Imposter, The (2008) Movie Script

# l sawyou meeting
at the newworld order #
#You looked vey modern
with your narrow shoulders #
# You were a vision
of Holy Grace #
#And oh you held
your place #
# Eveybody wants
a soul revival #
# and you handed me
the language #
# and a social title. #
# You are the coco
and the go-go baby #
# and you shook me
all overthe place #
# Yeah, you put
me in my place. #
# l wanted you. #
# l followed you #
# Ended up leaving
eveything l ever knew. #
#You fell for me. #
#You believe me. #
# Please believe me. #
# Please believe me. #
# Stop, you know
l need you. #
# The moment l see that tear
run down yourface, #
# my disgrace is
in your eyes. #
# You know
l need you. #
# The moment l seen you that
tear run down your face, #
# my disgrace is
in your eyes. #
# To stop, you know
l mean to #
# They'll be no faking,
no more of my charades. #
# l know
l'm giving up #
# The imposter
in me. #
# l knowthis
is possible. #
# Oh, the imposter
is me. ##
Yeah, this is a
Christian stoy,
and l know what
you're thinking,
lefsjust skip to
where our hero hurdles down
the aisle and falls
to his knees,
cries then stands up
a problem-mee man,
men eveyone sits in
a circle holding hands,
singing Kumbaya.
But God's more interested
in our hero going through
a process men apping him
with spirial morphine.
Why does someone wear
a mask or masquerade
as someone they're not?
Because mey're hiding.
l was hiding.
l was an imster.
You guys say good-bye
to the glasses, l say hello.
Hello, hello.
Scene 6, take 4, Mark 8.
Camera Mark.
#You can sing, you can shout,
you can scream it. #
#You can quote, you can chat,
you can wear it. #
# Lies you testi. #
# Polished shoes, peect smile,
saved for Sunday, #
# but they're back in
the box by Monday. #
# Lying through
the week. #
# So go on, go on hitthe book
a bit harder #
# Go on, go on, sell the Sunday
cheap seats for the show #
# Pretty little preacher
all dressed up for the show#
# Believe me... ##
Grand Design,
the hottest band
in the Christian market
with the hottest video.
That was ''Believe is an Act''
and joining us
in our studio today, our lead
guitar player and main writer
James Palmer
with front man Johnny C.
Welcome guys, thanks
for coming by.
Hos it going?
Thank you.
Some people are saying
you guys aren't really
a Christian band.
We are what we are.
Critics say you only mention
Jesus once in your newest album.
(Johnny C)
Mo, mice.
Two times,
two times, right?
Twice then.
You sing about
you quite a bit.
Well, when l'm talking
to James, l don't say James
at the beginning
of evey sentence, do l?
l mean that'd sound
pretty silly.
It's all right, man.
l know exactly who l am
and what l'm supposed to say.
lf l don't measure up to
somebody's expectations
or list of rules,
l'm okay with that.
l plan to live up
to one person's rule,
and His name is Jesus.
(Johnny C)
See, mree times.
Daddy, hug!
Hos my sweety?
Want to see
some hip hop?
Yeah, you got
hip hop for me?
- Hi, baby.
- Hi sweety.
Howare you?
l see the light
of the gloy.
l see the light
of the gloy.
Do you see it too?
Do songs always end
in questions, daddy?
Not all
the time, baby.
Let me see these.
So Frank's coming in
for the showtonight
and he's going to ride back
with you guys.
And l'm gonna take this
little girl and we are going
to head back
this afternoon.
He really hates me,
you kno
And you really hate him,
so it's a match.
(Johnny C)
l forgot, okay.
Come on,
Iet's get you packed.
Oh, babe...look it's...
it's just for my knee.
lt's been acting up.
It's just meds.
ln a baggy?
Johnny, you said
you were done!
Well, you were the one that
started me o on this stuff.
Don't you dare
make this about me.
Hey, Tara.
What kind
offather does this?
l'm a great father.
l'm a good father.
l can provide for our daughter,
l take care ofyou, don't l?
All right,
Iook, you're right.
l was addicted
to the oxy.
lt was a rough moment
for me, but that's gone.
l'm clean,
l promise.
You liar.
You stand there
and you lie to me!
She's gonna
hear you.
l believed you.
Believe this...
l'm done.
All right, look,
Tara, l'm sory.
You knowl--
l mean l've stopped this.
l mean it's been diicult
but l am done:
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
l just want...
l have to go.
You going to Texas
before the sho
l'll meet you
guys at the church.
You can't go
like this.
You can't--you can't get
in the car like this.
l need to go.
Not with Elizabeth in the car.
You cannot go like this.
This is not good.
lt's risky.
Get out
of my way.
Please don't do this.
This isn't fair
to me.
l've got ministry tonight.
[rock music playing]
# Tossed in a boat
on the open sea #
# as you stare down
the depths of eternity. #
# Test the holy
waters and step out. #
# So come on in #
# the water's fine. #
# Lift up your heart,
but don't leave your mind. #
# This is your chance to become
what you were meant to be. #
# Believe me. #
# Believe me. #
# Believe me #
# because yourtalk
is not enough #
# Believe me #
# you gotta take the
step yourself #
# Believe is an act,
an act of action. #
# Believe me #
# because yourtalk
is not enough #
# Believe me #
# you gotta take the
step yourself #
# Believe is an act,
an act of action #
# Believe me #
# Oh... believe me. ##
[audience applauding
and cheering]
There he is, Johnny C.
Can you sign this?
You're not gonna sell this on
the internet, are you? - No way.
- Can you sign this?
- l can bro.
Mine too.
Great show tonight.
Thanks, Frank.
You all ready
for us to Texas?
Not as big as an
auditorium, butwe'll be ready.
l thought everything
was bigger in Texas.
That's the auditorium
you married my sister in.
Sounds great,
lt's never
about the numbers.
No, it's always
about the numbers.
Tara said she and
Elizabeth made it in safely.
Yeah, l wonderwhy
you didn't go with them.
Hey, do they know
it's an acoustic set?
Go clean
the bathroom, John.
We're out of here.
Clean the bathroom,
Johnny boy.
Hey, it's good
for you.
Frontman always
cleans the bathroom.
(Johnny C)
James and Johnny C,
ople mink we're bromers
butwe're not,just
friends from childhood.
James took me in.
He needed a project, he let me
sing, so l dowhatJames says.
He's the brains,
the music, the lyrics.
He writes it,
l make it beautil.
lfl'm going to do
such a diry job,
l decided long ago l deserved
a lime me 'me.
Uncle Prom
Hey, sweety.
What does
that machine do?
Well, that's what uncle
Proff cleans the floorwith.
Can l drive it?
No, no, l think you better
Iet uncle Pro do that.
l got something
for you though.
Can l go play?
You can go play.
So what's wrong?
l think Johnny
might be using again.
And you finally left him?
Elizabeth needs
a father.
Well, l hope
she gets one.
l will follow ~All of Me~
with ~Believe is an Act.~
(Johnny C)
Uh-uh, we can't do that.
We always do ''Believe''
before ''All of Me.''
That change will
mess me up big time.
Ah, we've been doing it this
way the whole tour long.
We have?
Tara and Elizabeth
gonna be waiting?
Never seem to find the time
to finish beating these rugs.
l find that hard
to believe.
You doing all right?
Not sure l can keep
holding it all together.
l'm not sure you need to.
# Is there a code
that l can't crack? #
# N4 life is slipping
right o the tracks. #
# Don't even know
if l want it back #
# so take it away
from me. #
#And l find your beautiful
mind in eveything #
# and eveything
is all l need. #
# l find your beautiful
eyes see eveything, #
# so show me
something beautiful. #
# l find your beautiful eyes
see right through me, #
# so show me what
you want me to be. ##
# so show me what
you want me to be. ##
He's doing it right now.
He's singing about
the love ofJesus
and he's up there
mentally undressing that woman.
Why won't you
say anything?
How long do you want
to keep giving him permission.
Look, we both played
with the painkillers.
l was wrong.
All right.
Go ahead, give
him a pass, again.
And when Elizabeth gets
into drugs or bad men,
go ahead give her
a pass too.
That's not fair.
When you defend
behavior like Johnny's,
who are you really giving
a pass to?
All right, John goes out,
gets himself wasted,
drags himself home again,
what do you get out ofthis?
What do you get out of
this Tara, what's the payo?
The payoff is a deadbeat
drug-strung husband.
What do you get
out ofthis?
What did
your mother getout
of her relationship
with your father?
She got to be
the hero.
Okay, good.
What else?
She got to be the good one,
always putting him down.
And what else?
She got to be
the rescuer.
So ifyour dad had
cleaned up his act,
just like your mother wanted,
would she be happy?
Hey, great way
to finish the tour.
What'd you think of
worship before you went on?
Oh, it was great man,
you've always
had a good voice.
Um, well, you know
where to find me
if you need
a newsinger.
You seen Johnny?
Yeah, thanks for
coming out tonight.
No, problem,
you were great.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, take care
you guys.
nice to meet you.
Thank you.
Have a good night.
Hey, babe.
Just doing
the autograph thing.
Who was she, Johnny?
Oh, you know l'm just doing
my lead singer duties, nothing.
You were looking
at her more than anyone else
during that entire concert.
(Johnny C)
l can't see passed
the lights, you know?
l start looking atthe lights
and l start to stare
at somebody, that's just,
that's what l do.
Come on, don't start on
me with that, all right?
We've got the whole world here
and all you can be is unhappy?
My voice,
you knowour band,
it's eveything you ever
wanted and more, you kno
No, Johnny, it's given you
eveything you've everwanted.
(Johnny C)
What is that?
Look, babe,
we sing in front
ofthousands and thousands
of people.
Evey night, we change lives,
that's what we do.
All right,
Mr. Changing Lives,
tell me right here right now,
have you ever cheated on me?
What, l was just
thinking, l'm just thinking.
Just thinking.
and l are staying here.
You're staying here?
Look, l don't know
what you're strung out on.
Let me autograph this
for you.
Leave me alone, man.
# There's a place
in my heart that's empty #
# and l have searched
the world to find #
# someone or
something to fill it, #
# but it's harder
the longer it's denied. #
# It's a hunger
and l can't fill it. #
# It's a thirst in a dy land,
but my heart is starving #
# for something but l'm stuck
in the sinking sand. #
- Thanks forthe pizza.
-Alright, no problem.
#And l've searched
in evey direction #
# when l knowyou're
calling my name, #
# but l choose
not to listen #
# 'cause l know
l'll have to change. #
# So this empty
still remains. #
(Johnny C)
Are you coming
back home?
Please sweey, l miss you,
and Eliabeth too.
l miss you too.
You knowshe wrote
another song for you.
(Johnny C)
She did?
for me?
Oh, babe,
it would be so great
ifyou could just visit
just once, please.
# It shom its face
in expectation #
# and again when
achievement's not enough. #
# The more l gain,
the more l see it, #
# but my heart still cries
it's not enough... #
[phone ringing]
Oh, l'm sory, l thought
this was my phone.
# But l choose not
to listen, #
# cause l knowl'll have
to change. #
# So this empty
still remains. #
You think we
got what we need?
it sounds good.
Hey, Johnny.
Fo-five minutes late,
Man, you guys are
never ready for me.
Ready this time.
What's wrong?
Man, there was a dog barking
Iast night outside
my house and it
just wouldn't stop.
You got anything you
want to talk about?
Hos Tara, Elizabeth?
They're fine.
They're back
at the house right now
and they'rejust
sleeping away like babies.
Sleep, sleep,
beautiful sleep.
lt's so beautiful.
lt's like they have
intestinal worms or something.
lntestinal worms,
you knowthat's a great lyric.
lfyou don't like worms,
howabout seepage?
l've always liked
the word, ''Seepage.''
ln fact seepage
rhymes with sleepage.
They, oh,
they've got seepage
in the sleepage.
you think, Brian?
What's going on
with you?
Man, you don't
even want to know.
What is going on?
You don't want me
to ruin yourworld.
How much oxy
are you taking?
(Johnny C)
It's prescription.
There's no pharmacy label
on this and no doctor.
His name's
not on there.
l never did this.
That's my stuff.
l'm sory, Brian.
It's okay,
but listen, Johnny.
The label is
voicing concern.
lf this gets out,
the Christian market
will turn
on the whole band.
lt's not gonna
happen this time.
You knowwhat?
Can you just go get a drink
ofwater or something?
(Johnny C)
Man, you know
eveybody wants mis,
the money, the fame... make a difference,
send a message, me,
the James project.
l've been drinking
for quite some time now.
Were you, on stage?
What do you think, man?
Tara left me and she took
Elizabeth with her
and they went down
to Texas.
And you knowwhat?
l think it's better
for eveybody, including you
because there's not
gonna be as much tension.
There won't be
all the crying.
l mean good riddance.
Because she's
never happy.
Wm'd she
Ieave you?
She went home.
Why did she
Ieave you, Johnny?
Because l've been
sleeping around, man.
ls matwhatyou
wanted to hear?
Okay, there
l've said it.
You're done.
What do you mean
l'm done?
Wait a second, what about
all those Christian virtues
you talk about all the
time like forgiveness,
compassion and grace?
You knowwhat?
You're real quick tojudge.
Actually l think
l've been too slow.
You knowwhat?
This band is gonna be
nothing without me.
John, as you all agreed when
you signed me partnership,
all monies go
to the spouses.
You'll have to talk to her
bank accounR, eveythi'ng.
l knowthis
will be hard on you.
Let's pray.
Dear Lord Jesus, you say when
two or more are gathered
in your name that
you are here with us.
We pray today that--
(Johnny C)
l was still too strung
out to understand,
butone thing l knew was mat
Chrisianese wasn'tgoing
to save my soul.
...Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
(male radio announcer)
It's T:O, good morning,
Chris and Dawn here with ya.
And Chris has got a big
stoy to tell ya about.
We've got a huge music nem
stoy coming out
of Nashville this morning.
lt looks like Grand Design
Iead singer Johnny C has leR
the band to pursue
a different ministy direction.
Dawn, l'm never sure
exactly what that means.
l think it's short
for he wants to have
his own solo career.
Yeah, maybe.
Well, so now what?
They go out and nd
a new front man?
Well, l mean they could
but James Palmer's always been
the main force behind
Grand Design anyway.
He's got a great voice.
l think they should let
James sing his own songs.
Oh, he doesn't have that
unique Johnny C voice though.
Nobo6 has thatvoice.
Well, we've got
the full stoy
on the web site
The question is though,
does this mean the end
of Grand Design orthe beginning
of a newera forthe band.
Well, James can
do the tourwith us now.
(Johnny C)
Looking back at
self, makes me sick.
l asked hr mercy, but mercy
can only come aMrjudgment.
l asked hr mercy, but mercy
can only come aMrjudgment.
Dear friends,
stop and imagine
for a moment that
there you are in heaven
walking on the streets
of gold, singing,
shouting, ''Gloy.''
But up in front of you,
you see a family
that was your next door
neighbor on earth.
They're sobbing,
cying in terror
this huge angel drags them
to a door marked ''Hell.''
The fatherturns
to you and says,
''Neighbor, why did
you not witness to me?''
Sobbing he turns to
his family and walks
into eternal damnation.
Then you see the Lord,
nail-scarred hands
outstretched and He said,
''l did it all for you.
Why did you not
witness to them?''
Yes, sir,
that's right.
(male preacher)
Ifyou don't
tell them, who will?
The single most
important thing
in the Kingdom of God is
to save the lost.
lmagine, in that
great throne room of God,
you're standing there
and the Lord says,
''So how many souls
did you bring me?''
And behind you are dozens
of people standing, shouting,
thanking God because
you witnessed to them.
What if no one
stood behind you?
Would he say, ''Well done thou
good and faithful saint''?
l think not.
No, l know not.
You want prosperity?
Save me lost.
You want t be happy?
Save me lost.
You want a good life?
Save the lost.
Say this prayer
in your heart wim me.
Lord, l know You want me
to be prosrous and happy
and have a good life
when l save the lost.
No loss anyway,
devil's music.
You can start living
your own life,
do some real work
for the Lord.
Yeah, concerning
that, l want to--
well, l need some help
starting a ministy.
l need money.
You know l can send out the
invitations to speak and sing,
and l can talk to the churches,
work out some love oerings.
You know l can still be
an entertainerjust like you.
Still have that
souped-up car of yours?
Still have that
Cadillac Landau?
Well son, when you have
your own nonprofit organization
set up, let me know.
That's it, l need
help to set it up,
you know legal fees
and what not.
Why'd they
really let you go?
l don't know,
musical differences.
Don't lie to me, son.
l was messing around.
They fired you for doing
a little hound dogging?
Yeah, hound dogging.
A rock 'n' roll star
girls love rock 'n' roll stars:
They fired you forthat?
Yeah, dad,
could you imagine.
lf l was an evangelist
like you, well,
maybe l could have kept
my job.
Your mother knows
who she married.
Does anybody else?
You can live with me.
You can sing a hymn
before l speak.
No, l got work
to do down in Tennessee.
So if l pick up the phone
right now and called James,
he's gonna tell me that's
the reason you got kicked out?
l might have had
a drink or two...
...and maybe
something else.
l don't support
no drug addict
and l can see it
in youreyes.
lt's not like that, dad.
You're unteachable.
l taught you never
to get caught.
Oh, come on, dad.
The next w
monms were a blur.
l had enough money
and friends who liked
my mOney
t keep me busy.
(Johnny C)
l hurt, but
the medicine took it all away.
l wish me next
w months were a blur.
When me money ended,
the pain really began.
Don't leave, you know
l'm good for it, Mule.
When l have ever not
been good for it?
Come on, man.
So tell Bobby to
take a look at it.
You want him
to move them up?
No, just do
something different.
Okay, got ya.
Hey, and get Sydney
a lUnnel.
[cell phone vibrating]
Hey, man,
hos it going?
Fine, man,
good to hearfrom you.
Howyou doin'?
(Johnny C)
Yeah, good, good.
So you guys got
a showtonight.
Yeah, setting
it up now.
(Johnny C)
Yeah, dude, l'm wondering
ifyou could send
SOme mOney my Way.
You know
my money.
Look man,
we had a partnership.
You and l are partners
together in this thing...
...and that's how
we set it up.
Yeah, you are a partner...
...but we signed
that agreement.
The thing is l can't
send you the money.
Look, man,
you can't do that
and you turned o
my cell phone.
Look, l'll keep sending
it to Tara, ask her.
Maybe she can get you
a phone.
No, no, no.
l gotta run.
Call me when
you're clean.
[phone ringing]
Johnny C?
Hello, this
is Jerome Grant
with Crisis Studios.
l'd like to meetwithyou
as quickly as ssible.
Now it's important that
we move fast on this,
quick, quick, like a bunny,
get to market straight away.
l'm okay with that.
So you have songs, then?
Not really.
Okay, well, we've
songwriters, we have songs.
We have stacks of
tracks just ready to go.
Wejust need that little lead
vocal on top, that persona
to cary it out, you know?
Yeah, okay.
But we will have to
pay these songwriters.
Yeah, but you know, man,
l really don't have the money.
All right, you're
a sure thing, mmm?
Think Crisis can be willing to
cary most ofthe risk on this.
We'lljust need $9,OOO,
$10,OOO from you to get
that first Johnny C
solo album out.
l don't know.
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny,
you've got a name right now.
Yeah, you've got
a following.
But ticktock, lad.
You have a w more minutes,
it's been what?
Six months.
We're ready to go.
We've got that material that
you need to stay at the top.
Yeah, but it's not
all about the money.
No, no, it's not
about the money.
lt's also about
the ministy, yeah.
Oh and wait till you
see these lyrics, man.
Deep, l can't even, deep.
You'll be reaching
thousands forthe Gospel
before you know it.
You have the album, the tour
U.K., bus, plane, boat,
whatever it takes,
eveyming you want.
We just need you.
The question is,
do you want it?
Yeah, all right.
(Johnny C)
l need to talk
to Reyes.
What about?
Maybe l got myself
a new record deal.
Record deal?
Back in business, baby.
l just need kind of a small
Ioan to cover some expenses.
What kind
of small business loan
are we talking about,
Ten Gs.
All right,
COMe On.
(Johnny C)
All right!
Johnny C.
Hey, man.
N4 friend,
my brother.
How are you, son?
It's good to see you.
lt's good to
see you as always.
Good to see you too.
Nowfantastic so say it
with me, guaranteed CHR hit.
Platinum on the wall baby,
you knowwhat l'm talking about?
Absolutely. All we need
to do, a little cream,
a little gravy on top,
your little vocals.
A little... that little
rock thing you do.
You do it better than l but you
knowwhat l'm talking about.
Then we start
working on pipelines.
We get the spins on
the Christian radio stations,
which speaking
ofthis vey morning,
l get a phone call
from who?
A radio station
in Dallas saying,
''Oh, cheerio,
Johnny C single.
''On my radio,
l want to hear it?
Can you give it
to me no''
Already people are
calling about this.
Oh, it's fabulous.
We need to start this thing
right away, l mean right away.
Monday's good.
Tony, Monday, Monday?
Thumbs up by Tony,
so we do this Monday then.
All right,
thanks man.
Give me a ring
if you need anything.
Call me, love you.
l'm employed again, man.
You know l'm good
hr it.
Come on, Mule.
lt's rule numberfour
you don't mix
the merchandise customers
with the banking customers.
Because l borrowed
a little money from you,
you're gonna play it
like that?
What's up, Mule, this is you
and me we're talking about?
lt's rule number four
you still got 3 112 week! s
of being a banking customer.
l don't have
What's wrong
with you, Mule?
# What can you do, #
#just hit my knees
and leave it up to you. #
# Sometimes, it hits
like a train. #
# The winds of change
come like a hurricane... ##
lce man's got ya.
Come on, Moxie.
Don't wory, about it, Moxie,
l'll take care of you.
He tried to radiate
you, that's all.
[ice man singing]
(lce man)
Hey, somebody
over there called me.
Yeah, what is a
Kumbaya by the way?
l never heard
what a Kumbaya is.
Hey, hey,
howyou doin'?
Good, you almost succumb
to the radiation,
but Oprah cast
a light over eveything.
She protected you.
You know Keyman
had it right.
lt's the light
out there.
That's the light
that's gonna get ya.
Oh, careful, you don't
wanna knock yourself out.
Where am l?
Well, that's
a good question.
You don't know
where you is?
You should know
by now.
But that don't matter
'cause right now, you knowwe're
in the middle of
a big problem.
There's a war going on
and it's taking over
the entire city.
All of it, except
right here.
The last touch
of reality right here.
Oprah keep tying
to get me to leave,
but l ain't ready
to go yet.
Let's find out
if you're ready to go
'cause l got the .broadband,
single band, scotch malt,
rubber band right here.
Whatever it takes.
(Johnny C)
Mo, l gotta get home.
Hold on, l gotta
find out whether
you can leave yet
or not.
(Johnny C)
l goM get home.
Where you going?
l ain't even made
your coffee yet.
Come on, where you going?
Hey, hey, get back here.
Hey, where you going?
Come back here.
Whoa, ain't no need to get
your britches up in an uproar.
He ain't going with us yet.
We ain't done
with him neither.
# Sometimes it hits
like a train. #
# The winds of change
come like a-- #
(Johnny C)
The narcissist
is rarely lonely.
He's got all the miends
he needs inside himself
butfor me, mey wouldn't
come out and play.
Where've you been, mate?
l've been searching
for you for 2 days.
l got mugged.
You got mugged?
Well, let's have
a look at you then.
Oh, yeah, we're definitely
gonna need some make-up
to coverthat up
for the photo shoot.
No worries, the chicks
dig the scars.
Pipes okay?
Right, then what
are we waiting for?
Got some tracks
for you to work on, yeah?
Got some tracks
for you to work on, yeah?
# l tried eveything
to find you- #
Johnny, you gotta wait for it.
You gotta wait for it.
Come on, man.
You knowjust play it.
Pick it up behre the
firstchorus, all right?
First chorus, here we go.
(Johnny C)
# l tried eveything
to find you. #
Johnny love,
why don't we go and take a 5.
(Johnny C)
Man, it's these lyrics,
they really suck.
No, l understand.
Let's give you a break men.
You've been going
at it for a while.
(Johnny C)
This is so
not cool, man.
This is so underneath
what l'm used to doing,
the music, the lyrics.
lt's like a total notch
down from what l'm used to.
l mean l've been on
another level, man.
You don't even understand
what l've been through.
l do understand.
Spin around and talk
to me for a second.
l'm yourfriend, man.
Look at me,
it's Jerome.
You know me?
This isn't about the music,
it's not about the lyrics.
lt's about something completely
dierent, all right.
You're wound like
a rubber band, mate.
You're about ready
to snap on me, yeah?
Come on, this is
about you, okay?
it's about you.
You need
to relax, man.
See you back
in 10, Johnny.
# Acouple more weeks
and the walls come down. #
# l don't care if
it's East orWest, #
# l just need
to get some rest. #
# l'm home. #
# l'm home. #
#And it's the architecture
of peace #
# and it's the streets,
the lead to release #
# and it's the hallways
and doorways of hope #
#And it's the place
that we call home. #
# Sha, la, sha, la, la. #
# Sha, la, sha, la, la. #
# Sha, la, sha, la,
Ia, la, la, la. #
# Sha, la. #
# ome ##
Marketing called and they are
really getting behind this, huh?
That's good.
Can l get an advance?
Sure, yeah, sure.
l will call accounting
and it will take,
you know some time,
of course,
to push it all
All right, okay.
l can wait.
Well, good foryou,
mate, l'm glad you can
but l'm talking, you know,
a fewweeks.
lt's accounting,
numbers, cray madness,
all that sort of stuff.
But the main thing is, Johnny,
you've nailed this, baby.
This little platinum thing is
gonna be a big platinum thing
just for you and before
time people forget all
about this Grand Design, span
design and focus on Johnny C,
my friend, which is what we
want them to focus on, right?
Right? Yeah?
European, U.K. distribution
my friend, jet setting.
Now l will need you
to be ready for
the studio on Monday morning
okay, so bright and early.
Sleep tight,
don't let the bedbugs bite.
l'm gonna need
a little bit more.
And l will see
you on Monday, yeah?
What's your name?
My name is Johnny C.
l believe you.
l believe you.
[Johnny C singing]
He's off again today.
That's okay.
We'll just slow it down
and make it a worship song.
We'll just, just get
him through this one
the best you can
and we're done with him.
[Johnny C singing]
#And through the tears
and salt #
# and fear and blood,
a love song. #
Okay, we're out.
That's it?
Hey, where'd Jerome go?
Okay, did he mention
anything about a check, advance?
(Johnny C)
Hey, you can't
do that, man.
Got an order
to turn it off.
You knowwhat,
l'm on auto pay.
They take it out
of my account evey month.
Not this month.
Well, let me
at least write you a check.
No, can't do that,
orderto disconnect.
You're gonna have
to go down
to the water department
substation, pay there.
# We don't like
your politicking, #
# get a new life,
get a new love. #
# This is where your
soul needs stitching. #
# Get on thejob,
bang on the drum. #
# Please believe
you're beautiful #
# when you're
not made up. #
# Turn the switch
to give you my love. #
#A soul kiss
it's all over #
# yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Turn the switch
to give you my love #
#A hard itch
and it's never enough ##
Hey, come up here,
l gotta talk to you.
Come on,
it's all right.
l just want to talk to you.
l'm not gonna hurt you.
l just want to
talk to you, okay?
All right, this
ain't working, okay?
l can't get a ride with you
following me like this,
okay, so you gotta move
on further down the road.
Hey, you hearthat?
He wants us to move
on down the road.
Yeah, he think
we're gonna devalue
the prope value
around here.
You knowthe Ice man done
iced up the whole city
and he's worried
about property devaluation.
What am l supposed
to respond to that with?
# To giveyou my love #
#A hard crush
and it gives you the shove ##
There go the neighborhood!
l'm headed to Little Rock,
where you going?
Fort Worth.
Well, l can get you
a little ways down the road.
(Johnny C)
Hey, stp, stop, man, stop.
Stop the car!
l don't want to be making
a bunch of stops.
Stop the car.
Oprah don't stink,
she use beauty fresh.
That's what she do.
You all right, man?
Oh, no.
She's gonna get me.
Get off me.
Get off me.
What happened,
what happened?
Watch this.
You do got to help me.
Oprah's broke. Oprah's gone,
she's the only protection.
You talk like that
to your ride, man.
This ain't got nothin' to do
with no ride.
What you talking
about ride?
This is biggerthan that. This
is more important than that.
Oprah's our only
protection here.
l think all you need is a
new little light thingy there.
Yeah, yeah,
that's what we need,
Oprah, that's
what we need.
You a tech-no-crat.
You's a wizard, you is.
l knowyou can do
something with Oprah.
You can help Oprah.
No, man. Look, l gotta be
on my way to Texas, right.
l'm on
the move right now.
Yeah, looks like it.
Come on, you can help me.
You can--
Look, just beg a
fewquarters, right,
and go to the local hardware
store and they'll put
your Oprah back
in business, okay?
But l gotta get out
of here.
Don't go so fast.
lt'll okay, all right.
Don't go so fast.
Hold on,
don't go so fast.
That's good foryou.
What do you want?
No not here,
too much radiation.
We looking at--you're talking
about at least 500 centigrade.
Come on, we gotta
find some darkness.
You're way
out there, man.
Hey, l'm sory, all
right, l'll be moving on.
l don't want
to bother you.
[fly buzzing]
l wish that bug
zapper would work.
l do believe
that you could fix Oprah up.
l believe you got talent
Mr. Moxie on Oxy.
My name's Johnny, okay?
And l'm a singer.
You a troubadour
a troubadour?
Yeah, you do wear
a lot of costumes.
You got the
army man costume
and you got the moxie
on oxy costume.
No, l don't see no
troubadour costume on ya.
No, a troubadour, you
knowwhat l'm sayin'.
Well, l tell you every day.
Why don't you
sing me a song?
You know a lot
ofthem too.
You know, ''Swing Low.''
Oh, never mind,
don't sing that one.
l'm a little, howyou say,
culturally burnt out on that.
No, l don't
do that, man.
Come on then fire up the
troubadour. Entertain me.
No, l don't have
a band anymore.
Don't tell me that.
No, don't say that.
He got your band?
lt radiated your band?
Band radiation, radiation
band, band radiation.
All around.
They all around you.
l can feel the
band of radiation.
All the planets
is circling
and flying right around the
troubadour on you at the center.
Do you ever shut up?
You fix Oprah,
she'll protect the both of us.
Okay, l fix
your bug zapper
and you're gonna give me
some peace and quiet, right?
All right,
Iet's ty this.
You ready?
Let's plug her in.
Three, two, one.
Ah, Oprah's back!
You got her, you did it!
You did it! You did it!
Mr. Moxie,
you did it!
You fixed Oprah, l knew it.
Radiation's gone.
You fixed Orpah.
You a good man.
Hey, hey where
you going?
Hey, hey, man, do you mind
if a get a ride with you
just a little bit further
down the road?
(Johnny C)
This is the part
where l go running home
and eveyone welcomes me.
The prodigal son, the wayward
husband, me long lostfriend.
They welcome me
back, warts and all.
Johnny, Johnny.
come on, Johnny.
You're coming home.
(Johnny C)
The great thing about
Christian love, so accep'ng.
Whatever it takes
as long as l come home.
One step forward,
man, you can do it.
Keep walking.
Come on, man,
just drop the bags.
Drop 'em Johnny.
Don't cary 'em,
you can come home.
Man, just drop
the bags.
Come on, man.
Just come on.
come on, Johnny.
[Tara, frank,
and James continue]
Please. Keep coming.
Just cross over.
Don't turn around.
No. Johnny, come on.
Don't turn back,
keep stepping forward.
Don't turn away.
Hey, babe, it's me.
Yeah, l'm here.
l just got into town.
No, hey, hey, hey,
don't hang up.
No, no, look, l just--
l just need a--
Excuse me,
are you Johnny C?
Johnny C, right here.
l knew it.
He's from here, stupid.
Are you going
back to Grand Design?
Oh, no, l bet you're
doing a solo project.
Can you give us some
privacy hr a second? Thank you.
Take care, Johnny C.
Take care.
What are you doing here?
What can l get forya?
Uh, yeah, l think
maybe a number three.
Okay, and you?
Please, you
nish your sandwich
and then go back
to Tennessee.
You knowwhat?
Weren't you gone be the lead
singer of Grand Design after me?
You're too short.
What in the world
does that mean?
lt means your dreams of
singing in front of thousands
in the arena is not
gonna happen, Frank.
l don't want to
be the lead singer
for some stupid
Christian band.
What l do is
more important.
That's right,
you're a worship leader.
That's right.
You've always
hated me, Frank.
l don't hate you.
Of course you wouldn't
because then you wouldn't be
''acting'' like a Christian.
Tara fell for the voice
and peormance,
who's really acting?
You know maybe you
got a point there.
Your number three.
(Johnny C)
Thank you.
Looks like l chose
the right number.
l love my sister.
And you love making
music for the Lord.
Maybe you should ty some
ofthis. It's really good.
Leave her alone.
She's my wife, Frank,
and she's got my money.
ls that why you're here?
l'm here to
make things right.
Well, then make
them right by leaving
and never seeing her again.
Can l get you
anything else?
No, he's done here.
You better be out
of town by this afternoon.
So Tresa's Kitchen,
interesting name.
Actually l get
that a lot.
lt's pronounced Teresa,
but you can call me T.
Well, T it is.
Oh, hey, babe, you weren't
supposed to be here.
Tara, come on!
You, you put Tara up
to this, didn't you?
And James, you put
them both up to this?
Some kind of professor
you are, right?
Some student.
l don't suppose you'd give
me a ride and a place to stay?
You a believer?
What kind of
question is that?
Of course l'm a believer, you
knowthe songs l sing, Proff.
l gotta run.
l don't knowwhere to go.
Get a ride.
l' stupid.
(Johnny C)
l'm tying to get
a hold ofJerome.
Uh-huh, well, he told
me that he'd have
an advance ready for me.
No, l'm just tying to get
a hold of him to talk to him.
All right...
yeah, l understand.
Oprah ain't talking t me.
You don't have any
power in here, that's why.
Not even any
vanilla ice man power?
Not even any
vanilla ice man power.
We gonna be okay?
Yeah, you'll be okay.
Well, good, well don't stand
at the threshold, come on in.
Welcome to
Dumbarton Gardens.
Ty to use the revolving
door next time.
Believing is
an act of action.
Believe me, oh, believe me.
Uh-uh, uh-uh, come on,
you gotta get up out of here.
Come on, Mr.
you got to go:
No, this here is my
mattress, you gotta go.
You in the corner
l'm on the mattres!s.
Come on, let's go.
Look, l fixed your
little bug zapper.
l get a little
space here, right?
Hey, don't go disrespecting
Oprah one more time.
Next time you get backed
into the corner
You don't have to say
something about Oprah.
l don't like that.
Come on, get off
my mattress, get, get.
l'm sory,
all right?
''Oh, look, Popeye,
l'm sory.''
You say you sory,
but you ain't sory.
We knowyou
ain't sorry.
Why is eveyone
always so mad at me?
Me! Me! Me! Me!
Always with the me.
Take your pack, get out
'cause this is mine.
This is mine.
You knowwhat? l'm gonna
finally get rid ofyou right now
and l'm out of here.
See ya later.
Have fun in here.
Pay your bill
on the way out too.
# Yeah. #
[music and bar chatter]
l need a gin and soda,
margarita on the rocks, no salt.
All right.
She really moves
my world, man, you know?
l mean she sings
like her old man, right?
And she's smart too.
She's like reading 4th grade
material in the first.
Apparently, she's--
she read a whole book
and l mean l'm not talking
about the pictures.
She read the words.
My wife used to keep me up
to date on all the stuff
that Elizabeth was doing.
Sounds like yourwife knom
a lot about your daughter.
Yeah, l used to be up on all
the stuffthat she's doing
but now l'm missing
all that now.
l'm missing it.
Sounds like yourwife didn't
need to take your daughter away
for you
to be missing stuff.
Just give me
another drink.
Hey, let's settle up.
Pal, you need to pay
your bill and hit the road.
You're done.
You're done.
You're done,
hit the road.
All the girls
l've loved before.
[horn honking]
(Johnny C)
What's your problem?
Just hanging out.
Whatyou doing, Moxie?
No, don't--don't go
near the light, Moxie!
[tires screeching]
What'd you do, man?
What'd you do?
l see curtains.
There's no curtains.
l see curtains.
Yeah, you wearing them.
You and your troubadour
band, you wear curtains.
You're all dressed up.
You got bands
of radiation all around you.
Ain't that right,
Mr. Troubadour?
No, it's not.
Yeah, sure it is.
You the one said it.
l didn't say it,
you stupid fool.
l thought you
had died for me.
What's going on?
Ask Mr. Troubadour.
He the one
with all the answers.
l'm not a troubadour.
Are you okay?
No, l thought you.
l thought you--
You an imposter.
Yes, sir,
Mr. Troubadour, man.
Oh, yes, sir.
Here's your bagel
with cream cheese,
Mr. Troubadour Imposter.
And how about that?
Here comes your bistro
buffet, Mr. Imposter, huh?
l thought you
had died for me.
We all your players.
You play us,
we believe you.
You feed us,
we fall foryou.
l fell foryou.
l believed you.
You can't con a con.
You can't play
me anymore, John.
Are you a believer?
a self-absorbed mess.
Sounds like you been
missing out all along.
Get real, John,
or you're lost.
# Break my heart. #
(Johnny C)
It's quite a picture when you
see the real you painted
with such ugly strokes.
# Break my heart. #
# Would break my heart
'cause l can't separate #
# the things that break
your heart. #
# Break my heart. #
l need ajob.
Thought you
lived in Nashville.
Not anymore.
Yeah, well, what can
you do besides sing?
l've cleaned
toilets before.
You know l just don't want
to be who l used to be.
who's that?'
Acon, somebody that
tricks people, a liar.
So nowyou're gonna
play the humbled hero?
No, l'm
not playing.
Yeah, well
we'll see. Get in:
Yeah, James, thought it would
be good to have each band member
get a specificjob and l
ended up with the di work.
You believe he was
right in doing that?
No, l hated it.
What do you
believe anyway?
l believe l really want to
get my life straightened out.
Oh, yeah, why?
'Cause you got caught,
'cause you lost control,
'cause you think it's the
answer eveybody wants to hear?
You know, John,
if l was standing
in a boat
and l believed
that l could walk on water
what would my actions be?'
You step out
ofthe boat.
What you believe is
not what you say.
lt's what you do or don't do
that reveals what you believe.
# l met You like a little child,
wide4yed and mystified #
# that You could
Iove even me, yeah. #
# So l'm here to testify
that it's been #
# an amazing ride
with You, #
# and l have
neverwalked alone. #
# Wanna give You evey
moment, evey minute. #
# It takes a lifetime to
knowYou, to knowYou. #
#And the more You show me,
the moreYou growme, #
# the more Your gloy
becomes all there is. #
#And the more l knowYou,
the more l need You, #
# the more l love You,
the more You become to me. #
# Oh, oh, oh, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah. #
# l want to give you evey
moment, evey minute. #
# l'll take a lifetime
to knowYou, Lord. #
# Keep me. #
# Drawme closer evey
moment l'm alive. #
#And the more You show me,
the moreYou growme, #
# the more Your glory becomes
all there is for me. #
# Oh ah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah. ##
# Oh ah, nah, nah,
nah, nah, nah, nah. ##
What are you
doing here?
l guess l didn't
pay my rent.
You knowyou
might want to change.
l can't go
to your church.
lt's not
my church.
You got married there,
l can't do that.
Can't orwon't?
Frank made it
vey clearto me,
Tara doesn't want me
there either, okay?
Okay, fine.
(Johnny C)
This is Chrisfl'an cIich
number one, prodigal son,
hearing the music usually
~Just as l am~
walks in and down the aisle,
eveyone rejoices.
Good morning.
Bless you.
[worship music playing]
# Give me the grace that
You gave through Your son. #
# Teach me to love
the unlovable ones. #
# Show me the truth
ofYour Holy Word. #
# l want to become
the salt ofthe earth. #
# Because ofYour grace. #
# l will love my brother, #
# no matterwhat he's done
because ofYour grace. ##
Hey, hos Elizabeth?
l'm going to go
pick her up now.
Tara, look, l'm sory. Tara,
l know l've been a jerk...
but l can't say
l might not mess up again.
You don't get it.
But l've changed.
l'm not the same
guy l used to be.
You might not
mess up again.
Good-bye, Johnny.
Come on, John,
get inside.
Look, l tried to
make amends, all right?
l took out the trash,
worked my body to the bone.
l even apologized,
you kno
So l'm sory, John.
l forgot to hand you
your merit badge.
This is serious, man.
You knowwhat?
l've done everything
l could
and she still
won't take me back, okay?
Well, why should she?
Because l'm the father of
her child and l'm her husband.
l'm willing to ty to
turn my life around, okay?
You sound just like her.
Just drive o, forget it.
# l'm dying inside,
at the end of my rope. #
# l don't want to fall
but l'm out of control: #
# The chasm below
is calling my name #
# 'cause letting go now
would murderthe pain. #
# If losing in life is losing
it all, l'm finding myself #
# all alone in this fall. #
# With nothing to gain and
nothing to lose and nothing #
# but numb,
l don't knowwhat to do. #
#And l can't run
and l can't hide. #
# l'm out oftime. #
#And l'm gonna
chance to choose #
# to followYour heart
and believe. #
# l'm gonna lose myself
and start again on my knees. #
#And l'm gonna chance
to choose again. #
# l feel like a match that's
burned past the red. #
# l know if l strike all
my punches fall dead. #
# l'm beating the air forfar
too long and living in fear #
# and l'm just too far gone. #
#And l can't run
and l can't fly. #
# There's no more time. #
#And l'm gonna
chance to choose #
# to followYour heart
and believe. #
#And l'm gonna lose myself
and find the way to be free. #
#And l'm gonna
chance to choose #
# to be who you
want me to be. #
#And l'm gonna lose myself
and start again on my knees. #
#And l'm gonna
chance to choose. #
# Step before me,
life or death. #
# Now or never. #
# Push me overthe edge. #
# Push me overthe edge. ##
l guess he's seen too many
Christian movies where you come
to Jesus and all your
problems are fixed.
Tell that to Stephen.
He came to Jesus and
became the first martyr.
Is he gonna be
all right?
l don't know.
The Lord doesn't
despise a contrite heart.
l don't mink
he's there yet.
Maybe l should
come down?
And do what?
l don't know, help him.
Well, that's
selfish ofyou.
Of me?
That's pretty harsh.
l just want to help.
Help him or help
yourselffeel better?
You know sometimes
l hate the day l met you.
Yeah, get
that one a lot.
Look, he's got
a choice to make.
lfwe ty to shortcut the
process and make it easier
for him, then it's gonna
be that much harder
for him to make
the right choice.
# l'm gonna chance to
choose to follow#
#Your heart
and believe. #
#And l'm gonna lose myself
and start again on my knees. #
# l found the way
to be free. #
# l'm falling down
on my knees, #
# and l'm gonna chance
to choose again. ##
l can't get a
hold ofJerome, okay?
He said they were
shipping 50,OOO units,
presales were
going amazing.
What do you mean gone?
Have you talked
to him?
l don't have
his number, Tony!
What do you mean the locks
are changed, to the studio,
to Crisis Studios?
What about
my money, Tony?
What about
my money, Tony?!
Whatyou looking at?
Who you seeing now?
Who you
reflecting upon?
Who looking back
at you?
You the mirror man,
that's who you is.
The mirror man.
l'm not
the mirror man.
''Oh, l'm not
the mirror man.''
Oh, yes you is.
Fo sho you is,
you're mirror man.
l seen that.
l'm not
the mirror man.
l'm not
the mirror man!
l'm not Moxie, l'm
not yourtroubadour
and l'm not
a con man!
Yeah, but that's
what you want to be,
that's what you want!
You want to be that.
And if you ain't something,
you're nothing
and right now all you is
is ugly.
You're real ugly.
Come on, Oprah,
we gotta take this.
Hey, Pro.
Why did you ask me
if l was a Christian,
you know,
a while back?
You mean a believer?
Why do you think
l asked you, John?
Romans 10:9 says
two things.
The first is that you
confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord.
But l confessed evey night
all across the county
in front ofthousands
of people.
Yeah, but there's
a second part.
You believe in your heart
that He rose from the dead.
So what does believe
Iook like, John?
l don't know.
Well, l guess
you better find out.
# Push me
overthe edge. #
# Push me
overthe edge. #
# Oh, oh. #
Yeah, l don't
believe you.
l knowyou don't.
l've given you plenty
of reasons not to.
Please forgive me,
[Elizabeth singing
in Spanish]
(Johnny C)
My daughter is
so beautiful.
l think ifs the
rsttime l gaed
at her without looking
at myself first.
All right,
you can go play.
l knowl've let you down
and l've broken our covenant.
l've lived for me
and not for us.
l completely understand
ifyou couldn't forgive me.
l forgive you.
(Johnny C)
But l don't know.
l don't know if l want
to get back together.
l understand.
You can say
the words,
but l don't know
if in another hour,
you're gonna be back
to the same games.
[Eliabeth singing]
And even though
you're herfather,
l can't even trust you
to be alone with her.
Tara, what can l do
to earn back that trust?
A long track record...
...of keeping your word.
(Johnny C)
Part of me is
really saddened.
l would love to have
a quick fix, but she's right.
l would love to have
a quick fix, but she's right.
So you expect eveyone
to actually believe
that you're
a changed man?
No, but l was
hoping they would.
No, man,
l can't.
lt's all right, John,
it's yours ifyou want it.
All right.
Thanks, man.
Do you still play?
Who says l don't?
l mean like
recording and touring?
So it's more noble to be
ajanitorthan be a musician?
ls that all you
see, ajanitor?
So you think you'll
ever hit the stage again?
lf there was purpose.
You knowwhat, man?
l mean...
They don't believe me.
l mean what happens
if l can't get Tara back?
Then Tara doesn't
come back to you.
You can pull the nails
out ofthe board
but you still gotta deal
with the hole.
So whatever happened
to walking down the aisle
and eveything's
always all right?
Why did you walk
down the aisle, John?
lf you start to followJesus,
you want to serve Him,
be His disciple,
just walking down the aisle
to get yourselffixed?
That's still all
about you, isn't it?
You have to seek Him
first, put Him first,
all this other stuff
will follow.
Yeah, man.
Hey, by the way,
l spoke to the senior pastor.
He said maybe we can use another
janitor around here for a while.
You interested?
You mean l'd be
working with you?
All right.
(Johnny C)
You're really
cray, aren't ya?
l knowthat.
You got family?
Of course,
l got family.
Thank you vey
kindly for asking.
That's it?
For now.
You get back with
your wife yet?
Not yet.
l don't think
she wants me back.
Oh, man, l know
l know exactly
what you're talking
about that there.
N4, my wife's whole
family didn't like me.
l can't imagine why.
l wasn't all just about good
Iooks back then, you understand.
l had intellect.
We're gonna be
in the same church
so we're gonna be
really uncomfortable.
Yup, comfort the oppressed,
oppress the comfortable.
l bet you spend a lot
oftime in soup kitchens
all overthe place, right?
Yeah, yeah, as a matter
offact that's true.
l mean l knowall
ofthem, the whole area.
l mean l knowall
ofthem, the whole area.
The one down
in Dallas.
That's kind
ofthe best one.
You knowthe story
about the prodigal son?
Of course, the prodigal son,
l love that stoy.
That's a really
good one.
You knowthe soup panty
down in Dallas?
That's the one
that told that.
He told itjust right.
That man know how
to tell that stoy.
You the prodigal son now?
(Johnny C)
l'm not a Christian
rock star anymore.
My wife doesn't know if she
wants to get back tether.
My dad doesn'ttrust me and at
some int, l'm gonna have
to deal with a mad loan shark
missing O grand, but now
instead ofwearing the cosmes,
l'm learning to take them off.
# Masquerading as
a man with a reason, #
# my charade is the
event ofthe season. #
#And if l claim to
be a wise man, #
# it surely means
that l don't know. #
# On a stormy sea
of moving emotion. #
# Tossed about l'm like
a ship on the ocean. #
# l set a course
forwinds offortune, #
# but l hear
the voices say. #
# Cary on my
wayward son. #
# Forthere'll be peace
when you are done. #
# Lay your weay head to rest,
now don't you cy no more. #
# Cary on, #
# you will always remember. #
# Cary on, #
# Nothing equals
the splendor. #
# Nowyour life's
no longer empty. #
# Surely heaven
waits foryou. #
# Cary on
my wayward son. #
# Forthere'll be peace
when you are done. #
# Lay your weay head
to rest. #
# Now don't you
cy no more. #
# Like a note thrills in a song
When l play it again, #
# it's gone 'cause it
was never in the sound #
# And it keeps me wanting
that mysterious thing. #
# Like a night is waiting
for a dawn #
# Evey prayer l say #
# a little closer #
# to my resting place. #
# a little closer #
# Where my final breath is the
beginning to never needing #
#And l will find my last Amen,
my lastAmen #
#And while
the thrills are fading #
# Thejoy is
in the waiting #
# Somewhere
in the grand design #
# it's good
to be unsatisfied. #
# It keeps the faith
of hope a little more alive. #
#A little closer
a little closer. #'
# Where my final breath is the
beginning to never needing #
#And l will find my lastAmen
my lastAmen #
# Amen, my amen. #
# en. #
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