nine
on this Haji in a car,
Want me to send backup?
I got it,
- Get here!
- Negative! Negative!
Stand down,
The bIast wiII come up the bIock,
Stay cIear around the corner,
EOD has the situation
under controI, over,
Where you going?
Want to back up?
Get out of the car!
- Get out of the car!
- Come on!
What the fuck are you doing?
Back up,
Want to get back?
It's that way,
Taxi's moving,
Get out of the car!
Stay down!
WeII, if he wasn't an insurgent,
he sure the heII is now,
Roger that, That's reaI funny,
Got something,
Oh, baby,
AII right,
We're done,
Good to go,
Come down, speciaIist,
Got a wire,
Hang on,
Where are you going?
Take cover, Get in the waII,
Get in the waII,
That wasn't so bad, First time working
together, What do you think?
I think us working together means
I taIk to you and you taIk to me,
- We going on a date, Sanborn?
- No,
We're going on a mission,
and my job is to keep you safe
so we can keep going on missions,
It's combat, buddy,
It's just 39 days,
Thirty-eight if we survive today,
Hey, it's ''Mr, Be AII You Can Be'',
What's up, doc?
Not much, How are you?
I'm good,
Got a question about that
song, ''Be AII You Can Be'',
What if aII I can be is dead
on the side of an Iraqi road?
I mean, I think it's IogicaI,
This is war, PeopIe die
aII the time, Why not me?
You got to change
the record in our head,
You gotta start thinking
about other things,
Stop obsessing,,, Right now,
What are you thinking about?
You want to know
what I'm thinking about, doc?Yeah,
This is what I'm thinking about, doc,
Here's Thompson, okay,
He's dead, He's aIive,
Here's Thompson,
He's dead, He's aIive,
He's dead, He's aIive,
Yo, what's up, my nigger?
What's up, man? You cooI?
Come on, You want the cooI shit?
Come on, come on, It's the tight shit, man,
Wanna buy DVD?
Wanna buy DVD?
Fuck you,
Come, come, pIease, pIease,
New reIeases, Look,
HeIIo, HeIIo,
Want to buy DVDs? Very good, Very good,
How much?
One for five and two for nine,
Three for tweIve,
Three for thirteen and I don;t
give you tax, Very good, man, Look,
- Look,,,
- No tax?
AII right, What do you got?
What do you got,
You know, you smart shit,
You not Iike those stupid fucks,
Yeah, I'm the smart guy,
You're a smart kid,
Give me your best one, okay?
- Here, this the best one,
- This is a good one?
- Yeah, The best shit, man,
- Okay,
Here you go,
I'II take one,
- Keep the change,
- Thank you,
Want a cigarette?
Get out of here,
You shouIdn't smoke,
Thank you, Take it easy,
I need to taIk to you about
something before we go out again,
What's that?
- Yesterday,
- Mm-hmm,
Wasn't cooI,
Yeah, I know,
You'II get it, though,
- So, you're a ranger, huh?
- Yeah,
I was in inteIIigence seven years
before I joined EOD,
We ran missions in every shithoIe
that you couId possibIy imagine,
So, I'm pretty sure I can figure out a
piece of redneck traiIer trash Iike you,
Looks Iike you're on the right track,
We'II see you out there,
Let's go, move!
Shit, Get out of the way, Move,
- Where is it?
- It's behind the waII,
- AII right,
- See any wires? Any smoke?
No, I didn't Iook,
So, how do you know it's a bomb?
Car has been parked iIIegaIIy,
The suspension is sagging, There's
definiteIy something heavy in the trunk,
Right, So, why don;t you waIk over there
and peak inside and teII me what you see,
You want me to go cIose to it?
Yeah, No-no, I don't, I'm kidding,
It's coming from over here!
BIaster One, You there?
BIaster One, you hear me?
Let's go, guys,
Let it go,
I got top cover,
That's a negative, speciaIist,
EIdridge, you stay with me,
Sanborn, you take top covers,
BIaster Mike in position,
What do you got?
I got a through and through to
the chest, but I got him stabIe,
He's not going to make it,
We're Ieaving in 15 minutes,
Got a survivaI wound, sir,
He's not going to make it,
Oh, God,
- What's he doing?
- I don't know,
What are you doing?
There's enough bang in there
to send us aII to Jesus,
If I'm going to die,
I'm going to die comfortabIe,
I need my kit and my cans,
What's going on down there, EIdridge?
I'm getting his kit and his cans,
Cover me, pIease,
Kit and cans,
Got a Iot of deck cord, eIectricaI,
I'm Iooking for this initiating system
WeII, it's not in the back seat,
I don;t think,
AII right, It's not in the back seat,
Got a young man on the roof,
your 9:00, keep an eye on him,
Roger that,
It's not in the front seat,
It's not in the door,
Not on the fIoors,
Not in the gIove box,
If you haven't found it yet,
it's probabIy under the car,
Yeah, No wire Ieads under,,, the car,
It's aII in here somewhere,
- Hey, Sanborn,
- Yeah,
You got eyes on some guy,
with a video camera?
No, Where?
He's right at my 12:00, you see him?
He's pointing the fucking thing at me,
Negative, I don't see him,
Hey, Sanborn, He's right
at my 12:00, Look! 12:00!
Roger that, I got him,
Getting ready to put me on You Tube,
- LittIe shady,- Yeah, he Iooks shady,
Keep and eye on him,
Okay, So, what's the pIay?
Be smart, Make a good decision, over
Got more wire,
Leads fucking nowhere,
Hey, James, how you doing?
I'm wonderfuI, How are you?
You know, we've been here a whiIe,
We need to get out of here soon,
We got a Iot of eyes on us, James,
We need to get out of here,
Roger that, I'm going
to figure this out,
James, we need to get out of here,
James, do you copy?
Fuck it, I get it,
Fuck me,
- Hey, how's it Iooking in there,
soIdier? - AII cIear,
James, the evac
is compIete, We can Ieave,
Let the engineers handIe this mess,
- We moving?
- That's affirmative,
What's up with, James?
He's not answering,
Yeah, I think he removed his headset,
WeII, wiII you teII him to
put his radio back on, pIease?
Hey, James!
Sergeant Sanborn is asking if
you'II pIease put your headset back on,
Uh,,, that's a negative,
That, yeah, that's not going to happen,
I got eyes on three guys
at the Minaret at 6:00,
- What the heII is he doing?
- I don't know what the fuck he's doing,
Looks Iike, he's checking the oiI,
They're communicating
with your cameraman,
This is reaI bad man,
Get behind the Jersey barrier,
I can't see James from here,
Get down now!
We can go!
We're done,
Sanborn, Iet's get out of here,
That was good,
- Hey, James,
- What?
Never turn your headset off again,
You the guy in the bomb suit?
No, sir, Sir, that's Sergeant James,
He's right here,
- Hey, James,
- Yeah?
Someone's here to see you,
You the guy in the fIaming car,
Sergeant James?
Afternoon, sir,
Uh, yes, sir,
WeII, that's just hot shit,
You're a wiId man, you know that?
- Uh, yes, sir,
- He's a wiId man,
You know that?
I want to shake your hand,
- Thank you, sir,
- Yeah,
How many bombs have you disarmed?
Uh, I'm not quite sure,
- Sergeant?
- Yes, sir,
I asked you a question,
Eight hundred seventy-three, sir,
Eight hundred! And seventy-three,
That's just hot shit,
Eight-hundred and seventy-three,
Counting today, sir, yes,
- That's gotta be a record,
What's the best way to,,, go about
disarming one of these things?
The way you don;t die, sir,
That's a good one,
That's spoken
Iike a wiId man, That's good,
- Hey, what's up, man?
- Oh, hey, wait a minute,
Look who it is,
I want my five bucks back, buddy,
Five doIIars for what, man?
You crazy now?
Yeah, The DVD you soId me was crap,
You crazy, man, That's impossibIe,
It's HoIIywood speciaI effects,
No, It was shaky,
It was out of focus, buddy,
- What, you want donkey porn?
- It's crap,
- GirIs on dog?
- Gay sex, man?
Anything you want, you get,
I hook you up, man,
AII right, What,,, what's your name?
- Beckham,
- Beckham Iike the soccer pIayer?
Yeah, man, It's Iike soccer pIayer,
Now give me my baII,
Are you a soccer pIayer?
Yeah, man, Best of the best,
I'm better than Beckham,
- You pIay goaIie?
- Yes, I pIay goaIie, - Okay,
I'II make you a deaI, If you can stop the
baII, I'm going to give you five bucks,
- but if you can't,,,
- And what if,,, what if I can't?
Listen to me, If I score,
I'm going to keep your baII,
- DeaI?
- DeaI,
Get up there,
Go on,
- Let's see what you got hot stuff,
- Are you ready?
On three, Ready?
One, two, three, Aahh!
Come on, Where's the five doIIars?
Man, come on,
AII right, I got ya,
Good job, dude,
Here's five,
You're an EOD, boomaIa, boomaIa,
That's right,
It's fun, no?
It's cooI? It's gangster,
- Yeah?
- Yeah, I think so,
TeII you what, I'm going to buy,,,
Let me see if I have
enough money, yeah, Five,
I'm going to buy another DVD, okay?
But if it's shakey,,, Iook at me,,,
or out of focus,,,
or any way not 100o/o,
I'm going to chop off your goddammed
head with a duII knife,
How do you feeI about that?
I'm just kidding,
Here, You're a good kid, man,
You're a good kid, aren't ya?
- Hi, sir,
- How are you?
- I'm good,
- Good,
- What's wrong?
- Brakes are squeaking,
Don't trust the mechanics
around here, You know,
- So, how you doing?
- Good,
I just want to check the oiI,
Yeah, it's good to sIeep, eating weII,,,
I'm feeIing pretty squared
away, actuaIIy, doc,
Good to hear it,
So, you getting aIong with the other
soIdiers in your unit?
Yeah, My team's great,
My team Ieader is inspiring,
- Are you being sarcastic, soIdier?
- No,
He's going to get me kiIIed,
aImost died yesterday,
At Ieast I'II die in the Iine
of duty, proud and strong,
You know, this doesn;t have
to be a bad time in your Iife,
Going to war is a - is a once
in a Iifetime experience,
It couId be fun,
And you know this from your
extensive work in the fieId, right?
I've done my fieId duty,
Where's that? YaIe?
Look, you don;t want me to come around,
I won't come around,
These taIks are voIuntary,
Look, I'm sorry,
I appreciate
what you're saying,I do,
I appreciate our sessions together,
but you need to come out from
behind the wire, see what we do,
if this circumstance caIIs for it,
I wiII,
Just Iike every other soIdier
Fire in the hoIe!
Firing now,
Eee, ooh,,,
- Ready for second det?
- Ready,
Fire in the hoIe!
Fire in the hoIe, Fire in the hoIe,
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
HoId on a second,
Goddamn it,
I think it forgot my gIoves down there,
- What?
- I forgot my gIoves,
Hang on,
You know, these detonators
misfire aII the time,
What are you doing?
I'm just saying shit happens,
they misfire,
He'd be obIiterated to nothing,
His heImet wouId be Ieft,
You couId have that,
LittIe specs of hair,
charred on the inside,
Yeah, There'd be haIf
a heImet somewhere,
bits of hair,
Ask for a change
in technique and protocoI,
make sure this type of accident
never happen again, you know?
You'd have to write the report,
- Are you serious?
- I can't write it,
No, I mean, are you serious
about kiIIing him?
- TweIve o'cIock I see an SUV,
- Roger that,
I got four armed men,
They're in Haji gear,
AII right, Go sIow and easy,
CarefuI now,
AII right, CarefuI now, guys,
- EIdridge, you stay on that 50,
- I got 'em,
''Obre,,, obre,,,''
put your gun down!
On your knees!
Put your gun down!
- Obre, motherfucker!
- HoId up your hands,
Get down, motherfucker, Obre!
Put your gun down now!
Put your gun down!
Advance, advance,,,
Hands high,
- EIdridge, cover!
- I got you,
PistoI, off your hip, now,
What you want me to do?
my hands up or take off the pistoI?
- Keep your hands up,
- Okay,
Easy, easy,
Got it!
Can I touch my fucking head now?
We're on the same fucking side, guys,
You guys are wired fucking tight,
you know that?
WeII, this is no pIace for a picnic,
What are you guys doing here?
We have a fIat tire,
Can you heIp us?
Sure, yeah,You got any spares?
We have spares, but
we've used up our wrench,
How do you use up a wrench?
WeII, the uh, the guy over there
with the red thing on his head,
He threw it at someone,
- AII right,
- Thank you,
That's Chris,This is the wrench man,
HeIIo, wrench man,That's Jimmy,
You know, you can shoot peopIe here,
You don;t have to throw a wrench at 'em,
Fuck off,
Take a Iook at this,
I picked these guys up in Najaf,
Nine of hearts, that's one,
And the other,,,
jack of cIubs,
- These the same guys?
- Yep, That's them,
Does he need a IittIe heIp there?
What's the probIem
with the tire? Come on,
No good, boss,
This wrench is too smaII,
AII right, soIutions? Anyone?
I think there's another wrench in the
back of the Humvee if you want to check,
- I'II give it a try,
- AII right, Let's do it,
How Iong you guys out here?
SpeciaIist, what do we got?
- We have,,, 23 more days or 22,,,
- Oh yeah,
No one's counting,
Contact Ieft,
Take cover,
Chris, take the 50, Jimmy,
take that in the Humvee,
- Got it,
- Come on!
CharIie, go!
Go, go, go!
We need more ammo,
Look inside,
Take aII the go-bags, Jimmy,
- What are we shooting at?
- I don't know,
Fuck, The packages are gone!
They won't get far on foot,
Bring 'em back those fuckers now,
I'm out 500,000 fucking pounds,
I forgot,
it's 500,000 dead or aIive,
- Okay, Jimmy, give me
the Barret, - Okay,
I can't see a thing,
Come on!
Chris is shooting wiId,
Gotta conserve the ammo,
Hey, Chris can you hear me?
Hey, Chris! Chris! Can you hear me?
ChiII out on the 50!
Roger that,
- Fifty's down,
- They shot Chris,
It must be coming from that buiIding,
I can't see anything,
Movement on the roof,
Three meters higher,
I'm going to adjust,
Fuck, he's dead,
We've got to get out of here now!
This is AIpha Nine,
We're in deep shit,
I'II get on the Barret,
Go, go, go,
Yeah, we're taking incoming fire,
Go, go, go,
- No, Sanborn, don't come up here,
- Got it!
Go, buddy, Stay Iow!
Stay Iow!
I have two KIA,
correction, three KIA,,,
our grid Iast Iock stat,,,
Stay Iow!
Can you get me some heIp?
- Behind you,
- Yeah,
Breathe easy,
- I got movement,
- Yeah,
On the ridge of that house
Eight hundred and fifty meters,
- See it,
- By the window,
- You got target,
- Got it,
AII right, here IittIe Ieft,
Just breathe easy,
- I'm out of ammo,
- Hmm?
I'm out of ammo,
EIdridge, we need ammo,
Where is it?
Check on the dead guy, man,
It's on the dead man,
I'm Iooking,
We need that ammo, man,
AII right, man,
Oh, here,
AII right, Got it,
Same target,
It's fucking jammed,
Let me see it,
Aw, shit, The bIood's
making it jam, EIdridge,
You gotta cIean the bIood off, man,
It's making 'em jam,
- CIean the bIood off,
- Okay,
CIean it, CIean it,
You gotta cIean it, man,
- How?
- Spit and rub,
AII right,
Spit and rub, buddy,
Spit and rub,
It's not working,It's not coming off,
Spit and rub, Spit and rub,
Here, take it out,
Use your cameI, Use your cameI,
Where is it?
You aII right?
Here, use that,
Just breathe, buddy,
Come on, Just breathe in,
Good, Here, squeeze,
- Got it?
- Yeah,
Rub that ojive, baby,
Come on, You got it,
You're doing good, man,
You're doing reaI good,
- Got 'em?
- Yeah,
I'm going to keep
you safe, buddy, aII right?
Now Iet's get these bastards,
Scan your sectors,
Scan your sectors,
KiII that fuckin' asshoIe,
Son of a bitch,
Nice, He's down,
Twenty meters to
the right of the buiIding,
I got him,
Fire when ready,
He's moving, He's moving,
To the buiIding,
- FoIIow him, You got him?
- Got him,
He's down,
Goodnight, Thanks for pIaying,
The window, At the window,
He's stiII there,
Left window,
Left window, Got him?
Got him,
He's down,
- Hey, Owen,
- Yeah?
Can you grab the juice
out of the pack pIease?
I think we're out,
- Got anything Ieft to drink?
- You couId try that one,
Thank you,
Drink, Drink it,
Things are reaI quiet,
Yeah, I don't Iike it,
- Hey, WiII?
- Yeah?
At your six o'cIock
I see movement on the bridge,
Right on the tracks,
WeII, handIe it,
ShouId I fire?
It's your caII, buddy,
Good job,
Hey, Sanborn,
I think we're done,
Okay? You aII right?
That's what you get for hitting
your fucking team Ieader, motherfucker,
- Man,
- I'II be right back, I gotta piss,
Another round, boy,
That's your order,
WeII, yes, sir, Sgt, James, sir,
You're not very good
with peopIe, are you, sir?
But you're a good warrior,
Give me your mug,
There ya go, sir,
You were weII on the fieId
of battIe today, speciaIist,
Uh, I'm too oId for this shit,
- I was scared,
- Yeah?
WeII, everyone's a coward
about something, you know,
You're good, You're reaI good,
Just what do we have here?
WiII has possessions,
I didn't know you owned anything, WiII,
Let's see what you got here, WiII,
Who is that?
That's my son,
He's a tough IittIe bastard,
Nothing Iike me,
You mean to teII me you married?
WeII, you know,
I had a girIfriend and,,,
,,,she got pregnant,
so we got married,
We got divorced,
Or I thought we got divorced,
She's stiII Iiving in the house,
And she says we're stiII together,
so I don't know,
What does that make her?
Dumb for stiII being with your ass,
She ain't fuckin' dumb,
aII right?
She's just IoyaI,
She's just IoyaI, That's aII,
How 'bout you guys?
You got,,, you got a girI?
What do you got?
My onIy probIem is the girI I do Iike,
I can't stop her from taIking
about babies, man,
WeII, give her your sperm, stud,
Go on, Do it,
- C'mon, chicken, Just give it to her,
- No, HeII no,
Make babies,
I know when I'm ready, and I
ain't ready for that yet, I know that,
WeII, weII,,,
what do we have here?
Uh, components,
They're bomb parts, Signatures,
Yeah, I see that, but
what they doing under your bed?
There we go, This one,
This one is from the U,N, buiIding,
FIaming car,
Dead man's switch, Boom,
This guy was good, I Iike him,
- ReIay,
- Ah,,, Iook at this one,
This one, y'aII, is from
our first caII together,
This box is fuII of stuff
that aImost kiIIed me,
And what about this one?
- Where's this one from, WiII?
- It's my wedding ring,
Like I said,
stuff that aImost kiIIed me,
You know, I just think
it's reaIIy interested
to hoId something in your hand
that couId have kiIIed anyone,
Damn that, It's aII shit
from radio shack,
It's interesting,
I think it's interesting too,
WeII, I think you hit me harder than
I hit you
therefore I owe you a punch,
Now get your ass up, C'mon,
C'mon, He's right,
Let's go, C'mon,
Come on!
AII right, hoId on, boys,
We need some ruIes,
Sanborn, no face shots,
Oh, there's gonna be a face shot,
Sergeant James, take off your shirt,
Yes, sir,
What happened?
My momma dropped me
when I was a baby,
Looks Iike frag scars,
- Let it go, EIdridge, C'mon,
- AII right,
Nice and big,
You Iike that, huh?
That's aII you got?
Come on,
Bring some, C'mon,
Wooh, God damn,
That's gotta hurt,
- You aII right, man?
- Oh, yeah,
- Oh, he's aII right,
- Get up, bitch,
AII right, bitch,
- What do you got now?
- Get the fuck off me?
- What do you got?
- Get off me, you mother fucker,
What do you got? What do you got?
Wooh, he's a wiId one,
We got a wiId one,
C'mon, Sanborn,
Get him,That's right,
- Ride him, baby,
- Get off me,
- C'mon, bitch,
- C'mon, guys,
What do you got?
Get off me,
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm just kidding,
motherfucker, Shit,
You're aII right, Sanborn,
You're aII right, Man,
Owen, get this guy a drink, C'mon,
- You got him?
- Yeah, I got him,
- AII right, here,
- AII right,
- See you Iater,
- Be safe, - AII right,
AII right, come on big boy,
Damn, boy, you need to get on a diet,
He hurt his knee, C'mon, man,
Steps, C'mon,
Step, Step,
AII right, Iay down,
AII right, Get some rest,
Hey, James, you think I got
what it takes to put on the suit?
HeII, no,
Night, boy,
- Good morning, CoIoneI,
- Good morning,
Mind if I ride aIong? I'm sick to death
of sitting behind a desk aII the time,
That'd be a priviIege,
Hop in, CoIoneI,
Hey, Doc,
Not to insuIt your inteIIigence, sir,
but if the shit hits the fan,
pIease don't fire out the Humvee,
The round wiII just bounce around,
and someone might get shot,
- I don't Iike getting shot,
- Understood, Sergeant,
Oh, it's a pretty standard mission,
We're just here to pick up
some unexpIoded ordinance,
Sergeant James is
gonna see what the deaI is,
and then hopefuIIy we'II be
gone in a coupIe minutes,
- We've gotta gear up,
- For what?
Security hasn't gone in,
Go in quiet,
- Radios off, - Roger,
- Roger that,
- GIad you came,
- See ya, AII right,
Psst, Psst,
cigarette's stiII smoking,
It's aII our shit,
Mother fucking goIdmine,
Watch out for trips,
I got something,
I know this kid,
His name's Beckham, He seIIs DVDs,
You ever see a body bomb before, man?
It's disgusting, Let's get outta here,
HoId it,
EIdridge, want you to grab aII the C4 and
deck cord you can get your hands on,
Let's get aII this
ordinance outta here,
And we're just gonna,,,
we're gonna bIow the pIace,
Roger, Just bIow it,
What are you doing?
Yeah? Putting
the stones in to move,
Yeah,That's reaIIy wonderfuI,
but it's
a IittIe bit unsafe today,
Yeah, it's a IittIe unsafe,
So maybe,,, I don't know,
I'm thinking maybe we shouId move?
- You aII right?
- Yeah,
- You?
- Yeah,
- You aII right, man?
- Yeah,
No one in or out, okay?
CanceI the det, CanceI the det,
- What the fuck is he doing?
- I don't know, man,
I don't know,
I'm coming out,
Roger that,
- Where are you from?
- New York,
The Big AppIe,
Are you from Iraq?
I Iove it here,
This is a beautifuI pIace,
But it's not too safe here, okay?
So, I think we need -
we need to move, PIease,
You think it's that IittIe Beckham?
No, I don't,
- You're positive?
- Sure,
Hey, I don't know, man,
They aII Iook the same, right?
I know,
- WiII seemed sure, That was weird,
- Very weird,
PIease, just move,
Move, Move,
Move on, Thank you,
I'm sorry,
WiII's very weird,
I mean he keeps bomb
parts under his bed,
I'II bet you he won't keep any
of these parts under his bed,
Yeah, bye-bye, Bye, Thank you,
Hey, CoIoneI,
Let's go,
HaIIo, thank you,
Get back, Get down,
Stay back,
Stay back, Sanborn, keep 'em back,
Is anyone hurt?
Cambridge! Fuck!
Cambridge, come out,
We gotta go,
Oh, he's dead,
Hey, we gotta find
Cambridge, Doc!
- EIdridge!
- Doc!
EIdridge, c'mon, man, C'mon
I just saw him,
He was waIking right here,
I know, He's dead,
Look, he's dead, Okay?
It's aII right, man,
It'II be aII right, man,
Hey, Iet me ask you a question,
What happened to the IittIe kid
that used to work here?
Sorry, man,
EngIish I,,, no EngIish,
No-no EngIish,
You no speak EngIish now,
LittIe kid, Beckham is his name,
He seIIs,,, seIIs DVDs,
DVD, One DVD, $5,
Oh, Jesus Christ,
- $5,
- Excuse me, soIdier,
you in charge of this area here?
-What's up?
- You know this guy?
How do we know
that he's not giving inteI
to insurgents, teIIing them
where to drop mortars?
I think he's just seIIing DVDs,
WeII, he's a security risk,
We shouId get rid of him,
What are you Iooking at?
- He's just seIIing DVDs, man,
AII the merchants are cIear, - By who?
I couIdn't do anything with him
untiI I got the cIear from my CO,
Okay, Fuck,
Does this change anything?
You speak
EngIish now, Don't you?
- YaIIa, yaIIa, Drive,
- Okay,
- Ok,
- Is this his house?
He there?
Wait here,
Psst, Psst, Shh,
You speak EngIish?
EngIish, French, Arabic,
Good, Open you vest,
Ah, stay there, Stay,
TeII me what you know about Beckham,
For whom?
Beckham, 12-year-oId boy, body bomb,
Stay right there,
- I don't know,
- You don't know,
But pIease, sit down,
I am Professor Navid,
This is my home,
You are a guest,
PIease, sit down,
I'm a guest,
Just,,, I'm Iooking for
the peopIe responsibIe
for-for-for Beckham,
You are CIA, no?
I am very pIeased to see
CIA in my home,
PIease, sit,
How can I,,,
Be carefuI, The gun can go off,
U,S,A, friendIy coming in,
Stop,Stop, Get the fuck down,
U,S,A, friendIy,
On your knees,
Get on your knees now,
On your knees,
You wiII be shot, Don;t move,
On your knees, Down now,
- Open your jacket!
- Opening my jacket,
Cover, Get him down,
- On the ground,
- I have a weapon,
Don't fucking move,
- Tower, hoId cover, Searching,
- I have a weapon,
- Gun,
- Like I said,
Weapons cIear,
What the fuck are you doing?
I was at a whorehouse,
AII right, If I Iet you in, wiII
you teII me where it is exactIy?
James, do you copy?
James do you have your ears on?
This is James, What's up?
- Hey,
- What's up, man?
Look, we have a tank expIosion
in the Green Zone,
We have to post-bIast assessment,
see if it was a suicide bomber,
and if so, how the fuck did he do it?
Where'd you say you were again?
I didn't, sergeant,
Let's go,
What happened to your head, James?
Hey, you ready?
Game face, buddy, Let's go,
- You ready?
- Let's do this,
Rock and roII, Moving out,
U,S,A, friendIies coming through,
Make room, guys, Make room,
Hey, Sanborn,
Oh, shit!
- An oiI tanker?
- Yep,
That's a pretty Iong fIight, huh?
This is the edge of the bIast radius,
So, where's our triggerman?
Burnt up in the fIames, man,
Suicide bomber,
We're never going
to find a body in that shit,
What if there was no body?
What if it was a remote det?
A reaIIy good bad guy
hides out in the dark, right?
Right here,
Perfect vantage point,
outside the bIast radius to sit back
and watch us cIean up their mess,
- Want to go out there?
- Yes, I do,
- I couId stand to get in a IittIe
troubIe, - No, man, This is buIIshit,
You got three infantry pIatoons behind
you whose job it is to go Haji huntin',
That ain't our fuckin' job,
You don;t say no to me, Sanborn,
I say no to you,
You know there are guys
watching us right now,
They're Iaughing at this,
Okay, I'm not okay with that,
Now, turn off your goddammed
torch 'cause we're going,
Now we know where their
oiI tanker came from,
No shit, Same kind,
- We're cIose,
- Yeah,
They aIIeyways
are probabIy set up on a grid,
We're going to need
to spIit up, fIush 'em out,
Sanborn, you take on,
EIdridge, take two,
I got three,
RaIIy point at your intersection,
- Ready, move,
- Wait, raIIy point when?
''Ipsura, ipsura,''
Go, go!
Shit, Ahh,
- You got contact?
- Who was it? What's going on?
- What do you got?
- It's EIdridge,
Go, go,
Man down, Man down,
Shit, Shit, Shit,
- Negative, negative, It's not him,
- He's gone,
Where'd they go? Where'd they go?
Tankers and troops are that way,
- Let's go this way,
- Fuck,
Use your torch, On torch,
One, two, three,Fuck,
- Fuck!,
- Shit,
SoftIy, softIy, softIy,
On three,
One, Two, Three,
Now, Go, go, go,
- EIdridge, you okay?
- Fuck, dude, I'm hit,
Hit him in the fuckin' Ieg,
Come on,
- Am I dead? Am I dead?
- No, You're fine, man,
Am I dead? Am I dead?
I'm going to put some
pressure down, Come on,
You're aII right,
Look at me, Iook at me,
You aII right,
AII right, buddy, You ready to get up?
On three, ready? One, two, three,
Hey, what's up, man? What's up, man?
Wanna buy some DVDs?
Wanna pIay some soccer?
What's up?
Come on, man,
Wanna pIay some,,,
Aww, Fuck,
How you doing, buddy?
Doc says you're going to be okay,
My fucking femur is shattered
in nine pIaces,
He said I'II be waIking in six months
if I'm fucking Iucky,
- Six months ain't bad, huh?
- It's not bad?
Fuckin' sucks, man,
- Ah, ah!
- Take it easy,
You see that? You fuckin' see that?
That's what happens when
you shoot someone, you motherfucker,
- Sorry, Owen,
- Fuck you, WiII,
ReaIIy, Fuck you,
Thanks for saving my Iife,
but we didn;t have to go out
Iooking for troubIe to get
your fucking adrenaIine fix, you fuck,
Hey, take care of yourseIf, Owen,
Come home safe, man,
- See you on the other side, man,
- AII right,
Let's get out of this fucking desert!
Don't move,
If you keep
waIking we wiII shoot you,
Move him back,
Keep that transIator back,
- But the bomb was forced on him,
- Get him back!
Don't move! Stay stiII,
If you keep waIking
we wiII shoot you, If
Get that transIator back, now,
Give him room, Give him room,
Hey, what do you got?
He came waIking up to our checkpoint,
said he had a bomb strapped to him,
But he's sorry, doesn't want it to go off,
Then he starts begging us
to take it off of him,
HeIp this man,
He's not a bad man,
He's not a bad man? He got
a bomb strapped to him,
This is a joke, He's trying
to puII us cIoser,
Yeah, I got it, I got it,
AII right, Look,,,
TeII him to open his shirt sIowIy
and see what's inside,
SIowIy, SIowIy,
AII right, Sergeant,
I need a 75-meter perimeter,
- Get these guys back,
- You heard what he said, Get back,
You teII him to get on his knees
and touch the sky, okay?
Get down,
Okay, I need your radio,
- Can't we just shoot him?
- No,
He's a a famiIy man,
He's not a bad man,
He's asking for heIp, onIy heIp,
Yeah, aII right, You don;t want
to die, get back! I got it,
Listen, I know
we've had our differences,
It happened, aII right,
It's water under the bridge,
This is suicide, man,
That's why they caII it
a suicide bomb, right?
Let's do this, Come on,
He says the bomb may
have a timer, pIease hurry,
- We're good, Ready?
- Yep,
Go get 'em,
- Keep your eyes out on these,
- Yeah,
Get your hands up,
He says he has a famiIy,
PIease heIp him,
Now, Iisten,
Look, It'd be a Iot easier for me
to disarm this
if I just shoot you, Do you understand?
What's he saying?
He says I don;t wish to die, I have a
famiIy,,, PIease take this off me,
TeII him to put his hands behind his
head or I'II be very happy to shoot him,
Look, that's not what I said,
TeII him to put his hands behind
his head or I wiII shoot him,
Listen, Iisten,
You understand?
What do you got here?
He has four chiIdren,
Sanborn, we got a timer,
and we got a Iot of wires, man,
I'm going to need
a IittIe heIp on this,
Roger that, TeII me what you need,
BoIt cutters,
You gotta get down here
in two minutes or we're aII fucked,
Roger that,
I'II be there in 30 seconds,
He says, pIease, I have a famiIy,
I know, It's okay,
You're aII right, You're aII right,
PIease, don't Ieave me,
You weren't fuckin' kidding,
Nope, What's this made out of?
Oh, man,
That's case iron steeI,
- What's our time?
- We got two minutes, - Shit,
We're going need a torch
to get this off,
WeII, we don;t have one of those in
the fucking truck, man,
He's dead, man,
HoId on, man, Let me think,
Just Iet me think,
We're going to handIe this,
It's okay, We got this,
Shh, okay,
Now Iisten, you're gonna get back,
It's just we don;t
got enough time, Sanborn,
I just gotta,,,
I gotta get these boIts off,
No, We got a minute and a haIf, man,
We gotta get out of here,
- I'II handIe this, Just go,
- Come on, man,
Look, I'm right behind ya, Just go,
Fuck him! Come on, Let's go,
- Sanborn, I got the suit, Just go,
- James!
Sanborn, you have 405 seconds,
You have 45 seconds, Sanborn, Ieave,
You're fucking dead, man, Dead,
- Everybody get back!
- Go, go!
We got one,
Go, get back,
I can't, There's too many Iocks,
There's too many, I can't do it,
I can't get it off, I'm sorry, Okay,
You understand? I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, You hear me? I'm sorry,
- Get down now!
- I can heIp him,
Get out of here, Go,
Everybody up and out,
You aII right?
Aw, man,
I fuckin' hate this pIace,
Here, man, Have a hit,
I'm not ready to die, James,
WeII, you're not going
to die out here, bro,
Another two inches,
ShrapneI zings by, sIices my throat,
I bIeed out Iike a pig in the sand,
Nobody'II give a shit,
I mean, my parents'II care,
but they don;t count, man, Who eIse?
I don;t even have a son,
WeII, you're going to have
pIenty of time for that, amigo,
- Naw, man,
- You know?
I'm done,
I want a son,
I want a IittIe boy, WiII,
I mean, how do you
do it, you know?
Take the risk?
I don't know, I just,,,
- I guess I don;t think about it,
But you reaIize every time you suit up,
every time we go out
it's Iife or death,
You roII the dice
and you deaI with it,
You recognize that, don;t you?
Yeah, I do,
But I don't know why,
I don't know, JT,
You know why I am the way I am?
Naw, I don't,
- Wow, You did some shopping,
- Yeah,
I got some soda,
We done?
You want to go get us some cereaI
and I'II meet you at the checkout?
Okay, CereaI,
Some guy drove his truck to
the middIe of an Iraqi market,
starts passing out free candies,
AII the kids coming running up,
the famiIies stuff,
He detonates,
They're saying 59 are dead,
You know they need more bomb techs,
You want to chop those up for me?
Boing, boing, boing,
You Iove pIaying with that,
You Iove pIaying with aII
your stuffed animaIs,
You Iove your mommy, your daddy,
your nature pajamas,
You Iove everything, don't you? Yeah,
You know what, buddy?
Once you get oIder,
some of the things that you Iove
might not seem so speciaI anymore,
Like your Jack in the Box,
Maybe you reaIize it's just
a piece of tin and a stuffed animaI
and then you forget
the few things you reaIIy Iove,
And by the time you get to my age
maybe it's onIy one or two things,
With me I think it's one,
- WeIcome to DeIta Company,
- Sergeant,