In Good Hands 2 (2024) Movie Script

the woman you just saw is my doctor.
The one that looks
like she's about to cry.
She told me if I don't quit drinking,
I'll get cirrhosis.
Just like my dad.
She used to be
my late father's doctor, too.
She's a really good doctor,
but she loves being dramatic.
Although, this was the first time
she used a very convincing medical term.
"You're gonna friggin' die, you moron!"
Well, she might have a point.
It's been a year since Melisa died.
I have no idea
which phase of mourning I'm in.
All I know is that I have
to come to my senses,
otherwise, there's a problem
in store for me.
And he's not so little anymore.
- Firat.
- Boss.
Here you go, Mr. Can.
How's my big boy? Did you miss us?
All right.
Here are the batteries. Okay.
How would you like
your sandwich today, boss?
- With ice cream, please.
- Can!
It could use some.
Bread's always dry.
Just a bit of ice cream.
Oh, come on. What do you mean, "dry"?
We're not doing anything
until you eat the sandwich I make you.
- Fine.
- It's time for you to eat too.
Can! It's time!
Time to go wild!
- Really?
- Yes, really!
Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Oh, my God!
I'm sure that it's gonna work now.
Are you really sure?
You bet! We got the perfect batteries.
Traveler Five, are you ready?
Yes I am, Captain One.
Date check, sir?
March 21st, 2022, Captain.
Where are we?
It's 2024, Captain.
Oh, I know what we need! More batteries.
- Firat?
- Mmm?
We'll make the machine work, won't we?
Don't know if we will, boss.
We won't give up.
We'll make it work, I'm sure.
We gotta build it.
I gotta go back in time
and tell my mom I love her.
I couldn't tell her before she left.
But if I manage to go back there,
then maybe I... can convince her
to stay here.
- Firat?
- Mmm?
You promise you'll stop drinking?
Anyway, you stink
when you drink, you know?
Oh, shut up.
Come on, let's send Melisa love.
I love you so much.
Firat! Firat, what's wrong with you today?
- Oh, Firat, you...
- Firat?
Ah, good dogs.
- All right, guys, sit down, please.
- Yeah, sit on my foot.
Firat, we really need
to find someone for you, boy.
- Too late, he's been neutered.
- I'm not talking 'bout the dog.
I'm saying that we must find
someone for you.
Fato, stop it. I'm serious.
Last time you pulled this kinda thing...
Can got used to it. Come on, it was fine.
That's not what I mean.
We're more than fine.
I'm doing fine.
Like hell you are.
I mean, maybe things
haven't been the easiest for you.
But we need to keep
moving forward for Can.
Right now, what that boy
needs the most is his father.
I'm here for him.
I'm always gonna be here for Can.
Yeah, you and your booze?
God, Fato, you ever stop
and think this might be hard for us?
For six years,
the boy believed his father was dead,
and all of a sudden,
I'm supposed to become a father to him.
He won't even call me Dad.
You realize what that means?
How about you call him "son"?
No! Besides, the shrink told me
I should wait,
and let him do it on his own
when he's ready.
Maybe you're still not ready
for fatherhood.
Or perhaps you're using your shrink
as an excuse. Probably.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I really am.
I'm just saying,
a partner would be good for you.
Besides, man,
it might also be good for Can.
Just trust me for a change. Trust me.
Come on, lemme handle everything.
I've got you, my friend.
You're not gonna handle anything, Fato.
I gotta go.
Where are you going?
First to school, then to the shrink.
By the way,
I'll swing by later to get him.
Watch out for Freud,
and keep him away from Mami.
So I have to keep Firat?
Okay, cool, thanks.
Come on.
Can, buddy, why weren't
you doing the dance with us?
Because that dance feels like homework.
I don't like the moves.
And my mom and I had
a better dance anyway.
What was it like? Show us.
What's the big deal?
After all, it... it's just a dance.
Can is a coward!
Can, I really want to see
how you and your mom used to dance.
Did you see what he did?
Who's that bearded guy that picks you up?
I bet that man's your father,
but why do you call him "Firat,"
and not "Dad"?
But he also doesn't call him "son."
"Boss," right?
What the hell is that?
Let's go, guys, come on!
See you later.
Can we please just go?
Look, Dad, he's the one who can't dance.
Hop off, boss.
Here we go.
I'm seeing the shrink doctor again?
A psychiatrist, not a shrink doctor.
Stop trying to deflect, you hear me?
It's the end-of-the-year dance,
you're going, and you're doing it.
I'm not gonna be there,
and I won't dance with them.
Yes, you will.
What's next? Dropping out of school
'cause they're making fun of you?
That's not a bad idea.
Might give it some thought.
No, sir, you're not dropping out.
But I might.
Hmm. No, you won't.
- I'm not going.
- Yes, you will.
- No, I won't.
- Yes, you will.
Nope, plus I'll tell the "pedigogue"
you're forcing me.
It's "pedagogue."
At least learn to say it right first.
The bus has eight passengers and six more.
Come on. That makes how many passengers?
Too many. Maybe they should just walk.
- It's a fine day, anyway.
- Can, seriously, focus.
- I'm gonna quit school.
- Please stop saying that.
- But I will.
- You will not.
- But I want to.
- But you can't.
- Well, I am.
- No, you're not.
- I already did!
- Um, no, you didn't.
- But I'm going to.
- But you're not going to.
- Well, I am!
- But you haven't dropped out.
Please, just let him do it.
Pretty clear he wants to, huh?
I think you should think about it.
Calmly and quietly.
Thank you.
I'm building my time machine
and traveling to 3500,
where you don't exist.
I'm going to 4500.
I'm going to 5000 then.
- 6000!
- 7000.
- 8000!
- 9000!
- 10,000!
- I'm afraid this is 2024, hmm?
Listen, please, I'm asking you seriously.
Please, I need a little quiet. Hmm?
Bit of silence.
I'm trying to work over here, please.
We're very sorry.
Can, keep it quiet, please.
The lady is trying to work.
No, she's not working.
She's just sitting there doing nothing.
What are you working on?
- I'm thinking.
- But we're thinking too, am I right?
Oh, but I like to think in silence.
You don't mind, right?
You don't. Thanks so much.
You look a little tense.
Maybe a drink might help you think better?
Mind if I treat you to one?
Oh, no, thank you. I'm good. I'm sober.
Well, see what I mean?
I'm sorry, but she's sober
and you still can't quit?
What does that mean?
I'll build my time machine,
and gather every single worm I can find,
and then discover every wormhole.
So, you wanna build a time machine, huh?
Then listen carefully.
To properly build that thing, well,
you gotta reach extremely high speeds.
I'm talking about moving
at the speed of light.
And you know what happens
when you travel light speed?
Mass increases.
I mean, mass become infinite.
So, what would you need
in order to move infinite mass?
Infinite energy.
But now, is infinite energy even possible?
It's not.
But that means
you can't ever reach light speed.
Your time machine is impossible.
We're gonna need light then.
Boatloads of light! Yeah?
Man, just check out
the women first, then the dogs.
Maybe you've noticed something?
How much they resemble each other?
I don't wanna meet anyone.
Why is it so hard to comprehend?
I don't want anyone.
How 'bout these?
Where'd you get those?
From your room.
You know how that annoying girl
with the glasses told us we needed light?
So, are these okay?
Who are they, hmm?
Could you be trying
to find new moms for me?
Can, please. Don't be silly.
But why don't you find
someone for yourself?
Oh, hon, that's all I've tried to do.
Why is the headmaster calling me?
Firat speaking.
Yes, sir, I'm listening.
Me? No, I didn't send an email to anybody.
How could a small kid do that, sir?
Even I can't do that, you know.
How about you forward that email to me,
and I'll look into it? I promise.
Then it must be in my Sent Mail folder.
Right. Thank you, sir.
A drop-out petition?
Um, well, I'll be in my room.
Yeah, I'm a little tired.
I'll go to my room.
Uh, um...
So, I'll see you.
Can. Can!
- Perfect.
- Can.
Can, dear?
"At this time, I have decided
that I will no longer attend
the Private Sevdem School,
effective immediately."
"I believe I have neglected
my personal life
because of your demanding
academic schedule."
"Your dance blows."
"No one should be forced to dance
for homework, it should be fun."
"And why would anyone do your boring
dance when they could just be wild?"
"Anyway, the truth is
I don't appreciate your school,
and I don't believe that I need it."
"Please work out the details
of my departure with Firat." Of course.
"Yours sinisterly..."
What does that mean?
Can, what do you mean by that?
Can, are you trying to drive me mad?
You sent this to the parents,
the headmaster, the teachers,
practically everybody!
Can, what in the world
are you trying to do?
I told you I quit school.
Besides, I wasn't even going back at all.
Can't stop going 'cause you feel like it.
Forget about that. No.
I'm not going back, and you can't make me.
Even Mom didn't make me.
I am making you.
I'm making you. You understand?
And what are you, anyway? Tell me.
See? You are no one to me.
You can't make me do anything.
I'm gonna travel in time.
I'll fix my machine up
and get more lights to go to Mom,
and I'll never have to see you again!
That time machine is imaginary.
And you can't travel to the past.
I mean, you don't think I miss her too?
But Melisa is no longer here!
You need to grow up, kid.
Seriously, I beg you. Please, Can!
Nothing would be this way
if my mom were still here.
When I go back, I'll tell her everything!
I'll even scream.
Because she left me with someone like you.
I will scream.
Are you in there?
Ma! Come on, Mom, please.
Hey, Ma!
Firat, sir. She's not here right now.
Well, Tufan,
sorry to catch you in your lie,
but the lights are on,
and my mom never leaves the lights on.
Doesn't suit you.
Lying is never good.
Hey, sir. Sir, please.
She doesn't like you showing up like this.
It puts me
in a very complicated position, sir.
Yeah, but I'm okay.
I square I'm...
I swear I'm gonna be just a minute.
I know you're there.
Please, Can and I had a fight today.
You won't believe what he did.
He sent a letter
of reg-signation to the headmaster.
You can resign everything.
But you can't exactly resign
from being a dad, can you?
Sometimes I get so freaking mad at Melisa.
Because she didn't seek me out earlier.
Six long years.
With a son somewhere out there
whom you're clueless about.
Not being able to
witness his first smile...
the very first time he crawls.
Or teaching him how to walk.
But, Mom, no one gave me
the option to be there for him at all.
I bet if I'd been there
from the very start with him,
I'd probably be a better father than I am.
What do you think?
How can you...
be a better father to your son?
I've been avoiding becoming my father.
But I am exactly like him after all.
You are what you most fear
you'll turn into.
All right, Ma, goodnight!
Don't worry about me.
I am going straight home.
Bottoms up
to the most crappy fathers out there!
To the most crappy fathers
out there!
That girl with the red bike that was here,
the smoking hot one?
Is that babe here, bro?
Turns out that my son needs more light,
but so do I.
Firat, it's morning. Wake up.
Get up.
- Check this out.
- Mmm?
Can had the tablet with him all night.
Think you should take a look
at the boy's browsing history.
Gotta go. See you.
We need to increase
the speed at one end of the wormhole
closer to the speed of light.
And so the entry point and the exit point
start to exist in different timelines.
- From this point on, while getting...
- Hey, boss.
I'm sorry.
But I feel so desperate and useless,
sometimes I don't know how to stop.
And I know that you deserve
so much better than me.
And I swear, I'm never going
to let you down from now on.
What's that?
Got this for you.
The time machine needs it.
You said the time machine
wasn't even real.
You told me that.
An ignorant assumption.
Ignorant? Like, you mean being stupid?
Well, why don't we figure out
how to use these?
There you have it,
a portal to the past.
Though, still, you should never
get stuck in the past
and neglect the small happiness
that comes with being in the moment.
I thought you gave him your word, man.
What happened to that?
I'm not gonna drink. You can relax.
So, where are you going?
I need to go thank someone
for what happened last night.
Wait, is it the same girl
that got you home?
Dude, I show you a bunch of girls
and you just complain about all of them,
and how I'm ridiculous.
Tell me who she is.
Actually, no. I wanna know why her.
She's good at physics.
- She rides a bike.
- Mm-hmm.
She said she was sober.
Oh. But also, she was so good with Can.
And after my grandma and grandpa died,
he said, "Now our families have
the same intelligence quotients."
And I still don't know
if he meant it for us,
or if it was a message to my grandfather
so that we could bury him again.
And to this day, it is still a mystery.
Thank you for coming. Take care, everyone.
I wanted to thank you for last night.
Yeah, I'm good. I'm sober. You remember?
I'm quitting too. Water.
Please don't give this guy
any more drinks tonight, okay?
He tends to turn into a situation.
Was I too much last night?
Maybe I was a little past the limit,
but I'm sure
it was still a beautiful night.
- I'm sorry, beautiful?
- Not beautiful?
Let me refresh your memory.
So, here's what went down.
Wanna know why Jews have big noses?
Because the air is free.
Come on, it was good.
They misunderstood that joke.
My mother's side is practically Jewish.
Stop it.
Oh, that was only a part of the story.
So, why did you help me, then?
Even went through the trouble
of taking me home.
Why not put me in a cab
and be done with it?
I can't disagree with you.
I'll make sure I do next time.
Drink lots of water,
it'll be good for your kidneys.
Also, it will improve your crying.
Wait. Was I sobbing at the bar, man?
Bro, did I cry or not?
That bike chain's pretty loose,
you'll damage the spokes.
- What do you know about that?
- A little bit.
You some kind of bicycle mechanic or what?
No, but close.
Please, may I have a look?
All right.
It'd be easier if it wasn't stuck
between chainrings but...
this is a pretty old bike, I bet.
Yeah, it is. My brother's.
How 'bout we leave it behind?
Let me give you a ride home.
I can take care of it tomorrow.
No, it's a nice evening.
I can walk home alone.
I'm not a fan of cars.
Oh, believe me,
I'm not a fan of cars, myself.
Let's go.
Want a bite?
Yeah, sure.
What do you want?
Boyoz, for real?
How am I supposed to find boyoz
at this time of night?
That's not my concern.
I'm simply saying what I want.
Here you are.
Oh, they're hot. Thank you so much.
You're welcome. Here you go, sir.
And here are your ayrans.
Very well.
I hope you enjoy 'em.
You know, I don't normally open
the shop at this hour
but when he said you were pregnant,
I couldn't say no.
You can't imagine how much
I appreciate this, Salih.
She's very pregnant at this point.
Not a lot but a little.
It's enough for her to get by.
Good for you. How far along are you?
- Two months.
- Five months.
All right, thank you so much. Take care.
- My regards to your family.
- Thank you. You're welcome.
Wish you could have told me sooner
I was pregnant.
I wanted to see
how you'd improvise.
What was that about five months?
Do I look like I'm five months pregnant?
Oh, two months? Who starts having
cravings at two months, for heaven's sake?
And what does it mean
when you're "pregnant enough to get by"?
That's five months.
You know how you asked me
why I helped you?
'Cause you remind me of someone.
The reason I quit drinking, actually.
- Who?
- Someone.
So, your son, why is he obsessed
with time travel and all that?
Kids, you know.
What's your story?
My story? Forget it,
I don't wanna make you cry.
Oh, boy. Are you dying or what?
And even if you're not, it's kinda obvious
that you're trying to kill yourself.
I mean, why do you drink like that?
Partially as an escape,
partially to forget.
Then there's genetics.
But what troubles you?
What troubles me?
Being a father.
I'm struggling to be a good dad.
And the more I struggle,
the more I turn into a shitty one.
Then stop struggling.
I mean, to be a good father.
If you're gonna struggle,
at least do it for not being a shitty dad.
If you know what you don't want,
then it becomes easier
to achieve what you want.
I've been trying to work on that lately.
Well, how's it worked out so far?
still alive, aren't I?
So, what is it that you don't want?
Well, I want nothing.
Or anyone, really.
I just want to stop, sit,
and stare at the walls.
I'm depressed,
is what my shrink keeps saying.
- Mmm.
- Severe depression.
I used to have fun like them.
Sometimes, I miss those days.
No. Please, don't.
- I'm serious, I...
- Hey, how are you?
- Uh, good.
- We're late, traffic was awful.
Absolutely awful. Istanbul's a mess.
- Hello and welcome.
- Thank you.
Bro, what's up?
Come on, you don't recognize me?
- We haven't met, anyway. Arman.
- Hello.
Didem, my fiance.
Pleasure, Ugurhan.
- Hello.
- Ogulcan.
We met in Bodrum?
Bitez! Oh, if Bitez could talk.
I'm surprised you forgot me.
Gentlemen, you need refills.
May we have two waters, please? Neat.
Well, Halil's over there,
so we should go and say hello.
All right, see you, have fun.
Hey, you're playing great!
Thank you very much.
Bicycle salesman.
Although, lately, I'm not really running
my business, but it's okay.
Father to a son. His name's Can.
The only one in the world
I love more than anything.
We live together.
We have our ups and downs,
but we really try.
In conclusion,
I want to thank you for tonight.
It's all felt really great.
But I'm also
not working lately much either.
My little brother, Kerem,
was living with me.
Then he got accepted to college
and moved to America for that.
The only one I love in the world
more than anything.
And I'm depressed, I guess,
but I'm gonna push through it.
Uh, and in conclusion,
I want to thank you for tonight as well.
I'm also feeling great.
To see his mother again.
You wanted to know
why my son is obsessed
with time travel and all that.
To go back in time
and tell his mother...
that he loves her so much, that's why.
He believes...
He believes maybe, that way, she won't die
and she'll stay here with him.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Been only a year since I met Can.
That's when I found out he's my son.
And Melisa told me that we met
seven years ago.
So, for six years,
I lived my life
completely unaware I had a son.
Melisa... was ill.
And when she passed, she left...
a tough and awfully wonderful gift behind.
We can only depend on each other.
I told Can...
a time machine was impossible to build.
It's official,
I'm the worst person in the world.
Well, second worst.
- I was gonna fix that for you.
- Hmm. I fixed it while you were sleeping.
- By the way, get ready, we gotta go.
- Go where?
Well, to see Can.
I gotta apologize to him.
Huh, I think we can pretty much assume
you already did.
What, are you afraid
I'll say something else to hurt him?
Oh, no, I know you won't.
I worry about what he might say.
If you're referring
to that day at the caf,
we should completely forget
about the whole thing and move on.
And, um, I'm really very good with kids.
- You sure about that?
- I'm sure, yeah.
It's your funeral.
Hey, I wonder which mosque that is?
Can, can you read that?
Oh, it's the Valide Sultan Mosque,
I'm sorry, why are we here?
- To learn about these things.
- Why is the annoying girl here?
Can, please don't be rude. And besides,
I told you, buddy, sister Sezen...
I don't have any siblings.
Okay, Auntie Sezen...
- Or any aunties.
- Auntie what?
Lemme do this.
Can, honey.
Can, love.
I want to apologize for saying
the other day your machine isn't real.
- I didn't know what I was talking about.
- So, you were being ignorant?
- No.
- Stupid?
Oh, stupid.
As I said, I've been here before,
so allow me.
Can, buddy, you wanna go before
this conversation escalates too much?
What do you say?
Can, wanna know something?
These buildings were built by architects.
Really? That's your brilliant plan?
It never fails.
Can, love?
Did you know I'm an architect?
Probably forgot to mention it.
That means you made all these buildings?
What, these buildings? No.
Okay. Then why are you bragging?
Ugh! Unbelievable.
So, Can, love?
How is school going?
No, not school! It's the weekend!
And what's with "love"?
Stop calling me that.
What name would you rather I use?
Because "boss" isn't my thing.
Only Firat can call me boss.
You can't call me that!
- All right, Can, love.
- I said stop calling me love!
- Are you dumb or what?
- Maybe don't say that, Can. Stop it.
How about Shorty? Smart-ass?
- Hobgoblin?
- How about we filter our words a little?
- Architect, my butt!
- "Architect, my butt"?
Guess what? You're lousy! A lousy boss.
And besides, whose boss are you anyway?
Why do you care?
- Hey...
- How many people work for you, huh?
- And how much do you earn?
- Why do you care?
I mean, look at what
other architects are building.
And you just sit at a caf in silence.
Architect, my butt.
Sure, go nuts! Seriously!
Just go ahead and keep being mean
to each other. I'm done.
I've been trying
to apologize to you for hours.
Is that so hard for you?
Why would you want
to torture me with this?
Because I am over your dumb apology,
over you trying to be good to me,
and I'm over you trying
to be in our lives!
This happened before, and now Mom is gone.
She'll never come back.
And soon Firat will leave.
I'll lose him!
I don't wanna lose him as well.
I warned you.
Thanks, anyway. It was a good try.
I'll always be here.
Next to you.
You'll never lose me, you hear?
You promise?
What do you want?
I know you don't wanna see me,
but this won't take long, I promise.
Okay, what is it?
I want you to hear me out.
Then I'll leave
and you'll never have to see me again.
Although, I'd be happy
if you just listened first.
No one has the power
to take Firat from you.
I mean that for real.
Not me, or anybody in the world can.
That's the first thing
you should keep in mind.
Believe it or not, I've lately...
been in the same place as you.
I have a brother and...
Well, I'm not crazy about anyone else
coming into our world.
So, I really do understand you.
Although we are not right
in trying to prevent that.
Even if I'm not the one
that comes into your life,
someone else might.
But you know, that's not a bad thing.
I can guarantee you
that loneliness is worse.
You know what I mean?
Is that woman his mother?
What's going on?
Did you pay attention to one word I said?
Are they laughing at you?
Can you just go, please? Just go!
Who is this, Can?
That your mother?
Do you call her by her name too?
No. She's not my mother.
So, that man is not your father.
Who calls their dad
by name, Firat, anyway, huh?
What's it to you? Go ahead.
I'm not talking to you!
But Can's not talking to you, kid.
Go on, pork chop.
Take your little friends, off you go.
Wait, is "boss" her nickname for you too?
Boss, Firat!
- I'm sorry, I was sure you were leaving.
- I'm not, but you can.
Take Can and leave.
He can't even dance.
He's got moves like a loser.
He dances like this! It's hideous.
Hold this, yeah, honey?
Excuse me, may I grab that for a sec?
She got you!
So funny.
Get him!
What's going on?
Enough! I'm gonna tell my dad! You'll see!
Because of your unique situation,
we chose not to inform Nedim's parents.
- But let this be a final warning.
- It won't happen again, headmaster.
I'll go and talk to Nedim now,
and, um, apologize on behalf of Sezen.
Firat, I'm really sorry.
It was not her fault.
Nedim was being a bully again,
about you and Mom.
She just protected me is all, I swear.
Nedim, boy.
I'm very sorry about what happened.
I feel really bad
for what they did to you.
You're not cold, are you?
Careful. Don't get sick.
I apologize for what
that lady over there did.
But I'm afraid she can't control it.
You wanna know why?
'Cause that woman's a maniac.
She's a psychopath.
You know what she does?
She likes to go around
to every school in town
and soak kids who bully others, and...
Wonder what he's saying.
I think he's just saying sorry.
I mean, what else could he be saying?
You're right.
If you ever make fun of Can and his life,
she'll find you again.
But she won't be as kind next time.
So watch out.
Remember that.
Oh, and by the way,
you can tell this to your friends as well,
my name is Firat,
and I am his father.
He's done.
So, food?
Can, seems like your sandwich
is pretty moist today?
Oh, yeah. Mmm. This is great.
Sezen should teach you how to make it.
His sandwiches are always dry.
Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Oh, is that right?
Why is your house like this?
Just moving stuff.
Well, Kerem'll be visiting
on his holiday break,
I'm trying to get everything ready
ahead of his visit.
Who's Kerem?
My brother.
Can, my boy, why don't you go
and wash your hands and face, buddy? Okay?
Just a suggestion.
Um, all right. Where's the bathroom?
- Down the hall.
- Mmm.
Can, don't go
snooping around, buddy.
Wow. This is beautiful.
I really hope I'm not gonna
find you snooping around.
Firat, this place has everything!
There's space. There are math problems.
There's a telescope, Firat!
Firat, this place has everything!
Firat, this is beautiful.
- I'm sorry we entered without asking.
- No, I'm glad.
Is Kerem an astronaut?
No, he's in astrophysics at MIT.
He's the genius one.
- Where's that place you said?
- MIT?
It's in America.
Massachusetts, on the East Coast.
Firat! How 'bout we go to Massachoosoo
and find Kerem while we're there?
That'd be cool.
I bet he'd help me build my time machine.
- Would he? Would he, please?
- Of course.
Of course he would. Why wouldn't he?
I'll make sure to introduce you
when he comes home, I promise.
- Swear to me?
- I swear.
Is he coming soon?
Is it okay if we talk on the phone
before he gets here?
Please! Can we?
Well, but of course.
Good-looking man.
Yeah, he is.
You've had this advantage the whole time,
and didn't use it. How come?
I'm not a fan of basing relationships
on pure benefits.
Firat, are you asleep?
I am, boss.
Sezen's a pretty nice person, right?
Think so.
Well, I believe she is.
We can be friends with her.
- Right?
- If that's all right with you.
But she won't be my mom, right?
Right, Firat?
Never, boss.
You think Kerem will really help me
build my time machine when we meet?
Already speaking about the guy
like he's your friend, man?
You're such a slippery little weasel.
"Kerem will help me time travel,
won't he? Please!"
Yeah. So what, huh?
We'll be collecting batteries.
He's in Massachoosoo right now.
Massachoosoo, right?
Where is he? Where's he at?
Mosochoosoo, yeah?
Massachoochoo's not a place, okay?
"Massachusetts," kid.
Just say MIT, it's a bit easier.
Fair enough.
It is fair.
Come on.
What's up, guys?
- Fato!
- I'm here.
- I'm Fato.
- Sezen.
- Nice to meet you.
- Pleasure to meet you.
I'm the half-dad.
'Sup, kid?
What? Well, it's small,
but you still get to pick a letter.
- Superman takes a single...
- Nice job.
You positive you guys don't have
a kid that we don't know about?
- That's a very clever joke for you, Fato.
- You know I'm funny.
- Hey, you're so close.
- I'm gonna win!
Boss! Sezen!
Beat you to it!
- Sezen.
- Hmm?
Feel free to call me "boss" now.
You got it, boss.
Jump! Jump!
Huh? Huh?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Wait, watch this. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
When we call Kerem,
I'll ask about the meteor shower.
And then I'll ask him about light speed.
And then I wanna ask him
about what I should wear
to travel in time.
But I also wanna ask him
if... if he's seen a wormhole.
Wait, it's 8:30 a.m. there.
Probably not awake yet, Can.
Boss, you're being really intense, huh?
Might make Sezen regret her offer.
No, I'm okay, boss.
Last night we talked about you.
He's really excited to meet you as well.
He really meant that?
Firat, did you hear that?
I can't believe
Kerem wants to meet me too.
Don't feel like you have to do this.
I mean, introducing your brother to Can.
You don't have to do that.
Why not?
I... I mean, if you're not comfortable
with them meeting, I won't.
- Though, what's the harm in that?
- Oh, no, I'm sure it's fine.
I'm sure he has other things to do.
Also, about... the time machine and all,
I fear maybe Can'll become too hopeful.
Firat, that's what Can
wants to believe for now.
You believe it would be good
to take that away from Can?
- That was great.
- I agree.
That thing you did
at the very end? Amazing.
You're lying.
I'm not going to the presentation.
I am not doing it. And you can't force me.
- Hey, boss, not again.
- Who dances for homework?
I wanna dance for fun, you know?
Not a robot that follows orders.
Some things are fun, some things are not.
- Why do you have to be a pain in the ass?
- Just leave me alone!
Don't yell at me, understood?
I will not attend
the end-of-the-year show,
or Leyla Yaz's birthday party.
I'm not seeing anyone!
Can, you can't continue
to avoid everybody.
Yeah, I can. I am.
What's happening to you?
I'm simply being truthful.
I'm explaining what I'm not doing.
I'm sure you are,
but you're being a child about it.
You think you're being an adult?
This isn't what being a grown-up is like.
It's you who's being a child. A baby even!
What's that?
It's all your baby bottles.
Can, I'm tryna keep you
from being shunned
by the boys that bully you sometimes.
- To avoid these kinds of things from...
- They're bullies, Firat!
They'll mock me no matter what I do. Okay?
I call you "Firat" and they mock me,
and for you calling me "boss" as well.
Nothing new to me.
Can I come in please, Captain?
Oh, I'm not in the mood.
I'm tired of talking.
But I don't expect you to wanna talk.
Then why did you come here?
Came to just sit in silence by your side.
I'm really bored too.
Can I stay here for a while?
- Sezen?
- Mm-hmm, boss?
I guess I have to buy Leyla Yaz
a birthday present.
Maybe you could help me?
Thank you.
Batteries seem good.
He's calm and resting now.
I don't know about the dance,
but I'm positive
he'll be going to Leyla Yaz's birthday,
so that's a good sign.
Thank you.
Baby bottles, he said?
I know he thought that through.
Can, don't you think
it's lovely here?
Happy birthday, Leyla.
Thank you, Can.
Wednesday Addams' dress!
I love it! It's my favorite!
How'd you know?
I'm good at guessing.
Thank you.
Come on, let's go on the trampoline.
We will be... here.
It all happened so fast.
That's Nedim, no?
- And his charming dad.
- I'm off to play!
- Emrah, what's going on?
- May we have a word in private, please?
If this is about the other day,
it's all my fault, believe me.
I think it's best
if we handled this as men.
- Is that right?
- Mm-hmm.
I must say, I understand it better now.
I'll only be a couple of minutes, yeah?
Who do you think you are, bro?
Did you really believe
you could threaten my son?
Calm down, first of all.
The spraying thing was wrong.
I apologized to Nedim already,
and I'll apologize to you...
Buddy, listen to me now.
Nobody puts a hand on my boy, all right?
And nobody intimidates my son,
you hear me?
I'm aware of that, bro.
Because that's how
your son victimizes other kids.
They're children,
they do what they please.
But they shouldn't.
Truth is, your kid hasn't learned
any manners from you,
which just means he never will,
and because of that, he's decided
to bully a boy who lost his mother.
Then I'll be the one you'll have to face.
You understand me, Emrah?
Does that mean you think it's your place
to teach manners to my kid?
You think you can teach
other people's kids manners
when you've only just become
a father, what, like yesterday?
You're such a phenomenal father,
well, then...
where were you before your son turned six?
Should've been there for him.
Maybe then, he wouldn't call you Firat,
but "Dad."
Dad, Dad, Dad, come on, let's play.
Come on, Dad!
All right.
You back off.
My mom wanted
to throw a big party.
I think this is nice, right?
Kids, come on.
Let's play a game. Everyone, gather round.
Let's make a big circle. Hold hands.
And now, who's our leader?
Let's get out of here
before things get ugly.
This is not the place for it.
Oh, come on, we just got here.
...eating the apple
Would you like an hors d'uvre, sir?
Give me vodka from the house.
And refill when I'm empty, okay?
Thank you.
Hey, what took you so long?
Hey, Can.
- Sezen, do you wanna play with me?
- Of course.
Let's go.
Come on, let's run, let's go!
Let's go to the candy house, okay?
Come on, let's run!
What's up with you?
What's up with me?
Can't ignore all of your issues
by drinking alcohol.
Yeah, certainly can.
Firat, what are you, a kid?
Mmm... Well, maybe.
Whoo-hoo! Here I am.
Greetings, everyone. Hello.
We're gathered in this place
for our children, obviously,
as you may know.
Leyla Yaz, honey?
Happy birthday, dear.
I wish you many years of happiness.
Been a pretty shitty year for us.
We lost someone.
Things have been hard for us.
They still are.
Melisa's gone now,
but I have been brainstorming
on how to be a good father.
Yeah, this is me
after endless deliberation.
I'm not the same parent as you.
So here's...
a toast to Emrah, proud father,
and preacher on parenting,
for believing I'll take advice from him.
Seriously, Emrah. Man, thanks.
- What's going on?
- Dude, what's your problem?
Is he drunk?
If you're done with whatever
you're drinking, get the fuck out of here.
- Daddy, what's going on?
- Mom, what's going on?
Somebody stop them!
Fuck you, man!
What kind of man are you, huh?
- Fuck you, all right?
- Emrah, what are you doing?
- Hey, let go of me!
- That's enough, stop it!
Stop it, let go of me!
- Dude, let go of me!
- Emrah, calm down, damn it!
Back off!
Let go of me!
Let go of me! Let go!
Let go of me, I said! Let go!
Just let me hit him one more time!
- Okay.
- Let go of me! I'm gonna kill him!
I said let go of me! Damn it!
Dude, didn't you see what he did?
- Just let go of me! Let go of me.
- Hey, all right.
You want me to grow up, don't you?
I'm a grown-up now!
You want me to grow up?
I'm a grown-up now!
But you? You'll never grow up, will you?
Are you happy now?
I want my mom!
The time machine is not real!
I'll never see my mother again!
The time machine isn't a real thing!
I want my mom.
I want my mom!
I want my mom!
I want my mom!
I want my mom!
Can, it's me.
Firat's really sad, too.
I mean, he never intended
for that to happen.
In fact, at the party, he wanted to leave,
but I asked him to stay.
So, in a way, it's my fault, too.
But Firat's really struggling for you.
I've seen that myself.
And I'm sure you've seen that too.
Go on, make peace with him.
Don't do this.
This is when Can needs his dad the most.
Don't do it, please.
You are not the only one who lost someone.
Can lost his mother.
He's only a kid, but he's struggling.
Firat, I'm talking to you.
Do you hear me?
What the hell are you doing?
What are you doing?
You want to keep doing this? Come on.
Is this helpless cowardly attitude
your way of numbing your brain
to avoid responsibilities?
Your way to cope with grief?
Is this... avoiding it?
How did you cope with it?
You know, with your brother's death?
How did you cope with it?
You ignore it, is how you cope.
You pretend as if he never died.
You want me to cope like that too?
You should see the other guy, Reyhan.
You've missed your dad, haven't you?
One night, on one of his binges,
he got into a brawl.
Though I'd say that's an understatement.
Beaten practically to a pulp.
Broke every bone in his body.
His face was beyond recognition.
You were very little.
I won't even ask if you remember.
I know it's never left your mind.
When you saw your dad like that,
you started shaking like a leaf.
Made you wanna go hug him.
But you were so afraid.
You went into your room and stayed there.
Wouldn't speak to anybody.
You just wept for hours.
Then one day,
"Why don't you stop drinking?
Because of me, Dad?"
"Is it because of something I did?"
you asked.
That was the day I knew
it was time to make a decision.
I knew that I had to...
leave your father
and raise you without him.
Money-wise, I was doing fine.
But I completely froze.
I was so scared.
Melisa was better than me.
Because anyone else would
have sought you in tears afterwards.
And despite going
through a lot of hardships,
she chose to bring him up alone
for years, unlike me.
Just forgive her.
She was a brave woman.
She truly was.
Listen to me.
It's your turn to be like her.
Your world may have changed, for sure.
But, oh, your horizon is full
of endless avenues to walk down.
Now stop this!
Don't put Can through this.
He's the reason I'm here, you know?
I'm here for him.
I swear to you,
I'll make everything right.
Dear Board of Directors
of the Private Sevdem School,
teachers, parents, and dear students.
I should tell you in advance
that this is not
a letter of resignation from parenthood.
In fact, just the opposite.
Taken towards a new beginning,
a small step for the world,
but a big one for me.
There is no single way to live your life.
Same goes for being a father.
For the longest time, I've been thinking
about how I could be a good father to Can.
Someone I love once told me
that if I knew what I didn't want,
then it would become easier
to achieve what I wanted.
And I know exactly what I don't want.
I do not want to be the man
I see in the mirror anymore.
I don't want to disappoint Can,
my son, anymore.
I hit rock bottom,
and I'm aware
that it doesn't get deeper than this.
My attitude at the birthday party
was truly unacceptable.
I apologize to all of you sincerely.
Especially to Leyla Yaz
and Nedim, of course.
Yes, I also apologize to Nedim's father.
But most of all to Can.
I apologize to my son.
Can is the light of my life.
My greatest reason
to wake up every morning.
And I love him more than anything.
I'd like all of you to know that.
Henceforth, with all my courage,
I will fight to be a good father to him.
And whether I succeed at it or not
is something only Can can tell you.
Yours sinisterly, Firat.
Where you going?
There's someone else I gotta apologize to.
About five or six months ago...
you were here.
You and your brother were dancing.
And I was sitting at the bar,
watching you two.
How lovely you two looked.
Then you got on stage.
Hello. We, um...
This is my brother, Kerem.
The handsome guy.
We're here to celebrate.
'Cause, before we came here,
he, uh, told me, um,
that I wasn't, um, done up,
or wearing make-up on my face.
I basically resembled a village headman,
but that's beside the point.
We're here to celebrate something.
My brother, Kerem, uh, has gotten
into the school of his dreams,
and now he'll go off
to become a man of science!
He's gonna save the world!
Um, by the way,
it's not "man of science," but scientist.
Please, forgive my big sister.
She's a bit ignorant,
and... for sure a little drunk.
Come on, sis.
And he's cocky
and he needs a good beating.
Um, I'm...
I'm trying to say
I'm really excited for you,
uh, and I love you so very much.
Uh, so, so much.
And then we bumped
into each other as you were leaving.
You okay?
I'm fine.
I can give you both
a ride home if you want.
Nah, he's got his license,
he'll be able to drive.
Thank you,
but I haven't been drinking at all.
Kerem, nice to meet you.
Firat. By the way, congratulations.
Thank you. Really appreciate it, man.
I heard about it
when I came here the next day.
That you had an accident that night.
And months later,
we ran into each other here again.
I needed some light.
I followed the light,
and kept following it. Kept going.
Just leave me alone.
What do you want from me, Firat, huh?
What do you want?
What do you want from me, for God's sake?
- Sezen.
- Huh?
I just want you to leave me alone.
Please, just leave me alone, I beg you.
I said leave me alone, just go!
It was my fault. He died because of me.
He's dead because of me.
No, it wasn't you, you hear me?
You hear me? I promise it wasn't you.
But he's gone because of me.
I should have died, not him!
You know something?
Kerem loved to see me
all dressed up, looking glamorous.
You think he'd be happy
if he saw me like this today?
Tell Can not to feel sorry, please. Okay?
Even if you tell them you love them,
you can't make them stay here.
My esteemed guests,
we'd be very happy
to see you at our special event
to be held in the backyard
tonight at 9:00 p.m.
There is no dress code,
and attendance is mandatory.
Most beloved guests,
welcome to the time tunnel.
And we have here the fearless duo
who will be traveling in time,
against all odds.
This is amazing.
It's beautiful.
Firat, what's this?
Everyone, please take your seats.
our time travel journey
starts now.
Wow! Sezen, look! Sezen, look, it's me!
Yeah, you were so cute.
I agree.
Here comes my favorite one.
Hey, I remember!
Mom took that photo.
Mom took that photo.
Hey, Dad.
I love you so much.
I love you so much... son.
Hey, look!
This is great.
Sorry, I had to borrow something from you.
But I needed it for our time travel.
That's Kerem, right?
It'll be all right.
Kerem is, well, like my mom.
Gone forever.
But you don't need
to be sad about it, Sezen.
We're always here.
- Oh! Now that we're in...
- Hmm.
- inside the time machine...
- Yeah?
...uh, can we just go
to the day after tomorrow?
I think that'd be nice.
- Mmm.
- Yes, thank you.
- What's tomorrow?
- The dance show.
- How about I skip?
- Not a chance.
- Maybe I could skip it.
- Oh, well, the thing is, I don't think so.
- Definitely could miss it.
- Definitely not.
- I won't show up.
- Oh, you will, yeah.
Just go, jeez.
Just do it. Or this'll never end.
You're going.
- I really won't go.
- You are. Yes, you are.
- No, no.
- But you will.
- I won't go.
- You're already gone.
You're going.
- Maybe I shouldn't go.
- Maybe you should.
- I shouldn't.
- You definitely should.
- I definitely shouldn't. I shouldn't!
- You definitely should.
You should,
you should, you should.
He was so right. Nobody's having fun.
Time to go wild!
Who's that man?
That's Firat. He's my dad.