In the Cut (2003) Movie Script

What does "broccoli" mean?
Depends on the context.
Pubic hair or marijuana. It's a noun.
And "Virginia"?
Vagina. As in, "He penetrated
her Virginia with a hammer."
-Slang is either sexual or violent.
Or both.
When it's witty,
I think it's really witty.
Hello, how are you?
How are you?
Hi, how are you?
Why didn't you say hi?
I nodded.
Are you happy when you wake up?
Hey, there was a petal storm
out here this morning.
I saw that.
I thought it was a snowstorm.
I thought I was dreaming.
No, there's two stores
we should go to in Soho.
It would not take very much for me
to make you look very good.
You're sabotaging
a fucking incredible figure, baby.
Is that your student?
It looks like he wants to eat you.
They all flirt. It's part of the ritual.
-Miss Avery, you're late.
-Am I?
-What, you trying to be ironic?
-What's happening?
-I'm Pauline.
We talked this morning
on the phone.
-You look different than I thought.
Thank you for sharing your bed.
I got a new word for you.
Is this your usual?
Are you gonna write that down?
You should be paying me for this.
-You think so?
This is valuable shit.
Aren't you afraid your book on slang
is like a dis?
A dis on whom?
People like you think the brothers
are guinea pigs...
...the way we talk and shit.
Cornelius, are you trying to tell me
that you need an extension?
No. Look, I came to tell you
I made a discovery.
See, I discovered I can call
John Wayne Gacy...
...and hear him talk himself,
Miss Avery.
Really? Dead murderers have
their own phone lines?
He wasn't no murderer.
Look, there be a website
for serial killers... know, past and present.
He recorded and explained
himself... he didn't kill no 33 boys.
I got radar for the truth...
...and I'm gonna write
how I know that.
This paper's not supposed
to be about you.
-That's the point of the assignment.
-You said every word a writer writes...
...even the commas and shit,
gotta be a reflection of him or her.
That we be doing this writing shit
to express our vision.
You know I got vision.
You know, I got Africa vision.
You know, I got bitch vision.
I got....
Yeah. Excuse me, I have to go
to the bathroom.
Come on, you guys, you were
supposed to wait for me.
Hey, miss.
Hey, miss. Hey!
You forgot something.
The check.
Stream of consciousness,
I'd like to point out, is not the same... stream of conscience...
...for which some of you
have mistaken it.
A logical error in some ways.
Okay, your assignment for today
is to utilize...
-Nothing happens. in To the Lighthouse.
Yeah, one old lady dies.
How many ladies have to die
to make it good?
At least three.
-What's this?
-From the bar... half of the check.
Yo, man, where you go?
I waited a long time.
-Couldn't find the bathroom.
-Is that all?
-Is what all?
-All I owe you.
I can't pass you
unless you show up to class.
The still waters of the water
under a frond of stars
The still water of your mouth
under a thicket of kisses
The still waters of the water
under a frond of stars
The still water of your mouth
under a thicket of kisses
Under a thicket of kisses
-How you doing?
-Do I know you?
Detective Malloy.
Are you Francis Avery?
I'm canvassing your apartment
building. I wanna talk to you.
How do I know that's real?
It's still busy.
Why don't you come back.
I'll wait, thanks.
Can I smoke?
Not in my apartment.
You got someplace
I could put it out?
Miss Avery, there was a homicide
in your neighborhood on the 15th .
That'd be Saturday the 15th,
last Saturday...
...between 12 and 2 a.m.
Her body, or part of her body,
to be exact...
...was found in the garden
outside your window.
That's why I wanted to talk to you,
in case you saw or heard anything.
No. No, nothing unusual.
Frannie, it's John Graham.
Are you by yourself?
I don't think you're there
by yourself.
Why did you lie to me?
Doesn't it mean anything to you
that we slept together twice?
Yes, I do count that time
in the shower. Quiet!
Come on, pick up the phone.
Pick up.
Pick up. Pick up.
Pick up. Come on,
pick up the phone.
Are you a writer?
What's all this?
Words, quotes that I like, poetry.
Is it, like, a job or a hobby?
A passion.
"I want to do with you what spring
does with the cherry trees."
Is this you?
It's my sister.
My ex-wife had long hair,
then she cut it.
So you don't remember
seeing anything?
Hearing anything?
Oh, my pen?
It's fake. It's a cop thing.
You don't remember anything? Didn't
see anything? Didn't hear anything?
No cries in the night?
No. I don't remember seeing
or hearing anything unusual.
-And I sleep with the windows open.
You do that a lot?
Can you tell me how it happened?
Her throat was cut.
And then she was disarticulated.
Here's my card.
My number's there. lf you remember
anything, give me a call, all right?
Do I know you from someplace?
I don't know.
Oh, shit.
-Don't bullshit me. Look me in the eye.
-I'm not.
Now, you think about it, all right?
Now, take a walk. Miss?
Oh, miss? Miss?
How you doing? Excuse me.
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Am I supposed to get in?
You want to talk on the street?
Never think it's a good idea, putting
your business on the street.
I'll get it.
This is my partner,
Detective Rodriguez.
Hi. How you doing?
-How do you do?
-What the fuck is this?
-It's coffee.
-It's half a cup.
-Take it back.
-He gives me a half a cup.
What, does he expect you to fill--?
How long is this gonna take?
-I'm sorry?
-How long is this gonna take?
-Are you in a hurry?
-Where you going?
-My friend's. Half sister's.
-We'll give you a lift.
-So, what do you do?
-I teach.
-You teach what?
-You get a chance to run those prints?
-Teach what?
You know what an isthmus is?
isthmus be my lucky fucking day.
-What the fuck? You ran the prints?
-Nada, nothing.
Look, the reason we thought
you might be able to help... the bartender....
Luther Wilker?
-At the Red....
-Well, he said... were there
on the night in question.
-He's got a good memory.
-No, we have your credit-card receipt.
Does that look familiar?
That's right.
I was at the Red Turtle
with one of my students.
-One of your students?
-Cornelius Webb.
But it was early. It was 3:30.
I was there for a short time,
then I went home.
Cornelius Webb?
Is that with two B's or not two B's?
You were in the front room
the whole time?
-Are you sure?
Didn't I just say so?
You didn't happen to see
a Caucasian girl, mid-20s?
Not too tall.
Good-looking, wouldn't you say?
-She was good-looking?
-She wasn't bad-looking.
-Yeah, but she....
Well, did you?
-What is this about, exactly?
-Listen, Miss Avery...
...the deceased was seen in the Red
Turtle the same night you were there.
Seeing how you were there...
...maybe you wouldn't mind
taking a look at a few pictures.
Sometimes you see something
you don't remember.
Take a deep breath.
This one's kind of graphic.
Well, do you recognize her?
Thank you.
Hey. Can't figure you out.
What do you mean?
Am I a murder suspect?
Look, I was wondering if you want
to go for a beer or something.
I got a cousin who works in a bar
in Sheridan Square...
-...and says a lot of writers go in there.
No, not now. I'm working now.
-Two hours from now.
What the fuck?
You're a fucking wise guy?
We got nice girls and nicer drinks.
Oh, excuse me, baby.
-Hey, Papi.
-Good to see you. Look at you.
-You are looking good.
Is Pauline home?
-Oh, baby.
She could be up.
She could be down.
You know, go check the bar, baby,
okay? Hey, hey, hey, look.
That's cute. Is it real?
Of course it be real.
What, you crazy?
I don't let no psycho killer mess
with my girls.
He'd be dead. Bye, baby.
I make sure no one fuck
with my goddamn girls.
What is it?
What's wrong?
It's so humiliating.
Is it the doctor?
Do you want to go up?
Thanks, guys.
-Good luck.
-Feel better.
-What happened?
-His receptionist called me...
...with a referral
to another doctor.
He canceled our appointment.
-Was this after you had sex?
-He's right.
He shouldn't have had sex with me.
I mean, of course he's right.
Do you ever think about
just imagining sex?
-What do you mean?
-Just thinking about the doctor...
...not making appointments.
Just not really trying to have sex
with him in reality.
That's kind of boring.
I mean, I do. I do restrain myself.
You know, I just--
I got so enthusiastic...
...when I thought about him,
and it confused me...
...because I think enthusiasm
is a good thing, you know.
I mean, I think about....
How many appointments
did you make?
Last week?
How about I put on some music?
I waited outside his apartment.
I saw him and his wife...
...and I followed her
to the dry cleaner.
She left a tan suit.
Did you pick it up?
-What are you gonna do with it?
-I don't know.
I feel like such a freak.
This is what I do to get a dick
inside me.
You're not a freak.
I admire you.
You live out of your unconscious.
You're a poet of love.
The lovelorn man who
Sick in soul and of this
Busy human heart aweary
Worships the spirit
Of unconscious life
In tree or wildflower
Gentle lunatic
"Gentle lunatic." That's me.
I have something for you.
It's like a belated birthday thing.
I got it when I was styling that
commercial that got canceled.
Oh, God, that's beautiful.
-What is it?
-It's a courtship fantasy.
See, there's a little wedding bell
and a little house.
Open the baby carriage.
Oh, God.
Oh, no, am I gonna have
to feed this thing?
You should have a baby.
This is the closest I'll get.
And a man. You should have
a man too.
Somebody asked me out.
A police detective.
He's investigating a girl's murder.
You know the one who got cut up?
Oh, my God. Yeah.
Part of her body was found
in my garden.
So is this detective good-looking?
He seems young.
He's got a mustache.
They've all got that.
You didn't say no, Frannie?
You gotta go. Just for the exercise,
you should go.
You wanna borrow
some decent clothing?
-Can we look?
-I think you should.
Can you come with me?
Come on.
Get the woman a gin and tonic,
and l'll have a bourbon and Coke.
You got it.
You know, I'm wondering if maybe
you saw something at that bar.
I'm still wondering.
Maybe something
you don't know you saw.
Your colored boyfriend,
did he leave with you?
Cornelius? He's not my boyfriend.
And he left before me.
You saw him leave?
Actually, no.
He's not into popping arms off
of ladies' bodies, is he?
Not that I know about.
What, my hands?
Well, yeah, I know,
I got faggot hands.
They're soft.
Actually, I was wondering
about your tattoo.
Oh, that?
I'm in a secret club.
Are there many members?
Hey, listen...
...I can be whatever
you want me to be.
You want me to romance you, take you
to a classy restaurant, no problem.
You want me to be your best friend
and fuck you...
...treat you good, lick your pussy... problem.
Ain't much I haven't done.
The only thing I won't do
is beat you up.
Why does your partner
carry a water pistol?
-They took his gun away.
-Why did they take his gun away?
...his wife caught him
fucking a fat chick.
When she found out
she ran upstairs and tosses...
...his Hispanic Society trophy
out the window.
And you know, that's pretty much
when he tried to kill her.
That's a good reason to kill your wife,
of all the reasons that I can think of.
He wasn't gonna kill her, lady.
He was just trying to scare her.
That was his San Juan
Man of the Year Award, you know?
Ritchie takes that stuff seriously.
So those fat-fucking-fucks from IA,
they got ahold of him...
...they take his gun,
take his badge...
...they put him on modified duty
and now he's a house mouse.
What are house mouses?
The guys who don't want
to be on the streets no more...
...or they're on modified duty like him.
You stare back at them.
That's how you flirt with black girls.
Hey, Ritchie, what the fuck?
They let you out?
What am I gonna do?
What can I do?
Nothing. You can't do nothing.
Come here, bro.
lf loving you is wrong,
I don't want to be right.
-Don't be. You want a drink?
-How you doing?
-Hey, barkeep...
...two shots of bourbon
and two bourbon and Cokes.
I had to park on Christopher Street.
Must have been 1 00 faggots
looking to suck my dick.
-I'm jealous.
-Are all cops homophobic?
What are you,
one of them feminists?
I thought you might be
one as well, detective.
-Malloy says that you like fat women.
-You told her that?
-Yeah, why not?
Made me think you had
a generous, even a sympathetic, view.
-You like fat girls?
-Yeah, why?
-I like fat chicks.
-That chick.
-Yeah. What's up?
That chick wants to suck your dick.
All you need are tits,
a hole and a heartbeat.
You don't even need the tits.
You don't even need
the heartbeat, pal.
You going fishing?
-Want me to clock you out?
-No, I'll stay for a while.
I didn't hit you.
I'm not-- It's not my fault.
-Are you okay, miss?
-Are you okay?
-I give you a ride.
-You okay?
-Do you have a phone?
I give you.
It's me.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it looked
a lot worse than it is.
You'll be all right. It's just a scrape.
Did you get a look at him?
No, he was wearing a mask.
Anything stand out? Like...
...a smell, rings on his fingers,
watch, shoes, anything?
How was that girl killed?
-The girl killed at the Red Turtle.
Angela Sands?
She wasn't killed at the Red Turtle.
You're getting confused.
What is "disarticulation" exactly?
Listen, it's not likely that
your assailant's the murderer, babe.
It's much more likely
he's after your wallet.
So you won't tell me
how she was killed?
You really want to know?
Her throat was slit
with a straight razor.
He was trying to take her head,
maybe for a souvenir.
We found another dismembered
female body last June along the river.
I think it's the same killer.
Ritchie don't, but I do.
Go over it again.
No. Show me.
Come here. Show me.
-He came from behind you?
-I don't know.
Did you turn?
He just grabbed my head in his arm.
He had his arm around my neck.
So he must have come up
from behind you, then.
Was it his right arm?
Or his left?
It was his right.
All right.
What's that?
Take those off.
What? Yeah.
That's it.
That's it.
-I've been wondering about you.
-Yeah? Don't.
-I want to know.
-Know what?
How you did that to me.
Somebody taught you.
-Who was that?
-Get the fuck out of here.
You can tell me.
An older woman.
An older woman, huh?
The chicken lady.
-The chicken lady?
-Oh, you know her?
When I was 15, I was delivering
chickens for a butcher... housewives for a buck a chicken.
The first time I show up there,
it was fucking hot, and....
I came to the door,
she offered me a glass of water.
So we're in the kitchen talking
about the weather or some shit...
...and she just reaches out,
she grabs ahold of my joint.
She asks me:
"Does that feel good?"
I said, "Yeah."
And she asks me,
"You ever been with a woman?"
And I said, "Yeah. No."
So she takes me into the bedroom.
She takes her clothes off,
and she's a real woman.
I mean, she's got pubic hair
from here to here.
It's black and curly
like those Spanish girls.
And I want to get the fuck out
of there, so she grabs me...
...and says, "Have you ever
kissed a girl down there?"
I said, "No."
So she wets her fingers.
She touches herself real soft.
She touches her clit
and tells me to lick there.
Tells me to put my tongue there,
take my time, lick in a slow circle.
And after a while she came.
She asked me to give her....
Get on top of her
and look her in the eyes.
-Why did you go back?
-My kids. I missed my kids.
I didn't know you had kids.
How would you?
My oldest boy wants to be a teacher.
I don't know what happened to him.
It's like Martians landed
and took over his brain.
-What does he want to teach?
-Schmoogs. Can you believe it?
Hey, I'm missing one of my....
I'm missing one of the charms
on my bracelet.
Maybe on West Broadway.
...there's something
I really do have to tell you.
Oh, yeah?
You've seen me before.
I've seen you at the Red Turtle.
This whole time, I'm thinking,
"I've seen this girl before."
And now you're telling me
I met you at the Red Turtle.
-I don't think so, babe.
-It was dark...
...and I had on my glasses.
And there was a man...
...and a girl, and she was
giving him a blowjob.
A blowjob?
-And I watched.
-Oh, you did, did you?
You like that sort of thing?
You like watching?
You don't remember a girl with blue
fingernails with diamonds in them?
What did you say? Blue fingernails?
-She had brown hair?
Yeah, what about her?
I think that's Angela Sands.
That's the girl that was murdered.
But I wasn't with her.
I think you saw something.
You should come to the station
and look at some pictures... soon as possible.
-Swear you weren't there.
-Swear to God.
I never seen you or her before
in my entire fucking life.
I gotta get out of here.
Hey, I had a nice time.
Oh, God, I could have lost you.
-Then you let the detective fuck you.
-I didn't let him, I wanted to.
-Have you ordered?
-Double latte, no foam.
It's sore, huh?
So the detective guy's sexy?
You like him?
You gonna see him again?
Would you trust a guy
who gets blowjobs in bars?
I think he's a liar.
You think he's a liar, or he is a liar?
Because, of course, we never lie, so....
I saw him in a bar with a girl.
-A bar?
I thought you just met him.
I thought that he rescued you.
-lf you don't want him, I'll take him.
-Forget it, Pauline. Forget it.
No, arrange an introduction
with your lying detective.
Who's that?
John Graham.
I thought you said
he looked like a movie star?
He played a doctor on a soap.
Now he's studying to be one.
-You look terrible.
-Excuse me, sir. No dogs in here.
I know that.
-Will you be long?
-I just ordered a coffee.
-You're very tan.
-Hi, John Graham.
-How are you?
Take your time. I'll wait.
Don't look out there,
because he's watching you.
Oh, he's so intense.
I remember every guy
I ever fucked... how he liked to do it,
not how I wanted to do it.
Sometimes I think it's just me.
I mean, are other women able to say:
"Suck my dick, pinch my nipples,
bend over"?
Probably not "suck my dick."
Here's what I think.
I think you can come over to my place
and sleep there for a few nights...
...maybe even a week.
It would make me really happy.
And the mugger has your wallet,
so he's gonna know where you live.
You know, you really have
to see this detective again.
I ordered a coffee.
Miss, we ordered a latte.
-No foam.
-No foam, very, very dry. Thank you.
He's still there.
Whose car did you get into yesterday?
It looked like it'd just come from Beirut.
Whose car did you get into yesterday?
It looked like it'd just come from Beirut.
I don't know how people
can drive around in filthy cars.
-Maybe one of my students.
-Are you dating a student?
You went to the Red Turtle Bar
with a black student.
-Are you dating him?
I saw you last Saturday.
-What were you doing?
-Is that the point? I don't think so.
The point is that he could
get the wrong idea.
You don't know how guys think.
Are you all right, John?
Not really. I've....
I've been having these
panic attacks lately.
-I don't know. They're pretty bad.
-What happens?
Do you ever get
these funny images...
...from the past, like you saw
something or you knew something?
Weird memories from childhood?
I just wish I didn't keep having
these funny attacks. My brain....
Well, my brain practically explodes.
I'm gonna go on antidepressants.
I need to ask you a favor.
Do you think you could
take care of Patrick?
He's barking all the time. Probably
because my hours are so long.
John, I can't take care of a dog.
Especially not my dog, right?
You'd rather cut his head off.
No, not especially your dog.
Why don't you put up
a notice or something.
Put up a notice? Where am l?
I'm in the hospital 18 hours out of 24.
You don't get it, do you?
Well, okay. Come here.
Say goodbye.
John, are you gonna put him down?
Maybe. I don't know, maybe I will.
I could do it myself.
I could shave his little arm--
I don't think it's a good idea
that we see each other.
Well, this is out of the blue.
I'm gonna....
I'm gonna have to think about this.
Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood...
...for I had wandered off
from the straight path.
Thank you.
I fell over.
-Yours truly.
You don't never talk.
-It's always just jive.
-Well, I like to be ironic.
I'm looking for Miss Avery,
Francis Avery?
-She's gone. Her class is finished.
-It's over?
-Which one is it? This one down here?
-She might still be in the staff lounge.
I've been thinking on Gacy, you know?
Pogo the Clown?
I've been thinking
that it wasn't his fault, you know?
Like, he were the victim.
What do you know
about Cornelius Webb?
Of what?
-Aren't you gonna help carry my bag?
You're an Amazon, Miss Avery.
That's like an insult.
-So we're here?
-Hey, Papi.
-Hey, baby.
-I'm gonna help you upstairs.
-No, I got it. Thank you.
-No, let me help you upstairs.
-I really don't-- Okay, bye.
Good night.
-Let me get this for you.
-I got it. Thank you, Cornelius.
-You okay?
You sure?
Oh, that was very smooth, Daddy.
Oh, that turned me on.
That was nice. Give me a kiss.
-Go away, man!
-Don't do that. Come here.
-Don't do that.
-Sit right here. Oh, you are so sexy.
Help me put my earring back in.
Come here.
In 1 97 8, Mr. John Wayne Gacy
was in trouble...
...when the police dug up
a dead body under his cellar.
When the police were done,
they had 2 7 dead bodies.
Most of them from under the house.
He said he was innocent
of the crime...
...and sometimes he said
that he loved those boys.
He never said he was sorry.
Not even at the end, when they
gave him his lethal injection.
"He was chatty, " his guard said.
He wanted to discuss the Chicago
Cubs and eat fried chicken.
I'm gonna take a sleeping pill.
Two, in fact.
Do you want one?
It's so fucking noisy I can't sleep.
I have to move.
I mean, clearly, I have got to move.
Why don't you see him again.
You're brave in so many ways.
You're thinking about him, right?
-About sex.
You wouldn't be thinking
about the sex if you didn't like him.
Well, at least call him.
He doesn't know where you are.
I go to court tomorrow...
...because of the tan suit.
They're trying to get
a restraining order against me.
Probably won't be allowed
within 500 miles of Dr. Cass' office.
Yeah, laugh it up.
-You know what I'm thinking?
-What to wear.
No, I'm imagining
that when he sees me...
...he's gonna realize that
he's in love with me, and, you know... thing will lead to another,
and after a love child or two...
...we'll get married.
Have I ever told you how
our father proposed to my mother?
No. Tell me.
Well, when he was very young,
he was...
...very handsome
and an excellent skater.
And she was the new girl in town,
barely able to skate.
She was very, very innocent.
Very beautiful.
Of course.
And he was already engaged, but he
couldn't stop watching my mother.
This is my song.
And finally...
...his fiancee got very jealous and--
I would too.
And threw that engagement ring
right back at him.
-And that very same day...
...he took my mother by the hand...
...he danced her out to the middle
of the forest-fringed lake...
...he got down on one knee...
...and offered her
the very same engagement ring.
Oh, that's nice.
And at that precise moment, which
is the thing my mother always added... started to snow.
That's very romantic.
I don't quite believe it.
But that's my mother's story.
That's the way
she always told it, you know.
He killed her.
When he left, she just went
crazy with grief.
You know, she didn't understand it.
She just couldn't believe it.
How many times
has Dad been married?
-Four? He never married my mother.
Yeah, he was already plotting
the fifth.
I want to get married once...
...just for my mom.
Is a husband too much
for me to ask for?
It's too hot.
Even Angela Sands had a fiance.
Yeah. Well, he probably
cut her head off.
That's sad.
-I'll see you later on, doc.
I'm gonna start
opening up the machine.
Open her slightly, let some fluid out,
and we'll catch it at the catch basin.
On three. One, two, three.
I'm taking out the first article
of clothing. I've got--
It appears to be a woman's left hand,
and on it is...
...a ring with a white stone in it.
Do me a favor. Get a close-up of that.
It appears to be--
Possibly a serrated blade.
Come over here with me, and what
I'd like to do is get another shot.
Over here, give me a close-up
on that.
Thank you. You got the close-up
on the ring, correct?
-Got it.
-We're gonna start taking out....
-Detective Malloy.
-Frannie, hey. Hold on a second.
-I'm stepping out.
-All right, no problem.
Hey, where you been?
I've been calling you all week.
You know, you're supposed to look
at some photos, remember?
-I've been staying with Pauline.
-Yeah, where she's staying?
She has a place
above the Baby Doll Lounge.
So.... Hey, I must have
called you like 10 times.
Do you think you can make it to
the precinct tomorrow? It's important.
Well, another girl's been murdered.
A med student.
Oh, no.
-What happened?
-She was cut up. Can't find her head.
The fucking press is all over us.
It's a megillah.
We're all doing overtime. Even
the house mouses are on the street.
Do you think it's the same guy
who killed Angela Sands?
If you're asking me, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
-I'm getting out of here.
-I came to look for her.
-What time?
-I don't know.
Hold on a second.
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
Do something for me, will you?
-Are you standing?
Are you alone?
Where's your sister?
Sit down.
Are you sitting?
Put your hand between your legs.
lnside your panties.
That pussy that I like.
And you slip your middle finger in.
It's deep. It's soaking wet.
You run your finger up,
and your clit's right there.
It comes down to meet you.
It jumps in your hand.
When you touch a woman
and her clit's like that... know she knows
about sex like you.
I gotta go.
It's off in the distance
It came into the room
It's here in the circle
-Hold on one second. Can I help you?
-I'm here to see Detective Malloy.
-Your visitor's out here, man.
-Who the hell?
It's my sister.
How you doing?
Why don't you take a hike.
-You sleep all right? I missed you.
Come on. Over here.
Look at this. We got leaks
in the ceiling.
They shoot down on us with
.22 caliber rifles from the rooftops.
Detective Rodriguez,
you remember Miss....
Yeah, I know your name.
-Hey, how you doing?
-Fine. Thank you.
-Hey, you got anything on that ViCAP?
Detective Malloy.
Stand by, please. Malloy.
I'm glad I got a chance to talk to you.
I want to apologize.
The other night, I was drunk.
I was out of line.
-I hope you didn't get the wrong idea.
-No. I didn't get the wrong idea.
We're square, then?
Malloy wants me to look at pictures.
He said you'd have them.
I was mugged the other night
on West Broadway.
Oh, yeah, pictures.
No problem.
Who's that?
-I thought the guy was wearing a mask.
-You couldn't see his face?
-No, I couldn't.
Why does Malloy want you
to look at pictures?
Perhaps l'll recognize somebody
who was at the Red Turtle Bar.
That don't mean shit.
-Hey Ritchie, what's up?
-What's up, Halloran? How's the diet?
Hey, pato, kiss my ass.
I got those phone numbers. It took me
all fucking day. You owe me bigtime.
Look through there.
lf he's in there, he'll jump out at you.
You got a good memory?
lf you see him,
you gonna be able to pick him out?
I don't think that memory
is very reliable.
Well, it better be.
You're a school teacher, right?
-People count on your memory.
-Detective Rodriguez bothering you?
-Telling you about fish in the Hudson?
-I was telling her about the time...
...the cat ate the DOA's balls
on 1 23rd Street.
-That's a good one.
Malloy. What am l,
your maid or something?
Your food is ready.
Your curry tofu.
I gotta get something to eat.
You hungry? You like calamari?
-There's this place on Arthur Ave--
When did you start
liking white women?
About the same time as you.
See you later.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
This place is too fucking busy.
Come on. Let's go somewhere quiet.
How did you get to be
a homicide detective so young?
-ln a word?
Compassion. I took the desk
no one else wanted.
What desk was that?
The desk next to the holding cell.
You know, so I talked to the perps.
Gave them cigarettes, gum,
so they start to trust you.
You know, start telling you things
you want to know.
After a while, you pull down a big
confession. I got some bumps up.
How long do you think...?
How long you suppose
a woman needs to know a guy...
...before she'll get engaged to him?
-Shortest amount of time.
-Come on, Malloy.
-How long?
-Oh, I don't know. I guess it depends.
-It took my mother about a half-hour.
-You're kidding me?
What'd your father do? Romance her
to fall in love? Put a gun to her head?
-How'd that happen?
-Yeah. Yeah.
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered
From the lake, and no birds sing
-What's ''sedge''?
This looks like a place
where they dump bodies.
What's in these bags?
Go on, try it.
-No. I'm frightened of guns.
-Why don't you learn to use one.
Go on.
Go on.
How do you hold this thing?
Do you--? One hand or two?
Hold it any way you want.
Just don't hold it this way.
-You have to hold it with two hands.
-Yeah. Try aiming this time.
Try. Go on. Try.
Cheap piece of shit.
Let's see what good kissers we are.
-We already kissed.
-No, not really.
Come on, Miss lsthmus.
You used to do this
when you were a kid?
I went to boarding school.
You're here for the sex, right?
You don't go nowhere with me,
I didn't fuck you.
Yeah, all right.
Would you get engaged to me?
-ls this about the murder?
Yeah, I can't get the sick fuck
out of my head.
-While we were kissing?
-All the fucking time.
So do you want to stop
by my place?
I gotta tell you,
I'm going away for a while.
Probably not gonna be able
to talk to you for a little bit.
-Where are you going?
It's all paid for so I could have
some time with my kids.
-ls your wife going?
-My ex-wife? Yeah.
-No, your wife.
-Get the fuck out of here.
I sleep on the fucking couch.
All right?
It's complicated.
I didn't have money
to get an apartment... I went to live with my mother.
She's worse than my wife.
Three years ago I moved back.
We don't sleep together.
I moved back for my kids, okay?
She can't control my kids.
Do you ever tell the truth?
Where you going?
l'll give you a ride home.
Something wrong?
How did you get in?
I hope you don't mind.
I took a shower.
You know, you might
want to check your messages.
That student of yours
has been taken in for questioning.
The police found his term paper
illustrated in blood.
That's a little weird, isn't it?
You want some tea?
I have to go out.
Actually, the real reason
that I'm here is because...
...I thought I should tell you that I'm
gonna call Pauline and ask her out.
Did I ever tell you that my mother...
...used to dress me
in girls' blouses?
Yes, I think you did.
-So do you think it's a good idea?
About Pauline. I think
it's a good idea, but, you know....
Then again,
I hardly know her at all.
I don't think Pauline will sleep
with you, if that's what you're thinking.
You're right.
You're right. What--?
What am I thinking?
She's worse than you are.
Have sex with me?
I must be out of my fucking mind.
Will you have sex with me?
Shit! I'm out of my fucking mind.
Will you have sex with me?
Thinking back on the course
Of my passion
I was like one blind
Unafraid of the dark
-Have you seen Pauline?
-She hasn't come in tonight?
-No, she hasn't, but...
...just let me check, okay?
Have you seen Pauline?
Myself, I hate to drink alone.
Are you alone?
Frannie, it's Malloy.
Hon, I gotta take that bag
away from you.
I gotta take the bag. Come on.
I know. I know. I gotta take it.
-Hey, Jackie.
-Can you get her to 622 on 6th Street?
-No problem.
I was at the morgue.
I'm sorry they made you wait.
I told them to let you go home.
I need to ask you some questions
about Pauline, Frannie.
Let's go.
When I was 13... father left me in Geneva.
He was called away
to Washington for five days.
He said later that it never occurred
to him that I wouldn't be all right.
Pauline said that I failed
to take advantage of the situation.
That I should have ordered...
...hundreds of boxes of chocolate,
that I should have made a snowman.
-Was Pauline engaged?
You recognize this?
We found it on her left third finger.
No. ls that it?
ls that his signature?
Yeah, it's his signature.
I want to know what happened.
I want to know if it was quick.
Why do you think knowing's gonna
make a difference, Frannie?
-I thought that all my life.
-You're wrong.
-Knowing don't mean shit.
-''Doesn't'' mean shit.
This guy must have known her.
He strangled her...
...till she lost consciousness,
probably in the bedroom...
...then dragged her into the bathroom
and cut her throat.
Cut through the windpipe, the jugular,
the epiglottis, the hyoid, the tongue.
He held her by her hair
and cut all around.
This guy likes blood.
When he got to the vertebrae...
...he needed a bigger knife to cut
through that, and he had one.
He pulled the drain
in the sinks before he left... he left us nothing
that could help us.
It scares me that this guy
knows about drains.
I'm gonna go back to the apartment.
There's something I know,
but I don't know it yet.
-Sometimes it helps just to sit there--
-How will you get in?
I got a key.
-You have a key?
You have her key?
-I guess so. I have a key.
-Did you kill her?
Sgt. Lawrence, can you give
Miss Avery a drive home?
-Get the fuck out of here.
Who is it? Malloy?
It's me. Cornelius.
I heard about your friend.
It's all over the TV.
My sister.
Why are you wearing one shoe?
The other shoe's holding
the door open, upstairs in my....
You got a....
You got a petal.
What happened?
Fuck that man, all right.
-Fuck who?
-Fuck him! That cop.
-What cop?
-Fuck him!
What cop? Malloy?
You all right?
I don't....
I don't want to do this.
Why? You don't like it?
No, I like it. l like it. I just
don't want to do this. I'm drunk.
I didn't want to fuck you anyways.
What you want, huh?
-What, girl?
-Let me go.
-Let me go.
You been looking to fuck
my head up since day one!
-You've been looking to fuck with me.
You don't know me, man.
-Malloy wanted me to check.
-Make sure you got home all right.
-Where is he?
You okay?
-You tell him not to bother me.
Frannie, it's Malloy. Open the door.
Frannie, open the door.
Frannie, come on, wake up.
Open the door.
Frannie, come on!
You look all right to me.
Ritchie said you were screaming
half-naked out the window.
-You were a long time.
-Yeah, I was working.
Getting a blowjob?
lsn't that your line of work?
What is it?
No such thing
as a bad blowjob.
Well, you're wrong there.
Some women give terrible blowjobs.
No rhythm at all.
No sense of cock whatsoever.
Good phrase,
''no sense of cock.''
Yes, that must be terrible.
Frannie, we got a problem here.
I'm standing in your sister's apartment,
trying to put this case together. I can't.
You want to know why?
I'm worrying about you.
Let's get you cleaned up, come on.
Give you a bath.
Let's go.
Good cop.
I'm a good detective.
It's the only thing I'm good at.
I'm not good at this.
Want me to go, l'll go. Want me
to stay, l'll stay. Gotta want something.
You're smarter than me.
I'm running to keep up.
-I'm scared of what I want.
-Why? ls it a lot?
Yeah, it's a lot.
That's the problem with women.
You can never be satisfied.
I'm sorry.
-Why? You didn't do nothing.
-I'm sorry you feel that way.
Your problem is,
you're fucking exhausting.
Fuck this. I was doing just fine
before I met you. Just fine.
What's this?
You'll see.
-Will I like it?
-I don't know.
I think so.
You're not sure.
You're not sure.
-You think I'm obsessed with you?
No. No.
Go on, fuck yourself.
I wanna watch you fuck yourself.
-Go on.
-You like to watch?
Yeah, I like it in the cut.
That's it. Fuck yourself.
That's it. Go on.
You're so beautiful. lf I keep looking
at you, l'll have to quit being a cop.
Frannie. Oh, Frannie.
All right.
Get me out of these things.
Get me out of this.
Makes me very nervous,
being in handcuffs.
Hurry up! I'm starting
to fucking feel like a chick here.
-Get over there.
-Where is it?
ln my jacket pocket.
Hurry up.
Hurry up.
lnside left pocket.
Hurry up!
Oh, yeah.
-The charm from my bracelet.
-I meant to give it to you. I forgot.
Where did you get this?
On West Broadway.
I went back there the same night... see if I had missed something,
and I found it.
It was you.
What the fuck is the matter
with you?
I saw you. I saw your tattoo.
I never thought that you killed her.
I just never thought that.
Frannie, get me out
of these fucking things now!
Enough of this shit, Frannie.
Give me the key.
Get me out of here.
I'm not kidding, Frannie.
Get me out of this fucking thing.
Unlock these fucking things now!
Give me the fucking keys!
Damn it!
Get your fucking ass
out the goddamn street, bitch!
-Are you okay?
-ls she all right?
She's fine. Thanks, Dad.
Take it easy.
-I didn't know.
-Take it easy.
I can't go with you,
because he'll know.
-He killed Pauline.
I saw him with Angela Sands.
I saw his tattoo.
I saw the three of spades.
Jesus. We'd better talk about this.
-We'll go someplace.
-I can't go to the police.
-You tell me what happened.
-Did he hurt you?
Fuck! Fuck! No!
Where are we going?
To the lighthouse.
You ever been there?
To the Lighthouse.
I teach that book.
Yeah? I fish there.
Look at the G.W.
That's something.
It's my little fishing lodge.
Wanna see inside?
Yeah, me and Malloy, we got them
together after our first big bust.
He's a good cop.
Best partner I ever had.
You want wine?
I got wine.
I'm gonna have to leave you here
a couple of days.
I'm sorry.
People saw us together
on the street.
You wanna hang up his jacket?
Are you cold?
Don't cry.
Hey, hey.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
You ever been in love?
See, I met this girl.
I've been thinking about her
my whole life.
You know, dreaming about her.
But the thing is...
...I don't know if she loves me.
I mean, all women want love, right?
What about you?
You want love?
Wanna be kissed?
My guess is, you want it
so bad it hurts.
I'm right.
Will you marry me, Frannie?
Put on the ring.
Put on the fucking--
What are you, crazy?