In Her Place (2014) Movie Script

Is anybody there?
Hello there!
Wow, this is really fresh.
Please have more.
I guess in the country you can pick
it right off the fields, right?
We bought these at the
At least the fields are close
to the supermarkets, right?
You're right. Most of it's
It's a little hot in here, don't
you think?
Oh, are you hot?
An air conditioner would make it
nicer in here, no?
If you open the windows here, the
draft keeps things quite cool.
So we've never felt the need.
He's particularly sensitive to
the heat.
Yes, it's true.
Nature is always better, with
the wind, air and all that.
- Air conditioners aren't good for you either.
- You're absolutely right.
She seems quite skinny for her
No, I'm not.
Have you ever seen a fat Wonder
This is what all young girls are
going for these days.
She's very strong.
She's always walking into town.
You must get hungry.
- She eats well, right?
- Of course.
She's just being shy right now,
that's all.
Most of the time, she eats a
She's bashful! That's really
Have a grape.
This is your room.
Our farm helpers used to stay
I did my best to fix it up.
It's not what you're used to,
I'm sure.
It's fine. Thank you.
It's nice.
Please make yourself
If there's anything you need,
please don't hesitate to ask.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you very much.
See you later. Thank you again.
Here, look at this.
It's so itchy.
You got bitten.
It's swollen. I should have
packed some cream.
Welcome to the country, I guess.
Well, it's not as bad as I
thought it would be.
It's really quiet out here.
She seems much skinnier than in
the pictures.
You know you can't trust photos.
She resembles you a lot though.
Yes. It's really uncanny.
Thanks for the compliment.
Oh, before I forget-
This is a cell phone I used in
See how it's set to an American
time zone?
Use this and keep your cell
phone off.
Are we making the right decision here?
I don't know.
Everything's going to work out.
Do you have to leave tonight?
You know I do.
I'll try my best to get back
here as soon as I can.
You seem to have a lot of land
We used to raise a lot of cows
But things got-
We got hit with mad cow,
Then the price of cattle fell...
Then one day we just found
ourselves like this.
It must be hard.
Back in college, we used to
imagine this beautiful farm life.
Raising cows and pigs, just like
in the movies.
Such a romantic notion.
Life is full of surprises, I
While you're here, please make
yourself at home.
I know it's not much.
But I'd love for you to think of
this as your home.
I will.
I have to head out to work now.
I'll take care of this.
Please. Don't trouble yourself.
Relax and take your time.
Finish your coffee.
I'm sorry I have to run out like
Also, my daughter should be up
any minute now.
Make yourself at home.
- Okay, so I'll see you later.
- Alright, have a good day.
It's me!
How did you get this number?
I asked your husband. You can't
hide from me!
Wow, that was fast.
How was your flight? You must
be tired.
It was long. I just slept the
whole way.
How is it over there? Is it
what you expected?
Hey, I just got here.
Right, right.
Just relax and get lots of sleep
Start fresh tomorrow, you
deserve it.
Okay. Will do.
I just sent the kids to school,
now I'm catching my breath.
Just got my morning coffee.
Hey, this call must be costing
you a fortune.
I purposely got a phone card
so I could chat with you, duh!
Don't even get me started on
So my husband was complaining
that I made toast for the kids
but demanded doenjang soup for
It's like I'm raising three
kids, not two.
Are you still there?
- Oh sorry.
- Were you listening?
I'm a little out of it. The jet
lag and everything.
Sorry about that.
No, I understand. I'm sorry for
calling you like this.
- Okay, I'll call you later.
- Let's talk soon.
- Get some sleep.
- Okay, bye.
How are you feeling?
I have something for you. Do
you want to see?
These are some gifts for you.
I thought it would be nice...
To get you something to look and
feel good.
I didn't know your style.
I hope you like them.
All of this?
Of course.
Do you want to try something on?
Is that okay?
Of course it is.
They're yours now.
I'll go and try it on.
Hang on!
I think this one will be nice.
Try this.
Try it on here.
It's okay.
It's really pretty.
Are you online?
Doctor, how's she doing?
Her blood pressure is good.
Her blood sugar level is good.
She seems to be in good shape so
But her iron and calcium are a
little low.
I see.
Has she been eating enough food?
She says so.
But I'll keep a closer eye on
She'll be fine. I wouldn't
worry too much.
Does her weight seem okay?
She looks thin to me.
Just make sure she eats well and
stays active.
You've got lots of land here,
get her to move around a bit.
Then everything will be fine.
- It's actually pretty simple.
- Okay.
Should I be looking out for
anything else?
I feel like I should be helping
her somehow.
No, it's fine.
- Don't worry, just relax.
- Okay.
- Have a safe trip back.
- Thanks.
Thank you again.
Can I help you?
No, it's okay. I'm all done.
Just have a seat.
- Please make yourself at home.
- Okay.
What's she doing in there?
Hey, come out and eat.
It's dinner time.
What are you doing in there?
Hurry up!
Go on and take our guest to the
dinner table.
Did you feed the dog already?
You seem really close to the
I just feed him.
I can feed him from now on.
Why would you feed the dog?
I'll feed him.
He bites.
What are you doing...?
Why is this door so sticky?
This needs to get fixed.
- Take it.
- Get out of here!
Take it!
- What are you doing here?
- I'm just going to wash my hands.
- You can't just barge in like this!
- I'll wash my hands and bugger off. Don't worry.
Quickly, quickly and go.
I got it, I got it.
Stop stalling.
It's just this dust everywhere.
Okay, time to go.
Oh, you made soup. This smells
This is a feast.
Why don't you stay for dinner?
Whereabouts in Seoul are you
I'm from Gangnam.
Gangnam-is that your hometown?
No. I'm originally from Gangwon
Where in Gangwon?
My parents ran a hardware store
A hardware store?
How did you make it to Gangnam
I studied hard and worked hard.
Then I was lucky to meet my
husband, I suppose.
You see? A woman needs to find
the right man.
- Cut her a break while she's eating.
- Did I say something wrong?
Just be true to yourself. That's
really all that's important.
Stop playing with your food.
Use a spoon and actually eat
- Let her be.
- Well, she's not eating anything.
Here, take it.
Hurry up and eat more.
Oh, did you have enough to eat?
Yes, I'm so full.
Your cooking is amazing.
- I don't think she ate enough.
- Oh no, I ate so much.
There's still rice left in your
Did I not prepare enough side
Please, this was too much.
Thank you.
The soup was delicious.
Do you want a lift?
Oh, hello.
No, I'm okay. Thanks though.
You're sweating buckets!
Have some water at least.
Okay, thank you.
You sure know how to make a
first impression.
Yeah, I get that sometimes.
Those two are lucky to have you.
I'm just doing what I can to
I don't know if I should be
saying this or not...
Her husband died awhile back
after being sick.
And then the kid goes off and
does something foolish like this.
It's very generous what you're
doing for them.
Everything's going to work out.
Of course, of course.
Thank you again.
- You really don't need a ride?
- Yes.
I'm going then.
I feel like I've been here
- Really?
- Yes.
It's just the way I remember it.
Come here for a moment.
Thank you.
For showing me this lovely
You're welcome.
It's a dogtail.
How far along are you now?
To be specific...
I'm at 24 weeks.
It's quite amazing.
My stomach just keeps on
No matter how loose my clothes
are, there's no hiding it.
That's so exciting.
I was the same way.
It's nothing to be ashamed of
It's been a long journey for
You're right.
This is what I've always dreamed
How are you passing the time
these days?
It's really peaceful here.
I do a lot of walking. I
daydream a lot.
I eat and sleep. Eat and sleep.
just seems to float by slowly.
Hold on, you're not thinking about
staying there for good, are you?
Don't worry.
My husband would go stir crazy
if we had to live here.
I know him.
Speaking of, how's your husband
doing without you?
I'm sure he's fine.
His mother is probably taking
care of him.
Really? What a momma's boy!
He needs to be more independent.
Be harder on him, trust me.
How have you been?
Nothing changes in my world.
My older kid just started
English school.
And my younger one is just
starting to talk a little.
It's a mad house.
When does this get better?
Your child is so lucky.
He'll be an American, so it'll be
easy to send him to school there.
It was such a smart decision to
have him there.
It must be very late there.
I should let you go.
Okay, let's talk again soon.
Be well.
Get some rest, okay?
Hey! What the hell!
I told you never to come back
Don't move, you son of a bitch!
You're dead if you don't get
back here!
Some nerve you have!
You piece of shit!
You better get out of my sight!
If you come back, you're dead!
That little bitch!
How could you let this happen?
Are you going to see him again
or not?
Tell me you bitch!
Are you just going to sit there?
You ungrateful rag doll!
Did you forget she's pregnant?
Do whatever you want then.
Hey, you lied to us.
You said there were no issues
with the baby's father.
Don't worry, I'll take care of
Don't worry?
I said I'd take care of it!
Yes, good job so far.
They've been secretly meeting this
whole time, right under your nose.
This is a serious problem.
We made a deal.
You have to honour that deal.
I'm here because you said we
could trust you.
How can I trust you now?
How can I trust her?
I'm sorry.
I promise to make things right.
Just give me a chance.
That little punk practically
lives in there.
What if he's not here?
- Let go of me!
- Shut up!
What did I do?
Look at me.
I said look at me!
I told you to stay away from
her, didn't I?
I just wanted to talk to her.
This little punk is talking back
- Why did you take her phone away?
- Shut your mouth!
You two get together. What's
wrong with us...?
Do you know she's pregnant?
She's pregnant, you piece of
Listen carefully, okay?
What happens if everyone finds
You won't be able to go to
You won't be able to show your
face in town.
You'll probably get kicked out
of your house too.
Do you really want to ruin your
life like that?
You're making this up to scare
me, right?
You fucker!
This asshole doesn't know what's
good for him!
Listen to me carefully.
Just forget about her. It's
Forget this ever happened and
just live your life.
As for the baby-
Just forget about the baby also.
You messed up big time.
Do you understand me?
This is really serious.
I'm looking out for you here.
So, think about it.
You don't usually get second
Just pretend nothing ever
happened and go on with your life.
Speak up!
Come on...
This is the only way.
Say it.
Let's go.
Go on.
What happened?
We couldn't find him.
Your mom's here too.
You better get inside.
Can I get a station?
Can I sit anywhere?
Excuse me...
You're from Seoul, right?
What do your parents do?
Do you know how to drink?
You have no idea.
My parents... I'm not sure
They come home late every night.
I hardly see them.
What is it that you want to do?
As soon as I graduate, I'm going
to Seoul.
And do what when you get there?
What do you mean?
I'm young, smart...
And what else? Oh, I'm strong
There's so much I could do.
Show me.
You said you're strong.
You're in for a surprise.
I'm going to take this rock
and throw it over that bridge.
I'm serious.
Prepare to have your mind blown.
Save your applause.
The rock was too big.
Stop drinking!
Stop drinking like that!
Don't be stupid.
Stop drinking like that, I'm
Stop it.
Are you okay?
Of course.
Nothing to worry about. I'm
strong, remember?
Be careful.
One more step.
Okay, we made it.
Just give me one more second,
Wait, wait, wait there.
I'm going to puke.
Don't do that. Just wait.
How much?
- 40 thousand won.
- 40 thousand?
- Yes.
- No! Don't move!
I'm so sorry.
Here you go.
- Room 307
- Thank you.
Get up.
Come on, come on.
Get up!
Why are you so damn heavy?
Get on the bed.
Move it.
- I'm so sick.
- Are you okay?
Lift your head.
That's better.
That tickles.
Let me see this...
What is this?
- It hurts, it hurts.
- It's fine, hold still.
It hurts.
Don't drink like that again.
- Screw you.
- What?
Don't be an idiot.
Hold on. Hey, not on the
That's it.
My head is spinning.
- I'm so dizzy.
- I know, I know.
You'll be fine.
Just get some sleep and you'll
feel better in the morning.
- I miss her.
- Everything will be okay.
- Miss?
- Yes?
One of these days...
Will you show me the baby?
I want to see the baby.
Where are you coming from
so early in the morning?
When did you get in?
This morning.
You look really tired.
I went for a walk.
Just to clear my head a little.
Come sit next to me. Right
Come on, stop it. Sit next to
I wanted to tell you something.
I really missed you so much.
Did you miss me too?
The baby...
Seems to be well.
That's what's important, right?
The doctor came for the
He's says everything's fine.
That's great.
That's really great news.
Your mother...
Still hasn't called me once.
Don't even get me started on
Before he's even born, she's gone
crazy decorating the baby room.
Tell her to give it a break.
Don't worry about it.
Once you get back, you can
do whatever you want anyway.
We have to make sure nobody
suspects anything.
Don't worry.
Everything is going as planned.
Just be patient.
A few more months and this is
all over.
How long will you be staying
with us?
I'll stay the night.
Then I have to leave early
You're leaving so soon? Stay a
I wish I could.
I have some business to attend
to tomorrow.
You're so busy.
You've been taking such good care
of my wife, it makes things easier.
Oh please, she's been
taking good care of us.
Just know that you've got
yourself a very special woman.
Don't you think?
Before I forget.
This is a little gift I brought
for you.
Try it on later.
This is too much! Your wife
already brought so many gifts.
- It's nothing big.
- Thank you so much.
Go on, thank him.
- Thank you.
- What about for her?
I forget to bring you something.
Don't be ridiculous. That's
totally unnecessary.
I'm so sorry. He's like this.
So absent-minded.
I'm truly sorry.
I'm grateful you brought more
gifts for my girl.
Thank you again.
Let's lower this now and sit up.
Just like last time.
Go to the bathroom and check
this for me.
Thank you for coming all the way
out here.
- How about something to drink before I go?
- Of course.
It's okay. I have to run.
You have nothing to worry about.
She seems to be in good shape.
That's a heathy girl and baby
you got there.
The best thing you can do now
is minimize her stress.
Make sure she gets lots of rest.
We've been doing yoga together,
is that okay?
That's not necessary.
If you can, I'd stay away from
her body's not used to.
So how much rest does she need
She should still stay active,
but nothing too strenuous.
But so far, so good.
You need to pull harder.
Like this?
Put your arms into it.
Pull hard, like this.
That way it actually stretches.
Just forget it, you're supposed
to use your arms, not your mouth.
Something's in my eye, can you
get it?
Be careful.
I'm getting so old.
Everything's breaking down now.
Why are you tugging on my skirt?
What's on your mind?
When you were a baby-
If your diaper was just a
little wet, you'd cry and cry.
You're so sensitive.
Stop it.
I'm just teasing.
What? What? Come out with it.
- Mom.
- Yes?
What happens after the baby's
What do you mean?
We're just going to...
forget about it and...
go somewhere new.
Start fresh and move on with our
This is a gift from the heavens.
It's good for the baby too.
I'm so thankful for this.
Everything was so bleak.
Grab this.
What if...
the baby comes out wrong?
Why would you say that?
Like he's retarded or something?
Stop it.
The baby can hear you.
Stop talking nonsense.
Stop being weird.
Does the baby feel okay inside?
Give me your leg. It looks
Look at this? It's swollen.
I told you to take it easy.
What's hard on you, is hard on
the baby too.
Why aren't your breasts getting
That hurts.
Give me your other leg.
- That feels nice.
- Good, right?
- Mom...
- What?
Let me do it to you.
- Forget it.
- No, seriously.
What's gotten into you?
Did you knock your head?
Does it feel good?
It feels so good.
One of these days...
When you're married with your
own family.
I'll raise all your babies.
With all my love.
Then you can...
do what you want and follow your
I'll be there for you and your
What is it?
Can I pretty please have my cell
phone back?
Take this.
What's wrong with you?
I told you to pull it hard.
Oh, be careful.
I'm so sorry.
Let's go.
How are you feeling?
And how's the baby doing?
I think he's good.
He's moving around all the time.
Is it okay if I feel?
You're getting stronger and
Aren't you worried?
About what?
What he might look like.
He's going to be beautiful.
What if he's strange looking?
Will you still love him?
This baby...
is my child.
You never have to worry about
But he'll be like me.
My husband says we look alike.
What about on the inside?
The inside?
He'll be like me, not like you.
And what's wrong with you?
You're not a bad person, are
Try not to worry.
Miss me?
Did you get my note?
I did.
Why didn't you write me back?
I'm sorry. I've been busy.
What is this?
Leave me alone.
- Get lost.
- It's mine.
I already know everything.
Know what?
It's okay. You don't have to
hide it.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
That's it.
Is that for real?
That's crazy.
It's weird, right?
No, it's pretty.
It's pretty.
Oh man, that's crazy.
I just want to lie down for a
What do you think you're doing?
Why are you hitting me?
How long have you known for?
Not sure.
Stop looking at me like that.
You're not tired?
I am.
Then lie down here, why are you
sitting up?
Did you miss me?
You're funny.
Why am I funny? I'm not a
You're a funny guy.
No way.
You're a really funny guy.
- Hey!
- That tickles!
I told you I wasn't funny.
Just because you're ticklish...
Doesn't make me funny.
My mom.
Oh really?
Okay, okay. Truce.
You're asking for it.
Can I touch this?
It doesn't look funny?
No, it looks beautiful.
It moves around.
Oh shit!
That's crazy!
He keeps moving.
That tickles.
This tickles?
What do you think you're doing?
I'm not doing anything.
Lift your bum.
This is embarrassing.
Is this okay?
I missed you so much.
Me too.
It hurts.
It hurts.
That's good.
Don't speak. Just rest.
How are you feeling?
I'm feeling much better.
Is there something else you want
to tell me?
I was pregnant too before I got
Did you know that?
After 10 years and every procedure,
it finally happened for me.
It was like a miracle.
The look on everyone's faces
when I told them.
But I knew something was wrong
from the beginning.
I miscarried after 3 months but
kept it to myself.
No one knows except my husband.
Now it's your turn.
I had a talk with the doctor
after he examined you.
Your fingernails, the weird
scratches on your wall.
You can't hide this any longer.
Tell me what you've been eating.
What have you done?
I'm sorry.
Straighten your legs.
It's better for your
Are you in there?
Why are you sitting there like
Did something happen?
Why don't you tell her?
Did you do something wrong?
What's going on?
Tell me.
Hurry up.
Hold on...
What happened?
The doctor told me something
You don't know?
I don't know what you're talking
I've seen her eat out of the
dog's bowl more than once.
Have you seen her room?
All those strange scratches and
rips on the wall?
I confirmed it. She said she's
been eating that stuff.
She confessed.
Can you believe this?
That scared me to death.
Isn't that so sinister?
She's purposely trying to hurt
my baby.
Why's he like this?
Why's he over here?
What happened?
Don't touch him. Stay away.
Come here...
Come on, come on. Get up.
Don't touch him.
Your mom's going to take care of
Please. Don't touch him.
Come on. Let's get up now.
- Go inside.
- Let's go inside.
Don't look.
Oh my god, look at her ears.
They just point straight up!
What is that?
Who looks like that?
They remind me of...
- A donkey!
- Yes, yes, yes!
My little girl. Where are you
Hey, listen up!
My girl-
She's such a good student, a
wonderful artist.
- And such a great singer!
- That's right, that's right.
You should sing us a song!
Let's clap, clap! Stop eating.
Sing us a song! Sing us a song!
- He's going to start crying now.
- He's crying!
I can't help but cry whenever I
What's happening right now?
- Look at my girl eat!
- Wow!
Round of applause.
Way to go!
Hey, hey, eat with a spoon.
We encouraged her too much.
Stop it!
She's unstoppable!
That's enough!
How to use a foreign cell phone
in Korea.
It's me.
It's me!
What's this number?
How are you calling me?
I'll explain when I see you.
Can you meet me tonight?
Tonight might be tough.
I, uh... I'm just...
It's really important.
If it's really important, just
tell me now.
I can't.
I have to tell you in person.
No, I have to show you in person.
You're coming, right?
Right? Right? You have to tell me
now, I don't have time for this!
Okay, okay. I got it.
Why haven't you come to see me?
Honestly, your mom scares me.
Since when has that stopped you?
Hey, she almost murdered me last
You don't miss me?
Of course I do.
I miss you like crazy.
I don't have a lot of time, I
have to go.
Okay, I understand.
Promise you'll come out tonight.
You promised.
Yeah, I promise.
I'm going.
You could catch a cold.
Oh, you're here.
What happened?
Where the hell were you?
I found her on the side of the
You're driving me crazy!
- Be quiet, don't start a commotion.
- Okay, okay. Get the door.
What were you thinking? Huh?
What's gotten into you lately?
How's the baby?
- Stop lecturing and get her cleaned up first.
- Okay. You can't catch a cold.
- Okay, let's go.
- Quickly, quickly.
- I swear, once this is all over...
- Keep it down!
Good morning.
- Have a seat, I'll bring you some food.
- Okay.
You're up early.
Did you sleep well?
I couldn't sleep.
I remember when I was almost to
term, I couldn't sleep either.
When I was carrying you,
I'd toss and turn all night.
- Finally, I'd just sleep sitting up. Please eat.
- Okay.
You look very tired.
After breakfast, let's go back
and take a nap.
Oh, good.
That's a good idea. Try to get
some sleep.
You'll feel much better
Okay, I'm off.
I'm leaving, alright?
- See you later.
- Okay, thanks.
This number is currently
Doctor, please do something!
Grab her hands.
We don't have a lot of time.
- She was just like this when I came out.
- Please grab her arms.
Please, please. Your mom's here
Stay with me. Do you see your
What happened?
Here, help me. Lift this
We don't have a choice.
If we don't do something now,
we're going to lose them both.
We can't wait for the ambulance.
We have to take the baby out
now, okay?
Hold her legs tight.
Hold her shoulders.
Hold her down, she's moving.
Hold her tight!
Press her shoulders!
Mommy's here.
Open your eyes.
I know this is a really
difficult time.
But I need you to sign some
papers and give a statement.
The sooner the better. Could you
come to the station tomorrow?
We already got a statement from
that other woman.
It's okay, I'll just come back
Did you hear what I said?
Why don't you sleep at a motel
And I'll send some people
tomorrow to help clean up. Okay?
What the hell is going on here?
It's me.
Are you in here?
I'm coming in.
Do you need anything?
Are you okay?
I, uh...
brought the baby here.
They tell me...
the baby is perfectly healthy.
Look here...
How about...
you stay with me for a little
It's not right for you to stay
here like this.
Is it too cold in here?
It's okay.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
I think that'll be better for
And the baby too.
It's okay, your mommy's here.
Do you want to hold him?
He's beautiful.
I'm not sure... what to say.
There's nothing I can give that
will replace your loss.
But please accept this.
Did you...
see the baby?
He's an angel.
It must have been a long drive.
Stay for-
No, it's okay.
We have to get going.
We have the baby now too.