In the Forest (2022) Movie Script

Every spot looks the same.
At least that last campsite
had electricity and...
We're people.
It's not camping
if you're staring
into somebody else's tent.
You never know what could
be going on in there.
There's too many damn
people in the world.
Can we please just get there?
She reverts to behaving
like a child just to annoy me.
I think this wilderness
trip is gonna do you
both a whole lot of good.
Thank God we're here, I guess.
it's peaceful.
Okay, ladies, we got
a lot of work to do.
Come on, let's get going.
It's really pretty nice, Dad.
Yeah, I
thought you'd like it.
Emily, come and help me.
Can I relax for a second?
We've been driving for hours.
It's really not fair.
You know what,
life's not fair.
I realize that.
Good, then I'm doing my job.
You sure have.
Please do what
I ask you to do.
I don't think
she's gonna make it.
Well, I'm not.
Okay, we will give
her a sedative later.
Right now, we gotta
unpack all this stuff.
Get ready to set up the tents.
Okay with that?
Okay, join the short
corded pulls together.
Put these together.
I think this is the pull.
You need some help?
Stick it through this.
Look at these two.
Mom, you need to
set up your tent.
Why are we setting up
tents where we have an RV?
Because there's nothing like
sleeping out under the stars,
that's why.
After you've finished your pout,
would you collect some wood
for the campfire, please?
What do you do if
you see a bear?
Scream in panic.
She'll lecture it about
life until it runs away.
You play dead.
Did I tell you this story?
Hey, this place looks great.
You guys make a good team.
So, you're just in time.
Just in time for what?
Wow, this is beautiful, dad.
Smell that air.
I know.
Have you ever seen
so many pine trees?
Me either.
Here, hold on.
I'm good, I'm good.
All right, I'm
here if you need me.
Just get ready to fish.
The fish won't bite if they
smell your scent, okay?
That looks like it hurts.
No, it doesn't hurt me at all.
I don't wanna kill a worm.
Emily, how are you
ever gonna survive?
Not by fishing.
We're not gonna
eat what we catch.
Right, dad.
Why not?
We have to have dinner.
Dad, I'm sure the
fish in this river
are contaminated with lead
or mercury or something.
She thinks the whole
world is screwed up.
No, I just don't think
we should eat them.
How about eating a worm?
Ooh, gross.
Emily, stop it, I mean it.
You're no fun.
She's not like this
when she needs money.
Will you just try
to have a good time.
You have to get past
the recent setback.
Dad, I lost everything.
The business wiped me out.
I mean, we are living
month to month.
I don't even know what
I'm gonna do next.
You know, when
you become a parent,
you realize that
there are no adults.
Everybody is just pretending.
Everybody tells you, you know,
they think they know
what they're doing,
but they don't.
They're just bullshitting.
So you have to start pretending.
You have to pretend for Emily.
That's just great, dad.
Things will be
better next time.
I've run out of next times.
It seems like everything I try
to do just doesn't work out.
Don't lose hope.
Hope doesn't pay the rent,
doesn't do my car payments.
Now you're the one pretending.
I don't know what
else to tell you.
I need to borrow
some more money.
I know I promised
that I wouldn't.
It's okay.
We'll talk about
that later, okay?
Right now, I have
to take a piss.
I'm guessing there are no
actual fish in this river.
Well, they're not gonna just
leave off onto your plate.
You have to work hard for them.
Okay, mom.
You need to leave.
You startled me.
Who are you?
You're on private property.
Please pack up your things
and find another place to camp.
Well, we just got here.
Couldn't we at
least stay the night
and leave in the morning.
I can't.
You'll have to leave.
What's happening.
He's kicking us out.
It's private property.
Oh, sir, we
didn't see any signs
or we never would have...
Sir, it's gonna get dark soon.
I said no.
There are plenty of campgrounds
about 10 miles south
of the main road.
I'm asking you nicely to leave.
Well, that was kind of rude.
Why do you always
have to interrupt me
every time I speak?
Okay, anyway,
it's his property.
We have to go.
Great, now I have to
pack all the shit back up.
Dad, stop, stop, stop.
You're stuck, you're stuck.
Oh my God, I hate camping.
I hate the outdoors.
There's no phone,
there are no people around.
Oh, except of course for
the creepy guy with a gun.
Mom's freaking out again.
I hate pine cones,
they're useless.
What are we gonna do?
Ah shit.
We're stuck.
I can see that.
You just calmed
down, all right.
Now what we need
is you to collect
some flat pieces of wood.
Can you do that?
Emily, make yourself useful,
go and help your mom.
Is that gonna hold it?
No, obviously not.
This is a wrong jack.
God damn it.
Just put those under the tire.
Why don't we just call AAA.
I'm kidding.
Okay, where are those
plaid pieces of wood
I told you to get?
I got them.
Yeah, in the front.
Yeah, that's great.
That's great.
Okay, now go.
Go get behind the wheel.
Am I in your way?
Okay, when I tell
you start the engine.
Put it in drive.
Put it in drive.
Alright, okay, alright.
And then when I say go...
When you say go, I got it.
I go, right?
I'm gonna tell you,
you just ease into
the gas pedal, okay?
Almost there.
Okay, that's good.
Now just slowly easy.
Keep going.
Halt it.
I just wanna get out of here.
I just wanna go home.
I wanna get home,
I wanna get home.
Make us be home.
The other side is worse.
Okay, ready.
Easy on the gas.
Grandpa's hurt.
How bad?
Mom, help him.
Oh dad, I'm so
sorry, I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault.
Emily, go get
the first aid kit.
Oh geez.
Oh, don't look at
it, don't look at it.
Just keep pressure on it.
Hurry up, Emily.
There's nothing here.
Well then just grab a
towel or T-shirt, anything.
Oh my God, here.
Emily, help me get him up.
We're gonna help you up dad.
Okay, dad, we're
gonna sit you down.
Don't worry,
everything's gonna be fine.
You can handle this.
No, I can't.
Oh God.
I don't know what to do.
What about the guy?
Maybe he has a phone
out here that works.
Okay, we'll wait
until he comes back.
If you're not gonna
do anything about it,
then I'm gonna go.
You're not going
anywhere, Emily I'm mean it.
Can you two stop bickering?
Emily, hand me some water.
Take a sip.
There you go.
How are you feeling?
I've had better days.
Emily, you are not going.
Because you're
not, that's why.
We need to be here for him.
Give me your phone.
When was the last
time you had a signal?
I don't know.
Give me your phone.
What are you doing?
I am going to go up here
and see what I can see.
What do you see mom?
Three people stranded in
a stupid forest, maybe?
That's your idea?
This will get his attention.
We're gonna die.
Why can't you just
take control...
Mom, this is really
the dumbest thing...
Did you find this in
the survival guide,
because this is not surviving.
I can't hear you.
What is this gonna do?
Who are you trying
to let hear this?
I guess we're camping now, huh?
I mean, if that landowner
was anywhere nearby,
he would've heard the horn.
I don't think he would
hear a horn from a mile away.
I'm gonna go fix
us some dinner.
I'm not really hungry.
I'll go look for
him in the morning.
You know, I
think you should do
what your mother thinks is best.
She's scared.
She can't handle this.
You know, she's a lot
tougher than you think.
I don't know about that.
You'd be surprised.
Here, sweetie.
Tomorrow morning,
you two should start walking
back to the main road.
It's about seven, eight miles.
Why don't we get
a good night's sleep
and we'll figure it
out in the morning.
Sounds good to me.
What are you doing?
Well, maybe that
man will see the smoke
and come back.
How'd you sleep?
What sleep?
It was freezing.
I know.
What are we gonna do?
I'm not sure, but we
can't leave him alone.
Well, I think one of us
should go look for help.
What we should do is wait
and see if he comes back
or try and fix the RV.
Let's just wait a
little while longer.
I don't think so, mom.
You disagree with
everything I say so.
No I don't.
You just did it.
What are you afraid of?
We already tried all of that.
I just don't think
we should separate.
It could make things worse.
That wound is serious.
Do you think I
don't know that?
I just think doing
nothing is not a plan.
Okay, things just
don't fix themselves.
We're never gonna get out
of here with you in charge.
Oh my God.
Daddy, breathe.
Just breathe.
Dad, breathe.
Emily, get my bag.
Get my bag.
It's in the back.
Daddy, breathe.
Quick, quick, quick.
Give me some water.
Here daddy, take these.
Take these.
Hurry up, hurry up.
Here, here.
You're okay.
You're okay.
Hey dad.
How do you feel?
Oh, I'm really tired.
Where are you going?
Emily's gonna stay here with you
and I am gonna go walk
up the road a mile
and see if I can
find that landowner.
And you better
be really careful.
I will.
You rest, and I will
be back very soon.
Have everything?
Do you think this
is the best idea?
Do you want me to go?
No, I do not want you to go.
I want you to stay here
and take care of grandpa.
Do not leave.
What do you do if
you run out of water?
You know.
You drink your urine.
Oh, God.
I will not be doing that.
I would rather die.
If you die, we all die.
Enough with the
millennial bullshit.
Just stay here and
keep an eye on grandpa.
I'm not a millennial.
Hello, I need help.
Is anybody home?
There's been an accident.
I need to use your phone.
Is someone there?
Who's there?
Where are you?
I'm looking for a working phone.
Is someone there?
Please help me.
Where's my sister?
Where's my sister?
Where's my sister?
Where's my sister?
After you eat lunch,
we'll get you some sun.
I have a secret.
I saw somebody today.
Where'd you see them?
It was a woman.
She was outside the house.
She knocked on the door.
But then she left.
Take your pills.
Oh, hell, start with that.
She was in this house.
I better not find you in here.
Are you in here?
Did she see you?
Did she come up the stairs?
Answer me, Andrew.
Did she see you?
Answer me, Andrew.
Did she see you?
Someone's been in the house.
Get here when you can.
Did they see him?
I'm not sure.
Please help me.
How long have
you been in here?
Since I was a boy.
Is there a working
phone in this house?
Yes, but he hides it.
Why are you here?
We were camping by the river
and there was an accident.
My father needs to
get to a hospital.
I'm sorry, I have gotta go.
He's leaving.
Please, please, please,
you gotta help me.
You have to help my sister.
Her name's Natalie, please.
Where's your sister?
She's in the basement.
I can hear her.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
I'm gonna bring help.
Please help my sister.
Hello, Natalie.
No way.
Grandpa, somebody is coming.
I asked you to
leave my property.
Why are you still here?
Our RV got stuck, sir.
My grandpa's really hurt.
My mom went to look for you,
you didn't see her?
Where's your grandpa?
What happened?
He's inside.
He's lost a lot of blood.
Do you have a phone
that works out here?
No I don't.
How long has your mom been gone?
Seems your problem
is now my problem.
What do you mean?
It's in there, all right.
What's your mom's name?
Helen, what?
Helen Schaffer.
You think she's
the kind of person
that would walk
into someone's house
without their permission.
She's not like that.
I hope not.
Mom, what are you doing?
He's got somebody locked
up in his house, Emily.
Get me something
to tie him up with.
Oh my God.
Hurry, go.
Tie him up?
Tie him up with what?
I don't know the rope
from the tents that we use.
Go hurry, hurry.
This is the last
time I go camping.
Hurry up, Emily.
Mom, you're gonna kill him.
Give me.
Tie up his feet.
Tie up his feet.
Holy shit.
Sit here.
Mom, what are you doing?
Sit here and take this.
Come on.
Is it loaded?
Hold this on him.
If he tries to move from
that spot, shoot him.
I mean warn him first
and then shoot his legs.
Do you understand?
You can do this.
Do you understand?
What the hell is
going on out there?
You two still arguing?
We have to get out of here.
There's an ATV and
I've got the keys,
but I need you to get up.
You have to get up now.
Get up and come with me.
Dad, work with me
you're too heavy.
Got to help me here.
Dad, up.
I can't.
This is not gonna work.
Not gonna work.
I love you, Helen.
I love you too, dad.
Hurry back.
Remember we still have
to make those smores.
Here, let me take this.
I saw a truck back at the house,
we need to find the keys.
Check his pockets.
I'm not checking his pocket.
Please, I just walked a thousand
miles through the woods.
Would you just
check his pockets?
Come on, the longer you
take the longer we're here.
Hurry up.
Which pocket?
All of them?
Oh, God.
Oh, for Christ's
sake take this.
Oh, God who keeps her
keys in the back pocket?
Hurry, mom.
No, no, no.
Stupid ass truck.
What are you doing?
My mom will be back
soon with the police.
Did she go back to the house?
Did she?
If she did she's in danger.
She shouldn't be there.
What kind of danger?
Stop moving.
I've done nothing to hurt you?
He's dangerous.
You don't know
what you're doing.
I don't care
what you say, sir.
You move again,
and I'll shoot you.
Oh my God.
Did you find my sister?
No, I didn't find her yet.
Does he keep a gas can
in the house somewhere?
The truck is on empty.
In the basement.
I was afraid you'd say that.
Let me see this thing.
This is welded.
Listen, I'm gonna
go get a knife.
I'm gonna cut you
out of this thing.
I promise I'll be right back.
I'm here to help.
Oh my God.
I got it.
Where's my sister?
I didn't see her down there.
I'm so sorry.
No, no, you're a liar.
I'm not lying,
she wasn't there.
You're a liar.
I'm not lying.
You're a liar.
Get the
Andrew, come back.
Come back, it's
not safe out there.
Came into my house.
Came into my house.
Now, he's gone.
They came into my house.
What the hell are
you doing here, lady?
Who are you?
You know, he's gone
because of you.
He's gone because of you.
Who are you?
I'm his mother.
What are you doing here?
I just came for help.
I'm camping nearby
and there was an accident.
Oh, but you had to
break into my house?
I didn't break in.
I swear the door was open.
So you just walked right in?
Who else is with you?
It's just me and my father
and he needs an ambulance.
Please, that's all,
we just need some help.
Well, we'll get to that.
No, you don't understand,
he's gonna die if
he doesn't get help.
Please just let me go.
Let me go.
Oh, calm yourself.
You know, I really
would like to trust you.
I really would.
It would make things
so much easier,
but you've seen Andrew.
What did he say to you?
Why does that matter?
It matters to you.
He wants to see his sister.
His sister died years ago.
My only son is out
there because of you.
He's my only son.
I don't know what I will
do if he doesn't come back.
And I blame you.
I blame you.
May I have some water, please?
Okay, I'm gonna need
you to move over here
so I can see you
when I go get it.
I can't.
Untie me, I can help
you get out of here.
I'm not as naive as I look.
Please, let me
have some water.
Don't kick me.
I'll let you bake out here.
What are you doing?
Hey, grandpa.
Where's your mom?
She'll be back.
I want you to trust her.
Andrew, stop.
Who are you?
Don't shoot, he's my nephew.
He's sick.
No, you poison me.
Don't just stand
there, help me.
Help me.
Don't just stand there, help me.
Go away.
I just
need to talk to you.
What do you want from us?
I'm hungry.
There's nothing here for you.
It's really cold
out here, please.
I'm not opening the door.
So just leave, okay?
I didn't mean to scare you.
Just go away.
I know where she is.
Your mother, I mean.
She's at my house
with my sister.
I'm sorry that I
broke your window.
I didn't mean to scare you.
You killed somebody.
I had to.
They poison me.
I wouldn't hurt you.
Can you please come out?
Yeah, I don't think so.
It's getting cold in here.
Maybe you shouldn't have
thrown a rock through the window
you fucking idiot.
I'm tired.
I wanna go to sleep.
I liked it better here
with the lights on.
You're telling me.
How are you feeling?
You hungry?
You want some food?
Okay, well I'll just put
it over here for later.
You know, I just feel awful
about the way this
whole thing started.
I mean, I can imagine
what you must be thinking,
your father out there hurt and
we need to get him some help.
Please, please.
Well, tell me where
the campsite is.
I can send my husband.
I mean, the hospital
is 30 miles away.
Why can't you
just call for help?
Well, I could, but where
would they look for them?
I mean, look, it's
pitch black outside.
Nobody knows this land
better than we do.
We'll find him first.
How would I know
you wouldn't hurt him?
If we would've heard anybody,
we would've hurt you.
You're the one who entered
this house illegally.
You broke the law.
You know people can get shot
for breaking and entering.
But I didn't break...
You have an
opportunity to here,
right here, right
now to fix this.
I don't know where my
brother is and I don't know
where my son is.
I need your help.
Look, it seems to me
you're running out of options.
Where is the campsite?
Okay, well, we'll find
it in the morning.
But you better hope that when
we do find my son, he's okay.
Or you will have
no options left.
Got it?
They're down by the river.
Go see if you can find him.
What are you gonna
do about the father?
How the hell do I know?
We're getting in
deeper and deeper here.
Maybe we find Andrew
and we disappear...
No, no.
I'm not running anymore.
What do you want
me to do then?
Those people trespassed.
Those people have
disrupted our lives.
Are you willing to
let them separate us?
Why don't you let her go?
I don't need you
to be weak right now.
Just go find him.
They're here.
We have to hide.
Listen to me.
I just wanna go home.
Stay quiet.
If you don't and he finds
you, he'll poison you
and lock you away forever.
Your mother's
worried about you.
We're not angry with you.
staying right here.
I just wanna take you home.
Buddy, you're not
doing too good.
Andrew, come on out.
Let's not play any games here.
I can hear you in there.
Come on out.
God damn it, Andrew.
Unlock this door, now
Who's in there?
Come out.
I won't hurt you.
I'm looking for our
son that ran away.
Have you seen him?
You either lied to me or
something happened to Gary.
He should have been back by now.
Why would you leave your
son locked up in his room?
We were taking care of...
I don't have to
explain myself to you.
Please just let me go.
I'll leave and never come back.
You'll never see me again.
I swear, I won't tell
anyone I was here.
You'll run and tell
everyone about this place
and they will take
him away from me.
They won't understand.
I understand.
Oh, you don't.
I will never give
up on my family.
Not ever.
The man on the couch,
I think he stopped breathing.
You're lying.
It's not true.
He needs your help.
You have to come out.
Did you hurt him?
How do I know you
didn't kill him?
He doesn't have
much time left.
Get away from the door.
Get away from the door.
Stay back.
He's still breathing.
Thank God.
Why did you say that?
I didn't think
he was breathing.
But my sister she's at the
house and I need to help her.
We have to leave right now.
You're wearing his shoes.
Who was that last night,
and what did you do to him?
Stay back.
I was protecting you.
He's outside on the ground.
You killed him.
Oh my God.
You didn't hurt my mom, did you?
No, but she needs
your help too.
She's at the house.
Look, I'm not used to
this kind of shit, okay.
Why did you kill those men?
Every day I wake up
and I sit on my bed.
I eat, I read
sometimes I get to go
outside, but that's it.
So, you're like a prisoner.
And he took me
away a long time ago.
I just wanna protect my sister.
Are you gonna help me?
I don't know.
Just keep your distance.
This will go in your neck
if you try to hurt me.
So what did these people
do to you, Andrew?
I mean, if you don't
mind telling me.
I don't think we
should talk about it.
But they kidnapped you, right?
How old is your sister?
She's younger than me.
I haven't seen her
since we were kids.
Wait, you live
in the same house,
but you haven't
seen her in years.
How do you know if
she's even there?
I hear her.
She yells mostly at night.
Maybe it's just
in your imagination.
Have you ever
thought about that?
What do you mean?
I mean, maybe all the
yelling is in your head.
You killed two
people back there.
Don't stop.
Keep going.
Because I need you to.
Sir, can you hear me?
Your daughter sent
me to help you.
My granddaughter.
Your granddaughter she's here.
She came with you.
I'll make sure we find her.
Anyone else here?
You comfortable.
That's it, just go to sleep.
That's it.
Let go.
It will all be over soon.
You just got in the way.
That's all.
Look at me
I want you to see me.
My husband is out there
lying in the dirt.
It was your daughter
who did this.
I am gonna take care of her too.
Emily, are you here?
Dad no
There you are.
I am coming for you, you bitch.
I am gonna get you!
We have to be quiet.
She doesn't like a lot of noise.
Your mother, she's
up those stairs.
I'm not going up
there by myself.
Where is she?
I think she is down there.
If you think I'm gonna go
down there, you're crazy.
I can't help you anymore.
I know you are here.
They told me you were gone.
But you are here.
Don't be afraid.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I need you down here.
Help me.
Help me please.
Don't be afraid.
She's my friend.
She's gonna help you get out.
Please come down here.
Help me.
I need your help.
I can't.
Don't be afraid.
I'm going to go
look for my mom.
You shouldn't be here.
Emily I'm here.
If you hurt my
daughter, I swear to God
I'm gonna fucking kill you.
you fucking
bitch, you harm Emily,
I'll fucking kill you.
Emily, it's me
What did they do to you?
Let me get you out.
You're safe now
Who are you talking to?
Emily, we found her.
I'm coming.
Emily I'm here.
Andrew, Andrew let her go.
Oh honey, honey
Emily, are you okay?
You're scary her
What, who?
My sister.
Oh my God.
Please, we can't
leave her here.
Please help us.
We'll come back
for her, I promise.
Andrew we have to go.
We have to go
We can't leave her
You don't understand
your mother is up there
waiting for us, this
is our only chance.
If you want Natalie to live,
you have to come with us now,
- We can't leave her.
- Come on.
Go up the stairs and
hide by the campsite.
Go, go, go
Run Emily.
Run Emily run.
Emily run.
Oh God.
Get out of here,
get out of here.
Say goodbye to your mother.
What makes you think you family
is more important than mine.
Get off me.
Hellen, what do you
do when you see a bear?
You play dead.
Mom, mom
They would put
you in a hospital.
I can't let that happen.
I had no choice, you know that.
We'll bury them
next to each other.
That'd be the right thing to do.
Please let me keep her
You are all I
have in this world.
Don't you tell me, I'll
never give up on my family.
Emily, I'm gonna
get us out of here.
Sweetie, I'm so
sorry this happened.
It is okay, go.
There is no gas,
there's no gas.
Mom, mom go go.
I am so sorry.
Natalie, I came back, I promise
I won't hurt you again.