In Isolation (2022) Movie Script

What a smell!
I think we are about
to get real close.
People have taken to the streets
in desperation.
Some have come out
today to protest,
while others are taking
advantage of the chaos
to loot nearby houses and shops.
I was home when
they broke down the door.
They took everything
in the house,
even the goddamn
food in the fridge.
It seems that fear
has become more contagious
than the virus itself.
Where is it?
Where is the bottle?
No, you've had enough!
Where's Jane?
I'm looking for her.
No, please, no.
Leave her alone.
Open the door.
I know you're in there.
Come on!
Open up!
Will you stop it?
Leave her alone.
Just leave us alone!
- Shut up!
- Ow!
It's all right, Jane.
You've done so well.
That's enough for today, okay?
I'll see you again next week.
Good work.
Could you write me a new
prescription for my pills?
If I remember correctly,
you should have enough
for two more weeks.
I think I lost them
when I was getting out
of the car, probably.
You know, I think it's time
we started weening you off
of them anyway,
especially with the
progress you've made today.
What do you mean alright?
Look at this.
It could be so much worse.
How are things going
in your personal life?
We're texting.
We're going to have a date.
Okay, I'll write you
the prescription.
But again, I repeat,
these pills are not magic.
The solution to your problems
lies on the other side
of your fears, Jane.
Law enforcement cracked down
on unauthorized demonstrations
today as more and more people
joined the protests against
a possible quarantine.
The public is growing
increasingly dissatisfied
with the government's
response to the crisis.
In light of these
recent protests,
the government has
decided to halt- -
- Hey, let's go.
- End Quarantine!
- Let's go, let's go.
- End isolation!
- We demand freedom!
- End isolation!
- We want our rights.
- We want our rights.
- End quarantine.
- We want our freedom.
- End quarantine.
- No isolation!
- End isolation.
- We have our freedoms.
- We want our rights.
- We want our rights.
- We want our rights back.
- We want our freedom.
We want it.
Oh my lord
Help me understand
The wrong I've done
Help these weary hands
Choose the bible or the gun
Choose the bible or the gun
Chose the bible
Excuse me.
Sorry to bother you.
That's all right.
I'm on break.
You don't believe any of
this virus bullshit do you?
No, actually, I wanted
to ask you for a favor.
Go ahead.
As you know, yesterday
was a thunderstorm.
Let me guess?
You got yourself a
candlelit dinner, yeah?
- Sorry?
- No power at home.
Candlelit dinner.
If you're gonna promise me
a good strong cup of coffee,
I'll be happy to
process your request
in a official capacity.
I can't just accept a
personal invitation, yeah?
What about the
quarantine, you know?
Well, if you give
me my power back,
you'll have your coffee.
- You got it.
- Hm.
Give me your number.
I'll call you if there's
anything I can do.
But don't get your hopes up
'cause half the city's lost
power in the storm, you know?
No, no, please, I'm begging you.
I really need it
right now, urgently.
'Cause I have no lights, no
power, no signal, nothing.
- I'm dying, really.
- Oh, wow.
It sounds like we got a real
apocalypse on our hands.
So, where's this charming
little place anyway?
Um, it's not so far from here.
All right then.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Get outta here!
Happy birthday, girl.
What's the matter?
Worried we're contagious?
Um, I'm fine.
I just, I wasn't expecting
to see anyone today.
Oh, come on.
Relax a little.
Just for one day.
Oh, this is Will, by the way.
Who's ready to fuckin' party?
All these forest beasts
better be ready for a show!
So, what?
Are you we just
gonna stand here?
Sweet cave.
Oh, yeah, but the signal's dead.
Oh, I think we got just
the man to help us.
Right, Ray?
- Yeah!
- Happy birthday, Jane.
Actually, this wasn't the way
that I was imagining
our meeting.
Fine, Kriss, I told her
it wasn't a good idea.
Mm hm.
And no one was
convincing you I see.
Come on in.
Monday, again
The weekend
seems so far away
- Tuesday's the same
- To you, Jane.
- To you.
- Happy birthday, girl.
Happy fuckin' birthday.
Oh, God.
I got it, no.
- Wanna go for a walk?
- Aw.
Over and over again
Oh I say
Let's drink some scotch.
It's nice out here,
just like your pictures.
Yeah, I guess.
In the beginning, I
wasn't comfortable.
And now I'm still
getting used to it.
Hm, maybe that was
because you're lonely.
Why do you think so?
Your Instagram posts.
It's only your thoughts.
I need them to
promote my workshop.
Here it is.
So, this is where
all your wax masterpieces
come from?
Not masterpieces, just candles.
Can you show me?
Now it's a bit messy inside,
but I think I can
show you something.
- Be right back, okay?
- Okay.
Close your eyes.
Come on.
Open up.
Oh, wow.
That's beautiful.
And it smells good, too.
- Hm.
- Try.
Uh, I think we need to go back.
- It's getting cold.
- Okay, yeah.
Yeah, of course.
Hey, turn it on please.
- What's funny?
- Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Jane
Happy birthday to you
Blow 'em, but make a wish first.
Oh, wow.
Let me help you with that.
- Whoa!
- Whoa, whoa!
Hey, what's wrong?
The party is over.
Jane, I'm sorry!
Listen to me.
Hm, not so bad.
Want some?
You better leave tomorrow.
Hair of the dog.
Looks like you're trying
to keep the party going.
Last night was stressful.
I deserve it.
You've got some weird friends.
Don't talk about Jane like that.
She's not well.
So what?
Everything's my fault now?
How was I supposed to know
about the fucking candles?
I told you she's got a phobia.
I get it, she's
scared of the dark.
But why is she
freaking out so much?
- She's crazy.
- Maybe you're fucking crazy.
Fuck off.
I, I just wanna say goodbye.
Then, goodbye.
Jane, I'm sorry
about last night.
You have nothing
to apologize for.
Are you sure you
wanna stay here alone?
- Oh my...
- Hey, hey!
- Guys!
- Calm down, okay?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- I can't, I don't...
Take a deep breath.
Girl, you have to
calm the fuck down.
Hey, hey, no, no, wait, wait!
- Ugh!
- Will!
What the fuck is happening here?
Do you know him?
Yes, I met him in the town.
He's a worker.
I was expecting him to check
the power in the house.
He's alive.
We have to get him
to the hospital.
What happened to him?
What a pain in the ass.
If anything happens,
we were never here.
How is he?
I think he's coming to.
It's all right.
We're taking you into town.
They'll help you there.
What happened to you?
There's a man here.
- It's them.
- Who?
They're crazy.
They robbed me and
almost killed me.
What's going on here?
Don't stop.
Keep driving, and step on it.
Guys, do you have any idea
what's happening in town?
People are going
insane over that virus.
Everyone's in a panic.
I saw them breaking
into a few houses.
They stopped me on the
road in this forest.
I was stabbed, but I got away.
But not before getting
one of their guys, too.
Let's go, let's go.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
What the hell?
No, no, no, no, go, go!
- Hi, there.
- Hello.
I'm new around here.
I was out hunting,
but I think I've got
myself a little lost.
Oh, yeah, it happens a lot.
If you follow this road
you'll get into town.
The thing is, I'm
looking for my brother.
He's a little off, if
you know what I mean.
I thought he could
use some fresh air,
but he cut himself on
a bunch of branches.
Had a bit of an episode.
He ran off into the
woods somewhere.
You haven't seen anyone?
- Oh, we did.
- Great.
Where did you see him?
Oh, well, I mean, we
heard someone was shouting
at the other side of the forest.
But I'm going into town,
and if you want to, I can
call the police for you.
That would be great.
All right.
Any chance I could
catch a ride out there?
No, I'm sorry.
You are a stranger and
we're in a deep forest.
Anything can happen.
I'll just look for
him myself then.
Mm hm.
But tell them now, in town.
Go, go, go!
Run them over!
Come on!
Come on.
I need to take Kriss.
That's how they used to
spank when I was a kid.
That's the best you can do?
Is it warm in there?
Hm, keep playing these stupid
games and it'll get cold.
Did you hear that?
Fuck it.
Are they sleeping there or what?
What are you waiting for, guys?
We don't have time.
I'm going inside.
Stay in the car.
Kriss, Will!
Oh, shit!
We have to go.
Listen to me!
Whoa, whoa, bro, occupied.
We have to get
outta here, Kriss.
Just tell me what's
happening already!
There's no time.
We'll talk in the car.
- Be right back.
- Get in the car!
What is he doing?
- You idiot!
- Will!
- Will!
- I'm not leaving
without my stuff.
- No way.
- Just go without him.
No, I'm not going without him.
Ah, my precious.
I've got it!
Will, turn around!
Is the show over?
He killed him!
Shut the fuck up!
- Start the car.
- Will!
The show is only just beginning.
- Fucking spark plugs.
- Start it.
Come on!
- Out of the car, quick!
- No!
Let's go!
That's only one.
Where's the other one?
Check upstairs.
Oh, Will, he killed him.
He killed Will.
He's dead.
Come on!
- Oh, oh, shit.
- Careful.
- Just let me look.
- Bastard.
Not looking good, is it?
It'll be fine.
- Shit!
- You're okay.
Reminds me of one of those
shitty-ass Bruce Willis movies.
We need a plan.
They'll find a way,
sooner or later.
Do you have any other weapons?
Yeah, I have a gun, but
it's in the workshop.
Now, that's one option.
What about the windows?
They're strong.
They won't break in.
We need to check everything.
One more time.
We're having spaghetti
for our last supper?
- Not funny.
- Hm.
This should be enough
for the four of us.
- You know...
- Hm?
I saw this movie a while back.
Some kind of apocalypse film.
Whole bunch of people locked
themselves in a house,
or maybe it was a lab.
They have to start eating
each other to survive.
So, let's just be
ready for the worst.
It's a joke, man.
Where's Kriss?
Help, guys!
Someone doesn't look
very happy to see me.
Jane, get Kriss out of here.
Can you hold it?
Just hurry up already.
Kriss, come on.
Kriss, wake up.
Hurry up!
Here comes daddy.
- Hold on.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Thank you.
How long was I out for?
Not so long.
And the men?
Oh, they didn't come back.
Ray hasn't seen them.
Maybe the left.
I doubt it.
These beasts can smell
blood a mile away.
And I, I'm soaked in it.
They'll probably
wait until dark.
- You know?
- Hm?
I never got the chance
to try your coffee.
God blesses you.
'Cause I'm...
I'm a very bad barista.
So, you lied to me then.
Sorry, life is life.
Well, I got a confession, too.
I'm kind of a shitty
electrician myself.
Aren't we a naughty couple?
Got some vitamins for me?
They're my fear pills.
I wouldn't mind a little
help with my own fears.
You, you don't need them.
I have, I have nyctophobia.
I'm afraid of the dark
since I was a kid.
When my father drank,
he became aggressive.
Open the door.
I know you're in there.
Stop it, leave her alone.
Just leave us alone!
Shut up!
He beat me.
And my mother.
Mom hid me in the scariest
place in the house.
Only the flame of
a candle saved me
from the darkness
of the basement.
Once, my drunk father fell
asleep with a cigarette,
and there was a fire.
I began to suffocate,
but I could not get out.
Not because of the fire,
but because I was afraid
of my father more than death.
Jane, open the door!
- Jane.
- Go away.
You're not true.
Jane, Jane.
By some miracle I survived.
And the only thing he gave
me the day he left, is fear.
We're lucky, you and I.
Look what my father left me.
He held it down and
refused to let go,
even when I was in agony.
I got really good at faking it.
I would pretend to black out.
And that's when he, he
would finally let go.
But you know, I,
I don't hate him.
I hate the bastards
that killed him
before I could do it myself.
Well, when this is all over,
we'll go to whichever cafe
serves the best coffee in town.
Mm hm.
Hey, I promise you that.
- Okay?
- Mm hm.
This is the song
that was playing when we met.
You know, it's strange.
I really thought we were
going to be something serious,
but now he's just lying
there out in the road.
That's what I get for being
such a whore my entire life.
Well, Kriss, you're not a whore.
Stub it out.
Put the cigarette out.
Why would I do that?
Jane doesn't like the
smell in the house.
Seems like she made
an exception for me.
I always used them.
I used you, too.
In school, guys were always
falling at your feet,
and I was so jealous.
I was afraid of being alone.
Do you know how many fires
happen because of cigarettes?
Pray tell.
One in five.
Sounds serious.
But I'm very, very careful.
Watch this.
Do you know how many people
die from domestic violence?
It doesn't matter,
it was in the past...
But it still matters to me.
I wasn't just jealous.
You dated them, I
fucked with them.
Come on.
- Let him go.
- Get him off me.
Get him off of me.
What's wrong with you?
Kriss, come back.
- I'm sorry.
- No, Kriss!
Ray, please, we
need to do something.
It's too late.
- No.
- It's too late.
- No!
- Jane.
Kriss, no!
We have to do something.
We can't just sit here and
wait for them to kill us.
Or wait till you
kill each other.
The woman speaks the truth.
We have to take a risk.
There's no way we'll
make it out at night.
The gun, it's in
the workshop, right?
I don't know where it is.
I don't know if I
have any bullets.
We have to try.
You distract them while I try
to escape through the attic.
A noble deed worthy
of a true hero.
Where exactly is the gun?
The gun is in the
workshop I think.
But there's a side entrance.
You'll need to look hard.
It might be under
the wooden table.
It's somewhere.
Okay, listen.
I'll go out there and
start making some noise.
Mm hm.
You stay sharp
and hold the door.
- You go it?
- Got it.
Come on.
Hurry up!
Come on!
Oh, come on, come on, come on.
Oh God.
No way they'll come back.
We only got two shots left.
One for each of 'em.
We need to stay here for now.
You shouldn't try to stand
up by yourself, okay?
He's getting worse.
We need to do something.
We have to leave, Jane.
We'll get him into town.
He needs help.
We won't even making
it two steps with him.
They'll kill us.
When you needed my help,
I didn't leave you.
He's right.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't say that.
We have well, weapons.
We'll make it.
If you try to save
me, it'll kill us all.
Yeah, he's right.
- And you know that, Jane.
- No!
I'm not leaving you.
No way.
Give us the gun and go.
Why are you so stubborn, Jane?
Hold on.
It's okay.
All right, we'll leave.
On one condition: We'll
come back for him.
How are you gonna do it?
They know we're armed.
And when they figure
out that we're gone,
they're gonna take all
the stuff from the house.
Then we'll come back
with medical supplies
- and leave together.
- All right.
Sounds good.
I know a forester.
He lives nearby.
I think he has everything we
need and spark plugs, too.
It's like half an
hour from here.
Be careful.
I'm okay.
Well, don't take too long.
I'll be downstairs.
We have no time.
How are you feeling?
I can manage.
You have to be here for a while.
But we, we'll come back for you.
I promise.
I'll be here.
- We'll be right back.
- Yeah.
All right.
Um, I'm really, I'm
really sorry that...
That everything's
had to be like this.
It'll be a story
for our grandkids.
I hope they won't find
him till we get back.
- They won't.
- Hm?
If he stays quiet.
- We'll be out in the dark.
- Mm hm.
You forget something?
Don't leave me here alone.
I'm scared.
Oh, shit!
What a smell.
I think we are about
to get real close.
It's me.
Nice job with that one.
Oh, Jane.
Oh shit.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Snap out of it.
Fuck, Jane!
- Oh my God.
- Listen to me.
- Oh my God.
- Jane.
Listen to me.
- As soon as I throw this, run.
- No!
- One, two, three.
- No, no.
Fuck you.
Greedy piece of shit.
You're gonna pay for that.
Hey, Jane, Jane, Jane.
Come on, girl.
Don't pass out on me now.
Jane, Jane.
Come on, girl.
Swallow it.
Swallow it.
Hey, it'll help.
Hey, come on.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Hey, girl, come on.
Come on, Jane.
Hey, there you go.
You know you won't get
away from me that easy.
You still owe me
that coffee date.
Tom, are you here?
Maybe he's not around.
We should grab everything
we need and go back.
Light switch.
Well, that's a nice start.
That'll do.
I would put that
back if I were you.
- Tom.
- Stay where you are.
Easy, old man.
I'm a friend.
You're no friend of mine.
I'm here with Jane.
- We need your help.
- Jane, you say?
So, who are you?
I came over to fix her power.
The power was off.
And then some robbers
attacked the house.
Where'd they come from?
It's only a forest.
They're not people, Tom.
More like wild animals.
We barely fought them off.
Three masked men pull out an ATM
directly from the bank branch.
According to the police chief,
the criminals took
advantage of the turmoil
caused by the city protests.
Two masked men left the branch.
Tom, ask Jane if you
don't believe me.
She's in the cellar.
Someone got hurt
back at the house.
We need supplies, you know?
In the cellar, you say?
Keep your hands
where I can see them.
911, what's your emergency?
We need help.
What's wrong?
We, we were attacked by
the men from the news.
Okay, what's
your address, ma'am?
- Jane, Tom's here.
- Ma'am?
- Can you come up?
- Ma'am?
I'm coming.
What's happened, dear?
We were attacked.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
We need to call the
police and go back
before Ray bleeds
to death, right?
Did you find the spark plugs?
Yeah, we can go.
Come on.
Are you going to answer it?
The gun!
Hey, open up.
They died because of you.
No, because of you.
If you'd just driven into town,
they'd all be alive right now.
But you went back
and you killed them.
It's not true.
- Because you're stubborn!
- Shut up!
We could still walk away.
I got money.
You hear me?
Lots of money.
Jane, Jane, Jane.
It's a shame it's not
gonna work out between us.
Sweet dreams, babe.
Open this goddamn door.
Who raised you to
be this stubborn?
- Jane.
- No, you're not real.
- Go away.
- Jane.
Open this goddamn door!
You're alive.
Oh, hello.
Where's Jane?
She's in the car.
It's over.
You want some, hm?
For courage.
Ray, Ray, Ray.
You know, Jane and
I had a little talk.
We decided that
you're dead weight.
What have you done with her?
Some might say I killed her,
but I think I gave her a chance.
You know?
A fighting chance.
You're a good guy, Ray.
Work like a dog.
Girls love guys like that, yeah?
But you know, loyalty
can get you killed.
I always knew there was
something wrong with you.
Oh, I guess you're not
as stupid as you look.
You're a coward and buy
your way, your way...
Buy your way out with
other people's lives.
Fear is a very powerful thing.
It's stronger than
you think, huh?
It's everywhere; it's in
every corner of this house.
It slithers onto your clothes.
It worms your way
under its head.
Drives you insane, huh?
Do you feel it?
Do you feel it?
Do you think
I'm afraid of you?
You're afraid or a fool, man.
Doesn't matter now, though.
Do you know the
story of Prometheus?
The Titan that gave humans
the gift of fire.
Why do you think that
Zeus punished him?
Ray, tell me.
Because it wasn't just fire.
Prometheus gave people
the gift of hope.
He thought he could
rid, rid humans of fear.
But Zeus knew that fear
is our one true ruler.
Not everyone can be
entrusted with this power.
No, no, no, no.
You can't run from fear.
You have no where to go.
You hear?
Maybe it's an alarm.
Time for somebody to wake up.
Oh, don't go anywhere.
I'll be right back.
Won't ever change, oh well
Where are you?
You little musician.
Now we can't even
- Ray, I'm here.
- Oh, Jane, Jane!
- You're alive.
- I'm fine.
Okay, we need to go.
- Come on.
- Wait.
You're in danger.
Leave me here.
We won't get very far together.
No, Ray, I came back for you.
Things will never change
Oh well, we keep on
faking over and over again
I'd say
Just a little further.
- Come on.
- If we make it outta here.
Can I take you out to dinner?
It's a date.
Somewhere in a
nice crowded place.
Do you agree?
So, what?
No coffee then?
Didn't anyone ever tell
you that stubbornness
is the strength of the weak?
Who's afraid now?
Ray, are you okay?
Ray, grab my hand.
Is he alive?
We need to check.
We have to go.
We need to climb the stairs.
Jane, I'm not really
in fighting shape.
Me neither.
But I think we
can even the odds.
I'm a bad man
Taking on the world
with a gun hand
Find my trail where the blood
ran, where the blood ran
'Cause I'm a bad man
I'm a bad man
Taking my time in
the killing fields
Ripping the cover
from the cellar seal
When I blow out
the candle, push it.
I don't know about this plan.
I'm really sorry, but this
is the only plan we have.
I'm back.
I'm a bad man
I'm a bad man,
tears like rain
Remember, as soon as
the light goes out.
'Cause I'm a bad man
I'm a bad man, clipping
the wings of the angels
Find my peace in the danger
Oh baby, I'm a bad man
Come on.
Come here.
Come on.
Oh fearless Jane.
Under the candlestick?
Where's our hero?
- Huh?
- Leave her alone!
Our hero!
It's you.
Come over here!
Cowering under the skirt
of a frightened woman.
Oops, our hero.
Stubborn Jane.
Stubborn girl.
Listen to me, huh?
Come here.
Do you remember how
I found your house?
You invited me.
You, yourself.
And you must remember, Jane.
Answer me, remember.
You must certainly
remember why you did it.
Because you're
afraid of the dark.
It's not the dark you
should be afraid of.
You should be afraid of
those who lurk within it.
That's right.
Ray, Ray.
Please, Ray.
Jane, do you hear me?
You've done well, Jane.
So well.
Our ability to see a problem
from a different point of view
is a crucial skill for adults.
What we may consider
to be our salvation
may actually be
damnation in disguise.
And often, Jane, so often our
fear, it's just an illusion.
Or worse, a dangerous delusion.
And now, my dear,
you know what to do.
Hi, Dad.
Jane, it's you?
Are you all right?
I forgave him.
Out of the shadows
Over the seas
He's under the water
You are a thief
You are the power
The only belief
No fear, no isolation!
How can I learn
how to trust you
Fighting away how
to get through
No, I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
Playing my heart
is a worthless game
What the hell you
expect me to say
But I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
You are the light
Torch and the flame
You burn like a secret
right out of my veins
Right out of my veins
How can I learn
how to trust you
Fighting away how
to get through
No, I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
Playing my heart
is a worthless game
What the hell you
expect me to say
But I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
How can I learn
how to trust you
Fighting away how
to get through
No, I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
Playing my heart
is a worthless game
What the hell you
expect me to say
But I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
The devil he keeps it on
The devil he keeps it on
I can't take it
I can't take it
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
The devil he keeps
The devil he keeps it on
Oh my lord
Help me understand
The wrong I've done
Help these weary hands
Choose the bible or the gun
Choose the bible or the gun
Chose the bible or the gun
Well I'll purge my soul
By the hand the
cast my grave
My faith grows cold
By the bitter twist of fate
To choose the
Bible or the gun
To find survival on the run
You gotta rely
on the lord above
To choose the
bible or the gun
Or the gun
Well I curse this world
For the deeds that
have been done
Gods mercy shown
To the heathens
that have come
To choose the
bible or the gun
To find survival on the run
You gotta rely
on the lord above
To choose the
bible or the gun
Choose the bible or the gun
Find survival on the run
You gotta rely
on the lord above
To choose the bible