Imprisoned: Survival Guide for Rich and Prodigal (2015) Movie Script

(400 Days Earlier...)
- You damn kids and your streaking!
- Sorry, lady
Shame on you!
Have you got the address?
I'll come pick you up
Hi, Auntie! (Argot for swearing)
Screw the address! There're
guys want to kill me!
Just around the corner down the hill.
Come quickly!
He's over there! Hold it, stop!
Hold it, stop!
Did anybody see
the plate number?
What he looked like?
I could recognize his buttock
Lean and firm, very solid
Yeah, that's right
- Solid!
- Boss, don't!
(300 Days Earlier...)
Island South
One of the priciest
area on earth
The only place fit for
my high-end living style
(Stanley Prison)
Eyes straight ahead. Move it
The morning paper
said a rich brat
was going to jail
for drunk driving
I'm that rich brat
If you ask how I felt?
Right then, not much
Because I was still high
One diamond watch
A set of keys. Cash. One wallet
Your earring! Take it off!
People seemed to be
talking so loudly
And that's not rude?
Don't move!
Once I was in new uniform
got my hair cut
and had photos taken
I started to feel like
I'd entered a whole other world
Why were my legs shaking?
Because my cabinets were
about to be searched
And we all know what that means
But what most don't think about
are the three
directions involved
In, Up, Down
Pay attention! Stand straight!
Dang, brother. What
are so jumpy for?
We're about to be
cavity searched
Who wouldn't be scared?
In this day and age?
Cavity searches?
It's all X-ray scans now
Hakken Lam, you're up
Nelson Yu, you're up
Sir, the machine's down
Hey! I already passed it
We'll do it manually
- Got it. Switching to manual mode - If
the machine is down, you can fix it.
- He said manually, didn't you hear?
- I already passed!
Sir, it's working again
You heard him, it's fixed!
Let go, or I'll file complaints!
Complaint? Oh, I'm so scared!
Are you?
Oh, sure
My hands are shaking now
So scared, I'm going...In!
Damn, relax
The worst is over,
it's civilized now
simpler then what
you're thinking
I hoped that search
was the end of my nightmare
and not the beginning
I bet your impression
of jail-life, like mine
came from that movie
"Prison on Fire"
That it's a horrifying place
filled with thugs
But I never expected
the inmates looked the
same way as the movie
Hey, let me in, let me in.
- I'm good for two smokes
- Beat it, roach
How many times did we tell you?
Get lost
Twenty in the hall, all
accounted for, Sir
3602438, Hakken Lam
Armed assault, two years
3609981, Nelson Yu
Reckless driving,
eighteen months
Hey, Szeto
Show some respect!
Sorry, sir
Debrief these newbies for me
Yes, sir
Over here, you two
Stand straight and listen up
- Stand closer, Dummy!
- Stand straight!
The rule here is
there are no rules
You guys follow orders.
Don't screw around
When the officer is
here, listen to him
When he's not, follow
what I've said
Because I'm the boss
- Understand?
- Got it
Anything unclear?
All clear
Move it
Sharpen up
Boss...Hey, buddy.
What group you with?
Oh, you're not a made man
Let me tell you
Don't try to pretend
you're a made man
Making up gang cred
will get you busted up
Hey, Roach
No threatening the
new guys, got it?
We're civilized in here
Just giving him some advice
Mister Roach
what's that older guy
over there doing?
Oh, making a joy
bag...a bubble tube
You mean...
For jerking off
So...a love cup?
But don't you worry this thing now.
I'll watch your back
A lot of people here respect me
Thanks so much, Mister Roach
Don't call me Roach
Only Szeto can call me that
My last name is Ng
Just call me Ng Jai, got it?
Move it, Roach!
Always in the way
Sorry, sorry
The Chief officer is here
Let it go
I want to clarify
something for you all
You already know Hakken
is in for assault
But he's also accused of rape
The witness never
showed in court
so that charge won't stick
That's it
No further details
Hakken, right? Rapist?
The name of the Chief
officer is Lik
You can tell by his
shit-eating face
that he loves messing with us
$0 you got grabby, eh?
What kind of girl
did you feel up?
Tell us about it
Just a private model
Oh, taking dirty pictures?
They couldn't prosecute!
I'm innocent!
Hold it! You can tell
your defense to the judge
Sorry, but I hope you understand
Unlike the jury in court
In this cell we run a
different ruling system
But, we do still have a jury
Jury? Your verdict is?
Beat him to death!
Goddamn it!
The verdict hasn't
even been handed out
Don't you know that there
is due procedure to follow?
Don't you know?
I thought you said
they were civil?
Of course they are
but punishing sex offenders...
he's got it coming
Let's do this again
Gentlemen of the jury,
your verdict is?
Beat him!
Wait, wait, wait
I'm gonna take a piss
Let's get out of the way
You don't want to get
caught up in that
I, Zhang Fei
command this bridge! (Singing
lines from "Three Kingdoms")
Actually, she'd already
agreed to a hand job!
But I just couldn't
control myself!
Couldn't control yourself?
The great general
can stand this...
no more!
One moment!
What the heck are they doing?
TV series "Three Kingdoms"
has been very popular lately
Everyone's totally into it
Brother Zhang Fei, he
is in our jurisdiction
If you insist on
taking action on him
surely we should come
to an agreement, yes?
General Zhou must have
a grand opinion on it?
I would not say a grand opinion
But it seems you are insistent
So I, Zhou Yu, will not stand
watching the attack from a far
Why not rally all the generals
and vanquish the
villain Lu Bu earnest!
It'll be a good show!
Have they nothing better to do?
What the hell? That
piece of junk is Lu Bu?
Hey, maybe he is a brave warrior's started
cross the divide,
defeat the generals!
That's no big deal
If my leg wasn't like this
I'd kick him into next week
Beat him!
Keep it down
The beating is not quite legit
Beat him, but easy
on the lockers
Chief Officer Lik is here
Everyone up and at attention!
Hey, shut it.
Put your shirt back on
What's going on?
You all fighting?
No, sir
Some druggie was
walking just slipped
Looks serious for a slip
How is my report supposed
to explain all that
Uh, a dozen of us
watched him slip
He hit the corner of the bed
bounced over to the wall
then bounced back to
the bed corner again
See, right over here
Uncle Dat, you're the
most honest one here
Did you witness their fighting?
I'm really sorry, sir
I was sitting here
facing the other way
Didn't see anything
Everyone agrees that he
fell by himself, right?
But I'm not sure he would agree
That's all, then
You two, carry him out
You should be more careful
Seriously, falling
down for no reason
falling down!
Uncle Dat, your mag
Don't be shooting holes in it
Wow, a skin mag from '84
Every girl in there's
older than my mom!
And they're still
able to get off on it
If they knew how I used to party
even just hearing the story
would probably get them off
(Just before prison)
This is May,
my actual girlfriend.
Isn't she pretty?
I really do love her
because she's perfect
in every way
Except her figure
It's just that it wasn't
until after England
that I knew what love meant
Better yet, what
"making love" meant
But no matter how
much I played around
May was always the
one in my heart
Even my HKGolden forum login
ID was inspired by her
(G F-Has-Mini-Titties)
Let me introduce you
This is Vivian, a chick I keep
on the side for 50k a month
Check her out...
She even knows how to
yoga-pose when she blows
You can tell it's like
a mission for her
(Baby May)
Hello, baby
Where are you?
Nowhere, just meeting
up with friends
What's with your face? a...cramp
I'll call you right back, ok?
You have a leg cramp?
See me down here
how difficult it is?
Never had a cramp
You are so gorgeous!
Wait, wait
Clean that up
They're partying
outside...let's go
All clear...
Hello, everybody. I'm late
- Latecomer!
- Whoah!
That's a museum-quality rack...
What an aura!
Even Vivian has got
to make room for her
Actually, Vivian understands
our arrangement
And even knows the right time
to provide assistance
Your friend is drunk
I'll go send him home
Wait a sec
While you're at it, have
the valet get my car
I firmly believe...
that every Hong Kong
girl has a G-spot
No, wait. A weak spot
Every Hong Kong girl's
G-spot is materialistic
My brand new Maserati
proved the rule again
girls get wet once they're in
So naughty
Why do supercars
use V12 engines?
As said on HKGolden Forum
The louder your car engine roars
the louder your
girl moans in bed
What's wrong? What happened?
My new paint...
Hello? I'm at Aldrich Bay Park
There's a Maserati here,
license plate SV7102
He just ran over an old lady
Send someone over, quickly
Hey, he's getting back into the car!
Forget the details, he is taking off!
Well? Can we go now?
Move it
Granny, are you okay?
Don't arrest me
Well? Can you get into the van?
I don't feel too well, officer
Can I help you, ma'am?
I'm his mother
I'm the attorney for
the party involved
I want to go home
Nelson? Are you okay?
- I don't feel well, Mamma
- Everything alright?
Don't worry, Mommy's here.
Don't you worry
Hey, you're the mother, right?
Your son drove drunk
struck a pedestrian, and fled
I'm arresting him
Have you checked
him for injuries?
He didn't ask to be checked
Not asking means he
doesn't need it?
Then how do you know
whether he's injured?
He said himself he's fine
You can't take that
attitude with my mom!
It's okay. Just sit down
Unless he asks, he
doesn't need checking?
Don't you see his mental state?
Do you know if he has
internal injuries?
Mr. Wong, take down
his badge number
- Sure - File a complaint
with his supervisor
What's your badge number?
Mom may have gotten the
better of that cop
but two clays later,
I still went to jail
The defendant, Nelson Yu
standing accused of
reckless driving
in consideration of
a plea of guilty
is hereby sentenced
to 18 months...
The time is now 6:30am
All inmates must now rise
The time is now 6:30am
Boss, wake up
Hey, s-s-sorry, buddy
W-w-wake up, man
Get up!
Wake up now!
Sorry about that
Ever since Marx's Das Kapital
I started to understand
that all our actions
revolve around the
evil that is money
In prison, everything revolves
around the evil
that is cigarettes
And prison is an
evil cigarette world
Morning, Boss (grunts)
You know, Szeto cutting
in line I can understand
but why can everyone
else jut right in?
They have smokes
Hey! Oh! Morning, sir
You all know what prison
commerce means, right?
It means as long as you
have no cigarettes
even a scumbag can
push you around
What do you want?
Set-meal A
Oh, set-meal A
What's wrong with that?
Nothing wrong. The food
is guaranteed to be safe
Then I'll switch to Set B time!
Hi, Auntie! (Argot for swearing)
Eat up!
Hey! That's outta line
You're cleaning it up
What is this?
It tastes really off
Doesn't it taste a
lot like dish soap?
That question
was the talk of the town
and I was stupid
enough to pick meal A
Want better choices?
If you have cigarettes then you
can score real food like them
A lot of working stiffs
think work is worse than prison
But nothing is
worse than working
while you're already in prison
Here, work means
paying down debt
But a new guy like me?
I'd have to endure an entire month
before I could buy a pack of smokes
it's worse than North Korea!
New guys not only make nothing
they also get the
worst work in laundry
...handling "pastries"
Oh, god!
Are those feces in these briefs?
That so damned strange?
Hey, I saw a load of
feces where inside
was a wholly intact
piece of vegetable
It was a mess
but the vegetable was untouched
Pretty damned weird, right?
- What the hell, man!
- You're getting it everywhere
That any worse than this?
Hey, you got some nerve
Sorry, sorry
He's just not used to it
How about a little slack
We'll straighten this right up
Make it quick. That's messed up
Hurry up! It stinks!
Got it all over my
pants, you degenerate...
Sorry, Uncle Dat
Got you all caught up in this
Forget it
When everyone's a tough
guy, you just suck it up
What, are you going
to throw up again?
Then pull one out
I mean smoke one
The guards know it's a lousy job
They'll let it go
I don't have any
Here's two. Call it a loan
Thanks, Uncle Dat
One good deed today
Returns in spades tomorrow
It's fine
I'm not worried about
the cigarettes
Keep it safe
It's gonna go quick
Way more appropriate, here
Hey, you have any smokes?
Let's Happy-share
We share one
Hang on
How does this one count?
Let's not make this awkward
Here, you and I each grab an end
Guess which side is longer
Get it right, it's on me
Yours is longer
Here's the middle
Bad guess. It's on you
Now we share
Roach always had a
new way to gamble
for smokes and he'd
win every single time
I knew he was cheating
but in this whacked-out world
what choice have I got?
You know what?
If you can dig up
three packs of smokes
I can get someone to
sub you for a day
You screwing with me?
I only earn one pack
even if I did a
month of pastries
So you're telling me to
do three months there
in return for one day off?
B-b-but you can get someone
to write-in for you
Meaning someone
buys them for you
On family visit day
You can ask your
relatives make a deposit
into this account
What's the rate?
Two grand, five packs
Then that's...4()O per pack?
That's how it is in here
How fast will I get it
Soon, once the money's there
Another shakedown
What's that mean?
It's a surprise
raid for contraband
See, if the guards get word of
something they jump in right away
If they dig anything up,
then...the whole block
will collect smokes
and give it to a fall guy
who gets reported
Then how much does
the fall guy get?
Two packs...b-but he
has to do solitary
How do you know this?
Why wouldn't I?
Hey! What's he up to?
Penis Pearling
How does that work?
He gives an implant
to your under part
Takes lot of skills
for this trade
You can special order
one for yourself
Hey look...he's filthy
Ming's skill is excellent
A lot of people
come back in here
just to have him do one for them
Come back just for that?
Bullshit? There's Sum Lam
He's got seven pearls
Seven of them?
I finally understood how
Sum Lam got his name
I thought the characters
meant "deep blue"
Wait. That should be
"spiky sea cucumber"
There's no need to admire this
You don't have it now,
but you'll get it
Hey, do people here
pick up their soap?
Why not pick it up'?
Won't someone take
advantage and...
stick you in the rear?
Just an urban myth
Mommy, I never realized how much
you cared until I got locked up
Let me just say that
I truly love you
But please wire money
soon to the account below
Do it right after you read this
Dear May, I'm late in writing
because I don't know what to say
And though you haven't
been by in so long
I completely understand
I trust that our love
will stand the test
In prison, the time I
look forward to most
are the outdoor breaks
It's only during that hour
that I can really relax
What are you doing here,
feeding mosquitoes?
Come, there's something
we should discuss
The hell are you laughing at?
Come here. Don't worry
Get over there
Move it
It's like this
Countries have laws and
prisons have rules
Now that you're
here, you're family
but our organization
must protect itself
I understand
My boss wants to know
if this butt-head doing a
write-in for you on the side
We didn't have an agreement
We were just chatting
Ok, I like your confidence
Wolfy, explain it to him
I'm telling you right now
if you want to write-in
you can't do it on the side
It's gotta be an
approved purchase
Twelve hundred for one
ticket, that's ten packs
minus one pack for
transaction fee
So that's twelve hundred
for four packs?
How do you get four out of that?
You said one ticket
was five packs
One ticket is ten
packs, that's official!
Minus one for commission
and that's nine packs, moron!
What? How can you pull
a cheat like that?
No no no
l-|-l think you
remember it wrong
See? The truth comes to light
Hey. Take him to the dark corner
Ok, boss
Brother Szeto! Brother Szeto!
Please don't!
Somewhere without the sunshine!
Brother Szeto! Brother Szeto!
Under the shade
Brother Szeto!
You want extra helpings?
How about I feed you some wings!
It was me. It's my fault
I asked him to write-in for me
How about this...
Since I didn't know
about the system
how about I write you
in for ten packs
as an apology?
if everyone did it
on the side like you
Then...the system
would be out of funds
It's not just for
the boys in here
Out there...
Lots of guys are doing
their part out there!
Then what do you
propose, brother Szeto?
50 packs, deal?
Alright, since you
get the picture
Hold off
No need to break him into pieces
Thank you, Brother Szeto!
I will send some someone
who tell you how to pay
Thank you, Brother Szeto!
Thank you, Brother Szeto!
Are you alright?
Thank you Brother Nelson.
Thank you, boss
Boss, what boss?
You took me for a fool
You wanted two thousand
for five packs?
Those guys said twelve
hundred for nine!
You wanted a cut almost
four times higher!
If I'd put in a hundred grand
you'd get over
five hundred packs
You scammer!
Harder, harder, boss, harder!
Hit me
Sorry, boss
Have a smoke first! Smoke!
This one's on me. It's on me...
It's my fault! It's my fault!
I already put a hundred thousand
into the account you gave me
But each month, ok?
I know
And that other
account I gave you
Remember to put fifty
grand in each month
I'll remember
The Vivian Wong one, right?
Oh, and mommy?
How is my Maserati?
It's not a problem
Mommy's already
ordered you a new one
What's important is
helping you appeal
I've already got some friends
looking for a big lawyer
to clear your record
Don't you worry
I'm already in jail
what's there to appeal?
Silly boy
Your record stays
with you for life
How can you face others
once you're out?
As long as there is
any irregularity
in the breathalyzer
used for evidence
the chance for a successful
appeal is very high
I had one ordered from overseas
They're testing it now
at Hong Kong University
But I plead guilty already
How can that be fixed?
You admitted guilt
under pressure
from a tired and angry policeman
Did you forget?
The chance is there
That's not the most important
What matters is...
By the time I'm out, the
car will be outdated
Why didn't you ask before
ordering a new one?
If we get a faster appeal
and you get released earlier
then when you get
out, you can drive it
And if it's really
outdated by then...
I'll buy a new one for you
Time's up!
That was fast
Watch your health, okay?
Use an extra blanket at night
Make sure you eat
enough, alright?
Remember to deposit the money
No effing way
How can he be here?
Don't remember who he is? Why
don't we rewind the tape
I've already forgotten
which of the rabble
brought me to the
friend of a friend
of a friend
meaning this chubby
guy's house party
I learned later that
his name was Jack
He was extremely rich
and extremely vicious
because his uncle was
head of a powerful gang
What I hoped for the most
was that he was
extremely forgetful
and wouldn't remember me
But what happened that night
would be very hard to forget
Hey, is that chick safe to hit?
There's chicks here?
Which one?
That one
As far as I know,
I don't know 'em
So does that mean she's cleared?
Any chick showing up to my pad
has got to be cleared to go
I swear
I truly did not know
that Jack didn't know
that the girl I
was talking about
was his girl
If I'd have known
I'd rather be struck
dead than chase her
Your phone
(Baby May)
Hi, baby. Good morning
Where have you been?
No, last night I had a headache
and went to bed early
You slut!
Get up!
What's wrong?
Get off the bed!
Are you nuts? It's barely morning
and you've already lost it!
Who did you screw last night?
I didn't
You didn't?
You mean you didn't do enough
You're crazy!
Didn't! Didn't! Didn't!
Who did this?
Come out!
Get up!
- What happened?
- Somebody messed with my girl!
Did anyone come down here?
Nobody came down
Don't leave me here, take me
Go up and find him!
Get off
Where is he?
Go after him!
That's the reason
that made me run naked
A seven! Seven loses!
Twenty prisoners in
cell, all accounted for
3610438, Jack Leui
Rape. Two years term
What do you want?
We want to follow Wu Sung
slay the tiger on the mountain
Watermargin only
just started playing
These guys are fast
Then do you know who I am?
I know you're a punk!
Don't miss out
Give him a couple kicks
Hey, you guys finished?
Got enough in?
Brother Mike, what's his story?
He's a somebody
I don't care what body he is
Sex-offenders get punished
Princes and paupers have
equal guilt, brother
This fatso already got
wrote-in on the outside
and all of you got a cut
Hell, small favors,
small returns
Do we change our prison
rules so easily?
All you gotta do is throw down a
few packs and everything's settled
Who's gonna be scared?
Hey, this time it's
ten packs per person
Got that? Each person
I think there is
another prison rule
Prosperity of the whole
outweighs all else
What about your guilt
of princes and paupers?
Hah. Money don't break the
law, it makes the law
Don't you know anything, Mr.
Got that right
Like I was saying
Hold your fury, the
storm will pass
One step back, sail seas of glass.
How many true friends do
he have in this world?
Part as friends today,
meet as friends tomorrow
Ain't right, everybody?
Back to your life, Regular Man
Hey, you kicked him
a couple times
So did you
With so many of
us, he can't know
If he doesn't know,
then we didn't
Well? You all right?
Oh, right. My uncle called you?
He entrusted someone
to find me to save you
Oh, then where were you earlier?
You didn't show late
on purpose, right?
We never agreed on
a time, did we?
Old man, you sure can represent
Kiddo, do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Stupid old man
Worthless fake!
I'll tell your uncle
and he'll kill you!
You fake!
Lucked out
Jack was so busy beating him
he never even noticed me
And with that, Jack
was put into solitary
Every now and then Government
Officials came to visit the convicts
Councilor Chiang
is here to survey
If you have
complaints or demands
please raise your hand
Each of you has broken the law
but even convicts
have human rights
You all should have no fear
If there are any complaints
tell them to me
Did you want to
go to the toilet?
I want to give some praise
for excellent management
of this prison
All of us here live
happy and healthy
Knowing how to "read the wind"
is a concept even
foreigners grasp
And you?
You look pale and
your lips are white
Have you been mistreated?
- Get over there - Yes, sir
You're disgusting, you pervert!
Take him to the clinic!
So are you!
Wow, what an ear-piercing shriek
We'd later find out
that Sum Lam's
sea cucumber had become infected
Tough luck for the Chief Warden
That Zidane header almost put him
in front of the legislative council
Do you feel embarrassing?
Hey, did you write
two in for me?
Can't we talk about this later?
So did you write two or not?
No. Couldn't be that few
Really? I only got two
So will you "right" or not?
What "right" or not?
Can you confirm?
If you confirm, then say "right"
That's the rule
Right. Right!
In here, if you have cigarettes
you can get someone to
do anything for you
In dollar terms, one pack
is one-hundred twenty
With smokes
you can have public
showers turned private
Then you can pick
up your own soap
In your dream
"1 Pack = Private
Shower, 10 minutes"
Disgraceful! Disgraceful...
With smokes, you get
someone to make your bed
"5 Packs = Bed Linen
Service, 1 Month"
With smokes, you
can get a massage
Your kidneys are weak
"2 Packs = Half-hour Massage"
right or not?
With smokes, you don't
worry about A-B-C meals
because if you have smokes
you can bribe the jail-chef
to cook gastronomic meal
"10 Packs = 1 Luxury Feast"
If you didn't know better,
you might think you were eating
at a Michelin star restaurant
right or not?
Once I had cigarettes
I started to think
prison wasn't so bad
I even got back some
quality of life
Three packs gets me a
substitute for pastries
I wholeheartedly believe
it's a better value
than hiring maids
Three-hundred sixty
for a day's work
That's forty-five an hour
Quite cheap?
If you can take an
economics view of it
You would know that I'm paying
sky-high prices for this help
If I were to do the work
I'd only get one-hundred
twenty a month
Fifty cents an hour,
those are slave wages
But for ninety times
that, I get substitutes
That's a CEO's multiple
just to do odd jobs
To put it more visually
you could say I'm
hiring ninety subs
just so I can take a siesta
Get to work!
3610438, Jack Leui, change over
Step out
Your uncle told me about you
But we have our own rules here
The rule is I call the shots
Do you understand?
What the hell are
you laughing at?
Pay attention!
You want to talk about rules?
I am the rules!
You. Go check on that
Hey, are you all right?
Wake up, wake up
There's one injured
- Situation in hall, situation in the hall
- Did anyone see
what happened?
Did you see anything?
Did you?
Sir, I'm the one who
knocked him out
Why didn't you speak up sooner?
Rumor has it Long
was sent to the ICU
I hadn't seen him
again ever since
On top of that
Jack took over his hall
With the support of fools
and mainlanders gang
Soon, nobody would
dare mess with him
Only he could mess with you
Lately, I've been more easygoing
I got my confidence back
That's thanks to basketball
I used to play as a
reason to collect shoes
I never really
respected the game
but I never thought
that when I got here
I'd be like a retired NBA
star playing the CBA
and turning into their MVP
They said I rejuvenated
the sport for them...
because there was
intramural competition
with open betting
The system was surprisingly good
with club members
sharing in the take
But money was only secondary
Basketball helped me
win status and respect
Oh, sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Didn't mean it!
I'm fine, I'm fine
Hey, I'm sorry. Are
you all right?
Fine. Fine
You're pretty good
Did he actually mean it
or was it an accident?
It wouldn't be unusual
to forget who I was
After all, my hair was cut
-and I had clothes on - Fall out
Stop flinching!
You're smarter. Come here
Hey, boss
You had some game back there
Of course. I've been practicing
Big improvement, right?
A regular Shaquille O'Neal
Don't think being brown
makes you O'Neal
Do you know how much
you made me lose?
You piece of shit
That's right, go pick
up your kind of people
Here you go boys,
for your trouble
Okay, you first
Dear Vivian
It's been so long
since I part with you
that I'm worried about you
Your firm titties are so bouncy
and your tongue
skills are not bad
Hold one sec
I trust that this episode
will bring us much
closer because...
I finally have the
time to slow down
I finally have time...
away from you
Speak a little slower. Slower...
...and your tongue
skills are not bad
Right, right
You are so damned sexy
How is it your wetness
is so endless?
You've noticed that I
keep wiring money to you
Just consider it is paid leave
Hold on, hold on...
Only through this...
have I realized that you
are the one I truly miss
I will propose to
you immediately
Even if you turn me down
I will persist until you accept
Once I'm out of here
I will do you silly
I'm convinced...
you also look forward
to that coming day
I can never forget you.
Yours, Nelson
Hey, this is a little weird
What's weird?
Dearest May
Thank you for your visits
I'm always hurting you, sorry
I trust that this episode
will bring us much
closer because
I finally have the
time to slow down
I finally have
time away from you
Only through this
have I realized
that you are the
one I truly miss
I'm serious this time.
Once I'm out of here
I will do you silly. You tell me
Hold up
These two lines are
for him to write
Your letter is for May,
this is for Vivian
Don't mix them up, guys
-or I'll get into endless trouble
- Really?
You know the time? Going to bed?
Shut the lights
Okay, time for bed
Hey, let me use your mop
What are you using the mop for?
To wipe the fan handle
You're using the mop to
wipe the fan handle?
Do you know that there's a
new saying for everything?
Inspired by internet culture
- Let me ask you something
- What?
I can sort of accept why
a towel is called a mop
But why is the toilet
called a 'fan handle'?
Who knows
And if you want to know that
Then why is jerking off
called 'nightfall'?
Who knows? That's just
what they call it
What else would it be called?
Let me tell you something...
Nobody'd ever call it
that in today's slang
Today, everyone says
it's "Working the J"
Working the J?
See, J is your junk, your thing
So...jerking off
is working your J
Doesn't that sound
more colorful?
Yeah, that is kinda clever
Let's see it, boss! Aw...
Your turn
Hi, Auntie
So filthy. Who can
be so out of it?
No need to Check the IP
It's that same son of a bitch!
Sexual offences, one year
When the culture
starts to change
it can sometimes happen
so fast it's scary
Come over and have some peanuts
Time for peanuts!
Are you that stupid?
You're going left
and going right
You're crazy!
What a joke!
Sorry, boss! Wait up! Wait up!
Argyle Street, where're
the smokes you owe?
Don't think I won't
jik-jik-bird you
What the hell are you
two shits babbling?
I said...
Butthead, where're
the smokes you owe?
Don't think I won't
whirlwind kick you
You dummy! You dummy!
You idiot! The both of
you are just convicts
You can't even get your
Cantonese straight
and you're copying slang?
You're not allowed!
You're not allowed!
Using that kind of...
Mind your business!
S-s-sorry! Brother Jack, sorry!
Ease-up, will you?
You've got so much power
you might kill me by accident
you know?
A lot of power, eh?
I'll give you two
more days to pay
Two days...
- Can you remember that?
- I'll remember. Two days
Two days! Two days!
Booth Four
- Uncle, uncle!
- Kiddo! How are you?
How is it in here?
Why'd you have to
beat up Big Mike?
Well...he didn't want to help me
And I even got beaten up
Also, also...
He talked crap about you
That worthless piece of scum
I've been easy on him
But you shouldn't have
punished him yourself
Now your term's been extended!
But you know beating
people up is what I like
and there's already
nothing to do here
so what do you expect me to do?
That's why I arranged for fools
and mainlanders to thump
Smack them up and it
won't extend your term!
All right, I got it
Your uncle cares about you
Whatever happens
no matter what, don't slip-up
or your uncle won't have anyone
to arrange his final rites
Oh! I also have some
good news for you
- What is it?
- The info on the guy you wanted me to find?
I dug it up!
Cigarettes will get you
good, private meals
We all know that
But how good?
You wouldn't believe how good
Of course, not every
day is like this
but today is a special day
Eat up!
A lucky first dish
of suckling pig
That's right?
Sure is
if you put it all out at once
by the time we've eaten
half, it'll all be cold!
Next time, bring them
out one at a time
Is this a celebration banquet?
How 'bout putting out a
couple mahjong tables?
You're out of your mind
Just kidding, general
Jesus fed a crowd with
five loaves and two fish
That's a miracle
You're using over a hundred
packs of cigarettes
to take care of hall of people
That's cocky
Uncle Dat
It's my birthday, aren't
I allowed to be cocky?
No one is...except me
But since you did ask in advance
and lately you've given
so much to the hall
I'll let it go this time
Thank you, brother Szeto!
Brothers, today is my birthday
Sorry if the spread isn't much
Eat and have your fill. If it's
not enough, we'll get more!
Eat up!
Have some suckling
pig, Brother Szeto
What? Not enough?
Give him seconds!
Yes, boss!
That's enough?
Wow, that looks great
Thank you! Happy birthday!
Jack Leui
Why did you attack him?
Oh no! I don't know
He was eating and
"phew!", he flipped over
Sorry, it was all me. I
slipped on something
You think I'm blind?
Too arrogant, little punk
Have you heard it said
Mind your things
and your business
then you get much less sadness
I only ever heard
Give an inch, they take a mile
Back away, they take away
Sit down now
You like getting
pounded on so much
I'll pound you to death
Don't move
Don't you move
What happened?
"Wishing you long
life and harmony"
"celebrating your
happy birthday"
"Years and years like today"
"Every year just like today"
Who'd have thought you could cut
candles and blow out cake in prison
Thanks, brothers
This birthday cake-like
lump is actually milk
digestive cookies, wafers,
and chocolate mixed together
Honestly, it was terrible
But it was a birthday cake with the
most heart that I'd ever eaten
To many more years like this
Thank you
Hey, I have made something
special for you
If you'll notice
look carefully at this joy bag
she's extra meaty
And it's even pink
And...take this
This one's not necessary
Tonight, I've ordered everyone
to stay out of the fan handle
for half hour so you can
have a real comfy nightfall
No, wait...Work the J
Work the J
Consider it everyone's
gift to you
Thank you, brother Szeto
Hey, boss. Hot water
Thank you, Ng Jai
This is the good stuff.
Go easy with it
Thank you, Wolfy
Look out
Take this girlie-girl, too
Have some extra fun tonight
Borrowed this from the officers
Thanks, Loco-Hay
It's stable
Take your time
Better get going
Hey, you really don't want this?
The "Joy bag" can be considered
one of the great
prison inventions
Fuse a plastic bag together
pour water inside
and put some baby oil on it
A human substitute
Are you guys really
already asleep?
Quit playing
Earlier, I forgot to say...
Happy Birthday
Come on!
How did you get
transfer to our cell?
Just to keep you company
you done talking?
If you're done, go to
sleep, don't bother me
Get some rest
The time is now 6:30am
All inmates must now rise
Morning, sir. All
accounted for, sir
- Open' em up - Y es, sir.
This is a shakedown. Get
up, stand straight!
Everyone up!
Shakedown, everyone up!
When is it ever this early, sir?
When is a shakedown
ever this early?
Do I have to clear
it with you first?
Sorry, sir
We've found a plastic knife
Why is it so dirty over there?
Clean it up now!
Morning, sir
Warden inspecting. Any
requests raise your hands
I have received a tip
that someone here is
hiding contraband!
Sir, we just finished searching
There was nothing
Your shakedown's so
lame, why even bother
Do you know what you're saying?
Do it again!
Sir, we found something.
Possible drugs
Take him away
It's not mine, sir.
It's really not mine
Sir, sir!
I put that packet there
You put it there?
He told me to put it
there to frame him
What are you talking about!
That guy's got a
problem with him!
And I owe him cigarettes
so he forced me to frame him!
You rat!
Fighting right in front of me?
Take all three of them away!
Szeto, you're coming, too
We got real problems this time
Needless to explain,
we were framed by Jack
Roach said it's best to take it
down with together with Jack
That resulted in Roach
getting a "Four-68B"
Four-68B means
solitary, longer term,
no benefit, no visitors
68B is the ruling term
It was serious punishment
Because Jack was ratted out by Roach
As the instigator and especially
since drugs were involved He
was hauled back into court
and was sent to solitary for
three months right-after
Why didn't you wake me, Roach?
With Roach gone, the
world a little different
but Uncle Dat started
talking more
Jesus said
Whosoever smites thee
on thy left cheek
watch out he doesn't
smite the other
That's not right
Didn't he say, "Turn to
him the other also"?
If someone can hit
your left cheek
they're definitely going
to hit your right one
You should expect it
In other words if they
mess with you once
they'll mess with you
again, so be careful
Confucius said
Standing at thirty
confidence at forty
Fate at fifty
In other words
When you're thirty,
you know nothing
just like you standing
here like an idiot
When you're forty, stop
running with gangs
If at fifty you're still nothing
then you'd better
accept your fate
Hi Auntie! I'd better
write that down
Solitary coming out.
Welding group adding one
Change out
Change out. Work over here
Come on
You sure have grit
Of course
I know how to handle it
You? A rich boy?
Two days and you'd
have hanged yourself
l checked
Why did you take the hit for me?
You're my best friend
That's what
have some smoke
Seriously, though
You haven't been
outside in so long
have you thought about
what you'd get into
Guy like me?
What do you think
I could get into?
What did you used to do?
I'm not saying
Come on...
I've seen your wife
always coming to visit
If not for yourself,
then at least for her
My wife ran off with a
guy a long time ago
That one's a social worker
She looks after my
grandmother and my daughter
You have a daughter?
How old?
- Five!
- Wow, I'd never have guessed
Don't you miss her?
Doesn't your mother miss you?
What? That your daughter?
My daughter drew this
She's got a talent for drawing
Your daughter is
even more reason
to be looking for an honest job
These days, a lot of people hire
handicapped-but-able workers
Cleaning toilets?
But don't worry
I won't sell smack any more
Too easy to get into trouble
Maybe I'll switch to Ketamine
No, all the clubs
have been swept clean
Or maybe...sell near the schools
but seems a little wrong
selling right nearby
Or do hooker transport
But local hookers have
serious attitude issues
And those northern girls...
Those chicks are such hicks
squatting around while silly!
Back to work!
Did I really consider
Roach as a friend?
Would the rabble
that I call friends
do time for me the
way Roach did?
As a matter of fact
it doesn't seem like I'd
had concern for him
Hey, seriously...
You gotta come up with
a honest job to do
I'd thought of doing
a little business
but I don't have start-up money
You were so willing
to cover for me
setting you up with
200 packs is nothing
Just returning the favor
Two-hundred. Two-hundred packs!
Thank you, boss!
I just want to be clear
that I wasn't covering
for you to get smokes!
- I know!
- Thanks, boss
Hey, when can I get them?
I need them
Don't worry, I won't
leave you hanging
Thank you, boss, thanks
Hey, let me get that...
Don't pick that up
Give yourself some respect
it's...a force of habit
You're a boss now
Two-hundred packs
Ain't that right?
Others don't even
treat me like a human
Only you treat me like a friend
As I looked at Roach
it was the first time I felt
this is a true friend
I never would've guessed that
my first friend would
be a drug addict
MY angel
Take your time
Well, how were your tests?
Know your stuff?
Yeah. Daddy...
when will you come
back from vacation?
Daddy has good news for you
Daddy's going to get hired
Once I'm back from vacation
I can go right back to work
Doing what...
Just a really big company
I'd have to take
care of everything
Wow, daddy, you're super!
Daddy, I made drawing for you
This one is daddy,
this one is me
this one is great-granny
It's beautiful
Baby...daddy's not super
Baby's the most super
making such a beautiful drawing
Do you have enough to wear?
...look after her
Baby, promise daddy
you'll study hard, okay?
Daddy will be back
from vacation soon
I know, old windbag
Wake up!
Jack was eventually
released from solitary
and even got into our hall
I never guessed he
was crazy enough
to swap ten packs of smokes
just to sleep in the
bed next to mine
I thought...
No matter, what I had to find
someone to take him down
In view of the recent,
extreme discord
between these two
whose situation has
become intense
and to avoid affecting others
it is necessary to
use fair, reasonable
and non-violent methods
to settle differences
That's right
No damned settling
No way will I accept
this ill-deal
You can all see this
It's this piece of crap
who won't let it go
neither violence nor threats
will solve problems
Breaking an impasse
demands dialog!
This idiot...stuck my girl!
Whoah, poaching a man's
woman is unforgivable
You dumb!
How could I know
that was his girl?
And before I stuck
her, I asked him
I only hit it when
he said I could
Oh, you gave
permission to hit it
-then your crime is worse
- That's right
Well how was I supposed to know
the one he was talking
about was my girl?
I'm guessing he couldn't
possibly be so dumb
as to allow you to
stick his own girl
- That's damn stupid - Right-O
How could I know
that he didn't know
the one I was talking
about was his girl?
This is so confusing, I don't even
know what you're talking about
Here's how I see it, Jack
either you just kill him now
or you pay him twenty
tickets and call it even
I don't think so
Like I'm poor?
How's this
you used that to do my girl
for payback, then pay
me back with your junk
Are you out of your mind?
Don't need to cut it off
Just insert a pearl in it
Insert it into your oblivion!
Hey, out of nowhere
you want him inserting pearls...
seems a little extreme
Right, how about this
gamble with cards
You each draw once,
high card wins
One hand, sudden death, okay?
Can't believe I got
the Deuce of hearts
You ran out of luck this hand
Are you retarded?
All right, time to pay up
Hold on a moment
We never said I can't
substitute with smokes
That's right
You can consider that
Isn't it more practical to take two
or three hundred packs, instead?
Two, three hundred packs?
One thousand packs
If you have a thousand
packs as substitute
A thousand packs?
You only have one dick
Once it's inserted,
it's in there
A thousand packs is fair
But we still take a
ten percent charge
- Got that right - Think it over
I have a hundred-odd
right now, take it first
I'll take you to hell. Cut it!
Ain't a thousand packs
in the whole hall!
Hold it
With a thousand packs,
the matter is settled?
Let's see if you have it first
Here's a hundred fifty-six
How many does Nelson have?
One hundred twenty-two
One thousand packs
There's also this
All the cigarettes
everyone owes me
I have it marked right here
A total of seven hundred
twenty-one and a half
I'll collect it all for
you within three days
Including what's here
Nine hundred ninety-nine
and a half packs
I have half a pack
You call those smokes?
These aren't smokes?
Here's an treat!
You low-life!
Aren't you scared you won't
live to see your daughter?
I know everything about you!
Are you threatening me?
I've already...put up with you!
Uncle Dat, why do you
have so many smokes?
I've been here
nine years already
Hey, you're gonna
pay me back, right?
Of course
Thank you, Uncle Dat
ls the number correct?
It's good
You want to jump in, old man?
Better watch your step!
Fine. I accept your
thousand cigarettes
You messed with me, so
I'm still gonna get you
Well, then it's like
nothing was settled
Then what's it take
for you to back off?
Don't like it, then wager
your junk for another round
Fine. Then I'll wager my junk
If I lose, I'll put in the pearl
If you lose, you put
all these smokes
back into Uncle Dat's locker
and all scores are settled
That's gambling two for one
Tell you what
the pearl you use will be these
Seriously now
where did you find
these bearings out?
Now hold on...
Before, you only said
inserting a pearl
Before, no one said you
could sub with smokes
All right, deal the cards
Brother Szeto, you said
Deuces were low, yeah?
You don't need to
Check-in to know, right?
Check IP
Here, I beat you clean this time goodness, the 2-heart
seems to like him big-time
Wow...there's not much here
won't this take a lot of skill?
Don't you worry
With Brother Ming's experience
he has seen it all!
Be that as it may, for
such a small penis
to have such a big
bearing inserted?
It's a first for me
Thank you, Brother Ming
You've all thought this through?
If so, then how about
we begin the surgery?
L...I'd like to know...
if I can have some anesthesia?
Better I hold you down
Or else when you start squirming
you might get it really cut up
No need. If you
really want to help
can you all p-please go outside?
Everybody staring is
a lot of pressure
Why don't we all give
these two some respect
Right, everyone out
Look, kid. Consider
me as on your side
Aw, it's nothing
Just talk. Talk and
you'll be fine
What happened after
Sum Lam got infected?
Nothing, he was fine
once they cut off his penis
Brother Ming
could you do things a
little more properly?
Hey, I'm helping you
disinfect this bearing
How's that not proper?
What is that, Savlon?
Savlon...Who's got that?'s my piss...
Pee has uric acid in it
Look, it's even
better than Savlon
Don't play around, Brother Ming
I average two of these a day
And you still don't trust me?
Look, you should learn to relax
Try imagining that later...
when you're with your girl
she'll say 'Yeah, yes,
yes', it gets really high
you know?
So...I've never put
a bearing in before
but it's all the
same damned thing
Seriously now, don't
get a hard-on
or else I'll cut through
your soft tissue
and blood will flow like a river
then get mad like it's my fault
How could I have a hard-on?
It's already pulled
back inside now
Wow, it really has pulled back
Are you testing me?
It's okay, don't be scared
It's nothing
Don't shake
Steady, steady...
Hey, hold this. What the
hell are you doing?
Almost done, almost
done, almost...
I fell
But I'm okay
So baby
How come you haven't
visited in so long?
Are you not well?
If you're sick, you don't
have to come see me
Did you get the
letter I wrote you?
I did
Let me read it to you
Dear Vivian
It's been so long
since I part with you
that I'm worried about you
Your firm titties are so bouncy
and your tongue
skills are not bad
You are so damned sexy
How is it your wetness
is so endless?
Well? Should I keep reading?
I didn't write those words
Someone must have pranked me
You recognize my writing, right?
After all these years
every time you lied to me
I chose to believe you
I thought being in
jail would change you
I thought you would
learn to really love me
I thought that so long as I
waited for you to get out
we would turn out all right
I'm so stupid...
May, no...
Right now I really do want to...
have a simple life
and have a family with you
Do you know what?
I hate myself!
Because I couldn't
let go of you!
I asked myself,
why am I so vile?
But I am absolutely sure
I will never be with you again!
May, don't say these things
Don't look for me
when you get out
No, May
I would rather kill myself
than let you find me
- Baby!
- So don't make me to
May, baby!
Stay calm...take it easy
I later wrote a letter
breaking up with her
Did you get that one?
Nelson Yu
Go to hell!
- May, baby!
- Sit down now
Thanks, brother...
I'm fucked this time
My girl doesn't swear
She told me to go to hell
now I really feel like hell
Yeah, but you can
win women back easy
Mine, I don't know where she
went now that's hard to get back
Your girl is there every day
you can get her back any time
Sorry, you go ahead
let's game
I lose every time. I
know full well you cheat
but I just don't know how
Roach! You have a visitor!
Oh, I'm coming!
Let you know how
when I come back
Ng Jai!
Help! Help!
Wake up!
Someone hanged himself!
Come quick!
Come back here
Okay, we'll take it from here
Ng Jai...
That's not an easy thing
You make rope from the
edge of the covers
tie it around your neck,
then drop hard...
Do you have to teach the whole
hall how to kill themselves?
I'm just worried he
can't see past it
Still talking back
Not one person here
treats me like a human
You treat me like a friend
You know those offices
aren't there lots of women?
Then don't call me roach, okay?
It's really embarrassing
Then I'll call you Ng
Jai again, all right?
Why would Roach kill
himself out of the blue?
Or was he pushed into
taking his own life?
Jack Leui, Lau Jun-ho,
Moshin, pack up
I'm switching you
to another hall
Aren't you scared you won't
live to see your daughter?
I know everything about you!
Roach, I want to tell you
that many people here
consider you a friend
except for him
Don't move
3609981, Nelson Yu is here, sir!
Every single one of
you gives me problems
Tell me, what grudge
does he have?
Ng Jai owed Jack and it
wasn't just a little
Jack had beaten him up before
And then time with the drugs...
It was Ng Jai who
ratted Jack out
What is it you're trying to say
Two days ago I hired him
to help me at my company
With a proper job and
a daughter outside
what reason would he
have to kill himself?
His daughter...
accidentally tumbled
down a hill to her death
Social Services informed
him just yesterday
It had to be Jack
Jack got someone
to mess with him!
Do you have proof?
Jack threatened him before
saying he knew Ng
Jai had a daughter
I know he had a daughter
Does that mean I
wanted him dead?
You have to have proof, evidence
Then what's considered
proof and evidence?
His daughter was outdoors
She accidentally
fell to her death
Everyone knows he loved
his daughter dearly
Because he could not
handle the loss
he hanged himself
That is called evidence
Sir, you're clearly
siding with Jack
You just don't want
to piss him off
We in corrections do our jobs
straight and on the level!
We take no one's side!
Any infraction
will be sternly prosecuted!
Sir, is this not an infraction?
Is it straight and on the level?
Or is it disguised brutality?
Do you want to get
that looked at?
Or do you want to antagonize me?
Don't ever antagonize me!
I'm not going anywhere until
you tell me everything!
Get out of my sight!
Sir, I'm filing a complaint!
Filing against Jack!
Filing against you!
I'm reporting you!
Loco-Hay, I need someone waxed
What's going on?
Pay back the smokes,
that's what!
Pay back what smokes?
The eight hundred seventy-seven and
a half packs you owe Uncle Dat
Adding administration
and interest
by today, that's already
twelve hundred packs
You paying or not?
It's just a cigarette debt
you don't have to beat me!
but beatings are a
fixed part of payback
Otherwise, people will say
we don't take action
Getting your money is
taking action, right?
You want cigarettes?
Here you go, take
it, take it all
This enough? Is this enough?
Is this enough now?
Hi your hell
You just want to get paid
Something wrong
with getting paid?
Does me getting paid offend you?
Huh? Can everyone be like you?
No need to work?
Your parents have money
You are nothing.
You have nothing!
You would starve to death!
Worthless kids like these
as useless dead or alive!
Hey, I'm not just
getting paid for myself
The whole hall of people
needs me to get paid!
They have family out
there, young and old!
Making money! Do you understand?
That's what men do!
Go die!
Getting paid, understand?
Go die!
Old bastard, you got a problem?
Having guys shake me down
What are you barking for?
You don't have to
pay what you owe?
Couldn't you ask me yourself?
Gotta send guys after me?
Did reading that Bible
turn you stupid?
Because I don't want to talk
or even lay my eyes on
your kind of people
What do you mean your
"kind of people"?
What do you need Loco-Hay for?
What difference is there
between you and Jack?
If I'd known earlier,
I wouldn't have
offered up all my
cigarettes to save you
What's all this big
talk about principles?
Your bottom line is
still about smokes!
Go to hell!
Money makes you the boss?
Money means you can kill people?
That right?
Are you stupid?
You're fighting with
me over that scum?
I now have a bearing
in my penis!
Ng Jai lost two lives!
Am I not supposed to
give him payback?
You're positive he had
Ng Jai messed with?
Do you have proof?
Even if he did, so what?
If you get someone
to take him down
that's not going back on you?
Once you're back in here
you either go to maximum
or you're in for life!
Then what, let him off?
Is there no justice now?
You were born rich.
Good food, good life
You call it justice?
Is being born rich my fault?
What did I do wrong?
At least I'm not like him going
around and messing with people!
Did you go around
messing with girls?
How many did you screw with?
Did cause pain to anyone?
Plenty of people
everywhere want you dead
just the same, so why
don't you go die!
I've seen plenty
of people like you
spoiled by your parents
I'm positive that all your life
they did anything to please you
And if it didn't,
you'd have a tantrum
You have a tantrum,
they bow to your wishes
Over time, you get used to it
and think it's all
supposed to be that way
Isn't that right?
The world doesn't work that way!
The world doesn't
revolve around you!
You live it up, they suck it up
Keep thinking without your head
and let your desire
do the leading
and all your life
you'll be worthless
Ever since I was a kid
nobody had the nerve
to scold me like that
Once Uncle Dat started scolding
it last for a whole hour
But as I faced him
he seemed surprisingly fatherly
Uncle Dat, can I ask
you a question?
What did you actually
do to get in here?
- Closing up early tonight, Uncle Dat?
- Hi, Mrs. Wong
- Let's do mahjong tonight!
- Sure,
see you in a bit
Rotten kid, won't listen
to a thing you say
Do you know this
man, Lam Tin Yu?
He lives in his father's,
just around the corner
Thank you
What did you do?
They're cops!
Over here. Police, open up!
Use the window, damned kid, go!
Hold it!
Freeze! What is that?
You're under arrest
You don't have to speak
Anything you say
will be recorded
with pen and paper...
I thought sacrificing
myself would save him
but eventually I realized
that I'm what ruined him
Stop. Stop now! Don't move!
Now you know why all these years
I worked so hard to save
up those cigarettes
You wanted to compensate
the girl's family
Nothing I do could
compensate for that
"To feed without teaching
is the father's fault"
I wanted to protect him
but ultimately hurt us both
It's a heavy burden
I failed to teach him
properly that day
He was like you,
year of the dragon
Uncle Dat, do you feel that...
I'm a lot like your son?
Don't be so corny
I just don't want you
to turn out like him
I don't want your mother
to wind up like me
The same meal can be feast
or it can be foul
Which one you eat is up to you
Once Uncle Dat scanned my system
it was like I was a computer
with antivirus installed
Problems started coming out
I think I needed
to reboot my life
But sometimes, after a few reboots
the system might still hang
Hey, something just came up
What happened?
Uncle Dat was in B zone
and fell down the stairs,
hitting his head
They called for a car
to get it taken care of
It's pretty serious
You want to jump in, old man?
Better watch your step!
Where are Jack's duties
scheduled for today?
Jack? Today he
should be in B zone
But he should be done
and out in the yard now
Stop! What are you doing? Stop!
Escape! All prisoners, kneel!
Stop! On your knees, everybody!
What are you doing? Stop!
Escape! All prisoners, kneel!
On your knees! Everyone
on your knees!
Nail him
Stop! On your knees
Have him carried out of here!
Yes, sir!
I knew Jack had no
shortage of enemies
but I wouldn't have guessed
he got stabbed by his own guy
I really want to thank that hero
If not for him, I could
easily be serving life
You think prison is bad?
The worst is being
kept in solitary
with no one to talk to
And after only
three days of this
you will want to die
But I didn't kill myself
And even had 45 days
added to my sentence
In these 45 days, I
figured out a lot
I figured out the secret of why the
assistant warden would hit people
when he didn't have
on his sunglasses
Everything has a reason
Now that I mention it
Why was I really here
in the first place?
Solitary, coming out
Solitary, coming out
3609981, Nelson Yu,
bunk number one
When you get out of solitary
you usually get
switched to a new hall
There's no Ng Jai here
no Uncle Dat, no Jack
I felt it was really serene
May really didn't
come back to visit
and never answered my letters
I heard that Uncle Dat and Jack
were both still unconscious
in the hospital
Maybe Heaven wanted
to give Uncle Dat
a chance to rest
Inmates about to be released
usually are assigned
work outside the jail
because we have no
incentive to escape
and also to show how
we're getting closer
to the outside world Boss
I took all the
cigarettes and gave them
to the bottom-rung
inmates and minorities
After all, being inside
prison or outside
You're getting out.
Take the name tag off
With no narrow line
between life and death
no people singing "Light
of Friendship" to you
no one telling you to eat your
food without turning around...
The reality of being released
is that kind of tranquility
Nelson, when we get back home
you go shower with pomelo leaves
and change into new clothes
I have one more
meeting, I'll come home
and we'll go to Fook Lam
Moon for dinner, okay?
Mom, do you think
what I did was wrong?
Don't think about the past
We should look
towards the future
Mr. Choi, could you
please pull over for me?
I want to discuss
something with my mom
Yes, sir!
I did some gambling in there
and lost over a hundred thousand
That's all right
I'll write you a cheque
and you forget about all that
It's not as simple as
losing money, either
I lost so much that down there
I was forced to insert
a bearing this big
How could things get like that?
I'll call Dr. Lau and
see how to handle it
Mom, that isn't even
the most urgent thing
Most urgent is the
one who forced me
is still in there, right now
When he gets out he'll
definitely send someone after me
What kind of people did
you get mixed up with?
How about this
Hire bodyguard to protect you?
It's no use, this
guy is very tricky
I have two friends in there
One was made to commit suicide
the other was put into a coma
Then how about going
overseas to hide a while?
I've thought this over
The best bet is to have
someone take him down
What? Isn't there another way?
You can negotiate.
They just want money
This guy has much
more money than we do
On top of that, he's crazy
There really is no other way
But if they find out you did it
that will still be a problem
I've asked about this
They said that if I
pay a full stipend
even if every person is caught
no one will rat me out
Then where do we
find these people?
How much money will it take?
You're really considering this?
Your son is asking you
to have someone killed
Are you seriously
thinking about this?
All this time, did
you ever think
about how to properly
teach your son?
I went to prison. I became
this type of person
Who bears the most
responsibility for that?
Nelson, has exhaustion
made you unwell?
Don't frighten your mother
All along, whatever I
wanted, you gave me
Right or wrong, you
spoiled me like that
How did you think
I would turn out?
I did this because
I care about you
- You know that - I know
But you never taught me properly
Not even once
I'm only a single woman
I had to deal with your
grandfather's business
How would I have had the time?
I work so hard
because I want you to
have a better life
I wanted you to be happy.
Isn't that right?
You think having so much
money is that useful?
You thought that if
I had more money
that I would be happier?
Your father passed away early
Your childhood was
without a father
I always feel
that to you there was
always something missing
I wanted to make up for that
I want you to be happy,
don't you know that?
If you wanted to
make up for that
why didn't you spend
just a little more time
to teach me right?
The way you spoiled me...
Did you know I've done a lot
of bad things out there?
You are very
responsible for that
I hurt a lot of people out there
and you are very responsible
That old woman I ran
into and killed?
You are very
responsible for that!
What are you saying?
Do you know what born with
no mother as guide means?
That's me
I was born with no
mother to teach me!
Shut it!
Forgive me...
I feel so guilty
I don't know why I did that
I feel so much guilt...
Forgive me, mother
Mom, I've thought it through
I know I need to become
a different person
I don't want to rely
on family anymore
Let me try to make it
outside on my own, okay?
I never went back
home after that day
because I just wanted
some tranquility
and to live my life
I looked for May
but it was like she disappeared
I think she really must hate me
which means she must
have really loved me
Uncle Dat
Been well?
Does anyone still
push you around?
Had...a stroke
Nothing to do...with Jack
Nothing to do with him?
Ng Jai's...daughter also...
nothing to do with him
How do you know?
Social Services...said...
an accident
I'm so stupid
When I got angry
I forgot all those
things you told me
You're okay
so it's fine
I'm doing well now
Standing on my own,
relying on myself
You had an argument
with your mother?
I don't want to rely on family
have...this life...
no afterlife
Cherish it
The Ten Commandments...talks
about it
I know
Hey, I brought
something to show you
I...had Ng Jai and your son
enshrined next to each other
Ng Jai had so much to talk about
Your son and he would
make good friends
Thank you...
Uncle Dat
I should be thanking you
The things Uncle Dat would say
were always so powerful
I insisted not to move back home
In spite of I have to live
in tiny flat with high rent
While I started spending
more time with mom
rebuilding relationship
How come you know how
to give massages
and are even good at it?
I learned a lot on the inside.
You just don't know about it
Vivian even opened a new account
By the looks of this moneyman
his wealth was about
proportional to his age
It's just that,
from what I can see
not even Vivian's
magical flute skills
can stand him back up
Ah, what a waste of talent
I watched TV one day and
recalled the meaning of
The same meal can be
feast or it can be foul
A murder occurred this
morning in Causeway Bay
A Chinese male
was attacked by several southeast
asian men wielding knives
The victim was stabbed
numerous times
but died while en
route to the hospital
(Three Years Later)
Hey, don't worry
May didn't just give
up the way Vivian did
is May's father
Ng Jai was right when he said
that as long as they're alive
you can win a girl back
Two years earlier,
I ran into May
After suffering that break-up
surprisingly, she went to Korea
When she returned, her
cleavage was a foot long!
And married her right away
To commemorate her sacrifice
I purposefully changed
my HKGolden login name
It's a little arrogant
to say that I, Nelson Yu
have played with
all kinds of girls
but as it turns out, this
girl is the most fun
You can't make a
mess, understand?
You want to play with this one?
By the way...Did May ever
cheat on me when I was away?
Oh, Cousin and Man together
Yes, have a meal together
Meet Professor Do
He got his doctorate at
Seoul Medical School
He can speak Cantonese
because his mother is Chinese
You'll have no
problems communicating
ls a rich man
He is super rich and
has special abilities
He can sweep girls
off their feet
See how gentleman he is!
May absolutely loves Korea
watching Korean soaps,
eating kimchee, and
especially drinking samgyetang
For skincare, uses only
Sulwhasoo products
Next time you visit Korea
I'll take you ice fishing
Sure. I'll bring
my boyfriend along
What boyfriend?
Don't keep your mind
on that damned convict
Damned convict, that's so rude
Hey, but he is a convict
Don't be so stupid
Even Cheon Song-yi ignored
the rich boy in the drama
Excuse me
Something came up, I should go
Chat a little longer
Actually, in two months
I have to go somewhere very far
and I don't even
know if I'll be back
If he's not right for
you, he's right for me
Do Min-Joon-ssi!
She's crazy
What does "the same meal can be
feast or foul" actually mean?
A feast is great, right?
You've eaten it.
Then hurl it back up
And now it's foul
Would you eat that?
They're the same thing, dummy
Have you all thought of what you
want to do once you get back out?
I've been training so long
I want to be Mr. Hong Kong
When I get out, I
will have my revenge
Whatever the boss goes out to do
that's what I'll go do
Once I get out,
I'll think up a way
to get back in here soon
Will you come back?
Hey, nice shot! My turn
Old man, you sure can represent
Kiddo, do you know who I am?
Why you move so quickly?
Is this for real?
Like I was saying
Hold your fury, the
storm will pass
One step back, sail seas of glass.
How many true friends do
he have in this world?
Part as friends today,
meet as friends tomorrow
Ain't right, everybody?
(In Memoriam William
Ho 1948-2015)
(Our eternal Big Mike)