Husbands and Wives (1992) Movie Script

Einstein was then celebrating...
...the 70th birthday anniversary...
...and there was a colloquium|given for him.
And he said:
"God doesn't play dice|with the universe. "
No, he just plays hide-and-seek.
Learn to write screenplays,|television scripts, plays...
Jesus, they're so full of it.
You can't teach writing.|You expose students... good work and hope|it inspires them.
Some can write,|others will never learn.
You lose patience|if the student isn't Dostoyevsky.
No, that isn't true. That's crazy.
It's worth it when you get|a gifted pupil.
A girl in my class|wrote a great story:
"Oral Sex in the Age of|Deconstruction."
- It's full of insight, romantic...|- They're here.
Jack will wanna take us|for Chinese food again.
I think Sally's tired|of our pasta places.
- Hi.|- Is it supposed to rain?
Let me take your coat.
I opened some white wine.|You want some?
They're doing something at 80th.
Jack? You want some cold white wine?
When I go to your place, it's murder.
So, Chinese, right? I can't|talk you into Italian?
Listen, don't get crazy, you know?
Before we go out to dinner|we wanna tell you something.
- You want to?|- Go ahead.
- What? What?|- Somebody tell us.
Jack and I are splitting up.
Oh, I see. It's just...|Nothing serious.
We discussed this for a long time|and we both think it's for the best.
You are joking, of course.
Don't make a big deal, okay?|We're fine.
- Are you serious?|- We are. We're fine.
- We both... We discussed it.|- It's mutual.
What do you mean?
Let's go talk about this at dinner.
I'm not going out to dinner.
Since when has this been decided?|What are we talking about here?
We've been discussing it.
Don't be worried.|There's no hostility.
You see? We're fine.
- What is the reason?|- Don't...
Gabe, it's none of our business.
Don't turn this into a tragedy.|It's a positive thing.
How can you break up? It's insane.
You're Jack and Sally.|You got two kids.
Our kids are grown up.|They're in college.
We won't bore you with details.
I can't get my mind around this.|Since when? You get along so well.
She's right.|Have you met other people?
Gabe, it's not our business.
- I'm fascinated by this.|- I feel sick.
We didn't wanna ruin anything.
- We wanna see what it's like to be...|- Apart for a while.
Don't not support us.|We've gotten the nerve...
This is insanity.|You'll be back together...
She's keeping the place in Riverdale.|I'm looking for a place in town.
I just feel shattered.
- Oh, come on, Judy.|- I do.
Come on, let's eat.
What do you mean,|"Come on, let's eat"?
"Come on"? I can't eat.
- Don't get angry.|- I'm not!
- I'm not angry!|- I knew it.
You march in here and announce|you're breaking up?
You have two kids!|Why are you doing this?
This is not our business.
Why not? They're our|closest friends!
There is no one traumatic event.
People grow apart. It's a lot of|little personal things. Now stop it.
I don't wanna hear this bullshit.
- Why is she so upset?|- Judy...
She cares about us.
Well, I care about you too.
- We're fine, okay?|- Judy!
- We wanna do this.|- This is crazy.
Why are you taking|this so personally?
I'm upset! All right?|Can't I be upset?
I've discussed this in therapy.
You have? You never said a word!
- You said this wasn't our business.|- We were all so close!
I assumed we were.
She's very upset.
Will you please not|turn this into a wake?
Why is this such a personal thing|for you? I don't know what to say.
Let's just go out to dinner|and forget it.
- Judy, come on!|- I knew this would happen.
So why were you so upset?
I don't know. I really don't know.
- It was a total shock?|- Yeah, completely.
They were so casual about it.
They didn't seem to be|appropriately upset.
Were you hurt because Sally never|mentioned anything to you?
I think, if I look hard...|Searching over the time...
...when we were alone together...
She may have occasionally|remarked about wondering...
...what it would be like|to be single.
Now, with all she knew, all she'd|experienced. That kind of thing.
But she never said anything|negative about Jack.
Before we go on, tell us|something about yourself.
So we know who you are.
Okay. My name is Judy Roth.|I'm married to Gabe.
We've been married about 10 years.
I work for an art magazine.|We don't have any children.
I have a daughter|from a previous marriage.
I was married when I was very young,|to an architect.
It didn't work out.|It's nobody's fault.
Judy told us they did|finally go to dinner.
She said she was tense and nervous,|although the others seemed fine.
Afterwards, they walked home.
She tried to participate,|but found the atmosphere strained.
All in all, she said,|it was a very peculiar evening.
It's amazing, isn't it?
You think you're friendly|with people and it turns out... really have no idea|what they're thinking.
Do you ever hide things from me?
Me? What kind of things?
I don't know. Feelings, you know.
Longings. Complaints.
- Do you?|- No.
Sometimes, maybe.
Really? Like what?
I don't know. You know how|you're always so critical?
We've had this conversation.
You're definitely in a strange|mood tonight.
I'm fine. I'm sorry.
Jack never gave you an inkling?|It's strange, you guys are so close.
I remember one incident|he mentioned at his office.
Jack, trust me on this.
This girl is to die.
Shawn Grainger, she's built|out to here.
You will have the time of your life.
And for $200, believe me,|it's a bargain.
I'm not gonna do it.|What about AIDS?
She's not a whore.|She's a high-class call girl.
She'll do anything you want.|And on top of it, she's got friends.
What about my wife? It's dangerous.
Who was the guy who told me...
...that your sex life|wasn't so terrific?
Come on, at a two-martini|lunch I'll say anything.
Shawn has got a mouth|like velvet. Believe me.
She was a former|Miss Something-or-Other.
What exactly did I say at lunch?
You said that Sally was cold,|and you were...
...dying to fuck|your aerobics trainer.
I should never drink at lunch.
I'm gonna write down the number.
- I advise you to...|- What are you doing?
Hey. What...?
Have I steered you wrong?
- I've never...|- Get out of here.
There it is. Use it.
He called. I thought it was about|a month after he got my number.
He was polite on the phone.|A little tense.
I can always tell who's inexperienced.
He wanted to meet|at the Americana Hotel.
When I got there he was very polite,|very gentlemanly. Very nervous.
He couldn't go through with it.|He couldn't get it up.
He had pains in his chest.|I thought it was...
...a heart attack, but they passed.
- That was the last you saw of him?|- He called a couple of months later.
We met at the same hotel.|This time he slept with me.
Then I started seeing him fairly|regularly, every two, three weeks.
He said he'd seen a psychiatrist|and worked out his problem.
Once I couldn't make it|so I sent a friend.
Then he started seeing both of us.
Then neither one of us|ever saw him again.
- At least he threw the number away.|- Well, as far as I know.
But Jack is not a hooker guy.
He's very strait-laced.
And Sally's cold in bed.
That's no surprise.|She's very cerebral.
Am I cold in bed?
No. Why would you say that?
But I'm inhibited, right?|You said that.
You can't forget that.|We had one minor argument years ago.
Which you blew up into|a major confrontation...
Do you ever want to sleep|with a whore?
Me? No, definitely not.
When I was in college, I did.
You're in an odd mood. Their breakup|has definitely affected you.
You think...
You think we'd ever break up?
What? I'm not planning it, are you?
- No.|- Okay.
But I don't know how I'll feel if you|still don't wanna make me pregnant.
Are we gonna have that|conversation again?
- You have a daughter...|- Yeah.
I want another.
It's cruel to bring life|into this terrible world.
Don't glorify your refusal|on philosophical grounds.
You should see the angry look|on your face when you say that.
You wanna make love?
Okay, if we can get|into it in some way.
- I can't just do it on command.|- We can get into it.
Okay, so put your diaphragm on.
You'd never say you were|putting your diaphragm on...
...and then not do it, right?
What a thing to say!
That's a terrible thing to say.
You really trust no one. No wonder|people accuse you of cynicism.
- Okay. I apologize.|- Jesus!
- I'm tired. It's 1 a.m.|- We don't have to do it.
- Are you still attracted to me?|- Yes, I am.
- Truly?|- Of course.
- We do it less and less.|- Our schedules are not exactly...
When we wanted to, we found time.
- Come here.|- Parties, people's bathrooms...
Sit and relax for a minute, will you?
If you remember clearly, when we|used to do that spontaneous sex... never really liked it.|You were always tense.
You always heard people|in the next room making noises.
Now you remember it|in a glorified way.
- Are you ever attracted to other women?|- Like who?
Like all the women you have in class,|who are so talented and insightful.
I'm sure they worship you.
Can I tell you that they don't|want an old man? All right?
I think an old man does better|than an old woman.
Then we're definitely|stuck with one another.
Now, come on. You're really...
Come on.
Some time later,|Sally had a date with Paul...
...a colleague at work|who had always liked her.
- Sally. Come in.|- Thank you very much.
Come into my rent-stabilized den.
- Can I take your coat?|- It's lovely.
I love it. Thank you.
I thought we'd have a drink.
I was able to get tickets|to Don Giovanni.
- Great.|- You all right?
- What would you like?|- Anything. White wine?
White wine.
I hear the staging of this opera|is not to be believed.
Oh, really? How fabulous.
That's lovely.
Oh, hey, don't worry about it.|I'll get it later.
- Can I use the phone?|- Yeah, sure. You all right?
- I'm looking forward to it.|- This way.
A good friend of mine did the sets.
It's me. You are living with her,|aren't you? You've moved in together.
Don't lie to me, Jack. You are.
Because I know.
Because I do.
Yes, I heard.
It's been three fucking weeks!
How did you meet someone so fast?
Bullshit. You had to have|known her before.
Bullshit! Don't give me that shit!
Oh, you're in love?
So fast?
I don't fucking believe it!
You were seeing whoever it is|all along.
Of course, I expected things|to happen. But not so fast!
Are you that sure?
No, I'm not.
Oh, God, it's just fucking|dishonest bullshit!
Hi, you...?
I'm fine.
- If you're having a personal...|- Really. I'm okay.
I'm looking forward to tonight.|What are we seeing?
Don Giovanni.
A Don Juan story.
I can only think of it as Mozart.
Fucking Don Juans.
They should have cut his|fucking dick off.
Can I get you some more wine?
You know, we don't have to go.
No. I'm not gonna|put my life on hold.
I've been dying to see this opera.
- Excuse me one second.|- Sure.
Hello. Me again.
I know who she is.
Bullshit! It's Gail.
She's been after you since she joined|the firm. You both like sports!
Don't lie to me, Jack.
She's your type.|She's got that look.
She's bright and all that|Princeton bullshit! No!
I thought it was an experiment!|I didn't think it was final.
I didn't realize you were|having an affair!
That's bullshit! I don't|buy a fucking word of it!
- What time do we have to be there?|- Listen...
...I don't really think I can|do this. I'm feeling upset.
What are you upset about? Fucking men!
A woman gets to this age,|it's a different ball game.
Don't defend your sex! It's true!
It's great till you start to show your|age, then they want a newer model.
Sally, you're...
You're a very attractive woman,|for any age.
It was a terrible blow to my ego.|I thought he loved me.
That we were experimenting.
But if you had met someone first?
Probably right.
Probably would've done|the same thing.
I had fantasized about|being single many times.
It's hard to keep a marriage|going smoothly.
All the frustration and baggage.|I don't know.
I don't know.
Gail came to his office|the year before.
I'd met her several times.
Look, what can I say? She's...
...cultivated, intelligent.
It's what he likes.
She'd been over to the house|a few times.
She loved my taste in everything.|She even dressed like me.
What can I say?|She's me, but she's younger.
Listen, your short story|was absolutely fabulous.
- Really?|- Yeah.
I was very impressed, I must say.
It was probably the best this term.
- It was wonderful.|- That's great!
The insights were great,|the prose was very graceful.
You know, in general, I was impressed.
- God, I'm blushing, right?|- Well, don't...
My face gets all red.
I may just cry.
Well, don't take it that badly.|I meant it as a compliment.
It was great. Wonderful.
Your approbation means|more than anybody's.
You're the reason why|I wanted to write.
- Really?|- Yeah.
My family and I, we used to quote|"The Grey Hat."
How do you remember that story?
"Giving up his hopes...
...compromising one's dreams,|is like putting on a grey hat."
I love that!
You remember that. That's great.
Listen. You can hear my heart beating.
How'd you get the name Rain?
My parents named me after...
- Did they?|- Yeah, it's my mother's favorite poet.
So that's how I got it.
Are your folks, you know, writers?
No, my dad's an investment banker|and my mom works at Lincoln Center.
Are you an only child?
- Why are you asking these questions?|- I'm interested.
I was so impressed.
I gave it to someone else|and she was also impressed.
Oh, really?
- Are you from New York?|- I'm from East End Avenue.
- Are these too many questions?|- No.
It's just the only child one.|Yes, I was an only child. Yeah.
So how did you manage|to write something so deep?
I mean, have you had a...?
Have you been married and divorced?
Is your whole family stormy|and tempestuous or...?
What? I didn't know I was stormy|and tempestuous.
Well, the writing was very...
- It was intense.|- I don't know.
It's just a trick, you know?|It's like...
...when I was 10, I wrote|this story on Paris...
...and I'd never been there.
You don't have to...|It's just a trick.
- You don't have to know or...|- Can you just turn it out?
There are a number of very good|professors who are notorious...
...for seducing their female pupils.|This goes on...
...because it's a cinch.
You know, they look up to them.
You know, they're older men...
...and students are flattered|by the attention.
It's not something I've ever done.|Not to say I haven't had daydreams.
Some of those women are|very attractive and interesting.
But I've never...
I've never acted on it.
I've never cheated on Judy.
Or any other relationship|in my life, really.
Because that has not been my style.
But, once...
One time, many years ago...
...I was living with this fabulous,|interesting woman...
...named Harriet Harmon.
I'm ashamed to say this,|but Harriet Harmon...
...was the great love of my life.
It was a very passionate relationship.|I loved her very intensely.
And, you know, we just|made love everywhere.
She was sexually carnivorous.
We did it in stalled elevators...
...and in bushes and people's houses,|at parties in the bathroom.
In the back of cars, she'd|put a coat on our laps...
...and grab my hand and|stick it between her legs.
She was really something.
And she, you know,|she was highly libidinous.
You know? She wanted|to make love with other women.
She got into dope for a while.|She'd break that thing...
...that you sniff when she'd|have her orgasm.
I was getting a real education.
I was fascinated.|I was absolutely nuts about her.
And ultimately she wound up|in an institution.
I mean, it's not funny,|it was a very sad thing.
She was great, but nuts.
See, I've always had this penchant...
...for what I call "kamikaze women."
I call them kamikazes because|they crash their plane.
They crash it into you,|and you die with them.
As soon as there's little chance|of it working out...
...something clicks in my mind.|Maybe because I'm a writer.
A dramatic or aesthetic component|becomes right...
...and I go after that person.
There's a certain dramatic ambience|that's almost... if I fall in love|with the situation.
Of course, it has not|worked out well for me.
It has not been great and...
A few weeks after Jack|and Sally split...
You know, he and I didn't speak much.
I found him elusive.|We spent more time with Sally.
She was depressed.|We'd try and cheer her up.
I'd be scared to live alone|where you live.
It's really scary.
There have been burglaries.|My neighbor was robbed.
And nearby, people were at home.
It's lucky for them|they didn't wake up.
I would die. I'd never|close my eyes at night.
- You wanna get something to eat?|- Sure.
- This is Sam.|- Hi.
- This is Gabe and Sally.|- This is Judy.
- I have to go. Sorry.|- Don't be silly.
No, I have an appointment.
- Really?|- Don't be crazy.
- I have to go.|- We were gonna eat.
I just wanted you...
- Some coincidence.|- I know.
- What was your name?|- Sam.
Sam. Right.
- So you guys are just walking?|- We just had lunch.
- What do you do, Sam?|- Aerobics.
And I'm a trainer and some nutrition.
You wanna have dinner at the house?
- She's a great cook.|- I am.
I don't think...
- It's vegetarian.|- We can't.
- You don't eat meat, do you?|- I don't. She eats a little.
I used to eat meat, then I gave it up.|Then I had some again...
...and I got so bloated!|- Or there's a Mexican place.
- Oh, yeah! I flip over couscous!|- You feel like cooking?
- Whatever you want.|- Let's do it.
Yeah. We'll watch the Grammys.
I'm not watching that.
- I bet Jill over the best single!|- I'm not watching the Grammys.
- My mother's in town.|- Yeah, she's here for a week.
Okay, maybe later.|I've been meaning to call.
I'd like to pick up some decaf.
Oh, there's a great store.|I need some ginseng.
She is so great. You know,|she's got a degree in psychology.
- She's into fitness.|- You're fucking nuts.
She is terrific. She's a nice girl.|Her family's from Delaware.
Her father's in police work.
I can't get my mind around it.|You leave Sally for this? I'm shocked.
- Careful. I'm serious about her.|- You're my friend, I love you.
It's like your IQ is in remission.
- It's like you had a stroke.|- Don't give some moralizing discourse.
- You're not my rabbi.|- I just can't believe it.
You're with Sally for years.|You raise a family. She's wonderful.
- So she's a ball-breaker sometimes...|- She is.
I lived with her, you don't know her.
I don't? So tell me something terrible.
There's nothing terrible to tell you.
I don't wanna hurt her.|That's not what this is about.
Suddenly you take up|with a cocktail waitress...
- She's not a cocktail waitress.|- I think of you and Sally...
She's warm and she's nice|and I can relax around her.
Sally was hyper. You know that.
She's great, but she's|cold and difficult.
Her Radcliffe friends and the crap|about her decorator.
I was bored at the opera.
She'd never go to a game.|We'd never just relax.
If I put an ashtray down|in the wrong place, that was it!
- It took 15 years to understand this?|- I should've done it before now.
But we had kids and we're|all scared of being alone.
I love Sally. But what's|wrong with aerobics?
- What am I? A snob?|- What's it got to do with aerobics?
Big deal. So she's not|Simone de Beauvoir.
I want somebody who screams|when I fuck her.
She's a fucking cocktail waitress.
That's not your business. You don't|know what goes on between us.
I'm tired of being corrected|and criticized.
That's all I ever did with Sally.
And your mother is not in town.|She's in Florida.
I think no matter how hard we worked,|the marriage wouldn't have lasted.
How long were you and Judy married?
Five years.
- Why did you split up?|- I thought I wanted out.
I felt I had just run out of gas.
But as I look back, I think|it was Judy who wanted out.
So she left you?
No, she'd never...|That's not her style.
Don't let Judy fool you. She's|what I call passive-aggressive.
Everything is,|"Poor me, give me a break."
But she gets what she wants.
I remember when she met her|current husband, Gabe Roth.
My husband and daughter are staying...
...but I'm leaving tomorrow.|I have to work.
- Let me give you a lift.|- No, don't be silly.
- Why go on the train?|- It's fine.
- Would you like something to eat?|- Me? No. I'll get you something.
- I was just on my way.|- Don't be silly.
- Pasta? Anything else?|- That's fine.
- I can easily get a cab.|- Why should you?
See? He winds up getting the food.
He changes his schedule,|drives her home.
And all the time it's,|"No, I'll be okay. Don't help me."
What he doesn't say is that for|the last two years of our marriage...
...he was virtually impotent,|when it came to me.
He was just raging because I didn't|turn out to be what he thought...
He thought I'd be one thing.|His mother, to be exact.
And I couldn't take the fact that|he was unromantic in every way.
He'd give you an appliance|for your birthday.
I never got her a Melior coffeemaker|for a birthday present.
I got her a camera once.
And an enlarger for our anniversary.
She asked for it.
What are you thinking about?
I don't know.
I was thinking about|that manuscript you're reading.
- It's just a terrible novel...|- Very autobiographical.
- What else can I work on?|- Should I be insulted?
Why insulted?
The way we met.|That party in the Hamptons?
"He spotted her from a distance|and Harriet leapt to mind.
He was drawn to her instantly|because she reminded him...
...of his only genuine passion.
His sixth sense told him|to move on it.
But she wasn't Harriet. The minute|he met her, the dream evaporated. "
- So she wasn't crazy.|- No, just boring.
She's the best.|That's why he marries her.
- But he pays a price.|- This is junk. I'll throw it away.
You're wrong. It's full|of vitality and wit. It's good.
- You're prejudiced, you're my wife.|- Your dull wife.
I don't know why you ask|for my opinion. You don't care.
- It's not true.|- It is true.
I think it's a mediocre novel.
You have no respect for my judgment.|If somebody else said that...'d accept it totally.|- I would not.
After some time,|Judy and Sally had lunch.
Sally made a surprising announcement.
I like being single.
You do?|I had the opposite impression.
That's anticipatory anxiety.
You realize it's not as bad as you|fantasized. Like pulling a bad tooth.
All the festering wounds of your|marriage, the disappointments...
...the resentments, they're gone|in one clean yank and you're free.
After years of accumulating problems|and swallowing one's anger... have a chance to begin again.|- Yeah. I can imagine.
The clock ticks faster for a woman.|Do it while you have some allure left.
The one advantage|of being older is... have a lot of experience.
I have a better shot|at making things work out...
...if I met someone.
If Gabe and I met now,|knowing all the things we know...
...we'd have a better relationship.|No question.
Would you still marry him?
God, what a question!
You know, for me, I just...
The thought of breaking up|is just so painful.
You can't stay out of fear.|You know what you become?
- What?|- My mother and father.
...I've pictured myself free.
- I know you have.|- How do you know?
Because you got so angry|that night...
...when Jack and I said|we were splitting.
I realized we must have|touched a nerve.
- No.|- Yes! It's like Hamlet and Oedipus.
You were angry because I did|what you really want to do.
You're over-dramatizing.|Gabe and I are okay.
- Nobody has it perfect.|- I know. I know.
When it's good,|nothing's better.
Listen, I think maybe I have|a possibility for you.
- Tell me.|- Michael Gates?
The one you said was attractive?|In your office?
He's only been there a few months.
He had a girlfriend,|but they've broken up.
I do think he's attractive.|He's charming, he's bright.
The timing's perfect.
Come up to the office now|and meet him. See how you feel.
If you're interested,|we could all...
...arrange something|or go out together.
Michael, this is Sally.|I'm finding some back issues for her.
- She's with the Preservation Committee.|- Preservation?
I don't believe in capital punishment|except for New York builders.
Not just New York.
There's always a blind passion|for the new, the young.
Listen, you two wait here|and I'll be right with you.
- Take your coat off.|- All right.
Throw it anywhere.|We're putting out an issue...
...of German furniture styles|in the '20s and '30s.
I hate that period. I did my college|thesis on Bauhaus architecture.
It was called "Function and Fascism."|This was years ago at Radcliffe.
It was very unpopular. Not that it|won't make a good magazine subject.
Have a look at that chair.|Remember that?
- Isn't it wonderful?|- I truly dislike that chair.
- This one?|- I hated that.
What do you think?|Isn't he sweet?
- Well, yes. He seems nice.|- Yeah.
- I think he's great-looking.|- And he's single and not gay.
I'm telling you, he just broke up.
I don't know him that well.
He's quiet.|I like that about him.
He's got a great sense of humor.|He's a very charming drunk.
There was a party here|and he'd had a lot.
He was quoting Yeats' poems|and he was crying.
He was? He weeps?
But in the sweetest way.|So shall I get us all together?
He already asked me to lunch.
He did?
We both took courses at Cambridge.
He suggested we have lunch|next week.
That would be great.|I'd be the matchmaker.
I took an instant liking for Sally.|I was immediately attracted.
She spoke her mind,|she spoke her thoughts.
And she's very sexy, you know?
Look, I wasn't looking|for another relationship because...
...I'd just split up with Amy|and sworn off getting involved.
But with Sally, there was something|that just hooked in at once.
- So you were grateful to Judy?|- Yes, I was. Very.
It's funny, you know.|When l...
When I first got to know Judy,|I thought she was flirting with me.
And I thought she must be|unhappily married.
I met her husband, they seemed|fine. That's typical of her.
She's very giving...
...and she did me this favour|by introducing me to Sally.
Your second story was as interesting|as your first. It was wonderful.
- Great!|- I was knocked out.
I'm thrilled.|I'm so glad you like it.
You're so encouraging to me.|I want you to know that.
Don't be silly.|I'm just one opinion.
You're the opinion.
Your line was great. " Life doesn't|imitate art, it imitates bad TV."
- I think it's completely true.|- Right.
I can't tell you how much your|opinion means to me, you know.
Listen, you wanna go for a walk?|I mean...
A walk?
- You're busy, right?|- No, no.
I just meant for a walk,|to discuss...
You want to hear more|about your story.
The way you structured the story...|The tension built up...
...beautifully and you released|the energy in the last paragraph.
- That was very sophisticated.|- Thanks.
I spent five days searching for|the word to describe the husband...
...and came up with "appucious."|- Appucious.
- I couldn't find it in the dictionary.|- I made it up.
- Oh, really?|- Yeah, it described it perfectly.
Tolstoy is a full meal.
Turgenev is a fabulous dessert.|That's how I characterize him.
Dostoyevsky is a full meal with|a vitamin pill and extra wheat germ.
"I fall upon the thorns of life.|I bleed."
I used to think that was|so romantic.
To write, to fall in love,|and to experience real passion.
Really? You think passion|could actually be sustained?
I don't know.
Time magazine said you lose|your sexual attraction...
...for the other person|in four years, I think it was.
Time must know, right?
I sometimes think|of living in Paris.
Europe in general.|I find that romantic.
I like caf life. I'd like|to write, get a flat.
Sounds great.
Walking the streets|is fun in Paris.
Until you've been kissed on|a rainy Parisian afternoon...'ve never been kissed.
- And were you kissed?|- I wasn't kissed, I was the kisser.
Okay, I was wondering...
...if I could read your novel.|- How'd you know I had a novel?
You mentioned it|when we had lunch that time.
- I'm very disenchanted with it.|- Yes.
I know. I'm only asking you because|I could learn a lot from it.
I would like to know what you|like and what you don't...
...and why you're so critical|of it.
Let me think about it.
- Are you okay?|- Yes.
Let me think about it.|I'll think about it.
- I shouldn't have asked you.|- No, no, no.
- Let me think about it.|- Okay.
Gabe. He's always picked|the wrong women. Except for Judy.
She's the first sane woman|he fell for. He's attracted... the crazies, the nut cases.
I got a couple of theories about it.|One is that...
...he knows it's not gonna work|and so he suffers.
That kind of atones|for some sort of...
...early-on guilt he's got over...|What, I don't know.
Another is, like all of us,|he grew up on...
...movies and novels where|doomed love was romantic.
How are things going with Sam?
Great. Absolutely great.|Saturday, we got up.
We had a run down by the river.|It was a beautiful day.
It was terrific. I'm down|to a good weight. I'm exercising.
It feels incredible|to get in shape. I eat great.
Salads, no meat.|Never touch meat.
Later in the day, we rented|some kind of a video.
Some sort of dopey, funny,|stupid little thing.
Something Sally wouldn't have|allowed. I laughed like hell.
I had a terrific time and I didn't|have to feel guilty about it.
She's not Simone de Beauvoir.|We argue sometimes.
Trust me. It's King Lear. Shakespeare|never wrote about a King Leo.
Well, Mr. Intellectual. Shakespeare|wrote in English, not Japanese.
That's wonderful.
I was just gonna make|some cappuccino. You want some?
- No.|- You're sure?
I'm positive. Absolutely.
Don't start getting excited.|I don't have my diaphragm.
I want to make love to you|without your diaphragm.
- What are you talking about?|- I was thinking about it.
I thought maybe I've been|resisting having...
...a child too strenuously.|- What?
- Since when?|- I don't know.
These are some thoughts|that I've had. Maybe...
Maybe it would be helpful.
What kind of help|did you have in mind?
Are you unhappy in our marriage?
I don't think about it that much.|Which is probably a good sign.
It's late, I'm tired.|Do you want to talk about this now?
All I said was, it was|a good idea to have a baby.
- It's not such a good idea.|- Why not, all of a sudden?
We have some straightening out|to do before we have a baby.
You wanted a baby.|Why are you in a bad mood?
- Do you want somebody new?|- No.
Who? Like who? Do you?
- Certainly not a baby.|- So forget it.
- Because I thought you wanted...|- Okay, fine.
Something you wanna say|to me and you're not?
We don't want to get into something|you can't get out of.
You don't want a baby, right?|That's what I should...
- You know I do.|- Then we have to work on it.
But not tonight.|Any thought of sex is now...
- I'm sorry.|- Not your fault.
I'm begging you to have|a baby I don't want.
- I knew you didn't want it.|- I don't mean it that way.
You know, it's late|and I'm confused.
We have a fine marriage. I don't|know what all this talk is for.
Michael? I brought you a won ton soup|since you were busy.
Thanks, Judy.|You're a sweetheart.
- I see you're going to Carnegie Hall.|- To see Mahler's Ninth.
- Really?|- I hope Sally likes Mahler.
She will. It's my favorite.|Here are some napkins.
I've got this great place|to bring her to after the concert.
A little supper joint.|It's very intimate.
- Courtyard, trellis, fairy lights.|- That's beautiful.
It is. It is.
It's funny seeing someone|who's just left a long marriage.
I bet it's been a while since|she was romanced, eh?
Yes, I'm sure.
I'm such a square. I'm old-fashioned.|I eat all that stuff up.
Music, intimate restaurants,|candlelight joints and stuff.
Amy used to say I should|have been born in the 1800s.
- She found it all a bit corny.|- No, not at all. It's very sweet.
You go for that stuff too,|don't you?
- Oh, sure.|- Yeah.
- Tonight was fun, eh?|- Yes, it was good.
And that music was fantastic.
I usually hate Mahler,|but it was good.
The last movement's too long.
The second movement was good.|It began well.
- Then it gets sentimental.|- Yeah.
The conductor fought his way out.
Dinner was wonderful.
Although I should teach the chef|how to make an Alfredo sauce.
- Sorry.|- Want to?
- Is it okay?|- Coffee?
I'd love to.
I'm yawning because I'm hyper-|oxygenating. The ride made me sick.
I'm sorry. I'm not the greatest|driver in the world.
No, your driving was fine,|for the most part.
I shouldn't have had the last one.|Three's my limit.
I couldn't finish the second.
Ah, this is lovely.
Very homely. English pine.|It's the finest.
I prefer French.|My decorator screwed me.
It's too big.|I have to get a place in town.
It's funny how your whole life|changes. I'm scared here alone.
- There's been robberies.|- I bet.
Do you want to get married again|or do you like being single?
I love being single.
Because I think certain personalities|just need to be married.
- I disagree.|- Well, that's what they say.
Not me. I thought I did.
I do. I do.|I think it's time for me.
So why have you|never got married?
Oh, I don't know.|I got close... my 20s once,|but it didn't work out.
- Is wine okay?|- Lovely. Thank you.
I want to be alone|for a while at least.
I want to have a few experiences.|If it happens, great.
If not, that's just fine.
I'm sure you'll get what you want.
- You're a very beautiful woman.|- Oh, thank you.
- I can't go so fast.|- I'm sorry.
It's just, you know...
- It's not my rhythm.|- I understand.
Thank you.
I haven't been|in a social situation...
...that's meant anything to me|in a very long time.
Thank you.|I'm glad to know you care.
I wouldn't be with you...
...if I wasn't at least|interested in exploring it.
- Well, cheers.|- Cheers.
Tonight's meant a lot to me.|Thank you.
Lovely.|That's nice.
- What's the rush?|- I'm sorry, I apologize. I'm just...
I'm overanxious because|I like you a lot.
Oh, dear.|Michael, what can I say?
I haven't made love|in such a long time.
My marriage, I told you, was dead.|For years.
I don't know why. Yes, I do.|The second law of thermodynamics.
Sooner or later, everything|turns to shit. That's my phrasing.
Strange, often one|doesn't even see it happen.
I did.
That's the part that kills me.
I was in town working.|Jack was on business, in Chicago.
All of a sudden,|by sheer accident...
- Hi. How you doing?|- Hey, how was Chicago?
It was good.|I mean, it was busy.
The old guy doesn't want to settle.
He's a tough old bird, boy.
I couldn't bring it up.
I was so hurt.|And so full of rage.
And scared.
For weeks...
...I waited for him to say he'd|met someone. He never did.
Although I was suspicious,|I never found another incident.
So I chose to overlook it|and I hoped it would go away.
But it didn't.
Because I began thinking...
...of getting rid of him...
...and being single.
And things just got worse|between us.
We put up bigger and bigger fronts.
Now I'm single.
And I realize I'm one of those|people who needs to be married.
- Hey! Hey! Come here.|- Hi.
- Where are you going?|- Home.
- Come on, I'll give you a lift.|- Great.
Come on.
- I have a surprise.|- What?
I don't know if you'll think so.|You can read my novel.
Oh, great! Oh, that's great!|Thanks.
- You have to go easy on it because...|- Oh, of course.
- Wanna come up?|- Now?
Meet my parents.|They're so in love with you.
Don't you wanna see how I live?|What are you doing here?
- This is why I don't see you.|- What do you mean?
- You're mistaken.|- I wanted to see what he looked like.
You're not what I imagined.
This isn't my boyfriend.|He's my professor.
- Your professor?|- Yes.
- I'm Professor Gabriel Roth.|- Nice to meet you.
- Columbia?|- Stop.
- Barnard.|- How interested are you?
- Come on.|- I want to ask you something.
- You seduce all your students?|- I don't know what this is about.
Okay, just go, please.
- What are you doing here?|- You led me on!
I did not!|I told you from day one.
When you have her in your arms,|what does she say to you?
- I don't know what to say.|- Why are you acting childish?
You're acting like a 15-year-old...|I'm sorry.
You're sorry.|What do you think I am?
- I don't know.|- Why don't you just go in?
I am. What?|I'm trying to help you out.
- I'm cold.|- I'm sorry.
This is my mother.|Gabe Roth.
It is such an immense pleasure.
- That's my father.|- Oh.
It is an honor, sir.|What can we get you?
Nothing.|I'm just... I'm fine.
Just a sedative, if you have one.|Who was that character downstairs?
I'll tell you about it later.|It's got so sunny all of a sudden.
We're fans of yours.|We wish you'd still write those...
- Let me take your coat.|...funny stories.
What were you going to tell me|about that guy?
I better start from the beginning|if I'm gonna tell you.
My father, he had this...|this colleague who was...
...his business partner.|- This guy was his business partner?
This is why I have to start from|the beginning. It leads up to him.
My father's business partner,|he'd come by the house fairly often.
And one day, he told me that|he was in love with me, right?
I was very flattered,|to say the least.
He was real bright and single.
We started having this affair.|Naturally, we told nobody.
I have this friend, Jane.|Her parents were divorced.
Her father, Jerry, developed this|mad crush over me, right?
And before long, I was seeing|both these men.
Instead of being happy,|I was just miserable.
I couldn't get my feelings|straight, so I went to an analyst.
I tried for a few months|to work things out.
Then, one day, he said|he was gonna stop treating me...
...because he felt|it wasn't the thing to do...
...since he was falling|in love with me.
I was taken with him. You can|imagine, he's quite brilliant.
And I started seeing him.
I did.|I broke off from the other two.
Something inside me|told me he couldn't... a very stable person,|let alone a good analyst.
So I never really let things|get too far with him.
Then one night I met Carl.
He was very sweet and|he really came on with me.
I came to my senses.|I said to myself:
"What am I doing with|these older men?"
So I cleaned up my act|and I've been dating Carl.
As you can see, Richard is so|unstable. He really took it badly.
God! You've got material for your|first novel and the sequel...
...and an opera by Puccini here!|This is incredible.
Yes, but don't you think I'm right?|I mean, Carl, he's fun.
What the hell am I doing|with the midlife crisis set?
They're all wonderful,|rather accomplished men.
In the end, I felt like|I was a symbol of lost youth...
...or unfulfilled dreams.|Am I being dramatic?
Rain's birthday is coming|up, and we'd love you to come.
- I don't know.|- He doesn't want to come.
We would love you to come|for a drink. You and your wife.
Mom, he's not gonna|come to my birthday.
You've been a great influence|on her. Inspirational.
Well, she's great.
I'd consider it an honor|if you'd come by.
Just as Gabe gave his manuscript to|Rain, Judy also showed her writing.
Listen, I finally got around to|reading these lovely poems.
- You can be honest.|- I am.
- It's just a hobby.|- I was moved. They're full of feeling.
- What does your husband say?|- I'd never show them to him.
He'd be much too critical.|He has very high standards.
- He'd be right too.|- The two you wrote about New England?
There's a graveyard there|where I'd love to be buried.
I used to say to Amy,|that's the place I'd choose too.
- Do you want to eat lunch outside?|- Sure.
- Are you soaked?|- No. What about you?
I think just my coat.
- Your hair's wet.|- Is it?
Thank you, Annie.
- That was fun.|- Yes. My hair's a mess.
- Judy, can I speak frankly to you?|- Sure.
- Thanks for introducing me to Sally.|- Oh. Oh, yeah.
- I think I'm in love with her.|- Gee, that was quick.
Not that she shares my feelings|or ever will.
- She hasn't been single that long.|- Yeah, but it's like...
...I like someone and can't|wait for the other shoe to fall.
You probably had...
You're just a little gun-shy|from some bad experiences.
Is she as terrific as she seems?
She is.|She's wonderful. She's...
...honest and decent...|I can't say enough good things.
Thank you, Judy. You know|I respect your opinion.
Do you mind if l...?
I'm just feeling a little funny.
- I'll get you a...|- I'm fine.
I don't know why I introduced them.|Why did I push them together?
When obviously,|I had feelings for him myself.
I was just confused.|I didn't know what I wanted.
You look good. You don't get any|older. You work out, huh?
Since Sally and I broke up, I'm single.|I gotta watch it, you know?
I saw Sally the other night.|She's dating some guy.
Nice-looking.|Claire can tell you.
Yeah, I think...|What was he? He's an editor.
What's the deal? Are they|seeing one another or...?
We don't know.
I'm drunk, so don't hold me|responsible. You gave up a great one.
Ken!|He's having a good time.
No, he's right. I know.|Look, we were together a lot of years.
She's a great lady.
She'll be all right. This guy,|Michael something, seemed fine.
- Let's go.|- I'm not out of line.
You're okay, right? That girl,|Samantha, should be in the Olympics.
What do you think?|Are they serious?
- Don't know.|- What did she say?
We didn't talk.|For a few minutes we...
She looked great.|Has she had face work?
- Face work?|- We gotta go. Good to see you.
Where is Sam?
If astrology were true,|twins would have the same fate.
- It is totally provable!|- From gypsies?
Why wouldn't it have an influence|on our personalities?
You know who believes this?|My baby-sitter.
There is more crime|during the full moon.
Well, who knows?
It's like the|universe knows this stuff.
You guys just don't get|the fundamental basics...
You should meet my baby-sitter.|She doesn't know anyone in New York.
- She's been with me two months.|- Fabulous...
- My ex-wife believed in this.|- You should listen to her.
I'm just making a point.|Because the position...
...of the planets|is crucial to your life.
I can't stress this enough.|And your body...
- Be logical.|- But I'm totally logical.
I would not put a Sagittarius...
Sam, we gotta go. Come on.
- We're just getting started.|- It was good to see you.
- It's early!|- It's getting later. See you, guys.
- It was nice meeting you.|- Come on.
If you don't know what you're talking|about, why don't you not talk?
They don't know what|they're saying!
You feel obligated to talk.|How about listening?
- I listen!|- That's a novel idea for you.
You are so rude.|I can't believe you just did that!
- You're the expert.|- That's the most embarrassing...
Let's get out before|you make it any worse.
- This bullshit astrology. It's stupid.|- It's not stupid.
I'm sick of listening to your crap|about soybeans and Zen foods.
- Get in the car!|- Leave me alone. No.
- Who do you think you're talking to?|- You wanna embarrass me?
They're making intellectual talk,|and you're jerking off about tofu.
- Believe me, they're just stupid!|- Get in the car.
- I'm not going.|- You are.
- Help!|- Shut up, will you?
Shut your mouth! Are you crazy?
- I wanna embarrass you!|- Embarrass me?
- Are you coming?|- I hate you and your...
...stupid fucking asshole friends!
Get in.|Get in the car.
- Where's my bag?|- I don't know. It doesn't matter.
Here. Get in the car.
Goddamn, I must have been|out of my mind. You're crazy.
- You're too drunk to drive.|- Just shut up and let's go.
- Goddamn it!|- Look what you've done now! Just...
Let me out of here!|Let me out of here!
- Will you just stop?!|- I'm not stopping.
- Get in the car!|- You maniac!
Trying to be cute?
- Get in the car!|- No!
- Oh, I don't believe this.|- No! Help!
What am I doing?|Get in the car, you infant!
Get in the fucking car!
You had an orgasm with Michael|and not with your husband?
I didn't. I was trying very hard.
- I was tense. I came close.|- What makes it so difficult for you?
My mind gets racing with thoughts.|You'd laugh.
- I get so mentally hyperactive.|- Like what?
I liked what Michael|was doing to me...
...and it felt different|from Jack. More gentle.
And... more exciting.
How different|Michael was from Jack.
How much deeper his|vision of life was.
And I thought...
...Michael was a hedgehog...
...and Jack was a fox.
And then I thought...
...Judy was a fox...
...and Gabe was a hedgehog.
And I thought about all|the people I knew...
...and which were hedgehogs...
...and which were foxes.
Al Simon, a friend,|was a hedgehog.
His wife, Jenny, was a hedgehog.
And Cindy Salkind was a fox.
And Lou Patrino was a hedgehog.
I had the impression that|at times... weren't quite into it.
No. No!
I mean...
You know...
I told you the problems|I've had with Jack.
It was wonderful.
I've hurt your feelings, right?
Don't get the wrong impression.|I loved it.
Me too.
I used to get excited|when we got married.
Somewhere along the line,|it slipped away.
It's okay.
What? That I'm not responsive?
We had a nice experience.
We had two separate, nice experiences.
- But they were nice.|- They were separate.
- No wonder your husband went crazy.|- Very funny.
Oh, come on, Sally.
- You hungry?|- He said, changing the subject.
Oh, stop it.
What was that?
- There's been some burglaries.|- Is the alarm on?
Well, call the police.
- Who are you?|- Who are you?
- Jack, my God!|- You changed the lock on my own house.
- Who's this?|- This is my husband.
- None of your business. Leave.|- I don't want to.
- Are you all right?|- Am I all right?
Is he living here?
- Don't get upset.|- Is he fucking you?
- This is my house, pal.|- Let's not get ugly.
I can talk to him. Go upstairs.
- Where's he going?|- Please. I know.
- You going up to our bed?|- It's not our bed anymore.
Listen, you need some black coffee.|Then just go.
Listen, I want to come back.
- You're drunk.|- Oh, please. My life is such a mess.
This is not the place to discuss this.|Please go.
- This is my fucking house.|- This is my fucking house.
This is my house now.
- I want to start over again.|- That's not possible.
Sally, can I help?
- Oh, please.|- Would you get lost? What is this?
- This is ridiculous!|- I can handle this.
- I don't believe this.|- You don't have to. Go.
You... Listen.|God, I...
This was not all my fault.|It takes two of us...
- I didn't say it was all your fault.|- You're so hard to live with!
I would just break my back|all the time. See? Perfect.
What do you want me to say?
Our marriage was full of problems.|I know that.
Some were my fault, some were yours.
You lied to me, you cheated on me...
Why don't you run upstairs...?
- There's a stranger here.|- He knows.
He knows. Swell.|That's perfect too.
You show me one couple that|doesn't have problems.
It's tough.|Everybody has a tough time, you know?
- What about the one you lived with?|- That's total bullshit.
- Well, I've met someone I like.|- What? You what?
I met someone I like.
What about all the years|we had together?
Well... had no problem wiping them out|when it suited you.
But l...|I didn't know what else to do.
No! No! I can't discuss this now.|Please! Go!
- You'll feel better tomorrow.|- I'm gonna feel like shit tomorrow.
Oh, shit.
Hi. I need to speak to Jack.
- You're gonna leave me out there?|- I told you...
I have never been treated|this way before!
- Perfect how you ruin a life.|- Then see a psychiatrist.
- I need to see a shrink, slimebag!|- Come on in.
This is about all of us.
- We don't have any secrets here.|- Bullshit.
- I never met a Scorpio who wasn't...|- Will you stop?!
I'm going to bed.|Get out. Both of you!
What's the big deal?
So I did some things wrong.|Does it have to be irreversible?
The heart raged,|grew melancholy and confused...
...and toward what end? To articulate|what nitwit strategy? Procreation?
It told him something.|How mind-boggling numbers of sperm...
...competed for a single egg,|not the other way around.
Men would make|love with any number of women...
...even total strangers,|while females were selective.
They were catering|to the demands of one small egg.
While males had millions of|frantic sperms screaming:
"Let us out, let us out!"
It was like personal ads.
Dozens of requirements followed by,|"Non-smokers only."
Feldman longed to meet an attractive|woman with this personality:
A sense of humor equal to his,|a love of sports equal to his...
...a love of music equal to his|and a love of...
...Bach and balmy climates.|In short, himself as a pretty woman.
Pepkin married and led a warm,|domestic life.
Placid, but dull.|Knapp was a swinger.
He eschewed nuptial ties|and bedded different women:
Students, housewives, nurses, actresses|a doctor, a salesgirl...
they all held Knapp between their legs.
Pepkin, from the calm of his|fidelity, envied Knapp.
Knapp, lonely beyond belief,|envied Pepkin.
What happened after the honeymoon?|Did desire grow...
...or did familiarity make partners|want other lovers?
Was the notion of|ever-deepening romance a myth...
...along with simultaneous orgasm?
The only time Rifkin and his wife|experienced one...
...was when they were granted|their divorce.
Maybe in the end, the idea was|not to expect too much out of life.
So the book was wonderful.
Entertaining,|imaginative and moving...
You don't have to say this. You|can be critical. Be honest.
You make suffering so funny.
The lost souls running around.
That's funny. I've had so much trouble|with the book.
- Has anybody else read it?|- Not exactly, you know.
I'm so thrilled you feel this way.|I can't tell you how encouraged I am.
Your feelings|about it are really...
But you are a sucker for my work.|I shouldn't get too excited.
I'm objective and, yes,|I do love the way you write.
- I had some criticisms...|- I'm sure you did.
What were they?
Nothing serious.|The whole thing was just a delight.
Really? I've had such a love-hate|relationship with this book.
- Oh my God, this can't be...|- What?
I think I left it in the cab.
You're kidding! In a taxicab?|Are you sure?
I can't believe I did this to you!|Okay, he was Indian.
You left it in an Indian's cab?
No. He was Armenian.
That was the only copy.
- I know.|- You must be joking.
- Hargopian?|- Mr. Hargopian, Swami Hargopian, what?
I was totally crushed.|I wanted to die.
This was the worst thing that happened.
- You put up a false front.|- The poor girl was wrecked.
I was trying to bail her out.
So this book was very meaningful|to you despite what you said.
- I guess so.|- And the young woman, Rain?
Her approbation was|very significant to me.
Why was her encouragement|so pleasing?
Your own wife liked it very much|and you gave her a hard time.
I don't know. There was some kind|of rapport I felt here that was...
Hey! Hey!|Somebody found your envelope.
They're waiting at the house now.
It's... It's so Freudian.
What is?
The whole thing, leaving|the novel in the cab.
Don't be silly.|It could happen to anybody.
No, I think maybe it meant something.
- Like what?|- Well...
...I don't know.|Maybe I could have been threatened.
- Threatened by my book?|- Yeah.
- I'm very competitive by nature.|- That's absurd.
Why, because I'm a young female?
Don't get angry.|I'm in your corner.
- I'm your biggest fan.|- Yeah.
I just think I could have been|threatened by certain things.
Like what?
Some of the attitudes towards|women and your ideas on life.
- You told me you loved the book.|- I do. I do love it.
- What were your criticisms?|- Nothing.
Tell me your criticisms.
I was a little disappointed|with some of your attitudes.
Like what? What attitudes? With what?
The way people just|casually have affairs like that.
The book doesn't condone affairs.|I'm exaggerating for comedy.
Are our choices really between chronic|dissatisfaction and suburban drudgery?
I'm deliberately distorting it.|I'm trying to show... hard it is to be married.
You have to be careful not to|trivialize things like that.
Jesus, I hope I haven't.
The lead character's|views on women... so retrograde, so shallow.
What?|You told me it was a great book.
I never said great, I said it's...
...brilliant and it's alive.
We're not arguing about|whether it's brilliant or not.
Triumph of the Will was a great|movie, but you despise its ideology.
So you despise my ideas?
No, I don't despise them.|That example was...
Isn't it beneath you as a thinker... allow your lead character|to waste so much energy...
...obsessing over a psychotic woman...
...that you fantasize as powerfully|sexual and inspired...
...when she was pitifully sick.
I don't need a lecture on writing|from a 20-year-old twit.
You asked to read my book,|you said you loved it...
- And I do.|- You leave it in a taxicab.
You're weeping, I'm consoling you|and you turn on me.
Okay. Well, I must have hit a nerve.
Well, yeah. You know...
I'd hate to be your boyfriend.|He must go through hell.
Well, I'm worth it.
- Any trouble finding the house?|- No, it was very easy.
Please. Step this way.
I'm so glad you found the house.
- This was so nice.|- It's fine.
I jumped in the cab and wound|up sitting on it.
That's so nice of you.|Let me give you some...
- No, it's okay.|- Really, I can't...
- I want you to stay for coffee.|- No, you're...
- I won't take no for...|- She won't.
- We'll have coffee.|- Okay, good.
- I'm sorry...|- I'm sorry, it was my fault.
It was totally...
If you don't mind my saying,|you have a beautiful daughter.
I admit it,|her argument in the cab...
...I found attractive.|It attracted me to her.
That she was not a passive,|worshipful pupil.
Something in me sensed...
...not that I'd|do anything about it...
...I had, you know,|certain daydreams about it.
A week later,|Jack and Sally reunited.
This was celebrated over dinner.
You can't just wipe out|years of closeness.
You think you can.|But the roots are there.
I think some people are just not|meant to be single.
Everybody screws up.|The question is... you learn from it?
I think the true test is|how you weather a crisis.
Everyone looks great when|everything's going smoothly.
It's great. If you can be|that mature, it's great.
It's not that. You just start...
...thinking about priorities.
How long can you discuss|physical fitness and the zodiac?
And this Michael character|was no bargain.
- How was Michael?|- I don't know, he was sick.
I gave him a call and he did sound|very terrible.
I guess I really pulled the rug|out from under him.
Although his real crush is on Judy.
- Not to offend you, Gabe.|- I'm not.
I love it when someone likes Judy.
Gabe needs confirmation|of his feelings when it comes to me.
That's a terrible thing to say.
I'd watch it if I were you, Gabe.
He always talks about Judy|in hushed tones.
I think those poems you wrote|impressed him.
Here's to a good marriage.
- The best two people can hope for.|- Absolutely.
- I didn't know about the poetry.|- I didn't think you'd care.
- Well, why not?|- Because.
I'd be embarrassed|to show you my stuff.
- Why?|- You're so hard on everything.
What are you talking about?
- You're very, very judgmental.|- I like poetry.
I'm crazy about Shakespeare|and Byron and T.S. Eliot.
Well, my stuff isn't|quite that good yet.
- I'd give an objective evaluation.|- I don't want an objective evaluation.
I'd like something a little more|supportive and generous.
- From that character in your office?|- He's not a character.
- Are you in love with him?|- No! Why, because I show him my poems?
- I saw Dr. Ritchie today.|- Oh, where?
I went back into psychotherapy.
You don't need psychotherapy,|and certainly not with her!
Why? Because she's postmodern?
Anyone who thinks the Sabine women|had it coming to them...
That's not it.
- I don't flirt.|- Don't tell me that.
I've seen you do it.
You put on a different personality.
- You're crazy.|- You pretend to want things you don't.
- Like?|- Going to Europe.
That's flirting. You couldn't survive|off the island of Manhattan.
You misrepresented yourself to me.
What do you mean by that?
Like you had one child then|decided that was it.
- I'm not the same person I was.|- That's why relationships go sour.
- You hate change.|- Change equals death.
Bullshit. That's bullshit!
Maybe your students think it's|insightful, but it means nothing.
Life is made of change.
If you don't change,|you just shrivel up.
I don't want to.|You get sexual at the oddest times.
You use sex to express every|emotion but love.
You were attracted to me...
...because in some way,|I reminded you of Harriet.
But I disappointed you|because I was too normal.
I liked you because|you were decent and not crazy.
- And you found that too boring.|- No... it turns out you were|as crazy as her.
- So I did remind you of Harriet.|- No...
...I had a feeling you|were unstable.
On the surface you were...
...but now that we're having problems,|you're not.
This is all very clear to me.
- We both couldn't sleep one night,|remember...
...and we found Wild Strawberries|on cable...
...we stayed up all night watching it?|That was great.
We were going to the faculty dinner|and we were on Fifth Avenue...
...on an icy black night.|We were walking downtown.
Suddenly we decided not to go|to the dinner... was such a beautiful night.|We walked into Central Park.
You could see every star. You were|so beautiful in that black dress.
- Don't do that.|- Why not?
Because it's over and we both know it.
Do we?
All that stuff...|Those memories, they're just memories.
They're from years gone by.
They're isolated moments...
...they don't tell the whole story.
Several days later,|Gabe moved into a hotel.
I wasn't being totally honest|with Gabe.
Because I didn't want to hurt him.|But I knew what I wanted.
I was in love with Michael.|I wanted to be free to...
...pursue that and not have to lie|or sneak around or anything.
How could I be 100% honest with Judy?
I loved her|and I didn't want to hurt her.
What am I gonna say?
That I'm becoming infatuated|with a 20-year-old?
That I see myself sleepwalking|into a mess?
Then why didn't you stop yourself?
There was something in my marriage|that I was not getting. Rain...
- There was excitement there.|- Rain had a boyfriend.
I know. Everything about|it was wrong.
That did not deter me.
If anything, as usual,|there was something interesting.
So, what is it?|You have a self-destructive streak?
I don't know.|My heart...
...does not know from logic.
Oh, Michael, please.
I can't keep discussing this.
It was a decision I needed to make...|No. Wanted to make.
I said I'm sorry.|I can't keep discussing this.
No. I don't want to have a drink.|I have to go.
Well, you make it hard!|I have to go.
Later, Judy helped Michael get|over the loss of Sally.
Here we go.
- Heavens, Judy.|- Pretty good, huh?
That's mine, where's yours?
I am so happy that's not true.
Right, shall I be mum?|Cheers.
- It's a real treat.|- You're welcome.
- Where's your wife?|- We're not together anymore.
Oh, you writers. You're so...
Happy birthday!
Did you meet that woman Jessica?
No, I met Angela, though.
- Did you see that?|- What?
It's incredible, this time of year.
Oh, I love storms.
They said we were supposed to|get some of that hurricane.
- It's really coming down heavy.|- How fitting. I was born in a storm.
It's dangerous.
She looks great.
She's 21!|It's absolutely incredible.
- Our littler Rainer.|- I'm gonna be 55.
It's our 25th wedding|anniversary in June.
Don't worry.|We got some light in here for you.
I know I paid that bill.
Take some of these candles out there.
I can't believe this.|I know I had a flashlight.
Oh, this is just my luck on my own|birthday. It goes black.
You look very pretty in candlelight.
Oh, did you see the lightning flashes?
It's supposed to get worse. How's|everybody gonna get home now?
Happy birthday.
I didn't want to give it to|you in the other room because... could be misconstrued, so...
...I've been hiding it in my jacket.|- Very nice.
That's lovely!
That is so pretty.
Happy birthday.
- Why would it be misconstrued?|- It would just look funny.
Because you have a boyfriend.
People wouldn't understand.
It wouldn't look funny at all.|It's beautiful.
- You know what I'd really like?|- What?
A nice birthday kiss.
- You want a birthday kiss?|- Yeah.
Happy birthday.
- That's all?|- I'm drunk. This is not funny.
What do you mean?|That was a birthday kiss.
You want me to stick|my tongue down your throat?
Come on, you know what I mean.
You got a boyfriend in the other room.
I know. It's not serious.|It isn't serious.
Listen, I can't even|have this conversation.
Not that I haven't thought about it.
I have, but it's just too crazy. L...
It's so disappointing.
It isn't disappointing.|You got a boyfriend.
You couldn't ask for a|more romantic moment.
I mean, it's my 21 st birthday, and...
...we're in a storm,|the lights are out and there's...
...the rain sweeping the skyline.|- Why do I hear...
...$50,000 worth of psychotherapy...
...dialing 911 now?|- It's magical. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I've had a|little too much to drink too.
- Me too. I had...|- I'm just...
You want to kiss?|I mean, you want a real kiss?
You want an actual,|professional kiss?
- Yes.|- Both lips, upper and lower.
- At once?|- I've thought about it.
- I gotta tell you.|- Come here.
I was just hoping that lightning|can't come into a penthouse...
...because it was tumultuous outside.|It was crashing all around and...
...the scene had to be played.|I mean, I was...
...I wanted to kiss her,|it was pouring...
...but I figured,|any second the lightning...
...would come right|into the apartment and...
...and that I would die.
I don't want to spend Sunday together,|because I need time alone!
- Be alone! I'm not pushing you.|- Yes. Yes, you are, in that...
...quiet, steady way of yours.|"Supportive," is your word.
"Understanding."|Stop being so understanding.
I still have feelings for Sally.
Feelings I don't think|I could ever have for you.
Oh, God! Where are you...?|Oh, for...
- I'm sorry.|- I never want to see you again!
- I need you.|- It's good to know how you feel.
I'm glad to know.
- You are so self-centered!|- I know.
I didn't mean those things.
- Why did you say them?|- I'm confused.
- I never want to hurt you.|- Bullshit!
It's not bullshit. I don't|deserve you. I'm sorry. Please!
- Did you shut the windows?|- I was thinking...'s a good thing we fixed|that leak in the den.
Even now I'm still scared of thunder.|Any loud noise.
We would have been nuts to|use those theatre tickets.
We'd have been swerving all over.
- I'm glad we stayed home.|- Me too.
When we were apart,|this storm would have terrified me.
I was scared enough sleeping alone.
Sometimes you can be alone|when you're with someone.
Should we have given those|other tickets to Gabe or Judy?
- We did buy them for them.|- Yeah, I know, but...
...the situation's|completely different now.
A year and a half later,|much had occurred.
Judy was married to Michael.
- So, you happy?|- Go ahead.
Yes, I think things have|gone pretty smoothly.
- He puts up with my idiosyncrasies.|- No, she puts up with mine.
She's passive-aggressive.|Somehow, she gets what she wants.
She wanted me, she wanted Gabe...
...she wanted the job at the magazine,|out of her marriages...
...she wants Michael...
I disagree.
When Sally went back to Jack,|I went after Judy.
Not at first, but when I|decided, I went after her.
Gee, I hope I didn't push.|I wanted it to work, it's true.
We're doing fine. Really.|We've learned to...
...tolerate our problems more.|Don't you think?
I've learned, anyway, that love is...
...not about passion and|romance necessarily.
It's also about companionship and...'s like a buffer against|loneliness, I think.
That stuff is important.|Somebody to grow old with.
What kills most people is|unreal expectations.
What about things that|can't be talked about?
Like sexual problems, for instance.
- Unresolved.|- Unresolved?
Well, there's some things you|can't solve and then... have to live with it.
You construct some|kind of patchwork thing.
- But sometimes they flare up.|- They do, and when it happens... gets tough when that happens.
You learn to deal with it and then|push it under the rug.
And it works. That's the weird thing.|It's not bad.
You can't force yourself to|conform to some abstract... of love, or... know, marriage.|Every situation's different.
Whatever works is the deal.
Ours is just one way.
It's funny. Last year when|we were at Gabe and Judy's...
...and we announced so flippantly|we were splitting...
- I wasn't that confident.|- I wasn't either.
I remember thinking|they were so lucky.
They had such a great marriage.
It's ironic that we're|together and they aren't.
- Yeah.|- Weird.
I had a romantic moment...
...with Rain at her|21 st birthday party...
...and I could feel|the old pull coming back.
The old attraction coming back.|Feelings I'd had...
...from my past.|It was very vivid to me.
That was a... That was a...
...a great moment.|I don't really think we should...
...follow up on it.
What do you...?|What do you mean?
Well, you know, I just...|If things were different...
If I was younger,|or if you were older...
...or anything different,|but somehow...
...I just feel I know how|this is gonna come out.
You sure?
I am. You know, I really am.
I knew how it would end.
And I left and I walked out|into the pouring rain.
I just headed instinctively|back to my apartment...
...because I wanted to hold Judy|and kiss her...
...and say things to her, and then...
...then I realized that, you know,|I really blew it.
So, what's your life like now?
I'm out of the race for now.|I don't want to get involved.
I don't want to hurt anyone.|I don't want to get hurt.
I don't mind living by|myself and working.
It's temporary.
I'll have the urge to get back|into the swing of things.
That seems to be how it goes.
I'm writing, I'm working on a...
...a new novel. Not the old|one anymore, and, um...'s fine.|- Is it different?
My novel? Yes, it's less|confessional, more political.
Can I go? Is this over?