Ijakumo: The Born Again Stripper (2022) Movie Script

[women singing folksong]
Ifym is in the great beyond
He'll soon be back
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
ds, the ancient is
In the great beyond
He'll soon be back
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
[Asabi] Well done!
-Elderly father is in the great beyond
-[Asabi] Good job.
[Asabi] Well done.
He'll soon be back
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
[woman 1] Welcome!
Thank you for being humane.
[women continue singing]
ds, the ancient is in the Beyond
He'll soon be back
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
-Ifym is in the great beyond.
He'll soon be back.
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
-sb's father is in the great beyond
He'll soon be back
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
ds, the ancient is in the great
[woman 2] What's good
for the goose is good for the gander.
One will not show devotion
to the gods and not be favored.
[all] That's right! So shall it be!
-sb's father is in the great beyond
He'll soon be back.
Inner caucus member is in the beyond
[female singer]
Come out en masse and see!
She's finally here
She arrived with riches
She's here with charms
She came with war
The valiant woman
sb, the fire!
sb, the dreadful!
The one on whose head is praise
Splitting lands and trees
Crowned with thick strands of locks
sb oh!
Rise up!
The sharp-witted one
An elephant is beyond being described
as something seen in a jiffy.
Its presence is indisputable
One with a fearsome appearance
She whose presence causes trembling
Skillful artist.
Ant infested wood
The flame-eyed leopard
With its terrifying gait
No out-group dares look
the leopard in the eye
Oil in the native lamp that burns
The stinging nettle
ever ready for action
With her fearful and blazing eye
She embodies terror
She is the flame-eyed who spews fire
There is no convenient handle
It stings all over
[Asabi English] What do you have for me?
[man] My agency has provided
the finest specimen of beauty and body.
Allow me to introduce Temi.
She's 22, from Nigeria
She speaks fluent French and Spanish.
The array of women I have
[In English] Let me just show you
what we're working with here. [laughing]
Absolute beauty. Look at that! [laughing]
Look at the butts.
[man] Yes, beautiful.
We have Ajua. She's 25, from Nigeria.
Speaks some French. Plays some tennis.
Great body.
Look at that. Oh, yes God is good.
-[man laughs]
-Too close to home.
-[man] Okay. Next we have Sharon.
[man] Sharon is 25
and she's an athlete in school.
She hails from Uganda.
A bit of trouble because
her father took a loan from a mobster.
He couldn't pay back.
So now she works as a stripper
for the mobster in Kampala.
Very willing to come back home
but she's not too experienced.
Alright, we have Chinasa.
She's 22, hails from Lagos,
speaks fluent English, a bit of cycling.
Er, also she's based in America.
Yes, the US, but is willing to come home.
-[man] Yes.
-No. FBI
Can you take me back to Sharon?
Sharon? Okay.
Sharon from Uganda.
I want Sharon.
Mama, I think Temi
-[man] Tell me you think Temi
-is the best.
I think we should go with Temi.
No. I want Sharon.
Mama! She isn't capable of Who is Sharon?
Look at Temi. Such a hottie.
She was trained by me!
This Sharon girl is incompetent.
But Temi She's
I've given you opportunity
twice and you all failed.
Now please let me do my thing.
There is something about Sharon.
and our souls are on the wing
We are going by and by to the palace
of our King. Glory to God, Hallelujah
We are going by and by
To the palace of our King
Glory to God, Hallelujah!
[instrumental beats]
[In English] I can't see you dance! Shout!
[congregation cheering, clapping]
Now I want us to give the almighty
God a shout and a raving hallelujah!
[congregation screaming] Hallelujah!
-[congregation] Amen.
Children of God, have your seat.
-[female voice] Thank you, Pastor.
-[male voice in crowd] Well done, sir.
The final blessing.
[congregation cheering]
Some of you are here today,
and you have said to yourself,
"Lord, I want to give my best.
[female voice in crowd] Yes sir!
I want to give my all.
I want to give you my account balance."
[female voice in crowd] Yes sir!
Some of you have said,
"Lord, I want to empty my treasury."
-[congregation cheering, clapping]
-[voice in crowd yells] Yes!
If you have your dollars,
-and you want to sow that seed,
-[male voice in crowd] Amen!
from the bottom of your heart,
step forward and lay it at the altar.
[musical beats]
[congregation cheers, claps]
-[pastor] Hallelujah!
-That was a very powerful ministration. I
I need to tell you that you took us
from the physical to the realm of spirit.
As a matter of fact,
you took us to heaven.
-God bless you.
-[woman chuckling] Amen!
God bless you.
[Mary] I'm just His vessel, sir.
[Mary] Praise God. [sighs]
So are you here to talk
about the Abuja administration?
No sir. Something else.
I don't know
how to put this sir, but I need your help.
I need some money, sir.
-My sister, Irene
-[Olajide sighs]
I know I never told anybody this
but she has lupus.
-[melancholic music playing]
[voice breaking] All the money I make,
everything I have has gone
to her health and her up-keep.
[melancholic music plays]
This morning, I came a bit late
to church because she had another crisis.
[inhales] Daddy, I saw life
leaving my sister.
[Olajide] Hmm.
You're the last
and only hope I have please.
I'm going to stop you right there.
Because as you began to speak,
the Spirit of God started to direct me.
I started opening the scripture.
-[Mary] Hallelujah.
-I didn't even know where I was going to.
-I want to give it to you to read it out.
Because that's the word
of God for you this season.
Psalms Chapter 146, verse 3
Okay. [pants]
[stutters] "Put not
your trust in Princes."
"Nor in the son of man,
[Olajide] Hallelujah.
in whom there is no help."
[Olajide] Hmm.
In the context
of what you just read, who am I?
[sobbing] A human.
-What can I do for you?
-[Mary sighs]
Nothing sir. [exhales]
Who is capable to do
exceedingly above what you want.
[Mary sighs] God.
So in whom would you put your trust?
-[sobbing] God.
-[Olajide] Hallelujah.
-Daddy, I have tried. I prayed. I fasted
-Sister Mary!
-Now, I wanna share a testimony with you.
You see, ever since
I answered the call of God
I do not recall ever taking
any medication, any drugs. You know why?
It's not because I'm Superman.
-It's because I trust solely in God.
-[woman 3] Excuse me sir.
-Excuse me sir.Your drug sir.
-My what?
-Your drug.
It's 2:00pm already.
So you needed to take your drug.
-Oh, my vitamins!
-Yeah! Yes sir.
-Yes, my vitamins. Thank you.
-Yes sir.
RightUmm[tuts] This is very good.
Thank you very much. Because of You know
Preaching and my voice
I need to[inhales] take vitamins.
You should use
vitamins because you sing too.
-You're in the choir.
-Yes sir.
You have to use vitamins.
[lively music playing]
[car door opens]
[car door closes]
[car door dings]
[tense music plays]
[inhales] My elders,
I didn't realize that I was
going to meet the whole syndicate.
-[elder sneers]
We didn't expect to leave
our primary responsibilities
to come and listen to your indiscretions.
[in Igbo] Do you hear me?
[in English] My indiscretions?
-[elder 1] Look at him. Give it to him.
-[elder 2 hisses]
[elder 1] Look at it really well.
[elder 1] You see
the expenditure column, [in Igbo] right?
Do you see it?
Yeah [clears throat] I see it's um
One point five billion.
[exclaims] One point five billion,
in two weeks? [in Yoruba] What is it?!
Are you rebuilding the Garden of Eden?
I apologize, but um, I[inhales]
If we take time to look
at the same column, you'd realize that
in the last two weeks,
we raked in about three billion.
Shut up there!
Who asked him?
Shut up!
Shut that your maggot-infested mouth.
That was because we
took money from other sources,
so that we could, you know,
clean up and launder her money.
I apologize, Chief.
But then again,
the money was put to wise use.
Used wisely?
Olajide, [in Hausa] are you a fool?
[in English] Okay. Now, tell me, what's
your own definition of wisdom, Olajide?
Because of me, I mean, buying of
Range Rovers, Rolls Royce and beach house
[stutters] Wait a minute.
You bought a beach house! Beach?!
[in Hausa] What!
[elder 1] Stupid man!
I understand
that this sum looks outrageous
but please, hear me out.
I didn't buy
it out of vanity or frivolities,
I bought it because it's an investment.
So, bottom-line, I'm investing.[inhales]
You see, when I take a picture
in the Range Rover or the Rolls Royce,
or in the beach house,
[inhales] and I post on social media,
I know you're not on social media but
how it works is, I post such nice pictures
and then, the comments come in,
in the hundreds, the likes, the follows.
And all these things are the things
that people want to see
that make them go to the churches.
I mean, they go to all the branches
because of what they see.
It's how this business is run.
[inhales] Now,
I promise, [scoffs] it wasn't anything
vanity and God sees my heart.
[woman 4] God? [scoffs]
-Who is your God, Olajide?
-[suspenseful music plays]
[tense music continues to play]
Let me help you.
The boy from a no-name street in Abeokuta.
Drenched in seven generations of poverty.
Reeking with it.
When you prayed
to your divine being in the sky,
did it change your fortunes?
Olajide, I changed your fortunes.
I put you on a pedestal to shine.
So I ask you
one more time, Who is your God?
Answer! [echoing]
You are my God.
You've been weighed,
measured, judged, and found wanting.
You'll move to Ajangbadi branch
and the Pastor
there will take over your branch.
[Olajide] Madam, please!
Please, don't move me from
the church. This project is my brainchild.
Please, [stutters] I can't
[yells] Quiet!
Bow before your God! [echoing]
Think I wanna
have time for this stupidity?
You took an oath!
I'll let this go.
But the next time, your
silliness outweighs your appreciation,
I will strip you of everything.
And return you to twenty years
ago, to the vermin that you were.
[tense beats playing]
[woman 4] Who is your God!
You are my God
You swore an oath to this!
I will strip you of everything.
And return you to twenty years ago,
to the vermin that you were.
Bow before your God! [echoing]
[upbeat music playing]
[upbeat music continues playing]
[woman] yes
I want to have a private dance with her.
I'm sorry sir.
Four people have put a bill on her.
I don't care. I'll put
one million on her, one million naira.
Congratulations, sir. Shes yours tonight.
[Olajide] Thank you.
[Olajide] Hello, Gorgeous.
[woman sighs] Hi, Stranger.
[exhales heavily]
My name is not Stranger.
And Gorgeous isn't mine.
-[woman exhales]
-[Olajide exhales]
How did you get this past security?
Weapons aren't allowed in here.
Weapon? Oh, no. That's that's a gift.
Looks like a gun to me.
-Oh yeah! Fair enough, shoots like a gun.
-[woman chuckles]
It wants to shoot you.
You talk too much
for a man that should just
close his eyes and breath. [moans]
-[woman moaning]
-[Olajide sighs]
Cant touch.
Cant taste.
Cant caress.
House rules.
What's your price?
I don't have one.
Oh, come on. Everyone has a price.
[woman moans]
That's the second time
you're missing my name.
I am not Everyone.
Session's over.
Hey, I'll give you half a million naira.
-[woman laughs]
-Okay, one million.
Okay, just name your price.
Come on, name your price.
Whatever you want, I'll give you.
I'm not leaving here without you.
[mmh] Too bad.
Bye, Stranger. [giggles]
You can't turn me on
and go like that. Come on.
-What? [pants]
-Ah! Mary?
No, no, it's okay. It's me!
-It's me.
[Up beat music plays]
[in Yoruba] My Darling,
[in English] I've been trying to call you.
-[Olajide panting]
-[woman exhales]
-[woman exhales]
-[upbeat music plays]
-[car engine revving]
[Olajide] Good morning, Chioma.
New development. I need you to send
or rather, I need you
to add Sharon's name, sorry, Mary's name
to the pastor's care list.
Also, send her half a million naira.
And ask about her
sister's health care and the cost,
and sort that out.
Okay, sir. I'll do that
after I email the delegates, sir.
-Email the delegates?
-Yes, sir.
No, Chioma.
You will do what I've asked you to do.
Then after that,
you will send an email to the delegates.
-Okay, sir. Yes sir.
This is an instruction from God.
-I heard Him say it.
-[music playing]
Okay, sir.
[breathes heavily]
This is more than you offered!
Because you succeeded where others failed.
I have not even completed your job
and I can already pay my father's debt.
Yes. I'll enter into character.
Now, let me talk like a Nigerian.
I have not even completed your job
and I can already pay my father's debt.
Thank you.
Now listen,
you will even get more than this.
I will make sure you get something
that would make you
start your life all over again.
Whatever it takes.
However, I want the thumb drive.
I will not fail you.
I'll speak to you tomorrow.
[footsteps receding]
-[door closed]
-[Sharon screams]
[indistinct chattering]
I, Pastor Olajide George,
I have the biggest auditorium
in Lagos, in Nigeria.
-I will never be ridiculed. Wale, ever!
-[knock on the door]
Yes? Come in.
Daddy, good afternoon sir.
-Good afternoon.
-[laughs] Brother Wale, good afternoon.
Sister Mary, good afternoon. How are you?
Very well, thank you.
Alright, [in Yoruba] I'll give you call.
Hmm. Be careful.
Please, sit.
Thank you, sir.
Daddy, thank you so much!
Thank you!
God bless you. [in Yoruba]
You would never be put to shame.
No harm shall
befall you! Thank you very much.
In fact, words cannot describe
how happy I am. Thank you, sir.
-I don't need your words.
-[Mary laughs]
-You know what I need, Sharon.
-[Mary giggles]
-[in Yoruba] You know exactly what I want.
Mary, sir. [chuckles]
Mary, Sharon, Mary, Sharon.
Daddy, I don't quite understand you.
But you understand that you are the best.
Mm-mm, Daddy, no! Mm-mm.
-You are the best!
You are God's gift to mankind!
When I saw the alert, I was screaming
at the top of my voice like, "Ah Daddy!"
[squeals] Thank you!
I have taken Irene
to the hospital and she's getting better.
She says I should tell you big thank you.
The Lord will perfect
His healing in her life in Jesus name.
Amen! [laughs]
Thank you, sir.
-[Olajide giggles]
[in Yoruba]
Quit it. Look, we understand. Okay?
[in English] But I don't know
why you're so excited about
the money that was sent to you because
-you should make more than that
at work, in the night.
You should make more than that.
-I mean,
because you are the grace in that place.
-You bring in the light to that place.
-Wherever you are, you are light.
-You should make more than that.
Daddy, all is not as it seems.
-[Olajide] Really?
-[sighs] Mm.
I mean, a few generous tips here
and there but it's never really enough.
Hmm, it's never really enough.
So you want tomean
With all the caliber, with the caliber
of men that come to that place.
[in Yoruba] I was there,
I saw you and I spent money.
-[in English] They spent money.
Daddy, you know what they want.
And I cannot give them what they want.
What do they want?
Daddy, after all your
teachings, I should now fall prey.
[tuts] Ah!
This body,
is the temple of the holy spirit.
And this body is for,
my future husband, whoever he is.
-[Olajide sqeals]
-[Mary giggles]
Sharon! [laughing]
Daddy. [laughing]
You're making me shy.
Don't be shy.
-Daddy, thank you, sir.
-[Olajide laughs]
All these, "My body
is for my" [Olajide laughs]
-Well, it is well.
-Thank you sir.
For what you do, you shouldOh!
-Peace be to this house. Church business.
-Peace be unto you, my wife.
-Mummy, good afternoon, ma.
-Good afternoon, Sister Mary. How are you?
-Very well. You look beautiful as usual.
-Thank you.[chuckles]
-PJ [giggles]
Ah, Sister Sharon. Uuum
It's okay. Go and do
your own things and I'll see you around.
Okay sir. Bye sir. Bye Mummy.
-Bye. God bless you.
-Amen ma.
[in Yoruba] My wife.
When did Mary become Sharon?
-[in Yoruba] Did I call her Sharon?
-Mm-hmm. [tuts]
[in English]
Um, Sister Mary! Oh, she's gone.
Mary. Ignore me.
I'm just a lot on my mind.
My darling, this your smile looks
like a carry-over from last night.
-Are you here to tell me something?
I thank God for giving you the strength.
You know what they say,
"One good turn deserves another."
I'm here to surprise you
and take you for lunch.
Aww. Ah!
That means I was
fantastically great last night.
-Yes, you were.
[Yoruba traditional music plays]
[Asabi sighs]
[in Yoruba] Good afternoon, ma.
Please have mercy on me and my child.
We have not eaten
since morning. Please, help us.
Wow! Thank you very much ma.
Please wait!
My daughter wants to drum for you.
Ayanwura, beat the drum for her.
[drum beats]
[in Yoruba] Unfortunate being.
Can someone like you have a child?
-Are you God?
Mad man. You can never have
a wife not to talk of bearing a child.
-These are loads of insults!
-Listen, I'm not giving you anything.
-I'll stab you!
-[Asabi] He has killed me!
Hold it right there.
Do you think I'm here to play?
How many tribal marks are on your face?
I'll make them ten.
Can't you see my own face?
I am a regular in the prisons.
Because you had the governor's support.
But this time, you'll be there for life.
-Hold on, I'll soon give you money.
-Don't keep us waiting!
Hurry up, man!
-Whats that?
Is he the one to pay the money?
Where is my covenant drum?
Do we have a party?
-You are their leader, right?
-Yeah, The title is Kayinsoro one.
-We don't have another person yet.
-Kayinsoro, the one and only.
Kayinsoro, buddy of death itself!
Oh, this is nothing? Hold this for me.
Take it.
[indistinct chatters]
You will now start to beat
the drum and start dancing.
Now, Asabi,
Let's be on our way home.
Father, what about the drum?
My drum? It is ascribed to me.
The drum will join us at home.
Doesn't he know my place? He would die
dancing. He'll dance and won't get tired.
-Let us go.
It will not be well with you. Fools.
[men hailing] Kanyinsoro!
-Go boy!
-[drum beats]
-Oh, Wow!
-[men laughing]
Hold on guys.
One who is engaged with the pestle
does not begrudge the mortar.
One never uses the grinding stone
without getting the results intended.
The death of a child
who defies cabbage tree is inevitable.
Whoever plots evil against you,
will die before you.
-[string music playing]
-May If send them all to the grave.
-Let the chain drag them to the beyond.
So shall it be. So shall it come to pass.
Now, drink it.
-Come on, drink it up.
-Drink some water too.
You can drink water with it.
[cutlery clink]
-Mm-hmm. Good.
All of this is getting too much.
Ah, Asabi!
When you were born,
I took a look at your future.
The outcome was that you are
destined to have just one child.
Now, am I supposed to allow
the enemy to throw
the only hot coal I have away?
Don't you think my If priesthood
and my herbal expertise would be
That is why I keep on fortifying you.
[sucks teeth]
-[in Yoruba] What is it?
It's as loose as a wrapper. [laughing]
-It's not your fault.
[in Yoruba] I know it might be tough now,
[in English] but we are in this together.
[clears throat, laughs] Mm!
Yes, I will be rich and famous
but you have forgotten something.
[in English] Yes. You didn't add
the part that you'll be by my side.
Asabi, I love you.
[in English]
Even death cannot separate us.
This should help.
Ayanwura, take this for your Mom.
-Thank you, darling.
-[in Yoruba] Thank you, ma.
Please, it's okay.
[muttering indistinctly]
Ah Ah Ah!
-Ah Ah Ah!
-[female voice] Thank you, Jesus.
-Thank you Holy spirit.
-[Mary harmonizing]
-Ah Ah Ah!
-Father, I worship you.
-[crowd] -Ah Ah Ah!
-[crowd] Ah Ah Ah!
-[crowd] Ah ah ah!
-[crowd] Eh eh eh
Thank you Jesus
-The grace.
-[people shouting]
[in Yoruba] The Holy Spirit asked
me to keep quiet. So, share the grace.
[indistinct chattering]
Okay [exhales]
[upbeat music plays]
[Olajide panting]
I don't understand.
I don't want this. I want you. You!
You know what I mean.
You're asking me to cross
the line that I don't with my clients.
For a fee. I will pay.
Now, I'm a whore.
I'm not saying you're
a whore, Mary [tuts] Sharon
[in Yoruba] You're stressing me.
You're scattering my head.
In fact. No, stop. I'm older than you.
You keep doing all of this, you know,
twisting, twerking, pushing me to edge.
One step further and I'm off the cliff.
Now, you don't want
to see that side of me because
[in Yoruba] I'll have my way with you.
[in English] Look,
it's two choices, yeah, and it's simple.
I can get up now and walk away,
and I'll never come back here.
Uh. Come, let's see how bad you want me.
[Mary moans]
[Mary giggles]
[Mary moaning]
Ta-da! [laughs] I got it!
[laughs] You don't
want to see how I got it.
He was whining and grinding,
screaming my name. [laughs]
I had fun doing this.
Truthfully. I even had to
-[Mary screams]
[in Yoruba]
It fell off the rafter, flat! [grunts]
[tense music plays]
[in English] Let's go.
Wait! Did I fail?
-Don't worry about it.
-[breathes heavily]
Ma, I swear, I checked his pocket.
That's the only thing he had.
I checked more
than once. I kept on checking.
Listen, it's fine. It's not about you.
I was so stupid to think
he would take such around.
Does that mean it's in his house?
He can't allow you into his house.
I don't think I'll do anything
extra to have him invite me over.
Listen, Sharon.
You are a great exotic dancer,
but a lap dance
will not make help you break into
his house or defeat his bodyguards.
Let me put a call through to him, ma.
[Olajide tuts]
Now, three thousand
people already RSVPed to be there.
And all these are not church members.
So from email
correspondence and statistics taken,
we're expecting
about seven thousand people to show up.
And on a side note,
four out of the seven
governors we invited,
have sent their
apologies that they will not make it.
But they are sending representatives.
Which I think is
still very good for the books.
-Yes. [laughing]
-[in Hausa] That is okay.
It's very good for the books. Very good.
Because they will atone for their absence.
In doing that they are going to double the
donations that they are supposed to make.
[elder3] [in Igbo] As it should be.
-[in Igbo] Guy, you've grown.
-[all laugh]
-This boy is grown.
Indeed yes. Olajide George, you exceeded
our expectations with this project.
-[in Igbo] Yes.
-[in Yoruba] Thank you ma.
Gentlemen, in forty-eight hours, our
church would move to a realm of greatness.
-And so will our treasury.
-[all] Yes!
I feel very sorry
for that offering basket already.
[all laughing]
PJ! [moaning]
First time you're
actually calling me, I'm surprised.
[Sharon moans]
I'm the definition of madly,
desperately and crazily horny.
Oh shit!
I'm so wet
that I can drown in my own wetness.
Uh, because I'm all alone,
I think I'll go out there
to find myself a jumbo.
Big sized dildo.
[in Yoruba] Why dildo? Why use a dildo?
Do you know what I have underneath?
Baby, I'm loaded. [laughs]
I'm not just a pastor.
You know what? Just give me
some time, let me sort out a hotel
and then we can go there and relax.
No, no. [seductively]
I'd like it to be in your house.
I'd like to be pinned down,
thrusted in and out. Fierce and wild.
-On your matrimonial bed.
How do we do this now?
[in Yoruba] My wife is at home.
[in English] Don't worry.[clears throat]
I'll just go out there
to get the big sized dildo.
Thank you.
[in Yoruba] Shut your mouth.
What is with the dildo you keep saying?
It will not be well with that dildo.
What is a dildo compared to what I have?
Stop, stop! Just give
me a few minutes, I'll sort it out.
-Give me like ten minutes.
-I'll be expecting, Daddy.
[finger snaps]
[car engine starts]
-[upbeat music playing]
-Can you check if everyone has eaten?
-Thank you.
-Okay ma.
-Hello, Jumoke.
[in Yoruba] How are you?
Um, the Holy
Spirit just spoke to me now and
The Holy Spirit just spoke to me now
and told me to tell you
that we need to sanctify the house.
I don't understand.
I'm still with the Good
Women from the church.
Yeah, as I was saying,
we need to pray in the house.
I need you to just take the few things
you need then you can go somewhere,
Maybe to one of the other apartments.
[in Yoruba] It's all good. No problem.
I'll let you know once I'm done. I'll call
you and then we'll pick it up from there.
[knocks on door]
[piano plays]
[Sharon panting]
[chuckles] [kisses]
When I was at this age,
you know what I wanted to be? [sniffs]
A stripper?
[Sharon exhales]
An evangelist.
We had those small Gideon Bibles.
Hmm. The New Testament. Blue cover.
I'd read mine over a thousand
times before I was even twelve.
Who would have thought, that I'd be
as far from the church as the devil is?
Who says?
[in Yoruba] After all,
you're sleeping with the pastor.
[in English]
You're eating the work of my hands.
-You, people believe in you.
People believe God because of you.
It's because people are stupid.
[in Yoruba]
They are insane. [clears throat] [tuts]
After all, they ought to worship God.
Am I the one they are supposed to worship?
[in English] I don't understand.
There is God, there is me.
[in Yoruba] If you want to worship God,
come to church and worship Him.
[in English] I'm human.
I know that, right? But
you have everything
it takes to not be this person.
So why this life?
That, "everything it takes"
brought me nothing.
[Sharon exhales]
Okay, but
aren't you, sometimes like, scared?
I mean, God's vengeance and all?
She said, "God's vengeance." [laughs]
[in Yoruba] Which stupid vengeance?
Which nonsense vengeance?
[in English] God's vengeance?
[scoffs] [tuts]
My darling, I was nothing.
Matter of fact, a begger
had more honor than I did.
-I knew I wasn't getting that job.
-[sheep bleating]
The way the woman was looking at me.
[in Yoruba] She looked at me from
head to toe, like I was dressed in a rag.
My Love, dissociate yourself from me.
My parents died in penury.
-Wale too will leave me one day.
-[birds chirping]
Please, don't let
my misfortune rub off on you.
[In english] Please. For your own good.
Run far away from me!
Are you seeking solutions
for problems in your life?
Come before me at this very hour.
Listen, if you want to break free
Evangelist, pray for me!
-Are you ready?
-I am ready.
-You want to break free?
-I am ready sir!
God Almighty!
-Now, let me pray for you. Covenant God.
We pray for this young man.
-Be liberated!
-You are freed!
So shall it be.
What is it?
Look at that man.
Is his cloth better than mine?
Yet, he is making money.
Maybe I should do what he's doing.
Preaching the gospel and getting money.
This woman has come before you.
You are free!
-Take it out!
-Take it out!
-Take it out!
Wait, put it back!
Don't remove it anymore.
There's a reason for that.
-Please pray for me.
All challenges clinging
to this lady, drop off her body!
-Amen! Amen!
-Are you under siege or something?
Do you want to be unfortunate?
Stop bothering me!
My brother.
My sister.
I bring the gospel to you.
-Give your life to Jesus.
You won't be like those reverends.
You'll be like the Lagos pastors
that their choristers sing like Americans.
[clear throat]
[in English] Are you feeling
down and under, my brother?
Do you need
solutions and safety my sister?
Let me introduce to you, the life saving,
life-changing, destiny-resetting God.
He will polish you. He will cloak
you in his grace and his greatness.
Men will see you
and ask, "Who is your God?"
Can I get an amen?
[in Yoruba] Where did you learn all this?
From Pastor Paul David's sermons.
Brother Bayo
plays the sermon on his radio regularly.
I learnt it from there.
[laughs] You memorized it so well!
-[in English] And you delivered perfectly.
Joblessness gave me the time
to listen to radio regularly [laughs]
-I said, be liberated in Jesus name.
-Amen, in Jesus name.
-Say Amen!
-Amen in Jesus name!
-Your Amen is weak, are you crazy?
-Amen in Jesus name!
-Be liberated!
[goats bleating]
Give Him praises
Give honor to King Jesus
-Be free! [sobbing]
-Amen in Jesus name!
-I'm done for!
-Be liberated!
-Amen in Jesus name!
-Be free!
-It is done!
-Amen in Jesus name!
-It is approved in heaven!
-Amen in Jesus name!
Give Him praises
[Kayinsoro] Hey! Hey!
-[man 1] Okoro.
-[man 2] Igbo man.
-[man 1 in Yoruba] Whom do you seek?
-[man 2] How do you do?
Is this your vehicle?
He has a solid car here. A good one.
Hey! What are you doing?
It's a solid car.
What are you doing?
It will not be well with your people.
[in English] This is where I have
a problem with you Yoruba people.
This is Nigeria. It's not everybody
that understands Yoruba.
[in Yoruba] You are mentally unsound.
Make eye contact with me and talk.
Listen to me. I am Chief Ifeanyi.
-I am a chief, a titled man.
-[in Yoruba] I am not the leader.
If that's how you want to play
What do you want?
[in Igbo] what do you want?
[in Yoruba]
Look, calm down! You can't unnerve us.
-We're in our locality.
You don't speak Yoruba!
We also don't understand English.
-No, we don't!
-My name is Kayinsoro.
What do you people want?
You are stubborn and we'll let you know.
-Your payment is a hundred thousand naira.
-He doesn't change.
[pastor] Come.
-You claim to seek liberation.
-Yes, I want to be free.
If you receive liberation,
call me a bastard.
Bring everything. It seems you're mad.
-[commotion from the men]
-[Ifeanyi] Hey!
-C'mon, go on!
-[Ifeanyi] I am a chief!
-I like it. Mm-hmm.
Let me continue. [clears throat]
In the beginning, the Lord
made the heavens and the earth. [laughs]
[indistinct chattering]
[in Yoruba] What's going on here?
Who wants to know what's happening?
How has he wronged you?
Do you want to beat him?
[Kayinsoro] Do you
want your life destroyed?
-Look closely, my friend.
-I'm a chief oh.
-What's the problem?
-Doesn't he know it's Kayinsoro?
Look closely, my friend.
What did he do to you?
What's going on?
Look closely, my friend. That's the drum.
[Kayinsoro] Legba, come!
Why don't you wait?
[Kayinsoro] There's trouble, follow me!
That girl,
she is the daughter
of the man with the drum.
They made me beat
their drum all over the place.
-It's okay sir.
-[Kayinsoro] She has supernatural powers.
-It's okay sir.
[Legbe] We are yet to collect the money.
[Legba] I said, don't ask for money.
-[Kayinsoro] The drum
-She is the herbalist's daughter.
-They'll order you to drum round.
-Thank you.
-I hope they didn't hurt you?
-No, I'm okay.
Thank you. Do you know those people?
That's how they behave in this area sir.
-That's how they behave? Ah!
-Sorry, sir.
Hey! This palm-oil-soup people!
-[In English] I hope you are okay sir.
-I hope they didn't hurt you.
-No, I'm fine.
-Sorry sir.
I'm a chief.
I'm a titled man in my village.
But thank you.
How can I repay you for saving my life.
Uh, sir, if you have
money, cash would be good sir.
-Yes sir.
No, I don't have money.
I am a business man.
[stutters] And I don't carry money around.
No sir. We do not want your money.
My boyfriend needs a job.
-Okay, this is your boyfriend.
-Yes sir.
-And he needs a job.
-Yes sir.
You should have said you needed a job.
I'm sorry sir.
Please, sir, I need a job, sir.
-Yes sir.
-Okay, that's fine.
You see, I'm on my way to Lagos.
Because I live in Lagos. My office
is in Lagos. I'm into real estate.
-My name is Chief Ifeanyi Okoro.
-Okay sir.
My address is there.
So you come to Lagos and see me.
-In Lagos?
[intsense sound]
No skills, no talent.
You don't have any experience.
So what do I do with you?
Okay, all hope is not lost.
But it depends on how
desperate you are to work.
Sir, I've never been
this desperate in my life.
He can do anything sir.
-I swear on my life, sir.
-Your life? Ah!
-Yes sir.
-[intense beats continue]
Can you do organ harvesting?
Can you harvest human organs?
-Ah! Sir!
-Ah! Ma!
You see In life,
people need
human organs to live to survive.
Kidneys, human hearts, even intestines.
[in Igbo] Intestines.
There's a big market for it. And I, Chief
Ifeanyi, I'm one of the biggest suppliers.
Those organs, I suppose people
have to die for you to take them.
Well, you have to think about the people
you want to save before you take them.
But do one
have to die so another can live?
I don't have an answer to that question.
But it's your people
that say, "Something bad
must happen to somebody before something
good can happen to another person."
I'm sorry, Chief Ifeanyi.
Another thing. He can't do that.
Asabi wait. You know I need this job.
Another thing sir.
I'm sorry, I don't have another thing.
But I have money.
[drawer closes]
-Thank you sir.
-Thank you too.
-Thank you very much sir.
-[Chief] Thank you too.
He can preach.
Jide can preach.
-Asabi, that's not what he's saying.
-Show him.
-You can preach?
[in Yoruba] Sir, don't you understand?
There is no better
goldmine than opening a church.
Daddy, as the crowd increases,
I'd have a lot of money.
Then, I'll take good care of you.
We'll also look after our future wife.
-Yes, we'll take good care of Asabi.
-Yes sir.
-Okay. I get it now.
-[indistinct chatter outside]
What's that in your hand?
An ordinary bead.
Are you sure?
It's a charm.
It's a charm sir.
When Olukoso opens
his mouth, it will catch fire.
Ouch! [panting]
It's burning my palm!
It must not fall off.
-That's your power.
-It's possessing you.
-Give it to me.
-Ah! Yes
-You can feel it, right?
-It has entered your body.
-I can feel it. [laughs]
This is just a little test.
See how you're acting.
If folks like you are given
great power, you will definitely abuse it.
If people like you receive
great charm, you will use them wrongly.
-Asabi, I must not upend that which I got.
-Yes father.
As for you, it's your stomach
that called you not God Almighty.
Hence, your quest
for charms here and there.
You want to impress the Almighty.
Asabi, I have no crowd-pulling
charm that I can give to your visitors.
Jide, Jide.
-Jide! Jide! Be patient.
-Leave me alone, Wale.
-Calm down.
-What is it?
There might still be a solution.
My Love.
I will explain to him that you
do not want to decieve the people.
When the crowd comes,
you'll be a good shepherd to them.
How are we going to get
the crown without the Baba's charm.
-We'll find someone else.
-There's no one else!
Asabi, your father is the most powerful.
There's only one moon. It is unrivaled.
Indeed, the moon is unrivaled
but there are many stars,
all of them with their unique features.
There are still powerful people.
One of Daddy's friends is in Il ife.
[In English] But you'll be
the one who will go.
He mustn't know I'm involved.
This will work.
This is your moment. I know it.
You and I will make it work.
When things get terrible,
no one will be by your side.
Who is that?
When things get terrible,
no one will be by your side.
-[In English] A sabi! What's that?
Don't mind me.
Baba is just playing his tune.
I will come when he has slept.
-It's time.
-Good bye.
I've always told you to be patient.
Flies approach honey in droves.
Ants approach sugar in droves
The forest and the wilderness
produce cotton from the thorns.
The housefly embraces a total stranger.
A child approaches birds with excitement.
Everyone coddles and cossets the child.
Aj is always a witness wherever he is.
Every good person clears the pathway.
The elephant's footprints become
of water for other animals.
Wherever you locate your business,
the whole world will come there.
The forest and the wilderness will
produce cotton from the thorns.
Everyone coddles and cossets the child.
Eat it.
Eat it.
It is all good reports about the pepper.
Goodness is Edolo's song.
Wherever the fig tree displays
is where the whole world will come to.
When you finish eating, my son,
I will give you something to take.
You will bury it.
It's made from a boneless pig.
[crowd] Shout hallelujah!
Shout hallelujah!
[upbeat gospel music playing]
What character is he playing?
Blind man. Oh, he's the blind man.
Release! Loose!
And your sight will be restored,
-You'd then shout, "Jesus is Lord!"
Pastor Jide has done it.
Lord Jesus! Yes.
[In English] The lord
just spoke to me now.
He said to tell you,
"Somebody here is destined for greatness."
-[Olajide] Yes!
-[crowd cheering]
-[Male voice] Glory be to the Lord!
-[crowd chanting] Thank you, Lord!
How is it?
I have a good news for you.
What is it?
I am two weeks pregnant.
You are going to become a father.
What's wrong? Are you not happy?
[solemn music playing]
Asabi, I just received a terrible news.
[in Yoruba] What happened?
[breathes softly]
Baba is dying.
[solemn music continues to play]
-It's okay.
-It's okay. It's okay.
Thank you so much sir.
I really appreciate.
-Thank you so much sir.
-[Ifeanyi] Hmm.
-You like them? [laughs]
You see, you're now my boy.
So as my boy, I need to take care of you.
[laughs] You see,
you don't have to thank me now.
You and I, we have a long way to go.
So you would
thank me in the future. [laughs]
Jide, one more thing.
You have to bring your wife over.
Because we also need to package
her the way we have packaged you.
It's going to look funny
if you look good and she looks ugly.
-You understand me.
-Yes sir.
I understand you sir. But I don't
think it's necessary for me to bring her.
Let's just leave her,
forget her one side and focus on me.
-Yes sir.
-I should focus on you?
-I can handle it.
You can handle it.
Okay. I'll think about it.
Thank you sir.
Give me a second. I need to take
care of something. Wait for me.
-Thank you sir.
-Why did you say there's no need of Asabi?
Look at my new life. Where does she fit?
I hope you realize
that she made you what you are?
-It doesn't matter.
-But you know?
She doesn't have to be a part
of what is going on for me right now.
She can make it happen for herself.
-See the tribal marks.
Look at me very well.
"She has tribal marks".
You didn't know that before now?
You just realized that now.
Before you judge a man, make sure
to look back into where he's coming from.
So [clears throat] Aunty,
I'm just making use of the opportunity.
I'm just like you.
I'm using what I have to get what I need.
And no one should be judged for that.
Too much talk.
So I want a drink. You want some?
Yeah. Water, please.
Okay. Alright.
-Ah Sharon!
-[Sharon laughs]
Your butt is succulent.
When you stood up,
I was like, "Is this Sharon's butt?"
-My darling.
First off,
I don't understand Yoruba.
[in Yoruba] You understand all I'm saying.
All I'm saying is that you
are sweet in the middle. Ahh, Sharon.
But everybody needs water.
I will drink water.
[in English] I don't like the fact
that you say you can't speak Yoruba
because I know you understand me.
Drink up. Be Good.
Wait a minute. You see that right there?
Asiwaju herbs.
I need to take that first. You know why?
This is what I took, that made me
fuck you, your eyelashes flew away.
-I have finished you with Asiwaju.
-[Sharon laughs]
-[Olajide] Ah!
-You know what this does?
-[clears throat ] What?
-Long lasting, duration, greater me.
-[Sharon laughs nervously]
-You see that beast inside there?
-I see that beast, Daddy.
-Ask your eyelashes.
-[Sharon laughs]
-[Olajide] Hmm. Ah! [sniffs]
-Shake it together.
-[Sharon laughs]
All the same, humans need water.
Yeah, well Oh, my darling.
Your touch
I'm having a hard-on. Look at it.
-Stop. English [laughs]
-[phone ringing]
It's standing!
It's standing! We're about to go again.
Sorry, one second.
Hello, Boss.
My goodness!
My goodness!
[Sharon sighs]
Something happened?
Yes. Um.
I need to step out real quick.
Um, just stay here.
I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.
-We still have things to do.
-[nervously] Yay.
somber music plays
Stay here.
I will stay here.
-Listen Sharon.
-I'm approaching upstairs now.
That thumb drive is
one of the most precious
This is an open space
Nothing much here.
Just his wife staring at me.
I'm looking at a door in front.
He can only keep it in
Guys, I found one. The freaky
thing about this one is it has a lock.
I need a code.
-[Anto sniffs]
Hey Sharon, on the touch pad,
look at the bottom right.
Pregasus Security. Yes.
Mm. Pegasus. Greek firm using RS
encryption. One of the best in the world.
Each of their locks, specifically
made for the individual customer.
-Can you break it?
-Is there anything I can't do?[scoffs]
Anto, the question is can you break it?
Look, I've got
the location. Now for the passcode.
So, how many minutes does it take?
You know what, actually? Like, 60
to 100 minutes even for the best hackers.
Did I just hear sixty to hundred min
but you know me, I'm the hacker god.
So, how many minutes
will it take you to do this?
[keypad clicking]
[scoffs] Hey Sharon, user name one,
passcode 2255.
Okay. One, two, two, five, five.
Clarified. Thank you.
It's open!
I can't find anything.
Uh, what are we looking for again?
Guys, I found something.
-[sqeals] I found it!
I found it! I found it!
-I found it.
[in Yoruba] Brother!
Someone's here.
Brother! Where are you?
[panting] He's gone.
-He is gone.
Listen, Sharon. Just calm down.
Do everything
in your power not to be caught.
NowLeave that place now!
Leave now!
[Olajide] I don't understand.
He was fine as at this morning.
The syndicate is under attack.
A new chronic kidney disease
has been discovered. It's fast and deadly.
So far, eleven people have been affected.
-Common denominator?
-[Olajide breathes heavily]
Direct or indirect
allies of the syndicate.
And now, two more have been infected.
Two! Who again?
-Jegede is in the next room.
-Jesus Christ!
But no one
is capable of destroying syndicate.
They have tried and failed.
How do you fight an enemy you can't
see? We're shutting everything down.
The hotels, the transport system,
organ factories,
clubs, everything. Olajide.
Charis Christian Church is our priority.
I promise,
there will be no mess up on that front.
[phone ringing]
We'd be up shortly.
What's that?
I think we lost one of them.
Are you sure?
Doctor wants to see us.
[tense music playing
[sighs] Alright. Let's see.
-[sighs] Done.
Uh, how much did you say they have?
Like, one billion naira.
-Three point five billion dollars.
Yeah, you can take a look yourself.
As magnificent as your cloth is,
it is my beater eventually.
-I don't want a dime
from this money.
[scoffs] God bless America!
Everest is going to give you the name
and the family and the account details
of everyone
and every family they have duped.
To everyone
and every family they have hurt.
[exhales] Your wish is my command.
[tuts] [inhales deeply]
I'm sorry you had to sleep with that dog.
I already knew
what I was getting myself into.
It's fine, Mama.
How do you switch from Uganda
to normal Nigeria English shits.
I specifically learnt
it because of this project.
-[sharon] Yes, ma'am.
-Well done.
-Thank you, ma.
Okay, I want to send your balance
but I can only do
it with crypto. I don't know if
Oh yes, I have an account with JTeck.
-You do?
-Yes, I do.
You know they're
the best in crypto and gift cards.
-They have never disappointed. [laughs]
-They don't. [lsighs]
-Okay, can I have your wallet address.
-Oh sure.
[Phone chimes]
-Oh seen.
-Yes ma.
-Okay ma.
-Thank you.
Mama! You sent more
than the agreed price again.
You deserve more.
-Thank you ma.
-Thank you too.
[breathes deeply]
has booked your ticket with Wakanow.
Oh, yes.
They texted me the details already.
Thank you, ma.
Is there something you want to say?
Don't worry, Sharon. Let it out.
What if Jide is not the bad guy here.
-No, hear me out ma.
I know he has done despicable things.
But what if he's just a victim of life?
Like me, like you.
Destroying him would
not make your heartbreak go away.
Jide has gotten you.
Do you think this is about love?
You think so?
Look at you ma. You are beautiful,
powerful, rich, very rich.
You won already. [exhales]
Making him fall
would not make you feel any better.
You think Jide's fall has
anything to do with how I felt about him?
It's about what Jide took from me.
-I love Abkta.
[birds chirping]
Someday, me, you and Iretiogo,
we will come here for holidays.
We'll build a big
and beautiful mansion in
-What is it?
-Sharp pain.
Maybe you should drink some more.
[in Yoruba] Perhaps we should go up.
I think we should go up. I think
the air there would be better for you.
[Oljide grunts]
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Thank you.
[whispers] Why?
I'm sorry.
-Asabi, I'm sorry.[sobbing]
-[Asabi grunts in pain]
This is the only way
I can get you out of the picture.
[scornfully] Olajide!
-I loved you! Why do this to me?
-I'm sorry,
-No, please!
-Asabi, please. No.
-[Asabi cries]
Please, forgive me. Please.
-[Olajide sobbing]
-No, come! Olajide!
Olajide! [panting]
My father!
[exhales] The son of agbosese
The one who knows the value of beads
on the Ifa tray even from afar.
If you are on the front porch,
come [panting]
If you are in the backyard, come.
[thunder clapping]
[tense music continues to play]
[Asabi sobbing]
[Father] Asabi!
[sobs] Yes, father
What a pity!
You totally put me to shame.
Hasn't it all ended?
Did I not warn you?
I said when things get terrible,
Are you not all alone now?
-[exhales] You are right, my father.
You told me but I paid no heed.
You warned me
-[crying] but I did not listen.
-[somber music playing]
My father, please do not watch me ruin.
Remember you told me that I am
destined to have just one child.
Help me to remedy the situation.
Please don't let this pregnancy abort.
Yes, father.
There is no solution.
If not for your mother,
I would have cursed you.
I am done for! [gasps]
My life is ruined! [crying]
Father, have mercy on me.
You always said there is nothing
the Almighty God cannot do.
Help me beg the Almighty
to give me even if it's only one.
There's nothing God cannot do.
There are many things that God see
Asabi, you are wicked.
I warned you but you were obstinate.
I told you but you paid no heed.
Ah, Asabi!
You wiped out my lineage!
You are a prodigal child.
You are of no benefit to me.
[sniffs] Okay father.
I agree with all you have said.
But you left with all your super powers.
Why didn't you give me your power?
I am ready to fight!
I'm ready to revenge!
Transfer your powers to me.
Asabi, there is power in you.
You just did not use it correctly.
As you are ready for vengeance,
If you summon one herb,
two hundred herbs would respond.
If you pluck herbs with your right,
success is yours.
If you pull roots with your left,
success shall be yours.
[In English] Jide took the most
important part of my life.
He keeps taking
and taking and taking from everyone.
The names
and accounts I gave Anto, their names,
families of victims
of Jide and the syndicate.
The people whose lives he destroyed.
I have been on this for years,
and I've tried to do this twice.
I failed.
But you, Sharon,
succeeded in getting me the thumb drive.
Everything they have
tonight is going to crumble.
[stutters] I I,
[stutters] I I
I just want to be a mother
for a day. I wanna be a mother. I just
[exhales heavily]
[woman crying]
[woman] My husband has gone!
[suspense music plays]
-[woman crying]
-[indistinct chatters]
-My husband has gone! My husband!
-[female voice] It's okay.
My husband.
I want to see my husband.
Honey, please!
He has left me!
[child] Mommy, it's okay.
-Stop crying
-[woman crying]
[intense music]
[Asabi] The years have been kind to you,
Olajide George.
Surprised I'm alive,
or disappointed I survived.
He makes a living telling lies.
But suddenly has none to tell.
Asabi, what do you want?
It's been, its been 20 years.
What do you want? It's, it's
that happened has happened in the past.
But the consequence of then is now.
Asabi, you can do absolutely nothing!
You can't do anything.
What's wrong
with you? You are just bitter.
You are just bitter.
This isn't the Jide
you are used to. This is a fresh Jide.
So you thought I would marry you?
You are not worthy of marriage.
Not with those ugly tribal marks.
You're not beautiful.
-Yes, I'm all ears.
-I am proud of myself.
-I am proud of my heritage.
-[Olajide, sarcastically] Wow.
-I am proud of my culture.
-[Olajide] Really?
-I'm proud of my tribal mark.
-[Olajide] Hallelujah.
I am proud to be Nigerian.
-What is it?
-Olajide, you are my beautiful creation.
Everything you are, everything you
have become, you owe to me, Asabi.
Now, let me tell you something,
the laborer who erected the building
brick by brick knows
how to bring it down brick by brick.
Olajide, I, Asabi, I know your beginning.
Therefore,[laughs] your ending
is not a problem.
-Boss! Mama is on the phone.
[dramatic music plays]
Everything you are,
everything you have become,
you owe to me, Asabi.
I know your beginning. Therefore [laughs]
[mobile phone rings]
-Hello Madam, it's late.
-I can't believe this!.
I can't believe this is happening.
We've lost almost
five billion in under six hours.
Our bank accounts are compromised.
Files all over social media.
The police came to my house!
I, Abike Olanitemi,
Lioness of three kingdoms,
on the run from the police! Ah! My life.
Oh, my God!
You're the worst mistake we ever made.
Gbadamosi is dead!
Ifeanyi is here with me.
The police got to Osagie first.
And we don't know where Gidado is.
Mama, no. Mama, I am a victim as well.
I am a victim. My ass is on the line.
[in Igbo] Come, listen.
Stop speaking rubbish there!
You hear me? Stop speaking rubbish there!
The leak was traced to your token.
[in Igbo] Do you hear me?
-What rubbish were you talking about.
-Can you imagine this little boy?
-Jesus Christ.
If this is your idea of a coup,
then you have made a mistake.
Because even you,
you are compromised. [in Igbo] Animal!
It's gone!
[suspense music continues to play
[police siren blaring]
[cabin cruiser roaring]
[police siren continue blaring]
[door knock]
[cabin cruiser continue to roar]
[tense music playing]
[woman groans]
[man] Where is the thumb drive?
[Sharon crying]
I'm going to ask you for the last time.
Where are you keeping it?
I'm not.
Save yourself this punishment.
[Mary snorts]
Boss, [in Pidgin] this girl
is not talking. She is not talking.
[Mary ] I don't have
Daddy, PJ.
[indistinct chatters]
-Where is my thumb drive?
Why do they keep calling me Sharon.
Where is my thumb drive? Sharon?
-[Mary choking]
-Where is my thumb drive?
-[Mary panting]
-[Olajide sighs]
Are you sure we're
not missing something here.
She doesn't look like someone that have
an idea of what we are talking about here.
-Do I look stupid to you?
-[Mary panting]
-Do I look stupid to you?
-[Mary panting]
Would I tell you to kidnap
or bring a random person here.
Because I don't have time.
-This girl is a slut!
-[Mary panting]
She's also in the choir.
She leads the choir in church.
I'm not stupid.
I used to sleep with her
at The Secret Palace at night.
She sings in the church.
Do I look stupid?
Sharon? Don't make me look stupid.
-Don't you know her?
-Boss, we need to go to the airport now.
[in Yoruba]
Do you want to be unfortunate?
Are you mad? [in English]
We leave when I say we leave!
I am loosing my patience.
Where is my thumb drive?
Where is my thumb drive, Sharon?
-I'm going to count to three.
-Wait, wait!
I'm going to count to three.
Where is my thumb drive?
Where is Asabi? One.
[phone ringing]
Boss! Sir.
Are you crazy.
No sir. Your brother sir.
-He's calling sir.
-[Mary pants]
[Wale] Hello brother,
Wale, I will be on my way.
I need to wrap this up.
I think we got the wrong girl.
Are you certain?
I think we got the wrong girl.
Wale, are you certain
of what you are saying?
Me and the boys just nabbed the real
Sharon, we locked her in the car trunk.
[sharon gasping]
Okay, I'm here am waiting for you.
-We are coming.
-I'm waiting for you.
[phone beeps]
Hello, Antonio. They got her.
Send Everest a GPS route.
[dramatic music playing]
[Antonio keyboard clicking]
-[Everest] Yes.
Abeokuta can wait.
Get reinforcement.
It's battle time!
[in Yoruba] Boss! Do not be angry, please.
I suppose this drive is lost. Please for
the sake of God, let us be on our way.
[gun shot]
[Mary crying]
[Wale] Hey!
It's okay.
-[Wale ] Brother.
-[Mary pants]
-She's the one you're looking for.
[in Yoruba] Asabi brought her from Uganda.
[Olajide laughs]
[Olajide] Ah, ah.
[sharon gasping]
[in Yoruba] All the way from Uganda?
So, it's Uganda butt
that wants to ruin my life?
[Olajide laughing]
You can't make me go crazy!
I'm not mad.
I'm not mad. I'm not insane.
[exclaims] Ah!
Where is my thumb drive?
-Sharon, where is my thumb drive?
-[Sharon pants]
-Brother, she is not with the thumb drive.
-[sharon sighs]
The thumb drive is with Asabi.
Where was she staying?
She told me Eko Hotel.
Get every man in Victoria Island
to Eko Hotel and search that place.
Why do we need to go to Eko Hotel?
Asabi is with
the thumb drive. You know that's true.
-Were you there when she gave Asabi?
-We need to leave, otherwise
Wale, what did you say?
What did you say?
What did you say?
I will call the boys now.
-[Mary whimpering]
-[Wale exhales]
[Olajide laughs]
You are Mary, the choir mistress.
You sing in the church.
-Sharon, the stripper.
-[Sharon sniffs]
-Yes sir.
-From Uganda.
You are the one I have sex with at night.
-[Sharon pants]
-Look at me.
It will not be well with you.
It will not be well with you.
[Mary crying]
[Olajide panting ] Shit!
-[Mary sobbing]
-[Sharon whispers]
No. Wait, you're me?
Mary! [in Yoruba]
Am I dead? Has Pastor Jide killed me?
I know you.
[in Ugandan accent] So, long time ago,
my mother told this story.
When she was
way younger, she tried to have a baby.
It was not happening
and she came to Nigeria
to find a surrogate mother.
She found one. Things were going well
but the surrogate mother lost the baby.
But In that same hospital where
In that same hospital where
the surrogate mother lost the baby,
another surrogate mother had twins.
So my mother took one of the twin another
Nigerian mother took the other twin.
But it was not stolen.
It was paid for.
They agreed and that's what it is.
It means you're my sister.
Nobody ever told you the story?
My mother never told me any story about
She always said there was a mystery about
my birth, that she was going to tell me
but she never did.
-I'm super sorry for all of this.
-Don't be.
And I promise with everything
I have, that I will get you out of this.
Jesus would take care of us.
Father, have mercy on me!
Ah! Shit!
-Yes, have they found it?
Wale, have they found it? That's it.
That's enough.
-Where is my thumb drive?
-[Sharon panting]
-[Olajide] I will break your head! One!
-[Sharon pants]
I really do not have
the thumb drive. I promise you.
-But, Asabi has
-[Olajide] Speak up!
Asabi has it.
But I do not know where she is.
She always comes to see me in the hotel.
I do not know
her house, but [splutters] I, she
When I gave her the thumb drive,
she said she was going to Abenkuta, Abe
That's what I know.
I promise you, Abenkuta[panting]
[phone beeps]
[Sharon sobbing]
Madam needs to leave.
We need to leave now
otherwise we are stuck here.
-That's it. [grunts]
-Wait! Wait!
-[tense music plays]
[gun shots]
[Wale panting]
[man grunts]
-[tense music continues]
-[glass shatters]
[man grunts]
[Up beat music continues to play
Show your face!
I can't.
You can. Don't, don't. You can.
-I don't think I can make it.
-You're the only one I have.[cries]
Enough of this reunion.[gasps]
It would continue
in the after life okay? [panting]
Jide, please. It's me you want.
Just take me. I'll do anything.
I have a problem with both of you.
It's not my fault she looks like you.
I'm done! I'm done
with this conversation, I'm done.
You sight me today, you sight death.
You encountered me today,
you encountered trouble.
Your Onikoyi has eaten the rodent.
Olajide, you have eaten poison.
By mid-day all
the powers will be destroyed.
Oh, you bullet! [echoing]
[thunder clapping]
[Olajide sighs]
[intense music playing]
[breathes heavily]
Good bye!
-Let evil boomerang on its plane.
-[Olajide panting]
[wailing in pain] Ah!
[crying out]
Lets strike gege with gege.
that was their guide in the clan.
Lets strike gege with gege,
was their guide in the courtyard.
Pull it apart, smash it into debris,
he who drains a river demolishes.
He who uproots wild grasses
destroys the partridges home.
That guides Ladigbo Ogede.
They were building one house for
him on earth and another in heav
He commands they demolish the one
in heaven and refurbish the one on earth.
For they sent emissaries of death,
I Asabi refused to yield.
Instead I sent them
a piece of white cloth.
My deer has sneezed,
my death has been postponed.
Postponed to tomorrow.
And tomorrow it will be postponed.
Because if you want to get kola nut,
you'll walk through the market on foot.
Adewale, are you mad or something?
Are you insane?
[In English] How dare you stab me?
You attacked my blood.
[in Yoruba] He's my blood!
Adewale, is it because of the charm
papa Ile Ife gave you and your brother,
You think that charm can
withstand the power my father gave to me?
[wails in annoyance] Ah!
I, Dada Awuru!
The one who splits
lands and trees with thunder!
Ah! [in Yoruba] My brother!
-Mary, it's over. I'll carry you.
-[Mary choking]
-[whispers] Ma Mary.
-[melancholic music playing]
Mary. Mary! [screams]
[Sharon panting]
[quivering] Mary, pl please.
I can't have
you suffer for my pain. [crying]
[Up beat music plays]
Subtitle translation by: Regina Njoku