I Love My Dad (2022) Movie Script
(sentimental music playing)
(birds chirping)
(chuckles softly)
- (giggles)
- (dog pants)
You wanna keep him?
What if he's lost?
(both laugh)
(Young Franklin chuckling)
(paper crunches)
- (intense music playing)
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Frankie, just wanted to call
and wish you
a very happy birthday.
I know it's been a minute.
Saw that you and your mom
went on vacation.
(chuckles) That looked nice.
We should go on one,
one of these days.
- (phone beeps)
- Chuck: Hey, Franklin.
Just wanted to say sorry again
that the whole Bahamas trip
didn't pan out.
The... the bombs
were totally fake.
They... they lied. Idiots.
Anyway, next year?
Love you.
(phone beeps)
Chuck: Hey, Frankie.
Not sure what your mom told you
about what happened, but if you
give me a call I can explain
my side of things.
There's always two sides
to a story, okay?
- Gotta run. Uh, love you.
- (phone beeps)
Hey, Franklin, just wanted to
call and let you know
that I wasn't lying
the other day.
I was sick, and so that's why
I had to reschedule.
Anyways, I don't wanna fight.
- I love you.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: Hey, Franklin, wanted to
give you a heads-up
that I'm not gonna
be able to make it
to your graduation today.
Your mom and I, haven't been
in a good spot lately
and I'm thinking
it's better we...
do our own celebration
next time I see you.
Anyways, hope you're well
and let's catch up soon.
- Love you.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: I am sorry I can't
be there because I would love
to be there, I'm just asking,
please forgive me,
forgive me on this one...
Just look the other way, okay?
Please, don't count
this one against me.
Call me if you'd like.
- All right, bye.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Hey, Franklin,
I didn't like the way
our last call went.
I said some stuff
I shouldn't have said,
and maybe you did too,
and, I don't know,
I'm sorry about it.
Father-son stuff
is tricky sometimes.
- Anyway, love you.
- (tense music fades)
Dude: Being here
for the past few weeks
has made me realize
suicide was never the answer.
So, thank you all
for helping me through this.
Does, uh, anyone else
have anything
they wanna say
before we say our goodbyes?
Would you like to share?
Oh, uh, no. No, thanks.
Ooh, you sure?
It's the last day.
(perky music playing)
I, uh, took some steps
in setting healthy boundaries
and, uh, blocked my dad online.
He lies and makes excuses.
He's never really
been there for me
when I needed him,
and I... I'm done with that.
(Chuck sighs)
Franklin: I don't need that
in my life right now.
- Thank you.
- Group Leader: That's great.
Uh. Anyone else?
(indistinct chatter)
Diane: Thanks again.
How was that, uh,
closing ceremony thing?
- I love myself now.
- (chuckles)
But it wasn't
as bad as you thought
- it was gonna be, right?
- Hmm, yeah.
All right.
Can I try driving?
Now? No,
you don't have a license.
I know, but can I just try
for just one... just one part?
In a crowded parking lot? No.
- Right.
- Diane: No.
Haley: Take care, Franklin!
(engine starts)
(line ringing)
(phone vibrates)
(line ringing)
(phone vibrates)
Franklin: Hey, uh, it's
Franklin Green's voicemail.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
(line ringing)
- (phone vibrates)
- (engine starts)
Franklin: Hey, uh, it's
Franklin Green's voicemail.
Uh, I'm not here right now,
but leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
Thank you.
(phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Hey, it's your dad. Um...
Hey, did you delete
your profile?
Because it was kind of the...
kind of the main way
I was staying in touch with you.
(door hinges squeak)
Chuck: I know it's not perfect,
but it's something.
So, uh, let me know.
And, um... I...
and I love you,
and I'll talk to you soon.
I love you. Bye.
- Jimmy: You all right, Chuck?
- Hey.
Jimmy: No, seriously.
What's up, man?
- What's up with what?
- You look sad as fuck.
(chuckles) No, I don't. No.
Nah... I'm pretty sure
this is what a sad
motherfucker looks like.
My, uh... (sniffles) ...son.
I've been trying to...
trying to get in touch
with my son and...
and he's been ignoring me.
Ignoring you?
And I think... I think...
I think he blocked me online.
I mean, it happens. You know,
my ex blocked me one time
and I just started a different
page under a different name,
a whole different picture.
(chuckling) You know.
I was checking her shit
all the time.
She never even knew.
Maybe you should
come to karaoke tonight.
You know, it'll make you
feel better, man.
Come sing with us
and have some fun.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Jimmy: Yeah...
(chuckles, clears throat)
(soft tense music playing)
(paper rustling)
(soft tense music continues)
(muted chatter)
Real Becca: Can I help you
with something?
Can I help you with something?
- You okay?
- I'm great.
Uh, see here.
I'll probably get some coffee.
Talkin' to people
is a good start.
(whispers) Yeah.
Let me get you something.
See if we turn things around.
- I'm Becca.
- I'm Chuck.
(melancholic music playing)
Jimmy: I just
started a different page
under a different name,
a whole different picture.
(chuckling) You know.
She never even knew...
- (tense music playing)
- (keyboard clacking)
(keyboard clacking)
What's your name?
- Chuck: Becca.
- Becca what?
Chuck: Thompson.
(keyboard clacking)
- (clicks)
- (tense music ends)
(crickets stridulating)
(computer pings)
(soft tense music playing)
(computer pings)
(exhales softly)
(exhales softly)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Nope. Nope! (laughs)
Oh, God. Uh-uh.
Nope, I'm not... (chuckles)
(keyboard clacking)
(message tone beeps)
(computer pings)
(keyboard clacking)
Hey, man... (grunts)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Shit. (sighs)
Sorry at work.
(computer pings)
(slurps drink)
- (keyboard clacking)
- Why am I your only friend?
My only friend. Come on.
(taps table)
(keyboard clacking)
Deleted account,
started new one.
(computer pings)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Why'd I delete my account?
Why'd I delete my account...
(computer pings)
- (keyboard clacking)
- We don't need have to chat.
(message tone)
- (keyboard clacking)
- (message tone)
(message tone)
(soft tense music continues)
(soft tense music fades)
(coughing, sniffles)
(sighs) So? What do you, uh,
what do you think?
This is the creepiest shit
I've ever seen ever,
like for real.
This is creepy as fuck.
Thi... This was your idea.
What do you mean
this was my idea?
That story
that you told about your...
your ex and the account
you made.
That was my ex-girlfriend.
This is your child.
I am totally cut out!
What the fuck
am I supposed to do?
Supposed to be cut out.
That's what bein' cut out is.
They don't want to talk to you.
I just... I wanna know
what's going on in his life.
Okay, Jimmy, the kid
tried to kill himself.
I mean, what if he's already
masturbating to this?
Give me the phone.
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
Sorry that was weird before.
(message tone beeps)
(message tone beeps)
Becca: You popped up
on my screen and...
looked like someone
I could talk to.
So out of the whole internet,
you started talking to me first?
I was looking for someone else.
Chuck: Saw we have...
Saw we have the same dog.
The same dog?
- (chuckles) The same kind.
- Oh.
And I thought you looked nice.
this is definitely a first.
- (chuckles)
- (scoffs)
So how's...
- how's it goin'?
- Good.
Actually, I was just about to
jump off my mom's roof.
Just kidding.
- You sure?
- I'm sure.
I've been there.
Talkin' to people's
a good start.
(keypad clacking)
Talkin' to people's
a good start.
(wry chuckle) As they say.
How's it goin' with you?
Family stuff.
So, you're having
a great night too.
- The greatest.
- (Franklin chuckles)
(mellow music playing)
Anyway, it was good
talkin' to you.
(mellow music continues)
Man: (over radio)
...online presence.
Who we are,
versus who we display?
Off that topic of social media,
we're gonna bring you straight
into Social Mania
with Samantha Jennings.
(message tone beeps)
- I'm here!
- I'm here too.
- Feelin' better today?
- I am, yeah.
Listening to some public radio.
- On... the radio.
- Hold on.
Woman: (over radio) There was
always some excuse...
- Are you gonna...
- Yup.
Woman: (over radio) And
then I started to realize...
Found it.
Woman: (over radio) ...that
he wasn't who he said he was.
It was clear.
I was being catfished.
This happened to me.
And it happens...
- Wow.
- I know.
Woman: (over radio) A catfish
is someone who creates
- a fake online identity...
- This is extremely boring.
So boring!
These people are fucking idiots!
- Fuck these people!
- (both laugh)
Do you mind if we listen
to something else?
Yeah, sure.
- Whatever you want.
- Yeah.
Woman: (over radio)
Nowadays, you never know
who you might be talking to.
(rock music playing over radio)
Erica: What you're working on?
Chuck: Oh, nothin', nothin'.
- Just reports and stuff.
- Are you cheating on me?
- Erica? What?
- Can I see your screen?
(phone ringing)
- No.
- Why not?
- Because.
- What? Are you fucking 12?
I'm planning a date.
For us.
- Aw...
- Tonight.
- Aw...
- Yeah.
What'd you think
of those pictures?
- Which ones?
- The ones of my pussy.
- Oh. I liked them.
- Yeah? You liked them?
- They turned me on.
- Open your mouth.
Group Leader: So,
from what your mom tells me,
- you're doing better.
- I think so. Yeah.
Group Leader:
Any thoughts of self-harm?
- Oh, not really.
- Well. That's great.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, we've been
talkin' about
getting him back into school.
I think local would be
a good idea at this time.
And, um, you know,
I still do lock up
the pills but...
I feel more and more
comfortable about it.
I think we're moving in
the right direction now, and...
you know, he's never really
cared about it... (indistinct)
Talking to him about
getting his driver's license...
(soft upbeat music playing)
Group Leader:
Uh, Franklin. Franklin?
- How's that sound?
- I totally agree.
("Just Say a Four Letter Word"
by California Playboys playing)
This is my favorite movie.
This is my favorite movie
in the entire world.
- This is it?
- This is it!
- Oh my God.
- (shushes)
No. No, no, no. (shushes)
(song continues playing)
Franklin: Okay, so...
You pretty much
just have to keep going,
and that's that whole game.
Becca: Can I try?
- Franklin: If you want.
- Becca: Just keep going?
Franklin: Yeah, just keep goin'.
(both chuckle)
(song continues playing)
(loud bang)
(song fades)
(birds chirping)
(message tone)
Becca: You are really good
at that game.
You were getting
pretty good too.
I saw on your page
you won an award for it?
Yeah, it's kinda stupid, though.
- Why is it stupid?
- Franklin: I don't know.
I guess I've always
wanted to be like...
a video game coder.
(gasps) Okay. You should
apply to some places
for like an internship
or something.
- (chuckles)
- What's funny?
I didn't know what else to say,
so I just typed "Haha."
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Both: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
(keypad clacking)
Diane: What?
I, uh... I met someone.
Oh. Really?
Um, what's her name?
- Becca. Thompson.
- Hmm.
I don't know.
There's something about her.
She's like... really smart.
I don't know. She's just like...
And you've like talked to her
on the phone and stuff?
- Obviously.
- (Diane chuckles)
Cool. That's really...
it's exciting news. (chuckles)
Wow, online. Like through
friends or just random?
(soft tense music playing)
(keyboard clacking)
(indistinct chatter)
So. I... I told some
of my tech friends about you.
- (shivers)
- Seriously?
I hope you don't mind.
- No, no. That's... thank you.
- (chuckles)
That's awesome.
What's up?
Do you wanna video chat?
- N... Now?
- Sure.
I'm kind of camera-shy.
I am, too.
Well, what if
we just keep to this?
What if you're
some old guy or something?
Chuck. This is incest.
No, Jimmy, it's not.
I'm doing this to help him.
He thinks
he's in a relationship.
Yeah, we talk
about life and stuff.
It's not like
I'm trying to see his dick.
Oh, come on now.
I don't want to hear nothin'
about your boy's dick.
That's your son's dick
you're talkin' about.
I said I'm not trying to.
If I stop now, it'll crush him.
I need to see it through.
Camera's broke.
I'm video chatting you.
- Right now?
- Yes.
It says it's calling you.
- It's not comin' through.
- (sighs)
It's still not working?
It's, uh, it's being weird.
I... I'll take my phone
in today.
- Hey.
- I like you.
- I like you too.
- Can I... pretend kiss you?
(chuckles softly)
Look, you asked for my help.
Internet kiss your son.
- Eww!
- Jimmy: Come on. Who cares?
- It's not even real!
- You kiss your son, you fuck!
If I had a son,
- I would kiss him!
- That's gross!
Damn it!
Look, do you love him?
- Yes!
- How much?
- A lot!
- Then fucking kiss him already!
(upbeat music playing)
I'm kissing you.
And I'm kissing you back.
(upbeat music playing)
- (music stops)
- Franklin.
(water rushing)
(phone pings)
Oh... God.
Becca: Hey!
Yeah. What's up?
Hey, would you be up
for a quick phone call?
- Uh...
- It's just a little weird
that we've never
actually talked.
And it'd make me feel
a lot better if we did.
I'm just really busy right now.
Then maybe we should
wait to keep messaging
until you can chat.
(chuckles) But we were
having such a fun time.
Let me know.
(paper ripping)
(romantic music
playing in background)
(Erica and Chuck smooching)
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- I have a really fun idea.
- I'll do anything with you.
- It's kinda weird.
- I like weird. (chuckles)
All right. So, um...
(clears throat)
...my... my son and I have this
weird tradition where we like,
you know, prank call each other,
and I thought
it would be really funny
if we like prank called him
as his girlfriend.
You know, really, you know,
make him believe that it's her.
And then, later on,
I could be like,
"That was me." (laughs)
Wouldn't he know...
it wasn't her?
That's the thing.
They've never met.
He just knows her online.
- Huh.
- And I was wondering...
it would add a little...
authenticity to the prank.
Could you call him
and be the voice?
- I don't want to do that.
- Erica. It's really, really fun.
That sounds mean and stupid.
No, no, no.
He... he does it to me.
It's like our thing.
One time, he prank called me
pretending to be my ex-wife.
(chuckles) I was like,
"What? No way!"
Erica: It sounds like
you're literally
making this up right now.
Thought this would
actually be a fun way to...
kind of bring you
into my life more, but...
I'll do it
if you sext me at work.
Oh... I don't like doing that.
Hmm... I don't like
doing made-up pranks
to people's kids I've never met
that don't make any sense.
Why don't we
just have regular sex?
Because. You're not good at it.
(crickets stridulating)
(phone vibrating)
- Is this...
- Erica: Franklin?
Is... is this a good time?
Yeah, I was just... yeah, sorry.
I... I was... I was just...
I was literally just
in the middle... uh, yeah.
What's goin' on?
Uh, how's your day going?
Franklin: Pretty good.
How's it goin' with you?
What are you wearing?
Just sweatpants
and a Red Sox shirt.
- Uh, what... what about you?
- Just a dress.
- Franklin: Oh, awesome.
- No panties.
- Sorry?
- Just got out of the shower.
Oh, hopefully you did
your laundry so that...
there are clean towels.
Your voice is sexy.
Franklin: I'm actually
not good on the phone.
- Uh, to be totally honest.
- What?
Me neither.
Do you want to
just meet in person?
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Sure, I'd love to.
Franklin: Okay, awesome.
Uh, see you soon.
Sounds great. See you soon.
- What was that?
- Yeah. What the fuck was that?
- It was a game.
- Tell me the truth.
- I told you that...
- No.
(Chuck stammers)
Look, whatever it is, it's okay.
- I'll understand.
- (sighs)
- Get the fuck out!
- You said it would be okay!
You're a piece of shit!
Lying to your son isn't
gonna get you closer to him!
- Well, it might.
- (door slams)
- (mellow music playing)
- (crickets stridulating)
I can't wait to meet you.
(mellow music continues)
Your counselor said that you
can't travel alone for a year.
And... and you don't even have
your driver's license.
Can you drive me then?
Can I take you to meet this...?
- No, I can't. I'm sorry.
- Franklin: It'll be fun.
I have a practice.
I can't just pick up and leave.
But I'll get permission
from my treatment team
and everything. I promise.
(Diane sighs)
Diane: I'm sorry, honey.
- I can't believe she said no.
- I know. I...
(cell phone ringing, vibrating)
- Dad?
- (chuckling) Hey.
- Um, what's goin' on?
- I think I need a ride.
To meet a girl in Maine.
Near you.
- It's too far.
- No, no. Uh, I just...
Franklin: You don't have
to explain.
Chuck: There's just
a lot of work stuff.
I just think it's very cool
that he's willing
to drive all that way.
I mean, what, he's got to drive
all the way down to you,
and then all the way back
to where he lives.
He must care a lot about you.
Becca, my dad is fucked up.
He's got something
wrong with him.
Everyone's got something, right?
Yeah, but I don't even...
I feel like I don't even
know who he...
like everything he does
is bullshit.
He's like, he...
he's a compulsive liar.
(keyboard clacking)
(scoffs) He doesn't sound
that bad.
Let me...
I mean, what's a good...
okay, this is a dumb thing,
but I feel like it...
He used to be obsessed
with online chess.
- We should play.
- Um... Maybe later.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Anyway, he was playing
all the time,
and was the top of
all these online leagues,
he was winning
all these awards...
Wow. I mean,
I would be super proud.
But then one day, he shows me
how he's winning so much.
And what he would do is
he would play
against somebody online,
but then be playing
the same game
against a computer.
Whatever move this guy makes,
I use that move in this game.
Franklin: And he would
the players' moves
and use them
against the computer
and then take the computer's
perfect moves,
and then use them back
against the player.
And they just play against
each other the whole time.
And then I'm just moving
right up the leader boards.
He'd just cheat.
And that was how he did
his whole life.
(playful music playing)
I'm taking a road trip
with my son.
- Jimmy: Chuck, she's not real!
- My Becca's not real!
Jimmy: What are you
talking about?
I'm going to introduce him
to the real Becca.
- The one from the diner.
- Jimmy: Abort!
Chuck: Let me explain!
Jimmy: So your plan
is to introduce your son
to this random diner girl.
Chuck: She's a nice girl.
He's a great kid.
And they're gonna hit it off!
Jimmy: She's a total stranger!
Chuck: She's not.
She's a nice girl
who makes faces at kids.
She's funny.
Jimmy: You're about to ruin
your son's life!
I'm here.
Jimmy: Chuck,
listen to me, okay?
Come clean.
Just tell him everything.
Tell him
and face the consequences,
but don't do this. Don't
be a fucking idiot, Chuck!
Whatever it takes, Jimmy.
- Jimmy: He's gonna find out!
- Chuck: Whatever it takes.
Diane: He's just, uh,
finishing packing up.
Place looks great!
I love what you did
with the... lawn.
This whole thing is a dumb idea.
And he doesn't even
know this girl,
- she could be anybody.
- Totally agree.
I'm gonna to talk him.
I'm gonna engage.
- There he is! (chuckles)
- Diane: Got everything?
Come here. Okay. Love you.
Love you too.
- Here.
- I... I got it.
Diane: This could be
incredibly destabilizing.
Chuck: I know.
If anything goes wrong,
it's your responsibility.
Trusting you.
(softly chuckles)
(soft country music playing)
- So, how's it bein' back home?
- Good.
What kind of stuff you doin'?
- I don't know.
- Watching anything good on TV?
So many shows out now, you know?
Think there'll be
even more shows?
Like, in the future?
Do I think there will be even
more TV shows in the future?
That's what
you're asking right now?
- Yeah, I don't... I don't know.
- Why are you asking me that?
Well, what do you
wanna talk about?
- Nothing.
- You coding maybe?
How do you know about my coding?
I don't know.
Your mom or something.
(country music fades)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (phone vibrating)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (phone vibrating)
(exhales heavily)
(phone ringing)
Oh, it's my girlfriend.
- All right, one sec.
- (chuckles softly)
Hello? Becca?
- Becca? Hello?
- (laughs)
Hey, can you hear me?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, Becca?
So, I... I can just hear myself.
I can't... hey, hello?
Hello? I'll... I'll call.
Uh, call me.
I'll call you in a little bit.
Okay. If you can hear me,
okay, bye.
(exhales) Not there, huh?
(chuckles softly)
(soft tense music playing)
(both moan)
Chuck: You ready, bud?
- Hey, you ready?
- What are you...
- Can you please not do that?
- Chuck: Oh, sorry.
(soft suspenseful music playing)
(whispers) Okay.
- What are you wearing?
- (keypad clacking)
(message tone beeps)
(cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: What are you wearing?
(water gushing)
Franklin: I'm in my underwear.
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I'm in my underwear.
(exhales deeply, muttering)
What am I doing?
- What am I doing?
- (message tone beeps)
(cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: Sorry.
I was trying to talk dirty
like you did on our phone call.
Becca: I was being crazy.
I'm not really like that.
(message tone beeps)
It's fine if you don't want to.
Becca: I think it's better
if we wait.
- (keypad clacking)
- (muttering indistinctly)
Franklin: I get it. I'm a loser.
- Becca: You're not a loser.
- (message tone beeps)
Franklin: I am, actually.
I am a fucking loser.
(knocks on door)
- Franklin: I'm in here.
- Yeah. Uh...
(clears throat) How much longer?
- I don't know.
- Chuck: Okay. I just, um...
I just wanted to let you know
that I think you're awesome.
Why're... Thank you.
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I hate myself.
(soft suspenseful music playing)
Chuck: Whatever move
this guy makes,
I use that move in this game.
And then whatever move
he makes against that move,
I use it back on this game.
I make the guys play each other.
They think they're playin' me.
(soft suspenseful music ends)
(upbeat music
playing in background)
(indistinct chatter)
Chuck: Hey, you there?
- Erica: What?
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: I deleted
the account and everything.
- You were right.
- (keypad clacking)
- Erica: You promise?
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: What you said
made an impact on me.
- Erica: Wow.
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: And...
I owe you something.
Erica: Make me want it.
(keypad clacking)
(message tone beeps)
I'm in my underwear.
Well, that turns me on.
- (water running)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Well, that turns me on.
About wearing underwear.
(soft tense music playing)
(breathes heavily)
(water running)
What do you wanna do to me?
- Chuck: Paste. Send.
- (message tone beeps)
What do you wanna do to me?
I'm kissing you.
(both smooching, panting)
Franklin: All over.
(both moaning)
Franklin: What are you
doing to me?
Chuck: Kissing you all over.
Don't be a fucking pussy, Chuck.
What are you doin' to me?
I'm sliding my hand
around your cock.
(exhales nervously)
I'm sliding my hand
around your cock.
I'm kinda moving
my body back and forth
so your hand doesn't get tired.
Back and forth to...
And I'm kinda moving
my body back and forth
so your hand doesn't get tired.
Now I'm using my mouth.
Now I'm using my mouth.
I'm seriously
so erect right now.
I'm seriously
so erect right now.
- Like... your boobs?
- Yeah, my boobs are erect.
Oh, I didn't know
you were so good...
- ...at doing this.
- You feel so good inside me.
- You feel so good too.
- God, I want you inside me.
- I thought I was.
- You are.
- I'm imagining it.
- (both moaning)
I gotta use the bathroom.
- Franklin: One second.
- No, right now! I gotta go!
- I said one second!
- Franklin!
What the fuck!
Hey, I just gotta
use the bathroom.
Can't I just have
a fucking second?
Whoa, where is this coming from?
- You're smothering me.
- I'm... I'm smothering you?
Franklin: You're smothering me!
Chuck: I haven't seen you
in a year.
- Yeah, whose fault is that?
- (scoffs) Oh, my God.
Oh, you think this is funny?
I send you a billion messages.
I never hear back.
'Cause that's all you do.
That's all you do.
You post on my wall.
- You think that's showing up?
- Your wife and kid hate you,
how fun you think it is
to show up?
That's what you signed up for.
- I signed up for a family.
- I am your family!
We're both
really tired right now...
I'm tired of pretending
we're okay.
You want to know
why I cut you out?
Because you're a liar.
You're selfish
and you're a liar.
Come on.
Every time you said
you'd be there, you never were.
Every time
you could have shown up,
you just cut corners
and I'm sick of it!
- Frank... Franklin...
- I needed you.
And you weren't there.
You weren't there.
I'm not perfect.
- You're not fucking perfect.
- Chuck: I just...
I just said I wasn't, okay?
- I'm trying.
- You're really not.
I'm here... now.
If... if I gotta...
do every little thing
for the rest of my life
to make up for it, I will.
Let's... let's just, uh,
like talk to each other. Okay?
You sit there
on the other chair.
We can sit and talk, all right?
(breathes heavily)
I'm trying to rebuild
from a thing
that I know that I broke.
I broke it.
And this is the... this is me
doing my best to fix it.
Mom was right. This whole thing
was a bad idea.
(door opens)
- Chuck: Franklin.
- (door closes)
(dramatic music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
(soft perky music playing)
You wanna try?
Try what?
- No.
- Come on.
- I never got my license.
- It's easy.
(soft perky music playing)
Let's switch.
(car door closes)
- Friend...
- Dad, no.
Chuck: All right,
foot on the brake
and put it in drive.
Okay. When do I...
Chuck: Just give it...
give it some gas.
Foot on the gas pedal
right there.
Stop. Stop, stop, stop
till you have an opening.
- Franklin: Okay.
- Chuck: No, stop. Stop. No.
This guy's a fuckin' asshole.
Foot on the brake.
There you go, there you go.
Franklin, you're a natural.
You're a natural at this.
I was a mess
the first time I did this.
Oh my God.
Okay, we're gonna
switch lanes again.
I want you to get
in the left lane.
- Okay. Left lane.
- There you go. There's the signal.
Check your mirrors.
Everything clear?
- All right, go to the left.
- Check. Moving to left.
- I'm moving to left.
- And now turn your signal off
'cause you're in the left lane,
and you did it.
- What do all the lights mean?
- Which ones?
The one with the...
the engine light.
Oh, that thing's
been on for a while.
That... that's just to...
the manufacturers
make that thing go on
so you'll go in
and pay for more repairs.
It's nothing.
Just go straight that way.
That parking space
straight ahead,
straight ahead.
There you go
and put the brake pad.
- (tires screeching)
- Chuck: And put it in park.
Welcome home.
(birds chirping)
(Chuck grunts)
Right over there.
Straight ahead.
- You still have that thing?
- I'm never getting rid of this.
You want it?
- What do you mean?
- The car. To keep.
It's yours.
(soft tense music playing)
(Franklin sighs)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I can't stop
thinkin' about last night.
- (sighs)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: You were amazing.
Becca: How was the trip?
Franklin: Want to finish
what we started?
Can't do that right now. Sorry.
You're lucky you get to spend
all this time with your dad.
Yeah, well, if you knew him,
you'd think different.
My dad and I fought a lot
before he passed away.
It wasn't worth it.
Oh my God, Becca. I'm so sorry.
I... I feel like an idiot.
I had no idea.
Yeah, he wasn't
always around either.
And then one day
we were having this...
(inhales, exhales deeply)
...big stupid fight and...
and then he just died.
Heart attack.
And I never saw him again.
And I will never see him again.
- Oh, my God, Becca.
- (Becca sniffles)
And then, you know,
when I started missing him,
I just... I wanted to call.
And I... I couldn't.
I tried. I called
over and over but...
he was gone.
(inhales deeply)
Through that experience,
I realized
that I should have
just forgiven him.
And, uh, I also realized
that I love him
way more than
I love my mom. So.
Wow. That's...
Wow. (exhales)
(keypad clacking)
Remember, your dad
was just some guy
who ended up having a kid
and is now just...
trying his best.
Um, apples and peanut butter
almost done.
Good night, Franklin.
Becca: Derek, you are
the most thoughtful,
unique, and kind person
I've ever met. And...
I love you.
Diane: And he's doing okay?
No major mood fluctuations?
No, we're having a great time.
Uh-huh. Well,
if you notice anything
off with him, please call me.
Chuck: I will. Right away.
All right. Well...
I know this means a lot to him.
I'd do anything for Frankie.
Becca: Hey there.
Uh, Chuck. Right?
Yeah! Hey. (chuckles)
- Have you been helped?
- Um...
- Oh, shoot! Shoot! Um...
- Ow.
No worries.
Happens all the time. Seriously.
Ugh, I've been on the road
all day with my son.
I'm taking him to meet a girl.
- Your son?
- Chuck: Uh-huh.
That's the sweetest thing
I've ever heard.
We eating today?
can be so tricky though.
- Tell me about it.
- Chuck: Right?
- Yeah.
- (chuckles) You in one?
- What?
- Like, you know,
- do you have a boyfriend or...?
- Why do you ask?
Just making conversation,
I guess.
I'll come back
when you're ready.
Okay? Yeah.
(soft tense music playing)
Becca: Derek,
you are the most thoughtful,
unique, and kind person
I've ever met.
And... I love you.
what's the plan?
- Hey, for a second I thought...
- I'm freaking out.
(inhales, exhales)
Is there someone else?
What is it then?
You're a great guy. I'm just...
going through a lot of
my own stuff right now.
Like what?
(dramatic music playing)
I'm movin' to California.
(water splashes)
What? Why? Since when?
Becca: I've been wanting to
for a while.
How come
you've never said anything?
It just came up.
There's a job there.
Maybe even Japan.
What are you talking...?
Can you get on a call right now?
You're gonna meet
someone so incredible.
I know it.
Wait, are you
breaking up with me?
- I'm sorry.
- (water splashes)
(Chuck exhales)
She ended it.
- What?
- We were talking...
she stopped responding...
then she freaked out
and said she was done.
- Franklin...
- I don't know what happened.
I mean, if you think about it,
maybe this is a good thing.
Chuck: That you're
finding this out now.
I mean, she's showing you
this whole different
side of herself.
You don't wanna be
with someone like this.
(chuckles) I mean,
fuck her. Right?
Don't talk about her that way.
- No, I just meant...
- I don't care what you meant.
- That's my girlfriend.
- Franklin...
No, no, not fuck her.
- Come on.
- Fuck you.
(dramatic music playing)
(water splashing)
Chuck: (muffled)
Franklin! Franklin!
(water splashing)
- (Franklin coughing)
- What are you doing?
I don't know. (crying)
(thunder rumbling)
(birds chirping)
Becca: Franklin.
I'm worried you won't like
the person I am in real life.
you are the most thoughtful,
and kind person I've ever met.
And I love you.
Jimmy: All right.
Here we go y'all
A little 98 Degrees.
Never sang this song
before in my life.
I can pick any song,
because that's how great I am.
It's all...
It's all because you're
My sunshine after the rain
You're my cure against
My fear and my pain...
- (applause)
- Whoo! Yeah!
- Yeah.
- I'm losing my mind
- When you're not around
- Jimmy!
It's all, it's all
It's all because of you
I mean, she's
just special, you know?
Like, look.
Like, look what she said.
Isn't that, like, poetic?
Looks like
she's saying goodbye to me.
(phone pings)
- Wait, what?
- What... what is it?
That tech company
Becca sent my stuff to.
They want to meet me
for an interview.
(chuckles) Wow!
- Right? That's awesome! Oh.
- Great news, man.
Chuck: Yeah, that's... that's...
How's it feel spendin'
all this time with your pops?
Oh, I gotta
tell Becca about this.
Can I give you some advice?
Just... just real quick
while you focus on that girl.
- You know, you gotta...
- Yeah.
You can't really just
invest everything into her
like that, you know?
You know, she could be
like mean or... or a scammer,
or just a liar.
I mean, or your dad.
(Jimmy and Chuck laugh)
- Jimmy: (laughs) Your dad.
- (laughs)
Oh. You know, look,
I always say it's best
not to, you know,
think too far ahead,
and, uh, you know,
don't look at horses. You know?
You know what I'm saying, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I... I hear what
you're sayin', you know...
What I'm saying is keep
your expectations low.
Like really, really low.
Don't put 'em too high,
'cause you'd get really
disappointed. So, keep 'em low.
This girl
is the love of my life.
Right, see,
you're still talkin' like...
the expectation's too high.
Keep it low. Okay?
- People can be really tricky.
- Not Becca.
You really, really sold
on Becca, ain't you?
- (chuckles)
- She's amazing.
Jimmy: Well, you know something,
I'mma go get
something' stronger,
because it's too much love
in the building for me.
(chuckles) I'm jealous.
You got all the love.
Chuck: Take your time gettin'
back. I gotta finish this one.
Grab one at the bar and,
you know, see you back here.
- I gotta get out of town more.
- Oh, you come anytime you want.
- Really?
- And I'm gonna visit more.
- Okay.
- Great.
Can we not tell anybody
about the whole, uh...
- pool thing?
- Between us.
Emcee: Next up, Chuck Green.
"Boys Don't Cry."
(laughs) Come on.
- No.
- Come on, come on. (laughing)
- No, no.
- Chuck: Come on.
I'm not... I'm not doing that.
It's my favorite song.
Someone else's favorite song.
I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that
It would change your mind
But I know that this time
I have said too much
Been too unkind
I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to laugh about it
Hiding the tears In my eyes
'Cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
We should've done this
forever ago.
You're like the karaoke
king up there, man.
- I mean, great night, right?
- I think you need to stop.
This... this is the most...
I... I've talked to him in...
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(soft music playing)
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(phone pings)
(horror music playing)
(suspenseful music playing)
(suspenseful music continues)
Hey, I shot you.
I shot you. Leave.
You cheater.
Cheater, cheater, cheater,
cheater, cheater, cheater!
Kids: (chanting)
Cheater, cheater, cheater...
No! I can't get out.
Kids: (chanting)
Cheater, cheater, cheater...
- (Chuck muttering)
- Franklin: Dad!
- No! Get away!
- Dad!
- Dad, what's going on?
- I need to find the way out!
I can't get out!
I can't get out.
Okay, hold on! Hold on!
- Let's get help.
- Franklin: Okay, okay.
- Come on, come on. Let's go.
- (Chuck pants)
Hey, can we have
some help, please?
Okay, you're okay.
All right, just come over here.
Hey, you're okay.
Is it your heart?
- What, are you okay?
- No, no. I just...
- I can't get my breath.
- Okay.
You're having a panic attack.
- You're having a panic attack.
- I know, I know, I know.
- You okay?
- I'm a bad dad, okay?
(stammering) Bad dad.
I'm a bad dad.
I want to be a good dad.
- (crying)
- Oh, come on, Dad, no.
- Little kid...
- No...
...and then I wasn't...
There are almost times...
- if I could just go back...
- No. Don't...
don't do this. Come on.
Dad, you're gonna be okay.
Just take some deep breaths.
Yeah. Okay, yeah.
- Okay?
- Okay.
You're okay.
Deep breaths. You're having
a panic attack.
(soft music playing)
(birds chirping)
(Chuck grunts)
(inhales, exhales deeply)
You fucking tell him the truth
or I am gonna tell him.
Do you understand?
(exhales deeply)
I will drive out there
and fucking tell him myself.
In fact, just fucking
bring him home! Right now!
You in the bathroom?
(knocks on door)
(cell phone vibrates)
(car engine revving)
(keypad clicking)
Chuck: I want to play a game
I want to play a gam.
You wanna play a game?
- (car honks)
- (tires screeching)
Sinc we meet iv has ida.
- (car honks)
- (tires squeal)
Tha when met
fo fist time in rel liff
it be lik metting
for first tim evr.
I introduce myself,
yo introduc yoursef.
Stat over.
Start fres.
You wanna pretend like it's
the first time we're meeting?
(chuckles) That'll be fun. Okay.
- (car engine revving)
- (car honks)
(car engine stops)
(car engine revving)
(brakes squeal)
Franklin. Franklin!
- Dad, what're you doing?
- Chuck: Don't do this.
I'm sorry.
I should've told you that I...
What if... what if she's...
What if... what if
she's different?
What? No. Dad.
Okay. I'm gonna
tell you something.
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
I... I, you know,
I didn't know what to do.
And I thought
I wanted to give you space
and then space
turned into years and...
you know, you hated me.
Dad, it's okay. It's okay.
It just kept going and going.
And... and... I thought it was...
I thought it was helping.
And... and it was.
- I'll... I'll be right back.
- Chuck: Let's... let's go.
- Let's go... let's just go somewhere to talk, okay?
- I'll be right back.
- We will. We will.
- Let's just sit down.
I'm gonna get you some water.
We're gonna talk in a bit,
okay? I'll be right back.
It's not her. It's not her.
(wind chime rings)
(indistinct chatter)
Real Becca: You want
strawberries or blueberries on that?
Welcome to Carl's.
So... (indistinct)
Do you want to take a seat?
Oh, I would love to.
Great. I'll...
I'll grab a menu for you.
- What's, uh, what's your name?
- Becca.
I'm Franklin.
- Nice to meet you.
- It's very nice to meet you.
I will grab a menu for you.
Do you wanna go over there?
I'll be over there.
- Real Becca: Okay.
- And I'll see you soon.
All right.
Do you guys want any, um...
would you guys like some...
some cream, sugar
for your coffee? Um...
Great. I'll get that.
And do you want me
to get some more... more water?
(wind chime rings)
(indistinct chatter)
Hey, excuse me.
I was wondering.
- Could you help me?
- What can I help you with?
I was wondering
what you, uh, would call
the job that you have?
- Busboy.
- Uh, busboy.
You know, that's... that's weird
because, what if... what if...
what if you were if you were
like a girl or something?
Um... I assume you're a busgirl.
(laughs) That's... that's funny.
You are funny.
All right, that was quick.
Real Becca:
All right. Here you go.
Thank you very much.
I'll get you started with water.
Do you wanna hear the specials?
Yeah, I'm just...
I'm just here...
I'm just here eating some food.
(chuckles) Um...
Yeah, we've got...
we've got Belgian waffles.
Uh, those are topped with
strawberries, blueberries
and whipped cream.
The whipped cream
is also house made. So...
Look, I'm thinking like,
you know, I really wanna,
you know, do something.
We should make a documentary
about the lives of...
of bus people.
What are you talking about, man?
Real Becca: Would you like
syrup on the side with that?
I would like syrup...
- (chuckles)
- On the waffle everywhere?
Everywhere on the waffle,
in all the little pockets.
(chuckles) Great.
Okay, then heavy on the syrup.
Put the syrup on the waffles.
Put the syrup on the side.
Put the syrup on my face,
put the syrup on my heart.
- I'm sorry?
- Put the syrup everywhere.
Put the syrup all over.
I'm sorry, I'll stay...
I'll try to stay in it with you.
Let's keep... Sorry. I'll stay.
I'm sorry, you're really
committed to this.
I'm sorry?
I said, you're really committed
to this.
- It is my job.
- Yeah.
Anyone watching
would be like, oh my God...
- I gotta get back to work.
- Totally, totally.
- But... but one more.
- You're actually not even
- allowed to be back here.
- One more thing.
Dude, the Health Department
would bug.
You need to get out. Come on.
Okay, listen, one more thing.
Fuck. What was it?
You were right about my dad.
He is a good guy.
The story you told me
helped a lot.
The one about your dad.
The one about your dad,
how he passed away?
I mean, yeah,
my dad's fucked up,
but, I mean, he drove me
all the way out here
to meet you, and...
I mean... he's my dad, you know?
I mean, sure, he hasn't
always been there but...
I love my dad.
And I love you.
Uh, you... sorry, you're making
me extremely uncomfortable.
I can't do the game anymore,
Becca. I'm here.
I can't have you back here, just
like health code stuff. Yeah, yeah.
No, my dad isn't dead,
and I have no idea
what you're talking about...
- Hey, everything...
- Chuck: I feel a connection to you, man.
- Dude, get the fuck off!
- (glasses clanking)
Dad, what are you doing?
Derek: What the fuck
is going on?
I'm trying to talk
to my girlfriend.
I have never
seen this guy before.
- Derek: What is he talking about?
- Becca: I don't know
- what he's talking about.
- What the fuck.
We've got a fight
over here at the diner.
That's my girlfriend
you're talking to.
- What?
- This is my fucking girlfriend!
- That is not Becca, okay?
- Franklin: Yes, it is.
- That's not Becca!
- How could you do this?
Get them away from me.
- Franklin: We could start fresh.
- Chuck: Frank. Franklin.
- We could start fresh!
- I'm Becca. I'm Becca.
- I'm Becca, all right?
- What? What'd you say?
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't have a choice.
- I don't know him.
- I gave everything to you.
He's here sometimes...
When you blocked me,
I started an account.
I pretended to be Becca.
- What is this? What is this?
- Chuck: You're right, you're right. I'm a liar.
And if you never wanna
talk to me, I understand.
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't have another choice.
- How do you have all this?
- If I can just be honest...
if I can just be honest, okay?
When you blocked me,
I started an account
and pretended to be Becca.
I'm just telling you,
it was just... it was...
it was just... Franklin,
Franklin, it was just so that
- I could talk to you, okay?
- No! No, no. No.
Chuck: Franklin,
listen to me, please.
No. No. No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to talk to you.
(suspenseful music playing)
No, no, no, no, no, no.
(dramatic music playing)
(music fades)
(sentimental music playing)
Chuck: Franklin...
I know you'll probably never
want to talk to me again.
I wouldn't either if I were you.
I remember I wasn't
at your ninth birthday party.
You and your mom
were so mad at me.
This is lot worse, huh?
I tried to show up this time,
but I got it wrong.
I've missed out on so much
of your life.
If we could just go back
to when you were little,
when we'd take the ferry
to Montauk,
sing in the car together,
Maybe it sounds stupid,
but that road trip
we took together
was the best time
I've had in my whole life.
I know you're not a kid anymore,
that you're an adult now.
But you'll always be my son.
And even if I don't know
how to be the best dad,
I love you
more than you will ever know.
And I'll be here.
In your corner.
Chuck: (chuckling)
You're doin' fine.
- You tired?
- (indistinct chatter)
(indistinct chatter)
Team Manager:
Hey, uh, Franklin?
Hey, sorry.
I just wanted to say
you're doin' a really great job.
Oh. Well, thanks for the job.
Team Manager: Don't thank me.
Thank your friend.
She was pretty adamant
about giving you a shot.
I'm glad we listened.
- (sighs)
- (keyboard clacking)
Do you wanna find out?
Where you go ooh oh
Do you wanna find out?
Where you go ooh ooh
Lost your way
Parted too fast
Too much to say
Diane: Chuck.
I'm writing to let you know
you're a fucking asshole.
But I also wanted
to let you know
that there's a vacancy
in the apartment building
across the street
and it looks affordable.
Anyway, fuck you.
And I hope you're well.
Chuck: Anyway,
I just wanted to call
and thank you for
sending me that letter.
It'll be nice
to be across the street
for you guys from now on.
Wait, wait, what?
What do you... what do you...
across the street?
- Are... are you serious?
- The place you suggested.
- What are you talking about?
- In the letter.
What letter?
The one you sent
a few months ago.
What... you...
(gasps) You can't just
move in across the street!
- Diane, you told me to.
- What are you talking about?
In the letter!
You said in the letter!
I didn't send you a letter!
(muffled) What are you
doing across the street?
Oh, my God. Take those boxes
and put them back in the truck.
(soft music playing)
(perky music playing)
(birds chirping)
(chuckles softly)
- (giggles)
- (dog pants)
You wanna keep him?
What if he's lost?
(both laugh)
(Young Franklin chuckling)
(paper crunches)
- (intense music playing)
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Frankie, just wanted to call
and wish you
a very happy birthday.
I know it's been a minute.
Saw that you and your mom
went on vacation.
(chuckles) That looked nice.
We should go on one,
one of these days.
- (phone beeps)
- Chuck: Hey, Franklin.
Just wanted to say sorry again
that the whole Bahamas trip
didn't pan out.
The... the bombs
were totally fake.
They... they lied. Idiots.
Anyway, next year?
Love you.
(phone beeps)
Chuck: Hey, Frankie.
Not sure what your mom told you
about what happened, but if you
give me a call I can explain
my side of things.
There's always two sides
to a story, okay?
- Gotta run. Uh, love you.
- (phone beeps)
Hey, Franklin, just wanted to
call and let you know
that I wasn't lying
the other day.
I was sick, and so that's why
I had to reschedule.
Anyways, I don't wanna fight.
- I love you.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: Hey, Franklin, wanted to
give you a heads-up
that I'm not gonna
be able to make it
to your graduation today.
Your mom and I, haven't been
in a good spot lately
and I'm thinking
it's better we...
do our own celebration
next time I see you.
Anyways, hope you're well
and let's catch up soon.
- Love you.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: I am sorry I can't
be there because I would love
to be there, I'm just asking,
please forgive me,
forgive me on this one...
Just look the other way, okay?
Please, don't count
this one against me.
Call me if you'd like.
- All right, bye.
- (phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Hey, Franklin,
I didn't like the way
our last call went.
I said some stuff
I shouldn't have said,
and maybe you did too,
and, I don't know,
I'm sorry about it.
Father-son stuff
is tricky sometimes.
- Anyway, love you.
- (tense music fades)
Dude: Being here
for the past few weeks
has made me realize
suicide was never the answer.
So, thank you all
for helping me through this.
Does, uh, anyone else
have anything
they wanna say
before we say our goodbyes?
Would you like to share?
Oh, uh, no. No, thanks.
Ooh, you sure?
It's the last day.
(perky music playing)
I, uh, took some steps
in setting healthy boundaries
and, uh, blocked my dad online.
He lies and makes excuses.
He's never really
been there for me
when I needed him,
and I... I'm done with that.
(Chuck sighs)
Franklin: I don't need that
in my life right now.
- Thank you.
- Group Leader: That's great.
Uh. Anyone else?
(indistinct chatter)
Diane: Thanks again.
How was that, uh,
closing ceremony thing?
- I love myself now.
- (chuckles)
But it wasn't
as bad as you thought
- it was gonna be, right?
- Hmm, yeah.
All right.
Can I try driving?
Now? No,
you don't have a license.
I know, but can I just try
for just one... just one part?
In a crowded parking lot? No.
- Right.
- Diane: No.
Haley: Take care, Franklin!
(engine starts)
(line ringing)
(phone vibrates)
(line ringing)
(phone vibrates)
Franklin: Hey, uh, it's
Franklin Green's voicemail.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
(line ringing)
- (phone vibrates)
- (engine starts)
Franklin: Hey, uh, it's
Franklin Green's voicemail.
Uh, I'm not here right now,
but leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
Thank you.
(phone beeps)
Chuck: (over phone)
Hey, it's your dad. Um...
Hey, did you delete
your profile?
Because it was kind of the...
kind of the main way
I was staying in touch with you.
(door hinges squeak)
Chuck: I know it's not perfect,
but it's something.
So, uh, let me know.
And, um... I...
and I love you,
and I'll talk to you soon.
I love you. Bye.
- Jimmy: You all right, Chuck?
- Hey.
Jimmy: No, seriously.
What's up, man?
- What's up with what?
- You look sad as fuck.
(chuckles) No, I don't. No.
Nah... I'm pretty sure
this is what a sad
motherfucker looks like.
My, uh... (sniffles) ...son.
I've been trying to...
trying to get in touch
with my son and...
and he's been ignoring me.
Ignoring you?
And I think... I think...
I think he blocked me online.
I mean, it happens. You know,
my ex blocked me one time
and I just started a different
page under a different name,
a whole different picture.
(chuckling) You know.
I was checking her shit
all the time.
She never even knew.
Maybe you should
come to karaoke tonight.
You know, it'll make you
feel better, man.
Come sing with us
and have some fun.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Jimmy: Yeah...
(chuckles, clears throat)
(soft tense music playing)
(paper rustling)
(soft tense music continues)
(muted chatter)
Real Becca: Can I help you
with something?
Can I help you with something?
- You okay?
- I'm great.
Uh, see here.
I'll probably get some coffee.
Talkin' to people
is a good start.
(whispers) Yeah.
Let me get you something.
See if we turn things around.
- I'm Becca.
- I'm Chuck.
(melancholic music playing)
Jimmy: I just
started a different page
under a different name,
a whole different picture.
(chuckling) You know.
She never even knew...
- (tense music playing)
- (keyboard clacking)
(keyboard clacking)
What's your name?
- Chuck: Becca.
- Becca what?
Chuck: Thompson.
(keyboard clacking)
- (clicks)
- (tense music ends)
(crickets stridulating)
(computer pings)
(soft tense music playing)
(computer pings)
(exhales softly)
(exhales softly)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Nope. Nope! (laughs)
Oh, God. Uh-uh.
Nope, I'm not... (chuckles)
(keyboard clacking)
(message tone beeps)
(computer pings)
(keyboard clacking)
Hey, man... (grunts)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Shit. (sighs)
Sorry at work.
(computer pings)
(slurps drink)
- (keyboard clacking)
- Why am I your only friend?
My only friend. Come on.
(taps table)
(keyboard clacking)
Deleted account,
started new one.
(computer pings)
(keyboard clacking)
(computer pings)
Why'd I delete my account?
Why'd I delete my account...
(computer pings)
- (keyboard clacking)
- We don't need have to chat.
(message tone)
- (keyboard clacking)
- (message tone)
(message tone)
(soft tense music continues)
(soft tense music fades)
(coughing, sniffles)
(sighs) So? What do you, uh,
what do you think?
This is the creepiest shit
I've ever seen ever,
like for real.
This is creepy as fuck.
Thi... This was your idea.
What do you mean
this was my idea?
That story
that you told about your...
your ex and the account
you made.
That was my ex-girlfriend.
This is your child.
I am totally cut out!
What the fuck
am I supposed to do?
Supposed to be cut out.
That's what bein' cut out is.
They don't want to talk to you.
I just... I wanna know
what's going on in his life.
Okay, Jimmy, the kid
tried to kill himself.
I mean, what if he's already
masturbating to this?
Give me the phone.
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
Sorry that was weird before.
(message tone beeps)
(message tone beeps)
Becca: You popped up
on my screen and...
looked like someone
I could talk to.
So out of the whole internet,
you started talking to me first?
I was looking for someone else.
Chuck: Saw we have...
Saw we have the same dog.
The same dog?
- (chuckles) The same kind.
- Oh.
And I thought you looked nice.
this is definitely a first.
- (chuckles)
- (scoffs)
So how's...
- how's it goin'?
- Good.
Actually, I was just about to
jump off my mom's roof.
Just kidding.
- You sure?
- I'm sure.
I've been there.
Talkin' to people's
a good start.
(keypad clacking)
Talkin' to people's
a good start.
(wry chuckle) As they say.
How's it goin' with you?
Family stuff.
So, you're having
a great night too.
- The greatest.
- (Franklin chuckles)
(mellow music playing)
Anyway, it was good
talkin' to you.
(mellow music continues)
Man: (over radio)
...online presence.
Who we are,
versus who we display?
Off that topic of social media,
we're gonna bring you straight
into Social Mania
with Samantha Jennings.
(message tone beeps)
- I'm here!
- I'm here too.
- Feelin' better today?
- I am, yeah.
Listening to some public radio.
- On... the radio.
- Hold on.
Woman: (over radio) There was
always some excuse...
- Are you gonna...
- Yup.
Woman: (over radio) And
then I started to realize...
Found it.
Woman: (over radio) ...that
he wasn't who he said he was.
It was clear.
I was being catfished.
This happened to me.
And it happens...
- Wow.
- I know.
Woman: (over radio) A catfish
is someone who creates
- a fake online identity...
- This is extremely boring.
So boring!
These people are fucking idiots!
- Fuck these people!
- (both laugh)
Do you mind if we listen
to something else?
Yeah, sure.
- Whatever you want.
- Yeah.
Woman: (over radio)
Nowadays, you never know
who you might be talking to.
(rock music playing over radio)
Erica: What you're working on?
Chuck: Oh, nothin', nothin'.
- Just reports and stuff.
- Are you cheating on me?
- Erica? What?
- Can I see your screen?
(phone ringing)
- No.
- Why not?
- Because.
- What? Are you fucking 12?
I'm planning a date.
For us.
- Aw...
- Tonight.
- Aw...
- Yeah.
What'd you think
of those pictures?
- Which ones?
- The ones of my pussy.
- Oh. I liked them.
- Yeah? You liked them?
- They turned me on.
- Open your mouth.
Group Leader: So,
from what your mom tells me,
- you're doing better.
- I think so. Yeah.
Group Leader:
Any thoughts of self-harm?
- Oh, not really.
- Well. That's great.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, we've been
talkin' about
getting him back into school.
I think local would be
a good idea at this time.
And, um, you know,
I still do lock up
the pills but...
I feel more and more
comfortable about it.
I think we're moving in
the right direction now, and...
you know, he's never really
cared about it... (indistinct)
Talking to him about
getting his driver's license...
(soft upbeat music playing)
Group Leader:
Uh, Franklin. Franklin?
- How's that sound?
- I totally agree.
("Just Say a Four Letter Word"
by California Playboys playing)
This is my favorite movie.
This is my favorite movie
in the entire world.
- This is it?
- This is it!
- Oh my God.
- (shushes)
No. No, no, no. (shushes)
(song continues playing)
Franklin: Okay, so...
You pretty much
just have to keep going,
and that's that whole game.
Becca: Can I try?
- Franklin: If you want.
- Becca: Just keep going?
Franklin: Yeah, just keep goin'.
(both chuckle)
(song continues playing)
(loud bang)
(song fades)
(birds chirping)
(message tone)
Becca: You are really good
at that game.
You were getting
pretty good too.
I saw on your page
you won an award for it?
Yeah, it's kinda stupid, though.
- Why is it stupid?
- Franklin: I don't know.
I guess I've always
wanted to be like...
a video game coder.
(gasps) Okay. You should
apply to some places
for like an internship
or something.
- (chuckles)
- What's funny?
I didn't know what else to say,
so I just typed "Haha."
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Both: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
(keypad clacking)
Diane: What?
I, uh... I met someone.
Oh. Really?
Um, what's her name?
- Becca. Thompson.
- Hmm.
I don't know.
There's something about her.
She's like... really smart.
I don't know. She's just like...
And you've like talked to her
on the phone and stuff?
- Obviously.
- (Diane chuckles)
Cool. That's really...
it's exciting news. (chuckles)
Wow, online. Like through
friends or just random?
(soft tense music playing)
(keyboard clacking)
(indistinct chatter)
So. I... I told some
of my tech friends about you.
- (shivers)
- Seriously?
I hope you don't mind.
- No, no. That's... thank you.
- (chuckles)
That's awesome.
What's up?
Do you wanna video chat?
- N... Now?
- Sure.
I'm kind of camera-shy.
I am, too.
Well, what if
we just keep to this?
What if you're
some old guy or something?
Chuck. This is incest.
No, Jimmy, it's not.
I'm doing this to help him.
He thinks
he's in a relationship.
Yeah, we talk
about life and stuff.
It's not like
I'm trying to see his dick.
Oh, come on now.
I don't want to hear nothin'
about your boy's dick.
That's your son's dick
you're talkin' about.
I said I'm not trying to.
If I stop now, it'll crush him.
I need to see it through.
Camera's broke.
I'm video chatting you.
- Right now?
- Yes.
It says it's calling you.
- It's not comin' through.
- (sighs)
It's still not working?
It's, uh, it's being weird.
I... I'll take my phone
in today.
- Hey.
- I like you.
- I like you too.
- Can I... pretend kiss you?
(chuckles softly)
Look, you asked for my help.
Internet kiss your son.
- Eww!
- Jimmy: Come on. Who cares?
- It's not even real!
- You kiss your son, you fuck!
If I had a son,
- I would kiss him!
- That's gross!
Damn it!
Look, do you love him?
- Yes!
- How much?
- A lot!
- Then fucking kiss him already!
(upbeat music playing)
I'm kissing you.
And I'm kissing you back.
(upbeat music playing)
- (music stops)
- Franklin.
(water rushing)
(phone pings)
Oh... God.
Becca: Hey!
Yeah. What's up?
Hey, would you be up
for a quick phone call?
- Uh...
- It's just a little weird
that we've never
actually talked.
And it'd make me feel
a lot better if we did.
I'm just really busy right now.
Then maybe we should
wait to keep messaging
until you can chat.
(chuckles) But we were
having such a fun time.
Let me know.
(paper ripping)
(romantic music
playing in background)
(Erica and Chuck smooching)
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- I have a really fun idea.
- I'll do anything with you.
- It's kinda weird.
- I like weird. (chuckles)
All right. So, um...
(clears throat)
...my... my son and I have this
weird tradition where we like,
you know, prank call each other,
and I thought
it would be really funny
if we like prank called him
as his girlfriend.
You know, really, you know,
make him believe that it's her.
And then, later on,
I could be like,
"That was me." (laughs)
Wouldn't he know...
it wasn't her?
That's the thing.
They've never met.
He just knows her online.
- Huh.
- And I was wondering...
it would add a little...
authenticity to the prank.
Could you call him
and be the voice?
- I don't want to do that.
- Erica. It's really, really fun.
That sounds mean and stupid.
No, no, no.
He... he does it to me.
It's like our thing.
One time, he prank called me
pretending to be my ex-wife.
(chuckles) I was like,
"What? No way!"
Erica: It sounds like
you're literally
making this up right now.
Thought this would
actually be a fun way to...
kind of bring you
into my life more, but...
I'll do it
if you sext me at work.
Oh... I don't like doing that.
Hmm... I don't like
doing made-up pranks
to people's kids I've never met
that don't make any sense.
Why don't we
just have regular sex?
Because. You're not good at it.
(crickets stridulating)
(phone vibrating)
- Is this...
- Erica: Franklin?
Is... is this a good time?
Yeah, I was just... yeah, sorry.
I... I was... I was just...
I was literally just
in the middle... uh, yeah.
What's goin' on?
Uh, how's your day going?
Franklin: Pretty good.
How's it goin' with you?
What are you wearing?
Just sweatpants
and a Red Sox shirt.
- Uh, what... what about you?
- Just a dress.
- Franklin: Oh, awesome.
- No panties.
- Sorry?
- Just got out of the shower.
Oh, hopefully you did
your laundry so that...
there are clean towels.
Your voice is sexy.
Franklin: I'm actually
not good on the phone.
- Uh, to be totally honest.
- What?
Me neither.
Do you want to
just meet in person?
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Sure, I'd love to.
Franklin: Okay, awesome.
Uh, see you soon.
Sounds great. See you soon.
- What was that?
- Yeah. What the fuck was that?
- It was a game.
- Tell me the truth.
- I told you that...
- No.
(Chuck stammers)
Look, whatever it is, it's okay.
- I'll understand.
- (sighs)
- Get the fuck out!
- You said it would be okay!
You're a piece of shit!
Lying to your son isn't
gonna get you closer to him!
- Well, it might.
- (door slams)
- (mellow music playing)
- (crickets stridulating)
I can't wait to meet you.
(mellow music continues)
Your counselor said that you
can't travel alone for a year.
And... and you don't even have
your driver's license.
Can you drive me then?
Can I take you to meet this...?
- No, I can't. I'm sorry.
- Franklin: It'll be fun.
I have a practice.
I can't just pick up and leave.
But I'll get permission
from my treatment team
and everything. I promise.
(Diane sighs)
Diane: I'm sorry, honey.
- I can't believe she said no.
- I know. I...
(cell phone ringing, vibrating)
- Dad?
- (chuckling) Hey.
- Um, what's goin' on?
- I think I need a ride.
To meet a girl in Maine.
Near you.
- It's too far.
- No, no. Uh, I just...
Franklin: You don't have
to explain.
Chuck: There's just
a lot of work stuff.
I just think it's very cool
that he's willing
to drive all that way.
I mean, what, he's got to drive
all the way down to you,
and then all the way back
to where he lives.
He must care a lot about you.
Becca, my dad is fucked up.
He's got something
wrong with him.
Everyone's got something, right?
Yeah, but I don't even...
I feel like I don't even
know who he...
like everything he does
is bullshit.
He's like, he...
he's a compulsive liar.
(keyboard clacking)
(scoffs) He doesn't sound
that bad.
Let me...
I mean, what's a good...
okay, this is a dumb thing,
but I feel like it...
He used to be obsessed
with online chess.
- We should play.
- Um... Maybe later.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Anyway, he was playing
all the time,
and was the top of
all these online leagues,
he was winning
all these awards...
Wow. I mean,
I would be super proud.
But then one day, he shows me
how he's winning so much.
And what he would do is
he would play
against somebody online,
but then be playing
the same game
against a computer.
Whatever move this guy makes,
I use that move in this game.
Franklin: And he would
the players' moves
and use them
against the computer
and then take the computer's
perfect moves,
and then use them back
against the player.
And they just play against
each other the whole time.
And then I'm just moving
right up the leader boards.
He'd just cheat.
And that was how he did
his whole life.
(playful music playing)
I'm taking a road trip
with my son.
- Jimmy: Chuck, she's not real!
- My Becca's not real!
Jimmy: What are you
talking about?
I'm going to introduce him
to the real Becca.
- The one from the diner.
- Jimmy: Abort!
Chuck: Let me explain!
Jimmy: So your plan
is to introduce your son
to this random diner girl.
Chuck: She's a nice girl.
He's a great kid.
And they're gonna hit it off!
Jimmy: She's a total stranger!
Chuck: She's not.
She's a nice girl
who makes faces at kids.
She's funny.
Jimmy: You're about to ruin
your son's life!
I'm here.
Jimmy: Chuck,
listen to me, okay?
Come clean.
Just tell him everything.
Tell him
and face the consequences,
but don't do this. Don't
be a fucking idiot, Chuck!
Whatever it takes, Jimmy.
- Jimmy: He's gonna find out!
- Chuck: Whatever it takes.
Diane: He's just, uh,
finishing packing up.
Place looks great!
I love what you did
with the... lawn.
This whole thing is a dumb idea.
And he doesn't even
know this girl,
- she could be anybody.
- Totally agree.
I'm gonna to talk him.
I'm gonna engage.
- There he is! (chuckles)
- Diane: Got everything?
Come here. Okay. Love you.
Love you too.
- Here.
- I... I got it.
Diane: This could be
incredibly destabilizing.
Chuck: I know.
If anything goes wrong,
it's your responsibility.
Trusting you.
(softly chuckles)
(soft country music playing)
- So, how's it bein' back home?
- Good.
What kind of stuff you doin'?
- I don't know.
- Watching anything good on TV?
So many shows out now, you know?
Think there'll be
even more shows?
Like, in the future?
Do I think there will be even
more TV shows in the future?
That's what
you're asking right now?
- Yeah, I don't... I don't know.
- Why are you asking me that?
Well, what do you
wanna talk about?
- Nothing.
- You coding maybe?
How do you know about my coding?
I don't know.
Your mom or something.
(country music fades)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (phone vibrating)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (phone vibrating)
(exhales heavily)
(phone ringing)
Oh, it's my girlfriend.
- All right, one sec.
- (chuckles softly)
Hello? Becca?
- Becca? Hello?
- (laughs)
Hey, can you hear me?
Hello? Hello?
Hello, Becca?
So, I... I can just hear myself.
I can't... hey, hello?
Hello? I'll... I'll call.
Uh, call me.
I'll call you in a little bit.
Okay. If you can hear me,
okay, bye.
(exhales) Not there, huh?
(chuckles softly)
(soft tense music playing)
(both moan)
Chuck: You ready, bud?
- Hey, you ready?
- What are you...
- Can you please not do that?
- Chuck: Oh, sorry.
(soft suspenseful music playing)
(whispers) Okay.
- What are you wearing?
- (keypad clacking)
(message tone beeps)
(cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: What are you wearing?
(water gushing)
Franklin: I'm in my underwear.
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I'm in my underwear.
(exhales deeply, muttering)
What am I doing?
- What am I doing?
- (message tone beeps)
(cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: Sorry.
I was trying to talk dirty
like you did on our phone call.
Becca: I was being crazy.
I'm not really like that.
(message tone beeps)
It's fine if you don't want to.
Becca: I think it's better
if we wait.
- (keypad clacking)
- (muttering indistinctly)
Franklin: I get it. I'm a loser.
- Becca: You're not a loser.
- (message tone beeps)
Franklin: I am, actually.
I am a fucking loser.
(knocks on door)
- Franklin: I'm in here.
- Yeah. Uh...
(clears throat) How much longer?
- I don't know.
- Chuck: Okay. I just, um...
I just wanted to let you know
that I think you're awesome.
Why're... Thank you.
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I hate myself.
(soft suspenseful music playing)
Chuck: Whatever move
this guy makes,
I use that move in this game.
And then whatever move
he makes against that move,
I use it back on this game.
I make the guys play each other.
They think they're playin' me.
(soft suspenseful music ends)
(upbeat music
playing in background)
(indistinct chatter)
Chuck: Hey, you there?
- Erica: What?
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: I deleted
the account and everything.
- You were right.
- (keypad clacking)
- Erica: You promise?
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: What you said
made an impact on me.
- Erica: Wow.
- (message tone beeps)
Chuck: And...
I owe you something.
Erica: Make me want it.
(keypad clacking)
(message tone beeps)
I'm in my underwear.
Well, that turns me on.
- (water running)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Well, that turns me on.
About wearing underwear.
(soft tense music playing)
(breathes heavily)
(water running)
What do you wanna do to me?
- Chuck: Paste. Send.
- (message tone beeps)
What do you wanna do to me?
I'm kissing you.
(both smooching, panting)
Franklin: All over.
(both moaning)
Franklin: What are you
doing to me?
Chuck: Kissing you all over.
Don't be a fucking pussy, Chuck.
What are you doin' to me?
I'm sliding my hand
around your cock.
(exhales nervously)
I'm sliding my hand
around your cock.
I'm kinda moving
my body back and forth
so your hand doesn't get tired.
Back and forth to...
And I'm kinda moving
my body back and forth
so your hand doesn't get tired.
Now I'm using my mouth.
Now I'm using my mouth.
I'm seriously
so erect right now.
I'm seriously
so erect right now.
- Like... your boobs?
- Yeah, my boobs are erect.
Oh, I didn't know
you were so good...
- ...at doing this.
- You feel so good inside me.
- You feel so good too.
- God, I want you inside me.
- I thought I was.
- You are.
- I'm imagining it.
- (both moaning)
I gotta use the bathroom.
- Franklin: One second.
- No, right now! I gotta go!
- I said one second!
- Franklin!
What the fuck!
Hey, I just gotta
use the bathroom.
Can't I just have
a fucking second?
Whoa, where is this coming from?
- You're smothering me.
- I'm... I'm smothering you?
Franklin: You're smothering me!
Chuck: I haven't seen you
in a year.
- Yeah, whose fault is that?
- (scoffs) Oh, my God.
Oh, you think this is funny?
I send you a billion messages.
I never hear back.
'Cause that's all you do.
That's all you do.
You post on my wall.
- You think that's showing up?
- Your wife and kid hate you,
how fun you think it is
to show up?
That's what you signed up for.
- I signed up for a family.
- I am your family!
We're both
really tired right now...
I'm tired of pretending
we're okay.
You want to know
why I cut you out?
Because you're a liar.
You're selfish
and you're a liar.
Come on.
Every time you said
you'd be there, you never were.
Every time
you could have shown up,
you just cut corners
and I'm sick of it!
- Frank... Franklin...
- I needed you.
And you weren't there.
You weren't there.
I'm not perfect.
- You're not fucking perfect.
- Chuck: I just...
I just said I wasn't, okay?
- I'm trying.
- You're really not.
I'm here... now.
If... if I gotta...
do every little thing
for the rest of my life
to make up for it, I will.
Let's... let's just, uh,
like talk to each other. Okay?
You sit there
on the other chair.
We can sit and talk, all right?
(breathes heavily)
I'm trying to rebuild
from a thing
that I know that I broke.
I broke it.
And this is the... this is me
doing my best to fix it.
Mom was right. This whole thing
was a bad idea.
(door opens)
- Chuck: Franklin.
- (door closes)
(dramatic music playing)
(indistinct chatter)
(soft perky music playing)
You wanna try?
Try what?
- No.
- Come on.
- I never got my license.
- It's easy.
(soft perky music playing)
Let's switch.
(car door closes)
- Friend...
- Dad, no.
Chuck: All right,
foot on the brake
and put it in drive.
Okay. When do I...
Chuck: Just give it...
give it some gas.
Foot on the gas pedal
right there.
Stop. Stop, stop, stop
till you have an opening.
- Franklin: Okay.
- Chuck: No, stop. Stop. No.
This guy's a fuckin' asshole.
Foot on the brake.
There you go, there you go.
Franklin, you're a natural.
You're a natural at this.
I was a mess
the first time I did this.
Oh my God.
Okay, we're gonna
switch lanes again.
I want you to get
in the left lane.
- Okay. Left lane.
- There you go. There's the signal.
Check your mirrors.
Everything clear?
- All right, go to the left.
- Check. Moving to left.
- I'm moving to left.
- And now turn your signal off
'cause you're in the left lane,
and you did it.
- What do all the lights mean?
- Which ones?
The one with the...
the engine light.
Oh, that thing's
been on for a while.
That... that's just to...
the manufacturers
make that thing go on
so you'll go in
and pay for more repairs.
It's nothing.
Just go straight that way.
That parking space
straight ahead,
straight ahead.
There you go
and put the brake pad.
- (tires screeching)
- Chuck: And put it in park.
Welcome home.
(birds chirping)
(Chuck grunts)
Right over there.
Straight ahead.
- You still have that thing?
- I'm never getting rid of this.
You want it?
- What do you mean?
- The car. To keep.
It's yours.
(soft tense music playing)
(Franklin sighs)
(keypad clacking)
- (message tone beeps)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: I can't stop
thinkin' about last night.
- (sighs)
- (cell phone vibrates)
Franklin: You were amazing.
Becca: How was the trip?
Franklin: Want to finish
what we started?
Can't do that right now. Sorry.
You're lucky you get to spend
all this time with your dad.
Yeah, well, if you knew him,
you'd think different.
My dad and I fought a lot
before he passed away.
It wasn't worth it.
Oh my God, Becca. I'm so sorry.
I... I feel like an idiot.
I had no idea.
Yeah, he wasn't
always around either.
And then one day
we were having this...
(inhales, exhales deeply)
...big stupid fight and...
and then he just died.
Heart attack.
And I never saw him again.
And I will never see him again.
- Oh, my God, Becca.
- (Becca sniffles)
And then, you know,
when I started missing him,
I just... I wanted to call.
And I... I couldn't.
I tried. I called
over and over but...
he was gone.
(inhales deeply)
Through that experience,
I realized
that I should have
just forgiven him.
And, uh, I also realized
that I love him
way more than
I love my mom. So.
Wow. That's...
Wow. (exhales)
(keypad clacking)
Remember, your dad
was just some guy
who ended up having a kid
and is now just...
trying his best.
Um, apples and peanut butter
almost done.
Good night, Franklin.
Becca: Derek, you are
the most thoughtful,
unique, and kind person
I've ever met. And...
I love you.
Diane: And he's doing okay?
No major mood fluctuations?
No, we're having a great time.
Uh-huh. Well,
if you notice anything
off with him, please call me.
Chuck: I will. Right away.
All right. Well...
I know this means a lot to him.
I'd do anything for Frankie.
Becca: Hey there.
Uh, Chuck. Right?
Yeah! Hey. (chuckles)
- Have you been helped?
- Um...
- Oh, shoot! Shoot! Um...
- Ow.
No worries.
Happens all the time. Seriously.
Ugh, I've been on the road
all day with my son.
I'm taking him to meet a girl.
- Your son?
- Chuck: Uh-huh.
That's the sweetest thing
I've ever heard.
We eating today?
can be so tricky though.
- Tell me about it.
- Chuck: Right?
- Yeah.
- (chuckles) You in one?
- What?
- Like, you know,
- do you have a boyfriend or...?
- Why do you ask?
Just making conversation,
I guess.
I'll come back
when you're ready.
Okay? Yeah.
(soft tense music playing)
Becca: Derek,
you are the most thoughtful,
unique, and kind person
I've ever met.
And... I love you.
what's the plan?
- Hey, for a second I thought...
- I'm freaking out.
(inhales, exhales)
Is there someone else?
What is it then?
You're a great guy. I'm just...
going through a lot of
my own stuff right now.
Like what?
(dramatic music playing)
I'm movin' to California.
(water splashes)
What? Why? Since when?
Becca: I've been wanting to
for a while.
How come
you've never said anything?
It just came up.
There's a job there.
Maybe even Japan.
What are you talking...?
Can you get on a call right now?
You're gonna meet
someone so incredible.
I know it.
Wait, are you
breaking up with me?
- I'm sorry.
- (water splashes)
(Chuck exhales)
She ended it.
- What?
- We were talking...
she stopped responding...
then she freaked out
and said she was done.
- Franklin...
- I don't know what happened.
I mean, if you think about it,
maybe this is a good thing.
Chuck: That you're
finding this out now.
I mean, she's showing you
this whole different
side of herself.
You don't wanna be
with someone like this.
(chuckles) I mean,
fuck her. Right?
Don't talk about her that way.
- No, I just meant...
- I don't care what you meant.
- That's my girlfriend.
- Franklin...
No, no, not fuck her.
- Come on.
- Fuck you.
(dramatic music playing)
(water splashing)
Chuck: (muffled)
Franklin! Franklin!
(water splashing)
- (Franklin coughing)
- What are you doing?
I don't know. (crying)
(thunder rumbling)
(birds chirping)
Becca: Franklin.
I'm worried you won't like
the person I am in real life.
you are the most thoughtful,
and kind person I've ever met.
And I love you.
Jimmy: All right.
Here we go y'all
A little 98 Degrees.
Never sang this song
before in my life.
I can pick any song,
because that's how great I am.
It's all...
It's all because you're
My sunshine after the rain
You're my cure against
My fear and my pain...
- (applause)
- Whoo! Yeah!
- Yeah.
- I'm losing my mind
- When you're not around
- Jimmy!
It's all, it's all
It's all because of you
I mean, she's
just special, you know?
Like, look.
Like, look what she said.
Isn't that, like, poetic?
Looks like
she's saying goodbye to me.
(phone pings)
- Wait, what?
- What... what is it?
That tech company
Becca sent my stuff to.
They want to meet me
for an interview.
(chuckles) Wow!
- Right? That's awesome! Oh.
- Great news, man.
Chuck: Yeah, that's... that's...
How's it feel spendin'
all this time with your pops?
Oh, I gotta
tell Becca about this.
Can I give you some advice?
Just... just real quick
while you focus on that girl.
- You know, you gotta...
- Yeah.
You can't really just
invest everything into her
like that, you know?
You know, she could be
like mean or... or a scammer,
or just a liar.
I mean, or your dad.
(Jimmy and Chuck laugh)
- Jimmy: (laughs) Your dad.
- (laughs)
Oh. You know, look,
I always say it's best
not to, you know,
think too far ahead,
and, uh, you know,
don't look at horses. You know?
You know what I'm saying, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I... I hear what
you're sayin', you know...
What I'm saying is keep
your expectations low.
Like really, really low.
Don't put 'em too high,
'cause you'd get really
disappointed. So, keep 'em low.
This girl
is the love of my life.
Right, see,
you're still talkin' like...
the expectation's too high.
Keep it low. Okay?
- People can be really tricky.
- Not Becca.
You really, really sold
on Becca, ain't you?
- (chuckles)
- She's amazing.
Jimmy: Well, you know something,
I'mma go get
something' stronger,
because it's too much love
in the building for me.
(chuckles) I'm jealous.
You got all the love.
Chuck: Take your time gettin'
back. I gotta finish this one.
Grab one at the bar and,
you know, see you back here.
- I gotta get out of town more.
- Oh, you come anytime you want.
- Really?
- And I'm gonna visit more.
- Okay.
- Great.
Can we not tell anybody
about the whole, uh...
- pool thing?
- Between us.
Emcee: Next up, Chuck Green.
"Boys Don't Cry."
(laughs) Come on.
- No.
- Come on, come on. (laughing)
- No, no.
- Chuck: Come on.
I'm not... I'm not doing that.
It's my favorite song.
Someone else's favorite song.
I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that
It would change your mind
But I know that this time
I have said too much
Been too unkind
I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to laugh about it
Hiding the tears In my eyes
'Cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
We should've done this
forever ago.
You're like the karaoke
king up there, man.
- I mean, great night, right?
- I think you need to stop.
This... this is the most...
I... I've talked to him in...
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(soft music playing)
(keyboard clacking)
(phone pings)
(phone pings)
(horror music playing)
(suspenseful music playing)
(suspenseful music continues)
Hey, I shot you.
I shot you. Leave.
You cheater.
Cheater, cheater, cheater,
cheater, cheater, cheater!
Kids: (chanting)
Cheater, cheater, cheater...
No! I can't get out.
Kids: (chanting)
Cheater, cheater, cheater...
- (Chuck muttering)
- Franklin: Dad!
- No! Get away!
- Dad!
- Dad, what's going on?
- I need to find the way out!
I can't get out!
I can't get out.
Okay, hold on! Hold on!
- Let's get help.
- Franklin: Okay, okay.
- Come on, come on. Let's go.
- (Chuck pants)
Hey, can we have
some help, please?
Okay, you're okay.
All right, just come over here.
Hey, you're okay.
Is it your heart?
- What, are you okay?
- No, no. I just...
- I can't get my breath.
- Okay.
You're having a panic attack.
- You're having a panic attack.
- I know, I know, I know.
- You okay?
- I'm a bad dad, okay?
(stammering) Bad dad.
I'm a bad dad.
I want to be a good dad.
- (crying)
- Oh, come on, Dad, no.
- Little kid...
- No...
...and then I wasn't...
There are almost times...
- if I could just go back...
- No. Don't...
don't do this. Come on.
Dad, you're gonna be okay.
Just take some deep breaths.
Yeah. Okay, yeah.
- Okay?
- Okay.
You're okay.
Deep breaths. You're having
a panic attack.
(soft music playing)
(birds chirping)
(Chuck grunts)
(inhales, exhales deeply)
You fucking tell him the truth
or I am gonna tell him.
Do you understand?
(exhales deeply)
I will drive out there
and fucking tell him myself.
In fact, just fucking
bring him home! Right now!
You in the bathroom?
(knocks on door)
(cell phone vibrates)
(car engine revving)
(keypad clicking)
Chuck: I want to play a game
I want to play a gam.
You wanna play a game?
- (car honks)
- (tires screeching)
Sinc we meet iv has ida.
- (car honks)
- (tires squeal)
Tha when met
fo fist time in rel liff
it be lik metting
for first tim evr.
I introduce myself,
yo introduc yoursef.
Stat over.
Start fres.
You wanna pretend like it's
the first time we're meeting?
(chuckles) That'll be fun. Okay.
- (car engine revving)
- (car honks)
(car engine stops)
(car engine revving)
(brakes squeal)
Franklin. Franklin!
- Dad, what're you doing?
- Chuck: Don't do this.
I'm sorry.
I should've told you that I...
What if... what if she's...
What if... what if
she's different?
What? No. Dad.
Okay. I'm gonna
tell you something.
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
I... I, you know,
I didn't know what to do.
And I thought
I wanted to give you space
and then space
turned into years and...
you know, you hated me.
Dad, it's okay. It's okay.
It just kept going and going.
And... and... I thought it was...
I thought it was helping.
And... and it was.
- I'll... I'll be right back.
- Chuck: Let's... let's go.
- Let's go... let's just go somewhere to talk, okay?
- I'll be right back.
- We will. We will.
- Let's just sit down.
I'm gonna get you some water.
We're gonna talk in a bit,
okay? I'll be right back.
It's not her. It's not her.
(wind chime rings)
(indistinct chatter)
Real Becca: You want
strawberries or blueberries on that?
Welcome to Carl's.
So... (indistinct)
Do you want to take a seat?
Oh, I would love to.
Great. I'll...
I'll grab a menu for you.
- What's, uh, what's your name?
- Becca.
I'm Franklin.
- Nice to meet you.
- It's very nice to meet you.
I will grab a menu for you.
Do you wanna go over there?
I'll be over there.
- Real Becca: Okay.
- And I'll see you soon.
All right.
Do you guys want any, um...
would you guys like some...
some cream, sugar
for your coffee? Um...
Great. I'll get that.
And do you want me
to get some more... more water?
(wind chime rings)
(indistinct chatter)
Hey, excuse me.
I was wondering.
- Could you help me?
- What can I help you with?
I was wondering
what you, uh, would call
the job that you have?
- Busboy.
- Uh, busboy.
You know, that's... that's weird
because, what if... what if...
what if you were if you were
like a girl or something?
Um... I assume you're a busgirl.
(laughs) That's... that's funny.
You are funny.
All right, that was quick.
Real Becca:
All right. Here you go.
Thank you very much.
I'll get you started with water.
Do you wanna hear the specials?
Yeah, I'm just...
I'm just here...
I'm just here eating some food.
(chuckles) Um...
Yeah, we've got...
we've got Belgian waffles.
Uh, those are topped with
strawberries, blueberries
and whipped cream.
The whipped cream
is also house made. So...
Look, I'm thinking like,
you know, I really wanna,
you know, do something.
We should make a documentary
about the lives of...
of bus people.
What are you talking about, man?
Real Becca: Would you like
syrup on the side with that?
I would like syrup...
- (chuckles)
- On the waffle everywhere?
Everywhere on the waffle,
in all the little pockets.
(chuckles) Great.
Okay, then heavy on the syrup.
Put the syrup on the waffles.
Put the syrup on the side.
Put the syrup on my face,
put the syrup on my heart.
- I'm sorry?
- Put the syrup everywhere.
Put the syrup all over.
I'm sorry, I'll stay...
I'll try to stay in it with you.
Let's keep... Sorry. I'll stay.
I'm sorry, you're really
committed to this.
I'm sorry?
I said, you're really committed
to this.
- It is my job.
- Yeah.
Anyone watching
would be like, oh my God...
- I gotta get back to work.
- Totally, totally.
- But... but one more.
- You're actually not even
- allowed to be back here.
- One more thing.
Dude, the Health Department
would bug.
You need to get out. Come on.
Okay, listen, one more thing.
Fuck. What was it?
You were right about my dad.
He is a good guy.
The story you told me
helped a lot.
The one about your dad.
The one about your dad,
how he passed away?
I mean, yeah,
my dad's fucked up,
but, I mean, he drove me
all the way out here
to meet you, and...
I mean... he's my dad, you know?
I mean, sure, he hasn't
always been there but...
I love my dad.
And I love you.
Uh, you... sorry, you're making
me extremely uncomfortable.
I can't do the game anymore,
Becca. I'm here.
I can't have you back here, just
like health code stuff. Yeah, yeah.
No, my dad isn't dead,
and I have no idea
what you're talking about...
- Hey, everything...
- Chuck: I feel a connection to you, man.
- Dude, get the fuck off!
- (glasses clanking)
Dad, what are you doing?
Derek: What the fuck
is going on?
I'm trying to talk
to my girlfriend.
I have never
seen this guy before.
- Derek: What is he talking about?
- Becca: I don't know
- what he's talking about.
- What the fuck.
We've got a fight
over here at the diner.
That's my girlfriend
you're talking to.
- What?
- This is my fucking girlfriend!
- That is not Becca, okay?
- Franklin: Yes, it is.
- That's not Becca!
- How could you do this?
Get them away from me.
- Franklin: We could start fresh.
- Chuck: Frank. Franklin.
- We could start fresh!
- I'm Becca. I'm Becca.
- I'm Becca, all right?
- What? What'd you say?
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't have a choice.
- I don't know him.
- I gave everything to you.
He's here sometimes...
When you blocked me,
I started an account.
I pretended to be Becca.
- What is this? What is this?
- Chuck: You're right, you're right. I'm a liar.
And if you never wanna
talk to me, I understand.
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't have another choice.
- How do you have all this?
- If I can just be honest...
if I can just be honest, okay?
When you blocked me,
I started an account
and pretended to be Becca.
I'm just telling you,
it was just... it was...
it was just... Franklin,
Franklin, it was just so that
- I could talk to you, okay?
- No! No, no. No.
Chuck: Franklin,
listen to me, please.
No. No. No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted to talk to you.
(suspenseful music playing)
No, no, no, no, no, no.
(dramatic music playing)
(music fades)
(sentimental music playing)
Chuck: Franklin...
I know you'll probably never
want to talk to me again.
I wouldn't either if I were you.
I remember I wasn't
at your ninth birthday party.
You and your mom
were so mad at me.
This is lot worse, huh?
I tried to show up this time,
but I got it wrong.
I've missed out on so much
of your life.
If we could just go back
to when you were little,
when we'd take the ferry
to Montauk,
sing in the car together,
Maybe it sounds stupid,
but that road trip
we took together
was the best time
I've had in my whole life.
I know you're not a kid anymore,
that you're an adult now.
But you'll always be my son.
And even if I don't know
how to be the best dad,
I love you
more than you will ever know.
And I'll be here.
In your corner.
Chuck: (chuckling)
You're doin' fine.
- You tired?
- (indistinct chatter)
(indistinct chatter)
Team Manager:
Hey, uh, Franklin?
Hey, sorry.
I just wanted to say
you're doin' a really great job.
Oh. Well, thanks for the job.
Team Manager: Don't thank me.
Thank your friend.
She was pretty adamant
about giving you a shot.
I'm glad we listened.
- (sighs)
- (keyboard clacking)
Do you wanna find out?
Where you go ooh oh
Do you wanna find out?
Where you go ooh ooh
Lost your way
Parted too fast
Too much to say
Diane: Chuck.
I'm writing to let you know
you're a fucking asshole.
But I also wanted
to let you know
that there's a vacancy
in the apartment building
across the street
and it looks affordable.
Anyway, fuck you.
And I hope you're well.
Chuck: Anyway,
I just wanted to call
and thank you for
sending me that letter.
It'll be nice
to be across the street
for you guys from now on.
Wait, wait, what?
What do you... what do you...
across the street?
- Are... are you serious?
- The place you suggested.
- What are you talking about?
- In the letter.
What letter?
The one you sent
a few months ago.
What... you...
(gasps) You can't just
move in across the street!
- Diane, you told me to.
- What are you talking about?
In the letter!
You said in the letter!
I didn't send you a letter!
(muffled) What are you
doing across the street?
Oh, my God. Take those boxes
and put them back in the truck.
(soft music playing)
(perky music playing)