In Paradox (2019) Movie Script

Have you ever experienced
memories that aren't yours?
Did you see the house?
Are you serious?
No, no. The house is new.
You think I'm stupid?
You think I don't understand?
I know the price of the house.
All right. Listen, listen.
I want the amount in dollars.
Yes, yes, in dollars.
Don't be late.
Go ahead.
Who are you? What are you doing here?
I've lost control over myself.
But the Ring of Consciousness
has given me control over everything.
It was more than a sixth sense.
It took control over my mind,
my memories, and my thoughts.
But with time,
I became addicted to the Ring's power,
until I couldn't recognize myself.
Hello. What a wonderful surprise.
Come in, come in.
Come in.
Please forgive me.
My house is very simple.
It's fine.
Laila, my niece.
How do you drink your coffee?
No sugar.
Me too.
Right away.
Have a seat.
What is this?
My dear friend Jibran,
I hope you receive this letter
in great health.
If my son asks about the Ring,
please do your best
to not keep it hidden from him.
The Ring is located
where we had our last conversation.
Your friend and brother, Abdallah.
Why do you want the Ring?
Have you ever experienced memories
that aren't yours?
Any memory you have is yours.
How do I have memories
of places I haven't been to before?
They can be very old.
What about the strange voices
and details that never existed in my life?
What do you mean?
Every time I experience a memory
that isn't mine...
I'm taken into another world.
A world where I don't know where I am.
The details are different, and...
a strange force
takes control over me.
Suddenly I find myself
back in the same place.
I must control this situation.
And fast.
What is it in the past
that's bothering you?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
The Ring will change my life.
It will give me control over everything.
Not just the memories.
No, no, find a solution
other than the Ring.
The Ring is in your father's old house,
and it's in a dangerous area.
I'm so thankful.
You deserve the best.
My respect. Welcome. Best regards.
Greetings, Mr. Saif.
I'm happy you accepted the invitation.
Finish this, I don't have time.
Welcome, welcome. It's a pleasure.
Welcome, Mr. Saif.
We know how much the old area
is valuable for your project.
This is why the government
is giving you this offer.
We would like to buy half of the area
for double the price.
What do you think?
I'm not interested in this nonsense.
Finish this.
I have important matters to attend to.
Are you aware that the government
has never given such an offer to anyone?
Looks like your memory
needs to be refreshed.
When do I start to work?
With this signature.
Thank you very much...
Mr. Mayor.
I asked about the house.
The house is in the old area in Arch City,
and the old area
has become private property.
- Whose property?
- I don't know.
This document will take me
to my father's house.
It's signed and certified.
This document won't help you.
Arch City is not what you think it is,
and you must avoid
attracting any attention.
Why so cautious?
Excuse me.
I didn't mean to overhear you.
I have a better plan.
I don't need help.
I can take you to the old area
without being noticed.
I know the city streets very well.
I'm a well-known journalist in the city.
No one will doubt you
if you are seen with me.
By the way,
you are welcome to stay
at my mother's motel.
I am your best cover in the city.
I believe this is the best solution
to find your father's house.
Are you always quiet like this?
This bracelet is a gift
from my grandmother.
She passed away when I was young.
May Allah bring peace upon her soul.
You are quite... unusual.
You can read people.
I can't read people.
I knew you would come back.
I didn't come back for you.
This is Uncle Jibran's friend.
He will stay here for several days.
We have work to do.
My sister
You are Jibran's friend.
Then you are family.
Anyway, the man is tired.
He needs to rest.
How long is he staying?
Show him to his room.
Come this way.
Captain Yousef.
I got orders from the top
to rearrange some positions
in the government.
I'm still working on finalizing the list.
But, Saif...
it seems that this time,
his intentions are not well.
And you know how much
I value the safety of this city.
This is why
I'm asking you
to watch him closely, Yousef.
Don't worry.
If we see anyone, let me do the talking.
Strange. Where are the street signs?
What signs?
Don't you know the street very well?
Of course.
But something has changed.
Do you know the way
to your father's house?
It's my first time in this city.
I know where to go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
The addresses have changed.
Sorry, I cannot help you.
Why was it changed?
We got orders to change them and we did.
Here, this is the document
to my father's house.
The same address.
I'm sorry, but you have to come back.
Only the manager can help you.
Unfortunately, I can't help you.
Call the manager.
The manager is busy.
He isn't free to speak to you.
Anyway, I will give you
an appointment with the manager.
I will give you an appointment.
Here you go.
- After a month?
- Excuse me?
A month? Are you serious?
Your appointment is after a month.
This is too long.
Let's go. Thank you.
Wait. This is too long.
Come back after a month.
What are these people?
What have you done?
Didn't Uncle Jibran warn you
to not use the document?
I'm not convinced with your plan.
If you knew the way,
I would have found my father's house.
Give me some time.
Let me ask my contacts.
I don't have time.
Someone was here with a woman.
He is asking about a house
in the old area.
He has a document, yes.
Okay. As you say.
As you say.
I want to be alone.
Is there a caf nearby?
There is a caf just this way.
If you needed anything, just say my name.
They will show you the way to the motel.
Laila AIHaaj.
- All right.
- All right.
There is another shape.
Who are you?
How do you know all of this?
There is another shape.
There is another shape.
Come here.
What are you doing here?
Your ID.
Who are you?
Your ID.
What is this?
I want to find that address.
Haven't they told you
there are no houses here?
- Didn't you read the sign?
- What sign?
Shut up, stay out of this.
Get out of here.
Go back to where you came from.
Go back. Move.
Find out who he is
and what he's doing here.
Yes, sir.
Hope you had enough time for yourself.
I couldn't find the caf,
so I went to the old area.
Don't worry.
Nothing happened.
I saw something.
A woman.
Homeless. I don't know.
Along the abandoned houses.
Her clothes were strange,
her voice,
and her accent.
I think this woman...
knows why I came to this city.
Didn't we agree to stay together?
Okay then.
Take me to the old area.
Quickly. I have to see her.
She knows something important.
Are you sure this is the place?
Of course, I am sure.
Wait here.
Keep your eyes open.
Tell me what you know about the shapes.
Too many questions. Too many questions.
You have one more question.
Show me the second shape.
Show me the way.
- When do we get there?
- We're close.
- What did you say?
- We're close.
Here you go.
I don't understand.
What have you done?
Now you are ready.
I don't understand.
Remember them well.
Let's keep moving.
Where are you going?
I am Laila AIHaaj. You know me?
I know you are Laila.
What are you doing here?
My partner and I
are writing an article about...
about the old area.
Now, this area belongs to Mr. Saif.
- Take us to him.
- What are you doing?
- Let's go.
Take us to Mr. Saif.
Laila, I thought that you are
a well-behaved woman
and you respect other people's property.
We didn't know it's your land
and that we're forbidden to enter.
Everyone knows.
I apologize.
I've been out of the city for a while.
It's fine.
What's important now
is you have finished your tour.
We're not done.
I will step down to your level
and answer you,
so you won't bother me anymore.
Do you see that map behind me?
This land belonged to my family
for decades, many decades.
And I struggled to get it back.
I think I've heard this story before.
You don't want to understand.
The document you have with you...
soak it and drink it.
It's useless.
I believe this is the perfect place
that defines you well.
If it wasn't for my respect
towards Laila and her family,
I would deal with you differently.
It's okay. I hope you forgive him.
He doesn't know you well.
Forget about the old area.
You will be sorry if you enter it again.
Understood, Mr. Saif.
Any other orders, Mr. Saif?
Remember my words well.
Your life depends on your memory.
Do you know what you have done?
I'm talking to you.
Who else knew about the document
except for the man in the ministry?
He's the only one who saw the document.
How did Saif know about it?
Of course he knew.
This man has eyes everywhere.
That's what I wanted to know.
You're playing a dangerous game.
Excuse me.
I want to find this address.
Didn't you see what just happened?
Excuse me.
How do I find this address?
Leave him alone. He doesn't know anything.
Can you stop bothering me?
Excuse me. How do I get to this address?
If you may.
Hey, old man.
Nice sketch.
What was this man talking to you about?
It's none of your business.
What did he ask you?
Acting deaf?
I am talking to you.
Look. Talk, or I will force you, you hear?
Come here. Don't talk to him like that.
What changed you, Yousef?
Laila, we know each other well.
Don't let me harm you.
Let's end it here, please.
I'm not finished with him.
- Still have something to say?
- Yes, I do.
There is nothing for you here.
Leave. Leave.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Come in.
You know him?
We all know Yousef.
Thank you for the help, Saatchi.
Have a seat.
What did Yousef want?
You know him better than I do.
I'm looking for my father's old house.
His father's house is in the old area.
Have you told him about Saif?
We met a man named Saif.
I once had a friend like you
who thought that he was brave.
He wanted to find his house
in the old area,
but he ended up in the unknown.
This happened a year ago.
And since then,
no one knows where he is.
And he left no trace behind.
No trace at all.
You allowed this to happen.
Your friend is lost.
You don't know me.
You're right, I don't know you,
and you don't know that this city
lost its mind a long time ago.
If you don't listen to her,
you will not leave this city alive.
Let's leave.
Thank you.
Bye, we'll speak later, thank you.
Of all people, you choose
to get into trouble with Saif?
Well, we are here, and all is well.
Laila knows very well
Saif doesn't stop here.
You went to his property
when you know it's forbidden.
What was your reason?
You want to write
about the history of the city?
They told me everything.
Enough of this madness, both of you.
We're supposed to be in a free country.
You want to fight him with your articles?
Wake up.
The world has changed.
I'm awake.
And I know the world has changed.
It's you who locked yourself in here,
refusing to see the world.
What is this house you're looking for?
The attitude you used with your sister
will not work for me.
I'm arranging a meeting for you
with the Mayor.
Only he can help you
find the house you're looking for.
Everyone knows
you're searching for your father's house.
Don't take Laila with you.
I heard you had a hard time in the city.
That's normal for any stranger
who visits the city for the first time.
No, it's not normal.
- Do you know who owns this land?
- That's not important.
I'm here to take
my father's personal belongings.
Of course. The house and what's in it.
It's your right.
Is Yousef here?
Let him in.
Honestly, I haven't been
to the old area for a long time,
so I don't know
the condition of the house.
I would like to see the house myself.
Of course. As I said, it's your right.
Captain Yousef.
I want you to issue an urgent order
so this man can get
all his father's belongings.
Of course,
Yousef is one of our best police officers.
He will personally attend to your concern.
Okay. We will start
the process right away.
I want you to personally
take care of this.
Look, this matter
will take some time, Mr. Fayed.
Great. Then you can start now.
We don't want to delay the man more.
Anything else?
What is this?
You still have this with you?
Excuse me, if I may ask,
even if it's intrusive,
what exactly are you looking for
in the house?
Maybe we can help you.
Anything that's still there.
I don't want to disappoint you,
but the area has been affected
by robberies.
We don't know what is left.
Don't worry.
I will take whatever is left.
Rest assured that and I, myself,
and this office
will always be at your service.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You've become so sensitive.
So now you can feel people?
You didn't tell me
about your visit to the Mayor.
I need to rest now.
I made some tea.
Have a cup and then go rest.
Is it difficult?
I don't understand.
I remember you spoke to Uncle Jibran
about your problem with memories.
What are these memories?
Are they that important?
There is no problem.
Don't bother thinking about it.
What is this tea?
A mix of seven kinds of tea leaves.
I asked someone I know.
There is a safe way
to your father's house.
You know how to draw a map?
A map? I'll take you there.
What's wrong?
We have to wait for a while.
Things became complicated.
What do you mean?
They know us.
- Who?
- The men following us.
Let's distract their attention.
Only one of us enters the old area.
This is my sister talking. Not you.
This is the best way.
If someone gets harmed, let it be me.
I can take care of myself.
I don't need a bodyguard.
We'll start receiving watches
after the weekend.
Any exceptions?
We're sorry.
I knew you would come back.
This timepiece
is really old and valuable.
A gift from my grandfather.
When did it stop working?
I want to sell it.
I don't think you should.
This piece is priceless.
I know.
I have a feeling that you are here
because of what happened
at Fayed's office.
You're right.
Well, in that case,
I can't help.
I am sure that you're the only person
who knows the way to my father's house.
Why are you insisting to get there?
There is something valuable I need.
What is this valuable thing
you're speaking about?
How much would you pay for the truth?
To make it short,
I know what I'm doing.
Come alone.
What is this?
You used to enter
the old area from several paths.
But now there is only one path
that you must take
to reach this place
where your father's house is.
And what is this?
A labyrinth.
A labyrinth?
This place was built
when the old city was established.
Is there another path?
All the paths are blocked with high walls.
Just like I expected.
From now on,
your life is in your own hands
and there is no turning back.
What's going on here?
Why do you ask?
Just asking.
Who said you can ask? Leave.
Go back to where you came from.
Okay, okay.
- Show me this.
- This one?
No, not that. The other one.
- You mean this?
- No, the other one.
Stop him.
I'm sorry. Sorry.
Why are you here?
Why are you here?
- Don't you know it's forbidden?
- Sorry. Apologies.
Take him and follow me.
You, stop!
- How did you get here?
- Later, later.
You three, go that way.
You, come with me. Let's go.
This way.
Why did we go here?
We'll get trapped.
Since when have you been following me?
I saw you running and I followed you.
I was worried.
You shouldn't have followed me.
Now you will slow me down.
The entire area is surrounded
and they will eventually come out.
Where will they go?
My men will take care of everything.
Don't send anyone.
I'll deal with it myself.
It has to look like I have a hand in this.
I'm your right hand, don't worry. Relax.
Take them to the right place
at the right time.
Then call me.
You're running out of time.
Don't you want to find
your father's house?
Of course.
I know the way, let me help you.
It's dangerous now.
You should go back.
Who drew this map for you?
I want to know where we are now,
and I want to find this place.
We are here.
We must take this path.
Then this way.
Then we'll reach the place you want.
Yes, it's me.
I'm on my way.
On my way.
They will pass in front of you
at any moment.
Relax. They didn't see me.
Wait for me here.
- Why?
- Okay?
What's going on?
Where is the map? The map.
You don't need a map. Come.
I don't take orders from anyone.
- Come, we don't have time.
- I decide when and how.
No. Oh, no, no, no.
You know
You know without the map I'm lost.
- Quick, we must leave.
- I won't leave without the map.
- You can come back later.
- There is no time.
What have you done?
Where are you?
Where are you? Why?
You didn't take my advice.
Now you know who's in control?
You call this control?
What should we do to make you understand
and open your mind?
When you become a man
and face me,
then I will tell you.
People like you can't accept the fact
that you are part of the herd.
Programmed on the illusions of justice,
freedom, democracy, and all that nonsense.
You know what this is?
Do you know?
This is the story.
People paid you to destroy the trucks.
They think I am destroying their memories.
But in fact, I'm building new memories.
New homes.
To benefit as many people as possible.
You're sick.
We are several minutes away,
and we will witness the end of...
your fake courage.
How did you get into this mess
with this loser?
Poor girl.
Captain Yousef.
The package is ready.
Let's go, Jacir.
Close the hatch behind you.
You almost got us killed
with your selfishness.
I didn't drag you into this.
You followed me.
You only think about yourself?
Who was it who offered help?
Remember? I told you it's dangerous.
And this is why
you can't see your selfishness.
You don't know why I'm doing all of this.
No one will know.
No one will understand you
because you don't understand yourself.
You don't know the importance of the Ring.
I hope the Ring shows you the truth.
Especially yours.
What have you done?
Who are you? Where are you? Why?
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Where are you?
Why can't I see you?
Just listen to me.
You don't have to see me.
You scum.
You think I'm stupid?
You think I don't know about your plans
to take my position from me?
You forgot what I can do.
You were capable of doing.
I still have the black envelope.
You haven't told him
about the original copy?
I forgot.
The original copy is with us right now.
By the way,
our new chief of police
is going to take care of your case.
You did all of this for a lousy position?
You scum.
Take this fool out of here.
Of course, he was looking
for something in the city.
So I thought, why don't I make him
cross paths
with a criminal
and a scum?
Well done.
Now you know the story.
Have a seat.
Please tell the story
to our honorable audience.
Sit down.
You knew I was a threat to Saif.
And I know you hatched the plan
of destroying the trucks
so that both of us would fall.
You convinced him to execute the plan.
Well done.
Well done.
- I'm leaving.
- No, wait.
Please write Saif's full story.
And the approval for your story,
consider it done.
She broke your heart?
Our black widow?
Believe me.
In a couple of days,
you will forget about her.
Come with me.
I want to speak to you
about something, but privately.
Get up.
You know how I became Mayor, right?
You are over-confident.
This Ring...
will help secure the city.
Think about it.
How many people will this Ring help?
The people of the city
can manage on their own.
The people of the city
don't know their own interests.
Are you the Mayor...
or a guardian on their minds?
They keep arguing over little things.
Human beings.
Let them learn.
Their problems have increased.
I believe that when problems increase,
there is a third party between them.
There is the small picture
and the bigger picture.
Don't force me to use
another way with you.
One moment you threaten me,
and then you want to help me.
What is this paradox you are in?
Be careful with what you say.
I'm warning you.
Your future depends on what you say.
I warned you to be careful
with what you say.
Your future depends on it.
Who are you?
How do you have that voice?
I warned you.
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Where are you?
I know you.
You're the voice
that has tormented me all my life.
You are weak.
You don't believe in yourself.
You are fragile.
You don't deserve the Ring.
He can't defeat you. He can't.
He can't defeat you. He can't.
Listen to your heart.
You're stronger than him. Focus.
Listen to your heartbeat.
Who are you?
Tell me who you are.
If you don't tell me who you are,
believe me, I will destroy you.
Who are you?
Tell me who you are.
We haven't finished.
I'm still looking for my father's house.
Where have I heard this story before?
This place defines you well.
Any other orders. Mr. Saif?
This is none of your business.
Talk to me like I'm talking to you.
You offered me help.
I warned you.
I told you it's dangerous.
I wish you knew
the importance of the Ring.
Who told you
you can control the city?
I come from a deep-rooted family
who gave this world the greatest leaders.
But this city needs someone like me.
Like you?
But you're weak in front of big decisions.
You can't control the city.
This city is not yours.
You can't control his mind.
His mind is also not yours.
But if you ruin his memories,
you will destroy his mind.
He doesn't want to remember.
He is hiding the memories.
Leave it to me,
and I will push him away from us.
You're afraid of being exposed.
Afraid of losing control.
If you destroy the memories,
you will destroy us all.
I am here to make new memories.
A new city.
If you make new memories,
both of us will not exist anymore.
Leave him trapped in his memories
and his thoughts.
It's better for me and you.
I decide what is best.
But I am in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
I'm in control of his mind.
Do you understand?
You created this world.
These people are you.
Everyone in this world is a part of you.
You had to see them one by one
and face them all
to uncover the memory
that will set you free.
Which memory?
Who are you?
Your heart.
Good afternoon, Father.
Looks like you're busy.
I'm making a flower for the big ship.
This doesn't have one.
Have you written something new?
It's your burden.
Others will not bother.
Everyone is carrying their own.
Your uncle and cousin too.
Strain oneself to rest.
Strain oneself to rest.
For hardship eases the rest.
Take lessons from the eagle.
He catches his prey after he rests.
Do not fear from speaking the truth.
Life will unfold
and the rest will not fold.
Do not move.
Give me everything.
No one moves.
I want everything.
I want money.
Gold, everything.
What have you done?
What have you done?
Hello, sir.
I apologize for what happened today.
Why? What happened?
I entered with my face covered
because I was painting.
You thought I was a thief.
I tried to calm you, but you were edgy.
Then you passed out.
Once I saw this, I ran away.
When did this happen?
This morning.
It's me, sir. I work here.