In Dreams (2021) Movie Script

(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(foreboding music)
(foreboding music)
(climactic music)
(ominous music)
(thunder rumbling)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
(climactic music)
(water splashing)
(ominous music)
(climactic music)
(Alma gasping)
(water running)
(ominous music)
(water running)
(Eddie groaning)
- Hi.
(ominous music)
Oh my.
(Alma kissing)
- Alma?
- What?
- [Eddie] Did you
take your medication?
- Really?
- What?
- You're fucking kidding me,
that's what you're
fucking thinking?
- What, baby I'm sorry.
Come back to bed.
Fuck me.
Alma, please, it
was just a question
can you come back
to bed, please?
- I can't, I can't
do this anymore.
You should leave, you
should actually move on
with your life.
- Are you kidding me?
Do you know how
stupid that sounds?
Can you not do
this again, please?
- Eddie, I'm doing
this for you, okay?
I am protecting you.
I am not good for you.
- After all we've been through,
can you just tell
me what you need?
- You know what I need, I
need to fucking feel, Eddie.
I am done with the
therapy, the medication,
I am fucking done with it.
I can't do it anymore,
I just can't, I can't.
I feel like I'm in a
constancy state of sleep
and I don't know what's
fucking reality anymore!
- You know what reality is?
This is reality, I'm here
and I'm trying to help you.
- I don't need your
fucking help, Eddie.
I don't need your fucking help!
Like, what don't you understand,
everyone that I love,
I fucking lose, I'm
a fucking curse.
You know, actually,
you should fucking
just get the fuck out of here!
- What are you trying to do?
- Go, get the fuck out of here!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
what are you trying
to do right now,
are trying to push me away?
- Just get the fuck
out of here.
Get the fuck out of here!
- What are you doing?
- Eddie, just go!
- Is this what you need?
- Get out!
- Is this what you need?
- Get out!
- Is this what you need?
Are you trying to
hurt the only person
that's trying to help you?
- The only person
- You, you, you,
that loves you?
you, you love me!
You wanna help me!
It's not about you
you fucking fuck!
- Okay, Alma, please calm down.
You're having an episode.
Please, calm down.
- Don't fucking touch me.
Do you even understand what
it's like to live like me?
Do you understand what
it's like to be in my shoes
and hurt people all the time?
Do you know what that's like?
I feel like I'm stuck in an
abstract painting for eternity
and I can't fucking get out!
I don't know how to help me!
I don't know how
to fix me, Eddie!
(foreboding music)
I hurt people, I do!
(knife banging)
I don't know how to
fucking help me, Eddie.
(Alma sobbing)
(foreboding music)
- Hey.
We should get out of here.
You and me alone, let's
just go somewhere.
- You don't me,
Eddie, you don't.
- Maybe I do.
Let's go on a trip.
What about Europe, I
mean, we have the money.
- Really, now?
I'm not taking
his fucking money.
- Oh, okay.
I'm sorry I mentioned it.
- My god.
- I'm sorry I mentioned it.
Go to the lake house.
You were always telling me
how much it meant to you
as a kid and how
happy you were there.
I never even been there.
- I don't know, I,
that might be too much for
me to handle right now,
I don't know.
(ominous music)
I don't think I could do that.
It's so weird, I never think
about my parents' car accident,
not even on the anniversary.
It's like they never existed.
But Grandpa's death
has just been so.
- You were only seven
when your parents died
and Dante raised you.
Your parents are now
just a distant memory.
- I miss him so much but
Eddie, he's been fantastic
through this whole process.
He's put up with so much
shit and so much madness.
I don't know how
he's still around.
- Let's try to focus on you now.
Are the new meds working?
- Better than the ones before,
less anxiety, no visions.
- Are you having any
paranoid thoughts?
- Not as bad but not zero.
I just really wanna
get the fuck off
all this shit, you know?
But Eddie would rather
have me sane than horny.
- Did he sell any
paintings at the fair?
- Yeah, he sold one.
I mean, the booth cost
more than the painting
but you know, now he's
working at the gallery
and I'm hoping they'll
give him a show.
- I saw the article
on the foundation.
Your grandfather would
be so proud of the work
that you're doing.
- Yeah, I hope so.
I mean, all he really cared
about was giving his millions
to the less fortunate.
- I understand that, I do
but you don't really have to
feel guilty about
living a little.
- I know but I do.
But I've been thinking
if we try to get pregnant
again we should be more
generous with myself and Eddie.
- I actually think
it's a great idea.
- I think so too.
I mean, I think it'll
good for the both of us.
(dramatic music)
The rain fall harder
You make the room spin round
I'd like to sit real still
We've built our
house no sand
You feed your baby water
- Alma?
- Yeah, I'm here.
- [Eddie] You took
your pill today, right?
- This morning.
- I picked up a
prescription yesterday
from the super weird
pharmacist by the way.
And he said to take
these with tons of water
twice a day, don't
forget please.
- It's just so weird
coming up here again.
I want it to be so
much fun, you know
and I feel like the closer
we get the more anxiety.
- Hey, stop, it's gonna
be great, I promise.
A weekend to remember.
We should relax,
have fun, you know,
get the juices flowing again.
- Is that what you want,
you want my juices?
- What, no, do you really
think I wanna have sex
with my insignificant wife?
That's nuts, you're sick.
- I may be sick but we
definitely have something
I love you.
- I love you too.
And you've been dealing
with a lot lately,
I think you deserve
to have some fun.
- What the fuck
is wrong with me?
- [Eddie] Nothing's wrong
with you, that you know,
a few pills a day can't fix.
- I've been talking to
Natalie about the idea
of trying to have a baby.
What do you think?
- I don't know.
Last time you were
pregnant, it was so brutal.
- I know, I know but
these new meds are really
making a huge difference.
- Fuck it, let's have a baby.
- Yeah?
- You know what
that means, right?
- Sex.
That's what I've heard
and (indistinct).
(Alma chuckles)
Lots of it.
- Well, if that's what it
takes then count me in.
- You can start right now.
(sirens blaring)
Is that for us?
Where the hell did he come from?
This is all I fucking
need this weekend.
(dramatic music)
(car door slams)
(keys jangling)
- [Sheriff Johnson] Do you
have an emergency here sir?
- No, no officer.
- [Sheriff Johnson] License
and registration please.
- Sure, just curious why
we're being pulled over
in the middle of nowhere.
- Here in Oregon
we got laws, son.
I got you 20 over
the speed limit.
- Sheriff Johnson?
- Is that my little Alma?
- [Alma] Not so little anymore.
- What a great surprise.
God, it's been years
since I seen you.
Say, is this your boyfriend?
- No, this is my husband, Eddie.
- Looks like trouble to me.
(Eddie chuckling)
- Well, he's a
painter, an artist.
- No kidding, I've been trying
to paint landscapes myself.
- Couldn't pick a
more perfect place.
- How long you all
planning to staying for?
- Just the weekend.
- Hey, Alma, I remember
you loved my grilling,
how about I bring up a
couple of steaks and your.
- Maybe next time, we
just, we really don't have
a lot of time and
we're were just hoping
to just spend it, you know?
- Say no more, honeymoon
stuff, I get it.
I'm gonna let you off
with a warning this time.
Now listen, when it gets
raining, these roads get slick
and I don't wanna get that
bad call something terrible
happened, you understand me?
- Loud and clear and thank you,
Sheriff, really, thank you.
- You all be safe.
- What the hell?
You didn't tell me
you knew the sheriff.
- [Alma] Yeah, he was a good
friend of my grandpa, why?
- I just don't like
cops, that's all.
(dramatic music)
(engine revving)
(ominous music)
(engine revving)
(doors slamming)
I'm really glad we came.
- Me too.
- Come on, let's go
inside, it's getting dark.
(dramatic music)
Wow, this is so beautiful.
- It's exactly how I remember.
I remember he used to sit
here all night reading.
- He must have been
really happy here.
You seem calm and relaxed.
- I am, I feel good,
better than I expected.
- How about I check
out the generator
and make sure we have enough
fuel to last us the night.
- How do you know
there's a generator?
- I just assumed all
these must have one.
There is one right?
- Yeah, I'm just testing
you to see if you're awake,
shed out back.
- All right.
Be right back.
(slow dramatic music)
(eerie music)
(climactic music)
Alma, I'm in the back,
can you come out?
(Alma sighing)
- [Alma] What's wrong?
- What is all this stuff?
- That's my grandfather's
hunting gear.
I once saw him kill a
deer with a single arrow.
- You never told me that.
- Well, now you know.
- You know how to
use all this stuff?
- No, I don't think I can
kill or even hurt an animal.
- Let's get our stuff inside.
Maybe we can go for
walk by the lake
before it starts to rain.
- What's that?
- This right here is a shotgun.
- And where the fuck
did you get that?
- Charlie, he said we would
be crazy coming up here
without something to
protect ourselves.
You know how many
movies he watches.
- Have you ever even
shot a gun, John McClane?
- Yeah, I mean, just point
at what you wanna kill.
(gun cocking)
Pull the trigger.
(Eddie chuckling)
Can't be that hard.
- Okay.
- Can you help with this please?
- We're definitely
gonna die out here.
(Eddie chuckling)
- Come on, it's heavy.
(trunk slamming)
There we go.
(Alma chuckling)
All right, let's go.
(slow dramatic music)
- I used to walk this
path all the time.
I just love how it
never changes here.
(thunder rumbling)
- Why didn't your grandpa
ever bring you up here?
- I don't know, I think he
just liked to come alone
or with me when I was younger.
- I know he thought
I was a loser.
- No, don't say that,
you're extremely talented.
He just never understood
what being an artist meant.
And when we got married
a year before he died,
he really got to
really know you.
- Well, at least you knew me.
(thunder rumbling)
(slow dramatic music)
(eerie music)
(thunder cracking)
(shower running)
(ominous music)
(thunder cracking)
(dramatic instrumental music)
(Eddie and Alma
breathing heavily)
(Alma panting)
- Oh god.
(thunder cracking)
(eerie music)
(thunder cracking)
(ominous music)
(Alma breathing heavy)
(climactic music)
(Alma panting)
- I think there's someone
in the living room.
- What?
- There's someone in
the house, get dressed.
- [Sophia] I'm just
getting all horny.
- [Sophia] (indistinct)
makes me so horny.
- [Sam] You're always
horny, come on.
(Sophia giggling)
(shotgun cocking)
(Sophia hollering)
- Oh my god.
- Get that thing out of my face.
- Who the fuck are you?
- Who the fuck am I,
who the fuck are you?
- I own this place.
- What, well, then
where the fuck is Jack?
- I don't know who Jack is.
- I'll tell you who Jack is,
Jack is the guy who's been
renting me this fucking place
for the last three
fucking years.
- Yeah, we stayed here for like
a month for our anniversary.
- Oh, my god.
I've heard of these scams.
They find some empty house,
pretend like the own it
and rent it out.
- Oh, you gotta be shitting
me, that piece of shit.
I paid that scumbag three grand.
- No, it's okay, baby,
just relax, okay?
- It's okay, we've been
driving five hours, honey,
what are we gonna
do, drive back?
- I don't know, we'll
find a hotel or something.
- Yeah, first I'm gonna find
that bitchface weatherman
who said it was gonna be
60 and sunny all weekend.
Then I'm gonna find
that piece of shit Jack
and I'm gonna throw him in
front of a fucking train.
(Sophia giggling)
- It's okay, just relax, okay?
- Relax, baby?
- We'll figure something out.
- What are we gonna do babe,
sleep in the truck?
- Yeah we'll sleep
in the truck.
- We just got here, honey,
we have $30 in gas.
- I know, I'm pregnant,
- I know you are babe,
and just please rest, Paul.
I'm here honey, I'm here,
I'm here, I'm trying, okay?
- Excuse me, we do
have a second bedroom
and we could make a bed
for you if you really
need to stay the night?
- Oh.
- Can you excuse
us for a second?
Can we just?
This was supposed to
be our weekend alone.
- Yeah, I know.
- You know, our healing weekend.
- Yes, I know.
- And there's something about
them that's real peculiar.
This guy has like
major anger issues.
- I don't think
they're that weird.
Maybe little bit
pissed off, you know,
I don't even blame them.
They drove all this way.
Where are they gonna
go and she's pregnant?
- Yeah, but I was
just starting to relax
and I don't wanna have to
share my place with strangers.
I'd rather just go home and
let them have the place.
- No, that's ridiculous.
Listen, if they give
us any trouble at all,
I'll personally
kick their ass out.
Just one day.
If you still feel
uncomfortable tomorrow,
we can just ask them to leave.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Fine.
- I think you guys can stay.
- Thank you, thank you so much.
- The thought of driving back
was seriously depressing me.
There's not even a
decent hotel around here.
- Nothing.
- I feel really bad
about the gun, you know,
and we feel really bad
that you got jacked around.
- By Jack.
(Sophia chuckling)
- Jacked around by Jack.
- Well, he's a greedy fucker
and he's gonna pay for this.
- So many awful people.
- My grandfather always said
that money isn't the root
of all evil, it's greed.
- Hey, I like that,
may I steal it?
- Yeah, you can have it.
- How about I get the
rest of your stuff inside?
- Sure, thanks.
It's over there.
- Thanks again, I
really have to pee.
- Oh, no, no, yeah, sure.
- You know how us pregos are.
- Yeah.
(Sophia giggling)
(dramatic music)
- You know when you
hold it for so long
and then you finally go and
it just kinda dribbles out,
that was me.
(Sophia giggling)
- More than we cared
to know, honey.
- [Eddie] How long have
you guys been married for?
- Three years.
- Four years.
- Married for three, dated
for one, he always forgets
which is totally
insulting to me.
- Sorry guys, I have
to make a quick call.
- Hey, baby, who do you
have to call on Saturday?
- Natalie, I told
her I'd check in.
- All right.
- Okay.
- Her therapist.
(couple giggles)
(phone ringing)
- Pick up, pick up, pick up,
pick up, pick up, pick up.
(phone ringing)
- Hello?
- Hey, it's me,
can you talk?
- What's wrong?
- This couple just
showed up out of nowhere
and they said that they
rent the house from this guy
named Jack who scams them.
There's something about
these two guys that I just,
I don't know, I don't like them.
- Well, that happens,
it's a real scam.
- I know but my anxiety's
starting to act up
and I'm starting
to get paranoid,
it's just they're very
Mickey and Mallory.
- Why don't you just
tell them to leave?
- I did, well, I
mean, I wanted to
and she's pregnant
but Eddie felt bad
and decided to let them stay.
Listen, I have no reception
up here to get online,
can you just look
this girl up for me?
- Okay, what's her name?
- Sophia Floures.
- Let me see if I
can find anything,
just really take deep
breathes and stay calm.
- Hello, hello?
- Hello?
- Oh god, you scared me.
- Sorry, I just wanted to
come here and enjoy the view.
I forget how beautiful
it is up here.
- Yeah, it is.
- Do you come here often?
- When I was a kid and
then I started dating,
high school, college,
then I got married.
- Yeah.
- Then I stopped coming,
I just don't know why.
- Well, you are a
beautiful woman, Alma,
and classy too, that's
a nice combination.
- Thank you.
- I'm all fat,
pregnant, disgusting.
I'd say Eddie's a lucky guy
married a rich, sexy wife.
- How do you know I'm rich?
- Lucky guess, that
house you barely come to,
fancy therapist that
works on the weekends.
You know, I think people
should earn their way in life.
They shouldn't be given anything
they haven't worked for.
- That's exactly how my
grandfather used to be.
I don't feel so well well.
(gun fires)
(dramatic music)
- Let's go see what that was.
(dramatic music)
(gun fires)
Whew, hell yeah, that was hot.
- You guys scared
the shit out of us.
- Sorry baby, we're
just having some fun.
- You ever shot a shotgun,
Alma, it's a bit orgasmic.
- A bit orgasmic, huh?
- Totally.
(gun fires)
- You're right, it is orgasmic.
- You never told me
you shot a gun before.
- I never told you
a lot of things.
- Where'd you learn
that little trick?
- My grandfather
used to love hunting.
- Oh, yeah, that's right, man,
you gotta check this shit out.
- Oh, look at all this shit.
- We have to go hunting.
- Hunting, I don't think
I can hurt an animal.
- I've done some hunting.
I can show you guys how
a pro kills his prey.
(Sophia giggling)
- Come on, Alma, back me up.
- I'm in.
- Wait, you guys are serious?
- What's the matter,
Eddie, you don't like
to get your hands dirty?
- It doesn't seem like it.
- Don't forget that.
- How could I, I have
you to remind me.
- It's what I'm here for.
Let's go, it's gonna be fun.
- Let's make a toast.
Alma, why don't
you say something?
- If you choose money over
love, you will always be poor.
- Her grandfather's
favorite quote.
- Oh, to love.
- To money.
- To her grandpa.
(eerie music)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, there are you
okay, you all right?
(shotgun cocks)
- Now, you're gonna tell
me who you really are,
what the fuck you are
really doing here.
- What the fuck?
- Don't give me
that Jack bullshit
because I'm not
fucking buying it.
- Hey, hey, hey,
what are you doing?
- It's kinda crazy, you look
very nervous with that gun,
just put it down
onto the ground.
- They're lying Eddie,
they're fucking lying Eddie!
- What the fuck?
- Where the fuck is she going?
(climactic music)
(Alma panting)
(climactic music)
(Alma panting)
(climactic music)
(Alma whining)
(gun fires)
(climactic music)
(gun cocks)
(gun fires)
(Sophia crying)
- What the fuck
is wrong with you,
what the fuck is wrong is you?
(Sophia screaming)
What the fuck?
- What'd you do now?
(Sophia screaming)
- Are you (indistinct) baby?
(Sophia screaming)
(indistinct) insane!
How could you do this?
(Sophia screaming)
- Baby, it's okay.
- This is.
(Sophia screaming
drowns out speech)
I'm sorry, I didn't know!
- Hey baby.
- I'm so sorry.
- [Sam] How could
you fucking do this,
are you fucking crazy!
(Alma panting)
(thunder roaring)
- There she is.
- Sweetie, are you okay?
We didn't wanna wake you up.
- What happened?
- You came back with
Sophia after your call,
you said you didn't feel well,
had to go for a rest.
Are you hungry?
- I just had the weirdest
nightmare, it was just so real.
- What was it?
- You all went hunting,
I had the shotgun
and you guys were
wearing weird masks.
- Hunting, I don't think
I can kill an animal.
- I've done some hunting.
One day I'll shoot a
guy's head and kill prey.
(Sophia chuckling)
- Yeah baby.
- Then I shot Sophia
in the stomach.
You guys started
screaming, yelling at me
and I woke up.
- Okay, that sounds
super creepy.
(thunder roars)
Let's make a toast, yeah?
Alma, why don't
you say something.
- If you choose money over
love, you'll always be poor.
- Her grandfather's
favorite quote.
- To love.
- To money.
- To Grandpa.
(ominous music)
(thunder roars)
(thunder cracking)
(climactic music)
(thunder roaring)
- Really, that took forever.
- Well, she's stronger
than she looks.
- Did you give her the pills?
- Yeah, I put two in her wine.
- I couldn't stand
this belly anymore,
I sweat my tits off with it.
- Did you bring the stuff?
- Yes, Eddie, I
packed everything.
- All right, let's get ready,
I'm gonna get the stuff.
(phone vibrating)
- Come on, come on, pick
up the fucking phone, Alma.
- What was that thing
she said about the masks?
- Yeah, that was kinda weird.
Are you sure she doesn't
suspect anything?
- [Eddie] No, look, it
doesn't fucking matter, okay?
- I can still see that old
man's face in my nightmares.
(ominous music)
(climactic music)
(water splashing)
- It's been two years and
you still have nightmares?
- Fuck you, you
weren't even there.
- I was there.
(rain pouring)
(dramatic music)
- Is it done?
- It's done, let's go.
Yeah, well waiting in the
car while we come back
is not exactly being there.
You don't like to get your
hands dirty, Eddie, admit that.
- [Sophia] Right.
- That's why I hired you guys.
- Yeah and two years later,
we're gas-lighting your wife
still waiting for our money.
- Yep, she screwed you
out of your inheritance
and then we tried to get
her into a psych ward
and there was another
screw up that went nowhere.
- Although, you know,
unfortunate, totally
unforeseen delay,
as I've promised, I'll be
doubling what I owe you
once I take control
of the trust.
- $200,000 correct?
- Why do you need to
hear me say it again?
- Because I like hearing
what I'm selling my soul for
and about to help kill your wife
after I already
drowned her grandpa.
- You know, that deal doesn't
sound so sweet anymore,
(Eddie laughing)
- I could have paid a couple
of gang bangers 10 G's each
to do the same job with
a lot less questions.
- [Sophia] What the fuck?
- Good luck finding
some random gang bangers
to do this job for you.
- You know what,
Sam, forget about it.
We made a deal and
we'll hold up our end
as long as Eddie here holds
up his end of the bargain.
- Listen, this isn't just
about making this look
like some psychosomatic suicide,
this is about the acting
job that we are all gonna
have to pull off tomorrow
when the fucking cops show up.
If that doesn't work, my
end of the fucking deal
will be the least of
our fucking issues.
- [Sam] All right, you know
what, calm down, Eddie.
We're gonna get the job
done, that's why we're here.
- You fucking better.
- Yeah, crazy.
- You just kill him and
get the fucking money.
(foreboding music)
- Sam, grab that log there
and put it under the tree.
(Eddie grunting)
- There.
- Sophia?
- Yeah?
- Take the rope and
leave it on that branch.
All we need is to get her a
couple of inches off the ground.
- Okay.
Yee-ho cowboy.
(Sophia laughing)
- Sam, take the rope and
run it through her hands.
All right, now tie it.
Have her make a
fist and grab it.
- Wow, you really
did your research.
- Yeah, I did.
- You're one sicko.
- Aren't we all?
- The root of all evil
isn't money, it's greed.
- Thanks for that Sam.
You two finish this, I'm
gonna go have a drink.
(Sam grunts)
- That's why we're here.
- Oh, we should have just
drowned her like the old man.
- Yep, it would have
been a lot easier.
On one, two, three.
(Sam grunting)
I got this one, go.
(foreboding music)
(thunder rumbles)
(foreboding music)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbles)
Congratulations Eddie,
you are now a rich man.
So what time do
we make this call?
- 6:30, we woke up she was gone.
I woke you up, we looked
everywhere, we went outside.
- Yeah, she was depressed
all day, having visions,
acting weird, sleeping all day.
- No one will question
her state of mind.
- They better not.
Hey, baby, I'm down
to get some rest.
- Okay.
- I love you,
filthy bitch.
- Okay, be in in a bit.
So close I can smell the money.
(rain pouring)
(foreboding music)
(eerie music)
(thunder roaring)
(Alma gasps)
(climactic music)
(tree branch cracking)
(Alma thumping)
(thunder rumbling)
(Alma choking)
(Alma gasping)
(climactic music)
(Alma gasping)
(climactic music)
(Sophia moaning)
(rain pouring)
(climactic music)
(Alma crying)
- Are you sure he's sleeping?
(thunder rumbles)
- Yeah, just shut
up and fuck me.
(Sophia moaning)
(Alma crying)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
(Alma knocking)
- What the fuck?
- Oh shit.
Baby, it's not what it
looks like, I swear.
- It looks like you're
fucking (indistinct).
- Sam come on.
- (indistinct) Sophia.
- Come on, Sam, take it easy.
- Shut the fuck up, okay?
Unless you want me to do
to you what you paid me
to do to your wife or
worse her grandfather.
- [Eddie] Come on,
calm down for a second.
- Baby, we were
playing, it's just sex.
- Listen to me, listen to me.
Tell me the truth, tell me
the fucking truth, okay,
I can handle it but
if you lie to me,
it's gonna get very
ugly very fast, okay?
- Okay, baby, baby
just calm down, okay?
No, it's.
- You twisted those pills
into my drink too right?
- No.
- Was I next?
- Absolutely not.
- Was that your plan?
- No.
- Of course not baby.
Of course not.
Sam, calm down.
- Listen to me, honey, honey,
baby, tell me the truth,
all right?
- Okay.
- How long have the two
of you been fucking?
- Just one time.
- One year.
- You've been banging
(indistinct) for a year?
- Yeah, I was lonely and
I didn't think you'd care.
I'm really sorry, baby,
I'm sorry, I love you.
Babe, I just.
- I wanna believe you,
I wanna believe you.
(Sophia screams)
- Hey, calm yourself down!
- You shut the fuck up okay!
- You and me are gonna
make a fucking deal
right now, right now.
- What do you want,
what do you want?
- Half.
(Eddie laughing)
Half of everything.
- I will fucking join
Alma on that noose
before I give you half.
- I'm not asking you.
- Okay, I'll give you half.
(men grunting)
(climactic music)
(Eddie grunting)
(Sam grunting)
(climactic music)
(Sophia hollering)
(Sam moaning)
(Sophia hollering)
(Eddie moaning)
(Sophia hollering)
(Eddie hollering)
- He's fucking dead,
he's fucking dead.
(Eddie coughing)
(Sophia laughing)
Son of a bitch almost killed me!
You saved my life.
You saved my life, babe.
- Of course, you're
my meal ticket.
- Fuck you.
(Sophia laughing)
What do we do with him?
- Easy, we pin it on
Alma, say she went crazy
and she axed poor Sam and
then she committed suicide.
- No, that would never work.
Alma was a fucking nutcase
but she wasn't violent.
Suicide they'll buy in
a heartbeat but this,
this is just too much.
- We'll cut him up
into little pieces
and feed him to the
poor animals outside.
- That's a good idea
but that still leaves us
with bones and a skull.
- We'll burn the bastard.
(Sophia giggling)
- It'll take way
too long besides,
cremations are done at
almost 1500 degrees.
You saw that rain
outside, there's no way
we can get a fire that hot.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
(thunder rumbling)
(rain pouring)
You know what we do, we take
his body out to the lake,
cut him up into little pieces,
put it into garbage bags
and just fucking sink him.
- Fish food.
- Yeah, you tell the
cops you had a fight
and he just fucking left.
- We'll need to hide the truck.
- Yeah, I'll pick
it up next week.
- It's gonna be a long night.
- Just think about the money.
(thunder rumbles)
Come on fucking help me
with this shit, fuck.
- Yeah.
- Come on!
(Eddie grunting)
(rain pouring)
(thunder rumbling)
(eerie music)
(Eddie grunting)
I can't see.
(phone ringing)
- [Alma] Hi, this is Alma
leave a message, thanks.
- Alma, it's me, I'm on my way,
I already contacted
the local authorities.
Please, please give me a
call back once you get this.
- [Dispatcher] Sheriff, do
you copy we have a situation
at 396 Lake Drive,
are you around?
- Damn, that's Alma's place.
Dispatch, this is Sheriff
Johnson, I'm on my way.
(rain pouring)
(engine revving)
(thunder rumbling)
- Find a tree stump will work.
(Eddie grunting)
- Fucking heavy.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
- What, what?
- We don't have anything
to cut him open.
- Oh.
- Go to the shed,
grab the ax or a saw,
something sharp, okay?
- [Sophia] Okay,
here, keep this.
Be right back.
(Eddie grunting)
(rain pouring)
(Eddie grunting)
(door squeaking)
- What are you looking for?
- [Sophia] Oh, my god,
well, where have you been,
we've been looking for you?
- Really?
(Sophia grunting)
(Alma grunting)
(foot thudding)
(Alma grunting)
(Alma hollering)
(Sophia hollering)
(Sophia hollering)
(ominous music)
(Alma hollering)
(Alma thumping)
(Alma hollering)
(Sophia laughing)
(Alma grunting)
(Alma grunting)
(Sophia hollering)
(ominous music)
- Fuck!
- Eddie!
(Sophia coughing)
- Sophia.
- She's alive, we
didn't kill her.
(Sophia coughing)
- Alma, you're having
a mental breakdown,
a psychotic episode, please,
we need to get you home!
(ominous music)
(climactic music)
(knife slashes)
(Eddie gasping)
(foreboding music)
(rain pouring)
- This fucking car!
(phone vibrating)
(phone ringing)
(Eddie breathing heavy)
- I should have just
got a fucking divorce.
(gun cocking)
(gun firing)
Who are they gonna believe, huh?
The one with a therapist
and a psychiatrist?
The one who's been
on antipsychotic meds
since she was a teenager?
The one who thinks that
we're all in a fucking dream!
You killed that
poor innocent couple
and then in your delusion
you tried to murder me!
And it's not about money, Alma!
This is about respect!
The respect I deserve!
(gun cocking)
I'm an artist for god's sake
and instead of making
me your husband,
you made me your warden in
our own little psych ward!
That was our money,
Alma, we inherited it!
(rain pouring)
(climactic music)
(foot thumping)
(Alma hollering)
(Eddie hollering)
(head thumping)
(Alma grunting)
(Eddie grunting)
(Alma grunting)
(Alma hollering)
(Eddie hollering)
(Alma hollering)
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
(Alma hollering)
- This is for my grandfather
you piece of shit!
(Alma grunts)
(water splashing)
(climactic music)
(Alma hollering)
(Alma hollering)
(climactic music)
(foreboding music)
You make my blood
pound faster
You make the
rain fall harder
You make the room spin round
And I stand real still
We built our house on sand
You feed your baby water
And now my heart beats fast
So much for peaceful endings
You want your wife
to be a dancer
Well sit tight my man
Sit tight my man
And I'll dance
right out the door
It might hurt just a little
Yet it's been done before
(eerie music)
- [Eddie] Wake up Alma, wake up.
(climactic music)
All I've been shown is pain
The exception is
all I'm seeing
Being fed with betrayals
But I still believe in this
It's always you (indistinct)
And people will let me down
But I know for sure baby
I will find the one I want
Yes I walk
On the valley
of death I walk
Without any sense I
try to see your light
And I try to get a sign
Yes I walk
From the valley
of death I walk
Looking for a sign of a life
That could help me
could you help me
Get through alive
I suffer all day and night
But I'm willing
to sacrifice yeah
And I won't be defeated
'Cause I'm playing
with my life
Yes I walk
On the valley
of death I walk
Without any sense I
try to see the light
And I try to get a sign whoa
How it feels to be the
man who is rejoicing
In mediocrity I'll
risk all I've got
But I'll get the
prize of the sacrifice
'Cause I'm the one
who never start it
I never lost it
and never fall
I won't divulge
And I won't wussy out
'Cause I'll fight until
my last drop of life