Impunity (2014) Movie Script

Get the rest of the
empties out to the back.
I'm gonna close up back.
There's a good girl. Get yourself sorted.
I'm on it.
- I've a problem with you.
- Okay, that's enough, boys.
That's enough.
Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
No different to any
other night. Always manage.
Last call was ten minutes
ago. Goes for you, too.
It's been a slow night.
What're you thinking?
We'll lock up early.
Get Echo to check the back, then go home.
Should I leave?
Give me 10 minutes.
I've been watching you.
I know you want me. I
see how you look at me.
Pretty little mouth.
Oh, yeah.
Fuck you in the ass.
Filthy little bitch.
Oh, yeah.
Get off me!
I never knew he had a daughter.
He has a little girl.
What're we gonna do?
I have some friends up coast.
Derren, listen,
we've got plans today.
Come on, bro,
it'll just be quick!
Come on, help me out.
The police's shocking lack
of state intelligence has been blamed...
Derren. Jesus,
it's good to see you.
- You too.
- Karen's gonna be back soon.
Oh, um...
This is-
I'm Echo.
Derren said you guys are tight.
- Yeah.
- This is nice.
It's classy, man.
Do you mind if I shower?
Sure. It's through there.
Oh, thanks.
So, golf estate, huh?
It's nice.
Must get kinda lonely.
I was very surprised to see you.
Where you been?
Been doing some
import-export. That kinda thing.
- Good girl.
- Hey.
- Hey, babe.
- We have a surprise.
- Karen.
- Derren!
You're looking good.
You don't seem to have changed.
I was looking for a hairdrier.
I'll show you.
Doesn't seem like your type.
I don't wanna be alone.
I wanna feel safe.
So, Derren. You didn't
tell me how you and Echo met.
By chance.
But now we're, um...
We'll always be together.
We found each other.
Maybe we should go out, eh?
Get something to eat.
I don't know, it's kinda
nice here. I like it here.
Why don't we stay in?
Oh, come on, Mike.
Go and make us a snack.
Stop, Karen.
Jesus, Mike, you're crazy.
It's not even loaded.
- Hey, listen.
- Hi.
Everything's okay here?
No problems. Just the music.
- Hey.
- Oh, okay.
Much of the
lions' hunting is done at night
and it's very early dawn.
The female lion is accounted for
the majority of the pride's hunting.
They work together to ambush prey,
although lions will also hunt alone.
Lions often will steal kills from hyenas,
wild dogs, cheetahs.
Therefore, scavenged food will
be more than half their diet.
The lions' hunting success rate is low,
so most lions may only eat
every two or three days.
Malima said the party
was an international organization
and that more parties would
emerge in the other countries.
Children of Africa, freedom is coming.
We will now take the freedom.
Trying to determine
how a gang of armed men
gained access to a secure complex
and shot dead a 68-year-old woman.
Evening, ma'am.
Everything is under control.
Now is my time.
Comrade Lifa!
Thank you, my son.
Why don't we go and find a cozy spot?
Somewhere to enjoy. You
don't have to be so serious.
We have to start practicing.
- Ah, Comrade.
- Comrade Lifa.
I've got a proposition for you, my son.
Good evening, ma'am. Can I top you up?
Do you have a light?
Sure. One moment.
Look, I'd appreciate if the
manager didn't find out.
I'm sure you can keep a secret.
The manager doesn't have to
know, if you care to share it.
Follow me.
This is some sweet stuff.
Seems a little old fashioned
to please your father about
a marriage, doesn't it?
Can you imagine?
This party is to announce the engagement.
Do you have any more of this?
Yeah, it's in my car.
Let's go.
Well, won't you be missed?
I'll be quick.
- Listen, don't worry.
- But Naveed, you promised.
You know how unfair this is to me.
I want you to say no.
I don't want you to go.
- Samira, Samira.
- I don't want you to go.
I can't just say no.
It's a high-profile case.
And besides, I've kept
my promise, haven't I?
I'm coming back to you.
I have to come back.
Listen, I've got some
bullet casings over there
and I want you to, when you're
done here, get the evidence.
Okay. All right, we're on it.
Who's in charge here?
Well, they're sending
some top dog from Pretoria,
but till he arrives, I am.
Detective Naveed Khan.
Detective Dingane Fakude.
Special Crimes Unit.
No top dog.
Sir, we were expecting
you a little later.
Our focus is the victim
here. Zanele Majola.
Whether she's the daughter
of a minister, or a miner,
it's justice for all.
It was a clean shot, at night.
Probably hyenas dragged her
body across to this side
where the morning game
drive discovered the body.
And the weapon?
Still missing.
We're busy collecting witness statements.
Some staff saw Zanele Majola
leave her engagement party with
the waiter, Derren Campbell.
We've got him in custody.
What about his girlfriend?
I heard he's got a
girlfriend that works here.
We picked her up,
walking through the game
park, early this morning.
She's dazed. She calls herself Echo.
She's pretty banged up.
She's cognitively flexible,
emotionally intelligent, manipulative.
We'll have to watch her in the interview.
You seem pretty tuned in.
Trained psych, Pretoria.
Transferred here six months ago.
Good job.
She calls herself Echo.
She's cognitively flexible,
emotionally intelligent.
Justice will be served.
Did you kill Zanele Majola?
Did you see who did?
The evidence, Mr. Campbell.
It all points to you.
I get it. You need a confession.
A confession will slice a
fair chunk off your sentence.
Or what?
A life sentence?
Well, fuck this.
I will not confess to a
murder I didn't commit.
Murder in the first degree
of a minister's daughter.
I didn't kill her.
I didn't rape her.
Look, I'm not denying having sex with her,
but she wanted to smoke up.
She paid for it.
There's a tin, behind the toilet.
The cash is in there.
I'll check the bathroom.
We have more work ahead of us.
Planning to run for
the border with these?
We have you for the Kellys.
And Agnes Mchali.
She just showed up.
Agnes Mchali had
nothing to do with this.
A single mother who
supports three children.
Shut up!
This case has gotten very complicated.
She dishonored me.
And she was high.
I gave her everything.
I hope so.
You hope so?
I'm here to do damage
control. I'm not a magician.
I don't throw bones and things disappear.
I have something you need to hear.
It's up to you how you handle
justice for your daughter.
She dishonored me.
Both Majola and the commissioner
are breathing down my neck.
We have to get this
situation under control,
before the media gets wind of it.
The sooner we get these suspects
to Pretoria, the better.
Cuff him.
So what would you do, if you were me?
I'd lie, to protect myself.
Or tell the truth. Either
way, I'd blame Derren.
So how would you tell the difference?
It wouldn't matter.
Because Derren would do the same to you.
Do you know how
to tell the truth, Derren?
You think I don't know the difference
between right and wrong?
I do.
Of course you do.
You know, you've got your
prayers and your system.
I know how it works, I
just don't believe in it.
What do you believe in?
Just tell me what you need to tell me.
I told your partner
where to find the cash.
Why are you watching me?
It's my job.
Do you always take
your job so seriously?
Where do you think you're going?
Hey, if it's your thing
to watch a girl take a piss,
well, why didn't you bring a chair?
I see the way you look at me.
I know you want me.
Cover up.
To a better future.
Get in.
I think you're gonna need these.
Must be strange.
Little Indian boy kowtowing
to the big black man.
It's not in your system,
is it, this kowtowing shit?
It's all about
perceptions, Mr. Campbell.
How you see yourself.
If you feel threatened,
that's your problem.
What's going on?
Hey, hey! What's going on?
Okay. Listen, they found her bag.
They have a positive ID for Echo.
Ah, let them
send it up to Pretoria.
That'll take three
days with the paperwork!
We'll be there in 40 minutes,
then we'll have the evidence!
Come on.
Where is she?
What did you do with her?
Here you go.
This phone belongs to Johannes de Vries.
The owner of the dockside bar.
It was filed as a murder and
robbery at the central branch.
How long?
Naveed, you promised.
I'm leaving now.
My wife.
She's just been taken to hospital.
She's on her own.
You have sufficient evidence
and enough manpower to get-
- Naveed!
Go to your wife.
I have no time for this.
- There's a little girl-
- I have no time for this!
There's a little girl, she's missing.
She might still be alive.
Come, come!
Come with me! Come with me!
- Mama!
- Come, come with me!
Come quickly, hurry!
Derren! Derren, get in the car!
What did you do?
Derren, get in the car and drive.
Get in, get in.
Fucking seatbelt!
Hey, you're safe
now, okay? Your safe.
- Is somebody following us?
- No, no one saw us, Derren.
And what're we supposed to do now?
I don't know.
What're we supposed to do now?
I don't know, Derren!
Great, you don't know! But
you just kidnapped a kid!
She was in trouble! She
needed help, I helped her.
Derren, what're you doing?
Derren, Derren! What're you doing?
What were you thinking? Huh?
You're a crazy chick.
She was in trouble!
I wanted to help her.
Help her? How are you gonna help her?
You can't even help yourself!
This is done. It's over.
Derren, please.
Derren, I just want us to be a family!
But that's not what I want!
This was supposed to be just me and you!
Look, we're gonna find a
place and ditch that kid.
Anything, Derren, anything. Just...
And we're gonna find a place,
before we get to the border.
Just don't leave me.
Get in the car.
What is really going on here?
- I'm done here.
- There's a life at stake!
A child.
What happened to "minister,
miner, justice for all"?
Are those your own words,
or are you just repeating
your boss's campaign slogan?
Walk away while you can!
I didn't sign up to take
orders from a dirty cop.
So you better make your choice.
They are not my friends!
Let's go find that girl.
Will she still be alive?
That depends on you, Echo.
Why were you walking through the game park
in the middle of the night?
Marise, baby.
I'm so so...
Is she okay?
Don't do this!
Fuck you!
Fuck all of you!
There's a chance to cut a deal, Derren.
You still have time to make
something out of your life!
There's no place for
a white man in this country.
Get in the car.
So, are you going back to
Pretoria to be the dog, huh?
More like just a dog.
Oh, well.
This is it.
Good luck with fatherhood.
Marise, Marise.
Echo, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Give me the car keys and
the keys to the handcuffs.
Put the gun, hey, hold
your fire! Hold your fire!
Hey! Hold your fire!
Echo, please listen to me. Echo, hey.
Echo, I'm gonna put down my gun, okay?
Listen to me. You don't have to do this.