Iluzija (Mirage) (2004) Movie Script

Dad's drunk again.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
You bloody drunk.
-Do you know what time it is?
-I hope you fucking die,
-Stinking peasant!
- Traitor!
Stray dog,
-Die you communists!
I wish you'd all die!
Fucking idiot!
Shame on you.
You beast!
Fuck you, too!
Shame on you for not celebrating
your Motherland's birthday.
Shame on you!
I'm calling the
Maybe you celebrate
Russian holidays?
Why don't you fucking
go to China? To China.
Now you'll see, you crazy bastard.
Hello? Get me the police!
Bastard, bastard!
(anthem) Today there's a new
sun rising over Macedonia...
Fanny, I really have to go.
-Fuck off!
-Can someone answer the phone?
-Can someone answer, it's
probably Dimche,
Marko, get the phone.
Just a minute.
Fanny, it's for you.
Strike? What strike?
It's for you...
Marko get the fuck out.
How dare you lie to me, piss boy?
-Yes Sir?
-You stupid!
Why would I want to
eat that shit everyday,
you fucking idiot?
They stole everything
from the people...
Even their brains.
Lazo was and will be.
We're gonna throw stones at them...
They're gonna burn in hell.
Where's your money?
-I don't have any.
You don't have any?
What do you eat in school then?
- Sandwich.
What sandwich?
Don't give me that.
Don't look at me,
don't look at me.
Next time bring money.
No money, no school.
Get the fuck out of here.
I don't want to see your face.
-Where am I going to get
Look, it's Marko, Suckhole!
Cvetanka... A
Jovanka... B
Stefan... E
Jasmina... A
Jovanka... C
Ahmeti... A
Thieves, thieves.
Mom, do you know who's got the
best mark in school?
What are you doing here, faggot?
Get out!
Remember when the Russians
drew the line with the Americans...
To here and no further.
They think they can fuck with us.
Americans think this is
the Wild West.
Russia is a civilization,
it has culture.
-Okay Chernobyl,
you know, we're friends...
-lf Russians have a culture...
-Then why is their
country screwed?
Gorbachev was an American spy.
Shut the fuck up.
You are stubborn like
a deaf man with bagpipes.
You don't understand,
it's all propaganda.
-In America there's worse
poverty than in Russia.
Milosevic was an
American spy too.
Shut the fuck up, I've had it
with your Milosevic.
Go get us drinks
and a pop for the boy
Sit down, son.
Mommy said that's
enough for tonight.
You'll have to wait,
Momma's boy,
I'm not going home
till I get Bingo.
-Saddam Hussein was an
American spy as well.
This guy is not normal, not
normal, he's mental.
Don't move the ball...
Stop jinxing me.
God damn it.
He's been jinxing me
all night.
-You just don't know
how to play.
Marko, there's something
I want to tell you...
You can do whatever
you want in life,
but son...
just don't be a rat.
Marko, do you get it?
Hey Nerd, Nerd!
You suck cocks, suck cocks!
Marko. Come read your work.
-Elvis Presley
"My Friend from Another Planet"
That night I couldn't sleep
so I went out to watch the stars,
the sky was black and
full of twinkling lights,
And where do you
think you're going, Spaceman?
Come on, faggot.
Where do you think you're going
There's nowhere to go.
Is that clear?
There is no escaping us.
Is that clear?
Nowhere to run.
I'm gonna fuck your
Mother in the ass.
I'm gonna kick the
life out of you.
You understand, beast?
Time for some fresh air.
Here you are, Suckhole.
Fuck you, fucking shit. Scum.
I'm gonna fuck your
sisters in the ass.
We should throw rocks at them.
-Get rid of them.
Please leave peacefully,
Everything will be okay,
-Thieves, thieves!
Let's be reasonable,
we can negotiate,
Please save me
from them.
-One turtle:. 2 euros,
Do not mess with that.
Turtles are not for eating.
It'll curse you.
They are a delicacy,
good for soup.
You don't mess with those things.
Do you know how they
make turtle soup?
Put a finger in its ass
and it'll jump in the soup.
-And in Korea they eat dogs.
-No way.
So what?
They eat people in Africa.
Turtles live 100 years, they're
older than your predecessors.
It's not like we're
going to eat them,
we're going to export them.
You try to catch
Who the fuck is this guy?
Go away, you bloody jinx!
-Put the girl back!
Oh my God. Oh my God.
I can't believe it.
Now what am I going to do?
You stupid goose,
how many times
do I have to tell you,
check the pockets?
God damn you!
I told you a 100 times,
maybe there's money, maybe some
important document.
You're nuts.
Oh God, what did I do
to deserve this?
Of all things, Angja how could
you wash the bingo ticket?
Angja, you and your
empty pumpkin.
How could you wash
the bingo ticket?
I've told you a 100 times,
check the pockets.
God damn you.
Sorry Lazo.
What sorry? Go to hell.
-Sorry Lazo.
-Go to hell.
-Fuck your sorry.
What sorry? It's like you
forgot that two days ago we
didn't have money to buy bread.
Ruin me.
Just shit on my grave
and dance on it.
And now what?
What did I do?
What did I do wrong?
-Don't piss me off.
-Don't touch me, beast.
What is this, Angja?
What this house looks like!
Is this a house or a pigsty?
You're fucking nuts,
Do you want to play?
Lenka, since Lenka left her
husband's shirt unfinished
And went to the tobacco factory
to press tobacco, her face aged,
Guys, don't hit me...
And went to the tobacco factory
to press tobacco, her face aged
Lenka was not made for that
damn tobacco, tobacco...
tobacco yellow poison...
Do you have to hit me?
Lenka was not born for that damn
tobacco damn yellow poison,
Tobacco, tobacco, yellow poison
In her chest red
flowers blossomed,
Have a nice day.
Marko, I would like to talk
to you about your writing.
The French Center has a
competition for young talents.
The best candidates will
represent Macedonia in Paris.
This is a wonderful
opportunity for your talent.
We'll write a poem
for the Fatherland.
Paris, city of art.
All artists
and poets lived there.
It's a city of ideas,
a city of lights.
The city of lights!
Even Kosta Racin, if they
hadn't shot him so young,
would have lived in Paris.
This book was my Bible
when I was your age.
You know Marko, I was also
writing when I was younger.
It will help your writing.
Read it and then we'll talk.
Thank you.
Turn off the light, nerd,
I want to go to sleep.
Turn off the light, faggot,
can't you see I want to sleep?
-Fanny, I've got to study.
-I don't care, turn it off.
Are you challenging me?
Turn it off.
I told you to turn it off. Are
you challenging me, you shit?
Go in the living room,
go outside, go fuck yourself.
Birds, screams.
Kingdom, freedom...
Brave, grave...
Stop your jerking off in there,
your hair will fall out,
Open up!
Shame on you,
You're killing your mother,
A man can't even take
a piss around here,
Did you write poetry
when you were younger?
bring me that pot!
Marko, where've
you been?
Where were you when you
should be helping your Dad.
You like being served?
Go on, move, help your Mom.
Daddy supplies, Mommy cooks.
Who taught you that?
It's 12 o'clock,
What options?
What are you saying?
In Veles?
Where in Veles?
Hotel International?
What are you looking at, pissboy?
It's just Marko,
the little faggot.
Leave the telephone alone!
While I'm paying for the
phone it stays where I put it,
Go play bingo, stupid.
Shame on you,
You're killing your mom,
You punks!
You're killing your mom!
-Leave me alone!
-Who do you think you're talking to?
-A drunk and a loser!
-I see you slutting with that cheap fuck!
Well, watch me then. All you
know is how to play Bingo!
What have you given me?
What? You wanna hit me?
You haven't given me
anything! Only Angja helps me!
You've driven my Mom crazy
playing Bingo every night!
Try to live one day in my shoes!
Live in your shoes?
You're a fucking loser!
I hate this house and I hate you!
I'm leaving, and you can rot!
-Get out, This is my house if
you don't like it you can leave!
I hate you!
I hate everything!
I'm leaving!
I can't stand to look at you anymore!
What happens to birds
when it rains?
If it rains a lot,
for years and years...
... how would they fly?
Would they learn how
to fly in the rain
or would they learn how
to live without flying?
Careful, it's hot.
-Is it good?
The school council thinks it's
good for you to read your poem
at the Independence Day Celebration.
But teacher, l...
It's a fantastic
opportunity to reveal your talent.
And not only that, but you would be
representing our school.
-Bon appetit.
-Bon appetit.
To touch a piece of earth...
"Train Schedule"
Excuse me,
are there any trains to Paris?
What? Paris?
Get out of here, you punk!
Marko, where have you been?
Just walking.
-Where are you going?
Get in. We'll drop you off.
-How is school, Marko?
What's new?
My Macedonian teacher told
me to write a poem about
the Fatherland. There's a
competition, and if I win
-I get to go to Paris.
What a writer you must be!
Kocho Ratsin II.
-I'm a little shy.
-You shouldn't be shy.
Kocho Ratsin II.
I wasn't ever asked to do
anything like that.
-What are you looking at?
-What am I looking at?
Are you normal?
Do you think I'm stupid?
Get up!
Now we'll see who's the fool!
You're a mother of
great warriors...
You are a mother of
proud sons...,
Mother, you have
great warriors...
Fatherland, my dear,
you have great...
Fatherland, my dear,
you had great warriors...
Great warriors
you have had,
You are our proud sons...
Ah, fuck it.
Fire, Fire, Fire,
Lock, A t ease,
Get out.
I told you to get out.
I don't want to see you
in my class again.
Get out.
Faggot, see you after class.
Oh, here lives the Faggot.
Let's cut off his balls.
Hey, it's the Spaceman!
Get up, what are you waiting for?
Your Mommy?
Hi Nerd, you having coffee
with the Faggot?
Fuck you, Suckhole!
Get up, get up.
There's the Faggot.
Hey look,
it's the Bosnian pussy!
Running away, eh?
Little dick!
Come back
you little dickie!
Bosnian pussy!
I just wanted to...
Sit down.
You first.
What's your name?
Marko Trifunovski.
You don't look very happy.
You have a family?
I'd be better off without them.
What did you say your
name was? I can't remember.
What's your name?
-I lived in France. Marseilles.
Nice place.
I'd like to go there.
There's no way I'm staying here.
Everywhere is the same.
Becomes habit,
it's called adaptation.
I could never adapt to this place.
Even the finest smelling flower
comes to stink in the sewer.
Angja, Angja.
Look at you, Marko.
It's not your fault.
Your Daddy should be blamed.
Sorry, Marko, I gotta...
Oh, my head is gonna explode.
What are you doing? Is this the
place for puking, you drunk?
Angja, Is this the place?
You disgusting...
You're all sewer!
You could have made
a sketch at least.
When I write I make a sketch.
Rhyming comes later.
Teacher, I was wondering...
Do you think that...
If I am a good poet...
Will I be able to leave here?
To breathe is to hope.
What is life without hope?
Marko, with faith and hope
you can go far.
Come outside with your
slippers, you fragile child,
Come downtown,
as I sit in my window,
If I look at you with my eyes,
I'll take out my eyes,
If I try to touch you with
my hands, I'll cut off my arms,
Good afternoon.
Excuse me, Teacher, the
Principal would like to see you.
-Your sister fucks niggers.
-Black Arab, black Arab.
Paint me with colors
of your heart,
Black dick, black sperm
Black kids
Black dick, black kids, gimp,
Black dick!
I'm going to screw your Mom.
It's not true!
Listen Marko,
you know it's true.
You know Fanny...
She starts from here and
goes bigger and bigger...
Fuck you!
You know, now I'm
a little fucked up.
We also want to make love,
Shut the fuck up you drunk.
Some people want
to sleep in this house.
What the fuck.
My house, get out if you don't like it.
Get out,
Shut the fuck up, you drunk,
I hate this house!
Will you stay?
God forbid.
So, I guess
you're going?
I guess so.
Why did you come here?
I dunno...
I was on a train, for two days,
my legs got stiff...
Then I thought I'd get off,
stay for a night,
find some pudding...raspberry.
And then we'll see.
Are you kidding me?
I'm kidding you.
May I come with you?
Shut the fuck up.
Okay, we'll see.
You're not bad
for a beginner.
Not exactly
beginners' cards...
-I found them.
Have you ever had a dream?
Everybody has a dream.
Don't you?
My teacher
told me that
my writing is my ticket out of here.
Ticket out of here?
Who in their right mind
would say that?
Somebody should put a
bullet in his head.
Ticket out of here.
Go on, get out.
The sewer is like a
boxing ring...
There are only two ways out.
Either on their shoulders,
or on a stretcher.
There's only one way,
the one that you'll fight for.
If you want to leave, leave.
But I've no money.
Who has any, pissboy?
Get on a train, steal a car,
do something!
But what will I eat?
Eat shit.
What do I eat?
What do animals eat?
Eat or be eaten.
Did they ever catch you?
Are you afraid?
Isn't fear the basis for survival?
Do you know why the gang in the
school is torturing you?
Because you are afraid of them.
Once you conquer fear
they will become afraid of you.
Oh easy, easy, Angja.
Oh mother, mother, where are
you to see me...
Oh, they beat the shit out of me.
They beat the shit out of me.
Oh easy Angja, I love
you very much.
I love you very much.
Fuck is your problem?
-Are they stolen?
-How much?
You know kid,
you're lucky that you're good
friends with my son, Levi.
Otherwise I'd screw
your mother.
Levi complained that he has
some problems in Macedonian.
The teacher is
some Bosnian, isn't he?
Fuck the state where Bosnians
teach Macedonians Macedonian.
I thought...
I know school isn't his thing,
I mean I wasn't good either.
Fuck school.
Even if you graduate,
you can't get a job.
And you...
What do you have in
An A.
Oh bravo.
Why don't you come to our house and
help Levi with his Macedonian?
You're friends.
Help him a little to write
some story, a poem, for a D.
Is that a deal?
Go on.
-Where did you get it?
-His Dad's a cop.
-Let's knock off somebody.
-Let's knock up your sister.
Leave my sister alone.
-May I see it, we're friends.
-Later, later.
Please, we're buddies.
I was expecting more from you.
No patriotism, no rhythm.
Random words.
Sun, birds, branches.
What kind of
verse is this?
To touch a piece of earth?
What does this mean?
Marko, you didn't even try.
I'm very disappointed.
Shame on you.
You know what this is?
I'm gonna blow your brains out.
You're in a very delicate situation.
You're in shit up to your chin.
Do you know
what this is?
We've got to fix the marks.
We wanna be like you.
"The example".
Listen, one more time,
we're gonna burn the books.
And you're coming with us.
Is that clear?
We don't want bad marks,
otherwise "kaput".
That's life. Fucked up and short.
Can I see your gun?
I need it.
-Are you sure?
Teach me how to shoot.
There are other ways
to fight. Go home.
I have no home. No home.
I don't have a home.
I need it. I need it. Understand!
Monkey, do you know
what this is?
Feel the weight,
relax your arm.
Allow it to become
a part of you.
Get your balance.
Stand straight.
Don't lose your balance.
Come on...
With two hands.
Stop thinking.
Be the bullet.
Watch the target.
Don't lose it.
Ah here's Marko waiting for us.
How are you doing?
Let's go.
Cobra, you're writing is
worse than a bushman.
A poem, "Lenka".
Since Lenka... stop hitting me...
started moaning in the corn,
Stavre screwed her...
Don't be so rude,
-That's great!
Muttie... A+.
-Champion, champion.
you're next.
Come on, Marko.
Come on, Marko, a poem,
asshole, recite.
Recite, asshole. Gimp, recite.
Come on, asshole.
Don't look at me -- recite.
Poet, recite.
Recite, gimp.
Gimme the lighter!
-Come on, Levi, do it now.
Fuck him up!
Open up! Open the door, you idiots!
I'm gonna kill you!
I saw you! I saw you,
you little punk!
You promised...
Paris, Paris,
you promised...
You promised that you'd
take me with you.
-The school is supposed to
represent our future.
Yesterday's scene is one of
anarchy, a picture of disaster.
So boy, I will not let your
disaster become the disaster
for the other children.
I will not let...
I will not let punks like you
destroy the honor of our school.
The honor of this town,
of this country.
Your teacher tells me that
you are starting...
to smell of alcohol and cigarettes,
clearly you are not studying,
clearly you do not belong
behind one of his desks.
I want to know who
your friends are.
I want you to write their
names on this piece of paper.
I want a list of your friends.
We have made a report. We
will inform you of any progress.
(in Albanian) -Hi.
-How are you?
I am very good, thanks.
Lookie, lookie, who we have here?
I know this artist.
He was turned in before.
He's into perfumes.
Screw your mom, you punk.
I didn't know you
were such a scum.
If you were my son,
what I'd do to you.
I'd break your arms so you could
light a fire with your little dick.
You little shit.
Once in my hands, you won't be
forgetting Uncle Blashko.
I promise you!
Let's go.
It's better for you to start writing.
I said write.
Hey, what are you
doing in our place?
Are you trying to be
Listen, you homeless shit,
now we're gonna talk.
What did you do to him?
I'm gonna do the same to your sister.
I'm gonna tear her apart.
I'm gonna kill you.
Do you know who
makes the rules here?
You just don't seem to get it...
How many times do I have to beat you?
How long do I have to fuck
with you?
I don't know what your problem is.
-The gun.
Give it back,
it's my dad's...
Fuck off!
Stop, you ass!
Is that what I'm buying you
books for? To be a criminal?
Shut up!
Your Principal shamed me in
front of the school.
Speak, you ass!
"Freedom, Fatherland"
(Macedonian Anthem)
Today over Macedonia is rising
The new sun of freedom
Macedonians are fighting
For their rights
Macedonians are fighting
For their rights
Again our flag is flying high
Over the Krushevo Republic
Macedonia is liberated
And now lives in freedom,
Macedonia is liberated
And now lives in freedom,
Fatherland is an evening star,
the shining North Star,
It is the grape ripening under the sun,
the wheat of sweet bread,
Fatherland is a white school
full of wisdom in beauty,
Fatherland is a great book
and in it a poem of light,
Fatherland is an old teacher
good like a father's gray coat,
Fatherland is a million wishes,
without which there is no life,
Fatherland is the golden sun
that shines on the Earth forever,
Fatherland is a sheltering sky
under which a man can calmly sleep,
Fatherland is everything in
this world; freedom, justice and truth,
Fatherland is something holy,
Fatherland is a Fatherland,
Marko, where have you been?
Are you okay...
-Where have you been?
-Playing chess in the train graveyard.
I came to return your books.
I'm sorry.
It's okay, I wrote
the poem for Jasmina to recite.
I'm sorry that you
didn't help me.
You promised.
Instead, you helped Levi
and the sewer.
I've learned one thing:
There's no escape from the sewer.
Marko, son...