In Bed with the Pedros (2023) Movie Script

Welcome to Coming to the Morning show.
I'm Alero Obaseki
and with me this morning
is aspiring politician,
Jide Pedro.
Today, we'll be talking about
his journey to the Senate
and why following his father's footsteps
as the former senate president
has been a long time coming.
You know, it was quite surprising to us
when your father took a back seat
after his tenure as the senate president,
and now, years later,
you're following his footsteps.
So please tell us,
how has the journey been so far?
Tell us how it has been till date.
And did you ever think you would be
vying for a seat at the senate
at this point of your life?
Well I-(Pause) -I .
You want me to repeat the question?
My journey to the senate so far
has been very unclean.
I guess it's true you could say
as part of this work
I've been following my father's footsteps.
But that's not really my truth.
Could you please tell us
what you mean by that?
And what is your truth?
[Singing and laughing]
What was that?
We just hit someone
O my God! O no! O my God!
Where did you come from?!
Eh Jide!, she's not moving!
She just came out of nowhere
We need to do something.
We need to take her to the hospital
We need to take her to the hospital
No no no!
Come on, help me.
No no no, we can't.
If we do that, we're done for.
We can't do that.
Are you out of your mind?
Jide, she's just a child!
Look, I can't be seen here.
We have to leave this place.
We have to get out of here right now.
No no no!
No we have to leave here
No no no,
Listen, no, come baby
No. Let's go.
No no no, we can't be here.
Please, please - get in the car.
[Car engine starts]
[Screeching sound as car drives off]
What is wrong with you?
We need to go back now, Jide!
I'm trying to think here.
O my God!
Get yourself together, Hawa.
That girl is dead back there
Or she's going to be dead in minutes.
O my goodness!
And then, how would we even explain it?
She just came out of nowhere.
Look, there was nothing we could
have done to save this girl, nothing
O my God!
[Crying and sighing]
It will be okay.
Don't worry. We'll be fine.
We'll sort it out, okay?
what's up with you?
You've been distant of
late, what's going on?
And you barely said a
word at the meeting today.
That's unlike you, babe.
Is everything okay?
Hello guys,
The MD is waiting for you
in his office right now.
The MD is back,
and he actually said he will be
leaving in the next 30 minutes.
He's actually just here for the briefing.
Thanks Jerome, we're coming.
So you wanted to say something?
Nothing really,
I've just been under the weather lately.
I see. So have you had some -
Yes, I've been taking medication.
Thank you.
Okay, let's go.
You do not want to keep the MD waiting
I'll meet you there.
Madam, shey everytin dey alright?
(Madam, Hope everything is fine)
Okay o. You know say dis place wey you park no dey safe at all
(I hope you realise this spot is not a safe place to park)
Sorry, I stopped to make a call.
You know what they say
about driving and calling.
Do make you comot.
(Be fast with it and leave this spot.)
Our patrol van go soon dey comot
(Our patrol van will soon leave here, )
and night don reach.
(and night is falling.)
Thank you
Why are you still not home?
I was having a drive after work
A drive at 10pm!
I went to see - to see
if she was still there.
Are you trying to get us caught?
You can't go back to a crime scene.
What if someone had recognized you
from the other night?
Is that all you're concerned about?
That girl is somebody's child
and we left her out there.
What is wrong with you?
Yeah, you're right.
I know she was somebody's child.
So was she still there?
The way you're going,
you will be dead drunk
before the night even begins
Sorry sir
You came late, and your best plan
was to start drinking heavily?
Alright, where is your wife?
She couldn't make it, sir.
I told you how important tonight was.
The senator love the idea of family.
If Hawa were here, you'd
get his support easily.
She was just a bit ill
before I left the house.
She's under the weather.
She had to choose tonight
to be under the weather.
I'm sure it wasn't intentional.
Get your acts together.
Do not embarrass me.
The senator will soon be here.
Get my son some water
Hi you
we need to see
like very, very urgent.
Who's that at this time?
Uh, I was trying to reach customer care.
Data issue.
Too many people, I guess.
I'll try them later.
O Barrister.
I'm sorry for keeping you waiting
It's alright
It's alright
After her
I think I'll prefer this one
Umhun. It says I'm confident,
reliable and good looking.
That's a compliment I heard.
You didn't. Don't flatter yourself
Just hurry up and make your selection
This one makes my hair look a bit pasty
Jide, is everything okay?
Is there something I need to know?
You know what, I have to go.
I have to go right now.
We'll pick this up later, okay?
We're outside live at the courthouse
of Barrister Madu to interview him
on another landmark victory.
Let's go and hear what he has to say.
Hello Barrister Madu.
Well, I will say I'm
delighted and I'm elated.
The judgement was in our favour
You knew all of this and
you kept them away from me,
knowing what it could do to us,
to what we have built.
I'm sorry, I thought I had it handled.
Ah - you handled it.
Look at where we are now.
Well, at least you did something right.
You cloned her phone.
Yeah, that was good.
So what do I do now?
You don't do anything!
Go back to your campaign.
Think about winning.
I will handle it.
I always knew that Hawa
was too self-righteous for her own good.
Sir, how are you handling it?
I will handle it my way
And by the way, Teni was asking after you
your campaign manager
she was concerned.
What are you going to do, dad?
Hawa means well, sir.
I'm sure that message she sent
to her friend was innocent.
Maybe I'm even the one overreacting.
Ahhh, yes. I'm thinking.
Remember those pictures you
brought to me in the office?
Your campaign pictures?
I think the one you're wearing native,
that's the best of the lot.
Yeah, it makes you look dependable.
You know our people
they love dependable.
Now go, don't keep your
campaign manager waiting.
Go ahead. Go on.
Wilson, we have a problem.
Everything you asked for is in there.
And I also added yesterday's report.
Jerome, have you heard from Linda?
She's not at work,
and I haven't been able
to reach her at all.
I asked the HR,
and they said she didn't call in.
That's so unlike Linda.
Hmm, that's serious.
So you haven't heard anything.
Heard what?
apparently, she got
involved in an accident.
You know, the hit and run stuff.
I don't even know about that,
but she's in the hospital
as I'm talking to you now.
Most of them are even planning
to go and see her after work.
That's what I heard o.
Ah, yes!
Good evening.
(Laughs) Good evening.
Your housekeeper let me
in just before she left.
Sit down, sit down.
I came to see you. Sit down.
You know, I said to myself,
it's been a while since we saw.
So why don't I come over?
And that's why I have come,
so that we can spend some really good time.
I think it's really late.
Ah no, no, no.
You see, time spent with
family is never wasted
no matter how late.
And Hawa, you're family.
Now Jide told me about
the unfortunate incident
that occurred the other day,
and how you were feeling
so badly and all of that.
Well I'm sorry,
but you know it was an accident.
And accidents happen,
they happen all the time.
And they can happen to anybody.
For instance, look at your friend
what's her name?
She had an accident and that's life.
We just have to take life as it comes
and we go with it.
You understand.
Good. Good.
You see, because your husband Jide,
he has some very important days coming up.
O yes!
And we need to stay solid behind him,
don't you agree?
You see, we Pedros,
we always do that to one another.
And since you're a Pedro
o yes you're a Pedro!
So you will stay with us united
so that he can succeed.
Ah - good.
Ah, yes! Well,
I'm sorry to cut this visit short,
but I really have to go.
I just said let me come over and greet you,
spend time with and just
talk about these things.
Now you must come to the house.
My new chef, he cooks this
incredible jollof rice
and goat meat - you need to come and taste.
Now don't worry.
I already called your husband.
He will be home soon.
I am glad I came.
Nice seeing you after a long time.
(Phone rings)
My wife?
Which hospital?
Okay, I'll be right there.
I'm so sorry.
It's already over.
Please don't
I can't live like this.
Don't talk like this.
You know our baby is our future.
No, no. I'm not sure I want to have a baby.
I don't want to have a baby with you.
The man you have become scares me, Jide.
Your father scares me.
I can't live like this.
Well, it's just the pain talking.
Don't say anything you're going to regret.
You're going to be fine.
Look, what's most important is
that we love each other.
I can't.
I can't bring my child into this.
No, never.
Why are you talking like this?
Please, just leave me alone.
Please - no.
Sir, please the patient needs to rest.
You can come back later, or maybe tomorrow.
Thank you.
Sir, good night.
Sir, thank you, sir. Good night.
Good day, sir.
I thought this was my wife's room
She left already
Left - left to where?
She said she was fine
and that she wanted to leave.
So we let her go.
You just let her go
you didn't call anybody?
No message, nothing?
Sir, this is not a prison cell.
And when the doctor advised her against it
and she didn't listen,
we had to let her go.
What kind of hospital
are you people running?
Nurse, isn't that the
guy running for senator?
Yes, he's the one
What do you mean you
don't know where she is?
So, we were at the hospital
and we had an argument.
She wanted me to leave so I left.
And by the time I got back there,
she was gone.
And now, her phones are switched off.
I don't even know where else to look.
Sir, just - we just lost a child.
Get yourself together!
I'm sorry for your loss
but why cry over spilled milk?
What we should be doing is
thinking how to get her very quickly
before she does something stupid.
Election is just around the corner.
I don't need this kind of scandal
not now.
And that wife of yours,
she's clearly unhinged.
Okay, if she is in Lagos,
we will get her.
Sir, I've actually looked everywhere.
I've called everyone.
I even called her mother.
And she..
You did what?
Are you so stupid?
You called the mom?
And I warned you.
I told you not to bring
that girl into this family,
but you won't listen.
I told you that she doesn't belong here.
Now look. Look!
You were too mesmerised by her beauty
and too weak to see it.
Now I have to clear up this mess - again!
Sir, Hawa won't do
anything to jeopardise us.
She loves me too much for that.
Sir, please.
Please, don't do what
you did to her friend.
What kind of monster do you take me for?
Hawa is family.
I didn't forget,
and we still have two hours to go.
But we're going to meet here
first so I could brief you.
Yeah I know.
I had a family emergency.
Listen I promise to be there
so you can brief me on the way.
Okay, that could work
But you've been quite
sketchy these past days.
Is there anything I need to know?
Look, if there is
anything you need to know,
you will know.
I have to go
Ah no!
Relax, relax.
Get away from me,
It's just me
What are you doing here?
I just want to talk to you.
I knew you were going to come
and see Linda at some point.
I just need one minute of your time.
Just one minute of your time, please.
Please, just one minute.
Look, I know I haven't been
the man you want me to be.
But that's why I made up my mind.
I'm going to come out to the authorities.
I'm going to tell them
everything that happened that night.
Look, I just want to be
a better man for you.
You're my life
You're everything to me.
All I want to do is keep you safe.
And I want to make sure
you stay in my life.
We can figure this thing out.
Come home. Come home with me.
I love you.
I know this is hard for you,
but thank you.
Thank you so much.
Enough tears, Hawa.
Common, Stop it
We're stronger than this.
I brought your smoothie.
I know it's been a few
days since you've had it.
Thank you
You're welcome
What are you doing in my house?
Hawa, you don't have to run.
We want to help you.
She'll be okay.
She'll be okay.
Don't worry.
She'll be okay.
This is everything you need to know
about the women's leader,
Yeye Atinuke Aribidesi.
Sorry, what were you saying?
Look, you need to be focused.
Your mind needs to be here with me.
I promised your father
I was going to get you into the senate
and I will.
Sorry, continue.
Like I was saying,
this is everything you
need to know about yeye.
We need her on our side.
She's looking.
Let us keep her staring.
Please read it
Please some
Please help me please.
Some please open the door! Please!
Sir, the reporters from Channel 4 are here.
I put them in the briefing room.
Okay, ehm. Thank you Gloria.
Hmm? And that is what we're going to do.
For you to go and talk to her
will mess up her mind.
You know her mind is in a fragile state.
And we're trying to limit physical contact.
So Hajia, just like I told you
she's in the best possible
place she can be in.
I trust Doctor Haruna very much.
He's the psychiatrist in the country.
So you can just go back to Jos,
and don't worry about it.
We'll take care of her.
Don't worry.
For God's sake.
When will I be able to see my daughter?
Mama Hawa, I can't say precisely when.
But I want to assure you
we're going to take good care
of her until she improves.
And when she improves,
then we're going to
call the family members.
Do you understand?
I will just remain in Lagos.
I will go and stay in my sister's place
at Agbado.
I won't go back until I see my daughter.
Okay. No problem.
Thank you, doctor.
I was just on my own listening to them.
I didn't even bother wasting my strength
to see what they want to talk about.
You know, all those stupid
financial department guys,
looking for who to come and form form.
I don't even have that strength.
I was even trying to see if I was going to
Don't tell me you haven't been listening
to what I was saying since.
No, I've been listening.
No, I wasn't listening.
I've been trying to reach Hawa since.
How has she been at work?
Hawa has been on leave.
It's not time for her to go on leave.
What are you talking about?
That's what they told us.
They told us she was on a medical leave.
Lola from HR said her husband called.
She lost a child,
and she's about leaving
the country for a while
Are you okay?
I'm fine. I just feel pain.
I need to sleep.
Okay, sorry.
Sleep, sleep.
Omo girl!
James, I've told you.
This you scary pranks, I don't like them.
So is that why you're giving me attitude?
Okay, sorry.
What do you want?
I understand we have a VIP here
Are you for real?
Obinna told me
Dr Haruna wants to put you
in charge of this room?
Obinna talks too much.
He should learn to shut his mouth
What's wrong with you?
What's 'what?'
Let me go in with you
so we can see this VIP together.
If Mrs Beatrice catches you
What Mrs B?
The same one that is fast asleep?
Please open the door, let's get in.
Good afternoon
and welcome to the news at 2.
My name is John Adams
I understand she caught her husband
with the house girl in bed
And that was how she ran mad
Are you sure?
Lawyer and activist,
Lawyer Alfred Madu's daughter
found dead after being missing for days.
According to source,
she was found in a pool of blood
after being knocked down
by a hit and run vehicle.
the police would like
any member of the public
with useful information
regarding the ongoing investigation
to kindly report to the
appropriate authorities.
The new refinery to built
in the city of Kaduna
in the city of Kaduna will proceed
after the association
of surveyors of Nigeria
Hello, sir.
Sir, have you seen the news?
The girl... the girl that
died in the accident,
she's on the news.
She's Alfred Madu's daughter?
This is bad, dad.
This is really bad.
Hawa, you know, she was there and she...
And then, then after, what happens?
Sir, we have a problem
Miss Linda?
Yes, who are you?
Come with me,
Chief Pedro would like
to have a word with you.
And what if I don't want to come.
You can't force me.
I will scream
and the whole neighbourhood
will come running.
I won't ask twice.
We're not fighting, are we?
Forgive me sir.
But the last time I saw you
was at my friend's wedding,
and now she's gone MIA and...
you're in my house.
So many coincidences.
My son told me about your outrageous claims
I'm sure you don't want anyone to sue you
you for defamation of character.
That means you have to sue
the whole of Lagos State
because people talk
and I'm going to the police
station with my evidence.
Linda, you're a very smart girl.
You know that the police will not listen to
any nonsense you say about me.
Look, Hawa is well.
She's actually in the US,
recuperating from the
loss of my grandchild.
This is a very trying time for the family.
Your friend is fine, I promise.
She might even call you soon.
Ah, yes.
Lagos could be a very dangerous place.
Anything can happen to anybody.
Well, it's nice seeing you again.
I hope next time,
it will be on a better circumstance.
Obinna, stop!
You'll put me in trouble one day.
I've told, you - stop it.
What will happen to the food?
You know what?
I will eat you instead.
Come here
I don't like it.
I knew it!
Both of you again!
What have you turned this hospital into?
Oh, am I talking to myself?
No - Miss B.
I was just ehn I was assisting her.
Yes ma,
he was just assisting me.
I needed assistance.
Mr and Mrs Assistant.
Why don't you save that for your query?
Now, get out. Get out!
So nothing yet.
No eyewitness, no suspect, nothing.
But there can't just be nothing!
She didn't just kill her -!
Hello. I'm sorry I shouted.
Okay, thank you.
There is a big problem!
What is it, Brenda?
The Patient,
the patient under my care is missing!
The Pedro woman
Ah! This is not good!
How did you allow this to happen?
I'm sorry.
I've alerted the guards.
They're searching the premises.
I'm sure they will come up with something.
Sorry is the least of our problems
when the Pedros come down on us
Hello sir, Chief.
We have a problem
Yes, she's missing
Please I really need to see him.
Please madam, it's urgent
For the 20th time ma,
he's in a meeting.
Did you tell him it's really serious?
It's a matter of life and death.
Ma, please just sit down.
When the Barrister is done,
he will attend to you.
Thank you.
Can I please get a pen and paper?
I need to see him now.
I told you that
No you won't understand
Madam, you can't do that!
Who are you!
I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!
Who is - who
I need to talk to you right now.
What about?
I know what happened
Who are you?
Please, don't let them take me
I'm not crazy,
No, no no!
Don't let them... No!
Sorry about all this.
She just escaped from a mental facility.
It happens all the time.
Yes boss.
Yeah, we have her
Alright sir. I will handle it.
I need your help, please.
The lady was brought in here by her family.
So that we can give her
all the best care we can give.
And the only people authorised
to come and see her are her family members.
You see, that lady is delusional.
And she's here to get the best help
that she can have.
Delusional, did you say, doctor?
Why don't you leave that to me to judge?
if you do not let me see
that lady immediately,
I will have every reporter,
every TV house, policeman in this country,
and even get you docked
through a court injunction.
And newspaper headlines will
go agog tomorrow morning
that you use this site as a hostage
for kidnapped persons.
And this place will be shut down faster
than you can say your name.
See, you can't come here in my own facility
to come and threaten me.
What will it be now, doctor?
You're a very hard woman to find.
You left this for me, right?
I found it in my office
the day you came around.
I guess it was from you
I have a feeling I am not wrong.
Madam, sorry I didn't listen to you
It must have taken a lot to escape
from this place to find me.
It says here that
you know what happened to my daughter.
Please talk to me
Who doesn't want you to talk?
What's going on?
Please talk to me.
I know you can hear me.
That was her name.
She didn't hurt anybody
and didn't deserve to die that way.
She was my little girl,
just on her way home.
I know you're not crazy.
And I can help you,
but you need to talk to me.
We'll definitely see you tomorrow
Alright, thank you.
Bye bye.
You were absolutely great today.
And there's no way Sholeye is winning this.
Thank you
Well, just get me home
and know that tomorrow is a big day.
I have one more meeting
to round up the night
I'm meeting up with a friend of my dad's.
Whatever you do,
make sure you get home on time,
have a good night rest.
We have a big day tomorrow.
For sure
I didn't want to leave her
I'm so sorry
The door is open
Hi, I'm supposed to have a meeting
I know.
Jide Pedro?
I'm Sike.
Come in.
Uhm, what's going on?
Come on, relax.
I don't bite, except you want me to.
Chief paid me generously
to take good care of you.
Chief (Laughs)
He said you've been tense for a while.
I'm here to help with that
(Laughs)Thank you.
Thank you very, very much,
but I'm a married man.
Come on
I don't judge.
Married, single
I'm here to do my job.
Come on, let's go.
Uh, no thank you.
Don't be stubborn
Here we are.
Hawa, you'll be safe here for now, okay?
So, you get some sleep,
rest very well.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
The key
Thank you.
What do you mean she's not here?
I didn't have much of a choice
Where's she right now and who's she with?
Did my father transfer her out or here
to stop me from seeing her?
In fact, your father does not know.
I didn't know how to tell him.
So I had to tell you first
so you'd break the news to him.
You know, your father is
one of my greatest donors.
Please that's not what I want to hear.
I want to know where my wife is.
That's what I want to know.
Hmm. Between you and I, Jide,
you know that your wife is very sane.
I had the choice of letting her go
or having this place swarmed
by all sorts of reporters
or police and even,
there was a court injunction.
I had to let her go.
You know,
I built this place to help people
who are really in need of it,
not to be a pawn to be used by family feud.
What do you mean by that?
See, that lawyer,
the one that your wife went to his office.
He came here, making all sorts of threats.
And you know that what
we're doing is illegal.
So I had to let her go.
Just let her go,
just like that.
You're going to pay for this, Doctor.
He's not here.
And we've been waiting for 25 minutes.
Yeah, I know. It's actually 28.
I'm sure he will join us very soon.
He should be on the way.
Do you trust him?
I don't trust anybody.
But I know he's a good man.
Well, let's just play on the good, for now.
He's here. Good.
Yeah. Thanks for coming, Abdulsallam.
Thanks for coming.
We appreciate.
This is -
I know who she is.
Ah, good.
As at this morning,
she is declared missing and unwell.
The patrol teams are on the lookout.
I tried my best.
But my bosses are not ready to
get entangled with Pedro matter.
And you know, I'm just a small fry.
There's nothing I can do.
I thought you said he can help
Yes, that is if it is within my capacity.
I would have.
Okay, let's assume
I invite her for statement in our station.
Then I go ahead to arrest the Pedros.
How many days do you think
they will spend with us?
Knowing well that they're
aware of your mental health
It will even get the case thrown out
faster than we say Donald Trump.
I am not crazy!
I understand.
I'm only telling the barrister.
And he's aware of all these.
Your father-in-law is very powerful,
feared by everybody.
Those who are not afraid
of him are powerless.
They can't do anything.
Look at what he did to you,
his son's wife.
He is the godfather here.
He's going to stop at
nothing protecting his son.
Not even now that election
is around the corner.
Uhm, Barrister.
I'm very sorry.
I will advise you to live
to fight another day.
Fighting the Pedros
will not bring back your daughter.
It will only get you killed.
I am sorry. I have to leave now.
I am sorry,
It's alright, Adulsallam.
Thank you.
Hey, stop pacing.
You'll dig a hole in the floor very soon.
Sit down.
She could be anywhere now,
saying God knows what to
whoever is willing to listen.
How can you be so calm?
It's because I have
everything under control.
I really hope
someone hasn't gone and
done something to her.
Get up.
Stop that!
You are a Pedro.
I have raised you better than this.
If you took my kind gesture,
my good gesture at that time,
you'd be more relaxed.
I need a drink
Stay away from the liquor.
Sir, I tried to
I have to call you back
Gloria, it's alright.
Barrister, relax.
This is just a friendly visit.
Wilson, don't worry about him.
He's an angel.
He won't do anything he
doesn't absolutely have to do.
Otunba, what do you want?
Well, uhm Some news came to my hearing
a couple of days ago,
very unfortunate news.
And I thought maybe I
should come and see you.
Unfortunate news?
Chief Pedro, your son killed my daughter
and left her by the wayside
like a trivial animal.
Now you kept his wife in a mental hospital
so that she wouldn't be clean
about what happened that night.
And you Pedros think you are above the law.
Otunba, I have nothing in common with you.
And now,
your own daughter-in-law is hiding
scared for her life
because she knows what you are capable of.
Barrister, I'm sorry
that your daughter died.
But that was an accident.
That could happen to anybody.
And that's why I'm here
father to father,
man to man.
Your daughter died.
I want to compensate for that.
You mention your price,
and let me pay to ease your pain.
Ease my pain
Otunba, this is my daughter, Adaeze
cut down in her prime.
All that promising young life wasted.
Father to father?
You're a poor excuse of a man,
talk more of a father.
Otunba, you're a coward.
A coward who bullies people to get his way.
I have nothing in common
with you, Otunba Pedro,
absolutely nothing.
Get out.
Leave my office.
Get out of my office.
I came here and I offered you peace,
but you just made the wrong choice.
Hawa, open please.
It's me, Madu.
What's wrong?
You look flustered.
Someone shot at my car.
Oh no, oh no!
I know.
Are you...
I'm fine. I'm fine.
It was just a warning, obviously.
Yeah, that's what I'm scared of,
because next time, it won't be a warning.
O relax, relax Hawa.
I don't scare easily
Yeah, no, no.
I have good news.
My friend, Paul,
is a senior correspondent at Today's News.
They'll be running a
front page pic tomorrow.
If they carry it, others will.
And if everything is in the open,
you'll not have to hide any longer.
And seems like we will
get justice, after all.
O my God!
That's great news!
Yeah, it is.
Hello Paul
Hi Alfred,
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
My editor refuses to publish this story.
It was an agreement,
but he just called me an hour ago
that he can't go ahead.
I tried to persuade him but won't listen.
I talked to my people in
News Today and dailies,
no one wants to touch the story.
You know it's the Pedros that run this town
for over 30 years,
and everyone is scared of the fallback
. I'm so sorry, Alfred.
I really wish I could help.
Thank you Paul, I appreciate.
O, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Uhm, see, I've fought so many battles,
faced a lot of adversaries.
Now, I can't get justice for my own child.
I - I, I feel defeated.
Why? What's wrong?
Otunba! Otunba Pedro controls the media.
Newspaper, television, radio.
He has media power.
But I think it's not over yet.
We can do blogs, send something out.
Make it trend.
You know, it can't just be over.
Hawa, that will just look
like some cheap rumour.
See, if only the real newspapers
and outlets will go with it,
then the people will pay attention.
How do you fight the devil?
How do you fight the devil?
How do you fight the devil?
My God!
O, ma!
Breaking News!
O my goodness!
And he actually made it
down to the interview.
Even with this.
Should we still run it?
Just wait till I'm done
with my interview with him.
Okay, okay ma.
Let me give you a call back in a bit.
Excuse me. What's going on?
We have just discovered about the demise
of Mr Jide's wife.
O my God!
This is serious.
I'm so sorry about your loss
You must be so brave
to still make it down to the interview.
Just take heart, okay.
May Hawa's soul rest in perfect peace.
I'm sorry.
Jide, I literally just found out.
I'm so sorry.
Jide, look, let's just stop this interview.
Go home and sort things out.
Say something.
No, we have to do it.
We're already here.
I don't understand.
Maybe it will get me more
sympathy with the voters.
You know, because
Crime prevention is high on my manifesto.
I'm speechless.
I've been groomed my whole life for this.
I'm gonna have to do it.
Come on, let's do it.
On January 15, something happened.
My wife and I;
we were out celebrating.
She had just gotten pregnant.
I was about to become a
father for the first time.
We were driving along the expressway and
there was an accident
Today, in what seemed
to be a turn of event,
political aspirant, Jide Pedro,
son of the former senate president,
has turned himself in
for the wrongful killing of Adaeze Madu,
child of the human rights
lawyer and activist,
Barrister Alfred Madu.
Sources have confirmed that
Chief Kayode Pedro has been arrested
for charges that include
kidnapping, assault,
and attempted murder.
The word on everyone's lips right now is
'is this the end of the Pedros?'