Imtihaan (1995) Movie Script

There are many other
ways to die, DD.
Then why die a slow
torturous death?
Who is afraid of dying, doctor?
And if I am alive, it is
only for my daughter.
But that daughter neither
cares for me nor my honour.
What has Preeti done now?
What do I say?
A prospective groomis family
had come to see her yesterday.
But she went out before
they could come.
Only I know the embarrassment
I suffered near the guests.
You know everything, but
only donit know ..
.. that you have suffered
a heart attack once before.
Do you know how harmful
worrying can be for you?
How can I not worry?
Can I forget that I am the
father of a young girl?
You stop worrying, l|'ll
make Preeti understand.
Where is she by the way?
Good evening!
My dear friends, I ..
Friends, I will throw this
flower towards you.
In whose lap this
flower falls ..
.. this evening will
be in his honour.
It is the first time I have been
floored by someoneis beauty.
Only you can help me now.
Help me, for the sake
of your fragrance.
The way Arjunis arrow had
hit the eye of the fish ..
.. you too fall in her lap only.
How lucky you are!
Friends, todayis evening
is in her honour!
You are leaving my
hand and going.
Why did you stop"
.. after taking two steps?
After taking two steps.
I am aware.
That you love me.
Why did you stop ..
.. after meeting my eyes?
You are leaving my
hand and going.
Why did you stop after
taking two steps?
After taking two steps?
Even meeting the eye
is an expression.
Even lowering the eyes
is an expression.
This is true, you
can ask anyone.
That stealing a glance
is also an expression.
Dont look there, there
is nothing there.
Here is the heart
that loves you.
Even your temper is beautiful.
I love even that expression
of yours.
What your have eyes said ..
.. come close to
me and ask me.
Come close and ask me.
I have a strange
feeling today.
Every desire of mine
has come to fore.
Why do I feel today"
.. that the pace of my heart
beat has changed?
I have a loving temperament.
What about yours?
I will tell you ..
.. the secret that is
hidden in my heart.
I wish to keep you ..
.. hidden in my every breath.
You are leaving my
hand and going.
Why did you stop after
taking two steps?
- Mr.DD! - Mr.Pande!
How are you?
- Hello, uncle. - Hello.
Who is besides that
beautiful girl?
That beautiful girls
name is Preeti.
Besides her is her
father, Mr.DD.
The one who I wanted
you to meet.
You wanted it? It is my duty
to fulfill your desire.
- Lets go and meet him.
- Yes, lets go.
Mr.DD, meet Vicky. And
Vicky, meet Mr.DD.
- Mr.DD Khanna! - Pleased
to meet you, sir.
Pleased to meet you, Vicky.
He came to this city
a few years ago ..
.. and today, the entire citys
business is in his hands.
- Mr.Pande. - Come here.
- I want to introduce him.
- Ill do that.
- Vicky, she is my daughter"
- Preeti!
I can never forget
her all my life.
You mean you know each other?
Not she, only I know her.
No one has heard my song
the way she heard it.
It can mean only two things.
Either you didn't like the
song, or the singer.
I think both assumptions
are wrong.
Because she herself loves music.
And even her father loves the
singer, then why wont she?
- Right, Preeti? - Daddy!
That means she likes you.
Tell me, what did you like here?
I think the entire worlds
beauty is present here.
- Oh really? - I have plans
to sightsee tomorrow.
I was wondering if I could
get a companion ..
.. these valleys would become
all the more beautiful.
At your age, I used to make
companions just like that!
If thats the case, even Ill
start my journey on that hope.
That even Ill get a companion
in this beautiful valley.
- Return my scarf.
- First pinch me.
I would like to know if this
is a dream or a fact.
I don't have time
for such nonsense.
Alright, then lets talk sense.
Tell me, are you Mr.DDs
daughter or not?
What nonsense are you talking!
Dont feel offended.l observed
that Mr.DD is so lively ..
.. but his daughter
has no heart at all.
Only two assumptions
can be made ..
.. from your leaving
the scarf behind.
Either you don't care for things,
or you want to gift it to me.
I accept the gift.
I promise it will be more
dear to me than my life.
Apart from you, I don't
lack anything.
But I feel gloomy without you.
It was my decency that I kept
ignoring your brazenness.
I wonder what misconception ..
.. made you go beyond limit.
I don't think I have done
anything unusual ..
.. for which you should
get so angry.
How could you gather courage
to send this gift to me!
Courage? In love, courage"
Mr.Vicky, if you dare
to misbehave again ..
.. I will probably forget that
you are a guest in this city.
Vicky, now not two, but only
one thing can happen in love.
You have failed. Now
take the help of God.
Thank you.
Hello, Ms.Preeti.
You cannot call
this misbehavior.
Even I am entitled to
receive Gods food.
You and here? It is
good to know ..
.. that you have faith
in prayer and worship.
It is the first time I
have offered prayers.
Lets see when the Goddess
will be pleased with me.
Come, let us ask the Goddess
to fulfill our wishes.
Mr.DD, you have everything.
What else do you want from God?
A young girls fathers
only worry is ..
That he should get
a good son-in-law.
Preeti, what kind of a
son-in-law does Mr.Khanna want?
By the way, what are
you doing tonight?
- Nothing. - Good. Then come
to our house in the evening.
Today is Preetis birthday.
Oh! Then I will begin waiting
for the evening to come.
Hey! Atleast seek the blessings
of the Goddess.
I sought her blessings, and
have even been rewarded.
And assume that the Goddess
has heard your prayer.
She will surely send your
son-in-law to the party tonight.
To recognise him is your job.
Only two assumptions can be
made about your disinterest.
Either you are afraid
of society.
Or you don't care for my love.
Only two assumptions can be
made about your disinterest.
I have been standing
in your path ..
.. with my heart held
out for you.
But you do not believe
in my love for you.
Only two things can happen
now. Either victory or defeat.
Tell me to die ..
.. or come and hold my hand.
Only two assumptions can be
made about your disinterest.
Preeti, you love returning
gifts, don't you?
The gift I have
brought today, ..
.. only two things can
happen after this.
You will either accept
the gift or return it.
And in both cases, victory
will be mine.
- Preeti. - Yes, daddy?
If you accept Vicky as
your life partner ..
.. your life will go smoothly.
Daddy, you are well aware I am
not destined for that happiness.
Dont blame your destiny!
You yourself have
invited this gloom.
Come out of it and see!
Happiness is waiting for you.
And I will give you
that happiness.
Daddy, you have tried this
several times before.
Yes, but those were attempts
of a weak father.
Today, DD Khanna is telling
you his decision.
You will have to marry Vicky!
What right do you have to make
decisions about my life?
What right do I have?
The one who lives only for you,
you ask him what right he has?
The one whose honour you
never cared for ..
.. you ask him what
right he has?
The one who spent his entire
life rearing you ..
.. you ask him what
right he has?
Doctor, hes out of
danger now, isnt he?
He is out of danger, but
it isnt all over yet.
Save daddy. Please, uncle!
A doctor can only
give treatment"
.. not fulfill the
patients wish.
You are aware that your
father has only one wish.
There are only a few steps
between life and death.
If you put your acceptance as
a hurdle between that space ..
.. then maybe your daddy
lives a little longer.
I beg of you child, don't
sacrifice my friends life ..
.. on the altar of
your obstinacy.
I am ready to get married.
- Really? - Yes.
Child, you will have
to make me a promise.
Dont tell Vicky anything
about your past.
- But.. - Dont tell
him anything.
Ramu Kaka, I have brought good
news early in the morning.
My friend Vicky has got married.
He is bringing his wife here.
Just do one thing. Polish
up the house.
No! Dont beat me!
God! I think he has
seen a dream again.
And what is strange is that
his dreams come true.
He tries hard to ensure that
his dream doesn't come true ..
.. but it does.
Who can stall what is destined?
Nandu, get up. Vicky has got
married and is coming here.
That means my dream will
surely come true.
No. I cannot get beaten
by a woman.
I cannot stay here today.
I will have to leave.
Let me go!
Tell me, do any women
work in your hotel?
And this room you
have given me, ..
.. there is no picture of
a woman in it, is there?
No, but why are you
asking me this?
Because if she comes out of the
picture and beats me, what then?
I don't understand.
Anything can happen to make
my dream come true.
So please, until evening, no
one should come in my room.
Specially not a woman.
- Alright. - Thank you.
No woman should enter room O07.
One must bathe
with cold water.
This door is closed. All doors
open here with keys.
My keys.
- Where is that rascal?
- A woman! Which rascal?
The one who brought me here,
finished his work ..
.. locked me up in the bathroom
and sent you here.
- Where is he? - Look,
no one sent me here.
I came here on my own.
Then you only will have to pay
for yourself and that man.
The rogue left without
paying me!
Look madam, you are mistaken,
lam not that kind of man.
You are not that kind of man?
ls that why you were coming
towards me with your clothes off?
I was going to have a bath.
I know very well! Even you are a
freeloader like that other man.
Give me money!
But money for what? I havent
even done anything.
Then do it, who is stopping you?
- I'll get beaten! - I will
take money from you!
Why will you take money from me?
Will you quietly leave on your
own or do I call the waiter ..
.. and make you suffer
What, you will make me suffer
humiliation?lll humiliate you!
-You rascal! You rogue! -Who
can stop what is destined!
On their first night, ..
.. no one apart from the wife
and husband enter the room.
Then how come this sleep
entered our room?
I had put you here to
decorate the room.
But you put my Preeti to sleep
with your fragrance.
Only two things happen
on the first night.
Either the groom goes to the
bride or the bride goes to him.
The groom has failed, now you
only will have to come to me.
I will wait for you outside.
Oh! So this is what you
do secretly nowadays.
Look, return those photos to
me! Or youve had it from me!
Dont be so cruel!
You couldnt belong to
me because of Raja.
Atleast let these photos
remain with me.
Alright. Now only Raja will
take these photos from you.
Raja? Preeti, Raja always
comes between us.
If Raja hadnt been
my friend, ..
.. I wonder what Id
have done to him.
What would you do?
If I wouldnt get your love,
Id take you by force.
If you have the guts, try it.
Actually, if Id not had to go
to London,ld prove it to you.
- Oh yeah? - Yeah!
Tell Raja I will meet
him tomorrow.
Your youth has blossomed.
I, Gulshan, should be the
first one to smell it.
How do you like the
smell of this?
A lion only wants a prey.
You saved her from me.
Now who will save you?
You hit me?
Do you know what fate
you will meet now?
-Come. -You are always
picking fights.
Why did you have to do this?
It is because of this nature
that papa doesn't like you.
Whether he likes me or not,
what difference does it make?
You like me.
If you don't change
your habits, ..
.. its possible even
I stay away from you.
Will you be able to
stay away from me?
You will change only if
I stay away from you.
Why did you come here? You want
me to be dismissed from college?
You are aware that I am the
ex-student of this college.
More than you, I have a
right on this college.
You had a right over
it, not any more.
Preeti, the class is empty.
Why don't we take advantage
of this opportunity?
Preeti, why do you always
Come, Ill teach you music.
You will teach me music?
This is not a knife, a sword, a
baton, that you will teach me.
I will leave such a lasting
impression of my love on you.
I will leave my image
in your eyes.
Preeti, I don't feel
like leaving you.
That is why I am telling
you to marry me soon.
Then come, let us
have a rehearsal.
- You know me, don't you? - Yes.
People like you first get
to know rich people ..
.. and then get friendly
with their daughters.
Before making friends
with Preeti, .. should have at least
considered your status.
Mr.Khanna, the sun rays give
equal light to you and me.
It doesn't differentiate
between our status.
Preeti can get influenced
by such tall talks ..
.. but not me.
I want to ask you that the fake
love youve trapped Preeti in..
..will you release her from it,
or will I have to do something?
Mr.Khanna, is this a
request or a threat?
I don't make requests to
lowly people like you.
If you think that you, with
all your money power, ..
.. can stop our love,
then try it.
Get this clear! If you don't
stop meeting Preeti ..
.. I can even speak to you in
the language you understand.
Where are you going?
I will ruin and disgrace
you today!
So that your lover goes crazy
on seeing you in that state.
Seeing your condition
Raja will understand ..
.. that my revenge for that
slap has been taken.
If next time he tries
to mess with me, ..
.. I will actually rape you.
Who did this to you, Preeti?
Te me, Free.
Tell me.
I put you on oath.
- Yes. - Yes? - Yes.
Count! Count the number of
wounds on my sons body!
I want Raja in that many pieces!
Did you see the outcome of
being friends with Raja?
If you were not friends
with Raja, ..
.. Gulshan would never have
taken his revenge from you.
You are probably not aware ..
..but I am the cause of enmity
between Raja and Gulshan.
You are mistaken. Raja is a man
who makes enemies with everyone.
What I fail to understand is
what you see in that ruffian.
Daddy, Raja is hot-tempered,
but he is not a ruffian.
That is what you think.
Daddy, just see Raja once
the way I see him.
Even you will begin
to like him then.
Enough, Preeti! You have
praised that loafer enough.
You take my love for you
to be my weakness ..
.. that is why you havent
stopped meeting Raja ..
.. despite my several warnings.
And I probably never will
stop meeting him.
Let me see how you meet
that goon from now on!
Why have you come here?
You know very well why
I have come here.
I will not let you meet Preeti!
Before I forget that you
are Preetis father, ..
-- get out of my way!
You are a goon, so you are
bound to use threatening language.
Henceforth, Ill not allow even
your shadow to fall on Preeti!
Please move out of my way.
I will not move from here!
- Move! - I will not
let you meet Preeti!
- Move! - I will not!
Lets go.
Preeti, until today, society
treated you with respect ..
"because you were my, Deen
Dayal Khannas daughter.
Tomorrow, the same society
will avoid you.
Until you live in this house, ..
.. you are the daughter
of a respectable family.
The moment you step out, ..
.. you will be called a girl
who eloped with a goon.
You will live, but life will
seem a burden to you.
Maybe your father
is right, Preeti.
Will you be able to meet the
accusing eyes of society?
Will you be able to say with
pride that you love this goon?
Will you be able to give all
this up & live happily with me?
Answer me, Preeti!
If Preeti had favoured
you, she wouldve..
.. turned towards the door.
If you still have any
decency left in you ..
...don't try to meet
Preeti ever again.
Raja, wait!
I have brought an answer
to all your questions.
Take this.
Daddy, I did all this
to save your honour.
Or my love is not dependent
on marriage.
Mr.Khanna, finally,
love has won.
You could not stop this
flow of emotion.
Lets go.
Preeti, stop!
Look! Even God wants your
daughter to marry me.
I will kill you!
Daddy, if you have the guts to
widow your own daughter, ..
.. go ahead, shoot!
You can call this stupid
act marriage, not me!
A father can understand
our emotion, not a stone.
Lets go.
Raja, stop!
Raja, I say stop!
You are now man and wife.
See what a good friend I am.
Youre going to London
tomorrow, so I got married today.
I even saved you from
giving me a gift.
You got married
to suit yourself.
And where the gift is
concerned, I actually forgot..
I didn't forget.
How can I forget?
These are the keys to my
bungalow in Khandala.
Go and celebrate your
honeymoon there.
Tell me what happened
after nine months.
Preeti is embarrassed.
Call me after you reach there.
My heart says let
us make love ..
.. slowly, stealthily,
Who knows when we will get
such romantic weather again.
My heart says that
let us make love ..
.. slowly, stealthily,
Who knows when we will get
such romantic weather again.
Your every move
is intoxicating.
It makes me more desperate.
I crave for you ..
.. now that you
are close to me.
This is a union of two hearts.
That is what this beautiful
night says.
Now that you have touched me ..
.. my youth has blossomed.
Let me place my lips on yours.
That is what even I want.
That is what even I dream of.
Who knows when we will get
such romantic weather again.
Get up!
People are afraid of KK & his
son like one is afraid of devils.
Yet you dared to cross
swords with us?
I will take your life today!
Preeti! What happened, Preeti?
Preeti, open your eyes.
I saw a wonderful dream!
I will get married.
Marriages nowadays
are so strange.
The wife sleeps in the room,
and the husband sleeps outside.
It will be better if you
don't get married.
But how come you thought
of marriage today?
Did you see a dream again today?
What I saw today was wonderful!
Neither will I get beaten
by a woman, nor a man.
And I myself keep
away from kids.
I will propose every girl.
Someone is bound to accept.
I will evade what
is destined today.
Beautiful girl!
- Listen! - What is it?
I have decided to
make you my wife.
Shut-up! Dont you feel ashamed?
But you didn't beat me?
I don't feel ashamed.
I do feel embarrassed, but
I must say this today.
I want to make you my wife.
Are you mad to tease a girl?
- How dare you tease
a girl! - I will!
I cannot get beaten today!
Who are you? What is the matter?
- You dare to tease
a girl? - I didn't.
Go ahead, tease. Its good.
I didn't get beaten.
Ive met my dream girl!
Make me your husband.
Neither can a woman
beat me, nor a man.
And I drove the kid away.
- Who can beat me now? - I can!
No! - Where are you going?
Everybody come here! Look,
he is teasing me.
- Beat him. - Yes, beat me!
Who can stop what is destined!
You got beaten!
But I don't understand.
What was the reason of sleeping
separately yesterday?
The question you are
putting me, ..
.. Ive put the same
question to myself ..
.. several times
since last night.
But I havent found any answer.
But what happened after all?
When I entered the room,
Preeti was fast asleep.
I found that strange.
But I left the room assuming
that she must be tired.
After some time, I heard her
scream and ran to the room.
She looked very scared and was
standing near the window.
This is like making a mountain
of a mole hill.
What do you mean?
This is normal human nature.
It takes time to get
used to a new place.
Take my advise. Give Preeti
so much love ..
.. that she forgets her past.
Even if she falls asleep,
it is in your arms.
Preeti, you saw the bloomed
flowers in the garden.
But my flower hasnt
bloomed yet.
I wonder when it will bloom.
The road ahead is bad, and the
weather has also turned bad.
It is dangerous to go
up in such a situation.
Please return home. Come
next full moon night.
Hail the Goddess!
The Goddess fulfills ones wish
on the full moon night.
Preeti, take the
car and go home.
- Let me test God
today. - But ..
No Preeti, only two things
can happen today.
Either I will return dejected,
or God will grant me my wish.
Priest, it is possible that
God wants to test us.
Whether anyone else goes
or not, I surely will.
Son, this is not worship,
its suicide.
My soul already belongs
to someone.
What is left is this body.
Let me surrender it to God.
What a crazy man. He didnt
listen, despite my warnings.
Child, who are you waiting
for in this stormy weather?
The one you called crazy.
I tried my best not to
fall in love with you.
But love cannot be controlled.
Its my heart after all,
it fell in love with you.
My heart is not at fault.
Your name is on my lips.
My heart holds your image.
lam fortunate ..
.. that you accepted my love.
I am fortunate.
Our hearts say ..
.. well never part now.
I tried my best not to
fall in love with you.
But love cannot be controlled.
Its my heart after all,
it fell in love with you.
My heart is not at fault.
I wonder how those
people survive ..
...who don't have
anyone they love.
They must be stone hearted, ..
...those who don't
love anybody.
How would I have not
given my consent.
I am not so arrogant.
I tried my best not to
fall in love with you.
But love cannot be controlled.
Its my heart after all,
it fell in love with you.
My heart is not at fault.
- Enough, Preeti. - One more.
If you keep feeding
me like this, ..
...I'll be ruined for
home and career.
I want to feed you and
make you so fat ..
.. that you cannot move
out of this chair.
That way, at least you
will stay with me.
Why make me fat for that?
I myself am ready to spend
my life in your arms.
lam sure this is some
enemy of love calling.
I told you it must
be Sunils call!
Yes, I remember.
I have told Preeti that were
lunching with you today.
But when..
Yes..Yes, alright..Okay.
- When did you tell me?
- Sorry, I forgot.
But you get ready and come
to the rehearsal hall.
- Well lunch with Sunil
today. - Okay.
- Be on time. - Yes.
- Wh..whats on your
cheek? - Where?
The idiot Sunil! He
always say I am late.
And he himself hasnt
turned up today.
I have come here from
London for a few days.
I had never expected that you me like this.
You two know each other?
We've spent many years together.
We were in the same college.
Shekhar, meet my husband Vicky.
You two friends talk while
I go and call my friend ..
.. and check why he
hasnt come yet.
Preeti, you got married?
- Yes. - Does he know
about you and Raja?
No, he doesn't know anything
about my past.
- What if he comes to know?
- Shekhar, Vickys coming.
Preeti, I am staying
in this hotel.
I have some pictures
of you and Raja.
Come and collect them
if you want to.
What is the matter? You are
leaving when I have come.
I was looking for a friend.
Maybe he is at the pool side.
- I'll go and check.
- Have lunch with us.
I'll keep meeting you now.
Well speak some other time.
Sunil was stuck with some case.
He has left home now.
His punishment is that we
go to another hotel now.
Yes, lets leave this place.
- What happened? - Nothing.
What is Preeti doing
with this guy?
She? She is his wife.
Preeti is back in this city.
She will surely meet me now!
I got late because
my car broke down.
I thought you must
be sleeping, ..
.. so I came in stealthily
so as not to wake you up.
How was I know to know
youll get scared.
- Dont ever do this
again. - Alright.
Just a minute.
Yes, I am her husband speaking.
When did this happen?
Alright, Ill bring Preeti
along and come.
Preeti, you daddy has
taken ill suddenly.
Well have to go.
- How are you? -
In": fine, daddy.
- Vicky didn't come? - Hes
coming with the luggage.
I want to speak to
Preeti in private.
What is the matter, daddy?
lam carrying a burden
on my heart.
I cannot carry that
burden any longer.
When destiny snatched
Raja from you ..
.. and you came back, you were
always lost in your past.
I had to go for some important
work to Ooty.
You suddenly fell ill.
I took you also to
Ooty along with me.
There, I came to know that you
were carrying Rajas baby.
You were blessed
with a daughter.
But your selfish father
lied to you ..
.. that the baby was still-born.
That days lie is still
piercing my heart.
Your baby is alive.
Her name is Pinky.
She is in lshwarchand
orphanage in Bombay.
Hurry up. Hurry!
- Hello. - Hello.
I am pleased to see that
you are rearing"
.. these kids like a mother.
Msayatri, if it wasnt
for your love, ..
.. these poor kids would
have suffered.
Mnlshwarchand, the truth is,
what you do for these kids ..
.. even their parents wouldnt
have been able to do.
I see my childhood in them.
If me, who is an orphan, hadnt
got someones support ..
.. I wouldnt become the
rich man I am today.
Youve come again?
lshwarchand, when I
like something, ..
.. I see to it that I get it.
I have told you several
times before ..
.. that I will not
give you this land.
Those who are beggars
are given something.
We want to buy your land.
I will not sell this
land at any cost.
I grab what is not sold to me.
No son, he is a respectable man.
We should give him a last
chance to think over.
Remember, if we cannot get
things by fair means ..
.. we even use foul means.
I am pleased to know that
after Mr.Khanna ..
.. you have taken over the
responsibility of Pinky.
- Can I meet Pinky? - Why not?
You have a greater right
on her than us.
- Call Pinky from room
4. - Yes, madam.
You stay here, Pinky
will join you.
- You've come to meet
me? - Yes, child.
- Why? - I will play with you.
- I'll take you out.
- Do that later.
- First do one thing
for me. - Tell me.
Sit down.
- Say it again. - Mother.
- Say it again. - Mother.
Please write.
Yes, child.
I am very annoyed with you. Why
don't you come to meet me?
Pinky, youve come.
She must have asked even you to
write a letter to her mother.
If you don't have
any objection, ..
.. can I take Pinky
with me for 2-4 days?
Only if you want to adopt her.
- That is what I want. -
Then I have no objection.
What is the matter, Pinky?
Everyone says that my mother
has gone across the ocean.
I'll just be back after
giving her this letter.
Pinky..Pinky! Listen to me.
- Let me go. - lll unite
you with your mother.
- Really aunty?! - Yes.
Aunty, what is a mother like?
Ramu Kaka, see who
is at the door!
Yes child, Ill check it out.
Now its your turn to catch me.
- Come in sir. - How
are you, Ramu kaka?
In": fine. Yes.
Dont cheat. I know you
can see everything.
- You are here. - Yes, I am.
How did this new guest
come into our house?
Id gone to the orphanage. I
liked her so I got her here.
- Caught you! - What
is your name?
- My name is Pinky. - Pinky?!
Nice name. Did your aunty
feed you anything or..
"she kept playing with
you through out the day?
- She gave me lot to eat. -
Your aunt is really nice then.
Yes. Aunty will reunite
me with my mother.
Very good. You had lot
to eat with your aunty.
Now you have to eat
with me too. Okay?
- Yes. - Ramu kaka, serve
the dinner fast. - Yes
What happened? Drink water.
Enough? Are you okay?
How are you feeling?
My child. Will you have more?
Have a little more. Please.
You are auntys darling,
arent you? Lovely child!
One more. Last bite.
- Now one last bite.
- Thats it.
0K5! '
- Aunty? - Go to sleep, my child
- Preeti? - Yes?
- Has she slept?
I have also some claim over you.
Ive been noticing that youre
giving Pinky lot of importance.
Why are you saying that?
Because she might not be able
to bear being separated"
..from you, when you drop
her back tomorrow.
Vicky..what if we
adopt this child?
I have no problems in
keeping her with us.
But when we have our own
children then we might not" able to give her the same
affection as we do today.
Then..think about what
she will go through.
It will be better if you drop
her back at orphanage.
Hey! Your silence proves,
not two but one thing.
That I have to get ready very
soon to become a father.
When you have decided
to send her back then.. will be better if you
don't meet her often.
If she becomes attached
to you then" will be difficult
for us to manage her.
You are also leaving me and
going like my mother did.
You had lied to me about
reuniting me with my mother.
I'll never come to know
what a mother is like.
I'll never talk to you.
Brother, how much for one plate
masala dosa and batata vada.
- 13 rupees. - 13 rupees?
Here is it. Take it.
Why don't you eat first? I'll
take the money later.
No. I'll not let my dreams
be fulfilled today.
- Dreams? - Yes. Youll
not understand.
My pocket will be picked
and I shall be beaten.
Take your money. Even if my pocket
is picked, Ill not beaten.
Masala dosa.
- Here is the masala
dosa. - Yes.
- Sorry. I slipped.
- Are you drunk?
Crazy fellow!
- The bill. - No. Ive already
paid at the counter.
- Before eating? -
Yes..before eating.
I have been working as a
waiter for last 2O years.
Youre the first customer
who has paid before eating.
You don't believe me, don't
you? I have paid the bill.
- You can ask him. -
Lets go. - Lets go.
- Come on. - How can
you speak like that?
Where is that man who was
standing here a while back?
His duty has got over?
What work do you have?
He says that he paid the
bill before eating here.
- I have paid the money.
- Where have you paid?
Its a good excuse to have paid
when youve seen Sharma leave.
Oh no..l have paid the money.
13 rupees for masala dosa
and batata vada.
- You are lying. - Whom
did you pay the money?
If you don't believe me, Ill
pay again but Ill not be beaten.
My wallet! Somebody
stole my wallet.
- See! - Ill be clobbered.
Where will you beat me?
- Here itself! - Beat him.
- Hit him. - Hit him.
Hello sister-in-law.
In": Sunil speaking.
I hope you remember that its
my marriage anniversary today.
Yes. I have already
spoken to Vicky.
He will come to the party
straight from the rehearsal.
- Please can you make
it on time? - Yes.
- Yes. I'll surely come.
- Thank you.
'I will leave such a lasting
impression of my love on you.
'I will leave such a lasting
impression of my love on you.
'I will leave my image
in your eyes.
'What is love and
what is pain..
'..Only the lovers
can understand.
'The pain of being in love".
'..Can only be understood
by lovers.
'I'll keep yearning for you.
'But I do not say anything.
'But cannot live without
telling you howl feel.
'How will I ever be at peace
with this passion?
'We will not be apart
even in death.
'I will leave my image
in your eyes.
You like the song a lot but
not the singer, I believe.
This song is very dear to you
thats why youve treasured it.
I found this paper
in your cupboard.
I learnt this song
to make you happy.
I was taken aback on hearing the
song, about where he got this"
..wonderful love song from.
Nowl know that it is
sister-in-laws choice.
'I will leave such an
impression of my love.
What attitude! How many
more secrets do you have?
- Hello. Hello? - Who was it?
- Preeti. - Yes?
Youll surely come to the
rehearsal on missing me.
It will be better if you
come along with me.
No. I don't feel like
going out today.
Okay. I'll leave.
- Everyone will be waiting.
- Okay. - Take care.
- Hello. - Ramu Kaka, give
the phone to Preeti.
- She is not at home. - Shell
be coming to meet me.
Preeti! Where are you lost?
I had called up. Ramu Kaka told
me that you had gone out.
I was happy thinking that
you were coming to meet me.
But you did not come for
rehearsal too. Where were you?
I had gone out for a walk
as I was feeling restless.
Be with me always then you
will not feel restless.
Preeti..l love you.
Here is your tea. Sir, I
want a leave for today.
- Why? - If I stay in, Ill
be thrashed by Ramu Kaka.
- Why will he beat you?
- Try to understand sir!
You must have seen some dream
where youre being beaten.
I dreamt that Ramu Kaka
is going to beat me!
- Nandu..Come here. - See,
he is calling me.
He is feeling excited,
in order to thrash me.
- Go now. - Ill go. Thank you.
- Nandu, what is the time? -
Its nine Oclock. I'll go.
- Can you tell me the time
please? - Its 9:10 A.M.
- Thank you.- Thats the time.
- Brother, what is the time?
Its 9:11 A.M. He seems
to be in a hurry.
Son..what is the time
in your watch?
Old lady, why do you need to
know the time? Your time is up.
Now that youve asked,
its 9:13 A.M. Happy?!
What is the time, brother?
ls there only one watch
in the whole of India?!
And that too is with me!
Everyone keeps asking the time!
Good morninguconstable.
In": saved.
You accept so much bribe.
Cant you buy a watch?
- What? - lm telling you
the time! Its 9:14 A.M.
Crook! Let me take off the
watch to avoid more trouble.
Nobody will ask time anymore.
How much are the coconut for?
- What is the time? -
I don't have a watch!
- How will I tell you?
- Estimate and tell me.
I can estimate that youre
having a bad time!
Stupid..youve dropped the curd.
- Listen to me. - Nandu.
- Ramu Kaka.
It has happened. What has
to happen will happen!
I have been thrashed again!
Hello. Hello? Hello?
- Preetiugive me breakfast.
In": in a hurry. - Yes.
Dad..with some people coercion
has to be used, not mere words.
If we are to succeed then well
have to do it in our own style.
- What is the matter? - Nothing.
- Seems like you are not feeling
well. - No, nothing like that.
You seem so lethargic, which
tells me that youre unwell.
You will rest the whole day
and Ill be by your side.
- I'll call up and cancel the
rehearsal. - Please wait.
In": not unwell. I'll go to Dr.
Agganmal if I fell unwell.
You don't have to cancel
the rehearsal for this.
The excuse I had, to spend the
day with you, is gone now!
I'll go now. You keep sitting.
- Hello. - Ramu Kaka, call
Preeti to the phone.
- She is not at home. - Okay.
- Ramu kaka, is Preeti back?
- No, she is not yet back.
She is not yet back?!
- You? - I was getting
bored at the rehearsal.
I came to know that you were
not at home when I called up.
- Where had you gone? -
I had gone to the doctor.
- What did he say? - Nothing
to be scared of.
- Get fresh. Well have
dinner. - Okay.
- Have the tea. - No,
well have dinner now.
I feel that Preeti has not
been feeling quiet well.
She is trying to hide
something from me.
Son.. one feels happy on
keeping some things secret.
When the surprise is revealed,
you will be ecstatic.
You mean that well be
welcoming a small, chubby"
"little baby boy
or girl very soon?!
- Yes son. - My dear kaka!
Dr Aggarwal, tell me quickly,
when will I become a father?
- Only Preeti can tell you. -
This is amazing. What kind..
..of doctor are you? Cant you
tell me when Preeti is due?
If Preeti had come to me then
I would be able to tell you.
Maybe you were not at your
clinic. She might have got..
-..her checkup by compounder.
- Whole day I was at the clinic.
- And Preeti did not come her.
- She did not. - No.
- Why are you leaving so early?
- I have to meet some people.
- Have your breakfast.
- Ill be late.
Damn it!
- Are you going to
the market? - Yes.
Then bring these things
ordered by Preeti.
- Its important. - What
if it is 1O Oclock?
So what? ls a hurricane going
to take place after 10.
Dont you get it. After 10,
In": going to beaten.
This is what my dreams have
predicted. I cant go.
- Nandu! - Okay, give it here.
Let me buy the vegetables fast.
Here goes the alarm clock.
Its 1O Oclock. If you open
your mouth youll be beaten.
What do you want? What?
Hey you..what dirty actions
are you making?
Are you not ashamed to molest
a lady in the market?
I feel that you will not leave
until you are beaten!
See him..he is making
such dirty gesture.
- What is the matter?
- See..see him.
What? What are you doing?
You are harassing my wife?
- What? - No, I was talking of
cabbage, chilli and radish.
- Youre not dumb! - No. - You
were merely harassing her?
- You were gesturing?! - No, I
didn't want to speak.- Rascal.
Hey..Ramu. Shyamu, come
here and beat him.
Mr. lshwarchand.
The thing in Gulshans hand
is known as bomb. Bomb.
It is as harmless as a ball
till it is in his hand.
If he throws it, your garden
will become a graveyard.
You cannot play with the lives
of innocent young children.
Sign these documents then.
- Or else Gulshann- I cant
play with this for a long time.
Both of us will be relieved of
the burden if I throw this.
No Gulshan, don't. In": ready
to put my signatures.
You have saved those children" signing on these documents.
But we might be in danger
if we leave you alive.
What happened, Pinky?
Tell me, what happened?
What happened?
Take her in quickly.
Come. Lets go.
Will you recognize the man who..
"has killed your uncle?
Inspector..this girl
is very scared.
God knows whether she has
witnessed this incident or not?
It will be better if you do
not question her so much.
- What do we do now? - Wait
for the right opportunity.
Lets go.
Hello..this is Preeti speaking.
Get two tickets for tomorrow.
Come at night.
I make all arrangements. No.
Dont come at 8 Oclock.
Come at 10.
Vicky would have left for
the show by that time.
'With the help of memories"
'..l will spend my entire life.
'Go away" betrayer,"
'..lll will try to forget you.
'Go away" betrayer,"
'..lll will try to forget you.
'With the help of memories"
'..l will spend my entire life.
'I had faith in your love".
..more than my life.
'Maybe, it was a
fault of mine".
'Hand a joke for you.
The fact that you
betrayed me..
ndoes not cause me pain.
'My heart had to break..
'..So there is no point
in regretting.
'My heart had to break..
'..So there is no point
in regretting.
'Go away" betrayer,"
'..lll will try to forget you.
'With the help of memories"
'..l will spend my entire life.
'Impostor, your promises
of love".
..have proved to
be meaningless.
'Before they could take shape"
'..the dreams were shattered.
'The tears which roll down". eyes will proclaim"
'..that Ill not drown".
nmyself in sorrow
and heartache.
'I'll not drown".
nmyself in sorrow
and heartache.
'Go away" betrayer,"
'..lll will try to forget you.
- Doctor, how is Preeti?
- Dont worry my son.
Relax. The bullet simply
went through her arm.
- She is out of danger.
- Can I see her?
She is unconscious now. You
will have to wait for sometime.
Have courage.
- Vicky. - Sunil. -
How did this happen?
Only Preeti can tell us how
this incident took place.
But right now Ill meet
the person who did this.
- You know him? - lll get
to know him soon enough.
He crashed into me as he was
escaping after attacking Preeti.
At that time these
keys fell down.
Skylark. 3..1 ..6.
Before he leaves the hotel
room, Ive to catch him.
- You stay here.
Ill go. - Okay.
Mr. seem
to be in a hurry.
- Yes inspector, Ive to reach
somewhere fast. - Vicky sir!
You will stay here till I
take Preetis testimony.
But Inspector, Preeti
is still unconscious.
I see. You want to flee before
she gains consciousness.
What do you want to
say, Inspector?
Mr. Vicky, In": investigating
this case.
Even after giving it a lot
of thought, I could not"
"understand why you came home
when your show was not over yet.
Did you know before hand that
Preeti was going to be attacked?
Are you suggesting that
I tried to kill Preeti?
- It can be. - You are crazy!
If I had done it, then why would
I bring her to the hospitall?
Only Preeti can tell
us the reason why!
Till she gains consciousness,
youll stay here with me.
Come on.
You bastard!
You tried to murder my wife.
Vicky..lm not the one whom
you are mistaking me for.
In": Preetis first husband.
Then why did you
try to kill her.
I did not try to kill her.
The misunderstanding will be
cleared if you listen to me.
I was married to Preeti
for one night only.
I was dead for her the next day.
The fishermen saved me and I
took a long time to get well.
When I came back to the city,
her father had gone somewhere.
I saw his picture in the paper
one day and went to meet him.
I was very happy when
I saw Preeti but..
..l was surprised to see
vermilion on her forehead.
That lie has been haunting
me since then.
Peerti..your daughter
is still alive.
Her name is Pinky.
She is at the lshwarchand
orphanage in Mumbai.
I decided at that moment
that I will not come"
.. in between you two.
That I will take my child
far away from here.
That is why I went to the
orphanage to take her.
There I saw Preeti taking
Pinky out, somewhere.
Why do you want to adopt Pinky?
Pinky will get a father and
Ill get a reason to live for.
Preeti is Pinkys caretaker.
Youll have to meet her.
- ls it necessary? - Yes.
Her permission is necessary
in order to adopt Pinky.
I was not able to understand
how to get back my daughter.
Suddenly, I noticed
my friend Shekhar.
Sir..the occupant of room
316 has called you.
- 316. - Yes.
Yes? Raja!
Raja, my friend, I could never
imagine that youll come back.
You are alive!
You want your daughter from
Preeti? You can yourself get her.
You will not understand.
Call her.
- Her husband is at home.
- Try once more.
- Hello. - This is Shekhar.
Its important that I meet you.
In": waiting for you at the
hotel Skylarks gift shop.
I know that you don't want to
reveal the past to your husband.
That is why you have kept your
child in the orphanage.
I want to adopt your child.
You know, In": helpless
due to the situation.
I cannot hand over
my child to anyone.
- Preeti, lll..- No, don't
ever try to meet me again.
Preeti is a mother.
And a mother will not give away
her child to a stranger.
Preeti..lm Raja speaking.
The situation has forced me to
call you when I didnt want to.
It is very important
that I meet you.
In": staying at hotel Skylark,
room number 316.
Dont cry. Your tears
cannot change our fate.
After being separated from you..
..l went the way my
destiny guided me.
Raja..l married"
I know, in what circumstances
and how you got married.
I don't have any complaints.
In": happy for you".
"that you married a
nice man like Vicky.
I didn't want you to know
that I was alive.
But I came to know that
I have a daughter.
I have called you here
to tell you that"
..l want to take Pinky
along with me.
Far away from here!
I will be very happy if she
grows up in your care.
She will receive a fathers
love if not a mothers.
I'll make all the arrangements.
I'll wait for your call.
- So that day Preeti had
gone to meet you. - Yes.
The next day it was your
marriage anniversary.
Preeti called me up.
- Hello? - In": Preeti speaking.
- Yes..tell me.
I have made all the
arrangements at the orphanage.
I'll bring Pinky tonight.
Book two tickets for
tomorrow night.
Okay..l book two tickets
for tomorrow night.
We will leave this city
tomorrow itself.
Come home tomorrow night.
Ill keep everything ready.
I'll come at 8 Oclock
tomorrow night.
No..don't come at 8.
Come at 1O Oclock.
- Vicky would have left for
his show by that time.- Okay.
The next day I reached your
house at 1O Oclock.
'Lets play with the wooden
rocking horse.
Today you will meet your father.
- Will you take this too? - Yes.
- Aunty.. what happened?
- Pinky!
Preeti! Preeti!
Gulshan has abducted Pinky.
Why did Gulshan want
to kill Pinky?
Because she had seen Gulshan
and K.K kill lshwarchand.
Thats why he followed
Pinky to your house.
- Why is Gulshan now?
- In my custody!
Pinky is with Gulshans
father, K.K.
I have talked to him. He will
hand over Pinky to me..
"Tomorrow and Ill hand
over Gulshan to him. you are not alone.
lm also with you.
Vicky..dont try to run away.
Catch him. Dont let him go.
Listen to me. lnspectornstop
You don't know any thing.
Stop interfering.
I said..stop!
He is a criminal. He tried
to kill his wife.
He did not attack his wife.
The attack was made by..
Stop! I'll shoot if you
try to run escape.
Raja..we had agreed on the
plan that you will take..
..back your daughter in
exchange of my son.
Then how did you come
here with out Gulshan?
- Arent you scared of death?
- Cant you see your son here?
Come and take back
your daughter.
Now Ill get back my son.
But you will not leave
this place alive.
Dont be stupid K.K. There is
a bomb in the helicopter.
Its remote control is in
my hands. Let my child go.
- Papa. - Pinky.
- Daddy..lm here.
- Shoot him down!
- Papa. - Dont be scared.
Nothing has happened.
Stay here. Dont go anywhere
till I come back.
0K5! '
Papa. Papa.