Igla (1988) Movie Script

At 12 in the afternoon,
he walked out on the street...
and went to the side
of the station.
Nobody knew,
where he was going.
Not even himself.
[Kino - A star named the sun]
White snow,
grey ice
on the cracked earth
She wears the patched blanket
The city inside a circular road
And above the city float clouds,
blocking the heavenly light.
And above the city -
golden smoke
The city has for 2000 years
been living under the
light of the star
named the sun
And two thousand years - war
war without special reasons
war - business of the young,
medication against wrinkles
Red-red blood:
After an hour -
is no more than plain earth,
after two -
covered in flowers and grass,
after three -
it came back to life
Warmed by the rays of light
named the sun
And we know, how it always was,
what fate is strongest,
who lives by other rules,
and who dies young
He doesn't remember the word
"yes" and the word "no",
He doesnt remember rank, or name,
And can reach to the stars,
Don't assume, that it is a dream
that fell burning from the star
named the sun
I cant hear a thing.
From Moscow.
Yes. Father is in Moscow
Let's meet up.
Ah. Listen,
My money will run out.
Allright, bye.
Bye-bye, kiss.
Bye. Bye.
And now we will tell you a
sad story
But don't forget to pay
while it lasts.
Who is it? What do you want?
Is Spartak home?
Your Spartak is nowhere around,
And why you ring the bell like that?
Always those hooligans.
Stinking up the doorstep.
Trampling, Smoking like chimneys. Well, get
the hell out of here! Come on, go, get lost!
Go look for him, damn it! Go away, go
for a walk, you are stinking up this place!
It's time you were introduced
to other young people that
are very unpleasant
As they are always
somewhere else
Where is Spartak?
I don't know. Somewhere
wandering around.
And who are you?
Can I pass him a message?
Hey, quickly -
go to the elevator!
We must check the pressure.
Do you hear?
Well, what, are you death?
- Spartak?
- Uh?
I've been meaning to tell you
for a long time,
There is two kinds of people
in this world:
There's the ones - sitting on pipes,
and the others, that need the money.
You are sitting on the pipe.
I dont have money.
Where did you disappear to?
I was looking for you.
Everywhere, I looked everywhere
and for such a long time.
And now i dont have the money.
Let's meet tomorrow, in the "Parliament" -
We'll come up with a solution.
- What time?
- At 7:37.
And where there is a heart,
there will be love...
another case
Its necessary to meet a
charming young girl
- Look its her, there.
- Thanks.
Do you shoot everything?
I shoot.
Listen, I don't have anywhere to live.
May I stay in your country house?
A couple of days.
No not in the cottage - dad died,
and I sold it.
I'm sorry.
It's ok. I got over it.
And you really have
nowhere to live?
Just don't open the door for anyone,
and don't come near the telephone.
In case you leave early -
call: 22-34-00.
You want
me to kill him?
For him they wont give me
more than ten years of prison
- I will do the time and come back
- You what!
You'ld better kill me
just don't torture me
grab them!
Hold these men!
He will live anyway
It's me
Quite, just be quite
Look for him! He doesnt
like our sheepskin coats!
And there's more he doesn't like!
The loudmouth!
Don't beat me
- I thought that you were sleeping.
- Hello.
Let's go and drink tea.
Hello companions...
You changed.
Why have you come?
To look after you.
- So, let's go?
- No.
Not today.
- Why not?
- Just because. Go away.
- I'll explain you later.
- I won't be able to later.
Come tomorrow.
So go, please, get out.
- Whats with you?
- Come on, go away. Go, come tomorrow.
Go away.
Go back into the room!
- Who was that?
- Nobody.
Well, my former classmate.
What other classmates do you have?
There is no need for secrecy.
Oh well, ok.
Just some guy.
What are you doing?!
Never heat the fireplace!
I don't understand.
Does it look like it's
about love?
And that it is
for love
that you give away your
your happiness
Good night.
We don't perceive love
as a delight
But like something much
more normal than delight
The next morning
On the air with radio Alma-Ata.
Hello. Sorry,
Who is this?
The hospital?
No, thank you.
I made a mistake, sorry. Sorry.
Did something happen?
- You don't want to tell me anything?
- No.
Absolutely nothing?
I decided to go away, Dina. Well?
- So, goodbye.
- That's all?
And when are you planning on leaving
Hmm... Today!
So, what should I tell you?
Well, think!
I told you already.
"Goodbye" and that's all - hello?
Soo. And, how are
we feeling today?
Aha. Well, see today
a bit better, a bit better.
Dina! Why is this person
without proper clothing?
Allright, I understand.
Come on, go away.
You can't stay here.
That person is strict?
If you don't go away,
I will get in trouble.
- So, who is that?
- It's not important.
Go away, do you hear me?
What do you mean "not important"?
Do you have something special with him?
That was Arthur Yusupovitsh, surgeon.
Listen, is he fucking you, what?
And, why you don't answer me? Fucking?
Tell me: "Yeah, he fucks me".
Go to hell.
- Hey. Wait.
- Stop.
- That's all.
- I said go away.
- Let go of me!
- That's all.
Is he fucking you?
You look very nice in this hat.
It's time to go to a cafe
Where the guy
who is always late
will have an appointment
with his friend
Play this.
What is that?
Is it raining?
It's raining.
Summer rain!
- Turn off the light.
- Let's do it, quickly!
There you go.
Clear the room.
Disappear from here!
One moment.
How do you like my new kids?
Off the record. I expect
a lot from them.
Oh. I see.
Choose to show yourself my old
trustworthy friend...
Party group "Mora".
So where was I?
- About life and the soul of a man.
- Yes.
That is indeed terrible,
when someone elses soul enters
into your own body.
This game, the fight with greedy
people. Well, shall we begin?
I came from America
on a green broom.
The broom broke,
It stayed on the wagon.
Does this mean you see a ball?
When you take the ball -
To the restaurant you will go.
Little Alik, you take -
And you will go nowhere.
Do you want it, take it, You want
it, take it. You want it, take it.
Where is the ball? Guess.
- Both.
- Haha.
Guys, come to reason!
I am not a waiter.
Remember, Archimedes.
Once and for all:
I don't have reason,
I only have nerves.
- And?
- Yes.
- Salaam, my dear friend.
- Hello.
- I missed you so much.
- Well, me too...
Hey, Fu... Ouch!
Let's go.
Quiet, quiet. Relax.
Yeah see, you understand, I waited...
waited, stould there...
For you it wasn't...
No! No!
Well now, stop it you!
Why do you fight!
Ok, get on with it,
But don't get carried away!
What's going on?
Where is Epstein?
We don't care.
Epstein is gone.
Very good...
Young people, youth.
Beautiful, beautiful...
And what kind of fellow are you?
Who are you?
The young.
Who asked you?
Who asked you?
You really don't understand, that
it is - not your buisiness?! And?!
What is with you, brother?!
Just don't touch me!
Don't touch! Did you understand?!
It's not your buisiness!
I need everybody, damn it!
I nee you!
You! You! You!
I need everybody!
What shall become of me?
You know perfectly well,
that I owe them?
But first you owe me
Collect the money.
50 roubles - in banknotes.
There is nowhere I can hide.
And there is no way out,
do you inderstand?
I will tell them everything -
What you are, where you are from...
where you are.
They will get you.
Come on, let's have it.
And the money I will send you
by telegraph.
To my former address, right?
I will find you myself.
\This was the news
I forgot to give it back.
Good, That you came back.
So, tell me what happened.
You know, Arthur is good.
Once for new year
brought me a christmas tree.
And I still remember the smell.
We decorated it together.
I laughed so much.
She got up to go shooting again.
- After he got me into the clinic.
- ...he got hooked on the needle.
He made a storage in the appartment.
So, and?
When father died, I...
I moved all the sculptures from
the studio, took down the books
Then one time I approach the
aquarium and look...
Listen, one thing I don't get:
Whats with the sunglasses?
So I don't show the
colour of blood.
So. It's clear,
the fish have died.
Allright. So what can we do?
Take me away from here.
Ok, we will go somewhere together.
To the sea.
Do you remember, how nice we
had it there?
Bom bom tili
Now that's something else
Everyone says, that we are
Everyone says, but not many
know, what it means
But from our pipes comes
a strange smoke
Stop: Danger zone -
cerebral effort
You don't have cheap smokes?
Then I will switch to "Camel"!
Did you not understand me?
Come on, give me!
So tell me, without sunglasses
it wasn't so hard was it?
Stupid girl.
Besides that you are stupid -
you can not even cook.
She's sleeping.
That same evening
Where are the ampoules?
Scientists proclaim, that scorpions -
are the oldest species on earth.
3 years ago
I didn't see them here.
Had you seen any, Din?
Two weeks later
What date is it today?
Two weeks have passed.
So, how are we feeling today?
Well, today a little better,
a little bit better.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm warm and stuffy.
I'm going to the sea, to swim.
And where is the team?
Are you sleeping?
This evening we will
leave from here.
I'm going out for a short while.
You will be alone, OK?
Don't open.
Is Dina home?
This one.
Don't go!
He will come back.
I'll be back soon.
What are you standing there,
What were you thinking of
A happy tune jingles -
It calls us to dance
Hurry up, this song brands,
She burned everything
around us
And, if the heart is singing,
We don't need words there
I call you, you listen to
your song
So smile, a little easier!
Why dream about the spring?
Why wish upon,
that she may sleep?
It changes completely
Your lonesome smile
Hurry up, this song brands
She burned everything around
When the heart sings,
Nobody needs words here
I call you, listen to
your song
So smile, a little easier!
Archimed, pass me the yoghurt.
Wait here.
Come here. Come.
Come, come, come.
Hi. Hold this.
I've come.
Do you know...
These two, there, in the bar - Epstein
and that one, who disturbed me...
They used to be my men.
Do you understand?
I only wanted to play you.
So I was nuts,
or what? Hah!
For me!
Forward! Now I will carry
out the order here!
Come see me here!
Whenever you want to hang out!
We're all here for you now,
Fuck, we'll build! We'll enforce!
We'll make it happen!
Forward, and forwards only!
And then - up, and
then - back down!
From here we will command!
Every man here - is "a loner",
But all men together - makes "us"!
We can trust each other here!
Everyone - is selfmade:
Independance -
It's my prerogative!
I - the community,
that is free...
To make it possible to exist!
There will be no leader!
There will be only one thought.
In all of our body!
The idea
of existence...
of the real!
Of the self!
Life is not about the conscious,
life is in the subconscious!
We shall free ourselves!
And after - back!
"The conservation of time" -
That is our motto!
But we closed it!
You have not been worthy of
my good faith.
And you, neither have you!
I no longer trust you!
I don't trust myself.
To fall and to rise?
No! To lay down, once fallen!
Dear friend!
I was on your side!
Now our companionship will end!
Thats the way it goes.
This is not the purpose of life
The purpose is that
brain hurts, I don't know
what else, I'm tired
Look at him.
Hey, brother!
Slow down.
- We need to talk.
- Lets go to the side.
Let's go.
Apart from that my ship
has not returned
but that our buisiness
is great!
The animals will perish!
Nobody will be rescued!
And, so where is the glass?
Which glass?
Why are you acting the fool?
People are waiting.
Children, I don't know you.
What is it you need?
We need the glass.
- For the windows?
- Don't joke with us!
In ten minutes the glass
will be here.
And if not, then we will continue
our conversation differently.
And what means "different"?
Good is he who chases the empty truck.
Hey, hey!
Thirteen damnations!
Oh, doctor Ajbolit...
Thank you, my friends!
You saved me from
the nasty bandit...
He wanted to throw me
into the abyss...
The horrid abyss.
Doktor Ajbolit!
Doktor Ajbolit,
I wasnt late!
Bravo, Pantalone!
Bravissimo! Bravo!
Bravissimo, Pantalone!
Viva los portes!
Bravo, bravo.
Indoture! Indoture.
Bon diorno, senor Pantalone.
Bon diorno, senor Pantalone.
Bon diorno, senori.
Como esta, senor Pantalone?
Como esta-a, senor Pantalone?
Stomali! Stomalissimo!
O maldi testa...
I even dont know how to talk
with you.
As you think, that I started
all of this.
Nothing depends on me.
They demand it every day.
Every day!
It's necessary to struggle.
We are two now -
It will be easier for us.
You are a good man.
Of that I am certain.
Think about it, and
Dina we made it out, just
you and me.
You have to understand
these things.
El arriva los portes!
You are going?
This time for long...
I will inform with the elders.
Hello? Hellooo?
I will come now.
Do you mind me smoking?
Warm place, the street is
for our footprints
On the boots
A soft arm chair,
checkered plaid,
Not pressed in a hurry.
Sunny day
In dazzling dreams
Blood group on my sleeve
My serial number on my sleeve
Wish me luck in the battle
Wish me...
Not to stay in this place
Not to stay in this place
Wish me luck
Wish me...
So what more can you want
So OK!
There is a way to pay,
But I don't want
Victory at all cost
I don't want to
step with my foot on
anyones chest
I would like to stay with you
Just to stay with you
But the star high in the sky
calls me to the road
Blood type on my sleeve
My serial number on my sleeve
Wish me luck in the battle
Wish me...
Not to stay in this place
Not to stay in this place
Wish me luck
Wish me...
Take account of this sportive
optimistic notification.
We ended the movie.