Ike Boys (2021) Movie Script

[suspenseful music]
[pencil scratching]
[beer swishing]
[birds calling]
[animal howling]
[fire crackling]
[suspenseful music]
[speaking in Japanese]
[valiant music]
[speaking in Japanese]
[producer coughs]
[Producer clears throat]
[speaking in Japanese]
[cigarette whooshes]
[speaking in Japanese]
[producer speaking in Japanese]
[yelling in Japanese]
[producer speaking in Japanese]
[yelling in Japanese]
[frantic music]
[heroic music]
[gentle chiming music]
[cars horns beeping]
[traffic humming]
[man snoring]
[orchestral music]
[feet pattering]
[fire whooshing]
[film reel clicking]
[stamp booms]
[wind rustling]
[upbeat music]
[car horn beeping]
[Wayne] Shawn, Vikram's here.
[Shawn] I told
you a million times, Dad,
he goes by Vik.
[Wayne] He goes by Vik.
[singing in Japanese]
[Shawn] Vik, it came!
- What'd you get?
- Um-
"Gamera 3"?
Oh, the subbed "Mononoke Hime"?
[Shawn gasps]
What, what is that?
It's "Go!
Great Decisive Battle
At the End of
the Century with Rainbows."
Daisuke Ogata's forgotten
anime masterpiece.
Lost in a warehouse fire,
but rumored to survive
on the black market.
You know, "Go."
No, I don't know "Go."
We have to watch this with her.
You wanna show that to her?
Look, nobody in Japan, much
less Oklahoma, has seen this.
Think about how
impressed she'll be
that we know so
much about her country.
You do know
she's a girl, right, Shawn?
What does that matter?
It matters.
[car roaring]
[Shawn] It's so awesome
your family is hosting
a Japanese exchange student.
My dad would never do that.
[Vik] Dude, why are you
always so down on your dad?
He doesn't understand anything.
He can't even tell the difference
between Japan and China.
[Vik] Well,
at least he's around.
I haven't seen
my dad in a month.
[upbeat music]
[singing in Japanese]
Are you sure
that's the right movie?
[Shawn] Well, yeah.
The title says "Ik."
- Icky?
- Yeah, yeah, "ee-kay."
The imperative for "Go."
I thought
"Ik Man" meant like, hot guy.
- "Ikmen."
- Ooh.
[bodies thud]
Oh, [chuckles]
that's, uh, my bad there.
How do you say
"eat a dick" in Japanese?
[speaking in Japanese]
[laughs] This guy.
I heard your dad fixed
my shitter last night
to pay the rent.
[students murmuring]
[Hunter chuckling]
I heard your dad
used your trust fund
to buy your mom new tits.
murmuring and laughing]
What did you just say?
[teacher clears throat]
[school bell rings]
Watch yourselves, losers.
Come on.
What's the point of doing karate
if you're not gonna use it?
[sighs] I know, I know.
The Bible is
like a football game.
You always root
for the underdogs.
Moses versus Pharaoh,
Job versus Satan,
David versus Goliath.
But who would you say
is the biggest underdog
in the whole Bible?
[students sigh]
Y2K isn't for another
week, but I wanna die now.
I have a sai.
Uh, what?
A sai.
It's a ninja
weapon to, you know,
kill you?
You, you just
said you wanted to die-
Mr. Kapoor,
can you name
one of the beatitudes?
Uh... What?
Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the geeks, for
they shall inherit the earth.
[students chuckling]
[Vik sighs]
[Shawn] I still
say you can do better.
[Vik] No woman
is better than Bethany.
Megumi Odaka is so much better.
What real woman?
Megumi Odaka is a real woman.
She's an actress
who played a psychic that
can talk to Godzilla.
But you do raise a good point.
Speaking telepathically
to kaiju like Godzilla
is pretty sexy.
If I were a kaiju,
maybe I could
get it on with her.
She's a mind reader.
She'd see through anything
superficial you try.
Oh, just let me have my fantasy.
A night with a sexy Asian chick.
Followed by
smashing Tokyo. [laughs]
Don't you wanna
sometimes just like,
smash everything like a kaiju?
No, actually.
I'd rather be a mecha.
A mecha? Why
would you wanna be a mecha?
'Cause I could
shoot lasers, fly.
You know, come and save the day.
You're afraid of fire
and heights, Shawn.
[sighs] That's not the point.
The point is
the mecha are the hero.
Who wants to be the villain?
You hate being
the center of attention.
Every time
someone calls on you in class,
you start
sweating like a pickle.
Come on, Vik. Let me have
my fantasy. You have yours.
[Vik] Shouldn't you have a
fantasy that might actually come true?
Why can't this one come true?
Because we're nerds in the
middle of friggin' Oklahoma.
[country music]
If I ever get
back to Oklahoma
Gonna nail my
feet to the ground
Too many
stones are in my path
Been trippin'
and fallin' down
[Shawn] I hope she likes it.
- [Vik] Likes what?
- [Shawn] The movie.
[Vik sighs]
Enough about the movie.
You should be
worried about whether or not
she wants to hang out with
a couple of weirdos like us.
[Vikram and Shawn panting]
- You're late, Vikram.
We're counting on you to help with
the Japanese translation, Shawn.
I've studied Japanese, too.
Yeah, but you suck at it.
Shut up.
- You shut up.
- Would you two stop fighting?
This is
her first time in America.
We want to make
a good impression.
Why would anyone wanna
spend their Christmas vacation
in Oklahoma?
Nothing happens in Oklahoma.
It's not a vacation;
it's a holiday study abroad.
[Preeti] And who requests
an Indian host family?
This girl must be a weirdo.
[gentle chiming music]
Is that her?
[Sun it a] Miki?
my name is Miki Shimizu.
And I am Sun it a.
Nice to meet you.
[Sun it a] Oh,
it's nice to meet you.
[speaking in Japanese]
- [Vik] I said that right?
- [Shawn] No.
[Miki gasps]
Yes, well, [giggles]
welcome to Oklahoma.
[festive music]
[singing in Japanese]
[door creaks]
[door thuds]
I'm sorry
our parents couldn't be here.
They had to go to India
for this family thing.
- [Miki] India?
- Yeah.
Almost as far away as you.
Gosh, you must be exhausted.
Here, come, this way.
Let me show you to your room.
[eerie music]
- No. Wait, come on.
- Leave it.
- We could check in on her.
- Let go.
- What if she doesn't know-
- Let's go back, come on.
- Let go. No, no.
- Come on.
No, she does, obviously.
[door thudding]
[Shawn speaks in Japanese]
- Hey, Miki.
Wanna see my room? It has
a lot of Japanese stuff in it.
- [Miki] Mm.
- Woo!
Welcome to the Vik cave.
[Vik] What do you think?
[speaking in Japanese]
Don't scare her.
[speaking in Japanese]
What is this?
What's your favorite anime?
"The Lion King."
[DVD player buzzing]
- "Lion King"?
What's your favorite
"Lion King" character?
[DVD player buzzing]
Me too.
[Shawn clapping]
[adventurous music]
[thunder booming]
[Narrator speaking in Japanese]
Dude, dude, where are the subs?
I don't think anyone's had
a chance to translate yet.
[sighs] It's been 30 years.
[wind howling]
[atmosphere booming]
[mecha groaning]
[lighting zapping]
[fire crackling]
[melancholy music]
[Narrator speaking in Japanese]
As in this year?
Of course.
It's "Go! Great Decisive Battle
at the End of
the Century with Rainbows."
[speaking in Japanese]
[Miki snoring]
[Vik] Told you so.
[suspenseful music]
[lightning zapping]
[kaiju roars]
[power zinging]
[fists thumping]
[cloaked figure
speaking in Japanese]
[fire roaring]
[intense music]
They're saying something about
a sacred fire?
Blood from a hero's sacrifice.
[Miki snorts]
[speaking in Japanese]
[suspenseful music]
[power zinging]
[mecha zapping]
[kaiju growling]
[maiden chiming]
[atmosphere booms]
[TV buzzing]
No, no, no.
- [Miki] Finish?
- Well, that's it?
No, there must be a mistake.
There's no way it just
ends without an ending.
[TV buzzing]
- What a load of horsesh...
[atmosphere booms]
[power zinging]
[atmosphere thuds]
[woman speaking in Japanese]
[electronics buzzing]
[mischievous music]
[orchestral music]
[smoke hissing]
good morning.
[Vik gasps and groans]
[Shawn groans]
- Get up. Get it off.
- Ow, ow, ow.
I feel weird.
I feel like I just worked out.
[Shawn] You haven't worked
out a day in your life.
That's exactly my point.
[door creaks]
- Ooh.
Vik blew up the TV.
Vik, what did you do?
I, I just woke up.
Well, you'll be cleaning
up this mess after school.
[gentle guitar music]
[Miki] This is school?
[Vik] For rich kids.
[clears throat] Or smart
kids with scholarships.
[school bell rings]
Does anyone have any
questions for Mickey here?
[students coughing]
[student clears throat]
Come on, let's
get those hands up.
- Yes.
Is it true you sell used
panties in vending machines?
[students chuckling]
Vending machines don't...
They don't...
It's the last day before break.
Actions have
consequences, Hunter.
Anyone else?
- [Hunter] What?
God, come on.
Why did you choose Oklahoma?
Oklahoma is most, mm,
many Indian in America.
That's right. That's right.
Oklahoma has the most
Native American tribes
in all of America.
I love Indian culture,
so I ask Indian home stay.
Yeah, the Kapoors
are, uh, Indian...
[Hunter cackling]
You know, Indo and Indian,
in Japanese it can be confused.
I'm pretty sure it was
just a clerical error.
I'm fine, Shawn.
- Oh, it's not that, I just-
- Ooh.
Hey, Kapoor, are you taking
your sister to the pow-wow?
Ho, ho, ho, ho.
[Hunter clapping]
[Hunter mocking
Native Americans]
Please stop.
Uh, what?
You are not nice.
Hey, the Yellow Ranger here
has more balls than both of you.
Who knew?
Why don't
you go to hell, Hunter?
And why don't you join Hunter
and me in detention, Mr. Kapoor.
[Hunter] Thank you, sir.
[Hunter laughs]
[Vik] Great.
Uh, have a good time.
I guess, come with me to karate?
[finger zaps]
[magical music]
[school bell rings]
[Father Lowery]
Give me that Frisbee.
What are you in for?
[upbeat music]
[singing in Japanese]
[Students] Yes, Newt-sensei.
Now, in honor of our guest
hailing all the way from
the birthplace of Japan,
the birthplace of karate,
which is in Japan,
I would like to demonstrate
an original move, uh,
hailing from
right here in Oklahoma
that I created myself.
And I will
demonstrate all by myself.
But I'm gonna need a volunteer.
Shawn-kun, come on down.
Good initiative there.
Alright, uh,
it's called the "Do-Kan,"
which in Japanese, I
believe, means ka-boom.
What we do is we distract
the opponent with one hand...
Other hand.
We strike the opponent
with, uh, this hand here,
and, uh, and we're gonna strike
with the right, okay?
But before we do that, we
drop in with the spatula,
we're gonna flip the flapjack,
we're gonna come back, and boom!
[body thuds]
[Shawn grunts]
[Miki hiccups]
- And that is the "Do-Kan."
[Shawn grunts]
[Miki hiccuping]
[Shawn sighs]
[Miki hiccupping]
Still off the hook
[Miki gasps]
Over the line
I keep you reeled in,
rockin' so fine
It's fishin' time
And everybody's
knows my name
[suspenseful music]
[speaking in Japanese]
[Miki hiccups]
[speaking in Japanese]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Japanese]
I'm gonna stop by the
faculty holiday party
before the Christmas
cookies are spoken for.
Stay in your seats
until I get back.
[singing in Japanese]
Incoming, Ka-pooper.
Oh my God.
Y2K can't come soon enough.
[Newt] You'd be
better practice over Christmas.
Just like Santa...
[speaking in Japanese]
And remember,
it's not who you are;
it's what you do
that makes you a hero.
A rig a to.
[sighs] Now get.
Is that my gorgeous wife?
[giggles] Miki
and I had a nice talk.
Oh, welcome to Tamashi Dojo.
Care to see
our bonsai collection?
It's a little industry joke.
[Shawn sighs]
[lightning whooshes]
[whimsical music]
[upbeat music]
[singing in Japanese]
[Hunter grunting]
[Bethany gasps]
[triumphant music]
[Hunter groans]
[Vik groans]
[Bethany gasps]
[Hunter wailing]
[Hunter thuds]
[bookshelf thuds]
[Vik grunts]
Your name's Vikram, right?
It's, um,
Vik with a K.
[Vik exhales]
[eerie music]
[wind howling]
[Cloaked Figure] Behold
the ancient burial site.
With the return of the Old Gods,
a new Eden will be born.
[intense orchestral music]
[atmosphere crashes]
[bell chimes]
[birds chirping]
[water swishing]
Dude, where have you been?
I've been calling you all night.
It's Christmas vacation, dude.
You're lucky I'm awake at all.
Didn't I say this was important?
I know. You mentioned that all 10
messages. Why couldn't you just tell me?
You're gonna have to
see it for yourself.
[Shawn sighs]
[Shawn grunts]
[Shawn exhales]
[Shawn grunts]
You woke me up early, man.
[sighs] I don't get it.
When I was at
karate, I was like, copying
Newt-Sensei's move.
[lighting zinging]
[atmosphere booming]
[water swishes]
Dude, you did "Ultram an."
But can you do "Kamen Rider"?
- What?
[rock music]
[atmosphere booms]
[Vik] Woo!
[mischievous music]
That film did
do something to us.
No duh.
[atmosphere booms]
[Vik grunts]
Isn't it awesome?
- What does it mean?
- Well, I think it means...
[Vik grunting]
"Ebirah, Horror of the Deep!"
Vik, stop screwing around.
This is bad-
- You mean badass.
[lightning zapping]
[boulder crunches]
Watch where
you point that thing.
We've gotta figure out
what's happening to us.
Dude, chill.
I can't chill.
I'm freaking out.
How are you not
freaking out right now?
Shawn, for now, can't you
just enjoy being awesome?
It's not every day
we get superpowers.
Yes, but just name one tokusatsu
where gaining superpowers
didn't come with
a world-ending problem.
Okay, point taken,
but we're in Oklahoma.
What can possibly happen here?
[Newsreader] The fire is the
latest in a series of attacks
by a millennial doomsday cult
known as
the Children of the Old Gods.
[cutlery clinking]
Can't they give this
end-of-the-world bull a rest?
Remind me again how I say
grace in her language?
Uh, Itadakimasu.
No, it's itadakimasu.
Yeah, that's what I said.
Let's, let's
just try not saying it.
Just trying to
get something right.
I'm gonna set the table.
Why don't you put the bird in?
[oven door creaks]
[pan clanging]
[finger zinging]
[Shawn sighs]
[timer clicking]
[doorbell rings]
[Wayne] Merry Christmas.
Come on in.
Merry Christmas.
Hey, Mr. Gunderson.
Let me grab that from you.
[Miki] Thank you very
much for having me.
Oh, you're very welcome.
I hope we can show you a
Christmas to tell your family about
back in China.
Sorry, Japan.
don't tell Shawn I said that.
- Are your sisters coming?
- Nope.
They're gonna spend Christmas
with their friends, thank God.
Oh, that just means more for us.
You make yourself at home.
Vikram, kitchen.
Real men cook.
Yes, sir.
Laughing all
the way, ha, ha, ha
Bells on bobtails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is
to ride and sing
On a sleighing song tonight
Oh, jingle
bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
Fa, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la
'Tis the season to be jolly
[speaking in Japanese]
Did you ask her yet?
It's Christmas
break. Give it a rest.
[speaking in Japanese]
Alright, kids,
stop talking in code.
Gentlemen, wanna
check on the big bird?
[oven door creaks]
[sighs] Oh, this is my fault.
I zapped the oven.
I broke the oven.
We could do a sushi turkey.
Get it? 'Cause...
- How do you like Oklahoma?
- Uh, Indian people not here?
Oh, nonsense. They're
all over the place.
Ah, where can I find them?
They own all the casinos.
- Casino?
- Casinos.
Ah, [speaking in Japanese].
[Shawn] Hey.
Oh, you should
do your "Do-Kan" thing.
No, it might explode.
[Wayne] How's it looking?
Are we close in there?
It's Christmas
turkey. You gotta.
Oh, fine.
Stand back.
[gentle chiming music]
[lighting zapping]
[speaking in Japanese]
[Shawn and Vik coughing]
[suspenseful music]
[intense music]
[door clicking]
What's the word?
Alright. Let's get fat.
Don't forget the casserole.
Ah, [speaks in Japanese].
[mischievous music]
- Your hands cold, bud?
- [Shawn] No.
Well, how
you plan to eat with those on?
No, I'm just-
[speaking in Japanese]
Enough with the cosplay.
Let's eat.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
[glasses clink]
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[metal humming]
[Shawn] Come on.
[lightning zinging]
[bird squawking]
[lightning zapping]
[heroic music]
[Vik yawns]
[mischievous music]
[muscles scrunching]
[Vik chuckling and panting]
[orchestral music]
[Native American music]
Well, hello there, Miki-Angelo.
[clears throat] Indians, huh?
Wanna see Indians?
[orchestral music]
It's really cool that you know so
much about Native American culture.
I've lived here my whole life
and never even
thought about 'em.
You think I'm cool?
[Miki gasps]
[fire crackling]
[horses galloping]
[voices screaming]
[ground rumbling]
Hey there.
Hey, are you okay?
Indian people are dead.
Uh, some are.
Actually, many.
[Miki hiccups]
Are you okay?
[speaking in Japanese]
[Miki hiccuping]
Excuse me.
[phone chiming]
[Woman] Hey,
is this Vik with a K?
Yeah, who's this?
[Bethany] This is
Bethany from school.
Oh, yeah.
Hi, Bethany.
[Bethany] So,
what are you doing?
[Bethany] I mean, do
you wanna like, hang out?
[upbeat music]
[phone chiming]
Vik, I am freaking out.
Where are you right now?
I, I just...
I, I got a thing.
What do you mean, a thing?
Just, just, it's just
something important.
Something important?
Vik, I'm in trouble.
You're a smart kid.
You'll figure it out-
- [Bethany] Hey.
- Ooh.
- Sup?
- It's short for "what's up?"
Yeah, I know.
Come on.
We're not renting a movie?
[suspenseful music]
Damn it!
[smoke whooshes]
[spray can hissing]
You know, you're fun.
I thought you were a huge nerd.
What a, what a mean rumor.
[sirens wailing]
[dogs barking]
[spray can hissing]
[Bethany chuckles]
[Vik laughs]
Why do you hang
out, like, all the time,
with that weird kid?
The one who's, like,
into Japanese cartoons. [sighs]
We just, uh, study sometimes.
He really brings you down.
[adventurous music]
[plane roars]
[Shawn screaming]
[clouds whooshing]
[ominous music]
[atmosphere booms]
[woman screaming]
[lights zapping]
[bird squawking]
[Shawn grunts]
[body thuds]
[Shawn grunts]
[ominous music]
[scythe clanging]
[lightning whooshes]
[Shawn grunts]
I think they were
trying to kill me.
They had scythes.
Like what?
Like Deathscythe Gundam.
- Oh.
- And they were digging something out of the ground.
It was just like the film.
Here, I got
a whole bunch of, um,
websites about "Go" over here.
I can't understand
all of the kanji,
but it says
something about a prophecy.
The last days of
the Millennium, 1999.
Right now.
That's it?
- Yeah, why?
- I'm turning into the mecha from the movie,
and you're transforming too.
You're transforming into-
No, Goku wasn't in the film.
But there was
a kaiju and there's a mecha.
And I'm turning into the mecha.
So that only really leaves-
Stop it.
So what?
So what?
So everything.
Mecha fight kaiju.
And it gets worse.
It says something about
blood from a hero's sacrifice
and a sacred fire to
awaken the Old Gods.
The Old Gods seem to be
important in all this,
so we just need to
figure out what happens-
Shawn, Shawn, Shawn,
Shawn, Shawn, Shawn, Shawn.
You're looking
at this all wrong.
You're turning into a mecha.
I just went on a date
with friggin' Bethany.
That doesn't
happen to guys like us.
What do you mean, guys like us?
I gotta spell it out for you?
We're not losers.
Yes, we are.
Or I was, but not anymore.
Okay, but regardless if
we are losers or not,
I need your help with this.
Come on.
Like, [sighs] I need you, Vik.
No one understands or cares
about this kind of stuff, except for us.
Except for you.
What do you mean?
[Vik] Anime's your thing,
not mine.
How can you say that?
It's not my life.
I outgrew it a long time ago.
Then why watch
all these movies then?
Like, buy all
these action figures?
Because you were into it.
And that was cool for a while,
but I can't like something
simply because you do.
I gotta be my own person.
Okay, we'll watch less anime,
but this,
this is distracting us.
It doesn't matter.
No, no, no, no, it does matter.
Why won't you just let
me have this, Shawn?
Because this isn't you.
Yes, it is. Or it will be, if
you stop dragging me down.
You think I drag you down?
[Vik exhales]
Look, the old me wasn't working.
Don't screw this up for me.
Hey, dorks.
Japanese girls are so petite.
Should I wear
this to my recital?
Where's Miki?
She got upset that you were
arguing and wanted to leave
so I lent her my bike.
- You did what?
- Where did she go?
[vehicle horns beeping]
[rain pattering]
[gentle music]
[mysterious music]
[intense music]
[speaking in Japanese]
[gentle chiming music]
[air whooshing]
[atmosphere booms]
[Miki gasps]
[speaking in Japanese]
Do you need a ride?
[bike thuds]
Thank you, Mr. Gunderson.
Don't mention it.
I'm just glad to see
Shawn making a new friend.
[Miki] Mm.
I love most of the
things about his school,
but making friends?
Let's just say his peer group
has very different
home lives than him.
Sometimes I don't
get my own kid.
[gentle music]
Maybe I'm not
trying hard enough.
Hell, maybe I'm trying too hard.
But I do worry about him,
especially since
his mom passed away.
is a good boy.
Yes, he is.
[Shawn] I had
to buy a sweatshirt.
Don't worry, we're
not talking about you.
[intense music]
[Cloaked Figure] They are
discovering their powers.
They could defeat our masters.
[Hooded Girl]
We must destroy them.
[Cloaked Figure] No,
we will make
them destroy each other.
[suspenseful music]
Vik, you have known about this.
You complained when I didn't
get you your own hotel room.
I'm sorry if I don't wanna
drive to Dallas for two nights
to watch little kids do some
stupid dance performance.
It's not stupid.
Yes, it is.
Bite me.
- Bite yourself.
- We can hang out later.
No, no, no, no, no.
I wanna hang out with you now.
I'm going to
hang out with you now.
Fine. [claps]
Be a jerk.
Come on, we're gonna be late.
So you're gonna be home alone.
[door thuds]
Yeah. Why?
[Shawn] Newt-sensei, I didn't
know who else to turn to.
Well, let me see if I
can translate it for you.
The director, Daisuke Ogata,
used to be a big deal.
Almost as big as Kurosawa.
Then he said he had a
vision for the future
he had to turn into an anime.
Only a big otaku
would find this stuff.
Apparently, Ogata
was making a prophecy
about the end of the Millennium.
When the world
would be destroyed
unless a hero
rises and saves it.
But the hero can only be born
if he watches this movie.
That can't be right.
But there was no ending
to the movie. It just cut off.
And why was
the maiden tied to the post?
The sacred fire?
The Old Gods?
you're over thinking it, man.
The monster
will destroy the world
at the end of the Millennium
unless a hero slays him.
Mechas fight kaiju.
[upbeat guitar music]
Her name is Yoshimi
She's a black belt in karate
Working for the city
She has to
discipline her body
she knows that it's demanding
To defeat
those evil machines
I know she can beat them
Look at them.
Is it this bad in Japan too?
- Bad?
Wouldn't it just be
great when it's all over?
No more losers telling
us how it has to be.
I don't understand.
I like Oklahoma.
Then you really are special.
[Shawn and Newt grunting]
Look, I used
to be just like you.
A scrawny loser, no friends.
Why do you think
I joined the Navy?
'Cause no other
job would take me.
[Shawn grunting]
You get in horse stance,
would you, please?
Thank you.
[Shawn grunts]
So then I went to Japan,
and everything changed.
I was, I was walking tall.
Literally, I was the tallest
person walking around.
Felt fantastic.
Nothing was the same.
And look at me now.
I'm the guy I wanted to
become when I was your age.
But I couldn't be him
until I decided to change.
I had to decide
to change, right?
And I could not change
until I got rid of all the
people who made me who I was.
And I brought in the people
who made me who I am today.
I am the hero of my own story.
And you could be too.
What is it I always say?
It's not-
- It's not who you are,
but what you do.
That's right.
It's what you do.
It's what you do that makes
you a hero. [chuckles]
Come on up there, mittens.
[woman gasps]
[intense music]
[lighting zapping]
You alright, Shawn-kun?
[kaiju roaring]
A rig a to, sensei.
[Newt] A rig a to.
[upbeat music]
[inaudible dialogue]
[dial tone ringing]
- Pick up.
Come on.
Show me your room.
[melancholy music]
[air whooshes]
Are you, are you sure
this is gonna work?
Just trust me, honey.
But what, [sighs]
what if he figures it out?
You do your part.
I'll do mine.
[Newt] Alright.
Alright. [inhales]
What's this robot guy?
Oh, that's a mecha.
They shoot lasers and fly.
And this?
That's a kaiju.
They usually fight the mechas.
They're the villain.
Well, who wants to
mess around with a robot?
But kaiju?
Kaiju are sexy.
[Vik gulps]
[suspenseful music]
[intense music]
[atmosphere booms]
[Vik's stomach growling]
Bethany, um...
[Bethany] What's the matter?
Nothing, I, uh...
I feel funny.
[Bethany] Just go with it.
[Mecha Shawn] Vik?
Where are you guys?
[heroic music]
Why are you all staring at me?
No, no, no.
[Vik's stomach growling]
[teeth chomps] - [gasps] Alright,
if you don't want to, that's okay,
but don't bite me.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
[Vik growling]
Oh, my god.
[suspenseful music]
[Vik] Bethany, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it.
I don't know what happened.
[Mecha Shawn] Vik.
[atmosphere booming]
What the...
[Kaiju Vik] You!
[people screaming]
[intense music]
- [Mecha Shawn] Whoa.
- [Kaiju Vik] You did this to me.
You made us watch that film.
- Vik, stop.
Okay, calm down, Vik.
We can figure this out.
[Kaiju Vik] Figure what out?
[groans] Look at me.
[Mecha Shawn] I guess you're
not in the mood to talk right now.
[Kaiju Vik] Where do you
think you're going, Shawn?
[Mecha Shawn whooshes]
[sighs] Oh no.
Oh no. [groans]
[Bethany panting]
[phone ringing]
Everything you said
would happen came true,
and then some.
They're definitely gonna fight.
[lightning cracking]
[Radio Host]
And Nostradamus foretold
that in the year 1999
there would come a King
of Terror, the Antichrist,
at the end of the Millennium.
[bell dings]
This please.
[gentle chiming music]
[fire whooshes]
[suspenseful music]
[Kaiju Vik] What do you want?
[Mecha Shawn]
I think we should meet up.
[Kaiju Vik] You better
not chicken out this time.
[water trickling]
[sighs] Where are you?
Quit hiding.
Dude, I can smell you.
You smell like...
[sniffs] You smell like
a vinyl record. Hm.
[Mecha Shawn] Uh, hey.
[Kaiju Vik] There you
are, you little weasel.
[Mecha Shawn] Look, I'm sorry.
I never should've
made us watch that film.
[Kaiju Vik] You really think
this is about the film, Shawn?
[Mecha Shawn]
But you're a monster, Vik.
Somebody has to stop you.
[Kaiju Vik laughs] What
are you gonna do about it?
You'll never be a hero, Shawn.
You'll always be a coward.
[Mecha Shawn]
Stop saying that!
[lightning zapping]
[atmosphere booming]
[Kaiju Vik] Ugh, what the hell?
I didn't think you'd actually do it.
[Mecha Shawn] I'm sorry.
The movie
says I have to do this.
[Kaiju Vik] This was
never about the movie!
[atmosphere booms]
[Kaiju Vik growls]
[frantic music]
[Mecha Shawn] Okay,
maybe there's another way.
Let's just think
about this for a minute.
[Kaiju Vik] It's
too late. [growls]
[body thuds]
[atmosphere booms]
[body thuds]
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[fists pounding]
[Kaiju Vik groans]
[atmosphere booms]
[light whirring]
[Kaiju Vik's body crunching]
[Kaiju Vik grunts]
[Kaiju Vik laughs]
- [Mecha Shawn] You have wings?
[Kaiju Vik] Now that's
what I'm talking about.
[lightning zinging]
[Kaiju Vik whimpers]
[intense music]
[atmosphere booms]
[atmosphere booms]
[Kaiju Vik and
Mecha Shawn grunting]
[orchestral music]
[light spot zings]
[atmosphere booms]
[bodies thud]
[Mecha Shawn groans]
[Mecha Shawn] You weren't
there for me when I needed you, Vik.
You're never there for me.
[Kaiju Vik] I'm the only
one who's there for you.
Nobody likes you.
[Mecha Shawn] No
matter how hard you try,
nobody's ever gonna like you.
[Kaiju Vik] I hate you.
[Mecha Shawn] And I hate you.
[Kaiju Vik growls]
[Kaiju screams]
[Mecha screams]
[air whooshes]
[Mecha Shawn & Kaiju
Vik] I'm all you have.
[orchestral music]
[beams zinging]
[Mecha Shawn] Look out!
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[body thuds]
[Mecha Shawn groans]
[water swishing]
[gentle chiming music]
[eyes zinging]
[birds chirping]
[fire crackling]
[Miki gasps]
[speaking in Japanese]
[suspenseful music]
You think I'm cool?
[speaking in Japanese]
[Miki giggling]
[Shawn chuckling]
[Miki sighs]
[speaking in Japanese]
[ominous music]
[water swishing]
[eyes buzzing]
[Mecha Shawn gasps]
[Mecha Shawn groans]
[solemn music]
[Mecha Shawn groans]
[fireworks booming]
Oh, Y2K.
We have talked about
it and talked about it
and talked about it.
Well, at midnight tonight,
some storms are going to
roll in from the southwest.
The Millennium will be here.
And you'll know
it here in Oklahoma,
because, let me
tell you, it's stormy-
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[atmosphere booming]
You need to get below ground.
If you don't,
you might find your
heinie in Kansas tomorrow.
[door knocking]
- Hey, buddy. You awake?
[Mecha Shawn grunting]
[door creaks]
[door slams]
Maybe now's not a good time.
[Wayne exhales]
Uh, yeah, you know what?
I'm just gonna say it.
[Wayne sighs]
I can tell
something's eating at you.
And believe it or not,
I know what you're feeling.
[heartfelt music]
People will tell you that
growing up is about change,
but you don't
change as an adult.
You are who you are.
And they won't tell you that.
At least,
nobody told me that,
but it's true.
Even if other
people don't get it,
hell, even if I don't get,
just be yourself.
I'm proud of who you are.
[Mecha Shawn sighs]
Your mom would be proud too.
I wish she was here to
see who you've become.
Who you've always been
my hero, if I'm being honest.
I guess you'll be spending
New Year's with Vikram?
Have a good time.
[sound zinging]
[intense music]
[crowd roaring]
[fire crackling]
[Miki gasps]
[woman screaming]
[heroic music]
[windmill creaking]
[ominous music]
[fire whooshing]
[scythes clanging]
[speaking in Japanese]
[orchestral music]
[atmosphere booms]
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[heroic music]
[lasers buzzing]
[Mecha Shawn] Let her go.
[Newt] Shawn-kun.
- [Mecha Shawn] Newt-sensei?
- You did it. I knew you'd survive.
[Mecha Shawn] What,
what's going on here?
I got a better question
for you, shaka Shawn.
What are you?
[Mecha Shawn] I'm a mecha?
[chuckles] You're a loser.
But you can change
by helping me
release the Old Gods.
[Mecha Shawn]
What about the movie?
Our people had
to destroy the film.
We couldn't have
an ending out there
showing people how
to defeat the Old Gods.
But with you with us,
nothing's gonna stop us.
Now, come on,
help us save the world.
[orchestral music]
[Mecha Shawn] You made
me kill my best friend.
I won't be part of your world.
You are really starting
to disappoint me, Shawn-kun.
[ominous music]
[Kaiju Vik] Vik with a K!
[heroic music]
[Kaiju Vik screaming]
[Newt] No.
[atmosphere booms]
[everyone grunting]
[metals clanging]
[Kaiju Vik] Jeez.
[Mecha Shawn] You're not dead.
[Kaiju Vik chuckles]
Ah, just took a swim.
Hey, uh, what I said...
[Mecha Shawn] You were right.
We have each other.
[Miki clears throat]
Oh, Miki. [speaks in Japanese] Oh, oh.
- Allow me.
I got it.
- Oh, please.
- I can cut the laser-
- No, look what happens.
- Lasers cut-
- I got it.
- I got this.
- Shawn, let me.
I got the nails.
[Kaiju Vik groans]
Get them!
[Kaiju Vik] Oh, gosh.
[intense music]
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[Kaiju Vik growls]
[scythe clangs]
[Kaiju Vik and
Mecha Shawn grunting]
[upbeat playful music]
[atmosphere booms]
[speaking Japanese]
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[laser zinging]
[Kaiju Vik] Yes.
[Bethany] Vik.
[Kaiju Vik growls]
[Kaiju Vik] Bethany?
Why are you helping him?
[Kaiju Vik]
Because he's my friend.
[atmosphere booms]
[Kaiju Vik groans]
[intense music]
And he'll always hold you back.
[Kaiju Vik groaning]
[boots thumping]
[Newt] Shawn-kun.
[scythe clangs]
[Mecha Shawn] Mecha sword!
[mecha sword buzzing]
[intense music]
[metal clanging]
[Newt] Yee-ha!
[Mecha Shawn grunts]
[Mecha Shawn screams]
[Newt grunts]
[suspenseful music]
I don't wanna do this.
You could have
been my best student.
[Mecha Shawn]
I was your best student.
[Newt] Ow, ow, ow.
[sighs] Well done, Shawn Wayne.
Finish it.
[Mecha Shawn] No.
You're wrong, Newt-sensei.
[uplifting music]
You never needed to change.
You just had to be yourself.
[ominous music]
There's gotta be a better way.
There is.
[stomach squishes]
[mecha sword humming]
Why did you do that?
You are
supposed to be one of us.
One of the heroes.
I am.
[Mecha Shawn] Newt-sensei.
[uplifting music]
Whoa, okay, okay.
[atmosphere booming]
[sword humming]
Okay, maybe you could stop?
[Kaiju Vik grunting]
[Kaiju Vik] Oh, uh...
Easy, lady.
[ominous music]
[Vik gasps] Uh, guys?
Hero's blood.
[Kaiju Vik]
Oh, gosh. Oh, gosh.
sacred fire.
[intense music]
[Mecha Shawn
and Kaiju Vik gasps]
[speaking in Japanese]
[Miki gasps]
[atmosphere booms]
[Mecha Shawn gasps]
[intense music]
[gentle music]
[speaking in Japanese]
Oh, loser.
[Bethany screaming]
[Miki hiccups]
[atmosphere booms]
[Mecha Shawn
and Kaiju Vik] Whoa.
[cultists chattering]
Hey, where are you going?
[Mecha Shawn and Kaiju
Vik] Miki, you killed it.
I did it.
Vision Quest.
[speaking in Japanese]
[Vik gasps] Guys?
Uh, guys?
Oh, gosh, is
that supposed to glow?
[ground rumbles]
[Old Gods cackling]
[thunder booming]
[lightning crackles]
[speaking in Japanese]
[thunder booming]
[lightning crackles]
[Reiko screams]
[atmosphere booming]
[Old Gods cackling]
[intense music]
[Kaiju Vik] Mecha,
kaiju, it doesn't matter.
If I'm gonna die,
I'm glad we're together.
[Mecha Shawn] Together.
That's it!
[Kaiju Vik] That's what?
[Mecha Shawn] I think I
figured out the ending to the movie.
[Kaiju Vik]
But it was destroyed.
[Mecha Shawn] No, listen, you know
how mecha combine into one giant robot?
[Kaiju Vik]
Yeah, to defeat a Kaiju.
[Mecha Shawn] Yeah, but
this movie is different.
The kaiju isn't
the villain, remember?
[Kaiju Vik] Do
you think we could do it?
[Mecha Shawn] Do you
have any other ideas?
[Old Gods growling]
[Kaiju Vik] Nope.
[speaking in Japanese]
[hands whooshing]
[power whirring]
[heroic music]
[Old Gods cackling]
[atmosphere booming]
[Old Gods roaring]
[atmosphere booms]
[wind howling]
[metal clattering]
[Old Gods laughing]
[lighting crackling]
[sword humming]
[Old Gods growling]
[laser buzzing]
[Old Gods snarling]
[atmosphere booming]
[swords humming]
[metal clanging]
[power humming]
[Revelers] 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
[atmosphere booms]
[orchestral music]
[wind rustling]
[gentle chiming music]
[birds chirping]
[Shawn gasps, panting]
[Vik gasps]
[Vik] Um...
Where's Miki?
Do you think she's naked too?
[robes thud]
[Radio Host] From Paris
to Tokyo to New York,
all indications are
that major national
infrastructure remains intact
after months or preparing for
a Millennium Bug catastrophe.
The White House Y2K chief-
[bell dings]
Was so pleased with himself,
that he smoked
a celebratory cigar.
Despite all the-
- Happy new Millennium.
[gentle guitar music]
[Miki speaking in Japanese]
[Miki giggles]
[hands whooshing]
[speaking in Japanese]
[rainbows whooshing]
[Miki speaking in Japanese]
[orchestral music]
[heroic music]
[chiming music]
[atmosphere booms]
[letter whooshing]
[mailbox creaking]
[birds chirping]
[suspenseful music]
[speaking in Japanese]
[upbeat rock music]
[singing in Japanese]
Hey, hey, hey
[singing in Japanese]
Let's go
[singing in Japanese]
My friend
[singing in Japanese]
You help me see
the strength in you
Is the strength in me too
Go, go, shojo
Now I finally see that
everything I was looking for
Was looking back at me
Go, go, shojo
Travel across the ocean just
to find home is in my heart
[singing in Japanese]
We can dance
under the thunder
See the rainbow
through the rain
[singing in Japanese]
My friend
[singing in Japanese]
You help me see
the strength in you
Is the strength in me too
Go, go, shojo
Now I finally see that
everything I was looking for
Was looking back at me
Go, go, shojo
Travel across the ocean just
to find home is in my heart
[singing in Japanese]
My friend
[singing in Japanese]
You help me see
the strength in you
Is the strength in me too
Go, go, shojo
Now I finally see that
everything I was looking for
Was looking back at me
Go, go, shojo
Travel across the ocean just
to find home is in my heart
[orchestral music]
[uplifting music]
[heroic music]
[heartfelt music]
[jazzy music]
[uplifting music]
It's New Year's.
The storm's gone, sun's out.
Really looking
good, I gotta tell you.
It's just super, and it's
time for you to go home.
If you have one.
[atmosphere booms]