I Thought My Husband's Wife Was Dead (2024) Movie Script

Just finishing up the nursery.
I hope you're eating
something healthy.
What if Mark's right?
Maybe we should wait
until the restaurant's
doing better
before involving any investors.
If Mark knew what he
was talking about,
we wouldn't be in this
position in the first place.
I get he's a little creepy
and all that,
but that's not fair, honey.
Fairness is something
that people with limited options
need to believe in.
That is not us.
Just be the guy
that sat across from me
on our first real date,
and they can't help
but want to invest.
All I did was show up and smile.
Exactly. [laughs]
Just hearing you laughing now
is turning me on, angel.
God, I miss you.
It's just been two days.
Yeah, but it's been a lot
longer than that since we...
You know the doctor said
excitement is not good
for the baby right now.
[huffs under his breath]
[doorbell chimes]
What are you ordering now?
It's just some organic juices.
Be right down!
Sweet dreams, Mrs. Knight.
Mm. Dream rich, Mr. Knight.
[doorbell chimes]
- [pounding]
- [woman] Leo!
I said I was coming!
[woman] Leo! Leo!
I hope you aren't
expecting a tip.
Is Leo here? I need
to talk to him.
[scoffs] Are those Skeeters?
My husband doesn't know
anyone who wears those.
My name is Vikki.
Vikki Knight.
- [pounding]
- Leo!
[ringing bell repeatedly]
Leo! If you're here,
I need to talk to you!
I don't know what
drugs you're on,
or need to get back on,
but Vikki Knight
died five years ago.
No, I didn't. I'm
very much alive.
If you wanna stay that way...
I would leave now!
I don't want no trouble.
Just, please, I just... I
need to talk to Leo, please.
Oh, that's not going
to happen tonight.
I can promise you that.
Leo needs to know I'm alive,
and I want my life back.
[breath shaking]
She looks nothing like
Daddy's first wife.
Probably a scam.
It's never too early to learn
that there are bad
people in this world...
but I promise, I will
always protect you.
Mommy broke a nail.
[keyboards clacking softly]
"Public library."
"Most recent employment...
Huh... finally,
something I can answer.
- [keys clacking]
- "Waitress."
"Dates of employment..."
to 2019.
"Please explain recent
gaps in your work history."
"Kidnapped and tortured
for the past five years."
Yep, they're definitely
going to hire me.
[cries out] Get away from me!
It's time for you to go.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I promise I'll be good.
I'm sorry. We-We have
an hour time limit.
People are waiting
to use the computer.
Every other
second of the day
I'm sayin' in my mind
Feelings that
I can't convey
Imaginary conversation
while I'm wide awake
Full ensemble playing
forte all up in my brain
You lookin' to get
your hair done, sis?
no, I'm looking for a job.
What's your story, honey?
No need to start
at the beginning...
just hit me with
the juicy parts.
Don't mind me.
I just see things, is all,
and I see that you need...
well, you need a whole lot,
let's just first
start with a job.
[gasps] Uh... all right.
It don't pay much.
We just need someone to
sweep up and wash the towels,
and grab us lunch
on our busy days.
When can I start?
Oh. Uh...
right after you fill out
this here application and W-2.
Is this some "After
School Special"
where, in between clients,
Imma have to teach
you how to read?
I have AA degree,
I just don't have a
mailing address or I.D.
So now we're in 48
Hours territory.
Are you running from
the law or something?
If I use my...
social security, he'll find me.
[quietly] I got me
one of them, too.
Name's Eric.
Good in bed...
evil out of it.
I call mine "The Monster".
I-I can't pay you in cash.
I don't need any more smoke
from the I.R.S., but...
there's a room in the back.
It's got a couch.
It won't fill your pockets,
but it's a place to sleep,
and you can use this address
as you look for other work.
All right. Heh!
Sis, a lumpy couch ain't
nothing to cry over.
You don't know what
I've been through.
I know that y-you're
carrying something...
and whatever it is,
it's too heavy to carry alone.
Come on.
Why don't we take off this hat,
so I can see what
I'm working with?
You know...
if you're gonna be working here,
you can't be lookin'
any kinda way.
Sit in my chair.
Come on.
Okay, okay.
It's okay.
It's okay...
Oh, my God.
I ain't never seen
anything like this.
I'm gonna try and keep as much
of your hair as I can, okay?
You know what, in
the meantime...
we gonna get you a nice wig.
It's called "The Karing
Salon" for a reason.
[chuckles] You know, my bad.
We haven't been
properly introduced.
I'm Karin.
Hi, Karin.
Nice to meet you, Tori.
You catch the latest
"Hotwives of Hotlanta"?
Kiki is a hot mess.
Girl, I've been too busy.
I appreciate you
squeezing me in.
Leo hates chipped polish.
Yeah, men and their
fetishes, right?
I think you mean "pet peeves".
Well, mine hates
the color purple.
The book or the movie?
I mean like red-plus-blue
equals purple?
[stifles a yawn]
I'm sorry.
I didn't get much
sleep last night.
You missing your baby-daddy?
Corny, right?
I mean, listen, Leo
is hot and he's rich.
I mean, like, any woman would
want to walk in your shoes.
Let's be real.
Can you keep a secret?
I'm auditioning...
to be a Hotwife.
All of Georgia knows that
you did an audition for that.
I mean, like, what is this...
like, your third time?
This is the first time.
Ally, the producer, agreed
to an in-person interview.
No idea when it's gonna be,
but if all things go as planned,
next season, I'm
gonna be a TV star.
[giggles and laughs]
Why aren't you excited for me?
This is me excited. Also,
too, this is me hungry.
I mean, like, where's this
new girl with my food?
I hope you ordered
from The Chameleon.
We need the business.
Come on, boo. Next time.
I promise, next time.
That's what you always say.
But wait, these shoes... these
shoes are actually giving.
The shoes give!
My new faves.
If Leo knew how much these
cost, he would kill me for sure.
So, where's this new girl from?
She's free and I don't care.
Is she an intern, or...?
I don't know. Karin found her.
Did you at least get her name?
Yeah. Mm...
Tori, I think. I think
her name is Tori.
And you know what? Why
do you care so much?
Why are you being
such a Curious George?
I'm not getting
a full set today,
but I still want all the tea.
[chuckles] All right,
put this hand in.
Listen, I'm gonna go get her,
so then you can get all
the tea for yourself,
from her.
First dibs. And let
me know what she says.
Here you go.
Oh. Thank you.
Stay away from me.
Last night it was "Vikki",
and now it's Tori?
I knew you were a scammer.
I cannot wait to tell Karin
her third-eye's gone blind.
The name is Victoria!
But most people call me Vikki.
My daddy called me Tori.
You can't be real.
This can't be real.
I'm as real as Leo's
love for junk food.
[gasps in pain] Oh!
Oh, God!
You having this baby?
Oh! I can't lose this one.
I can't.
Sit, sit.
Are you still with Dr. Green?
I'll give him a call.
Okay, where are you parked?
Right out front.
- Okay. You know how to drive?
- [Tori] Yeah, but...
But nothing! She
can't drive herself.
You're gonna need
to take her. Okay?
Take off that smock and
go grab your things.
I know you're scared,
honey, but just breathe...
I'm not getting in
the car with her.
Just breathe.
[Gina] He says he can
see you right away.
Gina, can't you please take me?
I'm sorry, babe, I can't.
I have back-to-backs.
Okay, it's fine.
My spirit is telling me
Tori can handle this.
Come on.
Your spirit should've
told you that she's...
Oh, God!
Okay, come on, Tori.
All right.
Tori, when you get there
you're gonna text us, okay?
But I don't have no phone.
Like, what? That's, like...
That should be
illegal or something.
Do you need the
phone again, darlin'?
Um, actually, I-I wanted to know
if Dr. Green saw patients
without insurance?
Oh! Uh, well...
one Saturday a quarter, we
see any patient who shows up.
Um, schedule's just on
the back of the card.
Thank you.
Of course.
[quietly] Can you
tell Mrs. Knight
that I'll... I'm gonna
wait for her outside?
Of course.
Thank you.
Sorry about the baby.
Leo and I lost a baby once and
I'm still grieving about it.
He never mentioned it to me.
He didn't know about it.
Happened right before
I was kidnapped,
and I lost it shortly after.
We lost two babies.
I'm crying because...
this pregnancy won't be a third.
Dr. Green gave me a sedative
and told me to stay
away from stress.
I'm not here to hurt you.
Then why are you here?
I lost my mom when I was young.
I lost my dad shortly after
Leo and I got married.
like it or not...
...Leo's all I got.
[car door thuds]
Thanks for taking me.
I mean, "Tori"...
what happened to you?
[Tori] I used to hike a lot.
I was out one day,
and suddenly, out of nowhere,
- I got attacked from behind...
- [screaming]
...and dragged deep
into the woods.
[door thuds]
After that, it's
one long blur of...
being tied up, beaten,
- and drugged.
- [screaming] Help!
[echoing] Help!
How were you able to get away?
[Tori] He showed up,
dragged me deeper
into the woods...
- shot me...
- [gunshot rings out]
...and left me for dead.
Some off-the-gridders found me
and nursed me back to health.
One of their trips
into town for supplies,
they bought me some essentials,
and dropped me off
at the bus station...
and I found my way
to your doorstep.
We moved to the town
so Leo could escape
the memories of you.
The internet and your
social media accounts.
Why didn't you go to the police?
I did, as soon as
I got off the bus.
Pretty sure if you
return from the dead,
it would make the news.
The police kept asking
me questions, and...
...wanting to know details,
stuff I couldn't
give 'em at the time.
They kept badgering me
with their questions...
the cops... just
over and over again.
It just...
it made me nervous.
I started shaking and sweating.
I just... I felt like
I couldn't breathe,
they said I was a junkie,
and threatened to take me
in for public intoxication.
I got out of there
as fast as I could
and I swore I would
never go back.
But you seriously aren't
gonna let him just...
The Monster thinks that I'm dead
and I plan on
keeping it that way.
[Layla exhales]
You don't believe me, do you?
I thought you were dead.
I don't know what to
believe right now.
The sedatives are
kicking in and...
I can't think,
even if I wanted to anymore.
Do you need me to
help you inside?
Yeah. Thanks.
- I'm coming to get you.
- Okay.
Oh, gosh.
[exhaling deeply]
Won't be wearing
these for a while.
Dr. Green wants
me to take it easy
until the baby comes.
No heels.
I'm sorry for the way
I reacted earlier.
My emotions are
all over the place
and this is a lot to take in.
Yeah, for me, too.
Leo's home tomorrow.
We'll figure out
a way to help you.
Um, is there anyone
I can call for you?
I don't... I don't think
you should be alone.
I only talk to my
mom between husbands.
Stepdad number
five, and counting.
Leo's all I got, too.
Okay. Well...
...can I grab something for you
downstairs, before I head out?
Some water would
be great. Thanks.
[exhales deeply]
[groggily] Mm.
Oh! You scared me!
I don't like being
grabbed like that!
You... you're alive?
Where-Where've you
been? How'd you...?
Oh, I'm bleeding!
Where's my wife?
You're looking at her.
Mm! Baby.
Does this mean you got the yes?
Thank God, you're
okay. Come here.
I can't believe Gina called you.
I thought she...
Our baby girl is fine.
I promise.
What happened to your hand?
Oh, that was my bad.
What are you still doing here?
You know who she is, right?
Not at first, but now, yes.
And you didn't think to call me?
My bad for not knowing
the proper etiquette
to tell my husband
that his first wife has
come back from the dead.
Is she wearing my nap dress?
I hope you didn't mind.
I-I had to some laundry. I
needed something to put on.
[Leo] How'd you even find us?
After everything
I've been through,
that's the first thing
you think to ask me?
I'm sorry, okay?
I'm in shock.
I don't know what
to say... I don't...
How about, "I'm glad to
know you're still alive"?
I am.
I really am.
I mean...
you look... you look good.
[Layla scoffs]
I-I mean, considering
all she must've gone through,
like she said... it's just...
I don't remember saying
you could stay over.
I didn't have a ride,
and I figured if you
needed something,
I could be of good use.
Looks like you
finished your sandwich.
Where you been all this time?
[crying out, indistinct
and echoing darkly]
[gunshot echoes]
Wow, that-that sounds...
- Horrific.
- ...Terrible.
So, I... I gotta get to work.
I thought you just got here.
How-How long are you
planning on staying?
That depends on you.
Excuse me?
I left the woods with
nothing but my life.
[Layla] So you came
for some money?
Where else am I supposed to go?
You're the only family I have.
Why don't you go
get ready for work,
while I talk to my husband?
Keep the nap dress.
If I like something,
I just buy multiples.
About time.
Three grand?
That's walking-around
money for y'all.
Despite how it
looks, we're broke.
IVF cost us a fortune.
The Chameleon's bleeding us dry,
and whatever money
that is coming in,
it seems like it's
funding my wife's
"buy one and another
one" lifestyle.
I imagined seeing you
again, a million times...
...but I never saw
you remarrying.
It's almost as though
I never existed.
I had to move on.
Look, I thought you were dead.
You know, it was hard
getting this job,
and I don't want
to lose it, so...
You need me to call you a ride?
When I parked the
car last night,
I did notice...
there were three cars,
and only two of y'all.
- You don't seriously think...
- I can't believe
you got your dream car.
You know, you always said
you were gonna get this car,
and I wanted to believe you,
but, at the time, we were
eating at the Pancake Shack
and that was a bit of a splurge.
Look, I-I know you've
been through a lot...
but you're not taking my car.
Well, lucky for you,
I can't afford the
maintenance on it... yet.
[keys jangle]
Oh. And, uh,
this check has
"Vikki Knight" on it,
and according to a Judge Ekkers,
she's dead.
I'm Tori now.
Your dad always
did call you that.
Got cash?
This should last
me till Thursday.
Dinner at The Chameleon.
Bring one of those
pre-paid debit cards,
a working phone.
8 p.m., sharp.
The three of us have
a lot to discuss.
Oh, and thanks for
the convertible.
Do you remember the times
when you went offtrack?
Won't slack
No cap
Imma make my way back
When I'm running away
I wanna get back home
No, it's never the same
until you get back home
Hey, what do you think she meant
about not being able to afford
maintenance on my car...
Maintenance on that
thing is ridiculous.
Now, hey, let's not go there.
First, it was my nap
dress, then our car.
Is she gonna borrow you next?
She gets Mondays,
Wednesdays, Fridays?
I guess we'll find
out at dinner.
Angel, come here.
[grunts] Ooh!
You know you've ruined
me for any other woman.
It's not that I don't
feel bad for her,
because I do, but
it's just that...
That feels good.
[sighs] I mean...
there's never a good time
for your husband's
dead wife to show up...
...but why now?
Between the baby and the
"Hotwives" interview...
[testily] Not that again.
Yes, "that again."
We could use the money
and the publicity
for The Chameleon.
Are you buying her story
about not going to the police?
She seemed pretty adamant to me.
You saw how hard it was for
her to tell us what happened.
You have the best hands.
Oh, yeah?
You like that?
[slaps him lightly]
I'm going to work out.
Yes, you go burn off
some of that energy.
And I'm going to the
restaurant after.
Got to, uh, tell Mark he
needs to lay off more staff.
We're gonna get
through this. Okay?
I love you, Mr. Knight.
I love you more than
that, Mrs. Knight.
Top to bottom Never
Top to bottom
But it's looking like
that time on the rollie
Looking like the dice
saying "Roll me, roll me"
Never want to quit Like
the game fix for me
Go on! Go on!
Go crazy!
Show off!
Show off! Show off!
Go crazy!
Go on! Go on!
Go on!
Go crazy!
Show off! Show off!
Show off!
Go crazy!
Go on!
Get gone!
I'm too high when I'm on
Like one pass Go off
Go off, go off
I thought you'd be
long gone by now.
Searching "the
Most Wanted" site.
You trolling for
a new boyfriend?
I don't care what you say...
something's off with her.
Look! I mean, like, come
on, it's, like, too perfect.
It's either she's
A.W.O.L. from the Army
or she escaped the
federal prison.
Either way, I'm gonna
collect the reward.
You cold-blooded.
That girl's only crime is
trying to do a good job.
[door creaks]
How do I look?
I mean, anything is better
than a convict jumpsuit.
Do you think this is
okay for The Chameleon?
I went on their website and
it looks a little fancy.
That's fine.
You look nice.
I mean, a little bit of
makeup wouldn't hurt.
I haven't worn makeup in years.
Hmm! And why is that?
Just never been good at it.
And why are they even
taking you out, anyway?
I guess to show appreciation
that I looked out for
Layla until Leo got home.
Mm. So, I'm assuming that...
you borrowing their car
wasn't good enough, right?
How about you let Gina
zhuzh you up a little bit?
Since you got
nothin' better to do.
Come on.
I mean,
what really went down between
y'all two that night? Hmm?
I made her a sandwich
and she fell asleep,
and I took a shower.
And her sense of style...
those are Layla's sneakers.
The same size.
Would you believe?
Actually, I can,
but what I can't...
and what I'm struggling with,
is, like, why do
you have her shoes?
She said something about
she didn't know anyone
who wore Skeeters,
and she wanted to
keep it that way.
Mm-hmm! That's Layla all day.
It's so good being
here with you.
How do I look?
Whose idea was all this?
The five-star feel is Layla.
The healthy comfort food is me.
What's "comforting" about this?
That's grass-fed, organic beef.
And it still tastes like feet.
Since our food isn't
to your liking,
maybe our very
generous offer will be.
A burner phone?
[scoffs] Cute.
That's $5,000 on there.
[Layla] That's enough
for a fresh start.
In Destin, Florida, maybe?
Only 75,000 more to go,
and I'll do just that.
[couple scoffs]
My dad's life-insurance
I had $80,000 in savings before.
I want it back.
I already told
you... we're broke.
Not "broke," lover.
Just a bit...
financially challenged.
Mm-hmm. Those look expensive.
[Leo] $5,000 a painting.
[Layla] They're Garcone.
Worth every penny. [chuckles]
[phone buzzes]
It's Ally!
Probably calling to
schedule my interview.
I'm gonna take this
in your office.
[phone buzzing]
Wish me luck.
[phone continues buzzing]
I don't mean to push...
but it's not adding up...
why you won't go to the police.
I've already lost five years.
I'm not about to
waste another one
having to relive what happened
every day in a courtroom,
and having to look at
the Monster's face.
What would you call
someone who takes such
pleasure in your pain?
If don't want to relive it,
why come back to the place
so close to where
it all happened?
Why not get as far away
from here as possible?
I'm glad you asked.
That's not easy
to do without I.D.
Put this on your
list of things to do.
"Tori Elaine Lyte."
A lot of bad happened
to Vikki Knight.
Tori deserves better.
I don't know the first thing
about getting fake I.D.s.
I'm sure your
cousin, Jimmy, does.
5K a week...
That'll be my salary for
helping turn this place around.
And it ain't lost on me
that everything on this menu
is food that I
used to cook you...
except with flavor.
What part of business being
bad are you not getting?
I cannot leave without money...
real money!
Where am I supposed to get $75K?
Your sports car is worth a lot.
I'm not selling my car.
My only good memory as a kid
is the day my dad picked
me up from school early
and took me for a ride
in a car he borrowed.
I just remember him
smiling, you know,
as we drove down the highway.
He said driving that car
was better than any
drug he ever had,
and I've wanted one ever since.
I'm not selling my car.
Well, I guess each one of
those will buy you a week.
What happened, angel...
they turn you down again?
No. She wants to do
the interview here.
Thank goodness,
your husband just hired
a recipe consultant.
Recipe consultant?
Is that even a real...
What the...
You're late.
Not sure how,
when I plan on making
my own schedule.
Him or her?
A forced hire usually means
you're sleeping with the
husband or related to the wife.
I'm Layla's cousin.
I don't see the resemblance.
You do look familiar, though.
I'm Tori.
I'm Mark.
Your boss.
Praying you've hosted before?
Leo made me fire the two we had,
and Layla only agreed to hire me
if I didn't interact
with the customers.
I'm here to drive
up customer traffic.
Reason folks ain't eating here
ain't got nothing to do
with who's showing
them to their seats.
To the kitchen it is.
Don't tell me
that ain't the best
sloppy joe you ever had.
Oh, come on, Mark!
I can't just serve anything
without management approval.
Tomorrow, I'll
work with the chef
to revamp the meatloaf.
Or as I like to call it...
Oh, my God! I said
the same thing.
- [laughs]
- Mm!
Okay, well...
we'll have to drop our
"healthy comfort food" motto,
but, uh, who cares?
That's really
good... nice job.
Ground turkey meat, no salt.
You know, I think
this is the kind of food Leo
wanted to serve all along.
Speaking of, wh-where is he?
Uh, the gym. He's
always at the gym.
Freaks out if he
gains one pound.
He only ever comes
in to make sure
no one steals anything.
The amount of money those
two spend on this place...
Banks just handing
out loans like that?
Uh, yeah, they do, when you wave
your dead wife's $2-million
life-insurance policy
in your face.
The smartest thing Leo ever did
was take out that policy on a
waitress who made $8 an hour.
[sighs] I mean...
I know he loved her.
He was a wreck when
she went missing.
You knew him back then?
Yeah, we met on
one of the searches
he organized to find Vikki.
You... You searched for her?
Yeah. I'd just moved to
Macon. I didn't know anyone.
The police had just
stopped the searches,
so Leo posted he
was forming his own,
and a bunch of us volunteered.
So you joined the
search to make friends?
[chuckles] Yeah, I
know how it sounds,
but we spent weeks searching
the woods in Stone Mountain...
we had to talk about something.
Leo, of course, talked
about how kind Vikki was.
She always wanted to
open a restaurant.
You know, I-I find it
ironic that you found a job,
you found friends, but...
everything but Vikki.
Yeah, I'm still
having nightmares
about the day we
found all that blood.
I just remember Layla screaming.
It was her first day
joining the search.
Can you believe that?
I'm surprised she never
mentioned it to you.
I mean, I guess telling
people you met your husband
while searching for
his missing wife
isn't exactly a meet-cute
you want to brag about.
Some M.E. determined
it was unlikely that
anyone could survive
that much blood loss,
so the search party stopped.
Two years later, a judge
declared her officially dead.
I called Leo to give
him my condolences,
found out he and Layla
had started dating,
and they were gonna open a
restaurant to honor Vikki.
I was working at a French
bistro at the time,
with sketchy owners,
so I offered to come help get
The Chameleon up and running.
Okay, we got a
delivery coming in.
I'll be right back.
Oh, um...
hey, you know, when I said
you didn't look like Layla...
...I only meant that I
think you're way prettier.
It's amazing.
I like your nails.
Layla's are getting
too long for my taste.
You know, uh...
based on your online reviews,
I thought we'd be dining alone.
It took people a while
to catch onto the theme.
You know.
I'm still not sure I get it.
White tuxedos, formal,
you don't...
We just thought
everyone should enjoy
the five-star treatment.
With the one-star food?
That was a review I'd read.
But I must say...
...This is the best
meatloaf I have ever had.
Do not tell my mother.
Curious to know what's in it.
I stay away from the kitchen.
Isn't that where all
the magic happens?
Stress and the yelling...?
My contribution
is the aesthetics.
Is that a...
A Garcone? Yes.
We had it specially
You know, I always thought...
...that Gar-co-ne's
commissioned work was more...
He's doing more
minimalist pieces now.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
My storyline can be
about the restaurant.
It can be about us designing it.
We can close down
for a few weeks,
and throw a huge grand
re-opening party.
Ah, that sounds...
I know!
You have a nice life.
You are married to a nice guy.
You buy fancy... art.
You get your nails
done once a week,
you wear white,
like, all the time.
It is all very...
I need messy.
I need drama.
I need hot, messy drama.
I have drama! I really do.
My h...
I just can't say anything
without a contract.
[skeptically] Mm-hmm.
My drama...
will win you an Emmy.
Just get me on the show.
if you really want
to be on the show...
our caterer just quit?
[Layla gasps, aghast]
Oh, no, you're right... I
couldn't hire Chameleon.
It would blow our budget.
Oh. Just, maybe after
the baby's born,
you'll find out that Leo
was sleeping with the nanny.
[laughs] J.K.! But not really.
If you get me something
juicy like that,
I promise, you'll
get on the show.
Listen, please, I...
[cuts her off] Any chance
I could get the recipe
for that meatloaf?
Never mind.
I'll have my assistant
track it down.
It was so nice to
finally meet you.
Yes! Good luck with the baby.
[Layla stammers]
It is my restaurant.
I should be the one
doing the taste-testing.
Well, Mark is usually the one
here doing all the work, so...
Well, I'm here now.
[ring tapping table]
is this what I think it is?
Chicken pot pie. Yes.
My dad's favorite.
Yeah, mine, too.
This brings me back
to the first time you
ever cooked for me.
[chuckles softly]
I never tasted anything so good.
I just wanted you to know
what food made with
love tasted like,
not like the crap you
said your mother fed you.
Did I imagine it all?
I mean, did you...
...did you ever...
ever love me?
Of course I did.
How's Layla?
She started spotting
the other night,
so she's on official bed
rest until the baby comes.
Oh, well,
I-I'll have the kitchen
make her a doggie bag.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Pack up a couple more of
those for me, would ya?
Oh. Yeah, sure.
I'll, uh...
I'll keep this one.
So... how can we
help you today?
I haven't been to
a doctor in awhile
and I wanted to know if
I could still have kids.
Okay. Uh...
...we'll need you to
do some bloodwork,
but first, I'd like to do
a quick exam, if I could?
Um, I'll need you
to open your robe
so I can examine your abdomen.
[inhales sharply]
You know what?
I'm going to see if I
can bring somebody in,
maybe just help you feel a
little bit more comfortable.
How's that? Good?
One second.
[whispers] Can I borrow
you for one second, please?
[door shuts]
Whenever you're ready, ma'am.
[Mimi gasps]
[straining and grunting]
[screaming echoing]
Dr. Moss...
really helped me.
She helped me find the courage
to leave my abuser for good.
Her office is just in
this same building here.
So, um... give her a call.
You never said
where you're from.
I don't remember you asking.
[chuckles] Well,
I'm asking now.
I was an Army brat.
Moved around a lot.
Have any fun plans this weekend?
I was thinking, you
know, maybe we could
hang out sometime after work?
I need to see you in my office.
No. Not you. Her.
Birth certificate...
driver's license,
social security card.
[speedbag thudding]
They weren't cheap.
Your pay'll be short this
week, but I'll make up for it.
I'm sure you're ready
to get out of here
and, you know, be done
with all of this anyway.
Oh, we're far from done.
I did everything you asked for.
And now I'm asking you for more.
Does a $2-million
life-insurance policy
ring any bells to you?
Oh, it would be a shame...
- [bam]
- ...If, somehow,
the insurance company found out
that "Vikki" was still alive.
I'm sure they'd want
their $2 million back.
Plus interest.
I just want my fair share.
I'm curious what
you think that is.
You might as well be asking
for the whole two mil.
It crossed my
mind. I almost did.
Especially with the way things
are going around here lately.
Three months of boom does not
make up for two years of bust.
Oh, come on!
Your Garcone might be gone,
but that's not your only asset.
I'm not selling my car,
no matter how many
times you or Layla ask.
She says it's not a
baby-friendly car.
It's my only refuge.
My house has turned into a-a
giant kid-proofed nursery.
And because of that baby,
Layla and I haven't...
[inhales deeply] ...in months.
[speedbag creaking]
Now I feel what my
pops was chasing.
Driving that car
is the only time
I feel like a man,
and I'm not giving
that up for you, her,
and definitely not no baby.
You don't sound too excited
about becoming a dad.
[snaps] We're done here!
Don't forget to close
the door behind you.
[heavy blows continue
landing on speedbag]
You were listening in on us?
What's going on between you two?
And don't say "nothing,"
because whenever
he comes around,
you get weird.
What's in the envelope?
Cash for Layla's baby shower.
Oh, okay.
Is it like a... co-ed shower?
I could be your date.
[Dr. Moss] You seem
to be coping well
in light of all that
you've been through.
I cuddle a teddy bear every
night, like a toddler.
The other day, a
co-worker asked me out,
and I ran to the
bathroom and threw up.
The thought of a
man touching me...
That's an
understandable reaction.
Except the one thing I
want most in the world
is a baby,
and you kinda gotta let a man
touch you to get one of those.
I hope you take a bit
more time to fully heal
before becoming a mom.
Thought you said
I was coping well?
Let's talk about life
before The Monster.
Tell me more about your ex...
"Jim," I think you called him?
What do you want to know?
How did you guys meet?
[Tori] I was a waitress,
and he would come in
for lunch every day...
like the Alicia Keys video...
"You Don't Know My Name."
We bonded quickly.
My dad was dying,
and he was pretty
sweet about it.
I had to rush home every
night to relieve the nurse.
Jim would come over and help.
He had a pretty yucky childhood
and my dad became the
father he never really had.
A few months later,
after we met,
Jim asked him for his blessing.
We married quickly,
and a few days later,
he died in his sleep.
I think my dad...
had peace,
knowing that I wasn't
gonna be by myself.
I guess the joke's
on him, right?
you took the first step
in possibly changing that.
We're out of time,
I do hope you'll make
another appointment.
I think it could be
incredibly beneficial.
Hey, Tori!
[gasps] What are
you doing here?
I've got an appointment
with Dr. Moss.
Is that where you
are coming from?
You guys talking about me?
First, you try to listen
to my conversation,
and now you're following me?
I've been seeing her for
my OCD for over a year now.
[phone starts buzzing]
I gotta go. I-I'll
see you tomorrow.
Hi. Dr. Greene?
[locks door]
Mm. Oh, just in time.
I hate drinking alone.
I mean, I do it, but
I just prefer not to.
Come over here.
Come on.
This one's for you.
Tell me all about it.
Dr. Green said
he don't think I'll ever
be able to have kids.
Oh, honey, come here.
Can you read my palm and tell me
what I did to deserve
all the bad things that
keep happening to me?
The pain I'm sensing from you...
no one deserves.
Let me love on you a little bit.
Washing my hair
is not going to wash
these problems away.
No, but it will make us both
feel a little bit better.
Your hair...
It's growing in...
healthy and strong...
just like you.
Listen to me.
If you want to be a
momma, you'll find a way.
Just don't let that bad man
at work come too close, okay?
Who, Mark?
Mm. Beats me. Come on.
Just get a sense that there's...
a man at the restaurant
who's trying to outrun his past,
but I don't think he can.
I'm gonna get you in a new
wig, give you a new look.
And in the morning, I'm gonna
take you to the gun range
and teach you how to shoot.
How does that sound?
- [water running]
- Mm-hmm.
[Mark, on video] All right.
I am here
with my friend,
Patty, and, uh...
Dude, what are you doing?
...We're, uh, still
searching for Vikki,
so, if anyone has any
leads or information,
please message me.
Or just...
message me to say hi, okay?
I'm this close to
selling a kidney,
and you're out buying
a $5,000 stroller?
I'm not "out" doing anything.
I've been stuck in this
bed for the past month.
You're the one who
wanted a baby so badly.
What did you just say?
I'm taking it back.
The stroller.
Look, I got about 100K, but
that's a long way from 500.
Your dead wife is
getting on my nerves.
Then stop spending money.
The sooner we pay her,
the sooner we all can all
move on with our lives.
I know about your dirty
little secret, Leo.
Found a ketchup
packet from Wally's
in your gym bag the other day.
Just remember, lover...
I don't do broke
or fat.
[phone ringing]
The Chameleon. May I help you?
Why are you answering the phone?
Oh, uh, we only had
a few reservations
and Mark told me to hostess.
Is Leo there?
He's not answering his phone.
No, no, he's not.
Ahem. We had a little spat,
and I'm starving.
Well, um...
We're not super-busy.
I c... I can bring
you something.
Really? You wouldn't mind?
You are eating for two.
There's a hide-a-key
under the horse.
Gina and Karin use it
when they come over for
my weekly appointment.
All right.
See you soon.
[Layla] What's going on
in the outside world?
Come on, give me some gossip.
Well, some of us have
to work for a living.
Come on. What's happening
at the restaurant?
Besides your delicious cooking
Leo can't stop raving about?
[exhaling deeply]
Mark asked me out.
The blinker?
I think he's a weirdo,
but Leo likes him.
You aren't thinking of
dating him, are you?
What's in this?
It tastes like...
Made it especially for you.
Aren't you a rather thoughtful,
sweet, little blackmailer?
That is what's
happening here, right?
You're blackmailing Leo
for innocently cashing
in your life insurance?
[exhales tensely]
Cute dress.
Gina tells me you've
been wearing all white,
all the time.
Everybody knows that's
kind of my thing.
I guess it's my thing now, too.
It's fine.
Especially since you're
gonna be leaving town
once Leo gets you the
money you asked for, right?
The money I'm owed? Yes.
[exhales tensely]
I don't feel so good.
I feel like I'm gonna be sick.
[groaning lightly]
[groans intensely]
My water just broke!
[Layla panting deeply]
Try and call Leo.
I-I'll call 911.
Can't believe I'm a dad.
Hope I don't screw
it up like mine did.
What's the baby's name?
Best of both of us...
Make sure you have
my money by Friday.
I'm getting tired
of these demands.
And I'm getting tired
of your pathetic ass
actually believing
I don't remember
you're The Monster.
Maybe you and Layla are right.
Maybe I should go to the police,
tell 'em what really
happened to Vikki.
[shot fires]
Friday by noon,
or I tell the America who
"The Monster" really is.
I feel sorry for Layla.
Leave... Leave her out of it.
While you're rotting in prison,
she'll be the one
responsible for paying
back the insurance money.
She'll have to get a job...
working for the post office.
At least they have benefits.
Although, strippers
do make more money.
Uh, nurse!
Excuse me.
Can you tell me where
the gift shop is?
[door thuds shut]
Why would you do that?
That's what happens when
you sneak up on somebody.
I wasn't sneaking.
I'm just a soft...
I never told you where I lived.
You never told me
much about yourself,
and what little you
did say was a lie.
You're no more related
to Layla than I am.
She's like a play-cousin.
All Black people have one.
I'm not stupid.
I saw the fat envelopes
Leo paid you every Friday.
At first, I thought you
were having an affair...
and then I realized
you were never at the
restaurant at the same time...
almost like you were
avoiding each other,
except on paydays...
so I did some digging.
You mean stalking.
You have no digital footprint.
Like, zero.
Do you know how hard that is?
Then, thanks to my OCD,
I couldn't get it out of my
head that I'd seen you before.
And I was right.
We'd never met, but
I knew that face.
I searched for that face.
I put up "missing" posters
all over Dekalb
County for that face.
My arm hurts.
[winces] Ah.
Mark, what do you want?
The truth.
Okay, yeah.
Vikki Knight.
I know that.
I mean, the truth about why
you won't go out with me.
[snaps] That's why I
won't go out with you!
Are you serious?
I just confessed to being
a dead/missing woman,
and the only thing you
could think to ask me
was why I won't go out with you?
This has nothing to
do with your OCD.
This has everything to do
with you being an A-S-S.
[quietly] Good point.
I'll bring that up
in my next session.
I'm tired and I'm cold, so,
I'm-I'm leaving, all right?
You know what, Mark?
Been doing a little
digging of my own.
What's up with your
obsession with missing women?
I thought my OCD
wasn't an issue.
I'm not talking about the
weird way you fold napkins.
I'm talking about you
hopping from town to town,
looking for victims.
Maybe I have a
hero complex, okay?
Or maybe you're a freak
who gets off on other
people's tragedies?
That was harsh.
Are you gonna keep
my secret or not?
First, you insult me, and
then you ask me for a favor?
[beads clattering]
[phone ringing]
Hey, girl. What's up?
Uh, headed to the beauty supply.
We're running low
on detox shampoo.
Oh, I-I went yesterday.
Restocked everything,
and put us on automatic re-up
for all our heavy-use products,
See, that's why
you the G.O.A.T.!
Oh, and, um, Chloe canceled,
so you don't have to come in
until after four.
Yeah, but...
are you okay?
Yeah. I-I-I didn't get
much sleep last night.
What's new? You
never sleep well.
[phone buzzing]
That's-That's the restaurant.
I'll talk to you later, okay?
- [hangs up]
- [cell phone buzzing]
[Leo] I got your money.
I'll be at the
house in 20 minutes.
[laughs and squeals]
Gimme that money...
Gimme that money
Gimme that money...
Gimme that... that money
Gimme that money
Gimme that money...
Not anymore we don't.
[beads swishing]
[text alert chimes]
Gimme that money...
Gimme that money
Gimme that money...
Gimme that... that money
Gimme that money
Gimme that money...
[line ringing]
Hey, it's Tori.
Can you make me two
chicken pot pies to go?
Okay, I'll be there
in a sec. Bye.
Here's the food Layla ordered
and the clothes I borrowed.
It's all there.
How'd you get the money so fast?
Took out a second on the house,
on the restaurant,
and I sold my car.
I should've killed you the
first time you begged me to.
Why didn't you? Hmm?
I kinda thought as long as
I didn't commit
the ultimate sin,
maybe I could be
saved, you know?
It'd take Jesus and a
therapist on speed dial
for that.
Thing is, I'm not
much of a believer,
but I am seeing a
therapist in Augusta.
I'm trying to get better.
Now, I probably should've
got help sooner, but...
I stomached being civil
because I thought it would
help me get what I deserved,
even if it meant you never will.
But I will never forgive you.
Hey, you don't seriously think
I'm about to let
you take my car?
I came here broke, on a bus.
I'll be damned if I
leave the same way.
[door slams]
Oh, and go ahead on
and report it stolen.
When I get caught, I'll be happy
to tell 'em my
side of the story.
[engine starts]
Ah! Damn it!
In your little black dress
'Cause you're gonna
impress tonight
We only drink champagne
That's right
No real racket tonight
'Cause it's a
high-class joint...
- [phone buzzing]
- Oh, no.
...Tonight we
comin' through
Hangin' with my crew
Whatchu want to do?
Sexy ladies Give it to me
[phone buzzing]
What do you want, Mark?
Hey, look, I'm sorry
about last night, okay?
I didn't mean to ambush
you, I'm sure it was very...
You're the last
person I want to hurt.
I like you,
even if you don't like me.
Oh, well, when you're not being
all stalkerish and creepy,
I like you, too,
as a friend.
Hey, uh,
is it weird
Leo took out a $2-million policy
on Layla and the baby?
Two separate policies?
Well, how do you know?
Well, when I was
snooping around,
to see if you and
him were hooking up,
I figured out his email
password and now I can't
stop checking it everyday.
- Mark!
- I know, I know.
Dr. Moss isn't happy
about it either.
Mark, you've gotta
stop this, okay?
Leo is not someone
you want to cross.
Is that what happened to you?
You crossed him,
so he hired someone
to kidnap you?
Leave it alone, Mark.
His credit cards are maxed out.
In order to afford both policies
he had to cancel
his precious gym membership
and his weekly meetings
to some wellness
clinic in Augusta.
Probably some happy-ending
service or something.
Um, hey, Mark, Imma
call you back, okay?
I need to check on
Layla and the baby. Bye.
[exhaling deeply]
[doorbell chiming]
Is Leo here?
He went to urgent care.
He thinks he broke
a toe or something.
You really have some
nerve coming here.
It must be for
good reason, okay?
I haven't slept in three days.
Lela will not stop crying.
I can't do this right now.
- [Lela fussing]
- Okay, well, give her to me.
I really need to freshen up.
Do you mind?
Yeah. Just hurry.
Go ahead.
I don't know how to
tell you this, but...
...I know who The
Monster is and so do you.
Everything that
happened to me...
...it was Leo.
[slams knife down]
You're really something.
It's not enough you bankrupt us.
He has another side...
Leo has never laid a hand on me!
He took out a $2-million
insurance policy on you,
the same way he did
to me, right before...
Grow up!
It's what fiscally-responsible
couples do.
And what about the
one he took out Lela?
- Did you know about that?
- Why are you doing this?
Leo loves me and our baby.
Leo is sick.
You're the sick one!
Stealing my clothes?
Lela's teddy bear?
Who does that?
Clearly, you're upset
that Leo moved on after
your disappearance.
The kidnapping and torturing
that he orchestrated?
And you want to take
everything away from him,
including me.
[Tori] Look what
he did to me! Hmm?
[gags deeply]
[faucet running]
[Layla retching]
You back for the furniture?
Uh... uh, Tori, can
you check on the baby?
I need to talk to Leo.
You carved our
initials into her side?
We promised no violence
with each other.
You promised me she was dead!
What's she even doing here?
She risked coming back
to warn me about you.
She thinks Lela and I
are your next victims,
that you're the bad guy
that needs to be taken down,
which works for me, except...
I can't trust that you're
not gonna go blabbing
that I'm the mastermind
of this whole thing.
I would never snitch on you.
God, I can't believe
I convinced myself
that you having an outlet
for your twisted kinks
wouldn't affect me personally.
It was working fine
until you decided
to switch things up
and tell me to shoot her.
Not "shoot her," kill her.
[sighs in disgust]
And because you didn't,
I'm gonna have to,
which sucks,
I kind of like the girl.
Just listen to that!
I don't hear anything.
She's like the
baby-whisperer or something.
Yeah, well... well, then what?
We stuff her body in the
S.U.V. and dump her somewhere?
Tori might've left
Karin a note or a clue
to give the cops if
she disappears again.
[chuckles darkly]
What if we tell the police
that she was
crazy-obsessed with me?
She has been running around town
looking like a
cheap twin of yours.
Thank you for saying that!
- [huffs]
- Yeah.
Stealing my "white" thing
is reason enough for her to die.
What if we said
she came to kill me,
even kidnap Lela?
And then you came back
and killed her instead?
[giggling to herself]
I love the way your
mind works, angel.
But we already collected
all the money that we can
out of her.
Well, we can get our 500K back.
I'm sure it's still in
the trunk of our car.
Thank you for reminding me!
Mwah! Ah.
That will hold me over
until the other money comes.
Other money?
Killing Tori won't
make me rich...
...but killing you will.
- [flesh tears]
- [Leo gasps intensely]
You may have taken out a
$2-million policy out on me,
but I've taken
a $3-million policy out on you.
[Layla gasping]
Lela's gonna be an orphan.
[gasping and choking]
- [grunts]
- [crunching]
Oh, God.
[Leo gasps]
I guess we both got
what we deserved, huh?
Thank you, God.
[Layla] God's got
nothing to do with this.
But I sure as Hell do!
[Lela crying]
[Layla] Oh, baby girl,
please stop crying.
Mommy can't think
with all this noise.
[groans] Not again.
Oh, this is all on you, boo.
You just had to come back
and ruin my perfect plan.
I was trying to
protect Lela from Leo.
Leo's ass would've
been dead and gone
after he ate those pot pies
I laced with anti-freeze.
Oh, my God. You're
both monsters.
I'm more of an evil genius.
Antifreeze has a sweet,
nearly undetectable taste.
Leo's greedy ass would've
gobbled those pies up.
Your plan was to
kill him all along?
No. It was your plan
to kill him all along.
You're the one with the motive.
You're the one who
brought the pies over
and fled town... in our
stolen car, no less.
[Lela cries]
What is it, baby girl, huh?
I fed you, I burped you.
You're bouncing her too hard.
She's reacting from
your anxious energy.
Leo's dead, so what's with
all the drama with me?
Because the stupid
"Slayer Rule" says
that if you murder someone
or are even suspected
of murdering someone,
you cannot collect
on the policy.
Someone did their research.
I've been planning this
for over six years now.
You didn't even meet Leo
until after I was kidnapped.
Oh. That's what we
wanted people to think.
I was staying at my mom's house
after her fourth husband left.
Leo delivered a package
and was instantly flirty.
The uniform did him no favors,
but he had a nice smile.
Once he left, I realized he
gave me the wrong package.
The label was from Saks,
so of course, I opened it.
When he came back,
I was wearing the
necklace that was inside.
He said I could keep it
if I agreed to a date.
I told him I wasn't about
that delivery-man life,
I needed a baller...
but if I got more treats,
I'd make an exception.
He started coming
by almost every day
with packages from
expensive stores,
and then he said he
couldn't do it anymore.
His boss was getting suspicious
of all the lost
packages on his route.
Plus, he met some waitress
who wasn't nearly
as pretty as me,
but she didn't mind
that he was a delivery man...
and then there was your dad.
I wanted to rush along
his end-of-life journey,
but Leo said no.
His love for your
dad was genuine.
If he hadn't died, you
might still be together,
driving your crappy car
to your crappy
blue-collared jobs...
rushing home to
family game night.
Kill me now, please.
When he mentioned he was sick,
I found my way back in.
I told Leo that he could
have the both of us...
until he died.
And then he,
and at least half of your
dad's settlement money,
would be all mine.
Shame it wasn't as
large as we had hoped.
So you had him kidnap me?
He was supposed to kill you,
but, ugh, that husband of ours,
as handsome as he is,
he's not all that bright.
And he took the idea of
having the both of us
a little too literally,
but as long as he
kept his dark side
away from the home,
I was okay with it.
[Tori] So, what happens now?
Selling that you
murdered Leo is easy...
...but selling a
that's a little tricky.
I can't have the coroner
ruling "death by horse head"
and not hari-kari.
It'll ruin my settlement.
But now that I see that
you're alive and well,
it's time for you to die.
You don't... You don't
have to do this. Okay?
[Layla chuckling darkly]
I can back up your
claim of self-defense.
We can get our story air-tight,
and fool both the police
and the insurance company...
Too late.
I know it sounds silly,
but I'm gonna take
Lela upstairs.
I can't have her seeing
the awful things her
mommy's about to do.
[chuckles smugly]
[muttering] After
everything I survived,
I'll be damned if I die by
the hands of this crazy bitch.
[Lela crying on monitor]
I'll give you the money back.
All of it! Okay?
And then I'll leave town,
and you'll never hear
back from me again.
This is not how
it's supposed to be.
[Layla] Killing's a lot easier
in the heat of the moment.
It's a lot harder when you
have to think about it, huh?
Having second thoughts?
Just one quick drink
to steady my nerves.
[exhaling deeply]
Don't worry. I'll
pump and dump.
[Tori] You mind if I have one?
Yeah, okay.
Why not?
[Lela crying]
[Lela crying]
Open wide.
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[groaning and fuming]
Oh, you stupid...
[thudding and crashing]
- [gasp]
- [thud]
Never bring a knife
to a gunfight.
Nobody move!
[knife clatters]
I can't believe you came.
And miss the opportunity to
see you in a pair of Skeeters?
You don't have to
be so smug about it.
You thought you
were the only one
with a perfect plan, huh?
Remember those off-the-gridders
who rescued me?
They kept asking me...
had I spent time at the
Ekkers' abandoned property?
And at the time, it didn't
mean anything to me.
But wouldn't you know...
that a "Judge Ekkers"
was the very man
who ruled me dead.
And then I remembered
you had five stepfathers.
Now, who would've thought
that stepdaddy number two
was the same Judge Ekkers
whose money problems disappeared
very shortly after the ruling,
probably around the same time
that your insurance
check came through.
You see, baby, it had
nothing to do with luck.
I vowed
that, no matter
how long it took,
or what I had to do,
I would take
everything from you.
how did I do?
I drove here in your car,
that I now own.
I live in your home...
that I now own.
And I run your restaurant,
that... guess what?
I now own! [giggles]
Though we kept the name...
just changed up the
vibe a little bit,
but that's what
chameleons do, right?
And business is booming!
They say imitation
is the sincerest
form of flattery.
Yeah, but they also say...
oh, earmuffs...
that karma's a bitch.
But you know what?
That ex-husband of ours
was right about one thing.
Mark is an amazing employee.
As a matter of fact,
I called him
outside of your home
and I told him that, look,
you don't hear from me
within a certain hour,
then send those cops
in, guns a-blazing,
and he did.
And I know you were
worried about us dating,
but now that I'm his boss,
that'll be a huge HR violation.
[pounds table]
I don't care about all of that!
Temper, temper.
[quietly] I just
care about my baby.
Can I see her?
That's why I'm here.
She's precious.
That's one thing both
of us can agree on.
I wish she was awake.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Rhea's teething right now,
so her sleep schedule
is all over the place.
She's not an old White lady.
Yeah, she's also not the
child of two monsters, either.
Listen, I know...
you and Leo thought
that "Lela" would be
the best parts of you,
if such a thing even exists,
and if that was the case...
I would've kept her name.
But, since it isn't,
I gave her mine.
Vikki begat "Tori,"
and Tori begat "Rhea."
Together, you have "Victoria."
Oh, my God.
You are corny as hell.
Well, since I fulfilled
the conditions
of you signing over
your parental rights,
this will be our last visit.
While you're in here,
I'll be out there,
living your best life.
Oh, one last thing.
Guess who's the new
Hotwife of Hotlanta?
Talk about your messy drama.
I'm raising my
dead husband's baby
by his wife that
tried to kill me.
[Tori giggles]
Hey, Layla!
It's so good to see you,
though I bet you wish it was
under different circumstances.
God, I hope you don't mind
me showing up unannounced.
But, if it's any help...
I came with some good news.
I kept my promise.
I told you...
if you brought me
something juicy,
I would get you on the show.
They denied our request
to bring in a film crew,
you know us Hollywood folks...
...always with a
trick up our sleeve.
[Tori laughs]
When I get outta here,
I'm gonna kill you both.
[screaming] I'm
gonna kill you both!
Get off of me! I'm gonna...
I'm gonna kill you both!
I'm going to kill you!
That... was...
- Intense.
- ...Emmy-winning TV!
I am sorry.
That's exactly why my
husband divorced me...
always putting the
show first. Sorry.
Are you feeling better now?
I can't do this.
Strip lashes...
they're the worst.
Extensions, only way to go.
No, no, Ally, the show.
Oh, come on.
I had no business doing
it in the first place.
Up until today, I
would've agreed with you,
but that...
you... you were
incredible in there.
I don't want to live
Layla's best life anymore.
I want to live mine.
After all you've been
through, you deserve that.
Go do you, girl.
I can still count on you for
the reunion show, though, right?