Hustlers Take All (2024) Movie Script

Tu-bi, tubi
[production theme]
[grim music]
[coins clanging]
Boss ain't gonna be happy.
- It's a little short.
- So was last month's.
Place needs a makeover.
If I had a loan
I could refurbish,
I could, uh, get in
some new clientele.
No, you're not getting
any more money, Cil.
You owe The Banker and they
get paid one way or another.
[dramatic music]
Put your hand on the table.
Don't do this, Angelo.
[Priscilla] You know
I'm good for it.
- W-we go way back, Angelo.
- Priscilla...
[music continues]
I should bust your fucking
kneecaps, you know that.
But like you said,
we go way back.
Now put your fucking hand
on the table!
[music continues]
[Priscilla cries]
God! You fuck!
[theme music]
Excuse me.
You can't come in here.
[sirens wailing]
We have a problem.
[Nina] Legal approves
We are not going down
without a fight.
[Ethan] Nina.
I need to get
a press release out
ahead of this and get Andrews
- on the line right now.
- Nina?
Excuse me, this is my company.
[Ethan] Nina?
I know how to market it.
And what is...
- Nina!
- What, Ethan? What?
We're all working.
Why aren't you working?
Nina Meyers, you're under arrest
for insider trading and
Excuse me?
You've the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be held against you
in the court of law.
You've the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed for you.
[Nina] Anders! Ethan,
call my attorney.
Nina, I'll get somebody
on the phone for you right now.
[playful music]
[Anders] Nina, how could you?
I trusted you.
SQwelch trusted you.
You may have
destroyed our company,
but Anders Welch fights on
and I will not stop
until justice is served.
[playful music]
Nina, I-I-I'm sorry.
I swear I didn't know.
[female judge]All charges
are dropped.
Case dismissed.
Wait! [panting]
Ugh! Damn it.
[Lynn chuckles]
[Lynn] Hello.
Somebody here?
Hey, mom. How are you feeling?
- [grunts]
- It's me, Nina.
[chuckles] Nina, I know.
Nina. So where's your father?
I-I want to tell him
about my bad dream.
Um... I actually
haven't seen him today.
- [coughs]
- Hey.
Here, here, here, here, here,
here, here, here, here, mom.
[coughs] Hm.
I'm fine. I'm totally fine.
So back to you. [chuckles]
How is your big, fancy job?
Really, really good. Super busy.
I'm so happy for you.
You know that your father
and I are so proud of you.
- Thanks, mom.
- Yeah.
[instrumental music]
- Do you want one of these pills?
- No, no, no.
Had two of them
already, you know,
and they just make me
really sleepy. So...
I just need to rest, that's all.
Will you stay for a while?
- Yeah. Of course.
- Yeah.
Okay, get in and have a snuggle.
Let's have a snuggle.
[chuckles] I missed you so much.
- I miss you too.
- Don't ever go.
I love you.
I love you.
[breathes deeply]
Miss Meyers. Miss Meyers.
Excuse me...
- I'm so sorry.
- No, no, no, no, no, no!
- I have a meeting.
- No, no!
And I have your mother's bill.
We have tried to
compromise with you,
but if you cannot adhere to
the payment plan...
Right. Yeah, I know. Um...
Been really stressed.
Okay? I've got
a lot going on now.
Now we are aware of your
personal financial situation,
but you are four weeks late.
I need that payment today.
Back payments and this month
or this will be her last.
Thank you so much
for understanding.
Uh, just...
- One of those will work.
- Great.
[instrumental music]
Of course.
Thank you so much.
[engine whirring]
[pop song]
Where would you be
without a woman?
[Priscilla] Hey.
To be strong and bold
You know, for somebody
who's all over the news,
you're pretty hard to find.
I guess not everything
stays in Vegas.
Really, Priscilla?
Without a woman
Now you choose to show up
after all the years
that I thought
that I needed you?
- How did you find me?
- I have my ways.
I wanted to see
if you needed anything.
I did.
Ten years ago
when dad was killed,
mom got her head bashed in.
- I think I'm good now.
- You are so stubborn.
I guess a little media
attention brings out
all the old skeletons.
- Do you just call me old?
- You are.
You haven't changed a bit.
You remember when
I used to let you
run around the casino floor?
[pop song]
No, I don't.
Well, I got my
own place now. Ante Up.
- What?
- The Ante up.
- That's the name of it.
- [chuckles]
Sounds delightful.
- You're living in your car.
- This is all temporary.
[Nina] I have tons of
interviews lined up.
And, actually,
I'm a little bit late
to meet up with an old friend,
- if you'll excuse me.
- Okay, well...
Come to my place
and have a drink.
On me.
[song continues]
[rock song]
You in the wrong
part of town, homie
You in the wrong
part of town!
You in the wrong
part of town, homie
You in the wrong
part of town!
You in the wrong
part of town, homie
You in the wrong
part of town!
You in the wrong
part of town, homie
You better turn
this around!
'Round here, we
don't play that
'Round here, the perfect
place to catch and slay that
Street yards
better will pay that
'Cause round here, you're the
type of cat to get strayed at
You lost, hon?
- No. Thanks.
- You look familiar.
You used to come in
this place a lot, huh?
With those business guys
of Squeak?
Close enough. Um, are
any of them in here?
Are you looking for
an ex or something?
Haha, uh, no, just
looking for a friend.
Well, you're in luck.
The clientele never changes.
I got to go. I'm-I'm dancing,
like, in five minutes
doing this sexy ballerina thing.
[Nina] Oh, hey...
[instrumental music]
- You dropped this.
- Oh, my God. Thank you.
[rock song]
Is there a doctor
in the house?
Looks like there's
gonna be a fight
Hey, are you ready for love
Here she comes
Passed out, no!
Passed out
- Happy hour, right?
- Yep.
- Gimlet, please.
- You want a gimlet?
Cheers. Cheers.
Cheers to France.
- Go France.
- Do I know you?
[indistinct chatter]
I don't think so.
[Ethan laughing]
Ah! I'm telling you,
Kansas City, take the tent.
- Holy shit, Nina!
- Hey, Ethan, You want a drink?
I-I really shouldn't be
talking to you right now.
But what do you expect me to do
when you won't respond to
any of my texts?
You're pretty, uh, radioactive.
Like, people lost a lot of
money. All the blame's on you.
I didn't do anything,
and you know that.
- What do you want?
- I need a job, Ethan.
No one's gonna touch you here.
I had to take SQwelch
off my resume.
Just wait for the dust
to settle and rebrand.
I can see it now on
bus stands, everywhere.
The crypto queen herself.
What's the matter? They let you
out for good behavior, did they?
Don't call me that,
you fucking asshole.
They dropped the charges.
You were supposed
to be my friend.
I trusted you. And then you sold
me out for your mistake.
Come on, Nina.
It was your first company
that you started at college.
Who does that? [chuckles]
Like Ethan said,
they dropped the charges.
So, uh, what's the issue, babe?
The issue is that you
ruined my life, babe.
I can't pay my mom's
hospital bills, babe.
I'm living out of my car, babe,
and I don't have
a goddamn job, babe.
That's a tough break.
I don't know what to say.
But how can I make it up to you?
You can't.
[Anders] I love to watch you go.
[ominous music]
- Where'd you learn to do that?
- Vegas.
I remember you now.
You're the lady that ruined
that tech company.
Stop talking crap about
what you don't know.
[chuckles] Whoa! Feisty.
Come back anytime, pretty lady.
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
I'll have a gimlet.
[chuckles] Got it, boss.
[mellow song over speaker]
Baby, I know your type
Viv, need more ice.
- Thanks.
- Anytime.
Hey, is Priscilla here?
Yeah, who's asking?
- She'll know.
- Viv, ice, now.
So please don't hate me
I'm glad you showed up.
- [Nina] This one's on you.
- [chuckles]
Well, I hope it's good.
I'm really glad you're here.
What's, uh, what's
with the poker game?
I bring in a pro dealer
every couple of days.
Customers love it.
It's a private game
and... legalities
a little fuzzy.
All the clubs do it...
but we keep it on the QT.
Mutually assured destruction.
- What?
- One goes down, everybody does.
- Is this your typical day?
- Give or take.
- Why?
- [scoffs]
- Just curious.
- Well, shit!
I never said I was good
at the business end of things.
I won this place in a card game.
That I am really good at.
- So what do you think?
- About what?
- How to fix your bar?
- Yes.
It's all over your face.
Okay, well, first you need
to cut your losses.
Your bartender's sloppy.
He over pours. Get rid of him.
Then I wouldn't have
a bartender.
- What about her?
- [Priscilla] Viv?
[Nina] She's charming,
makes a hell of a gimlet.
- She's your bartender.
- Okay. And then what?
Your poker dealer
has fast hands,
keeps the game moving
and he's lifting chips.
He probably has
a friend cash them out
and then they take the split.
This isn't Vegas.
It's hard to find
an experienced dealer.
You could easily train a dealer.
You just need to have
someone you trust.
Once you do all those things
then you can start
maximizing profit.
Less neighborhood bar,
more sophisticated nightclub.
You have the real estate,
why not use it?
Find someone who
can really help you
get this place into shape.
[instrumental music]
[laughs] No.
I know you hate casinos.
Bad memories.
But this isn't a casino.
You said it yourself.
It's a nightclub.
- I gotta go.
- Nina. Wait.
I'm out of the game.
It's not like it was before.
I know.
[instrumental music]
I've got a spare bedroom.
[instrumental music]
Come on.
[indistinct yelling]
Get out of the house!
I don't know!
- You shut the fuck up!
- You're playing!
- Get out of the fucking...
- You! Hey!
You wanna fucking get
this house fucking down!
Fuck you! Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
You know, motherfucker!
[indistinct yelling]
Get the fuck off, bitch!
Shut the fuck up!
You fucking piece of shit!
- Shit!
- [screaming]
You broke my fucking watch!
[dramatic music]
[heavy breathing]
[somber music]
[music continues]
There's coffee.
What's up?
I couldn't sleep last night.
I wrote you up a business plan.
A business plan? Let me see it.
First, we need to decide
what it's worth to you.
[scoffs] Well, I'm not gonna
know what it's worth to me
until you let me see it.
Can I trust that you're
not gonna rip me off?
I can say yes,
but only you can answer that.
Does this mean you're staying?
You don't need me.
You just need my plan.
You can find someone else
who can help you.
It's your vision.
I mean, you need
to put it into play.
Just think of it as temporary.
How much would you want?
[instrumental music]
50% of net profits.
- 25.
- No thanks.
I know you got burned at SQwelch
and I know you don't trust me.
But do you really
want to walk away?
I mean, do you have
anything else to walk to?
[soft music]
Let me see it.
[instrumental music]
Ladies, I got somebody
I want you to meet.
This is Nina, old friend.
[Priscilla] You met
Viv yesterday
and Lauren works the floor.
I asked Nina to pitch us
a plan to, uh, revamp Ante Up.
First of all, we are
changing that horrible name
to Club Luminosa.
- Luminosa?
- Spanish, means brilliant light.
- Sexy, risky, mysterious.
- Nice.
We are gonna build
an entirely new clientele,
exclusive and limited.
- Won't that take a while?
- Not with the right approach.
[Nina] Studio 54
became so legendary
because they would only
let certain people in.
It made everyone want
to be on the list.
We're gonna do targeted,
exclusive invitations.
And just like with
any traditional speakeasy,
guests will need
a password to attend.
We're gonna bring in
more gaming tables.
Rearrange the banquettes,
utilize the LCD screens.
More color, more vibrance.
- Get rid of those slot machines.
- No, no, no, no, no.
You're not getting
rid of the slot machines.
- Those things mint money.
- Yeah, Priscilla's right.
I mean, those things are
so old, they barely pay out.
Okay, fine. Keep one slot.
We really have to
take this up a notch.
Viv, I'm moving you
to head bartender.
Well, good, 'cause
I already have some ideas
for some cool new cocktails.
Lauren, I'm...
We are making you, the dealer.
I don't know how to deal cards.
Honey, I can teach anyone
how to deal cards.
What I can't teach is trust.
And you, I trust.
Okay, so all in for renovations,
we're looking at about 20 grand.
- 20 grand?
- Roughly.
Are you shitting me?
If I had 20 grand,
do you think this place
would look like this?
Hello? Hello...
Oh, Nina, I've been
looking for you.
- It's a good thing you called.
- Why?
You wouldn't have gotten
your laptop back.
And since you were
so nice to me,
I thought I'd bring it
back to you.
Oh, my God. Thank you.
Anyway, thank you for the tip.
Oh, hey, wait, Birdie.
You know a lot
of the customers, right?
And you have a lot
of high roller friends
- you could connect us to.
- Yes.
She's trying to
spice this place up.
Well, I don't know
much about renovations,
but... is there
anything else I can do now?
How do you feel about marketing?
I've always wanted to be
a club promoter.
I just have a knack for that
shit, you know? [chuckles]
Anything to get out of Lulu's.
Wait a minute.
You're poaching from Lulu's?
- It's freelance.
- Yes, I'm freelance.
And, and you're
head of marketing.
- This is so exciting.
- Yeah.
Now, all we need is money.
[instrumental music]
Do you think you could
get someone for me?
I can get anyone.
[Ethan] I have to do a little
bit of a pre-order
if you know what I mean.
-Do order, one at a time
-That's fancy.
[Ethan] Oh, don't worry,
I'm gonna get the door.
Why don't you come home with me?
Oh, honey, you know
I'm not that kind of girl.
Sit. Scooch.
No way. Bullshit.
You tricked me.
Relax, E.
Have some pie.
- What do you want, Nina?
- I'm starting a new venture.
- I'm gonna need some capital.
- I'm not giving you shit.
- You owe me.
- No, I don't, actually.
Everything you have,
I helped you get.
I'm asking for this one thing.
You're my friend. Doesn't that
mean anything to you?
How much?
- 20K. Ethan, wait.
- I'm out. I'm out.
I don't have that kind of
money laying around.
No, but I know
that you can get it.
Look, I'm starting a new club.
Something big. Something
we can all profit from.
- What's the catch?
- There is no catch.
Get me the money and I'll
cut you out on the profits.
You saw what I did at SQwelch.
Why can't I do it again?
How do I know you're
gonna keep your end?
You don't. Just like with
anything else, it's a gamble.
But so is staying with Anders.
Fine. I'll get you the cash
by the end of the week.
- Just don't tell anyone it's me.
- Fuck no.
I'd like to keep my reputation.
- Deal?
- Deal.
- Pie was great, by the way.
- What?
Wait, Birdie,
where are you going?
- She's coming with me.
- [laughs]
[jazz song over stereo]
Oh, man.
What'd you have to do to get it?
Don't ask.
I hope you didn't do
anything I wouldn't do.
Of course. Hell hasn't invented
something I wouldn't do.
But I don't want you to
get in trouble for helping me.
Your mother would
never forgive me.
Why haven't you seen her?
It's a long story.
After what happened
to your parents,
I, uh, I had to leave town.
But I'm here now...
And I really want this to work.
It will. No hiccups.
- [Nina] You leaving soon?
- No.
Got something
I got to take care of.
- All right.
- I'll see you back at the house.
[grim music]
[Angelo] I heard
you got a new girl.
She better not be any trouble.
I'm not in the mood, Angelo.
Just take your
fucking money and go.
Oooh! Watch who
you're talking to, Cil.
Remember who's in charge.
[music continues]
What are you working on?
I'm just finishing up some
cocktails for opening night.
[sultry song over stereo]
I want it to be great.
She deserves it.
You really care
about her, don't you?
Cil's like a mom to me.
She gave me a job
when no one else would.
[Viv] But what about you?
Such a boss for being so young.
[laughs] I had to grow
up fast, I guess.
What's your story with Cil?
Well, you know she was
a pit boss in Vegas, right?
No, she's never
talked about that.
Yeah, and my parents
were compulsive gamblers,
so I have spent many
of my days on a casino floor.
They loved me,
but they were in deep.
Priscilla kept an eye on me.
Taught me a lot.
So after a SQwelch,
you just hit her up?
[laughs] No.
I didn't even know
she was still alive.
Why? What happened?
My parents had a-a bad accident
and when it really mattered,
Priscilla... decided to leave.
I didn't see her again
until the other day.
Anyway, went into foster care.
Whole new life.
Better for it.
[song continues]
Now that's a good cocktail.
- I'm so sorry, Nina.
- Hey, I'm still here.
[rock song]
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
We're gonna make a killing.
I'm a messenger
You wanna let me in
Riding out and free
Where we begin
- Get ready.
- Get back.
Oh, my gosh, Nina. Hi.
I love your outfit.
It's so cute.
- How are things?
- Everything's coming together.
- Good. Oh, it's so good.
- How's the guest list?
- You wouldn't believe.
- Good.
Nina, this is Damon.
Damon just got
a new recording contract
and is here celebrating.
I think Damon would be
perfect for our club.
And I also think he has
some very influential friends
that would be perfect as well.
Isn't that right, Damon?
- Nice to meet you.
- What's good?
Um, Nina is opening up a new
club that I've been helping.
Yeah. It's gonna be
really exclusive.
Invitation only.
Top notch clientele.
Why don't you come, mister...
- Just Damon.
- Right, Damon.
Well, consider this
an invitation.
Can I bring some friends?
That's great.
It's gonna be so good!
You are poaching.
- And he's not gonna like it.
- I'm not poaching.
I'm offering an opportunity
where I see potential.
You have no idea who
you're fucking with here.
[indistinct chatter]
[grim music]
Look who it is.
I've seen you a lot lately,
distracting my employees.
You're lucky Birdie's
the worst dancer I got.
Otherwise, there'd be a problem.
[Luis] You're smart.
So now you get this.
Don't mess with my business.
[grim music]
[instrumental music]
[Priscilla] So
what are we doing?
I got some new outfits
for the floor.
[Priscilla] Oh, wow.
All right.
- [Lauren] I think we look hot.
- Same.
Those are different.
Whether we like it
or not, sex sells.
We need everyone to either
want us or want to be us.
That way they'll stay
at the table longer.
And the longer that
they stay at the tables,
the more money they spend.
And the more they lose,
which is great for us.
And our new head bartender, Viv,
has hooked us up with
some fantastic new cocktails.
This is the Luminosa.
It is very strong, but
it goes down like water.
[chill song]
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
Oh. [laughs]
Delicious, right?
I don't know if it
goes down like water,
but it is good.
Until we can afford
a larger staff,
it's just going to be us.
So we have to keep
an eye on everything.
- How do we do that?
- Why don't we use hand signals?
That's what we did in Vegas.
This means VIP.
You grab your ear,
means meet at the bar.
Most important... danger.
I love it. It's like we're
in a spy movie or something.
Lauren, how's
the dealing coming?
I'm really
getting the hang of it.
Well, show us.
[song continues]
Now, what about tells?
What are hers?
She's a brick wall. I don't even
know what I'm looking for.
Uh-huh. You got to look
at her body language.
Her hands or feet.
Is she breathing fast?
Is she sweating?
Her fingers.
- She's tapping her thumbs.
- [Priscilla] Exactly.
[Priscilla] She's impatient.
No one with a bad hand
ever wants the game
to move forward.
This is great. But is anybody
actually gonna show up?
[Nina] Birdie has been inviting
all the high rollers from Lulu's
and honestly, I think
it's gonna be a great night.
Well, I wish you weren't
recruiting high rollers
from Lulu's.
Luis is a lousy card player,
but he's a serious businessman.
Priscilla, it's gonna be fine.
People want something new,
and we're gonna give it to them.
Trust me. It's gonna be great.
[sighs] Yeah?
All right.
[song continues]
To the ladies of Luminosa.
- Hmm I like it.
- [clinking]
Do you remember
when I made that big jackpot?
- Oh...
- And Nina was there.
[laughs] Yes, yes.
- She was.
- And Nina.
She was running around.
She was so cute.
And security was looking
for a blonde woman
and it turns out it was
a seven year old child.
- [Priscilla] You okay?
- Mm-hm.
Everybody was so mad.
And they were like...
[somber music]
Oh. So how's she really doing?
100% committed to the business.
- She's all in, though.
- Oh, yeah.
Well, I think that we can
take some credit for that.
The choices we
made to protect her,
they made her
more self-sufficient.
it's opening night tonight.
No way! That's exciting.
- [Priscilla] Yes.
- [gasps]
You're kidding me.
Is, is Nina gonna go?
Nina's gonna be there.
She's helping me, remember?
[music continues]
[Priscilla] Mm-hmm.
I don't. I forgot.
[Priscilla] Yeah. It's okay.
No, no, no, no, Lynn...
- It doesn't work anymore.
- It's okay.
- It's okay.
- No, it isn't.
- So, so.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- It's all right.
- I just appreciate you.
For coming to visit
me all the years.
[Lynn] And watching over her.
Will you please watch over
her when I'm not here?
Yes. Yes, yes.
Well, I just wish you
would have let me do more.
You are here now.
[both chuckling]
- Thank you.
- [knocking on the door]
Oh, hi, honey.
- Hi, mom.
- [Lynn chuckles] How are you?
Um, You remember
my dear friend Priscilla
from the casino, don't you?
- She remembers me, Lynn.
- [Lynn] Oh.
[Lynn] Well, I was just
telling your father, you know,
the other day that you two
are like two peas in a pod.
You should be besties.
Say, say you'll come out
and play with me every day
Nina, did you meet Priscilla?
Of course, Priscilla.
What a surprise.
[Nina] I really was not
expecting to see you here.
[pensive music]
Can we have
a little chat in the hall?
- I'll see you later.
- Yes, okay.
- Come back.
- Okay.
What the hell?
- You've been lying to me?
- I never lied.
You concocted this entire plan
with my mother.
For your mother. Oh, Nina.
She worries about you. She just
wants to know you're okay.
Until she doesn't know
what's going on anymore.
You are unbelievable.
I'm gonna oversee the opening
tonight for the girls.
After that, don't expect
anything else from me.
[upbeat song]
You can go ahead and leave.
You're good at that.
- Mama.
- [Lynn] Hi, Gorgeous.
I'll raise it up
no matter what
I'll be the reason for
the lightning in the rain
Give it away
All tonight
I'll run the world before
you figure out the game
I'll raise it up
Up, up, up, up
Can't bring me down,
down, down, down
I'll raise it up
Up, up, up, up
[Priscilla] Senator.
You know I wouldn't
miss an event.
Oh, I know.
Promise me you'll
get out and vote...
- for me.
- I promise.
Or not.
[Priscilla] Oh, Cowboy.
- Place looks great.
- Oh, I'm glad you're here.
Oh, it's good to be here.
Damon, so glad you made it.
[song continues]
Nina. Nina. Nina?
Investment, coming along great.
Nepo baby, actress...
Bookie, jewel thief, hitman.
We got an explosive mix
of people here tonight.
Luminosa, where a senator can
rub elbows with an assassin
and a tech guru partners
with a lying bitch.
Former tech guru.
Current lying bitch.
I'll be the reason for
the lightning in the rain
Give what I want on tonight
I'll run the world before
you figure out the game
I'll raise it up
Up, up, up, up
Can't bring me down,
down, down, down
I'll raise it up
Up, up, up, up, up
Can't bring me down,
down, down, down
I'll raise it up
I'll raise it, I'll raise it,
I'll raise it up
Spending money on a makeover
while you still owe the boss.
Your fee just went up.
What the fuck are you
doing here, Angelo?
This is a private party.
I know everything
that goes on with you.
That's my password.
[grim music]
Let's go, guys.
I'll raise it up
Ma'am, grab this drink.
Oh... [laughs]
Let's celebrate.
Uh, hey, Nina, have you
seen Senator Davis
spending big money on roulette?
And then he just left the table
and a whole roll of chips.
Maybe it was a tip.
A guy like that isn't just gonna
leave his cash on the table.
I'll find him.
Keep an eye on the floor.
What did he look like?
- Old.
- Old.
- [knocking]
- Management.
[Senator Davis groans]
[grim music]
[Nina gasps]
I'm bleeding.
My God.
Holy shit! Um, one sec.
Here, just...
put pressure on it.
I'll be right back.
[indistinct chatter]
[upbeat song]
I'll be right back.
What the hell happened?
I just found him like this.
Help me get him out.
- Here.
- He cut off my finger.
You need to get him
to the hospital.
No. Are you kidding?
We're in the middle
of an opening night.
Nobody could know I was here.
And it'll ruin my campaign.
We can't have
any cops around here.
We can't let him bleed out
on the bathroom floor.
- Put your arm over the sink.
- We need a distraction.
[instrumental music]
- Shit.
- What was that?
- It's the fucking slot machine.
- So?
$100,000 payout.
The slot you wanted
to keep Priscilla?
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Hey, use the ladies.
- Just use the ladies.
- Thank you.
- Come on. Come on, come on.
- [groans]
You can walk. It's just
a finger. You can walk.
- Just get him out...
- Come on.
Come on. You can
lean on me. Come on.
- I've lost a lot of blood.
- Let's put that over there.
You hear me? We have
all of this on camera.
You speak a word of this,
we'll release the tapes.
- You got it? You owe us.
- I owe everybody.
It's The Banker, right?
Well, you want less now.
Say no to me
- What's going on?
- It's a long story,
but there's been
a little change in plans.
Birdie, I need you
to distract the winner.
Give her a free drink
or whatever.
Just don't let her cash out.
Viv, set up the back bar.
It's now a VIP poker room.
We got to push people out.
And, Lauren, set up
a private poker game.
Wait, where's Priscilla?
She's cleaning the bathroom.
- I'll go help her.
- No, it's fine.
- She's got it.
- What's this all about?
Because of this
goddamn slot machine
that I wanted to get rid of,
we now have $100,000 payout
that we can't afford.
We need to make it back.
In fact, after I make
my announcement,
I want you all sellinghard.
Let's go.
This is so good till
it ain't what you thought
And play, don't
be mad, we got...
Welcome to Club Luminosa!
We have lots of surprises
in store for you,
especially for those of you
considering our membership
which comes with 24/7 access
to the latest password.
- [cheering]
- [applause]
Tonight, we are having an elite
high roller poker game,
$30,000 buy in.
But it's only open to
the first 20 people.
So if you think you
have what it takes,
lay your cards on the table
and may Lady Luck be
ever on your side.
[instrumental music]
Welcome to the VIP room.
Right this way.
[female #1] Welcome, welcome.
Players are encouraged to bet
high value items, favors,
experiences, as well as cash.
Have a house in Maui?
Bet a week's stay
or maybe even the whole thing.
Court side seats, cars,
CEO's private phone number...
Or maybe even an alibi.
I will approve
and appraise all bets
no matter how unusual.
And the house gets
25% of the cash pot.
Gotta pay mine.
[music continues]
Good luck.
[indistinct chatter]
Birdie! Luis is not gonna
let you be in here.
Luis doesn't own me.
This is the ladies' room.
[music continues]
Half of what we should have made
if it wasn't for
your slot payout.
[Priscilla] You have
your way. I have mine.
Which includes
collusion, apparently.
So I visit your mother.
What's wrong with that?
And make secret plans to
rope me into saving this place?
[Priscilla] Oh, hold on.
I offered you a job
and a place to stay.
Everything else was your doing.
- But you lied to me.
- I didn't lie.
I just didn't tell you
Why was it even a secret?
Because your mother
wanted it that way.
She wanted you
to live your own life.
And yet here we are,
playing with dirty money
and trying to scrape by again.
That's not fair.
Has she told you...
about her nightmares?
I know she has them.
I have my own version.
The consequence
of hearing your parents beat up
with a baseball bat.
[mellow music]
I really thought you...
were gonna be there for me.
It wasn't safe.
I was so involved with
your parents gambling debts.
If I had taken you
to live with me,
you could have
ended up just like them.
So instead you just
decided to leave.
No, I didn't
just decide to leave.
It broke my heart to leave.
And then after a while,
when things calm down and,
and I saw your mom...
She's not doing well, Nina.
And I worried and, and well...
[music continues]
I just agreed to help her out.
I've loved having you here.
Haven't you gotten
some sense of pride again?
I mean, look what you've done.
Look what you've accomplished.
- I did this?
- Yeah.
Are you less mad at me now?
I've always been
less mad at you.
[ominous music]
I could have come
after the club opened.
After what happened last night,
I don't want you anywhere
near our clientele.
Oh, yeah? Boss wants
a cut of everything.
Bullshit! We had a deal.
Deal's changed.
What? You got a problem?
Pick it up with the boss.
You bet your ass,
I'll take it up with the boss.
Who the fuck are you?
I know you.
Don't think so, sweetheart.
- Always a pleasure, Cil.
- You just wait, motherfucker...
- Nina, Nina, stop. Stop, stop!
- Cil, that was him.
That was him.
That was the guy...
What? Nina...
I would've fucking
killed that guy.
- Let me go.
- Let it go. Let it go.
Nina. You can't get involved.
[grim music]
Did you know it was him?
I swear.
You need a drink.
I can't believe
you owe this guy money.
You should have told me.
As a business partner...
There's nothing to tell.
Angelo's a low level enforcer.
He just collects the money.
So you're paying off a murderer?
Oh, no.
I'm not paying off him.
I'm paying off The Banker.
That's probably what happened
with your parents.
The Banker.
Real creative. Who is it?
Who the fuck knows?
Years ago, a bunch of
high-powered loan sharks
got together and formed a bank.
I've been paying off
my loan for years,
but every time I get close
to the end,
The Banker raises the vig.
If I don't make the next
payment, takes the club.
If I get in his way,
he kills me.
Holy shit!
- He did that to you?
- Yeah. It's a warning.
That's what happened
to the senator the other night.
First time, it's a finger.
Second time...
Well, you don't wanna know what
happens on the second time.
Then we need to be
free of The Banker.
- How?
- I don't know yet.
Don't go at getting
any smart ideas, Nina,
because this isn't a game.
[grim music]
You stay away from Angelo.
You promise me.
- [scoffs]
- Nina.
- We're not open.
- Well, look at you.
I need a drink.
[Luis] So when's the next
high roller game?
I have the password.
[instrumental music]
- [clears throat]
- Come here, Birdie.
Come over here, Birdie.
Luis, I don't think Talia
would like you here.
- Screw Talia.
- Leave her alone.
Luis, get off of her.
- Luis, get off of her.
- [Birdie] Stop!
Next time, I won't miss.
Stop harassing my staff.
You have no idea who
you're messing with, do you?
I want in on that game.
We're still finalizing
the player list.
I better be at the top.
[instrumental music]
- Where did you learn to do that?
- Vegas.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
How do you think
he knew the password?
I-I don't know.
[grim music]
[music continues]
[male #1] Luis, this is
what we talked about.
[Luis] Exactly what
we talked about.
[Angelo] Hey, Luis, I'm gonna
get the piss up.
Told you this once,
mind your own business!
[intense music]
Look at you, fucking doormat!
Jesus Christ.
[pensive music]
Stop touching it
and let me clean it.
It hurts.
It'll hurt less
if you stop touching it.
Did you see the guy at all?
No. He grabbed me from behind.
If I catch this guy,
I'm gonna kill him.
Thanks. All of you.
- I'm really okay, though.
- [Priscilla] Okay, ladies.
Thank you for bringing her home.
It's been a long night.
Why don't you all just
go home and get some rest?
Are you sure you
don't need anything else?
- Sure.
- Hang in there, Nina.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Don't start.
- Nina, I told you to stay away.
You keep this up, you're
gonna get killed.
What if we can get Angelo
to tell us who The Banker is?
- No.
- Come on.
We'll just get him drunk
and see what he says.
- Viv said that he only has...
- I said no!
If we never
get out of this loan,
we're never gonna get anywhere.
If we figure out
who The Banker is,
we can renegotiate the loan.
It's too dangerous.
I told you to drop it.
Do you hear me?
You just drop it.
Lynn, come on.
You've got to eat.
- You want to keep your energy.
- I don't want to eat.
I know, I know.
But you have to.
Maybe you could go get
me a drink. A cocktail.
- Oh, shoot!
- I might be able to do that.
You know, for real. [mumbling]
Okay, uh, so wait.
- Okay.
- Here.
Here. Let me help.
- Oh, thank you. Just do it.
- Okay.
Take me out of here.
I wanna see...
- Okay. Okay. Here, here.
- [coughs]
You've got to use this.
- You've got to use this.
- I do.
- Come on.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
- [coughs]
Again, Priscilla?
We could have just carpooled.
Nina, what happened to your arm?
I, um, I ran into
the bar at work.
I told her to be more careful.
Yep. She told me.
She's mad at me.
You know, you should be nicer.
Cil, she deserves more.
- I'm not mad.
- [Priscilla scoffs]
That's your biggest tell.
Yep. Cil can spot
a tell a mile away.
- [chuckles]
- Exactly.
And you have the same tell
as your dad.
[Lynn] Speaking of, where is he?
- [coughs]
- He's gonna be here.
- Okay.
- Now, listen.
I have to, uh...
I've got to go open the bar.
[soft music]
And, uh, I'll be back.
Maybe I'll bring you
back a drink. Okay?
Nina's gonna take care of you.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- I'll see you.
- Okay.
I-I am...
I'm so glad that
both of you came.
[music continues]
She really loves you. [exhales]
You could have told
me sooner, you know?
Well, I was just trying
to do what was best.
You'll see.
You know when you grow up and...
have kids of your own,
you're gonna realize
that nothing you do feels right
[Lynn] and you always feel like
you're letting them down.
But all you can do is give them
as much love as possible.
[music continues]
And then you just got
to pray that ultimately,
you made the right choice.
Here, here, here.
[sniffles] Nina.
When I'm gone...
[pensive music]
I need you to promise me
that you're gonna
take care of Cil.
- Don't talk like that, mom.
- Well, I mean, come on.
[sniffles] This is just
a gamble you can't win.
[sobbing] I just want two
of you to be together
because, you know, you really
need her and she needs you.
I'm not gonna be here.
[cries] You know...
[somber music]
And I know it's been a long time
and I know that most
of it's been bad...
You could just start
with a good.
You have been the only thing
that I did right in my life.
All I ever wanted is do is
be a really good mom.
You're a great mom.
- I need to rest.
- Okay.
I just want you to know
how proud I am. I love you.
- Okay.
- I love you so much.
- I'm cold.
- Yeah, I've got you.
- Okay.
- Hmm.
I'll, uh, [sniffles]
I'll be back in the morning.
- Okay. Yeah. Bye then.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
- [sniffles]
[Nina] See you, mom.
[Lynn chuckles]
Love you.
You left the keys
right in the door
All of your shoe
steps on the floor
[female announcer]Code Blue,
Code Blue, room 305.
Code blue!
[machines beeping]
I took a chance and called
No, you cannot come in.
Gotta do our job.
[machine beeps]
You heard nothing
But will you remember when
It all began
And you take a few steps
till you can run
But hesitating now
would be wrong
So just go
And you can stay here
And wait it out
Or figure out tomorrow
Right now
So just go
I got it.
So just go
You did so much for her...
So just go
Not enough.
So just go
So just go
And you take a few steps
till you can run
But hesitating now
would be wrong
So just go
And you can stay here
And wait it out
Or figure out tomorrow
Right now
So just go
So just go
So just go
So just go
[grim music]
What's that?
- You scared me.
- Sorry.
We just got in this new whiskey.
- "Doolingham's?"
- Yeah.
It's a special treat for
one of our VIP members.
Serve it to him. No one else.
Oh, yeah. Kind of a jerk.
Always comes in,
never orders anything.
His name's Angelo.
He only drinks Doolingham's.
serve it to Angeloonly.
[music continues]
Do you understand?
Yeah. Got it.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You know Angelo, right?
Uh, yeah.
- Always comes to see Priscilla.
- Yeah.
Tomorrow when he comes, can
you keep Priscilla occupied?
[chuckles] Why?
Don't ask.
[Lauren] Nina, I-I don't know.
- Please, Lauren.
- [phone vibrates]
I really need your help.
Yeah. Whatever you need.
- I didn't know you had kids.
- Yeah.
Why didn't you say
something before?
I didn't want it
to be a liability.
I really need this job.
I would never think that.
You're doing
a great job here. Okay?
[grim music]
Hey. I need your help.
[Nina] When Angelo comes
to Lulu's tonight,
do you think you can get him
into a private room?
Okay, but I've never done
a private dance before.
- You won't even have to dance.
- But, Nina, he never stays long.
He will this time. Trust me.
And don't tell Priscilla.
Uh, Nina, what's this about?
I'm just making sure no one's
fucking with our business.
You can do it, Birdie.
I believe in you.
Thank you.
[upbeat song]
My mama warned me about you
All of that
too good to be true
[Nina] Hi, welcome.
Watch your step,
girl, he a snake
[indistinct chatter]
It's a bit hectic tonight.
Why don't you wait at the bar?
I don't want
anything from the bar.
- I want the money.
- Sure, I'll get it for you.
Have a seat.
[indistinct chatter]
[song continues]
- Thirsty?
- No.
What? You don't drink?
Maybe you've never had
a competent bartender.
Lucky for you, I'm here.
What do you like? Gin?
[Viv] Bourbon?
Oh, you're a whiskey guy.
- Doolingham's.
- Hm.
That's my favorite too.
Say, girl, wanna
trade up tries
You're the one that
left me in the dust
Not the kind
that gotta understand
Got my act together,
unchanged way
[indistinct chatter]
Heard you're hosting
another game.
Boss wants a piece.
Who exactly is your boss?
[Nina] Excuse me.
Watch your back
Don't want
your favorite flavor
But you never learn
this baby, all right
No, but you hatin', whoo!
Bet your bet, no, I ain't
gonna save ya
I'mma watch you burn
How'd it go with Angelo?
Did he like the whiskey?
Yeah, his favorite.
[Nina] Good.
He didn't drink it, though.
What do you mean?
[Viv] I mean, I poured
him a glass, you left,
and then he ran out.
[ominous music]
Wait! Nina!
Why are you dancing so far
away, babe? Come here.
Come on, baby.
Closer, sweetheart.
There you go. There
we go. There we go.
Give me a little bit of sweet.
Birdie, what are you doing?
Come on. Dance for me. Come on.
Hey, why are you so,
why are you so tight?
- Stop. Stop.
- Come here for a second.
- Gotta loosen you up.
- No, no, no, no.
No, no! Stop!
- Stop!
- [grunts]
[music continues]
[breathing heavily]
I'm gonna fucking touch you,
fucking here.
- [screams]
- You wanna fucking play?
No, no, no! No, please! Nina!
- Nina! Nina! No!
- Get off of her!
Birdie, come here,
come here, come here.
Get away! Get away from him!
- [grunting]
- [thudding]
You remember me now,
you piece of shit?
Nina, Nina, Nina, we need to go.
[country song]
Nina, come here, come here.
Let's go.
Nina, my office now!
[ominous music]
What the hell did you do?
I heard Angelo maybe
had a drug problem.
They found him dead on the floor
with his head bashed in.
- He was harmful to our business.
- Yeah?
And killing him
is harmful to us.
What do you think The Banker's
gonna do if he finds out?
Goddamn, Nina!
- You promised me.
- I don't think I promised.
Now the girls are involved.
Do you think of anybody
but yourself?
[Priscilla] You said no hiccups.
Oh, his is one big
fucking hiccup.
He killed my parents!
He was gonna kill us.
What do you want me to do?
- Nothing. That's the point.
- What would you have done?
Probably the same thing you did.
- [scoffs]
- But that's me.
You're better than this.
[grim music]
I just wish she was here.
So do I.
But you cannot do this again.
If anybody finds out,
we are in deep shit.
Do you understand?
Yeah. Yeah.
I got it.
[instrumental music]
Hey. You okay?
I know Priscilla can be
brutal sometimes.
I'm just afraid that...
I got us all into something
that I can't get us out of.
[music continues]
We're in this together.
Thanks, Viv.
Hey, me and the girls are
gonna get some dinner
after we close tonight.
You should come.
I think I just need
to get some sleep.
Okay. Open invitation.
Oh, and, uh,
I threw out the Doolingham's.
Figured we don't
need it anymore.
[grim music]
[heavy footsteps]
[keys jingling]
Well, if it isn't the
hot new thing in town.
Let go of me, Luis.
You're not getting in the game.
I'm done playing nice.
- I want in that game.
- Let go.
I saw you at Lulu's last night.
Private room.
So I'm in your game.
Or else maybe
I'll come after the girls.
You get what I'm saying?
I got it.
[music continues]
I'll see you around, new girl.
[phone chimes]
[door shuts]
What's going on?
Luis knows I was at Lulu's
the night Angelo died.
Shit, Nina!
As much as I don't want to give
that dipshit what he wants,
I think the easiest thing
to do is just to...
Let him in the game.
And what happens next time
he blackmails you?
He's gonna have this
to hang over you
the rest of your life.
Well, if he's so desperate
to get in our game,
- maybe he needs the money too.
- [sighs]
What if we can get some
sort of leverage on him?
- Like what?
- I don't know.
Do you know of anything?
I don't know shit
about Luis except...
It's a long shot.
If he owes The Banker money,
maybe we can get
him to work with us
to take The Banker down.
We get him so far in the hole
that he actually
ends up owing us.
It's risky. What if he wins?
You said yourself he's
a shitty card player.
Besides, at this point,
what do we have to lose?
[dance music]
[music continues]
Can't lose tonight.
I thought you said
he was a shitty player.
He is. I don't know
what the fuck is going on.
Damn, Luis. Never
seen you win like this.
You're cleaning me out.
[instrumental music]
How about we take a break?
Not now. I'm winning.
- Deal again.
- Oh!
[instrumental music]
That is the cockiest
motherfucker I've ever seen.
Come here, Birdie.
Come, have a seat.
Hey, touch her again
and I'll kick your ass.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- That's your last game.
It's time to go.
- Get out!
- Well, cash me out.
[grim music]
Thank you, ladies, for
a very lucrative night.
Keep this up, I'll end up
owning the place.
Let's go!
All right, next round's on me.
Who's sitting in? Cowboy?
- I am in.
- All right.
[sultry song]
You all right?
[chuckles] No.
I can take care of Luis.
Still. You're my girl.
I'm not your girl yet.
We had one date.
Oh, okay. Message received.
Guess I got to work harder
to lock this down.
- I got to work.
- Okay, then work.
Explain poker to me.
Okay, uh...
There's royal flush.
[ominous music]
- Oh, my God!
- Holy shit.
It looks like
he was stabbed a lot.
Stabbed here or dumped here?
Well, I'd say he was
dumped here.
I'm gonna call the police.
- No.
- Why not?
Trust me, we can't
involve the police. Not yet.
I told you not to
fuck with Angelo.
- Why would somebody do this?
- It's a warning.
- Warning from who?
- I'll explain later.
Right now we got
to get him out of here
and get this place cleaned up.
Priscilla, I don't
know about this.
Listen. Nina got us
into a bunch of deep shit.
[Priscilla] We don't
have a choice.
We still have that
plastic sheeting?
- Yeah.
- Well, get it.
[Priscilla] Viv,
you get a hand truck
and a roll of duct tape.
And, Birdie, when he's ready,
you bring my car up
to the back door
and pop him in the trunk.
You just couldn't
leave it alone, could you?
Get those chips
out of his mouth.
Your man
He had his hands
on the buckle-up
[indistinct chatter]
- Come on, let's go.
- Go, go, go. Now!
Be a fancy convoy.
And make it look like a mob job.
- What does that mean?
- Go!
Bye, ladies! Have fun.
Hey, Priscilla.
[Priscilla] What are
you doing here?
Have you seen Luis?
He didn't come home last night,
and he's not answering
his fucking phone.
Well, he was here
last night, playing poker.
Lost a shit load of money.
Haven't seen him since.
I'm worried about him.
You know, I don't know whether
to open up for happy hour.
- I don't know how to run Lulu's.
- Sure you do.
That place is as much
yours as it is his.
- He'll turn up.
- Hey, Priscilla.
[tense music]
Do you think this
has anything to do
with the guy that they
found dead in my bar?
- Angelo?
- Yeah, Angelo.
That was an OD.
Well, police said that he fell,
that he hit his head...
You know, but he,
he wasn't fucking drunk.
You know?
So, um, I don't know.
I just have this feeling that
somebody's got it in for us.
Have you heard anything
about this or anything?
- No, no.
- No?
If I do, I'll,
I'll let you know.
[instrumental music]
Hey, Priscilla.
You know, girls like us,
we've got to look out
for each other.
- Right?
- Right.
- Got it.
- I'll see you, Talia.
- Take care.
- [Priscilla] See ya.
Yeah. Bye.
[indistinct chatter]
[Birdie] Which car
are we gonna...
[Lauren] Can't we just,
like, push him out?
[Nina] No, we need to hide him.
- Here, here, right there.
- Oh!
[tense music]
Hey, hey, hold on.
[keys jingling]
Oh. Okay.
- All right. Come on, come on.
- Oh, God!
- Okay. All right.
- Oh, ew! That is leaking.
- Ugh!
- Just don't let it get on you.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- All right.
- Don't drop him.
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, okay, okay.
Come on, come on.
- Ah! Yeah.
- Are you okay? Okay.
Come on.
Okay. Careful, careful.
[tense music]
Okay, like, don't...
Watch his head. Watch his head.
All right! It's just
fucking better.
- Okay.
- Okay, okay.
- Shut the door, shut the door.
- Okay, okay.
Come on.
- Okay, wait.
- Let me wipe off the handle.
You realize we just
committed a felony.
Two. We're also attached
to Angelo's death.
No. No.
Angelo was self-defense.
I just can't go to prison.
Nina, we need answers.
We need to get out of here.
I'll explain everything
later. I promise.
[instrumental music]
This is where you
wanted to meet?
I figured no one would
look for us here.
And I want to be closer to mom.
Remind me of why we started
this in the first place.
I know you're pissed.
Oh, you're damn right,
I'm pissed.
Luis gets stabbed
and dumped on my bar
and you just happen to be
handy with a knife.
Our bar.
And how do I know
that you didn't kill him?
You lied to me since day one.
I deserve that.
I didn't do it.
Neither did I.
Okay, can someone please tell us
what the fuck is going on?
[Viv] And you guys keep saying
we'll tell you later,
we'll tell you later.
And now you have us
dumping dead bodies for you.
I mean, you might not have
killed Luis,
but you definitely
killed Angelo.
And you got us all involved.
Angelo was never
supposed to die.
I just wanted him to confess.
I thought if I got him
drugged up and alone,
that he would finally
admit to killing my dad.
Wait, Angelo killed your dad?
That was the accident.
He brutalized a lot of people.
- Including Priscilla.
- Chopped off a finger.
That's why you're
always wearing gloves.
[Nina] And now that
someone has that video,
they know for sure it was me.
If they didn't go to the police,
it means they're just holding it
over my head as leverage.
And so that puts us
all in the line of fire.
I'm sorry,
that I involved all of you.
She did it for me.
I owe a loan shark
a lot of money.
[Priscilla] So do half the
people that we game with.
Apparently, including Luis.
Someone was starting to cash in.
The Banker.
How did you know?
Luis told me. I'm so sorry.
I fucked up.
- What do you mean?
- I told Luis about the game.
I was the one that told
Angelo the password
the first time that he came in.
And I helped Luis win that day.
I knew he wasn't
that good at cards.
- Lauren, why?
- He threatened my kids, Nina.
He said he was gonna hurt them.
They're all that I have.
I didn't think it was gonna
turn into this big mess.
You were being a good mom.
- So did you do it?
- No.
I mean, I'm glad that
he's dead, but I didn't do it.
I do know that Luis was
in deep with The Banker.
He thought that if he won
some of your games,
it would drive you
out of business
and then he could
be out of his debt.
He told me no one
was gonna get hurt.
Did he tell you
who The Banker was?
He didn't know
who The Banker was,
but... I have a feeling
he was getting
close to finding out.
So he was whacked by
some banker no one knows?
- It seems so.
- What do we do?
Nothing. We have to wait
for him to come to us.
[phone vibrates]
[grim music]
Okay, okay.
seems like we won't have
to wait too long.
- Who's that?
- Talia.
She wants us to come to
the club. She's worried.
She... just heard
from The Banker.
- [Priscilla] Talia?
- Oh!
- Hey, Priscilla.
- What's up?
Thank God you're here.
Oh, I didn't know what to do.
I didn't know who to call.
I didn't know what to do.
You know, right after
I left you, I got that call.
- From The Banker?
- You know who that is?
Anyway, turns out that Luis
owed him a shit ton of money.
And now we can't find
that son of a bitch.
And now, he says I owe him.
- How much?
- More than I've got.
Now he's forcing me
to hold the game here.
[Talia] He's calling
in all the players.
He's calling in all the debts.
And I don't know
what the fuck to do.
I don't know what to do.
What the fuck am I gonna do?
What do I do?
What does this mean? Shit!
You have to hold the game.
- What?
- Yes.
Can't afford to piss off
The Banker, believe me.
So what then? I hold the game
and give him all the money?
The pot is huge.
It's 250,000 each.
- Fuck!
- Who else gonna be there?
Well, it's-it's-it's
all the high rollers.
invitation only.
Can you give me
a copy of that list?
Yeah. Yeah, I can get you
a copy of the guest list.
Do you want us to
handle the invitations?
Yeah, genius.
I'll let you handle
the invitations.
I'll give you
the guest list. Absolutely.
Let me get it for you.
So here's your list.
- Get me the fuck out of it.
- You just worry about the game.
- Yep.
- What the fuck?
You know, we've got
nothing to buy in with.
[grim music]
Want to bet?
[instrumental music]
If The Banker wanted us dead,
he could have killed us
from the start.
Instead, he killed Luis
as a warning.
He wants the club.
Especially now
that it's a success.
- So that's our buy in?
- [Nina] Yes.
We get him to the table
and renegotiate our terms.
[sighs] I don't know, Nina.
This could go south real fast.
All the high rollers
owe The Banker, right?
So we get them on our side.
If no one agrees to pay,
then he has no leverage.
But he can't take all of us out.
What if these high rollers
don't accept our deal?
Then we lose the club.
You won it once before.
You can do it again.
Talia put us in charge
of the invitations.
All we have to do is figure
out how much everyone owes.
[music continues]
Let's get to work.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
Birdie. I need your
help with something.
Okay. Well, what is it?
We've got to get rid of
that video of us.
It better be the three series.
[playful music]
Thank you so much. Nina!
Anders Welch.
- What's this?
- It's from The Banker.
You're doing his dirty work now.
It's quite the fall from grace.
Look. We had a good thing.
- I made you.
- I made me.
What else has he
got you looking into?
You want to know? Be there.
Don't be late.
[upbeat music]
What's that?
The Banker cordially
invites your presence
for a big game.
I don't know
anything about that.
Attendance is mandatory.
[indistinct song]
I'll be sure to
keep that in mind.
I hope the little
incident with Luis
- didn't sour you on our game.
- Nah!
Well, as long as you aren't
holding any grudges.
[exhales] I know what you
two are getting at.
I didn't kill Luis.
As long as he was losing,
I was winning.
That was about the extent
of our relationship.
So I'm gonna go find
myself another game.
I'll make sure to make
this mandatory one.
You two are so cute.
[song continues]
So what do you think?
If he has a tell,
I haven't spotted it...
Well, what if we
loosen him up a bit?
Maybe a drink?
[grim music]
How the hell did you
get him in there?
Just gave him a little
bit of special whiskey.
How much?
Enough to keep him passed out
for a few hours.
He's gonna be pissed
when he wakes up.
[scoffs] We got to go.
Will you watch the club?
Wish us luck.
[water splashes]
Let's try this again, shall we?
Despite appearances,
we don't have all day.
So you're gonna tell us
exactly who you are...
- Or we'll just kill you.
- She's not kidding.
She's kick ass with that knife.
[grim music]
And you're gonna work with us.
How much?
[indistinct chatter]
- Good to see you.
- Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
Nina. We seem to be running
into each other rather a lot.
I thought you were
just the messenger.
Or are you the entertainment?
Ah, well, we've got
Birdie for that.
[Nina] Glad you made it, Cowboy.
I wasn't sure after you didn't
want that invitation.
Well, big man says
it's time to pay up,
so you know what that means.
I don't know.
What are we supposed to do?
Well, you get a chance to
play your way out of debt...
or you die.
[Nina] That's the game he wants.
- You owe him too.
- I do.
[grim music]
[Talia] Hey, Priscilla,
there's a buy in.
Nobody gets to play here
without paying up.
- You know that.
- Damn right.
I just dropped my last stack
to get out of this mess.
There's no way I'm gonna
let you guys come in
and dilute my chances
of winning.
Here's my buy in.
[Anders] You've got
to be kidding me.
[upbeat music]
Okay, then...
Let's play.
[suspenseful music]
[music continues]
- Oh, oh, oh. It's okay.
- Oh, damn, hey! Uh, I'm so...
It's okay, babe.
No, I'll be right back.
I know you tanked the stock.
It's insider trading.
It's illegal.
You short sold it
and then turned me in
'cause you knew it'd
kill the company.
- I would never.
- [snickers]
- His heart rate's elevated.
- Of course it's elevated.
Don't you see how
much money I just lost?
What if we could
get it back for you?
[Nina] What if we could
clear everyone's debts
and get rid of the bank?
No more threats,
no more blackmail.
What are you doing?
[Nina] That's true for all
of you, isn't it?
You all owe The Banker big,
so he owns you.
Right, Senator? Damon?
What if we all said no
to this game right now?
Split the pot.
Shut him down and force
him to accept our terms.
Or else he doesn't get
anything from anyone.
We have to do it together
or it's not gonna work.
Hey. He's watching
you right now.
What's he gonna do?
Kill all of us?
It's that or Priscilla wins.
We take it all, and you all
still owe The Banker.
You want it to be your
whole hand next time, senator?
Why don't you get to the point?
The Banker controls every
single person at this table,
yet none of us
even knows who he is.
We have to force him
to negotiate.
Shedoesn't have to negotiate.
Because she...
holds all the cards.
- You're The Banker?
- You were always so smart.
When the loan sharks got
together to create the bank,
they needed somebody to run it.
And daddy's club
was the perfect cover.
And when daddy died,
you took his place.
Yeah. One by one.
All these bank rollers,
they end up dead.
There's only one left standing.
- Did Luis know?
- Luis?
[scoffs] What a fucking idiot.
He almost found out about me.
He almost destroyed
everything I worked for.
So you killed him?
Well, technically,
not me, not I...
[Nina] Oh, you hired
the Cowboy to?
Very good, honey.
So perceptive.
Taking after your mom.
By the way, how is Lynn?
- She's dead.
- Aww!
Aww, too bad.
Daddy always had
a soft spot for her.
You know, that's why
he let Angelo keep her alive.
You fucking bitch.
You know, if I were you,
I'd keep your mouth shut.
All that commotion that you did
that caused a lot of trouble
with my fucking business.
And you? Daddy was supposed
to give me the Ante Up.
Okay? Until you stole
it in that card game.
[Talia] It's okay, I knew
I was gonna get it back
when you couldn't
pay off your debts.
And then this girl here,
she makes it a fucking success.
[tense music]
[Nina] Ethan?
- [gunshot]
- [all screaming]
What the fuck?
- Why did you do that?
- [Damon] Ethan.
'Cause this scumbag over here
he gave you the money
to kick start the club,
and if it wasn't for him, none
of this would have happened.
You know, he didn't
even have the money
to buy into this game.
The dog was drowning.
I did him a favor.
So you just brought
him here to kill him?
No, I brought him here
for a warning.
I can take
any single one of you out
at any fucking time.
- Then why don't you?
- Well, then who's gonna pay me?
But because I'm a woman of my
word, I'm gonna let you play
and walk out of here
debt-free if you win.
Oh, yeah. And then the rest
of us keep owing you.
- What happens if we turn you in?
- You can't.
I had Luis outfit this entire
joint with cameras. Okay?
She knows about every
little dirty secret we have.
[tense music]
Hey! You're not supposed
to be up here.
I'm so sorry.
I'm-I'm such a ditz.
[Birdie] I-I spilled
my drink on myself
and I was just looking
for the bathroom.
Bathroom's downstairs.
Okay. Great. I just...
How come you don't know
where the bathroom is?
- Well, um...
- [shatters]
- Jesus, that was close!
- Yeah.
Thanks for leaving
the backdoor open.
- Let's get in and out.
- Okay.
- So all we have to do...
- What are we doing?
She knows about Anders
tanking the company,
about every bribe that you took
for your last election campaign,
about Damon's
hit and run accident
that the record label
covered up.
That was not my fault.
It doesn't matter though,
does it, Talia?
Just the fact that
there was a cover up
keeps you in her debt.
Cowboy, how many people
have you killed for her,
including her own husband?
And I'm assuming
you know about Angelo?
Yep, I get something
on all of you
that could put you away for
a very long fucking time.
[Talia] Except for you,
ironically, Priscilla.
But you know who's gonna miss an
old used up motherfucking broad
like you?
- Whoa, whoa!
- Oh, shit!
[grim music]
- What the fuck are you doing?
- I go where the money is.
We offered to cut him in the pot
to be an ace up our sleeves.
Big mistake, Cowboy.
You shoot, everybody dies.
He won't have to.
You want Luminosa, right?
Then play for it. One hand.
I win, we take the deed
and the score is settled.
All debts are paid.
We keep your secrets
and you keep ours.
And if I win?
Then I'll shoot Priscilla
in the head myself
and run the best goddamn
nightclub in town... for you.
Your daddy would
have taken the bet.
Fine. Deal.
Get the fuck out
of my chair. Move!
Where's that girl?
I need a drink.
- Yeah! Okay.
- Go, go, go, go.
[instrumental music]
[Talia] Quick.
[ominous music]
[instrumental music]
Well, look at you stepping up.
I guess your whole life
isn't a bluff.
[Nina] I've worked with
people like you before.
You're insecure.
You didn't earn any of this.
You inherited it...
and now you'll do
anything you can to keep it.
your world is
crumbling around you,
your back is up against
a wall...
and you don't know what to do,
do you?
What the fuck are you
talking about?
Crumbling all around me?
I got the upper hand...
and if you don't stop
running your mouth...
I'm gonna have somebody
shut it for you permanently.
I know why the Ante Up was
always a sore spot for you.
Oh, yeah? Why?
[Nina] You don't want
to kill Priscilla.
You wanted to be her.
And you definitely
don't want to kill me
'cause I'm the only one who
knows what's coming for you.
Oh, really? Who's bluffing now?
You show me your cards
and I'll show you mine.
You know, this is
a really stupid game
you're playing, little girl.
[Talia] Why would
I agree to any of this,
whether I won or lost?
And what makes you think
that I would ever buy
into such a fucking hustle?
I didn't need you to buy it.
I just needed to buy time.
[chuckles] For what?
Mutually assured destruction.
[FBI agent] FBI! Drop the gun!
[overlapping chatter]
[instrumental music]
[singing in French]
- Here! This is our future.
- What is this?
Hang on! I'll get back.
[indistinct shouting]
[song continues]
Don't worry about it.
My record sales are
going through the roof.
[rap song]
So I came through.
I called the authorities
and I explained to them
that I was part of the sting
operation, just like you said.
you can destroy that
footage from the Luminosa.
I was bluffing.
We don't even have cameras.
Lulu's does, though.
Senator Davis, you're
under arrest for racketeering.
Wait a minute. What...
I've-I've been framed.
Uh, just ask Priscilla.
Oh, senator, I'm sorry.
I didn't even vote for you.
So when did you
figure out it was her?
At Lulu's, she said
he wouldn't like me poaching.
I thought she was talking about
Luis, but then I saw her tell.
- I knew she was lying.
- Why didn't you tell me?
Because I knew that you would
do something to try to save me
and get yourself hurt.
[song continues]
So you saved my ass twice.
Technically, three times,
but who's counting.
Well, then you know
what it means.
You're gonna
have to stick around.
Things could be worse.
- It could be that guy.
- [Anders] Easy. Nina.
Nina, come on,
babe. Nina. Nina, hey.
Fight on, Anders Welch.
[upbeat song]
I still cannot believe
we got away with this.
They have nothing on us
thanks to Birdie.
And we still walked away
with the wind.
Well, they should have learned.
Never bet against the house.
Well, now there's
no one to stop us
we can be our own thing.
And everyone can play!
Take your turn
and show your moves
Get the phones
and get the girls
Take your turn
and show your moves
Get the phones
and get the girls
Take your turn
and show your moves
Get the phones
and get the girls
Take your turn
and show your