If I Could Ride (2022) Movie Script

(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(handle clacks)
(handle clacking)
(hooves thudding)
- Good boy. Whoa.
Good boy, Barkley.
- [Bridgett] Barkley.
- Hey, bud.
All right, buddy.
Good boy. Good boy.
You ready?
- [Bridgett] Barkley.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
- Jodie, hang on.
- [Bill] It's fine.
You girls go on.
I'll right behind you.
- [Sandy] Are you sure?
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
- Look.
(gentle music continues)
That was Bridgett Van Heusen.
(gentle music continues)
(crowd chattering)
(Jodie faintly speaking)
(Sandy faintly speaking)
(gentle music continues)
(crowd chattering)
(gentle music continues)
(horse trotting)
(crowd murmuring)
- Welcome to the
Addison County Fair.
This is the first call
for class number 12,
Vermont Junior Young Rider
Championship qualifier.
Please start making
your way to the ring.
Riders, you are now
being judged at the walk.
(crowd murmuring)
- Wait, where are you going?
Bridgett's not done yet.
- I've seen enough to know.
She'll win this
local hay seed event.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- 18 doesn't seem
to be very straight.
Leaning too far back.
- 32 is leaning too far forward.
- [Judge 1] Okay.
- [Announcer] Trot,
please. All trot.
- [Judge 2] 18's
doing really good.
- [Judge 1] 32, leaning
too far forward.
(gentle music continues)
- [Judge 2] O6
has the wrong bit.
- [Judge 1] She's
not staying in line.
She's out of position a lot.
- [Judge 2] 82's
doing really good.
- [Judge 1] Yeah. 82.
(gentle music continues)
- Keep an eye on number 45.
- Okay. 32.
- [Announcer] In fifth
place, number 65,
Astrid Clemons and
Scarlet Lantern.
In fourth place, number 32,
Madison Newton and
Royal Exposure.
Third place, number 45,
Addison Lowery and Frog Prince.
In second place, number 18,
Vyvyan Laurenza and Cathy Super.
And in first place, our
champion, number six,
Bridgett Van Heusen and Barkley.
(dramatic music)
(crowd applauding and cheering)
(crickets chirping)
(gentle music)
- Good job today, kiddo.
- Thanks.
- All right.
Give it to me.
- What?
- You won. You told
me, and you won.
- Yeah, I did! (laughs)
(gentle music continues)
This was a complete
waste of my time.
Told you I'd win.
(helmet clatters)
(helmet tapping)
- It's 'cause you have the
best trainer. Don't forget it.
- Your turns were sloppy, and
Barkley's trot looks horrible.
You have a lot of work to do
if you're going to
defend your title
at the championships next year.
- Congratulations on
winning, Bridgett.
- We're sorry for intruding.
My daughter wanted
to meet Bridgett
and see Barkley up close.
- My dream is to ride a
horse like Barkley someday.
- Was she in an accident or...
- Um, she was born with
a curvature in her spine.
Her mobility is limited.
- You riding a horse is
not very realistic, is it?
- What did you just say?
(gentle music)
- What is wrong with you?
- Oh, please.
They may wish to coddle
her, but I do not have to.
I'll meet you back at the house.
We have much to discuss.
(gentle music continues)
(Jimmy faintly speaking)
(brush tapping)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music continues)
(truck doors opening)
(bird chirping)
(gentle music)
(truck doors closing)
(gentle piano music)
(Bill sighs)
- Maybe I should go talk to her.
- She'll be okay. Just
give her some time.
- I swear...
That woman just
got me so, so mad.
- I know, but you can't
get worked up like that.
Your heart-
- I know.
I know about my heart.
(gentle piano music continues)
- Where are you going?
- Jodie isn't the only one
who needs some time
alone right now.
(gentle piano music continues)
- [Jodie] Do you think Bridgett
Van Heusen's mom is right?
- I think...
Sweetheart, people like her
are insecure about themselves,
so they take out their
insecurities on other people.
- You didn't answer my question.
- I think that woman has no
idea what you're capable of.
Hey, you're a fighter.
You've never let anyone tell
you what you can and can't do.
You're not gonna
start now, right?
- Right.
- That's right.
(gentle piano music)
- [Jodie] I love you, Mom.
- [Sandy] I love you too.
(birds chirping)
(footsteps treading)
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle piano music continues)
- I see you're perusing
about the room again.
- Yeah.
- Your family has a rich
tradition of success.
For over 200 years,
the Van Heusens-
- Ronald, you've told me
this story a hundred times.
- Then I shall tell you 101.
For over 200 years, the Van
Heusen family has maintained
a rich tradition of excellence.
Scholars, surgeons, lawmakers,
and champions such as yourself.
And now it is your time
to carry on this tradition
into the annals of history.
What wonders might you
accomplish, Madam Bridgett?
- I don't know what I
wanna do with my life.
This is a lot to live up to.
And with my parents pressuring
me, it's hard sometimes.
- I'm confident you
will find your calling.
- Thanks, Ronald.
(gentle music)
(Bridgett sighs)
This is a lot to live up to.
And with my parents pressuring
me, it's hard sometimes.
- [Ronald] I'm confident
you will find your calling.
- [Bridgett] Thanks, Ronald.
(gentle music)
(rocks clattering)
(gentle piano music)
(car doors opening)
(car doors closing)
- You have been slacking
in your job for months.
- Victoria, we're
not gonna fire Jimmy.
- Why are you talking
about firing Jimmy?
- Lately, your skills
have become stagnant.
To be honest, they're
actually regressing.
(gentle music)
- I pay Jimmy's salary,
and I say he stays.
- Fine.
But only under the condition
that Bridgett must improve.
If she does not, he is out.
- Is that fair enough for you?
- Okay.
(gentle music continues)
- Did you see what
she just did to me?
(gentle music continues)
(dog barking)
(gentle music continues)
(horse trotting)
(crickets chirping)
- [Bridgett] Yah.
(horse galloping)
(horse trotting)
- [Jimmy] Ride didn't help?
- Don't talk to me right now.
- [Jimmy] Okay.
(gentle music)
How about now?
- I swear, you're all
trying to drive me crazy.
(both chuckling)
- Look, rides are
good to get out.
And sometimes, they're good
to blow off some steam, but,
sooner or later, you're
gonna have to face
your problems head on, kiddo.
- I'm gonna take a bath
and then go to bed.
(gentle music continues)
(door rattling)
- Is everything okay?
- I'm just nervous about
Jodie's appointment
tomorrow at the back specialist.
(Sandy sighs)
And if I have to
see that crushed
and disappointed look
in her eyes again...
(Sandy sighs)
- I know.
I know, baby. I know.
But here's the thing,
we're a family.
And no matter what happens,
we'll get through it
together as a family.
Tear down these walls
You've built so high
There'll be days that
seem like endless nights
But darkness always
becomes alight
Stay here with me
You'll learn to trust
(gentle music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
- [Dr. Cruise] Nice
to meet all of you.
- [Sandy] Do you think
you can help Jodie?
- Well, after going over
Jodie's medical history
and reviewing her file,
I think we can help her.
We're gonna surgically
implant titanium rods
to straighten Jodie's spine.
Over time, and with
rehabilitation treatments,
I think Jodie could
walk without crutches
and live a life of
more independence.
- You really think so?
- Well, that's the goal,
but you're gonna have to
work very hard to get there.
- I will.
- After you told me about
Jodie's love of horses,
I put in a call to a unique
rehabilitation facility
called Helping Hooves.
They use horses during rehab
to help their patients.
- Will I get to
ride their horses?
- With your positive
attitude and some hard work,
I believe, over time,
you'd be strong enough
to ride their horses.
- Thank you, Doctor.
You don't know how much this
means to Jodie and my family.
- I think I have a
pretty good idea.
(gentle piano music)
(fingers tapping)
(gentle piano music continues)
- Do we really have to
talk about this again?
- [Victoria] Yes.
You need to decide what
college you'll attend.
- This could be one of the most
important decisions you make.
- But I don't know
what I wanna major in.
- [Victoria] With
your brilliant mind,
you'll study
medicine or the law.
- I don't care about the law.
- [Victoria] It has nothing to
do with caring about the law.
This is about establishing
yourself in life
and being successful.
- And not being an
embarrassment to the family.
- [Victoria] Correct.
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gate rattles)
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hi. You must be Sandy.
I'm Carol. We spoke
on the phone earlier.
Welcome to the farm.
You must be Jodie.
- Yes, ma'am.
- We've been expecting you.
(gentle music)
Shall we go over
to our picnic area
so I can show you around a bit?
- [Sandy] Sure.
- So here on the farm,
we're about community.
We like to encourage
We work hard, we play hard.
You're gonna have a great time.
Feel free to watch
the horses, observe,
and see what we do here.
(gentle music continues)
(horse trotting)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(horses trotting)
(gentle music continues)
During the day and night.
Some horses stay
in, some stay out.
And it just gets
them comfortable.
We usually bring them in the day
when we're working
with students,
and then they get to
go out at nighttime.
And all the horses have
a different day off
'cause it's nice to
have a vacation, right?
Do you like school?
- [Jodie] Mm, sort of-ish.
- [Carol] Yeah? You wish
it was horse school, huh?
- Yeah.
(Sandy laughs)
- [Carol] When did you
first start to like horses?
- [Jodie] When I was little,
my dad gave me a stuffed
animal that was a horse,
and ever since, I've loved them.
(gentle piano music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle music)
(truck door opens)
(truck door closes)
(gentle music continues)
(dog barking)
(gentle music continues)
(people chattering)
(gentle music)
- Find everything you need?
- Just about. You?
- Yeah. Just need to
get some chicken feed.
Where's Jodie?
- She's where she always
is when we're here,
in the horse room
with the saddles.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(stand rattles)
(door rumbling)
(door closes)
(gentle music continues)
(birds chirping)
(seatbelt alarm chiming)
(car doors opening)
(car doors closing)
- Still don't know
why I had to come.
Why couldn't you get
the saddle for me?
- [Jimmy] You're the one who
wanted the saddle, right?
- [Bridgett] Yeah.
- Okay. Gotta learn to
do things for yourself.
Not everything in life
will be handed to you.
- I drove us here.
- Is that what you call that?
- Oh, you think you're funny?
- Have my moments.
- Five minutes, in and out.
Get what we came for and leave.
(wind blowing)
(dog barking)
- [Jimmy] Hey, Cole.
(Jodie grunts)
(crowd cheering)
(crowd chattering)
(Jodie sighs)
- [Jodie] Okay.
- Hey!
(body thuds)
What do you think you're
doing with my saddle?
- You okay? Are you hurt?
- Just my pride.
Hey, Bridgett.
- [Bridgett] Do I know you?
- [Jodie] I met you at the
Addison County Horse Show.
(Jodie sighs)
- Let's get you up.
- Yeah, I met a lot of people
there. I don't remember you.
- Can you hand me my crutch?
- [Jimmy] Yeah. Yeah.
- Oh, I remember you.
Grab the saddle so we can leave.
- Sorry about her. She
can be a bit rough.
- It's okay. We
all have our days.
- Yeah.
Well, if you'll excuse me, I
gotta get the saddle before-
- Jimmy. Let's go.
- Too late. (chuckles)
- Take care.
- Same to you.
(gentle music)
You don't even know my name
Looking through me
just like I'm not there
(trunk door closes)
But you and me, we sing
(car door closes)
Living in the shadows,
hiding the pain
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music)
- Mr. Van Heusen.
- Oh, thank you, Ron.
- [Ronald] Of course.
- Did you not ask Ronald to
bring me a drink as well?
- I wasn't sure which week
you were coming outta there.
I almost sent in a search party.
- [Ronald] Would you like
your usual, Mrs. Van Heusen?
- [Victoria] Yes.
- Right away.
- Thank you.
- [Ronald] Of course.
(gentle music continues)
- You're always
disappointing me.
- Why are you disappointed
about not getting a drink?
- [Victoria] I do not care
about the stupid drink, Stephen.
I'm talking about you not
helping me with Bridgett.
- What am I not helping
you with Bridgett?
- [Victoria] You
do not support me.
I try to keep her
driven and disciplined.
- Yeah, Bridgett's drive
and discipline is fine.
- She is not focused, Stephen.
(gentle music continues)
- Bridgett is fine.
- That, that's what
I'm talking about.
- The only nonchalant
attitude I have is with you.
(Ronald clears throat)
- [Ronald] I have your
drink, Mrs. Van Heusen.
(gentle music continues)
- I need a refill.
- [Ronald] Right away, sir.
- God.
If I didn't love her so much...
(Stephen chuckles)
- [Victoria] Why
did you say, honey?
- Nothing.
(gentle music continues)
But I do love her.
- [Bill] Should be
any time now, huh?
- [Jodie] Yeah, I'm so ready.
- [Sandy] Do you think
we're rushing this?
Maybe we should've taken some
time, gotten another opinion.
- [Bill] No. Mm-mm.
We've taken Jodie to
see plenty of doctors.
This is the time.
This is her time.
- Mom, do you think you can
teach me how to do a cartwheel?
- What?
- When I'm better, can you
teach me how to do a cartwheel?
I've always wanted to do one.
I'm gonna be okay, Mom.
- We'll be doing
cartwheels together.
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
- [Dr. Cruise] Hi.
- Hi.
- You ready?
- [Sandy] Yeah.
(gentle music)
- [Receptionist] Welcome
to Mountainview Hospital.
(receptionist faintly speaking)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(Sandy sighs)
- Ms. Davis?
- Yes?
- [Receptionist] Your
daughter's out of surgery.
- Is she okay?
- Yes.
You can visit her in
the room if you'd like.
- Oh, yes, please.
Dad. Dad, wake up.
Jodie's ready.
(gentle music continues)
How does she look to you?
- She looks just wonderful.
- [Jodie] Mom?
- [Sandy] We're here, baby.
- [Dr. Cruise] Hi. Good
to see we're all here.
- How did Jodie's surgery go?
- It went very well. She
responded like a champ.
- And so she'll be...
- She should be just fine.
(Dr. Cruise sighs)
Now, for the hard part,
the hard work in rehab.
She's gonna have pain, things
will be difficult at times,
but it's been my
experience that patients
with the best attitudes
have the best results.
- Unicorn.
- [Sandy] What?
- I want to ride a unicorn.
- In Jodie's case,
I don't think having
a good attitude's
gonna be a problem.
- I told you I'd be okay.
- [Sandy] You sure did, baby.
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music continues)
(crickets chirping)
- Jimmy?
(Jimmy sighs)
- Yeah?
Did the Van Heusens
need something for me?
- No. I came to see you myself.
I don't think anyone would
fault you for taking today off.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Well, if I didn't do any work,
then I'd be languishing all day.
- Do you care to go for a walk?
- Yeah.
- Come.
- [Jimmy] Okay.
(gentle music)
- How long has it been?
- Eight years.
- And how old was your daughter?
- She was six.
Alison and I were so blessed
when little Savannah came
into our lives, you know?
There's so much to look
forward to as a family.
I don't know, after everything,
I felt like it was only right
to have the organs
donated, you know?
- [Ronald] Yes.
- For so long, I
didn't feel anything,
not anger, not
resentment, nothing.
I felt numb.
- [Ronald] As I recall,
you were training someone
the night of the accident.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I lost track of time,
I told Alison that it'd be
a while before I got home.
I should've been the
one driving that night.
- There's nothing
you could've done.
- Yeah, I don't know.
Maybe I could've seen
the other driver,
avoided the accident altogether.
- [Ronald] Jimmy...
- You know, losing my wife
and daughter was like having
the soul ripped from my body.
I don't know if I'll
ever forgive myself.
- Their accident, it
wasn't your fault.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Maybe you're right. Hmm?
- [Ronald] Very well.
If you need anything, you
know where to find me.
- Thank you, Ronald.
(Jimmy sighs)
Maybe one of these
years, I'll...
Gotta believe in myself.
(Jimmy inhales)
(Jimmy sighs)
- Jodie?
Hey. Have you seen Jodie?
- No. Isn't she in her room?
- No. I just checked
and she wasn't there.
- Jodie!
- Jodie?!
- Jodie?
- I'm out here.
- [Bill] There she is.
- How long have
you been out here?
- Maybe 20 minutes or so.
Today's my first day
of rehab training,
and I'm ready to get started.
- [Bill] We should get going.
(truck door opens)
(truck door closes)
(birds chirping)
(gentle piano music)
- We having one of those
bonding type moments right now?
- Nope.
(Jimmy sighs)
I wanted to ride with
you to apologize.
- Apologize for what?
- What I'm about
to put you through.
I'm gonna train you
harder than I have before.
Just don't want you to think
I'm being ugly with you.
- You worry too much.
I'm going to win the
championship again.
(Jimmy chuckles)
- Bridgett, you are good,
there's no doubt about that.
Somewhere out there,
someone is training
while you're sitting
here being cocky.
- Are you done?
I'm already bored.
- There's that
fire. That's good.
You're channeling it
in all the wrong ways.
You have the opportunity to win
the 18 and Under Horse
Show Championship
three years in a row.
But you won't if you don't
stay focused and train hard.
(gentle music)
- When do we start training?
- Right now.
- [Trainer] Okay, Jodie, I'm
not gonna sugarcoat things.
You've got a
challenging road ahead.
But with the right attitude,
hard work, you can do this.
- I'm ready.
- Good. Let's get started.
- Okay.
(Jodie sighs)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(Jodie panting)
(Jodie whimpers)
Almost halfway.
- Let's call it quits for today.
- Okay.
(Jodie sighs)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
When can I ride a horse?
- As soon as the
doctor says you can.
- Okay.
(gentle music continues)
- Eyes front, mister.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- Ready?
- Yeah.
(gentle music continues)
(triumphant music)
(gentle music)
(triumphant music)
(people applauding)
(triumphant music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(crickets chirping)
(gentle piano music)
- Jodie, Jodie.
I have a surprise for you.
- What surprise?
- The doctor gave
us the go ahead
for you to start riding a horse.
- They did?! Can I
ride a horse right now?
- You sure can. I can go
get Chester ready for you.
- Thank you, Stacy.
(Jodie chuckles)
- Hi. It's nice to
finally meet you.
I'm Ethan.
- Hi, I'm Jodie. It's
nice to meet you too.
Do you work here?
- I do odds and
ends type of work.
Carol's my mom.
- They're gonna let me ride
a horse. I'm so excited.
- Uh, is it okay if I go
see you while you ride?
- Sure.
- Okay. I'll see you out there.
- Okay. See ya.
(gentle piano music continues)
(bird chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(gentle music)
- Bridgett, you are
not allowed to fail.
- I don't care about
some stupid reputation.
- Maybe you do not care now,
but one day, you
will understand.
(Victoria slurps)
- Not if it means I'll
become anything like you.
(gentle music continues)
- Very good. Breathe.
(horse trotting)
(Bridgett exhales)
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
It's a working trot.
Very good.
- [Bridgett] Whoa.
Good boy, Barkley.
(gentle music continues)
Did good, Barkley.
- [Jimmy] What was that?
- [Bridgett] That's
enough for today.
- No, no, no.
It's enough when
I say it's enough.
(gentle music continues)
Where you going?
(Bridgett sighs)
(birds chirping)
(Bridgett sighing)
Wasn't your best day, was it?
- Save it.
I had to hear it from
my mom this morning,
I don't need to
hear your mess too.
- What are you talking about?
I'm trying to help you.
- Whatever. You're using
me, just like my parents.
- What are you talking
about, "using you"?
- You have to have
your job threatened
in order to do
your best with me?
If you lost your job
here, you'd be homeless.
You're so selfish. All of
you are, and I'm sick of it.
Congratulations, Jimmy,
you made me a better rider.
You get to keep your
job. Now leave me alone.
(gentle piano music)
- It's not a day in
paradise, hey, bud?
Come on.
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- [Jodie] Mom?!
- [Sandy] Jodie!
Here. Let me help you.
- I can do it.
I said, I can do it.
I have to get stronger. I'm
sick of living like this.
- I know every day
seems like eternity,
but you will get there.
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
(champagne pouring)
(gentle music continues)
- We just had this area
be completely redone.
- It's beautiful.
Looks wonderful.
Coming along.
- You'll have to come
back with us soon.
This summer, come back.
- [Jeffrey] Yeah.
- Maybe when the
weather is cool.
And the color is so...
It's almost like
looking at a painting.
- I can't believe-
- No. No.
That's so funny. I was thinking
exactly the same thing.
- We call that picturesque.
- Mm.
So I'm right. So good.
- That's nice.
- Thank you.
I picked it up...
(door knocking)
- Go away.
You can come in.
- Your parents
have requested you
to come say hello
to their guests.
- The Winfields?
Snore and borefest.
- It would only have to
be for a few minutes,
and then you can
retreat back here.
- Okay, fine. Fine.
- Eleanor, how
are your children?
- [Eleanor] Oh, well,
our Abigail just finished
her undergrad from Princeton,
and she'll be attending
Harvard for her law degree.
And our Jeffrey Jr. just
received his PhD from Stanford.
- Oh, a doctor. I thought
he was a liberal arts major.
(Victoria and Stephen chuckling)
- [Jeffrey] Yes, well, we
talked some sense into him.
- Yes. And how about Bridgett?
She must be approaching
college age.
- She'll be graduating soon,
with honors, of course.
- Of course, of course.
- And has her pick
of any Ivy league university
she wishes to attend.
(Stephen chuckles)
- Here's to our children.
They're the best of all of us.
- And to us. We
raised them well.
- Uh-huh.
- Cheers.
(glasses clinking)
(Jeffrey chuckles)
(tools whirring)
- Sounds like the
loggers are here.
- Oh.
- It's getting very loud.
- The Millers, they're clearing
some of their back land.
They're always making noise-
- The Millers, we
were discussing that.
Always doing something.
- Why don't we go inside?
(Jeffrey chuckles)
- My goodness, Stephen, I've
never seen this room before.
It's quite impressive.
- We don't like to show it off.
- [Victoria] This
is the most recent
first place trophy Bridgett won.
- And what happens
when Bridgett marries?
The Van Heusen name will end
at her wedding, will it not?
- [Victoria] Yeah. I
suppose you are correct.
- [Jeffrey] Would've been
wonderful for you to have a son
to carry on the family name.
- Well, unfortunately,
you can't always get
what you wish for.
- [Victoria] What is
that supposed to mean?
- Nothing. Nothing we need
to discuss now, Victoria.
- For goodness' sakes,
be a man for once,
Stephen, and speak your mind.
- Right. Fine.
All I ever wanted from you
was a son, a true heir.
All I got was...
(somber music)
- Me.
- [Stephen] Bridgett, I'm
sorry, I didn't see you there.
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(gentle orchestral music)
- [Jeffrey] Have a great
night. Thank you very much.
Thank you, we appreciate it.
- And we'll see you swimming.
- Thank you.
(Victoria laughs)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
- [Eleanor] Thank you.
- [Ronald] Of course.
- Where do you think
Bridgett ran off to?
- Well, I don't know.
She's out here somewhere.
Maybe she's in the
stables. Come on.
- Yah!
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(horse galloping)
- All I wanted from you
was a son, a true heir.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(horse galloping)
(tree creaking)
(tree crashes)
(horse whinnies)
(gentle orchestral music)
(body thuds)
You seen Bridgett?
- Yeah. She just
took off on my horse.
- She what?
- She just took off on my
horse. She seemed pretty upset.
I think I'm gonna
go check on her.
- Okay.
- I'm gonna get keys
and we'll get her.
- I'll check with the neighbors,
see if they've seen her?
- Yeah, okay, go do that.
(gentle orchestral music)
(horse galloping)
(horse whinnies)
- Come here.
Come on.
It's okay.
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(Jimmy groans)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(gate opens)
My horse came back
up without her.
Get in the back
and buckle up, yes.
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
- [Operator] 911.
What's your emergency?
(siren wailing)
(motor whirring)
(siren wailing)
(machine beeping)
(Victoria gulps)
- Mrs. Van Heusen,
now is not the time
or place to be drinking.
Your daughter's in the hospital.
- That hurt right in the
back, does it go anywhere?
Okay. What about
the forehead here?
(back-up alarm beeping)
We're pulling up to
the hospital now.
(back-up alarm
continues beeping)
(ambulance door opens)
(ambulance door closes)
(ambulance door opens)
- [Victoria] How is Bridgett?
- Bridgett suffered
a compound fracture
to her upper right leg.
Her lower back and her hip
have taken some damage as well.
We're prepping her for surgery.
I will let you know the minute
I have more information.
(somber music)
- What were you thinking,
letting her get on that horse?
(Victoria crying)
(Victoria sobbing)
(gentle orchestral music)
(motor whirring)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(ambulance doors closing)
(horse galloping)
(gentle orchestral music)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
- [Dr. Cruise] Mr.
and Mrs. Van Heusen?
- [Victoria] That's
not my husband.
That's Bridget's trainer.
How is she?
- [Dr. Cruise] Bridgett's
surgery was successful.
The road to recovery
is gonna be long
and hard for her though.
But she should be fine.
- Thank you, Doctor.
(Jimmy sighs)
Did you call Stephen?
- I'm not concerned
about Stephen.
I just want Bridgett to be okay.
Yes, I called and
he's on his way.
(gentle music)
(Victoria crying)
- [Stephen] Sent some flowers.
They should be
here soon, I guess.
- How are you feeling?
- The doctor says it's
gonna be a long process,
but you should make
a full recovery.
- I am confident she'll be fine.
- Hey, listen, about
what you heard,
I know what you're feeling-
- Don't tell me how I feel.
Just leave.
- Bridgett-
- Get out.
(gentle music)
- It's okay.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(car door opens)
- [Stephen] Jimmy,
what are you doing?
- I'm quitting.
- No, no, no.
Hold on. Hold on.
What happened to
Bridgett has absolutely
nothing to do with you.
(Jimmy sighs)
Hey, hey. Bridgett needs you.
You can get through to her
in ways that her
mother and I can't.
Come on, stay. Please.
- Very well.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Come on.
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
It's okay.
- [Jimmy] I'm so sorry.
- She's gonna be fine.
She's gonna be fine.
You're gonna be
fine too. Come on.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
- Your father sent you these.
He'll be coming along
shortly, okay? Okay.
I'm just gonna
check your IV, okay?
Okay. Looks good.
Here you go.
(somber piano music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds chirping)
(somber music)
(objects clattering)
(somber music continues)
(Victoria crying)
- Hey.
I remember this day.
We had so much fun.
I know you miss your daddy,
sweetheart. I do too.
- I just really
wanted him to be here
to see me get off these
crutches and ride a horse.
- Your daddy's
looking down on you,
and he sees you
every day, Jodie.
(Jodie sighs)
I know he's very proud of the
young lady you're becoming.
- I just wish I could
hug him one more time.
(Jodie sighs)
- Your daddy did
give the best hugs.
- So do you, Mom.
(gentle orchestral music)
(wall knocking)
- Hi.
Just came by to see Bridgett,
see how she's doing.
This is a family thing,
I can come back later.
- You're fine, Jimmy.
I'll go grab some coffee and
you can visit with Bridgett.
(Jimmy sighs)
- Hey, kiddo. How you doing?
- What's it look like?
I'm ready to win gold in
gymnastics at the Olympics.
- Still got that
fire. That's good.
Look, I'm sorry I let you
get on my horse like that.
- Couldn't have stopped me.
- You wanna bet? I could've
dragged you right off of him.
- Doesn't matter.
And I don't blame you for
this. I blame my parents.
(gentle orchestral music)
Will you help me to
walk normal again?
(Jimmy sighs)
- You are gonna have
doctors and nurses
who are gonna help you.
Plenty of people.
You don't need me.
- Please.
You're the only person who
can get the best out of me.
(gentle orchestral music)
- Okay.
- Promise?
- I promise.
(gentle orchestral music)
- Jimmy?
- Yeah?
- I'm scared.
I'm scared, Jimmy.
- You're gonna be okay.
You're strong.
You're a Van Heusen.
- It's overrated.
- Well, it looks like
it finally happened.
Jodie is smitten.
- Oh, I know.
I've been following
them around for weeks.
With those blurting little looks
and, oh, my goodness,
isn't a gross? (laughs)
- Ah, young love, disgusting.
But oh-so beautiful and pure.
- Oh, I know.
I know. They're so precious.
- [Ethan] That's it.
There you go.
- [Jodie] Okay. That's good.
(horse whinnies)
- 22 steps, that's
a new high for you.
- I really wanted
to get to 50 today.
- You'll get there soon. You're
the strongest girl I know.
- [Announcer] Ethan
to the office, please.
Ethan to the office.
- My first kiss and a horse.
Can't get any better.
(gentle orchestral music)
(gentle orchestral
music continues)
(gentle orchestral music)
(gentle music)
(door closes)
- Madam Bridgett. Your
parents are looking for you.
They've had the back terrace
beautifully decorated
for your 18th birthday today.
- [Bridgett] So this is where
the Van Heusen
legacy ends, with me.
- Nonsense.
- [Bridgett] You didn't
hear my parents that night.
- Your parents, they
are the way they are.
But make no mistake, they do
love you, more than you know.
- There you are, birthday girl.
Nice wheels.
- Not funny.
- [Jimmy] Mind if I
take her for a spin?
- [Ronald] Be my guest.
- [Bridgett] Uh, hello?
You should be asking me...
- [Jimmy] Nope.
You would just say no and be
sulking in this room all day.
- [Bridgett] Jimmy, stop.
Where are you taking me?
- Come on.
(Jimmy sighs)
But don't go anywhere.
I got something for you.
Happy 18. You don't
look a day over 30.
(Jimmy chuckles)
Huh? What do you think?
You like it? You don't like it?
- The guitar is nice,
Jimmy. Thank you.
Why are we out here?
You know I can't ride.
- Yeah.
But it beats sitting
around sulking all day
in that stupid room,
feeling sorry for yourself.
- Yeah, well, it
doesn't matter anymore.
I'll never live up
to any of that stuff.
- Thank goodness for that.
- Look, it might not
mean anything to you,
but to my family, it does.
- What does it mean to you?
- I just told you.
- No.
Said it means a
lot to your family.
What does it mean to you?
(gentle music)
- I hate it.
It's a constant reminder
of what I can't live up to.
I'm not some world class scholar
or renowned doctor or
some great humanitarian.
Just some girl who rides a
horse. Now I can't even do that.
The night I got hurt,
I heard my parents say
that they wished they had a
son, but all they got was me.
I always knew they didn't
love me, but to hear that,
to actually hear them say that?
Now look at me. My life could
be ruined because of that.
- Look, I know
you're hurting, okay?
And I know what
that must feel like,
but you gotta stop feeling
sorry for yourself, okay?
Focus on getting better.
Look, you're the
composer of your life,
so if you wanna get
back up on that horse
and start riding again, I'll
be there like I promised.
If you don't, well,
it's your choice too.
Now go write your song.
(gentle music continues)
(window whirring)
And the power of dreams
I will ride to the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly
On newborn wings, I will fly
(window whirring)
I've got strength and
I believe in miracles
And the power of dreams
I will ride toward
the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly
I've got strength and
believe in miracles
And the power of dreams
I will ride toward
the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly
On newborn wings, I will fly
(gentle music continues)
On newborn wings, I will fly
(both laughing)
(Sandy sighs)
- [Sandy] Maybe I'll stick
to air guitar next time.
- Yeah, you were
a little offkey.
- Hey!
Practicing your singing
voice for Ethan?
- No.
- [Sandy] I see the
way you look at him.
- It's that obvious?
- Big time.
But the good news is, he
looks at you the same way.
- He does?
- He sure does.
Jodie's in love
- Mom, stop.
Jodie's in love
- Stop.
L-O-V-E, love
(Sandy laughs)
- Stop.
(both laughing)
(gentle music)
You don't even know my name
Looking through me
- [Trainer] Does this hurt?
- A little.
- Okay.
- [Jodie] Bridgett? Is that you?
- [Trainer] It's okay.
I'll be back, okay?
- Do you remember me?
I met you at Addison
County Horse Show.
And then again at
the feed store.
- Oh, yeah. That girl
who fell off my saddle.
- [Jodie] Did you get
hurt or something?
(gentle music)
- Nothing gets by you.
- Is today your first day here?
- [Trainer] Jodie, let's
keep working on your steps.
Come on.
- [Jodie] Okay.
See you later.
(gentle music continues)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music continues)
- [Jimmy] Mind if I take over?
- [Trainer] Absolutely.
- [Bridgett] All right.
(Jimmy faintly speaking)
(gentle orchestral music)
- Did you have a
great first day?
- Yeah. It hurt a little.
- [Trainer] That's normal. Some
soreness is to be expected.
- It gets better though, right?
- Yes. You did very well.
You should be on crutches soon.
I did want to tell you
about a great rehab facility
called the Helping
Hooves who specialize
in situations like yours.
- Yeah, Helping Hooves
is a wonderful facility.
They actually specialize
in using horses
during rehabilitation.
People there are
amazing, it's outdoors.
I think you're gonna love it.
(gentle music)
- If you'd like, I
can give them a call
and see if they'd
give you a tour.
- Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks.
- Thanks.
- Wanna get outta here?
(gentle music continues)
Let's go, kiddo.
(gate creaking)
(gentle music continues)
- [Trainer] So Mr.
and Mrs. Van Heusen,
this is our facility
and what we have to offer
for Bridget's therapy.
- It all looks
pretty good to me.
- Shall we go to the office
and get some paperwork?
- Sure.
- Get her scheduled
and get things started up.
- How you feeling?
- Little tired, but I feel okay.
- You'll get better.
Takes time, patience.
Huh, bud?
- Bridgett, is that you?
- Oh, God. Kill me now.
- [Jodie] Hey.
- [Bridgett] Hi.
- Hi. It's nice to
finally meet you.
- Charmed.
- [Jodie] This is Barkley,
the horse you won with?
He's so beautiful.
- [Bridgett] Yep.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
See you later, Bridgett.
- Is it me or is she
so nice she's annoying?
- Grab yourself a bucket
of grits. (tongue clicking)
Let's go.
- I don't even know what
that's supposed to mean.
(gentle music)
(cellphone vibrating)
- [Jimmy] Hello?
- [Betty] Yes, sir. I'm
looking for Mr. Jimmy Campbell.
- Speaking.
- [Betty] Mr. Campbell,
my name is Betty Wilson
from the Stanford
Heart Care Hospital.
Our hospital performed
a heart transplant
for a young girl
eight years ago.
The donated heart came from
your daughter Savannah.
- Um, yeah.
What's this about?
- [Betty] The heart recipient's
family has requested
your contact information.
- For what?
- [Betty] Sometimes, a
recipient family wishes
to say thank you and
show their gratitude
for the transplant.
- I see.
- [Betty] This family would like
to introduce you
to their daughter.
She's the person who received
your daughter's heart.
May I give them
your information?
- Um, I don't know.
I didn't expect any of this.
- [Betty] I know this
is sudden, Mr. Campbell,
but would you consider it?
- Can I think about it?
This is just a lot.
- [Betty] Yes, sir.
I can call you back in a
few days if that's okay.
- Yeah. Yeah, thanks.
- [Betty] Thank
you, Mr. Campbell.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
- Yeah.
- [Betty] I know this
is sudden, Mr. Campbell,
but would you consider it?
- [Jimmy] Can I think about it?
This is a lot.
- [Betty] Yes, sir.
I can call you back in a
few days if that's okay.
- [Jimmy] Yeah, thanks.
- [Betty] Thank
you, Mr. Campbell.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
- [Jimmy] Yeah.
(gentle piano music)
(crutch clatters)
- Need some help?
- Can't get the stupid saddle on
and keep him still
at the same time.
(crickets chirping)
- Want to get on?
- Not yet.
- Have you tried?
- [Bridgett] No.
- Then how do you
know you can't?
- You're a pesky little
thing, aren't you?
- Come on. I'll spot you.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
Hang on to me and see if you
can grab the mane of the horse.
- Got it.
- Grip it tight.
- It's tight.
- Good. Steady.
Well, you have a
lot of work to do.
- I know how to mount a horse.
- Not like this you don't.
(Bridgett sighing)
(Bridgett grunting)
See? I need you could do it.
(Bridgett panting)
- Well...
Well, look at you.
(Bridgett chuckles)
- Yeah, look at me.
(Bridgett sighing)
- I helped her.
- Yeah. Yeah, you did.
Starting to hurt my back.
I need help getting down.
- Okay. All right.
Easy. Lean forward.
There you go. Okay, right there.
You okay? There you go.
(Bridgett sighs)
Good. I'll take him.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- Hey, buddy.
(gentle piano music)
That was good,
kiddo. Proud of you.
- Thanks.
(Bridgett sighs)
Ready, Barkley?
So good. It was so good.
- You're one step closer.
(cellphone vibrating)
- [Betty] Mr. Campbell.
This is Betty Wilson
following up with you.
Have you had enough time
to consider speaking
to the recipient family?
- Yes. Yes, I will
speak with them.
- [Betty] Great. I'll
pass the information on.
- Okay. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
- [Betty] You too.
- Hot date?
(Jimmy sighs)
- Get in the car. Hop along.
(Bridgett chuckles)
(gentle music)
Beautiful horses.
- Always are.
- Yeah. You enjoy yourself?
- Yeah, it's been fun.
- Not bad, huh?
- Yeah.
(gentle music continues)
- Sure are looking
at them a lot.
Sure if you take a
picture, it'll last longer.
What? Where you going?
- Uh, hi?
- So, what's your story?
- Uh, my story?
- Do you find the
cutest new patient
and make them your girlfriend
until the next cute
girl comes along?
- I am so confused right now.
- Just remember one
thing, Jodie is my friend.
Treat her right and
never hurt her, or else.
- Or else what?
- [Jodie] Uh...
- Uh, hey, Jodie.
Your friend, she wanted
to have a talk with me.
- My friend?
- Got your back.
- What just happened?
- [Ethan] I honestly
have no idea.
(gentle music)
- You making friends?
- Yeah.
- [Jimmy] Okay. Good.
(gentle music continues)
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
- [David] Jimmy Campbell?
- Yeah.
- David McClain.
Nice to meet you.
- [Jimmy] Nice to meet you too.
- [David] I'd like to introduce
you to my wife Katherine.
Katherine, Jimmy.
- [Katherine] Hi.
Nice to meet you.
This is our daughter Tiffany.
- [Tiffany] Hi.
- [Jimmy] Nice to
meet you, Tiffany.
- Nice to meet
you, Mr. Campbell.
- Please, call me Jimmy.
You like to ride horses?
- I don't ride, but I think
they're really pretty.
- Yeah.
They're magical
creatures, aren't they?
- Yeah.
- Would you like to talk
while we go on a walk,
show you around?
Would you like that?
- Yeah.
(gentle music)
- [Jimmy] What's
your favorite color?
- [Tiffany] I like green.
- So pardon the question,
but after all these years,
why reach out to me?
- It was all Tiffany.
She wanted to meet the family
that gave her her heart.
- I wanted to thank you
and to thank your daughter.
I owe her my life.
I'll do my best to
make you both proud.
- Thank you.
Means the world
to me knowing that
my daughter Savannah's heart
made it into a nice, young lady.
- May I give you a hug?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
I needed that.
- [Tiffany] Me too.
- Got something for you.
(shirt zips)
It's my wife's.
My daughter Savannah
and I bought it
for her for her birthday.
- It's gorgeous.
- Think she'd want
you to have it.
You like it?
- Thank you.
Yeah, I love it.
Could you please train
me how to ride a horse?
- [Jimmy] Mom? Dad?
- [David] That would be great.
- Yeah?
- Of course.
- [Katherine] I think so.
- Step right outside.
I'll bring the horse
right around, okay?
(gentle piano music)
(Jimmy crying)
I miss you so much.
I'm proud of you, kiddo.
I'm proud of you.
There'll be days that
seem like endless nights
But darkness always
becomes alight
Stay here with me,
you'll learn to trust
Let the walls come down
Let them fall to dust
I've got strength
and I believe
In miracles and
the power of dreams
I will ride toward
the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly
- Hey, that's great.
We're so proud of you.
(Stephen chuckles)
- Thanks.
Still hurts to ride.
It's getting better.
- [Stephen] Yeah, good.
- We wanted to speak with you
about the horse
show championships.
- What about them?
- You need to compete
and defend your title.
You must step up your
efforts immediately.
- Can't you just
give me a break?
I'm already working
as hard as I can.
- Will she be ready?
- Competing will
be asking a lot.
- Well, if she's not ready,
it's your job to get her ready.
- Come on, buddy.
(tongue clicking)
You know what? No.
I can deal with you two
tearing each other apart,
but I will not let you do
it with Bridgett any longer.
(Jimmy sighs)
They say that the worst pain
in life is losing a child.
And when I lost Savannah,
I can tell you that that
pain never goes away, ever.
But you two still have Bridgett.
She's right there
waiting for you
to show her that you love her.
I just don't know how much
longer she's gonna wait.
So cherish her, treasure her,
before you lose her forever.
(somber piano music)
(Bridgett sighs)
- It's okay to cry sometimes.
- Need to get you a
bell or something.
You appear out of nowhere.
- I saw you arguing
with your parents.
Do you wanna talk about it?
- [Bridgett] No.
- Okay. We can just
sit here, then.
- You're like the
annoying little sister
I always wanted, but never had.
- And you're the grumpy,
old sister I never had.
So, we're even.
(Bridgett sighs)
Ethan told me what
you said to him.
- Sorry. I didn't
mean to scare him.
- It's okay.
Nobody has ever done something
like that for me before.
- Can we just sit here for a
while and not say anything?
- If that's what you want.
(gentle music)
Open your heart, start again
Everybody needs
someone on their side
A hand to hold, pay
your best friend
On their love
You can depend
(Bridgett sighing)
(body thuds)
(Bridgett sighing)
- [Stephen] Are you hurt?
- [Bridgett] I'm fine.
Just, please-
- What were you doing out here?
- Trying to walk.
I have to get stronger.
I might not be the
son you always wanted,
but I won't allow the
Van Heusen reputation
to change with me.
- Listen, nothing in this world
has ever given me more joy
than being your father.
- Then why did you say that
stuff about wanting a son?
- I was stupid.
I was bragging and...
I don't care what
the Winfields think.
I don't care what
anybody thinks about us.
And I'm so sorry if I ever
made you feel unworthy
or not good enough.
I never want you
to feel that way.
You're the best
person that I know.
- What about the
Van Heusen legacy?
- The Van Heusens
have had a good run,
but now you need to focus.
Go out there and make
a name for yourself.
- Thanks, Dad.
(gentle piano music)
Hi, Emma. How old are you?
- Three.
- You're three?
I started riding horses when
I was three, just like you.
You met this horse?
- [Emma] Mm-hmm.
- This horse's name is...
- [Jodie] Jessie.
- This is Jessie.
Isn't she pretty?
All right, do you
wanna ride Jessie?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
Okay. Jessie's given a lot
of rides to a lot of kids.
She's great.
(Bridgett chuckles)
Jodie, can you come
here for a second?
- Sure.
- Okay.
You good?
- [Jodie] Yeah.
- Hang on to this
with your hands, okay?
Okay. You ready?
- Ready?
- Let's go.
(people chattering)
Emma's good. Yeah, she is.
All right.
(gentle piano music)
(gentle music)
- [Sandy] Hey, Jodie. Let's
hurry up or we're gonna be late.
- [Jodie] Okay.
- [Sandy] I just need to
grab my purse and my keys.
- Here you go.
- Oh.
(refrigerator door closes)
You can...
- Yeah, I can walk
by myself now.
- Since when?
- Since earlier today.
I couldn't believe
it when it happened.
- [Sandy] Your dad would
be so proud of you.
- Mom, don't cry. You're gonna
make me cry all over again.
- [Sandy] I don't care.
- Jodie.
(Jodie chuckles)
You're walking.
(gentle music)
(Jodie chuckles)
(gentle music continues)
- There you go.
Did good.
You okay?
- Still feel achy.
- You're getting stronger.
You'll get there.
- Yeah.
- [Jimmy] Proud of you, kiddo.
- Good boy, Barkley.
(horse galloping)
- You looked good out there.
- Not as good as you. When
did you start riding so fast?
- Just started.
It feels magical.
I'd stayed a talk, but I
don't want this to end.
(gentle music)
- She sure does love
to ride, doesn't she?
(horse galloping)
- Yeah, she does.
(gentle piano music)
- Hey, squirt.
Follow me.
(sheet rustles)
(Bridgett chuckles)
- Where are we going?
- [Bridgett] You'll see.
Can you come here for a second?
- [Jimmy] What's going on?
- So we both know I won't
be physically ready in time
for the horse show
- Okay.
- So I want Jodie
to ride in my place.
- You want me to do what?
- Wait, hang on, she
can't ride in the-
- I've never competed
before. I'll be terrible.
- We can train you.
- Wait, what do you mean "we"?
- You know how to train,
and I know Barkley.
I already turned in
the submission forms.
Oh, come on. We can do this.
I know if we work
together, you can win.
- You really think I can win?
- I don't know how
to fail. Jimmy?
(Jimmy sighs)
- Okay.
- Great.
But don't take it easy on her.
Train her like you
would train me.
(gentle piano music)
- [Jimmy] You ready, kiddo?
- Yeah.
- Let's do this.
(gentle music)
Do it again.
All right, there you go.
(horse nickers)
(Jimmy chuckles)
Is that so, Barkley?
(horse nickers)
Bless you, bud.
Now do the swim
again. There you go.
Very good.
All right, now do a two-point.
- Why are you having
her do two-point?
- She needs to
strengthen her muscles.
(horse trotting)
(gentle music continues)
She's almost there.
- [Bridgett] Almost.
- Still gonna need a lot
of training time with her.
- My parents are out of the
country for a couple weeks.
We can train there.
- I don't know if
that's such a good idea.
- Why not?
- [Jimmy] Have you
met your parents?
(both chuckling)
- They're not there though.
(horse trotting)
(gentle music continues)
(Jimmy faintly speaking)
- [Jimmy] She can be tough.
(Bridgett chuckles)
(Bridgett faintly speaking)
Yes, we do.
Good job.
- Good.
(horse trotting)
Nice, Jodie.
(gentle music continues)
(Jimmy faintly speaking)
It's better.
- Good stuff.
- Soften the inside shoulder
on the canter.
(Jodie sighs)
That was good.
Where you going?
(gentle music continues)
(Bridgett faintly speaking)
Go back and do it
like I told you.
Where are you going?
- I need a break.
- [Bridgett] There
are no breaks.
- There are now.
(Jodie screams)
(Jodie sighs)
- You got quite the
set of pipes there.
- I don't know if I can do this.
I'm scared.
- If you weren't scared,
I would think you weren't
taking this seriously.
(Jodie sighs)
- I just wanna do a good job.
For you, my mom,
my dad, my grandpa,
and everyone like me who thinks
they can't live their dream.
- You have to do
this for you too.
All that other stuff is great,
but you're the
one on that horse.
(gentle music)
We all believe in you. You
have to believe in yourself.
(Jodie sighs)
Where you going?
- Are you coming? We
have a lot of work to do.
(Bridgett chuckles)
- [Bridgett] Let's do it.
(gentle music continues)
(horse trotting)
- You're doing a really
good job. Proud of you.
- Thanks.
- She's got a good trainer.
- Learn from the best.
- Don't you forget it.
(Bridgett chuckles)
- You know, Jimmy,
after teaching little
Emma how to ride,
I just feel like found
a new path in my life,
what I wanna do.
It was good.
(Bridgett chuckles)
- Proud of you, kiddo.
- Thanks.
(gentle music)
(Sandy chuckles)
(Sandy chuckles)
(hands slapping)
(Sandy laughs)
- Okay.
(Bridgett chuckles)
- What are they doing?
- Being a kid.
(Jimmy chuckles)
- Hey.
(water spraying)
(gentle piano music)
- You missed the spot.
- Hey! Are you
off your crutches?
- And no back brace.
Tossed those things today.
No looking back.
- Hmm. So, I can totally do
this to you and it's okay.
- Do what?
(water sprays)
(Bridgett yelps)
- Who's the squirt now?
- You little brat.
(Jodie yelps)
(water spraying)
(both laughing)
- [Bridgett] No! Jodie.
(Bridgett groaning)
- [Jodie] Bridgett,
are you okay?
(Jodie yelps)
(Jodie laughs)
- [Bridgett] You asked
for it. You asked for it!
- [Jodie] No!
(both laughing)
(Jodie yelps)
(gentle music)
(both laughing)
Stop! No!
No, Bridgett!
- What did I do now?
- [Victoria] I know
about your little ruse
for the horse show
- [Bridgett] I knew you'd
find out. You always do.
- Either you ride in the
championships, or nobody will.
I do not even know who
this Jodie Davis girl is.
- Why can't you
just love me for me?
- What are you saying?
Of course I love you.
- When's the last time you
touched me with a loving hand,
or told me you love me when it
wasn't after I won something?
(gentle piano music)
A three-year-old little girl
was afraid to ride a horse.
I helped her overcome her
fear, and she had a blast.
Felt amazing to help someone.
It's like I finally found
a calling for myself.
I'm right here, Mom.
I always have been.
- I felt responsible
when you got hurt.
I felt I had to push
you to get better,
to become strong again.
I'm exhausted, Bridgett.
I do not want to
push you anymore
because of what it's done to us.
- Then stop pushing.
Bring me close to you.
I wanna feel your
love for me, in here.
(gentle music)
(Bridgett crying)
(gentle music continues)
- [Victoria] Stephen?
- I came in here to think.
And then I started to reminisce.
- Reminisce about what?
- All of it.
The history and the meaning
and knowing what's important.
Knowing that none of
it's really important.
- Seems we've both come to
some realizations tonight.
I just spoke with Bridgett.
- Oh, are you both going
to your neutral
corners for a while?
- Quite the opposite.
We made amends.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, that's great. (chuckles)
- It will take more
than one conversation
to make things right, but I
feel we've started a new course.
- Hmm.
Well, I wonder if maybe we
could start a new course too.
I mean, if we both wanted to.
- Do we?
- Yeah, I do.
Do you?
- [Victoria] I do.
- Baby steps?
- Baby steps.
(gentle music)
You don't even know my name
Looking through me
just like I'm not there
But you and me, we sing
Living in the shadows,
hiding the pain
Your heart is home,
your words unkind
Drying unseen tears
that never seem to fall
I see through
you, you are blind
Tear down these walls
You built so high
- [Sandy] Can I come in?
- Yeah.
- Are you nervous for tomorrow?
- Yeah. I can't sleep.
- This is what's next.
- What do you mean?
- Every day, every
night, for years,
I've looked in on you
sleeping in this room
and I'm always amazed.
- Why?
- Because you've
conquered every challenge
you've had to face,
from losing your dad to learning
how to walk on your own.
And now, this horse
show is what's next.
And just like all those things,
you'll conquer that too.
- After Dad died, I cried
for what felt like forever.
I heard you cry at night,
but you'd always
stay strong for me.
I get my strength and my
courage from you, Mom.
You're my hero.
- You're mine.
You're mine, baby.
(gentle music)
- You ready?
- Ready as I'll ever be.
- You got this.
- Ethan, you came.
- I wasn't gonna miss
this for anything.
Do you wanna go for a walk?
- Sure. I have time.
Can you hold this?
(gentle music continues)
(gentle piano music)
We're gonna win
this, okay, Barkley?
For Bridgett, Jimmy,
and especially my dad.
(Jodie sighs)
We got this.
I love you, Barkley.
Gonna have to help me, okay?
We got this.
I'm really nervous.
Gonna be there with
me in the ring.
(gentle music)
I know everything's
gonna be okay.
(Jodie sighs)
(Jodie chuckles)
- What do you think?
- I don't know. What
does Barkley think?
- Huh?
- It's great, right?
- You love it? I loved it.
(Jimmy chuckles)
(Bridgett chuckles)
(gentle music)
- You're gonna
kill it out there.
Come here. I wanna
show you something.
(gentle music)
(horse whinnies)
Recognize this?
- Is this the saddle from the
feed store? It's gorgeous.
- The same one. Try to
stay on it this time?
(all laughing)
- Let's go, kiddo. Come on.
- Let's do this.
- You need help?
- I got this.
- Okay.
- [Bridgett] Fine.
- [Jimmy] Come on.
(gentle music continues)
What's up, bud?
- Wonderful. It is nice
to see you smile again.
- Thank you, Ronald.
(gentle music)
We all believe in you.
You're already a
champion to all of us.
- Thanks.
- Now go kick their butts.
(Jodie chuckles)
(gentle music continues)
- That's your cue.
You ready?
- Yep.
- Let's do this.
(horse whinnies)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
How you feeling?
- Nervous.
- [Jimmy] Yeah?
- [Bridgett] Yes, very nervous.
- I think she's gonna do great.
- [Bridgett] Of course.
- Yeah.
- She's got it.
- Yeah, I mean,
she's got to, right?
- Has to. (chuckles)
(gentle piano music)
- Here goes nothing.
- Here goes everything.
(Jimmy sighs)
(gentle piano music)
(Jimmy faintly speaking)
She looks good.
- It's all because of you.
- You too.
(Jimmy chuckles)
- She is a fast learner.
- That Barbara girl riding
Jericho is almost perfect.
- Yeah.
No matter what happens,
you should be proud.
- So should you.
(people murmuring)
- Welcome all competitors
to the Vermont Young
Riders Championship Show.
All competitors please
be ready in 15 minutes.
(gentle music)
(bell ringing)
- Did you teach her that?
(horse trotting)
- Maybe.
- Of course.
Yeah, she's showing off.
(Bridgett chuckles)
(Jimmy chuckles)
That's gonna be close.
(horse galloping)
(gentle piano music)
- Square. 7.5.
(horse galloping)
Above the bit, balanced.
(horse galloping)
(gentle piano music continues)
Nice loops. Eight.
(horse galloping)
Above the bit in
transition. Uh, six.
(gentle piano music continues)
And show more stretch.
(gentle piano music continues)
(crowd applauding)
- Just breathe. Breathe.
(Bridgett sighs)
Shoulders back.
Just breathe.
- I would like to thank
everyone who participated
in today's Vermont State
Young Riders Championship.
It is now time to
announce the winners.
Would the following riders
please come back into the ring?
Number 12, number 18, number 22.
(gentle piano music)
(crowd applauding)
- Just breathe. Breathe.
(Bridgett sighs)
Shoulders back.
Just breathe.
(gentle piano music)
- In third place with
a score of 63.642,
number 22, Jessica
Wright riding Snickers.
(crowd applauding)
In second place with
a score of 65.958,
number 18, Barbara
Jones riding Jericho.
(crowd cheering and applauding)
And this year's Vermont
State Junior Youth champion
with a score of 67.826,
number 12, Jodie
Davis riding Barkley.
(crowd cheering and applauding)
- She won!
- She won!
- She won!
- Woo!
(crowd continues
cheering and applauding)
(camera snaps)
(horse whinnying)
(camera snaps)
(crowd continues
cheering and applauding)
(gentle piano music)
(gentle piano music continues)
(gentle piano music continues)
(camera snaps)
(stream trickling)
(gentle music)
(Jodie sighs)
(gentle music continues)
- I'm so proud of you.
- I couldn't have
done it without you.
(gentle music continues)
- Oh, my gosh.
Congratulations, you won!
So many people wanna come
see you. Come on, let's go.
Come on.
- Bye.
- [Bridgett] Bye.
(gentle music continues)
- You must be so proud.
Is Jodie your sister?
- Yeah. Yeah, she is.
- Did you ever ride yourself?
- Once upon a time.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(crickets chirping)
(bird chirping)
(gentle music)
You don't even know my name
Looking through me
just like I'm not there
(gentle music continues)
But you and me, we sing
Living in the shadows,
hiding the pain
Your heart is home,
your words unkind
Drying unseen tears that
never seemed to fall
I see through
you, you are blind
Tear down these walls
You've built so high
There'll be days that
seem like endless nights
But darkness always
becomes alight
Stay here with me,
you'll learn to trust
Let the walls come down
Let them fall to dust
I've got strength
and I believe
In miracles and
the power of dreams
I will ride toward
the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly
(gentle music continues)
Open your heart, start again
Everybody needs
someone on their side
A hand to hold, pay
your best friend
On their love,
you can depend
There are days that
seem like endless nights
But darkness always
becomes alight
Stay here with
me, learn to trust
Let the walls come down
Let them fall to dust
I've got strength
and I believe
In miracles and
the power of dreams
I will ride toward
the open sky
On newborn wings, I will fly