Immerstill (2023) Movie Script

This is Natalie.
Please leave
a message after the tone.
This is Marie. Only leave
a message if it's good news.
Hey, Marie. Call me
when you get this. Hugs.
This is Marie.
Only leave a message if it's good news.
-Yep, what is it?
Why didn't you pick up?
I've called a hundred times!
-Has Marie been in touch?
Hannelore says they've been
missing since yesterday.
I'm on my way.
Dad, why don't you tell me
when something's up?
There's nothing wrong.
They'll turn up.
Just concentrate on driving
and don't crash!
God, Dad!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
There you are...
What happened this time?
-Someone cut me off.
-Yeah, cut you off...
-I had to swerve.
-Yeah, yeah.
I'll fix it for you tomorrow.
So these are the things.
This is Marie.
Only leave a message if it's good news.
Why haven't you left yet?
Sorry. I was going to call.
I'm not going to make it.
But you promised.
I said I'd see if I could make it.
Lisa, jump in your rust bucket
and get over here.
You'll go to pieces in Vienna!
It's carnival!
To be honest, I hate carnival.
All the supposed funny business
and then everyone pukes.
Exactly. We want to make use of that.
When people are drunk,
they tell the truth. It's funny.
Please, Lisa. We need your help.
No one's doing anything:
Kathi's been missing for two weeks.
They're all taken in
by some fake text messages
that are supposedly from her.
I wanted to tell you.
I spoke to Dad about it.
He thinks you're getting obsessed.
I know it's tough,
but Kathi wanted to go...
Bullshit. Kathi would have never
gone off with Markus.
She hated him.
I went out with him briefly.
Markus is a right psycho.
She'd never go
without saying something to me.
Even friends don't always
tell each other everything.
Come on, we want
to grill everyone in Immerstill.
Please, we need your help.
Marie, I have to go.
The place is full of people.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Have fun questioning people.
Don't overdo it.
-Big hugs. Bye.-No hugs! My God!
You're just like
everyone else in Immerstill!
You put up
with everything and everyone!
Hey, Marie. I'm at home.
Call me when you get this.
Look forward to seeing you. Big hugs.
You didn't need to come specially.
I doubt anything will happen.
I rang all the hospitals
in the area from Vienna.
When Hannelore gets here,
we'll go to the police.
What is this?
Parsnips and pumpkin seeds.
And people buy these?
Dad, in Vienna, everyone does.
They're alright.
Just a bit unusual.
You seem worn out.
I've got a lot on my plate
since Kathi left.
Kathi and Markus.
I'd never have put those two together.
Love is a strange game
It comes and goes
from one person to the next
Mum's favourite song.
I can help you in the garage.
What about your shop?
I've taken time off.
And you can just do that?
Dad, I'm self-employed. It's my shop.
Yeah, I know.
It's doing well?
Sorry that I wasn't able to
help you out with the loan.
It's fine, Dad.
I'm glad you came.
It'll mean a lot to Marie, I know.
Don't make such a fuss.
They'll turn up somewhere.
Kathi has been "somewhere"
for two weeks now.
And no one's doing anything.
And Renate? Has anyone done anything?
What's Renate got to do with it?
Because everything has something
to do with everything.
Renate left her husband.
Who's interested in that?
Renate wanted to leave her husband.
And the next day, she disappeared.
Now it's happened to Marie and Natalie.
It's got to stop.
Maybe Marie's actually right.
Maybe Kathi didn't leave voluntarily.
What are you talking about?
This is Immerstill, not Vienna.
Exactly. And in Immerstill
no one cares if women disappear.
Not just in Immerstill.
You always made a big drama
of everything when we were kids.
Now you've got
the girls acting the same.
But, Dad,
Marie and Natalie have really gone.
What has to happen for you to finally
make a big drama of something?
They're together.
They'll be having fun somewhere.
I called Pollanc earlier.
He said we should go to the station
if they don't turn up by tomorrow.
Natalie's parents are on a cruise.
They're relying on you.
Do you think they'd want you
to wait till tomorrow?
That's true.
We'll go now. Definitely.
Sure, if you
want to embarrass yourselves.
I'll be in the garage.
I'll call you when they turn up.
They've put them out. Great.
Who's that?
Susanne from Klagenfurt.
So we have a woman at the station.
Closed to the public?
Is that a joke for carnival?
Kind of. They've all gone to the pub.
What did you want?
My sister and her friend
haven't come home
since the carnival party
at the pub yesterday.
Oh, right.
Well, they'll be sleeping it off.
Or they'll have gone somewhere else.
It's carnival.
-Is Patrick here?
-Gone for a pint.
-That's fine. Thanks.
Can I post this?
-I think it's good.
-Yeah, it's fine.
Has anyone here seen Marie and Natalie?
Great hairstyle.
Look. An important visitor
from the big smoke.
Last time she came, it took half a year
until he was any good to anyone again.
Come on, Dad. Please.
Come and join us
for some hair of the dog.
I've lost my Immerstill sense of humour.
Ignore them. They're drunk.
-It's midday.
-It's carnival.
It's Immerstill.
-Caffe latte as always?
Nice to have you back.
Marie's been missing
since yesterday with Natalie.
I'd like to report her as missing.
You've put a flea
in everyone's ear by leaving.
It's not good enough anymore
for the youngsters here.
Did any of you see where they
went yesterday? Or with whom?
It was so busy. They're probably
out and about somewhere.
It would be no surprise
if someone had gotten a wallop
given what went on here yesterday.
When did you last see Kathi?
Get lost!
Come on. Please. Let's go.
Kathi has been missing for two weeks.
When will you realise that
and do something?
-I've already said this once...
-Go away and get a life.
Marie, I want to go now. Please.
I'll throw you out if you
keep ruining the mood. Stop it.
All of you,
you have got her on your conscience!
When did you last see
Kathi and Markus together?
Who saw them leave?
Yeah, these days, you've got to be
careful no one pins anything on you!
Before we used to pin stuff on them.
Okay, quiet now.
Did anyone see the two girls
yesterday after they left?
If they don't turn up, Valentin
should report them missing tomorrow.
Why wait until then?
We have to weigh up if they're
in danger or left of their own accord.
-If so, we don't look for them.
We didn't look for you,
but you still keep coming back!
-But what can we do in the meantime?
-Sit here and have a drink with us.
Can't you locate their mobiles?
There's a set procedure.
Patrick, she is telling you again
how things are done, eh?
Why do you put up with that?
Do you have a new boyfriend in Vienna?
She'll keep searching,
but end up left on the shelf.
There are women who manage
very well without a man.
Boy, they're peas in a pod
together over there, eh!
How the hell do you stand it?
In one ear, out the other.
I don't.
Everything okay?
I've got to go.
Choir practice. I totally forgot.
Let me know if you hear anything.
Do you remember
who they left with yesterday?
And when?
It was so crowded, so loud.
Everyone was drunk.
I didn't know what was going on.
I'm really sorry that Kathi left,
by the way.
I couldn't keep her here
when she wanted to go.
You can read it.
She's been talking
about leaving for two years.
New Zealand. She saw it on TV once.
I wanted to leave too
when I was young, I can tell you.
Marie reckons Kathi
didn't write this herself.
And that Kathi would never
have got together with Markus.
Kathi and Marie
weren't as close recently.
But she really liked the apprenticeship
in the garage with Valentin.
It seems she avoided Marie
when she was there.
Perhaps she didn't want to have
to justify herself. About Markus.
He went out with anyone with a pulse.
I didn't know
the two of them were together.
that she was in love...
I did notice that before she left.
Maybe Marie was jealous,
because Kathi
had someone and she didn't.
is a strange game.
How's Valentin?
No idea.
He hides away in the garage
and buries any feelings.
He hasn't been happy
since Mum died two years ago.
It's tough for him.
Say hi from me.
I will.
Have you heard
from your brother since he left?
I don't even have the arsehole's number.
I hope he never comes back.
And your parents?
Have they heard from him?
No idea.
But I'm certain he'd have rather
killed Kathi than run off with her.
He only ever wanted to shag girls.
By the way, don't get your hopes up.
Patrick's with me now.
Did you take any photos or videos
at the carnival party yesterday?
Dani did.
Show me.
Come here, you two.
Give us a kiss.
Lipus is always so randy.
Send me the video.
Maybe he really has locked
the two of them up somewhere.
And what about Markus?
Do you think he
could have done anything?
Him? For sure.
Anyone else?
-Most of them.
-Don't exaggerate.
Just joking. No idea.
But to be honest,
they've only got themselves to blame,
if they're stupid enough
to go up against half the village.
They made a website for Kathi.
Who looks at websites these days?
They linked it to the tourist board.
There are pictures of the mayor,
the police commander,
the teacher and so on.
Can't you pick up
when I call you for once?
I can't right now. I'm so busy.
You don't need to pretend
to be grumpy with me.
No, I don't need any pasta, thanks.
-Come on. I'll leave it here for you.
-No! Don't put it there.
You can return the bowl to me. Soon.
What's that?
Well, that?
Andrea brought some cheesy pasta.
That's really nice of her.
Why didn't you ask her in?
I've got to finish that.
And yours too.
-I'm going to Hannelore.
Because I want to talk to someone.
You're acting as if nothing's up.
Your daughter
and her friend have disappeared.
Normally people talk.
About what?
I'd rather work.
At least there's a point to that.
You can't drive with that headlight.
Can I use Mum's car?
I don't have it.
It was 25 years old.
It was time for it to go.
-Yeah, but you're doing that one up.
-It's a vintage car.
It's been in the garage for years.
-I'm going to sell it.
Why? Why? Why not?
God, honestly!
Oh well. Whatever.
Hannelore, I've popped round.
I'm at your front door. Where are you?
Are you okay? Call me.
I thought I'd pop round.
To see me?
You think I want to see your dad?
Something smells good.
Lisa, you can't just waltz in
whenever you want.
It was Hannelore I wanted to visit.
-But she's got a migraine.
-Aren't I the lucky one?
-Can I eat with you?
I've brought dessert.
Still no.
You really think they're
just partying somewhere?
Without telling anyone?
They must know we'd be worried.
If they're not back tomorrow,
we'll start searching.
-You don't need to thank me.
It's my job.
You're not looking for Kathi or Markus.
Because they've been in touch.
No clue why they went off together,
but they did.
It's odd.
Kathi's mum didn't even realise
they were an item.
Anna said she thought it more likely
that Markus would have
killed Kathi than gone off with her.
Anna never has a good word
to say about her brother.
She's just pleased he's gone.
-Are you and her together?
-That's nothing to do with you.
But no.
On the video it looked different.
Lisa, you were the one who left.
You didn't want to come to Vienna.
Vienna is a nightmare.
You've never been there.
Even Klagenfurt's too much for me.
I know you think we're parochial here,
but Immerstill's just fine for me.
Okay, let's leave it.
What video do you mean?
I sent it to you earlier.
It says you've seen it.
It was the carnival party.
That's what carnival's for.
So you can let your hair down.
If only I had come,
then none of this would have happened.
98 percent of people
reported missing show up again.
What if they're the two percent?
And are lying in a basement,
injured or tied up?
If you hear hooves,
you think of horses, not zebras.
-Police academy, first semester.
-I know.
The most obvious answer
is usually the right one.
And what is most obvious?
They're partying. It's the holidays.
They probably went to Lignano.
In February?
In the middle of the night? Come on!
That's just an example.
I'm starting to understand
why the papers often say
the police only act
after something's happened.
I'm starting to understand Marie.
It seems you're not taking this seriously.
God, Lisa, please.
Whether you get it or not, there are
official channels I have to use.
Official channels, my God!
You're getting more
and more like your dad.
Like everyone in Immerstill.
Who put up with everything
and act as if it's all okay.
You know nothing about me.
You come back and mess everything up.
You wanted to leave, then stay away!
You can eat alone!
You weren't invited anyway!
And you can take
your shitty cakes with you.
They're cupcakes!
But what would you know.
Ooh, cupcakes, thanks!
Will they be on your TikTok channel?
What was that? Did you see anyone?
I just heard the dog.
And I saw you lying there.
What happened?
-Someone attacked me.
What have you been saying
to annoy someone already?
Are you serious?
When someone's attacked,
the victim's to blame?
This is Patrick Pollanc.
Please leave
a message after the tone.
-Where is she?
-Come inside.
Valentin called.
I came over straight away.
Are you okay? Were you hurt?
You answer his call?
You rejected mine straight away.
Sorry. I didn't realise
it was a police matter.
Did you recognise anyone?
It happened so fast.
Suddenly there was
a dog looking at me...
And then Dad.
When I got to her, there was
just Lipus' dog standing there.
And he soon ran off.
That was Lipus' dog?
-Why didn't you say so before?
-Didn't you see him?
He was up by the field.
His normal evening route.
He must have seen something then.
-I'll talk to him.
-I'll come with you.
-You have to put pressure on him.
Maybe he doesn't want me
to find something out about him.
On the video, he went after them both.
What if he's locked them up?
Well, it's possible.
His curtains are always closed.
No one knows why.
And everyone knows
those stories about the girls
when he was a teacher...
You said before
that you didn't believe all that.
He likes to grope young lasses,
but so does every other man in Immerstill.
It's not enough to arrest him.
What would be enough, then?
Well, there are laws...
Laws are no use
if no one believes what you say.
How often did people look away
when he gave "extra lessons"
to 14-year-old girls in the wood?
-I said I'd talk to him.
-I can imagine how that will go.
Okay, you can come,
but you'll stay in the car.
Fine. Let's go.
-You look shattered.
-Yeah, it's busy.
A colleague's son
wants an apprenticeship...
Thanks. Not right now.
Maybe Kathi will come back.
I'll keep the job open for her for a bit.
-Lisa was...
-Go inside, go on.
...kind of...
Did you or your dog see anything?
-I didn't see anything, no.
-No? Okay.
And after the carnival party?
Did you see Marie or Natalie...?
-I didn't see anything.
-Fine. Thanks.
Come on.
He didn't see anything.
His dog ran over to me.
He must have noticed that.
Why didn't you go inside?
Because I don't have a search warrant.
And I won't get one
just because his dog sniffed at you.
Did you ask him about the video?
Why did he went after them?
He said he went home after they left.
Sure. He's not going to say
he kidnapped them.
Hey, you didn't make this up,
so we could spend time together?
Excuse me, what?
I mean...
Thanks. I'll walk from here.
Don't be childish.
I have to ask. I'm a police officer.
And I have to report them missing.
For nothing to happen anyway?
-Then stay there.
-Then drive off.
I will!
Come on!
-You don't look good. Slept badly?
I was attacked.
-And I have to show something to you.
Come here, you two.
Give us a kiss.
We've got him now.
We've got to show this to Pollanc.
-He's got to search Lipus' house.
-Patrick's seen the video.
He can't do anything. Apparently. Can I?
Sure. That's exactly what they said
when Renate Lipus disappeared.
Why did she disappear?
She couldn't bear it any more.
The way he constantly
put her down with his jokes.
He was always saying how fat
she was in front of everyone.
Wait. I'll show you something.
This was her last text to me.
The next day she was gone.
Without saying goodbye.
Two days before Corpus Christi.
She was due to sing the solo
at the church service.
She'd never
have given that up voluntarily.
-And then?
Lipus said she took her passport,
clothes, mobile, everything.
I wanted to report
her missing to Pollanc,
but he said it was a free country
and everyone could
come and go as they pleased.
And that I couldn't do it anyway,
her husband had to.
Did you talk to Lipus about it?
Pollanc told him straight away
I wanted to report her missing.
He's avoided me since.
When we do see each other,
he's oh-so friendly.
-Come on. Let's talk to him.
Let's do that.
Please don't fixate
on this Markus red herring.
It's all in Marie's head.
Now Lisa's starting to believe it.
Yes, I am fully aware
we have to approach this differently.
You can rely on us.
We'll bring the girls home.
Thanks. And if you need anything,
a wheel change, call round anytime.
-Great, thank you. Bye.
-There you go.
What are you doing?
If Steharnig sees this, he'll lose it.
Steharnig is the mayor.
He has no say in police matters.
It's called separation of powers.
Whenever Lisa shows up, you lose it.
Lisa was hit yesterday.
Markus and Kathi
have been gone two weeks now.
And now also Marie and Natalie.
I think it's about time we did something.
I phoned the police in Klagenfurt
and organised a search operation.
The dogs will be
at the River Drava in two hours.
Behind my back?
Have you lost it?
Nothing will happen otherwise!
Do you know how much that costs?
They take the money
from municipal funds.
What happens if the girls
breeze back here again?
Being an officer isn't about covering
for your cronies when things go wrong
and otherwise looking the other way.
You're retiring in a few years.
If you solve this, you'll retire a hero.
Otherwise, you'll always be the moron.
Put me through to Klagenfurt
and then to Steharnig.
This is a nice surprise.
I wanted to thank you for yesterday.
Your dog saved me.
Well I never... Come in, lovely ladies.
Do you want something to drink?
Hannelore, you can take
this home with you.
It was more for Renate.
Yes, sure.
Great. Good.
Come in.
-A prosecco to warm us up.
-No, thanks. Not now.
You've gotten pretty.
A bit thinner than you used to be.
-I like it either way, though.
You might have been the last person
to see Marie and Natalie.
At the carnival party. Did you know?
Is that so?
I'll just use the bathroom.
You know where it is, Hannelore.
Come to me.
To be honest,
I'd had quite a few to drink.
In any case...
they didn't come home with me.
Residents, today at 2 pm
there will be a search
for two missing Immerstill women.
As many of you as possible,
please come to the police station.
Residents, today at 2 pm
there will be a search
for two missing Immerstill women.
As many of you as possible,
please come to the police station.
It's a while ago now.
Yes, a while ago.
Don't be so bashful. When was that?
Oh shit!
What is it? Burli!
It's just Hannelore. You know her.
He normally only does this
with people who make him nervous.
But we need to get ready soon
to join the search.
The basement door was locked.
I knocked but didn't hear anything
because of the dog's barking.
I don't understand why Patrick
let himself be fobbed off so easily.
We'll just have to go back in
again ourselves.
I'm just going to talk to Feinig.
Yeah, sure.
-Sorry to bother you.
-Not at all. What is it?
I wanted to ask
if you'd heard from your son.
Whether he's been in touch
and whether you knew
he was going out with Kathi.
Yes, he wrote to us
that he was going to New Zealand.
With Kathi.
-I pray for them both every day.
-We'll find them.
And you'll have
to buy a round for everyone
after we've frozen our arses off,
while they're having fun in the sun.
You're like your stupid sister:
You can't stop questioning people!
You listen to me.
I really don't know
what your problem is.
But I'm just looking for my sister,
because I love and miss her
and I'm really scared.
So if you know anything
about your brother
or anything that could help find them,
tell me now or get out of my sight.
I know nothing.
I just want you to leave me alone.
And Patrick too.
I don't want anything to do
with Patrick, but forget about him.
He's not into you.
If I was too crazy for him...
I think he's into me.
It was the same with us.
But Patrick's a village boy.
He doesn't want an independent woman.
And you don't come across as if you
want to end up like your mother.
So, everyone,
Commander Pollanc is in charge.
And we'll do exactly what he says.
Then we'll soon find the two gallivanters!
Right then, let's go!
And we have to somehow make sure
we don't end up paying for this.
Else we can forget
the sports field renovation.
Yes, got it.
I'm sure it will all end up
being a misunderstanding.
We'll find them. Promise.
I've prayed for them.
A search operation like this
is approved about once a year.
It'll be expensive,
if they're just sat getting stoned.
What should I do?
Hope something awful has happened
so it doesn't cost anything?
Right then!
Let's split into groups now as arranged.
And let's proceed systematically.
But please, no solo efforts.
We don't want to trample any evidence.
Let's go.
-Thanks for coming.
-Of course.
Sorry Dad was so rude yesterday
when you came over.
Don't worry about that.
He's not as grumpy as he makes out.
He can be quite funny.
I guess...
You know, we're a comfort to each other.
We're fond of each other, to be honest.
What do you mean?
-You and Dad...?
-I didn't want to keep it secret.
But Valentin...
Why was he so dismissive
with you yesterday?
He won't say,
but all this is really affecting him.
Even when Kathi left,
it really hit him hard.
And then Marie and Natalie.
You know, when men are sad...
they're sometimes stupid.
You and Dad...
I can't really take it in.
-But Marie will be pleased.
-I think so too.
Arthur. Quiet!
I think the dogs have got something.
Arthur, here! Well done.
-Burli! What is it?
-Why are they shouting?
What's going on?
What's the dog found?
I don't know.
-Everyone stay still. Don't move.
Don't move. Careful!
Come here.
It'll be okay.
It'll be alright.
I'm here.
You have to keep looking.
What if Marie's
just lying somewhere too?
We'll find her. I promise.
I'll be right back.
Pollanc speaking...
It's my fault.
I should have come.
Nonsense. Come here.
Good, thanks. See you soon.
We have to deal with the situation
in a very professional way.
The forensics pathologist
will be here in half an hour.
And the forensics team too.
We need to cordon off a large area.
Yes, but... They're not going
to find any evidence now.
Cordon off a 100-metre area.
Now. Off you go.
We need any photos and videos
from the carnival party.
Who talked to whom
and when everyone left.
Steharnig can gather the information...
No, Dad.
Steharnig is the mayor,
we're the police. You can't do that.
Imagine if he was involved!
How would Steharnig be involved?
Have you lost your mind?
I mean theoretically.
We need to maintain our distance.
That means from everyone.
Enough of this cronyism.
You talk to me and Susanne. No one else.
Are you serious? Why Susanne?
Because she's a fellow officer
and part of our team
and she's not been here long:
She's the only one
who's not chummy with everyone yet.
Terrible, isn't it, love?
-Mayor, what should...?
-I don't know what to say.
It's best you go home now.
Everything will be fine.
My sister's friend is dead.
How will anything ever be fine again?
Did you know
Natalie used to go out with Markus too?
He went out with more or less
everyone in Immerstill...
Everything okay?
Lisa, we'll leave no stone unturned
until we find Marie unharmed,
which we sadly
didn't manage to do for Natalie.
But if you need anything at all,
we will leave no stone unturned...
It'd have been great
if you'd come up with the idea of
leaving "no stone unturned" sooner!
What if something has happened to Kathi?
Andrea, please.
We've got everything under control.
We'll look into every eventuality.
That's my daughter.
Not an "eventuality".
You talk like your father.
Careful you don't turn out like him.
If something's happened to Kathi,
because you didn't bother enough,
then I'll really...
Please. Please. Okay, I'm sorry.
-I'm doing my best.
-Just piss off.
I should have looked out for her.
How am I going to explain this
to Natalie's parents?
Lipus of all people found her.
That's no coincidence.
She was floating in the water.
It was just his dog who barked at her.
Lipus is always around
when something happens.
He was there when you were attacked.
Is it all a coincidence?
And what if it was Markus after all?
Natalie said he was a psycho.
Stop going on about Markus!
It won't get us anywhere
if we get fixated on a red herring.
At least they're searching now.
And how do you know he's a red herring?
You're crazy.
Andrea says to say hi.
She says that you're not actually
as bad as you always make out.
What are you talking about?
I know about you and her, Dad.
You don't need to pretend anymore.
There is no "me and her".
What are you talking about?
I don't understand why no one
in Immerstill stands up for their woman.
And no one talks to one and other.
Why everything's so... awful.
I'm going to do some work.
I won't sleep anyway.
That is exactly what I mean, Dad.
Exactly that!
Everything will be better now.
There's some movement.
They have to do something now.
Look, take this. It'll help you sleep.
What are you doing here?
You can't just come over.
Well, you can see that I can.
Stop being so grumpy.
I think we both
need each other right now.
Let me in.
Come on, then.
Mr. Schiller, your car's ready.
You can pick it up today.
Yes, in cash, as agreed.
No, today. You promised.
I need the money today.
Believe me,
I need it today. I'll call back.
We searched all night.
A few people are even still there.
I need Marie's laptop.
Maybe we'll find something.
-Can we look in her room?
-Yes, sure.
Come with me.
So, what's going to happen now?
Question people,
look for a motive, find Marie.
I'm no police officer, but can't you
finally check Lipus' basement.
That's right.
You're not a police officer.
Call if you need anything.
Anything new from the pathologist?
I'll let you know as soon as I hear.
Natalie's parents
are catching the next flight home.
But it'll be a while
before they're back.
I want to be informed
about everything as soon as possible.
-This is top priority now.
-When the autopsy report's in...
...we'll work out
how to handle the press, okay?
And in the meantime,
don't scare everyone.
As far as we know,
she may well have just drowned.
Yes. But what makes you say that?
Feinig called and said
you'd summoned him in.
We've got a dead girl.
And several missing people.
Please let us do our jobs, okay?
It won't be any of us. That's obvious.
Thanks for letting me do this.
Assessing the videos.
Please. Steharnig doesn't even know
how to play a video on a computer.
He can't even order a pizza online.
I've made a list of everyone
we need to question.
Do you think Markus could have
had a motive for something like this?
Markus is in New Zealand with Kathi.
He sent us a text.
Yes, but that might not be real.
A year ago,
Natalie wanted to report Markus.
That's rubbish.
The ladies love Markus.
His own sister was in love with him.
Well, we caught them in bed together.
Doesn't matter.
It was only once.
I said to Anna right away:
If it happens again, you'll go
to a home. And that was that.
I'm only telling you,
because he could have anyone.
He didn't need to kill or kidnap anyone.
But you were there yourself
when he slapped Natalie.
And when she said she'd press charges.
It was her father who prevented it.
Steharnig talked to everyone involved
and cleared up the misunderstanding.
In a community you don't
need to report each other
to be on good terms again.
-Yes, you've said that often enough.
But now Natalie's dead
and the two girls are missing...
Markus can't control himself
when he wants something.
You all know that.
What are you talking about?
Markus is your son.
You know just as well as I do
what he's like.
You made him like that.
You always hit him.
You used the carpet beater
on him when he was still so young.
And then he did the same himself.
On the day before he left,
he threw me down the stairs.
You're just talking nonsense.
I reckon...
it's all a bit much for her.
We'll go home now.
Because our private life
has no place here.
Would you like to press charges?
What's wrong with you?
Against her own son or what?
Who's not even here?
You're a police officer, aren't you?
That's abuse of office
what you're suggesting here.
It's all so dreadful for me.
I won't survive the shame...
in front of the whole village.
But I'm so scared he'll do
something to Kathi or Marie...
I have to speak now.
Come on. I'll take you out.
-Yes, you'll stay here, Karl.
-Can you make Traude a coffee?
-I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
Pollanc here. I need the analysis
report for a mobile connection
Markus Feinig.
This will stay between us, right?
We have an obligation
to maintain confidentiality here.
But I have to issue a restraining order
against you, I'm afraid.
You won't be able to enter
your house for two weeks.
-What do you have to issue?
-A restraining order.
Come on...
No. Just joking!
But you'll have to apologise to Traude.
Okay? Buy her flowers or something?
That'll smooth things out. Somehow.
Marie was right.
Kathi didn't go with Markus
of her own accord.
Marie and Kathi had been
a couple for a few weeks.
-What are you talking about?
-I read it in her diary.
-Why would you do that?
-That's not the point, Dad.
We need to find Marie and Kathi too,
before they end up like Natalie.
I have to see Patrick.
Can't you see
you're just complicating everything?
It's bad enough as it is.
Now you show up with that.
We won't tell Patrick.
He needs to be looking for Marie.
Anna, please calm down.
I know it's not your fault.
Yes, I've...
I'll call you right back.
That was a surprise, right?
Are you serious?
You always told Mum
how lucky she was with you
and what Traude
had to put up with at home.
-What are you talking about?
-Come on.
What's up with her?
Markus and Kathi weren't together.
You knew, right?
He told a friend...
that he'd show Kathi
how hot it was with a man.
Did you tell Patrick that?
I was just pleased he was gone.
And now it might be my fault
that he killed Natalie.
I hated Marie so much
for looking for him.
He's just narcissistic, disturbed.
He has no empathy at all for anyone.
I used to think
all guys were like that, but...
And then I realised
it wasn't normal what he did.
And then he kept asking me:
What signals was I sending him?
He said I turn him on,
because I always wear miniskirts.
But when I started just wearing black,
it still happened.
I thought it only happened to doormats,
who couldn't defend themselves.
But me?
I'm not the type of person
this happens to.
No one is the type.
Come on. Let's go to the police.
I don't want the whole village to know.
Everyone will laugh...
and be horrified of me.
Anna, we can't be ashamed
about what's happened to us.
That some people think victims
are doormats is scandalous!
And that men have
gotten away with it for so long,
because women don't
dare say anything is too.
Time's up.
Those days are over.
In Immerstill too.
There's something else I have to say.
It was me.
At your house.
I saw how you were
taking Patrick away from me
and I got so angry about everything...
I thought you were
going to take Patrick.
He's truly the only guy I've ever liked.
You can... press charges
if you...
I mean, I'd understand.
It'll be more useful if you
press charges against Markus, right?
He's left, anyway.
But he'll be back.
Then you won't
have to deal with it alone.
There might even be
others who come forward.
According to the autopsy report,
Natalie Wieser drowned.
She had a fractured skull.
But it wasn't the cause of death.
So someone threw her in the water
unconscious and she drowned.
That's... That is... I mean...
Anna wants
to press charges against her brother.
For rape.
And your father won't be present
or making any comment, okay?
It's okay.
I saw him leave to see the priest.
There's no one in the house now.
Meet me in five minutes at Lipus'.
Okay, fine.
Everything's okay. I'm here.
I found this in my father's garage.
I think it's Kathi's.
She always had bands like that.
And it smells...
odd somehow.
Thanks. We'll look into that.
I'm coming.
Renate told me about this.
Everything you do triggers
something in the other person.
And on and on.
Don't you understand me?
The decisions
you take are still up to you.
Yes, but what you do is
never just your own actions...
It's always like
a long chain of something or other.
Yes, but it's you
that's at the end of the chain.
But we agree that what God has joined
together, let no man put asunder?
No human is the property of another.
No matter how much you love them.
We all belong to God alone.
All of us.
You don't want to understand me.
And the blame lies entirely with me.
And the blame lies entirely with you.
Marie? Marie, are you here?
-Are you okay?
The cell site analysis
from Markus' mobile.
Last located at...
Wait a minute... At Valentin's garage?
I don't believe it!
Hello, Burli.
Come on, let's go.
These are Renate's things.
These are...
These are all Renate's.
These are her things.
What's in there?
Patrick, get to Lipus' right now.
Don't ask, just come!
Burli? Burli, what is it? Hello!
Come on! What's wrong?
What is this?
I knew it!
Are you stupid or what?!
What the hell are you doing?!
-Hubert, put the axe down.
I'm glad you're here.
I have a lot of understanding for
the things women do when in a state,
but please, this is going too far...
We found the passport Renate's
supposed to have taken with her.
That wasn't clever.
What happened?
Nothing. She wanted to go
and I took her passport.
And then she still left. That's it.
When Renate...
"fell over" again, she came to you.
Your dad asked her
if she really wanted to destroy
such a long marriage
by pressing charges.
And she didn't do it.
She knew exactly what people would say.
Then she wanted to leave him.
And the next day, she disappeared.
And no one looked for her.
Where could she go without money?
He never wanted her to work.
You still can't just walk
into his basement.
What are we waiting for then?
For another person to disappear?
Why didn't you go in there long ago?
Because we can't just do that.
There are laws and regulations.
Yes, exactly. Word should
spread throughout Immerstill.
You can't just take
your wife's passport off her.
-This isn't Saudi Arabia!
-I just wanted her to stay.
After a long marriage like ours,
you don't just leave.
I didn't even know
how to turn on the washing machine.
And where is she now?
How am I meant to know?
In Austria, on average, three women
a month are killed by their husbands.
-Did you know that?
-What can I do about that?
Not keep looking the other way
would be a good start.
Then we wouldn't need to take
matters into our own hands.
When all this is over,
we'll take care of Renate. I promise.
But we have to find Marie now.
Marie is alive.
I can sense it.
And Natalie and Marie?
-What was going on there?
-Come on. That's enough.
There's been talk about me for ages.
Whoever it's with.
Thank God I'm retired now. Really.
Nowadays, you can't even
be alone in a room with a girl
without someone saying
that something was going on.
And honestly, do I look like someone
who'd have to force women?
They were always happy to come to me.
But Natalie is dead.
That's a very different matter.
There are no excuses anymore.
So if you know anything, talk now.
I don't know anything.
Apart from that the two of them
were outside by the door when I left.
We'll check all that.
And I'll have to notify Klagenfurt.
You realise that, right?
To be honest,
I don't understand
why I'm always to be blamed...
for everything
that happens in Immerstill.
Maybe Renate did manage to leave.
She could have used her ID card.
I've looked at all the videos
we got of the carnival party.
And this here, I almost missed it,
because it was taken at 12:10 am.
And the two of them left the pub
on the other video at 11.30 pm.
And look who's there.
Bye, Hannelore.
Immerstill police station.
Klagenfurt Hospital here.
The missing person
Marie Schiller is with us.
They've found Marie.
She's at Klagenfurt Hospital.
-Check on her in half an hour, okay?
-Okay. Fine.
What's wrong with her?
She was hypothermic
and we pumped her stomach.
Because of a Xanol overdose.
A sedative, if you know it.
I know it. Hannelore always takes it.
And how is she now?
She's stable.
She's very weak, but she's not injured.
-Can we see her?
-Yes, briefly. Come with me.
Look. Visitors.
Everything will be okay.
Nothing will be okay.
Why didn't you just come?
Why didn't you just help us
to look for Kathi?
Then none of this would have happened.
What happened, Marie?
Who was it?
Where were you both?
How did you get away?
I don't know anymore.
I can't remember anything.
Did you see Kathi? Was she with you?
No idea.
Markus. Did he lock you up?
Can you remember anything at all?
We need leads.
Even the smallest detail might help us.
But I don't know anything.
I can't remember anything.
I just want you to find Kathi.
It's the shock. It's not unusual.
Her memory might return later.
Did you find anything at Lipus'?
At Lipus'? Why?
Did you hear or see him?
I'm sorry. You really have to go now.
I'll give her a sedative,
else her blood pressure won't cope.
How does she know about Lipus?
Where was Hannelore
after morning drinks at the pub?
She got a text saying
she had to go to choir practice. Why?
We found a video where she leaves
the party with the girls at 12:10 am.
-And where did they go?
-That's what I'd like to know.
She said she went home
after the two of them left.
Is there anywhere
where they could have gone together?
No idea.
Are there any leads on Markus or Kathi?
Andrea got a text from Kathi yesterday
saying she was fine.
And did she say that she was
loving being with Markus?
Then we'll know for sure
the text wasn't from Kathi.
Marie and Kathi, they were a couple.
Yes, I know.
We found photos on her laptop.
-How do you know?
-I read it in her diary.
-I wanted to tell you...
-But you decided not to.
Do you realise acting alone is madness?
You're the one who never responds
when he's told stuff!
-What are you doing here?
-Wrong question.
What are you doing?
-Yes, that's what it's about.
Now people are finally looking for her.
For Renate too.
You hid them here.
It was all a pretence.
You weren't taking it seriously.
That's why she came to me,
so that I'd help her.
You should have stopped her.
Yes, of course. Exactly.
You always know better, right?
And then you just disappear
back to Vienna again.
And don't bother about anything.
You knew the whole time where Marie was.
You calmly stood by and watched
as Dad and I went crazy with worry.
What about Marie's worry about Kathi?
And Renate?
No one cared about that.
And Natalie?
That was her fault.
It was an accident.
Marie texted me...
She said Natalie
didn't want to do it anymore.
She wanted to go home,
to call her parents.
I'm cold. I want to go.
Please. We can do it.
Pull yourself together.
What will you say when you get back?
That it was just a joke? Life's no joke.
They're looking for you out there.
And for Kathi too. Finally!
They're turning
Lipus' place upside-down.
Soon it'll be Markus' turn.
-They'll all get their comeuppance.
-I don't care! I want to go home.
But if everything's happening now,
can't we just stay a bit longer?
If everyone just went home
when things got tough,
nothing would ever change.
I don't care! I don't want
to change things. I want to go home.
I'll give you something
to help you sleep.
And tomorrow
everything will look better.
-Leave me alone!
We have to call an ambulance.
She's dead.
I'll take care of her.
Take this now.
Think of Kathi.
Everything will be okay.
She was unconscious. She drowned.
You could have saved her,
but you killed her instead.
-I'm calling Patrick.
-I am.
-No, no, no.
-Keep calm.
-It was an accident.
-It's okay.
-It was an accident.
If you'd looked
for Renate straight away!
And Kathi too!
Then Natalie would still be alive!
-She'd still be alive.
-It's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
We should have responded sooner.
Things have to change.
How did you end up here?
The supposed choir practice
never took place.
We tracked Hannelore's phone.
And anyway...
I could tell from your face
you knew where she was.
We always used to
come here in the summer.
Why didn't you say anything?
You're the one who always
wants to talk about things.
That's true.
I couldn't believe it myself.
I just didn't notice
how desperate Hannelore was.
And Marie.
Everything will be okay.
From now on, it really will be.
I won't leave you alone anymore.
Whatever happens in the future,
we have to talk to each other.
Bad things happen
when people don't talk enough.
But in Immerstill
no one talks with anyone.
That's why I'm taking you
to Vienna with me.
Or we'll introduce
talking to Immerstill.
Shit, what is...?
What's going on?
There was blood on
the hairband you found.
-Not Kathi's, Markus'.
Stay here. Got it?
-I have to go in.
-No! Wait!
Stay here. No, we can't go up there!
Are you okay?
Is everything alright?
Why didn't you just leave it be?
I texted Natalie to tell her to give up
the search and now she's dead.
I didn't think it was
really you who wrote the text.
-Dad, what's wrong?
-I just wanted to help her.
-Are you mad?
What are you doing here?
I know why you mess around with Marie:
Because you don't know how good it is
with a man who knows what he's doing.
You've watched too much porn.
Hey! Leave me alone!
Let me go! No!
Get off!
She didn't mean to.
-It was an accident.
-That's not true.
I did want to, in that moment.
I didn't want it to happen again
to anyone else.
Why didn't you come to us?
Markus raped Natalie.
Even when the two
of them were going out.
And she couldn't press charges,
because no one let her.
And that had to stop!
I didn't want her
whole life to be ruined.
I fixed up the vintage car...
So I could use the money...
to get to New Zealand.
And you knew about this the whole time?
I thought he didn't like me any more,
because he stopped talking to me.
But... after Natalie died,
I was so scared, I...
And he told me the truth.
We promised to always
tell each other the truth.
Forever and ever.
I would have died for you.
You didn't even contact me.
Because I wouldn't have left,
once I'd heard your voice.
I thought I'd come back in a year
and everything would be okay again.
You should have told me. Somehow.
Valentin didn't want you to be involved.
I meant well.
And where is Markus?
I took him away.
To the scrapyard.
In Mum's car.
You're a pretty good police officer.
You could change Immerstill.
Shame you're not staying.
You could change Immerstill even more.
I need the city.
That's where I'm at peace.