Husband, Wife, and Their Lover (2022) Movie Script

From our family to yours
for over a hundred years.
Welcome to 10 years ago, Dad.
Baby steps.
Are you still upset
that I wouldn't approve
your single mother spot?
I just think it's time
to expand a little bit.
Well, good old-fashioned
family values.
Are the backbone of Ballard.
Yes, I know, Dad.
Mm-hmm. It should be all set
for the meeting.
Yes. Thank you.
-Yes, Dad?
I was just talking to Donna,
or rather,
Donna was talking to me.
And...maybe you're right.
About what?
Loosening things up.
So you wanna do
the single mother spot
after all?
Oh. No.
Donna thinks that you should
start doing more press
and social media,
you know, give the brand
a younger
but still very traditional feel.
But I did tell her I don't
want this to come at the cost
of you giving me a grandchild.
I told you, Jordan and I
are gonna try next year.
You're already 30.
I can still be a mom and a boss
or...boss's daughter.
I will do all the social media
and press you want.
All right, then. Back to work.
I'm glad you had a good day,
Thank you for keeping
my spot warm, Cody.
I'm happy for you.
You deserve it.
Although I...
do feel like you have
an unfair advantage,
being that you're the only one
not afraid of your dad.
Oh, come on, that's not fair.
I'm very afraid of my dad.
How was your day?
Oh, you know,
just like any other day as
a junior high school teacher--
drama, terror, insanity.
-Ah. Those kids.
-Oh, speaking of kids,
Dad brought it up again.
You didtell him
that we're enjoying
our last year of freedom, right?
Mm, he wouldn't really grasp
that concept.
He thinks we should've had kids
a long time ago.
Well, if we had kids
when we first started dating--
I would've been disowned,
and you would be castrated.
Speaking of our last year
of freedom...
I was thinking...
Never mind. Never mind.
No, what?
Come on.
I hate when you do this.
-Come on.
What do you think about, uh...
branching out a little?
What specifically
do you have in mind?
Well, like living on the edge.
I mean, don't you remember
that forbidden danger
of our first time?
Yes, having sex
at my all-girl private school?
-During school hours?
That was hot.
So you wanna go back
to my high school?
Oh, no, no, no.
More like, uh...
-Uh, what?
A mnage trois.
Oh. mean me
and another girl?
Well, um...
Yeah. Yeah. That's, uh...
That's what I would prefer.
Well, I bet you would.
It was just an idea.
Just an idea.
You know,
since I am turning 30 tomorrow,
tell me.
What's it like?
- Devastating.
- Oh.
It's like my youth
just disappeared
when I turned the big 3-0.
I mean,
isn't it forbidden enough
that you're married
to an older woman?
Oh, yes.
Living on the edge.
All right. Night, honey.
Good night.
Wow, I don't know what to say.
That's crazy, right?
I mean, it's unexpected,
but it's not uncommon.
I know a lot of people
who have tried a third.
Yeah, well, that's because
you're so free-spirited, Lexi.
So you don't think
I should be worried?
About what?
About Jordan asking
for a threesome.
No. I actually think
it speaks a lot
to how much he trusts you
as a person.
I mean, it does take a lot to
open up about stuff like that.
I've been training you
for years now,
and you've never said anything
to make me think
that you can'ttrust him.
Guess you're right.
And you've been together
for what,
since you were teenagers, right?
Yeah. So you haven't hide
the time to, you know,
-So you're for it.
-I don't know.
I'm just...not against it.
Maybe I'll offer it to him
for his birthday.
Hmm. Yeah, I like it,
but just make sure
it's not someone
you know together.
-It could get a little awkward.
-Yeah, that makes sense.
Ooh, maybe you should pick
someone only you know.
I mean, you don't want a rando
walking in your house,
and like I said,
you're a little famous, so...
-That's a good point.
What about you?
What about me?
Jordan doesn't know you,
and you don't work
at the office,
so he can't run into you
at any work function,
and you're sexy.
Would it be weird after?
I mean...
I don't wanna lose you
as a client.
I don't think so,
and you don't seem like
the type of person
that would be fazed by it.
Some of our stretches are...
rather intimate.
Plus we've already seen each
other naked in the locker room.
Are you interested?
I just can't believe that you
of all people,
this rated G,
would do something so NC-17.
It's so...antithetical
to your whole persona.
Although for some,
those really are just masks
hiding what lurks beneath,
which apparently in your case,
is a sex fiend.
Okay, it would only be
one night, Gillian.
The most appealing part
of it all is
that it flies in the face
of my good girl image.
-Ballard poster girl.
So it's kind of exciting to
break out of my father's mold.
Well...sounds like
your little sex-capade
might have some
liberating therapeutic value.
I give my blessing.
You nervous?
Yes. Are you?
-You look beautiful.
-Thanks. So do you.
So, Lexi, this is Jordan,
my husband.
Jordan, this is Lexi Wolf.
-It's a pleasure to meet you.
-It's nice to meet you.
- So what's good here?
- Yeah.
So, yeah, and people would
tease me for it.
They used to say that I had
a silver cereal spoon
in my mouth.
And they're probably
just jealous.
But, Lexi, what about you?
I've never asked you
about your childhood.
Mm. It's so normal.
It'd bore you to tears.
But I saw you in your interview
on TV the other day.
And she's gonna be on all
the Ballard family commercials
See, I told you
you're a celebrity.
Oh, my gosh. Okay, guys.
Stop. It's so embarrassing.
Can we please talk
about something else?
So...why did you become
a trainer?
So I could meet Veronica.
I'm kidding, obviously.
No, actually,
I initially, um, studied
to become an actress.
I realized it was
such a long shot,
so I dedicated myself
to training. the human body.
It was a fun night.
You still into it?
Well, there was chemistry,
wasn't there?
I think it'll be something fun
for us to look back on one day.
So are we gonna do it?
Let's do it.
I think we should have
a safe word.
What do you mean?
Like a word we use in case
we wanna stop
for whatever reason.
Um, yeah, that sounds
like a good idea.
How about...
That seems like a really funny
word to say when you're naked.
Hey, if it was too common,
we might say it accidentally.
Good point. "Taffy" it is.
She's here.
Okay, uh,
do you want some taffy?
You--You wanna stop?
Oh, I just wanna make sure
you're still into this.
Well, you've come this far.
And I don't wanna be rude
and have her come all this way
for nothing.
Leave it to you
to bring good manners
in a situation like this.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Come on in.
Cute dog. What's his name?
I love your dress.
Oh. Thanks.
I haven't worn it in years.
Nice house.
Uh, yeah, we just, uh,
did a remodel.
Uh...let me get us
some refreshments.
You have
two different color eyes.
Yeah. Heterochromia.
It' of
my many unique qualities.
How come I didn't notice
You've never been this close
Hey there.
I can't believe we did that.
Well...did you enjoy it?
We both did.
And you're okay with it?
Yeah. Yeah.
Although I...
I feel a little, um...
That's a---That's
just the Catholicism talking.
Thanks for coming.
Of course.
-Oh, let me order my--
-Oh, no. Already coming.
Oh, why, thank you.
how'd it go?
Oh, no.
Was it horrible?
The act itself was, um...
Hot? Sexy?
I know.
Oh. Thank you.
-Anything else?
-No, we're good.
Oh, but you're notgood.
You're bad.
But what?
Maybe it was a mistake?
What? Like, for your marriage?
I don't know.
Like I'm gonna regret it.
Veronica, I think you're just
being really hard on yourself.
Okay? Remember, this was
supposed to be
a liberating experience.
You're right.
Of course I am.
What's wrong?
Do you feel like
we shouldn't have done it?
Gillian said I shouldn't
feel that way.
You talk to Gillian about this
but not me?
She's objective.
She wasn't there.
It's more than that.
I-I can tell.
-Did you enjoy it?
-Is that a trick question?
Trying to set me up
to be the bad guy?
No. Never mind.
I can tell you enjoyed it.
Not because I don't love you.
All right, or because I want it
to be a regular thing.
I know.
We good?
Yeah. Of course we are.
I am so sorry I'm late.
No worries.
Here you go. Bicep curls.
Give me 10.
Wasn't that hot?
I...suppose it was.
So you wanna do it again?
Um...thank you, but no.
Why not?
Because it was always just
supposed to be a one-time thing.
Why just one time?
What's gotten into you?
Well, does that...
Do you regret it?
Why are you acting like this?
Acting like what? Like I'm not
just a little pawn
that you can move around
in your life however you see fit
without even thinking
for a second
how it might affect me?
It's just so weird.
For as long as I've been
training with her,
she's never acted like this.
It's like she's just become
a different person.
-I'll get it.
I...I was just
in the neighborhood,
and I figured I'd stop by.
It smells good.
-What are you cooking?
Can I join?
No. Listen, Lexi,
after what happened today,
I think--
Oh. Yeah, I'm...I'm sorry.
I let my emotions
get the better of me.
I just...wanted to come by to you about
maybe lending me $5,000?
Hey. What's going on?
I got this.
No. You can't borrow $5,000.
Well, why not?
I don't have to give you
a reason.
It's really strange that
you're just coming in here
out of nowhere asking for money.
But we're friends.
We're more than friends.
And you have so much money.
Why are you being so selfish?
All right, that's enough.
So you need to leave.
And you're obviously fired.
You don't mean that.
I do. promised.
That was before what happened
at the gym today.
there's many sides of me.
Many sides.
You'll see.
Clearly, she's disturbed.
It was so unsettling.
What do I do?
You could report her at the gym.
I mean, coming over
to your place like that
definitely crossed
professional boundaries.
Obviously, Iwas the one
who crossed
professional boundaries first.
I invited her over to--
V., you can't change the past.
Is that the best
advice you've got for me?
I'm sorry.
This is a little out
of my wheelhouse. I...
I've never come across a psycho
trainer situation before.
Well...that makes two of us.
Well...look who's here.
I'll just get right to it.
We have decided...
that you are going to be
the new face of Ballard Brands.
And Donna says
that market research shows
that people like young faces
more than older ones, so...
S-Starting when?
Right away.
Our next commercial shoot
is in a few days.
That's so soon.
Oh, with the metrics, we're so
going in this direction.
Your Instagram following
is growing.
That's an Instagram that I don't
even personally post on.
This was inevitable.
You are the future of the brand.
You're smart,
young, modern,
still family-friendly.
You're the whole package.
I just...wasn't prepared
for the future now.
We never are.
What do you think?
it's a lot.
It's a good thing, right?
You don't seem excited.
I'm just...feeling vulnerable.
I wasn't prepared to be so...
out there.
I have every confidence
you will rise to the occasion.
Do you think he'll let me
move the brand
in a more progressive direction?
Mm...not while he's alive.
Oops! Did I say that out loud?
But seriously, I've worked with
him since before you were born,
and it's a losing battle
on that front.
Yes, he is...set in his ways.
Mm, he is a petrified forest.
He will not sway.
So we'll just keep it
on tradition.
Just think big picture, hmm?
Trust me.
You'll be running
the whole company one day.
And then you can do with it
what you want.
That's the plan.
It is.
And speaking of plan... and Jordan should think
about having a baby
sooner than later.
You know how cute a baby will
look in our cereal commercials.
We are gonna start
trying next year.
Good. It'll be a good look
for you guys.
A good look. Right.
Can I ask you something?
Did you ever resent me?
Did you ever fantasize
about running the company?
It's Ballard FamilyBrands,
Yes, but you've worked so hard
for so long.
Oh, and I plan to retire
even harder.
Besides, I'm a behind-the-scenes
type of person, you know?
And you know what they say.
The hire up you go,
the bigger the target
on your back.
I'm just not built
for that type of pressure.
I'm not as strong as you.
Here to kick some butt?
What are you doing here?
I'm late. I know. I'm sorry.
I told you.
You're not my trainer anymore.
I fired you.
I...I thought that
that was a misunderstanding.
You promised me
that this wouldn't happen.
Are you gonna keep
your promises?
I'm sorry if I misled you, but--
You're just gonna throw me away
like garbage, huh?
Like garbage?!
Keep your voice down.
I don't wanna make a scene.
Well, it's too late for that,
Little Miss Perfect!
This is a scene,
and you're not the lead! I am!
You scared me half to death.
Oh, I'm sorry, but you're
Mrs. Ballard-Glen, right?
The manager--
he's been looking for you,
and he needs to talk to you
right away.
About what?
I don't know. I'm sorry.
But he said it was important.
Okay. Thank you.
Have a good one.
So we have 10:30, 11:30,
and then finish at 12:30. Okay?
Okay. Good.
-Can you take that out for me?
Can you please tell me
what's going on, Tom?
I don't have time for this.
I got some pretty disturbing
news from one of our employees--
Miss Lexi Wolf.
She left here in tears.
What do you mean, disturbing?
Well, she said you've been...
sexually harassing her,
stalking her,
and demeaning her.
So she refuses to come back
to work
unless your membership
be revoked.
Well, that's just not true.
If anything,
she has been the one...
Right. Well,
if you wanna dispute this,
you can file a counter report,
and then we can get
the authorities involved.
The authorities?
Mrs. Ballard-Glen,
as you can imagine,
we take this sort of thing
very seriously.
I don't want to involve
the authorities.
Okay. Well, she said
she wouldn't take
this thing any further
and that she'll return to work
on the condition
that you leave immediately
and that you pay for
the remaining training sessions
which is...
I guess 20 sessions.
This is ridiculous.
She's a liar.
Okay, do you wanna dispute this?
No, just revoke my membership.
I don't care.
Well, I must advise you
that if you do come back,
we will be forced to take--
Why would I ever wanna
come back here?
What the hell do you want?
Tom called me and told me
that you were leaving
and it was safe for me
to come back.
Was it humiliating
when I kicked you out?
Why are you doing this to me?
Mm. It's restitution
for the past.
What past?
You're not making any sense.
Let's just start with you
giving me $50,000.
Giving you?
I thought it was a $5,000 loan.
No, no, you have to learn
to give,
and your lack of interest
has been quite substantial,
so the price has gone up.
I mean,
if you had just paid me when
I first asked you to, then--
-So it's about money.
Well, it's about so many things,
but let me ask you a question.
What do you think would happen
if I shared with the world
what you, me, your husband did?
What do you think it would do
to you, your father,
and his wholesome
American brand?
So you're blackmailing me.
I'm just telling you
what the stakes are.
Ready for another take?
Uh...yes. Sorry.
-You all right?
-Yeah, of course.
All right, come.
Uh, give me a sec.
All set.
All right, guys, quiet on set!
All right, this is "The new face
for Cruncherz," take 5.
Hi. I'm Veronica Ballard-Glen,
and like my father
and grandfather before me,
I am honored to be in your home
as the new face of Ballard.
From our family to yours
for over a hundred years.
I think we got it that time.
What am I gonna do, Jordan?
First thing to remember is
it's not just you.
We're in this together, okay?
Yeah, except none
of the crazy crap
is happening to you.
I know. I'm sorry.
You know, the thing is,
I tried to call her
to give her the money,
and her phone's disconnected.
That's weird. How are you
supposed to pay her?
I don't know.
I think she just wants me
to live in fear
so that she has all the control.
I mean, how did she keep
the fact that she's crazy
hidden for three years?
Everyone can hide their crazy
to some degree.
Hello? Hi, Donna.
Right now?
"Business Era" Magazine?
Okay. All right. Thank you.
Yes. Hello.
My name is Sally Langley
with the "Business Era."
I'm so sorry
for the technical issues.
We're having a problem
with our camera,
but it doesn't matter.
Everyone's just here to see you.
Thank you.
Don't even worry.
Uh, excuse me one moment.
I'm sorry, but your dad asked me
to check in
and see how you do.
You know how he is.
Of course.
I'm sorry. Where were we?
No worries. I know your father
can be very particular.
Didn't realize you could
hear that.
So let's just get straight
into it, shall we?
All right, first, I wanna talk
to you about your image.
I've watched lots
of your interviews.
I've looked
at your social media, and I...
I see that
you've very well crafted
this all-American, wholesome
girl next door persona.
Would you say
that's the real you?
Um...well...what do you mean?
It's so obviously
a calculated faade
meant to align
with the Ballards' 1950s
old-fashioned Americana fantasy
that never really existed
in the first place.
Why not drop the illusion
and show the whole world
the real Veronica?
I'm sorry, but--
I think we both know
that the real Veronica
is anything but the wholesome
daddy's little girl--
I didn't realize that this was
going to be a hit piece.
I'm, uh, going to have
to end this.
Do you mean that it's hitting
a little too close to home?
That obviously
was not somebody from...
Let's just...
forget about all this.
No need to bore Dad
with the details.
Of course not.
Thank you.
I obviously didn't mention
anything about the 3-way.
Thankfully, neither did she.
Um, can you get the glasses?
Well, I guess I should
prepare myself.
What do you mean?
Well, in case she goes
to the tabloids or something.
Guess I have to lie.
Yeah, you're right.
But you know what's got me
most unsettled?
She hasn't asked
for the money again.
But why?
Good question.
What the hell
are you doing here?
What's it look like
I'm doing here?
I'm working out, just like you.
You don't go to this gym.
What are you, following me?
Hey, Lexi.
Do you want the money or not?
I'm done with this.
I want all sorts of things
from you.
I want...your love.
I want your anger...
and I want your pain.
You're a sick bitch.
Well, looks like I already
have your anger.
You don't have the leverage
you think you do.
It's my word against yours. research shows
that pivoting to Veronica
has us up 37%
across all demographics.
And the thing that popped out
at us the most
was the age group.
27% of that
are between 15 and 35.
What does that tell us?
Social media.
Now, of course, you have a lot
of folks telling you,
"Social media is gonna take
advantage of all of us."
Uh...I have to take this.
My word against yours?
Well, that video is worth
a thousand words...
50,000 to be exact.
Are you okay?
I'm s-- I'm so, so sorry.
What's going on?
You just walked out
of the meeting.
I-I just...
I don't feel very well.
I...think I should go home
and rest.
Feel better.
And let me know if you can't do
the Luncherz launch presentation
on Friday.
No, I...I'll be there,
I promise.
All right, then.
Hey! What's up?
There's a video.
She made a video.
What am I gonna do?
Wait, wait. Hold on. A video?
Yeah, I don't know. Somehow
she recorded us that night.
She just sent it
to my work email, Gillian,
through email.
Okay, okay. Um...I need you
to take a deep breath.
You take a deep breath.
I need solutions right now.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for snapping at you.
It's okay. I get it.
All right, we need to, uh...
we need to figure out
a plan here.
A plan. Right.
That's a good idea.
You need to find something
on her. Leverage.
I already Googled the hell
out of her.
It's like she doesn't exist.
Okay. All right. Wait a minute.
I have an idea.
Okay, I'm listening.
Uh, I'm not gonna suggest
the police
because I know you
don't want that, but I...
I really think that we should
hire a private investigator.
Someone like her probably
hasn't colored in the lines
her entire life.
There has got to be
something out there
from her past that we can use.
I'm telling you,
there is nothing out there.
Wait a minute.
Can a private investigator
break into her place?
Not legally, no.
Then I will.
Veronica, I...
I-I don't know about this.
If there's anything
I've learned,
you can't count on anyone else
to solve your problems.
Do you even know
where she lives?
Not yet.
Hey, how was your day, honey?
Let's just go to the bank
and get this over with.
I'll get your blood money.
What's the
Okay, we can talk about
the money in a bit,
but first let me ask you
When was the last time you...
went to church?
Church? Isn't your dad
one of the main benefactors
at Sacred Heart?
How do you even...
So it's been a while.
Christmas Mass is probably
the last time that I...
But what does this have to do
with anything?
Maybe you should start going
more often.
You're overdue for confession.
And what is it that you want me
to confess?
That I've had sex with--
You have to go further back
than that
to get to your original sin.
I have no idea
what you're talking about,
but I'm sure
that your confession
would take considerably longer
than mine.
My conscience is clean.
You have no conscience.
You're right.
Let's go to the bank.
I have to know.
How did you do it?
Oh, that. My phone was recording
our little love session
from inside my purse.
Why didn't you just send
the video from the beginning?
I figured if I couldn't get off
with you again,
then I could get off on messing
with your perfect life.
So this is all just a game
to you?
No. No, not at all.
No, I genuinely felt
a real connection
between...the three of us.
You need help.
Mm. But you're helping me.
You're helping me work through
all these complicated feelings--
our little game.
Thank you for that, my love.
What the hell were you thinking?
I went looking for leverage
in case she wanted
to take things further.
It was dangerous.
All right?
You didn't even find anything.
I found a Sacred Heart yearbook.
At first I thought maybe we went
to school together,
but I didn't find her in it.
I guess she just has
an infatuation with me.
Well, maybe now
that she has the money,
she'll leave you alone.
So ultimately, it's our brand's
natural progression.
I mean, what comes
after breakfast? Lunch.
Speaking of which, we have
a lovely spread right outside,
so please, eat up.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you.
Well done.
Oh, no, thank you.
Thank you.
I think that went very well.
I do, too.
It's crazy to think
it only took a hundred years
to expand beyond breakfast.
Well, slow but steady
wins the race.
So another hundred,
we'll make it to dinner.
Um...I see someone I know.
Leonard, may I interrupt?
Yes, of course, I was just
having a conversation
with this charming young lady.
Lexi, was it?
-That's right, Leonard.
I already gave you 50 grand.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Great speech, by the way.
I did notice, though,
that you didn't serve
any of your own product
to the guests here.
Hmm. I guess Luncherz
is just for the masses,
just like your whole act.
What do you want?
I don't have that
kind of liquidity, Lexi.
Mm, ask Daddy.
I can't ask him.
No, you don't wantto ask him.
I'll ask him.
Meet me at Sacred Heart
in exactly 48 hours.
You look so worried, hmm?
It's just part of our game.
Games are supposed to be fun,
I'm having fun.
Aren't you?
So you want me to ask him
for money, too?
She has all the power.
I think you should give her
what she wants.
And what am I supposed
to say to him?
I don't know.
Why does this
all come down to me?
Don't you think that I hate
that it comes down on you?
All right, you know my family
doesn't have any money.
Trust me, if I could,
I would ask.
I would steal it if I thought
it would fix things for you.
I'm sorry for taking it
out on you.
It's okay.
What do I say to him?
Say it's for a vacation home,
in, uh, in Florida.
It's that, or we have her
arrested for blackmail.
All right,
but then all this gets out.
Those are our choices.
Those are our choices.
I said no.
Absolutely not.
Come on in, sweetheart.
Is this
a bad time? I can come back.
No, it is always a good time
to talk with my daughter.
This discussion is over.
Everything all right?
Uh, yeah, why?
Well, lately you've seemed,
Oh, I'm fine. It's just...
a learning curve.
Second thoughts?
No. No. Not at all.
Because I don't want you
to feel any pressure.
I want this to be something
that you want.
Dad, don't worry. I want this.
But...that's not why I'm here.
Okay, then, why are you here?, Jordan and I
found a beach house in Florida,
and we'd like to buy it.
That's wonderful.
Yeah, um...we wanna fly out
and take a look at it, but...
We're short on the down payment.
How short?
And you'd like me
to loan you the money.
Well, all of my savings went
into the remodel,
and unless you give me access
to my trust...
Veronica, you make
a substantial salary here.
Surely, you could save up
that money in no time.
What's the rush?
Well, the property is, um...
And we really want it.
You know why I'm not going
to give you the money?
Take a look at some of the kids
you went to private school with.
So many of them
are still spoiled,
confused, aimless children.
They never really grew up ready
for the real world.
But I work hard, Dad.
And I always have.
Well, then I've done my job.
You're not upset with me,
are you?
I'm not upset at you.
Oh, V. You must be
feeling so trapped.
I hate to say it, but I think
you only have one option.
Going to the police
is not an option.
Honey, it's your only option.
Not only would I probably
be fired
for violating
my morality clause,
but it's the nightmare
that the controversy
would cause my father.
Controversies go away.
This woman won't.
I'm here. Gotta go.
Okay. Good luck.
You don't have it, do you?
No. I don't.
I asked my dad,
and he didn't give it to me.
I don't want excuses.
I want $100,000.
Release the video. Then what?
Then your blackmailing stops.
And what will you do then?
I'm gonna watch
your whole world fall apart.
And I'm gonna watch
your family brand get sullied.
-But I have tried--
-Respect the game.
Respect me.
I love the taste of fear,
especially yours.
God, give me the strength
to bestow your justice
upon the wicked.
God, give me the strength
to bestow your justice
upon the wicked.
God, give me the strength.
God, give me the strength
to bestow your justice
upon the wicked.
God, give me the strength
to bestow your justice.
What now?
I found it in his food bowl.
She took Cody!
Why didn't you call me?!
Tutoring was canceled.
I just got home. I...
It's a nightmare.
This can't be happening.
Wait. Where are you going?
To get Cody. You coming?
Of course I am.
Her car's not here.
Looks deserted.
Yeah, I know.
What should we do now?
We wait.
For how long?
For as long as it takes.
What's going on?
She never came home.
Crap. I'm late for work.
Obviously, I'll call in sick.
I don't wanna--
If anything happens to him,
I swear--
Cody's safe...for now.
But the amount's gone up.
$150,000 in 24 hours in cash.
Let me make one thing clear.
If you don't pay up,
you can say goodbye to your dog.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
What about...
Well, there's that jewelry
from your grandmother.
You know, maybe.
It's worth a shot. I mean...
My grandmother gave me this
on her deathbed...
and her mother before that.
I remember
when she gave it to you.
Veronica, are you sure
you wanna do this?
We have no choice.
I knew it wouldn't be enough.
I'm sorry, honey.
You know what? I've--
I've had enough.
I'm just gonna go to the police.
Whoa, whoa, you sure?
Yeah, I don't have
any other choice.
Maybe you should tell
your father first.
Shouldn't he be the first
to know?
You know, and he might be able
to pay her off
with one of those
legal agreements.
I think the rich and powerful
use it all the time.
It's like a...
It's like legalized blackmail.
That's true.
Hmm. Of course I'll get fired.
But I suppose
I should just go now,
let him make that choice.
You haven't slept.
You haven't eaten.
You haven't showered.
Don't you think you should wait
till he gets off work?
I just don't wanna waste
any more time.
I know. I know. Well, look,
we've--we have come this far.
All right, it's all gonna end
one way or the other.
I don't think a few hours
is gonna make a difference.
Right? You wanna be
in the right state of mind
when you talk to him.
You know, self-care's important
in times like these.
Not that we've beenin times
like these before, but...
You should take a nap.
Mm. I could use one.
Although I don't think
I could sleep right now.
Well, it's worth a try.
Come on,
I'll make you some food.
Oh, my God.
You scared me.
I barely recognize you
with your new hairdo.
That's because
it's my old hairdo.
So is it done?
I put two sleeping pills
in her food.
She'll be knocked out
for quite a while.
Plenty of time to do
what we need to do.
Look, you know,
I didn't wanna do it this way.
All right, in the beginning,
it was just supposed
to be enough
so we could get away.
All right, go somewhere,
reinvent ourselves.
I know, I know,
but I have my reasons
for asking for more money.
Yeah, for what,
the renovation you got going on?
No, Jordan, these people--
money makes their world
go round, right?
So what better way to shatter it
than by taking it away?
Look, you know I hate being
poor Mr. Veronica Ballard--
all right, the schoolteacher
that lives off
her family's money.
But I don't understand why
this has become
so personal against her.
If I told you my reasons,
I'd have to kill you.
Okay. We have to get ready.
We're running out of time.
It's risky, Lexi.
The bigger the risk,
the bigger the reward.
Burner phones.
Come on. We gotta hurry.
6:30? But I set an alarm.
As you can see, the men
in your life are with me.
So if you want them back,
you'll send me a million dollars
worth of crypto
by the end of the day tomorrow.
With your father...indisposed,
I know you have access
to corporate funds.
And don't even think
about calling the police.
If I feel cornered at all,
I'm taking them all down
with me.
Sins of the father
and of the daughter
will be paid.
God, he was heavy.
I think I threw my back out.
Maybe you should go
to a yoga class.
How can you be
joking at a time like this?
"A," who said I was joking?
And "B,"
why are you whispering?
Because if he wakes up...
All right, he finds out it's me,
then we have to...
Kill him?
Oh, come on.
What's one less rich a--
Stop. Lexi.
The amount of Ketamine
we gave him
will keep him asleep for hours.
Plus, it eliminates
the possibility of him
remembering anything.
I don't know. It, uh...
-This all just feels so wrong.
-Oh, my God.
Would you just stop
with the whispering?
Thank you for understanding.
I called all the board members,
and they're all in agreement.
The funds will be released
by the end of the day.
And you're sure you don't wanna
call the police?
Yes, I'm positive.
I don't want anything to happen
to Jordan and my father.
But that's not gonna stop you
from looking for them, is it?
Absolutely not.
Okay. Where do we start?
You really did want it to go
this way the whole time,
didn't you?
God, what was I thinking?!
You know, this whole
faking my death thing?
No, no.
No? Well, maybe...
you don't have to fake it.
I know I've misled you a little.
My bad.
We have to assume she's not
working alone.
She can't kidnap two grown men
by herself.
That's true, but...she is
a personal trainer.
And she keeps referring
to the past
and Sacred Heart and confessions
and meeting at a church.
But I've looked through
that yearbook a hundred times,
and she's not in there.
Maybe she changed her name.
But there's no one in there
that even resembles her.
Could she have had
plastic surgery?
I mean, if she did,
how would I...
Wait a minute.
There was this one girl.
But I forget her name.
Everyone made fun of her.
She was shy and plain-looking,
nothing like...
That's her.
Sarah Birch.
Why, Lexi?
It's not, Lexi, actually.
It's Sarah Birch.
Sound familiar?
Sacred Heart?
I know. I looked a lot different
back then.
But, Jordan...
...we were so in love.
I loved you.
You were in love with me.
Or at least that's how it felt,
Do you remember
when, uh...
you picked up my books for me
when you were walking me home?
Yeah, I knew.
I knew from that moment
that what we had
was something special,
even if you didn't say
anything to me.
Our love was the only thing
that kept me going.
You're delusional.
Yes. Veronica.
She...stole you from me.
I saw you.
Premarital sex?
In a school that was part
of the church?
Turns out she was always such
a sanctimonious hypocrite...
even back then.
Stop, stop, stop,
stop, Lexi.
It's Sarah.
What are you up to, V.?
Just a little detective work.
She inherited a house from her
mother's sister when she died.
Do you remember my mother?
She worked in the cafeteria.
She cleaned toilets
at night
just so I could go
to your fancy school.
After she died...
they kicked me out.
They asked you.
They...asked you
if they could use
some of the money
from the scholarship fund
that youcreated
to pay for the rest
of my education.
You said no.
Because I was from
the wrong side of the tracks,
and you thought it made
the school look bad.
I changed my name.
I found my way into her life,
and I waited.
I waited
on God's perfect timing,
and He--He answered my prayers.
Dad, can you...
Come on. No, please, don't!
I'll stop it
if you throw that aside.
You killed Jordan?
He was in on it.
I mean...he didn't know
the whole story.
But let's just say
the whole mnage trois
was not the first time that him
and I have been...intimate.
God, I love it
when you're feisty.
This is for stealing Jordan
from me at Sacred Heart,
and this is for your father
kicking me out of school!
Goodbye, Wayne.
Lexi, wait.
Do you remember our first kiss?
I...I do.
You're a terrible kisser.
Oh. Veronica.
Get your feet. Come on.
Thank you so much
for not listening to me.
You know,
for calling the police.
What are best friends for?
Here. being
on the other side
of...all of it.
Why does the other side
feel so empty?
'Cause Jordan wasn't the man
you thought he was.
I know it's a lot to process
right now.
But it will get easier.
Little by little, day by day.
-You know what?
I think you're right.
Of course I am.