I Am Gabriel (2012) Movie Script

Subtitle by : Frangki Lengkong
Do something
Please, don't make this any harder then it is
too much blood
They are both in danger now
Tell me what is happening
Ellen, I don't want you to push
Don't push
it's going to be alright
He is coming
Ellen, Stop pushing
What's going on !?
Ellen, No ... NO
Ellen, ELLEN ?
Wake Up !
She will never be able to have a child.
No, but she is alive
You did your best
Why do bad things happen to good people?
I don't know.
Who am I to question God ?
I can feel it in my bones that this is just the beginning
I am ... Gabriel
It started about 10 years ago
With the death of a baby
After that, the enemy just rooted in.
The whole town is cursed
drought, disease, poverty, failed businesses
Hopelessness and faithlessness
So this is it
It was good the get out of Promise
Even if it was just for a night
Your sisters kids totally drive me crazy
At least she has kids
What do you think about exploring other options ?
No !
Just stop it with that.
Just let that go and move on.
thats them
It will be hard for them to accept you the way you are.
He told me to bring my mat, and now I know why.
This is what I will be to them.
Just a boy.
A boy with a mat in a town that has lost its faith
I'm sorry
Are you OK ?
I'm Sorry
I didn't even see you
I'm OK
I am not hurt
Are you sure ?
How did you get out here in the middle of nowhere
I walked here
The nearest town is 30 miles away
Do you live in Promise ?
That's where I am going
Yeah we do
Can we call your parents ?
I don't have any
Then who do we call for you ?
You don't need to call anyone.
I am not lost
I am Gabe
Nice to meet you
My name is Ellen and this is Joe
Lets get you in the car
You scared me to death
I didn't see you
Could have been really bad, thanks God.
I'm just looking for hope
Wrong town son.
Doc says he will meet us at his house.
Sorry, I don't have a choice
Brody please no
It's the bank
You got 7 days
Hey Sheriff Brody
Did you catch any bad guys today ?
Not today
I have to go.
The Murphys picked up a runaway
or something outside the town
I'm real sorry
Are you OK mama ?
We are OK baby
I don't see any bones sticking out.
that's a good thing.
Doc, this is Gabe
Hello Gabe
Come on in
Can you get up on that table ?
Let's take a look at you
Take a look at my finger
Ellen, would you mind getting him some water
I'm OK really,
just hot
Ellen, Joe
How is he doing doc ?
He is fine, just a little overheated
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions ?
No Sir
What is your last name ?
I don't have one
No last name ?
No Sir
You can't remember it ?
I just don't have one
Gabe, I am here to help you
you don't have to be afraid to talk to me
I'm not afraid, but I am telling you the truth.
I don't have one.
Sheriff please,
this town is broken, it needs help.
What ?
I know your struggles,
the pain you are in
Let me help
Doc, you are a great man
It wasn't your fault
God had other plans
Miss Ellen, Miser Joe
Your loss has left you both empty...
But I need to tell you,
your son is amazing.
He knows you both
and know ... he sings with the angels
I am here to help
please let me
How could you know any of this ?
My time here will be short
He can stay with us
Brody is that OK ?
euhm, yeah
This is Brody
OK, I will be right there
I got to go.
It's OK if he stays with you for now
We will figure this out later
I Guess it's settled then,
he stays with you.
Take him home
Gabe ?
You are ...
So are you
So am I
It feels good in here
It's really hot outside
Welcome to Texas in the summer
Do you have any other clothes with you ?
No Ma'am, just this
Well, first we need to get you cleaned up.
Joe ?
Will you make some Peanut Butter and Jelly
I'll get him cleaned up
This is where you will stay
It's nice
You are pretty dirty mister
I will fill you a bath and wash your clothes
and tomorrow we will get you some new ones
Gabe ?
are you OK ?
He is not here
He left right after I called
Did he hurt you ?
No Brody
He didn't hurt me
It wasn't his fault
He was drinking again
You know how hard it has been
No work
No money
Where is he ?
Please, just talk with him
Please don't arrest him
Not today
I won't arrest him ... today
But this needs to stop
He needs help
We just need out of this godforsaken town.
I want Chad to call me
I am serious Karen
If he doesn't call me I will arrest him
He's so sweet
I don't understand how he ...
could just appear out of nowhere
How could he know those things
He knew things
I believe him
we'll see what Brody turns up
It's a little big
Your clothes will be ready in a little bit
Here, my famous PB & J
PB & ... ?
Peanut butter and jelly
The must famous sandwich in the world
I knew that was coming
Mister mayor
How are we doing ?
Not so good i'm afraid
Folks are moving out
Things are bad everywhere,
but it just seems worse here in Promise
Mister mayor, i'm an old man
I have seen the ups and downs
If we can't get water to the crops i'm finished
That's what I got to leave my kids
I know. We haven't had a drop of rain in months
and why they cut us off when the lake levels got low.
I argued whit the legislators
until I was blue in the face
It's not your fault
It's this town ...
... people have just lost hope
and when people lose hope,
they loose everything
Let's not loose hope
We'll try George
I'm tired
this old man is going home
Have a good evening and get some rest
Hi Camrynn
What !?
Sorry, I was just seeing if you need any help
If I need help, I'll ask !
I have your clothes
Is that what you use the mat for
Yes, a prayermat
Why is that ?
It's a reminder that I NEED to talk to God
Do You ?
What ?
Talk to God
We go to church
I know that, but do you talk to God ?
Not really
Do you want to ?
I know he would love to hear from you
I wouldn't even know what to do
He knows your heart
Just talk
Like we talk
How are you really Gabe ?
He is pleased
He heard me
I felt it
If we come to him, in a true authentic prayer ...
... he will listen
I'd like to make one of these mats for myself
I think you should make them for the world
Nothing is to big for God
God created the earth
and his word should be spread throughout it
Our sewing group
We have a group of women who sew
and can make these mats
we could even sell them
And in doing so,
people will start talking to HIM
And that is what is the most important
God will bless your work
That would really help Promise
I would like to meet the town
Let's go tell Joe
This is gonna be intresting, who is the new kid
Mister Joe
Don't worry about explaining me
I'm just a kid
Let's go
Hey Wilma
Ellen, Joe,
where have you been ?
You are usualy the first ones here
We had a busy day today, but better late then never, right ?
Who is this handsome young man ?
Hi, I'm Gabe
Nice to meet you Gabe
Are you working tonight or just having fun ?
I am so tired of writing all these depressing stories abou this town
If I could just find one good human intrest piece
Then I would have a frontpage story
Hello, can everyone hear me ?
We're gonna have some fun tonight
We got some great food thanks to mom
of mom's cafe
and we're gonna have some great music in a little while
I'm gonna turn it over to pastor Ford
What we are here for tonight is fellowship
The Lord knows, Promise has hit on some hard times
so before we begin
let's pray
Lord we just thank you for this town and the people in it
Bless them
Bless this town
The list of blessings we need is long Lord
But for this moment, we just ask that you
let us free of the bondage of Promise
And all Gods children said ...
Lord, you brought him here. I hope that i am
around to see what you're gonna do with him
Can I sit with you ?
ofcourse you can
My name is Gabe
I know
My name is Wesley
how do you know my name ?
I just do
What are you doing out here ?
I'm waiting for the rain
How do you know it's gonna rain ?
You're here
I can't make it rain
I know, God can
You're here for him
You're pretty awesome Wesley
I know that to
See you later Wesley
Bye Gabe
There you are
I was just looking around
and ?
There are not many people
No, it used to be packed
It's time
Time for what ?
You'll see
What's going on ?
Nothing, djeez
I'm just trying to entertain this pathetic town
I gotta go
Mister Joe,
may i please have your water ?
I can get you a fresh one
No thank you, that one will be fine
Is it raining ?
Come on, let's get inside
Call 911
That's not helping
I'm not stopping
She's dead
Ellen, What has just happened ?
I'm not really sure
I was hoping for a little intrest piece
Ellen, who is Gabe ?
He is just a boy
He is more then just a boy
How are you doing Gabe ?
I'm doing good mister Joe
How about you ?
I'm a little overwhelmed
Overwhelmed ? Why ?
tonight has been ...
Crazy ?
How can you say this night was crazy ?
Wrong words i guess
Gabe, things like this, they just don't happen
I saw what you did with the bottle of water
and Camrynn,
she was dead
She was dead Gabe.
You said it. And now ...
she is not
Like i told you this morning,
i am here for a reason.
I believe you
I'm here for you and miss Ellen
I know you are
Come on, let's go home
I don't want miss Ellen to walk home in the rain
This is Brody
Hi, this is Monroe
Hey monroe, everything OK ?
I just witnessed an amazing event
What Happened
You know pastor Fords granddaughter,
she overdosed or something.
Is she OK ?
She was dead
I saw her
But he brought her back
Who brought her back ?
That little boy
Gabe ?
Yes and now she is fine, she is in the hospital to run some tests
Brody, who is this kid ?
I haven't found out anything yet
Great, i was just checking my facts
I'm on my way to the hospital, thanks for letting me know
I appreciate you both allowing me to stay with you
Gabe, ofcourse
I know you both have a lot of questions
Please believe, all will be unveiled real soon
Then we will believe you
I will tell you this
what happened tonight was not done by my hands
Good mroning
are you hungry ?
no ma'am
didn't you sleep in the bed ?
I didn't sleep
praying was more important
we are going to church, are you ready ?
Miss Ellen, there are things I need to do this morning
we can't just leave you here
I won't be here
Gabe said he isn't going to church with us
Really ?
He want's to go around the town
Do we let him ?
I don't know
I suppose it'll be OK
He didn't sleep last night.
He prayed.
All night
All night !?
We're good people but ...
I know where you're going
But are we Godly ?
I think, we think we are
But this whole thing with Gabe, it's
like we are missing that connection
Why don't we talk to God like we talk to eachother.
Joe, I don't wanna just live anymore
I wanna live in His light
Could that be why Gabe is here ?
I don't know
But there is a reason why you and I are still here in Promise
There is a reason why we are here right now
This whole time we where hoping for a change
And you know what ?
We should have been praying for a change
This is Monroe
This Frank Pierce from the 'Dallas Morning Freedom'
Allright, who is this ?
Frank Pierce
Mister Pierce, yes, Dallas Morning Freedom
Just call me Frank please
I read your online post this morning about ...
about Gabe
This story seems a little ... extraordinary
I asure you, it's everything like it was
I saw it with my own eyes
Are you telling me this kid just showed up.
That's what i know
Miss Monroe, maybe we can give your story
a little traction if the facts spin up
Frank, I asure you, they will
This is your story !
I'll get back to you, maybe we can partner up on this thing
Euhm ... That sounds great
I look forward to working with you
Allright, keep up the good work,
we'll be in touch
OK, so what number ...
That rain came out of nowhere
I saw it, it was coming down in buckets
Take a deep breath please George
Doc, I'm a farmer, I checked the weather
I do that every day
There wasn't a change of rain
That's why I'm here
I tought I was having a heart attack
You weren't having a heart attack
Your heart is as healthy as ever
If we could just get more rain
we might even have a crop for the first time in years
Well, go get your tractor fixed
You're as healthy as a horse
I'm glad somebody is
He called me last night
I told him to call you
He didn't call me
He is afraid ...
and ashamed
Karen, the drinking ...
has to stop
I know
He was your best friend
Please remember him for who he was.
I know he can be that man again
Where is he ?
He is at his parents old chag
down by the river
Please, go down there as his friend,
not as the law
That's gonna be up to him
You nee a ride home ?
No, thanks
I'm meeting girls after church
I'll go and talk to him right now
He'll listen to you
Let's hope so
Where are you heading stranger ?
Good morning sheriff
I'm going to the Doc
I heard last night was pretty eventfull
rain from nowhere
a girl apparently diying and then coming back
From what i understand, You were right in the middle of it
I was blessed to be there
You should heve seen it
All those people praying for one soul
I went to the hospital myself
After all the tests the docters did
They couldn't find a single
trace of anything in her system
Thank God for that
I don't buy that
What sheriff ?
God didn't have anything to do with it
God doesn't exist
You just say that because you lost your wive
How do you know that ?
God didn't do this to hurt you
You go one to Doc's
I don't know who you are ...
But I will find out
You will find out
And sheriff, be carefull
carefull for what ?
The man you are going to see has a gun
How is my good friend Gabe doing today ?
I'm doing good doc
How are you feeling ?
I'm dying Gabe
I know
But i guess in a sens everyone dies
Right ?
Except for one
that's true
But i suppose, not everyone truly lives
Do you like music Gabe ?
Yes I do
So do I
No No No !
Chad ?
Why don't you come out here and talk for a minute
Chad ?
I'm comming in
Camrynn, we don't have to go in.
We can just go home
No, I want to go in
I liked it, but i need to go
How long before people find out who you really are ?
It's not me that's important
The real question is ...
how long until people in this town realise who God really is
I can(t wait to see what God has planned
Good morning
These are difficult times and
Papa, may i ?
First i wanted to tell you all how sorry i am
I abandoned my family, my friends and my God
Through all this, God did not turn his back on me
That I am even standing here today is a miracle
I don't know why, or where it came from
The word revival is on my heart
Those are the words we are looking for
Thank you so much for your support
That was pretty intense
Makes me even more exitated that whe are starting on the prayermats today
I'm going with guys to help Goerge with his tractor
Good, OK
Are you OK ?
It's good to have friends like you
Let's go help George
I have something different to do for us today
What do you have up your sleeve ?
We are not embroidering books ?
Not today
Prayer mats
This looks easy
Monroe is here with the supplies
Did I mis anything ?
No, perfect timing as always
Let's go
You !
No, it wasn't me
Ladies, just a second please
Gabe whom you have all met,
is staying with us
He told me that these mats ...
He told me ...
that what God really wants
is to hear from his people
Promise has seen tough ...
tough times
Let's go to God
Let's talk to Him
and maybe ...
Not Maybe, miss Ellen
God will restore Promise
Thank you
Everyone in Promise need a prayer mat
Let's get started
Where are you going
I'm not sure
OK, be save
I need to ask you some questions
This will be for the Dallas Morning Freedom
There really isn't anything to write about me
I saw what happened
I was there
There's a big difference between
what you saw and what heppened
Don't let you story get in the way of the truth
I'm really sorry about how I acted towards you
It's OK
No It's not
Please forgive me
ofcourse I forgive you
This is Reese, Iv'e checked all the missing persons reports for texas and surrounding area
I got not nothing for you
I'll check more tomorrow
You have my number
Sam, sit down
the only thing i am concerned about is where Camrynn got those pills
I asked her and she said it wasn't from anybody in Promise
Brody, this shook me to my core
I don't want this to take her future
That docter in Denton confirmed that
there was nothing in her system at all
Nothing !
Be straight with me Sam
What does your gut tell you about this Gabe kid ?
I really don't know
But i know one thing.
Miracles are real
Sam don't give me that
He is a kid
a runaway
Sheriff, what about Camrynn ?
For me it's over, if it doesn't start again
Thank you
Better days are comming Brody,
i feel it
Ellen, I have to leave.
Doc wants to see Lucy this evening
Take your little angel to Doc.
don't forget your prayer mat
Hello ?
Just a second
Hi, come in
I was just cleaning
Don't trouble yourself for us
remember there is a little step before you get to the table
Tell me, how have your eyes been ?
have you had any pain ?
a little
I bet your little is a lot.
It has been more painful
Let me took a look
I have some new eye drops
that i would like to try
if that's OK ?
Lay down, I'll get them
These are probably gonna sting just a
little bit as I put them in your eyes
Don't worry about that. that's the medicine working
Good girl, you're doing great
Close your eyes and move your eyeballs around
You let that soak in, I am gonna
give your mam some instructions
I'll give you these for the same price.
They are free
Thank you
You look pretty
What ?
I like the flowers on your dress
Lucy, can you ...
I see you mama
Doc ...
He said blink, and I did
It was Gabe, wasn't it ?
We can't really be sure
wether it was him or not
Monroe, will you listen to me please
I am going to print with it
I don't think that's ...
My deadline for the Freedom is in
Monroe, ... MONROE ???
Gabe, your home
Everybody in our sewing group got prayer mats and look
That's a good start
Tomorrow there are even more people comming to help
Making the prayer mats is one thing
Using them is the most important
I got so excited about making them that ...
You will do the right thing
It's Brody
What's he doing here this late ?
He wants to talk to me
I'm gonna go talk with him
Where is Gabe ?
I wanna talk with him
Come on Brody, what are you looking for ?
Who is he ?
Where are his parents ?
Kids don't just fall from the sky
and start freakin out the town
He is not freakin anybody out
He is me
He has done nothing but bless this town
Lucy ... can see
What ?
Kelly took Lucy to the doc for her eyes
Somebody put his hands over her eyes and told her to blink
Now she can see !
That's amazing
That's a miracle
No it isn't !
That kid is selling snakeoil
You can believe what you want but
this not gonna turn out good
I disagree
Gabe wanted you to have this
It's a prayer mat
Not me
I wan't to see him tomorrow !
Here I am
Where is Gabe ?
in his room.
What did Brody say ?
Brody said that Lucy went to see Doc today
That poor thing
She can see !
Was it Gabe ?
I don't know
I don't know what to think
I'm beginning to ...
Why don't we just ask him ?
Why don't we ask him who he is ?
I don't think so
Why not ?
He said it will be revealed
I think we should wait for now
When what will be revealed ?
I don't know, you just have to trust
remember, we are going to church after my class
OK, have a good class
wait, Ellen
I do love you ...
... so much
I love you ...
... so much
Did you see it ?
See what ?
The Dallas Morning Freedom
They put my article in the paper
What does is say ?
It's a great article.
It's about Gabe, the prayer mats, the rain, Lucy
all of it.
Its' OK miss Ellen
I wouldn't have done it if Gabe ...
I said she ciuld
Gabe, can we do a real article on you ?
are U sure ?
It's OK, He will see with his own eyes, the power of God
Great. I'll call you in a bit
come on
Good morning kids, let's get inside
Are you staying
No ma'am
I didn't think so
Good morning kids
Good morning
Is he an alien ?
No he is not an alien
I heard he made it rain the other night
Gabe is a special boy
But he is just a boy
OK ?
Lord ...
I know my days here are over
I know what you send me here to do
He is ready, if it is your will
But Lord
one more
one more, please
Chad, i am just here to talk.
Come on out
I have to go
Come on Chad
That guy is dronk, he'll kill someone
No, he won't
Only if you chase him will someone die
Enough with you voodoo psycho babble.
I've had it with you.
Stay out of the way !
Thank you
Did you see that ?
He has got to be dead
Help me ?
Please help me
Mister, you are broken
But God loves you
Brody, I'm OK
There was a boy
Is she allright ?
I saw Gabe
Here ?
That's my husband
I'm so sorry
I forgive you, I love you
My friend
Ever since you got here...
people have been ...
wondering who you are
You are heaven sent
I know I am going home
But I am not worthy
You are worthy
The blood of christ made sure of that, for all that accept him
you did
I'm gonna take you home myself
Oh nice
I see you need more purple flowers
Kids, I'll be right back
This is Brody
What ?
Fine, I'll be right there
Did you see that kid hanging around there ?
What's the matter ?
Doc passed away
The word is gonna get around pretty quick
We'll have to tell everybody to meet here tonight
OK, I'll start calling people
I'm sorry
Is Doc really ?
coroner vans don't show up for nothing Joe
I wanna speak to Gabe, and I wanne speak to him now !
What did he do ?
Chad almost died in a car accident
Camrynn almost OD-ed, and Doc is dead,
and that kid is in the middle of it all
You don't think that Gabe had anything to do with Doc
I'm not ruling anything out
I wanna see that boy
Fine, but you're wrong about that kid
Gabe, can we talk to you ?
No Monroe
Not now !
Doc just died
I didn't know
It's OK miss Ellen
It's hot out here,
Let's go inside
Is that what you want ?
Come in
Wait !
You just made it rain
No, those are tears of joy for Doc
Let's go inside
Our paper would like to do a coverstory on you
There is no story about me to be told
Well I disagree
You heard about Doc ?
Let me get you a towel
Joe, this is Frank Pierce
Mister Pierce, I am not your story
Well Gabe, I have been in the paper business for 20 years
and i think I know a story
It's easy to tell a story about someone else
But what about your story ?
What ?
When you got the word that your cancer has
spread, you shut yourself of from the world.
The fear paralyzes you
You don't have to be alone
God loves you
He will not forsake you
How do you know about my cancer ?
The cancer in your pancreas doesn't hurt now
But it will, badly
You know it's comming
You wake up every day wondering,
will this be the day ?
How could you know
Who can save you mister Pierce ?
It's not me
How could you know
This is your gift
God want's you
He want's to give you the greatest gift
Mister Pierce ...
Take it !
That is your story
My mat ?
I want to thank everybody to be here tonight
to share in the celebration of Docs life
As I was in my office reflecting on Docs life
This passage came to me
Where is Gabe ?
Whatever happens mister Joe, pray
What ?
Keep praying, Brody can not hurt me
This is all your fault !
Brody, stop !
What are you trying to prove ?
Are all of you so blind that you can't see
what has happened since this kid is here ?
That's enough Brody !
No it isn't !
Sit down !
Where you with Doc when he died ?
And how did he die ?
It was his time to go home
What does that mean ?
Can't you see all the stranges things going on since this kid got here
And he is in the middle of all of it !
Sheriff, can't you see what you are missing ?
Or are you so lost in your own pain and
anger that you can't see anything else ?
All these people mourning together, rejoicing together
Despite their own sorrows
Is that what you care about ?
No sheriff,
I care about you
God cares about you,
and loves you
God does not love me
You see all these horrible things happen for no apparent reason
and you try to fix them on your own
but you can't
I see beautiful broken souls
choked off from the only one who can save them
Don't you wonder why all these things keep heppening ?
Why all these years of desolation ?
And now revival
Isn't that as odd to you
as a boy from nowhere
with nothing then a mat ?
What is all this ?
An invitation
All of it
Brody, please
Listen to him
Who are you ?
And remember, I am just a messenger
Why Promise ?
It's not only Promise.
It's all over the world
It's time for revival
You can't stay ?
No, but I am here to give you one last gift.
Please kneel with me
Thank you Father