In the Dark (2013) Movie Script

It's so good to see you.
Thank you for coming.
Have a good night.
Hi, good to see you.
You look beautiful.
This is really something
I'm excited to show you guys.
It's a departure for me
in many ways,
as you know-- you've really
been so loyal
and I appreciate that
so much.
Ms. Lear?
What statement are you
trying to make
with this collection?
Well, I think I'd like the work
to speak for itself.
So, what did you think?
Another grand
Really and truly.
A toast.
.su o
To us.
I'll drive home.
I'm fine.
Miss Lear,
one more thing.
I forgot to ask you
this question.
Why don't you come by
the gallery tomorrow?
Okay, great.
Dan, stop!
You alright?
Stay with me!
We're losing him.
He's dead.
The man and the baby.
Both D.O.A.
Ali, are you sure
about this?
What's the alternative?
Some halfway house for
the newly impaired?
That's not me.
I agree.
I want to go home.
It's not that easy.
You're alone now.
Just a minute!
This is going to be
the young man
I spoke to you about.
I don't want help.
I understand that you don't
want to be a burden on anyone
and it's too soon for you
to see your old friends.
But what am I
supposed to do?
Kick you to the curb?
Come on!
You need someone.
Come in!
Jeff McAuley,
Alejandra Lear.
The artist, right?
Used to be.
Ali the blind now.
Jeff will help you through
the adjustment period.
He can be a great help.
I don't want any help.
I need to do this
on my own.
I know, I understand,
but you need someone
to help you start.
Jeff can be there
at your discretion.
He can be there as much
or as little as you need.
Of course.
You're doing the right thing.
What do you mean?
Dr. Weinette wanted you
to stay at the hospital.
Did you go to
school for this?
All my life.
My mother's blind.
There's a ton of mail and stuff.
I'll get it for you later.
Thank you.
You okay?
I'm right here.
Here. Why don't you
come over here
to this table.
I'll be right back.
I'm going to go put
the groceries down.
I'm going to show you
around, okay?
You just lost your spot.
Here. Go back to
a spot you know.
Now, picture it from here.
Just the way you remember.
Jenny's room.
That's my
daughter's room.
This staircase--
My bedroom
is up there.
This is my studio.
Please stay out.
What time is it?
About 4:00?
I guess.
The doves will
be here soon.
I spent hours,
endless hours,
painting, sketching,
Just staring at
the colours and the light.
Watching them
come and go.
Jenny loved them.
Anything else?
No, I'm fine.
Alright, then.
See you tomorrow.
Thank you.
I'll lock the door
on the way out.
Ali? You okay?
Is everything okay?
This is my fault.
What's your fault?
Listen-- do you
hear that?
I don't hear
You should hear
Jenny laughing
and Daniel telling her
where her shoes belong
and instead you hear
Ali, you can't
blame yourself.
Maybe I shouldn't
have come here.
Hey. You had to come back.
You know that, right?
How about I make
some coffee?
Smells good.
There is a cup waiting for you
right here on the counter.
I got this.
This is a tough place
to get around.
You just have to dance.
When I was a kid, I asked my mom
how she learned to get around.
She said,
"It's just like dancing".
One, two, three--
green chair.
One, two, three--
other green chair.
One, two, three--
we're in open space.
One, two, three--
We're at the couch! Yes!
You got it!
Great job.
So, does your mother use
a cane or a guide dog?
Dog, named Jeff.
She was allergic
and I looked good in a harness.
Listen, I embossed a number one
on your debit card,
a number two on your
credit card.
Uh, you have some cash here,
so I folded the 20's in half
and the 10's in thirds
and I didn't fold
the singles.
Coins are easy because
they're different sizes.
You're amazing,
thank you.
Oh, no problem.
You'll get used to
a cash-free life.
It just makes things
Well, I'll see you
You want to stay a little while
off the clock?
Oh, I'm sorry. You probably
have plans or a girlfriend.
I didn't mean to cross
any boundaries.
No, no, no girlfriend.
No place to be.
I'm not prying.
I know.
I'm just--
pretty shy person,
I'm sure you've seen that.
You're really talented.
You can still--
No, I don't think so.
Those days are over.
"Jeff" short for--
Jeffrey, I like that.
Can I call you "Jeffrey"?
I don't know what
you look like.
Do you mind?
Are you blushing,
Yeah, I could
feel that.
You're handsome.
I really should
get going.
Oh-- right.
Yeah, wait,
I'll uh--
I'll walk you to the--
to the door.
I don't think I'll
ever get used to this.
Sure you will.
It'll take a little time
and it won't be easy,
but you will.
It's open!
You shouldn't do that.
Shouldn't do what?
Leave the door unlocked
and tell someone
to come in.
I was expecting you.
Besides, you have a key.
For emergencies.
You're starting to
get around pretty well,
but you're still
You want a cup
of coffee?
No, I don't want
a cup of coffee.
I know you're right.
But it's just not the way
I want to live my life.
It's not me.
Hello, Ali Lear.
Ali, good morning.
Dr. Weinette,
how are you?
I should be asking you that.
Well, I'm good.
Oh, well,
I'm glad to hear that.
I was planning on
dropping by
in a few days and checking in
on you in person.
You should come by, Doctor.
I would love to see you.
I will.
Okay, looking forward
to it.
Me too.
See you soon.
Just a minute!
Good morning.
What's the matter?
Oh, I just hit my leg
on the table.
I missed my spot.
Bagels? I smelled them
before I opened the door.
Your senses are increasing.
That's good.
Is it my turn to make
the coffee?
Yep. After breakfast,
I'm going to go to the market.
I want to come!
On course.
Okay, now you're about--
from the curb.
You can hear the traffic
a little bit.
A little bit more
to your right.
That's the cross
signal button.
Go over and push it.
There it is.
Now, listen for
the signal.
Okay, here goes.
Okay, there you go.
That was a huge
leap of faith.
You did great.
We all go
once around
Mostly up
Sometimes down
Don't bring me
Beautiful flowers.
Oh, flowers!
Hello again!
I'm Linda, your
new neighbour.
Your only neighbour,
from the looks of things.
Oh, right. The girl
we saw the other day.
I was just moving in.
Well, it's nice
to meet you.
I'm Ali and this is
my aid, Jeffrey.
I'm sorry, I didn't
even realize--
Don't apologize, please.
It's embarrassing.
Well, it's nice to
officially meet you both.
I was feeling kind of lonely
across the street
all by myself.
Well, come by
any time!
Let me-- let me
show you something.
They have the best
incense over here.
Can I-- do you
want to go with me?
Yeah, sure, sure!
How long have you
lived here?
Oh, a long time.
Seven years.
Oh, wow!
Oh, I can't wait to learn
the neighbourhood.
I'm going to make you
Okay, great.
It'll be nice to have
a friend nearby.
What does she
look like?
I don't know--
brown hair.
I think she liked you.
Why would you
say that?
'Cause she perked up when
she heard you were my aid.
I guess she thought
we were a couple.
The studio door
is open.
Yeah, I thought I heard
something there this morning.
It was just my imagination.
Want me to close it?
Doesn't matter.
Well, you asked me
not to go in there.
Well, that was before
I knew you.
Go ahead,
look around.
Your work is really inspiring.
Thank you.
You know, you could still
do those things.
At least the sculpting.
You're always saying you have
nothing but time on your hands.
I'm not ready yet.
Maybe you could
teach me?
Come on.
I don't know.
I'll get it.
Hello, I'm looking for
Ali Lear.
And you are?
Alex Smith,
reporter with the Times.
I'd just like to
speak with her.
Ms. Lear is in no condition
to speak to anyone.
You need to leave.
And who are you?
Who am I?
I'm her caretaker.
She relies on me
for everything.
She does not take a step
without me.
I am her eyes.
Now, Ms. Lear
wants her privacy.
Ms. Lear needs
her privacy
and you need to leave--
Who was it?
No one.
It was that reporter
looking for you.
Just relax.
It's just that
people like that--
they just piss me off.
You should be a chef.
I learned from
my mom.
She was a good cook,
it was her art.
My mother wasn't much
of a cook.
She wasn't really much of
a homemaker at all.
I should go.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I had a good time today.
Me, too.
Lock the door.
Yes, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey, is that you?
We're having coffee.
Linda brought croissants.
Just a sec.
Hey there.
Hey, Jeffrey.
It's good to see you.
How are you doing?
Good, I'm good.
What's up?
Linda came by on her
way to work.
She has a great idea.
Oh, yeah? What's that?
What are you
doing here?
I thought you
Oh yes, I did.
Long ago.
I just wanted to show my friends
where I grew up.
Bob, this is Ali.
And this is Jeff.
Hey, Jeff.
You got some ID?
Cool, good seeing you!
Talk to you later.
Linda, what's his
No problem.
He's doing his job.
Why didn't he ask Ali
to see her ID?
The strangest thing
Just happened
Can I get
a vodka cranberry, please?
Has changed
Oh, God.
Thank you for tonight.
It was really fun.
It was a great idea.
Do you mind walking me
to my door?
I'm the only one
in the building right now.
It's kind of creepy.
I don't want to--
It's okay, I'll be fine.
Oh, goodnight!
I'll be right back.
So, did you
have fun tonight?
It was okay.
I was thinking, um,
maybe you and I could
go out sometime.
No, I don't think so.
Are you and Ali--
But you like her?
Well, I guess she's
pretty enough, but--
it's just that I have
a girlfriend.
I'm sorry.
So? Nothing.
To be honest,
it's empty.
I don't have anybody
to care about,
nobody to love.
I tried to warn you.
I know you did.
You were right about
something else, too.
Oh? And what is that?
He's been a big help.
Oh, great. You two
are getting along?
Any problems?
Don't take this
the wrong way--
I don't know what
I'd do without him.
But he's a little...
Possessive? How?
Yeah, a friend came by
the other day
and it was--
I don't know, like,
like he was jealous.
A male friend?
Actually, a female friend
who's just
moved in across the street
in the neighbourhood.
She has a crush on him
and it makes him
I guess,
And he's just-- I don't think
it has anything to do with that
and I'm sure
it's nothing,
but it just was--
you know.
He can be an intense
young man.
Yeah, you think?
Jeff, look who's here!
Hi, Doc.
Hey, Jeff.
How are you?
Good, I'm good.
How are you?
I'm well, thank you.
So, what brings you by?
Oh, I came by to see
my patient and you.
To tell the truth,
I have to be going,
but I was stalling
hoping to see you.
Well, here I am.
I was telling Lisa how
good you've been to me.
Really helpful.
No, honestly, Jeff,
she just told me
you were a natural
You should really consider
a career in rehab.
We should talk about it.
I mean, Ali's not going to
need you forever.
Yeah, the good doctor has just
dropped by an application
to begin the process
to get a guide dog.
Really? You never mentioned
a dog before.
No, I really never
thought about it
but now that I do,
I think it's a great idea.
It's just--
it's just not as simple
as all that.
I know, but I think
it's a great idea
You're always worrying about me.
A dog could protect me.
Thank you for coming by.
Mm, it was my pleasure.
And like I said,
you and Jeff fill out
those forms
and then he can
drop it off at my office
and when you do,
we should talk about
your new calling.
Helping the blind.
Yes, of course.
What are you hiding from
the blind lady?
Play your little game,
but you're going to have to
tell me after breakfast.
Loosen it up.
Then you have to figure out
what you want to make.
I dunno.
Uh, how about a rock?
You have to make something
a little more complicated.
How about...
a dragon?
If you say so.
What about you?
First to make
the body.
Oh my gosh,
it's something.
It's so painful, you just have
to laugh through your tears.
Jeffrey, look who
stopped by!
Hey, Jeffrey!
Nice dragon, by the way.
And your mask
is so good.
You really are talented.
Ha ha.
No, seriously!
Don't-- you don't give
yourself enough credit.
Um, look, I need to
get going.
I have some work
I gotta finish.
Thanks for--
No, I'll walk you out.
It's just so good to get
all that out, you know?
I'm glad you
came by.
Yeah, it was--
I'm a very good
I can't figure out my own life
but I can help you with yours.
Thank you!
I'll see you soon.
Bye, Jeffrey!
See you later.
What was that about?
What? Not even a hello?
What was she
doing here?
Every time I turn around,
she's here.
Are you inviting her?
She dropped by
after work.
Maybe she has a crush
on you-- whatever.
but that doesn't give you the
right to be rude to people.
I just worry about
you and strangers.
She's not a stranger.
This is my home,
you're a guest in it
just like Linda
is a guest in it,
and I expect my guests
to be nice to each other.
I'm sorry.
I'll see you.
Jeff, hi.
I want to apologize
for the other day.
I was rude to you.
It's okay, I mean,
I surprised you
after the other
night and all.
Well, have a nice day.
Damn, I've been
doing that all day.
Can you help me
find a vase?
You were right. I was
rude to Linda yesterday.
So, I went over
to apologize.
That's sweet of you,
I was too hard
on you.
I upset you, so--
Vase, vase--
God, I've been
so off today.
I put rice in my bowl this
morning instead of oatmeal.
Thank God I've got
you around.
Don't know what I'd
do without you.
Here's one.
Oh, thanks.
I'll get it.
What do you think?
So, what was the delivery?
Binoculars, telescope,
reading glasses?
I don't think
you should see it.
Oh, don't tease.
Seriously, Ali,
I don't know.
What are you
talking about?
It's the personal effects
from your accident.
What do you mean,
"personal effects"?
What's in it?
Some children's shoes.
A few purses, a handkerchief,
a camera.
Oh my God...
There's a letter.
Who would send this?
Who the hell would send this?
It's the insurance company's
to release the items
once the--
Give this to me.
It's just unbelievable
how it hit me.
I'm a little stunned,
I guess.
Thanks, Linda,
that's why I called.
I just wanted to hear
a friendly voice.
Yeah, he's here
but you know how it is.
He's a man,
it's just not the...
Yeah, you got it.
What are you doing?
Just making sure
the camera still works.
What did I hear?
It was some things
you had recorded.
Here, take it.
No, I don't want it.
Just promise me you'll
erase everything on it.
You sure?
Can I get you
Wake up!
Ali, come on.
You should go up
to bed.
Get ready for bed
and I'll go get
your pill, okay?
Mind if I come up?
There you go.
I'll see you in
the morning.
Are you awake?
You are so beautiful.
What's the matter?
I'm just restless.
Tired of sitting around here
all day and doing nothing.
Well, why don't we go
for a walk
when I'm done with this?
Is Linda home?
I don't know.
Give her a call.
No, I want to
surprise her.
I could tell her
about the dog.
Is her car there?
Oh my God, Ali!
Hi! Uh...
Please, what are you doing?
Come in!
Honey, I'm home!
What are you doing?
when you were ready
to come back.
Well, I had to
at least try.
Besides, Linda was
watching me.
I'm the one
taking care of you.
I know that,
and you do.
I would have never gotten
this far without you
but I can't lean on you
I know, but--
I like doing things for you,
I like the way we are.
You're one in a million.
You know, this just means
more freedom for you.
I'm not going to
need you as much.
What do you mean?
You'll have more time
to yourself.
I'm not going to
rely on you.
What's the matter?
What can I do?
Here, help me finish
the salad-- tear these up.
Did you know that she's
a graphic artist?
Well, I invited her
to dinner on Sunday.
I thought it would
be nice.
I'm sure it will be.
Jeffrey, I'm not trying
to set you two up.
She's a friend,
she's alone like us.
You don't have to explain
yourself, Ali.
Well, then let's
shop tomorrow.
Would you?
How are you?
Good, good.
How are you?
Thank you so much
for having me over.
I have been looking forward
to this all day.
Us, too.
How's it going?
Good. Oh, that smells
so good!
What is it?
It is sweet potato
Do you want
a glass of wine?
Oh, I would love one,
thank you.
Can I help you?
What can I do?
It's a mess.
There's some potatoes.
No? Aww.
I tease.
I do, I do.
To friends.
To friends.
To friends.
To friends.
Thank you for
having me over.
Aw, I'm so glad
you came.
Aren't you, Jeffrey?
Thank you for cooking.
Yeah, no problem.
Anybody want
anything more?
Oh, my gosh.
Can I borrow your restroom?
I think I had
too much wine.
Where is it?
Oh, it's right
back there.
Thank you.
That was good,
wasn't it?
Mmm. Are you kidding?
It was great.
Yeah, it's nice having
someone over, isn't it?
Of course it is.
Um, I'd better go.
I've had too much
Oh, me too.
I'm just gonna, um--
Oh, let me get
your dish!
I'll get it tomorrow.
Thanks for coming.
Don't worry,
I'll clean up.
I won't argue
with that.
Your head hurt?
Alright, well,
you just get comfortable
and I'll get
your pill.
Want some tea?
Here you go.
Here's your pill
and here's your tea.
It smells good.
Who is it?
Jeff. I brought
your dish over.
You didn't have to do that.
I could have gotten it
another time.
But I want to
talk to you, too.
About what?
About earlier
this evening.
Look, it's late and I've
got work in the morning
so, I just don't--
It'll just take
a minute.
Ah, I just really want to thank
you for coming over tonight.
Ali's really happy.
And I want to thank you
for not saying anything
about the pictures.
What is going on
over there?
Well, maybe Ali and I are
more than friends now.
No, she would have
said something.
Why did you have to
come around?
Couldn't you just
leave us alone?
Look, I don't know what
you're doing to Ali,
but I'm going to put
an end to it!
Now, I want you out of here
before I call the police.
Leave us alone.
Stay away!
You scared the hell
out of me.
Oh, I shouldn't have
taken a pill
after having so much
wine last night.
Is that coffee?
Oh, good.
Do you remember going
to bed last night?
Uh, no.
I had to wake you up
and send you upstairs.
Yeah, I don't remember
a thing.
Would you excuse me
for a second?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm still
a little woozy.
What did you break?
I knocked a picture
off the wall.
there's glass.
Something feels different
about this picture.
What do you mean?
It just doesn't
feel right.
Let me see.
Uh, looks like
the glass cut it.
Oh no,
which picture is it?
It's of, uh, you and your
daughter and your husband.
Why don't I take it
and see what I can
do with it
and put some new
glass in here?
Let's get you
out of here.
I'll come back
and clean it up.
What are you doing?
Uh, just
playing around.
I thought we could go to
the nursery today.
Maybe Linda will
want to go.
Is her car outside?
Is she back yet?
Uh, I don't know.
Maybe she went on vacation
or something.
Hi, it's Linda.
You know the drill!
Hi, Linda,
it's Ali again.
Call me when you get in.
I wonder where
she is.
I hope
everything's okay.
I'm sure it is.
I'm just a little worried.
It's been days.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yeah, I'm tired.
Okay. Goodnight.
Hi, it's Linda.
You know the drill!
Oh my--
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
I want you to canvass the area
three blocks in every
Talk to anyone you see.
Indigent, homeless--
I don't care.
Every neighbour
in every building.
Check the roofs,
do not pollute
the crime scene.
You know the drill.
Ali! What happened?
Were you attacked?
Linda's dead.
What? How?
She found the body.
What happened?
You're Jeffrey
Detective Roy Archer.
I need to ask Ms. Lear
some questions.
But she's pretty
She was asking for you,
so I just thought we'd wait.
Thanks. She lives
right over here.
If we could just--
So, the last time you saw
the deceased
was three nights ago.
She came over for dinner.
And neither of you
are aware of any enemies
the deceased may have had--
No. No enemies or exes
that I know of.
But we didn't know her
very well.
Ali, we didn't.
She moved in,
we met her.
We hung out
a few times, but--
that's all we really know.
You say she mentioned
being scared.
She said that.
But I thought she was
just talking.
For attention,
you know.
She was like that.
So, you don't think
she had
any reason
to be scared?
I don't know.
Not more than
anyone else.
The neighbourhood
is what it is.
Well, there were signs
of a burglary,
but no forced entry,
which means Miss Gamon
knew her assailant.
Or at least let him in.
I don't want to speak
badly about anyone
but I think you should
consider the possibility
that she brought someone home.
A man, I mean.
She-- she was
aggressive sexually.
you don't know and I didn't
want to say anything, but--
Did you see someone
or what?
No, no, nothing like that.
But she came on to me
pretty aggressively one night.
I just think
that maybe
you should consider
the possibility.
Tell me,
Mr. McAuley,
when she came on to you,
did you encourage her
in any way?
Well, the murder weapon
appears to have been
a plate or a dish
of some sort.
A plate?
Well, not really
a plate.
A heavy dish
of some sort.
We found small pieces
of ceramic
in her wounds.
A casserole dish?
Yeah, maybe.
You said Miss Gamon brought
something over for dinner?
Did she take it
when she left?
No. No, she
left it here.
May I see it?
It might be part
of a set.
Is that the dish?
She brought some sweet potato
stuff in it.
Let's have a look.
That's it for now.
If you remember
anything else,
please give me
a call.
We will, thanks.
Poor Linda.
I just want to
take a shower.
Me, too.
When I get home.
Jeffrey, can you
stay here tonight?
I don't want to be alone.
I'll be right back.
I just need to
change my clothes.
Thank you.
My name's Alex Smith,
I'm a reporter with the Times.
I just want to find out
what's going on here.
Can you tell me
what happened?
Ali, it's Dr. Weinette.
I hate to leave
a message like this
but I was doing some digging
into Jeffrey's past
and, well, I have--
I have some serious
Please call me on my cell
as soon as you can.
It's urgent.
Will help you through
the adjustment period.
He can be a great help.
Something feels different
about this picture.
What do you mean?
It just doesn't
feel right.
Just making sure
the camera still works.
This is mine.
I'm sorry, Ali.
I knew it was wrong
but I just couldn't
help it.
I couldn't help myself.
I just wanted to be
close to you
like they were.
Please don't say that.
It's so much better
when I'm here with you.
Better than what?
Than my life ever was.
This is my life, Jeffrey.
You can't just
take it like that.
I'm not taking it.
I just want to be
a part of it.
I want to help you.
Don't be scared of me.
I love you.
You have no idea
what it was like
coming here every day,
seeing you,
not being able
to tell you how I feel.
I found this.
Give me that!
I'll give it to you,
you son of a bitch.
You shouldn't
have done that!
You gave that to me!
That was mine!
Oh my God.
I know where you are.
What are you doing?
I am protecting us
from them--
from all of them!
Why did you kill
Why did you kill
Because she was trying to
force us apart.
She was trying to--
Damn it!
I can't see!
Where are you?
Where are you?!
Ugh, damn it!
Where are you?!
Where are you?!
Where are you?!
You think you can
get away from me?
You want me?
Come here.
I'm right here.
Find the blind lady.
Come on.
He always talked about her
in the past tense,
so how was I to know?
You thought
she was dead?
Yes, I thought his mother
was dead.
But she had met someone,
a man,
and when she did,
Jeffrey became very paranoid,
So much so that
she had to actually
leave town.
No one knew. Not even
Dr. Weinette.
Dr. Weinette?
Dr. Weinette.
Every time I speak to her,
I hear remorse in her voice.
She feels responsible.
In a way, she--
No, there was no way
to see.
No way to know what
was going to happen.
I just have to make the best
out of an awful situation.
I-- I never thought that I would
make another piece of art
or have the privilege
to teach a single student.