In Love with My Partner's Wife (2022) Movie Script

(suspenseful music)
(birds chirping)
(gas clicking)
(egg bubbling)
(bacon sizzling)

(juice gurgling)

Breakfast is ready.
- Good morning, beautiful.
- Good morning.
Everything okay?
Yeah, I just wished my dad
a happy birthday.
- Oh! Did he get our gift?
- I don't know.
He couldn't stop talking
about Andy's surprise cruise
- that he got 'em.
- Of course.
I'm sorry, honey.
Nothing I do is ever
good enough for him.
Well, I think it was a great gift.
Thank you.
Look at this.
It's amazing.
I don't have time.
- Big day?
- Yeah, we're on the verge
of cracking a huge case.
That's all I need to get
that promotion, and I...
I have to get that promotion.
Well, if anybody can do it,
it's you.
Although I guess
if you do get it,
I'll see even less of you.
(he scoffs)
I'm sorry,
I--I just miss you.
Yeah, I know.
(tense music)
I miss you too.
I packed you some pot roast
from last night,
with a little extra
for Paul.
I do not deserve you.
And I know Paul
definitely doesn't.

Honey, just make sure
you clean all this up.
- And don't forget the fridge.
- Of course!
(doorbell chimes)
It's open!

(door closes)
How many times have I told you
to text me when you're outside?
- Good morning, Paul.
- Good morning, Eve.
It's good to see you.
You know I like to see
how the other half lives.
What does that mean?
Well, Paul here is pretty poor
with money management.
Can't afford
a house like this.
Not on my salary.
Not on most people's salary.
It's called the stock market.
Oh, is that what it is?
It's the stock market!
Yeah. You should try it,
it has all the little numbers.
Maybe do that
instead of spending
all your money on women.
I don't spend
all my money on women.
That's why you're single.
(Frank laughs)
Or maybe it's because
of that cheap ring tattoo.
Doesn't even go
all the way around his finger.
(Frank chortles)
Ah, time to move on.
It's been, like, three years.
- I'll walk you out.
- Sure.
(birds chirping)
Be safe!
I need him in one piece.
You got it.
Oh, Eve.
Thanks for lunch.
What lunch?
Oh, I--I just thought...
Of course I made you lunch.
(Frank, snapping his fingers)
Hey, buddy.
Have a good day.
Oh, honey?
Put some clothes on.
Have I told you how lucky I am
to have a wife like that?
(Paul sighs)
Only every day.
(engine starts)

(doorbell chimes)

Did you forget something?
Yes, I did.
(sultry music)

(Eve breathes heavily)

(phone notification chimes)
(tense music)

(pills rattling)

Linda, Linda, Linda.
Gotta love informants.
I'll call it in.
Hey, what are you doing?
You really think we need backup
for a skinny junkie?
If Callahan is in there?
Yeah, we might.
Adam-27 to dispatch.
We have a 10-66
at 9797 Maple Street.
Requesting backup.
Let's wait for backup.
If Callahan is in there,
I'm not letting that scumbag
get away.
I want that promotion,
so I'm going in the front,
you can go in the back.

(distant dog barking)

Jeffrey! Police!

Oh, hey.
- Put the knife down, Jeffrey.
- No!
- I just wanna talk.
- No way, man!
I know you guys,
you'll kill me.
Nobody needs to get hurt,
all right?
We just need information.
- We want Callahan.
- That's crap, man.
You're all in his back pocket.
I'll put my gun down, okay?
Just talk to me, I'll let you
walk right outta here.

(text notification buzzes)

So I tell you what I know
and you let me go?
That's right.
You're not gonna like it, man.
You have no idea.
You got rats
in your house,
in your own house!
No, hey!
No, wait! No, no!
(case clanking)

What the hell, Frank?
He rushed you with a knife.
He was trying
to get by me!
He was high and unpredictable.
I just saved your life, partner.
But we were just so close.

Close doesn't matter
if you're dead.

(siren wails)
So, Detective Miller,
you identify yourself,
see that your partner
is in imminent danger
before you shoot.
- Have I got that right?
- That's right.
Where's that leave us
with Callahan?
Square one.
All right, look, I'm getting
a lot of pressure from the chief
to wrap this thing up.
Now, today's gonna give her
a little more confidence
that we're making
some progress,
but you need another lead.
Lean on your informants.
We're on it, Captain.
You're lucky to have Miller
as a partner, Detective Horn.
Come on.
Let's go celebrate.
Now you wanna celebrate because
we lost the best lead we had?
Yeah, but it's not every day
I get to save my partner's life.
- Come over for dinner.
- I can't do it. I'm busy.
I'm not taking no for an answer.
Hey, boys.
Hey, Andrea.
You're looking good as always.
You ever gonna use my phone number, Paul?
Maybe someday.
Well, a girl like me can't wait forever.
Hey, how come I never get any love?
Uh--you're a married man, Frank.
Yeah, yeah.
Come on, we gotta cap off a good day with a good meal.
Come over for dinner.
I'll text Eve.
She's gonna love this story.

That is so scary.
I'm so glad
neither of you were hurt.
To you, Frank.
- Hm.
- You saved the day.
(glasses clink)
Definitely one for the history books.
(insects chirring)
(Paul clears his throat)
So when are you gonna make
an honest woman out of Billings?
- Billings?
- Oh, here we go.
- She's, uh--
- Smokin' hot.
Doesn't hold a candle to you,
of course.
I was going to say, not my type.
What is your type?
Uh, you know, um...
Smart, funny, kind, talented,
(Frank scoffs)
Wouldn't we all want that?
You want a unicorn, huh?
Yeah, that's it.
A unicorn, I guess.
Well, you are missin' out, buddy.
You are missin' out.
Hey, babe,
why don't you clean this up?
The boys are gonna step outside,
light a stogie
to celebrate my heroics.
Of course.
I can help you.
(text notification chimes
on Frank's cell phone)
(Frank clears his throat)
Yeah. Thank you, Paul.
Yeah, whatever floats your boat, Martha Stewart.
I'll be outside.
(Paul) fair enough,
but she's standing
in front of Frank and I
and she has one hand on her hip
and she says,
"A girl like me
can't wait forever."
- She really said that to you?
- Yeah, she said that.
She said, "A girl like me
can't wait forever."
(Eve, chuckling)
Oh, wow.
Hey, I'm--I'm sorry
about Frank bringing up
the tattoo-ring thing
this morning, it's...
it's really just pushing you
to move on, huh?
No, it's not that.
It has been three years.
I don't know.
I've just never felt the need
to erase her completely.
Yeah, it's been taken care of.
Trail is officially cold.
I'll see you in a little bit.
But is there anyone--
anyone special in your life?
It's been a while since
we've gotten a chance to chat.
Anyone special?
Yes...and no.
So mysterious.
Oh, you know when, uh,
you can't get somebody
out of your head, but...
you, uh, just feel
like you can't...
admit your feelings out loud?
Are these all yours?
These are all beautiful.
You know, I'd love for you to...
to paint something for me...
one day.
Depressing, isn't it?
I came home
a few nights ago
and there it was
on the wall.
I've said it
a thousand times.
Silly paintings like this,
makes the house look cheap.
(Eve softly exclaims)
(soft, tense music)
(Frank exhales heavily)

Hey, but it's okay.
You're still my Panda Bear.
One day, you'll paint something that's worthy of our home.
Just keep practicing.
I believe in you.

How 'bout some dessert?
You know, one thing
my wife does know how to do?
Bake a mean pie.
You're gonna love it.

No, Dad, Dad...
you're not listening.
I saved his life.
I don't know, I just thought
you might be interested.
It was kind of a big deal.
The whole office cheered.
I'm--I'm sorry I woke you up.
Happy birthday.
How's your dad?
Disappointed in me as ever.
(Eve sighs)
Even after something as incredible as today?
Gosh, he's so hard on you.
I'm sorry, honey.
He's just never gonna get over
me dropping out of college,
not becoming king of the world
like Andy, golden child.
What you do means something.
Hey, whatever happened
to cleaning the house?
- I did clean the house.
- You didn't clean the fridge.
(foreboding music)

I really don't ask that much
of you, Eve.
I know.
I'm sorry.
- I'll go do it again.
- No, it's too late now.
It's way too late now.

You know, it's funny.
(Eve exhales sharply)
You know,
I work myself to death
every day,
and yet, you can't even manage
to keep the house clean.
It--it's like nobody appreciates
the things that I do,
- not even you.
- Frank, please.
You know, I give you everything you want, right?
Right? You have a roof
over your head, food.
Yes, I--I'm so grateful for you.
- Are you?
- Yes!
- 'Cause I don't feel it.
- No, I'm so grateful--
- Why don't I feel it?
- I appreciate everything!
Don't ever raise your voice
to me again!
(Eve whimpers)
We need to talk.
Oh, please! No, no, no, no...

I am so sorry, Panda.
Just, work is crazy right now.
And with the promotion
on the line...

And talking to my dad,
it just put me on edge.

Then you yelled at me.

And I just...
I shouldn't have lost
my temper with you.

Can you forgive me?

It's beautiful.

Are you going somewhere?
Uh, yeah, they, uh--
they called us in.

Tell me we're okay.

We're okay.

Because you mean everything
to me.
I don't know what I would do
without you.
I love you so much.

Oh, hey, get some rest and,
uh, take another pill.
It'll make you feel better.
Okay? I'll come back
when I can.


(music intensifies)
(tense music)

(text notification chimes)

(sends text)
(mournful music)

(soft weeping)

(suspenseful music)
Did you take care of Linda?
Huh! This guy.
She's got 24 hours
to disappear.
But don't worry
about my business.
Where do we stand
after today?
No more leads.
You're in the clear.
(clanging bell
of train crossing)
(train whistle blows)

There's a shipment coming in tonight.
I need you to watch over it.
Tonight? It's already
pretty late.
Is that a problem?
No, no, of course not.
I'm on it.
One more thing.

Make that disappear.
You got it.

Let's move.

(doorbell chimes, door opens)
Hi, Paul.
Where's Frank?
I' to pick him up.
He said that
you got a call last night.
A call?
Uh, you know, he probably
went in to file some paperwork.
We have some deadlines
coming up,
captain's been hounding us,
- but, uh, since I'm here...
- Since you're here...
Um, come in.
- I'm just making some tea.
- Sure.
(door closes)
I didn't know Frank was
such a romantic.
Frank didn't get me those.
They're for my mother.
She passed away
when I was young, so...
- Oh.
- Daisies were her favorite.
Every time I visit,
I like to make sure
she has a fresh bouquet.
- I'm sorry. I didn't know.
- It's okay.
I'm just grateful
for the time we had.
It was a really long time ago.
(Eve gasps softly)
Hey, are you all right?
Please don't...
(soft, tense music)

What happened?
(Eve)'s--it's nothing.
I don't think it's nothing.

Let me see this, please.

Did Frank do this?
Please, please, please, just don't say anything, Paul.
It was just a bad night.

- He can't do this to you.
- No, he didn't mean to.
It, uh, it was just the job,
and it's really stressful,
and I said something
that I shouldn't have, and...
and it won't happen again.

- Let me help you.
- What...what do you mean,
like, help me leave him?
Look what he did to you.
He's my husband.
it's complicated.

This is swollen.
(soft music)

Let's see.

Whoa, hey, what's wrong?
I'm okay.
I just have Addison's disease,
my body doesn't make
certain hormones,
so I take steroids
to control it,
which I just took,
and it's just...
it's worse when I'm stressed.
I'll be fine
in a few minutes.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hm.

Paul. Please don't say anything.

- If it happens again--
- It won't.

You should probably get going.


Thank you...

...for caring.
I do care for you.
A lot.

(door opens, closes)

- Look who we have here.
- Please, please.
Everyone back to work.
Hey, we're drinking this
- at your birthday party.
- We better be.
Couldn't have done this without you.
Look at this.
- You should take Billings.
- Where were you?
Excuse me?
I went to your house
to pick you up.
Know what's funny?
I don't remember
getting a call last night.
(foreboding music)
Someone's grateful to be alive.

Come with me.

I saw what you did to Eve.
What are you talking about?
Don't play with me.
I saw the bruises.
(Frank scoffs)
I didn't do anything to Eve.
She's notoriously clumsy.
I could just drag you down to County.

(Frank sighs)
Yeah, you're right.
I'm sorry.
Yesterday was crazy.
Really stressed out
and I just
completely lost control.
You know, I was pumped
about saving your life,
pissed that we lost
our only lead.
It was only this one time.
I--I know she didn't deserve it.
Sure as hell she didn't.
Gimme a reason not to put you
in cuffs right now.
All right.
Arrest me.
Go ahead. Arrest me.
Do it, partner.
I do want you to know, though,
I am getting help.
First thing this morning,
I made an appointment
with the precinct's therapist.
- You did.
- Yes. I did.
And last night,
I told her we got a call
so that I could go out
and cool off,
just to keep her safe.
I just...
Can you believe it?
I slept in my car.
I don't want anything
to happen to Eve.
I don't wanna hurt her.
She means everything to me.
I could really use
your support.
Never again.
Do you understand me?
Yeah, I swear.

Hey, Paul?

How long were you with my wife
this morning?

(indistinct remarks)
(distant telephone rings)
- Why the long face?
- It's just one of those days.
I thought you'd be floating on air.
You know,
having escaped death and all.
- Well...
- That's some partner
you have there.
Still, it's kinda strange.
What is?
Well, if the perp had the gun pointed at you,
why didn't he fire?
I froze.
- You don't seem like the type.
- I guess you never really know
how you're going to react.
If you say so.
(dramatic music)

I miss you, Mom.

I could really use
your guidance right about now.

I don't know what to do.

God, I wish I could just
get a hold of myself.

I just wish...
I wish I could be stronger.
For the both of us.

(upbeat music plays)

Hey, straighten yourself up.
I need you to smile
and be a good wife.
And stop blabbing
to my coworkers
about our personal life.
- Hey! Do you hear me?
- Yes.
I hear you.
Quit rubbing your arm.
It didn't hurt that bad.

There she is, come on.
This is a wonderful party already.
Hey, you guys. Two Rusty Nails.
Come on.
Whoever makes 'em first
gets a bigger tip.
There we go, my man.
- Thank you.
- Hey, Cap.
(he laughs)
All right, everyone,
to the greatest captain
on the planet.
Raise your glasses
in celebration.
Happy birthday.
- Woo!
- Well, thank you, Frank.
Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.
I want you to have a good time,
have fun,
unless you're working tomorrow,
start pounding that water.
Hey, come on, come on.
And of course,
my beautiful wife.
Isn't she amazing?

Would have been nice
if the captain toasted me
saving Paul's life.
Maybe if you remembered
the champagne.
I will toast to you.

Always keep it in my desk, always keep it in my desk.
I should get another one.
Maybe you should slow down, honey.
It's a party, baby.

Hey, partner.
Mind if I sit?
Yeah, the more the merrier.

Hey, why don't we dance?
It's been a really long time
since we've danced.

That's okay, baby.
Look, couple people
are trying to climb up
the captain's you-know-what.
We'll see. We'll see about that.
Guess it's time for me to go schmooze.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
That's my girl.

(she sighs)

We could dance.

Why not?

Thank you.

(Frank clears his throat)
Another Rusty Nail
and a shot for the captain.
(upbeat music)

- Oh. Oh, is this your jam?
- It's about to be.
I didn't take you for much of a dancer, Paul.
Take me as one now?
I don't know.
Jury's still out.

All right, I'll give you
about a 4 outta 10.
- 4 outta 10?
- Mm-hm.
That's better than a 3.
I'll take it.

(music slows)

Um, Billings?
Hey, can you just
give me a minute?
(captain clears her throat)
Um, so, Captain, have you made any,
you know, decisions
about who's gonna be sergeant?
You're on the short list, Frank.
That's good news.
Look, there's a lot to factor in, okay?
Like what?
Just tell me what
I need to do.
Whatever I have to do
to secure it, Captain.
Just I need this, Cap.
(she laughs)
For now, I want you
to have fun.
Okay, go dance with your wife.
Loosen up.
Everything's gonna work out.

- What is it?
- Uh, just don't make
a big deal out of it, Paul,

Did it happen again?
Paul, please.
- Okay.
- He said it was
a one-time thing.
That therapy would help.
Yeah, if you count bourbon
as therapy.
Now Paul, stop it, okay?
Hey, you heard my wife.
Back off.

- Excuse me.
- Frank.
- Come on, honey.
- It's okay.
Don't do this right now.

- Ow, Frank, please.
- What the hell was that?
It was nothing, I wanted to dance with you but--
- You wanted to dance with him!
- That's not true, Frank.
- Oh, so now I'm a liar?
- No, no.
(dramatic music)

Do you know that the only time my father ever told me
that he was proud of me
was on our wedding day?
He pulled me aside
and he said,
"Son, look, you have
a good one.
She's a keeper."
And he was right.
You are a keeper.
And you're mine.

Hey, you.
I saw you on the dance floor.
You wanna go get a drink?
Not now, Andrea.

- Get in the car.
- No, Frank, please.
Hey, what did I tell you, huh?
Paul, get back inside.

You're pathetic.

Please come with me.
- Come.
- Eve, get back here.
You get back here, Eve.

Not this time.


You're dead.
You hear me?
You're both dead.


(crickets chirping)
(fire crackling)
He's gonna go off the rails.
We'll fill out a formal
complaint in the morning.
I'll help you get an order
of protection against him.
A piece of paper's not gonna stop him.
Well, maybe not.
But I will.
I can't ask that of you.
Didn't ask.
You're safe now.
(she sighs)
Why are you doing this for me?
Because you deserve better.
(phone vibrates)
(insects chirring)
(vibrating continues)
- It's him.
- Don't answer it.
(vibrating continues)
(dramatic music)
I've been bullied by him
for so long.

(she sighs)
You got 15 minutes to come home.
I'm not coming home.
Yes, you are.
You can come home
on your own,
or I can drag you.
It's over, Frank.
- I'm done.
- Done with what?
All the nice things
you have?
Have you ever had to work
a day of our marriage?
You know that's never what I cared about.

I want a divorce.
Till death do us part, remember?
I intend to keep that vow.
Oh, how nice that you get to pick and choose
which ones to keep.
Frank, will you just please
just leave me alone?
That was scary.
Yeah, I know.

But he can't get you here.

Thank you.

Do you mind if I just
take a shower before bed?
Of course not.
I'll, uh...
I'll show you
where everything is.

(phone vibrating)
Answer the phone!

(tender music)

I set the bed up for you.

- What about you?
- I'll be on the couch.

(light clicks)

It's going to be okay, right?

It's gonna be okay.

(door squeaks)

(dramatic music)

Could you lay next to me?
(thunder rumbling)

Thank you for everything.

(thunder rumbling)

- Got a second, Cap?
- Come on in.
Have a seat.
I hate to do this, Captain.
You know we have a code
and I'm no rat.
But I've been covering for him
for too long.
- Spit it out, Frank.
- The Jeffrey shooting.
I didn't save Paul's life.
I lied for him.
(dramatic music)
What are you talking about?
He lost it.
He completely lost it, Captain.
Shot the poor kid
in cold blood.
I was there,
I was talking to him,
I was getting information
on Callahan.
And then he comes
around the corner, pow!
Shoots him, outta nowhere.
Why would he do that?
I don't know, Captain.
It just feels--
it's a hunch.
Just something
doesn't feel right.
You're thinking
he's a dirty cop?
It'd make sense why he'd wanna shut Jeffrey up
if he is.

Let me be very clear.
Because what you're telling me
will not only end
your partner's career
but likely put him away.
And put a whole lot of grief
down on this precinct.
I know, Captain, and that's why
I haven't said anything.
But then last night,
he made it personal.
Just Eve and I,
with my wife,
we were trying to leave
and then he attacks me
in the parking lot.
He's outta control.
He's a loose cannon.
And now I'm worried that
he's gonna hurt my wife.
Thank you for bringing
this to my attention.
I'll take it from here.
Thank you, Captain.
If it's all right,
I'd like to go home
to make sure that my wife
is safe.
No, Frank,
you're too close to this.
I'll send a uniform.
You stay here.
- But Captain--
- Dismissed, Miller.
Of course.
Thank you, Captain.

Janet, get Paul Ford
on the phone.
Yes, ma'am.

(birds chirping)
(solemn music)
(she sighs)

You hungry?
Yes, I'll be right out.

(music darkens)

- How are you feeling?
- Uh, a little sore.
Also kinda strange.
I've just wanted out
for so long,
it feels weird, not real.
- You take cream?
- Yeah.
I made a call into the precinct this morning
to file a complaint
against Frank.
So just waiting for
a call back from the captain.
This looks delicious.
Thank you so much.
I was thinking, um,
well, I know how much
you love art, painting,
so I thought maybe after
you had a nice breakfast,
you could, uh...
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- It's amazing.
- Amazing.
So this is what it's like
to feel safe and cared for.
(dramatic music)

(telephone ringing)

- Okay, it's the captain.
- Yeah.
This is Ford.
Paul, I know you called out sick
but I'm gonna need you
to come in for a chat.
I was really hoping
we could do this over the phone.
Internal Affairs
needs to speak with you.
IA? Already?
All right, well, um...
can we at least get the order
and then I can come in later on
to, uh, sign the paperwork
against Frank?
The complaint isn't
against Frank.
It's against you.
It's about Jeffrey.
You have some explaining to do.
I'm confused.
Paul, these allegations
are serious.
But you can clear
everything up by coming in.
Captain, no.
Frank is crooked.
All right, I'm pretty sure
he's taking bribes from Callahan
and he abuses Eve.
I filed a complaint.
I don't know what's
going on between you
and Miller's wife
but it does not look good.
Now, get in here
or I'm gonna have
to bring you in.
- You copy?
- I'm sorry, Captain,
I can't do that.

(she scoffs)

- Janet?
- Yes, ma'am?
Get Ramirez and McDade
to go over to Paul Ford's house
to bring him in.
Be sure to tell 'em
to be discreet, no sirens.
- Right, Captain.
- What was that?
- What just happened?
- We need to move.
Frank set me up.
We've got about 10 minutes
to get out of here, maybe less.

We have to hide out somewhere
until we figure out
what to do next.

Okay, I need to stop by my house first.
What? No.
That's the first place
Frank will go
before he comes here.
- I'm out of my meds.
- Well, do you need it?
Yes. I could die.
Um, okay, uh, hold on.

Hi, Dr. Samson,
it's Eve.
I'm calling about
my prescription.

Why--why would I do
something like that?
I've been your patient
for years.

No, no, no-no-no.
Uh, please don't do that. I--

- I can't believe it.
- What? What happened?
Frank happened.
He called my doctor
this morning
and told him I've been
selling my steroids
to high school athletes.
(she sighs)
- I have to go home.
- Is there any other way?
He flagged me in the system.
Well, we better hurry.

(phone vibrating)


No, no, of course.
You did the right thing, Doc,
thank you for letting me know.

(tense music)


Hey, come on,
we have to hurry.

- Be right back.
- I'll keep watch.

We're clear for now.

(vehicle approaching)

Got ya.
(car door closes,
horn alarm beeps)

Oh no, no, no, no.

Frank's here, we gotta go.

- Are we good?
- No.
(door opens)
- It's gone?
- All of it.
(door closes)

I see you came home.


Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
- Come on.
- You're just making it
harder for yourself!


Sweetie? Are you in here?


You in here?


Oh, well, you're not
gonna get very far.



Tell me what happens if you don't have your medication.
At first I get achy and lightheaded.
(solemn music)
And then?

When I'm stressed,
I get pretty sick.

Eventually go into shock.
Well, what can we do?

We have to nail him.

I got evidence.
Frank's connected
to Callahan.
He's got that little box
for insurance
so he can use it
against him
if Callahan ever turns on him.
Yeah. Of course he does.
If Franks gets the force to think that I'm crooked,
then we have the best cops
and the worst criminals
looking for us.
(music darkens)

- I'm gonna call him.
- And say what?
- I know how to placate him.
- No.
I can get him to admit to everything.
- He's never gonna go for it.
- He doesn't want me dead.
He just wants to control me.
- I don't like it.
- Do you have a better idea?

(he sighs)
(phone vibrating)

And where the hell are you?
I'm so sorry. I miss you.
And why the sudden change
of heart?
Well, because I love you
and I--I don't know
how to live without you.
I also don't want to die
and you literally have
my life in your hands.
I'm guessing your knight
in shining armor's with you.

All I want is what's best for Eve, okay?
If keeping her alive
means I have to walk away,
then that's what I'll do.
That's cute.
So you're just not man enough
to fill my shoes.
Frank, please.
I just want to come home.
I doubt it's that simple
as just you coming home,
so what's the catch?
Recant what you said about Paul to the captain.
Look, we can start over.
- Just us.
- Just us?
Why the hell
should I believe you?
- I'll meet you in person.
- No.
- Wherever you like.
- No.
Well, I'm at home.
Come on over.
Actually, wait,
better yet,
meet me tomorrow
at Henderson Park.
- Can we meet tonight?
- After a day without your meds
I think you'll be more open
to my conditions.
Oh, and Eve,
if I see my partner
or smell a rat of any kind,
you're both dead.
And honey...
bring my damn box back.

(dramatic music)
Are you sure about this?
It's the only way
to make things right.
(birds chirping)
(Paul clears his throat)
I need a favor.
(birds chirping)
She's here.
Hey, handsome.
Come on in.
Eve, this is Detective
Andrea Billings.
- Billings, this is Eve.
- Frank's wife.
It's nice to officially
meet you.
You too.
You wanna tell me what's going on here?
The whole squad's
looking for you,
Frank's wife,
what the hell, Paul?
I appreciate you bringing me the wire, okay?
But I don't want to get
you involved.
Well, look at me, I am involved.
- I never saw you.
- Uh-huh.
Whatever you think
you're doing, stop.
If there's an explanation,
the truth will come out.
Frank's got this thing spun so sideways
nobody's gonna believe me
right now.
(she scoffs)
I appreciate your help.
- You have to go.
- Look, you're a good guy, Ford,
all right?
You need backup,
you have my number.
In case you didn't notice,
I don't miss much.
Mrs. Miller.
- Thanks for this.
- Yeah.
Well, she seems...nice.
She came through for us.
Are you sure
we can trust her?
I sure hope so.
(tense music)

Yeah, no, I just
dropped it off.
We'll dial into
that frequency.

Will do.

So we'll be able to hear each other.

And this...
(solemn music)
- ...this we'll, uh...
- Hide.

What if he sees the wire?
He won't.

I'll tuck it under here.

(vibrant music)

(breathing heavily)

(camera clicking)

(camera clicking)

(dogs barking)
(birds chirping)
(tense music)
Be here any minute.
We're just gonna take this time,
we're gonna remember
what we talked about, right?
So remember,
when he gets here,
you're gonna take it slow,
let him do the talking,
let him get comfortable.
Here we go.

Okay, take a deep breath.
I'm right behind you.
(camera clicking)

Hello, Eve.
What, no hug?

I have missed you.

Look at you.

(camera clicking)
(birds chirping)
Sorry I left the way I did.
It's okay, Panda.
All that matters
is that you're coming home now.
Should you...
just call up the captain now
and take back
what you said about Paul?
I can't recant the truth.
You know
that he didn't kill Jeffrey.
And how do you know that?
I thought you were just
a wannabe painter, right?
I know all about you, Frank.
- Really?
- Yes.
Please enlighten me.
I know that you...
killed Jeffrey in cold blood.
Take a deep breath.
I know that you take payoffs,
and I know
why you have this box.
There, you see?
Everything's fine.
Open it.
(dark music)

(camera clicks)
You're lookin' a little peaked
there, Panda.
Looks like you could use
one of these.
Oh, not so fast.
You'll get your meds
when you come home.
(dark music)
I just want to know
that you're going to make good
on our deal.
Good on our deal?
Do you remember
when we first met?
It was at the zoo on a date,
and you were working to pay off
that ridiculous art school,
at the panda exhibit.
We started talking when my date
went to the restroom.
You didn't even bother
asking my name.
You just started
calling me Panda.

You were so confident,
made me feel like
there was no one else
you'd rather be talking to.
There wasn't.
What happened to you?
- Excuse me?
- You used to make me feel
like I was the most important
thing in your world.
- Honey, you still are.
- No.
I'm your most prized possession.
There's a big difference.
See this?
I promised...
to take care of you, and that's
exactly what I've done.
I work every day
to give you everything,
and I've been willing to do
whatever it takes
to give you
this exceptional life.
You hid me, Frank.
Hey, easy, easy,
don't pressure him.
Over and over again,
you were emotionally cruel,
and I don't care,
I know that your dad
messed you up, but he...
he's wrong.
Money is not everything.
Being kind and good
means so much more,
and you're just not
a good person.

Let's go for a walk.
Eve, no.
Don't, don't go anywhere
with him.
- Eve, stay put.
- Let's go.

Eve, please, don't!

Where is he taking you?
(intense music)

(camera clicking)

They're on the move.
I repeat, they're on the move.
(groaning, panting)
Honey, do you want me to carry you?
No, no.
I got it.
I'm losing you.
Talk to me.
Where are you?
Don't make any sudden moves.
Where are you taking me?
We're just gonna go on a little trip.
(soft music)
The train station?

We got 'em,
they're headed
for Second Street,
North Station.
Copy, we're on our way.
Now, you and I are gonna walk out of this park nice and easy.
You're gonna let Frank
be alone with his wife.
(intense music)


I need to know where you are!
Talk to me!
(birds chirping)

(groaning, panting)

Frank, stop.
I'm not going any further
with you, Frank.
This newfound bravery of yours is making you stupid.
where is your knight
in shining armor now?
You're a coward.
(smacks, groans)
That'll teach you.
(crowd shouting)
What's the matter, Frank? Is that all you got?
I know you could do
a lot better than that.
(he chuckles)
That wasn't very nice.
Put the gun down, Frank, it's over!
(Frank laughs)
Hi, partner!
Now it's a party.
- Put the gut down.
- You put your gun down!
Watch as all your plans
go down in flames.
We got everything.
(grim music)
Clever, clever.

(gunshot clanking)
Frank, please!
- What's the plan, Frank?
- Well, Eve here is gonna have
a little accident
on the tracks...
unless you throw me
your damn weapon!
- Do it!
- Okay!

Now come out where I can see you.
Nice and slow.
(train honks)
Drop your weapon, Frank!
(train clanking)
There's nowhere to go.
(train rumbling)
If I go, she goes!
Wherever you go
for the rest of your life,
you won't have to worry
about me hunting you.
I have the worst people
you can imagine working for me.
You'll be dead in three months.
You hear? Three months!
Frank, don't do this.
You're better than this!
Drop your weapon, Frank!
(dramatic music)

Find out where that train's going!
Go, now!
(train rumbling)
(soft music)
You'll be all right, he's gone.
Let's get your medication.
- Medics are on the way.
- What are you doing here?
IA, we've been investigating Frank for a while now.
We tapped into the wire
frequency I brought you.
We heard everything.
I gotta hand it to you,
you're one brave woman, Eve.

I'm sorry I doubted you, Paul.
Frank had us all fooled, Captain.
(police sirens wailing)
(birds chirping)
(page tearing)
Hey, are you up?
Good morning.
So, what should we do next?
Have you ever, um...
thought about moving?
- Moving?
- Yeah.
Oh, I never thought that day would come.
Well, I could get a transfer.
It'll be safer for you.
For us.
Oh, you mean like...
like getting a place together.
Feels right to me.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- All right.
There is, uh...
just one thing
I need to do first though.
Oh, what's that?
Get a divorce.
I second that.
(seagulls calling)
(insects chirring)
Pretty great, huh?
Minus a million boxes.
Well, we have all the time in the world to unpack.
Set up your painting things.
Mm, christen every room.
(car door closes)
That's the part I'm most excited for.
(doorbell ringing)
Pizza's here.
(grim music)
- Have a good rest of your night.
- You as well.


Is that a...
It's a panda.
I thought I threw
all these away.

Probably just fell in there by mistake.
Yeah, yeah.
I guess so, that's probably it.
Why don't you come with me?
Or what?
Follow me.
(mellow music)

What are you doin'?

What is all this for?

God, I want you.

(vibrant music)

You have me.

Well, hello, Detective Ford.
Good morning, beautiful.
Can't wait to see
what you've been working on.
Well, you will be the first to see it.
(mellow music)


(ominous music)

Wait, Paul!

(phone beeping)

Hi, this is Eve...Miller.

Yes, Frank's...soon-to-be ex.
I have a proposal for you.
(music intensifying)
(dramatic music)
(door locks)

(door locks)

Oh, no.

I've made a terrible mistake.
Frank's here.
(phone chimes)

(music intensifying)
Hi, Panda.
(dark music)

I told you,
I have eyes everywhere.
Where have you been hiding,
Under a rock?
You look terrible.
That's no way
to greet your husband.
Soon-to-be ex.
Oh, right, the divorce.
Yeah, we're gonna need
to talk about that.
what's your plan here, Frank?
It's pretty simple:
I'm gonna kill you
then your pretty
little boyfriend.
Well, unless, of course,
you want to work things out.

Go to hell.

That's what I thought.

I see you've really given up
on your housewife duties.

Oh, and I see you got my gift.
Those stupid pandas
meant that you had just done
something terrible to me
and you thought a trinket
would make it better!
Well, it didn't work,
so get out of my house!
(he screams)
(dramatic music)
Looks like somebody forgot their manners.

(he laughs)

Oh, you fight dirty.
All right.


Can't hide from me, Eve.

I'm always gonna find you.

Come on now, Panda.
You're not gonna use that on me.

I remember
when I gave Paul that gun
for his birthday
a few years ago.
Funny, don't you think,
a little poetic justice?
To kill Paul with his own gun.

Good girl.

You don't have to do this,
Just go.
Go back into hiding.
Now why would I do that?
After you and Paul are gone,
I'm gonna get my job back.
There's no way,
you're a criminal.
A criminal?
Oh, no, no, no.
See, you've got it all wrong.
I've been on the run
from criminals.
That little box you gave me,
it has enough cash
and drugs in it
to put in Paul's closet.
You're all gonna see,
he's the bad cop.
Everybody knows that you
were taking payoffs
from that drug dealer.
Callahan's in my back pocket,
and I have enough evidence
in the back of my car
to put him away forever.
So you see,
I'm the hero.

(music intensifying)
This evidence?
(soft music)
Okay, uh, let me explain.
No, Frank, let me.
You see, a little birdie told me
that you might double-cross me.

Can't say I'm surprised.
Hey, don't even think about it.

Well, this is even more perfect.
Three birds, one gun.
(music intensifying)
(gun clicking)
(dark music)
No, no...
(smacks, groaning)

Hey, wait.
You know, normally,
I would end people
who try to frame me
and then try to shoot me,
but I think I'll leave it up
to this little lady right here.

It's a pleasure doing business
with you, ma'am.

Hey, let's talk about this.
Just turn yourself in, Frank.
Just do your time.

Maybe you'll get out,
maybe you won't, but...
you can redeem yourself.
Get help.
Please, Frank.
Panda, you're not
gonna shoot me.
(soft music)


What happened?
- Are you hurt?
- I'm okay.

It's over.

Thanks for coming down, Captain.
The hour-long drive was worth it.
I've been in contact
with your new captain
on IA's investigation
into Frank.
Still no sign of Callahan,
but we're gonna keep looking.
I'm just glad it's all behind us.
If you two need anything,
just call.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Take care.

We did it.
You did it.
No more looking over our shoulders,
worrying about
every little sound.
I know, what will we do with ourselves?
I don't know.
I have a few ideas.
- Do you?
- Mm-hmm.
Let me show you.

(tense music)