If I Had Wings (2013) Movie Script

Where I've come to
and places I'm going...
Slow down. Alex.
You can go a little faster than this.
We're running off the path here.
I try to see it clear
but I don't know why it's here
what's coming up ahead?
A slight decline, thank god.
Right turn, 2:00.
We need to go faster,
or else learn to run on grass.
I think I need to stop.
...Where I'm wiser and growing taller
I will see the way...
Go ahead, shoot him!
I won't tell anyone.
You okay, tiger?
I'm all right.
Here, let me see.
That's all right, it's not so bad.
Thank god your mother is already at work.
She'd freak out.
Please don't tell her.
You think I want to sleep in the tool shed.
Hey, what are you doing?
You know our rules.
I know, dad, I just...
I wanted to run for once
without being held back,
you know?
Held back.
You might be a little faster
if you didn't eat so much.
How's that?
Aren't you on a diet?
It's granola. It doesn't count.
By the way, I happen to be
40-blah-blah years old,
and I wasn't a fast runner ever.
You, on the other hand,
have become very fast.
Faster than a speeding bullet?
Not able to leap trash cans
in a single bound?
Faster than a wheezing
probation officer anyhow.
Hey, did you talk to Ms. Mcvie
about joining the cross country team?
I'll have to talk to her again.
Don't worry,
you're going to make that team.
Dad, I am sorry about
taking off on you like that.
We got to go, buddy.
Somebody's in trouble.
Well, I'm not sticking around.
I'm not talking to no judge about nothing.
I'm tired of looking like a fool,
bailing you out, lying to people,
"oh, he'll never do it again.
Oh, this is the last time."
You can deal with
whatever they throw at you!
You know, if I could find her,
I'd send you to your mother's,
if she wanted you.
Watch Mitch! Watch Mitch! Watch Mitch!
Yup, yup, yup!
Hello, Julie.
I wish you wouldn't do that.
How do you always know it's me?
Because nobody else at this school
has the perfume I got you
for a Christmas present.
It was my clever way of identifying you.
Well, I'm glad you don't
Mark your territory
like a dog.
Navigation update,
the art department has a display
on the second floor,
and they've been waxing...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's travelling, dude!
That was two steps, Mitch, just two steps.
Yeah, more like five, Tyson.
Is that Tyson brideau arguing over there?
Yeah, that's the prince
of jock straps for sure.
I guess he's still
on the cross country team this year?
Seeing as he broke another
county record last year,
what do you think?
Let me guess, he's on the team.
Admit it, Tyson, you travelled.
Are you serious, man?
It was two steps, man,
you're all freakin' tripping!
You're blind, man!
No offence there, Alan.
No offence taken, Tyson.
It's Alex, by the way.
What a sweetheart.
At least he got the first
letter of your name right,
things are improving.
Yeah, that means a lot.
Julie, is everyone just standing there,
awkwardly staring at me
with their mouths open?
We should probably go
before they let all
the air out of their heads.
All right.
Hiya, Brad.
You know, I have a lot of adult parolees
whose lives would make movies of the week,
and their files aren't
half as thick as yours.
A lot of people have stuck
their necks out for you, Brad,
including myself.
All you've done is blow every opportunity.
Why don't you come with me?
This latest episode was just so...
Stupid? Idiotic? Obtuse?
Oh, funny stuff.
You might want to save your "a" material
for judge melanson tomorrow.
He loves to laugh.
I can't believe you broke probation.
I thought we were making progress.
Robbing a beauty salon in broad daylight?
That doesn't sound like you.
That kind of stupidity
has the Bernard brothers
written all over it.
Look, they have nothing to do with it.
Let me tell you something,
loyalty and gullibility,
not a great combination
in your line of work.
Do you think Vince or Billy Bernard would...
They had nothing to do with it, okay?
Crime does not...
Have you got a quarter?
Alex, is that you?
No, it's Brad Pitt.
Oh, Brad, you gotta go.
Uh, my husband or my crazy son
will be home soon.
Hi, mom. What's cooking?
Oh, baby, what happened to your head?
It's nothing, just a small accident.
Yeah, well, does it hurt, though?
Maybe I should clean it because...
Mom, mom...
No, infections can get kind of...
Mom, stop, stop, it's fine.
You've just got to be careful, okay?
I know, but dad cleaned it
earlier this morning.
It's okay.
You got hurt while you were
running, didn't you?
Wait till I talk to that man.
If he thinks being on a diet is tough...
I was the one who's at fault,
it's not dad's fault.
All right?
Don't gulp, please.
And just use a glass.
Did dad call?
Why? What are you two plotting?
It's nothing.
Oh, watch out.
I left the vacuum
at the top of the stairs, sorry.
Geoff Taylor.
I'm not sure if you remember,
we spoke once on the phone.
Yes, you're Alex's father.
He's a very sweet kid.
Thank you.
I want to talk to you about
him being on cross country team.
Oh, gee, I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor.
We've already started training.
Our first race is very soon.
Well, you told me you'd call me
before you started training.
I've just been really busy...
Well, this is kind of a special case.
Look, if he's as fast as you say he is,
I just don't really have anyone
to run with him.
My best runners, they're
training for their own races.
So, if I find someone to run with him,
he can be on the team?
I didn't say that,
and we would have to meet the entry
and insurance considerations, so...
Yeah, I mean, I guess
if you found someone
fast enough to run with him,
who went to this school,
and is not already
on the cross country team,
he could try out.
Okay, thanks.
Try out!
Thank you.
I just don't like it
when you get his hopes up.
I'm not getting anybody's hopes up,
he's going to make the team.
I don't want to see him get hurt.
He's not going to get hurt.
You know, you said the same thing
when he wanted to go to high school
without a guide dog or an assistant,
and he memorized that place
just like he did at home,
and he's fine.
He's got Julie to watch out for him there,
you know, it's completely different.
Look, he's going to get hurt.
He's not going to get hurt.
You know what, these are
the kids who are hurt.
Geoff, all I'm saying
is that I don't think it's right
to give him dreams of competing
in some sport in which
he can never possibly win
and that is so dangerous for him...
If you had your way,
we'd be wrapping him up
in bubble wrap all day.
I want to give my son
every opportunity in life I can,
to succeed or to fail.
If he wants to run cross country,
that's what he's going to do,
he's going to run cross country.
If he wants to start skeet shooting, then...
Okay, and who is going to run with him?
You, Mr. Usain Bolt?
You can't even keep up with him now!
I have a very clever plan.
Can we just drop this, please?
Now I'm weak from hunger...
Vandalism, shoplifting,
and now this.
It seems like the police
are always chasing you.
You like to run, don't you, Brad?
I've done enough.
First arrest, officer burns said
he chased you all over town for 45 minutes.
You outran their fastest guy.
I'm fast.
You ever been on the track team, Brad?
I don't like jocks.
Says here you go to my son's school.
Did you know that?
I've seen him around.
He's, like, blind, right?
That explains a lot.
He's also a really cool kid.
You know, judge melanson warned you
about what would happen
if you ever showed up
in his courtroom again.
I think I...
I think I have an idea
about how to work this out.
Well, I'm not going to rat out anyone.
I mean, go ahead, send me
to ridgemont, I don't care.
I'm not talking about that, this
is something else.
I'd have to talk to your father
and your attorney first.
My father doesn't care, so...
I think he does.
Why else would he take a day off from work
to show up here?
My father's here?
Yeah, down in the courtroom right now,
making all the security guards nervous.
And I'd have to talk to the judge,
and, hopefully, melanson's
back on his bran diet.
But I think I can work it out
so you could stay at home and go to school.
But that's what you want,
isn't it, Brad?
So, my dad said I could come home?
And what's the deal?
The deal?
Here's the deal, Brad.
You keep your nose clean for real this time
and you answer
one question,
can you, or can you not, run?
Brad Coleman?
You're getting Brad Coleman to run with me?
Oh, I take it you know Brad?
Um, everybody at school knows Brad.
He beat up Ms. Mcvie.
You want me to go out for a school team
with the guy who beat up the track coach?
Tanya mcvie? She's the coach?
It seems like yesterday
she was running track,
I remember seeing her picture
in the paper all the time.
So you're getting a thug
who attacks teachers,
young, slight, vulnerable teachers,
to run with our son, our only child?
Wait, "slight?"
Julie said Ms. Mcvie was plump and homely.
I wouldn't say that.
Yeah, I'm sure you wouldn't.
He didn't beat her up, he pushed her.
It was an accident.
There was a ruckus, she fell down.
The stairs.
I don't even think
Brad got suspended that time.
That time?
And I don't think Ms. Mcvie
would even remember it.
He once gave Harlan glieberman
such a bad wedgie,
that he walked like a duck for two weeks.
Harlan glieberman has
always walked like a duck.
Brad's messed up,
but I think, something like this,
for him to focus on,
it could really help him pull it together.
Alex, how do you feel about it?
How badly do you want to make this team?
What happens to him if we don't do this?
He's going to go away.
To ridgemont.
It's the toughest facility
in this entire area.
That is not going to be
a vacation for Brad.
But Brad Coleman is out of options.
This was a favor for me
from judge melanson, too.
Well, can he run?
The cops say he can run really fast.
Well, what does Brad say
about this whole plan anyway?
I think he's looking forward to it.
You know what, I can't do this.
I really can't
you're not punking out of this.
You want to go to the Ridge?
Do you?
Then shut and take your medicine.
Any more of that, Ricky,
and you're walking.
Nice neighbourhood
your cop friend lives in.
He's not a cop, and he's not my friend.
Is that the cop?
He ain't no cop.
Hey, Mr. Coleman. How are you?
Just peachy.
Ooh, it's quite a rig.
What do you got, uh, 16, 17...
18 cylinders in this thing...
Look, I, uh, got stuff I gotta do.
My dad's a fun guy, huh?
Well, once you get to know him.
Yeah, that's when the big laughs
start to happen.
Let's get this over with.
Alex... Brad.
I'll let you guys get to know each other.
I'm blind not deaf, you don't need to yell.
It's all right, it happens all the time.
You can take a seat if you want.
Or... maybe I can sign an 8x10 glossy
you can take it home
and stare at in private.
Yeah... funny.
You guys are pretty loaded, huh?
That's, like, the biggest TV
I've ever seen.
Must be cool to watch...
I'm just looking.
I'm not going to steal your TV.
Thank you.
I just wanted to know if
you wanted something to drink.
And that's not my TV,
the credit card company owns it.
Yeah, I'm good.
So... is it, uh, tough being blind?
I mean, is it tough being you?
I've been blind since I was two.
I really don't know anything different.
Besides, I like to think my other senses
make up for it.
I also have superhuman strength
and can shoot lasers from my thumbs.
And an overactive sarcasm gland,
lucky you.
I have that, too, yeah.
How are you guys getting along?
That well, huh?
Uh, bub, why don't you tell your mom
you're going to go for a run?
You two hitting it off?
He hates me.
How did it go?
He hates me.
I'll bring the car around!
Okay, let's go.
Wait, actually, you don't grab my arm.
It's a little hard for me to run that way.
Okay, so this whole thing
is actually about us
finding a rhythm,
even thinking alike after a while.
Yeah, right, like that's going to happen.
Okay, you ready?
Uh... yeah.
Okay, tell me if I'm going too fast.
It's actually kind of slow right now.
That's better.
All right, corner to the right coming up.
I know.
Do you want me to do this or not?
I'm sorry.
I just know this route really well.
Excuse me, lads.
Did we really just get passed?
Yeah, by some jogging iPod jockey.
I hate being passed.
I hate iPod jockeys.
All right, then let's get him.
All right.
Okay, when I say "go,"
cut to your right and run really fast.
I'll follow your lead.
Okay, go!
Thanks for coming out,
and don't forget to follow us on Twitter!
Go left.
Your dad said to
take it easy the first time.
I thought I was.
Hey, do mind if I do some hills?
The race isn't going to be this flat.
Yeah, sure.
Okay, stay close.
Are you okay?
I'm all right.
You're bleeding.
I am all right!
Right, you have superhuman strength,
I forgot.
We've got to get back to my dad.
That's a pretty nice watch.
Is it gold?
I don't know.
It's a special design, I can feel the time.
My grandfather got it for me.
Okay. Figures.
My grandpa, he got me some socks once.
What are you sorry for?
What, you got something against socks?
Rich people don't wear socks?
No, that's not...
That's not at all what I was talking about.
I'm sorry.
Stop saying sorry.
Okay, it's none of your damn business
what my grandpa gave me anyway.
Okay, but you...
Okay, you know what, let's get going, kid.
Right, there's your dad.
Oh, god, Alex, you're cut again.
First time out and you already hurt him.
You've got to understand...
Listen, I didn't mean to actually...
Look, it wasn't his fault, it was me.
You know how I can get, dad.
All right,
but let's not tell your mother
about this, okay?
I'm sorry to snap at you, Brad.
It's just that Alex has
a tendency to overreach.
Other than that, how did it go?
Well, he, uh, he's got some wheels.
Can I get you a cigarette, Brad?
Uh, I don't smoke.
Yeah, and I got a 31-inch waist.
You guys ready to try this
at school tomorrow?
That's all up to Brad.
Does Ms. Mcvie know about this?
Yeah, sort of.
So, she knows about Alex but not about me?
Man, the look on her face is going to be...
Does that mean you're going to do it?
Well, that depends.
Do you actually think
you can keep up with me?
I can try my best.
All right, come on, let's go.
Brad Coleman.
The wedgie king Brad Coleman?
That's the guy.
You're joking, right?
He's not that bad.
Well, not as bad as you'd think anyway.
Oh, I'm sure he's a very beautiful person.
But I went to grade school with him,
and every day in grade five,
he stole my milk money for a month.
He didn't.
I was sitting on the swings
minding my own business,
and he comes up to me
and asks me if I have any money.
What, and you said you did?
I wasn't the hip and worldly
chick that I am today.
He is kind of cute.
Yeah, he's got a nice butt.
Like as nice as mine, or...?
You're too skinny. You don't have a butt.
Please. I've got buns of steel.
What, you're not going to eat it?
Are you going to tell my mom or something?
Look, jule, I know
you're her little snitch.
All those little girl-to-girl talks,
they're all about me, right?
Right, they're all about you.
Oh, so it's a coincidence then
that we have been in every class together
since grade one?
Look, at least my guide dog
would eat my lousy sandwich.
There he is.
Yeah, and he's with that
crazy Vince Bernard.
Now he's looking at us.
Don't say anything, and maybe
they won't come over.
Who are these dorks?
We're going to die.
You ready for this afternoon?
Yes, 2:00, right?
What's going on here?
It's nothing.
Come on, he's waiting for us.
Don't I know you?
No. I don't know anybody.
I just, I moved here from...
Yo, we gotta go.
That was tense.
Nice butt.
I mean, yeah, it was tense.
That's what I thought you said.
So, since when have you been
worried about school?
He's been acting strange all day.
I got something that
I want to talk to you about.
It's a chance to earn
some really heavy cash,
and it's easy, too.
There's this old lady,
she lives in the apartment up there.
She's a real old bag,
but she collects something like
five different pension cheques every month.
Every month.
So, do you know what she does?
She cashes them all at the exact same time
and then she walks home with all the cash.
With all the cash.
So somebody who was quick,
they could snatch that purse,
and then they could make tracks
before the golden girl
has any time to yell swarm.
Am I right, buddy?
Yeah, I guess.
It's perfect.
Well, I'm going to have to
think this one over.
Okay, just don't think about it too long.
The end of the month
is coming up pretty soon.
All right, well,
give me a ride back to school,
and I can think it over.
No, you can damn well walk.
I need a ride back, man...
So, here is the changing room.
I know, Ms. Mcvie.
I have gym class here every day.
What's going on, coach hottie?
Tyson, I am not going to warn you again
about that type of language.
Alex here is trying out for the team.
You're joking, right?
I want you guys to treat Alex right.
Someone was supposed to
be running with you?
You never said who...
He'll be here.
Are you sure you feel up to this?
Is this a joke?
This ain't no special Olympics.
Hey, uh, Tyson,
shut up.
Good luck, man.
So, what, is this part of
that make-a-wish thing?
Special o, where's your partner at?
Knock it off, Tyson.
Just joking around, Mitch.
Just trying to make him
feel like one of the boys.
Yeah, he's coming.
Yeah, is it one of those exchange students
with the rags on his head, or is that...
It must be that broomstick you hang with?
Not exactly.
Hey, man.
Oh, this is rich.
Someone have to beat on you
to get you to do this?
I thought, uh,
I thought your people could only run
from the welfare office
to the liquor store.
Well, you'd just better hope
that someone can run fast enough
to the nurse's office
to stop your internal bleeding.
Not as fast as your mom
could run when she skipped town.
Come on, guys.
I'm not scared of you, chief.
You sure about that?
Unlike you, I have a reason to be here.
You guys almost ready in there?
Uh, yeah, we're cool.
You ready?
Hey, coach.
Bradley, what are you doing here?
I'm stretching.
We can't have any trouble here.
These boys have worked
very hard to get this far.
There won't be any trouble.
Well, you and I have a history, Coleman,
and it isn't good.
You don't seem to appreciate rules.
If I had known that it was you,
this wouldn't have happened.
Strings were pulled for Alex, not for you,
and I can end this all
at any time.
Just don't let your friend down.
He's not my friend.
Yeah, well, I'm not surprised.
The thinnest of ice, mister.
I know the routine.
The regular route, guys,
into the bush trail.
Tyson's going to lead the way.
All right, catch me if you can.
Let's go.
Okay, that's the route they use here
during a meet.
Yeah? Stay close, it gets narrow.
Hey, is Ms. Mcvie fat and ugly?
No, I mean, she's mean and everything,
but she's actually pretty hot.
Why do you think so many guys
are trying out for the team?
Whoa, easy, guys.
You trying to make turbo Tyson look bad?
All right, we're coming up on the big hero.
He's going faster.
Not fast enough. We can catch him.
No, we can't.
He's chugging like a freight train...
We can pass him.
I said no, okay?
Come on, we can't.
Yeah, baby!
What are you doing, huh?
Why didn't we pass him?
Just let it go, okay?
No, no, what's wrong with you?
Are you scared of him?
I said, drop it, okay?
A problem here, guys?
There's no problem, coach.
We were just, uh, discussing strategy.
Hmm. I didn't even know
you could spell "strategy" Coleman.
Yeah, it's with and "f" and a "u", right?
Alex, there's another practice tomorrow.
You going to be there, Brad?
I don't know, do you want me to be?
Then, yeah, I'll be there.
So, you haven't told us yet,
how did it go today?
How did what go?
The practice.
He didn't say anything
the entire ride home.
What did Ms. Mcvie say?
I'm on the team, I guess.
You made...
That's great! We knew you could do it.
But... uh...
What's wrong?
May I be excused?
I'm just, I'm a little full, that's all.
It's Brad, isn't it?
He's harassing you.
I just have a lot of homework
to do, mom, that's it.
Did he pull on your underwear?
He's probably just in shock,
it is pretty exciting.
I knew he could do it the entire time.
So what's with the eye?
Nothing, just fell during practice.
So not Bernard boys related at all?
I don't even hang out with them anymore.
You got me worried.
You're eating.
I'm fine.
You good?
Good enough.
You've been pretty quiet lately.
I've been busy.
Hey, uh, do we have any milk?
Yeah, milk.
You know, white stuff.
It comes from a cow.
I am familiar with the concept.
You want milk?
I'll get some tomorrow.
So, how's the running going?
Must be okay,
I haven't got any phone calls yet.
I thought you liked to run.
I do, I guess.
you're not getting along
with that blind kid, huh?
His name's Alex.
And I don't think he likes me.
You know, he's one of those rich,
smart kids.
Oh, and you're one of
the poor, stupid ones?
I come by it honestly.
Don't give up yet.
It might work out.
Sometimes, I think
we give up on things too quick.
I thought you said
you weren't hanging out
with Vince and Billy anymore?
I'm not.
Then what are those
two drains on the system doing
on my front lawn?
Yo, Brad, man, I'm borrowing your jacket.
Hey, where the hell are you going?
See ya! Love you! Have a nice day!
- Hey, man?
- What's up, man?
Hello, gentlemen.
I would like to speak with you.
Okay, sure.
Our first meet is tomorrow,
and it's a shame that you two
haven't had time to work out with us
from the beginning.
I know that we have
a lot of work to do, coach...
Save it, Alex.
She's saying she doesn't want us to go.
You got it all figured out, huh, Bradley?
What I was trying to tell you
is that not only can you race tomorrow,
but you could do very well.
Wait, really?
So, we're going to the meet?
Yes, Bradley,
you have time off school,
and you don't even have to
shove anyone down the stairs.
Can you stop doing that?
Doing what?
That thing with your fingers.
Just nervous, I guess.
My parents are going to the meet today.
Are yours?
Angus is working.
What does he do?
Lingerie model.
I'm joking.
I know.
What about your mother?
I don't-i don't have a mother.
Hey, Brad?
I want to have the window seat
on the ride back, okay?
I was joking.
I know.
Hey, how's it going coach?
A weak start, but they're gaining.
If they can just be near the lead
going into the bush there,
they're going to have a pretty good chance
of finishing well.
They do a three-mile loop
and then they come back across the meadow.
That's if Tyson doesn't overtake them.
He has kind of a strong finishing kick.
Go, Alex! Go! Go!
Geoff, I...
You know, there's so many of them.
I had no idea that there
would be this many boys.
Something might happen in there.
Oh, don't worry about it...
No, three miles!
It's cross country, it's not football.
It's not a contact sport.
We could take him.
Let's do it.
The path is narrow, so stay close, okay?
There's a root in one, two, three...
Hey, stretch, pull over.
Stay out of my way, handi!
You too, pocahontas!
Brad! Brad!
Brad, Brad, are you okay?
Hey, thanks, guys.
What happened?
They should be out any second.
Do you think they passed him?
Wouldn't be surprised.
They're way ahead by now.
Oh, thanks.
Where are they?
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god...
No more running. Okay, guys?
Maybe we could just...
No more, no, Geoff,
we've already discussed it.
Mom, this has nothing to do with...
Alex, no!
That kid should be put away.
Brad? He didn't even do anything.
I know...
No more!
We'll talk about it over dinner, all right?
So you're willing to think about it?
You want to drive? Okay.
The old lady who works
the cash at the mini-mart
just about jumped out of her support hose
when she saw me buy this.
Ta-dah! Milk.
2%, the hard stuff.
None of that fancy skim
that only royalty drinks.
Spill it.
What happened now?
Who'd you kill?
I'm off the team.
Damn it, Brad!
Tell me what happened.
It's okay.
What happened?
Hey, kiddo?
Did you talk to her yet?
No luck yet.
Why is she being so difficult with this?
Well, your mom gets all riled up
at this kind of thing.
All she saw was you coming out
of that bush,
disoriented and bleeding,
and mama grizzly kicked in.
Brad didn't do anything.
I mean, that stupid kid just said some...
Really dumb things,
and Brad reacted, he defended us. Me.
I know. I know...
Look, I have an administrative
meeting tonight,
and when I get back,
and your mom has a chance to cool off,
I'll talk to her.
I'll work the old charm.
You know the routine.
What about Ms. Mcvie?
That's another story.
She's agreed not to report
the little incident
to the principal,
but she's adamant
that Brad can't come back to the team.
Says it conveys
a negative team culture message.
I don't know, sounded like
something out of a book.
Okay, well, maybe
I should talk to her then.
Yeah, well...
Well, we'll see.
Don't worry about it.
We'll... we'll take care of it
in the morning, I promise.
Who is it?
It's Angus Coleman.
I'm Brad's father.
Geoff's not here.
Well, actually, I've come to talk to you.
About my son.
I don't think it's a good idea for...
Listen, Mrs. Taylor,
this might come as a surprise to you,
but I love my boy
as much as you love yours.
Please come in, Mr. Coleman.
Please, have a seat, Mr. Coleman.
Would you care for a beer?
Sure, I've always wanted
to try one of those.
But only if you're having one.
I could use a beer.
Domestic or imported?
I'd better stick to domestic.
I drink imported,
I get illusions of grandeur.
Brad's mom...
You can't really blame her.
She had a hard life, you know?
We haven't seen her in a couple years.
She's not from around here,
her and her folks come from up north.
For some reason, she just never...
She never took to Brad, you know?
I see.
You know, when we were first going out,
man, we got on like a house on fire.
Then it just...
You know, it all fizzled out.
Just about ready to pack it in,
and then she said, Brad's on the way.
We got married.
I quit the pipeline and got us a job here.
I thought the change of scenery
would do us good.
Boy, was I wrong.
She hated it.
She felt like she didn't belong here.
Then she got angry, frustrated,
and took it out on the boys.
Brad mainly.
She blamed him for ruining her life.
Then one day,
the boys come home from school,
She was gone.
So now it's just you and the boys?
I mean, I try and do my best, but...
Hey... life is hard, Mr. Coleman.
It's Angus.
And, uh...
Am I having a seizure,
or do I smell chocolate chip cookies?
It's Sandy,
and, no, you're not having a seizure,
those are chocolate chip cookies,
and they're fresh.
Would you like one?
I'd love one.
You know, this running,
it's the first thing he's shown interest in
in a long time.
Yeah, Alex, too.
Can you tell me a little
something about their coach?
I've been thinking.
Yeah, mom?
I've been thinking, you know,
maybe you could run with Brad.
You know, we can give him
another chance, right?
Thank you, mom.
Are you okay?
You smell like dad during the playoffs.
No, I'm fine.
I, uh...
I just really want you to know that, uh...
I am so proud of you.
I've always been so proud of you.
You've got more guts
than anybody I've ever met.
You remember that.
- Go to sleep.
- Okay.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.
Hi. It's Angus Coleman.
I'm Brad's dad.
I was just wondering
if, uh, we could talk a bit.
About what?
Well, uh, how about, uh,
the best runner this county has ever seen,
and how she set five still-unbroken records
at cross country.
And about how I think
that a person with
that kind of competitive spirit
wouldn't back away from
a coaching challenge?
And I've got cookies!
Were you just going to
hit my melon for a single,
or were going to go right for the fences?
Alone, you never know.
I carry mace myself.
So many deviants on the street.
Good morning, Brad.
I'm just packing up these trophies
to send to coach Reynolds,
make room for the ones that we will win.
Your dad, he came to visit me last night.
Well, he can be very charming.
My dad?
You're getting a second chance.
I think you're a good runner,
and I think Alex is a good runner, too,
and he definitely deserves
a second chance to race.
Okay, well, thanks.
I had heard things
about you from other teachers,
and I...
I should have made up
my own mind about you.
And I slipped on the stairs.
I know it wasn't your fault.
It's okay.
It's no big deal.
Stick close to Alex.
He needs you and he trusts you.
It's important that you keep it together,
for both of you.
I will see you at practice.
What are they doing here?
Uh, stretching it looks like.
But I thought...
Your attention, please!
As you know, the quarter finals
will be held at our school
next week.
This week,
we will be able to practice
and take advantage of running
on the actual race course.
We will run every practice
like a real race.
All right?
No fooling around and no holding back.
Right. Let's go.
Let's go.
Coach, I think I still
got a pull in the old hamstring,
I'm going to sit this one out,
give it a rubdown.
Look, I just thought
that maybe you were trying to like...
Brad, listen, I think we should probably
just stop trying to figure each other out,
and let's just run, right?
Let's just run.
Okay, let's...
Let's just run.
Better get that leg in shape, Tyson.
It looks like you got a little competition.
More lemonade, boys?
No, thanks, Mr. Coleman.
How about some milk?
God, I never thought I'd say that
with a straight face.
Uh, no, we're good, dad.
Hey, have you seen your brother?
No, I haven't seen him all day.
Your father seems nice.
Yeah, that's not my father,
that's an alien creature
that traded bodies with him.
Somewhere out there in the universe,
there is a very cranky
three-foot-tall green guy
who's looking for a beer.
Hey, uh, Brad?
Would you mind if I, uh, touch your face?
You feeling lonely, Alex?
I just, uh, want to know
what you look like.
Okay, but, um...
Just don't tell anyone about it?
Julie was right.
You, uh, you are handsome.
You got some smart fingers there, kid.
So, Julie said that?
That, and you have a nice butt.
Well, you're just going to
have to take her word
for that one.
Good. Yeah, good.
That was good.
I like running that final kick, you know?
Straight ahead, even ground.
Almost full speed.
What do you mean, almost?
You know, you're getting
pretty good at this.
Pretty soon, you could, uh,
probably do the whole thing by yourself.
Do you have a girlfriend?
I'm sorry, it probably wasn't my business.
No, it's okay.
No, I don't have a girlfriend.
But, um, I got my eye on a few.
Do you know Amy Conrad?
Yeah, I do. She's hot.
Yeah. Yeah, she is.
It's tough not to think about, you know?
Yeah, me too.
You know, she actually let me
touch her face once.
She is definitely hot.
I warn you, though,
I mean, don't think about
that kind of stuff too much,
it makes you go blind.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, yeah. It made me blind-er.
Brad, me and my dad, we actually, uh...
We got something for you.
What, is that Amy Conrad
in there or something?
No, no...
I wish, but, no.
It's running shoes.
Yeah, I see.
So, um...
What's this for, huh?
I don't know, I felt your shoes
the other day.
They had some holes in them.
I can feel you limping
when we run. I just figured...
You figured you would, uh,
take pity on the poor kid
and buy him some new shoes?
So you'd feel, like,
this warm glow or something.
Brad, no, that's not at all
what I was trying to do.
Okay, you know what,
thanks for the charity,
but my dad has a job, okay?
So, if I wanted to get new shoes,
guess what, I'd get some.
You don't even know my size.
I asked your dad.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
That's not what I was trying to do.
Excuse me.
Uh, are you okay?
You startled me.
It's Julie, right?
Yeah, but Alex is...
I know...
I always feel like
I know you from somewhere.
And I've never been to Bulgaria.
But then it dawned on me.
We went to the same grade school...
Wentworth, right?
Um, I'm pretty sure
I went to a private school in..
No, I remember you,
and I actually owe you something.
Your milk money.
With some interest tacked on.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, my god.
You guys are still out here?
Everyone else has already hit the showers.
Just trying to get a little
extra work in, coach.
Okay, don't stay too late!
See ya.
Hey, um...
Look, I'm sorry about this morning.
It's all right.
I was actually a little worried
you weren't going to
show up this afternoon.
Yeah, well, it's like
everyone's waiting for me to quit,
and I don't know,
I like disappointing them.
You know?
Yeah. Yeah, that's why.
Hey, Amy!
What's with all the attention
for the freak show?
Everyone in the school talks about them,
while the three-peat
county champ sits up here
and gets no love.
There they are,
the school's hottest new couple.
Blind ambition and the wolfpack reject.
Yeah, go ahead, man, keep that running.
You'll make a great viral video
for YouTube, you know?
We'll call it, uh,
"phone where the sun don't shine boy."
Brad, don't let Tyson get in your head.
He's just trying to get you in trouble.
Well, luckily, as you know,
I don't have a temper,
so that shouldn't be a problem.
I actually have to go.
My dad's working overtime
so I have to make my little brother dinner.
Yeah, yeah, um...
My dad should be here in,
like, a half an hour, so...
I'll probably just shower and wait for him.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure, mother.
Okay. See you, man.
See you.
Yeah, but we can't...
We've got to wait
until the teachers are gone.
Anybody there?
All right, very funny.
Can you give me my bag back?
Okay, very funny.
Okay, we all laughed.
Just stop, okay?
I don't find this very funny...
Just get out!
Leave me alone!
Go away!
Stop... stop.
Let's go.
Hey, how was practice?
On the right.
Are you excited?
Big race coming up in a couple of days.
You okay, pal?
I'm just tired. Everything's fine.
Hey, bro!
Where you going?
Chess club, then to church.
No, seriously, where are you going?
Yeah, it's none of your business, bro.
You're not going, okay?
The bernards are just looking for a sucker.
They're not your friend, take it from me.
They just want to get you in trouble.
You're talking about trouble?
I've never been brought home by the police,
never been to court, or jail.
That's you, man.
And that's why...
That's why mom's not here!
Because you were so much trouble.
Okay, very funny, we all laughed.
Now stop, okay?
Come on, man, you're messing with me.
Not even you would do something like that.
Oh, yeah?
Just ask Amy.
This burn is gonna be legendary.
It's Tyson,
you have to do something.
Tyson is none of my business.
Is Alex?
What do you want, Coleman?
Do you want to play?
I gotta warn you, though, man,
we don't play rez rules here.
Give me the phone.
What phone?
The phone with the video! Give it to me!
Oh, that phone.
No, I don't think you asked me nice enough.
I'm only going to ask you this once.
Give me the phone, or I promise you,
you're going to regret it.
You understand?
You want it?
Come get it.
Come on, Coleman,
bring it on.
Told you he was chicken.
Let's go, game on!
Finally showing up for that detention
from three months ago?
Look, I want to tell you something,
but first, I want to know
if you will listen to me.
I'm listening, Brad.
Come with me.
Now, Tyson!
Give it to me,
the phone.
Give me the phone.
You're done, Tyson.
It was just... it was just a prank.
It was, like, a team thing.
I didn't upload it on YouTube or anything...
Yeah, you better not have,
because that is
a very serious legal matter.
That was no prank.
What you did was cruel and unusual,
and I would love to say more to you,
but I also like my job.
You know nothing about being on a team.
That stunt has got you off this team,
and, when I'm done with you,
suspended from school.
No, no, listen, miss,
you're not going to
win anything without me.
You need me.
My job here isn't to win trophies, Tyson.
So you guys took care of it all, huh?
That's great, that's just great.
Alex, what's wrong with you?
Don't you get it?
Everyone's looking out for me,
like the little blind kid
needs to be helped
from being abused or something.
Yeah, but you were being abused.
That is not the point, Brad.
Sure, I was humiliated,
but my skin is thicker than that.
Don't you guys think for once
I might have my own agenda?
All right, Alex,
what do you want to do, man?
Don't worry, I'm taking care of it.
You're cutting Tyson
from the team, aren't you?
Everything's going to be okay.
Don't cut him.
Let him race.
Let him race tomorrow, please?
Look, if Tyson
can't run tomorrow, then he...
He can go around school,
to everyone, bragging
that the blind kid had to hide
behind teachers
and Brad Coleman to beat him.
He made that video because I threaten him.
He knows that I can beat him.
All I want,
all I am asking from you,
is a chance to actually do it.
Normally, Alex, I would say no way.
Normally, I would tell you
that what he did was awful,
and that he deserves to be punished.
Hey, uh, can I ask you a question?
Yeah, sure, as long as I can ask you one.
All right.
How did you go blind?
I got really sick
when I was about two years old.
Some kind of infection.
I got a really high fever,
and it ended up swelling my optic nerve,
and I was blind.
Do you, like, remember seeing?
Not really, no.
I mean, I can't really describe
what something looks like to you now,
but I dream, you know?
It's my mom...
She... she seems to think
that it was her fault.
That's harsh.
No wonder she's all over you and stuff.
Yeah, I mean, we both try
to help her out with it,
but it's still there.
My dad wants me to be independent,
she wants to hangs on.
Well, uh,
if you want my advice, just...
Let her hang on.
All right, we're going up a hill,
and stay to the right.
Got it.
Now it's my turn.
That first day at practice, against Tyson,
why did you slow down?
I mean, why couldn't we...
Why couldn't we pass him?
I kind of guessed
you were going to ask that.
Yeah, I mean,
you'll probably laugh, but, uh...
Those guys are real athletes.
You know, I thought that
maybe I didn't deserve to win.
Like, maybe I wasn't good enough.
I know it's stupid, but...
I don't know, I...
I thought that if we didn't
draw attention to ourselves,
that the team would accept us.
We're our own team.
Somebody found the bathroom, huh?
Well, if your plants don't die
in the next couple of days,
then, yeah, I found it.
Well said. Absolutely disgusting.
I'd like to raise a toast, please,
to our two champions.
Hear, hear!
There you go.
Oh. Got it.
I think these two guys
are going to kick butt tomorrow,
what do you think, Julie?
I think Julie knows
all about butts, doesn't she?
How about my fork in yours?
These again?
You're, like, the most stubborn
little guy I've ever met,
you know that?
I know, but, Brad, you deserve these, okay?
Please, just take them.
Please, just take them.
I'm going get us some ice cream. Yup.
Hey, um, thanks for everything, guys,
but I should go.
Are you sure?
All right, we'll see you tomorrow.
Stretch out.
Thanks, guys.
- Bye!
- See you, Brad.
See you guys.
Oh, you're back.
Yeah, you know,
I think I'm going to stay
for some ice cream.
And by the way, Brad,
those really aren't charity.
Okay, good because, you know, I...
We know.
Look, we just wanted
to say thank you to you.
I mean, thanks for helping Alex,
and making him, and actually us,
a lot happier than we've been
for a really long time.
Well, once again,
thank you guys for everything.
And Alex and Julie are still upstairs.
Why don't you go tell them
that you're still here,
'cause that would make them really happy.
I wish he'd stayed for ice cream.
Why, so you two could share a cone?
Stop it.
Hey, Jules, do you see my watch anywhere?
I usually leave it around this desk,
but that's weird,
I don't know where it went.
It's nothing, nothing at all.
What's wrong?
Well, Brad came up here
to go to the bathroom, right?
I mean, he's asked about my watch before,
if it was gold.
Yeah, he wouldn't do that, would he?
I can't believe you just said that.
Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry.
It fell under your desk.
Have you seen him?
Not a sign.
He was a no-show at school today.
Geoff, you gotta find him.
He could be anywhere.
And that's got to be his call.
He has to decide.
He's going to come.
What are you doing here?
Alex is waiting for you.
Who cares?
What do you mean?
He needs you.
How could I possibly run
in these old hand-me-downs, right?
I mean, besides, even if I did win,
everyone would just think
I would steal the trophy
and then pawn it off or something.
Like I did with his watch.
What are you talking about?
You overheard us.
Look, we don't have time
for this right now, okay?
I'm sorry.
Alex is sorry.
I guess we said some stupid stuff,
but Alex is the sweetest,
nicest, least prejudiced person
in the whole world.
God, Bradley, we all look the same to him.
You're his friend
and he's your friend, right?
So you can stop with this act now,
because everybody knows that you care.
I skipped school,
I rode a stolen bike over here,
I think you're gorgeous.
Now, get your freaking running stuff on
and let's go!
Um... okay, I just,
I have to make a call.
You're kind of a wild girl, you know that?
Hey, Coleman!
Said it's an emergency.
Make it quick.
Okay. Okay.
I'll take care of it.
And, Brad, thanks.
Listen, I've got to go.
My boys need me.
We're in the middle of something...
My boys need me.
I'll see you later.
Alex, where's your friend?
Are you going to run by yourself today?
Hey, Tyson!
How about I run all over you?
No, seriously,
go put some more product in your hair, man.
Look a little pretty...
Tyson, I'd get lost.
I don't know how much longer
I can hold her back.
Yeah, not for long.
Uh, look, I'll run with you if you want.
Thanks, Mitchell.
You're the best, man, honestly, but...
There you go, hon'.
It's not gonna be necessary, though.
Brad's... Brad's coming.
Thanks for dropping by!
Look... I'm sorry I'm late.
I'm so sorry I'm late, man.
Well, um, let's run, right?
Good luck.
Good luck, son.
Thanks, guys.
Go get 'em.
You're the best. You're the best!
Come on, get over here!
There we go.
Okay, love you guys.
Go get 'em.
Watch the champ
show you how it's done.
You can kiss my ass.
Hey, Tyson!
Kiss my ass, too!
Hold your pace!
They're going too fast.
They're going to burn out
and Tyson will pass them.
Hey, jule, new bike?
Here's Tyson.
Let him pass.
Hello, Ricky.
Hey, dad.
Now, you two will stay away from my boys,
or I will make your lives miserable.
I'm going to tell our dad!
Oh, good,
because I haven't pounded on your old man
in about 20 years,
but sure,
if you want to see him
bounced all around town,
that'd be fun.
Now, you steer clear
of my boys, understand?
Now, get out of here.
Now, I'm going to talk,
and you're going to listen.
Okay, the end stretch is coming up.
I know.
It's straight ahead until the end.
I'm going to let you go, okay?
This is your race, not mine, okay?
Just straight ahead and beat him, okay?
Brad, no, wait, wait, wait!
They're coming, they're coming!
Where's Brad?
Geoff, Geoff, he'll be okay.
Right here, Alex! Come on, you can do it!
Hey, hey!
Is everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
Everything's under control, right, Ricky?
Brad, man, I'm sorry
about what I said inside.
It's okay, little bro.
Seriously, it's okay.
how did the race go?
Uh, well, we won.
Hey, hey!
Well, I mean, Alex did.
I almost won.
Well, an almost win...
For us colemans,
that's pretty good, right?
Now, jump in,
we'll get some burgers to celebrate.
Where we going?
Well, that's up to Ricky
since it's coming out of his allowance.
That's not cool, man.
In the back.
Can we go somewhere else?
Like, I'm down for pizza.
No, no, I'm good with burgers.
County champ, huh?
I might actually have to
start trying now, you know.
So, uh, you and Julie, huh?
Yeah, it's pretty cool, I guess.
Amy Conrad asked me to the movies.
Oh, the movies?
The movies.
Apparently, she wants to
describe everything to me
and feed me popcorn.
Back up and kiss yourself.
Something tells me
that might not be necessary.
Hey, Brad?
Ever heard of a triathlon?
Well, uh, can you swim?
Sometimes I wish that I could stop this
Sometimes I wish for something more
and do I love the things that I missed
I'd break the lock and open every door
Yeah, I'd break the lock
and open every door
if I had faith to move the mountain
if I had patience for the truth
I would be a better person
instead of you
if I had strength to face tomorrow
I would face it standing tall
but if I had wings
if I had wings
I'd have it all
wanna go faster wanna last longer
sail above the clouds
never slowing down
I'm not slowing down...
if I had strength to face tomorrow
I would face it standing tall
but if I had wings
if I had wings
I'd have it all
wanna go faster wanna last longer
sail above the clouds
never slowing down
I'm not slowing down...
if I had strength to face tomorrow
I would face it standing tall
but if I had wings
if I had wings
I'd have it all
if I had wings
yeah, if I had wings...