Icarus (2022) Movie Script

In the age when King Minos rules Crete,
mankind worships and fears
the Gods of Olympus.
Only a fool would dare
to offend them.
Look, father. It's so shiny!
Indeed. A nautilus shell.
A rare specimen.
What have you caught today?
Good. We can set free
something else too. Join me above.
This is for you.
Are you ready?
Who is it?
Ah! Every work is a mystery.
An idea coming to life
in my hands.
I sculpt it, give it a shape, a soul.
But once finished,
it ceases to obey me,
Escaping, no longer mine.
Often having more
imagination than me.
Tomorrow will be
a big day for us.
We'll both go to the palace,
to bring the sculpture
to the queen.
And since you're
coming out of your shell...
How did you pass the
string through it?
Ah - I called on my little ants.
Never stop searching.
The famed Daedalus -
How you inspire me!
You bring things to life!
Look, she breathes!
My queen.
- Master, the king awaits.
- I'll be right back.
The creature must go,
without offending its god.
I'm counting on your genius.
That's my order, and
return with a plan.
The king didn't see our statue?
No, it was for queen Pasiphae.
She was happy to see you!
Are you friends with king Minos?
I'm the king's inventor.
I designed his palace
here on Knossos.
So he must be happy.
Isn't he?
King Minos is at war.
His son was killed in Athens.
He meant everything to him.
Minos never forgave the Greeks.
- What will he do?
- Avenge his son.
Did the king want a sculpture?
What he wants doesn't exist.
I have to invent it.
This thread is for the princess.
Take it to the palace,
you know the way!
I asked Aphrodite for a lover,
not a child. What do you want?
My name is...
Icarus, son of Daedalus,
yes, I know.
I need air!
Water, flowers! Refresh me!
I'm looking for the princess?
Is that you?
- Ariadne?
- It's me.
I needed a break
from this dreadful rehearsal.
My orchestra has no talent!
Unlike your father.
- Oh, is that for me?
- Uh, yes.
Thread for making a dress?
You're sweet!
My servants do that.
Go find them, leave!
We'll start again!
I was waiting for you, bird.
What is your hand weaving?
What is my hand weaving?
- For you, princess.
- Thank you!
Bye, dad!
Come in!
I'm waiting for you. Come.
I'm here.
Are you talking in my head?
You can hear me too?
Who are you? Why does the
king hurt-- Wait! Come back!
I'm here.
Oh, my Asterion.
My only escape.
Restoring my joy in life.
My bath has gotten cold.
Hard to miss that aroma.
It's overwhelming.
- Hello, dear mother.
- Your talk is vain.
Beware the whims of fate.
Hot water would
warm your words.
Ah, so now you care about
your forgotten daughter?
My womb remembers when
our hearts were in harmony.
Such sweet times.
So quickly gone.
I understand your distance.
To you I'm a far-off memory.
Cold water.
Nothing better.
You should try it.
The bird has not yet flown away.
Why all the bird talk?
I'm a boy, not a bird.
You're not free yet.
You're emprisoned by four walls.
Everything I need is here.
I promise to visit every day.
Everything I need is here.
Asterion, no, let me stay.
We'll count the stars.
The only star that matters is yours.
The one that doesn't shine at night.
How will I know which it is?
How will I know which it is?
Like this.
You're home late.
I know, I haven't been here
for you lately.
The king's job will
be done tomorrow.
We'll work together again.
You'll have new riddles.
Go sleep. There's work
in the morning.
Oh, is this yours?
I'll keep it for now.
I want you to be safe.
Time to clean up
the sculptures in here.
I'll be back in a few hours.
Stay where you are.
No. No! Asterion!
Hold him!
Pitiful creature.
I kept you in shadow,
deep in the palace,
hidden from all.
Soon you'll be famous!
Athens will pay!
7 girls, 7 boys.
Every year the Greeks will
sacrifice their best youth.
And -you- will deliver
my revenge!
The monster of Crete...
My Minotaur!
- What are you doing, fool?
- Asterion, please save him!
Everything is where
it needs to be.
He's no prisoner, he's the
symbol of their madness.
Why did my father do this?
He follows the line
of his destiny.
But you, Icarus,
you can still choose!
In your eyes, I see his light.
Find another star
to shine for you both!
- What star?
- Don't get lost!
Get away!
- He doesn't look like that.
- I know.
Things aren't always
what they seem.
- No more riddles.
- Oh...?
And I don't...
I never want to work
with you again.
You're my son, Icarus.
You'll do what I say.
Give them to the monster!
To death!
- Look out!
- Yes.
Silence! Silence!
So, destroying Athens
has brought out their prince?
I recognize you,
Theseus. Welcome!
This land must feel like home,
being soaked with
your people's blood!
Enough, Minos!
You know my nobility
and courage.
I'll free my city from you!
Oh, calm down, boy.
Your royal blood will
crown my revenge!
But we're not animals.
Be our guest,
not our enemy.
Out of respect for
your rank and beauty.
No more talk.
Where's this Minotaur?
After I kill it,
you'll thank me for
removing your shame.
Oh, you!
You're precious!
Forget I'm the son of Zeus?
With one word,
I can shake the universe!
Like I'm impressed.
What a sad king.
I'll be happy when you're dead.
My father, god of the sea,
will give me power.
Didn't his bull bring vigor
to the king's bed?
Time to prove if you
live up to your name,
or, "demi-god",
if you shame Poseidon!
Are you crazy?
- You'll replace every pot!
- No.
Keep your slave job.
That hunk pretends not to look?
The Prince of Athens ignores me?
Still faking that he doesn't care.
What does it take?
I've got it all!
Can't he see?
Behold me!
Careful, handsome prince.
You're not stopping the fire,
you're fanning the embers.
The oracle has spoken.
Daedalus, I need
your labyrinth plans.
I refuse.
What ?!
You helped my mother,
and you won't help me?
If Theseus fights the Minotaur,
he'll get lost in the maze.
I can't help him.
Fight the Minotaur?
But Asterion isn't--
I can't let him.
Daedalus, I beg you!
You invented the maze!
- Give me the plans!
- Out of the question.
Keep your sculptures
and heart of stone!
If I give you the plans,
will you take me to Theseus?
Icarus. Think carefully
about what you're doing.
What you're holding
is my work.
So. Put the plans back,
and I'll forget everything.
It's so easy for you,
Because you create,
shape, and build?
But why? What have
your hands woven?
Don't burden art
with such feelings.
"Art" ?
Look at the carnage
you leave behind you!
I've spent 16 years
teaching you everything I know,
and you still
understand nothing!
I understand
that I was wrong.
I believed in your light, Dad,
and you...
you leave me in the dark.
As if I was a bad son.
How dare-- No one
steals my secrets!
My dear mother's ghost.
The rising truth will shine!
It's a heavy night, go sleep.
Yes, mom, heavy -
and so promising !
What will happen?
The night calls to me!
But you can sleep.
Where's your father?
I must talk to him.
Tonight's my chance!
Visions, come to life!
Icarus brings me the plans,
and I convince Theseus.
In the maze,
he falls in love with me!
We sail away, and in Athens
they bow to us.
I'm no longer Ariadne!
Did you call me... Queen?
My kitten.
Dad! As if you know
what I like!
You're not blind.
His curls, that figure,
of course you noticed.
That snobby, crude Greek?
Not my type at all.
So you won't mind
when he's gone forever.
Good night, my little one.
Oh, your dance - Exquisite!
Just like you!
Oh, dad. Heaven forbid
I let you down.
No... No, no, no, no, no.
Theseus, you're not
my type-- huh?
Who's there? Icarus?
Oh! The plans!
You kept your promise!
What's this?
All that's left.
My dad burned the rest.
- All is lost!
- Stop it! Where's Theseus?
How dare you say
his name, wretch!
Ariadne, breathe!
Why am I not Athenian?
Why can't I escape
this masquerade?
Be beautiful and sweet
How can something be so sad,
and also beautiful?
- Aah! God in heaven!
- It's him!
You brought part of
that monster in here ?!
"Monster" ?
Asterion is my brother.
Ariadne - your father
is a murderer.
You don't see that
he's the monster!
I don't know if I can
believe you...
I'm not here to argue.
I need Theseus! He'll understand.
How can you help him?
Without the plans,
he'll never escape.
I wanted us to leave,
hand in hand.
Without his hand,
I lose him.
Ariadne - my dad's thread!
Do you still have it?
- Don't forget our deal!
- Promise! Come on!
- Hm?
(- It's the queen.)
My queen!
Your visit brings me
so much joy!
And no appetite.
Since I disgust you,
I will be brief.
Theseus will do anything to save his people.
Don't let him enter the maze!
Am I so drunk that
I'm hearing such sweet words?
Could this be an order
from the queen? Ha ha ha!
You're so close
to the enemy.
So famously "loyal".
Kill Theseus before it's too late!
Save Crete!
So much effort to defend
the honor of Knossos.
And here you are...
reptile... begging.
Athens killed your son.
Save mine!
Fool! You think I care
about your bastard's life?
That I pity your betrayal?
Let them all die !!
- No one gets out alive!
- Stop! So much hate...
Hasn't your revenge
caused enough suffering?
Minos, I beg you.
Punish your queen, punish me!
Don't kill my child!
Punish you?
Fear not, my queen...
That's exactly the point.
Ok, we're here!
- Make a diversion.
- No, wait. I'll go get him.
How you inspire me!
I'll stay focused.
- Temptress!
- Ah yes.
Is this how you greet
a princess?
I don't trust the
daughter of Minos.
You over-react.
I wanted to see the face
of a real daredevil.
Just the face.
Hm. As if your face would lie.
You're a bit quick to celebrate
my victory over the Minotaur.
I'm expecting it.
Prove it to me.
I don't want to kill.
Half a daredevil.
How like a demi-god.
You insult me when I
reject your charms. And yet...
my appetite awakes.
I'm a snack to you?
Ha! No. I'm fine, thanks.
Since you're so rude,
I shall leave.
Your pride means nothing to me.
My dance annoys you,
so I'll pull the curtain.
Ariadne - stay.
Fortune guided you to me.
No more games.
As long as you look at me.
Ah, the promise.
Poison of women,
healed by pleasure.
Theseus, in the maze, isn't
poison better than pain?
I'll find my way.
In the darkness,
your eyes won't help.
Only touch can save you.
Prince of Athens,
take my hand,
and tie our fates forever.
No really,
it's my natural color!
Oh, Daedalus, yes, yes...
My faithful witness,
that night, in the forest.
I was by your side.
Will my son find his place
among the stars?
I don't know. I don't think
I can be any more help.
Even to my son.
Icarus, no!
What have we done?
I have something for you.
Take this horn. Only you
can solve the maze.
When you find him,
I hope it glows.
And if it glows,
you'll see the truth.
And he'll be saved.
- The labyrinth awaits you.
- Lead the dance.
If we all survive,
will you follow us?
I think my place is elsewhere.
- I'll prepare your boat.
- We'll meet you there.
Icarus... What do you
think you're doing?
You !!
- I thought I'd lost you.
- I think I lost myself.
He was my only friend.
All lost things hope
to be found again.
To leave the maze,
follow your own truth.
How will I know my truth?
You've always been weaving it.
If Asterion is still in this world,
you'll join him.
We're all made of the
same matter. Air, earth...
We're like the ants,
bees, seagulls...
Every work is a mystery.
An idea coming to life in my hands.
I sculpt it, give it a shape, a soul.
But once finished,
it ceases to obey me,
Escaping, no longer mine.
Often having more
imagination than me.
Will you believe it, my brother?
So bright is the light!
It wasn't a prison,
it wasn't pain,
Those four sad walls
Were just an illusion.
Loosely inspired by
the myth of Icarus
the boy who flew
too close to the Sun
by Dronon