If I Can't Have You (2023) Movie Script

I asked you
not to call me again.
No. You need
to respect my boundaries.
You always mean a lot to me too,
but I need my space.
I need to figure
some things out on my own.
No, I'm sorry. Don't stop by.
We don't have
anything else to talk about.
Don't even call or text.
I'm sorry, but we're through.
If I can't have you
How can I go on?
If I can't have you,
then here's my song
If I can't have you...
Asleep in the hospital.
My hand in hers.
And when I woke up,
she was gone.
How long had you
been married, Glenn?
Twenty-one years,
six months, and two weeks,
to the day.
Bless you.
Glenn, I'd like to leave you
with one of my favorite
Tennyson quotes tonight.
"It's better
to have loved and lost
than never
to have loved at all."
In honor of Glenn
and Patricia's enduring union,
let's play a little song
about timeless love
by Mitchell Sachs
and the Deerfield Five.
Oh, that was heavy.
Is it bad
that I sometimes prefer
the pathetic losers
to the hopeless romantics?
One of your favorite
Tennyson quotes?
Had you even heard
of Tennyson before today?
You know, some of us
actually went to college, Keith.
You headed home after this
or you wanna grab coffee?
I don't know.
Let's play it by ear.
Yeah. See how tired I am. Mm.
I did get last week's
ratings from Stan though,
at one point we should discuss.
- Bad?
- Oh, no, no, no. Not at all.
In fact, we're slightly
up in some demos.
- Hmm.
- No, it's just been a while
since we discussed
the numbers together.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
On in 10, Michelle.
Nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two...
Welcome back to
"Heart of the Night"
on Polaris Satellite Radio.
So, bottom line is what?
We don't know anything.
No, no.
We know quite a bit.
What we don't know
is what it all means.
Uh, some people
love listening to callers.
Some people love
listening to you give advice.
And, well, some people
think you're full of it.
- And some people...
- Okay.
- Think...
- Oh, okay. I get it.
What does Stan say?
Oh, Stan just loves reminding me
that he's not a producer.
He's a station manager.
He wants me...
well, he wants us
to review it
and give our recommendations.
And I guess that's what
he considers managing.
- Bastard.
- Yeah.
Okay. I got this.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Can you stay a little bit?
I can't, I promised Aiden.
Promised him what?
That I would try to get home
before he left for work.
Hmm. Trouble in paradise.
No. No, not really.
He's just been on my case
about how much time
we're spending together.
Wait. He knew you were a DJ
when you first started dating.
He knew you were a DJ
when you guys moved in together.
And you'll still be a DJ
when you guys get married.
When we get married?
Isn't that part of the plan?
Then what's the point
of living together?
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
I'm not sure if that's
a healthy relationship, doctor.
Well, I'm not a doctor.
I just play one on the radio.
Damn it, Aiden.
Not the warm welcome
I was hoping for,
but we can work with it.
I've been home for two seconds.
- You're already pawing at me.
- Pawing you?
No, sorry.
I, um, no,
I didn't mean it like that.
I'm sorry. I'm exhausted.
It's been
a really long day at work.
I had to meet with Lily
about some stuff, so.
Okay. But you're home now?
Yeah. I really need to shower.
Can I join?
So Stan,
to what do we owe this honor?
Well, there has been talk.
- Talk? What talk?
- No, talk.
Oh, Stan cut The BS.
We're busy.
What would you ladies say
to moving your show
to the mornings?
We're already on the mornings.
No, regular people mornings.
7:00 to 11:00.
I like our time slot.
I'm used to it.
Yeah, we're vampires.
Well, the show
would be the same.
You just have
a different time slot.
I don't understand.
We just saw the numbers.
They're good.
Too good, that's the problem.
It's huge concern
that your talent
is being wasted
from midnight to 4:00.
I mean, it is weird hours.
Come on.
It's apples to oranges, Stan.
I mean, you move us to mornings,
we go up against sports news,
traffic, weather.
- Look, I get it, kiddo.
- Oh, don't call me kiddo,
- it's not 1985.
- Oh, please.
Are you asking us or telling us?
you're the most popular host
on the channel
and we wanna keep you happy.
So, right now we're asking.
Hmm. But that could change.
Just think about it. Okay?
Have a great show, ladies.
What was that about?
There was a time
I would've killed for mornings.
we've built something here.
Something real.
Listeners depend on us.
Yeah, I know, I know.
I was just, just saying.
Look, you're the star.
It's ultimately your decision.
Do not get me that, Lil.
We're a team.
You know that.
I know, but I also know
I'm replaceable and you're not.
So think about it.
Make a decision
so we can be a united front.
I really like
what we've built here.
I do, too.
Is that the voice
of the night in the flesh?
You stalking me, Robert?
It's just one of the benefits
of being neighbors.
You never know
when you're gonna run into me.
Hmm. Lucky me.
If you'll excuse me,
I had a really
long and tiring show.
I know. I heard.
I have to keep a prize
to the competition,
especially when the competition
is such a perfect fit
for Clear Cell.
We've had this
conversation before, Robert.
I'm really happy at Polaris.
And you'd be happier
at Clear Cell working for me.
What makes you so sure?
More exposure,
more freedom, more money.
It doesn't even matter,
I have a contract.
And contracts
are made to be broken.
I have a whole team at Polaris.
They mean more to me
than anything you could offer.
Great, so bring them with you.
Why are you pushing this
so hard, Robert?
You know, most hosts
would be flattered.
Well, I'm not most hosts.
We're beating Polaris
in the morning drive.
We're beating you in sports,
news, traffic, weather.
The only spot
we're lagging is nights.
Like I said,
I'm really happy where I am.
Think about it, Michelle.
It's only your future.
That was "Self Control"
by Laura Branigan.
Now let's take some calls.
Those switchboards
are lighting up
or whatever passes
for switchboards
in the 21st century.
Good evening.
You're on "Heart of the Night."
- Hello.
- Hello.
Floor is yours, my friend.
I listen
to your show all the time.
And we appreciate that.
What do you wanna talk
about tonight?
Well, you picked
the right show for that.
What's your name?
John, as in John Doe.
Fair enough, John.
You said you wanted
to talk about love.
- What about?
- I'm in love.
Hmm. You're one
of the lucky ones.
Tell me, John, does she know?
She knows it,
but she doesn't reciprocate.
Ah, unrequited love.
- It's the cruelest kind.
- What should I do?
Well, John, it seems to me
that you need to convince her.
Don't just tell her
how you feel. Show her.
- Be the man she wants you to be.
- Yes.
Yes, I will. Thank you.
I'll tell you what, John.
I'll play one for you
and your Roxane.
- Thanks for calling.
- Thank you.
That was weird?
- What?
- That caller.
I've heard worse.
Hey. Sorry,
I didn't mean to wake you.
No. That's okay.
I have to be up soon anyway.
Not for a couple hours.
How was work?
You know, when I got home,
Mr. Sklar was awake.
- What?
- Mr. Sklar,
our new next door neighbor.
No. I know who he is,
I just don't know
what you're talking about.
Just now, when I came in,
I could see him
behind his blinds.
So what?
So, it's too early.
You don't think
that's kinda strange?
- We're up.
- We have a reason to be up.
Maybe he does too.
What? No.
I don't think he even works.
I've hardly ever seen him
leave the house.
I don't know, Michelle.
Maybe he can't sleep.
Maybe he has an appointment.
Who cares?
I don't know.
It was just, just weird.
He's weird.
But it's none of our business
and it's not really a big deal.
Go back to sleep.
I'll be in there soon, okay?
Your boyfriend?
Mr. Sklar, I, um...
you scared me.
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it's from Aiden.
He likes to surprise
me every now and then.
I have a surprise for you.
Your cholesterol
is under control.
The test results.
It's open.
Of course,
how would I know the results?
It came to my mailbox,
of course I opened it
before I realized
and when I saw, I thought
I never went to a gynecologist.
Okay. Uh, well, thank you.
I got to get going.
My coffee's brewing, so...
French vanilla,
one cream, two sugars?
The other day, I was standing
behind you in line.
You didn't see me.
Uh, I gotta go.
Hey. I just woke up.
Are you at work?
Um, at work. Not really working.
Well, I just
wanted to thank you.
That was very sweet.
- What was?
- The rose.
What rose?
- You didn't bring me a rose?
- When would I have time?
I went back to bed for an hour,
I took a shower
and then I went to work.
Aiden, I have to go.
Wait, wait, wait.
Who brought you a rose?
I really have to go.
- Michelle?
- Uh-hmm.
I think it's that caller again.
That weird one from yesterday.
- John Doe?
- You want me to put him through?
The phone number. What is it?
It's blocked.
- Put him through.
- Okay.
That was "Lovin' For the Moment"
by The Submarines.
Now let's get to those phones.
See what our dedicated
listeners are up to tonight.
Hello, you're
on Heart of the Night.
Hello, Michelle.
- Hello. And who is this?
- I think you know.
Listen, my friend, I take
over a hundred calls per show,
so you may have
to refresh my memory.
- It's John.
- Hello, John.
What do you wanna
listen to tonight?
John Doe.
I showed her.
Come again, John?
I showed her.
I showed her how I felt.
What can I play for you, John?
"If I Can't Have You."
Okay. Here it is.
How did you like the rose?
Excuse me?
I said,
how did you like the rose?
I wanted to thank
you for the advice.
Hence, the rose.
Here's "I Can't Have You"
for John.
What the hell was that about?
This morning or afternoon,
when I woke up,
there was a red rose at my door.
It wasn't Aiden?
No. It was him.
It was the caller, Lily.
You heard him.
Like he said, maybe
he just wanted to thank you?
It was at my home, Lily.
- My home. Not the station.
- Okay. Yeah.
No, no, no, no.
You're right, you're right.
And there was a note.
A note? What'd it say?
For love.
- You wanna get some food?
- I can't.
I gotta get home.
- Aiden?
- Uh-hmm.
- Lily.
- Hmm?
What is it?
Um, no.
It's probably nothing.
But, uh,
you know that caller, John Doe.
He called, um, 20 minutes
after he was on the air.
What did he say?
Well, he explained who he was,
I mean, as if I didn't know,
and then he proceeded to ask
for your cell phone number.
It's like the way he said it,
you know, it was like...
it was like almost a completely
reasonable request.
Like he expected me
to give it to him.
What did you say?
Oh, I said unfortunately
I don't give out
personal information
about our hosts.
And then he wanted me
to give you another message.
What message?
He said,
"I'll be watching you."
What are you doing up?
Well, I took a nap after work
so that we could have
a couple hours together.
Hey, you okay?
Tough day at work?
How was your day?
Let me get you here.
Maybe I can help you with that?
- Mm. Oh, you smell good.
- Mm, I needed a shower.
Baby, what is it?
It's nothing.
We finally get some time
alone together
and you're being so distant.
Just hold me.
Thanks for taking the time
to meet with us, Stan.
I know you wanna get home.
For you, sweetheart, anything.
Look, about the other day.
I was just gauging how you felt.
If you're comfortable
with nights...
No, that's not why
I wanted to talk to you.
Okay. What was it then?
Michelle is being harassed.
Oh, okay.
Uh, I'm sorry. Okay.
We have policies
in place for this.
We need to contact human
resources immediately
- and document...
- No, not by somebody
in the company, Stan.
Well, then who?
A caller.
Dirty talker?
No, not a dirty talker.
He's actually rather polite.
Um, after he was on the show,
he called back
and he wanted her number.
- For?
- What difference does it make?
Well, as the host
of a popular radio show,
it's really not surprising.
Michelle has loyal listeners
who identify with her,
the nature of the show.
Whoa, are you saying
that it's her fault?
I'm saying no such thing, Lily.
Come on.
What I'm saying
is that it certainly
is no surprise that one of her,
shall we say,
less stable listeners,
might develop a crush on her.
And might think it's perfectly
acceptable to call.
You know? "Hey Michelle,
I know you. Let's talk."
Well, is there anything
we can do about it?
Anything we can do about it?
I mean legally? Practically?
Technologically? I don't...
I don't know what you're asking.
I guess I don't know either.
Look. The bottom line is that
Michelle feels unsafe.
As the station manager,
you gotta do something.
Oh, man.
Michelle, all I can offer you
is someone every evening
walks you safely to your car.
That's fine. I'll be fine.
I would hate to be a woman.
What an ass.
What'd you want him to do?
You okay?
let's get ready for the show.
It's been nearly five
years since she walked out.
Five years.
And it doesn't get any easier.
- You miss her every day.
- I do.
James, I hear you.
Love hurts.
That's not just a lyric.
But you owe it to yourself
to move on.
You deserve to be happy.
- I know, I know.
- Okay.
Let's take another caller.
you're on Heart of the Night.
It's not Tony.
Okay. Well,
let's play another song then.
I'm taking one step...
How long do we have
until we're back on the air?
Uh, you got 15 minutes,
at least.
I'll play four or five songs.
Keep 'em long.
Stairway to Heaven
of romantic ballads.
Thank you.
- Lily?
- Hmm?
What happened?
He said his name was Tony.
Um, said he lost
his fiancee in a car accident.
I mean he sounded so different
than John Doe.
And the phone number?
Okay. Well, we may need
to consider only taking calls
from confirmed numbers.
The majority of our callers
block their numbers.
Kind of ironic, isn't it?
People stream their whole lives
on social media
and now they're just
paranoid as ever
about their phone numbers.
But just wanna back up
a bit and tell me
what's going on here.
- Someone's harassing me.
- On air?
I haven't heard anything.
You don't listen
to any of the calls.
True. What's he saying?
It's not really what he says,
it's... I don't know.
Just forget it.
You have any idea who it is?
- Do you have a gun?
- Of course not.
Don't freak her out, you jerk.
I'm not trying to freak her out.
All I'm saying is Sig Sauer
hidden in your purse
might make you feel better.
I'm not carrying a gun.
All right.
You might wanna get back.
We'll be on soon.
You don't know anything
about this, do you?
About what?
About what we just talked about,
the caller.
Yeah, I know exactly
what you just told me!
Okay, Keith.
We all know
how you feel about her.
Yeah, well,
it doesn't really matter
how I may
or may not feel about her.
She has a boyfriend.
Besides, how could I do that?
I'm sitting right here
when the calls come in.
I didn't say you did it.
I just asked if you knew
anything about it.
With the implication being that
I had someone else
make those calls?
Look I... I'm just trying to
protect my friend and co-worker.
- Okay?
- Yeah, whatever, Lily.
We're almost back on the air.
I used to love our time slot.
- I thought it was so peaceful.
- It still is.
Don't let this idiot
ruin it for you.
Have you thought
about what Stan said
about moving to days?
No, not really.
I'm not sure
how that solves the problem.
Maybe I am just overreacting.
You know, I've had fans get
a little too friendly before.
Is that what you really think?
This, it just feels different.
Maybe we can go to the cops?
And say what?
Tell them exactly
what's going on.
I'm not sure
I'll be their priority.
I don't wanna freak you out.
I mean chances are this guy
is some harmless crank.
Okay? I mean...
- But...
- But we've all heard
stories where young women,
they felt like
something was wrong,
but I mean really felt it
in their gut,
but didn't go to the police,
because either they thought
they were overreacting or they
don't wanna get laughed at.
I'm not gonna go
to the police, Lily.
I'll just take care
of it myself.
Do me a favor.
I know you like jogging
at all hours of the night,
but maybe just hold off on it
until this whole thing
blows over.
Sure. I'll think about it.
I don't wanna freak you out.
I just want you to be safe.
Michelle, what's wrong?
Okay, let's go to the cops.
Whoo! My apologies.
Been on my feet
for over 12 hours.
My shift is almost over.
So, um, you said someone
is stalking you?
Yeah. I think so.
I mean, yes, for sure.
And you don't know this person?
No. I have no idea who they are.
- What?
- No.
It's just that,
in cases like this,
the stalker generally
is someone the person knows.
Well, if I knew him, then he
wouldn't really be a stalker.
Not necessarily.
It doesn't have to be
someone you know well.
In fact, it usually isn't.
But it's someone who feels
as if he has a connection
to you.
So like a caller?
- Caller?
- Well, Michelle is a radio DJ.
- Oh.
- A lot of people call in
and this one guy,
he's been freaking us out.
And, you know,
what does he say?
The caller?
He said...
well, originally, he just called
and talked about his girlfriend,
or some woman that he loved.
And that's what my show is,
I play love songs
and callers talk
about their relationships.
So then what did he say?
The thing that upset you?
It wasn't really what he said.
It was how he said it.
- How was that?
- I don't know.
It was strange.
Don't you have a lot of people
calling into your show?
So I have to imagine
that some of them
sound stranger
than the others, yes?
He freaked her out, okay?
Okay. Okay.
I'm just trying to understand.
Um, now, Ms. Hall,
you said someone's stalking you.
I'm not sure a few phone calls,
even if they made you feel
constitute stalking.
He came to my house.
Oh, okay.
But I thought you said you never
met this person?
- Never saw him?
- I haven't.
- But he was at your house?
- Yes.
He left a rose
by my door with a note.
What did the note say?
For love.
And how do you know the rose
is from the same person
who has been calling?
Because the caller
said it on the air.
I'm just asking.
And you came here today
because he vandalized your car?
He left a note on my car.
There's just a heart
in the note.
Look, isn't there anything
you could do
besides waiting for this guy
to become dangerous?
- What would you have me do?
- How about some patrols
- outside of my house?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
For me to authorize that,
I would need there to be
a tangible threat.
The phone calls
- to the station.
- Oh, yeah.
He called from a blocked number,
but isn't there a way
that you guys
can figure out
where they really came from?
We would have to subpoena them
from the phone company.
No judge would ever agree to
in this situation.
Okay, Michelle. Let's go.
They're not gonna help us.
Thanks for nothing.
Ms. Hall?
I'll send a squad car
by for a few days
just to make sure everything
is okay.
Thank you.
Come in!
You just get back?
I swear, criminals in this city
are getting dumber and dumber.
We just picked up this guy
who was hitting jewelry stores
over on Willow.
You know how we caught him?
His credit card,
his actual credit card
that he used to buy something.
So the store manager wouldn't
feel uneasy.
Oh. I need your read on
I just met with a woman
named Michelle Hall...
- The DJ?
- You know her?
Well, Rick listens
to her show all the time.
Your husband listens
to a soft rock call-in show
for hopeless romantics?
He's a romantic at heart.
He forgets your anniversary
every year.
I said at heart, not in brain.
Anyway, this Michelle Hall,
she's being creeped out
by one of her callers.
- I'm not surprised.
- Why not?
- You ever listen to her show?
- Mm-mm,
I never even heard of her until
she came into the station.
She's very sympathetic
to her callers.
She's very likable.
Mostly, she's got this
really sexy voice, you know.
I mean I'd be surprised
if she didn't have
callers who were infatuated
with her.
- Is she in danger?
- I don't know.
I mean, she didn't strike me
as the kind of woman
who scares easily or who would
just come into a station
unless she didn't think
something was wrong.
- Give me some background.
- Okay.
Why didn't you tell me
about this?
I don't know.
Because I wasn't sure.
Because I didn't know
if it was real or not.
Well, it was real enough
for you to go to the police.
Because of what happened today,
Okay, okay.
I have an idea. We get married.
- Come on, Aiden.
- What?
That's your brilliant idea
for how to stop a stalker?
- To get married?
- I already wanted to already.
You know that.
But think about it.
It makes sense.
How does it make sense?
We get married.
I go on your health insurance.
Then I can work freelance.
Again, I don't see
how that helps the situation.
Then I can be with you all
the time.
Work on your schedule.
Protect you.
I'm not gonna marry you
out of fear.
Is this why
you didn't wanna tell me?
Why I didn't tell you what?
'Cause you knew
that I'd ask you to marry me?
My God. Don't be ridiculous.
I'm not being ridiculous.
I'm being insightful.
Do not try to psychoanalyze me,
Aiden, okay?
You're not that smart.
Gosh. Come on.
I didn't mean it like that.
Babe, I'm sorry. Really. Okay?
I'm just really, really tired.
What do you want from me?
You just hold me.
Have to admit it's kind of nice
to get out of the studio.
It just feels
a little claustrophobic
in there sometimes.
You happy at Polaris?
I mean, this whole caller thing
Wow. Talk about
a conversation stopper.
It's just... oh, forget it.
No. No. I'm sorry.
Go ahead. What's up?
It's just...
I feel like
they're taking advantage of you.
Taking advantage of me how?
I mean, you have the highest
rated show in that time slot.
So you think I should what,
negotiate more money?
Or maybe there
are some other places
that would value you more.
Like where?
Maybe Clear Cell.
- Gage?
- Huh?
Robert Gage,
the CEO of Clear Cell.
- You spoke to him?
- What?
No. No. That's just...
Don't worry.
He approached me too.
I told him I didn't wanna talk
to you about it
but he can be very persuasive.
I understand, Keith.
Just forget about it.
You ever thought
about it though?
I mean like really.
- What?
- Leaving.
I mean, I'm sure Clear Cell will
roll out the red carpet for you.
I mean, they're much
bigger than Polaris
and their stock
has been consistently rising.
Not to mention,
they'd probably put together
a pretty nice package for you.
Just for me?
Well, me and Lily
could be a part of that package.
Keith, I don't wanna talk
about this anymore.
I just... I have enough
on my mind already.
- Yeah. It's...
- Please
don't try to work Lily on this,
- Okay.
- I just don't need her worrying
that I might jump ship.
What's going on
with this caller of yours?
I went to the police.
The police? Seriously?
He left a note on my car.
- Threatening you?
- No.
It was a love note.
Even worse.
What did the cop say?
What do you think they said?
There's no tangible threat
so there's nothing they can do.
And you have no idea
who it could be?
That's the thing.
It could be anybody.
Except for me and Lily.
We're in the station with you
when the calls come in.
Uh, you two weren't at the top
of my list anyways, so...
Right after I graduated...
Oh, you mean like yesterday?
Very funny.
Right after I graduated,
I interned
at the station in Chicago.
One of the host, a young woman
had a similar experience,
all right?
This guy kept calling in
and, eventually,
he showed up,
waiting for her to come out.
And you know what happened
when she came out?
He screamed.
He literally screamed
and ran away.
Hey, my point
is these guys are cowards.
They just latch on to you
because they can hear
your voice.
And when they see you
in the real world,
they just hightail
it out of there, all right?
They're not dangerous.
They're just incredibly sad
and incredibly lonely.
I really hope you're right.
I am. I promise.
Coffee's on me. Let's go.
What's up, Lily?
Uh, preventing an ambush.
- Stan, he wants to see us.
- Oh.
- Just what I needed.
- Mm-hmm.
Is it about the timeslot?
- I'd imagine.
- Mm-hmm.
I don't know.
I just figured
- I'd give you a heads-up.
- Yeah.
You've had enough
surprises lately.
Thank you.
So any new developments
this morning?
With John Doe, no.
But with Aiden,
he's using the situation
to try and convince me
to marry him.
- Oh, boy.
- Yeah.
Tell me about it.
But how is that gonna help?
Oh, he said he can protect me.
Look, Michelle,
you know, if you really
wanna marry him,
there's nobody else
who's gonna be happier
for you than me, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- But make sure you're doing it
for the right reasons
and not because of fear.
Oh, yeah, I know. Of course.
Let's just get
this meeting over with.
Thanks for your time, ladies.
I know you have a show to prep.
Oh, did we have a choice?
I just wanted to see
if you've given any more thought
to the change in timeslots?
Well, we told you,
we like where we are.
You like where you are?
It's just the management.
They're liking mornings
more and more.
- Which means?
- Which means
I can't promise anything
but if you agree to this move,
it might come with a pay raise.
Oh, sweetening the pot,
huh, Stan?
Taking care of you
like I always do. You know that.
Oh, you're all heart, Stan.
Come on, Lily. This could be
a good thing for all of us.
So is it still our choice
or are we at the point
where somebody else
is making those decisions?
It is still your choice,
for now.
But I can't promise it always
will be, and that's the truth.
Thank you, Stan.
We'll think about it.
Now, if you don't mind,
we have a show to prepare.
All I'm asking is
for you to think about it.
Be smart.
What's with giving him
the bum's rush?
Do you think it could be Stan?
The caller?
I mean, we both caught him
leering at us before.
You said so yourself.
I mean, sure,
he has that dirty old man vibe
but I'd expect him to start
hitting on you
before he started harassing you.
Well, that's true,
but what if he's doing
this to frighten us
into taking the morning
making us think
that nights are too dangerous?
I wouldn't put it past him
but they could really
force us to move
if they really wanted to.
I know, but it's like he said,
they wanna keep us happy.
This way they have their cake
and eat it too.
Do you know if Stan
was in the studio
when any of the calls came in?
I don't know, but he could have
easily stepped out to make them.
Nah. But I would have
recognized his voice.
No, that's the thing.
Whoever is doing this
is disguising their voice.
They're using a computer program
or something.
That's what I didn't
realize at first.
That's why it disturbed me
so much.
It's... it's unnatural sound.
Nah, I still don't think
it's Stan.
Hmm, but I guess it could be.
I don't know.
What do you wanna do?
I don't know.
Let's just focus
on the show for now.
It's the only thing
keeping me sane.
Not now, Robert, okay?
Look, can't a guy
say a friendly hello?
As if that's all it ever
is with you.
Now that you mentioned it,
I'd be happy to discuss
my latest offer.
Or have one
of your underlings do it?
You mean, your coworker?
Yeah. That was a dirty pull,
even for you.
No. On the contrary,
that was upfront and generous.
If one of the things
that's holding you back
is the welfare of your team,
then I just want them to know
that they'll be well
taken care of.
Behind my back?
Just being aggressive.
There's nothing unethical
about that.
Okay. If you say so.
You know, Michelle, most hosts
would consider themselves lucky
to be in your situation.
You're right, Robert.
Thank you so much
for harassing me.
Just remember, the shelf life
of a radio personality,
even a good one,
isn't as long as you think.
I'll remember that.
Call me if you change your mind.
What did you just say?
I said call me
if you change your mind.
Call you?
Is there something that
you wanna say to me, Robert?
About what?
We just went through this.
I know, but the timeline
is very important.
So if you wouldn't mind
walking me through it again.
I came home.
I went straight to my bedroom.
And you didn't look
around the house before that?
- No.
- And your front door was locked?
- Yes. Yes. I'm positive.
- You're sure?
And I locked it as soon
as I got back inside.
Deadbolt, just like
I've been doing recently.
But before you entered
the bedroom,
you didn't notice anything?
No. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Have you noticed anything
missing from the home?
I mean, I haven't really looked.
You don't really
have any valuables,
something that somebody
would want?
I don't know.
Maybe some jewelry.
It's all still there though.
- Wallet, credit cards?
- I have those with me.
Detective, it's obvious
this wasn't a theft.
Whoever is doing this is
just trying to scare Michelle.
Well, what about you, Mr. Sykes.
- Excuse me?
- Well, you said whoever it is
is trying to frighten Michelle,
but it's you whose face
is scratched out.
I just assumed,
as I thought we all did,
that whoever is doing this
is obsessed with Michelle,
and he wants me
out of the picture,
literally and figuratively.
I think it's premature to assume
anything right now.
So, Ms. Hall,
does anyone else
have the key to your house?
No. It's just me and Aiden.
No one else? Not a friend
- or a neighbor or a coworker?
- No.
And you still have your key?
It wasn't stolen or anything?
So after you noticed
that the photographs
had been defaced,
then what did you do?
I called Aiden.
And where were you, Mr. Sykes?
- I was at my office.
- So early?
I generally make my own hours.
If I go in early,
I can be home in time
for when Michelle wakes up.
Then we can spend some time
together before her shift.
Look, Detective, I know
that you have to take
all of this information down.
How are you going
to stop the person
who's doing this?
Frankly, Ms. Hall,
I'm not sure we are.
Oh, we'll try. We'll try.
But a break-in with no
signs of forced entry
and which nothing was taken,
look, I'd be lying if I told you
this will be a priority
for the department.
Can't you dust for prints?
Fingerprinting isn't like
what you see on TV, Mr. Sykes.
Even if we get usable prints,
which is rare,
we still need a sample
to compare them to.
Now, you know,
I think the best thing
for Ms. Hall to do
is to be vigilant.
Never go anywhere alone.
Lock your doors.
Keep your eyes open.
So exactly what I've been doing?
This guy is a coward.
He's getting a cheap thrill.
As soon as he sees
it's not getting to you,
he'll back off.
I'm sure of it.
You know, in some ways, I'd
feel better if it was a theft.
And nothing was missing
from the home?
Hmm, nothing she knows about.
But that doesn't
even really matter,
because no professional thief
is going to scratch out
her boyfriend's face
from her photographs.
So maybe the threat was
against the boyfriend?
Yeah. That's what I told her,
but she doesn't really
believe that,
and I don't either.
You know, I hate to say it
but this thing
- is gonna escalate.
- Yeah?
Yeah. I mean, the calls
and then stalking,
breaking and entering.
We both know where it's going.
I can't keep a man on her 24/7.
What about the boyfriend?
Well, he's around a lot.
That's good.
He works.
He's got his own place.
But he's not
professional security.
Which means that there's
still an opening for someone
who's really motivated
to come in and hurt her.
Of course.
Well, you could always
dust for prints.
I just don't get that feeling.
What feeling is that?
Well, that this was a pro
with a sheet in the system.
This has always felt personal.
So if you can't find him,
you know, you just gotta wait.
- Until what?
- Till he strikes again.
I'm afraid
that might be too late.
Come on in. Have a seat.
- You got a minute?
- Of course.
And you're early.
The show doesn't start
for a few hours.
We go back a long ways, Stan.
Indeed we do. What's up?
Is there anything
you wanna tell me?
Anything I wanna tell you?
I'm not sure what you mean.
- Michelle's caller.
- Michelle's caller?
- Uh-hmm.
- Lily, I'm serious.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Wait a minute.
You think it's me?
No. It makes sense, Stan.
You can't be serious.
You want us to move to mornings,
so... you don't wanna
strong-arm us,
so you make some calls
to frighten Michelle
and then maybe we move
on our own
and then you look like the hero.
You really think
I would do that?
I mean, you've made some
suggestions before?
That's not true.
I'm not that kind of...
Wait a minute.
Lily, you mean when you first
started working here
and I invited you over
for a drink?
Well, you were my boss.
I was your subordinate.
- I mean, it was inappropriate.
- You're ridiculous.
It was a different time, Lily.
My God.
Yeah, well, still inappropriate.
Do you really not see
the difference
between someone asking
a hot-looking coworker
like yourself for a drink
and what that freak
is doing to Michelle?
Look, I can't believe
I even have to justify myself,
but if it makes you feel better,
for the record,
I have nothing to do with
what's happening to Michelle.
That was I Can Feel
Your Love All Night Long
by the Locomotives.
If I had a nickel
for every school dance
where I slow-danced
to that song,
but let's hear from our callers.
I wanna hear what songs
you slow-danced to
when you were young and stupid.
Hello, Curtis.
Welcome to Heart of the Night.
Tell me what songs did you find
magic with in that school gym?
Oh, man.
There were so many.
Heaven by Bryan Adams,
Faithfully by Journey,
Beth from Kiss.
Oh, Curtis,
you're bringing me back.
And my favorite,
My Boyfriend's Photo.
I don't think I know that one.
Sure you do, Michelle.
It's the one
where the woman comes home
to find that someone's
been in her house
and destroyed all the pictures
of her boyfriend.
Who is this?
I think you know, Michelle.
I think you've always known.
I'll do whatever you
ask, Michelle. You know that.
Look, Keith,
don't take this the wrong way.
We've just always been under
the impression
that you're involved
in some unsavory activities.
We heard you're a hacker.
I got some skills.
So you can help us.
What do you need me to do?
I need to find out
who's calling me.
The number is blocked.
- Exactly.
- So what can I do?
Well, you can hack into
the phone company's servers.
Lily, come on.
- You're serious?
- Uh-hmm.
Okay. Well, then I should tell
you that the telecom companies
have some of the best protected
networks in the world.
I mean, you're talking
about multiple layers
of firewalls
and other fail-safes.
Oh, okay, okay, okay.
We don't need a class
in Hacking 101, Keith.
We just need to know
if it's possible.
Well, then the answer is no.
I mean, this isn't hacking into
a school or a local business.
This is black ops stuff.
Wait, and even if I could
access the servers,
there's no guarantee
that I could find
the correct phone number.
And even if I found
the correct phone number,
there's no guarantee that
like it's not a burner phone.
Okay. I get it,
Keith. You can't help us.
Well, I didn't say that.
Well, we're open to ideas.
If this is
just some random dude,
then, yeah, you're SOL.
But you two are smart
and I'm guessing
you kind of have an idea
of who it could be.
And if we do?
I could access their emails,
social media accounts,
their bank statements,
and even credit card receipts.
Well, what good
is that gonna do?
It'll tell you
if you're on the right track.
It's Stan.
I gotta hand it to you guys.
When you ask for a favor,
you really ask for a favor.
So can you do it or not?
Yeah. I'll do it.
But you wanna tell me
why you suspect Stan?
I mean, he's the last person
I'd think who'd wanna
damage the show.
For now, let's just say
this is on us.
All right.
- Hey.
- How did you sleep?
Not terrible.
You didn't go to work today?
I'm working remotely today.
I figured you could use me
at home.
I told you I refuse to be
a prisoner in our own home.
So what am I? A warden?
Don't pick a fight
with me, Aiden.
Not right now.
I'm not picking
a fight with you.
I'm trying to protect you
and instead of thanks,
all I'm getting is hostility.
Okay. I just... I need some space.
I'm gonna grab some coffee
before work.
- Where?
- Why?
Do you wanna follow me too?
I'm just... I'm just
making conversation.
It's what normal couples do.
Wait, what do you mean too?
Nothing. Sorry.
No, what?
Just the other day
when I was talking to Mr. Sklar,
he mentioned that he saw me
at the coffee shop.
Okay. What's weird about that?
He didn't say hi to me
but he remembered
exactly what I ordered.
Do you want me to go over there?
I know he's home.
I saw him watering his flowers.
No. What would you even say?
I'd tell him to stop
creeping out my girlfriend.
No. No. I'll be fine.
- Rapid Heart.
- Huh?
You asked where I was going.
I'm going to Rapid Heart,
where I always go.
...the one for me
Show it off
for the world to see
Hold your body
right next to me
All I wanna see...
All I hear every day
is the sound...
Can I help you?
This song...
Yeah, it's a weird choice, huh?
Who decides on the music?
Oh, we have a
corporate-approved playlist.
It's... I think it's an old
iPod in the back.
- Can I see it?
- The iPod?
Yeah, I don't think that
I could... that you'd like to...
Can I speak to your manager?
If I can't have you...
- He'll be right down.
- Yeah.
If I can't have you
playing my song
- Okay.
- Thank you.
If I can't have you
tell me...
Can I help you, ma'am?
Hi. Uh, yes.
This song, why is it playing?
If I can't have you
Uh, I don't understand.
Come on.
Come on, Tim.
Please don't play
this game with me.
Why did you play this song?
Is there an issue?
There will be
if you don't tell me.
Okay. Now talk.
A guy pulled up
to the drive-through
and wanted to see the manager.
He asked me to do him a favor.
He said he just got back
from overseas
and wanted to surprise
his girlfriend who was in here.
He asked
if we could play their song.
- So you did it?
- I told him I couldn't.
That it was against
company policy.
He told me that
it would make her day,
and then he slipped me a $20.
I don't make that much money
working here.
It seemed harmless.
What did he look like?
Um, average, I guess.
He was wearing a hat
pulled down low.
Honestly, I didn't get
a good look at his face.
- And the car?
- Ordinary sedan.
Kind of a nasty pea soup color.
Did you get a look
at the license plate?
Why would I have gotten
the license plate?
Your drive-through
has security cameras, right?
Sure. We're required to.
Any chance I can take a look
at that footage?
Not even for a $20?
but I made that mistake
once today already.
You owe me.
Yes, I do.
But I'm afraid
you're not gonna like it.
Our boss has the most boring
correspondence I have ever seen.
Inside that envelope
is everything about you
and Lily that he's discussed
with management.
And if you ask me,
it's a whole bunch of nothing.
What would you say
to another favor?
I'd say it's my turn
to ask you for one.
But I wanna give you a chance
to show off
those hacking skills of yours.
I'm listening.
Can you hack into the internet
of a coffee shop?
For what?
They all have free Wi-Fi anyway.
To access
their security cameras.
Now you're talking.
I mean, if the cameras don't run
on a closed circuit
and it just run through
the store's ISP,
then yeah.
What do you need?
I feel like we should be wearing
trench coats and fedoras.
Were you able to do it or not?
Well, for the time you gave me,
there was only one green car
that came through
the drive-through.
This is the license plate.
Do you know
who the car is registered to?
That costs money.
Unless I hack into the DMV
which... well, it's a felony.
Thank you.
So what are you gonna do?
I'm gonna pay the 30 bucks
to find out who it is.
Then I'll have his name,
his phone number,
his address,
everything on public record.
And we'll have our man.
Oh, my God.
- Hmm. Yeah?
- Are you asleep?
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
What's up?
I got it. I got everything.
Well, who is it?
Just get over here. Now.
I'll be right there.
So who is it?
His name won't mean anything
to you.
Okay. Uh...
what are you doing?
- It's him.
- Who?
My next-door neighbor.
His name is Benjamin Sklar.
Do you know him?
I mean, a little. Not really.
We always just thought
he was weird, not dangerous.
Well, he must have been
watching you this entire time.
I know, it all makes sense now.
You know, once he even mentioned
seeing me get coffee no less.
Well, speaking of which...
- It's brewing.
- Okay.
So what else you find out
about him?
Not much. Just his phone number,
which is not enough evidence
considering he always called
the radio station
from a blocked number.
Wait. What more proof
do you need though?
You know those phone calls
from that car
and he happens
to be your next-door neighbor.
There's coincidences
and there's impossibilities,
No, I know.
I know. It's obviously him.
It's just the phone number
isn't enough proof.
How long has she been here?
Well, hello to you too, Aiden.
She just got here.
It's Mr. Sklar?
It's freaking Mr. Sklar.
I'm gonna go over there
and beat the hell out of him.
That's exactly
what you can't do.
Okay. If you don't want me
to kill him
then call the cops.
- We can't.
- Why?
Aiden, I told you
that we got
the caller's information.
I just didn't tell you how.
Keith got it for us illegally.
So what?
You don't owe
that little dork anything.
Yes, we do. He put his neck out
on the line for us.
Plus, that's not
even the main reason.
Look, if we go to the police,
they're gonna ask us
how we got it,
just to find out
if it's genuine.
And if they find out the truth,
Benjamin Sklar could get off.
Yeah. If he's arrested
on evidence
that was acquired illegally,
even the least competent
public defender
- will be able to get him off.
- Uh-hmm.
So what are you gonna do?
You two have been planning
Well, right now there's
still the element of surprise,
so Benjamin Sklar has no idea
we're on to him.
Yeah. We wanna keep it that way.
And what if he finds out?
There's no way he could.
the longer he is out there,
the more trouble you're in.
I don't think
he wants to hurt me.
I just...
I think in his sick mind,
he thinks he's in love with me.
You don't know that.
I don't care how much insight
you think you have
from the show.
- You could be in danger.
- Okay.
- Well, what is your idea, Aiden?
- I threaten him.
I tell him we know who he is
and what he's been doing.
And what good is that gonna do?
It will scare him
and then he'll leave
Michelle alone.
Well, we don't want him scared.
- We want him caught.
- Yeah.
Then call the cops
and take your chances.
Spell that again please.
Okay. Now, he's never threatened
you or anything?
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I'll look into it,
Ms. Hall.
But unless you tell me why
you suspect this neighbor
of yours,
there's just so much I can do.
Okay. Uh-hmm.
Oh, okay. I'll be in touch.
Michelle Hall?
She's convinced
it's her neighbor,
Benjamin Sklar.
- That name mean anything to you?
- Uh-uh. Why would it?
Well, you know, I was hoping
he might have a record
- and you'd recognize it.
- Uh-uh.
- Why is she so sure it's him?
- Wouldn't say it.
She just kept saying
how creepy he was.
Well, creepy isn't a crime.
You know, I know there's
something she's not telling me,
- but...
- What?
It wouldn't hurt
to have a conversation with him,
then I could see what kind
of vibe I get from him.
Well, he could refuse
to talk to you, you know?
He could, but then we'd know
he's got something to hide.
Or he knows his rights.
Innocent men talk, Lisa.
You know that.
Only thing more certain
is that the husband did it.
Well, unfortunately, for you,
in this case,
there is no husband.
No, there isn't.
I think that's a great idea.
- You do?
- Of course.
You think I want an on-air host
who fears for her safety?
- Nada.
- Hmm.
- Thank you, Stan.
- No pressure.
But how long do you think
you'll be gone?
Just a few days,
until we get this all sorted.
Of course. The...
well, the company
will give you
any support you need.
We're in touch
with the authorities.
- With the authorities?
- Uh-hmm.
Well, I guess that's best.
Who do you think you'll get
to fill in?
Oh, I don't know. A few days,
I might just run
some of your old shows.
Or maybe...
maybe give Wade a chance.
- Hmm.
- He's been on me for weeks
about giving him more than
just a few segments
of Bedside Bill and the Mailman.
Oh, Wade is a ratings killer.
I know. I hate the show.
But, like I said,
it's only a few days.
I'm sorry but, Michelle,
I gotta ask you a question.
This isn't a ploy or anything
just because I suggested
a new timeslot, is it?
Because the decision is yours.
If you say so, I will back off.
How dare you, Stan?
If this is about the request,
you'd know.
And for the record, no,
we're not changing time slots.
Okay. Okay.
I just had to ask.
Look, it's probably
not appropriate to say
enjoy your time off, but...
I hope you take care
of whatever need to get done.
Get out of my office, girls.
You still think it could be him?
No. I never really did.
He's not really
smart enough to pull
something like this off anyways.
And he doesn't have the energy.
- Wanna get something to eat?
- Why not?
Who knows how long this stakeout
is gonna last.
What if he works
the night shift like we do?
No. That's highly unlikely.
It says online
he's a marketing executive.
Plus, he makes all those calls
to the radio station at night.
He wouldn't be able
to do that from work.
What if he doesn't come
straight home,
like if he goes
to a girlfriend's or something?
You think this psycho
has a girlfriend?
- Hmm.
- No way.
That's why he's calling me.
What if he goes
to like a restaurant
- or like a bar or...
- Oh, my God.
Would you stop it, Lily?
- What?
- We decided.
We're gonna wait
until we see him.
And then what?
And then we see where he goes
and what he does.
And then what?
Then we let him know
that we're watching.
So where do you think he is?
Who knows?
Maybe he's working late.
Well, we have his
cellphone number, you know?
No, not yet.
Plus, even if we call,
that won't tell us where he is.
Well, if we're
gonna be here all day,
why don't we go in shifts?
You wanna take the first watch?
No. You got it.
I wanna catch some Zs right now.
Let me know if anything changes.
What are you doing here?
- Look.
- What?
Oh, my God.
I don't believe this.
I thought he had plans.
That's what he told me.
- Michelle.
- Get inside.
- What the hell are you doing?
- What do you think I was doing?
- Even after I asked you not to?
- Well, what do you expect?
My girlfriend is being harassed
by some freak.
We find out
it's the next-door neighbor
and I can't do
anything about it?
How do you think
that makes me feel?
I don't really care
how it makes you feel, Aiden.
This is about me.
What were you even gonna do?
Beat him up?
I didn't think that far ahead.
And what were you doing?
Why are you two
watching Sklar's house?
We're keeping an eye on him.
And you told me
not to confront him?
We weren't going
to confront him, okay?
We're just watching him.
We're seeing when he gets home,
when he leaves, what he does.
- What did you find out?
- Nothing. He never came home.
All right.
I'm gonna take a shower.
Clear my head.
I'm sorry.
It'll be okay.
Well, he's devoted.
I'll give him that.
You think
we should try Sklar's office?
Yeah, 'cause if he's there,
at least we know he's not home.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Good morning. Marketing.
Hi. I'm trying to reach
Benjamin Sklar.
Mr. Sklar
is not in right now.
- Can I take a message?
- Oh, really?
I had a call scheduled with him.
Do you know when he'll return?
Uh, Mr. Sklar hasn't been
in this entire week
and frankly we're not
really sure where he is.
Thank you very much.
So if he's not at home,
he's not at work, where is he?
He could be at home.
You mean, in there cooped up
the entire time?
How do we find out?
Michelle Hall,
soft rock DJ by day,
cat burglar by night.
Actually, in your case,
it's DJ by night,
cat burglar by day.
I'm glad we could
amuse you, Keith.
Now, can you help us or not?
I'm not really sure how I feel
about you coming to me
every time something illegal
needs to be done.
Hmm. So do you want me
to tell Accounting
to take a closer look
at your expense reports, hmm?
- Your wish is my command.
- Hmm.
- So you can do it?
- Depends on the lock.
How would I know
what kind of lock he has?
Get a picture of it? Or you said
he was your neighbor, right?
- Yeah.
- Do you know if all the houses
in your neighborhood were built
around the same time?
- I don't know.
- Okay. Well, let's assume so.
Do you have your key?
- What are you doing?
- All keys are stamped
with a code to identify
the type of lock.
Yeah, I can pick it.
Thank you, Keith.
As soon as I hear that click,
I'm out of there. Got it?
I don't know
what you two have planned.
I definitely don't wanna be
there when the cops come, okay?
This might be a surprise
to you two but I might have had
a little legal trouble
in the past.
We get it. Once you open
the door, you're a ghost.
Maybe we should knock?
For what reason?
To make sure nobody's home.
We know that nobody's home.
This house is still dark.
Okay. You guys can argue
all you want later.
Are we doing this or not?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Remember, as soon
as I hear the click,
I'm out of here, all right?
- Good luck.
- Thanks, Keith.
Oh, God.
Michelle, I don't like this.
- It's okay. We're fine.
- No, no, no.
I really don't like this.
Lily, we have to be quiet.
Are these really necessary?
Thank you.
Are you sure
you don't want a lawyer?
I don't want a lawyer.
I told you, okay? I called you.
- Ms. Hall, now we could...
- Please...
can you call me Michelle?
you broke into the home
of a man who was murdered.
Now, I know you called
the police,
but certainly you can see
how this looks.
- Where's Lily?
- In another room
with a colleague of mine.
Are you trying to trip us up?
Just making sure
your stories match. That's all.
I explained everything to you
on the ride over here.
Can I be frank, Ms. Hall?
I don't think
you killed Mr. Sklar.
For one thing,
you're not a killer
and if you were,
why would you call us?
What's more, you freely admitted
to breaking into the home.
But what I can't figure out,
for the life of me,
is why you thought
it was Mr. Sklar
who was harassing you.
If you tell me,
it could exonerate you.
But, more importantly,
it could help us
find who actually killed
Mr. Sklar.
I told you I can't.
And why is that?
I think it's because
you're protecting someone.
Is it Lily?
Excuse me a minute.
The coroner
did a preliminary report.
It seems Mr. Sklar
has been dead for about a week.
Now, we'll get
an exact time after the autopsy.
Okay. But if that's true,
then he couldn't have been
the man who's been stalking me.
No, he couldn't.
Michelle, please, please,
is there anything
you wanna tell me?
We're missing something.
I just don't know what it is.
We need to go back and look
at the possible suspects again.
Yeah, but who? Stan?
I mean, that never felt right.
It's obviously not Keith.
It's somebody else.
It's somebody I don't know.
Well, he must know you.
I don't know. I don't know.
I just... I really
need to get some sleep.
Yeah. I know. I know. Me too.
Is Aiden home?
I can't even reach him.
He's probably so pissed at me,
which, honestly,
I can't even blame him.
Look, why don't we both
get some sleep
and then we'll get a bite
to eat later.
We'll go over
everything again, okay?
Stay safe.
So what do you think?
I think
they're hiding something.
Well, of course
they're hiding something, but...
Well, they are not killers.
At least, Michelle isn't.
But what about her friend?
Not a chance.
Well, she admitted
that she suspected Sklar
and she also confessed
that she couldn't tell us
why she suspected Sklar.
I figure
she's protecting someone.
- Lily?
- No.
I don't think so.
I'm afraid it's the person
who killed Sklar.
She might not even realize it.
Well, if that's true,
that's aiding and abetting.
I know.
What if Sklar
really was stalking her
and she caught him
and killed him?
That's not even premeditation.
That's self-defense.
Well, why couldn't
she tell us that?
- She's afraid.
- I don't know.
Remember now,
she was still being stalked,
even after the victim
was already dead.
So she says.
You think
she's making it all up?
I think there's a lot more
going on here than we realize.
And unless
we figure it out soon,
there's gonna be
another person dead.
No, no, no.
I'm not in the mood right now.
Not in the mood for what?
For your offers
or your threats
or your innuendos.
Just heading to my car.
I'm sorry, okay?
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
I honestly don't know.
Well, I wouldn't
tell anybody that.
If you need my help,
you let me know, okay?
Hello, Michelle.
Hello, Michelle.
Never even
crossed your mind, did it?
I don't know if I should be
flattered or insulted.
I don't understand.
Yes, you do.
You just don't wanna admit it
to yourself.
Play If I Can't Have You,
Play it for me.
You're crazy.
Crazy for you.
Can't you see that?
I mean, do you have any idea
what it was like for me?
What was like for you, Aiden?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
I would listen
to all your shows.
Listen to you give all those
poor people advice.
You're so kind, so sympathetic.
And then you would
come home to me
and I would get
a different Michelle.
Aiden, you and me,
that's real life.
My show, it's...
I'm just playing a character.
You can't fake that kind
of emotion, that kind of heart.
You gave all
of yourself to strangers.
Why couldn't
you save some of that for me?
Look, I know
we had our problems, okay,
but Aiden, I loved...
I love you.
That's not true.
I gave you
plenty of chances to show it.
You don't love me.
I'm not sure
that you ever really did.
What does Benjamin Sklar
have to do with any of this?
Why did you have to kill him?
Benjamin Sklar
was just collateral damage.
I needed somewhere
close by to watch you
when we weren't together.
Plus, I needed someone
to pin it on.
The car, for example,
it led back to him.
I didn't actually think that you
were gonna break into his house.
So when I saw you, you really
were going to his house?
The best lie
is always wrapped in some truth.
I was going over
to remove Sklar's body
so no one would find him.
You thought I was going
over there to avenge you.
Oh, my God.
Aiden, did you really think
you could frighten me
into your arms, into marriage?
Well, I don't have
to worry about that anymore.
Neither of us do.
That is sweet.
The police are on their way.
Oh, my God.
How did you know where to come?
What do you mean?
What does...
What does Keith
have to do with this?
I went into the office
to pick up some stuff
and Keith was there.
I filled him in
about everything.
He mentioned how he saw Aiden
driving Benjamin Sklar's car,
you know,
through the drive-through.
And I told him I had no idea
what he was talking about.
He said he assumed
that we both knew
it was Aiden in the car.
I mean, I guess
they caught Aiden's reflection
in the side-view mirror.
His face was so perfectly clear.
And when I heard that,
I mean, I just knew.
- I just knew.
- Uh-hmm.
I called the police
and I came right over.
Tell me, did that work, Ian?
It did.
This Friday will be
our six-month anniversary.
We are happier than ever.
That warms my heart, Ian.
And it warms
this Heart of the Morning.
Before we take a break,
Michael has been trying
to call in for a while now.
He's requested
If I Can't Have You.
Thanks for hanging in there,
No, thank you, Michelle.