Imaginur (2023) Movie Script

Keep your eyes on the center.
Imagine your body is melting
all the way down to the floor.
Remember to breathe.
If you forget,
you will die.
Now, close your eyes
and fly to the safest place
you can imagine.
Sir, you can't park here. Move it.
Okay. Sorry.
I'm still at the hospital.
We're not done yet.
I know, but what do you want me to do?
Just cover for me.
Boss is looking for me?
I'll see him first thing tomorrow.
All right.
-Oh, I'm fine.
-Take it.
I'll give you mine.
Thank you.
Where are we?
The hospital.
What are you doing here?
I'm waiting for someone.
Just a scratch.
Where are we?
Hospital, Dad.
More coffee?
Record's broken. Excuse him.
It's fine.
I understand.
It's like
hearing the same song
playing on a loop.
Not even a good song, at that.
At the end of the day, here we are.
This is what became of our lives.
No point resisting it, huh?
Mr. Zuhal?
Yes, ma'am?
Why don't you give them a call?
Maybe they can help.
You may proceed to the pharmacy
and get your prescription, okay, sir?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
To the customer
with registration number WVN...
Yes, I know. Diapers.
I know. I've got the list right here.
You did it again?
What are you doing here?
I come here from time to time.
I'm Haikal.
Shall we? I'm double-parked.
What's your name?
I'm Haikal.
Let's go. We still have errands to run.
Min. Hang on. We need to talk.
Who was that?
Not this again.
Come on. I told you about it.
Told me what?
He's my fianc.
What's happening? You cheating?
Min, wait. I just want to talk.
Hear me out.
You just went ahead and got engaged?
Did you ever stop to think about me?
I never think of you.
Got that?
How could you do this to me?
-What's your problem?
-What's the matter with you?
Come on, darling. Let's go.
Qaisara Kirana Imani, bath time.
Right now!
How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Always leaving a mess behind.
Where are the things?
-What things?
-The groceries.
Where's Dad?
Oh God.
Dear God. Zuhal!
Where's Dad?
How could you forget our father?
FRESH MARKEAre you by yourself?
Where do you live?
Sorry about that. It's all right.
Dad? It's me, Zuhal.
-Is he your father?
-He is, yeah.
-I want to go home.
-Okay, Dad.
Let's go.
What? You just "misplaced" your dad?
Sorry for the trouble. It's a long story.
You're lucky I'm not
a crook or a crackhead.
I know. It's my fault.
Talk about the end of the world.
Morons leaving fathers everywhere.
I'm so sorry.
Please forgive me.
Who's there?
We have an appointment?
How do you do?
I'm fine.
How did you find out about this place?
By recommendation.
You don't feel anything?
I'm Ramli.
Make yourself comfortable.
Zuhal, was it?
-Like the planet Saturn?
Okay, found it.
This is heavy stuff.
But before we get into that,
I want to thank you
for the full disclosure.
So, panic attacks.
Do you know why
it's called a "panic attack"?
Because it feels like we're under attack.
"Here comes the panic attack!"
"Help! Help me!"
Like an assault.
Like you're under attack.
-No, thank you. I don't drink coffee.
Tea, then?
I don't have any tea.
It's okay.
But if you'd like,
we can hypnotize you
into liking coffee.
Tik, tik, tik.
Tik, tok, tik, tok.
Tik, tok, tik, tok.
That sound in your head
Hang on.
Does it sound something like this?
Bought it off Instagram.
How's your dad?
Alzheimer's, isn't it?
A huge buzzkill, wouldn't you say?
And Yazmin?
Hold on. One question at a time, please.
Have you seen a pen around here?
You guys were engaged, right?
A black pen.
you saw her, had a panic attack,
and that's what brought you here.
So, that's it.
The trigger event. I really need that pen.
Can't seem to find it.
Never mind.
Things are never there when you need them.
-There was a
-A what?
You know what?
I don't think this is for me.
Hey, relax.
Give it a little more time.
I'm not done yet.
What else is there?
You already know everything.
Let's say
this is your life.
These two dots
and a straight line. Linear.
And this right here is what I do.
Like this and like that.
This looks like a burger. Are you hungry?
I feel hungry all of a sudden.
Our memories
are funky.
Some are real while others feel real.
Which is which, that's up to us.
In your case,
you are right here.
You can't seem to move on. You're stuck.
Normally caused by trauma
in a person's life.
And yours is right here.
That is why you can't move on.
It's like there's a wall here.
So, what we'll do is remove this trauma.
Right the wrongs, fix what's broken
right here.
This is some kind of a scam, isn't it?
Surely you're pulling my leg.
Hey, what's your problem?
Trying to waste my time?
This here is a test,
to see if your mind can be opened.
Open to what?
A suggestion.
For hypnosis to work,
we need to plant
a suggestion into your mind.
But if you really think this is a scam,
feel free to leave.
Consider this session over.
You put people into a trance, is that it?
We don't use that term. Too negative.
Scares people off. Bad for business.
I can help you.
Get you to focus.
To ease your troubled mind.
No more panic attacks.
No more Yazmin.
If it doesn't work out,
you don't have to pay me a thing.
Go sit over there.
I need to set this up.
They call what I do "pseudoscience".
Like a witch doctor.
That's why I could never get a grant.
First, I'm going to hypnotize you.
I'll switch off your prefrontal cortex.
Our mind has a gate
that serves as a filter.
We need to swing that gate open.
-And then?
-Then, we move in.
Start fixing things. Like fixing a house.
We'll revisit all the memories
but with an all-new perspective.
Test, test.
Hypnotica Demo Video No. 47, Phase 1.
Subject will be hypnotized
and taken into the realm of memories.
Subject is Zuhal, age 34,
with a history of panic attacks.
So, Zuhal.
Keep your eyes on the center.
Imagine your body is melting.
Inside your mind, you can go anywhere.
Forget all about Yazmin.
Find what you have to look for.
close your eyes.
On the count of five.
What do you see?
An open field.
As far as my eyes can see.
It's also windy.
I see a woman.
Who is it?
I can't tell.
Follow your heart.
You know what you have to do.
Your order?
-Chicken cheeseburger?
-Man. We're all out of chicken patties.
They got the last ones.
So, how about it?
-Yeah, that'll work.
What happened to our order?
Almost done.
We've been waiting for so long.
So, you like eating rabbit?
Are you going to make us wait forever?
Almost done.
You seem to be off your game tonight.
-Chill out.
-I don't get to chill. I have stuff to do.
This is Yumi.
That's not her real name.
Hi. Want some seaweed?
That's a lot of seaweed.
Shut up and help us finish it, then.
And what are you going to pay me with?
More seaweed?
That's the currency
for projects like this.
Unless you prefer exposure?
Take your pick.
Mat. From Gombak.
He's the editor of
Ever heard of it?
While we're on the subject,
swing by my website.
Don't worry.
My writings aren't like those
melodramatic doorstopper novels.
These will blow your mind.
I crowdsourced critical ideas
that will shape the future of our country.
The only catch, you can't read for free.
It takes money to be brilliant,
but it takes brilliance to make money.
How about that?
-Paradox, bro.
-Enough. Help me finish all these.
We have like 13 boxes to go through.
Where's that CD you wanted to give me?
Where are you guys moving to?
That's the thing.
Fukuoka and then, maybe Saga?
People normally
move to neighboring towns.
Japan, huh?
That's really far.
What are you going to do over there?
I don't know yet.
I'm just following Yumi for now.
But who knows?
Maybe I can get a job or something.
So, Yumi is indeed Japanese?
Hey, Yumi!
This guy thinks you're actually Japanese.
Yeah, right. Fancy that.
Born Siti Aminah binti Kassim
but grew up to be Japanese.
What did you say? What about it?
When are you leaving?
My flight is the day after tomorrow.
You shot this?
Not bad.
I just think people
appreciate things like this over there.
There's a market for it.
At least I can grow and learn, you know?
Sorry. I like it with no sugar.
That's fine. Thank you.
what about you?
What do you do?
I'm a writer. As in, I write.
Like what?
No. More like captions, copywriting.
Oh, advertising.
what sort of advertisements?
Maybe I've seen some of them.
"The Morning Mist Whitening Cream.
Good, pure, and wholesome."
What else?
"Doth thou want to be a man?"
You laugh, but it's
a writing job that pays.
Have to make a living somehow.
Are you working tomorrow?
You're okay staying out this late?
-The cover art is just wonderful.
-Of course. Look who's the artist.
We always need to find Nur in life.
Wouldn't you say, bro?
Zip it.
You're supposed to help us pack.
Now, I wish I never came here.
Is this yours?
Where did you get it?
There was this old bookstore.
They sold second-hand books.
That was my mother's shop.
She handwrote this review.
That's why I go there. For the reviews.
Suria Azim, S.A.
I stopped writing reviews
after she passed.
Always been more of her thing, anyway.
I tried to carry the torch,
but look where I ended up.
Did you write this?
SHORI don't know
what possessed me to buy this.
Please don't go to Japan.
Can I get your number?
Something to remember me by.
Where are you going?
Aunt Mah?
Aunt Mah, where are you?
I need to head off to work.
Oh no.
Are you okay?
Two hours?
You came.
Not on purpose.
Meaning, you didn't actually want to come?
You said there was a collection
of unpublished reviews and bookmarks?
This one's my favorite.
A review on workouts.
This book is as heavy as a 3 kg dumbbell.
To this day I have no use for it,
on account of my lazy ass.
Working out just doesn't work for me.
I wish I could have met her.
One of the reasons
why I went to see Ramli.
We were engaged once.
Then we broke it off.
She came from money,
unlike me. I couldn't afford
to buy her an expensive ring.
So, I proposed with my late mother's ring.
I told her to keep it, to this day,
but when I bumped into her,
she had a different ring,
engaged to someone else.
Didn't even have the decency
to return my ring.
Don't you think
you should get the ring back?
Otherwise, it's like being cursed.
What curse?
Why do you think you still can't move on?
It's like she's still breathing down
your neck, still getting under your skin.
-We need to get it back.
-What are you doing?
-Where do we look for the ring?
How am I supposed to know?
You look over there, I'll cover this area.
How are you feeling?
Rich people and their taste.
I just don't get it.
Yazmin. Yazmin!
God, the scent.
Over here.
A man came by to see you,
but he's gone now.
-A man?
-Who was it?
How did you come to know Ramli?
Someone recommended me to him. Why?
You want to try something?
What is it now?
I was once a test subject for Ramli.
Long story.
So, are you in?
-What are we even talking about?
-Come with me.
What are we doing here?
It's locked.
How did you know where to find that?
Come in. Quickly.
Take a seat.
Go on.
Okay, that one's good.
Don't toy with that thing.
I know what I'm doing.
Okay. Now, we place this over your head.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure. I've seen Ramli do this.
So, basically, it connects to your brain.
You become like the host.
And I'm your guest.
Inside your mind.
And the fun part is,
once we're connected,
we can go anywhere inside your mind.
Sounds like getting high on glue.
Not at all.
It's like our brainwaves are connected
and they are in sync?
Kind of like Bluetooth, I guess.
You're just making this up, aren't you?
I'm not! Do you trust me?
Do you?
See that red button?
Okay, just flick it down.
I knew it.
Knew what?
It's you that I've been dreaming of.
Please don't go to Japan.
Stay with me.
Right here?
Well, I'm not sure where "here" is.
Zuhal, it's time.
For what?
To wake up.
Promise me something.
What is it?
Remember me.
What do you mean?
Remember me.
-Is he okay?
It's just a blip.
We should continue.
Don't worry. He's fine.
He seems to be in pain.
Like we're swapping
their brains against their will.
Isn't that dangerous?
It's like I said. We need to
make him remember the feeling.
No matter the cost.
Don't you think so?
I need a moment to think.
What's there to think about?
Stay put.
I need to take a dump.
Sir, you can't park here. Move it.
What's gotten into you?
-How is he today? Any response?
His bladder and bowel movement?
Just once yesterday. Nothing yet today.
What's weird?
There's something wrong with my head.
I think someone's
trying to steal my brain.
Can you not?
Don't be like this.
I can't deal with this right now.
I give up.
I don't know why all this is happening.
What are you talking about?
Dad's not supposed to be this sick.
I've been taking him
for check-ups. He's fine.
What's the matter with you?
He's been here for a whole week.
A week?
I'm just as worried as you are.
But we have to face this.
You have to be strong.
I've been so distracted lately.
You're here now.
That's what matters.
I'm going to pray.
You wait here?
Dad. What are you doing walking around?
I'm hungry.
Those curry puffs you always
get me. Where can I buy them?
The cafeteria?
I forgot.
My favorite book. What's the title?
You have quite a few. Which one?
It's a pickle, isn't it?
Trying to remember what
you don't know you've forgotten.
It's like,
when you have no idea
just how much you don't know.
Is it fiction or non-fiction?
Oh, Zuhal.
What kind of question is that?
Although I do remember this one part.
" if we are seen, therefore we exist.
So, what if the only soul around is ours?
Do we cease to exist?"
So, what's the answer, Dad?
The answer
is what we feel in our hearts.
That is why
the heart and soul go together.
The soul can't see
what the heart can't feel.
That book feels different
every time I read it.
Feelings, Zuhal.
Few things are more important
than feelings.
Strange, isn't it?
I'll never forget
how I felt about your mother.
How much I miss her.
How much I love your sister
and you.
The irony is,
these days I can't even remember
how to button my own shirt.
Dad, I'm scared.
Don't be.
When we leave this world,
we only take what truly matters.
We don't get to bring everything with us.
I'm running late.
I love you.
Thank you for taking such good care of me.
Peace be upon you.
Let us all put our hands up in prayer
to Allah, the Most Glorified and Exalted,
that the deceased, Rosli bin Alwi,
is placed among the faithful.
I seek refuge in Allah
from the outcast, Shaitan.
In the name of Allah,
the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah,
Lord of the Worlds,
the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Master of the Day of Judgement.
-Peace be upon you.
-And peace be with you.
What happened to your head?
Never mind him. You must be exhausted.
Do you want anything to eat or drink?
No need to trouble yourself.
I can help myself.
It's okay. Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry it took so long
for me to get here.
It's okay.
You must've come
straight from the station.
So? How was it over there?
Okay. Surviving.
But of course,
there are times when I miss
Who do you miss?
What's the matter with you now?
How do you know this woman?
I think you should
Isma, I need to know. How do you know her?
Enough, please.
Leave me out of your domestic issues.
"Domestic issues"?
How are you doing these days?
Who are you, really?
Zuhal, relax. Please.
You're not making any sense.
So, we're married?
But why don't I remember that?
Ramli sent you, didn't he?
-Who's Ramli?
-You know who!
You, Ramli,
and that old lady
are trying to steal my brain!
Then, what is it?
If we really are married,
then, where is the proof?
Prove it!
This is really insulting.
What's this, then?
Tell me.
You really need help, Zuhal.
Isma. What are we making
for tahlil tonight?
That's the thing.
We need to buy some groceries.
Zuhal's here.
Help her with that, will you?
You want some coffee?
He doesn't drink coffee.
Will you help me shop for groceries?
Who are you looking for?
No one.
Let's not overdo it.
A simple spread will do.
Qaisara Kirana Imani,
will you please shut that thing off?
Eat your breakfast.
Hand it over.
I'm tired of repeating myself.
Give it here.
What's up with you?
I'll write you a list later.
You go out and help get them for me.
Can I come with you?
I need to get some things too.
What, can't you do it?
This is really good.
Got everything?
Come with me?
I want to show you something.
What is this place?
It's not supposed to look like this.
I remember coming here.
I met Ramli, the hypnotist.
And then,
he introduced me to this one machine
and hypnotized me.
What on earth is going on?
I know we're at the right place.
Leave it, Zuhal.
Shall we?
Let's go.
So, where are we now?
Well, the station.
No. I mean, us.
Where are we?
Look, Zuhal.
I really want to go back
to how things were.
I want to be with you,
through the good times and the bad,
in sickness and in health.
We can go through it all.
I need to clear my head first.
There must be a reason for all this.
You can't just leave me hanging like this.
This is not fair.
What do you want?
If you don't want this, just call it off.
"Sir, you can't park here.
Move it."
Sir, you can't park here. Move it.
Sir. Sir!
Where are we?
Where are we?
Our memories are funky.
You are right here.
You can't seem to move forward.
You're stuck.
Normally caused by trauma
in a person's life.
And yours is right here.
Record's broken. Excuse him.
-Is he okay?
It's just a blip.
We should continue.
Sir, you can't park here. Move it.
Sir. Sir!
-To remember me by
Every time you read the book
How do you know her?
-the feeling is different.
-Is this real?
It's just a blip. We should continue.
-Record's broken. Excuse him.
Is this real?
It's just a blip. We should continue.
-Record's broken. Excuse him.
This is not fair
Why did you turn it off?
We have to stop.
We've done this too many times.
No, I have to go back in there.
His heart is too weak.
I'm not getting anything here.
I think it's time for us to stop pushing.
We have to figure out
the best course of action here.
Zuhal is strong.
I know he is.
I'm not Nur.
I'm Isma.
and we pray to Allah
that the deceased, Nur binti Ahmad,
is absolved of all her sins
This is regarding
the hypnotherapy treatment for Mr. Zuhal.
Is Dr. Ramli's clinic here?
Yes, it is. Down this hall, ma'am.
I think there's been
a mistake in his treatment
since three years ago.
Memories are, well,
they're paradoxical.
They stick to each other,
pile onto each other.
And it's warped.
-Alright, so
What can we do?
Breaking the loop
isn't as simple as telling him,
"Hey, snap out of it."
It doesn't work like that.
It's like this.
All that we think and feel
about the story of his life
are all relative.
-But how he feels about Nur
-is absolute.
-Since Nur's passing,
-Let's go home.
you have been taking care of him.
-As his sister, you know him best.
-Let's go home.
And so,
you can help him.
Continue what Nur started.
He needs to remember those feelings
on his own.
-Remember me.
Wouldn't it be great.
if we have a baby?
Because others said so?
Because I want one.
We can't even manage Dad as it is.
What do you mean?
I think we're okay.
What do you mean?
I mean
I think we can manage Dad and a baby.
You do know that it's only
going to get worse for Dad?
What are you getting mad at me for?
If I turn out like him, then what?
Take care of me and the baby?
Will you stop being so paranoid?
I'm not!
You're so unfair.
Look at you, trying to blame me.
Making me out to be the villain.
-But you're the problem!
-What's so terrible about me?
-Have you ever asked me what I wanted?
I've sacrificed everything for you
and not once have I said anything.
I chose you over another life in Japan.
I chose you!
So, what do you want now?
You regret choosing me?
Well, do you?
If you do, then feel free to leave--
Stay back, stay back.
you showed up.
Not on purpose.
I lost you, Nur.
It was all my fault
for letting you go.
I lost you.
You never lost me, Zuhal.
You must remember.
Do you remember
this memory right here?
You came back for me.
Don't flatter yourself.
What's going on?
Come with me.
Where to?
To figure it all out.
Come on, Zuhal. Stay with me!
Come on!
The station.
Come on, Zuhal.
I know that's not how you feel.
You must wake up.
And lose all this?
I can't lose you again.
But you will never lose me.
Remember how you're feeling right now.
Remember how you feel about us.
Can you?
There's so much I've forgotten.
I can't even remember what they are.
We had a really good life, Zuhal.
But I miss you so much.
I'm not going anywhere.
I will always be right here.
I'm sorry.
We'll make this work.
You need to wake up.
What were you dreaming about?
No idea.
I can't remember.
You ever felt so happy,
then, suddenly, you start to worry
that you wouldn't be able
to hold on to that feeling?
And then you start
to feel depressed about it.
You live inside your head
a little too much.
It's tiring to hear sometimes.
I think you just need a happy place.
For when you ever feel sad or depressed,
just head over there.
That's what I do.
Where is this happy place of yours?