If She Screams (2021) Movie Script

I've known this guy since
we're like six years old.
And when he was in high
school, he dropped out.
Everyone told him,
awe you're crazy.
You're gonna be broke.
And you'll be working at
Three years later, he's got
this house in the Hills.
And he just keeps making
money. He can't help himself.
More shots?
Shots, shots, shots, more shots.
I been out here for a couple
of years.
Where are you all from?
I'm from Mississippi.
Well, what brought you out here?
Have you ever thought
about acting.
I've thought about it, yeah.
I can get you in a movie.
To Leo.
You know, you should have
had your friend stick around.
We all could have had some fun,
and you know talk some business
in the hot tub together.
I think she had to leave early.
She had to work or something
Well, speaking of hot tubs,
I'm gonna go get in,
and pop some champagne.
Why don't you just keep
cleaning up a little bit,
take out the trash for me,
put on that bathing suit
I like, and meet me out there.
Oh, thanks babe.
Matthew, is that you?
Get it, get it,
but I been waiting to
I'm just trying to get
a million
I'm just trying
to get a million
I'm just trying to get
a million
I'm just
My girl don't understand
the grind, what the fuck
I'm all about that tender
Start talking marriage
and some babies
Girl, you know
what a million is?
I've I get about 100 of them
We can have
about a million kids
Babe, come on. Let's get
the real party started.
Do you want a ride?
Call that brother nothing
Rich, but them dead white boys
all the time want to claim your...
What the fuck?
Hey, quit messing around.
You know, I like my lights on
out here.
So, turn them on and get in,
you freak.
Stand on deck stand on deck
I'm taking off and I inflict
So come on chick,
come on chick
Play your six onto the max
I'm gonna play this
I'm gonna play this
This it ain't easy,
no, this is a mess
Can't you sigh oh them eyes
He's the super on a vice
He my life he my height
And he look my in the eyes
I'm gonna put
the bands in the courtyard
Tell the homeboys
where to go, yeah
Pretty bad bitch,
but to go hard
All them years of knowing
I thought you left
Stand on deck stand on deck
I'm taking off and I inflict
This ain't easy no this
is a mess this mess
Baby let's baby let's
Stand on deck stand on deck
I'm taking off and I inflict
But come on chick come on
You ready for this, baby?
I'm in the dark counting the
Every time you don't feel
If it's the time keep
moving forward to this
I'm dreaming love facing the
Every move I take is one for
How you cannot see
my best side I guess
Why do things fall I can't
There must be more
I was waiting on you to call me.
Good morning to you too,
Look at me, I'm so bad right
I had too much to drink
at Shaw's birthday.
But you know the club was lit.
I look like I got fucked last
Anyways, what's up with you?
Nothing much. Just about to
start my day.
It's gonna be a long one.
Can I ask you a favor?
Mind if I take your shower,
your place?
Oh no.
Yep. They finally cut it off.
I don't know. Maybe I should
just give up and go home.
Hold on, bitch. You're not
going home.
I just think that-
That's it.
We're going on a trip.
Pack a bag for a few days.
Think mountains.
Wait, I.
For start I like to touch
And if I could I'd rediscover
All of the nights that had
be down back then back then
But we here this is now
this my chance to be found
Just a face in the crown
thinking love making sounds
On the docks so I
decide again again again
Why do things fall I can't
There must be more
Feel so tall we play again
Feel so small when we've had
Maybe I can make the flowers
But I'm hooking them
lies like I'm paid enough
We're so good at being
able to hide from the world
But I can't ever make a
Baby we can let the whole
world go if you open
Oh, so this bitch wanna block
I'm unblockable, bitch.
Get in here.
You scared somebody's
gonna come up in here?
Safe is safe. Hollywood
is fucked right out.
You don't even know
what I just went through.
Girl, we in the Hills.
Ain't nobody coming up here.
Yeah, well tell it to the
girl that just got robbed.
What, bitch?
Somebody just tried to rob you?
No not me, some girl on the
Happened right in front of me.
And you know what?
All these jackasses were
just standing around
doing nothing with their phones.
Isn't that fucked up?
World star.
If he wouldn't have ran
straight into traffic,
I would've caught his ass.
Asshole. I mean, bitch you
But you're not no vigilante,
Well, what was I supposed to do?
Just sit back and watch it go
You crazy as hell.
I mean, that's why I fuck
with you but damn, bitch.
You gonna get yourself killed.
I should probably shower first.
You know where the towels are.
Hey Maurice, I just saw your
I'll promise I'll have
the money for you next week.
You're not listening to me.
Get your shit out of my
That works better for me at
this time.
No, but I...
Kassi, Kassi.
Your problem and your situation
doesn't concern me anymore.
No, I promise-
You're not listening,
I'm evicting you,
unless you got my money by
the end of this weekend.
This is the deal, Sweetheart.
Don't call me back unless
you got my money. Goodbye.
Yeah. I'm not too
thrilled about it either.
Well, I could just drive
me and my homegirl up there
Yeah, yeah. No.
Sasha doesn't want more than
one car driving up there.
All right, then. It is what
it is.
We don't have time for this
Bus leaves in 10 minutes,
kiddos. Then I'm out.
She's nice.
No, I'm a bitch.
And you're more than welcome,
not to come. 10 minutes.
What's up her ass?
Girl. I don't know, and I
don't care.
Well, honestly. I made her
think that I fucked her man.
Well, that's gonna be a fun
ride. Enjoy.
Girl, we're gonna have so
much fun.
Yes girl.
You said you needed a job,
Yeah, but I-
Well, your bestie looked out.
And I got you one with a bonus,
a free trip to No Cal, so.
Get your little bag, let's go.
I don't know. I can't
just get up and go.
I might get an audition or a-
Kas, Kas, you're not gonna
let me
ride along with that bitch by
Doesn't seem like she wants
me there.
That's what my bestie's
coming with me.
And what are best friends for?
Bad bitches only
We'll flex it on you
Riding with the homies
We don't fuck with you
Bad bitches only
We'll flex it on you
Riding with the homies
Shout out when we call you
I'ma change your life
Boy let me upgrade you
I'm gonna send you home to
your Mamma
She gonna be like boy who
made you
Kas, roll your window up.
For Christ's sake.
Take your finger off the
button. Dumb ass.
Hold on.
You can talk to me any
kind of what you want to,
'cause you know
I don't give a fuck.
But you better watch the
way you talk to my girl.
What is that smell?
These are the killing fields.
It's super up fucked up
what they do to them, too.
They have them all huddled
trapped until they murder them.
They milk them here too, you
So sad.
If you can't handle that,
city girl,
how are you supposed
to make it on the farm?
I can't kill animals,
no matter how much they-
Girl, you're not about
to be killing no animals.
She's just being a bitch.
Takes one to know one.
Anyways, why are we
going up to this farm?
And what do they farm there?
You really didn't tell
her anything, did you?
This is California.
What do you think we'll be
I don't know the first
thing about that stuff.
I barely smoke it.
It doesn't matter if you even
smoke it.
It's just basic watering,
and taking off dead leaves.
Bullshit like that.
The grower does the rest
The grower?
Yes, girl. Sasha.
He's my boyfriend.
Girl, he's cool as fuck.
He's smart.
And so much fun to be around.
We've only kicked it a few
But like I said girl,
he's cool as fuck.
Okay. That's far enough.
You think he likes you?
He just uses you for an extra
Keep playing. Let's
see where that gets ya.
Sasha, Sasha, Sasha.
What were the terms of deal
we discuss?
Yes, Sasha. The terms.
I finance your little
operation, and you provide me
with the amount of product
that you promised to me.
Those were the terms, Sasha.
Tell me. Have you been
trying to avoid me, Sasha?
You haven't answered.
How about this?
I got some beautiful girls
coming up here.
I can give them to you,
just like the last ones for
your business.
These girls are really gorgeous.
You didn't make good on your
end of deal.
So now I make good on my
promise to you.
Goodbye, Sasha.
You want us to take care of him?
No. Send that two face
boy. He owe us favor.
I'll let him know.
Thank you, Yury.
You tell him they have girls.
He brings back to me alive,
Since I know this priss won't
do it,
you're pumping, free ride.
Hey, I need to call my mom
while there's service,
tell her I'll be gone a few
Go ahead, girl. I'll pump.
It would really rile that
bitch up to be wrong.
How are you?
I don't know how I manage,
but I do.
Hey, have you talked to your
No, I haven't talked to my
manager yet.
I have no faith in him.
I think we should leave him,
and talk about you moving back
No, I'm staying.
Kas, sometimes you have to
give up,
and say enough's enough.
No, I can do this.
Kas, you aren't
getting any younger.
Please, don't be like-
I just, I want to do
what's best for my daughter.
And I feel I should tell her-
I'm headed up North for a few
For what? To run off and
screw around?
No, I'm not off screwing around.
I'm going to make some money.
Who am I to tell you not
to? I'm only your mother.
The lady who gave you
life and shelter, and-
I promise I'll call
you when I get service.
When you get service?
This makes me very
uncomfortable, Kassi.
You don't want me going crazy.
Call me in a few hours.
Ever since reading that book
I took from that crazy lady,
it seems that the evil on this
and the disappearances,
date back to the 1800s.
A lady named Eve was sent
here by the Catholic church
to investigate the
because of course they knew.
Men, both young and old,
suddenly began disappearing.
I don't know, Eve.
I don't know if I'll ever
find my Paul and William.
You mustn't be afraid of
that, Mary.
We have to be strong.
We have to stop this.
Are you ready to serve with us,
And she tracked her.
And she found them.
So, can you show me around
these hills?
I do know all these parts.
All the parts?
I don't think we should go
any further.
People have been disappearing.
If you want me, we need to go
to a place
where we can be completely
Evil takes forms you
would never expect, Mary.
Eve, I saw the one you spoke
She's leading Thomas into the
What do we do?
We must go now, girls.
We are protected by the power
of God.
And we will strike this
evil with his mighty sword.
We're going to need it.
Quiet, Mary.
We mustn't let anything stop us.
This is God's work
we're doing now.
Quickly, Mary. The knife.
Lady Eve's failed attempt
is the only known effort
to find and annihilate the evil
that is known
to wander these woods.
It's said that no mortal man,
with arms, can destroy it.
But a knife blessed with
the blood of a virgin woman
has the power to save
a man's soul,
or destroy the evil altogether.
Ladies. Ladies, ladies.
Welcome to Chateau Sasha.
Chris, you didn't introduce me
to your friend, spunky girl.
Oh yeah. Sash, this is Kas.
Let me show you to your rooms.
You'll be in here, my love.
Well, she's pleasant.
All right, ladies, down here.
Kassi, you're gonna be
right here, darling.
And Christiana,
I'm gonna have you right in
No, girl. He got his own.
Be downstairs in five minutes,
ready to go to the green house.
Watch your step when
you're walking through here.
There's holes, and glass, and
and other things not too
good for your health.
Of course, there's no phone
Anything else we need to know
Just werewolves and aliens.
Your job is so easy,
monkeys can do it.
I mix the nutrients, and
you water each plant.
If you mess up, or one of the
plants die,
I will bury you on the property,
never to be heard from again.
Are we understood?
All right, then.
Girl, he's just playing.
What the fuck is going on?
What'd you get me into?
There's no services in here.
And Sasha gets all conspiracy
when it comes to WiFi.
Hello? I'm freaking out.
This weirdo want-to-be
pimp, and his crazy ho.
Plus we're stuck in the
middle of nowhere with them.
Look, girl. They're just
But they're cool.
I don't like everyone I
work with, but it's a job.
Plus, this job pays 500 a day,
more than enough to pay your
water bill,
and to get those head shots you
So can you get it together?
It's time for dinner.
Well, someone's got
a bit of an attitude.
Would help if the bitch
wasn't sitting across from me.
I will not tolerate that
kind of language at my table.
So now I'm the bitch.
Fuck it, you can have him.
Well, at least if we fuck,
her attitude might be worth it.
That's it.
None of this!
Out of my face with this.
Honestly, I-
Stop it!
Now I made an amazing meal.
And all you girls can do
is poop on my appetite.
It's like, everybody is out to
fuck Sasha.
She should have called.
I told her to call.
She's gonna call. She always
Do you think I'm overreacting?
A little bit.
Okay. Fine.
What are you watching?
Some murder mountain
shit about Humboldt County.
Kas? Where are you gonna go?
It's not like there's Uber out
I thought I had problems.
I'd rather be sitting
in my crappy apartment,
with no water and in the dark,
then be caught up in this shit.
Calm down. Put your bag down.
You sure this is the spot, man?
Yeah, this is the place.
Okay, let's do like we planned.
Everything's gonna be okay.
I'll stay.
Like you had a choice.
Friends for life.
What the hell was that?
I think it came from downstairs.
What the fuck did you do?
I didn't do it. I found him
like this.
I told you that we slept
but I didn't know you was gonna
This is too much.
I didn't do it.
I didn't.
It's probably what's making
all that noise upstairs.
There's not time for this.
There's somebody in the house.
She's right. We're spending
too much time with this.
We should be figuring a way out
of here.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Open the door! Open the door.
I forgot the fucking keys.
We have to run.
Go. I've got a cramp.
Go on. Why are you still
here? You killed Sasha.
I did not kill Sasha. I loved
How do I know you didn't do it?
No, no, no. She was with me.
I was with Kassi.
Well, it wasn't me.
It had to be someone else.
Look, we can't just stand here.
I don't know what to tell
you, but
I'm not running around in
the dark with this bitch, so.
Chris, come on. Let's
Come on.
Let's go.
None of my calls
or messages are going through.
She's gotta be up there.
Would you take it down a notch?
Up there could be anywhere.
Shit, there's places in LA
I don't even get service.
She said she's going up
North to make some money.
It's pretty obvious where she
Yeah well, there's a
lot of places up North.
San Francisco's up North,
I even heard Sonoma's a
beautiful place this time of year.
She's there.
Humboldt County.
How can you tell?
I've got location tracking
on all the family plan phones.
Babe, I'm on the family plan.
Sheriff Owen.
You've got to find my daughter!
Becca? You see my good knife
Rebecca Jacobs?
How about you give her old
man a little hand here?
You know, it's probably
in the fucking kitchen,
where you always put it.
It's right fucking here.
Ah, there's my Baby.
Yeah, that's the one
now. Well thank you, dear.
Hold on. This like the
"Texas Chain Saw Massacre".
They ain't 'bout to be
cutting off our face,
running around in these woods.
This isn't a fucking movie.
Shut up.
Excuse me?
Oh, ladies. Can I help you?
We just need to use your phone.
Come on in. It's nice
and safe and warm inside.
Oh this? Don't pay no mind.
I was just whittling. Here,
here, here.
Why don't you just take it,
and you feel safer with, huh?
I'm sorry, we just.
We just want to use your phone.
Well sure. Come on in.
Oh, here's my daughter.
How about some nice warm
tea for these young ladies?
Sure thing.
Okay. Thank you.
That bitch looks fucking crazy.
Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
She killed him.
You ladies do come in.
Look, I've told you 100 times.
I can't help you if you don't
calm down.
I am calm.
I'm doing your goddamn
job for you, aren't I?
Well look, I have to admit,
the coordinates and
maps you sent, that was,
that was some impressive work.
Well, thank you.
It's mostly through Google Maps,
and Street View that I found
Yes you did.
Well, you know, I know most
of these people out there.
Most of those people and
just good Christian folks.
This one down at the bottom
Yeah, I don't know, I guess
it's worth
sending somebody out to
check it out for you.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Call them now, you idiot.
So you're saying that you
like it
when she licks you there?
Yeah, man.
It just means she really
loves me, you know?
At least that's how I see it.
A man's got to have some
Come on, man.
You want me to stop her,
and get her all upset?
I mean, yeah man. Look look,
that's all you, you know.
I just can't have a dog tongue
all in my ear, you know?
Is this unhygienic.
Marlack, you got a copy?
Marlack here. Could
you repeat that? Over.
Yeah, you guys buy that old
Cross point property up on the
North Ridge?
Yeah. We're about a
mile away from that place.
Look, I got out some
hysterical mom,
thinks her daughter's lost out
Phone GPS puts her in that area.
Can you guys try to find this
and help get this crazy-ass
woman off my back?
I'll head over
there and check it out.
Good deal. Keep me posted.
We got a call.
Is it some bullshit?
Yeah, but we're close. Come
All right. Let's go.
Here ladies.
Drink up.
Oh, and I bet you that
tastes good, don't it?
Please go right ahead.
It'll be good for you.
My head feels like
it's literally swelling.
Me too.
Are you okay?
Oh my God.
Chris, are you okay?
What did you do?
Then she took Jonathon from me.
I knew.
I knew she was terrible from
the way she looked at him.
Did the girl you speak of
happen to look like this?
That's her. That's that
terrible girl.
She took him.
She took him from me.
I will avenge him for you.
Can you please show me the
direction in which she came?
She came from that way.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Get the girl.
Marlack here.
We got multiple bodies at this
house you just sent us to.
And the girl is nowhere to be
Can you guys
try to find this girl,
and help this crazy-ass woman-
We're gonna head down the
mountain and canvas the area.
Maybe she'll turn up down the
road, or at the neighbor's house.
Phone GPS puts her in that area.
Yeah, I get that her phone's
GPS says that she's here.
But trust me, she's not.
Call the local police, and
let them know what we found.
And let us do our job.
I don't know what the
happened in there.
But whatever it is, that girl
had something to do with it.
Why else would her phone be
Her mom called the
station, trying to find her.
This is where her phone GPS
said she was.
Maybe she got kidnapped or-
All right look.
Let's just head down the
mountain, and see if she turns up.
And we better be ready
for battle if we run into
whoever the fuck did that shit
in there.
So you're awake?
Oh, now don't you
worry your little heads.
We'll all be done real soon now.
All right, so the closest
is about two miles this way.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, hey, man.
You can't do that up in here.
You know you can get
suspended for that, right?
Or worse, if you gotta
use that gun tonight.
Fuck our luck, man.
I think this is it right here.
All right, let's go
check this out.
Ah, and look at you.
Let us out of here!
I'm afraid I can't do
that darling.
Oh yeah, and look at you.
How are you doing there, girl?
Not a sound.
What the hell's going on out
It's the fucking cops.
Well, then just go out there
and flash your tits or
I'm not gonna show my fucking
Go fucking deal with the cops.
I'll deal
with the fucking girls.
Okay, just for once
in your life,
can you just do something right?
Now just take care of them,
So, I'm supposed to take care
of them.
Officers. What can I do
for you tonight?
Good evening, Sir.
Sorry to bother you.
We received a call
from concerned mother.
Seems her daughter never rang
last night,
and the GPS from he phone
records place her in these parts.
We were just wondering if
you've seen or heard anything.
No. No, I haven't seen no
girls around here tonight.
Please help us. Please help
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
You think I want to be
out here? I'm stuck.
But you have a gun.
Shoot that mother fucker!
Go shoot his ass! Please?
You alone tonight, sir?
Oh yeah, all alone. Well,
except for my daughter.
You know, but I don't even
consider her
a person anymore if you know
what I mean.
Well, would you mind if we
asked her
if she's seen anything?
Well, she's in her robe
and curlers right now.
And believe me you don't
want to be seeing that.
But just hold on a second.
I'll go ask her, okay?
Thank you, sir.
It is the damn police.
Thank God.
Shut the fuck up. Do you
Stay quiet, or you're gonna
get a bullet in the head.
I'm gonna take a look around.
All right.
Take this, and keep them
fucking quiet.
I'm coming, officer. I'll be
right there.
What is that?
You don't have to be a victim
Just come with us.
We can get out of here,
if you just come with us.
Do I look like a victim to
you, bitch?
Holy shit, there's a dead
policeman out on my porch.
This is Deputy
Marlack. I'm coming in.
What do we do now?
If you got any weapons,
place them on the ground now.
Put the gun down.
I had no choice.
Put the gun down, ma'am.
We can just talk about this.
He made me do it.
Do what?
He hit me so much.
Oh shut your hole, you cock
Ma'am, I need you to put
the gun down right now.
Ma'am, drop the gun now.
No. No.
Don't point your gun. Right
Damn you, cunt. God damned.
Don't leave me, guys.
Wait wait, wait wait wait.
What about Marissa?
You can't be serious.
You really want to die for
that bitch? Let's go, girl.
We can't just leave her
there. That's fucked up.
Yo, bitch. That sounds like
death to me girl. Let's go.
No, I can't. I can't. I'm
going in alone. I'll catch up.
Kassi, Christian a. Oh, thank
He's coming. He's
What the fuck?
What the fuck is going on?
We're on this mountain with
a fucking deranged killer.
And there's something else down
something out of this world.
Kassi's not lying.
We were in the fucking weirdo's
This girl looking figure
killed the old man.
If it had seen us, we
would have been next.
Yo, all I know
is we need to get to the
bottom of this mountain.
And when we do, we're going
straight to the cops, okay?
No, we need to go right now.
Yo, yo yo.
There's nothing there.
Keep your voice down. You're
gonna get us all killed.
I heard it too!
Let's keep on pushing.
Why are you girls on my
You're trespassing.
Come with me.
It isn't safe for you here.
Girls, let's go.
Who the fuck is she?
I don't know.
Come on. What choice do we
I don't own a phone,
if that's what you're waiting
to ask me.
Girls, you sure look cold.
Can I get you some tea?
No. We've had enough tea
for lifetime today. Thank you.
Yeah, if you could just point us
the direction of town or a
road to how to get out of here.
Well, town is 20 or so miles
And at this time of night,
you never know who
you'll meet on the road.
Might be worse than the
trouble you're already in.
How do you know we've been in
I've been watching you.
What do you mean,
you've been watching us?
Ladies, I think we
should just go because-
Oh, relax. I'm not interested
in you.
I was watching the boy.
Who, Sasha?
What about Sasha?
He stole something from me.
A book, a very old book that
was given to me by my mother,
which was given to her by
her mother, and her mother,
and her mother, and her
mother and her mother,
and her mother, and her
mother, and her mother,
which was given to her
and the Devil himself.
Yo, why does everything
have to be so demonic?
Wait. So what would
Sasha want with this book?
I think he thought it would
protect him
from the angry spirit in the
What kind of spirit?
Many many years ago,
there was a convent in these
And there was a girl there,
who was not much older
than the three of you.
Do you wish to end up
inside of the pot, tonight?
What you will find inside
is my last uninvited guest.
I know who you are.
They told me that you lived out
They told me you were
evil, and you knew spell.
And you decided to come
here anyway.
You're a Nun.
I came to make an offer,
to your savior.
The servant of the cloth?
Every night I'm laid down,
and my virtue's brutally taken
from me.
I no longer choose to serve a
false God
that's never answered one of my
When calling upon a wicked
we must make him aware of the
trade that we want to happen.
In your case, there is a
specific entity
who seeks vengeance for the
abused soul, such as yours.
Now, you must shed the clothes
that you are wearing, and
throw it into the fire.
My dear father from down below,
we ask for your permission to
call upon
one of your children that
you gracefully created.
Lillith, she's gonna
leave her foolish convent,
and join you in order to do
your bidding up here on Earth.
She's gone to leave her faith
and sign her soul to you.
The Devil doesn't give gifts,
without taking something in
So now her spirit is
trapped in this plane,
and she'll roam the woods
for all of eternity,
seeking vengeance for the
past whenever she can find it.
Why do these people have
to be so fucking crazy?
Crazy? Who are you calling
crazy, huh?
I mean like, if the shoe fits.
Get out.
Not but we-
Get out! Get out! Get out!
We have to keep going.
If we don't, who knows what
sort of crazy we'll run into next?
I just need a second. I just,
I just want to rest my eyes.
I want to keep going. I know
we need to, but she's right.
We should rest.
We'll be safer in daylight
I don't think we're safe
as long as we're up here.
You rest.
I'll keep lookout.
Wake up, wake up. Wake the fuck
We gotta leave now. Wake up.
Where do we go? Which way do
we go?
Yeah, you smell it.
Which way did they go?
Run, rabbit. Yeah we're
onto you now, bitches.
Don't y'all take another step
What are we doing?
Go on, get.
I'd hate to put another
hole through you, honey.
You too, fuck tits.
Looks we come across a couple
of T makers come this far.
You're fucked, bitches.
What do you think we should do
with these pretty little things?
I got a few ideas for you
I say we hog tie them to the
have ourselves a Mexican fiesta.
I can't wait to bust that
pinata open.
What are you gonna do, Frank.
I like that idea.
Oh my God.
What the fuck, Heather?
Relax, man.
Relax? No, you fucking relax,
Baby, you know I love you.
You know what?
Fuck this guy.
And you can't take your
fucking eyes off these.
Don't you fucking touch me.
Don't fucking touch me. Don't
touch me.
Man get the off me, man. What
the fuck you? Come on, man.
Why you gotta be so hard on him?
He'll be all right.
Just gotta ween him off
that tit, that's all.
Yeah? You first.
Oh yeah.
Oh you're a dirty bitch, huh?
What the fuck are you looking
at, huh?
You got a little something on
her face.
You got a fucking problem?
I don't like you. Come here.
Yeah, fuck you! Yeah,
you think I'm a joke?
I apologize about my friend.
He's a real asshole.
Oh fuck, fuck.
Let me help you out a little.
No! Fuck no!
Please stop.
That's interesting.
You fucking asshole.
Ooh, you're a little feisty?
How about you, Mexicana?
You want to suck my dick?
You like to dance a little bit?
Maybe a little of that?
How about this?
And get the fuck
out the way. I can't see.
Boys, this one thing she's
We gonna have to tame her, baby.
Oh my God.
You got something to say to me?
Fucking bitch.
What'd you say?
I said fucking bitch.
I got an idea.
We're gonna play a game.
You ladies like games?
I got a nice riddle for you
How did it go?
catch a nigger
by her toe.
If she hollers
let her go.
And you
Clean up your mess.
Baby, if all we're
gonna do is kill them,
why don't we get a little
You want to have some fun?
You know I want to have some
How you doing?
Good boy.
Hey there, Big Red.
A little storm, we've
been through them before.
Okay, buddy.
Is that you?
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Are you lost?
I'm not lost. I'm quite
the opposite, actually.
I must apologize for just
showing up
at your house out of nowhere.
I don't want to take up
too much of your time,
but do you have kin
that have gone missing?
Have you no men in your home?
Just my husband.
He's at the stables right
now, checking on his horse.
Why do you ask?
Get out there.
Get, nigger. Get.
I said get.
Get up. Get.
Don't look at me.
Get up and move.
Keep moving, go.
See that log? Go.
Let go of her. Get off of her.
Oh my God, eww.
What the fuck?
You're a real Picassee.
It's pronounced Picasso.
You're right.
What we gonna do with them?
Let's fuck 'em. They're
right here, let's.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
Wouldn't you?
Oh fuck. Fuck.
You know what, boys?
This isn't fair.
I'm gonna give you a chance.
I'm gonna give them a choice.
You can get raped or run.
Either way, you're fucked.
Now get up. I said move.
Get. You got 57 seconds
till I release my hound.
You fucking ass hat.
Will you two stop
chasing each other's dicks,
and get these girls
before this whole thing
turns into a real fuck up?
Yeah, we smell you bitches.
Oh, that pussy smells real nice.
Bet you a blow job I can nab
them first.
I'll take that bet.
Yeah, we smell that pussy.
Run, rabbit.
I can smell it. Come on, boy.
Oh yeah.
Its' gonna be all right, boy.
Who the fuck did this? Who did
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
You fucked with my dog.
Frank? James?
Kas, help me.
Let's hide. They're
gonna get us. Just hide.
What do you mean hide? Let's
keep going.
I'm not running no more.
Look, let's hide please.
Let's hide. Where are we gonna
Let's go, we have to run!
Darling, you gotta excuse my
They can be a little
Me, I believe in the golden
You got to treat others like.
Well, you know the rest.
These are my woods.
You want to play with me?
Are we gonna have some fun with
you? Yeah.
We gonna skin us a little piggy
You want to play with me?
I like games.
We should go over there.
There's a house or something.
I don't know. I see a house.
It's just more, some more
fucking inbred hicks out here.
Who you calling a crazy hick,
You, you fucking retarded ass
You got us fucked up.
She always run her mouth like
How long you known her,
and never done that?
I told you, you was gonna lose.
Get moving, bitch.
Get down in the mud. You are
Get down, nigger lover. Get.
I said you'd be fucked either
Get. Get. I said get.
Get in the mud. Get down.
Get. Get.
I was once like you.
I used to wear the habit,
then they stole my dignity.
Do you think this will
save you from being cast back
to the pits of Hell, from which
you came?
Speak now, demon.
Isn't that what they did to you?
Those people? The way you're
taught to fear everything?
Let me help you.
Don't you want to avenge them?
They will just be more.
Isn't it just so peaceful?
It really is, it really is.
It's so peaceful, you know.
Thank you for bringing me.
You gotta love the green.
Gotta love the green, yeah.
Gotta love it.
Are you fucking serious,
right now?
What? What's wrong?
You're gonna fucking
smoke that right now?
Name a better time to get
high then now.
What more could you need to
be relaxed?
You do your yoga, your
breathing exercises to relax.
This is my breathing exercise.
It's not the same. Nice try,
but not.
Inhale, exhale.
And what about the cops?
I don't give a fuck about the
You know where I'm from?
Niggers die every day.
I don't give a fuck about the
What the fuck does that even
What the fuck does that even
You ain't never gonna
understand what it means.
Yeah, just like you're never
gonna fucking listen to me.
What the fuck? Yo, call
the cops. Call the cops.
Hold on. Yo, what the fuck.
What's the number to 9117
Why are you a dumb ass?
Look, who the fuck is this
This is why I smoke weed,
and I don't fucking hike.
There go you're fucking cops,
tough guy.
Fuck you.
You would have called the cops
Yeah, I would have. I'm white.
So before we get to how my
two deputies
ended up dead at old man
Jacob's place,
why don't you tell me
how this whole thing got
started, again?
I just was trying to make
some money to pay my bills.
Yeah, yeah yeah.
You and the other thousand
idiots that come up
through here every year, like
it's a fucking gold rush.
Okay so, this guy, Sasha.
You and your friends decided
to murder him and his crew.
Or how about this?
You guys decided to rob them,
and it all went to shit.
I keep trying to tell you.
I didn't kill anybody,
and you're not listening.
My two deputies and
that nice family? Dead.
All this murder taking place
around you,
and you're just an innocent
There was something,
someone in that house.
And I think that's what was
trying to follow us, or kill us.
I don't know.
All right, go on then.
Tell me how these other people
What about the brothers,
down at the bottom of the
mountain near the meadow?
What did you do?
What happened to them?
Well, first of all those
incestuous brothers
that fucked their sister,
or whatever they were,
they held a gun to us and they
tied us up.
That's when she shot Chris.
And I thought she was gonna
shoot me next.
And I held her under water.
And I held her, and I held her
until she wasn't breathing
Nobody else came, so 1
just took off running
looking for help, and now I'm
Well, Kassi, you may not want
to tell me
everything that happened today,
but do you know what you
just did, Sweetheart?
You just confessed to murder?
Murder is illegal in this
on this mountain, and
in the good old US of A.
And I have you on first
degree murder charges.
So Sweetheart, you're gonna
need to do
a little bit of cooperating
if you want any kind of-
It was self defense.
That bitch, she killed
two of my friends.
Everybody was trying to kill me
all night.
Tell me who really sent you
here. Huh?
I just want to speak to my
You have everything on tape.
I want my phone call.
I'm not saying anything else.
On tape?
Listen, honey.
I told you, you get one
chance to cooperate, right?
I am cooperating.
I tell you what.
We're gonna work on trying
to reduce your sentence here,
give you a little bit of
I would take advantage
of that opportunity.
I'm the last law man
around here for 100 miles.
You and your friends, you
killed my last two deputes.
You owe me, girly girl.
What? What is this?
What was that?
That's Kassi. She's just
checking in.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's okay.
She's always okay.
Hey girl. I was hoping you
would come.
Shit's about to get lit.
Did I tell you Mathew was a
And we can talk more
about getting you that part or
Or maybe you can hook up
with one of his friends.
Speaking about friends, who's
This is my new roommate, Lilly.
She just moved out here.
Well, welcome to Hollywood.
I can tell you, you're gonna
love it.
Don't wait up
Don't wait up don't wait up
Growing up,
gotta live it up tonight
You are my sunshine my only
You make me happy when skies
are gray
You'll never know dear
how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine
The other night dear as I lay
I dreamt I held you in my
When I awoke dear I was
So I hung my head and I cried
You are my sunshine my only
You make me happy when skies
are gray
You'll never know dear
how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine
You are my sunshine my only
You make me happy when skies
are gray
You'll never know dear
how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine