If These Walls Could Talk (1996) Movie Script

We have power,
we have presence,
we have knowledge.
Pro-life is on the move.
This is a war to the end!
We won't back down!
They're sick!
They're perverted!
You must repent!
Stop the church!
Stop the state!
Women must decide our fate!
We want equality, now!
Last night,
the abortion controversy
was back in the House.
I do not sit down and negotiate
with baby killers.
We will no longer
tolerate laws
that degrade, mutilate,
and murder women!
What about
the child's right?
You know, when you talk
about the woman's right,
you're talking about one-third
of the rights involved.
Listen, honey,
if men could get pregnant...
abortion would be a sacrament.
The Court said
in a 7-2 decision
that in the first
three months of pregnancy,
only the woman
and her physician
may decide whether
she may have an abortion.
Mrs. Donnelly.
Hello, Jim.
It's looking very nice.
Oh, yeah. You're gonna have
the prettiest home on the block.
Dr. Hanks is sorry
it's taking so long.
How much longer
do you think it'll be?
I think it should only be
another 10 minutes or so,
and then he'll be able
to come out and talk to you
about your mother.
Dr. Kramer?
Dr. Kramer. Excuse me,
I need to talk to you.
I'm sorry, I have to meet
my wife and I'm running late.
It'll just take
a minute of your time, sir.
Dr. Kramer, I've been
in a bit of shock since
we spoke yesterday,
but I've really thought
about it and I know
what I need to do.
I just need your help
and some information.
You're putting me
in an awkward position, Claire.
I've known the Donnellys
for a long time.
Well, I'm thinking of them,
too, Dr. Kramer.
They're practically
all the family I have.
That's why I was
thinking that maybe
you could prescribe
something for me.
I know there are things
that I could take.
I'm just afraid,
I don't know
the dosages--
I can't prescribe
anything for you.
It's illegal
to terminate a pregnancy.
I can get you a number
for the Florence Crittenton
Home in Mooreville.
They'll take care
of the adoption for you,
give you a place to stay.
That's impossible.
I can't go away
for seven months.
I mean, what would
I tell everyone?
I don't know, Claire.
That's the sort of thing
one should think about
before one puts herself
in this situation.
Becky, what are you doing?
You don't have
to do my dishes.
Oh, I woke you up.
No. No,
I'm just kind of sick.
I know, I was on the hotline
with Mom this morning,
she told me everything.
Hi, my sweet girl.
Oh, you know what, hon?
No offense,
but I'm sure it's contagious,
and the last thing that
I need is a sick baby.
Oh, come here, sweetie.
Here, you sit here.
I think it's just some
kind of stomach thing.
Here's your toy.
I didn't want
to bother you, but...
Mom wanted me to come over
with some chicken soup,
and I brought you
some magazines.
Oh, and she also sent over
a hot water bottle.
Here, honey.
Jeez, Claire,
you really do
look like hell.
Your mom is too much.
I mean, she just does
too much for me.
Painting the house and...
I know it's
a huge expense for them.
Aw, you know how she is.
Let her help you, though, honey,
really, it's good for her.
You know what it is?
I think that
by doing for you,
she feels that she hasn't
completely lost Steven.
Boy, she was so happy
when you two got married.
You were so good
to my brother,
He loved you so much.
Oh, I'm sorry, Claire.
I'm so stupid sometimes.
It's okay.
Oh, Claire...
I wish I could
help you, honey.
There's just
so much happening.
Bye-bye. I'll see you.
Okay. Tell Mom
thanks for the soup.
I will. Okay, bye.
Look who's here.
Hey, Louise!
Hey, Avon lady,
where's my lipstick order?
Next Tuesday,
I told you already!
Well, I need it
for Thanksgiving.
She is so impatient!
Here is my last sample,
and this is gonna
have to hold you
till Tuesday.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Oh, my goodness, 12.35.
I gotta go pick up Michael.
I'll see you, okay?
Bye, sweetie.
Bye, bye!
Oh, the house
looks great, Claire.
Thanks, Louise.
Hey, Louise?
I've gotta ask you a question.
Can you come up here, though,
'cause I'm not dressed.
Oh, sure.
See you in an hour,
Mrs. Donnelly.
Okay, Jim.
I would never ask you this,
but I know that you have
an opportunity to get around
and see a lot of people.
There's this woman
and her son is in the hospital,
she has three
little ones at home,
and she just told me that
she found out she's pregnant.
Oh, dear.
I mean,
she's just overwhelmed.
God, overwhelmed is right.
Well, she asked me if I knew
someone who could, you know,
do something.
WoHi, Louise!
Are you stopping by later?
Oh, yes, I'll be over
this afternoon.
Thank you.
I'll see you then, bye-bye.
Well, I honestly don't know
anyone myself
that's ever done that or,
at least, that's told me
that they have, but...
I guess I could ask.
I have heard rumors about that
green house on Worth Street.
You know the old big one,
near Worth and Pine?
I thought it was just
abandoned houses down there.
Well, yeah.
I mean, she'd have to be
pretty desperate.
But you should ask
at the hospital.
I mean, someone there is
bound to know of a better place.
I hope so.
Excuse me,
Mrs. Ford?
Mrs. Donnelly.
Oh, my goodness,
I haven't started my shift
and already
the work pours in.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I can wait.
No, no, no,
let's see what you have.
Okay, I have a question
about Maria Cane's
admitting information.
I need to get
a prescription through,
and I just need
this to be clear
before I can do that.
I see, yes,
it's not clear here.
I can send up the info,
but you can still
put the prescription through.
Very good, thank you.
I also have
another question for you.
I have a friend
and she's pregnant.
And she asked me,
since I work here...
Well, you see,
she can't do it.
She can't have the baby.
What is it
that you want from me?
Well, I was hoping that
we could help her here.
I heard there's
someone in ER.
Mrs. Ford, I'm sorry.
I didn't know
who else to ask.
I know you've worked
here the longest.
Yes, and I would
like to keep working here.
Or hadn't you heard,
they dismissed two nurses
a few weeks ago.
WoExcuse me.
It's all right.
Go ahead.
We're finished here.
It's time to hit
the trenches.
What can I tell her,
I mean...
What should
I tell her to do?
I don't know.
But I'd appreciate it
if you didn't ask me anymore.
I think it might
be the next one.
Eh. I haven't been around
this neighborhood in years.
Oh, here, Worth Street.
We take a right here.
Okay, it's right down here.
It's the big house.
This house?
Listen, lady, I don't know
what you're doing here,
but if you want,
I could wait.
It's okay.
I think I made a mistake.
It's... it's not the house.
Leave it, Mom.
It's not going to wake her.
So, what's going on?
Oh, it's too loud.
Neighbors will think
we're having some
kind of party.
Let me take this.
It's a holiday, Mom.
It's Thanksgiving, I think
we can listen to some music.
Sit down.
Or a renovation
for an apartment.
Mom, would you like a piece?
I know it's your favorite.
If they are renting,
then they can't do...
In this neighborhood,
it's illegal.
Oh, I heard that Uncle Al
has found a tenant
for the apartment.
And Aunt Margy ain't
too happy about it.
Well, I don't blame her.
I mean, she's a divorc.
Oh, my goodness.
Well, you don't know
what kind of people
she'd be bringing home.
If she pays the rent,
it doesn't matter
what she brings.
She pays the rent.
Mmm! This pie is so good.
It is.
It's scrumptious,
This reminds me
of Aunt Maureen's pie.
Aunt Maureen?
Yeah, you know, Aunt Maureen.
They were delicious.
Just delicious.
Yeah, but not like this.
Thank you.
I'm gonna have to excuse myself.
I have to work tonight,
so, I'm gonna have to go.
Oh, no, don't go.
It's late.
Come on, Bill, let's go.
No, no,
the kids are exhausted.
I can take care of myself.
I'll just walk.
No, no, no.
No, you won't.
Kevin will take you home.
You'll drive her home.
There you go.
Give your
sister-in-law a ride.
Really, it's okay.
Really, I could use the walk.
Kevin will be absolutely
delighted to take you home.
It's nice to have you here.
It was nice being here.
Let me get your coat.
I'll see everyone later.
You take care.
You have to work
on Thanksgiving?
Yes. They had
no one else
to work the shift,
so I said I would.
Claire, I don't
want to seem like a...
busybody mother-in-law,
but I'm worried about you.
I'm really fine,
I really am.
I think that
you work too hard,
and I don't want you
to worry about money.
We want to be able
to take care of...
to take care of you.
You're doing so much
for me already.
It's really--
I'm not gonna hear
anything about that.
We're still family,
and we're gonna
get through this together.
Thank you.
Well, thank you.
I wanted to call you,
but I just couldn't.
I'm sorry...
I'm so sorry.
what are you doing?
What are you doing
to yourself?
I just wanted
to help you.
I never meant for anything
like that to happen.
You have to believe me.
You know he wouldn't want you
doing this to yourself, Claire.
God damn it!
Don't you tell me
what he wants.
He doesn't want anything!
He's dead!
God damn you,
he's dead!
Have you seemed
to have forgotten that?
I wanted so badly
to call you and...
and tell you how sorry I felt
for what happened that night,
but I just couldn't.
I felt so...
so ashamed.
It's not your fault.
I know you'd never
do anything to hurt me.
I know you didn't...
Stop crying.
Stop crying.
Okay, stop crying.
You just have to forget
it ever happened.
Do you hear me?
It never happened.
All right. Yes,
I found the mix-up.
It's Carmen M-O-R-O.
No T.
Yeah, birth date,
Give her my name or
she won't tell you anything.
I trust her.
She'll find you
someone safe.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Hello, I'm looking
for Audrey.
This is she. Who is this?
Well, you don't know me.
I got your number
from a friend.
Who gave you my number?
Actually, Jenny Ford.
I work with her and...
Well, she said that you
might have the name of someone
who could...
someone who could
give me an abortion.
The name I have
is of a woman in Puerto Rico.
She isn't cheap,
but the place is clean.
How much
would that cost?
Well, with airfare and hotel,
it'll cost you around thousand.
Oh, God. I don't have
that kind of money--
This is the only woman
that I would trust.
But you don't understand,
I really need to get this done--
No, no. Believe me,
I do understand.
But I don't have that much money
and I can't borrow from anyone.
Okay, okay.
Let me make some
phone calls, okay?
Maybe I can find someone closer.
It's just that I can't
make you any promises, okay?
Just in case,
let me take your number.
Thank you.
I was goin' to the store.
Do you... Do you need anything?
Claire, what's wrong?
What happened?
It's bad. No.
What happened?
It's bad--
What happened?
It's bad...
Oh, God.
What happened?
What's wrong?
I don't know
what I'm gonna do, Becky.
Tell me,
what's wrong?
I couldn't do it.
Oh, Becky, I'm pregnant.
Oh, my God. Claire,
who did this to you?
I can't tell you.
I can't... can't--
It doesn't matter.
What do you mean?
It was just a mistake and...
I was just lonely,
and... and I was...
and I was hurting,
and I didn't mean
for it to happen.
And I...
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God, am I sorry.
You were lonely?
Claire, my brother's
been dead for six months.
I love Steven. I...
Oh, my God, everybody
in this town knows us, Claire.
Becky, I...
I tried to take care
of it. I...
You can't stay here.
You have to have
this baby somewhere else.
Becky, I can't
have this baby.
I just can't do it.
I'm gonna have
to have an abortion.
I can't...
How could you do this?
How could you--
Okay, baby, let's go.
Come on.
We're going, come on.
We have to go.
Becky, please don't--
If my mother ever finds out
about this, it'll kill her,
so I don't give a damn
what you do.
How dare you
shame us like this!
How dare you!
Hello. It's Audrey Miller.
I found someone for you.
I've got someone
named Tom,
and he comes
to your house.
I got his name from someone
who's sister-in-law used him.
Now, I didn't speak
to the woman directly,
but I do think it's good
that he comes to you.
I mean, it seems
a little safer that way.
What's his number?
You can't call him.
He'll call you.
I'll need your name
and your work number.
Why my work number?
Look, he'll be discreet.
I've gotta have
your work number
because he needs
to be able to reach you.
It seems he's pretty busy.
How much does he want?
Well, um...
He... He said 400.
This is all finished.
Here's the chart.
Oh, all right.
Three West.
This is Annie Ross.
No, I don't see it
I'll call you
if it shows up. Okay.
Hold on, please.
Telephone for you.
It's Tom.
Oh, Rose can you take
Mrs. Sheridan back to her room?
And I'll come right down
to check on you.
Mrs. Sheridan.
Claire Donnelly?
Hold on. Okay.
Um, I guess you know.
400 cash.
You need to pay it in full.
Can you get it by tomorrow?
Yes, that's fine.
What's your address?
2-2-6-6 Evergreen.
I'm in the middle
of the block.
All right, I'll be there
at eight o'clock
tomorrow night.
I'll probably do it
in your kitchen,
so, I'll need something
to cover your table with,
a bucket,
maybe a few towels, okay?
Anything else?
Nope, that's it.
See you tomorrow.
Okay. Thank you.
I'm running late.
Do you have the cash?
In full?
Of course.
Good, let's have it.
You'll get the money
when it's done.
Where are you going?
I don't have time
for games, lady.
Please, please, come back.
I'll give you the money.
I'll give it to you.
I'll give it to you.
Come on! Come on, boy!
Come on!
Anybody else here?
Where's your kitchen?
It's back there.
Do you have
everything you need?
It's fine.
Okay, take off
your underwear.
Would you like
to use the sink?
Okay, come on up here
and lie down on the table.
Okay, move down
to the edge of the table.
Are you gonna
disinfect those?
They're fine.
Well, I would really
rather not get an infection.
Do you want
to do this or not?
So let's do it.
Lie down.
Lie down.
Leg up.
Don't move.
Don't move.
The more you move,
the more it's going to hurt.
So, don't move.
All right, that's it.
Is it over?
Yes. You'll have
some cramping...
and you'll have
some bleeding.
If you start
to hemorrhage...
call the hospital.
Am I okay?
Am I okay?
WoCounty Hospital.
I need your help.
Right away.
Yes, I understand.
I... need your help.
Ma'am, I need to get
your address.
Ma'am, we can't send
an ambulance
without the address.
Hi, um, I may be
calling too early.
My name is
Barbara Barrows.
I'm calling about the results
of my pregnancy test.
No way, it's my turn!
Hey! Come on,
you were just in there!
I gotta pee!
You'll have to wait!
WoMrs. Barrows,
the test came back positive.
And that's it?
I mean, there's no chance
of a false positive?
Mm-mm, no. The tests
are pretty accurate.
Well, thank you.
Would you like to make
an appointment?
Uh... No, no, no.
I'll call back later.
Thank you.
All right, goodbye.
Mom, can you help me?
I finished it.
It's heavy,
I almost broke my arm.
How are you gonna
get that into school?
Jason's gonna help me.
Ew! What is that?
Seaweed, it's good
for calcium and iodine.
It's better than
red dye number four.
Are you wearing a bra?
Is that my notebook?
I want you
to put one on--
Good morning!
Go, please,
wake up your brother.
He's running late.
Excuse me, why can't Ryan
go wake up Scott?
Sexual discrimination
starts young, baby,
better get used to it.
Oh, spare me.
Chester, here,
Nobody woke me up,
now I'm late.
You better hurry
if you want breakfast.
Look at him.
Ape man!
Linda, why don't you do
the world a favor, wear a bra.
Like you'd even
know the difference.
Oh, good one!
Shut up, stupid.
Come on!
Get her back! Go!
Okay, if you're going
to clobber each other,
get out of my kitchen!
He messed up my hair!
Hey, Mom, the band's gotta
rehearse here this afternoon.
Not before
4.00, Scott.
Your father
will be sleeping.
Hey, I'm serious, Scott.
I won't be here.
I'm taking your brother
to Little League.
Okay, you guys
better straighten up,
your dad's home.
Want some?
Hi, Dad.
Hey, everybody.
Hi, Daddy.
What's the matter,
you okay?
No, actually, I'm not.
We gotta talk.
Dad, you gotta tighten
the chain on my bike.
It's loose.
What do we got going
over here, meat loaf?
Meat loaf, baked potato,
salad on the counter.
Honey, don't forget to send off
your financial aid forms
to Radcliffe.
Great, yeah.
Hey, listen.
Alison and I are planning
a road trip to Boston,
to visit the campus, okay?
I don't know about that.
Oh, there's Julie.
It's dangerous for two girls
to be out there alone.
You don't know the kind of
kooks that are out there.
It's okay, we're staying
at Alison's Aunt's house.
John, come on!
This is--
"John"? John!
It's Officer John Barrows,
to you, miss.
Or is it "ms"?
That enough buzz
for ya, "mzzzz"?
Look, Mom, will you talk
to him and tell him
that this is not
a big deal?
I don't want her going!
I've got the maps
all laid out.
It's already planned!
Can we talk
about this tonight?
Because I don't have
a car this morning,
and Julia's
picking me up for school.
I've just gotta...
I get outta here.
Bye, Mom!
Bye, Mom.
And don't forget to put
your dishes in the sink!
Okay, don't break a leg.
We're not late or anything.
It's just that
I didn't have any coffee
this morning, sweetie.
Do you mind
if we go by the deli,
I can get myself a cup?
Hey, what's wrong?
I'm pregnant.
Drive, drive.
All right. Sure, honey.
Sure, sure, sure.
Okay. All right,
all right.
Oh, don't stop, Julia.
I don't wanna
be late for class.
We're gonna talk.
Oh. Thank you.
So, does John know?
I just found out.
I just now found out.
It's a shock,
boy, isn't it?
I know what
you're going through.
Do you regret it?
No, I really don't.
You know,
my friends told me
how I'd be depressed
and feel guilty.
I was so relieved.
But... not everybody's
the same.
Oh, boy.
Excuse me.
Do you know
where physics is?
Uh, physics...
last row on the right,
by the back door.
Well, I'd like
to research the personal life
of a woman poet for my paper,
but I'm not sure
which one yet.
That's good,
that's very good.
What will
your focus be?
Say, she's got a family.
I mean, where's a woman poet
gonna find time to write?
I have a hard time
seeing her alone.
I keep seeing
her kids interrupting her.
I don't know if
it's a good topic.
I just... would love to know
how these women balanced it--
their work,
their families.
Look, the important
thing is that you're
enthusiastic about it.
See what you come up with.
Give it a try.
Listen. Did you find out
about the TA position?
I got accepted for one.
It starts this fall
at Franklin High.
The important thing to know
about 11th-graders
is that you can't
teach them anything
'cause they know it all.
Oh, I know.
I've got one at home.
So do I,
two in fact.
I'll see you Thursday. Bye.
Thank you.
"Our Bodies, Ourselves,"
good book.
Oh, you've...
you've read it?
I own it.
Oh, leave it.
I'll get it.
You know, Mom, you can get one
at any health clinic.
It's your legal right.
What are you
talking about?
I saw you, Mom...
reading about abortions.
Are you gonna get one?
Linda, I'm so not prepared
to talk about this right now.
But thanks
for the information.
What, more food?
Mom, the guys are hungry.
Why don't they
go home and eat?
Because the gig is tomorrow.
Oh, "the gig is tomorrow."
So, I don't guess
you slept so great, huh?
All the noise?
Well, they just keep playing
that one tune
over and over again.
Like learn a new song!
Mom, I didn't
get any dessert.
You didn't?
Then who ate
all the cake?
Scott took it out to the garage,
the band ate it.
What can I have?
How about a cookie?
Okay. There you go, that's it.
Now off to bed with you.
But you said I could watch
"The Partridge Family."
Okay, fine. Go!
One more cookie, please.
Take two.
Now go.
Leave us alone.
Guess what?
Hmm? What?
I'm pregnant.
You're kidding me.
Get away from me!
You've been hogging
the TV all afternoon!
It's my turn!
Sally, stop it!
I told him he could!
I swear to God,
if I gotta come in there,
it's gonna be TV off and
the lights out! You got that?
Is that clear?
Well... This is
something else, isn't it?
That is some news.
Hi, Barbara.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Officer.
Alison's gonna
stay over tonight, okay?
Is that--?
That's my shirt.
What the hell is Alison doing
wearing my shirt?
I've been looking
all over for it.
I don't know, honey.
I guess Linda borrowed it
and probably lent it to her.
Get it back,
I want it back.
Okay, fine,
I'll get it back tonight.
It looks like a God damn
invasion around here.
Nothing belongs
to me anymore, nothing.
Mom, one more
cookie, please.
One more.
Hey, Mom,
want a cookie?
No, honey,
I'm trying to talk to Daddy.
I guess
we'll talk later, huh?
Right. Like when they're
all grown up and married.
Oh, man, that's heavy.
That's the question.
Queen of Cups,
that's always
my mother. Ew.
What? I love your mom.
She's so cool.
You live with her.
It's done.
What are you gonna do?
That's it.
We'll just have
to figure it out.
You know,
we're experienced enough.
What does that mean
to you John?
What are we gonna figure out?
How to accommodate
a new baby.
I keep talking
about early retirement.
Well, that sure ain't
gonna happen with a fifth child.
Come on, honey.
What do you want me to say?
Having kids,
it's a part of married life.
I just thought I was done
doing it, that's all.
I thought
I was finished.
We just got a curve ball
thrown at us, that's all.
So, we tough it out, right?
What does that mean,
tough it out?
What I just said.
I don't get to retire,
Linda doesn't get to go
to her expensive school.
We can't do that
to her, John!
Do what? She can go
to state college!
It's good enough for you,
it's good enough for her!
We're talking
about sacrifice.
We all have to make
a sacrifice here,
all of us, you know,
including you.
Your degree
is gonna have to wait.
I don't wanna
wait, John!
I just got started again!
God, this is dj vu.
I feel like I'm pregnant
with Linda all over again!
I don't know what the hell else
you wanna do.
I don't know
what I wanna do.
I just want you to understand
how important school is to me!
Oh, come on, honey,
I know that.
No, you don't.
If you did, you'd know
that my quitting school
isn't the answer
to everything.
It's important to me.
Do you realize
that for the first time
since Linda was born,
I'm having actual
adult conversation.
I'm talking about
what's goin' on in the world--
Hang on, hang on.
That's what we're
having right now, right?
This is
an adult conversation.
It may not be about
art and philosophy,
but we're having
an adult conversation,
right here--
Stop! John, I know!
I'm just trying to say
that there are
no easy answers here.
I just wanna
work this out somehow
without us all having
to give up everything
that's important to us.
I don't know what
you have in mind.
I don't know...
I don't know.
What do you think
the alternative is?
I don't know.
What are you saying
is the alternative?
I don't know!
Here are your shoes.
Oh, way to go!
Okay, buddy...
Why'd you tell him?
I almost got away with it!
John, you're
gonna be late!
Got your keys,
your wallet?
We'll work it out,
I just have one thing
to say to you.
If you think that
I'm gonna give up on
going away to college
just because
you guys screwed up...
Linda, I don't want you
to give up going away
to college.
Oh, come on.
I'm not deaf.
I heard
you guys up there!
"We all have
to sacrifice"!
Just a minute. Now,
just listen to me
for one minute, Linda.
Nothing is decided here,
and I don't want everybody
in the house to know about this
until we have decided
what to do.
What is there to decide?
Okay, look,
you wanna be a martyr,
that's your business,
but I'm not gonna
pay for your mistakes.
I'm not gonna do it!
I mean, she came
completely unglued,
and then she called me
a martyr.
Oh, boy. Katie calls me that
almost every other day.
After all I do for her.
I mean, who irons her clothes?
Who cleans her room?
Who argues with Daddy
when he says "no"?
Little ingrate.
There you go. That's the
job description of a martyr.
I am not a martyr, Julia.
listen to yourself.
You're one and I'm one,
and all this self-sacrifice,
all this unconditional love,
it's just bullshit.
Hell, we expect a lot
of gratitude for what we do.
You're right.
So, why am I killing myself
trying to please her?
Let her iron
her own damn clothes.
Let's go away
and have a cup of coffee.
All right, mom on strike.
Mom on strike!
WoGood morning, Westside
Women's Health Services.
Uh... Yes, hi.
Hello. This is Helen.
How may I help you?
Um... I need to talk
to someone.
I just need some information
about getting an abortion.
Here's a really great one.
It's called "She."
"She wears her pain
like an aging dress.
"Moves her hips within
and smothers in its warmth.
"She cries for freedom.
Discard lady-like lace
to lose companionship."
Killer, huh? Yeah.
Hang up the phone.
I wanna talk to you.
Listen, Alison,
I gotta go. Okay.
I'll call you back later.
You're going away
to college, Linda,
I want you to know that.
What about you?
What about me?
I don't think you want
to have this baby.
Do you think this baby
would have a good life
if its mother resents it
even being there?
You're exaggerating
how I feel, Linda.
I don't think you even
know how you feel.
We all know
how Dad feels,
you certainly know
how I feel,
but you're not even
giving yourself the right
to your own opinions!
Excuse me,
I have my own opinions.
I just don't feel
the need to shout it out
to the whole world.
This is a fire hazard.
I've been researching
the topic of my paper,
the poets,
the women poets
and how they balanced
work and family.
Well, they didn't.
They didn't balance anything.
I've been doing...
reading the biographies
of Plath and Sexton,
and their lives were a mess.
So much for my brilliant topic.
Well, that's too bad.
But maybe you can make something
out of what you found.
Look, this wasn't
what you expected,
but there might be
some good in it.
Don't give up.
Uh... I'll think about it.
Thank you.
Hi, Tiffany.
See you Tuesday.
So, I heard you guys
rehearsing the other day.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah. It sounded really good.
Yeah, it's called
having a new drummer.
Okay, that's good.
You bring that down.
Bring down the eight.
32, that's right.
Okay, now,
check your proofs, sweetie.
You look like
a Leif Garrett
or a Shaun Cassidy.
You hate that, right?
How's my girl?
Got your wallet?
Got your lunch?
Good night, sweetie.
Good night.
Good night, all.
Bye, Dad.
Okay, let's see
what you got.
Two into eight,
goes how many times?
Can I come in?
I just wanted to let you know
what I decided.
I'm gonna have the baby.
I don't know if it's
the right decision, Linda. I...
It's just the only one
that I can live with.
That's great, really.
I know.
Everything seems so simple
when you're young.
Don't worry, honey.
It's what I want.
It'll be okay.
All right, check ya later!
Hey, will someone
please tell Kirk
turn down "The Artist
Formally Known As Prince"?
Fuck you, asshole!
Watch out!
Jack's doing his bad
Arnold imitation!
You're lame, Jack!
Hasta la vista, baby!
Here you go.
God bless you.
WoHey! Hey, you guys,
don't play in the clothes.
Go out and play
on the sidewalk, come on!
You little munchkins.
Hey, Chris.
Chris, you left so quickly,
I didn't get a chance--
You left your blueprints,
and, um, I wanted to tell you,
your work is...
is wonderful.
You're really
talented, Chris.
I want you to have this.
Please, take it.
Look, I know
you can't afford it, so...
So, this is money.
Giving me money.
Chris, I don't know
what to say. I...
What did you expect?
What did you think
was gonna happen?
That you cared.
I do care.
I expected that
you cared about me.
I do care.
Look, I'm late.
I have to go.
I... What?
I'm late.
I have to go.
Oh, I'm keeping you?
I wouldn't wanna do that.
Wouldn't wanna make you late...
Hey, Chris.
You around tonight?
It's Jack's birthday.
Oh. Party?
You ever known me
to miss a party?
She sits there and calls me
a whore and a slut
and a !
Why can't I call her
a ?
How can you talk
to your mother like that?
Hey, what's up?
Oh! Whoo!
Thank you! Thank you,
tell her a little something!
Little trollop.
Kick her out!
What is she still doing there?
Oh, Chris, I forgot.
Your mom
called you last night.
Oh, sorry.
How long did she keep
you on the phone?
We just hung up.
Your mother
is so special.
She was telling me
some story
about how in the '60s,
women drew their mouths
up at the corner,
so that they always looked
like they were smiling.
I mean, gone!
She also wanted to know
if you were coming home
for your brother's
little rehab party.
I went to Barnes
& Noble today.
I found the best books
on prenatal care,
diet, everything.
What is wrong with you?
I just saw Jim.
Um, basically,
he said, "See ya...
Wouldn't wanna be ya."
Then he gave me money.
Well, I'd really
like to know
what he thinks
you're gonna do with that.
What do you think
he expects me to do with it?
I don't know,
maybe he's right.
What the hell
are you saying?
What do you mean,
you think he's right.
You don't even
believe in abortion!
All right,
I'm a hypocrite, okay.
I'm a hypocrite
and a fucking coward,
but I can't
go through with this!
So let me just get this right.
Are you tryin' to tell me
that you've decided
to kill your baby?
Why is this
so important to you?
This isn't, you are.
My God, we've been
friends since...
'88, it's '96 now,
what is that?
That would be
eight and a half years.
Eight and a half
and you still suck at math.
I still suck at math,
but I am damn good
at you, Chris.
Listen to me.
Chris, I know you.
All right, I know
that if you...
I know that if you
get this abortion,
you are not gonna be able
to live with yourself.
All I'm asking you
is to please think
about what you're doing.
Think about it?
I'm 10 weeks.
10 weeks already!
How long you
want me to think?
You get this abortion,
and I swear to you,
you are on your own.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for our sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now
and at the hour
of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee...
Excuse me, honey.
What's your name?
You're not going in there
to have an abortion, are you?
honey, come here.
Look, this is
my daughter, Doreen.
I think Christine
might wanna hear
what you have to say.
She's young,
like you are.
Hi, Christine.
Listen, I just need you
to hear me out a minute.
I have four kids.
Now, I am not rich.
I am no super-mom,
but I am grateful for
the gifts that God has given me,
and my children
are those gifts.
Maybe you're not married,
maybe your boyfriend
won't marry you,
but, honey, your baby
shouldn't have to pay for that.
Just wait.
When you have your baby
and you hold your son
or your daughter in your arms,
that love,
that maternal instinct,
it just takes over.
It is so fierce, Christine,
it'll surprise you.
So, Doreen, tell us.
What happens to all those
mothers who beat their kids,
or abandon them,
or maybe even murder them?
Because they didn't want them
in the first place?
I guess their
maternal instincts
just didn't
click in like yours, huh?
Hi, I'm Frances.
I'm here to escort you
into the clinic. Come on...
Christine, she's just trying
to distract you!
Christine, we can help
you keep your baby!
We can help you financially,
we'll set you up!
Hey, ladies, excuse me!
I thought this
was America!
Just get back!
Christine, you're already
a mother, just like me!
I carry my baby in my arms,
you carry yours inside you!
Are you all right?
Okay, come on.
That's all we can do.
We tried to stop her.
And pray...
She's coming in
for a follow-up.
Are you still thinking about
coming in full day Fridays?
I hope not.
Shameeka, do me a favor.
Call my car alarm guy,
and tell him my alarm
is still not working right.
Dr. Thompson, we've gotta talk
about tomorrow's schedule
before you leave.
this is Christine.
Hi, Christine.
Fill this one out,
and the other one tells you
about our procedures.
You guys make it impossible
for me to clear the schedule.
WoWell, I don't wanna come in
full day Fridays.
WoAll right, Christine.
I'm gonna take your
temperature now, open up.
There you go.
You'll be fine.
We're just gonna
have you rest.
WoWell, I guess
what I'm not clear about is
if you're here because
you wanna be
or if someone's
pressuring you.
I'm not being pressured.
I wanna be here.
I mean, I don't actually
wanna be here.
I'm just a little confused.
That's okay.
It's all right.
Let's just go
over the options again.
All right.
The women outside
kind of yelled something
about the expenses.
They could take care
of expenses.
Okay, in all fairness,
they have been able
to provide some women
with baby supplies
and a place to live temporarily.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
Well, are
your parents around?
Have you tried
to talk to them?
You know, they're, um...
They're really strict
Irish Catholic,
and I'm, um...
I'm one of five kids.
I'm the good kid,
so they tell me.
Yeah. That is a lot
of pressure, isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah, it's
a lot of pressure.
What about the relationship
that caused the pregnancy?
He's married.
He's concerned about
his wife finding out,
and that's about it.
It's so not fair,
it doesn't seem fair at all.
He goes about his life and
I'm here making this decision,
and I just, um...
I'm having a hard time
thinking about
the baby being
ripped out of me.
'Cause they said
that it can feel it,
feel the hurt.
Is that...
Can it?
Look, Christine.
I know that's what
the people outside are saying,
and I've asked the same question
to the medical people I trust,
and they say
that it's not true.
They say there is
no pain involved
in a first trimester abortion,
none at all.
This is hard.
I know it is.
It's very hard.
And it's my job to help you
be clear on your decision.
Oh, shit. You know,
I can't believe
we fell for that huge
demonstration story today.
We were ready
for 'em, too.
I had 150 people ready
to come down here
at a moment's notice.
That's why they
call 'em rumors.
They probably planned it
that way jut to watch us jump.
I know.
That one's a baby herself.
Her husband brings her
down this morning.
There were three other
kids in the car.
You know the clinic director,
She was telling me they took
Dr. Thompson to lunch one day.
That must've been
something special.
What happened?
They couldn't convince her,
she couldn't convince them.
It is so weird.
They say hello every morning,
they wave goodbye.
Huh? How people manage
to coexist.
It is weird.
I'll do this.
I couldn't
go through with it.
It's okay.
Take your time.
Think about it.
We'll pray for you,
Pray for me?
I didn't do it.
She didn't do it!
Call us.
If we can help you,
we can give you baby clothes
and a crib and a stroller. Here.
Oh, thank God.
Thank God.
It's not Friday yet.
See you tomorrow.
How's your baby,
She's fine,
Dr. Thompson.
Good afternoon,
Next weekend?
Yeah, but I didn't think
the house was gonna be done
until July, Mom.
Is that right,
you have five?
Five outdoor ceiling fans.
That's really great.
I'm glad I know that they were
a fun thing for you to buy.
No, go get your door,
it's okay.
I'll, um...
I'll talk to you
some other time.
I just wanted to see
if you were doing all right,
and you are.
I'm glad.
Yeah, me, too.
Okay, bye.
Hey, Chris!
Yeah, oh, hi.
I saw your blueprints,
they look amazing!
Hey, hey, Chris,
you made it!
Good, how are you?
Wanna go back
and play some quarters?
There you go.
Whoa, Chris.
All right. You ever
try this bed downstairs?
You ever try this bed?
What is this?
This is the lumpiest bed.
What are you doing?
Seriously, just lie back--
You think you're
gonna get lucky?
Wait a second.
Wait. You wanna
play some pool?
Come on,
let's go play some pool.
Come on over here.
I can kick
your ass in pool.
Calling Chris.
You are wanted
on the pool table,
for an ass-kicking--
Good night.
Where are you going?
No, it's too early for bed.
Come here.
You are pushing
your luck, my friend.
Are you sure?
Can I come with you?
You wish!
Come on!
Some other time.
Are you sure?
All right.
Yeah, I'm wasted.
Whoa. Oh.
Hi, friend.
Hi, sweet friend of mine.
Oh, boy.
You know...
Tonight... Tonight,
when I was in the bathtub...
I looked down,
I looked at my stomach,
I looked pregnant.
What are you
talking about?
I definitely look pregnant
when I'm naked.
I look pregnant
'cause I, uh...
chickened out.
Yeah, I chickened out,
I'm definitely gonna
go back tomorrow.
I'm gonna go back tomorrow.
Why are you even
telling me this?
Excuse the shit out of me
for being a little confused.
I'm just a little
confused over here.
I'm not always right.
I don't always
have the right answer.
That's bullshit.
That's bullshit!
You know exactly what to do!
You just won't accept it!
And that's why you are
so damn confused
all of the time!
That's right!
That's right, girlfriend!
I'm so screwed!
I'm screwed for screwing
the nutty professor.
Is that right?
Patti, I made a mistake!
I made one hell
of a big mistake!
Could you forgive me
for making a mistake, friend?
My fucking best friend,
could you forgive me
for making a mistake?
Oh, I don't want
your snotty rag.
It's not snotty,
I just got it out of my pocket.
Come on...
Your nose is snotty.
Could you help me?
Could you throw away
your morals for once?
Could you just throw them away
and help me?
It's cool.
It's cool?
I'll be there for you.
What is going on?
Oh, God.
Okay, look.
This looks way too intense,
maybe we should
come back tomorrow.
No, I can't. I can't.
Let's just get it
over with, all right?
WoOur job here is to protect
patients and staff...
What are you
doing here, honey?
Honey, what are
you doing here?
We talked about this yesterday.
We told you, please!
Let's talk about it!
You should go.
Let her through!
Give her a hand!
Help her through!
Help her through!
Come on, let's go!
The girl's goin' through
enough already.
It's Frances.
I need some help out here!
If you get an abortion,
you are still a mother.
You're just the mother
of a dead baby!
Go, go.
Why don't you
go help her?
Did you ever ask yourself
if this is good Christian way
to make a living?
Do you ever
think about that?
No, I don't.
I'm Jewish.
God, they're bold.
Are you all right?
Come on, let's go on back.
Let us through! We've got you.
We've got you. You're all right.
I'll pray for all of you,
that you're heading
straight to hell!
This is a house of murder!
They are doing
murder in this house!
In the name of the Lord,
I will not stop--
Don't worry, sweetie.
We are not gonna
let them in here.
We have got the law
on our side, don't worry.
Why don't you
come with me.
There's room in the back
where you can lay down
until you relax a little.
Can he come with me, please?
I can't go without him!
Of course he can
go with you.
Why don't you go with her
until she feels better.
I'll show you where.
You're okay, sweetheart.
You're all right.
Dorothy just called.
She couldn't get through
the barricades, she went home.
All right,
at least she called.
I would never let
anything happen.
She's just scared.
It's ridiculous out there.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
I got her.
Burn in hell,
you baby killer!
Stop her!
Jesus... People!
Baby killer!
Hey, get off my car!
This situation is
completely out of control!
These people are
within their rights.
Their rights?
What about my rights?
They come to my house,
bother my children in school!
God damn it!
That's Dr. Thompson.
Yeah, she's a tough lady.
She flies twice a week
to this clinic up north
that's always
got picketers.
WoGreat, now
the 6.00 news is here,
All right, Shameeka,
have everybody call home.
Let people
know they're okay.
My mother is
gonna have a heart attack
if she sees this on TV.
I'm telling you,
it's gonna get worse
now that the cameras are here.
Dr. Thompson?
Dr. Thompson,
are you all right?
Yeah, Marcia,
I'll be right there.
Are you going to be with me
in this struggle?!
Our cause is just!
Our consciences are clear!
These people are crazy.
They're not crazy.
I mean, that guy might be
a little radical,
but their overall
concept is right.
Excuse me?
Then what the hell
are you doing in here?
Listen to what
this young woman has to say
to each and every one of you!
Her urgent message!
I'm here to represent
the young women of this country.
God forgive us for taking
roles that aren't ours to take!
May he break the curse of
independence in women's hearts!
If you do those deep breathing
exercises, they'll help.
Hi, Christine,
I'm Dr. Thompson.
I'm gonna be doing
the procedure this morning.
Here, Marcia.
First I have to listen
to your little heart.
Let me warm this up.
Mmm, it's beating.
Okay, take a deep breath.
All right, again.
Okay, great, lay back.
Okay, now's when
I get nervous.
That's okay, honey,
it's so normal,
It's perfectly normal,
If one of us
has to be nervous,
better you than me, right?
She's too funny.
Can I ask you a question?
With all that
you have to deal with,
why do you
still do this?
Because I remember
what it was like
when it was illegal for women
to make this decision.
I don't ever wanna see
those days come again.
And also when
a woman comes to me
and says she doesn't know
what she would've done
without my help,
I know I'm doing
the right job.
Okay, schooch down, hon.
Come on.
What is that they say?
You can never be
too rich, too thin,
or too close
to the end of the table.
I'm gonna explain everything
as we go along,
so there'll be
no surprises.
I'm gonna
put in the speculum.
It's a little cold.
I tried to warm it up.
You mean to tell me
that you think that
that 12-year-old
I had in here last week,
should've had that baby?
She could've given her baby
up for adoption.
Oh, yeah,
right, girlfriend.
You know what?
You are living
in a fantasy world.
'Cause just the other day
I was thinkin',
what a big demand there is
for little black babies.
All right, I'm gonna
take this swab
and dip it
in disinfectant...
You're okay.
...and swab the area.
Who will control
the minds of our children
for the next 100 years?
That is the struggle that is
before us today, people!
And we cannot let
the armies of death triumph!
We must win this war!
All right.
You're gonna feel
a little stick.
Listen, I see this
all the time.
You people, you come in here,
you get your abortion,
and the next day you're back
out there on the line!
That's a completely
inappropriate conversation
to be having in here.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you.
I was just looking
for the restroom.
It's right
down the hall.
Yes, of course, it is.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
If you'd arrest
all the fags and lesbians,
this would all be over!
Fuck you,
you redneck, asshole!
What are you
studying in school?
My uncle's an architect.
He just helped me
redo my bungalow.
He's so sweet. He put
one of those skylights
in my bedroom.
Let's go,
come on!
You have no right!
Take some deep breaths
now, okay?
That's it,
you're doing really well.
You're gonna hear
a suction machine.
You might hear a little noise,
don't be scared.
Break it up!
You're doing really well.
We're almost over.
Okay, it's all done,
and you came through it
like a trooper.
It's over.
Oh, my God!
Did I shoot you?
I didn't mean to shoot you.
I'm sorry.
Shit, I didn't mean to hurt you.
Are you all right?
I didn't mean to hurt you.
I'm sorry. You got blood--
Oh, my God.
She's been shot.
The doctor's been shot!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.