Imani (2023) Movie Script

[ominous music]
[heart beating]
[heavy breathing]
- Hey, come here.
I got you.
The same one?
You wanna talk about it?
- It just...
It felt so vivid.
Like I could feel it.
I was drowning.
And I think someone was
trying to help me this time.
- Really?
Who was it?
- I don't know.
I couldn't see anything.
There was blood everywhere.
But I could feel him.
- Him?
[pattering rain]
- I don't know.
- Babe, we're gonna get
through this, all right?
- What if we don't?
- We don't have any choice.
We gotta get through this.
- You're such an optimist.
- With a dash of love.
Of course.
Let's get your meds.
- No, I made up my mind.
I'm not going to...
- Going to what?
Take them?
- Will you just hear me out?
They make me lethargic.
Like, sometimes I can't even
function or do simple things.
- And that's just because
you're stressed out, all right?
You're working a lot,
between the shop,
with Jada, with me.
And you can't be every
woman all the time, babe.
- Bryce, I made up my mind.
- And that's it? No discussion?
No thought on how
this ended last time
with you going--
- Don't. Don't.
- [Bryce] No.
- Don't go there.
- No, we've already moved in
now and unpacked our shit.
The last tango
around you sneaking
and not taking your
medication resulted
in your agoraphobia
making you believe
you were trapped in your car.
You punched out the window.
That's how you got
the scar on your hand.
You ran for blocks on end,
Faith, until you collapsed.
Is that what you wanna
relive, day in and day out?
That's the experience we
wanna give our daughter?
I'm begging you, please.
Take the medication so we
can start our day in peace.
I love you and you know this.
This is what's best.
[light rain]
Jada! It's time for
school, monster!
[light rain]
[running water]
[ominous music]
- Can I join you?
[Faith sighing]
Good morning my loves.
Good morning, princess.
- Morning, daddy.
- Morning, darling.
And I believe I already
gave you a good morning.
- Oh, is that so?
- Mm-hm.
- Good morning and welcome
to New Day World News.
Joining me this morning
is presidential candidate
and retired four-star
general, Michelle Dupree.
She is best known--
- Babe.
- Hm?
- For leading a successful
mission into Afghanistan
and the take down
of the OCI regime.
A terrorist organization--
- Babe, did you remember--
- Just give me a second.
- [Reporter] By
overthrowing and killing
then President
Abdur-Raheem Zalmai.
Welcome to New Day,
General Dupree,
and congratulations on
your recent retirement
and of course, your
bid for the presidency.
- Thank you for having me.
That was quite an introduction.
You know, Lydia, one
of the things that I
am most proud of was
being able to assist
the new democratically elected
president of Afghanistan
with taking power.
It's a great addition
to my life's work
to see the Afghani people
receive the liberation
and leadership they
so rightly deserve.
- I was watching that.
- Exactly.
Meanwhile, your husband
and our daughter
have been trying to
get your attention.
Did you remember to make
arrangements for Jada?
You know she has a half
day at school today.
- Oh my god, Bryce, I forgot.
Can you please call in?
- No, we talked about this.
I told you, I have
patients all day today.
Which is why you
agreed this morning
that you would figure it out.
- I know, I meant to.
And I just got distracted.
You know that general on TV?
She looks, like,
really familiar to me.
- That's because
she's always on TV.
And you're a news
hound and that's that.
- Right.
So a half a day, huh, Jada?
Look, mommy has to
work late, okay?
Because there's inventory
coming into the store
and I gotta close.
Karena asked for
the evening off.
- Karena?
- Mm-hm.
- Who's that?
- Yeah, she's my new employee.
She's so good.
- What happened to Melissa?
- Ugh, she was terrible.
Had no customer
service experience.
I mean, she just felt
like she was too good
to touch people's feet.
So I was like, listen girl,
go be a rocket
scientist or something.
Since you wanna act
like you're just
too good to do anything.
- I thought we agreed to
select new employees together.
- We did.
But I needed someone right away.
Karena it is.
It's not a big deal.
Look, how about I text Miss Amy
about picking you up for us?
- Miss Amy to the rescue!
And I'll get to play
with her puppies.
- Mm-hm.
- Jada gets what she wants.
All the time.
- Eat all your carrots today.
- That's my baby.
[snapping photos]
- Whew.
[engine starting]
- Yeah, I need these.
I'm coming back for you.
Guess who has a date?
Okay, I'm just gonna tell you.
You're taking too long.
My grandma.
- What?
- You heard me.
Granny said she
met a man online.
She liked him and they
went on a few dates.
So she gonna live her best life.
So, she can't babysit
my son tomorrow.
- Okay, so Mr.
is in full effect?
- Pretty much, yeah.
- All right, well, that's okay
because I have a
sitter for Jada tonight
and I did plan on closing.
And I'll just figure some
things out for tomorrow.
- Okay, oof!
I'm getting out of here.
Thank you, Faith, girl.
- Mm-hm!
- [Karena] Best boss ever.
- Mm-hm!
- Oh shit. Um, and
can you clock me out?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I did not even see you.
- It's fine.
I was actually just going
to ask for directions.
My phone died and this
was my navigation.
- Happens to me all the time.
Look, all you do is
exit the parking lot,
make a left, and you'll
see the signs, okay?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome, bye.
[ominous music]
- I'll just get right to it.
Dupree can't be trusted.
- You're just figuring that out?
Listen, I know she was
your father's right hand.
He prided himself on maintaining
these powerful connections
and he worked hard
to construct this
impressive empire
of Afghan heroin
but that Dupree...
- Yeah, but since his
death, Dupree's changed.
- Yeah.
- She's quieter.
Gained a lot more power
in a short amount of time.
- Mm.
- It's part of the
reason I relocated.
You know, the main office
from New York to LA.
Dupree's here.
And I've got a feeling
she's setting something up
to take us out, undercut us.
You don't think she's
running for president
for the betterment
of the people do you?
[crowds chanting]
- Oh!
- Bravo, General, Bravo.
- Mr. Secretary.
- You told me every
one of those soldiers
in that unit was dead.
Thomas Richardson, suicide,
shot himself in the head.
Carol Davinson, alcohol
poisoning, drank
herself to death.
Marilyn Roman, electrocuted
in a freak accident.
And Imani Avant drowned.
- This is impossible.
- Now fix it.
[crowds cheering]
[phone ringing]
- I need a moment.
- You got it, boss.
- Dominique.
I need to see you.
Come here, baby.
- You called for me?
- Mm, oh, I did.
- I'm here.
- I missed you.
- Missed you, too.
- So I just got a call.
- Okay.
- And it contradicts every
fucking thing you told me
about Imani's death, bitch.
Is she alive?
- I promise.
I swear she's dead.
I swear.
You asked me to protect
the family and I did.
At all costs.
Imani betrayed all
of us, remember?
Remember? Remember that?
She had to pay.
This has to be a mistake.
- For your sake, I
hope it is, bitch.
Now get the fuck off me!
Get your shit and get out.
[phone ringing]
- Hello.
- Scarlet never lost her letter.
- [Khalil] Really?
- Absolutely.
- So, no wet bird?
- I have no fucking idea.
But I need you to go look.
- Where?
- I'll text you the rest.
[funky music]
- Don't move.
- Wait, wait.
Wait, you can have
whatever you want.
- Get down!
- You can have
whatever you want!
I promise you, I don't, ah!
- Stay down!
I told you not to move.
[garbled speech]
- [Soldier] Keep
'em up, keep 'em up.
- [Troop] Clear.
[distorted voice]
- Is that crystal clear?
- [Woman] Near the front door.
Near the front door.
- Stay right there.
[silenced gunshots]
[snapping ]
[heavy breathing]
[screeching tires]
[revving engine]
[screeching tires]
[patrons murmuring]
- I should have both
of your fucking heads
right here, right now.
- You look like you
could use a meal.
You want some?
- Your father gave
you one fucking job.
To be a good son.
But you couldn't
even handle that.
I mean my god, Raymond
handed you everything.
Money, his multi-million dollar
liquor distribution business,
his connections, Afghanistan.
But no matter how much he
loved you and took care of you,
and even though you
were his junior,
there's still one thing
he couldn't teach you.
Your sister was not only
a better soldier than you,
she was more of a man
than you'll ever be.
So maybe she should
have been left alive.
She is dead, right?
Well, you know what they say.
You want something done
right, do it yourself.
[Supreme chuckling]
- Well, I guess she's dead then.
- You can play this game.
But you and I both know
who loses in the end.
You'll go down.
And so will your
family's entire legacy.
- Hm.
You know, my father always said,
"Those on the
proximity to power"
"are sometimes deluded into
thinking they wield it."
"But in fact, it's the
man standing behind you"
"that decides if you take
that next step or not."
[patrons murmuring]
- Are those his final words?
You were the last one to see
your father alive, right?
Strange how he died
so suddenly like that.
With only you there.
[patrons murmuring]
- Ha, ha.
Next time have some class and
order the steak medium rare.
And don't fuck up my fundraiser!
[plate clacking]
[radio chatter]
- What the hell is this?
[radio chatter]
Looks like a robbery gone wrong.
- Gone wrong is right.
This is professional.
- A gang hit?
- From the looks of
this, more than that.
All these bodies are armed.
All I know is that
whatever it is,
it's ruining my weekend plans.
Any witnesses?
- Just one, sir.
[radio chatter]
[phone ringing]
- Sir.
I've been here for hours.
An officer still has not
come and taken my report.
Now I know I don't
have to wait this long
to make a report
for my wife missing.
- Well, is she missing
voluntarily or involuntarily?
I mean, I see husbands everyday.
And don't even get me
started on the wives
looking for their husbands.
- My wife is missing!
Okay, she could be in danger.
She doesn't have her medication.
Anything could have happened.
She owns a shoe store, she
shut down, did not come home.
- Which shoe store, sir?
- The Gleaming Slipper.
On the strip mall
right off the freeway.
- Wait right here.
Call Hoffman.
I think this might
have something to do
with those murders.
- Murders?
- Mr. Dames.
Mr. Avant is in a
meeting right now.
Please, have a seat.
I said, he's in a meeting.
You can't go in there, stop!
Mr. Avant, I
explained to Mr. Dames
that you were in a
meeting and he insisted.
- It's fine, Nola.
- Are you sure?
Because I can call security.
- I am security.
Good day, Nola.
- I promise you,
Nola, it's fine.
Good day, Mr. Dames.
Take a seat.
- What type of fucking
mission are you sending me on?
Are you playing with
me or something?
- What?
I've been waiting
on word from you
since last night and nothing.
So you tell me.
What mission you been on?
- Anytime you've given
me a job, I do it.
I've never given you any
reason to check up on me,
or clean up after me.
And I never needed back up.
- That's why I hired you.
- Yeah, I go to carry out
the job you hired me to do.
And you send a god damn
A-team to the scene before me?
- What?
What the fuck is
he talking about?
- Unless it was you?
- Ha, ha!
You're out of your mind.
Supreme, get your boy, man.
- See, maybe you
nervous, scared,
that I'm getting too close.
Close enough to take your
place and push you out the way.
So you send me into an ambush.
- Two things, boy.
One, you could never
take my fucking place.
And I don't send mother
fuckers to kill, they send me.
So calm your ass
down and leave me out
of whatever bullshit
you really got going on.
- Fellas, this is real cute.
I hate to break this up.
But somebody better tell
me what's going on now.
Where's she at?
- She got away.
- Fuck.
- And it definitely was her.
- So what now?
- What you mean, what now?
I'll find her, I'll
execute her, period.
- Yeah, that's
exactly what we'll do.
But first we're gonna
let her come to us.
If there's one thing
I know about Dorothy,
that bitch will always
find her way home.
[heavy breathing]
- It's only me and you, Imani.
[Faith groaning]
- Ah!
[heavy breathing]
Oh shit.
- Mr. Newford.
I'm detective Hoffman.
We'd like to show
you some footage.
- Footage of what?
- An incident that
occurred last night.
Maybe it'll shine some light
on where your wife is.
Is that your wife?
- That's not the wife I know.
- Can I help you?
- Who are you and why
are you in my house?
- Excuse me?
- Where's Bryce and Jada?
- Ma'am, ma'am.
You probably got
the wrong address.
- Are you fucking crazy?
- Ma'am are you okay?
- I live here, where
the fuck is my family?
- Ma'am, hey, hey, hey.
Are you all right?
- Honey, is everything okay?
I heard yelling.
- No, baby, it's all right.
I'm gonna handle this.
- And she's in my fucking robe.
What the fuck is--
- Hey!
- Where the fuck is my family?
- Ah!
- I'm not gonna ask you again.
- I'm on with the police.
- Call them.
This is my fucking house,
they'll figure this shit out.
- Hurry, please, she's
attacking us now.
[shattering glass]
[heavy breathing]
[phone ringing]
- Bryce.
- Daddy, daddy! Where's Mommy?
- Hey, baby.
Uh, Mommy's gonna
be home soon, okay?
I promise that.
But guess what?
- What?
- So you know, you
love the lake house.
- Yes.
- Amy's gonna take
you to the lake house
and Mommy and I will
join you soon, all right?
- Yay, the lake!
- [Amy] We're gonna
have so much fun.
Let's go pack, okay?
- [Jada] Okay!
[electronic beeping]
- What the fuck?
[pen clicking]
- You should not
be on this phone.
- Senator.
- I'm not pleased.
Matter of fact, that's
an understatement.
I'm vexed.
I'm quite vexed.
I need to understand how
a veteran CIA officer
allows any of this to happen.
Please, fill me in.
Because the last come to
Jesus moment that we had,
you told me you were weening
her off the medication
and slowly bringing her around.
- Yes, I was bringing
her around but--
- Shh.
I was raised to believe
that anything before
that "but" is bullshit.
So why don't you
do us both a favor
and skip to the part
where somehow, once again,
you led me into a mess that
I have to clean up for you
and your assigned bride.
- If you'll let me
explain, Senator.
- You see, that's
my issue, Alexander.
You're always explaining.
First, you explained
that in order for Avant
to feel that she was
in a normal family,
she needed a child.
So we arranged for
you to adopt one.
Then you explained that she
was bored being a housewife
so we put things
in place for her
to open a fucking business.
All under the guise that you
would be bringing her around
just in time for me to use
the information that I need.
And yet all I've
gotten out of it
is Dupree's poll numbers rising
and her climbing
directly up my ass
in the presidential race.
- My wife, I mean...
- No, you're right.
You were correct. Your wife.
Because clearly,
you've fallen in love.
- With all due respect, Senator,
let's be real here for a moment.
You knew Avant and I
had a thing going on
before any of this.
Which is why you and
the head of your company
elected that I'd be on
top of this assignment.
And the fact that she's
been shot and has amnesia,
that's real.
We've just been prolonging it
so that we can wait it out
until the election year.
And that was your call.
- It was. Why?
Because if she stepped
into total recall
she would confront Dupree
and Dupree would
try to kill her.
And probably get
away with everything.
- [Bryce] And that
wouldn't have been good
for you running for president.
- Exactly.
- But I've done
everything so far
that you've asked me to do.
- Everything except
keeping bandits
from kidnapping your
asset outside a store.
Other than that,
you're doing great.
Now, this election's gonna
be here before you know it.
And you shoulda brought
her around by now, Doctor.
Especially if you expect
me to nominate you
as the head of the Central
Intelligence Agency.
Unless that's changed?
- Nothing's changed, sir.
At the same time, we
both know the process
of removing this medication
can cause severe hallucinations
and even be deadly.
Which is why the
weening takes time.
- You know what takes time?
You dragging this
out takes time.
You should have let her
just have some seizures
or whatever the fuck it
is and get on with it.
Yet here we are with soldier
gone wild on the loose.
Two dead hit men
in the parking lot
and god only knows
who sent them.
And police evidence that
your wife killed them.
Evidence that we now
have to make disappear.
- I've handled that.
- Oh yeah.
Yeah, let's not forget about
the police report you filed.
- Of course, I've gotta
play the concerned husband.
- Okay, let's cut the bullshit.
You're not fooling any
fucking body with that.
You were concerned.
About your wife.
You have 72 hours to get
her ass back in place
and resume your assignment.
Or I'm gonna eliminate
the whole operation.
And I do mean the
whole operation.
- [Elevator] Going up.
[heavy breathing]
- If I don't leave,
he's going to kill me.
And you too.
- What happened?
- Listen, I have to
tell you something.
- Anything.
- Supreme was apart of
the original hit on Imani.
He got the orders from
the General but...
- But what?
- I did it.
I was desperate for money,
for my mother's medical expenses
and... I just agreed.
And I swear I thought
Imani was dead.
- Why did they want her dead?
- Something about,
she knew too much
and that she was gonna
be bringing everyone down
with the information she had.
Something went down
in Afghanistan.
And the General returned
on operation wipe out.
The entire troops
were knocked off.
- You?
- Hell no!
One body of blood on my hands
was more than enough for me.
- What's General Dupree's
real ties to Supreme?
- She was his father's
overseas connect, then his.
Now he and Jonathan are
going a different direction
with another connect.
- Who?
- I don't know.
- I need you to find that out.
- Why?
We need to get out
of here like we said.
I have access to
Supreme's accounts
and I've transferred more
than enough money into mine.
He won't miss it.
I've packed my bags and as
soon as I leave here, I'm gone.
And I want you to come with me.
But if you decide
that you wanna stay
and remain loyal to
him, I promise you,
he's gonna take you down too.
Especially since he sent
you to bring her back
and you haven't.
- Shh, shh, shh.
Let me worry about that.
[Faith groaning]
- Officer, I'm gonna need
you to uncuff this patient.
- I have orders to keep her
restrained at all times.
- Orders and this
patient's health
are not of the same importance.
Okay, she needs a
CT scan of her head.
Anyhow, when I
return I'd appreciate
my patient being
out of these cuffs.
- Faith Newford's room.
- Uh, 450.
- Okay.
All right, anyone in the room,
get them out, immediately.
Standby until I get there.
I need to handle this.
If she escapes,
bring her back to me.
- Don't do anything
stupid, okay?
- Oh, fuck!
- What the fuck is
going on here, Newford?
You can't just run up
in here and bark orders.
Your wife is needed for
questioning and you know why.
- Ah, god.
- Now call off your fucking dogs
and get your ass out
of my investigation.
Or this won't end well.
[phone dialing]
- Hey, Cap.
I have a detective...
Hoffman here.
He doesn't seem to understand
his position, Captain.
Thank you, sir.
He's clear for sure.
[phone ringing]
- [Hoffman] Shit head.
Yeah, but...
- Ah!
- Faith.
- God damn it.
[alarm blaring]
[workers murmuring]
- Bryce?
- Target secure.
Faith, baby.
I know you're scared.
But I need you to trust me.
I need you to come with me.
I can explain!
[alarm blaring]
- And then she gonna say,
you must be taking
diet baby aspirin.
Because them blue
pills you takin,
ain't doing shit for you.
I mean, she clean cussed me out.
Said she's looking to
settle down with a stallion.
I told her, bitch,
you are 72 years old.
The only stallion you'll
be settling down with
is Jesus Christ.
Yeah, sure did!
Yeah, all right, Momma.
I love you too.
All right.
[Faith groaning]
- Alrighty, here we go!
All right.
Alrighty, Ralph.
Are you ready for
your last ride?
All right, here we go.
Vroom, vroom, vroom!
Watch out, going
through the door!
Here we go.
Look out.
Here we go.
- Hold it.
- Oh, shit.
They got me.
Listen, listen.
I can explain.
Now, I've been meaning to
file my taxes since '96.
But after what I seen
y'all do to Ron Isley--
- Sir, please step
away from the vehicle.
- No, I, I can't do that, now.
You see, I know exactly
what this is about.
- Sir, I need you to move
away from the vehicle.
Thank you.
- Shit.
For 32 years I done
bagged and zipped
and bagged and zipped
and bagged some more.
And nobody ever come
behind me to check my work.
It's that new
supervisor of mine.
I know she sent you.
I'm filing a grievance.
And poor Ralph.
All he did was drop
dead on Wednesday.
And he can't even rest in peace
without the po-po
running up on him.
- Sorry about the
inconvenience, sir.
Have a good day.
Sir, sorry.
- What... you?
It's a damn shame.
God damn shame.
God damn shit.
I tell ya, Ralph.
A black man can't catch a break.
- Get out.
- I knew that bag was a
little too bulky for Ralph.
Look, don't shoot now.
Because you won't get no
argument and no ID from me.
- I don't wanna hurt you.
- That makes two of us.
- I'll be needing this hearse.
- Lady, you can
have this hearse.
You can have the keys,
Ralph's old stinkin' ass.
All of it.
You ain't getting no
argument from me, lady.
I ain't seen nothing.
- Step away slow.
- Okay.
All right, take it easy.
[engine starting]
- Faith!
Oh my god, are you okay?
- I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
I'm trying everything.
I'm lost.
My world is falling apart
and I don't know who I am.
I don't know what to do.
- Is it Bryce?
Is it Jada?
Why are you in a
hospital gown and a robe?
- I don't know.
I don't know how I got here.
I don't...
- It's okay, it's okay.
Shh. It's okay.
Let's get you
changed and showered
and something to eat, okay?
Then we'll talk.
Tell me what's going on.
Were you in the hospital?
And why do you have a gun?
- Girl, I feel like
I'm losing my mind.
My entire life as I
know it has been erased.
I go home and there's
random people in my home.
And my baby is gone.
And then I'm at the
hospital and Bryce shows up
and he's a completely
different person.
He pulled a gun on me.
- What?
What do you mean?
- I've been kidnapped.
- What? By who?
- I've been shot at.
- With bullets?
- I've been called Imani Avant.
- Who?
Who is that?
- I don't know.
I don't know, but
whoever she is,
somebody wants the bitch dead.
- Um...
What floor of the hospital
did you say you were on again?
The locked one?
- I'm not crazy.
- I... I didn't say that.
It's just...
What did you say your
husband did again?
What kind of friends
do y'all have?
- He's a doctor.
We don't have friends.
We have a nanny.
And there's you.
A couple of years ago
I was in a really
serious car accident.
I got amnesia from it.
Bryce has been really good about
filling me in on the
details of my life.
- Girl.
Look, I'm not a cop or nothing
but I do watch
"Investigation ID."
And this sounds like
one of those stories
called A Whole Damn Problem.
And on the last episode, this
man stole his wife's identity
and gave it to the mistress.
- Karena.
- Babe.
- Karena.
This is not that.
- Then why would somebody
call you by another name?
- I don't know.
- Well, let's Google
that name and see.
Imani Avant.
War hero and
heiress to the Avant
Liquor Distribution
Company dynasty.
Dead after
accidentally drowning.
Is this you?
- Will you click on that?
- Captain Imani Avant has
been laid to rest today.
The war hero and daughter
of well revered business
man Raymond Avant Senior
drown tragically after returning
from a successful
tour in Afghanistan.
Captain Avant is survived
by her brother Raymond Jr.
As you can see, the
well loved army soldier
was so highly regarded
that four-star general
Michelle Dupree and Secretary
of Defense, Arthur Bridges
were in attendance
at her service.
- Okay, click on her.
Zoom in.
- Yeah.
I'm so glad you came
up here with me.
I so needed a moment
away from the city.
And plus I've been wanting
to get here for awhile.
- Yeah.
Honestly, this
place is beautiful.
You know my brother
really loves you.
I haven't seen him this
happy since our mother died.
- I love him too.
And I would do anything for him.
[patrons murmuring]
- Ha!
This wine is really strong.
The wine is strong.
Yeah, I thought the wine
overseas was strong, ha!
[patrons murmuring]
- Cheers.
- Wait.
- Um...
Are you sure you're okay?
- What's the date
on that article?
- Uh, the funeral
was only a year ago.
- Bryce said we've
been married 10 years.
That can't be me.
Pull up that picture again.
- Yeah.
And that guy, Raymond Jr.
Better known as Supreme.
The one that they're
saying is your...
I mean, her brother.
He owns the Avant
Suite downtown.
It's one of those high
end exclusive clubs
for the rich and famous.
Politicians, A-listers,
that's who goes there.
You know, I've heard
a lot of things about
that Avant family.
Like, powerful.
And dangerous things.
- Dangerous like what?
Karena, run!
- Girl.
- Girl, run!
- Okay, all right.
- God damn it!
[heavy breathing]
- Hey!
[shattering glass]
- Ah!
- Fuck!
- Faith!
Get in!
Get in, girl.
Come on.
Girl, close the door, close
the door, close the door.
People are really
coming after you, faith.
Has this got something
to do with your family?
- I don't know, Karena.
- Some mafia type shit?
- I don't know!
But I need to find out.
- Right, because you like some
wingnut terminator type bitch.
I mean, you fucked
a handful of men up
with one karate kick.
How you do that?
- Good question.
I need to talk to Bryce.
- Yeah, call him.
Right now.
- [Bryce] Hello?
Hey, baby, is that you?
Where are you?
Come home, please.
You need your medication.
- Bryce.
- [Bryce] Faith.
- We need to talk.
- What'd he say?
- He knows something.
Take me home.
- I don't know, Faith.
Are you sure?
- Whatever is going on, I
can't just leave Jada here.
We'll figure some shit out.
- Well, then I'm
coming with you.
- What I need you to
do is just get your son
and your grandmother
and go somewhere safe.
- I will.
- Let me know if you can
get anymore information.
- What the fuck is going on?
- Faith.
- Why did you have a
gun at the hospital?
- A gun? I was there
to bring you home.
- Don't lie to me.
- Faith, babe.
Give me the gun.
All of this is happening
because you're off
your medications.
I told you this would happen.
All right, the panic attacks.
The violence.
Feeling trapped.
I love you, so much.
And I promise we're gonna
get past this but...
You've gotta trust me.
I'm so sorry this
is happening to you.
[Faith whimpering]
Come on, let's go to bed.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on babe, let's go.
- I'm disappointed
in you, bitch.
I'm so disappointed in you.
[muffled screaming]
Sending a woman to do a man's
job, I can deal with that.
That's my fault.
But ain't no bitch
gonna steal from me.
[ominous music]
- Okay.
- I'm sorry.
I've never been like this.
- You only live once.
[silenced gunshot]
- Same one?
- No.
This time someone shot me.
- Really?
You wanna talk about it?
- No.
I just want to get
my day started.
- Babe, listen.
I know you don't like
taking them pills, but...
We'll get through this.
- I know.
- Now who's the optimist?
- With a dash of love.
Jada, monster!
It's time to get up.
[running water]
May I join you?
[running water]
I'll take that as a yes.
- Mm.
She's back at home now.
Everything's back to normal.
I've got eyes on her
everywhere this time.
In a few days I'll lower the
dosage on her medication.
We should be able to
find the documents then.
- Well done.
Who sent those men?
- General Dupree.
But Dupree's men weren't
the only ones to show up.
The brother's men.
- Hm.
- Raymond Supreme Avant Jr.
Daddy's little prince.
Handed life on a
palladium spoon.
My sources tell me it was Dupree
who ordered the brother
to execute his sister.
And that's how she got the
bullet in the back of the head.
- Wow.
It appears as though it's
time to return the favor.
- Absolutely.
- And yet somehow you're
still sitting here with me.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
I appreciate you stopping in.
I'm still a little bit upset
about my sweet Dominique
so forgive me if I'm
not myself, all right?
- Well, I still
can't believe it.
- Me either.
I know you loved her,
she was good to you.
- Too good.
- I don't want you to
worry about it, okay?
I've already put some men on it
and we'll figure
out who did this.
- Yeah, well my
money's on Dupree.
That's okay.
No worries.
Karma is the master
mother fucker, trust.
Speaking of Dupree.
Those men who snatched Imani
before you got there, Khalil.
- Yeah?
- Those were the General's men.
- Are you sure General
Dupree did that?
- Yeah, that bitch.
She was actually
the one who gave me
the intel I gave
you, but obviously
she ain't trust me enough
to take care of it.
- She could have got me killed.
- Right.
That's all right, I got
something for her ass.
- And what is that?
- A mark in the cemetery
and a slow walk to hell.
I just gotta get her there.
- Well, she does
have the fundraiser
at the club coming up.
- Indeed.
[Faith sighing]
[shuffling papers]
- Oh shit.
Well, isn't this a
pleasant surprise.
- Is it?
Did you forget it's
our anniversary?
Now who's forgetting?
- Does it matter now?
- Slow down, baby.
Let me do the rest.
- Faith.
- Shh.
Don't say another fucking word.
Xavier Alexander.
I wanna know what's going on.
Don't lie to me.
Don't try to gaslight me.
Because I love you.
But I will fucking kill you.
I want to know
every single detail.
- Okay.
When you got home
from Afghanistan,
you went to the head
of the Senate Foreign
Affairs Committee.
With the promise of returning
with documents and proof.
- Well, keep up the
good work, Captain.
- Thank you, sir.
- Absolutely.
- [Bryce] Suddenly soldiers
in your unit were
showing up dead.
I was put on the case.
Powell wanted proof of what
went on in Afghanistan.
I had been assigned
to follow you.
That night at the
lake, you were there
with your brother's girlfriend.
I had to fall back a few
places or blow my cover.
And I lost you for a moment.
When I found you,
you were drowning.
I pulled you out.
I thought I had
lost you forever.
Everything that happened after
that was to keep you alive.
You actually had amnesia.
But when you started to heal
and your memories
were flooding back,
we were in a full operation.
And I was scared you
would go full metal jacket
to bring down General
Dupree too soon.
So I had to create us a life.
One you would believe.
Suppress your memories
with medication
and keep you safe
until the right time.
- How do I look?
- You look great.
A lot better.
I mean, what did
you want me to do?
I couldn't just
let them kill you.
- You killed me.
Because what the fuck
is a Faith Newford?
I am Imani Avant.
What the fuck is
that besides murder?
And then your dumb ass
couldn't even be creative.
You named me the
same god damn thing.
Did you not know that Faith
and Imani mean the same thing?
- Of course.
It's symbolic.
That's why I picked it.
You are back now.
And you know what that means.
- You make the call?
- Did exactly as you instructed.
As soon as she hits her mark,
it'll be in place.
- Taking out a
presidential candidate.
You're a bold mother fucker.
- I was raised that way.
[phone ringing]
- Excuse me, fellas.
[phone ringing]
- Got it.
Everything's a go.
- Catch her ass right there.
- Everything okay, Khalil?
- Mm-hm.
- You all right, Jabril?
- Yes sir, I think
we're being followed.
Coming up on the left.
- Oh, I think we're okay.
Think you're just being
a little paranoid.
- Yeah, I think we're clear.
- You may be right.
- Yeah, I'll tell
you what, though.
These poll numbers are going up.
I like to see that.
- [Jabril] Yes, sir.
- Okay, now what the
hell is this now?
- Just construction, sir.
We're just gonna
take this detour.
It's probably gonna
make us late, though.
- Ah, it's probably
better, anyway.
Let her get there first.
I'm gonna steal some of her
thunder when I get there.
- Ha!
[revving engine]
[screeching tires]
- Yo, what the fuck?
Jabril, what the fuck
are you doing, man?
- Yo, somebody's following us!
- Well, go!
Go, go, go!
- Just hang on, I got this.
Oh shit.
- Who the fuck is this,
Jabril, who is this?
- I don't know!
- Shit, he's getting close, man.
Come on, come on.
You gotta step on it!
- Shit, here we go.
- Right. Right,
right, right, right!
[screeching tires]
Go around.
Who the fuck is this?
[screeching tires]
Go in the tunnel. Go
in the tunnel, go!
Tunnel, tunnel, tunnel!
- Ah.
Just hang on, I got this.
- This is fucking Dupree.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[screeching tires]
What the fuck?
Go back, go back, go
back, go back, go back!
[screeching tires]
- Stay in the car, we got this.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Yo, let's go.
Stay here, we got this.
- Don't move!
- No, wait.
No, no, wait, wait,
wait! Hold it.
- Stay in the car!
- Come on, come on.
Put the gun down.
What are you gonna
do, shoot a senator?
Just take me to whoever
fucking sent you.
[patrons murmuring]
- We're honored to host
you, Madam General.
- It is an honor to
be here, Jonathan.
- [Reporter] General
Dupree, General Dupree!
- Thank you, thank
you all for coming.
Remember, spread the word. Vote.
- Madam General.
- Thank you, Jonathan.
- You're welcome.
- [Reporter] General
Dupree! One more photo!
[patrons chatting]
- There he is.
Ha, ha, ha!
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, it is
so good to see you.
How have you been?
- I've been great.
I've been great.
- Yes, I hear you've
been traveling.
- Yes, but you know, I wouldn't
miss this for the world.
I have to come out
and support anything
and everything you do.
- Thank you, thank you.
It means the world
to me, you know that.
- Yes, yes.
I believe you're gonna win.
- [Dupree] I do too.
- [Supporter] You're
gonna take it all the way.
- Thank you. Hello, everyone.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you, what
a beautiful table.
- Anything you need, we're here.
- Thank you, that's
so good to know.
[patrons chatting]
[Supreme chuckling]
- No place like home, huh, sis?
You look good.
For somebody who's seen the
light twice, how was it?
- You tried to kill me.
- No.
I sent somebody else to do it.
And because I thought you'd
be dead and stay there,
I didn't think you'd
get mad about it.
- How could you?
Put a hit out on
your own sister?
- Please.
Come on, now.
We have never celebrated
or been attached to that.
[snapping fingers]
That sibling thing.
You know?
We just arrived here at
the same fucked up time
by way of the same
fucked up people.
You know it and I know it.
So spare me.
- Mm.
You really are
the devil himself.
Did you kill Daddy?
He had cancer but
it wasn't terminal.
- You were off to the Army.
Trying to save the world.
You don't know that.
- I know when I came
back our dad's body was
reduced to a bag of ashes.
- That's because our
father didn't want
people looking down
on him in a casket.
So me, being the oldest,
and the only one who
was here with him,
I followed instructions.
- You didn't follow shit.
You never followed anything.
You expect me to believe that.
You hated him.
- Ah, don't deflect.
I hated you.
- Oh, because you
were jealous of me?
Because I was more like
Daddy than you would ever be?
You know what Daddy
and I had in common?
You're just a narcissist
who wanted everything.
And no matter what Daddy did,
it was never good
enough for you.
And you know why that is?
Because you're just some
little weak ass boy still.
And we both know that.
- Cute.
He ain't never give me shit.
It was you.
You were his prized possession.
- Is that why you put
a bullet in his head?
- Maybe.
- Maybe.
I might put a bullet in yours.
- Ha.
Go for it.
- Fucking bitch!
[Supreme chuckling]
[heavy breathing]
- Yeah, huh?
Where your fucking daddy
at now, mother fucker?
[Supreme groaning]
[Supreme laughing]
You ain't got the fucking heart.
[gun clattering]
[patrons chatting]
- And I believe your father's
in the military, yes?
- Yes, yes.
A two-star general.
- Meh, I got a
couple stars on him,
but I won't hold
that against him.
[patrons screaming]
- Get her out of here!
Get her out of here!
- Let's go, move, move.
- Move.
[guard groaning]
- Well, well, well.
I must admit, it's
good to see you.
You always were a
persistent little thing.
Surely, you didn't
come to kill me.
Did you, soldier?
Always was your
biggest downfall.
Trying to outshine the master.
Didn't Raymond
teach you anything?
- This isn't about my father.
This is about me and you.
- Salam Alaikum.
- Alaikum salam.
[speaking in foreign language]
- Balcony, do you see him?
- I see him.
- Hey Cap, we got a lot
of movement up there.
We need to move, now.
- We're on the move.
[speaking in foreign language]
- I got a phone, 12 o'clock.
I don't like this.
- [Soldier] We need to
get the President out now.
- I think we should--
[soldier screaming]
- We gotta move!
[soldier screaming]
- Cap, wait.
Maybe you should--
- I shouldn't what?
I shouldn't say
anything to the General
about how she sent us on a
fucking suicide mission, huh?
Move, soldier.
- Mission accomplished?
- What mission, General Dupree?
The real one or the fake one?
That was a drone hit.
Not suicide bombers, not rebels.
- Be easy, soldier.
- I lost three men out there.
- Stand down,
soldier, last warning.
- That was a fucking ambush!
- Everything went as planned.
- Not the plan relayed to me.
We were supposed to save
President Zalmai, not kill him.
And then blame it on some
makeshift, OCI rebels
who were armed with American
weapons and ammunition
and then conveniently
named terrorists by you.
- Now you're in violation.
I said, stand the fuck down!
- Oh yeah, well tell
it to fucking Congress.
Because I already
alerted the head
of Foreign Affairs
Committee, Senator Powell,
that this mission
was faulty by design.
- We have a problem.
[Dupree chuckling]
You know, you always
were too self righteous
for your own good.
Nobody gives a fuck
about those people.
The world has painted
them as terrorists
and just maybe
that's what they are.
Do you think anyone
cared that we were
the ones who actually ordered
the hit on their president?
That would be a hell no.
And you know why?
Because the world
has relegated them
to being throw away people.
Not even worthy of the land
and the rich resources
they sit upon.
Every time somebody
fills their gas tank
or heats their
house or buys oil,
do you think they give a damn
that we were the ones
who ran over villages
and started wars and created
faux rescue missions to get it?
Again, that would be a no.
And that is because those
people don't matter, Imani.
And for the life of
me, I can't understand
why the fuck you think they do.
- They're people.
They deserve to live.
And live well.
Liberation and democracy.
That was your mantra.
Does that not matter
to you when it comes
to black and brown babies?
- Oh god, here we go.
The race card.
I don't make up the
rules, princess,
I just enforce them.
And you.
You've gotta be the biggest
hypocrite of them all.
I know you don't think
the Avant's wealth
just came from your
daddy's good looks.
How many women
and children died?
How many rebels
were paid to guard
your daddy's coca and
poppy plantations, huh?
How many villages
pillaged so you could be
amongst the 1%?
Going to your fancy schools.
Living in your mansions.
- Don't try to blame
this on my father
because we both know you were
his partner in all of this.
- Yes!
Yes, I was!
And you wanna know why?
Because we understood
each other.
We understood the assignment.
But you, little miss ungrateful.
So determined to destroy
everything we built
and take your own family
down in the process.
And for what?
The good of man?
Oh please, that is such
a pile of bullshit.
- You should rot in hell.
- And you should watch
your fucking back.
Because your borrowed
time is ticking.
Now move, soldier.
- [Officers] Freeze!
- Mother fucker.
[sirens wailing]
- I'm okay.
I promise.
- Commander.
- Sergeant Myles Brailey.
- Look at you.
Okay, this is different.
- You like it?
- So is this your new uniform?
- I guess so.
Ha, good to see you.
- Good to see you, too.
Looks like it's time to get
that tatted back on, hm?
- Sergeant Brailey.
Or should I say, Khalil Dames?
My brother, thank you.
We couldn't have got
this done without you.
And now that you're back,
we need to figure out
where these documents are.
- Well, it looks like you
don't have to search very far.
The documents are
in the pendant.
- The whole time?
- The whole time.
- The documents
are in the pendant.
- It's in the pendant.
- You know what we went through?
- We could have died.
- Dupree, Dupree, Dupree.
I usually don't
come to such events.
But for you, I decided
to make an exception.
I had such high hopes for us.
You were so smart.
And you were definitely on
your way to being president.
But you allowed
your own ambitions
to get ahead of what I
instructed you to do.
And now, you know
how this works.
Don't worry, I made all
the proper arrangements.
And this will be easy and quiet.
[hissing gas]
Cyanide gas.
It'll be quick.
Painful, but quick.
You'll feel dizzy,
the room will spin.
You'll begin to seize.
Your heart will race.
Your blood pressure will spike.
And then it'll all be over.
Clean this up.
- Officers Avant,
Brailey, Alexander.
Job well done.
This is what happens when
agencies work together.
The CIA and Army spec ops,
we're all brothers and
sisters when we're out there.
Let's not forget
your field team.
They worked fast and diligently
when things started to go south.
Thank you for your service.
By now you've all heard
that General Dupree
has committed suicide.
Not surprising, she took
the coward's way out.
And while she'll never
face a court of law
or jury of her peers, I've
received classified intel
that she orchestrated
the killing
of President Zalmai to extend
the war in Afghanistan.
- Why?
- She was involved
in a operation
that was allowing tons of heroin
into our country via
our nation's ports.
And she was colluding
with the rebels
of South and West Africa
to build a drug empire.
When our new
president is elected,
I'll work with
that administration
to have the op declassified.
So Dupree will be disgraced
and go down in history
as a war criminal,
a drug dealer,
and a traitor to
the United States.
And all of you
will be recognized
for the heroes that you are.
Carry on.
- What was that look about?
- How would Bridges
know about the pipeline?
- The pendant.
- I haven't given
it to anyone yet.
- [Speaker] Confirming.
- Confirmed.
- [Speaker] New
assignment ready.
- Go.
- Well, this is interesting.
I never thought we'd
be here, you and me.
- [Powell] Neither did I.
- Did you hear about Dupree?
She didn't do so well.
- That's typical.
Doesn't surprise me, though.
She got ahead of herself.
- So tell me, how do you
plan on getting out of this?
- Let's just say, I
have a little faith.
- Well, she better hurry.