I Was a Communist for the FBI (1951) Movie Script
Yeah, honey. The bags are all checked.
Do you want to say goodbye to Gregory?
MacIntyre calling Brierly.
Bob? MacIntyre from La Guardia.
She's locked up and
just about to take off.
He's on-board alright.
Jonesy is keeping him company.
Flight Number 19.
Non-stop to Pittsburgh.
Thank you very much, Mrs Fortelli.
Always glad to be a help.
Take a Teletype message
for Crowley in Pittsburgh.
'Gerhardt Eisler left
La Guardia aboard Flight 19'.
Here you are, Dotty.
Coffee without sugar.
Doughnut with sugar.
Put Williams and Swartz on the job.
They work pretty well together.
Any reply?
- No thanks.
What's on your mind, Ken?
- Take a look at this.
'Gerhardt Eisler'.
For a man out on bail he
covers a lot of ground.
He's evidently making a
swing around the country.
Covering all the main
branch offices of the party.
A final visit, do you suppose?
- Could be.
Get out to the airport and catch
Flight 19 when she comes in.
Find out where he's stopping.
He'll use a phony name, of course.
So find out all you can and report back.
"So Gerhardt Eisler .."
"Communist agent, spy,
convicted perjurer."
"Was coming to Pittsburgh."
"Pittsburgh, the strong heart of
America's industrial might."
"Where commies have planted themselves
to throw that heart off beat."
"What have I got to do with this?"
"Well, my name is Matt Cvetic."
"Cvetic is a Slovenian name."
"There's lots of
Slovenians in Pittsburgh."
"I was born here 38 years ago."
"My folks are real nice people.
They came to this country 40 years ago."
"They became citizens and
raised a family of six kids."
"They're grown up now and
have homes of their own."
I hit it.
- You did not.
I did so.
- You did not.
I'm the umpire. What I say goes.
- Says you.
Hey mister, did you see that?
- No. Sorry. I missed it.
You're a great help.
Alright. Back to the
game and stop arguing.
Chucka, chucka. Throw the ball.
Last year they're pink, the year before
they're red. This year they're blue.
Hi, Tom.
Hiya, Matt.
Hi, everybody.
- Hello, Mum.
Happy birthday.
I was sure you'd come.
Who said I wouldn't?
You look good, Mum. Real good.
Doesn't she, Joe.
Sure. That's what I've
been telling her all day.
Dick, what are you doing sitting
here all by your lonesome?
Got a good word for your old man?
- Hi, dad.
Every time I see this guy he's
bigger than the last time.
Because you don't see him often.
I haven't had a chance. I've been busy.
So I've heard.
How are things at school?
- They're okay.
You know one of these days
I'll ask to see a report card.
Yeah, I bet.
Mum, you must be mighty proud with
all your big sons around today, huh?
So would your father be proud.
If he could be here.
Only the draft board can
get them all together now.
That's true enough.
We don't get together often.
Perhaps it's just as well.
You're doing alright, Mum.
That was a lot of loot.
Thanks for the beautiful robe, Matt.
But it's kind of fancy for an old lady.
Father Novak asked about you.
He wondered what happened to you.
He knows what happened to him.
Come on, fellahs. Let's not argue.
It's Mum's birthday.
That's alright, Sis.
They're only trying to kid me.
Don't let it bother you.
I'll get it.
Aren't you guys going to
ask me to have a beer?
Would you rather have beer or dinner?
- Yeah, that's for me too.
That's alright. I can take care of it.
Dad, a man wants you on the phone.
He wouldn't say.
- I'll be right with you.
I hope you cooked a lot, Mum.
You know my appetite.
Matt Cvetic.
Blandon speaking.
Why do you call me here?
I thought I told you ..
Never mind now. Mr Eisler is in town.
And we have called a
special meeting for tonight.
He must see you before it starts, so get
to the State Hotel as quick as you can.
The name you ask for is 'J.B. Williams'.
I'll be right over.
So, you're going to duck Mum's party?
- I've got to.
Don't try to lie to her.
She'll see through you.
As it is, she's ashamed
to admit you're her son.
She'll never be ashamed of me.
Get out of this house and
don't you ever come back.
You can't tell me that.
You slimy Red.
Do you have a phone, Miss?
- Right over there.
Thank you.
Exchange 9703.
I must talk to Mr Crowley.
Mr Crowley? Who wants him?
Just a moment please.
Mr Crowley.
- Yes?
A man named Braddick
wants so speak to you.
Put him on.
I just got word that
Gerhardt Eisler is in town.
They've called a special
meeting for tonight.
Yeah, we know he's here. He'll be
at the meeting tonight of course.
Yes, sure. I'm going to his hotel first.
I've never met him, you know.
Call me after the meeting.
Not at this office. Call the Cruising
number and I'll pick you up in my car.
Anything else?
No. That's all.
Matt, come in.
- Thanks.
Come in.
Have a drink?
- Yes. Thank you.
How you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
Well, well, well.
Quite a spread.
Better get used to it, Cvetic.
It's how we'll all live once
we take the country over.
The workers too?
The workers will still be the workers.
The trouble with you is you
are too much of a fanatic.
Who is a fanatic?
Mr Eisler - Matt Cvetic.
It's good to meet a
fanatic now and then.
At the same time we must be realistic.
To comrade Stalin.
Mr Cvetic.
I have heard some good things about you.
Your parents are Slovenian I believe?
Yes, sir.
According to reports ..
You have brought hundreds of
your nationals into the party.
Cvetic works in the personnel department
of the North American Steel Company.
He does a bit of hiring and firing.
Yes. The hiring of party members
and the firing of non-members.
That is excellent.
The national committee has
decided to reward Mr Cvetic.
Peters has been transferred and ..
You take his place as
chief party organiser.
For the district of Pittsburgh.
Thank you very much, Mr Eisler.
I consider that a great honor.
This section produces more steel than
the rest of the country put together.
Move Pittsburgh an inch ..
And we can move this country a mile.
But ..
Pittsburgh is too quiet.
Too peaceful.
To bring about the victory
of communism in America.
We must incite riots.
Open warfare among the people.
That's the purpose of tonight's meeting.
It's getting late.
We had better get going
and start the meeting.
Yes, sir.
- We'll join you later.
Glory to the Soviet Union.
To the Soviet Union.
I see this hall is only
partially filled tonight, folks.
I'd like to see it filled to capacity.
Because I want to help you people.
Now I have a few simple
questions I'd like to ask you.
"Yes. As Gerhardt Eisler said,
Pittsburgh was too quiet."
"Too peaceful."
"So they cooked up hell-brew of hate
from a recipe written in the Kremlin."
"It was the same old line they'd used
for years on all racial minorities."
"To create unrest and confusion."
I'm not a member of this party.
I came to hear what you had to say.
And I hear gross overstatement.
"Like other communist traitors,
Blandon had been trained in Moscow."
"There are more ways than one to
sabotage the safety of a country."
"The one he used was as dangerous
as blowing up defense plants."
"It was the old rule of
divide and conquer."
A very enjoyable evening.
Close the door.
You did exceedingly well.
Those niggers ate it up, didn't they.
- Uhuh.
You mean negroes, don't you Jim?
Only when I'm trying to
sell them the party line.
They're very useful comrades.
There'll be trouble
on the streets tonight.
If there isn't, I've
wasted the party's time.
Anyone want a drink?
Do you mind?
- Go ahead.
Comrades. Comrades?
You know Matt calls 'em comrades too.
Only he believes it.
You see Matt, if one of that crowd
goes out on the street tonight.
And picks a fight with a white man.
And kills him, maybe.
Then he gets convicted by a white jury.
We can go into bat and
raise a defense fund.
Am I correct, Mr Eisler?
- Uhuh.
Just like in the Scottsboro case.
Do you know the party
raised nearly two million?
Yes, nearly two million dollars
just to defend those six niggers.
When all it cost was just $65,000.
To lose the case.
Yes. We made a tremendous
profit on that deal.
Shall I tell them what was done with it?
No, no. No, Blandon.
I'm afraid the national
committee wouldn't like that.
In other words Jim, your speech
had a double purpose.
Bright boy, Matt.
The Pittsburgh branch needs dough.
We are always in the red.
Well, gentlemen.
Let's call it a night.
- Right.
Yeah, I could use some sleep.
Get in. Matt. Plenty of room.
No thanks. I'll get a cab.
Goodnight, Mr Eisler.
- Goodnight.
Harmon. Tail him.
Don't you trust your
new party organiser?
Do we trust anybody?
Not too much.
So I lost three thousand bucks.
But what's three thousand
bucks to a guy like me?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Fill it up will you, Joe.
Hey honey, why don't you
buy me a little drink, huh?
Later, huh.
- Later.
Always later.
Hello. This is Braddick
calling Cruise number LB790.
Thank you.
LB 790.
Come in please. Braddick calling.
That's him.
So, a few years later I bought
a few stocks and bonds.
Please, let's not go into that.
Okay, lady. Okay.
Hiya, Matt. Who you calling?
- Shush.
Hello, baby?
Come on, baby. You've got a car.
Tell me where you'll pick me up.
Okay toots.
The foot of 6th. Joe's cigar store.
That will be swell.
Goodbye, baby.
Goodbye, dear.
Boy, what I got waiting for me.
Relaxation, huh?
You said it and do I need it.
That's all I can remember.
I'll go home and write it up.
Maybe something else will come to me.
That's the way they started
the race riots in Detroit in '43.
And riots in Harlem the same year
when five negroes were killed.
Those 4 fellows never knew their death
warrants had been signed in Moscow.
The worst of it is we
can't do a thing about it.
Did Eisler tell you how
long he'll be in Pittsburgh?
No, not a word.
I'll contact you when I find out.
Pull over at the next corner, Mason.
You'd better take my coat, Matt.
- No thanks. I'll get a bus.
[ Man screaming! ]
Easy, Frank. Easy.
What happened?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
- Get him over to first aid.
Alright, break it up. Let's go.
Back to work you fellows.
Alright, let's go.
Looks like the guy will
lose his arm. Too bad.
What happened, carelessness?
Not his carelessness.
He's an expert at that job.
I got another guy all set for it.
- Yeah?
Take over.
- You got it.
The guy that got hurt
doesn't carry a party card.
Carson does.
I see.
A woman called while you were out.
- Who?
A Miss Scott. Principal of the
school your son goes to.
Anything wrong with the boy?
She didn't say.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
He said can you go to the dance with me?
I said sure but you must wear a tie.
And he said I don't have a tie.
So I said: no tie, no dance.
After all I can't be going out with
children. You don't blame me, do you?
Miss Scott?
- Yes.
This is Mr Cvetic.
How do you do.
Miss Merrick, one of Dick's teachers.
Mr Cvetic, we've been having a lot
of trouble with this boy of yours.
He's been in one fight after another.
Today's affair ended with one student
being sent home with a broken nose.
What were you fighting about, son?
That's the kind of answer
we've been getting.
Perhaps if we leave Mr Cvetic
alone with him, then ..
Maybe so.
Will you excuse us?
- Thank you.
One thing more, Mr Cvetic.
You understand, if this doesn't stop I
shall have to take him before the board.
I don't want to do that.
What's it all about, son?
You ought to know.
- I don't know.
Come on, let me in on it.
I haven't seen much of you
since I went to live with Gran.
Every time I ask her about you.
A tear comes in her eye.
She starts talking about something else.
I'm no dope.
I know what people say.
But I won't believe it.
The toughest part is the razzing
I have to take at school.
What about it?
That you're a commie.
A red.
Every time one of them
says it I take a swing at him.
Listen, Dad.
I think it's about time you
and I had a showdown.
What are you going to do, Dick?
Try to tell me how to think?
You're a little young for that.
- I'm close to draft age.
Guys as young as me are going
to have to fight this thing and ..
They say you're mixed up in it.
- Wait a minute, Dick.
I can't let you interfere
with my political beliefs.
Don't give me that line.
Dad, tell me the truth will you.
Are you a red or not?
Alright. I'll tell you the truth.
I'm a member of the communist party.
And I have been for nine years.
When I was a kid.
About nine or ten.
I'd tell myself I wanted to
grow up to be like my dad.
Before I'd do that now, I'd drop dead.
Wait a minute, son.
- Keep your hands off me.
Don't ever come near me again.
Mr Cvetic.
I am Dick's teacher.
I like the boy.
And I'll keep an eye on him.
Yeah. He is a good kid.
If ..
If ever you want to know how he's
getting on, don't hesitate to call me.
That's very kind of you.
- And don't feel too badly.
He'll straighten out in time.
Thank you, Miss ..?
Eve Merrick.
Willy. Willy.
What's on your mind?
You better be in by 12 o'clock tonight.
- And if I ain't?
If you ain't I won't be
here when you get back.
That's the best news
I've heard all year.
Hey, Mr Cvetic. Wait a minute.
Hiya, Jackie. What's on your mind?
Remember you were showing
me to hit with the bat?
I tried it out today.
It didn't work.
No kidding.
- No kidding.
It works for the big leagues.
Don't know why it don't for you.
I don't know either.
- Show me what you did, huh.
I stood over the plate like this.
And bat it.
No wonder. Here, let me have it.
Okay, watch me. You stand over there.
Stand at the plate like this, see.
Hold your bat this way, right?
- Right.
Keep your eye on the pitcher, right.
- Right.
When he winds up, square on. Right?
- Then bat it.
Got it?
I think so.
- Sure you have.
Jackie. Come inside.
Okay, Pop.
I'm sure I got it this time, Mr Cvetic.
See you. Thanks a lot.
- You're welcome.
Hey, Cvetic.
I thought I told you to
stay away from my kid.
I showed him something about baseball.
Baseball is an American game.
I can show him without your help.
'My dear son'.
'This letter will be left in care of
Father Novak, our parish priest'.
'And if anything should happen to
me he will put it in your hands'.
'He is the only man
outside of the FBI ..'
'Who knows I am doing undercover
work for our government'.
'How I wanted to tell you that today'.
'Then I may have seen something else in
your eyes besides sadness and contempt'.
'But I'm helping to fight a
dark and dangerous force'.
'And if one word of the truth got out
it will mean not only the end of me'.
'But perhaps of better men who take
the same chances I do every day'.
'I'm not blaming you, son'.
'I was proud of you'.
'That is one thing I want
you always to remember'.
'If your conscience tells
you a thing is right'.
'Always stand up for it'.
'Save this letter in case I
am not here to talk to you'.
'And remember what I'm saying'.
'For it's for your own good'.
'And because I love you so much'.
'If I do go'.
'You'll know the last thought I had
on earth was of you and my mother'.
'Be good'.
'And God bless you both'.
[ Door knocks ]
Just a minute.
May I come in?
Yes. Of course.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I sit down?
- No. Please do.
Did Dick tell you where I live?
No. I didn't come to see you about him.
I came to see you about me.
And you.
I've known for a long
time where you live.
I've a friend who's the assistant to the
financial secretary midtown branch.
Of the communist party.
She has access to the
membership files and I ..
Wormed your address out of her.
I've seen you lots of times at meetings.
Is that so?
You haven't seen me.
I keep pretty much in the background.
I like your speeches.
They're so sincere. So ..
Straight from the heart.
I'm glad I convinced you of that.
You don't have to wear that poker face.
I'm not dangerous.
Here are my credentials.
So, you're a member?
- Uhuh.
Who sent you here?
Nobody sent me.
I wanted to talk to you.
I know you were hurt today and ..
I thought maybe you might need a friend.
Don't you believe that?
- Yeah. Sure.
How can you as a teacher ..
Be a member of the party?
What about your loyalty
oath to the government?
My oath to hold the constitution
of the communist party is ..
More important.
I ..
I'd swear to anything in order to
spread the truth about our cause.
And what better field could I find
to work in than a high school?
That is true.
Tell me. Have you been successful?
Reasonably so.
You didn't have much luck with my kid.
I haven't started on him yet.
You leave him alone.
He's a stubborn kid. I want him
to find out the truth for himself.
No thank you.
Steel is my racket. I don't know
very much about yours. Tell me.
Do we have many teachers working
in the schools in Pittsburgh?
The teacher's section of the
branch I belong to has about ..
Thirty women in it.
Are all of them as attractive as you?
That's the idea, isn't it.
Not in my book.
- Why not?
Moscow says everything is permitted.
Most of our girls ..
- That's where I differ from Moscow.
If that's heresy, make the most of it.
Got a mind of your own, huh?
In some things.
You don't like me, do you?
I came here because I
thought you were lonely.
I'm lonely too.
Remember that if you
ever change your mind.
The arsenal of democracy
until we lower the boom.
Now here is North American Steel.
And this concerns you, Matt.
Before Mr Eisler left here, we
went over this whole set up.
And we're really going
to cripple this joint.
We'll need a man on the hoist.
In the scrap yard, each shift.
Night and day.
That's not going to be easy.
You'd better settle for one.
I'll settle for two.
You get over to Union Hall
and put a little heat on.
Get them in there fast.
- A little heat? Ha.
I've got two comrades on the board.
The CIO is trying to get
them out right now.
If they throw their weight around I'll
lose them both at the next election.
I don't want arguments, I want action.
Any suggestions, Matt?
We'd better move a man
in the drafting room.
So we get duplicates of each pattern.
They're making a change in
the armor of the Type M26 Tank.
How did you pick that up?
By keeping my ears open.
I'll check on it tomorrow but
we need a man in there.
Nice work. That's better
reception than we got before.
Thanks to Matt Cvetic.
It was our idea but he installed it.
You'd better hear the last
of this can. It's interesting.
What you hear now took place
at the end of that meeting.
This should be about the place.
That's all, Matt.
Go on home and get some sleep.
Yeah. I need it. I've been
working day and night.
You've taken on a big job.
Chief Party Organiser.
Yeah and a lot of new headaches.
Every night before I
sleep, I look under the bed.
Are you kidding?
What does it say in the manual?
It's the duty of all comrades ..
To keep close watch on members
assuming the role of leadership.
And to report their every
deviation from the party line.
Who is watching you, Blandon?
It could be you, Matt.
It could be.
He's right.
Is somebody checking on Matt?
Yeah .. a schoolteacher.
A tasty little dish.
Come on. Let's go home.
That's it.
Contact Cvetic.
Tell him to meet us at Willard's
Warehouse near the Allegheny bridge.
So, she's checking on me?
Don't all comrades check on each other?
What do you want me to do?
Take advantage of the situation.
Get a list of subversive teachers in
Pittsburgh. I'll see they're eased out.
We'll take our time on Miss Merrick
or you'll be suspected.
Cultivate her but don't go overboard.
Smarter guys than you have
been tripped up by a dame.
She won't trip me up.
I'll contact you.
Glad you came over.
- I didn't come to see you.
I came to tell you Gran is sick.
The doctor says she's dying.
Everybody is at the house.
They've called Father Novac.
She was asking for you.
Come on, let's go.
How's Mum?
Dick said she was asking for me.
Yeah. She was asking for you.
Is it alright if I go to her now?
You can go if you want to.
She's upstairs in her room.
Hello, Matt.
- Hello, Father.
Where are you going?
To Mum. She wants to see me.
You're too late, son.
Your mother has gone.
Got a light?
- Yeah.
Hi, Matt. Miss Merrick.
I told you we'd show up today.
Thanks for coming, Jim.
Thanks for the flowers.
Yeah. Red roses.
That was quite a show
they put on in there.
I saw you kneeling
with those other sheep.
What else could he do?
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Were you praying with the rest of them?
Prayers aren't going to
help my mother now, Jim.
Matt, I want to see you before you go.
Be careful, Matt.
You're in danger of losing your soul.
I'll see you in town.
Would you excuse us please.
Matt. Knowing I'd see you here
today I brought this with me.
It's the letter you gave
me for your son.
I've suddenly been called to Rome.
You had better find
another place for that.
Thanks, Father. I will.
- And if I don't see you again.
Goodbye and God bless you, son.
Thanks, Father.
Give that back to your
communist friends.
What do you mean bringing
them to Mum's funeral?
I've been waiting a long time for this.
Put up your hands.
I said put up your hands you dirty red.
Get on your feet, On your feet.
You dirty, no good ..
Stop it, stop it.
What kind of a man are you
fighting on a day like this?
Have you no respect for your mother?
- He had it coming, Father.
Don't give me that. I saw what happened.
I saw Joe hit him and he
didn't even try to fight back.
His red pals were in the cemetery
making fun of the services.
We saw them.
- Go about your business. Go on.
One of these days you'll
regret what you have done.
Matt, man alive. Why don't you tell
them? Tell them and be done with it.
Tell them what, Father?
I'm a communist and I'm proud of it.
Yes. I see what you mean.
Louis, I found it.
Okay, if I pay you tomorrow?
Sure, Peggy. Sure.
May I help you?
Have you Beethoven's Emperor concerto?
The long playing?
- No. Standard red label.
These booths are filled but we have
another booth in the back room.
Sorry to hear about your mother, Matt.
Yeah. It is pretty tough.
Listen, Matt.
- Now look. You listen to me.
Now I know what they mean about
a man in prison going stir crazy.
You know, I'm in prison.
I served nine years.
Nine years of putting on an act I
hate and being hated for doing it.
Did something happen at headquarters?
- No.
At headquarters they still think I'm a
louse who'd sell out his own people.
You know, you guys have
a home and a family.
When your day's work is done you go home
to them and they're glad to see you.
I have nothing but a
bunch of slimy commies ..
Who'd cut my throat and toss me in
a river when they're done with me.
Look, Ken.
You must get me out of this thing.
You got to wipe this red smear off me.
I can't take it any longer.
I don't know what's got into me. I don't
want to feel this way. I can't help it.
You can quit, Matt.
But clearing your name
is something else.
Once you join the bureau
you're on your own.
Once a red plant goes sour we
do everything we can for him.
But publicly we have to
disown him. You know that.
Yeah. I know it.
Here is something maybe more important.
I wrote a letter to my son to be
delivered in the event of my death.
Yesterday at mother's funeral,
I had a fight with my brother Joe.
When I got home the letter was gone.
- What was in it?
The truth about what I'm doing.
I went back to the spot where the
fight took place and it wasn't there.
Somebody must have found it.
I hope it wasn't Eve Merrick.
She was with me.
Then perhaps you'll be
interested in this recording.
We picked it up right after the funeral.
You'll recognise these voices.
The first one is Blandon's.
What did the priest have to say to
Matt after we left the cemetery?
He told them he was going to Rome.
He begged him to give up communism.
Is that all?
Matt said he was proud
of what he was doing.
He is loyal to the party.
Almost too loyal.
How he could stand there
and take that beating ..
He has had good training.
By the way.
Matt wants me to work the picket line
during the strike at North American.
Is that okay with you?
Why not? We are going to
turn out our full strength.
The more women on the line the better.
If Eve had the letter
she'd have told them.
It would seem so.
Yeah, that's right.
Look, Ken.
I want to live in a country where you
can walk around with your head up.
Where you can talk back to cops and
where you can holler out loud in print.
Where secret police will drag you out
of your bed at 4 o'clock in the morning.
Does it sound like corn?
Not to me.
Ken, forget about what I asked you.
I'm staying on the job.
He's quite a guy.
We not only demand an increase in wages,
but an increase in the manning scale.
A welfare program.
Maintain the hiring laws.
And this is most important.
Because the hiring law ..
"At the union hall the commies
used the same plan of campaign .."
"That has put them in
power time and again."
"A couple of their own men
on the executive board."
"A couple on the floor. A small
group of specialists trained to .."
"Out talk, outlast and out
manoeuvre the union members .."
"Who had come there
to cast an honest vote."
"The listeners were tired men who had
put in a heavy day at the steel plant."
"That was the idea."
"A filibuster of yacketty-yak to
wear us down and get rid of us."
"The hours worked, around the clock."
"All this had been rehearsed many
times at party headquarters."
"Midnight. One o'clock."
"At three in the morning they
were ready to make their move."
"Harmon called for a token strike.
A one-day vacation."
"That was all the party needed."
That's good.
Good. Very good.
Yeah, the boys did a swell job on them.
I like them. I like them all.
- Yeah?
Look. You must ensure the big signs are
put in the hands of the union workers.
Give our own women the small stuff
and tell them to yell their heads off.
Are they organised?
Yeah, they'll be there, Dressed as
union workers' wives like you said.
Mansanovitch. I want
you in the sound truck.
Give them the same old stuff you gave
them in the dock strikes in New York.
Got you.
- You'd better get going.
Hey, you're late.
I'm sorry. I had to pick up Eve.
You said you've a special
assignment for her?
Yeah. Yeah, I have.
How'd you like this for a dish of cream?
I like.
Alright, sweetheart. Now, listen.
I want you to pass one of those
out to each of the workers.
And give each man out there
a nice big hello and a smile.
If they make any passes at you don't
get sore. You know what I mean.
Matt, look what I've got for you.
Hey, you guys. Come in here.
A special importation. Some comrades
from New York. This is Matt Cvetic.
You'll report to him when you
get out to North American Steel.
He'll tell you when to go to
work and who to work on.
These are the tools
that you'll work with.
I want you to wrap each
one in newspaper.
Just like this.
Kinda neat, huh?
Innocent bystanders each with
a newspaper in his pocket.
Now what could be sweeter?
Those are all Jewish newspapers.
Sure. What about it? Does it bother you?
No, but .. won't people think ..
She doesn't know much about our branch
of the work. She's got a lot to learn.
I'll meet you guys at the plant near
the main gate. I'll brief you then.
Anything else?
- Yeah.
Get pinched if you have to,
but don't get hurt. I need you.
Start your line past the main gate
just before the morning shift comes on.
Okay. Let's go.
But those are all Jewish newspapers.
What's wrong with that dame?
- Who knows?
That Merrick girl seems to
have an ailing conscience.
I didn't know she had one.
She might need a little watching.
Looks like the union officers.
Get away from me, you rat.
- You don't work for North American.
No, but some screwballs from my outfit
follow you skunks. They're in that line.
Joe, go on home. Get out of here.
Who started this picket line?
Where'd you get the sign?
A guy gave it to me.
Said it came from the hall.
What's the matter with you?
Can't you read?
Get rid of the guys trying
to break the picket line.
Look. What he means is, get in and go
to work on them. Break a few skulls.
Go on.
- Check.
Let's go, fellahs.
The commies started this thing
and we don't want any part of it.
No member of our union wants anything
to do with anything they ..
You talk too much.
Kill those rotten scabs!
Kill 'em! What's up with you?
Why aren't you yelling?
Why aren't you yelling like me?
I .. can't.
Filthy cops.
What's your name?
- Ray Stewart.
How do you spell it?
- S-t-e-w-a-r-t.
You work at the plant?
- Yes I am. I'm the timekeeper.
You saw the fight start?
- I did.
Thanks a lot.
- Very welcome.
The union chairman and three members
of the board sent to the hospital.
Yeah. That's a pretty good day's work.
Maybe you'd better get out of here
before the cops come nosing around.
I'll see you later.
I thought you might like to
know your brother may live.
Brother? Which one?
He's over there in the ambulance.
How do you like that?
I don't like it.
I don't like any part of what
happened here today.
That's treason.
- Just a minute.
She doesn't know what
she's talking about.
Just because a few chumps got their
heads bashed in you blow your top?
In Moscow you'd be liquidated
for that statement.
I'm not in Moscow. I'm in Pittsburgh
and I can still say what I think.
It's right to fight for
what we believe in.
But why can't we do
it in the open and ..?
And why must we blame it on others?
All that bothers you is that
we pinned it on the Jews?
Sure we pinned it on them.
Jews. Catholics.
Until we get them fighting each other
and tearing each other's throats out ..
How can we defeat them and
establish Soviet America?
I must talk to you.
I won't talk to you until you
straighten out your thinking.
Here are my keys.
Take her to her apartment.
Disloyalty to the party
is a serious offense.
Until you get some sense in your
skull you keep our mouth shut.
So your secretary heard her say that?
- Yeah.
Then you've got to get your report in
to Blandon and get the report in first.
I know that, but if I do Eve will ..
- I know. She'll be in trouble.
Comrade Gilly has reported her to
the National Review Commission.
They use the same methods
as the Soviet secret police.
I'm afraid she'll make another blunder.
It may be an act.
She may be testing you.
I don't think so.
If anything happens to Eve
I'll never forgive myself.
We'll take care of her.
But you get your report
in to Blandon. Today.
Hello Ben.
- Hello, Jim.
What goes on?
We've got to get these pamphlets
ready for distribution tomorrow.
I ran into Eve and asked
her to come up and help me.
That's a good idea.
We can always depend on Eve.
Yeah, she's a good kid.
Mind if I open a window?
It's hot in here.
No. Leave it alone.
It's alright as it is.
Who left this file unlocked?
I'm afraid I did.
We have to protect our
membership list these days.
We are not the Communist
Political Association any longer.
Here, put that in the
safe and lock it up.
Too many of our top men have gone on
the stand and spilled their guts lately.
We don't know who we can trust.
You know the boys and I
were just talking about you.
You tell her, Matt. It's our idea.
I hate to do this but it's my duty.
I think you should be
dropped from the party.
You do?
You haven't got what it
takes to be a communist.
The North American Steel strike was
your first real test. You flunked it.
Why did you join the
party in the first place?
- Yeah.
I'll tell you why.
Because I thought communism
was an intellectual movement.
A movement towards true freedom.
And so it is.
Look, Mr Blandon.
Since you put me on the spot, you should
know I am completely disillusioned.
I found out that its only
objective is to gain control ..
Of every human mind
and body in the world.
Communism is a mockery of freedom.
Know what it means to
be dropped by the party?
Look, don't bother to drop me
because I'm out right now.
I've been out since
the day of the strike.
Tomorrow I go to the school board.
I'm going to tell them what I am.
And what I've done.
I'll name ..
Every teacher who carries a party card.
Goodnight, comrades.
Let her go.
If she names the teachers in the party
they'll bust this town wide open.
She won't name any teachers.
I can stop her.
You do that, Matt.
Eve, I want to talk to you.
You turned me in.
- I had to. You know that.
But I didn't turn you in.
I should have, the way I thought then.
But I couldn't.
Do you know why, Matt?
Listen, Matt.
- Come on, get in.
I suppose you knew I
was checking on you.
I didn't hold it against you.
The entire national executive
committee is constantly being watched.
You know, Matt.
It wasn't the strike alone
that opened my eyes.
I think I began to change when I ..
Read your letter.
Eve, the best thing you can do is give
up your teaching job and say nothing.
We have the names of the subversive
teachers and their methods.
It isn't healthy to stay in Pittsburgh.
You'd better get out of town.
Lay low for a while.
Alright, I'll start packing tomorrow.
- Not tomorrow. Tonight.
I have so much to do.
Just take what you need. Leave your
apartment as it is. Have you any money?
Yes. I have enough.
Will I see you again?
Not until my work is finished.
The party is jittery.
Everybody is suspect.
We'd better not be seen together.
We can keep in touch though.
See you in a couple of minutes. Get
packed. I'll drive you to the station.
Is there a way to the alley?
- Yes. Through that door.
Matt, you think they'd ..?
- Look.
I made a lot of mistakes in 9 years and
they've made me cautious. Hurry up.
Call Blandon.
She's in her apartment.
What about Cvetic?
- He's gone.
Alright. Wait until she puts the light
out and then get up there and finish it.
Don't bungle it.
So much I'll have to leave here.
- Yeah. Never mind.
We got to hurry if we're
going to catch the train.
This is the alley.
He ought to bring her out pretty soon.
I think I'll take a look.
What's your hurry, fellahs?
What do you want with us?
Put your hands up and
I'll tell you all about it.
What's this all about?
You haven't got anything on us.
- Yeah. Nothing.
Breaking and entering.
And suspicion of armed robbery.
I think we've got enough for the
police to hold you for a while.
Something has gone wrong.
Cvetic is with her.
That's close.
That's too close.
That's how guys get killed.
Wait here.
Have you seen Blandon?
- Yep.
Did he talk about the two
men found on the tracks?
They're not identified yet.
That won't be easy.
Not with what happened to them.
Blandon knows Eve has gone.
I told him I took her to her apartment
last night and I haven't seen her since.
Where is she?
She's in a hotel in Bergen.
You said you'd take care of her.
Matt, we tried.
Jim Broderick, an FBI agent, was planted
in the apartment across from hers.
Why didn't he ..
He was found this morning in
Eve Merrick's apartment. Dead.
It must have been Harmon
or Mansanovitch who did it.
I saw them both coming up the stairs.
You're our only witness.
We can't put you on the stand.
Not yet.
We'll have to keep it quiet
until you're free to testify.
Look, one of the big shots from
the east hit town this morning.
I know. Clyde Garson.
He has new directives from the Kremlin.
Blandon called a meeting for tonight.
We'll listen in.
Yes. But the meeting is going to be held
in Garson's suite at the State Hotel.
Why don't we wire the suite?
We may be able to do that.
There's a convention
at the hotel. Shriners.
The place is alive with them.
That may help.
Alright, fellahs. Quiet down.
I said quiet. You must listen to this.
That's Blandon.
The meeting is underway again.
I don't need to tell you that the
Un-American Activities Committee ..
Is becoming a danger to us.
The hearings it's conducting in
Washington are bad counter-propaganda.
Moscow has ordered a
nationwide campaign.
And you leaders of the Pittsburgh branch
are to pass this on to your members.
All communists must spread the word that
the Un-American Activities Committee ..
Is a group of fat-headed
politicians whose only aim ..
Is to crash the headlines.
We want them laughed at. Ridiculed.
If we start the ball rolling ..
There's plenty of big-mouthed suckers
in this country who'll do the rest.
You know, there's one
thing that bothers me.
Eleven leaders of our party are on trial
in New York before a federal judge.
They're fighting for our
liberty as well as their own.
What are we doing for them?
What about their defense fund?
We're doing plenty.
We met our quota, didn't we?
We met our quota but it's not enough.
We've got to double it.
Now wait a minute. Wait just a minute.
You know, Matt is right.
That doesn't necessarily mean the
extra dough comes out of our pockets.
Pittsburgh is rich.
Let Pittsburgh make up the deficit.
I think I got an idea. You, Rader.
Don't you live in the German section?
- Sure.
Let's suppose that for a while
you forget your communism.
Start another Nazi Bund.
Me, a fascist .. no, comrade.
A phony. A phony fascist I mean.
Needle the neighbors.
Feed them a Fritz line.
They won't believe me.
They did ten years ago.
Look, comrade.
Sometimes the communist must turn
his coat for the good of the cause.
Now, didn't comrade Stalin
join with Hitler in '39?
Organise your neighbors.
Call them black-shirts,
grey-shirts, anything you want.
Call parades. Make speeches.
Yeah. Make speeches against the church.
All churches, all minorities.
Do you get what I mean?
That will stir up a few people
and once the people are stirred up ..
Their only contribution is
to fight this new menace.
That's great, Jim. Great stuff.
Yeah. Look, Clyde.
Why can't we rent an auditorium?
Put on a big rally. Get some speakers.
Top speakers who can really draw.
Maybe a couple of those sacred cows.
Let them howl their heads off about
the rape of the first amendment.
Sounds good to me.
Better send a note to
our cultural division.
Tell them we need a brace
of pinko chums for a front.
We'll pack the hall
at five bucks a throw.
A great idea, Jim.
Alright men. Now Clyde Garson
has got good news for you.
I must prepare you for
the fact that any day ..
The North Koreans may cross the
38th parallel and invade South Korea.
The first step in our march to victory.
When that happens we put on a new front.
We won't talk like communists then.
We'll be 'worried citizens'.
Worried about the administration.
Finding fault with our military leaders.
Whispering in every ear about
the terrible power of the Soviets.
Spreading doubt, fear, defeatism.
That will be our job, comrades.
To soften up the people.
To demoralise them.
Weaken the will of America to fight.
Then when comrade Stalin calls the play.
The panic of the American people will
mean power and glory for us all.
[ Door knocks ]
I want to see Jim.
Jim, you had better read this.
I'm sorry I misunderstood
you regarding the donation.
You're absolutely right.
- It's perfectly alright.
That's all for now, gentlemen.
Found dead on the railway
tracks. What happened?
What were they doing there?
- I don't know. Do you?
What you getting at? How can I know?
- I don't know that either.
But I'll find out.
We're going over to headquarters
right away. You're going with us.
That's alright with me.
I'll make a report on this right away.
This is local business, Clyde.
Why not tell me you tried to kill her?
- So you could tip her off?
You tipped her off.
- No.
So where is she?
I said I don't know.
- Have you contacted her today?
I called her apartment. She isn't in.
You're not worried, Matt.
Not enough. Why?
Why should I worry about a traitor?
When you told me you dropped her at her
apartment and went home, I believed you.
Didn't these guys see me leave?
That's why I believed you.
I thought those two finished the job.
And I'd hear from them. But when I read
in the paper they were found dead ..
I knew something was cockeyed.
Why wasn't Merrick in her apartment?
- You know more than me.
And why was there an FBI
guy planted up there?
Was there any proof he was FBI?
- No. But what else could he be?
If you felt she had a chance to save her
skin and helped her, you're a traitor.
You know what happens to traitors.
Trotsky thought he was
safe but they got to him.
Jan Masaryk was dropped
out of a window in Prague.
They called it suicide.
And did you know General Krovinsky
was found dead in his Washington hotel?
Yeah. That was called suicide too.
Hundreds of comrades who made a mistake
in America paid for it with their lives.
You see, I slipped up
on Merrick, but you ..
No. I can't take a chance on you.
So come on, open up. Talk.
Open up!
You're crazy, Blandon.
Keep those goons away from me.
Go to work on him.
What's the matter, comrades?
Don't you get along together?
- Hey, what do you want?
Which one of you is Matt Cvetic?
I am.
Got news for you, comrade.
They want you over at headquarters.
What is this, an arrest?
- What do you think?
What's the charge?
- Suspicion of murder.
Who did I kill?
- You don't know, huh?
To jog your memory: James Broderick.
An agent for the FBI was found dead
today in your sweetheart's apartment.
Your fingerprints were
all over the place.
Got any information to the contrary?
That's what I thought, you
stinking red. On your way.
You know something? We could be wrong.
Mitch? This is Jim.
Look. Matt Cvetic has just been picked
up on suspicion of killing an FBI agent.
I don't know what evidence they
have, but it can't be much.
So get out a writ and spring
him as soon as you can.
Let me know what goes on.
We could be wrong but
we'll take no chances.
Mason listened to the taping and heard
what happened at the end of the meeting.
He called me to say you're in trouble.
I was. But that murder rap was worse.
I believed it until I saw you.
You can believe it.
You'll read about it in the papers.
You mean they'll hold me for a murder ..
- Hear the rest of it, Matt.
You'll be called to testify at the trial
of the 11 commie leaders in New York.
The evidence you have found will convict
them before any jury in the country.
You're getting off the hook at last.
Thank god.
Now I can crawl out of my
rat-hole and live like a man.
In the meantime,
you'll be safer in jail.
Hi, Matt.
I guess they gave you a rough deal, huh?
Forget it. I've been able to
catch up on my sleep.
Yeah. Look, I only got a minute.
I had to let you know we've been working
for you ever since they locked you up.
The D.A's office wanted to hold you for
the Grand Jury but we blocked that deal.
This morning our lawyers got
out a writ of Habeas corpus ..
Based on 'insufficient evidence'.
Kid, you're on your way out.
- Now?
This afternoon about three o'clock.
I'll pick you up then.
You know Matt, I was thinking.
You got to get out of town for a while.
So why don't you run over to
New York and help out with the trial?
Yeah. I might be able to help at that.
- Sure you would.
You know, I've been a
regular commuter myself.
I was telling the boys on
East 12th Street how you ..
Took this rap and kept your mouth shut.
You are a fine example
of loyalty to the party.
You got a lot of guys like me in
the party. Only you don't know it.
See you.
- Yeah.
"The trial of the commie
leaders in New York city .."
"Has set off a series of red riots that
spread from Harlem to The Battery."
If you don't like this country
why don't you leave?
Who's going to make me? Shut up.
You watch it from the other side.
Dirty rotten police.
Do you realize these people
on trial are fighting for us?
For us workers.
All set?
- I ought to be.
I've gone over my testimony
with the US D.A. a dozen times.
That stuff is burned into my brain.
I'll be out there when
your name is called.
Can you imagine what a shock
it will be to the commies?
They'll tear the benches apart.
- I expect that.
The defense will do their
best to break you down.
To smear you in the eyes of the jury.
That's been their method with
every prosecution witness.
The court will be packed
with your enemies.
But don't forget the millions of
Americans who'll be listening in.
They'll be on your side.
Yeah, I know.
I'm going to be talking to my
brothers and that boy of mine.
I'm going to be telling them what I've
wanted to tell them over and over again.
I am not a traitor. I'm not a heel.
I love the same things they do.
I want to see them just once
without hate in their eyes.
They ready for me?
No they aren't.
The US District Attorney sent me to tell
you your testimony won't be needed.
Won't be needed?
So I've gone through this for nothing?
- No, you haven't.
So why did they give me a big build-up?
The days and nights of preparation.
Why didn't they find out about
it before they sent for me?
Haven't I done enough without a kick in
the face? How much can a guy take?
Wait. Listen.
The work you've done is more
vital than convicting these men.
They convicted themselves.
The facts you found are vital
to the safety of our country.
That's swell. But I'm still a commie.
For the time being, yes.
We have more surprises for the reds but
we aren't quite ready to show our hand.
We want you to go on
working with the party.
But under no circumstances must
they know you came here to testify.
We're counting on you, Matt.
I'll try to stick it out.
Tell the D.A. it was
fun while it lasted.
I'll take it, comrade.
Sit down and rest yourself.
Hi Matt.
- How goes it inside?
Like a 3-ring circus. I looked for you.
- Yeah?
I was in Pittsburgh this morning.
Before I went to the airport
I visited the office.
I found a US Marshal waiting for me.
This will give you a laugh, Matt.
We're summoned go attend the Un-American
Activities Committee in Washington.
Including me?
All the top men of the
Pittsburgh division.
Don't let it bother you, Matt.
We'll give them the same run around
that the rest of the comrades give them.
Stand on your constitutional rights.
Read them a prepared statement.
I don't need a prepared statement.
I know what I'm going to say.
I've been rehearsing it for nine years.
Alright, boys. Break it up. Keep moving.
Mr Harmon, perhaps you
didn't understand the question.
Sure I do.
But I refuse to answer the question
for fear it may incriminate me.
At the moment there's no law against
being a member of the Communist Party.
The first amendment prohibits
the congress from forcing ..
Any witness to answer any such question.
Are you a member or have been a
member of the communist party?
Answer yes or no.
I have here a prepared
statement which will show ..
We've no time to listen to propaganda.
Answer the question or you
will be held in contempt.
Did I miss much?
Not a great deal.
Harmon is on the stand.
Did you get that wire off to Pittsburgh?
I did better than that.
I got them on long distance.
They're both here, Matt.
You didn't tip them off?
- No, you'll do that.
You'll be called soon.
Might as well go in now.
Mr Cvetic.
Are you a member of the
Communist Party of America?
I have been for nine years.
My party card is in your possession.
What was your purpose
in joining the party?
I joined it as an undercover agent for
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I was what's commonly
known as a 'plant'.
Do you recognise these
volumes, Mr Cvetic?
Yes sir.
Those are copies of the daily
reports I made to the FBI.
Please give us a brief resume of what
you learned about the communist party.
I learned chiefly that its political
activities are nothing but a front.
It's actually a vast spy system
founded in our country by the soviets.
It's composed of American traitors whose
only purpose is to deliver the people ..
Of the United States into the hands
of Russia as a slave colony.
The idea of communism as common
ownership and control by the people ..
Has never been practised in
Russia and never will be.
Thank you, Mr Cvetic.
There will be a five-minute recess.
Where you going, boys?
- Out to get a little fresh air.
Get that later.
You're wanted in Pittsburgh
on a murder charge.
You dirty, sneaking stool-pigeon.
Ready for you, Mr Blandon.
- Your witness, congressman.
Thanks. Thanks very much.
No trouble at all.
Dad, you got to forgive me.
How could I know?
- You couldn't, son.
I was proud to know my boy was
all the things I wanted him to be.
That you had the brains to see
this slimy thing for just what it is.
That you had the guts to stand up to me
and all the world and fight against it.
Even when you hated me,
I loved you for it.
Do you want to say goodbye to Gregory?
MacIntyre calling Brierly.
Bob? MacIntyre from La Guardia.
She's locked up and
just about to take off.
He's on-board alright.
Jonesy is keeping him company.
Flight Number 19.
Non-stop to Pittsburgh.
Thank you very much, Mrs Fortelli.
Always glad to be a help.
Take a Teletype message
for Crowley in Pittsburgh.
'Gerhardt Eisler left
La Guardia aboard Flight 19'.
Here you are, Dotty.
Coffee without sugar.
Doughnut with sugar.
Put Williams and Swartz on the job.
They work pretty well together.
Any reply?
- No thanks.
What's on your mind, Ken?
- Take a look at this.
'Gerhardt Eisler'.
For a man out on bail he
covers a lot of ground.
He's evidently making a
swing around the country.
Covering all the main
branch offices of the party.
A final visit, do you suppose?
- Could be.
Get out to the airport and catch
Flight 19 when she comes in.
Find out where he's stopping.
He'll use a phony name, of course.
So find out all you can and report back.
"So Gerhardt Eisler .."
"Communist agent, spy,
convicted perjurer."
"Was coming to Pittsburgh."
"Pittsburgh, the strong heart of
America's industrial might."
"Where commies have planted themselves
to throw that heart off beat."
"What have I got to do with this?"
"Well, my name is Matt Cvetic."
"Cvetic is a Slovenian name."
"There's lots of
Slovenians in Pittsburgh."
"I was born here 38 years ago."
"My folks are real nice people.
They came to this country 40 years ago."
"They became citizens and
raised a family of six kids."
"They're grown up now and
have homes of their own."
I hit it.
- You did not.
I did so.
- You did not.
I'm the umpire. What I say goes.
- Says you.
Hey mister, did you see that?
- No. Sorry. I missed it.
You're a great help.
Alright. Back to the
game and stop arguing.
Chucka, chucka. Throw the ball.
Last year they're pink, the year before
they're red. This year they're blue.
Hi, Tom.
Hiya, Matt.
Hi, everybody.
- Hello, Mum.
Happy birthday.
I was sure you'd come.
Who said I wouldn't?
You look good, Mum. Real good.
Doesn't she, Joe.
Sure. That's what I've
been telling her all day.
Dick, what are you doing sitting
here all by your lonesome?
Got a good word for your old man?
- Hi, dad.
Every time I see this guy he's
bigger than the last time.
Because you don't see him often.
I haven't had a chance. I've been busy.
So I've heard.
How are things at school?
- They're okay.
You know one of these days
I'll ask to see a report card.
Yeah, I bet.
Mum, you must be mighty proud with
all your big sons around today, huh?
So would your father be proud.
If he could be here.
Only the draft board can
get them all together now.
That's true enough.
We don't get together often.
Perhaps it's just as well.
You're doing alright, Mum.
That was a lot of loot.
Thanks for the beautiful robe, Matt.
But it's kind of fancy for an old lady.
Father Novak asked about you.
He wondered what happened to you.
He knows what happened to him.
Come on, fellahs. Let's not argue.
It's Mum's birthday.
That's alright, Sis.
They're only trying to kid me.
Don't let it bother you.
I'll get it.
Aren't you guys going to
ask me to have a beer?
Would you rather have beer or dinner?
- Yeah, that's for me too.
That's alright. I can take care of it.
Dad, a man wants you on the phone.
He wouldn't say.
- I'll be right with you.
I hope you cooked a lot, Mum.
You know my appetite.
Matt Cvetic.
Blandon speaking.
Why do you call me here?
I thought I told you ..
Never mind now. Mr Eisler is in town.
And we have called a
special meeting for tonight.
He must see you before it starts, so get
to the State Hotel as quick as you can.
The name you ask for is 'J.B. Williams'.
I'll be right over.
So, you're going to duck Mum's party?
- I've got to.
Don't try to lie to her.
She'll see through you.
As it is, she's ashamed
to admit you're her son.
She'll never be ashamed of me.
Get out of this house and
don't you ever come back.
You can't tell me that.
You slimy Red.
Do you have a phone, Miss?
- Right over there.
Thank you.
Exchange 9703.
I must talk to Mr Crowley.
Mr Crowley? Who wants him?
Just a moment please.
Mr Crowley.
- Yes?
A man named Braddick
wants so speak to you.
Put him on.
I just got word that
Gerhardt Eisler is in town.
They've called a special
meeting for tonight.
Yeah, we know he's here. He'll be
at the meeting tonight of course.
Yes, sure. I'm going to his hotel first.
I've never met him, you know.
Call me after the meeting.
Not at this office. Call the Cruising
number and I'll pick you up in my car.
Anything else?
No. That's all.
Matt, come in.
- Thanks.
Come in.
Have a drink?
- Yes. Thank you.
How you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
Well, well, well.
Quite a spread.
Better get used to it, Cvetic.
It's how we'll all live once
we take the country over.
The workers too?
The workers will still be the workers.
The trouble with you is you
are too much of a fanatic.
Who is a fanatic?
Mr Eisler - Matt Cvetic.
It's good to meet a
fanatic now and then.
At the same time we must be realistic.
To comrade Stalin.
Mr Cvetic.
I have heard some good things about you.
Your parents are Slovenian I believe?
Yes, sir.
According to reports ..
You have brought hundreds of
your nationals into the party.
Cvetic works in the personnel department
of the North American Steel Company.
He does a bit of hiring and firing.
Yes. The hiring of party members
and the firing of non-members.
That is excellent.
The national committee has
decided to reward Mr Cvetic.
Peters has been transferred and ..
You take his place as
chief party organiser.
For the district of Pittsburgh.
Thank you very much, Mr Eisler.
I consider that a great honor.
This section produces more steel than
the rest of the country put together.
Move Pittsburgh an inch ..
And we can move this country a mile.
But ..
Pittsburgh is too quiet.
Too peaceful.
To bring about the victory
of communism in America.
We must incite riots.
Open warfare among the people.
That's the purpose of tonight's meeting.
It's getting late.
We had better get going
and start the meeting.
Yes, sir.
- We'll join you later.
Glory to the Soviet Union.
To the Soviet Union.
I see this hall is only
partially filled tonight, folks.
I'd like to see it filled to capacity.
Because I want to help you people.
Now I have a few simple
questions I'd like to ask you.
"Yes. As Gerhardt Eisler said,
Pittsburgh was too quiet."
"Too peaceful."
"So they cooked up hell-brew of hate
from a recipe written in the Kremlin."
"It was the same old line they'd used
for years on all racial minorities."
"To create unrest and confusion."
I'm not a member of this party.
I came to hear what you had to say.
And I hear gross overstatement.
"Like other communist traitors,
Blandon had been trained in Moscow."
"There are more ways than one to
sabotage the safety of a country."
"The one he used was as dangerous
as blowing up defense plants."
"It was the old rule of
divide and conquer."
A very enjoyable evening.
Close the door.
You did exceedingly well.
Those niggers ate it up, didn't they.
- Uhuh.
You mean negroes, don't you Jim?
Only when I'm trying to
sell them the party line.
They're very useful comrades.
There'll be trouble
on the streets tonight.
If there isn't, I've
wasted the party's time.
Anyone want a drink?
Do you mind?
- Go ahead.
Comrades. Comrades?
You know Matt calls 'em comrades too.
Only he believes it.
You see Matt, if one of that crowd
goes out on the street tonight.
And picks a fight with a white man.
And kills him, maybe.
Then he gets convicted by a white jury.
We can go into bat and
raise a defense fund.
Am I correct, Mr Eisler?
- Uhuh.
Just like in the Scottsboro case.
Do you know the party
raised nearly two million?
Yes, nearly two million dollars
just to defend those six niggers.
When all it cost was just $65,000.
To lose the case.
Yes. We made a tremendous
profit on that deal.
Shall I tell them what was done with it?
No, no. No, Blandon.
I'm afraid the national
committee wouldn't like that.
In other words Jim, your speech
had a double purpose.
Bright boy, Matt.
The Pittsburgh branch needs dough.
We are always in the red.
Well, gentlemen.
Let's call it a night.
- Right.
Yeah, I could use some sleep.
Get in. Matt. Plenty of room.
No thanks. I'll get a cab.
Goodnight, Mr Eisler.
- Goodnight.
Harmon. Tail him.
Don't you trust your
new party organiser?
Do we trust anybody?
Not too much.
So I lost three thousand bucks.
But what's three thousand
bucks to a guy like me?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Fill it up will you, Joe.
Hey honey, why don't you
buy me a little drink, huh?
Later, huh.
- Later.
Always later.
Hello. This is Braddick
calling Cruise number LB790.
Thank you.
LB 790.
Come in please. Braddick calling.
That's him.
So, a few years later I bought
a few stocks and bonds.
Please, let's not go into that.
Okay, lady. Okay.
Hiya, Matt. Who you calling?
- Shush.
Hello, baby?
Come on, baby. You've got a car.
Tell me where you'll pick me up.
Okay toots.
The foot of 6th. Joe's cigar store.
That will be swell.
Goodbye, baby.
Goodbye, dear.
Boy, what I got waiting for me.
Relaxation, huh?
You said it and do I need it.
That's all I can remember.
I'll go home and write it up.
Maybe something else will come to me.
That's the way they started
the race riots in Detroit in '43.
And riots in Harlem the same year
when five negroes were killed.
Those 4 fellows never knew their death
warrants had been signed in Moscow.
The worst of it is we
can't do a thing about it.
Did Eisler tell you how
long he'll be in Pittsburgh?
No, not a word.
I'll contact you when I find out.
Pull over at the next corner, Mason.
You'd better take my coat, Matt.
- No thanks. I'll get a bus.
[ Man screaming! ]
Easy, Frank. Easy.
What happened?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
- Get him over to first aid.
Alright, break it up. Let's go.
Back to work you fellows.
Alright, let's go.
Looks like the guy will
lose his arm. Too bad.
What happened, carelessness?
Not his carelessness.
He's an expert at that job.
I got another guy all set for it.
- Yeah?
Take over.
- You got it.
The guy that got hurt
doesn't carry a party card.
Carson does.
I see.
A woman called while you were out.
- Who?
A Miss Scott. Principal of the
school your son goes to.
Anything wrong with the boy?
She didn't say.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
He said can you go to the dance with me?
I said sure but you must wear a tie.
And he said I don't have a tie.
So I said: no tie, no dance.
After all I can't be going out with
children. You don't blame me, do you?
Miss Scott?
- Yes.
This is Mr Cvetic.
How do you do.
Miss Merrick, one of Dick's teachers.
Mr Cvetic, we've been having a lot
of trouble with this boy of yours.
He's been in one fight after another.
Today's affair ended with one student
being sent home with a broken nose.
What were you fighting about, son?
That's the kind of answer
we've been getting.
Perhaps if we leave Mr Cvetic
alone with him, then ..
Maybe so.
Will you excuse us?
- Thank you.
One thing more, Mr Cvetic.
You understand, if this doesn't stop I
shall have to take him before the board.
I don't want to do that.
What's it all about, son?
You ought to know.
- I don't know.
Come on, let me in on it.
I haven't seen much of you
since I went to live with Gran.
Every time I ask her about you.
A tear comes in her eye.
She starts talking about something else.
I'm no dope.
I know what people say.
But I won't believe it.
The toughest part is the razzing
I have to take at school.
What about it?
That you're a commie.
A red.
Every time one of them
says it I take a swing at him.
Listen, Dad.
I think it's about time you
and I had a showdown.
What are you going to do, Dick?
Try to tell me how to think?
You're a little young for that.
- I'm close to draft age.
Guys as young as me are going
to have to fight this thing and ..
They say you're mixed up in it.
- Wait a minute, Dick.
I can't let you interfere
with my political beliefs.
Don't give me that line.
Dad, tell me the truth will you.
Are you a red or not?
Alright. I'll tell you the truth.
I'm a member of the communist party.
And I have been for nine years.
When I was a kid.
About nine or ten.
I'd tell myself I wanted to
grow up to be like my dad.
Before I'd do that now, I'd drop dead.
Wait a minute, son.
- Keep your hands off me.
Don't ever come near me again.
Mr Cvetic.
I am Dick's teacher.
I like the boy.
And I'll keep an eye on him.
Yeah. He is a good kid.
If ..
If ever you want to know how he's
getting on, don't hesitate to call me.
That's very kind of you.
- And don't feel too badly.
He'll straighten out in time.
Thank you, Miss ..?
Eve Merrick.
Willy. Willy.
What's on your mind?
You better be in by 12 o'clock tonight.
- And if I ain't?
If you ain't I won't be
here when you get back.
That's the best news
I've heard all year.
Hey, Mr Cvetic. Wait a minute.
Hiya, Jackie. What's on your mind?
Remember you were showing
me to hit with the bat?
I tried it out today.
It didn't work.
No kidding.
- No kidding.
It works for the big leagues.
Don't know why it don't for you.
I don't know either.
- Show me what you did, huh.
I stood over the plate like this.
And bat it.
No wonder. Here, let me have it.
Okay, watch me. You stand over there.
Stand at the plate like this, see.
Hold your bat this way, right?
- Right.
Keep your eye on the pitcher, right.
- Right.
When he winds up, square on. Right?
- Then bat it.
Got it?
I think so.
- Sure you have.
Jackie. Come inside.
Okay, Pop.
I'm sure I got it this time, Mr Cvetic.
See you. Thanks a lot.
- You're welcome.
Hey, Cvetic.
I thought I told you to
stay away from my kid.
I showed him something about baseball.
Baseball is an American game.
I can show him without your help.
'My dear son'.
'This letter will be left in care of
Father Novak, our parish priest'.
'And if anything should happen to
me he will put it in your hands'.
'He is the only man
outside of the FBI ..'
'Who knows I am doing undercover
work for our government'.
'How I wanted to tell you that today'.
'Then I may have seen something else in
your eyes besides sadness and contempt'.
'But I'm helping to fight a
dark and dangerous force'.
'And if one word of the truth got out
it will mean not only the end of me'.
'But perhaps of better men who take
the same chances I do every day'.
'I'm not blaming you, son'.
'I was proud of you'.
'That is one thing I want
you always to remember'.
'If your conscience tells
you a thing is right'.
'Always stand up for it'.
'Save this letter in case I
am not here to talk to you'.
'And remember what I'm saying'.
'For it's for your own good'.
'And because I love you so much'.
'If I do go'.
'You'll know the last thought I had
on earth was of you and my mother'.
'Be good'.
'And God bless you both'.
[ Door knocks ]
Just a minute.
May I come in?
Yes. Of course.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I sit down?
- No. Please do.
Did Dick tell you where I live?
No. I didn't come to see you about him.
I came to see you about me.
And you.
I've known for a long
time where you live.
I've a friend who's the assistant to the
financial secretary midtown branch.
Of the communist party.
She has access to the
membership files and I ..
Wormed your address out of her.
I've seen you lots of times at meetings.
Is that so?
You haven't seen me.
I keep pretty much in the background.
I like your speeches.
They're so sincere. So ..
Straight from the heart.
I'm glad I convinced you of that.
You don't have to wear that poker face.
I'm not dangerous.
Here are my credentials.
So, you're a member?
- Uhuh.
Who sent you here?
Nobody sent me.
I wanted to talk to you.
I know you were hurt today and ..
I thought maybe you might need a friend.
Don't you believe that?
- Yeah. Sure.
How can you as a teacher ..
Be a member of the party?
What about your loyalty
oath to the government?
My oath to hold the constitution
of the communist party is ..
More important.
I ..
I'd swear to anything in order to
spread the truth about our cause.
And what better field could I find
to work in than a high school?
That is true.
Tell me. Have you been successful?
Reasonably so.
You didn't have much luck with my kid.
I haven't started on him yet.
You leave him alone.
He's a stubborn kid. I want him
to find out the truth for himself.
No thank you.
Steel is my racket. I don't know
very much about yours. Tell me.
Do we have many teachers working
in the schools in Pittsburgh?
The teacher's section of the
branch I belong to has about ..
Thirty women in it.
Are all of them as attractive as you?
That's the idea, isn't it.
Not in my book.
- Why not?
Moscow says everything is permitted.
Most of our girls ..
- That's where I differ from Moscow.
If that's heresy, make the most of it.
Got a mind of your own, huh?
In some things.
You don't like me, do you?
I came here because I
thought you were lonely.
I'm lonely too.
Remember that if you
ever change your mind.
The arsenal of democracy
until we lower the boom.
Now here is North American Steel.
And this concerns you, Matt.
Before Mr Eisler left here, we
went over this whole set up.
And we're really going
to cripple this joint.
We'll need a man on the hoist.
In the scrap yard, each shift.
Night and day.
That's not going to be easy.
You'd better settle for one.
I'll settle for two.
You get over to Union Hall
and put a little heat on.
Get them in there fast.
- A little heat? Ha.
I've got two comrades on the board.
The CIO is trying to get
them out right now.
If they throw their weight around I'll
lose them both at the next election.
I don't want arguments, I want action.
Any suggestions, Matt?
We'd better move a man
in the drafting room.
So we get duplicates of each pattern.
They're making a change in
the armor of the Type M26 Tank.
How did you pick that up?
By keeping my ears open.
I'll check on it tomorrow but
we need a man in there.
Nice work. That's better
reception than we got before.
Thanks to Matt Cvetic.
It was our idea but he installed it.
You'd better hear the last
of this can. It's interesting.
What you hear now took place
at the end of that meeting.
This should be about the place.
That's all, Matt.
Go on home and get some sleep.
Yeah. I need it. I've been
working day and night.
You've taken on a big job.
Chief Party Organiser.
Yeah and a lot of new headaches.
Every night before I
sleep, I look under the bed.
Are you kidding?
What does it say in the manual?
It's the duty of all comrades ..
To keep close watch on members
assuming the role of leadership.
And to report their every
deviation from the party line.
Who is watching you, Blandon?
It could be you, Matt.
It could be.
He's right.
Is somebody checking on Matt?
Yeah .. a schoolteacher.
A tasty little dish.
Come on. Let's go home.
That's it.
Contact Cvetic.
Tell him to meet us at Willard's
Warehouse near the Allegheny bridge.
So, she's checking on me?
Don't all comrades check on each other?
What do you want me to do?
Take advantage of the situation.
Get a list of subversive teachers in
Pittsburgh. I'll see they're eased out.
We'll take our time on Miss Merrick
or you'll be suspected.
Cultivate her but don't go overboard.
Smarter guys than you have
been tripped up by a dame.
She won't trip me up.
I'll contact you.
Glad you came over.
- I didn't come to see you.
I came to tell you Gran is sick.
The doctor says she's dying.
Everybody is at the house.
They've called Father Novac.
She was asking for you.
Come on, let's go.
How's Mum?
Dick said she was asking for me.
Yeah. She was asking for you.
Is it alright if I go to her now?
You can go if you want to.
She's upstairs in her room.
Hello, Matt.
- Hello, Father.
Where are you going?
To Mum. She wants to see me.
You're too late, son.
Your mother has gone.
Got a light?
- Yeah.
Hi, Matt. Miss Merrick.
I told you we'd show up today.
Thanks for coming, Jim.
Thanks for the flowers.
Yeah. Red roses.
That was quite a show
they put on in there.
I saw you kneeling
with those other sheep.
What else could he do?
Yeah, I guess you're right.
Were you praying with the rest of them?
Prayers aren't going to
help my mother now, Jim.
Matt, I want to see you before you go.
Be careful, Matt.
You're in danger of losing your soul.
I'll see you in town.
Would you excuse us please.
Matt. Knowing I'd see you here
today I brought this with me.
It's the letter you gave
me for your son.
I've suddenly been called to Rome.
You had better find
another place for that.
Thanks, Father. I will.
- And if I don't see you again.
Goodbye and God bless you, son.
Thanks, Father.
Give that back to your
communist friends.
What do you mean bringing
them to Mum's funeral?
I've been waiting a long time for this.
Put up your hands.
I said put up your hands you dirty red.
Get on your feet, On your feet.
You dirty, no good ..
Stop it, stop it.
What kind of a man are you
fighting on a day like this?
Have you no respect for your mother?
- He had it coming, Father.
Don't give me that. I saw what happened.
I saw Joe hit him and he
didn't even try to fight back.
His red pals were in the cemetery
making fun of the services.
We saw them.
- Go about your business. Go on.
One of these days you'll
regret what you have done.
Matt, man alive. Why don't you tell
them? Tell them and be done with it.
Tell them what, Father?
I'm a communist and I'm proud of it.
Yes. I see what you mean.
Louis, I found it.
Okay, if I pay you tomorrow?
Sure, Peggy. Sure.
May I help you?
Have you Beethoven's Emperor concerto?
The long playing?
- No. Standard red label.
These booths are filled but we have
another booth in the back room.
Sorry to hear about your mother, Matt.
Yeah. It is pretty tough.
Listen, Matt.
- Now look. You listen to me.
Now I know what they mean about
a man in prison going stir crazy.
You know, I'm in prison.
I served nine years.
Nine years of putting on an act I
hate and being hated for doing it.
Did something happen at headquarters?
- No.
At headquarters they still think I'm a
louse who'd sell out his own people.
You know, you guys have
a home and a family.
When your day's work is done you go home
to them and they're glad to see you.
I have nothing but a
bunch of slimy commies ..
Who'd cut my throat and toss me in
a river when they're done with me.
Look, Ken.
You must get me out of this thing.
You got to wipe this red smear off me.
I can't take it any longer.
I don't know what's got into me. I don't
want to feel this way. I can't help it.
You can quit, Matt.
But clearing your name
is something else.
Once you join the bureau
you're on your own.
Once a red plant goes sour we
do everything we can for him.
But publicly we have to
disown him. You know that.
Yeah. I know it.
Here is something maybe more important.
I wrote a letter to my son to be
delivered in the event of my death.
Yesterday at mother's funeral,
I had a fight with my brother Joe.
When I got home the letter was gone.
- What was in it?
The truth about what I'm doing.
I went back to the spot where the
fight took place and it wasn't there.
Somebody must have found it.
I hope it wasn't Eve Merrick.
She was with me.
Then perhaps you'll be
interested in this recording.
We picked it up right after the funeral.
You'll recognise these voices.
The first one is Blandon's.
What did the priest have to say to
Matt after we left the cemetery?
He told them he was going to Rome.
He begged him to give up communism.
Is that all?
Matt said he was proud
of what he was doing.
He is loyal to the party.
Almost too loyal.
How he could stand there
and take that beating ..
He has had good training.
By the way.
Matt wants me to work the picket line
during the strike at North American.
Is that okay with you?
Why not? We are going to
turn out our full strength.
The more women on the line the better.
If Eve had the letter
she'd have told them.
It would seem so.
Yeah, that's right.
Look, Ken.
I want to live in a country where you
can walk around with your head up.
Where you can talk back to cops and
where you can holler out loud in print.
Where secret police will drag you out
of your bed at 4 o'clock in the morning.
Does it sound like corn?
Not to me.
Ken, forget about what I asked you.
I'm staying on the job.
He's quite a guy.
We not only demand an increase in wages,
but an increase in the manning scale.
A welfare program.
Maintain the hiring laws.
And this is most important.
Because the hiring law ..
"At the union hall the commies
used the same plan of campaign .."
"That has put them in
power time and again."
"A couple of their own men
on the executive board."
"A couple on the floor. A small
group of specialists trained to .."
"Out talk, outlast and out
manoeuvre the union members .."
"Who had come there
to cast an honest vote."
"The listeners were tired men who had
put in a heavy day at the steel plant."
"That was the idea."
"A filibuster of yacketty-yak to
wear us down and get rid of us."
"The hours worked, around the clock."
"All this had been rehearsed many
times at party headquarters."
"Midnight. One o'clock."
"At three in the morning they
were ready to make their move."
"Harmon called for a token strike.
A one-day vacation."
"That was all the party needed."
That's good.
Good. Very good.
Yeah, the boys did a swell job on them.
I like them. I like them all.
- Yeah?
Look. You must ensure the big signs are
put in the hands of the union workers.
Give our own women the small stuff
and tell them to yell their heads off.
Are they organised?
Yeah, they'll be there, Dressed as
union workers' wives like you said.
Mansanovitch. I want
you in the sound truck.
Give them the same old stuff you gave
them in the dock strikes in New York.
Got you.
- You'd better get going.
Hey, you're late.
I'm sorry. I had to pick up Eve.
You said you've a special
assignment for her?
Yeah. Yeah, I have.
How'd you like this for a dish of cream?
I like.
Alright, sweetheart. Now, listen.
I want you to pass one of those
out to each of the workers.
And give each man out there
a nice big hello and a smile.
If they make any passes at you don't
get sore. You know what I mean.
Matt, look what I've got for you.
Hey, you guys. Come in here.
A special importation. Some comrades
from New York. This is Matt Cvetic.
You'll report to him when you
get out to North American Steel.
He'll tell you when to go to
work and who to work on.
These are the tools
that you'll work with.
I want you to wrap each
one in newspaper.
Just like this.
Kinda neat, huh?
Innocent bystanders each with
a newspaper in his pocket.
Now what could be sweeter?
Those are all Jewish newspapers.
Sure. What about it? Does it bother you?
No, but .. won't people think ..
She doesn't know much about our branch
of the work. She's got a lot to learn.
I'll meet you guys at the plant near
the main gate. I'll brief you then.
Anything else?
- Yeah.
Get pinched if you have to,
but don't get hurt. I need you.
Start your line past the main gate
just before the morning shift comes on.
Okay. Let's go.
But those are all Jewish newspapers.
What's wrong with that dame?
- Who knows?
That Merrick girl seems to
have an ailing conscience.
I didn't know she had one.
She might need a little watching.
Looks like the union officers.
Get away from me, you rat.
- You don't work for North American.
No, but some screwballs from my outfit
follow you skunks. They're in that line.
Joe, go on home. Get out of here.
Who started this picket line?
Where'd you get the sign?
A guy gave it to me.
Said it came from the hall.
What's the matter with you?
Can't you read?
Get rid of the guys trying
to break the picket line.
Look. What he means is, get in and go
to work on them. Break a few skulls.
Go on.
- Check.
Let's go, fellahs.
The commies started this thing
and we don't want any part of it.
No member of our union wants anything
to do with anything they ..
You talk too much.
Kill those rotten scabs!
Kill 'em! What's up with you?
Why aren't you yelling?
Why aren't you yelling like me?
I .. can't.
Filthy cops.
What's your name?
- Ray Stewart.
How do you spell it?
- S-t-e-w-a-r-t.
You work at the plant?
- Yes I am. I'm the timekeeper.
You saw the fight start?
- I did.
Thanks a lot.
- Very welcome.
The union chairman and three members
of the board sent to the hospital.
Yeah. That's a pretty good day's work.
Maybe you'd better get out of here
before the cops come nosing around.
I'll see you later.
I thought you might like to
know your brother may live.
Brother? Which one?
He's over there in the ambulance.
How do you like that?
I don't like it.
I don't like any part of what
happened here today.
That's treason.
- Just a minute.
She doesn't know what
she's talking about.
Just because a few chumps got their
heads bashed in you blow your top?
In Moscow you'd be liquidated
for that statement.
I'm not in Moscow. I'm in Pittsburgh
and I can still say what I think.
It's right to fight for
what we believe in.
But why can't we do
it in the open and ..?
And why must we blame it on others?
All that bothers you is that
we pinned it on the Jews?
Sure we pinned it on them.
Jews. Catholics.
Until we get them fighting each other
and tearing each other's throats out ..
How can we defeat them and
establish Soviet America?
I must talk to you.
I won't talk to you until you
straighten out your thinking.
Here are my keys.
Take her to her apartment.
Disloyalty to the party
is a serious offense.
Until you get some sense in your
skull you keep our mouth shut.
So your secretary heard her say that?
- Yeah.
Then you've got to get your report in
to Blandon and get the report in first.
I know that, but if I do Eve will ..
- I know. She'll be in trouble.
Comrade Gilly has reported her to
the National Review Commission.
They use the same methods
as the Soviet secret police.
I'm afraid she'll make another blunder.
It may be an act.
She may be testing you.
I don't think so.
If anything happens to Eve
I'll never forgive myself.
We'll take care of her.
But you get your report
in to Blandon. Today.
Hello Ben.
- Hello, Jim.
What goes on?
We've got to get these pamphlets
ready for distribution tomorrow.
I ran into Eve and asked
her to come up and help me.
That's a good idea.
We can always depend on Eve.
Yeah, she's a good kid.
Mind if I open a window?
It's hot in here.
No. Leave it alone.
It's alright as it is.
Who left this file unlocked?
I'm afraid I did.
We have to protect our
membership list these days.
We are not the Communist
Political Association any longer.
Here, put that in the
safe and lock it up.
Too many of our top men have gone on
the stand and spilled their guts lately.
We don't know who we can trust.
You know the boys and I
were just talking about you.
You tell her, Matt. It's our idea.
I hate to do this but it's my duty.
I think you should be
dropped from the party.
You do?
You haven't got what it
takes to be a communist.
The North American Steel strike was
your first real test. You flunked it.
Why did you join the
party in the first place?
- Yeah.
I'll tell you why.
Because I thought communism
was an intellectual movement.
A movement towards true freedom.
And so it is.
Look, Mr Blandon.
Since you put me on the spot, you should
know I am completely disillusioned.
I found out that its only
objective is to gain control ..
Of every human mind
and body in the world.
Communism is a mockery of freedom.
Know what it means to
be dropped by the party?
Look, don't bother to drop me
because I'm out right now.
I've been out since
the day of the strike.
Tomorrow I go to the school board.
I'm going to tell them what I am.
And what I've done.
I'll name ..
Every teacher who carries a party card.
Goodnight, comrades.
Let her go.
If she names the teachers in the party
they'll bust this town wide open.
She won't name any teachers.
I can stop her.
You do that, Matt.
Eve, I want to talk to you.
You turned me in.
- I had to. You know that.
But I didn't turn you in.
I should have, the way I thought then.
But I couldn't.
Do you know why, Matt?
Listen, Matt.
- Come on, get in.
I suppose you knew I
was checking on you.
I didn't hold it against you.
The entire national executive
committee is constantly being watched.
You know, Matt.
It wasn't the strike alone
that opened my eyes.
I think I began to change when I ..
Read your letter.
Eve, the best thing you can do is give
up your teaching job and say nothing.
We have the names of the subversive
teachers and their methods.
It isn't healthy to stay in Pittsburgh.
You'd better get out of town.
Lay low for a while.
Alright, I'll start packing tomorrow.
- Not tomorrow. Tonight.
I have so much to do.
Just take what you need. Leave your
apartment as it is. Have you any money?
Yes. I have enough.
Will I see you again?
Not until my work is finished.
The party is jittery.
Everybody is suspect.
We'd better not be seen together.
We can keep in touch though.
See you in a couple of minutes. Get
packed. I'll drive you to the station.
Is there a way to the alley?
- Yes. Through that door.
Matt, you think they'd ..?
- Look.
I made a lot of mistakes in 9 years and
they've made me cautious. Hurry up.
Call Blandon.
She's in her apartment.
What about Cvetic?
- He's gone.
Alright. Wait until she puts the light
out and then get up there and finish it.
Don't bungle it.
So much I'll have to leave here.
- Yeah. Never mind.
We got to hurry if we're
going to catch the train.
This is the alley.
He ought to bring her out pretty soon.
I think I'll take a look.
What's your hurry, fellahs?
What do you want with us?
Put your hands up and
I'll tell you all about it.
What's this all about?
You haven't got anything on us.
- Yeah. Nothing.
Breaking and entering.
And suspicion of armed robbery.
I think we've got enough for the
police to hold you for a while.
Something has gone wrong.
Cvetic is with her.
That's close.
That's too close.
That's how guys get killed.
Wait here.
Have you seen Blandon?
- Yep.
Did he talk about the two
men found on the tracks?
They're not identified yet.
That won't be easy.
Not with what happened to them.
Blandon knows Eve has gone.
I told him I took her to her apartment
last night and I haven't seen her since.
Where is she?
She's in a hotel in Bergen.
You said you'd take care of her.
Matt, we tried.
Jim Broderick, an FBI agent, was planted
in the apartment across from hers.
Why didn't he ..
He was found this morning in
Eve Merrick's apartment. Dead.
It must have been Harmon
or Mansanovitch who did it.
I saw them both coming up the stairs.
You're our only witness.
We can't put you on the stand.
Not yet.
We'll have to keep it quiet
until you're free to testify.
Look, one of the big shots from
the east hit town this morning.
I know. Clyde Garson.
He has new directives from the Kremlin.
Blandon called a meeting for tonight.
We'll listen in.
Yes. But the meeting is going to be held
in Garson's suite at the State Hotel.
Why don't we wire the suite?
We may be able to do that.
There's a convention
at the hotel. Shriners.
The place is alive with them.
That may help.
Alright, fellahs. Quiet down.
I said quiet. You must listen to this.
That's Blandon.
The meeting is underway again.
I don't need to tell you that the
Un-American Activities Committee ..
Is becoming a danger to us.
The hearings it's conducting in
Washington are bad counter-propaganda.
Moscow has ordered a
nationwide campaign.
And you leaders of the Pittsburgh branch
are to pass this on to your members.
All communists must spread the word that
the Un-American Activities Committee ..
Is a group of fat-headed
politicians whose only aim ..
Is to crash the headlines.
We want them laughed at. Ridiculed.
If we start the ball rolling ..
There's plenty of big-mouthed suckers
in this country who'll do the rest.
You know, there's one
thing that bothers me.
Eleven leaders of our party are on trial
in New York before a federal judge.
They're fighting for our
liberty as well as their own.
What are we doing for them?
What about their defense fund?
We're doing plenty.
We met our quota, didn't we?
We met our quota but it's not enough.
We've got to double it.
Now wait a minute. Wait just a minute.
You know, Matt is right.
That doesn't necessarily mean the
extra dough comes out of our pockets.
Pittsburgh is rich.
Let Pittsburgh make up the deficit.
I think I got an idea. You, Rader.
Don't you live in the German section?
- Sure.
Let's suppose that for a while
you forget your communism.
Start another Nazi Bund.
Me, a fascist .. no, comrade.
A phony. A phony fascist I mean.
Needle the neighbors.
Feed them a Fritz line.
They won't believe me.
They did ten years ago.
Look, comrade.
Sometimes the communist must turn
his coat for the good of the cause.
Now, didn't comrade Stalin
join with Hitler in '39?
Organise your neighbors.
Call them black-shirts,
grey-shirts, anything you want.
Call parades. Make speeches.
Yeah. Make speeches against the church.
All churches, all minorities.
Do you get what I mean?
That will stir up a few people
and once the people are stirred up ..
Their only contribution is
to fight this new menace.
That's great, Jim. Great stuff.
Yeah. Look, Clyde.
Why can't we rent an auditorium?
Put on a big rally. Get some speakers.
Top speakers who can really draw.
Maybe a couple of those sacred cows.
Let them howl their heads off about
the rape of the first amendment.
Sounds good to me.
Better send a note to
our cultural division.
Tell them we need a brace
of pinko chums for a front.
We'll pack the hall
at five bucks a throw.
A great idea, Jim.
Alright men. Now Clyde Garson
has got good news for you.
I must prepare you for
the fact that any day ..
The North Koreans may cross the
38th parallel and invade South Korea.
The first step in our march to victory.
When that happens we put on a new front.
We won't talk like communists then.
We'll be 'worried citizens'.
Worried about the administration.
Finding fault with our military leaders.
Whispering in every ear about
the terrible power of the Soviets.
Spreading doubt, fear, defeatism.
That will be our job, comrades.
To soften up the people.
To demoralise them.
Weaken the will of America to fight.
Then when comrade Stalin calls the play.
The panic of the American people will
mean power and glory for us all.
[ Door knocks ]
I want to see Jim.
Jim, you had better read this.
I'm sorry I misunderstood
you regarding the donation.
You're absolutely right.
- It's perfectly alright.
That's all for now, gentlemen.
Found dead on the railway
tracks. What happened?
What were they doing there?
- I don't know. Do you?
What you getting at? How can I know?
- I don't know that either.
But I'll find out.
We're going over to headquarters
right away. You're going with us.
That's alright with me.
I'll make a report on this right away.
This is local business, Clyde.
Why not tell me you tried to kill her?
- So you could tip her off?
You tipped her off.
- No.
So where is she?
I said I don't know.
- Have you contacted her today?
I called her apartment. She isn't in.
You're not worried, Matt.
Not enough. Why?
Why should I worry about a traitor?
When you told me you dropped her at her
apartment and went home, I believed you.
Didn't these guys see me leave?
That's why I believed you.
I thought those two finished the job.
And I'd hear from them. But when I read
in the paper they were found dead ..
I knew something was cockeyed.
Why wasn't Merrick in her apartment?
- You know more than me.
And why was there an FBI
guy planted up there?
Was there any proof he was FBI?
- No. But what else could he be?
If you felt she had a chance to save her
skin and helped her, you're a traitor.
You know what happens to traitors.
Trotsky thought he was
safe but they got to him.
Jan Masaryk was dropped
out of a window in Prague.
They called it suicide.
And did you know General Krovinsky
was found dead in his Washington hotel?
Yeah. That was called suicide too.
Hundreds of comrades who made a mistake
in America paid for it with their lives.
You see, I slipped up
on Merrick, but you ..
No. I can't take a chance on you.
So come on, open up. Talk.
Open up!
You're crazy, Blandon.
Keep those goons away from me.
Go to work on him.
What's the matter, comrades?
Don't you get along together?
- Hey, what do you want?
Which one of you is Matt Cvetic?
I am.
Got news for you, comrade.
They want you over at headquarters.
What is this, an arrest?
- What do you think?
What's the charge?
- Suspicion of murder.
Who did I kill?
- You don't know, huh?
To jog your memory: James Broderick.
An agent for the FBI was found dead
today in your sweetheart's apartment.
Your fingerprints were
all over the place.
Got any information to the contrary?
That's what I thought, you
stinking red. On your way.
You know something? We could be wrong.
Mitch? This is Jim.
Look. Matt Cvetic has just been picked
up on suspicion of killing an FBI agent.
I don't know what evidence they
have, but it can't be much.
So get out a writ and spring
him as soon as you can.
Let me know what goes on.
We could be wrong but
we'll take no chances.
Mason listened to the taping and heard
what happened at the end of the meeting.
He called me to say you're in trouble.
I was. But that murder rap was worse.
I believed it until I saw you.
You can believe it.
You'll read about it in the papers.
You mean they'll hold me for a murder ..
- Hear the rest of it, Matt.
You'll be called to testify at the trial
of the 11 commie leaders in New York.
The evidence you have found will convict
them before any jury in the country.
You're getting off the hook at last.
Thank god.
Now I can crawl out of my
rat-hole and live like a man.
In the meantime,
you'll be safer in jail.
Hi, Matt.
I guess they gave you a rough deal, huh?
Forget it. I've been able to
catch up on my sleep.
Yeah. Look, I only got a minute.
I had to let you know we've been working
for you ever since they locked you up.
The D.A's office wanted to hold you for
the Grand Jury but we blocked that deal.
This morning our lawyers got
out a writ of Habeas corpus ..
Based on 'insufficient evidence'.
Kid, you're on your way out.
- Now?
This afternoon about three o'clock.
I'll pick you up then.
You know Matt, I was thinking.
You got to get out of town for a while.
So why don't you run over to
New York and help out with the trial?
Yeah. I might be able to help at that.
- Sure you would.
You know, I've been a
regular commuter myself.
I was telling the boys on
East 12th Street how you ..
Took this rap and kept your mouth shut.
You are a fine example
of loyalty to the party.
You got a lot of guys like me in
the party. Only you don't know it.
See you.
- Yeah.
"The trial of the commie
leaders in New York city .."
"Has set off a series of red riots that
spread from Harlem to The Battery."
If you don't like this country
why don't you leave?
Who's going to make me? Shut up.
You watch it from the other side.
Dirty rotten police.
Do you realize these people
on trial are fighting for us?
For us workers.
All set?
- I ought to be.
I've gone over my testimony
with the US D.A. a dozen times.
That stuff is burned into my brain.
I'll be out there when
your name is called.
Can you imagine what a shock
it will be to the commies?
They'll tear the benches apart.
- I expect that.
The defense will do their
best to break you down.
To smear you in the eyes of the jury.
That's been their method with
every prosecution witness.
The court will be packed
with your enemies.
But don't forget the millions of
Americans who'll be listening in.
They'll be on your side.
Yeah, I know.
I'm going to be talking to my
brothers and that boy of mine.
I'm going to be telling them what I've
wanted to tell them over and over again.
I am not a traitor. I'm not a heel.
I love the same things they do.
I want to see them just once
without hate in their eyes.
They ready for me?
No they aren't.
The US District Attorney sent me to tell
you your testimony won't be needed.
Won't be needed?
So I've gone through this for nothing?
- No, you haven't.
So why did they give me a big build-up?
The days and nights of preparation.
Why didn't they find out about
it before they sent for me?
Haven't I done enough without a kick in
the face? How much can a guy take?
Wait. Listen.
The work you've done is more
vital than convicting these men.
They convicted themselves.
The facts you found are vital
to the safety of our country.
That's swell. But I'm still a commie.
For the time being, yes.
We have more surprises for the reds but
we aren't quite ready to show our hand.
We want you to go on
working with the party.
But under no circumstances must
they know you came here to testify.
We're counting on you, Matt.
I'll try to stick it out.
Tell the D.A. it was
fun while it lasted.
I'll take it, comrade.
Sit down and rest yourself.
Hi Matt.
- How goes it inside?
Like a 3-ring circus. I looked for you.
- Yeah?
I was in Pittsburgh this morning.
Before I went to the airport
I visited the office.
I found a US Marshal waiting for me.
This will give you a laugh, Matt.
We're summoned go attend the Un-American
Activities Committee in Washington.
Including me?
All the top men of the
Pittsburgh division.
Don't let it bother you, Matt.
We'll give them the same run around
that the rest of the comrades give them.
Stand on your constitutional rights.
Read them a prepared statement.
I don't need a prepared statement.
I know what I'm going to say.
I've been rehearsing it for nine years.
Alright, boys. Break it up. Keep moving.
Mr Harmon, perhaps you
didn't understand the question.
Sure I do.
But I refuse to answer the question
for fear it may incriminate me.
At the moment there's no law against
being a member of the Communist Party.
The first amendment prohibits
the congress from forcing ..
Any witness to answer any such question.
Are you a member or have been a
member of the communist party?
Answer yes or no.
I have here a prepared
statement which will show ..
We've no time to listen to propaganda.
Answer the question or you
will be held in contempt.
Did I miss much?
Not a great deal.
Harmon is on the stand.
Did you get that wire off to Pittsburgh?
I did better than that.
I got them on long distance.
They're both here, Matt.
You didn't tip them off?
- No, you'll do that.
You'll be called soon.
Might as well go in now.
Mr Cvetic.
Are you a member of the
Communist Party of America?
I have been for nine years.
My party card is in your possession.
What was your purpose
in joining the party?
I joined it as an undercover agent for
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
I was what's commonly
known as a 'plant'.
Do you recognise these
volumes, Mr Cvetic?
Yes sir.
Those are copies of the daily
reports I made to the FBI.
Please give us a brief resume of what
you learned about the communist party.
I learned chiefly that its political
activities are nothing but a front.
It's actually a vast spy system
founded in our country by the soviets.
It's composed of American traitors whose
only purpose is to deliver the people ..
Of the United States into the hands
of Russia as a slave colony.
The idea of communism as common
ownership and control by the people ..
Has never been practised in
Russia and never will be.
Thank you, Mr Cvetic.
There will be a five-minute recess.
Where you going, boys?
- Out to get a little fresh air.
Get that later.
You're wanted in Pittsburgh
on a murder charge.
You dirty, sneaking stool-pigeon.
Ready for you, Mr Blandon.
- Your witness, congressman.
Thanks. Thanks very much.
No trouble at all.
Dad, you got to forgive me.
How could I know?
- You couldn't, son.
I was proud to know my boy was
all the things I wanted him to be.
That you had the brains to see
this slimy thing for just what it is.
That you had the guts to stand up to me
and all the world and fight against it.
Even when you hated me,
I loved you for it.