Iklimler (Climates) (2006) Movie Script

- Are you bored?
- No.
Should we give Arif a call?
- Semra, dinner was great. Thanks.
- I hope you enjoyed it.
- How about some coffee?
- How do you take it?
- Medium-sweet for me.
- Me too.
Arif, it must be interesting living
- It's kind of boring actually.
- Why are you living here then?
What else can I do?
The weather's great
but that's about it.
If there were a few more people
like us around...
Why don't you come down
more often?
Actually this is the first time
we've been away in years.
Bahar has that TV series.
The schedule's always up in the air.
And I have the university, you know.
I'm free in summer
but then Bahar is usually busy.
What's your job on the series,
Art director.
Is that the one with Ugur Ycel?
No, that's a different series.
There are no big names in ours.
It's getting cold.
- Aren't you cold?
- No, I'm fine.
- Why don't you put your jacket on?
- I told you, I'm fine.
You seem kind of fed up.
What's wrong?
What's going on?
Is there a problem?
Why are you using that tone?
Why do you keep nagging?
If I am nagging, it's for your own
good, isn't it?
If I was cold,
I'd be wearing the thing anyway.
Can't we go anywhere
without you making problems?
Hey, come on!
Don't go over the top.
Don't worry.
They enjoy seeing us miserable.
Come on.
You wrecked dinner, then...
No. It's OK. Don't worry.
Hey, come on, guys!
Just forget it.
So you can hear the waves
all the way up here.
- Is that the sea just down there?
- Yes, it's right there.
- Just behind those trees?
- Yes.
Kas has got so big.
I came here back in 1977.
There was nothing here then.
It's tourism. The Germans started
coming. So then...
- I worked as a waiter here.
- Really?
Shall we go for a swim?
What, now?
- Yes.
- You'll freeze.
Are you crazy? For God's sake!
Where do you get these ideas?
Why not if you want. But...
Forget it. It would be bad for
Isa's neck.
It's late.
Let's have our coffee and get going.
Semra, where's the coffee?
- You can stay here if you like.
- No, it's OK. The hotel's fine.
- Are you comfortable there?
- Yes.
I love you.
What's up?
You're covered in sweat.
I must have fallen asleep.
You shouldn't be sleeping in the
sun. It's really dangerous.
I want to say something,
but please don't get the wrong idea.
Maybe we should go
our own ways for a bit.
What do you think?
We'd still be good friends. I mean, it
wouldn't change things a lot.
We'd still go out together,
go out for dinner, go to the movies.
We don't have to be friends.
I don't mind.
Come on, Bahar.
Don't be like that for God's sake.
This would be better for you as well.
Even that meaningless "Serap"
incident has screwed you up.
You call it meaningless?
For God's sake,
don't get started on that again.
It's better that way for you as well.
You know it yourself.
You don't have to worry about me.
I'll be fine.
That's what I mean.
You're young. You're attractive...
You can get all the men you want.
Maybe it's true what you said.
Maybe I am too old for you.
The age difference
really has become a problem.
It just isn't working.
We can't seem to get along.
I don't need convincing, you know.
I agree with you.
I'm not trying to convince you,
just to point out the facts.
You know I'm right.
Are you crazy?
Are you trying to kill us both?
If you're that keen to die,
shall I throw you off?
- Shall I throw you off?
- Get off me!
Get off me!
Come back here.
Come back!
Fucking hell!
Your baggage receipt.
Don't lose it.
Do you have a sweater with you?
It gets really cold at night.
Yes, I do.
- OK then. Have a good trip.
- Thanks.
I'll call you when I'm back in
- Don't.
- What?
- Don't call.
OK, people.
I want you to compare the
architecture of these two temples.
You have 15 minutes.
Any questions?
- How are you doing?
- Fine.
- How did the exam go?
- OK.
Who switched on my computer?
I have no idea.
Probably one of your students.
- Come on! Was it you?
- No! Why would I switch it on?
- Are you leaving?
- Yes, I have to.
I'm going to an art exhibition with
Pinar. Join us if you like.
Thanks, but no. I want to read
through these exam papers.
Can't you do that later?
I don't like taking work home.
I'll get it done here.
I've booked the court for Saturday.
Hopefully that's OK with you.
What if it rains?
Always excuses. If it rains, it rains!
In that case, we play even if it
OK. It's a deal.
- No getting out of it.
- No.
- We'll even go for a swim.
- In the sea?
All right, we'll do that too.
OK, see you then.
- Let's have coffee before you go.
- I don't have time, honestly.
She'll only complain if I am late.
I should go.
- OK. Have a good time.
- Thanks.
- Hey, how are you?
- Great.
- What are you up to?
- Same as ever. Work and all that.
- You're still in advertising?
- Yes. They won't let me go.
- Hey, Serap! How are you?
- Fine. And you?
Fine. It's so nice that you're still
together after all this time.
Did you get married?
I have an hour to kill.
Shall we have a drink together?
Let's see.
No. Sorry.
I have to meet someone.
Come on.
We hardly ever run into each other.
- I can't. But let's be in touch.
- OK.
- Don't forget though.
- You never call either.
Neither do you.
We're both as bad as each other.
- How are you doing?
- OK.
We're just looking at books and
- OK. I'll see you then.
- See you. Take care.
Hey, the place has changed.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I can leave, if you want.
How did you know
I'd come home alone?
Gven said so, didn't he?
At the bookstore.
And I guess I wanted to try my luck.
Aren't you going to offer me
You want something to drink?
What should I have?
Something alcoholic?
Have whatever you want.
OK, I'll have coffee.
It's coffee then.
Then we'll move on to wine.
You haven't been around
for a while.
Is Bahar out of town again?
What's it got to do with Bahar?
What are you trying to say?
What are you laughing at for God's
OK, OK. Calm down!
I am.
- These are stale.
- Don't eat them then.
Open your mouth.
How can you wear those pointed
shoes? They're so ugly.
I like them.
You want it?
- Nothing's wrong with it.
- No!
- Don't be so picky.
- It's been on the floor.
- So? The floor's clean. Go on.
- I told you, I don't want it.
There, it's done.
That's much better.
I was treading on them before.
They're just right now.
- Was there anything else?
- No, that's it. Thanks.
You're welcome.
I have to go, Mum. I'm running late.
I'm still working on my thesis.
I have to meet someone.
- You haven't eaten anything.
- I'm not hungry yet.
I can eat at home.
- Drop by now and again.
- I can't but I will try.
If I could just finish my thesis...
I still could not complete
lectorship thesis.
You should be thinking
about having children.
Come on, Mum.
Don't keep going on about that.
What does it matter
if I do or don't have children?
- Of course it matters.
- Why?
We're not getting any younger.
Who knows
how much longer we'll be around.
Having children adds
so much to your life.
But I don't even like kids.
It's different when they're your own
Now, it may seem like that.
Just wait and see.
Dad, why are you wearing
that hat?
That's a new habit. He even wears
it when guests come over.
This hat has more uses than you
For one, it protects the blood
It makes the blood thinner
so it flows more easily.
Well, don't get too used to it, Dad.
He'll soon need another hat on top
whenever he goes outside.
As he wears one inside home,
that won't be sufficient outside.
I keep telling him but he never
It's late. I'd better be going.
Come and visit more often.
That was in.
What do you mean?
It was definitely out.
It looked to me like
it was on the line.
Are you blind?
So we'd planned the whole
Imagine, everything's ready.
We go out for dinner one night.
Then suddenly, what do I see?
A finger wagging in my face.
That's a great image.
I said to myself,
just get out while the going's good.
I walked out and that was it.
I just left her like that.
That dress looks great on you.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
I like it a lot too.
You look good in black.
Thank you.
Gven got it for me in London.
The bastard has good taste.
Why's he gone to Kazakhstan?
He's setting up an advertising
agency there. With a few friends.
That's why he has gone.
God! The stuff he gets into!
When does he get back?
- In a week or so.
- That's good.
So you're free for a whole week.
What's Bahar up to?
She's OK.
Does she come back to Istanbul
now and then?
- Where from?
- From the east.
What do you mean "the east"?
I heard she's working on a TV series
Who told you that?
Nevzat. I ran into him the other day
at the opening of Istanbul Modern.
- We had a little chat. He told me.
- Who's Nevzat?
The architect, you know.
You mean Nevzat Sayin?
- How does he know?
- I've no idea.
When has she gone?
I really don't know.
Wait, didn't you know?
Why not?
I just didn't.
We broke up.
Come on!
I don't believe you.
- Didn't I tell you?
- No.
Weren't you together
when you last came here?
Well, why didn't you say so?
You didn't ask.
How was I supposed to know
you'd split up?
- So why did you break up?
- It happened ages ago. In Kas.
Back in the summer
when we were in Kas.
Go on! What happened then?
I love hearing about break-ups.
Forget it.
It's a long story.
It's all dust and ashes.
Just like the song.
- Can I have more wine? It's good.
- Sure.
That tastes good.
An earthquake has occurred
but I didn't catch where.
I wonder if it was here in Turkey?
Are you going to watch that?
No. It's Cneyt zdemir's thing but...
Come over here.
My wife...
The earthquake...
I thought you said she wagged
her finger in your face?
Well, you should see Pinar now.
She's meek as a lamb.
There's no more wagging fingers.
Believe me.
After I walked out that evening
she got really scared.
It's the truth, honestly.
She knows where she stands now.
Maybe she will revert to...
...her old ways after marriage.
No chance of that.
The girl's terrified!
The way I acted that night
she really thought it was all over.
So, that is difficult for her to do.
I wouldn't be so sure.
What are you doing
for the winter holiday?
Maybe take a trip to Russia,
but we're not sure yet.
Are you crazy?
At this time of year?
Well I promised Pinar some time ago
so I have to go through with it.
What are you up to?
You have any plans?
Wow! A trip to the sun, huh?
I need some decent weather.
The cold here gets to my bones.
You'll get bored on your own.
Why would I get bored?
I've been dreaming of a trip on my
own for years.
I'm sure to meet someone there
It sounds good at first,
but the more I think about it...
I find places like that a bit vacuous
and kind of empty.
What places?
Faraway places.
Especially when I'm on my own.
Other countries.
But you're going to another country.
But at least I have Pinar with me.
Come on! You'll be fighting every
day. Just wait and see.
No, we won't. Not any more.
Hopefully you're right.
I have a class to go to.
The students will be waiting.
- Are you here after class?
- Yes. I'll be around.
- I'll see you later then.
- Have a good class.
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
- Do you have a room?
- Yes.
- How much?
- 20 lira.
- Isn't the lift working?
- No.
- How much is this?
- 25 lira.
- Are there any different tunes?
- Sorry. No.
I called but your number's changed,
I guess.
Yes. It has.
- How long have you been here?
- Four months.
Really? It's been a long time.
Haven't you been back to Istanbul at
When did you get here?
Where are you staying?
At the Ortadogu Hotel.
Across the river.
- You look well.
- I am.
You look well too.
I guess I'm OK.
- What photographs did you bring?
- What?
What photographs did you bring?
The ones from Kas.
I happened to see them in my PC.
I thought I might run into you here.
That's why I brought them with me.
- I got this for you.
- What is it?
I found it wandering around last
- It's nice.
- Smuggled in from Dubai.
It's nice.
There's so much smuggled stuff
Yes, Cenk?
I gave them to Zafer.
What do you mean they're not there?
OK, I'll call him right away... OK.
- Is there a problem?
- No, not really.
Hello, Zafer?
Don't you have
the Aga's costume for today?
But you told Cenk
you didn't have it.
Can't you get anything done?
When are we leaving?
OK. OK then.
Shall I get you another tea?
No, I have to go.
I should leave in a minute.
What happened with your thesis?
I still haven't finished it.
I want to photograph the ruins
at Ishakpasha tomorrow.
I thought the photos would look
good in the thesis.
I thought I could drop by on you
while I was here.
I'll be going then.
- Will I see you this evening?
- Unlikely. We don't return till late.
That's OK. I'll wait up for you.
How much longer are you here?
I don't know.
- OK.
- What?
- I'm going.
- OK.
- Give me a call anyway.
- I won't have time.
- I don't have a spare minute.
- All right then. OK.
- Good luck with your work.
- You too.
Excuse me.
You're crew, aren't you?
- Can you give this to Bahar?
- She's in the van.
- That van?
- Yes.
Or I'll give it to her if you want.
No. It's OK.
I'll do it myself.
Hey, sweetheart.
Why are you crying?
Come on, sweetheart.
Why are you crying?
Why are you here?
To see you, of course.
I've really changed.
I'm a different person now.
I know I never made you happy
in the past.
But I've really changed, honestly.
I say, you quit this job...
...and come back to Istanbul with me
Sweetheart, stop crying.
Bahar, stop crying for God's sake.
I swear, I really feel capable of
I have already changed lot.
I feel like I'm ready to start a new
life now.
You know, to get married,
have kids...
To even leave Istanbul
and move somewhere else...
To turn over...
I feel ready to give up
material things.
I don't want anything more for
myself. I'm done with all that.
I know I can.
I know I can make you happy.
I want to ask you something
but you have to answer honestly.
Ask me whatever you want.
Did you see Serap again
after we broke up?
No, of course I didn't.
- Are we going, zcan?
- Pretty soon. The fog's lifting.
Bahar, what do you say?
Forget this job...
...come with me to Istanbul
I'm sorry. It's too late now.
Well, fine then. I'm going.
Here you are.
Have a good trip.
Make sure you're there an hour
- What?
- You have to be there an hour early.
- At the airport?
- At the airport. Yes.
- Thanks a lot.
- You're welcome.
Is the road to Ishakpasha open?
- Are you done?
- Yes.
What a great view
from down here as well.
I should take a photo from here.
Can you stand in the foreground?
I should take a photo from here.
Can you stand in the foreground?
It would be nice to have someone in
the picture for a change.
Come a bit closer.
Is this OK?
That's good but don't smile.
Look serious.
Tilt your head forward a bit.
Look more serious.
- Nice, isn't it?
- Yes, it's a good one.
Is there any chance
you can send me a copy?
- Write your address, then.
- Ok, I will.
I'll write it on the back of this.
How long will it take to get here?
A couple of weeks or so.
What are you going to do
with the photograph?
Send it to my girlfriend.
Aren't there any photographers
in Dogubeyazit?
There are,
but they do mostly passport photos.
It's nice to have a scenic photo for
I'm putting my phone number here
as well just in case...
Here you go.
- Sorry for the trouble but...
- No problem.
- Are we going straight back then?
- That's right.
- Good morning.
- Morning.
- You were up early.
- I couldn't sleep.
- Did you manage to get some sleep?
- Yes, a bit.
I was even dreaming.
You forgot to take your present with
you that day.
I was going to give it to you
in the van but...
I had such a nice dream.
What about?
It was a beautiful day.
Perfect sunshine.
There were these rolling green
And I could fly.
I was gliding gently over the
meadows. It was so beautiful.
...I looked down
and saw a cemetery or something.
I flew gently down towards it.
Suddenly I could see my mother.
She was waving at me.
I thought,
"Wow! She's still alive!"
It was really nice.
It made me so happy.
What time do you have to be on set?
You don't want to be late.
At nine.
Let's get going then.
I'll buy you a good breakfast.
I can go from there to the airport.
Aze, you're not crying again, are
you? Come on. That's enough now.
I won't stop
until my father's avenged.
That's going to happen. Don't worry.
I'm here.
I'm going to avenge your father.
I'm going to stop those tears.
We'll be able to walk with pride
Can we cut, please?
There's an aircraft.
Oh God! That's all we needed.
- Tell me when it's gone.
- OK.
A cigarette, someone!
Guys, what's the problem?
You keep forgetting your lines.
Zeynep, what happened to the
But they only forgot...
Apo. When you put your rifle down,
don't block it.
- OK.
- Watch out for that.
For my son, Ayaz.