Illegal Tender (2007) Movie Script

MAN: Where's the money?
How much did you take?
Wilson's not here to
save you right now.
You know, you old timers,
you don't never learn!
What happened to our money?
It was for my daughter!
Joey. That's enough.
Bring him out, man.
Bring him out here.
Go get me Joe.
All right.
What did I tell you
about stealing from us?
It's the second time
you took our money.
How many fucking times
we got to tell you?
Yo, what's up, Caesar?
Don't look at him!
This is the last time
you're going to
steal from us.
Oh, you think
I'm joking now?
Yo, what's up Wilson?
Calm down.
Listen, you can't shoot
this motherfucker in here.
You can't.
JOEY: You're always
saving him!
I'll handle the man, okay?
You the boss, Wilson.
You the boss, but I'll
be standing right here.
You cool?
I'm good, bro.
I'll be right here.
Damn, Joey,
you fucked him
up real bad, man.
He shouldn't
steal from us, bro!
He shouldn't steal from us.
Yo, he's a bullshitter!
Joey, do me a favor.
Take the bags outside.
Take the bags outside.
Just give it
a good planchado and take
the bags outside, okay?
You the boss.
You got lucky.
Get the bags, man,
let's go.
I should have shot him dead.
You don't know, bro.
Sometimes you gotta play
the only chips you've got.
Gracias, Wilson. Gracias.
Wilson, hold on.
You got a phone call.
This is Wilson.
How we doing, Wilson?
Doing well, very well.
that's what they tell me.
But what can I
do for you?
You've done enough.
When are you
making the payment?
Will you be there?
Do you want me
to be there?
I prefer it that way.
You know we have
something to talk about.
Then I'll be there.
Divvy this shit up,
all right?
Hey Mercy, Sonia.
$10,000 per stack,
not $10,001, okay?
No more pennies
given away.
get away from the TV!
No more.
That's it, I can't.
I'll cut you a little piece.
No, I feel as big
as a truck already, Ma.
Well, that's it.
I need a bigger
piece than that, Ma.
That's what
I'm talking about.
Exactly what
I'm talking about.
We're gonna talk
about those jeans?
Jeans. What jeans?
No, those jeans?
Let her have them!
Those are our jeans.
Shut up!
You have an ass,
she doesn't have an ass.
I'm gonna get them for you.
Sit down.
MILLIE: Girls go get them.
Sit down.
She's giving the jeans away.
Sit down.
Good flan,
I like the flan.
Better than the one before.
You got a plan?
You gonna live
here with the baby?
I have something cooking.
In my home
I did the cooking.
My man paid the bills.
You been cooking?
What I meant was,
I have something
happening down the line.
It's gonna happen.
Do the math.
She's eight months.
It's over.
don't be so nosy.
NILSA: Get it together.
I don't want my daughter
living in this neighborhood.
I thought we talked
about this, already.
You're right,
they don't fit.
Give us a minute, mamita.
What happened?
Just give us a minute.
Are you sure that...
Okay. All right.
I want you to listen to me.
I'm serious.
I'll take them.
I'll take them both.
If my daughter has
to step foot in this
rat trap neighborhood
after giving birth
to my grandchild.
We understand each other?
I gotcha.
I love you, Millie.
I miss you, baby.
He's kicking like crazy.
Good night, honey.
Good night, get home safe.
Bye, I love you.
I love you.
I'm stepping out.
Be right back, okay, babe?
Where are you going?
I've got to drop that
thing over at Javier's.
Look, I want you
to see something.
Caesar's waiting
for me outside...
Come here.
Just for one second, papi.
Look, it'll be a second.
A second is up, sweetie,
he's outside waiting.
It's Javier,
like, I can't be late.
I was late last week...
Look, I want you
to see how much
you don't have to go
anywhere tonight, okay?
What's that?
These are checks
that I deposited
into a legitimate
business account.
See this?
Milson Enterprises, Inc.
Who are they?
You better not give
my money to no one.
Who are they? Milson!
Millie. Wilson.
Milson Enterprises.
It's a corporation
that we own.
So you see,
all the money
that we invested
in Lugo's Bodega
and the catering hall
all the other ones,
I had them pay us
back by check.
And I deposited it
into this account,
Milson Enterprises, Inc.
So, all the money
that you made on
the streets is clean, now.
So, you see?
You don't have to
go anywhere tonight.
You might have been
the smartest girl at Baruch.
Well, I was also the smartest
at Bronx Science, too.
Oh, guess what?
I'm smarter.
Oh, really? How's that?
I made you mine,
didn't I?
Right, Junior?
Come on.
Get a hold of Wilson.
Okay, in through your nose.
In through your nose.
Hold it. Hold it.
All right, you got it.
What's with the gun?
Hey, Javier,
what's with the gun?
Has nothing to
do with Javier.
Javier, what's
with his gun?
I can't talk to this boy!
I can't talk to this boy!
This is between
me and Javier,
I can't talk to you, man.
Mind your fucking business.
what the fuck is this?
What the fuck!
Put that thing down.
Put the briefcase down!
shoot this motherfucker.
shoot this motherfucker!
Don't fucking move.
Open that briefcase.
Open that briefcase.
Here's your boy.
He's so beautiful, Millie.
Oh, he looks just like Wil.
Take care of this guy.
You two know
what this is about?
None of our business.
You taking orders
from Javier now?
You don't even know
what's going on here.
You're gonna
let me explain,
or what?
Nothing to explain.
This is between me and him,
just shut the fuck up!
It was wrong,
what you did, Wil.
You passing judgment on me?
This isn't about us.
You should have done
the right thing, Wil.
Look, I have a kid coming.
You gonna do me like this?
You should have
considered your kid,
not us.
Don't do this.
Don't you fucking do,
don't fuck...
I knew this much was
gonna happen.
This is the life he wanted,
this is what happens.
I told him not to go!
I told him not to go.
Yo, you gotta hear this,
you gotta hear this.
Joey, what's up?
You need to know, Millie.
I had nothing to do
with what happened to Wilson.
He was my compadre.
I loved him.
I don't want to hear it.
But that fucking Caesar.
I think he had
something to do with it.
I'm hearing a lot of shit
out there in the street.
What are you hearing, Joey?
Tell me.
You're in danger.
You and the baby.
But, look,
it's gossip, people talk.
Look, let him finish!
Jessenia, please,
can you let him talk?
I'm having a conversation,
here, okay?
You gotta get out
of this neighborhood.
You gotta go.
Thank you, Joey.
You need me for anything,
I'm on the block
in front of Lugo's.
You call me.
All right.
Oh, my son.
Don't you worry
about anything.
I'll protect you.
Hey, Joey.
Hi, nenas.
I know who she's going for.
I'm not bringing nobody.
GIRL: Who are you
going for?
I don't tell, but I do.
'Cause y'all talk
too much.
Oh, come on,
this is not high school.
You know what I'm saying?
How was the test?
That bad?
I couldn't finish it.
It was hard as fuck.
Statistics is like anything.
It's just numbers.
To you, maybe.
To me it's like hieroglyphics
married to codes and symbols.
Well, bring it by the house
and we'll review it together.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
MILLIE: Well, that's what
she said all the time,
the lost art of cooking.
Secret is in the sofrito.
Come here and say hi
to a friend of mine.
Oh, that's all right,
that's all right.
Look, maybe we can do this
somewhere alone, someday.
Yeah. And we will.
You want to
give me a minute?
get back here right now.
That wasn't necessary.
Well, you know something,
I just don't remember raising
any idiots.
Pleasure to meet you, Wilson.
Okay, leave.
Get out of this room,
right now.
I'm sorry.
It's a phase.
we all go through phases.
Don't worry.
RANDY: There it is. Yes!
Come on!
What up, little man?
What up!
Oh, okay, Xbox 360.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Start all over,
start all over.
Start a new game.
Wait a minute.
Go get your homework.
See, I like that you
just know what to do.
See you tonight.
Where's your homework, Randy?
Found it.
Come here, come here.
Eight times eight is what?
Okay, so why did you
put fifty-six?
I don't know.
MILLIE: Wilson?
Can I talk to you, please?
He's checking
my homework, Mom.
I know that, baby.
He'll be right back.
Turn that off
until you're done
with your homework.
These last two
right here are wrong.
Yeah. Check them.
Stop rushing
your homework.
Son, let me ask you
a question.
What did I tell you
about the garage?
You didn't tell me nothing.
I told you I wanted it
cleaned out.
I wanted to put some
workout stuff in there.
You can hire
people to do that.
No, Son.
I asked you to do it.
This ain't even
about the garage
and you know it.
Well, okay,
I really don't give a shit
what you think it's about.
You know what?
I just want you to do
what I ask you to do.
It's that simple.
I'm not gonna do it.
What's your problem lately?
I don't have a problem.
It seems like you do.
Now, you keep
disrespecting me,
and you keep doing it
over and over, Wilson.
And I want to know...
By the way,
did you have to be
rude to Ralph?
Who gives a shit
about your friend, Ralph?
I do.
What's your problem?
You know what?
Forget it.
I said I was gonna help
Randy with his homework.
Wilson, wait.
Listen, you've
never questioned
my integrity before.
And you know
what I'm about.
If you have something
to say to me, Son,
then just...
Then say it.
You know what?
ANA. So what do you know
about your father?
Nothing to talk about there.
I was ten when my
grandmother died,
and after that
my mom shut down,
and she went man-crazy.
Can't blame her for that.
I'm not blaming her for that.
You're judging her.
I'm not judging her,
I'm just saying it's
irresponsible, that's all.
What are you
talking about, Wilson?
Forget it.
I don't even want to
get into it. It's just...
Shutting down is
not gonna help.
I'm not shutting down.
I'm not gonna
let you get me into this
back-and-forth stuff.
What back-and-forth stuff?
What back-and-forth stuff?
How we going
back and forth?
I need a break.
The last relationship
my mom had,
Randy was produced,
and the man disappeared.
And I love my brother
more than anything
on this planet.
And she is getting older.
She should slow down a bit.
She don't need to do
this in front of Randy.
Do what?
You know what
I'm talking about.
You want her to be alone?
She's not gonna be alone,
because she has me and Randy.
You're being silly.
You know what?
I don't give a shit anyway.
I'm 21 years old.
I want to have my own place.
I want to move out.
I don't want to be
in the house no more.
Why you smiling?
I don't know.
You're not ready
to live with me.
Your father would kill us.
And what is with
your father, anyway?
What are you talking about?
Well, it's the way
he looks at me.
It's like he's ready to
kill somebody, like...
He's got these eyebrows.
They're like werewolves.
Don't use my father
as an excuse.
I'm a good woman.
This is true.
You don't know
what you're missing.
Anyway, my daddy's
like a teddy bear.
Oh, yeah?
ANA: You trying to get
me on the hood again?
MAN: Ana!
How you doing, sir?
Hi, Daddy.
Enjoy the orange.
I'm telling you.
Goes for the shot.
Ice cream?
Randy, I thought I told you
to leave the ball in the car.
They'll steal it.
Nobody's going
to steal anything.
Stop bouncing this ball.
All right. Come on.
Don't bounce it.
Don't bounce...
Don't bounce it!
He bounces it high!
You wanna keep
bouncing the ball, huh?
RANDY: Keep bouncing it,
keep bouncing it.
He goes for the shot!
But he misses it!
He shoots it!
He gets the rebound!
Another shot!
Randy. Come here, sweetie.
stay close to me.
You want chicken tonight?
RANDY: No. Pizza.
WOMAN: Let me get a pound
of salami, please.
Come here, Randy.
Stay close to me.
Stay real close,
okay, baby?
Please, baby.
Stop bouncing the ball.
I told you. Please!
Stop bouncing the ball!
Excuse me.
I thought that was you.
It's me, Wanda.
From the Bronx. Willis Ave.
Wanda, wow.
It's been a while.
Is he yours?
I'm Randy.
Oh, how adorable.
Oh, but this isn't
compay Wilson's, right?
Wilson's dead.
We gotta go.
It's good to see you.
I didn't know you were
in Connecticut now.
You know, you should
give me your number.
Give it to me.
I'll log it in.
Here we go.
It's good to see you.
Take care.
Yeah, you too.
Let's go.
We didn't get my cereal.
We'll get it later,
just stand in front of
me and watch the cart.
ANA: What you know
about this, Wil?
WILSON: It's an old joint.
It's a classic right here.
I wanna see you get busy.
How's that
doing for you, baby?
You see, like that.
Come on, you do it.
No, you do it
better than me.
Come on.
That's all you right there.
You're so cute.
I like it when you smile.
ANA: So what, did you speak
to your math professor?
Yeah, I spoke to him.
What did he say?
What he always says.
What did he say?
''No exceptions.''
Meanwhile, I got a 4.0.
and he gives me attitude.
Don't listen to him.
What are you doing?
Mom says we're moving.
What are you
talking about?
MILLIE: Randy, sweetie,
can you come upstairs and get
the rest of your toys?
Good, I'm glad
you're here.
Can you help me
with some of this?
we're not taking any
heavy stuff right now.
You're kidding me, right?
Does it look like it?
I'm not going anywhere, Ma.
Wilson, no. Uh-uh.
I don't have time
for this right now.
Make time!
What did you say?
This has become
a thing for you now, right?
Is that what this is?
Every couple of years
we move to a new town?
What is it, Mom?
The dates dry out?
There's no more
men to fuck around...
Maybe I should go.
No, no, no.
That's okay.
Stay right there.
You, come here.
You may be 21,
but don't you ever dare
talk to me like that.
I'm not 14 anymore, Mom!
I know that, Wilson!
Okay? Let's get it
through your head!
I'm not 14 anymore.
I'm not gonna move
for some phantom reason
that you can never
fully explain to me.
Okay, listen to me Wilson!
Till this day, Son,
you've never
needed anything, right?
Yeah, so?
Yeah, so!
So right now you
need to listen to me!
And go get some of
your things together.
You're absolutely right.
Till this day I never
needed anything.
But you have to
give me something, Mom.
Because I'm not
going anywhere.
You're a man already.
Come with me.
I'm gonna go.
No. Stay.
Because we might end up
living together
sooner than you think.
I've been trying to crack
that safe since I was 14.
I know.
Combination's your birthday.
Oh, I should have known!
Do you wanna know
about your father?
You wanna know?
Or what?
Because if you don't,
it ends right here.
Let's go back upstairs
and do what we have to do.
I wanna know.
I wanna know.
I've always been
straight with you, Wilson,
I'm not gonna stop now.
Your father,
he was a drug dealer,
Great. So, you're telling me
he was a fucking loser.
Is that what it is?
That loser was my husband.
And it's gonna take
you about 20 more years
to become half the man
that he was at your age.
Don't you ever talk
about your father like
that to me again.
This is fucking bullshit,
Get the fuck over here!
Come here.
MILLIE: This is
some serious shit
and I need you
to step outside of
yourself for a minute.
And be a man.
I am a man.
Then all I'm asking
you to do right now,
Wilson, is to listen.
No heavy lifting,
just listen.
Like a real man.
Come on,
you can have that one.
Go ahead. I'm listening.
Now, your father, he...
He got himself into
some deep trouble
with some people.
Are you gonna listen?
Go ahead.
Three times they came at me.
One time when you were
just a little baby.
And then again when
you were Randy's age,
and then yet again
when you were 14.
How come I don't
remember any of this?
Because I have always
done what I'm doing now.
You know what?
Now you gotta
listen to me, Mom.
I'm not leaving everything
that I have here.
I'm not leaving Ana.
I'm not leaving school.
For some Tony Montana
that doesn't exist.
Tony Montana shit
that doesn't exist, huh?
Why don't you feel that?
Do you feel it?
No. Do you feel it?
Stop! Stop!
Where did you get that?
Where did you get
the fucking gun, Mom?
What is all that?
It's called weight, Son.
Yeah. Listen.
I'm taking Randy
because I have
to protect him.
Protect him from what, Mom?
Because we've
been spotted, Son.
That's all you need to know.
Been spotted by who?
Okay. Okay.
Randy and I are leaving.
You coming?
My God, you're not coming.
If you're your father's son,
you'll defend yourself.
You won't let
anything happen to you.
Doesn't make sense, Mom.
It was 20 years ago, right?
You're good.
Mommy says
you're not coming.
Not right now.
You don't love me?
We're not partners?
We will always
be partners.
Come here.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Okay, good.
Give me some.
You're the man.
I'll call you later,
all right?
All right.
Be a good boy.
Listen to Mommy.
You okay, baby?
I love you, Mommy.
I love you too, baby.
I got it.
Take care of him?
I'm sorry.
ANA: Dominos?
This is real numbers here.
Babe, pizza again?
I never said I could cook.
That's a lie.
This one's different,
they put pineapples in it.
It's been a few days, babe.
Your mom's fine.
She'd have been fine here.
What are you gonna do?
I don't wanna talk
about it right now.
You want more?
No, I'm good.
I'll drink from yours.
Oh my God, babe,
you just missed it!
WILSON: What happened?
Who's ahead?
What did I miss?
Baby, do me a favor.
Bring the plates to
the kitchen, we're done.
Ay, bendito,
you miss your mom.
Give me a kiss.
I like this.
You have candles?
Baby, I want you to go
downstairs to the basement,
I want...
And I want you to
hide under the stairs.
Who's that?
What are you talking about?
You're scaring me, Wilson.
Please. Go now.
ANA: Knives?
What is it?
Be quiet.
Go! Go! Come on!
They're here to kill us.
ANA: What's going on?
Keep it down, baby.
What's going on?
Keep it down.
How'd they get in so easily?
How'd they get in?
I thought
the door was locked.
I left the door unlocked
when I got the pizza.
Damn, babe.
Why are they shooting at us?
We're okay, we're okay.
Stay there, okay?
Yeah, I'm staying here.
But why are
they shooting at us?
I don't know, babe.
They looking for you?
No, they're looking
for my mom.
I think.
My birthday,
my birthday,
come on. Please.
ANA: Wilson, you need to
do something, let's go!
what are you looking for?
WILSON: 1985.
What are you looking for?
I can't believe this.
You got this, Wilson.
Shit, you have a gun?
You got this. Yeah.
Where'd you get
the gun from?
Miss DeLeon gave you a gun?
Oh, shit.
Why are they
looking for you, Wilson?
Babe, relax! Okay?
Someone's shooting at us.
What are you
doing with a gun?
Please, okay? Please.
Shit! I think they're coming.
What the fuck is
going on, babe?
Get back under the stairs.
Okay, okay.
Get the gun!
WILSON: Stay there, okay?
Wait! Where you going?
Ana, stay there.
Don't move. Please.
I don't think you should go.
Come on!
Put the gun down.
Come here. I love you.
I love you, too.
It's all right.
MILLIE. How's Ana?
Well, as fine as she
can be, considering.
What's this all about, Mom?
Over 20 years ago, right?
why is this beef with you?
Because to them
I'm just a policy.
I know who they are, Wilson.
They murdered your father.
And while I'm still alive,
no one feels safe,
as far as they're concerned.
Well, you know,
I say ''they'', but not really.
It's one guy.
A guy.
His name is Javier Cordero.
He lives in Puerto Rico.
When's the last time
you seen him?
You know,
I don't want to talk
about this anymore.
You look tired.
Mom, there's ways to deal
with this kind of thing.
No, you need to get to bed.
Listen to me.
I'm not getting
into this with you
right now, Wilson.
There's Witness
Protection Program.
Enough, already!
Don't you think I've
tried that, Wilson?
There is no
Witness Protection
Program for us.
We're not very high
on their
priority list, Wilson.
You know how
much the government
is willing to
spend to relocate us
and keep us on the DL?
You, me and Randy
are not worth
the expense to them,
because they told me
all they'll have
is a small-time
gangster named Cordero.
Now, why don't you
download that
into your brain?
We're alone on this one.
There will be no help.
And the sooner
you realize that,
the sooner you're gonna
help me keep
this family alive.
ANA: Miss DeLeon,
can I ask you something?
That depends.
On what?
On how long you plan
to stick around.
Hey, I'm here.
I love Wilson, Miss DeLeon.
I know you do, Ana.
That's not what
I'm referring to.
I know what
you're referring to.
And if he was someone else,
I would have been
gone a long time ago.
I don't know.
I don't know what's going on.
And I don't know
if I want to know.
Ana, what I think
you should know
is that when
you love someone,
their journey becomes yours,
just as much as theirs.
Miss DeLeon,
no disrespect,
but what is it
that you wanna know?
You're so young.
You got your whole
life ahead of you.
I know.
Why do you want
to complicate it?
Maybe this isn't
the right time
for you to commit.
I don't... I don't
have the answer you want.
And I don't know how
far I'm willing to go
with all this.
The only thing I'm sure of is
that I'm not going
anywhere today.
RANDY: Got you!
Go get it.
RANDY: Why can't
you get it?
Thank you. You know I...
Right here.
Can I have the ball,
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Randy, stand behind me.
WILSON: What are you
trying to say?
ANA: No!
It's 20 years
it's been happening!
This is my mom
I'm talking about.
This isn't about your mother,
it's about you!
Could you stop?
This isn't a good idea,
Wilson. It's not.
How long am I supposed
to let this go on?
It's not up to you.
It is.
It's not...
You saw the look
in her eyes
when she saw
that man. Right?
We both saw that.
Who was he?
Doesn't matter.
It does matter!
It doesn't matter.
It's like she saw
the Devil himself.
What am I supposed to do?
I don't know, baby,
I don't know.
This is the best you
could come up with?
Listen to me!
This is the way, ma.
I gotta do this this way.
She's not gonna
tell me anything,
so I gotta go over
there and find out.
This is
the first time in my life
I look in my mom's eyes
and she don't
know what to do.
And I've never
seen her like that.
I gotta do this.
Okay? I gotta do this.
Who do you think you are?
Her son.
Hey, taxi?
Bag? Throw it in.
I'm Solomon!
Welcome to my cab!
How you doing?
Talk to you in English
'cause I know you are
from New York. Right?
SOLOMON: Where we going?
WILSON: Isla Verde.
Isla Verde.
My name is really Manuel.
But people call me Solomon!
'Cause I got the answers.
Any problems
in Puerto Rico,
you talk to Solomon.
Oh. What a beautiful sight,
Nothing more beautiful
on this island
than our women!
Tigers are beautiful.
And they have teeth,
also, like women.
Can't be that bad.
What did I tell you?
I'm Solomon, pueta!
Gracias. Bye.
Strawberry Icy.
All right.
Enough of the tour.
I gotta go see
somebody in Ocean Park.
Oh, my God!
Hey, Aunt Jessie.
Oh, my goodness!
I'm good, I'm good.
How are you?
Ah, you know.
You look good.
Thank you! Look at you!
You're not
a little boy anymore, huh?
You know.
Come in.
Oh, my God.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
What are you doing here?
Just taking
a break from school.
Oh, really?
Where you staying?
This small hotel
in Isla Verde.
No, you can't stay at a hotel.
You can stay here,
I have plenty of room.
No, no.
I don't want to impose.
You're not imposing.
I know, but that's
not why I came here.
I just wanted to
ask you a few things.
Oh, yeah? Like what?
About my father.
What beef did he have
with a man named
Javier Cordero?
What's the matter?
I know he was a drug dealer,
and the whole bit.
I'm gonna tell you
this one thing.
And then I don't want
to talk about it any more.
You said that you know
that your father
was in that business, right?
I never knew anyone
that hung out
with the real dogs,
like Javier Cordero,
that lasted longer
than five years.
He's not bad news, Wilson.
He's the worst news there is.
So whatever
happened to Cordero?
I don't know.
Last I heard,
he owned a club
in Old San Juan.
Sweetie, do me a favor?
Don't ask
anybody that question
on this island.
What question?
As far as our family
is concerned,
Javier Cordero
is dead. Okay?
Oh, yeah.
Hey. It's me.
Hey, Mom.
Are you all right?
I'm good, I'm good.
Everything okay over there?
Yeah, everything's fine.
Where are you?
I'm at a friend's place
till I figure things out.
There's nothing
to figure out, Son.
You got a family.
Come home.
I will, soon.
You sure you're all right?
Okay. You know,
Randy wants to talk to you.
Here he is.
Where are you?
I'm nearby.
I'm gonna see you soon.
My school told mom
I'm so smart for my grade.
I told you
you were smarter than me.
Nobody's smarter
than you, Wil.
I miss you. Come home.
I miss you too.
Put Mommy on, okay?
I love you.
I love you too.
Take care of yourself, son.
I will.
I love you, Son.
I love you too, Mom.
It's you.
It's always me.
I told you so.
Where are we going, sir?
Viejo San Juan.
We're good right here.
Hey, hey, kid!
Tigers with teeth.
Come and drink.
Shit. Wilson DeLeon, Jr.
Wilson DeLeon, Jr.
I'd ask you to sit down,
but as you can see,
there's only one chair.
(LAUGHING) Goddamn.
How's your mother?
And you come here to find out
why I'd like to change that.
What do you need from us?
I don't need
anything from you.
She has something
that belongs to me.
For 20 years?
What is it?
What is it?
What do you think it is?
My mother doesn't
have any money.
Oh, she has money.
My money.
Didn't I say that?
Maybe you could
work something out.
You think you can work out
two million dollars?
Two million dollars?
She doesn't have
two million dollars.
Trust me.
You sound just
like your father.
You're intelligent.
I can hear it in your voice.
Stupid people, they can quote
Socrates anytime they want.
It wouldn't matter.
They still sound stupid.
Listen to me.
I came here
man to man
so me and you can work
this thing out together.
I want you to leave
my mother out of this.
You wanna negotiate with me.
Not a good idea.
I want you to go back
and speak with your mother.
Better yet.
Let her do the talking.
One look at you,
she'll know
where you've been.
WILSON. Hello?
It's me.
Why haven't you called?
I've called you like,
Don't talk so fast.
What's wrong?
I'm all right, I...
What happened, Wilson?
I don't know how
I got back to my hotel
last night,
but I'm all right.
What do you mean?
What happened, babe?
When are you coming home?
Hmm, that's a good one.
Looks like it hurts.
All right, let's see
if you can handle this.
Oh, yeah. That's right.
It hurts, right? Okay.
So what did I tell you
about riding your bike
without a helmet?
Odds go up 50% of
me getting hurt?
That's right.
No more bike riding for you.
Never again
in my life? Ever?
Just relax.
Just until you heal up 100%.
Can I have a sandwich?
What kind?
Peanut butter and jelly.
No, we're out of
peanut butter and jelly.
What about a mud, lettuce
and tomato sandwich?
Just joking.
You're a bad Mom.
I know.
Come on.
Go upstairs, clean up
and I'll make
you that sandwich.
Gotcha, Mom.
''Thank you, Mom! ''
You're welcome!
What's up, man?
What's up?
Look at your face.
It looks just like mine.
Yeah, what happened to yours?
My bike fell.
And you were on it, right?
What happened to yours?
I fell on somebody's fist.
Must have been a big fist.
Yeah, it was.
Me and Mommy gotta talk.
So you go upstairs,
you lock the door,
I'll be up there soon.
All right, come on.
MILLIE: Hey, look who's back.
Glad you're back.
You know, Ana called
like three times
and you know something,
she sounded really...
What happened to you?
Nothing, I got into a fight.
Doesn't matter, Ma.
Please sit down so...
No, no, I don't wanna sit.
Just tell me what happened.
Let me take
a look at that.
Ma, stop.
Looks bad.
Stop, stop.
I just wanna talk.
We'll talk.
I'll listen and
I'll make a sandwich
for Randy, okay?
How you been putting me
through college, Mom?
You're getting
yourself through
college, Son.
You're really bright.
Mom, please,
it's important.
All right,
so what are you saying?
How did I pay
for your education?
Does it matter to you?
Yeah, it does.
Because maybe that's
the reason why this is
all happening.
You know, I never questioned
why we lived so well.
Because it's all I knew.
Buy another house.
No problems,
no questions asked.
You know, come to
think of it, Mom,
I can't recall the last time
you even had a job.
Or at least one that
didn't keep you away
from me and Randy too long.
How'd you do it?
I wanna show you something.
Have a seat.
You'll learn something.
Ay, nene, your becoming
a man is getting real tiring.
Okay, so...
Okay, this is it.
What is this?
It's the investments
we own and,
yeah, some stocks
I bought in the '80s,
all of which put us
in a position
never to have to
worry about money.
Is this Microsoft stock?
Yes, I was so stupid.
I should have bought more.
You had some
serious investments.
Yeah, I made
some smart choices.
Okay, so, I did my part.
How'd you get your bruises?
I went to Puerto Rico
and I met with
Javier Cordero.
What did you do?
He told me you took
two million dollars.
What did you do?
Mom, what's wrong?
Mom. Mom, what's wrong?
I'm gonna kick your butt.
Randy! Put on your jacket
and meet me downstairs.
I mean it. Hurry up!
Mom. What's wrong?
What's wrong?
You got your gun?
All right, take this.
Why you giving me this?
Because it's not
about the fucking two
million dollars!
What are you
talking about?
Why do you think
they let you live?
He's in PR, Mom.
I'm ready.
He said something
about a message.
Sweet Jesus.
Go on.
It's gonna be
all right, baby.
Stay in here!
They're gonna hurt Wil.
No, I won't let that happen.
Just keep your head down.
RANDY: Mommy! Mommy!
Mommy, where's Wil?
Randy, stay in there!
Mom! Mommy!
Oh God!
Oh no! Oh, please!
Oh God! No! No!
RANDY: Mommy,
where you going?
Stay right here.
Oh fuck.
Okay, okay.
Get in the house!
You want me, motherfuckers?
Come on!
Come on!
Mom, you're wide open.
Come on, let's go,
come on!
Come on, Mom!
Go get Randy, go get Randy
and go down to the basement!
WILSON: Mom...
Do what I tell you!
Just do what I tell you.
Just back away
from the door.
Are you hurt?
I want this to end.
Wilson, I want this to end.
Oh, God,
I want this to end, Wilson!
Oh, God, are you hurt?
No, I'm okay.
Mom. Mom, I'm okay.
I'm just, I'm just so tired.
I just...
You're my heart.
Baby, come here.
Oh, baby. Are you okay?
I'm okay, Mommy.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I should have
known you were right.
You understand,
do you understand
that I would do
anything for you?
I would do anything for you!
I would do...
I would do
anything for you, Son.
It's okay.
You're all right, okay?
It's gonna be okay.
You're my heart.
My sons. Oh, God.
My sons.
Okay, Miss DeLeon,
tell me from the top.
From the beginning.
There was two men.
They came into the house.
Miss DeLeon?
If it's not about the money,
then why?
Because it's never about why
with those kinds of people.
It's about what's theirs.
And about what's yours
that's theirs.
I don't understand, Mom.
I said that it wasn't
about the two million
because it isn't.
At least, not money
that belongs to him.
So the money does exist.
My husband.
Your father never
skimmed money or stole
from Javier Cordero.
Ever dime
that he worked for
he earned.
Work, Mom?
Okay, what's that
all about, Son?
He was a drug dealer.
He was a criminal.
He was a good person
who made bad choices.
But if judging
your Dad is something
you need to do
right now, Son,
I'm gonna let you do it.
But you still have so much
to learn about life.
Understand this.
You wouldn't have
had the good life
that you've had up until now,
if it wasn't for him.
So if you're going
to judge your father
for wanting to provide us
with a better life,
then, Son, you're gonna
have to do that
with everyone
else that you know
who's made it.
Because if you dig deep
enough into people's lives,
you're gonna find stains.
Stains in all our histories.
All right, let's go.
No, I'm sorry, Mom, okay?
Before we leave...
The money.
It still exists, right?
The money is still
in our possession
and worth a lot more
than two million,
only now, thanks to Mom,
it's legitimate tender,
just like everyone else's.
So, where do we go?
This has to end.
Why are you doing
this to us?
This is not about us.
Like you said,
if your mother has
all the money she's
ever going to need,
then why are you doing this?
Because I know now
that it doesn't
matter where we go.
They're going to keep coming.
They're not going to stop.
Do you know what
you sound like?
I'm not a gangster, Ana!
That's right, you're
not a gangster, Wilson.
It has to end!
It has to end!
This is too much.
This is not why
I got into this.
Well, then why did
you get into this? Why?
Originally because I thought
you were smarter than me.
So, where do we go now?
Now, you kiss me
and you tell me
that everything is
going to be all right.
Babe, look. Look at me.
I swear to God,
everything is
going to be fine.
What do you want me to do?
Come here.
Be careful.
Be careful.
This your girlfriend?
This is my mother.
Mom, this is Solomon.
You're a baby!
Where are we going?
El San Juan Hotel.
SOLOMON: This time you got
a little more money?
You could say that.
That's going to be
great for my girlfriend.
I'm going to
come back for that.
Thanks very much.
I appreciate it.
Well, let's see.
That's very nice.
Yeah, it's simple but classy.
Well, that's you, Son.
I know.
All right. So let's go.
All right.
Kids' toys get more
expensive each day.
What's wrong?
Let's bury this,
shall we?
It's Ana.
Talk to her.
ANA. Wilson? Are you there?
I'm here. I'm here.
(SOBBING) I'm here.
You've got to
be strong, babe.
And if I never
see you again?
That's not going to happen.
How do you know?
I just know.
Look, I'm going to go now.
I'll be back before
you know it, okay?
We can go home right now.
No, we can't.
You know something?
You look just
like your father.
You do.
I may sound like
him and look like him,
Mom, but I'm not him.
I'm you.
Everything that I am is you.
I love you, Mom,
and there's no going back.
Okay, Son.
Come on, baby.
She's beautiful,
isn't she?
Her name is Mora.
Isn't she beautiful?
Yes, she is.
Is she your daughter?
No, that's not my daughter.
That's my sister.
She's the only family
I ever had.
She was 15 when I had
that painting made,
two years before she died.
No disrespect.
I'm sorry about
your sister and all,
but I'm here to
talk about my mother.
We're having
the same conversation.
What do you mean?
She died in 1985.
She used to live
in New York.
She wanted to go to
New York University.
At 15,
she was the smartest girl
on this island.
JAVIER. I didn't have
anyone in New York
I could trust her with
except for someone I trusted
with my money.
Your father.
Compay Wilson.
I didn't suspect a thing.
Your father was
making me so much money.
She calls me.
She tells me
about the affair,
tells me about how much
she loved your father,
but most of all,
how much your father
loved your mother.
Your father was my age.
My sister was 17.
That's illegal
in your country.
By the time I got to New York
to bring her back,
she was dead.
She killed herself
and the baby
she was carrying
for one month.
I thought killing your father
would have done it for me.
I couldn't understand
why I felt so dissatisfied.
But then it came to me.
He killed the one person
I love more than
anything in the world.
But I suppose things change.
If he were alive today,
you would be the one
person that he would
love more than
anything in the world.
Come on.
What's that?
WILSON: Shit! Mom...
Okay. It's okay.
Come on,
give it some gas,
right now!
All right, go a little faster,
buddy, come on.
Put your head down.
What are you going to do?
Put your head down, Wilson.
Just stay close,
Wilson, okay?
He works for Cordero, Mom.
I used to.
You took care
of that for me.
he didn't take care of it.
Don't give him
the gun, Mom.
Don't give him the gun.
But this one?
This one for me
because this one's the one
that got me my empire.
Well, it's my time now.
Let's go, Wilson.
Why'd you have to
give him the gun?
Because sometimes you play
the only chips you've got.
Not a good idea to be
walking these streets
at this hour.
You're right.
Okay, let's get in.
Hop right in.
How you doing, Solomon?
Going up with each morning
and with the sun
following me like madness.
This is all they had.
I'm starving.
Can I ask you something?
When you spoke with Cordero,
did you ask him why?
What did he say?
It's about the money, Mom.
Just like you said.
The money?
What do you know?
It's all about the money
with those kinds of people.
Yeah, you're right.
You tired?
Let's go home, Son.
Where's my baby?
Come here.
Come here.
I missed you so much.
God, you need a haircut.
Look who's here.
Look who's there.
Come here.
I missed you!
I missed you.
It's all good.
Give me some.
You the man.
That's right.
I could tell.
Can I cut in?
MILLIE: Come here.
Thank you for
taking care of him.
He took care of me.
Come on.
Like a werewolf.
What are you telling her?
What are you telling her?
I'm telling her
that your father has
very big eyebrows.
Like a werewolf.
You're kidding me?
Is that real?
I still look forward
to meeting your family.