Immanence (2022) Movie Script

[wind howling]
[waves lapping and wind howling]
[dramatic music]
[helicopter blades chopping]
[man on radio] Consort 4004
go for harness deploy of AFT.
[woman on radio]
AFT away.
[helicopter blades chopping]
[man 1] As soon as you mark
the flare on back of left 40.
[woman] Eighty-eight header
65, call sign Odyssey.
[man 1]
Calling it in.
Oh-three-seventeen we've got a red
emergency beacon visible left 20.
[man 2]
I see a raft.
It's got to be all of them,
there's nobody over here.
It's a total ghost town.
How many souls aboard?
[man 2]
Manifest showing six.
[woman] Hold on, zero four,
when was contact on this again?
[man 1] Distress signal
was activated at 23:39.
At 11:39, roger that.
[man 1] It's a raft.
Stand by for a count of survivors.
[man 2] Can't be all of them.
No way they got six people in that thing.
It doesn't make sense.
There's nothing wrong
with the boat.
Why in the hell jump ship?
[man 2] Here we go.
Got movement down there.
- [woman] How many?
- [man 2] Standby,
I'll have lights up
in three, two, one.
[dramatic music]
[waves rolling]
[dramatic music]
[computer beeps]
[alarm sound]
[muffled explosion]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
And then, it's that moment
in time when you're driving
- and you see the animal cross the road and you try to go...
- Mm-hmm.
...well, am I going to move
the car left, right,
or am I just gonna hit it?
[message tone]
[woman] You know, I wouldn't be calling
you if this wasn't serious Roman.
I've got three sets of eyes on this data,
we all agree it could be the real thing.
The only question is how soon
can you get out there on a boat?
[man] Jonah this is Father Marquez,
call me right back as soon as you get this.
- [man] No, no, let him down!
- [distant screaming]
If you're still looking for the
real thing I can show it to you.
[priest] Thy kingdom come
thy will be done on Earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespassers as we
forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil, amen.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done.
[groans and screams]
[dramatic music] thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done.
What are you doing?
You don't pull a gun
on a man like that.
What I'm looking for
is the real thing.
This ain't it.
Keep looking.
[speaking foreign language]
[speaking foreign language]
- [beep]
- Jonah this is Father Dunne up in Jacksonville.
Got a woman
hearing voices in Latin.
Could be something
you're looking for.
- [beep]
- [woman] I woke up paralyzed
and there is something heavy
pressing down on my chest.
- [beep]
- [woman] This Emily from the Satanic Temple
I am just returning
your call.
[melancholic music]
[message tone]
[melancholic music]
[melancholic music]
[door unlocks]
Mom, you left
your bag out again.
going to get stolen.
You'll be happy to know I didn't
get pregnant while I was out.
I also didn't mow the lawn yet,
but I'll do that
when I get back.
And I made you two dinners
for the next few nights.
- [objects clanking]
- Oh, God damn it.
- Mom...
- Amen.
Do you think you could please refrain
from taking the Lord's name in vain
at the exact moment
I am praying to Him?
It's an expression, Mom.
I know.
And it is also a commandment.
Alright. I don't know how many
days exactly I'm going to be gone.
- Naomi...
- Yeah?
Do you know why
they did that to him?
Do you know?
Because he was one of them,
and he healed them
and he blessed them.
- Do you know why they did that to him?
- Mom,
- I've got the car running. I've gotta go.
- Why?
Uh, isn't it what he said?
They didn't know what they were doing.
They knew what they were doing.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
They knew who he was.
They saw the light.
Naomi, they like the darkness.
Mom, I've got to go.
Do you have your cross?
- I've got it.
- In your pocket?
I'm wearing it.
Is it still on that long chain?
Yes, Mom.
- Naomi.
- Okay, don't worry about these bills,
I'll take care of them
when I get back.
- Naomi.
- Ok, bye, Mom.
- [car honks]
- Hey, look for the boat Odyssey.
- We're waiting on you.
- What is going on?
Is that that meteor?
It looked like it came out of nowhere.
Everyone gets
the full briefing on the boat.
Roman, I'm not one of
your grad students anymore.
I know it.
And so does our patron.
Patron who?
Housekeeping first.
We lock everything down.
We jump through all the hoops.
It sounds really big. Come on.
What I am at liberty to say
is this, we get out there first,
we find anything. We've already
been offered the whole package.
Okay? Three years funded,
- labs, offices, residents.
- [chuckles]
And the, they, they want me
to have a co-director,
asked me for three names.
I gave them one.
Hey, it's long overdue.
Everybody knows it.
I mean, this is it, okay?
We get you out of here.
We get your own staff,
your own place,
get you away from your...
My mom.
Well, yeah, but not just that,
you know, everything.
You know, just, just,
just move on, move up.
I need this.
I don't have to tell you that.
But hey, this is how
it happens, huh?
- Odyssey.
- Odyssey.
Hurry up.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[Suzu] Are we synchronizing
to the baseline or the negative?
[Roman] I know it's
short notice, but I'll need
- lab time for at least...
- [whirring]
Hey, is that the one
we calibrated earlier?
- [whirring continues]
- Yeah.
Can you turn that that down?
Hold on, hold on.
- Sorry.
- Anyway, as long as we set this all out...
- Hey girls.
- [girls] Hey.
Alright, alright,
welcome aboard, I'm Davis.
- Hi, Naomi.
- Naomi, nice to meet you.
- Hey, Suzu.
- [Davis] Suzu.
- Harper.
- Harper, Harper, Harper,
what, what are you,
what are you playing?
It's a Perseid Soundscape.
It gets me in the mood
for science.
Oh same, oh that's
my all-time favorite band.
That's not a band.
Actually it's a meteor shower.
Oh, well, you know,
meteor showers.
They, they play music.
Yeah. Yeah.
Everybody knows that.
Technically, it's ionization
caused by the heat trails,
which then reflects
shortwave radio signals.
Basically a random
tone generator.
- [raises volume of Soundscape]
- [grunts in enjoyment]
I like to think of it as the
death rattle of ancient stardust.
Now that's appropriate
'cause that shit's killing me.
- Hmm, really? Okay.
- [Suzu laughs]
Don't be inspired.
I'll listen to it all by myself.
- That's great.
- We're all here, all here.
All aboard, ok.
Hey, Jonah.
Take us out.
[suspenseful music]
[engine idle]
[water splashing]
Uh, Naomi can I get the time?
Eight thirteen.
Left at 20:13 the departure
voyage of the Odyssey
with the number of souls
at the count of six,
please and thank you.
[epic music]
[dramatic music]
[water splashing]
[epic music]
[cage rattling]
[water splashing]
[grunts softly]
Some trash,
I'm sorry about this.
- So I guess this is a party boat.
- No, I wouldn't call it that.
I would say we're more like
I mean, we're
all types of things,
we can be anything
you need us to be.
I'm guessing it's the first time
you've been an observation lab.
And this is the junior suite.
Uh, well, it's a little tight,
but it sleeps at least three people.
But we actually got
12 people there at one time,
if you can believe that.
[grunts] Look at this.
Look at the room,
it's got, oh shoot.
I mean, do I even want to know?
Look, we have particular clients
that wanted a party boat, ok?
Everybody can't be
rocket scientists.
- Astrophysicists.
- Okay.
Hey, can I ask you a question?
What are you guys doing here?
When Roman asked you to book
the boat, what did he say?
He said, I want
to charter your boat.
And when you asked, what for?
Oh, it didn't even go that far,
once the man offered me
like double to leave in an hour,
there were no questions asked.
I mean, all I know is what
he asked me to bring.
Non-disclosure agreements.
You mention any of this
to anyone off this boat,
and you go to jail.
Sign it, everyone sign it.
But, requested by who,
the university?
Requested by SETI.
- Are you serious, SETI called us?
- Wow!
- Search for Extra Terrestrial intelligence.
Oh, come on, beam me up.
He's going to need to...
uh, who's this?
Oh, that's Jonah.
- I own the boat, he runs the boat.
- Got it.
Can we please,
I'm dying here.
Alright. Okay, okay.
[clears throat]
Alright, here we go.
Three hours ago, as many of you
saw with your own eyes,
a bright streak cut down
the horizon on this trajectory.
This directly coincides with an
anomaly event recorded at SETI.
Registering coordinates
northeast of Miami.
A meteor or maybe
a piece of satellite debris,
I mean, hardly worth an NDA
without some sort of...
- [Naomi] Communication.
- Yeah.
[chuckles] Okay, what if I said
at the time of the anomaly event,
a NASA satellite passed directly
over this exact geographic location,
in that split second,
multiple sensors were triggered.
What frequency were the waves,
single sideband?
With a possible signature
of amplitude modulation.
Okay, what does that mean?
A medium wave carrier signal.
- Oh.
- Sound.
It'll be another four hours
before we can capture
the signal again,
but by that time
we'll already be there.
Was just one burst,
was the pattern repeated?
- We don't know yet.
- [Naomi] Hold on. We know what's out there.
NASA tracks over twenty
thousand meteors.
We would have seen this coming.
Yes, unless
it came at us
from directly behind the sun
and we didn't see it until it
was too late. And by too late,
I mean, a blip
on a radar screen two days ago.
Wait, you're saying this thing went
from the sun to earth in two days?
[gasps] Extrasolar velocity,
I mean, it has to be.
Nothing from inside our
solar system travels that fast.
It's... So an extrasolar object touches
down and then erupts with radio signals.
By this time tomorrow,
everyone will be all over this.
[Harper] And we're the
only ones going out there.
[Roman] We're the only ones
that even know about this.
NASA isn't going to pull the
trigger on something this big
until they get
secondary confirmation.
So said SETI called us
to get there first.
[laughs] We're in the right
place at the right time,
- what can I say?
- [laughing]
Hold on, [chuckle]
are you guys chasing aliens?
Uh, HEBs.
Highly evolved beings.
- Pretty big leap.
- Excuse me?
It's a pretty big leap
to aliens.
Meteor strikes happen
and it could be a lightning
storm around the area,
I mean they emit
radio waves too, right?
Uh, fair enough.
That, that's true,
but to say that the signal came from around
the same time and place is inaccurate.
It came from exactly the same time and
place consistent with cause and effect.
To say nothing
of the trajectory.
I mean, this thing is coming from
the other side of the galaxy.
Who knows how long it
took to get there.
And it comes
to our exact location.
Even if it defied those odds,
it wouldn't emit radio waves.
Well, lightning storms out here
have pretty high odds, too.
I'm sorry, where did you study?
Now I know how doctors feel.
No, but you have to admit
that even your scenario
starts to seem just
as implausible as, as mine,
right? A, a direct bull's eye earth
after slingshot around the sun,
a lightning strike at
exactly the same moment.
I mean, too much coincidence.
I don't disagree, except
for the word coincidence.
Okay, what, what would you say?
A sign.
A sign? A sign of what?
Oh, right.
Of course. Yes.
No, this isn't a scientific, uh, breakthrough,
it's not even a cosmic coincidence.
It's, it's God,
ladies and gentlemen, it's God.
Uh, different viewpoints
are welcome, of course.
Not different, really. I mean,
the search for HEBs
is the search for God.
You guys are going
to be best friends.
[girl chuckle]
- Thank you.
- Here.
[dramatic music]
[water splashing]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic musical sting]
[eerie whir]
[dramatic sting]
- [inhales]
- [squealing]
[door slamming]
- Hey.
- Oh my gosh.
- What's going on?
- I don't know. I...
- Are you ok?...
- I heard something like an animal, I mean,
- can rats get on a boat?
- What is it? Rats?
I guess it was nothing,
maybe a bad dream.
Forget it.
Do you feel that?
[waves lapping]
The boat is not moving.
Did we stop?
Jonah, look at that water.
Have you ever seen
anything like this?
Nobody's ever seen anything like
this because it's impossible.
A pond or a lake
on a good night, maybe,
but the sea? No.
Maybe not impossible,
but highly abnormal.
What about oil?
The prebination, I mean...
oil on water has
a dampening effect.
Yeah, you put a tablespoon
of olive oil in a lake.
Ten minutes later,
you get acres of smooth water
and the wind
just rolls right over it.
You're talking about storm oil,
I mean, it's been
around for centuries.
It might smooth the ripples,
but it won't give you this.
I'm not talking about cooking
oil, but something like it,
something oil like,
but more potent.
I don't know, but the point is there's
precedent for this type of phenomenon,
and it comes from a process
exclusive to intelligent beings.
So an alien probes the water
and leaks some kind of oil.
Something beyond our technology.
I mean, look at this.
It's, it's glass.
- We should record this.
- [bell dinging]
Yeah. I'll go get the equipment.
Oh, dinner bell.
[bell dinging]
There you go.
[dramatic music]
Let go, let go, let go.
Just trying to help you, man.
Brother hungry.
[cage rattling]
What the hell?
Something wrong?
Yeah, they're dead.
Isn't that the point of fishing?
Well, the cage is supposed
to trap them. not kill them.
[suspenseful music]
Flash boiled.
This could be proof of impact.
An ordinal object
with enough mass
to survive atmosphere burn would
have such velocity on splashdown
that it would instantly
superheat the water, miles of it.
Okay, let's, let's hear it.
Job 41:31.
He maketh the deep
to boil like a pot.
He maketh the sea
like a pot of ointment.
[Harper scoffs]
Okay, so this is end of days,
is, is, that it?
This is all
that apocalyptic bullshit,
that's what you're
going to go with?
You know what?
That's, that's fine.
I'll submit my findings.
You can submit yours
and we'll see
who wins the Nobel, right?
Should we get going?
How much further is it?
We're there.
Are you sure?
[suspenseful music]
[water splash]
Start at 25 megahertz.
I want to play phone tag.
Thirty-five, ready when you are.
Go for a launch here.
[computer whirring]
[whirring continues]
[whirring continues]
[whirring continues]
Right. [exhales]
Well, we all know it's
a marathon, not a sprint.
Let's take it at 20 minute intervals
descending on two's for the first round
and we'll take it from there.
- Got it. Cool.
- [Roman] Yeah.
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[computer whirring]
[ominous music]
Take into account the CML
and SGC, look at that now.
Right. But the declination... I mean,
I don't think it'll matter either way.
[Davis] Look at her,
look how she's looking at the screen.
I mean, that's
like really intense.
- You ever seen the movie Aliens?
- Yeah.
One of them was a robot. Lots of action
with robots. But I'm... you know.
She works hard,
but don't let that fool you,
she plays hard too.
Get out of here, really?
Talk about party boat.
[ominous music]
Hey, can you, uh,
can you pass me the, uh,
can you pass me
that flashlight?
Thank you.
You need anything else?
They don't need you up there?
Suzu and Harper, they do
set up and preflight.
I come in once the data
has been collected
and analyze, interpret.
[grunts softly]
Finding patterns,
looking at the signs.
Suzu and Harper.
Whatever happened to names
like Mary or Sarah?
You're more comfortable with
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's.
there's a good Bible name,
strong willed, faithful.
My mom, Presbyterian.
Snake handlers?
Yeah, those are Mojave rattlers,
deadliest snake in America.
I'd have two or three
in each hand every Sunday.
And you're still alive, I'm assuming
you don't attribute it to luck.
And these signs will follow
those who believe in my name,
they will cast out demons,
they will take up serpents,
and if they drink
anything deadly,
it will by no means hurt them.
You think that's smart,
tempting God like that?
Only the nonbeliever's
can tempt God.
The faithful only seek to prove
God by engaging in the signs.
Anyone die?
From my congregation?
One by the snakes.
Another from drinking
They must not have had
enough faith.
What about your faith?
You don't believe?
The idea of belief
is accepting something,
even though you can't prove it.
I mean, whether you believe
in God, I believe in HEBs.
It's exaggerating the truth.
You say believe but what
you mean is you hope they exist.
Or hope they don't exist.
[scoffs] Listen,
I know a lot of people like you.
I mean, all this.
It's got to be God, right?
No, it doesn't have to be.
It could be nothing.
Nothing's ever nothing
with you guys.
Everything is always something
all of us here in this place
at this exact time,
it has to have meaning,
it's got to be something.
The cross in your pocket.
You don't wear it
so why keep it?
Do you know what my dad told me
before he killed himself?
He said the search for God
is nothing but an open door
for the Devil.
Naomi, come take a look at this.
[sighs] We're not here
for what you want.
We're the ones paying the bill.
We're the ones on the verge
of finding our proof.
It is what it is,
not what you want it to be.
Got it, customer's always right.
You drive the boat.
I'll analyze the data.
Besides, I, uh,
already found
my proof a long time ago.
Looking at the duration,
though, it could be an outburst.
Fine, but it's still
within Jupiter's range.
In range, but you ever seen as
signal this strong from Jupiter?
It's high, but I could read
it my sleep.
IO dependent, source speed,
decimeter gaspers.
What was that?
- [Suzu] Are you seeing this?
- [gasps]
Yeah, it's reading over here.
Thirteen hundred ET saturation
plateau, at ten negative seven.
Negative seven, a solar flare?
From the other side
of the planet?
Even a direct hit
wouldn't be this strong.
Definitely not a solar flare.
No, it's two discreet signals,
but with the same
amplitude signature.
- Oh, no, no, no.
- Shit. What, what happened?
- What?
- What the hell happened?
Where's Jonah,
did he cut the power?
What the hell did you guys do?
I thought we were
on a generator.
We didn't do anything.
- That wasn't you?
- No.
- [Roman] It wasn't us.
- [Davis] What the hell?
- It's everything.
- What do you mean?
- Yeah. Not even my phone is working.
- My phone's not working either.
- [Davis] The flashlights busted, too.
- [Roman] Are the batteries dead?
I don't know, man.
It just went dead like everything else.
We're still receiving.
Receiving how? Everything is...
This can't be right.
[Naomi] I mean,
this is a system malfunction
from the power
going out probably.
Just, [shushes] just wait.
Harper, can we
bring up the audio?
I can try,
but nothing else is working.
- How is it recording?
- [Roman]I mean, it's, it's there somewhere.
It's obviously recording
something, we just need to find it.
Oh, hold on, let me
just check this.
[loud screeching]
[all screaming]
[loud screeching continues]
[everyone groans]
[Roman exhales]
[all exhale]
[Roman] Just turn it off
before it does it again.
[Harper] I'm not going to turn it
off, it's recording.
- [Naomi] What was that?
- [Roman] I don't know.
- Whatever it is, it's gone.
- [door creaks]
[door bangs shut]
[heavy breathing]
[printer whirring]
[printing whirring]
[electric whir]
[printer printing]
[eerie music]
Modulation lanes?
Are you a spectrograph?
It looks like
a specter chart to me.
[Roman] Well, yeah, but what could
have possibly hit this kind of range?
What about all this?
Maybe interference.
Cyclotron maser emission.
It could only be
one or the other.
[chuckles] Either way,
- this is exactly what we came out here for.
- I mean,
- it's undeniable.
- [laughs]
[bell dings]
- [Roman] I've never seen this frequency fluctuate.
- What? Already.
[Naomi] We won't really
know until we get data.
Yeah, but I'm...
- [loud bang]
- [screams]
[dramatic music]
What is that?
I don't know.
It's tight.
[grunts softly]
- [grunts]
- Can't get it.
- Grab it, grab it.
- I've got it.
[pig oinking]
[pig continues oinking]
What is this?
[Roman] What do you
mean, what is this?
I know what it is, okay,
but what's happening?
Something hit us.
This did that?
- [Jonah] No.
- [Roman] Then what?
There is something down there.
- [pig oinking]
- Something big,
and let's just say
it ain't radio waves.
[dramatic music]
But if the customer
ain't asking...
[dramatic music]
[pig oinking]
Latitude 27.02,
longitude negative 76.77.
Our current coordinates,
the coordinates
of your anomaly event,
which not coincidentally is just over
the cliff of the continental shelf.
Now, half a mile back
the ocean floor
sits a shallow
football field below us.
But here, right here,
underneath our feet
is a full two miles
of pitch black,
so where did
that thing come from?
Jesus is confronted by a man
possessed by demons
who identified themselves
as Legion, for we are many.
He cast out the demons
who then possessed
a nearby herd of swine.
Immediately the entire herd goes
crazy and commits mass suicide
by stampeding down a hillside
and off a cliff into the sea.
The seas have
always belonged to him.
It's his domain.
Why did Jesus walk on water?
To show his power
over the Devil.
Moses parting the sea,
same thing.
- Book of Revelation, all the Dragons and...
- [Romans] Dragons?
Dragons and the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse,
where do they come from?
They rise from the sea.
- The Bermuda Triangle?
- The Devil's Triangle.
This is one of the busiest
travel routes in the world.
Airliners, freighters,
commercial boats
travel through here
without incident every day.
We're having
an incident right now.
We've seen
impossible shit out there
and you want to tell me
that it can only be aliens?
I mean, religion or science,
how is the outcome
any different?
I'm sorry,
is that a real question?
Nothing has changed
as far as your data goes.
Something is trying
to communicate.
You recorded it.
Listen, everything
you came out here to do,
first contact, it's here.
- It's happening.
- Yes,
something is happening,
but it's based in reality,
not, not some, um, urban myth
or fairy tale.
It is what it is, not what
you want it to be, right?
I've had enough of this, okay?
- Can we just get out now?
- Thank you. Yes.
[Jonah] Wait, wait,
wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
[scoffs] Are you telling me
that if this were first contact
from some alien entity,
from outer space
with zero precedent
defying all odds
based on your own science,
odds that are
literally astronomical,
that you would rush
to the press with your data?
But if, on the other hand,
this were a contact
from divinity,
which has existed
throughout all of human history
in every known society,
that you would bury it?
You think that this is proof
of Christian divinity?
I mean, how do we know that you're
not the one making the signs
and putting
a pig in your own cage?
Where would I get
a pig out here?
- I don't know, you had help.
- Oh, come on, really?
- You.
- I don't want this shit in my brochure.
What about the power?
What about the phones going out?
How did I do that?
I'm not sure.
But I do know
that at some point,
everything, everything
can be explained.
No everything that you want
to be explained.
You know what? I'm sick of being
preached at by self-righteous men
who were taught lies and they
think it's the only truth.
Science has never lied to me.
You can't say the same thing
about your priests and preachers.
Ok, look
we have all the data,
we have the recordings, the print
outs, everything we need for SETI.
We'd like to go back now.
If you don't mind.
[suspenseful music]
[pig oinking]
[calm music]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic musical sting]
[dramatic music]
[music stops]
[engine whirring]
We've been at top speed
for an hour
and our coordinates
haven't changed.
Phones are dead.
Nothing but static on the radio
and satellite.
We're just spinning our wheels.
[sighs] Ok.
What about a different bearing?
You know what,
let me check something out.
[door creaks]
- Are we getting outta here?
- Uh, no,
we're burning through fuel,
and somehow
we're not going anywhere.
How is that even possible?
I have no idea.
Hey, is it true that, um,
really religious people believe
that the seas belong to the Devil?
I don't know.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought
you were religious.
You seem to know a lot.
Yeah, I was raised in it, but...
How long have you known Jonah?
Two years. Met him on a dock when
I was buying this party boat.
You mean
You know, I almost
ran out of my whole trust fund
just doing shit like apps and
- fashion startups.
- Fashion?
Yeah, you know, I'm really
super successful at failing.
But then I thought to myself,
party boat, college town.
It was like the first time
I made any kind of money.
And partly because
he likes to be on the sea
and he doesn't
really care about money.
- Jonah?
- Mm-hm.
That's not really his name.
He got it from some story
in the Bible.
Do you know it?
Jonah, disobeys God,
gets swallowed up by a whale,
repents three days later,
gets spit back out.
I mean,
it's scientifically impossible.
Well, Marcus Brigman had a scuba
diving accident and drowned.
Clinically dead
for exactly three minutes
before he was somehow
miraculously revived.
Three minutes.
Going by Jonah ever since.
So that's his proof.
Look, I don't know
if it's his proof
if he's right or he's wrong.
I don't care.
I just hope that he can
get us out of this.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Everything's working,
nothing wrong with the boat.
Roman's right,
the planes, boats,
they all come through here
without incident.
They pass through because
they weren't brought here.
From a sign?
Literally a fallen star
from heaven.
There's a name for that,
you know.
The Devil's the one
communicating with us up there?
What is immanence?
Well, God doesn't just go around
showing his face,
I mean, he's transcendent,
he can only manifest himself indirectly.
So God is showing us the Devil?
If you see one,
then you have
to believe in the other.
Well, that's a dick move.
And whatever happened to putting
his face on a potato chip
or, or a piece of toast?
Well, the Devil used to stay
out in the open,
you know, and reign
with fear and horror.
But he realized that's
what made true believers.
So he changed tactics.
He disappeared.
Stayed in the shadows,
in the darkness.
Eventually everyone forgot.
Not just him, though.
They forgot God too.
It worked.
Nobody believes shit anymore.
Look, [scoffs] I really don't
care what to believe right now,
I just want to get out of here.
We're not moving.
Is this more
snake handling for you?
You can't find God, so you're
chasing around the Devil?
I know both.
Off the coast of Bermuda.
[dramatic music]
Hundred feet down,
cold, black.
It's the last thing I saw.
Before you died.
Hey, guys.
I see a boat.
[engine idle]
[wind whistling]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
Is the power out?
Yeah, looks dead in the water.
You really think that's the right
choice of words in this situation?
Why are we stopping?
Can, can we just keep going?
Doesn't matter
which direction we go into,
we end up right here.
Isn't this what
you came out here for?
So do you make
first contact or not?
You prefer a UFO?
[both] Yes.
[suspenseful music]
If we're going to go over there, don't you
think we should have a weapon of some kind?
Uh, don't you think whatever
made this boat appear over there
wouldn't just kill us
if it really wanted to?
Great point.
Hey, maybe it's not so bad.
I mean, maybe this entity
or whatever it is,
re-created, the party boat, because,
maybe it wanted to talk to us.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Look, the fact that this entity
chose to reveal itself
using imagery that we can
understand, suggests that it's
- intelligent.
- Right, right.
Like it's, it's trying to
make us feel... comfortable.
So, so it's not meaning
to be creepy?
I didn't say that.
[suspenseful music swells]
Keep your flashlights on red.
It'll keep your eyes
adjusted to the dark.
Listen, if you see anything
or need anything,
just blast the horn, alright?
[suspenseful music]
Please hurry, please.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
Boat's dead.
[suspenseful music]
Don't touch it.
I didn't.
[suspenseful music]
[man on radio] Consort 7004
go for harness deploy of AFT.
[woman on radio]
[man on radio]
As soon as you mark the flare
back on left 40.
[woman on radio] Eighty-eight
header 65 call sign Odyssey.
[man on radio]
Calling it in.
[helicopter blades chopping]
You see it?
[pig oinking]
[man on radio] 037, we've got a red
emergency beacon visible left 20.
[helicopter blades chopping]
What do you see?
[pig oinking]
[man on radio]
I see a raft.
There's nothing out there.
[woman on radio]
It's got to be all of them,
there's nobody over here,
it's a total Ghost town.
How many souls aboard?
[man on radio]
...showing six.
What is this?
Are they talking about us?
[pig oinking]
[pig grunting]
[woman on radio] Hold on, 04,
when was contact on this again?
[man on radio] Distress
signal was activated at 23:39.
[woman on radio]
At 11:39, roger that.
[pig grunting]
[pig squealing]
[man on radio] It's a raft,
stand by for a count of survivors.
Do we have a raft?
[man on radio] Can't be all of them,
no way they got six people in that thing.
- They have to be seeing us.
- who's seeing us?
I don't understand
there's no one out there.
- Listen.
- [woman] Why in hell jump ship?
[man on radio] Here we go,
got movement down there.
- [woman] How many?
- [man] Stand by, I'll have lights up
in three, two, one.
[pig oinking]
[pig squealing]
[suspenseful music]
[man on radio] Here we go,
counting two that's one, two survivors.
Got movement from both.
[pig oinking]
Only two?
[intense music]
[man on radio]
Sending the basket for deploy.
[pig squealing]
Turn it off.
Pull the plug, pull the plug.
[loud bang]
[boat creaking]
[loud bang]
[boat creaking]
Is that you?
[Jonah whispers]
Harper, stay away from the door.
[door creaking]
[heavy breathing]
Look, I don't know about y'all,
but I'm for getting
the hell out of here.
[dramatic musical sting]
[Harper grunts and groans]
Oh, shit!
- [Harper groans]
- Harper.
Stop! Harper!
Hey, hey, stop this!
This isn't me.
Harper, Harper, are you...
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
It's an open door for the Devil.
[dramatic music]
[struggles to breathe]
[suspenseful music]
[pig snorting]
Oh my God.
[suspenseful music]
[heavy breathing]
[suspenseful music]
Davis, don't look. Don't look!
I need you to go
down to the engine room.
Listen, listen,
go down to the engine room.
The box.
Look for the EPIRB...
- What? The...
- In the boxes.
- The emergency beacon.
- Right.
I don't think it'll be there.
It'll be out on the life raft.
Then why do you want me
to go down there?
I need to know.
- Get down there, get back.
- Okay, but what about...
Don't get distracted,
you understand?
- Go. Go.
- Yeah. Okay, okay, okay.
This is it.
I see you.
[dramatic music]
It's not real,
it's not real, it's not real.
[pig oinking]
[heavy breathing]
[pig squealing]
[pig squealing]
[suspenseful music]
[heavy breathing]
[distant screaming]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[whimsical music]
[whimsical music]
[screams in joy]
[dramatic music]
[heavy breathing]
[dramatic music]
[mimics meteor]
[steam blows]
[suspenseful music]
[pig squealing]
[dramatic music]
[pig oinking]
[pig squealing]
- Suzu, no!
- [screaming]
Calm down.
- [pig squealing]
- Suzu,
just hold on, hold on.
[Suzu grunting]
[pig squealing]
[pig squealing]
[Suzy grunts]
[pig squealing]
Come on!
[water splashing]
Suzu, you ok?
Stay right here.
Hey, Harper, Harper.
Are you ok?
Are you ok?
- Ok, come on, come on, come on.
- Yeah.
- Is she ok?
- Yeah, yeah, she's fine.
- Yeah.
- Was the beacon there?
Where's Naomi?
[dramatic music]
[gasping for air]
[heavy breathing]
- Help me.
- Yeah.
Come on, come on, push!
Yeah, I got you, I got you.
- [Naomi] Where's everybody else?
- [Jonah] They've already gone back.
We've gotta
get off this boat.
Jonah, let's go.
What are we waiting for?
What is it?
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[groans softly]
[ominous music]
What just happened?
This has to be some
psycho sensory manipulation,
some collective hallucination,
it's, it's, it's, it's not real.
Everything that happened
on that other boat
is going to happen here.
- [Suzu whimpers] No. No.
- How could you possibly know that?
- You don't know that.
- No, no, no.
[loud bang]
[boat creaking]
[heavy breathing]
Harper, get away from the door.
[heavy breathing]
No, no, no, no.
[door creaking]
[eerie music]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[bones cracking]
[eerie music]
[suspenseful music]
[heavy breathing]
[suspenseful music]
[footsteps receding]
[man moans softly]
[moans softly]
[suspenseful music]
Do you see me?
This is what you wanted.
To provoke me.
To see me.
Not like this.
It's always like this.
You're realizing you've been
wrong all this time.
Everything you hated,
everything you mocked.
It's all true.
God, Jesus,
- the Bible.
- [groans softly]
It's all very real.
History, in fact,
and so many people knew it.
Millions and millions of people
said so for centuries.
Even the most pathetic
of the illiterate slaves
in the so-called Dark Ages
accepted it.
But oh, no, not you.
No, you knew so much more
than they did, didn't you?
There, now he knows.
And now you see how little
that matters.
No one cares what they know.
They don't do what they know.
They do what they want.
This isn't what he wants.
He wants to be part of what's
about to happen in the world.
And with your mind open now, you're
ready to make your greatest discovery.
In two years,
you will confirm the existence
of axion particles.
Dark matter, dark energy
will be measured and understood.
And you and your team will
announce confirmation...
of supersymmetry.
The universe reveals
her every secret for you.
[moans softly]
Look at him,
look at how badly
he wants it, huh?
You, oh...
You think you're a failure,
well, you are. [laughs]
But one of those companies
you invested in
will rise again soon,
half a billion dollars
I bet you wish you knew which
company it was, huh?
Well, just remember,
in three months from now,
when someone makes a suggestion
to move operations up north,
you say...
Oh, your lives are so short.
Just blinking
in and out of existence.
After five hundred generations
I'm finally making real progress.
All those hypocrites
in and out of church
just pretending they
know everything,
that they are everything,
and they're not.
No wonder you ran away, huh?
And your poor mother
praying for your soul.
Day in and day out
when she only has a few months
left to live herself.
Stage four.
She didn't know.
Shame on you.
She doesn't want you to know because she's
afraid it will push you further away from Him.
So she prays and prays and prays
for this miracle
that's never going to come.
you allow me to help you.
For a price.
Two of you will see
what the future holds
when you're rescued
from the lifeboat.
The other two
will stay with me
You killed the girls.
Why don't you just kill
the rest of us?
[moans softly]
I don't want the rest of you.
Only you.
You didn't bring us here.
So you don't know what happens,
only He knows how this ends.
Here's my final offer, kids,
three of you will get
a once in a lifetime deal,
I will take only one of you if the
only one of you, is you, Jonah.
Wait, what?
Offer expires 11:39.
He won't let you do it yourself,
will he?
You're just another snake.
[struggles to breathe]
He must want you really badly
if he brought us together again.
[footsteps approaching]
[footsteps approaching]
[quietly crying]
[moans softly]
[cries quietly]
[door creaks and slams]
[heavy breathing]
[alarm sounding]
[Jonah coughs]
- Are they?
- Yeah.
Oh God.
Hey, is that it?
He didn't do it.
He got exactly
what he came here for.
Well, he told us to kill you.
And just like that,
you're a true believer.
Well, you're not exactly
in a position to judge, huh?
I mean, you out of everyone
should reject what he said.
And you have every reason
to accept it.
Look we don't have time
to argue.
On the other boat
we all heard the radio chatter.
I looked out the window
and I saw the flashing beacon.
- We didn't see a beacon.
- Not yet. But it will be there.
Okay, but maybe it won't happen.
He didn't do it.
Because he doesn't, we do.
- No, I don't.
- I wouldn't.
I don't want your blood
on my hands.
We wouldn't. But we do.
We can choose not to.
But we don't.
You can't know that.
We have a choice.
We can, we can choose not to go
on the raft and, and stay here.
What? And risk him coming back?
I'm telling you,
I saw the beacon.
It's not about what
has to happen.
For us,
it's what will happen.
Are you saying it's a prophecy?
I'm not going to argue theological
fatalism with you. It's...
So, are you going to choose
to stand there until 11:39
and wait to see what happens?
Look, you guys, we know,
we know
that the survivors are found
on the raft with the beacon.
Does anyone else here know
how to deploy the raft
or work the beacon?
It's amazing how his prophecy makes
him one of the only two survivors.
[keys jangling]
The key to the padlock
for the raft.
You're the gatekeeper now.
Davis and I only
go down to the engine room
and get the emergency beacon.
No way for only two of us
to have the raft and the beacon.
Everyone needs everybody else.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
It's in the front,
do you need me to show you?
I got it.
[dramatic music]
[suspenseful music]
Okay, the beacon's right there.
- Here you go.
- Okay, now listen,
on the other boat
that beacon wasn't there,
but this Bible was.
I mean, it was just there,
it was laying there.
It then opened
to the book of Jonah.
Look at this, right there.
- What are...
- Okay listen, Naomi,
they had to choose.
Jonah was on a ship, the ship
was in this unnatural storm.
Everybody was going to die,
and they knew it
because God was angry
with Jonah for running away.
So they had to make a choice.
[suspenseful music]
Look at this.
They took up Jonah
and cast him forth into the sea
and the waters ceased raging.
That's it, Naomi.
It is exactly what he said.
If we give up Jonah,
then, then that's it.
That's enough, it's, it's over.
On the other boat,
I was supposed to see this,
you know, and I wouldn't have
if I didn't get hit in the face
with the, the pipe burst and...
Page 1139.
[suspenseful music]
[Naomi] Look at this, Marcus Brigman
was in a scuba diving accident
on August 17th
off the coast of Bermuda.
Paramedics pronounced
him dead at 11:39.
That's what all those clocks were
trying to tell us over there.
He's the one that got away.
It's Jonah's time, literally.
[zips bag closed]
[suspenseful music]
Hey, hey, what are you doing?
[water splashing]
All those clocks
on the other ship,
it's about him.
This is why 11:39.
[suspenseful music]
What is it that Jonah
kept saying to us?
That we have to do everything
in the prophesy,
Do you see?
If we give up Jonah,
that's enough.
[suspenseful music]
[chains rattling]
[suspenseful music]
[water splashes]
The raft has
ballast pockets underneath,
but it wouldn't hurt to have
a little more weight
and deeper down.
I didn't unlock the raft.
[suspenseful music]
I hid the keys.
If you're not on it
then nobody is.
Well, the three of us will be.
I didn't want it
to be like this, man.
I'm sorry.
I understand.
[suspenseful music]
Roman, Roman.
[groans softly]
[heavy breathing]
[dramatic music]
Roman hid the keys.
- We can't do this.
- We have to.
This isn't how
it's supposed to be.
This is exactly what
it's supposed to be.
This is what happens, we choose.
We choose.
Now look the hacksaw
is in the toolbox.
There's rope,
just, just to tie him up.
I'll be back.
[dramatic music]
Jonah, Jonah.
[groans softly]
He went to get a hacksaw.
How much time?
Not much time.
What are you going to do?
Come on.
[dramatic music]
What the...
Davis, no.
[dramatic music]
I was in the cage.
What's that supposed
to mean?
It means it's supposed to be me.
I'm the one that stays.
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music]
[water splashes]
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[clock ticking]
[clock ticking]
You cut through yet?
I'm working on it.
Help me, God, help me, God.
[grunts softly]
Almost there!
[clock ticking]
[heavy breathing]
Come on, come on!
[cage rattling]
[chain clanks]
I got it.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[epic music]
[clock ticking]
[dramatic music]
[music stops]