In Tenebras: Into the Darkness (2024) Movie Script

[ominous music]
[static crackling]

[in German]
[in English]
You know what to do.
Get on with it.
[in German]
[tense music]

Stand by.
Stand by.
And go!
It's a go.

Take care of the hostages.
Follow my lead.
Watch your arcs.

Green light. Fire! Fire! Fire!
[intense music]


[Cummings grunting]
Damn it, Samantha.
Always the action girl.

[motor revving]

[music fades]
Radio Shaw and tell him I want
all weapons bagged and labeled.
I'd like Cummings and Brown in
my office within the half hour.
And firmly suggest
that Captain Shaw joins them.
-Yes, sir.
-Thank you.
What a shit show.
[tense music]
What the hell
happened out there?
Sir, we neutralized the target
and prevented a bombing.
It was a successful mission.
Until Brown
killed an innocent man,
and you decided
to test Faye again
by playing action girl.
I am a big girl and
can take care of myself, sir.
As for the terrorist
who escaped,
he won't be planning
any more bombing raids
in the strait ever again.
Sir, if I may,
the hostage was armed.
Thanks for the tip.
I'll make sure
to add that to the report
when I tell his parents
how the man died.
I don't want heroes.
-[all] Yes, sir.
[tense music]

[gravel crunching]
-[gunshots popping]
-Contact front!
[gunshots continue]

[dramatic music]

Congratulations on
a successful exercise, Sergeant.
Good to see the day
wasn't a complete failure.
[Cummings] Thank you, sir.
However, it did take
longer than I planned.
Consequentially, I am late.
I want you to sort that man out.
I will not accept
that behavior again.
He will obey orders. Am I clear?
Leave it with me, sir.
[tense music]
[Josh] Still feels like
a wild goose chase.
It's not, and you know it.
How'd you get this map anyway?
Granddad made it when he was
stationed here during the war.
Yeah, I know that,
but I thought he lost it.
How'd you arrange all this?
How'd you finance all this?
Let's just say
I have a guardian angel.
Dad made a new life
for himself in Europe.
Then he traveled around
before eventually
he settled in England.
And that's when Mom remarried
and had you and Chelsie.
Why didn't you
ever visit us, Hank?
I guess life just moves on.
But at least we had FaceTime.
And that was the next best thing
to keep in touch
from opposite sides
of the world.
Well, I'm happy
you got in contact.
Tell me the story again.
So, Granddad was there
when the tunnel
was sealed off back in 1941.
Hmm. And this is the actual
treasure map, right?
-What if they moved it?
-Nah, it's still there.
Besides, everyone who knew
about the treasure
is possibly dead by now.
Well, we know about it.
And just like us,
I'm sure there were others
with Grandpa back then.
I mean, for all we know,
someone might have
moved it years ago.
So, that's it.
That's why you still think this
is some wild goose chase, then?
I just don't wanna get
my hopes up like you, Hank.
And I've got my hopes up 'cause
not even Mom believes in me.
It's just us against the world.
But Josh,
you cannot jinx this for me.
We can't afford
to go back with nothing,
with our tails behind our legs.
Ugh. I can just hear Mom
telling us "I told you so"
when we come back empty-handed.
[Hank] Don't say that.
I know the treasure's there.
I can feel it. I'm close.
No one else knows it's there.
Or I suppose no one
wants to tempt the curse?
[scoffs] The curse?
Josh, really?
Don't tell me you still believe
in all that hocus-pocus shit.
You gotta be a little concerned,
though, right?
I mean, everything is
linked with a curse.
Especially learning
through history
all the curses
that have come to light.
[scoffs] All right, go on, then.
Name me one curse.
Curse of Tut?
[Hank] Oh, come on, Josh.
We all know he was
shrouded in mystery.
And then you get
some conspiracy theorists
fueling it in with the mix,
and hey presto!
There's a curse on your hands.
Everyone in that dig died, Hank.
From Carter all the way down
to the boys with the shovels.
Newsflash, we all die.
Even me and you someday.
I will decide when and where,
and I won't allow some
damn curse to decide it for me.
Listen, tomorrow our lives
will change forever.
We won't ever have to worry
about rent or bills
or money ever again.
And you're gonna allow
some stupid curse
and some stupid monster
guarding the treasure
to stop us from
getting stinking rich?
A monster?
Come on, Josh.
What are you, five?
[Shaw] Jacobs, you move
one inch from that position
and I will personally
cut your heart out
and eat it for dinner.
-Do you copy, soldier?
-Yes, Captain.
That's the worst
I've seen it done yet.
I want it done a half the time.
Move! Move! Go!
Hey, everyone.
Hank, Josh, and Chelsie
here in the Gibraltar today.
So, we're going to be
exploring some of the tunnels
that were constructed by
the British and the Canadians
during the Second World War.
But first,
check out these amazing views.
As you guys can see,
we are now walking over a bridge
which is completely elevated
from the heavens.
And the views
are even more spectacular.
Just imagine,
during the Second World War,
thousands of men tunneling
through the Jurassic limestone
of the Rock of Gibraltar,
where they slept and worked
in extremely harsh conditions
in order to build
a subterranean city inside.
It was race against time.
They knew the Germans
were planning to invade
in an operation called Felix,
where they would
capture Gibraltar
due to its strategic importance,
that being the gateway
to the Western Mediterranean.
If that had actually happened
and the Germans
had occupied the Rock,
then it would have affected
the outcome of the war
and possibly
the world we know today.
The British,
foreseeing the capture,
developed into a secret plan
called Operation Tracer,
where six men from
the Naval Voluntary Reserve
would be buried alive inside
a specially constructed chamber
inside the tunnel
with provisions
to last them for over a year.
And their mission?
To spy on the Germans
and radio London every night
with their findings.
And this here is where it gets
a whole lot more interesting.
See, in 1941,
a German U-boat was captured
a few miles east of the Rock.
The crew were detained
and held as prisoners of war.
Soon discovered that this sub
was carrying a crapload of gold.
no one on the ship itself knew
about the existence of the gold,
not even the crew themselves.
[Hank] A captain in the British
secret intelligence removed
all the treasure from the sub.
Why? Because of the threats
of assembling wolf packs
near the area.
That's a whole fleet of
submarines gathering to attack,
in case some of you guys
didn't know.
[Hank] Thanks, Josh.
As I was saying,
the threat of more German subs
waiting in the strait
to blow up British ships
entering or leaving Gibraltar,
plus the threat of Gibraltar
falling to the Axis powers
of Operation Felix,
forced the captain
to hide the treasure
deep down in the tunnels
so it wouldn't fall
into German hands.
[Josh] That is one smart dude.
You know,
only a few privileged officers
happen to know about
the treasure's existence.
Our grandfather just
happened to be one of them.
[Hank] And lucky for us,
he drew us a really detailed map
showing us exactly
where the loot is.
Right there on the X.
And we are here to find it.
[tense music]
Hey, I think I found something.
Is that the gun barrel?
Must be it.
[Chelsie] Be careful.
Second camera on.
The adventure goes on.
This feeling is overwhelming.
We have just found
the secret entrance
to the tunnel inside.
The journey continues.
You'd better take this
from here on out.
I might break it. You know me.
Damn right I know you.
You stay beside us
and our lights
will guide you to safety.
All right,
let's pull this thing down.
[Hank] Go for it.
-You ready?
-If you think going into
a dark tunnel is gonna scare me,
you have another thing coming.
Stay close, all right?
[dramatic music]
Just as I thought.
There's no signal in here.
What did you expect, Hank?
We're inside a hole.
Come on, Hank.
Where's your sense of adventure?
[Jacobs] Major?
Sir, we have a breach
in one of the tunnels.
Which one?
[Jacobs] Section A, sir.
Thank you.
Good God...
Well, according to this...
there should be a fork up ahead.
Two tunnels
branching off from this one.
And we take
the one on the right?
I see you've done your homework.
-I'm not just a pretty face.
-Oh, please. Spare me.
-I am prettier than you.
-You wish.
-And younger.
-Okay, that I cannot dispute.
Always the comedians.
Guys, can you imagine it?
We are inside
the Rock of Gibraltar.
-I mean, it's crazy.
-It's mind-blowing.
So the air is cool
and the terrain
is surprisingly clear.
It looks like we're making
some good progress.
[tense music]
[Josh] What the hell was that?
[Chelsie] Maybe it was the wind?
We're inside a tunnel, Chels.
There is no wind.
Sometimes old structures
have a mind of their own.
Nah, I'm not five anymore, Hank.
I know what I heard.
We're surrounded by a rock.
But maybe there's
an old structure up ahead.
-It's the curse.
-[laughs] Okay.
You are never
leaving here alive.
Really, Hank? Really?
When you both catch your breath,
try to keep up.
And don't fall too far behind.
Did you lose
anything back there?
Nah, I just--
I've got this weird feeling
that we're being followed.
I know, it's these tunnels.
They play games on you
in situations like these.
You'll be all right.
-You see that fork up ahead?
-Not yet.
Well, didn't they continue
building tunnels after the war?
I mean, they drove the tunnels.
If that's what you mean.
Well, didn't they drive more
tunnels, Mr. Know-It-All?
What are you getting at?
The fact that
the map is outdated,
if it really is Granddad's map.
-Are you calling me a liar?
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ladies, relax.
I just find it convenient
that you have the map
and the money to fund
this podcast treasure hunt
-for your two million viewers.
-Two million and counting.
I mean, maybe this wasn't
the right entrance after all.
-What do you mean?
-The fact that there are
over 30 miles of tunnels
in this rock
and you just happened
to find the correct one.
Look, I can read a map, okay?
Jesus, what's gotten into you?
You sure this is
the right one, though?
I'm sure we took the right
entrance into the map, okay?
Have a little faith in me,
will you?
You're both starting
to freak out for no reason.
I just think we need
to evaluate this carefully.
We'll evaluate this. Eat it.
-You eat it, dumbass!
-[Josh groans]
[laughs] Behold!
The fork,
just as marked on the map.
So now the fork up ahead,
we're gonna head
deeper inside the tunnels,
heading west.
Can't accept
I'm always right, can you?
That's that old
man wisdom, Hank.
It's creeping up on you.
Well, according to this map,
we've got half a mile to go,
and then there's
another fork at the end.
Half a mile?
Well, hang on.
This tunnel...
it's not on the map.
I'll go check it out.
Be right back.
[eerie music playing]
-[Josh] Hank!
-[Chelsie] Hank, you okay?
-Wait, is that--
-[Josh] No.
Hank! You win!
Enough with the games!
Come on!
-[Josh screams]
[Hank laughs]
[Josh] Oh, I think
I missed a heartbeat.
I swear
we'll get you for that, Hank.
Oh, you should've seen
the look on your faces.
When I get home,
I'm telling Mom.
Oh, you're telling Mom?
So scared.
I'll get you
before the day's over.
You wait.
[hopeful music playing]
[tense music playing]
[Chelsie] I don't know
why I came
on this stupid treasure hunt
in the first place.
I should've just stayed home
and helped Mom
with preparations.
Now why?
Well, this tunnel
is not on the map.
I mean, grandpa did say
that they continued
driving the tunnels
after the war was done.
Thank you for repeating
what I just said a moment ago.
Stay close.
[somber music playing]
I miss Dad.
Me too.
He's always in here, Chels.
Always. And in there.
Sorry I scared
you guys back there.
I'm sorry I yelled at you, Hank.
[Hank] So what, Chels?
You really wish
you hadn't had to come,
and instead stayed at home
and helped Mom
with the preparations?
And miss out on all the fun?
Hell no.
Well, I'm glad you came, Chels.
Damn, I hate Mike.
Never met him,
but from what I've heard,
he seems like a good man.
I'm not going to that party.
You'll break your mom's heart
if you don't.
Why should I?
Because Mike will be
our stepdad in a month,
whether you like it or not.
Well, I don't want him to be.
That's not
your decision to make.
Look, I know you were hurting,
and so was Mom.
But she's moved on,
and so should you.
-Mike treats her right.
-Mike treats her right?
Hank, are you
listening to yourself?
He was Dad's best friend,
and he didn't waste a second
to slip into her pants
as soon as he died.
It was to show
what kind of a guy he is.
[Josh screams]
Oh, damn it!
Don't just stand there!
Do something!
Oh, Josh, don't you
freaking die on me, man!
Control, this is Jacobs.
We've just arrived
at the location,
and it's confirmed that
the entrance has been breached.
[control] Investigate and
report back.
Understood. Jacobs out.
Well, let's go check it out.
Goddamn kids.
[somber music playing]
Order the men
to escort those kids
out of the tunnels
before they get to the gold.
It's over, Captain.
I stood up for you once.
I said you were the best leader
this union had ever had.
But right now,
I'm looking at a tired soldier
who has lost heart.
I'm still your superior,
and by God,
you will follow my orders.
Get those kids out of there,
and stop this insanity
before it's too late.
do you know how dangerous
a security risk
would be right now?

[majestic orchestral music]
I'm here, Josh.
Thank God you're alive!
[groans] My head feels
like it's gonna explode.
Okay, okay, just--
just-- just think for me, okay?
Um, I need to focus, okay?
Can you move? Are you hurt?
I'm all right.
I'm all right. [grunts in pain]
Just got the wind
knocked out of me.
[groans in pain]
There's some blood on my head.
I don't see anything
other than these four walls.
[Chelsie] Are you serious
right now, Hank?
Like in any good adventure,
every hero has its downfall.
Josh has fallen into this ditch,
and now I'm gonna perform
a delicate rescue mission
in order to get him up safely,
hopefully unharmed
and in one piece.
[groans in pain]
I think I hurt my back.
-Can you feel your legs?
-[Josh] Yeah.
Josh, listen,
I'm gonna put my hand down,
on the count of three,
I'm gonna pull you up.
[Chelsie] I'll be your anchor.
Okay, I'm ready.
Josh, listen, okay?
One, come on, two, three.
-Got it.
-[Hank groaning in effort]
[Josh groaning in pain]
It's moments like these that
make us appreciate being family.
You really had me
worried back there.
Just don't tell your mum,
or she'll seriously freak out.
I still ain't going
to that damn party.
[Hank] Okay, do it for your mum.
Okay, think of her,
do it for her, and not for Mike.
Okay, family sticks together,
no matter what.
You hear that?
You always knew the right words
to say to me, Hank.
[Hank] That's why
I'm the eldest.
-Screw you.
-[Hank] Screw you, too.
Can you stop pushing around
and get the show on the road?
And you,
Mom has always been there for us
ever since she gave us life.
It's only fair, therefore,
when she asks, understood?
Hey, look, Chelsie's right.
Okay, it'll kill her if she knew
that she didn't have
the support of her children
right when
she needed it the most.
Okay, tell me,
are you all right?
-Are you hurt?
-[Josh hisses]
-[Josh groans in pain]
-[Hank] Looks like you got cut.
[dramatic music playing]
Is it bad?
-[door creaks open]
-[Josh] Hey, Hank, wait up.
-Can I ask you something?
Whatever happens in here,
to me, to us...
make sure you get her
out of here alive.
I can look after myself.
-Pinky promise.
-Oh, come on.
Come on, humor me.
-Pinky promise.
-Thank you.
All right, come on, let's go.
You just imagine
the amount of work
that must have gone
into constructing these tunnels.
Yeah, so many men died
blasting these tunnels
back in World War II.
There's so many stories
of lost souls trapped in limbo
who can't reach the afterlife.
You do know there's nothing
after death, right?
-Yes, there is.
-[Hank] Shut up, Chels.
-What was that?
That did not sound
like a structure.
Maybe one of your ghosts.
Don't fool around
like that, Hank.
I've got a bad feeling.
Now you've got a bad feeling?
Now? Seriously?
-It doesn't feel right.
-We're inside a tunnel.
It's cold, there's no fresh air,
so you tell me, Josh,
how are we supposed to feel?
-[Josh] Not like this.
-Honestly, you two are--
[ominous music playing]
What was that?
Maybe a rat.
Yeah, maybe.
-This can't be right.
-[Chelsie] It's a dead end.
They never finished it.
[Josh] So we go back
and we try the other way.
Well, no,
we went through this way.
This one leads nowhere.
So that just leaves this one.
This one wasn't finished either.
It's as if someone's
playing a sick game on us.
But why would they
fill up a tunnel
if it just leads to a dead end?
Let's go figure it out.
[Josh] This has got
to be it, right?
[knocking on wall]
What are you doing?
But I can't feel any vibrations
on the other side.
[Chelsie] That's good
then, right?
-[Hank] Wait a minute.
-[knocking on wall]
Oh, you beauty.
-Josh, drop the camera.
-[Josh] Yeah.
Okay, guys, so they sealed it
off to hide another tunnel.
They hid it well,
but not well enough.
There's another concealed
entrance behind this wall.
We're so close, I can feel it.
Hang on, wait a second.
That'll do the job.
[Hank] You want me
to break it down?
-Yeah, come on.
-Let's go.
[Chelsie] What the hell
was that?
Like in any adventure,
this one's having
its fair share of surprises.
Hank, break it a little lower
so we can get through it.
Oh, shit.
Guys, don't freak out.
There's a skeleton, okay?
[ominous music playing]
Well, what'd you see, Hank?
Through that opening
lies a chamber.
And there's something
pretty big that's covered up.
-You mean--
-It must be.
Treasure hunters?
I don't get it.
They made it this far
only to die in here.
I don't see
any construction material
or any way
they could have gotten in.
He must have been
buried in here.
The walls are sealed
from the outside.
Maybe they died
due to lack of oxygen?
Something bad happened here.
The question is, what?
Let's go now
before it's too late.
And miss out
on getting the treasure?
-Hell no.
-No way.
They picked a good hiding space
for it, that's for sure.
On three.
two, three.
Do-- do you think this is it?
Is your camera still recording?
Let's find out.
Hey, guys,
so we are standing here
right next to the apparent
lost treasure.
Words can't even describe
how exhilarating
this feeling is.
And we're all going
to capture it for you guys.
Now, there are still
a few unanswered questions.
Like, why was there a dead body
kind of stuck in here?
I mean, if you've seen
from the video around,
there's no
construction materials
anywhere to be seen.
So this person
was buried here alive.
Now, this treasure
hasn't been thought about
or seen in over 80 years.
And here we are today
to figure it out.
You ready, Josh?
[Josh] Let's do it.
[epic music playing]
-It's empty.
-No way.
What about that one?

[urgent orchestral music]
Oh, my God.
-[Josh exclaims]
-Guys, we did it.
The lost treasure found, guys.
We did it.
I-- I can't believe we did it.
We did it. We're rich.
We're rich.
Hey, Josh, get the camera.
Hey, guys. It's-- it's real.
The treasure is real.
We finally found it.
The lost treasure.
We did it. We're rich.
I never doubted you
for a second, Hank.
After all these years
of anticipating this moment...
words can't describe
how I'm feeling right now.
Granddad would be
so proud of us right now.
-Still believe in curses?
-[Josh] Nah.
Maybe half a century ago.
But now?
[Chelsie] What do you think's
inside that one?
There's only one way
to find out.
[ominous music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
What the hell is that?
What do you think that is?
I'm not sure,
but I'll take a photo of it
and I'll document it
just in case.
[camera shutter clicking]
Let's go.
How long before the exit?
Hard to say.
Maybe two hours, give or take.
I've got a bad feeling, Hank.
Trust me,
you're not the only one.
[Hank] Listen.
I don't hear anything.
[Hank] Exactly.
No one's after us.
It's just
our mind playing games.
Oh, thank God.
I thought the curse
would get me after I took this.
-That wasn't the plan.
-Why did you do that?
I mean, I thought
we could have a great vacation
after all this adventure.
You have to take it back.
-No way.
-Chelsie's right.
That needs to be returned.
We have to go back.
I mean, look around you, Hank.
We're surrounded by darkness.
Your light won't last forever.
I am not going back there
to put this baby in its box.
But the curse
will come to light, you idiot.
What curse? There is no curse.
[tense music playing]
You guys never listen to me.
Chels, hold on.
It's dark
and you don't have a flashlight,
so be careful.
-[Chelsie screaming]
-[body thudding]
[both] Chels!
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, God.
You have to go down there
and make sure she's still alive.
No one could have
survived that fall, Hank.
[Hank] No, I won't believe it.
I can't believe it.
She was still so young.
She had her whole life
ahead of her.
It's your fault.
You were the one
that had to grab that gold bar
and unleash the curse,
didn't you?
Listen to me, Hank.
Listen to me.
For once in your life,
listen to me, please.
Okay? Listen.
She's my sister, too.
Okay? We're not
leaving her here.
Something bad
is going to happen here.
We need to get out of here.
I'm not losing you, too.
You're right.
We move,
we come straight back.
It's the right call.
[tense music playing]
[somber music playing]
[panting] Hank.
-I can't feel my legs.
-Can you move?
[groans] It hurts.
Okay, I'm here, Josh.
And I will find a way
to get you out of here.
I just-- I just need to think.
The batteries
aren't going to last forever.
You need to get out of here.
I'm not making it out of here.
Not like this.
Don't say that.
Stay with me, Josh.
Just give me some time.
Traveling with you
over these past few months
has been
the best time of my life.
It's like I've had a purpose.
My purpose.
We found it.
That's all that matters, right?
Dad's proud of me.
[gasping] Save Chelsie.
She can't die here.
Not in here.
I'll be okay.
Tell Mom I'll be at the party.
You can tell her yourself.
I'm going to go find some help.
I know you're hurting,
but whatever you do,
do not fall asleep
on me, buddy.
I promise
I'll get you out of here.
[Josh groans in pain]
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with--
-[Josh screaming]
-[creature growling]
[dramatic music playing]
[eerie electronic music]

[ominous orchestral music]

[door creaks open]

[light switch clicks]
[ominous music]
[menacing echoing low growls]
[low eerie grumbling]
[stones clatter]
[tense, eerie music]
What the hell?
How did you get out?
Did you find Chelsea?
Where is she?
Josh, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
-Josh, back off now.
-[Josh snarling]
Josh, you're getting
a bit too close.
Is that even you, Josh?
Hey, Josh!
[heavy breathing]
[creature growls]
Help me!
Anyone, please help!
Please, help me!
[cell phone buzzing]
[buttons beep]
[operator over phone]
112, what's your emergency?
Oh, it's so good
to hear your voice.
This is an emergency line, sir.
Do you have an emergency?
Look, I can't speak
for very long,
but I'm in desperate
need of an emergency.
Please help.
Please calm down, sir.
Describe what trouble
are you in.
Okay, so I'm lost inside the
in the Rock of Gibraltar
and there's a monster.
How does it feel, following
in your mother's footsteps?
I-- I like it here.
They treat me well.
Good. Do you need anything?
You never told me
who my father was.
He left before you were born.
Does he even know I exist?
You must understand.
He was following his career.
It-- it was-- it was
different times back then.
Who is he?
It wasn't easy being a single
following a career, Faye.
You really should give me
some credit
for raising you proper.
Yes, but I want to know.
This really isn't the right time
or place for this conversation.
There you are.
-Do you mind?
-Sorry, sir.
We have passed
the point of no return.
I need you to get
to the top of the rock
and scout
for a potential escape route.
I'm on it.
[creature growling]
[Jacobs and Peters screaming]
Control, Tenebras is a go.
I say again, Tenebras is a go.
We have eyes on Sec C,
but we will need assistance
to find our way out.
He's trying to kill me! Help!
[creature growls]
Walk towards us, now!
He's not human, he's a monster.
Control, we're under attack
by some kind of monster.
Need assistance!
I repeat, need assistance!
[Jacobs screams]
Captain, sir,
message from Jacobs.
Found a monster in Sector C.
Tell him
to get out of there, now.
We lost communication
with him, sir.
Damn it.
Send Baker's team to section C.
Tell them I'll be there shortly.
Yes, sir.
What's your status? Over.
Just under the top station.
[Shaw over radio] We need you
down here in five minutes.
We're going into section C.
Five minutes?
Can you send a vehicle
to pick us up, sir?
[Shaw] Negative.
The whole squad is prepping
to go into section C.
You're going to
have to improvise.
Improvise, I will. [chuckles]
On me! Move!
[indistinct chatter]
[dramatic music plays]
I want all of you
to stay seated and keep quiet.
It will all be over
in a few minutes.
[tense, dramatic music]
This is wild!
Where are we going?
-It's so fast!
-Okay, now, sit down.
[child screaming]
Hope you all enjoyed booking
the fast tour of The Rock
with Calypso Tours.
Guaranteed to rock.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
[scattered applause]
That was fun.
Can we do it again?
You took
your sweet time, sergeant.
I took a wrong turn.
Grab your kits.
We're going in.
It's time.
Control, we're heading in
for our search and rescue
mission now.
-[static crackles]
All right, gather around.
Jacobs and Peters
are in trouble in Sector C.
We are entering Hays Level.
And we will make
our way towards Sector C.
At the same time,
Bravo will be making their way
through the Great North Road.
Together we will box them in
and whatever it is we find,
we prevent from getting out.
Now, if there
are any hostilities,
I will give the order to fire.
I don't want heroes.
-[all] Yes, sir.
Now remember your training.
If it is what I fear it is,
we cannot allow it
to access the populated areas.
[ominous music plays]
[creature growls]
[creature growls]
Understood, General Mathis.
[somber music]
We have been tasked
with one mission.
We have one responsibility.
To safeguard Gibraltar
and the world from Tenebras.
This unit was formed
decades ago.
You have been trained
for just this eventuality.
To make sure...
that Tenebras is secure.
If Tenebras has escaped...
remember, we are the line.
A line that must be held
at all cost.
You all know what is
expected of you.
[soldiers] Yes, sir.
It has been an honor to serve
and command with this unit.
God help us...
if we fail.
Remember to watch
each other's six in there.
Yes, sergeant.
Yes, sergeant.
[knocking on door]
At ease, Major. Take a seat.
Are your men on the ground?
They're getting ready to enter.
Why did they have to bury
the damn thing in the Rock
in the first place?
I'll never understand.
After it killed all
those men back in '41,
they couldn't afford
to let it loose.
They had to bury it
in a safe environment.
Hide it from existence.
Where did it come from,
is what I would like to know.
We're still trying to
ascertain the facts for now.
All we know is that some kids
found their way inside.
Must have stumbled
onto the burial chamber.
Are they alive?
112 operator confirms
we have two dead,
a third in trouble.
And two of our men are reported
to be under attack right now.
It's started, then?
But it can be contained, yes?
Well, that's what
they asked back in 1346.
When the first recorded trace
of Tenebras was documented.
Although, back then,
they called it the Black Death.
One of many outbreaks.
It played havoc
in the world for years.
It wiped out between
75 and 200 million human beings.
If we only knew
where it originated from.
Yeah, we don't know.
Nobody knows.
What we do know
is that documentation found
on the captured U-boat in '41
suggests that the creature
was buried in Antarctica.
The Germans were constructing
a secret base there called 2-1.
They constructed a
number of underground tunnels
in the ice cap, and discovered
this alien-looking vessel
made from gold.
Inside was
a creature, and a relic.
Believed to be
a key of some sorts.
Evidence proved
it had been buried
under the ice for centuries.
How did it find its way here?
Himmler ordered the removal
of that thing.
They melted the gold into bars,
and they made arrangements
to transport the gold
and the creature to Berlin
on board a U-boat.
Something happened en route.
That thing killed
many of the crew,
forcing the captain
to sail to the nearest port,
which happened to be Gibraltar.
It all began
in this very office,
used by
General Dwight Eisenhower
himself during World War II,
and still preserves
the original plotting maps,
even down to the telephone.
The order to bury Tenebras
inside the tunnel
was given
from that phone, Major.
They believed they knew
all they needed to know
about the gold.
The gold?
The gold was just a decoy.
The gold? It's the relic.
It can control time and space,
and even wipe out
entire civilizations.
What's not
on your report, Major,
is why the creature
was buried under the ice.
Who buried it?
Could it have been
aliens that crash-landed,
even before humans existed,
or part of a lost civilization?
that key
is what this is all about.
[tense, dramatic music]
[low growling]
[soldier] Hold!
Identify yourself!
I've got to get out of here!
I say again, identify yourself!
It's following me!
This is your last warning, kid!
I said it to the soldiers
before you too, run!
Fire, fire, fire!
Right! Shoot it low!
[gunshots boom]
[tense music]
[creature growls]
[soldier screams]
Hey, run!
[bones cracking]
[creature growling]
[panicked breathing]
[ominous music plays]
[breathing shakily]
[heroic music]

[music builds]
You just couldn't help yourself,
could you?
It's perfect, John.
It's efficient, it's dependable,
and it will succeed
where COVID failed
to reduce
the population to a level
where the earth can sustain us.
Dear old Mother Earth.
Who gave you the right
to play God?
Where's the young man I met
that had honor?
Well, he grew up, John,
and now it's your turn.
You have to decide
whether you're with us
or against us.
But be careful,
because your life...
depends on this decision.
In just a few minutes
Charlie's team will be here,
and I will give
the order to capture Tenebras.
And in less than two days...
we will have
our new world order, John.
You've lost your mind.
You're insane.
You and your black suits.
-[helicopter whirring]
-Charlie's right on time.
What do you say, John?
[spits forcefully]
Go to hell.
I really was hoping
you'd stay with us.
Like I said...
go to hell.
I understand.
You lost your soul.

[eerie music]

Josh, why
are you doing this to me?
Josh is dead.
Tenebras lives.
[neck snapping]
That was so real.
It's the relic.
[distant clattering]
Identify yourself!
My name is Hank Frazier.
My-- my brother Josh,
and my sister Chelsie and I
have been lost in these tunnels
since this morning.
Please don't shoot.
Did you uncover anything
inside these tunnels?
We-- we opened all the boxes.
Grab him.
Jacobs and Peters
are both dead, sarge.
What happened here?
Look, I know it sounds crazy.
There's a monster.
And it killed those two
and then the six further down.
That must be Baker
and Bravo Team.
We haven't heard
from them in a while.
[Hank] Trying to stop it,
but bullets do nothing.
What are you talking about?
Look-- look, we meant no harm.
We just wanted
to document the treasure.
You mentioned you had a map.
Treasure is marked.
Just where the X is.
[Cummings] This is in Sector A.
It's a restricted tunnel system.
If bullets
don't stop or kill it,
then what will?
I think I know.
You mentioned
we can get back to that section.
How fast can you take us there?
In just under an hour.
All right, we're not risking it.
You take the rear,
watch our six.
You take point
with Mr. Frazier here.
Keep it fast and tight.
Alpha Team leader. Over.
[man over radio]
Alpha Team leader, control.
Go ahead. Over.
Control, this is
Alpha Team leader.
We need all available teams
to meet us in Sector A
They are to use extreme caution.
We have multiple soldiers down.
I repeat,
multiple soldiers down, over.
[man] [indistinct] repeat.
-Damn tunnels.
-What's wrong?
Black spots.
As we go deeper inside,
the signal is lost
in many areas.
But they heard you, right?
They are coming to help.
I hope so.
I can go back and find
a clear signal, sarge.
Negative. We stay together.
Safety in numbers, right?
That thing is out there
and we stand
a much better chance
of fighting it together.
So no one wanders off alone.
[soldiers] Yes, sarge.
We use the path
at Hays Level as a shortcut.
With any luck,
we'll arrive in Sector A
within the hour.
Tight formation, let's move out.
[dramatic music plays]
This is the area where
the other group
of soldiers got slaughtered.
Where are the bodies?
Something bad happened here.
[Hank] I'm telling you,
they were all killed
by that thing.
Ma'am, I got
a bad feeling about this.
Save it.
And remember your training.
As long as you keep focused,
you will remain alive.
[loud rattling]
Did you see anything?
Keep calm.
[Cummings] Keep your eyes open.
Control, Alpha Team leader.
[man over radio]
Control. Repeat.
Control, Alpha Team leader.
Do you read? Over.
[static crackles]
Damn it. The radio's still down.
I think I see
something over there.
It looks like Baker,
Bravo Team's leader.
Whatever they are,
it's not Bravo Team anymore.
Baker, this is Alpha Team leader
Sergeant Cummings.
What is your status?
[creature growls]
Sarge, I don't like
the look of this.
That path leads to Hays Level.
Is that the shortcut
you mentioned?
Whatever those things are,
they're closer
to the tunnel than we are.
We can outrun them.
[creatures growling]
At this point,
we have to assume
they are all hostiles.
If they make a wrong move,
I am ordering you
to put them down.
-Do you copy?
-[soldiers] Yes, sarge.
[soldier] Jesus Christ!
Drop them!
[soldiers grunting
and exclaiming]
[Cummings exclaiming]
Follow me.

Am I happy to see you, sir.
Got here as quick
as we could, Sam.
The boy thinks
he's found the relic.
It's in Sector A.
All right.
[indistinct] move out.
Looks clear.
Just can't get my head around
these tunnels.
Yeah, impressive engineering.
The Romans
[indistinct] inspired.
It must have been hell driving
the tunnels back then.
It wasn't easy.
-[Hank] I'm sorry for your men.
-Me too.
But we cannot allow our emotions
to shield the reality
of trying to stay alive.
We gotta move.
Oh, I've got
this unnerving feeling
I just can't shake.
[Cummings] Me too.
Control, Alpha Team leader.
-Come in. Over.
-[static crackles]
Still nothing.
Why would you think
they are after us?
Look, my brother took
one of the gold bars,
and I think unleashed
some form of curse.
Did you take
any of the treasure?
[Hank] We're not thieves, okay?
We wanted
to do everything correctly,
and document its findings.
Sometimes in life
doing something correct is not
always the right approach.
What happened back there?
We were attacked
by our own force.
But they were all dead.
It's like they all turned into
zombies or some scary shit.
[creatures growling]
We gotta move.
This is some kind of
mash exhibit from WW2.
[creatures growling]
Take cover.
[bones crunching]
[bones crunching]
[creature grunting]
[bones crunching]

I had a close encounter
with one of them earlier.
It seems they
cannot see or smell us,
but they can hear us.
If we could only see
what they are doing.
He's forming a damn army.
[creatures growling]
We need that key
to control them.
[Cummings] What key?
[tense instrumental]
[creatures growling]
[Cummings screams]
No, no, no!
[Hank] [indistinct]
Don't look back, kid.
They're right behind us.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
[Shaw] Whoa!
Oh, thank God.
[Shaw] They're hostiles.
Right behind us.
They're in our uniforms,
but they're not our men.
Do you understand?
-[soldier] Yes, sir.
-This is a direct order.
You fire on them.
Copy that.
-Ready for battle, boys.
-[soldiers] Yes, sir!
Bullets won't kill them.
-Which way?
-This way.
We'll see about that.
Fire! They keep on moving!
[Hank] There's the gold.
[Shaw] Where is it?
Where's the thing, kid?
[Hank] Inside that box.
[Shaw] That's it.
The key.
[Hank] Was it you?
You were the one
who sent me the map.
And the money to unleash
whatever this was.
It was you, wasn't it?
This is all part of a plan
that's bigger than all of us.
[Hank] My brother and sister
are dead because of you!
You only met 'em two days ago!
We don't have time for this.
[creature growling]
Got any bright ideas?
Activate the key.
It's working.
It's stopping him.
It's controlling him.
So much power.
Whoever controls the key
controls the universe.
But it only works
with you, though.
That won't stop me.
But it will allow me
to control you.
I've seen
you people kill each other
since the inception of time.
What do you want from me, Shaw?
We are going to go
on a wild ride.
We have so much work to do.
Why should I help you?
my superiors
have given me the authority
to offer you a deal
that you are going to love.
Captain! What's happening?
Am I glad to see you.
Where's Shaw?
[Hank] He just vanished.
-With Josh.
-Are you hurt?
No, but I thought you were dead.
It will take more
than a few monsters to kill me
-[creatures growling]
-[Hank] What was that?
-[soldier] Captain.
-Put down the gun, son.
We thought you were dead, sir.
I hope not.
Give me your radio.
Control, this is Shaw.
Come back.
Scramble all units
to my location.
Alert local police
to prepare to evacuate
the civilian population.
The breach is not contained.
the breach is not contained.
Patch me through to HQ.
Zulu, alpha, Charlie,
echo, six, Lima.
Authentication code...
bravo, hotel, two, zero.
The keys are a success.
I've come back from the past.
Everything has been
set in motion.
Tenebras is active.
The first rain
will wash over Eastern Europe
in 12 hours.
Son. It's okay.
It's in God's hands now.
-Whatever that is.
-[engine revving starts]