Impact Point (2008) Movie Script

Welcome to the AVP Crocs Tour.
This is the final event on the road
to the Crocs Championship.
It's Samantha Lee and Kelly Reyes
versus Jen Crowe and Diana Wilkes.
Great cut shot by Kelly Reyes,
and Jen Crowe just can't quite get it up.
That brings up 13-all, they've tied it up.
Stand loose. Keep it cool. It's still our game.
You can tell how intense this has gotten
between Kelly Reyes and Jen Crowe.
They're jawing under the net.
It does not get any better than this.
It's the finals.
And Samantha Lee
and her partner Kelly Reyes
have proven they are no pushovers
to the veteran squad
of Diana Wilkes and Jen Crowe.
Someone's gonna have
match point after this.
Here comes Kelly Reyes with a jump serve.
Diana Wilkes.
Oh, it's that signature shot.
And Samantha Lee, she cannot get it.
Match point for Jen Crowe
and Diana Wilkes.
Good save. Nice set.
The winners of this match will go on
to meet defending champions...
Camera One, give me a crowd shot.
... on Labor Day
in the AVP Tour Championships.
This isn't college, Kel. You don't look
ready for the big time. Not just yet.
Time will tell, Jen, time will tell.
Come on.
From the right side, puts away.
But Crowe's got it up,
she'll have an opportunity!
And she grazes it off Reyes' shoulder,
and that is it.
Diana Wilkes and Jen Crowe have done it,
and you can see
the disappointment on Reyes' face.
- Good game.
- Good game.
- Good game.
- Good game.
You were right, Kel, time did tell.
Thank you.
Our season is over.
No early morning runs. Drink up. Get laid.
I know I'm gonna try.
Sam, we lost.
No, no, no.
What we did, we totally gave them hell.
We upped the ratings for the finals.
That is what we did.
Chin up, Kel. This is a league event.
We're here to press the flesh
and push the sports.
Next year. We'll get them next year.
Absolutely, next year, next year.
Excuse me. Thanks.
Oh, come on, Kel,
I had two knees, three surgeries ago.
My next year was this year.
I'm done.
Got to go.
Miss Reyes. Hi. I'm Holden Gregg.
I'm a writer, sports writer.
Holden Gregg? Doesn't he cover basketball?
Yes, he does.
I can't believe somebody knows who I am.
Well, what are you doing slinging it
here at the beach?
I'm searching for the next big thing.
Sports on the cusp. You looked good today.
Well, just looking good
doesn't pay the bills.
We should have won.
I agree. You should have won.
Okay, then why didn't we?
You want my honest opinion?
You're gonna diss Samantha to me now?
No, no.
I think it was your fault.
Second set, 6-to-4, you blew the serve.
It's been nice talking to you.
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Look, I want to interview you.
You know, a real interview,
not this party chatter.
- You serious?
- I'm serious.
Your girls are over there.
Well, there's nothing more boring
than a winner's quotes.
Well, there's nothing more desperate
than a loser's, but thanks anyway.
Can I give you some advice? Don't go.
Don't run away. You earned your spot here.
You deserve to have your picture taken also.
- That's what a star would do.
- I'm not a star.
Miss Reyes, look. I cover hoops, all right?
But the truth is, I love sport. I do.
I love the people that play
and commit themselves to it.
It's why I'm interested in you.
- I'll be in touch?
- Yeah.
All right, nice meeting you.
- Hi.
- Hey.
This is it?
Place was dead.
Maybe nobody wanted to run into you
after you ate all that sand.
We've lost a match before.
Remember last year in Miami?
All right, Jose, I think they get the point.
Here, entertain yourselves.
Diana Wilkes was not only loved for
her sway and swagger on the court,
she was also loved for her years
of charitable work.
Routinely volunteering her time to charity...
For God's sakes, she won a ball match,
not the Nobel Prize.
... her hard climb from poverty.
Diana Wilkes,
the victim of a hit and run, dead at 26.
I'm Dain Blanton for AVP.
The family thanks all of you for attending.
In the name of the father,
the son, the holy spirit. Amen. Go in peace.
Won't take long.
What won't?
For Matt to come a knocking on your door.
My door? What are you talking about?
He and Jen are engaged.
I mean, Jen doesn't have a teammate, Kel.
If she doesn't play, she forfeits.
You're the best bet in the finals.
Matt's a good coach, he knows that.
Are you kidding? She hates my guts.
It's too early anyway. I'm not going
to dance all over Diana's grave.
She's ashes, Kelly.
Come on, don't be a child.
When Matt comes to you with an offer,
think about your career.
Slinging hash in your dad's restaurant,
that isn't it.
What the hell was that?
Oh, that's what you would call an ace.
You want to wait till I set?
Oh, good one, Kel,
maybe you should ask the ref about that,
he might give you a do-over.
Jen, come on. Jen!
I need five.
Hey, take 10!
Don't take it personal. She'll warm up.
She just loves Di.
She's actually a really sweet person.
I know you hope that's true, Matt, 'cause
you guys are tying the knot and everything,
but I have a memory.
She tries not to show, but she's scared.
She should be. Nickels and Green
aren't exactly a cakewalk in the finals.
I'm not talking about that.
There's this guy hanging around.
Diana wouldn't talk about it.
She didn't want anyone to worry.
Some fan, stalker, I don't know what.
Cops are looking into it.
The cops?
Are you saying it wasn't an accident?
I'm just saying you should stick together.
You need each other.
You both worked way too hard and too long
to let an opportunity like this pass you by.
Yeah, okay, I've heard that speech before.
First from Samantha, then from
that reporter, and now from you, I get it.
Why don't you try to sell it to your fiance?
Reporter? What reporter?
Holden Gregg.
Holden Gregg.
When did you talk to him?
After the semis and again yesterday.
I have an interview with him this afternoon.
You have an interview.
Well, are we gonna practice or what?
The Kelly Reyes.
- Yes?
- What can I get you?
Vodka rocks, lots of lime.
Drinking in training.
- Please, don't write that.
- I'm kidding.
- Trust me.
- Trust you? Right.
Yeah, seriously, trust me.
I consider this an opportunity.
Well, I've read your stories, Mr. Gregg.
The opportunity is mine.
Well, I'm honored.
So, how was your first day of training?
- Jen Crowe give you the time of day?
- Jen is behind me. We're a team.
Interesting. That's not what I heard.
Wow. Straight in for the kill.
Yeah, you're right. Maybe I should get
a drink. Can I get a Scotch rocks?
- Yes, sir.
- Thanks.
Here you go.
All right, I got to be honest.
I'm not very good at this,
this whole formal interview thing.
Thank you.
Press junkets.
That's more Dain Blanton's territory.
Being a sports celebrity, what do you think
a perfect interview should be?
Well, I'm not quite a celebrity.
Well, you will be on Labor Day.
Just answer the question.
I guess talking about
what I do best instead of who I did.
So, no personal questions?
I hope we didn't miss out
on all the human interest stuff.
I'm not a human interest story.
I'm private. Understand?
Not for consumption.
All right.
No dumb comments about the way
I look or being a woman.
But you are a woman.
And this sport is very much
about a certain sex appeal.
I'm an athlete first.
You said you're interested in sports,
so I want questions about sport,
not spandex.
The psychology, the strategy,
and the daily commitment.
Okay, so only informed questions.
Let me guess, you could probably
tell me everything I need to know
about the sport in 15 minutes,
then the magazine could just
run it over and over again?
Pretty much.
Yeah, not much use for me.
You don't want me getting fired, do you?
I have bills to pay.
You know, people depend on me.
Wife and kids?
No, no. No kids. Just my mom and dad.
My wife died a few years back,
but don't apologize. You didn't know.
What do you say
we stop talking about cancer?
All right? My wife's, your dad's.
Just let that go.
You know, I had an idea.
What do you have in mind?
Change of venue.
I want to show you something I found.
- Wow.
- So, who's Frank?
Well, I haven't seen that in years.
How did you find it?
I just dig deep.
That's bad.
All right, I guess you found us out.
I let him touch my boob.
But please, keep that out of the papers?
No, no, no, of course.
I was just making a point.
Yeah. You know, you've been a...
Been a part of this place since
young Franklin touched your booby.
Long before that.
Took him years to get that far.
what would you do if you didn't have it?
The talent in the sport, what would you do?
But I do have it.
Yeah, but...
I don't know, say you fell.
Tomorrow you broke your leg.
Legs heal.
Horrible car accident.
You're stuck in a wheelchair.
I'd coach.
I set my goals.
I reach them.
And then I set some more.
What about Franky?
Frank shouldn't have kissed
Lynette Wilchusky at my 13th birthday party.
Frank shouldn't have broken my heart.
All right, all right, last important question.
Is it enough?
Is the sport enough?
Is writing about sports enough?
I mean, I'm passionate about it,
but it's not everything.
What's everything?
I don't know.
Finding someone to tie my life with, maybe.
Like a Franky but with scruples.
Who knew it? Holden Gregg.
Sports writer, closet romantic.
At last. I'm just being honest.
Reporters don't usually answer questions.
I'm a columnist.
There's a difference.
It was in. That was in.
So that special someone,
the person you're tied to?
You had that with your wife?
Me too, with my dad.
It's not the same.
It's not. It's all about the choice.
You were his kid
so you didn't really have any say in it.
I don't know.
When you choose someone
or you're chosen,
it just kind of trumps everything.
You know, it makes
you feel like there's nothing
the world could throw at you
that you couldn't get through.
Do you want anything else?
It's kind of a loaded question.
Yeah, I could use a beer.
We don't have a liquor license.
There you go.
But I've got a loaded answer for you.
I've got a six-pack in my fridge.
Is Kelly Reyes inviting Holden Gregg
up to her apartment?
I set my goals.
I reach them and then I set more.
- It's all about choices, right?
- Yeah.
- This is it.
- Yep.
Yeah, second floor.
- What?
- There's somebody watching.
Damn it!
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Did you see him?
- No.
Don't worry.
He's just like a crack-head or something.
It's fine.
They said that Di had a stalker,
that maybe it wasn't an accident.
All right, you know what?
You're not staying here by yourself tonight.
Come on.
You should call the police.
And say what?
That I saw who?
I could barely describe the man, can you?
Some reporter.
I'm serious.
I'll call tomorrow.
File a report.
That's all I can really do.
You're all done.
Very nice. Very professional job.
It still works.
Best interview ever, huh?
Have I shown you...
Have I shown you my room yet?
No? I didn't? What was I thinking?
Just wait till she takes the sweats off.
This chick is hot.
You know what, keep it professional
and keep your mouth shut.
So, how do you not have a cell phone?
I don't need one. I'm not that late, am I?
Well, we've been trying to reach you
since last night.
- Miss Reyes?
- Yeah?
I'm Detective Adams.
This is Detective Sandeval.
We're working the Diana Wilkes case.
I was wondering if we could have
a few minutes of your time.
- Straw hat, you say.
- That's right.
That'll be all, Sandeval.
All right, well, we'll put it on the wire.
You never know.
Okay, good.
There's something else?
In the course of our investigation,
I talked to Miss Crowe again.
She mentioned your interview
with Mr. Gregg.
- She did, did she?
- Yeah.
Is that some sort of crime or something?
No, no. It's not a crime.
It's just that in addition
to the Diana Wilkes case,
I'm also looking into the disappearance
of Holden Gregg.
What are you talking about?
He hasn't disappeared.
I was with him last night.
You sure?
Pretty sure.
He even made me breakfast.
I'm sorry. Is Holden Gregg your boyfriend?
No, not really.
I've only known him for a week.
A week.
I see.
And when did you first see him?
Last Saturday at the party
after the tournament.
A day before Diana Wilkes was found.
So Holden Gregg was seen
at the after-party.
But nobody has seen him since,
except for you.
But I have seen him. I was with him.
Who's that?
Miss Reyes, that's...
That's Holden Gregg.
Right in there.
- Any forcible entry?
- No, we are looking for them.
There were sheets and pillows.
Check the dryer, pull the lint tray.
They're connected,
Diana's death and Holden?
Well, I'd like some evidence, but,
yeah, I have jumped to that conclusion.
I'm sorry, Miss Reyes, this must be...
We just need some DNA.
Speaking of which,
we need permission to test your...
He used a condom and I took a shower
this morning, there's nothing there.
You want physical evidence?
Well, that's the idea, yeah.
Fine, then I'll give you some.
Six feet, 180 pounds, brown hair, blue eyes.
I have a date with him tonight.
Here you go, thanks.
What's he waiting for?
Forty-five minutes late.
Was he late last night?
No, no, he was early.
Well, you know, whatever happens
I think you ought to dump this guy.
You deserve a man who's punctual.
- Okay, Officer.
- It's Detective.
Sorry. Detective.
All right, guys, let's go home. He made us.
Copy that, Ed.
What? What are you talking about?
That's it?
For the time being, yeah.
Look, Miss Reyes,
can I give you some advice?
Stay off the tour for a while.
Maybe, go out of town for a few weeks.
Let us do our job.
He's been seen, and he knows that.
He's gonna stay under the radar.
That's what I'd do if I was him.
The finals are in 10 days.
I've been waiting my entire life
for this match.
Hey, you know what?
Finals are about a trophy.
What we're dealing with here
is your whole life.
But you'll protect me, right?
Yeah. Of course, I will. I mean, to an extent.
Look, I have superiors to answer to,
and they're not gonna allocate
the funds or the manpower, not 24l7.
It's not gonna happen.
We're here to support
the whole community, not just you.
And if I called you Ed?
Miss Reyes, as of right now,
this man has done nothing to you
that you didn't allow him to do.
Now, look, this is not about what I believe.
It's about what I can prove.
As of right now, Holden Gregg
is simply a missing person.
And Diana Wilkes...
Well, for all we know, you know what,
maybe she was just a hit and run.
Now will you please take my advice?
Leave town. Let me know where you are.
I'm sorry.
But right now, that's the best I can offer.
I'm not going anywhere.
Come on.
Move it, Jen.
Yeah, yeah. Come on!
Come on. Come on. Focus.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on, Kel.
Good. Move your ass.
Go. Go. Come on!
Right, Jen, let's go. Let's go.
Come on, Kelly. Push, push, push.
Come on. That's it. Come on!
Let's go.
That's enough. Now to the mark.
Knees can only help that. There you go!
Come on, Kel.
Come on, Kelly, suck it up. Yeah.
Kel, maybe this was a mistake.
Maybe we can take a few more days.
Yeah, we don't have a few more days.
- She's right. Let's work.
- Let's go.
All right. Let's go. Come on. Come on.
No focus.
- Come on, it's right there!
- Right there.
Cut me some slack, Jen, okay.
Don't give me that.
I lost my best friend to this psycho.
- And I'm out here giving it my all.
- Come on.
Are you kidding me? At least he didn't
have his fucking hands all over you.
Come on!
Okay. It's all clear.
Kel, I need you to be honest with me.
You say the word no,
we'll call this whole thing off.
- No, Matt, I said that I was gonna play.
- Okay.
All right, then if it's game time,
you gotta bring your game.
'Cause we can't play in the finals
the way we played today.
You're not the only one
with your reputation on the line.
Jen's gotta win though.
With Di gone, our endorsement
picture's cropped somewhat.
- You understand?
- I see.
Just life, Kel.
Neither one of us has a restaurant
that's paying our bills.
Hey, I'm sorry. With Jen's bad ankles,
we're looking at three, four
more productive years at most.
We have to worry about
how we look out there.
My A-game. That's what you get.
No exceptions.
I know it's you.
You're very smart.
Who are you?
I'm Holden.
I'm Holden Gregg.
He's dead. You killed him.
First Diana, and then him.
- Are you mad?
- Fuck you!
Okay. All right.
All right, I get it. You're mad.
God damn it, Kelly.
Why'd you have to involve the police?
Now, it's really gonna complicate
our relationship a bit.
Why the hell are you doing this?
Why does anybody do anything?
I don't know. First, you want something,
and then a want becomes a need,
and then pretty soon it's like a sport,
you commit yourself to it.
- What do you want from me?
- I want this.
I want this. I want you and me.
I like being with you.
You know, the truth is, this Holden...
Holden guy...
I'm a lot nicer when I'm him.
Yeah, why don't you tell the cop
that's standing right next to me?
Sure, I'd love to. Put him on the phone.
That was a bad bluff, Kelly.
I would have expected something
a little more imaginative from you.
They're gonna find you.
Really? They're gonna find me?
Guess what? I haven't gone anywhere.
I'm right here.
Couldn't leave you if I tried.
I've given up my life for you.
Matter of fact, I'm right downstairs.
I'm gonna come by and make you feel better,
just like I did the other night.
Kelly, you there?
... apartment is vacant.
... apartment is vacant.
And there's no signs
of forcible entry and no fingerprints.
That's about all we got for now.
All right. Thanks, pal.
Well? What?
No one's in your apartment.
No sign of forcible entry, no prints.
- And the recording from your phone, it's...
- Yes?
It's one-sided.
There's no other voice on that tape,
except for yours.
What? How?
Possibly a scrambling device.
They're available,
if you know what to look for.
And if that's the case, well, this guy's smart.
Smart just complicates things.
Let's see, forensics identified three sets
of prints from Holden Gregg's house.
His, yours, the maid's, that's it.
So what else don't we have?
Motive, frankly, not at this point.
I've told you. He's obsessed with me.
So what? He killed Diana Wilkes
because she was in your way?
He got rid of Holden Gregg,
so he could be closer to you?
It's possible, but it's a bit of a stretch,
don't you think?
Okay. So?
We're on all points out.
- That's it?
- No, ma'am, that's not it.
Myself and three other detectives
are pulling double-duty on this case.
Look, Kelly...
Miss Reyes, I asked you
before to leave town.
Now, I'm gonna make
the same suggestion again.
I can't be any clearer.
So, what do you wanna do?
We listen to the cops, get out of Dodge,
all three of us till the finals.
- Ease up, babe.
- What do you mean, "Ease up"?
Game of our lives
is right around the corner, babe.
And there's some psycho out there
stalking us.
All right, so she's got a point.
We don't have a liquor license.
I wanna see a cop come in here now
and ticket you.
I really wanna see that.
Drink the beer.
We could go down to my brother's in Baja.
All we need is a net and a ball, right?
- I'm not hiding.
- Kelly, be reasonable.
This guy won't stop.
Look, Baja is just another beach to him.
It's just a little further south.
The guy makes phone calls disappear.
I'm betting he can find us down there.
Okay, so, what's your plan?
We go after him.
Oh, what, are you Rambo now?
All we need is a picture and his name.
And how do you propose
we get this murderer to pose for us?
Trying to look natural out here?
Shut up or you'll be sleeping on the couch.
I see him.
Call Jose. Three buildings down.
On the roof.
Are you sure?
Please, Jen. I know it's him.
Three buildings down. On the roof.
Call the cops.
- It couldn't be that easy, could it?
- Come on. Let's go.
So, you're at the head of the table, Matt.
And you are back and forth
with the sweatshirt and the tank.
Just don't let him see your face.
Yeah. What if it doesn't work?
I mean, what if the cops don't show?
What did you say to the cops?
White girl getting her ass kicked
by some Mexicans.
They'll show.
Attention all units, please respond
to a possible assault
on a young Caucasian female
by three Hispanic males.
Rooftop, Notte's Hotel...
Suspects are possibly
armed and dangerous.
Come on.
Come on.
Hey! You okay?
I'm so sorry. Are you all right?
Chill out.
Sorry about that.
What are you doing? Stop it!
Stop! They're not gonna do anything,
all right?
They're on the roof right now.
They're calling it in.
And they're talking about
pussy and guns, all right?
They're fucking idiots. So, stop it.
Come on, baby. Come on.
- Kelly, where is it?
- What?
- Where is it?
- What?
- Where is it?
- What?
Baby, come on.
Where is the fucking camera?
Help! Please, help!
- Hey!
- Help!
- Ma'am, you all right?
- Yes, I'm fine! He went to the right!
He went to the right!
Do you want this evidence tagged now, sir?
Or should we wait for it
to ripen up some more?
- Sure this is the right one?
- I'm not delusional.
The junkie, he saw me toss it in.
The junkie.
Well, of course.
Don't treat me like a goddamn child!
I saw him. I took pictures of him.
He chased me.
Why doesn't anybody believe that?
Did you see him? Anyone? Up on that roof?
- Well, we were trying to make it look...
- Did you?
Yeah... Not really,
we were trying to make it look natural, so...
First, your guy goes out of his way
to hide from you.
Now, he's spying on you from rooftops,
chasing you, broad daylight,
- up and down the stretch.
- He's not my guy!
Did you know Holden Gregg
had a history of sexual assault?
No! Why would I?
Two victims.
One settled, another never testified.
Never met the guy!
There's physical evidence
placing you in his house.
Yeah. No shit! I gave it to you!
Did Holden step over the line?
Did you fight him off?
- Was it an accident?
- Are you fucking kidding me?
Come here. Come here. Come here.
- Is he serious?
- Who? Sandeval?
Sure, I guess he's pretty serious.
Is that what you think, too?
- I think what you did today was dumb.
- He's playing games.
No, Miss Reyes, he's not playing,
and this is not a game.
Come here.
Excuse me.
You think she can stay with you guys
for a couple of days?
At least until the match.
- Yeah. Sure.
- Good.
All right, here's how it's gonna work.
I want you guys to stay close together.
Do not let this guy isolate any of you.
- You clear?
- Yeah.
- Hey, man!
- Hey! Is that mine?
What's up? Yeah.
I thought you might want that.
- Thanks.
- Yeah. No problem!
Hey, homie, think there could be,
like, another 50 bucks there for me?
- No.
- Hey, come on, that's worth $40.
I already paid you for running
the other night.
Besides, I can't use these pictures anyway.
Look, doesn't even look like me.
- You think that guy looks like me?
- I think...
Okay. Go help her pack.
I'm gonna make some room in the trunk.
Hey! You mind?
Yeah. I do mind.
What the fuck happened to you?
You were somebody once.
You had five titles back-to-back.
And now, you're just
carrying some bitch's bags.
- How does that feel?
- Do I know you?
I don't know, Matt. Do you?
God damn. You still got some big muscles.
I don't know,
cut off the circulation to your brain?
I'm the guy. I'm the guy. Diana Wilkes.
- Tire tracks on her face. That was me...
- Motherfucker!
Matt, you okay? Huh?
Are you still with me, Matt?
You still angry?
Who's gonna protect the girls, Matt?
- Hey. Call it in.
- Copy.
First time I saw Matt, I was in high school.
On that tour, he was perfect.
And I hated him.
He was the golden boy, the champion.
The guy who got any girl he wanted.
But then, he came to watch me play.
He'd hang around afterwards
and just ask all the guys about me.
It was a whole year
before he asked me out and...
My God, the butterflies.
By then, he was all I could think about.
Hey, he's gonna be okay.
He's gonna be okay.
He's gonna be okay.
- You're ruining my life!
- Wait...
Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy. Take it easy.
You know what would
have been really nice?
A thank you.
A fucking thank you.
Diana Wilkes was in your way.
And I took care of it for you.
We could've gone all the way.
We could've gone all the way
to the fucking Olympics.
And don't for a fucking second
act like you didn't like it.
Because you did.
How fast did you jump on
being interviewed, huh?
How fast did you forget about Diana?
Fucking fast.
All you cared about was being famous,
well, you know what?
You're gonna be way more famous now
than you ever would have been by yourself.
Because every time they think of you,
they're gonna think of me.
I'm gonna kill you on Labor Day,
in front of all those fucking cameras
you care so much about.
The last face you're gonna see,
is gonna be mine. You hear me?
Answer me.
Answer me!
It's all I've ever known, those courts.
And now after everything that's happened,
it's pretty much the only thing
that makes sense to me.
The cops want us to withdraw.
I know. It's sensible.
Oh, is that what you want to be now,
is sensible?
You know I don't want to quit.
They'll give the match to Holt and Brice.
They're next in line on points.
This thing goes on
whether we're in it or not.
You take someone's goals away,
their dreams,
what's left?
- Lf Matt wakes up...
- When Matt wakes up.
...I want him to be proud of me.
So are you in it or what?
Well, people, this is all bad news
as far as I'm concerned.
The venue is sold out,
which means thousands of ticket holders.
Add to that, this heat wave,
and the beaches will be packed in by noon.
Frankly, the show must go on bullshit
is inviting tragedy.
But that's what we have to deal with.
So says the mayor,
the city council, the league,
and even the players themselves.
The Harbor Patrol will take the shoreline
and work the western perimeter.
Event security, some two dozen strong,
will work the inside
and the adjoining lot with you.
They'll be dressed completely in yellow,
so that should scare the bad boys away.
And now, for my favorite part.
This will be a live televised sporting event,
so expect large camera crews.
We have multiple cameras, a dolly crane,
two hand-helds, satellite truck in the lot.
And all crewmen will wear security badges.
Now, people, I want you to check those
once, twice, three times.
All right, none of this smile away bullshit.
Our perp here is a slippery fuck.
We should add a cross-check
with security badges versus standard IDs
of any staffer matching the description.
That's a good point, Nick.
And lastly, but most importantly,
I want you to take a look.
You are to keep her in your sights
at all times. Understand?
All times.
Hello and welcome to the AVP.
This is the grand finale.
The one we have all been waiting for,
the Tour Championship.
And on any other day,
that would thrill enough.
But, Sarah, this tournament
means so much more.
You're right, Dain. Coming as it does...
- Go, Camera Two.
...on the heels of tragedy.
- Ready, Camera One.
- As most of you know,
Diana Wilkes, the crown jewel of the sport...
- And go, Camera One.
...was found dead just weeks ago.
Anybody got an update on Kelly Reyes?
Currently, she's in the player's tent.
All right, I want a 20 on her at all times.
And that brings us to the most unlikely team
of Jen Crowe and Kelly Reyes.
Diana's former partner joining forces
with her long-time bitter rival.
So, Dain, how do you think
they match up with their competition?
Well, how does anyone match up
with Tori Nickels and Lynn Green?
The two towers have won more tournaments
than any other duo on the AVP tour.
Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise.
This is the finals. It is game on!
At 6'3"...
It's show time.
... ladies and gentlemen, Lynn Green.
And her partner, ladies and gentlemen,
she's won three NCAA titles...
Was that pity?
... give it up for
Tori "The Towering Inferno" Nickels.
Hey, for Matt and Diana.
Let's knock these pituitary cases
down to 5'10".
Let's do it!
... the high-flying, electrifying
young woman out of UCLA,
one of the deadliest servers in the world.
Seven other wins,
looking for her first-ever tour title,
Jen "The Hammer" Crowe.
Oh, I love to introduce her,
ladies and gentlemen,
in just one season,
she has made it to the top.
In college, one of the most decorated
players of all time, four NCAA titles,
the blonde, blazing, bombshell,
here she is, Kelly Reyes.
Ladies and gentlemen, the stage is set.
It is the Tour Championship.
Lynn Green, Tori Nickels, Kelly Reyes,
and Jen Crowe, are you ready?
The crowd is ready to go
and so are the athletes.
It's go time. Game is on!
No! No! No!
Nice pass by Jen Crowe. The rally goes on!
Cross court hammer by Nickels
out of the reach of Crowe.
Green and Nickels strike first
and take the early lead.
The teams are gonna be playing
best of three sets. The first two, to 21.
And the third, if we need it, to 15.
Lieutenant, my orders have me
in the stands.
You got me working the parking lot?
Listen, Sandeval,
unless our guy plans on getting here
and huffing it across that sand,
the parking lot's
the only paved way out of here.
I need a good guy out here, all right.
The 12 cops on the barricade, they're yours.
- All right? You understood?
- What about courtside?
I got courtside. You handle the lot.
Ladies and gentlemen, make a little noise.
Kelly Reyes slices and dices.
Hey, what's happening?
Why are you asking me what's going on?
You're in the stands.
Lieutenant's got me out in the parking lot.
He what?
You listen to me. You don't take a piss
without my permission.
Do you understand me?
You know what, sir? Last time I checked,
lieutenant's got you way outranked.
Here's Green!
Puts it away for another side out.
Nickels and Green are in for a fast out.
Reyes and Crowe cannot let
that get to them.
- Freeze.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jesus Christ, Ed.
You match the description type.
Well, so do half the guys here.
Are you gonna shoot them also?
Why are you even down here?
You're supposed to be in the TV truck.
- Yeah, but...
- But what?
Ed, no buts.
No, no, you got your orders, follow them.
All due respect, sir. This is still my case.
Well, no disrespect, Ed,
but not if I have any say in it.
- Excuse me?
- Matt Cooper was on your watch.
It's not gonna happen here, all right?
So just get back to your post.
Green and Tori Nickels pulling away
here at game number one.
You all right, Ed?
Yes, sir.
So it'll be Nickels back to serve.
- Down the middle.
- No! Out!
- Looks out.
- What?
Oh, it's called in and Reyes is livid.
She goes to the line judge.
She's not gonna change her call.
- Come on, it's out!
- Now she goes to the referee
and I guarantee you,
he's not gonna overrule.
Hey, that is a tough break
at this point in the match.
That ball, Mike, is clearly out.
Kelly Reyes trying to get
something started here.
Nice pass by Nickels.
And Nickels with a fierce hit
right to the center.
Nickels and Green are just continuing
to dominate this first set.
I'll tell you what,
Nickels and Green are on fire. Up 10-7.
Reyes and Crowe are gonna have to do
something to turn this thing around.
What is she seeing?
- You okay?
- Yeah. Let's play ball.
Nickels back with a float serve. Nice pass.
Nickels has an opportunity
and once again just bangs it there.
Nickels and Green absolutely dominate
as they lead one game to zero.
- Sandeval.
- Yes, sir.
- Anything?
- Nada.
Stay sharp.
Can Jen Crowe and Kelly Reyes
stop the bleeding?
- They got 100 cops out there. Just relax.
- They haven't exactly found him yet.
- Just concentrate.
- I am!
On winning, Kel. Not on him.
Look, this is our house.
He's not welcome here.
So let's go get them. Come on. Okay?
Kelly Reyes and Jen Crowe come out
for game number two as they try for...
Well, we start game number two.
Jen Crowe will be back to serve.
They're gonna have to turn
this thing around.
Nice serve. Pass by Green.
Green up at the net and off the block.
So Green and Nickels start exactly
where they left off in the first game.
Float serve to Reyes.
See if they can make
something happen here.
Reyes with a hard hit to the sand.
That's exactly what they need.
Think something must have
switched on with Kelly Reyes.
That's the hardest I've seen her hit a ball
all tournament.
Jen Crowe on the back line
with a top spin serve.
It's handled well by Nickels.
Nickels cross court. She's dug by Crowe.
But an overset. Crowe somehow blocks
that ball into the court.
Jen Crowe and Kelly Reyes
are on fire this set.
They are really turning the match around.
Well, the momentum has changed
and things are finally clicking
for Reyes and Crowe.
She slams another one home.
Reyes and Jen Crowe
play an unbelievable defense.
Great pass by Kelly Reyes.
The rally continues...
Looks like we have a play at the net.
Reyes up. It's a joust. And it's in.
How about that? Reyes and Crowe put it
together and take game number two 21-19.
That'll force game number three.
Now we're deep into game number three.
All tied up at 13.
It's an ace down the middle.
Years of work, struggle,
and commitment come down to this.
It's game, match, and championship point
for Nickels and Green.
Kelly Reyes and Jen Crowe
really need to do something now
or this Cinderella story is going to be over.
You're exactly right. Reyes and Crowe
have their backs up against the wall.
It will be Reyes to serve it up.
She goes with a jump serve.
It's handled well by Nickels.
Great set. Cross court shot.
It's gobbled up by Crowe.
Can she put it away?
Yes, it's down the line and just in.
Not yet, says Jen Crowe.
This is anybody's game.
Well, Reyes and Crowe dodged
one championship point.
Now they have an opportunity
to take the lead.
Kelly Reyes will go back to serve and see
if they can continue this Cinderella story.
An over pass.
Now Crowe with a great hit.
As the play goes on here,
Reyes is gonna have an opportunity.
And she hits the back line.
Kelly Reyes and Jen Crowe
have turned the tables.
They now have game, match
and championship point.
Kelly Reyes has the chance to win
her first ever title.
Tour championship on the line.
On your feet! Make some noise!
Game and championship point.
This is unbelievable.
Who would have thought Kelly Reyes
and Jen Crowe teaming up
and in position to take down
Nickels and Green.
A jump serve by Reyes.
And it's off the arms of Green.
This one is all over.
- Can you believe it?
- The AVP Tour Champions.
... Jen Crowe have just beat the odds.
- He's right there.
- Go. Go!
Jen! I need help!
What's going on? Camera One and Two,
can we get a close-up?
It's Lieutenant Roos.
The suspect is on the court.
Lieutenant Roos!
Help us!
We need a paramedic. Player down.
The suspect is in the crowd.
Help us! Help us!
- Miss Reyes.
- Let go of me.
Miss Reyes. Miss Reyes, you gotta let
these guys do their job. All right?
It was right here. I'm going with her.
You take Miss Reyes to EMS.
Stay with her all the time.
Not out of your sight for a minute.
- I want two cars. I want an escort. All right?
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
What do you want to hear?
That I expected this?
Two perps beat to a pulp, unconscious.
Not one but two separate occasions.
And this guy still has his badge,
this guy still has his gun,
and he's telling me what the fuck to do?
And I still didn't have enough
to suspend him.
- Bullshit.
- Ed, the point is he is still out there.
- Yeah, he's out there and he's coming back.
- You think?
You don't?
This guy just ran out in the middle of
a nationally televised sporting event.
He wants to be seen. He wants the fame.
What did he say? He said,
"Every time, they think of you,
I want them to think of me." So yeah.
- I think he is coming back.
- But how?
I don't know.
What about friends, family...
Come on. This guy doesn't have
any friends, he's on his own.
This thing is all that he is. This is it.
- We've got a full army on her now.
- Yeah, we had an army at the game.
All right, all we can do now
is just sit on her for 24l7.
- And you. This is yours now.
- You're goddamn right, it's mine.
You're goddamn right.
What are you gawking at?
- Can I help you?
- I'm Detective Adams.
She can't see you, but she has stabilized.
- Miss Reyes.
- Hey, Ed.
How is she?
She's in intensive care.
You can't go in there, not tonight.
Did you see the match?
Every point.
Jen's tough.
She's gonna come out of this alive.
I don't doubt that for a second.
But you need some rest.
You need to get some sleep.
And you'll protect me when I do?
I will.
You promise?
I promise.
Come on.
I want to see her.
I want to see Jen when she wakes up.
Tomorrow. I'll take you myself. First thing.
I'm your personal protection detail, ma'am.
- How long do you think that's gonna last?
- The truth?
Truth is I don't know.
I just know that this guy is smart.
And smart complicates things.
Tomorrow morning. Hospital.
- I have your word.
- Yeah.
Do you want something to eat?
I have some take-out leftovers.
- Only a week old.
- No, no, I'm fine.
- I'm gonna shower.
- Okay, Miss Reyes.
- You can call me Kelly.
- Okay, Kelly.
Kelly, listen, all of this...
All of this, it's our fault.
It's my fault.
And I'm sorry.
But we're gonna catch this guy, we will.
Hey, pal.
Looks like you got things
pretty buttoned up in there, huh?
Not taking any chances.
I prefer Holden.
Yeah, well,
whatever makes you happy, Holden.
So, Ed,
you got two in the front,
two in the rear. You got Higgins on the roof.
You know he's asleep by now.
Oh, don't you worry.
When you turn yourself in, he'll wake up.
He's reliable that way.
No, Ed. As far as turning myself in goes,
my money is still on you.
Although, you know, I'm going to have
to kill everybody else just to get to you.
So that's your plan, huh?
- You're gonna get in here, then what?
- Finish.
Ed, finish the job.
Yeah, but who'll see?
Everybody is gonna see it.
My eyes are everywhere.
Matter of fact, Ed.
Right now, you are taking center stage
in the prelude to our little show.
You might wanna spruce it up a little bit.
You just tuck your shirt in.
Fucking A, you're terrible at this.
Call yourself a detective.
Unbelievable. Jesus Christ, Ed.
You know those guys are gonna
shoot at anything that moves.
Really? That's what you think
is gonna happen?
Guys are idiots.
They can't even see what's in front of them.
Yeah, but I do, Nick.
Again, I prefer Holden.
Is that right, Nick?
I see a sad man with a sad life
trying to impress a little girl.
Well, it takes one to know one.
Is that why you had her call you Ed?
You still there? Nick?
Let me tell you something.
You're not getting in here, asshole.
Sure I am, Ed. I'm already inside.
And guess what?
Tonight, I'm prosecuting
the scorched earth policy.
Nobody gets out alive.
Plan B, Ed. Plan B.
Damn it.
Detective Adams?
Ed? Ed?
See this?
You see this?
There's you. There's me. Dead cop.
There's no fucking berets.
It's all recorded for posterity.
All of it on the news
no later than tomorrow afternoon,
just like I fucking told you.
Every time they think of you,
they're gonna think of me.
You idiot. What did you see on the news
last week? Do you remember?
Nobody does.
You psychos come and go.
Your fucking precious little 15 minutes
are going to go along with it.
So what do you want, huh?
What do you fucking want?
You want it to be a little more gruesome?
Is that what you want?
I'm gonna fucking cut you into little pieces,
I swear to God.
I'll fucking cut you into pieces.
You don't fight like a girl at all.
Hello and welcome to
the first event of the AVP Tour.
We can only hope that this season
will be as exciting as the last.
Told you he'd make it.
So I hear the new girls from Florida
are the team to beat this year.
Yeah, I'm not really concerned about
some girls from Florida.
If they push, we push back.
- No apologies.
- No apologies.
The game's on!