In a Heartbeat (2014) Movie Script

Yeah listen, thanks
for getting back to me.
I've tried everything,
she's still bleeding.
You got any other ideas?
No, no, listen, I've
got to tear her in half,
I've talking about right down the middle.
No, no, no, it's not gonna work though
so I need to get the boys pumped up.
I need like beers and cheers
like, while she's screaming.
I know it's gruesome,
I know I'm fucked up.
You, please.
You talkin' to me?
Yeah, uh, you're
lucky I'm half French,
I speak.
Come, here, will you come here?
Look, you
speak German too, yeah?
Yes, yes.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, you're all
right, you're all right.
You okay?
New York.
No, no, no this is London, you're,
you're, you're in London.
You, you from America?
Fuck, fuck.
Calm down, calm, calm down.
Calm, calm, calm, um,
uh listen, the French, they say
it's much nicer.
Really, uh, well I've been joggin'
I'm a little bit sweaty,
you know.
Fuck off!
Don't touch me!
Okay, okay, relax, I'm leaving.
Where, where are you?
Okay, okay just uh, I'm
not gonna hurt you, okay?
Where, where, where, where does
it hurt, where does it hurt?
Who are you?
My name's Philip.
Okay, listen, listen,
don't, don't be afraid.
What's your name?
Come on, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- No, no doctor!
- Whoa, whoa.
Come on, relax, relax.
Relax, relax.
Look here, I'm sure you're not mean.
New York, bad.
Not me.
But if you don't help
me, I can't help you, okay.
Please, no doctor, I wanna go home.
Okay, okay, I'll take you
home, where do you live?
I don't know.
Well, I'll, I'll take
you to the police, okay.
Maybe they can help you.
No, no police, please!
I just wanna go home.
Okay, I'll take you home but
it's, it's gonna have to be my home.
Thank you.
I bet all you need
is a good night's sleep
and then tomorrow you can
explain everything to me.
Um, have you got any bags except this?
No, okay, no bags, well uh, just,
okay, we'll leave this here.
Come on.
Don't worry, I've got
plenty of old clothes
and dirty old pillow
cases and dirty blankets
for you to sleep in, all right, you'll,
you'll feel right at home.
Okay, no bullshit.
Maybe uh, maybe you've been
smoking too much skunk.
No, no.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa.
Too much beer?
No, okay, so you're not
a heavy drinker, really?
That's, that's surprising.
Okay, I should introduce
you to my friends,
they're heavy drinkers.
You'll feel right at home with them.
And uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Just so you know, my home
isn't exactly the Ritz,
but it's got a sofa.
I said I've
got a big circular bed,
just like the Ritz.
Oh, I can sleep on the sofa.
Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You can have the sofa, okay.
You okay?
Yeah, she's a girl.
Yeah, she's hot.
Don't worry, I won't get burned.
What happened?
Who are you?
I met you in the park last
night, my name's Philip.
Oh yes.
What about you, what's your name?
I mean you were so off your head
you, you, you couldn't tell me a thing.
I'm Jane.
Jane, is that your real name?
Oh course, but what am I doing here?
Did we fuck?
Uh, um, well you don't remember?
No, well anyway, you're not my type.
Okay, what were you doing last night?
I don't know, I was tired.
It's quite big in here, do you own it?
My friends do, I house sit.
Are you a cop?
Why did you bring me back here?
Because you was in trouble, and
you looked like a tramp when I found you,
you know, you was wrapped
in an old stinking sack.
Yeah, I remember now.
Uh, I'm itching all over.
You should take a bath.
Oh, you have a bathtub, and a Jacuzzi.
Yeah, yeah it's like the Ritz here.
Um, look I'm gonna, I'll, I'll show you.
It's just, just up here.
Come on, careful, careful.
You okay?
I'm just a little bit dizzy.
Just a little bit tired.
Um, well of course you
are, you must be starved.
I'll, I'll, I'll get you some food.
It's too bad they stole all my stuff.
Your luggage.
They took everything, my backpack,
my American passport.
I was desperate.
Well, did you see who they were?
They wore masks.
You should call the embassy.
Can I take my bath first?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, um,
I'll get your bath ready, and then,
I've gotta get back to work.
Do you have to go out?
No, um, I've got
something I need to finish.
I have a workshop up here.
What do you do?
You haven't told me what your job is.
What is it, are you a
painter, a photographer?
I'll tell you soon.
Is it something embarrassing?
It's pornos, right?
Well what is it then?
Just um, make sure you turn
it so that the tub's full.
What is there?
Just get washed.
Either way, I don't know anything.
I'm a sculptor.
A sculptor, wow, that's good.
Pain, and suffering.
We need more screaming,
more, more suffering.
More suffering.
Pain, pain.
Oh, Jane, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
Jane, I forgot the time.
Hello, Jane.
Can you hear me, Jane?
Open the door.
Open this door or I swear to god.
I will smash it in.
Who's there?
It's me, Philip, open the door.
Don't, don't come in.
Oh, oh well, please, please,
just, just, just, just open.
Leave me alone, I don't know you.
Yes, you do, I'm
Philip, I'm the sculptor.
Philip the sculptor.
I'm cold.
Just put your clothes on.
I don't have any clothes.
I won't look, I promise.
Are you crazy, give me that.
I'm Philip, remember?
You've been shaving all this time.
I've been sleeping.
What, in a cold bath?
That's disgusting.
You cut yourself.
Oh right, that's, that's,
that's, that's nothing.
You need some new clothes,
we'll buy you some new clothes, okay.
Just, just give me the razor blade.
All right?
You can shave later.
I'll buy you a special
one for softer skin.
You can wear some of
my old clothes for now.
Just, wait here.
Here, try these, they used
to fit me when I was a kid.
When I was, when I was a teenager.
Is this your room?
Haven't you got any girls clothes?
Haven't you got a girlfriend?
You're not ugly, an
unhappy love affair, huh?
Not really the right
time to talk about this.
What's wrong with you?
Haven't you had a woman yet in your life?
Did you kill them?
Wow, that's it, you
know what, I go for guys.
I'm not surprised.
What's the suppose to mean?
You look the type.
What type, what'd you mean, like gay?
Well you're right, I hate girls.
They're only happy when
they're dumping boys.
Now go on, get dressed, now.
I'll wear my clothes, thanks.
No, you'll put these on.
I want my own clothes.
Your clothes stink.
At least they fit me.
You will put
these on or I swear to god...
Don't hurt me!
Just get dressed.
In front of you?
In the bathroom.
Oh, no, no, no, I'm taking the key.
You fucked me up enough for one day.
Just don't touch me.
In your dreams, I don't touch hobos.
Hurry up.
Never, ever touch me!
Ah, good afternoon sirs,
what can I do for you?
Um, could you sort
her out for me, please?
Uh, sort her out?
Of course, but um...
She's sick of being a man.
I'm not a man.
Uh, well I thought so.
He forced me to put his clothes on.
Of course, well I, I understand.
Now, tell me what you like,
and I'll make her a princess.
I can choose myself.
Well of course, Miss.
Oh course, Madame.
You have to be firm when saying stuff.
Yeah, well okay.
Uh we have, we have
some lovely dresses here.
How much is this gonna cost me?
Peter, yes, I need to talk
to you, I've met somebody.
Yes, well, yeah she's beautiful,
she's, she's very beautiful, you know.
Could we meet tomorrow?
Wait a minute, she's coming
back, I'll call you later.
It's gorgeous.
I'm sorry about earlier, I was tired.
I get so tired sometimes, you know.
It's fine, it's fine.
I'll take everything.
That's perfect, thank you, Madame.
Uh everything, I, I, I don't think
I can pay for everything though.
Oh it's not much, just a
thousand pounds, more or less?
Yeah, I can't pay that.
Oh, oh no, wait, you
don't have to, look.
You got a credit card?
I thought they stole everything.
So did I, I found it in my
old stinking jeans pocket.
Well, that'll be 999
pounds exactly then, please.
See, I was very close.
The lady will pay.
Thank you very much.
Uh you um, you appear to
have the wrong PIN number.
Oh, oh, let me try again.
Thank you.
Hm, uh third time lucky?
Now, you can try, but if
it doesn't work this time,
your card becomes invalid.
That dress is very expensive, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah, the dress is expensive.
I don't remember my PIN.
Did you steal the credit card?
No, I didn't steal it.
I didn't steal it, I just don't
remember my PIN, that's all.
I didn't, I didn't steal it.
We'll leave the dress,
I'll pay for the rest.
As you wish, Sir.
And then tomorrow, you're
gonna go to the bank,
and um, the embassy.
I promise, thank you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You know in the states, we
have different cork screws,
and we'd use graters for that.
And this lemon squeezer's just wild.
Well over here, we have nice women.
And nice guys like you?
Idiots you mean?
No, no idiots, grumpy
maybe, but no idiots.
Can you um, get a knife.
You found a knife?
Don't wanna kill the cook, do you, huh?
Okay so, just want you to um, cut this
into small pieces, yeah,
like, like this, yeah?
Go on.
I don't know how to thank you, I'm lost.
But I'll find my way back.
Well, I hope so,
I've got some work to do.
I know.
I've got some friends
in LA, can I call them?
Yeah, long as it doesn't take too long.
Just, just, like,
just, smaller pieces,
yeah, like this, okay?
I got some friends in LA, I
call 'em for work sometimes.
For your sculptures?
It's damn good, you'll make
a wife really happy some day.
You think so?
Maybe one day I'd like
a guy in the kitchen.
Well, you know, I'm not a cook.
But you know how to.
A man who is good in the kitchen is well,
you know, in the bedroom.
You're joking.
I could let a man like that into my life.
Just stop.
Maybe he could even sculpt me.
Well you know, these are
like special sculptures.
What, are they abstract?
They're for the movies.
For the movies, wow.
I could be your model then,
you know I am a model.
Well I was.
Really, well that's really cool.
But why did you leave New York?
I mean you are from New York.
I mean you, you mentioned
that when I found you.
I just needed to get away.
Come back to London, I grew up here.
Are you um,
you gonna go back to the states?
I don't know, I don't know.
Don't you want to sculpt me?
No, no, no, it's, it's just,
I don't know if I could
make you look normal.
I do prostetic models.
Prostetics for like, special effects.
That's cool, show me.
Come with me.
And um, don't be afraid.
I'm not afraid of you.
So this is my personal stuff,
and this is my work stuff, now,
I don't write this, okay,
but the audience that
they, they love it, so,
this is a woman I sculpted
with super sexy tits.
You know like they're
real like full and perky,
you know, they bounce
in your face, you know.
Anyway um, this lunatic comes,
and he tears her breasts
right off, you know like,
lacerates it, you know.
Like again, and again, and
again, like in your face,
you know it like, it's like
really hard core, you know.
So the animatronics
ain't quite finished yet
but she's gonna be like
writhing and screaming in pain.
You know, that's what the
director wants, you know, so,
you know, it's a challenge.
Don't you think it's cool?
Hey look these things are neat.
You mutilate women.
Some people do that for real.
For real?
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no,
these are, these are silicon,
they're like breast implants.
For real, yeah listen, that's disgusting.
I mean, who does that
shit, you know what I mean?
No, no, no, the audience, they love this.
You know it's like,
th-th-they, they expect it,
you know, they're
fascinated by it, you know.
It's like, you know,
they know it's not real.
In India, in 2003, Hindus cut off
Muslin women's breasts, for real.
Really, sad documentary.
Yeah, it's real life, Philip.
I'm concerned by all this
violence, especially to women.
What you do, it just propagates it.
Well that's just so untrue.
It also happens in other countries.
It is true!
Calm down, calm down, for
us it's just a bit of fun.
can't have fun with violence.
Don't touch me.
What are you so afraid of, what's...
No don't.
- No, no, no, no.
- Don't.
No, no, no, sorry, sorry,
no, no, no, listen, listen.
Listen, listen, I wouldn't
harm a fly, I promise you.
Shh, calm down now.
Calm down.
You've got nothing to be afraid of, okay.
I won't leave you alone.
I won't leave you alone, okay?
I'm tired.
I'm tired.
I'm going to sleep, I'm still tired.
Promise you'll look after
me, you'll protect me.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
I'll make you a nice
relaxing herbal tea, okay?
Peter, yes, you know that girl I met?
Well it gets um, it
gets better and better.
Yeah, no it's just, I, I just
don't really know what to do,
you know, like, you know.
It's just she's like um, look
I really need to talk to you.
Is something the matter?
I've um, I've been busy for
quite awhile, as it happens.
With Sondra, and Catushka,
when all of the sudden Valerie,
she comes back, she's
forgotten her roller skates.
And listen to this, she stays with us.
I mean, I couldn't believe
it, I nearly exploded.
I did explode, what am I
talking about, I'm exhausted.
Am I disturbing you?
No, no, no, no, no,
listen, I'm glad you called.
Though actually I could
easily fall asleep right now.
Maybe they'll just
carry on, together, yeah.
Sorry, yeah, of course I'm
listening, I'm sorry, oh god.
Uh Phil, why don't you call me back.
Why don't you call me
back tomorrow afternoon
when my consultants are gone.
Uh, what, of course I'm not
taking advantage of these women,
they're just mad.
And, and, so what if I'm their shrink?
Uh listen, Phil, um, look
I have to go, yeah, uh,
bye, yeah, I'll meet you
sometime, bye, bye, bye, bye.
And hello.
All right lads, what I
want is a full on spot.
Yeah, I'm talking like
you know, evil dead shit.
Blood everywhere, that
kinda thing, all right?
Yeah, all right.
I've really pressured it.
Well okay, well you can do the cutting.
I'll do the blood.
All right, stand by, and action.
All right, after three, okay?
Fuck, now it's all over me.
Philip, fuck sake.
Phil, Phil, Phil, man,
don't worry about it man,
it's fine, it's absolutely fine.
For a premature ejaculation.
No wonder, he ain't fucked in ages.
Yeah, well you can speak for yourself,
because I've had a hot bird in my bed
for the last two nights.
Is this girl still at
your house then, Philip?
Yeah, she was sleeping when I left.
Who is she, where'd she spring from?
She's a model.
A model, what, like a Page 3 tart?
Yeah, you gotta be careful, Phil.
I mean these young girls,
scantly dressed and all that.
She mighta took you to
the cleaners already.
Yeah, she's already bounced out, bitch,
of all your cash.
Yeah, well I
haven't got any money.
Well she's gone with all your shit then.
No, no, no, no, I trust her.
Are you in love?
No, but she's beautiful here.
Between her tits.
It doesn't surprise me though,
they must be great, are they?
What'd you do, Philip, get your uh,
inspiration for these here?
Have you filmed her naked?
I've got a picture of her though.
What, naked?
Show us.
- No.
- Come on, Philip.
Show us.
- No, it's a picture.
- Show us, Philip.
- No, no.
- Come on,
let's have a look.
I bet she is naked.
She's not naked.
No shit, T-Bone.
Still, I'd keep her in my bed.
She's in love with me.
How do you know that?
She told me.
Oh yeah, already?
You lucky sot.
Is this BT?
How do I block my caller ID?
1-4-1, okay, thanks.
I said I was gonna sculpt
her like a goddess and...
All right there, back
to work, eh, come on.
And she fell asleep in my arms.
All right, back to work, here we go.
Go on, let's move it along, one sequence.
Yeah hello, what now?
Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.
It's time, you ready?
Trust me, it'll be fine.
So long as you're with me, it'll be fine.
Is that true?
All right, let's get this going.
Standing by.
Here we go.
All right, standing by.
Oh, no, no, oh my god Jack,
what're you doing, mate?
What is this, huh?
I mean fuckin' hell look,
it's gotta be like this,
it's gotta be the knife
first, and then the squirt.
That's how it has to happen.
I'm talkin' like really
gruesome shit here.
Tarantino, Slomo, Caruso,
blood pissin' out everywhere.
I mean imagine it, yeah.
I mean like her boyfriend, her lover,
the man she loves is slashing her to bits.
You gotta imagine it, the closeup,
we see a pair of tits, they get cut,
they fall to the floor,
they bounce around a bit.
There's a pool of blood,
everybody in the cinema
is pissing themselves laughing.
That's what I want, Phil.
Okay, all right, well,
it's just, it's a bit disgusting.
Well, man, this is not
art, this is movies, yeah?
Look, if the producer's
happy, then I'm happy.
You should be happy too.
Simple, it's really
simple, it's not hard.
Let's do it again.
TJB Bank, oh.
You don't need to do anything,
don't worry about it, let me call them,
I'll do everything for you.
Hel, help.
Hello, yes.
Jane is that you, where are you?
I'm waiting for you.
Honey, talk, talk to me, talk, talk.
Look, I know what's good for you.
Please Jane, baby, come, come back.
Or you know what's gonna happen.
All right then, how'd we get off, Phil?
Look, Tim, remember what I
said about the old slashes
and things, yeah, gettin' those right.
Once the mechs are working
and everything's running,
I think it's gonna be good.
I'm really pleased with
the work, well done, lads.
- Well thanks.
- Thanks.
Thank you, and don't worry, you know,
I'll, I'll work it out.
Phil, were we going for lunch?
No, I've got something
else on for lunch.
He's got a hot bird waiting.
No, no, it's not that,
I've got something else.
Maybe we can meet around Joe's later.
Yeah, all right.
I've also finally got The
Hard Ripper, director's cut,
brand new, home downloaded,
uncut, hardcore, illegal copy.
Sounds great.
Come around my place around eight.
And Philip, don't
forget to bring the booze.
Don't worry, I won't.
Yes, everything's fine,
I slept really well.
Good, good, um, listen I'm just,
just packing up now, yeah?
I'm afraid.
A bit scared.
I want to see you.
Really, me too.
You're the most beautiful,
sweetest person I've ever met.
You're the only one I
really need right now.
Yeah, I'll be back soon.
Uh, good idea to call,
could've got myself a cab.
It's not out of your way, is it?
No, not really, listen
it's, it's, it's on the way.
Good, so, what's the problem?
You look worried, what's wrong?
Nothing, nothing, um,
it's just this girl,
you know, you know, the one
I was telling you about.
Oh yeah, well excuse me just a second.
Do you mind if I um,
do you mind if I have
a look at this thing?
So what, you've got a problem with her?
No, I haven't felt so good in ages.
Really, yeah looks like it.
And what about work?
It's good, it's good, it's just this,
it's just this girl, she's,
she's got a bit of a problem head.
Hang on a minute, how the fuck
does this work?
I mean it says that it'll
pull out the wrinkles
if you wear it for, for
half an hour each day,
look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm,
I'm listening, carry on.
Yeah, she's, she's a bit...
Bit what?
Fucking hell, which way's the top?
You know, she's a bit crazy.
She says that you know,
one shouldn't laugh
at those sort of things.
What sort of things?
You know what I mean,
you know what I mean,
you know, lacerated women torn to bits.
You know like, you know like
some of the models I do.
Yeah, and what, she said that?
Yeah, she said, she said that
one shouldn't play with violence.
But it's, it's, it's my job,
it's what I do for a living.
Damn right, well maybe
she isn't so crazy.
Come on, shit.
Maybe she thinks that your
sculptures are a little bit,
a little bit childish, and
that they smack of a guy
lacking any real life experience,
a guy who doesn't know
what true violence is.
Well she will.
You think so?
What about you, what do
you think of all that crap?
Well, she might not be so wrong,
she might not be so crazy,
I mean, for instance,
if you'd exposed yourself
to the horrors of the war,
say in somewhere like Iraq,
or something like that,
then you wouldn't have to
scare yourself to death
making horror films that are
basically for fucking morons.
Keep your eye on the road.
Look, I'm not making judgments
about your professionalism,
I know you're very good
at what you do but,
occasionally, just sometimes, you know
you should ask yourself, otherwise,
otherwise nothing is gonna change.
Fucking shit!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Phil, I'm not
being fair to you, I'm sorry.
Why do you wanna get
rid of your wrinkles?
You know, men are handsome
with wrinkles, you know,
women, women love wrinkles.
Yeah, of course they do,
but unfortunately not mine.
No my young women, they can be very cruel.
You know, I try to keep pace, you know.
But uh, if they just, if they
see any sign of weakness then,
well, they're not gonna come
and visit me anymore, are they?
I'm very ruthless Phil, I
tell you, I'm very ruthless
but um, but you know, I love them.
Listen, don't get yourself
in a state, you know.
The um, you know, the thing'll work.
You will master whatever you
decide to do, just don't worry.
Just, you know, just, just don't worry.
Yeah, that's it of course.
Of course, I'm a worrier, ha, of course.
To think that this, I'm a worrier.
Thank you so much,
Philip, thank you so much.
But I'll tell you what, why
don't you go and get her,
okay, and don't you worry
because you're young.
Nothing is important, nothing
is important above women.
You can tell that one.
I'm joking.
Just trust love.
Yeah, you slept with her yet?
Well, take my advice
then, just test her.
Test her?
Yeah, ask her nicely,
you know, you know,
politely, just um, just ask
her if she wants to screw.
Just like that straight out.
Just straight out.
Yeah, just straight out.
Or even better, why
don't you just jump her?
Fuck her, don't even say a word,
don't even ask her permission.
Just like that?
Yeah, yeah, just like that,
if she accepts, then it's okay.
And if she doesn't accept?
If she gets pissed off for instance,
and smacks me in the mouth?
Well, then call me back,
then, she's not normal.
Then I will tell you what to do.
And you'll put her on your couch.
Well, we'll see.
Anyway, don't forget, always be kind.
Look, Phil, go for it, go
for her, go at her, huh.
Good luck, mate, wish I
had your carefree attitude.
And your innocence.
You have no idea how lucky
you are, stay as you are.
Do not waste your youth, you
must take advantage of it.
Good luck with the anti-wrinkle...
Oh I shall win through all right.
You heard me coming?
I was waiting for you.
You all right?
That's my sculpture.
Oh wait, let me help you.
No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, I can do it, it's fine.
No, no, no, it's fine.
Do you want to open it?
No, no, it's full of blood.
They liked it?
Yeah, yeah.
I've gotta make a few
changes but yeah, they did.
I have something to tell you.
I really like these.
Thank you, but I
locked the door this morning.
That's what I wanted to tell you.
I opened it.
With what?
A screwdriver.
But my door, you picked
the lock on my door!
Well excuse me.
I'm sorry.
What have you done?
I called the bank,
they're gonna call me back.
I don't care, what have you
been doing in my workshop?
I just wanted to look
at your sculptures again.
These look so real.
You have true talent, believe me.
You think so?
Yes, I'll refund you for the door.
I have the money, I called the bank.
You really like 'em?
Yes, I especially like this.
The little dead bird.
Yeah, yeah, he was um,
he was quite tricky to make,
In the movie, we resurrected him.
What a pity.
What do you mean, what a pity?
I mean, what a pity I wasn't
there to see him resurrected.
Oh um, I uh,
what about this, do you like this?
What is it?
It's, it's, it's a present.
Oh Philip, no.
It's beautiful.
And um, I got some champagne.
Champagne, what for?
For you.
Philip, you make me so happy.
I'm gonna go and try the dress on.
Come on, where are you?
I'm serving the champagne.
You look great.
You'd look better without my old scarf on.
I was just cold and the
dress is, well, very low cut.
It's still good, if you insist.
You look gorgeous.
Turn around.
You look superb, like
a, like a supermodel.
At your service.
Oh, I told you the dress was too low cut.
I had an operation.
Yeah, I know, yeah,
yeah, I can, I can see.
It was my heart.
I should have died.
But you're still alive.
No, no, no, don't, don't, don't.
You look beautiful as you are.
Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Um, well it's damn good.
I'm hungry.
Do you wanna eat in, or out?
No, let's go out, I
haven't been outside today.
Okay, yeah.
Are you still being monitored
by somebody in America?
By the surgeon that operated on me.
You should call him.
I did, he's very busy.
The transplant that I received
was the heart of a young woman.
She died in a car accident.
Her husband signed the consent form.
She was the mother of two kids.
How do you know?
The surgeon told me.
You see, I thought the donor was suppose
to be, like anonymous.
The surgeon's a friend of
mine, she was a good mother.
Don't cry.
I owe my life to this woman.
Don't cry on it, why
don't we go and see a movie?
No, not a horror film, is it?
No, I do have other interests in life.
Then why do you sculpt
such horrific sculptors then?
'Cause it's what the directors want.
And, okay, I've always been
a bit fascinated by horror
since I was a teenager.
That's it, it's a teenage thing.
If you'd ever experienced real violence,
you wouldn't laugh about it.
You said it, you, you,
you actually said it.
What you just said,
somebody predicted it.
He's a friend of mine,
he's a psychoanalyst.
You have a shrink friend.
Does he analyse you?
No, not really, no.
Um, uh, you know, he's just
a good a person to talk to,
you know, he reassures me.
I mean, I would never
harm a man or a woman.
Yeah, I could tell that
by being in your workshop.
I've never even harmed a fly,
or anything else for that matter.
And still my heart got sick.
Yeah, you're better now though, yeah?
Yeah, I am better.
I mean you could like, you
know, even run, couldn't ya?
Yeah, I could run.
I'll show you.
Don't, don't.
Stop it.
I'm fine I'm fine.
I'm well, I'm well.
You okay?
I'm perfectly well, see.
No, don't take it off.
Put it up if you like,
let's keep our clothes on.
Okay, okay, okay.
Oh shit!
Yes, just one moment.
I have to take this, I have to take this.
my friend, she's gorgeous.
Well you see actually, listen,
you, you're disturbing me.
Are you making your move?
Well I was just, just about to, yes.
Should I hang up then?
Uh, yes, yes, yes.
She's not bad,
this girl, she puzzles me.
She may be a man.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
I've um, I've, I've seen
her in her underwear.
Listen, Peter look,
just, just as you called,
I was just about to get
her naked, all right.
And um, and well, she, she
doesn't really want to.
Careful Philip.
She, she has the most amazing breasts.
Like some
transvestites, did you check?
No, no, she hasn't got breast implants.
She's had some, she's had some sort of a,
some sort of heart operation.
Oh, she's had surgery.
There are some people who are obsessed
and have surgery everywhere on their body.
You don't even realise it but...
Listen, Peter, you're
not my father, okay.
This is between her and me.
Now, she gives me the stiffest cock
I've ever had in my life.
I mean it gets hard the
second she kisses me.
Stop being vulgar.
No, no, no, no, vulgar was the sperm
in that blonde girl's hair
in that American comedy,
you know the one I mean, don't you?
Well, listen, I believe in love, okay.
So will you just let me go?
Okay, I just
meant you should be careful,
that's all, good luck,
you have been warned.
Yeah, bye Peter.
What are they?
No, don't look.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where did you get these scars from?
I don't know, I didn't want you to see.
Why, how many operations have you had?
Has somebody, has somebody attacked you?
No, I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know?
How much surgery have you had?
What, what about these, what are these?
Answer me.
Don't touch me.
Don't beat me.
Don't, please.
What are you talking about?
Come, come here.
Now listen.
Ah, fuck.
Open, open the door.
You're not under attack in this house.
Let me get dressed.
I don't want women to be tortured anymore.
I don't want their breasts to be cut off.
I don't want their faces
splashed with acid.
I don't want men, I don't
want men to beat on them.
You make fun of violence,
you're a pathetic teenager.
You enjoy degrading women, don't you?
Where's my ring, my ring?
What ring?
- My ring.
- What ring?
I had a ring with a woman's
head in it, you stole it,
you lost it on purpose.
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about, all
right, but I've had enough
of you, so just get out of this house.
Help me, help me, help me look for it!
I probably left it in the park.
I'll tell you what, listen,
come here, come here.
All right, why don't you
take my old metal detector
I used to use as a kid, yeah.
It is the perfect ring locator.
And the teenager says,
- No.
- Fuck you.
No, no I didn't mean it, no, please.
Philip, a man beat me up,
that's why I'm frightened,
that's why I can't stand it any longer.
A man, well then just
go and prosecute him,
go to the police.
It's old, I don't want
to remember anymore.
I just want to forget, you can
understand that, can't you?
Please, Philip, you're not like them.
You're not like all these men.
I think I left my ring in your workshop.
Please let me in, please.
Just go and look.
It's not there.
There's a surprise.
It's not there, it's not there.
- Oh, no, oh, I'm so...
- All right, that's it,
that's it.
Ow, no.
I didn't do it on purpose.
Please, I didn't do it on purpose!
Just go away, I don't
wanna see you again.
Here, take this, go find a
hotel, you are a fucking lunatic.
I don't want your money.
I have my credit card.
Go and find your ring.
Go and find your pin,
good luck, good riddance.
Uh, who is this?
Hello, hello, who is this?
A friend.
A friend of who?
Somebody gave me your number.
What, Jane?
Is it Jane, you know, you know Jane?
Where is she?
I don't know, um, who is she to you?
What is she to me?
I'm her doctor, and her husband.
Now tell me where she is.
I don't know, um, uh, she left.
Look, this is vitally important.
Her life is in danger.
She's had a serious heart operation.
Yeah, I know.
Is she taking her pills,
huh, huh, go you know?
Is she taking her, she needs
to be taking her pills.
I think so.
You think, you, what do
you mean, you, you think?
Look uh, just, just, just put her on the,
on the line, please.
I told you she left.
Just put her on the goddamn phone!
She's no longer here.
Listen to me, you prick.
She's mine, don't you lie to me.
If anything should happen to her,
you will be held fully responsible.
I'm telling you the truth,
I don't know where she is,
I'm a friend and, um,
if she comes back I'll call you.
Wait, wait a minute sir, please, look,
I'm um, I'm just a little
stressed at the moment,
uh, I'm, I'm uh, I'm worried about her.
Hello, hello?
Philip, where are you?
We're waiting for you.
No baby baby,
baby, don't do this to me.
Don't do this, I miss you.
I miss you baby, please, please.
Oh fuck, this bitch
scares the shit out of me.
your legs, put your hands
behind your back...
We've run out of beer.
You forgot the beer.
Don't move.
Don't move.
I'll go and get some.
No, no.
Oh wait, hold, hold on a
minute, hold, hold on, whoa.
Hold on, just watch this five minutes.
This bit's fucking
great, the chick gets it.
Yeah, the policeman
comes back for revenge.
It's brilliant.
He takes her to the police station
and gets all his mates to
fuck her, one after the other,
just 'cause she's been raped before.
This is a shit movie,
and I cannot believe
you're even fucking watching it.
Move over, calm down Phil.
Move out of the way,
or we're gonna fire ya.
You see what they do to this poor woman?
Yeah, but you should
see what she does to him.
She cheated on him with the rapist.
Yo the special effects are wicked.
I don't know how you
can find this shit funny.
All right.
All right, well fuck off then.
Go on, get lost.
I'm going, adios.
Bugger off, get back
to your loony chick.
It's contagious.
You fucking insult her again, I will
fucking kill you.
Whoa, whoa, Phil!
Phil, what, you all right?
You all right?
Fuck no, leave it.
Sorry Steve, sorry.
I can't, I can't anymore.
Hang in there,
hang in there, my darling.
I can't.
You will, you
will have a heart soon.
I can't wait anymore.
It'll come,
it'll come, I promise.
Are you sure?
I promise.
How can you be sure?
You don't know anything.
I know God won't forget you.
What do you know about God?
You believe in nothing.
I just believe
you can't die, not now.
I don't know, I
don't think I care anymore.
No, no, no, I
know you can't die before me.
I need you too much, I am never wrong.
It reassures you
to say that all the time.
It's for the sake of your own happiness.
No, no not for my
happiness, our happiness.
For us to continue to be happy.
I know we will.
Jane, Jane honey.
Yes, yes, I'm, I'm listening.
Won't ever forget you, ever,.
Jane you're back, Jane.
You gave me this ring,
after you had the accident.
I will never forget you.
Jane, it's me, it's Philip.
You found your ring, huh?
Yes, yes, I found this ring
in the park, in the grass.
You're inside me, I'm living through you,
I'll never forget.
This, it belonged to her, like my heart.
Why it's beautiful, isn't it?
You don't like it?
No, yeah, yeah, no it's
just, it's pretty, it's pretty.
Please forgive me.
I know I'm not an easy girl to deal with.
It's better when you get to know me.
I'm not a bad person.
I know.
Shit, where is that bottle opener?
In the trash.
Yeah, maybe, when I tidied the house.
Yeah, when was that?
Do you, do you know what, I
can't even remember anymore.
See, your mind goes blank as well.
You see, we're practically the same.
Doesn't necessarily reassure me though.
I can drink something else.
No, no, no, no, no, nope,
nope, I know a little trick.
No, you know what, I've had a
lion's share already tonight.
Do you want to do it on the table?
What are you hiding from me?
Who gave you this ring?
The woman's husband.
I don't understand.
He wanted me to have it, like her heart.
Poor guy, he's looking after the kids now.
Who did that to you?
I can't tell you.
Who is he?
Who is the man that beat you?
It's your husband, isn't it?
I don't want any husband.
Is he your doctor?
He's your husband, isn't he?
He cuts you, doesn't he?
No, you don't understand anything.
The surgeon who operated
on me, he saved my life.
He's not my husband.
Oh, die, die.
He let my horrors away.
He played a game with me.
What kind of a game?
I don't, I can't remember.
Who is he, and where is he?
You're still in love with a
man that abused you, yeah?
Just try to remember, try to
remember what he did to you
because you've been cut
and you've been beaten.
I'm scared, he threatened
me, I'm scared he'll come back.
I won't let him hurt
you, okay, I promise.
I'll protect you.
Don't touch me.
It's you, it's you!
You scare me.
It's you, you're going to kill me.
I know it, it's you!
I can't do this anymore,
I'm calling the police.
Forgive me master, do
what you want with me,
but don't beat me, just kill me.
I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise.
What're you talking about, I mean,
where does all this come
from, I could never harm you.
There, take me!
Stab me, slash me, I deserve it!
I deserve it, now do it!
- No you don't,
- Do it now!
You don't deserve it!
I haven't suffered enough.
Just, Jane, Jane, Jane,
just stop this, okay, stop this.
It's not your fault this woman died.
I should be looking after her children.
No, they have their father.
Listen, I don't wanna slash you.
You're not one of my sculptures.
You're the most beautiful
woman I've ever met.
I just, I just wanna love you.
Really, even with all my scars?
I don't care.
I can never model again.
I don't care, you've got a
whole new life ahead of you.
All I want is what's best
for you, what you deserve,
which is love, which is joy, laughter.
With this fool.
But you're not a fool.
Fool or not, I love you.
All we're gonna have to worry about
is how much fun we're gonna
have together, you hear?
We'll have a lot of fun together.
Hey Dave.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're going to a
club, are you two coming?
A club, but
Jane's got nothing to wear.
Lauren will lend you something.
Hey, you're quite a success tonight.
Thanks to your outfit.
You know, you'll never believe this,
but Paul told me, he said
Philip called you a lunatic.
What, no, a loony!
I don't mind that, I'll
make him pay later.
Always make 'em pay, Lauren, believe me.
That's what we do best,
otherwise they'll just get bored.
Good advice, so tonight, little Philip.
He gets laid.
Oh you'll make short work of him.
I'll make sure I lay down
my rules in the bedroom.
Oh he's totally nuts about you.
I know, I'm totally nuts about him too.
It's funny, 'cause he's not
the normal macho disgusting
kook I go for, you know,
guys you can put a leash on.
This time, he's been slamming
the doors in my face.
All I can do is just try and get him back.
You're a man eater.
Tonight I will be.
Fuck, fuck.
Oh, I wanna fuck you.
Fucking good.
It's you,
you cut me, you beat me!
Who me, no, no.
Don't lie, it's you,
Philip, you're my husband!
Don't lie!
No, no, no, it's a mistake, I love you.
You're lying!
I would never hurt you.
You're lying,
you're lying, you're lying
like all men, like all filthy womanisers
who think they're king.
You think you're the stronger sex.
Jane, Jane?
I'll see who's stronger,
I'll suck your brains out.
Today it's me who fucks you!
I want kids with you.
Your father,
it would be a never, pig.
I'm having a baby with Lauren.
They children for
women now a days, you know.
We don't need you men anymore.
No, no.
Die, die.
Wow, you just woke up from a nightmare.
A nightmare, what about?
I can't tell you, it was,
it was so gruesome.
It was so much fun.
So much fun, your nightmare.
Yeah I can't really, I
can't really explain to you,
it was like, it was great,
you was great.
Okay, you can keep
your nightmare a secret.
We all have secrets, we all have shadows.
We hardly even know ourselves.
I can't know everything
there is to know about you.
I wanna know everything about you.
It's better if you don't.
If we get closer, I don't want
to absorb you, possess you.
You don't wanna get closer?
I have to leave, Philip.
Leave, why?
Don't you feel good here with me?
Yes, I do feel good.
Well then let's be together.
And you can do this to me every morning.
I can't, Philip.
I have to go back to America.
I have to finish my treatment.
Philip, it's Andrew.
Philip, you there?
Look, it's uh, it's, it's
good to talk to you again.
Uh, sorry to interrupt
but is uh, is Jane there?
Jane, Jane.
Could you put her on, please?
My husband, Andrew.
Hello, Heathrow Airport.
Okay, I'll be an hour and
a half, two hours max.
Yes, master.
It's okay, Philip, it's okay.
Heathrow, he's got my number.
I'm sorry, I called him
when you threw me out.
I didn't give him your number.
Shit, my number musta shown up.
What, why did you call him?
I was worried about you.
He was so happy to hear from me,
he said he'd take the first plane here.
He's taken care of me for so long.
Why do you call him master?
He likes being called that.
I should've told you about
him, I just didn't know how.
We're getting a divorce,
we don't have any children together.
He's still my doctor,
but he's not my surgeon.
And how did you get them
scars, you must tell me, please.
You must tell me before you leave.
It's me.
I do them to myself, Philip.
But why?
Before my operation, I'd
never cared about anyone.
Women, children suffering.
I earned a lot of money, I was so selfish.
I had to punish myself.
Not anymore, I mean,
I don't want you to end up like
one of my latex sculptures,
I mean, do you...
It's over.
I'm a new person, I promise.
It's such a long process, Philip.
I couldn't bear it anymore.
I still remember, here,
as if it's my fault.
I needed to run away from Andrew,
then I met you.
But I need to go back
to finish my treatment.
I can help you, I wanna help you.
Here's my address in New York,
call me.
I have an apartment there.
You can come and stay with me.
Jane, it's, Jane.
You're the most wonderful
person I've ever met.
Thank you.
I love you, Philip.
I love you too.
We're a good pair.
Okay, well, we better get you ready.
Andrew mustn't see you.
Are you gonna be all right with him?
I'm stronger.
I need, I need to get a new doctor.
I'm ready.
I have you now.